Omnia Vincit AmorChapter 15 free porn video

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Claire emerged into Arrivals Reception pushing her trolley with two huge cases, two smaller ones, her laptop and some duty free bags. She searched those waiting and then saw Peter standing among the crowd. He simply stood. He did not wave to catch her attention and his face seemed emotionless, neither happy nor sad, though certainly not eager.

She made her way to him and stood before him, the trolley between them. She looked enquiringly at him and he seemed to awake and stood aside.

“Let me,” he said and took the trolley from her, pushing it towards the exit and the car park. She walked beside him. He made no attempt to talk to her.

As they approached the car, she broke the oppressive silence.

“Very good flight, thanks for asking,” she said sarcastically.

He was opening the boot and froze. “Oh, er, good,” he said. No more.

She left him to load the car and sat in the passenger seat, waiting while he returned the trolley.

He got in and drove. Again there was no conversation, and by now she felt no need to try to make any, so the journey was made without a word passing between them. When they reached the house, she left the car and used her key to open the front door. There was no one at home and she felt relieved at that.

She went to the kitchen and put the kettle to boil for some tea. She opened the fridge and found it full of food. She wondered how he’d managed: he was no cook. She made the tea and put milk into her mug. Then she sat at the kitchen table.

Peter returned from the upper floor having made three journeys with her baggage. Claire had his tea ready for him as he liked it, black with lemon. He sat down, looking anywhere but at her.

Claire was itching to say something, but something told her to remain silent, and allow Peter to make the first move. He sighed, then seemed to force his eyes to look at her. She sat impassive, sipping her tea from time to time. She was staring at him all the time over the rim of her teacup, patiently waiting.

He seemed to gather himself, as if wondering how to begin.

“Claire ... I put your bags in the spare bedroom–”

He saw her face clouding, and hastened on. “No, not like last time. I didn’t know ... I mean you might not want...”

She understood. He was painfully uncomfortable with her, wondering if she would want to sleep with him after all the problems there had been between them.

“Where do you want me to sleep?” she asked quietly with half a smile.

She could see he was wrong footed. He was struggling to find the ‘right’ answer.

“I don’t think you want to sleep with me,” he said at length. “You seem distant.”

“Peter, I’m asking you. I’ll gladly sleep where ever you want.”

He sighed. “With me,” he said quietly. “I’d like you to be with me.”

“Fine,” she said. “Are my other things still in the spare?”

“No, no!” he said urgently. “I moved what was left after you went. I’m sorry about when you came. Looking back on it, and talking about it with Lieve Hoebeek, you were right: I behaved very badly.”

“Well, we’re trying to put things right now, aren’t we?’ she said with a smile. “I’ll go and unpack.”

It was a relief to leave the tension in the kitchen and climb the stairs. It had been an uncomfortable beginning, almost as if she was coming to stay as a guest with a stranger. Then she understood that he was far more uncomfortable than she was.

She felt such a mix of emotions: she had been annoyed at his lack of welcome, then discomfort as they sat with their tea, now it was sadness at his discomfort, and a longing to put him at his ease.

She realised she no longer felt at home in the house, but she put that down to the distance between Peter and herself. She would spend some time unpacking. Perhaps she would feel better with something to do, and when everything was back in its proper place.

She was right: she did feel better. She looked round the room. Everything was as it was before she left so long ago. This had been her life for years and years, and now she was back. The tension in her drained away, and that allowed feelings of worry and concern for Peter to surface. He seemed lost and she hated that. What to do?

Then she made up her mind and went downstairs and found him still sitting in the kitchen, staring into space.

“Peter,” she said. He started.

“Come here,” she said.

He stood and shuffled towards her, until he was standing at arm’s length. She took two small steps to cover the distance between them, and put her arms round his neck and onto the back of his head. She pulled his face to hers and kissed him.

At first there was no reaction, then his lips softened and he began to kiss her back, his kisses becoming intense and passionate. He groaned as she pushed her body at him, and his hands at her waist pulled her close. She felt exultant as the kiss went on and on.

At length the kissing ended, but the embrace did not. She looked up into his eyes and saw the begging there, the longing to retrieve what they used to have. She stroked his hair and neck, and felt the power of her love for him return. She took him by the hand and led him up the stairs to their bedroom.

He stood looking puzzled, until she made her move.

She undid her slacks, and slid them down her legs, kicking off her shoes and stepping out of the garment on the floor. Then her sweater, lifting it over her head and casting it away onto the carpet. She had chosen her sexiest bra and knickers, and now stood for his inspection, before moving to him and kissing him again, this time on his neck and chin.

Again his arms went round her and his hands roved over her naked back, brushing against her bra strap.

“Take it off,” she urged him, and he flicked open the hooks, the cups becoming loose. He stood back and she shrugged the light lacy thing off, displaying her breasts to him, and moving once more into his arms.

Now they kissed again, and this time she moaned, all the pent up frustration of the months being compressed into that sound. She heard and felt the vibration of his own deep lustful groan.

She stood back again and this time, slipped down the lacy briefs, leaving her naked and open to his gaze.

She drank in his urgent need of her, seeing the lust for her in his eyes, which then clouded with a flash of worry and guilt.

“I’m getting onto our bed,” she said assertively. “I want you, Peter.”

He stood uncertain, as she lay back and allowed her legs to fall slightly open. This was familiar territory, she vamping him and he reluctant for fear of making her pregnant. She had to say again what she always said when reaching this point.

“It’s perfectly safe, Peter. Come to bed. Take me!”

Up to this point she had acted without further thought. Initially she had wanted to break down the distance between them, emotionally as well as physically; now she had a burning need for sex, just physical sex with him. It eclipsed all other feelings, took her over, and she didn’t care.

So it was with relief she now watched the speed with which he was shedding his clothes, and revealing his body. He was as she remembered. He was noticeably thinner but still with a small belly on him. As the briefs came down, his erection powerfully sprang free and she groaned in anticipation and heedless desire.

As he lay down, she leant up on her arm and ran her other hand over his body, chest, stomach, and then made her way down his legs, feeling his thighs, and calves. Then she felt his hand on her back, moving down and over her bottom, into her crease, and under to her sex.

Her face was at his groin, and finding his erect cock so close, took him into her mouth.

“Claire!” he gasped. “Claire, you shouldn’t!”

She lifted for a moment, “Shut up, Peter,” she growled with a feral grin. “Just enjoy. I can’t conceive so it doesn’t matter where your cream goes!”


“Don’t worry, this hard cock will be in the right place when you come!” and she sucked and bobbed.

Then came a shock for her. He was stroking her clitoris, a circular motion bringing her close.

She pushed him down, and straddled him, grasping his engorged rod and feeding it to her, and sinking down. “Aah!” came from her lips: the feeling of being filled after so long was soo good!

After all the frustration of life with John, now she wanted resolution, and worked herself on him frantically as he lay beneath her. He was looked askance, and was quite still, but she didn’t care, she was piling on the effort to find her way to her own ecstasy!

However, as she neared the moment, as the warmth, the tingle grew, he began to move urgently, unable to resist his own passion, pushing up strongly as she pushed down. With a sense of satisfaction, she knew he had lost control and was fucking her. She knew he would not last long: he never did.

With a loud roar, he came, and she felt the pulsing deep down. She continued on until she came in her turn, crying out shrilly on and on, twitching and jerking with the spasms, until she fell onto him and was spent.

At length, she rolled off him and snuggled into his chest. There was silence and heavy breathing from both of them.

Then, “Claire?”

“Peter, relax. No discussion. We’re together again. Don’t spoil it with an inquisition. Just be thankful and enjoy me as I do you. There’ll be time for talk. Now we just need to re-connect.”

She knew he wanted to say more, but felt him slacken, letting the tension of his worries go. So they lay quiet and in time both fell into a short sleep.

She did not sleep as long as he did. She quietly lay on her back and turned her head to look at him. Yes, he was a handsome man, and his body was beautiful if still a little overweight even after all his weight loss. If only ... Her worries returned, as she wondered how successful his treatment had been, dreading a return to his insecurity.

She carefully and quietly left the bed and dressed, going down to the kitchen and regaining familiarity with her erstwhile domain. She inspected the fridge at more length realising someone other than Peter had stocked it. Mary? Elizabeth? Whoever it was had done a thorough job.

She began to make frikadellen, now enjoying the kitchen and feeling at home. Peter loved frikadellen with rice: it was one of his favourites. Later, she was sure, the children would drop by. She looked forward to that. Later still, Peter and she would talk. Or tomorrow. They would have plenty of time.

John Pollard opened his front door on his return from the airport to a house which felt more empty than it had after the funeral, when everyone had gone home.

The calendar in the hallway reminded him what day it was. He smiled at the irony of parting from Claire on Valentine’s day. He always found it amusing that the feast day of a celibate priest who was killed for his faith should now be the occasion of rampant lust and sexual desire!

He wondered if the story was true that Valentine died because he defied the Emperor Claudius and promoted marriage. The story was that Claudius forbade marriage among the young since he thought unmarried soldiers would fight more bravely without worrying about a wife at home.

So, John thought, it could be a relevant day for Claire to go back to try to save her marriage on that day.

He made tea out of habit, and sat in the back room looking out over the garden, its winter state mitigated by the swathes of crocuses and snowdrops along the flower beds. The bare trees were swaying in the wind, and the clouds broke to allow the sun to brighten the flowers. Somehow the sunshine made everything seem more comfortable.

He sighed and wondered how Claire would fare with her husband. He did want her to be happy, and wondered if Peter could change enough to make her life a happy one rather than merely tolerable.

Then he caught himself. Did he really want her attempt at reconciliation to fail? If it did, would she come to him? He did not want to admit to such a desire, it was wrong, but he knew it lurked there.

He shrugged and turned to complete the jobs that needed to be done when a visitor had left, washing bedding and washing up after the hurried breakfast. After lunch he could not stand the empty house any longer, and went to visit his housebound parishioners, putting off his return until after dark.

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The Kolkata Trip 8211 Part 1

As you all know and those who don’t I am from somewhere in north India. I am tall fair smooth and I love to crossdress when alone. I am bisexual and when alone (usually on my work trips) I dress in female lingerie and make love to a male as a woman. So as it happened last Monday I was called for some meetings over the next 3 days in Kolkata(kol) and I took a flight and reached there around noon. I took a cab and reached my hotel in park salt lake city area. It was a nice hotel with cozy rooms....

Gay Male
2 years ago
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How I became the Baddest Girl in Clarksville Part 6 Girls just want to have fun

How I Became the Baddest Girl in Clarksville Part 6 Girls just want to have fun -Don't eat stuff off the sidewalk- Because I missed my bus I faced a long walk home. Typical of late October, the temperature had begun to drop as evening neared, generating enough chill to make short sleeves uncomfortable. I paused to dig my denim jacket out of my book bag and slip it on. It belonged to Tyler until he'd outgrown it. The shoulders were too wide and the sleeves too long, but it...

2 years ago
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Making Of Donna The Cock Whore

I hurried home from work early Friday. Clarissa would be getting home in three hours. The note she left me this morning read that she was requesting the services of Donna for the weekend. I do love being her maid. I got home and started getting ready. A warm shower and shave to clean up any hair on my body. There was something sexy about shaving my legs that I just love. I stepped out of the tub, dried off and dusted myself with some powder. Clarissa liked for me to smell girly while dressed. I...

3 years ago
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GangBanged our Buddys Fat sister

I was in town for a couple days visiting my mom & dad. One night I hooked up with a couple old buddies Stan & Jay we went out for drinks at a local watering hole. We were playing pool, having a few beers when this woman Candy came over to say Hi, Candy was another buddy Jim's sister we all grew up together Jim lived out of town, she was his older sister. Candy was 38 about 5.6, Fat 280 lbs, Short Blond Hair, she joined us playing pool drinking we got into some shots by the end of the...

4 years ago
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Daddy Watches Me Part 6 Anal in the Hot Tub

It was two-thirty in the morning, the night was cool and the crickets were chirping loudly. There’s were the only sound that could be heard for miles. As the bubbles of the hot tub surrounded my slender body, I looked up at the stars and carefully sipped the glass of wine I had brought out with me. The light of the moon was my only guidance, but it was full and just as bright as it could be. It really highlighted my body as the watered bubbled around me and my yellow bikini. I needed to...

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Kythes Romp at the Blue Voile

Kythe's Romp at the Blue Voile by Kythe Larsen Marilyn parked her car next to a towering snowbank that was colored red and blue by the neon lights of the club across the street. The Blue Voile appeared from the outside to be yet another trendy night club capitalizing on the current interest in the American forties and fifties. The exterior of the club was done in sheets of corrugated steel hung vertically beneath the pitched roofline covered with hummocks of snow and ice. Long...

2 years ago
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Greener Grass Right Next Door

Doug Graham was the perfect neighbor. He lent me tools and returned mine, took great care of his lawn and was almost as lousy a golfer as me, but still a blast to play with the five or six times a year I felt like hitting the links. Well, almost perfect. Perfect ended two years earlier when his first wife Emma caught him banging his secretary and divorced him. Emma had been a good friend of my wife Marie, still was, and the divorce ended any possibility of us doing anything with Doug as a...

3 years ago
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My Hot Wife Rebecca

My wife became a hot-wife a few months ago. Rebecca and I went out to a local club almost every Saturday night to dance. If she became interested in a man or I in a woman, we would bring them back to our house. A threesome was our usual sexual experience, but there were times both of us had picked up a partner. Those were special nights, and a small orgy usually ensued for the remainder of the weekend. Rebecca and I have an open marriage, that we both are enjoying now. I'm sure as we age, we...

1 year ago
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Hello indian sex stories dot net Readers, I am Rahul, This is my story when I was living with my parents in Hyderabad. We had a maid for quite a few years, her name was Sandhya; she is about 45 years old but still had very firm boobs and did not wear a bra for most of the times. Whenever she used to sweep, her ample bosoms would be visible; however, I could never stare as my mom was always present there. Therefore, I was always in search for the perfect moment when my mom wasn’t there.That...

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Revelations Pt7

"Danny?"He had been so engrossed in his own thoughts that he hadn't noticed that Paula had been silently looking at him for some time."Oh sorry Paula," stammered out Danny. The woman was close to ten years younger to him and he had just been caught shamelessly staring at her breasts."You haven't done anything that I wouldn't want you to do so stop apologizing," replied Paula with an impish smile. "Anyway, you have already seen and tasted what I have to offer," she continued, enjoying the...

3 years ago
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TinaChapter 9

“This is music?” asked Sam. It had been two weeks since he and Tina had become involved, and Lizzie’s spending the weekend at her friends had enabled him to spend the weekend with Tina. He was sitting on her couch with her lying down, her head on his lap, and the stereo was blasting in the background. He tried to ignore the strident blaring from the speakers as he lazily traced a finger across the bones in her face. Tina’s eyes opened with a twinkle. “You don’t like it? That’s Weezer!...

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MomsFamilySecrets Crystal Clark Scarlett Alexis Stepmoms A Pussy Blocker

Ricky Spanish and his girlfriend Scarlett Alexis are hanging out at his house. Scarlett really wants to get it on, but Ricky’s stepmom Crystal Clark constantly cock blocks them. Crystal manages to get in the way three times in the space of a few minutes, which just pisses Scarlett off. Scarlett confronts Ricky saying that she knows he wants to fuck his stepmom. He denies it just as Crystal comes back into the room with yet another excuse. Scarlett tells Crystal that she knows Crystal...

2 years ago
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Everything I Never Said Accidentally on Purpose

“Once a cheater, always a cheater,” Aaron’s voice comes from somewhere in the room. I open my eyes, and get a glimpse of the clock, its only 7:30 in the morning. “I think there’s an explanation for this,” Jonathan replies. I hold my breath, hoping they don’t realize I’m awake. “You mean you hope there’s an explanation for this,” Aaron argues. They’re talking in hushed voices, just inside the door. “She’s home for the summer. She’s not stupid enough to think this Nick guy would hang on for...

3 years ago
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She looks so beautiful Part 5

Tuesday afternoon, Bill and I took lunch together at a local cafe. We had not talked after our encounter on Sunday, and Bill seemed a little nervous at first. Once I started discussing how hot it was to watch him play with my wife, he relaxed. I did not mention that my wife knew it was him, and he assumed he had been able to slip his protected cock into her while she thought it was me. The next topic was, of course, Shirley. Bill said he had everything ready for the evening.. “Come by this...

Wife Lovers
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FamilyStrokes Addie Andrews A Gooey Recommendation

When our stud goes to stay at his not quite uncles house to check out colleges, he is immediately attracted to his hot wife. He realizes she is his dads so called sister, but he just cannot help himself. His not quite uncle assures him that he will put in a good word at the college, but his wife knows that the guy is full of shit. On the other hand, she can pull some strings if he does her a favor. She wants to know what it feels like to be with a young college kid. So he stuffs her muff full...

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You Name It

Dan hasn’t dated for a year, ever since his three-year relationship ended. At 27 years old, he is an okay looking guy. Five feet nine inches tall, 155 pounds. Some might call him skinny. He’s not athletic but he is toned enough to pass for it. His blonde hair is cut short and combed straight down. He had a couple of girlfriends in High School but, nobody serious until he met Jackie in college. On their third anniversary Dan decided to propose, she said no just before ending the relationship....

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 337

After listening to the arrangements between Chief Grimes and Robbie, I went back to my quest to find anyone associated with the C17. I finally walked the hall to the tower and went to the top in the elevator. There were two agency personnel operating the tower today. Ryan Emory had been through the training program and a couple refreshers. The other man I saw in the restaurant with the spook crowd several times; he was always in white shop coveralls. I took him to be some kind of...

2 years ago
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Of Loss and RemembranceChapter 3

"I suggest we draw straws as to who joins David in his bed tonight," said Nancy. "I thought you and Gwen came as a team?" I asked somewhat bemused. "Mostly I suspect we will, but, I suspect Gwen might like a little one on one occasionally and besides, if I'm going to lose my cherry knowingly to a man so to speak then I would like to see what it's like just you and me as well," Nancy replied. "Makes sense to me ... I guess," I replied. "However I believe Laurel here has first...

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MyFriendsHotMom Linzee Ryder Syren De Mer 30687

Syren De Mer and Linzee Ryder are spending Thanksgiving together. Their feast is being catered by Syren’s son’s friend Donny. Syren confesses to Linzee that when she did a taste-testing of his cooking, Donny proceeded to taste-test her asshole! Linzee is quite lonely this holiday season and is in need of some ass eating herself. When Donny comes by to drop off the feast that he cooked he finds himself feasting on not only one, but two beautiful MILF ass’s. Happy Thanksgiving...

1 year ago
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Hot for Black Cock Ch 02

When my husband Jim returned the next day I told him that Stacy had stayed over with me. He asked where she slept and I told him with me. "In my bed," he asked. "Sure, we had a pajama party," I told him. I knew Jim had a thing for Stacy with her big tits and this would probably give him a stiffy. I know he wanted to run upstairs and sniff his side of the bed, but he didn't. "Does that make you hot honey; I know you would like to have some fun with Stacy wouldn't you?" I asked. "Don't give me...

3 years ago
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Party at Marcies house

John Doe was really looking forward to the party at Marcie Strenberg's tonight. The house was a virtual palace, with tons of rooms. "Must be nice to have lots of money." thought John. Almost everybody from the senior class had been invited, and a few people that had graduated, and moved on to college. There would be tons of willing, sexy and inebriated girls there, or so he hoped. The house also had a large, heated pool, hot tub and sauna, so word of mouth said bring a swimsuit. "Then again,...

3 years ago
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Seoul Bound

SEOUL BOUND PART ONE I didn't realize at the time but we had a very gifted basketball coach in our grade school principal. One of his secrets that added to his success was having the whole team pass medicine balls back and forth for five uninterrupted minutes. Young players can't handle a basket-ball if they have no arm strength. A second stroke was each player needed to sink eight out of ten free throws before they could join the scheduled practice. The third was zone playing and...

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