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"Come on Rita." my husband yelled up the stairs "the taxi will be here soon."

Putting the final touches to my make-up I stood up and looked at myself in the full length mirror, nodding I looked at my reflection with approval, my trim body and heavy breasts filled out the black evening dress nicely. The slit at the side of the skirt showed a good amount of stockinged leg when I moved and my make-up enhanced all my best features while hiding the few wrinkles I had developed after thirty-three years.

"Will you get a move on!" my husband's voice yelled, "The damned taxi is here."

"Coming." I shouted back.

Gary was always like this, I could never get him to understand that if he wanted me to look my best it took time and it wasn't as if we were going anywhere vitally important, just a party at the house of an acquaintance of his. Picking up my purse and wrap from the bed I left the bedroom, turned out the light and made my way downstairs, Gary watched me as I descended with approval in his eyes and condemnation on his lips.

"Lord you took your time." he greeted me "Come on, the taxi's waiting."

He rushed me out to the waiting cab, my high heels clicking on the path in a hasty tattoo; in the cab he finally unwound enough to kiss me lightly on the lips.

"You look gorgeous." he grinned as he sat back "Tonight is going to be fun."

I looked at him out of the corner of my eye, the tone of his voice told me that he was up to something, but he fell silent and gave no further clue as to what that something was. When we got out of the taxi my husband paid the fare then took me by the arm, he smiled at me and I saw that strange twinkle in his eyes that told me that whatever he was up to involved sex in some way or another.

"Gary," I said quietly "what's going on?"

"Quick as ever." he grinned, "Give me your word that you will do everything I ask you to do."

"What is this Gary?" I protested, "What are you up to?"

"Give me your word and I'll tell you." he replied.

Looking at him I weighed up in my mind what the possibilities were, Gary knew that if I gave my word on something I would keep it, but what would it lead me into? My own curiosity finally got the better of me, as he knew it would, I had to know what he was up to.

"All right," I sighed, "I give my word."

"You give me your word to obey me tonight?" he asked.

"Yes, I give you my word." I responded, puzzled at the way he had put it "Now, what have I let myself in for?"

He grinned and started walking with me hanging from his arm.

"I bet Mike five hundred pounds," he laughed, "that you would do whatever I wanted for the time we were at the party."

"You WHAT!!" I cried, "That randy sod will expect me to..."

"Do whatever you are told." Gary finished for me "Do you want to back out?"

"No," I snapped "I gave you my word, but I wish you'd talked it over with me before making such a bet like that."

"And if I had, would you have agreed?" he asked.

"I don't know," I replied "oh, hell, probably not. I feel used."

"Later dear." he grinned.

His comment made me shiver at the thought of what lay ahead; Mike was a randy sod who had probably manoeuvred my husband into the bet just so that he could get his hands on my body. Some weeks back Mike had made a try for me and had been miffed when I had told him to sling his hook, this was just the sort of scheme he would cook up to get his own back. I brightened a little at the thought that his pleasure would cost him money, and then I frowned as it dawned on me that the money made me a prostitute and Gary my pimp. As we arrived at Mike's house I considered backing out, but Gary seemed set on winning the bet and I would do anything to make Gary happy and it wasn't as though it would be the first time I had been with another man, Gary and I still enjoyed swapping partners with couples we liked. This was different though, this time I would be the sole recipient of the attention.

"I thought you weren't coming." Mike laughed as he opened the door to us "Come on in, everyone else is here already."

Mike took my wrap and pointed us towards the living room; I could feel his eyes burning over my body as we walked away from him. There were fifteen other people in the room, none of whom we knew, the mix was fifty-fifty male to female, or would be when Mike returned, nine men in all including Gary and I had the horrible feeling that every single one of them knew about the bet. Mike's wife came over to us and handed us a drink each, she smiled at me then looked at Gary.

"Well?" she said quietly.

Mike suddenly appeared on the other side of me; he grinned and looked at Gary with a raised eyebrow.

"You owe me five hundred quid." Gary grinned.

"I'll believe it when I see it." Mike retorted.

"Get her to do something to prove it." Sonya, Mike's wife grinned looking at me.

The cow was looking forward to my humiliation as much as Mike was, smiling sweetly I did not let her see my nervousness, just to wipe that smile off her face I was going to let them do as they wished with me. I met Gary's eyes and nodded my head imperceptibly; Gary smiled and took a breath.

"Give Mike and Sonya a kiss darling." he instructed.

Mike's hands were all over me as I kissed him, to my surprise Sonya was no better, but when I stepped back Sonya shook her head.

"Nice, but not proof Gary." she said.

"Well what would be proof?" Gary asked.

Sonya grinned at me wickedly, and then looked up at my husband.

"If you got her to take off her dress in front of all of us and stay without it," she laughed, "that would do for a start."

"Okay." Gary retorted, "Rita, you heard what was wanted."

"Yes Gary." I responded as meekly as I could and reaching for my zip.

"Hang on." Sonya said then raised her voice "Hey, everybody. You all know about the bet Mike had with Gary, well we are about to find out if his wife will do whatever he tells her to or not. Gary's just told her to take off her dress and give it to Mike. Come on then Rita."

I looked at Gary, smiled and reached behind me, opening the zip on the dress I wriggled it down my body and handed it to Mike; he leered as he looked at my body which was now only clad in bra, panties and stockings. Around me men and women cheered at the sight of me.

"If she doesn't bottle out," Mike laughed "before the end of the evening I will write you a cheque for five hundred pounds."

"Better get your cheque book." Mike grinned.

"We'll see." Mike grinned "Tell you what, how about upping the stakes, make it a thousand."

Gary's eyes widened in surprise, he looked at me uncertainly as he wondered just what Mike had up his sleeve, and I was damned if Mike was going to win and nodded to Gary to accept the stakes.

"Okay." Gary responded.

Mike took my dress away and came back without it, the whole room was watching me as I helped myself to another drink, and beside me Gary looked troubled.

"What's wrong?" I whispered to him.

"Mike's up to something," he sighed "I'd like to win that thousand, but not if it will hurt you."

"Don't worry about me," I grinned, "I can take whatever he has in mind. The money will clear off the repayments on the car with a bit over."

"If you are sure." he sighed then grinned "It looks as though Mike is about to get the ball rolling."

I looked over to where Gary was looking, Mike and Sonya were circulating among their other guests handing out slips of paper, smiling as Mike glanced my way I wished that I could double the bet again. Confident that he would win his wager Mike strutted across to where Gary and I stood with Sonya swaying triumphantly along beside him, it was too much.

"Seeing as you feel confident of winning," I said as they reached us "how about doubling the bet again?"

"Rita!" Gary gasped.

Mike grinned at me, obviously whatever he had planned was supposed to get me to back out at some point, Gary was worried that if that happened we would have to struggle to pay off Mike, but I was damned if I would back out.

"Let's make it really interesting," Mike grinned, "let's make the bet five thousand pounds."

"I can't aff..." Gary gasped.

"Done." I cut him off.

Sonya shrieked with glee at the thought of having us in hock to them for years, Gary stared at me wide eyed while Mike loudly announced the new stakes to the rest of the gathering. Gary looked stunned, but the bet was that I would do anything he wanted me to do so I would have to snap him out of his shock or we would forfeit the bet. Pulling him to one side I touched his cheek and smiled at him when he looked at me.

"Rita," he whispered glumly "Mike is so confident of winning that he must have something nasty up his sleeve."

"Don't worry Gary," I said soothingly "I'll handle whatever the bastard wants, but after tonight we will not mix with him or his crowd again. Now, pull yourself together, we don't want to lose the bet because you can't give me the orders."

"Okay Rita," he grinned "but whatever happens tonight I want you to remember that I love you."

"I know you do dear and I love you, otherwise I would never agree to do whatever it is I'm going to be doing." I replied "Now let's get it over with, the sooner we win that bet the sooner we can leave."

Gary nodded and looked at Mike, grinning from ear to ear Mike came over to us, handed Gary a sheet of paper and went back to his wife. With widening eyes Gary read the list of things he was to get me to do, he looked from the paper to Mike then to me, whatever the list of commands were Gary was not only unhappy about some of them he was shocked. Smiling encouragement I waited for Gary to give the first instruction, shaking his head Gary looked at the first item on the list.

"Take off your bra Rita" he said softly "then wander round and let everyone have a good look and a good feel."

Smiling I took off my bra, I was proud of my boobs and was not at all concerned by the fact that everyone there was going to get a good feel of them. Every man and woman there felt my boobs and nipples, by the time I had got half way around the gathering I was beginning to feel tingly, and then I came to Mike and the tingly feeling faded a little.

"I told you I'd have you." he whispered as he teased my nipples.

Obviously this was to be his revenge for my rejection of his advances to me, well at least the bugger was going to have to pay a pretty penny for the pleasure, I had no doubt that somewhere along the line I would be ordered to fuck all the men, nor did I doubt that Mike would be the first of them. Finishing the round I faced Gary again, of all the men he was the only one that hadn't touched me, this had been a condition of the bet, Mike was humiliating him as much as me by having him watch me with his guests and himself.

"Take off your panties and go round again," Gary said, "this time let everyone feel your pussy."

Again there was no surprise in the instruction; it was just what I had expected from Mike. Smiling I took off my panties and went around the room again, this time hands stroked my pussy while fingers thrust into me, my tingly feeling grew and even Mike couldn't suppress it. Once again I returned to my husband, he smiled at me as he gave the next command from Mike's list.

"Bring yourself to a climax." he instructed.

It seemed that Mike had a certain lack of imagination, so far everything I had been told to do I had done before with Gary when we met other couples for swapping. Without hesitation I began to run my hands over my body, squeezing my boobs and tweaking my nipples until I felt fully aroused, moving to my pussy I played with my clit until I felt my orgasm bubbling inside me. Only then did I thrust two fingers into my pussy and fingered myself as quickly as I could until my orgasm erupted. Breathing heavily I turned to Gary, he licked his lips and I knew that the next item on the list was the start of the 'real' fun.

"Sit on a chair Rita," Gary said, "open your legs and let everyone lick your pussy."

I assumed the position Gary had stated, as I had expected, Mike was the first to kneel in front of me and lick my flesh, thoroughly enjoying himself Mike licked my pussy from end to end before pushing his tongue into my hole. When he had sated his desire to taste my juices Sonya took his place, one after the other the remaining guests, both male and female, licked my pussy. Sixteen tongues tasted me, probed me and slithered over my pussy and only twice did I climax, only Gary knew how to make me climax quickly and he was not telling them our secret. The last man moved away from me and I looked up at Gary, he sighed and gave the next order.

"Rita," he said "suck the cock of every man here, starting with Mike, until they have all cum in your mouth, then go around all the women and make them climax by using your mouth."

It was an escalation, but again I had no problem in complying, rising from the chair I went to kneel in front of Mike, eagerly he brought his cock into view and I had to stifle a laugh, compared to my Gary Mike was a tiddler. As I closed my lips around Mike's cock he groaned, I could hear the sound of zips being undone and clothing rustling and I knew that when I moved from Mike the room would be full of naked bodies. Using a little trick I knew I had Mike climaxing within a minute, the only person this trick didn't seem to work on was Gary and he was not part of the crowd that I was to service. Moving to the next man I sucked his cock and used my trick again, a split second later I felt my mouth filled with hot juices, licking my lips I moved on. With each man I used my special method of making them cum, it wasn't long before I had completed the rounds of the men and started on the woman, being bi-sexual this gave me no problem and although I did not climax once throughout the round I did enjoy myself. If things went on like this I would win the bet hands down, rising from the last woman I looked over at Gary, despite how well we were doing he still looked concerned, but he knew what was on the list, I didn't.

"Lie on the floor Rita." he sighed "Each man will fuck you and each woman will lick you clean afterwards."

This sounded like fun, I lost no time in throwing myself on my back, and accepting the first cock into my pussy, needless to say it was Mike's. He thrust away like crazy and obviously thought that he was the greatest of lovers, by the time he climaxed I was just getting warmed up. Sonya knelt between my legs and licked the semen from my pussy until I was clean for the next man. Five men later I had an orgasm, it was a little more powerful than those that had preceded it, but nothing like the climaxes Gary gave me. The last three men took me while I was still shaking with that climax and even the expert tongues of the women failed to make me cum again. Looking up at Gary I waited for the next instruction, Gary hesitated then gave it.

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Train To Real Life Thrills 8211 Part III

Overwhelming support from readers is received about this series. There were lot of suggestions about the future of Prakash and Sumati. However the real story was more interesting than the suggestions received from regular readers. That is why it is kept as such. Again for new readers of this series I will have to give links to Part I and Part II. I request the readers to read part I and part II, before proceeding further. Link to Part I:, Link to Part II:...

1 year ago
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Trying My First Glory Hole

Trying My First Glory HoleFor a little bit of brief background, I’m a single gal, I have a lot of fun with men and even women that I meet. I am always up for trying new things and I very rarely say no, I have so much I want to try and whenever I get shown something new I instantly what to try it out and this is exactly what happened with the whole glory hole thing.I am in my early twenties, I’m a trainee solicitor. Nobody at work realizes how scandalous I actually am, at work I like to think...

1 year ago
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Transformation Pt2 The Sub

The sub I notice the head band and realise that I am about to experience the feelings of another female, and a submissive one at that. My gaze returned to the room and strangely a shiver went down my spine. A shiver of anticipation, I was eager to feel the bite of the bondage straps, the warmth of a spanked bum. Why? I was not a lover of bondage as myself, but this persona was enthralled and strangely the feeling seemed to be addictive, was this the idea of this therapy? My musings...

3 years ago
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Double Switch Ch 12

A Note to the reader: Double Switch is a full length novel with a Prologue, an Epilogue and 18 chapters. So it will take a commensurate time to read. It is erotic in places but not on every page or even in every chapter. So, a little patience is necessary. It is a love story, actually three love stories. I hope you will be rewarded for your time and trouble. To understand the story, you need to read the Prologue first. So, look it up under my name in the Author Index before proceeding with...

2 years ago
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Why not

I have always liked guys. I remember having a crush on my 6th grade teacher. When I was in the 8th grade, my curiosity got the best of me and I seduced my friend one night when he was sleeping over. We were laying down watching TV and I put my hand under his shorts and grabbed his dick. He pulled away at first but I was persistent. I got to suck my 1st dick that night. I started wearing my sisters panties and bras shortly after that. First around the house, then in public, even at school. I...

1 year ago
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Will and Alessia Chapter 1

Alessia was a beautiful young woman.  Tall, blond, long legs, nice ass, and incredible pair of breasts that were all natural.  Nope, no implants for her, she didn’t need them with her lovely set of 38C’s.  Her skin was porcelain, so fair she was.  She knew she was beautiful and she used her beauty to her full advantage, when ever she had to, to get what she wanted.    She had been with her current beau, now for a couple of years, and at 27 she thought she was ready to settle down.  Will was...

3 years ago
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When Liza became a woman

Debra and I had been dating for about three months when she started staying over on the weekends. Her daughter Liza’s had just began summer break from school and the three of us were spending most of our free time at the lake. Lisa was 14 with short blond hair and the most amazing green eyes. She had the figure of a centerfold and she knew how to catch a man’s eye. Like most young teens her sexual curiosity was becoming very intense. She would stand in front of the mirror for hours striking...

1 year ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 113

Mike had just put the dogs away Sunday evening, and was settling down to watch the TV news when he heard a knocking on his front door. He got up to answer it, to discover Heather Sanford and John Pacobel standing outside. "Can we talk to you a minute?" Heather asked, subdued and a little downcast. Both of them looked bedraggled, and a little tired, like they hadn't been getting much sleep. "Sure, come on in," Mike said. "Can I get you some coffee?" "That's be nice," John said....

3 years ago
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A Public Bus Journey

Hey, I am gonna write about my sexual adventures that happened when I was in high-school. I will not be mentioning my name, for obvious reasons. I was 18, at the time. 5 foot 9. My breasts are well rounded and big. Curvy hips and big well rounded ass. I had long legs. White in complexion. I had uniform on, of course. I wore a read panty and a black bra that day. Anyways let’s get down to business. It was a cloudy afternoon and I just got on a public bus, after staying back for a group...

2 years ago
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Wizards LegacyChapter 1

Can you imagine never knowing your parents? Unless you've been orphaned, believe me, you can not. Even those who were adopted, if they so desire, can make the attempt to find their birth parents. The ones who don't have parents to find, have no such hope. They fall into two categories. Those who have living relatives to take them in, and those who have no family at all. In the first case of orphans, the child can gain a sense of who their parents were, what they were like, and have a sense...

1 year ago
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Part 2 By Hardrive Several days passed since Danielle’s encounter with the police officer. She used that time she experiment with the Moon Stone and got to know how to use some of its powers. The alien’s gift was amazing and there was much more to learn, but she had other obligations. There were deadlines to meet and several photo essays to produce before the end of the week, so she tossed the stone in her sock drawer and went about her business. A few days later she was putting...

1 year ago
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Endless DesertChapter 5

On the way home, I got to thinking about whether or not I had enough firepower with just the shotgun and one revolver. I came to the conclusion that I did not. Oh, the shotgun could stand by itself, but it struck me that only eight shots in total was pushing my luck. Though my luck had always been good so far, there was no doubt that it would desert me one of these days, and I had to be ready for that to happen. One more pistol like my Colt Navy would give me a maximum of 12 shots. Those,...

1 year ago
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Deputy MorpheusChapter 14 Missing Marshal

I was moving smoothly through my exercises with Amanda mirroring me. Dragon and Cynthia were watching from the side of the gym. Michaels cleared his throat as I slid back and away from Amanda, “We have a marshal missing.” I continued the martial dance and circled, “Who and where?” Amanda slid in and I shifted while one hand swept her foot aside and she spun back and away. Michaels moved out of the way, “Palia system and it is Gilroy. He did an escort and turned the prisoner in before he...

2 years ago
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My cum swallowing fun with bicouple

I am a bisexual male with 8 inch uncut thick cock. I love rough deepthroat, hard ass fucking, cum swap, facials, and cum gargling and swallowing. Enough about my likes..(for this story my fuckfriends will be referred to as Mike, and Becky.) I had a wild ride previously with Mike, and I deepthroated and got facefucked by him while we drove down a long empty road. If you want to read that story check my story blog of filthy stories. Anyways back to this story... Mike invites me into his house and...

1 year ago
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Policewoman And Her New Lesbian Lover

Last Friday I was still in my police uniform when Gretchen’s motorcycle roared as she drove into my driveway. My 43 year old new found lesbian lover had arrived and I knew I was in for a long passionate night. I had become bi-sexual after my divorce, I wanted to try women and found out I preferred the tender lovemaking and soft body of a women. I had no problem attracting women, I knew I was still hot for a 34 year old, I had the large body of a full figured Scandinavian women, I am six feet...

1 year ago
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Office Control

I smiled as I surveyed the struggling body before me, “Jesus fucking Christ, Becky. It’s a single push up, how is it that you can’t do this one simple thing?” I was being mean, I knew I was. Becky and I loved to tease each other, hell it was our favourite way to break up the working day. Run P50i forms, grab a coffee and spend a discreet ten minutes poking fun at each other in the break room. Lately however our idle teasing had taken on something of a new dimension as our comments had become...

Straight Sex
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Horseback and Picnic Adventure

I want to tell you about a wonderful day that my boyfriend and I had a week ago. He's the sweetest man in the world and wanted to take me on a horseback riding trip. He also planned a wonderful picnic for us to have together. I'll go over all the details of this amazing day we shared together.I was very excited that my boyfriend was going to be coming over. He had planned a day of riding horses together on a wonderful trail in the country. I was very excited to do this with him. We had never...

4 years ago
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My First Time with another Man

This is the true story of my first time with another man. I'm medium height, thin, blue eyes and light brown hair. When this story takes place I was 19 years old. I met this man named John, online. He told me that he was looking for a young man to suck his cock. Having been curious about other guys I thought that I'd like to try that so I offered him my services. He picked me up in his car at a spot we had previously agreed upon. This was the first time I saw him. He was taller than me; in his...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Crossdresser to Fuckable Mannequin

I have been contacted to join the cross dressers pop mannequin society. Ok I have dressed for years but never been involved I such a thing. The day arrived and I was apprehensive but awoke with an unusual great hard on. After coffee I shave all over and greased my pussy. A 9 inch dildo opened me up. Slipping into my silk G-string, and matching bra I felt good. Applying glue to my chest I quickly poisoned my size D breasts in place and pulled my lovely Victoria's secret bra over them to...

4 years ago
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my real last night

hello, here I'll tell my evening yesterday.At approximately 19:30, a friend came to see me after a day's shopping, is a longtime shows me who are buying it in his bag, but I do see a pocket.I ask therefore that lurks inside!she said nothing. the evening and continues to invite him to eat.after the meal she said "thank you for I'll show you my last purchase"dress was sexy, fishnet tights, corset and thong.I said "WAW ca area has very sexy"she replied "yes but I have no man therefore...

1 year ago
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Helped Neighboring Aunt To Get Pregnant

Hi everyone, this is my first story which happened a few years ago. Please ignore if there are any mistakes in this story. My name is Albert. I am from Bangalore, average height guy and working in a private firm. The heroine of the story is my cousin aunt her stats are 36-24-34 she looks so cute and homely. As like every other guy I used to work and then roam in the evening with friends, chit-chat in and around the neighborhood. I was so friendly with everyone that they used to share everything...

3 years ago
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Journey Towards Sex With Mom 8211 Part 4

Thanks guys for all the appreciations, comments and mails. It has been a long time, but now finally, 4th part of the story. Sitting at the office next day, I couldn’t believe what had happened last night. I had crossed the line with mom, and there was no going back. I hated to be sitting there, all I could think was to be with mom. I couldn’t concentrate on work much so I left early by some time and came home early. Mom was happy to see me, as I entered the house I hugged and smooched her....

4 years ago
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Picnickers FChapter 4 Home Again

Marilyn Grant felt better riding up from Champaign in May of ‘77 than she’d felt at the end of a school year since her freshman year in high school. And this was looking ahead while that had been relief at the year’s ending. The drive up from Champaign was delightful. She and Andy talked of their immediate future and their past two years. When they were silent, it was a comfortable silence. Different as they were, the two of them had both been successes in their sophomore years. Andy, while...

3 years ago
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Bla Book 6a Jurassic Bed BreakfastChapter 28

In the Jurassic Lodge, Tanya was putting on one of her husband’s old shirts – not really his, but one that was even larger than Frank would wear, for she felt she needed something, anyway, in which to greet their new arrival, who probably wouldn’t be expecting the proprietress to be running around nude – especially at the front desk. Besides, it was only polite not to stick your bare tits into someone’s face before you knew them. Still weak from Vanessa’s psychic sexual assault, Tanya...

1 year ago
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Do you like nude celebrity photos? What a dumb question, of course you do! Everyone loves a nice nude celeb from time to time. However, it would seem that there are too many subreddits that get satisfied with lewd photos of celebrities rather than going all the way. Well, this isn’t the case with the sub /r/NudeCelebsOnly as this place only for nudity, and nothing else. No bullshit lewd photos, no bikinis, no skimpy dresses, only nudes. And, well, the results as you might expect… You can find...

Reddit NSFW List
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Lana 4

Lana went into the bathroom. It took me a few minutes to trust myself to get off the bed. Her suitcase was on a stand across the room so I walked over to it and found a small black velvet bag which felt quite heavy when I lifted it. I opened it and almost gasped in surprise. Nestling inside the soft velvet bag was a steel butt plug, not large but with a small jewel in the base. The plug had a long, slender stem and a bulbous head. I held it in my hand and felt the weight of it and knew it would...

4 years ago
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Wie ich lernte zu dienen und Schmerzen zu lieben

Damals arbeitete ich neben meinem Studium als Röntgenassistentin und machte Nachtdienste um mir meinen Lebensunterhalt zu verdienen. Mein zukünftiger Lustsklave kam damals als Patient und hatte sich bei einer Party vermutlich einen Bänderriss zugezogen. Wie vom Arzt angewiesen, sollte ich ihn röntgen und dabei passierte es mir das erste Mal: Beim Lagern für die korrekte Aufnahme musste ich seinen Fuß in eine für ihn sehr schmerzhafte Stellung bewegen und es machte mir auf einmal Spaß, ihn...

3 years ago
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You Promised Creampie

My first creampie all started innocently but first, let me tell you a little about my wife. She is a beautiful woman. She is 37, (I am 38.) she has big brown eyes and long brown hair. Her long legs are what I noticed first about her. She weighs 120 lbs. She also loves to swallow.One day, while she had been sucking me for a while, I told her to stop or I was going to cum. I must have been leaking precum into her mouth for a while because she would swallow and smile. She looked up at me, while...

2 years ago
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Tuesday sessions

hey i like this one has a different flow to it so hope u enjoy. It does have a second part which i while write if i get a good response to the story. The second part is pretty much what is in the intro which doesnt happen in the story. kind of like a teaser. oh and keep the your sick comment to yourself….. you know what this site is about … if your not happy then go jerk of to matlock How do you think I should begin this story&hellip,..hi my name is so and so &hellip,. Im and...

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