- 4 years ago
- 43
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I’m a man who floats through life. I can’t remember a time when I was ever one of the guys. The dudes I knew hung out in testosterone fueled packs. I was a total loner. I had no interest in sports. Never played them. Watching them was boring. I just hung-out in my parents’ basement writing code.
I’m as dense as any fellow when it came to the labyrinth that is the female mind. But my nerdiness attracts them. I think it’s the opposite of the “bad-boy” effect. I am so far from being a bad-boy that I intrigue certain elements of the estrogen bearing set. So, I have had my share of deep sexual experiences, no pun intended. But, getting serious with a female required too much commitment. So, most of my sex-life involved the sultry Rosy Palms.
It’s not like I’m a hermit. I interact constantly, with people in the virtual world of the internet. People on the internet are detached and anonymous. You can be anybody you want to be. But, you touch nobody; and nobody touches you. That’s where I met Biff. I’m sure that she had an actual name. But we had corresponded so intimately in the nerd-chat-rooms that we decided that we were best-friends-forever. Hence “Biff.”
I had no idea who she was, what she looked like, or where she lived. For all I knew, she might have been a 90-year-old Ukrainian babushka; or even a guy. People have no gender in cyberspace. And status isn’t determined by looks or money. You rise, or fall, by your intelligence.
Biff was the smartest person I have ever known. We chatted for two continuous years. It wasn’t just a few messages. We would go back-and-forth for hours each day. Normal people wouldn’t have as much sustained conversation in a real-world setting, anywhere. But for me, virtual schmoozing with Biff and her incredible mind was my form of reality.
Our discussions ranged everywhere. We would go from topics like geo-politics, to why anybody would ever a particular TV show funny. She had a scope of intellect and an understanding of humankind that dwarfed and humbled me and her perceptions about life were second to none. She was humorous, insightful, sardonic and profound; all at the same time.
When we were together, I don’t believe any two people could EVER be as close as we were. We held nothing back. What would be the point when we were both faceless in the anonymous jungle of the internet? We shared everything. And if love is an absolute connection to another person’s soul; than we were indisputably in love.
Naturally, that eventually led to cybersex. I mean, after all, I’m a guy and she’s a girl; that is, if she wasn’t catfishing me. Our cybernetic fucking was detailed, imaginative and very, very hot. But it also brought on the usual male insecurities. So, I finally asked her whether sex with me was as good as the physical sex she was getting from real men. You don’t need to tell me. I know I’m a weenie. I never claimed otherwise. What I got back was:
>” If I get fucked in a forest and nobody hears me is that real?”
> “What ARE you, Nietzsche’s wet-dream?”
>” Nope, I’m just a girl who loves sex.”
>” Is that what we’re doing, having sex?”
>” YES!!! You’re the male abstraction. I’m the female abstraction. It’s a perfect joining. Our pleasure isn’t constrained by our physical self. We’re opposite sides of one virtual soul.”
That caused a major stiffie. I understood exactly what she was saying. The other person existed in our imaginations. So, in simple terms we were fucking OURSELVES. I couldn’t conceive of an intellect so powerful that it could have figured THAT out.
Then one day Biff simply disappeared. When I got my morning coffee, she was always waiting in our private chat-space. It was a companionable way to wake up. We would chat about our day and any of the things that had happened since we last talked.
I knew that Biff was more sociable than me. Who wasn’t? Occasionally we missed evenings, especially if she stayed out late on a date. But she was always there every morning of every day for the past 700 straight days. Except that fateful day.
When I entered the room the curser just sat there blinking. I waited, staring at the thing. Hours passed and no Biff. I went from watching to restless pacing. I kept saying to myself, “Come on Biff, where are you?”
A lot of options went through my head. Maybe she got hit by a car, or mugged? Maybe she had a stroke, or a heart attack? But the dominant thought was, “Have I just been played?”
Biff’s disappearance put a lot of things into perspective. I went through every one of the five stages of grief.
Denial: first I sat for almost 48 straight hours watching the curser blink. I kept telling myself that Biff would never do that to me.
Then Anger: I said to myself, “Fuck her! I don’t need the bitch!” I went out and bought a case of Jameson’s and spent the next week drunk on my ass. Occasionally I staggered over to the screen to look at that diabolical little prompt. It was still blinking away. Finally, I smashed the monitor with my last bottle of Irish.
Then Bargaining: I woke up lying on the floor covered in vomit and little pieces of plastic. I took my wasted body out to the local Best-Buy, and bought a top of the line system. I wanted all the compute power I could get; because I had made a deal with God and every proxy server that Biff had ever hopped through. I would find her and we would work this out. I n the end, I was pretty sure that she lived in the continental U.S. but that was as far as I got. The girl was good.
Depression: that led to two solid years of sadness, regret and anguish. It was unpleasant and scary. I was not used to feeling anything about anybody. The depression stage DID boost my business because working was the only way I could stay sane. During that painful period, I was a code writing machine. My élan-vital was all-consuming.
It took me an endless two and a half years to reach Acceptance. Of course, I didn’t move on. But at least I could function like normal. Ahem!! You don’t need to remind me. I know Biff was a virtual entity and that I’m a geek; and that “normal” is a pretty relative concept with me.
One of the oddest outcomes of those two years was that I began to cultivate a buddy. He worked on the talent management side at the contracting house I was attached to. He was an actual human being not a nerd.
I think they tasked Julian to look after me; because my behavior had been so bizarre; even for me. Somewhere in that assignment he came to like, or perhaps the right term is “feel sorry for”, me. He would take me out for drinks every time I dropped projects off.
Julian was a very affable guy. Of course, you don’t succeed in sales if you’re an asshole. So, the likeability factor was to be expected. He had just moved down to DC from New Haven; where he had done the entire Yale MBA experience. So, he wasn’t dumb.
Nonetheless, he was about as opposite me as you can get and still be in the same species. I am early 30s very tall, skinny and best described as unkempt. He was five eleven, and a preppie’s preppy. Crisp blue oxford shirt and khakis.
I have no social skills whatsoever. Julian could sell fabled ice boxes to proverbial Eskimos. Whenever we were at a bar he would flirt outrageously with every female in the place. They all loved him. Those same girls didn’t even know I existed.
That was probably because I spent the entire time looking at my hands. I liked girls as much as he did. But inarticulate, painfully shy and self-conscious doesn’t come close to describing my savoir-faire.
It was the day before Thanksgiving. I had brought in a C++ code module that was a little jewel. Julian was buying me the usual reward. He said, “What are you doing for Thanksgiving Jake?”
I told him that I was planning on microwaving two turkey TV dinners with all the trimmings and sharing them with my old dog Buster. Then to be conversational I added, “What are you doing?”
He said, “We’re new in town and the family is up north in Boston so it’s just Hannah and me. We would love to have you join us, you can bring Buster if you like.” Normally I would rather be tied to a rabid porcupine than have dinner at somebody’s house, especially on a holiday. But I got the sense that the guy really wanted me there. So, against my better judgment I said, “What time’s dinner?”
I have no idea what caused my sudden onset of sociability. But the situation with Biff had changed me and Julian was a decent fellow. Maybe I was finally growing a heart? Consequently, I was standing on the doorstep of Julian’s trendy McMansion the following afternoon. My unruly shock of brown hair was slicked back and I was wearing my only sport coat. I had even given Buster a bath. He wanted to know what he had done to deserve such painful abuse. Buster is big, stupid and smelly and the best dog in the world. I got him from the pound seven years ago. He looks like the hound from hell. But he is as sweet tempered and loving as any dog, EVER. He is also just as shy and unforthcoming as I am.
He’s mostly Labrador with a touch of some bigger and rangier dog, like an American Bulldog. There was also what might have been Shar-Pei in him, since he has wrinkles. In fact, his skin fits him just as badly as my clothes fit me.
Julian was a study in “at home” fashion. He looked like Mr. Rogers from his plaid shirt and shawl collar sweater to his topsiders. He might as well have been smoking a pipe. I handed him the screw-off bottle of Chablis I had picked up at the drugstore. I knew that Julian’s wife would skin Buster if he disgraced himself on their rug. So, my first act was to navigate him to Julian’s spacious and well-tended back yard. My aim was to encourage the old fellow to do his daily constitutional.
We chatted about Julian’s wife while Buster was attending to business. That conversation took a while because Buster’s “business” also involved a lot of sniffing and rolling around in unspeakable things. It had been a whirlwind courtship. Julian had picked her up at a Starbucks three years back. He had only ducked in for a latte but when he saw her sitting there he HAD to make her acquaintance. He said it was love at first sight.
One thing led to another and they finished the night in bed. According to Julian she was an absolute animal in the sack. And yes girls; that is the first question most guys will ask the man in your life. It comes well before any questions about your literary interests, ability as cooks, or mothers. Anyway, that remarkable first night led to more dates. Six months later they were married. They had been married for a year and a half when Booz transferred him down to the Beltway.
Julian finished his story and Buster finished his business, and we all three walked back into the house with our tails wagging. As might be expected, Julian’s wife was smoking hot gorgeous, long blond hair on a five foot four frame. She was doing the full “Stepford” thing in the kitchen.
She could have been a central-casting stereotype of the successful yuppie wife. Except for the fact that she added new meaning to the term “brick shithouse”. Even though that body was clad in a simple, domestic diva outfit, she still set off deep lustful urges in my lizard brain.
Big, high, round and proud didn’t come close to describing the wonder of her chest and the tiny waist and perfectly muscled hips and legs in her form-fitting cashmere slacks only added to the goddess impression. I could see why a player like Julian had fallen head-over-heels for her.
When we arrived, she was bustling around the kitchen acting like Martha Stewart on meth. Julian introduced us. The direct gaze and the profound intelligence lurking behind those huge cat eyes almost made me take a step back. It was totally unexpected. She had a low sultry voice that only added to the image of lightning in a bottle. I was a long way past tongue-tied.
I took her proffered hand and began to closely study the tops of her shoes. If I had raised my eyes any higher I was afraid I would be turned to stone; at least in one part of my body. Intimidated doesn’t even begin to describe my feelings.
Buster was taking a disturbing amount of interest in what she had laid out on the table. That gave me an opportunity to bolt the room dragging him along. As I did I exchanged the classic guy look with Julian. He said with sympathy, “Yes I know. She is something, isn’t she?” I gushed with all sincerity, “You two look perfect together.”
Dinner was probably normal for them. But it was sheer agony for me. Hannah was witty, and a great conversationalist. It was distressing to have somebody as beautiful as she was focus her entire attention on me. In fact, getting me to talk at ALL was an achievement; my being a loner and all. She got more of my life out of me than most women would get in a year.
When I DID occasionally raise my eyes, I kept catching her expression. She was looking at me like I disturbed her. It was as if there was something about me that she couldn’t get her arms around and it was nagging at her. The more we talked the more curious she got about me. I was getting the same kind of vibe. But, I had no idea why. It just seemed like I knew her. But the odds of me knowing a woman that stunningly attractive were either zero, or none.
We finished the evening over drinks. It was something exotic and expensive. I got the feeling that the Chablis that I had brought had gone directly into the trash. Hannah was sitting on a couch next to Julian, shoes off, with her fabulous legs curled under her and her hand resting possessively on his shoulder. She was the perfect loving wife.
I am not a talker. So, I just sat there staring into space, my hand stroking Buster’s head. He was sitting up next to me with his muzzle resting on the arm of my chair. He was giving me his normal helping of dog-love, slobber-slobber-drool-drool, mostly all over their upholstery.
Mr. Affability tried a conversational gambit, just to get me to stop sitting there like an idiot, “You two have a lot in common. Hannah is an internet whiz too.” Just to be polite I idly said, “Oh, what are you interested in?”
She lit up like a searchlight. The web obviously turned her on. She said, “Everything! I do a lot of exploring in the deepweb and I even do some ethical hacking for Julian’s company.” I said, just to sound a little less like I belonged on the short bus, “I do too, maybe we’ve met in the virtual world. What’s your handle?” All hackers go by their handles. In our little community, our handle is as sacred to us as a hat is to a cowboy. It’s our persona and it is distinctive.
She said, “I call myself Persephone69, she was beautiful and she was also the goddess of the underworld.” She added with a flirty smile, “I’ll let you figure out what the last part means.”
Handles are unique. So, the woman sitting across from me, hand draped lovingly across the back of her husband’s shoulder, was BIFF. No doubt!!! One of the chief advantages of being a stone nerd is that your emotions are buried way down deep. That was the only thing that saved me. I was taking a sip of their liquor at the time, which brought on a coughing fit. It was the only way to cover up the reaction.
I said, still choking, “Sorry, I am not used to drinking something this strong.” I was glad I had not sprayed my drink all over them both. Then I unceremoniously dashed to their little powder room. I needed to get my emotions under control. I was astounded to discover that I HAD emotions; and they were indeed bottomless.
First, I threw up the dinner. All I could think of as I splashed water in my suddenly very grey face was, “I’ve gotta get out of here!” As I emerged, Buster was standing at the door. He looked concerned, “What’s wrong Boss?” I said, knowing that they would overhear, “I’m not feeling very well old buddy. We have to hit the road.”
I must have looked ghastly. So, they happily hustled me and my canine pal out the door. Fear of an Ebola outbreak can do that to a host. I drive a Range Rover. It’s my only indulgence. I like the luxury and the fact that it can go anywhere. Buster got obediently in the back, like he always does. He sat there looking worried; pant-pant-pant-pant-pant-drool on the leather seats.
I couldn’t lie to Buster. He’s my loyal pal. I said, with real tears running down my cheek, “I’m in a real mess old buddy!” I might be a nerd, and as unplugged from society as you could get; unless I was an actual display at Madame Tussaud’s. But there were so many unresolved issues; that I didn’t want to think about all of them.
That was an understatement. Let me count the ways. The wife of my only male friend is the single human being I have EVER loved. And I care so deeply about her that the detailed stories that Julian had told about her past feats of sexual athleticism were driving me into a jealous frenzy. Then, to complicate the picture ever so much further, there is no way I could tell either of them what I knew.
Biff and I had explored way too far down into each other’s souls to ever walk that back. Hannah would put out a hit on me, if she thought that I knew who she really was. Of course, I probably wouldn’t get my ass any MORE kicked if I told Julian that I had actually fucked her in real-time. He would never understand a virtual love affair like we had.
Then there was the matter of her attitude toward men. I didn’t know whether marriage had changed her but one of the last things I had found out about her was that she was slightly more dangerous to the males of the world than Messalina herself. So, Buster and I went home and locked the door.
All the next week I did what I do best. I hid-out from everybody. I wasn’t answering messages. I disabled my phone. I worked 20 hours a day and I thought about my situation. First and most obviously, I had to declare Biff irrevocably dead.
I had existed for the first 30 years of my life without human contact. As far as Biff was concerned – well, she was dead – right? So, I had nothing to worry about now, didn’t I? I really wanted to believe that.
I don’t bullshit myself. Of course, I could reconnect with Biff. I knew who she WAS now. But that would be wrong. Biff/Hannah was married to a friend and I wasn’t even starting to go there. Only heartbreak and perdition lay at the end of that road; right? It does, doesn’t it??
I was certain that I knew more about Biff/Hannah than Julian did. Biff and I had interacted soul to soul for two years without any of the distractions of the physical universe. And husbands never pay much attention to their wife anyway.
What puzzled me was why Biff/Hannah had decided to take on the guise of Julian Appleby’s loving wife. Julian clearly didn’t know that he was living with a very rare and in many respects daunting intelligence. And I knew Biff well enough to know that what I had observed on Thanksgiving was a total act. Biff simply wasn’t wired that way.
After thinking about it I concluded that she had contrived the entire marriage for some purpose of her own. But I was sure that she had not shared that little nugget with her loving husband. I was not going to enlighten Julian about his wife. If I had done that there would be no way it would end well. But it was extremely uncomfortable to be around the guy now, knowing what I did about Biff/Hannah.
I finished the project and brought it in as Christmas-time approached. I was trying to get out of the building before Julian found me. But, they must have called him when I got there. He was waiting with the usual gregarious smile plastered on his face. He said, “Beer buddy?” I thought, “Why not, how much worse could it get?”
I quickly found out.
As soon as we got situated he regarded me with something approaching a serious look and said, “What did you do to Hannah? Since Thanksgiving she has been trying to fuck me to death.”
Great! That was something that I positively DIDN’T need to know.
The picture of Julian and Hannah entwined in a sweaty heap of passion was very detrimental to my soul. And the detailed description of her sucking his cock to get him ready for the next round was making me throw-up a little in the back of my mouth.
But I am robot-man so instead I said, “Why in the world do you think I have anything to do with it? I wasn’t exactly at my best bolting out of there. You might as well blame Buster. He was there too.”
Julian said, “No dude, all she has done the past three weeks is ask questions about you. And the more I tell her the more she wants to fuck me. You are the one causing it, not that I’m complaining. Are you sure you aren’t some kind of long-lost brother separated at birth?”
I thought to myself, “Man, if you only knew?”
I said, “Your wife is the most smoking hot gorgeous woman I have ever met. She is so far out of my league I wouldn’t even be allowed to be a bat-boy on her team.” I was certain that Julian believed THAT.
I added sincerely, “Whatever has gotten into her; ahem, so-to-speak, it isn’t me. But YOU should go down to St. Mary’s and light a few candles that you are the only stud in her life.”
Julian got a weird look and said, “I hope so. Sometimes I wonder.”
I thought, “Oh Shit!” but I said, “What do you mean by that?”
He said, “I have NEVER had the slightest reason to doubt that she is anything but a devoted wife.”
I thought to myself, “If you knew her like I know her you wouldn’t put much stock in what you see.”
He added, “We are rarely apart, except when I go to work. And she has never given me less than her best when we are together. But there are occasional times when it feels like she isn’t really there.”
My little voice was very smug. It knew something he didn’t know, “She has NEVER been completely there my friend.”
Then the guy drove a stake through my heart, “When she is in one of those moods it is like she is some kind of phantom spirit. I know that she spends too much time on the internet. I wonder if she is carrying on some sort of virtual affair with somebody out there.”
THAT thought ratcheted my blood pressure up to cerebral embolism status, “She was fucking around on-line?” I was suddenly the cliché of the spurned lover. Except it was a virtual betrayal. It wasn’t that Biff was getting intimate with another guy in the physical universe. She was fucking around like we used to do in the cybernetic one!
I am so repressed that Julian never saw any of the raging battle that was going on inside my head. Instead, I said as casually as I could, “I can find out if you want me to.”
He looked like Buster does when I get out his treats. He said, “What would you need?”
I said simply, “Access to whatever computer she is using.”
He said eagerly, “Come over tonight. She only uses the workstation in our den and her own laptop. But she keeps that in the den as well.”
I said, “Isn’t she going to be a tad suspicious if I just show up out of the blue and head straight for the den with my cracking tools?”
Julian said, “Wait until we go to bed. You can sneak in then. I’ll leave everything unlocked and available.”
I said, “Is she a heavy a sleeper? Aren’t you afraid that she will hear something?”
He said with hearty confidence, “If she does I’ll distract her. Just wait until about 11:30 tonight. I’ll turn off the outside light on the patio to signal that the coast is clear.”
I said, “This is a big favor dude. The last thing I need is for your wife to find me doing a black bag operation in your den. And if one of your neighbors sees me and calls the police I am going to rat both of us out.”
Of course, my motives were actually anything but pure and altruistic. I had the once in a lifetime chance to find out everything I needed to know about Biff/Hannah. And I was suffering from a lot more sheer jealousy than Julian could ever comprehend.
I know that sounds creepy. But I had to have closure. And I was going to get it tonight. I knew that Biff was smart but I am too. She had been dealing with Julian the past three years so I was hoping that her guard would be down.
I probably didn’t need to wear the black hoodie, gloves and camo face-paint as I lurked in Julian’s rose bushes that night. But I was being more adventurous than I had been in my entire repressed life; and I wanted to dress the part.
The outside light flicked off. I waited five more minutes and approached the patio doors. They were unlocked. I quietly made my way toward their den. As I did, I flicked on one of those little headband LED lights that bikers wear. They must have gotten the idea from a mining helmet. I was also carrying a backpack with every kind of electronic gear I might need.
I was a study in ninja stealth, as I opened the door to the den. It squeaked noisily. I heard a whispered female voice from the nearby master bedroom. I thought, “Great! I’m not here two minutes and I’m busted!”
The voice sounded insistent. I was frozen in place. Then I heard a male voice. There was a little furtive discussion. Then I heard a fretful, “No, don’t! Stop it!! Go check first!!!” That was followed by the sound of very heavy and rapid breathing and a loud moan. Then she started muttering, “OhGod-OhGod-OhGod” over and over in a semi-dispassionate voice. It was like she was making a comment about religion, not firing up.
Then there was a loud, AHHHHH!!!” That was followed by the sound of thrashing. I thought, “Julian definitely knew what he was talking about when he said he could distract her.” Given my obsession with Biff/Hannah, the LAST thing I needed to hear were the increasingly louder sex noises coming from that room. But at least I could go about my clandestine business without worry of interruption; and I could keep track of the time by the sounds of the fuck.
I booted both devices and found the reference monitor and system logs. They gave me a detailed second by second picture of what had gone on in each computer. I dumped all the data. While I was doing that the noise in the other room had built to wall-banging proportions. The pounding, rhythmic sound of the bedsprings was almost hypnotic. She was crying out and gasping loudly with each thrust. She was also getting more and more vocal, in an unsettlingly explicit way.
I dumped the log files for both computers and began to mirror both hard-drives using my own homegrown compression algorithm. It captured the sectors that had something in them but had been marked “deleted”. It even picks up the contents of sectors that have been wiped but not degaussed. And it does it in much less time than any other application on the market.
Finally, I dumped her e-mail from every account including the hidden one that she had on TOR. She was very good. But my Kung-Fu is most excellent. And I was a lot more motivated. The action inside the bedroom had gotten white-hot. I had to admire Julian’s stamina. He had been pounding her for 20 minutes. The wet slurping and slapping noises and her grunts and guttural moans were driving me nuts.
Then there were faster and even more intense effort noises. From the sounds that she was making she was getting wilder. Finally, she yelled, “OH SWEET JESUS! Fuck-Me-Fuck-Me-Fuck-Me!! Don’t-Stop-Don’t-Stop-Don’t stop-Oh YES! CUMMING! CUMMING!!! OHHHH YEAHHHH!!!!” That was my Biff in there orgasming her brains out.
Her wild finishing cries were tearing my heart out. Even though she had been nothing but an abstraction all the time I had known her. The hard-drive mirroring process finished with a beep. I hastily closed everything up and put my cracking tools away. I could hear the murmuring of the afterglow in the other room.
Then I heard almost right next to me, “You filled me up Baby! I’ve got to go clean.” Her voice was so close that I almost yelled in surprise. Shit!! I had to get out of there. The door of the bedroom opened. I was plastered against the wall as she emerged. She was hurrying up the hall to their bathroom running in that odd hippy fashion that all naked women do.
I lingered for a look. Her body was exquisite. Her big full breasts had large brown nipples, still erect from her fucking. As she continued down the hall I admired her tight round apple shaped ass and those gorgeous long legs. I bolted for the patio the instant she closed the door of their bathroom.
I couldn’t believe how upset I was. It tore my heart out to hear what the woman in that bedroom was capable of. I wondered how Biff’s exceptionally well-honed and rational mind could give itself over to such out-of-control animal behavior. At the same time, I couldn’t believe how turned on I was by what I had heard.
I have had my share of one-night stands. And a few of them have gotten hot. But I have never in my wildest dreams experienced the kind of fuck that Biff seemed capable of throwing; just as an example of marital relations on any given Tuesday. It was extraordinary. I had no concept how much it would hurt to listen to the only woman I had ever loved having sex. If I had, I would have never volunteered to run the exploit. But, the upside was that I NOW had all the information I would need to make Biff/Hannah’s life an open book.
Tara laughed, as Nick was Lauren’s flavor of the week. He was just her type, playing forward on the hockey team, cute, but not especially smart. “Is he at least a good fuck?” “How the hell would I know? Every time I have a chance of getting laid, he’s too drunk to do anything about it. Besides, I don’t think he has what it takes to get me going anyway.” “Really? That’s too bad. Why are you still with him then?” Tara asked. She has had the same boyfriend for the last 3 years. She was...
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*Originally posted on ANS story board 3 years ago and then again on girlspns TGSP archives *You will notice a few points have been changed to comply with the guidlines on CHYOA Our story begins with Eric Lingle, a sly but shy 18-year-old boy who often hangs out with his many friends from school and the neighborhood, both boys and girls. His parents are complete hippies, and therefore let him do pretty-much whatever he wants and are far-too-open about sex topics with their son. Whenever he has a...
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Naptime. The girls were asleep downstairs. Allen and I, in a lazy state from a lunch of chicken nuggets and french fries (the girls' choice), were sprawled out next to each other on the couch, yawning and gazing at the TV.Just another rainy Sunday afternoon playdate. Allen and I had been doing this for the past two months, giving ourselves a chance at a moment of peace while the girls play with each other, on days when his wife and my girlfriend were scheduled to work.We met through our women,...
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It was the speed of the attack that did it. One minute I was walking the short distance from the main road to my house in the silent darkness, the next someone hurtled into me, knocking all the breath out of me and slamming me against the wall. I was stunned and disorientated. I was aware of dropping my bag of shopping and hearing the bottle of wine break on the floor; I was aware that already hands were gripping my shoulders and spinning me round. I was jerked roughly forward, my feet...
I'm a girl from Holland and become a member of hamster a little time ago. I'm a married woman but I discovered that I like to make love with other women. No I met a wonderfull girl at Hamster. Her name is Evaplayer and we have a good time when we are together. I really like it when she says to me that my body is hot and she wants to play with me. It's so nice to talk to her. I understand this is not a hot story, just one to tell you all how much I like her
The final round. The permanent changes no undos. I lose the toss, she drums fingers. Thinks. "You have to say the first thing you think of" Fuck. Good move. "You get hot: big tits, longer legs. Blonde" Blurted out, her form shimmers, solidifies: a wet dream. She nods and writes a note. "You're a billionaire." Confusing, but whatever. "You're a braindead slut. Loves cock" She starts to say something, notices the note. Reading seems hard but "You and I swap lives" --...
SueSue was 25 now, but she was playing with chains since she was about 20 years old She started playing with them at that time and found that she liked the sound and the feeling,? At first she wore little ones in her ears,? had some more holes pierced in her lobes and liked the feeling of the little chains? tickling her neck and the sound they made One day she saw a picture of a woman with a clit piercing and she immediately decided to have one of herself, the idea of having a chain dangling...
"No, no, no, no!" I sighed getting to my feet, "Some Romeo you'd make." I was helping my son with his lines for the school play, it was supposed to be Romeo and Juliet, but poor old Will Shakespeare would have turned in his grave if he could hear the way my sixteen year old boy was making a hash of one of the most romantic scenes in the play. "Aw mum, it's rubbish." Angus moaned as I took the book from him. "It's not rubbish, as you would quickly see if you took an interest in the...
© 2003 [email protected] -- Commercial use prohibited without author's consent. I knocked, waiting patiently, and finally I hear her slowly unlock the door. She had never seen me before so it was nice to see a smile appear from those beautiful lips. She invited me inside after saying hello and asked me to sit while she got ready as I had just woken her up from a nap. She was tall. Tall and pretty, almost taller than me but I liked that fact. It looked like she had just pulled on some thin...
The chat room was entitled, "Lesbian, Bi-sexual First Encounters". Searching for a chat partner, julie4u2000 looked through the profiles. There were some men in the room of course trying to find a woman who was not there for the roleplay as advertised in the description. The description simply stated, "curious women wanting to discover another side of themselves with another woman". Of course this could mislead a man. A few private message pop-up windows appeared almost immediately from...
When I was young, I found out about a very interesting fascination I had. You see, a friend of mine came from a very rich family. His parents were not around much, and he had way too much freedom. One day, when we were 12, he showed me his new toy. Somehow, he had actually managed to get the most realistic sex doll possible. It was scary to see at first, it was so realistic, yet just a doll at the same time. It was a beautiful woman, and it definitely made my cock hard to see it. I touched...
When somebody says that they prefer to watch animated pornography instead of actual pornstars I completely understand them. Everything is possible in a hentai world, not to mention that all the chicks who are animated are just fucking perfect. If you are looking for such a naughty site, I suggest that you take your time and explore the beauties has to offer.At the beginning of such reviews, I always wonder if I should explain what ‘hentai’ even means since I am sure there are...
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PLAYTHING by Geneva A powerful businessman muses on his plans for revenge on an old enemy. It has taken me some time and much detailed planning to come to this part of my revenge for the years of your demeaning comments and slights. Actually, I feel slightly apprehensive but now I can set the procedure in motion. This is the crux, but certainly not the finish of my plans for you. I will be careful and methodical. I intend to enjoy the continual oversight, dominance and attention...
The horse suddenly veered to the left, snorting and threw his head up, nearly hitting my nose. I wrestled with the reins and reluctantly he resumed our course. ‘Bloody horses. Thousands of years as man’s companion and still scared of pigs.’ Vicky laughed from the saddle of the much larger horse alongside me. ‘You really don’t like horses do you?’ ‘I hate the bloody things. And, what is more, there are about four miles of pig fields before we get back to the farm. And, I have to wear this...
LesbianBen is a successful Medical Sales Rep who earns a high six-figure income. He has been able to give his family a very comfortable lifestyle. Ben loves his family and his work. He feels he has done an excellent job of balancing work with family life. His career requires him to travel frequently during the week, and when the weekend rolls around, he tries to make sure his family comes first but is often too tired to devote proper attention to them. The children adapt well to his absence because...
I saw her at school every day, waiting in the playground while picking up the kids from school. We had made eye contact often, and she would give me a slutty smile every time. She had long black hair, stunning blue eyes, full sexy lips and a hot little body. She liked to dress in clothes that showed off her perfect tits, pert and firm, with nipples that always seemed to be hard. She never wore a bra. I often fantasized about fucking those gorgeous tits when I saw her. She never failed to make...
I saw her at school every day, waiting in the playground while picking up the kids from school. We had made eye contact often, and she would give me a slutty smile every time. She had long black hair, stunning blue eyes, full sexy lips and a hot little body. She liked to dress in clothes that showed off her perfect tits, pert and firm, with nipples that always seemed to be hard. She never wore a bra. I often fantasized about fucking those gorgeous tits when I saw her. She never failed to make...
Quickie SexPlaything Well there I was. 25 years old, out of work, living in a scruffy old bedsit with no future and no prospects. Born in Gloucester , living in Buckinghamshire. Five foot six inches, slim with shoulder length brown hair, tied back in a pony when I’m working (which I’m not at the moment). Friends say I have a feminine face, but I’m not sure of that. Sexuality ? Not sure. Love women, but, I’ve had a few passes at blokes, mostly older. Once I met a bloke at his house and he tied me up and...
When I was in college I was a top star on the women tennis team. I never turn pro since I broke my foot while trying to ride my boyfriend's motorcycle. I nevertheless still loved the game and play when I can. Once out of school however my playing time was limited because of work, but Tom (a sale's rep in the office next door) and I would play three times a week. We found a small private club near our offices. We both liked it since there were few weekday players there. Most of the time we...
She turned towards one of the cupboards and I allowed my eyes to wander up and down the rear of her slim, lithe body. She was wearing the outfit I had asked her to, a pink, close knit cardigan, a short beige skirt and a light coloured pair of stockings with what I was sure would be a pair of suspenders beneath holding them up. It was a Friday night and with working away from home I'd been looking forward to tonight all week. I was sure Lin was too. The two of us had discussed the...
Introduction: Husband away wife will play I looked at my wife Lin as she turned away from the sink, the last piece of crockery washed, dried and ready to put away. At 52 years of age she still looked good, indeed, with her regular weekly gym workouts Id have defied anyone to have argued she was any older than early forties. She turned towards one of the cupboards and I allowed my eyes to wander up and down the rear of her slim, lithe body. She was wearing the outfit I had asked her to, a pink,...
It was Saturday after Thanksgiving, the kids were bored and wanted to see the latest teen movie. I was exhausted having done six loads of laundry, sweeping, mopping and other dirty jobs you can't bribe a teenager to do. My husband decided to take the girls out to the movie and pizza to give me a much needed break from the whines of teenage girls. I waved bye to them as they drove down the street. Alone at last I locked the front door closed my eyes and a satisfied smile crossed my lips...
lori, Lacee and Mary were best friends and lesbians. Lori loved Lacees's huge tits and Mary loved Lacee's bald pussy. They spent a lot of time sucking and licking Lacee. Mary also loved using her strap on with both girls. They shared an apartment and the sex was hot and plentiful every day and night. Tonight they were sitting around in just panties when the girl across the hall knocked on the door. She was a very pretty busty gal and quite friendly and visited the girls often to play. The three...
I want to snuggle with you and give you a backrub.Give me any shit and I will spank your ass...Oh, you want to play, huh? You will soon see how big my hands are... :)Now that your butt is stinging and red... if you want me to kiss where it hurts, you have to play with yourself first... lick your finger and gently rub yourself, giving me an erotic show! :)I sit back and watch- I lean back so you can see what effect you have on me..Soon your finger is glistening with your juice- you slowly stick...
Far into the heart of corporate gonglomorate Globotech, the CEO Mrs. Keegel sets foot in the office of two lead toy makers to talk about the direction of the next line of Heartland Playsystems products. During the meeting, one of the toy developers shows off his prototype for the Commando Elite, a boys' toy like no other. They move, talk, and above all, can learn with the help of the technology that Globotech gives its employees access to. He activates it during the meeting and Chip Hazard...
"Come on Rita." my husband yelled up the stairs "the taxi will be here soon." Putting the final touches to my make-up I stood up and looked at myself in the full length mirror, nodding I looked at my reflection with approval, my trim body and heavy breasts filled out the black evening dress nicely. The slit at the side of the skirt showed a good amount of stockinged leg when I moved and my make-up enhanced all my best features while hiding the few wrinkles I had developed after...
The sun was shining, the sky was a brilliant shade of blue and the waters were calm and obliging. The breeze was light and carried with it the scent of the salt of the ocean. There were no clouds in the sky, neither overhead nor on the horizon. Dark blue liquid stretched into the distance to the port side unbroken by land or vessel. The emerald isle of Catalina lay off the starboard side. It was the kind of day men who lived their lives on the sea longed for. Walter Driver looked out over the...
Foreplay By Sebastian Lugo She felt ashamed. She hadn’t felt ashamed for probably a decade or more and it kind of excited the hell out of her. Shame, embarrassment, being naïve, getting shy, even giggling uncontrollably sometimes, goddamn him for making her feel like this. She just loved it. And, of course, it made her wet. He could do that in the most surprising ways. She wondered if he had tilted her upside down and shaken all the hidden bits back into view. ALL of them. Goddamn him...
I am in your bed. I am naked. I have showered and my skin is clean and smooth and fresh smelling. My hair is perhaps still a bit damp. I lie under crisp, clean sheets listening to the water run as you shower, preparing yourself. I try not to think about what is to come, but i can't help listening for the water to stop, knowing you are out of the shower and closer to being with me.I feel my cock begin to get hard and i try to clear my mind of all expectations. I don't want it hard now. I want...
I had been seeing Julie for 2 weeks. Things had been going pretty slow sexually between us. Julie has a tremendous body with a perky set of C-cups. I tried everything I could to get her jump started but she always stopped it short. Julie had rushed in on many other relationships with disastrous results. She wanted to wait for the right romantic moment. So I decided to give it my best try at romance. One night I had Julie over for dinner. I cooked a light meal to save room for what I had...
ForeplayBySebastian LugoShe felt ashamed. She hadn’t felt ashamed for probably a decade or more and it kind of excited the hell out of her. Shame, embarrassment, being naïve, getting shy, even giggling uncontrollably sometimes; goddamn him for making her feel like this. She just loved it. And, of course, it made her wet. He could do that in the most surprising ways. She wondered if he had tilted her upside down and shaken all the hidden bits back into view. ALL of them. Goddamn him anyway.He...
BDSMAn old married couple is lying in bed one night.The wife is curled up, ready to go to sleep, and the husband turns his bed lamp on to read a book.As he’s reading, he periodically reaches over to his wife and fondles her special area.He does this a few times, but only for a very short interval before returning to read his book.The wife gradually becomes more and more aroused assuming that her husband is seeking some encouragement she gets up and starts stripping in front of him.The husband is...
BOB Brennan finished his second sandwich and started to stack dishes while still seated. "Lovely dinner Mrs. Brennan." "Oh Bob," Jeanette answered. "If I made more..." "You make more than I do. That's for sure. You cook better, too. I don't moan and groan about being a drone." "You planned that!" Actually, he hadn't. It had come after "moan and groan." "I'll never tell. Look, you are a lovely woman. You are a great wife. We put your education on hold. Self- deprecation...
“N-No! Laura, stop!” I squirmed as I writhed around underneath her on the bed we shared. I had been over at her house for the weekend, sleepovers planned. It was late, nearly midnight, and we were playing like children on the bed, not like the mature, 19-year-old best friends we were. We were simply tickling each other until we couldn’t take it anymore. Her fingers worked endlessly on my sides, our hair tussled and messed as we fought. I kicked her off with a triumphant laugh, rolling over so...
Lesbian“N-No! Laura, stop!” I squirmed as I writhed around underneath her on the bed we shared. I had been over at her house for the weekend, sleepovers planned. It was late, nearly midnight, and we were playing like children on the bed, not like the mature, 19-year-old best friends we were. We were simply tickling each other until we couldn’t take it anymore. Her fingers worked endlessly on my sides, our hair tussled and messed as we fought. I kicked her off with a triumphant laugh, rolling over so...
My hands are caressing your waist and up your sides. I slowly come up under your breasts and touch just the lower part, lifting slightly. They are full and warm. My lips are working their way to your cheek, still softly kissing and lightly licking. My breath is making your cheek cool on the moisture. My hands come higher to your nipples. Very lightly touching them through the silky fabric of your gown. My fingers make small circles around them as they get hard. You turn your head to bring...
I come into the bedroom. It’s very dim with only sputtering candles for light. Your back is to me as you slide a Moody Blues CD into the player. ‘Nights In White Satin’ is starting to play. Justin Hayward is writing letters he’ll never send. You are wearing a silky, loose-flowing long gown. It‘s just slightly see-through with accents of fine lace. The candlelight makes it shimmer as it softly moves with you. Your panties are barely visible through the silk. I am wearing a business suit, power...
I come into the bedroom. It's very dim with only sputtering candles for light. Your back is to me as you slide a Moody Blues CD into the player. 'Nights In White Satin' is starting to play. Justin Hayward is writing letters he'll never send. You are wearing a silky, loose-flowing long gown. It‘s just slightly see-through with accents of fine lace. The candlelight makes it shimmer as it softly moves with you. Your panties are barely visible through the silk. I am wearing a business suit,...
Love StoriesI woke up with a start, feeling trapped, I knew it was cold and dark before I even started to think, as my brain slowly came up to speed I realised that the reason it was dark was because something was covering my eyes, in fact my whole head was covered by some form of hood, as I moved my head I could feel the material brush against my skin and hair. My arms were pulled above my head, my wrists secured together, my body dangling from them, my toes were just touching the floor, as though I was...
Don't start back when I was a k** I was in a state facility and they're doing check-ups behind she rubs my back a little for comfort and quickly she inserts two fingers I feel this real good feeling and then I let loose a massive load of semen and I still remember that feeling today married with k**s my wife believes I'm gay now I do admit I do love to watch girls take on more than one cock and I do keep my ass with a very close shave and I wear small underwear I guess you could say I'm a...
Sara selected him for his body and good looks and youth. It was for her sexual pleasure. Today was time and she took him to the play room and undressed him. She rubbed his big thick cock and got it hard. He had a nine inch thick dick and nice big balls. She let her robe fall to the floor and put his hands on her DD tits and let him play with the nipples. He knew just what she liked. She jerked his cock and then wiped the pre cum off with a finger and pushed it in his mouth to taste his own...