Stalked Ch. 4 free porn video

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This is not happening, she thought to herself, as the taxi took her to an unknown destination. ‘Where are we going?’ She demanded.

‘Just sit back and enjoy the ride doll,’ the driver said in an amused voice. Desperately she lunged for the driver to get him to stop the vehicle. The car severed dangerously on the road, and the driver took a swing at her, catching her on the side of the face knocking her back in her seat. ‘You crazy bitch! Are you trying to get us both killed? Try something like that again, and I’ll make you wish you were never born,’ he said in a tone that was dead serious. Emily had never been more frightened in her life. She had never felt a fear as intense as the fear she felt at that moment.

She huddled in the corner of the cab to get out of his reach in case he chose to grab her. Escape was the only option, but at the rate the cab was going she knew that if she tried to get out of the vehicle while it was moving she might not escape alive. Finally she decided that when the car stopped, she would jump out as quickly as she could and run, but every mile that was driven made her heart sink because her surroundings were becoming less as less familiar as they went on. More than anything she wanted to give into the luxury of tears but the anger took over. There was no way she was going to let this bastard see her cry so she sat there thinking of what she would do if she got away.

To his credit, the driver didn’t offer any conversation which was just fine with Emily, but now and again, she could feel the cold stare of his eyes in the rearview mirror. She knew that if she got out of this ordeal alive she would never forget those eyes. They were the lightest blue that she had ever seen, and set to his dark features, it made him quite menacing. From the glimpses that she seen of his face, he could have been a handsome man, with his dark hair and rugged features, but like his eyes, there was a coldness about him that made her shudder.

He was certainly a big man, not overly tall, probably no more that six feet, but he was muscular as if he worked out frequently. She could tell this even through his clothes. Poor, poor Mike, he couldn’t have stood a chance at this guy, Emily though about Mike’s more slender frame. At the thought of Mike, anger took over the fear and the self-pity.

‘What did you do to Mike?’ She asked with more calm and control than she actually had at the moment. The driver didn’t say anything. ‘Hey! I’m asking you a question.’

‘My name is not Hey, it’s Zeke, and you’d better learn it quick girlie.’ He commanded, totally ignoring her other question. Zeke. The name meant nothing to her. Who was this guy, and why had he chosen her? She decided to try a different approach.

‘Zeke, why did you do this. I haven’t done anything thing to you. I don’t even know you. Come to think of it, I can’t think of anyone that I’ve done wrong.’ This only cause him to burst into a peal of laughter.

‘Life’s a bitch isn’t it? Why don’t you just sit back and shut your trap? We’re almost there,’ he instructed. Emily sat back and let her mind return to ways of escape.

What seemed like another half an hour, Zeke pulled the cab to a halt. ‘We go no farther until we lay some ground rules here.’ He got no further than that before Emily was out of the cab in a flash. She ran down the road as far as she could not knowing where to go. It was one of those winding roads surrounded on each side by woods, with not a house or building in site. Why he chose to stop the she didn’t know but she didn’t want to stick around to find out. She kept running despite the feeling of pain in her lungs from running so hard. In no time at all however she heard footfalls behind her.

Despite the head start that she had had, Zeke had no trouble catching up with her. She was ran even harder, but was finally tackled from behind to the ground. Zeke flipped her over to pin his body underneath his. If she could she would have screamed but she didn’t have enough breath left within her to summon one. ‘That wasn’t smart. I guess you’ve already figured out rule number one though, you can’t escape me, so don’t try. If you do, you’ll be punished.’ He got up dragging her up with him. ‘Come on.’

‘No…let…me go,’ she said breathlessly still struggling against him. Her struggles were nothing to him. He simply grabbed her and hauled her over his shoulder like a sack of flour and started walking back towards the cab. She squirmed still. Zeke brought a palm down stingingly on her bottom. Tears of pain and humiliation welled in her eyes, after while she made herself go limp knowing that her struggles, were useless, at least at that moment.

‘Thatta girl,’ he laughed in amusement. ‘Sooner or later you may find out that you don’t want to struggle.’

‘Don’t count on it.’ She muttered, which brought another sharp slap on her already aching ass. She let out a yelp, the tears were know falling freely down her face.

‘Rule number two, I don’t like sass girlie. You speak when spoken to and it’s yes Zeke, no Zeke. Understand?’ When she didn’t answer she received another slap. ‘Understand?’

‘Yes, Zeke!’ she almost yelled. She would say anything at that point so that he wouldn’t hit her again. She already knew that she would have bruises on her butt, she didn’t want him to add anymore to it. They were back in to the cab in no time. Zeke opened the back seat and dumped her in. He pulled out a bandana from his pocket. He grabbed a handful and pulled her closer. Emily sat rigidly as he put the bandana over her eyes and secured a knot tightly behind her head.

‘Now stay put, and don’t take that off, or I promise that your ass won’t be the only thing hurting you.’

‘Yes, Zeke. She said automatically.

‘Very good.’ He said softly. She felt her hand tweak her breast. She flinched away, and the hand returned to her breast again. ‘Don’t pull away from me. That’s rule three.’ Emily forced herself to remain still as Zeke moved his hand over her breasts. His touch was surprisingly gentle, and to her humiliation she could feel a slight stirring within her. She heard him chuckle gleefully and then she heard him get out and close the door behind him. He returned to the driver seat and the car moved on. Emily sat fidgeting in her seat nervously. After what had just happened she was too scared to even move.

They didn’t seem to go that much further before the car was brought to another halt. ‘We’re here.’ She waited as he came around to her door and opened it. Automatically she got out and waited. He took her arm and began to guide her to an unknown destination. They went up some steps and they went through a door. He led her a few more feet, and up more steps, and then through another door. He sat her down on what felt like a bed. ‘Stay right there and I’ll be back. Don’t touch that blindfold. I’ll know if you did or not.’ She thought he had left but she heard him say, ‘By the way, don’t even think of escaping.’ He left and she heard the sound of a door closing.

Only a few minutes must have passed before he returned. he took her hand a placed a mug in her hand. ‘Drink it,’ he ordered. Emily hesitated. She wasn’t sure that she wanted to die by poisoning. ‘Drink it. It’s not poisoned.’ He said as if reading her mind. She took a sip. It was only water, and her throat was dry. She gulped the rest of it down. ‘Now we wait.’ He said.

‘For what?’ she asked.

‘You’ll see.’ Silence. The not knowing what was going to happen next was the worst part, but strangely, she could feel her body relaxing. After a while, she was completely relaxed, almost sleepy. With her already closed eyes by the blindfold, allowed her to succumb to the drowsiness and feel back against the bed. ‘That’s what we were waiting for.’ Zeke whispered to himself. The drug that he put in her water should keep her knocked out for a few hours.

Emily came to, later on, and she couldn’t open her eyes. Come to think of it, she could
hardly move at all. When she tried to move her arms and legs, they would only be moved so much before she felt restrained.

‘Ain’t no use of struggling, them ropes are secured nice and tight.’ Zeke’s voice penetrated the darkness. She felt the bed dip under his weight and her blindfold was plucked from over her eyes. She blinked as her eyes adjusted to the light. She was what look like a luxury suite in a hotel, but it couldn’t possibly be. The room was completely white. White walls, furniture and curtains. Emily turned a deep scarlet when she realized that she was stark naked, with all of her limbs tied in ropes that were tied to a post. The ropes only allowed her to move her limbs just enough to bend them.

For the first time, Zeke laughed, and Emily looked over at him, getting her first proper look. He was as she remember, the dark features and the sinister blue eyes, but gone was the jeans and pull over that he had worn before. He was wearing some sort of leather harness that crisscrossed over his muscular chest. He wore leather pants that molded tightly to his thighs. He looked just like that man in the book. Her eyes widened in fear when she spied the whip that he was holding in his hands.

‘Please don’t hurt me.’ She pleaded. Before she even knew what was going on, Zeke was at her side bring the whip down against her thigh. She let out a yell. Though it stung like mad, it didn’t produce the pain that she had imagined it would.

‘Take that as a warning. I told you not to speak unless spoken too, and we’ll get along. Understand?’ She nodded her head vigorously. The whip was brought down again. ‘What?’ He demanded.

‘Yes, Zeke!’ He smiled in approval. At this point she was shaking badly. To her relief he put the whip down, and joined her on the bed. His hand rubbed over the tender flesh that the whip had touched. His touch was so gentle that it was hard to think that only moments before he had inflicted the pain. Emily was unaware that the she was crying until she felt him wipe the tears that were stream down into her hair. He bent over and licked the salty residue from her face.

At first she stiffened at this unexpected intimacy, but as his tongue continued, to explore the crevice of her ear, she could feel herself relaxing. His hand moved further up her thigh stopping at her bush. She squirmed as his tongue ran down her neck and he began to nibble at her skin. His mouth moved down further still and fastened on an already hardened nipple. His teeth nipped at the rigid peak, causing her to moan, to her chagrin. She couldn’t believe that she was actually beginning to enjoy what he was doing to her. His hand squeezed the lips of her swollen pussy lips. Carefully, as if handling something delicate, he slipped a finger into the slick warmth. His fingers latched on to her clit rubbing it between his thumb and forefinger. Zeke continued the caresses with his mouth and hand, making her body ache for a fulfillment that she had yet to experience. His hand moved lower, and he slipped his middle finger slowly into her. She felt a little discomfort at this intrusion into her body, but only a little because the pleasure was more overwhelming. ‘Nice and tight. Virgin pussy, he will be pleased.’

Emily froze at his words. Who was Zeke referring to, and what was wrong with her. Here she was tied up in some strange bed, being groped by some strange guy who had wreaked havoc in her life and quite possible have committed murder. When Zeke began, his caresses again, she turned her head away from him. This seemed to anger him, and he grabbed, handful of her hair and turned her head forcefully back towards him. ‘Don’t you ever turn away from me again!’ he snarled. In a burst of courage, she hocked and spit in his face. For a second he was stunned by her rebellion. As the spittle, dripped down his face, he wiped it off at looked at it as if he had never seen such before. Something ugly enter his eyes, and he raised his hand to strike her.

‘Zeke! That’s enough!’ A command came from the door. Hesitantly Zeke lowered his hand. Emily was stunned as Mike stood in the doorway, looking just fine.

‘Mike, what are you doing here?’ she asked.

‘I live here.’ He answered as if it was a ridiculous question.

‘I don’t understand.’ She whispered.

‘You will. Zeke, leave up now. You can come back in a half an hour.’

Zeke got up reluctantly. ‘Yes, Master.’ Emily flushed at Zeke’s address of Mike.

‘What’s going on?’ She cried.

‘Remember when you were eighteen and you ask why me?’ She nodded dumbly. ‘I think you’re ready for that answer now.’

To Be Continued…

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StepSecrets Davina E Making Up For It

Yesterday I scratched the bumper of my step brother’s car at the shopping mall. It is a minor damage and really hard to spot. But ever since this little incident he’s ignoring me. In the past I could always borrow his car when I needed it. But now I’m afraid that he won’t give it to me ever again. I’m trying my best to lighten up his mood, but he can be sooo stubborn. I definitely can’t see myself riding the bus, until I can afford my own car, so I have to do some damage control. As the...

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The Stranger Peers In

After the last time Jon fucked Morgan she admitted, after being pissed about the condom, that she enjoyed the session. So Mike set up another one. When Jon arrived Morgan was already naked on the couch of the small living room. He quickly went to her, unzipped his pants, and had his hard dick pressed to her face in seconds. All the while his hands were groping her small tits. Morgan took his dick and ran her tongue over it before swallowing it down her throat. Jon moaned and ran his fingers...

1 year ago
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Life on the Run in Skirts Chapter 23

CHAPTER 23 - I put off getting dressed en-femme as long as I could. But in the end, it didn't change anything. Upon their arrival, they had a light lunch. George was so stressed out from the shopping trip that he stretched out on the couch to watch TV and maybe catch a catnap. Within minutes, he was sound asleep. Ellen left the dishes for Heather to do when he awoke from his nap and headed back to the mall to do some serious shopping. She got home a few hours later. She...

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WebYoung Karlee Grey Melissa Moore Dreams Come True

Teen Karlee Grey wakes up in the middle of the night feeling frisky. She wants to play with herself and starts by grabbing her tit. Her roommate Melissa Moore can sense what she’s doing but doesn’t say a thing. Karlee takes off her shorts and shoves them in Melissa’s mouth. Melissa demands to know what she thinks she’s doing standing over her naked from the waist down. She’s been her lifelong best friend and it would be weird to fuck. Plus, her parents could wake...

3 years ago
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This story and all of my stories are my real sexual conquests, I'm open to contructive cristism. My boyfriend "Lawrence" and I are both bisexual, very sexual beings. I am 29 about 5'2 125 lbs, Spanish and Native American. I have straight black hair to the middle of my back, underneath I dyed blonde, I have a couple tattoos on my arms, people tell me I have a Suicide Girl look. (If you don't know who they are, look them up) . My boyfriend is 33 and about 6'2 185 lbs, White, Brown hair...

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The RutBreaker Part III

As with Helen, Larry’s second meeting with Ian was in complete contrast to their first one. Ian had been quite garrulous the first time they met but this time he was quiet. He also appeared nervous. They met in the same hotel and sat in the same lounge bar with a drink. Larry had come to town to see a client regarding a new contract and fortunately Ian had a space in his diary to meet up for an hour.“So, how’s your week been Ian?” Larry opened.“Hectic,” came his answer. “Work is very busy at...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Sex With Sexy Bhabi

My Dear friends, it’s my heartiest thanks for ISS and Greetings to you all, this is Sujay 29 years from Bangalore with fair and average body, and here I dare to share my personal experience with you all. It’s has happen last 4 years back when I was 25 as I need to do some course for 6 months and I was force to stay with my aunt, theirs is 5 members family and my aunt, uncle, brother and his wife and a son of 4 years. My bro is working with some company which makes him to travel. I will be out...

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Death Makes Me Feel Alive

I have watched over earth for thousands of years, and my existence has faded to myth and legend. Over time, my kin became mere shadows of the beings they once were, until they disappeared altogether. My wife, Persephone, was the first to disappear. More like a companion than a wife, she had long been without purpose. I am the only one left with a job; to care for the dead. Since my wife disappeared, I had become obsessed with my work. Recently though, I had become restless. The vast underworld...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Saint Bernard and the Lost GirlChapter 2

Doctor Felicia knew she was in trouble with her favorite dog Geronimo. She had allowed the dog to take control of her rather than the other way around and she was addicted to the huge beast and his oversized doggie dong that had a built-in battery that never wore down no matter how hard and how long he humped her from behind. She was totally ashamed of her attraction to the dog and wanted to remedy the situation but was at a loss on how to go about it. The dog watched her carefully and...

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House Hunting Private Viewings

My wife wanted me to meet the real estate agent she hired to check out new houses. She gave me her card, said she was a great gal, and told me to have fun looking at houses. Like a good husband, I made sure to do what I was told.I contacted Denise and she made arrangements to view three homes the following day. She said the owners would be gone for a two-hour window at each home, so we’d have privacy to check things out and discuss them between us.I showed up at the first address a bit early....

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Sex With Ecnomics Teacher

By : Woodrocker Hi friends I am kartik.This is my first story hope that you all will enjoy this story. This is a true incident not a story and this has changed my life completely. Last year I was in 11th class. I am a distict cricket player of Kangra so I hardly get time to study seriously. So I was not able to pass in any of the exams. Seeing my performance my class teacher who is the subject teacher of ecnomics called my parents and told them that if I’ll have to pass in the final...

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AN UNUSUAL CHURCH – TRUE PENANCE, PART ONE:Cycling back to my Volvo with no panties on below my short skirt was exhilarating to say the least. Like most of my close friends, I keep my pussy shaved and almost completely bare and as I rode along the hilly lanes with my mind ablaze at the thoughts of Pastor Rachel, I could feel my slit (very wet) sliding on the saddle, and particularly so going up some of the hills. The extra effort of leaning forward and half standing as I pedaled up the hills...

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My Awakening Still Grows Darker Part III

My black friend and I have met at least weekly and I was quite comfortable taking the lead and un-zipping, pulling him out, and stroking him gently and slowly. In fact I looked forward to doing it. Watching him getting hard was a great turn on for me. Knowing he would go his way and think about our relationship and get-off again by just the thought was exciting for me. I did not have as great a need to satisfy myself as often as I used to, but I still would think about the things we did...

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Shoot it on her Prego Tummy An Adult Story

Introduction: He asked me to help his wife, while he was gone for two weeks… I had only lived in my small apartment for about two weeks. I was done unpacking and getting settled in. The last box I opened was my BBQ grill. It was small but did the job. I reached into my fridge to pull out a steak and a cold beer. I dumped some charcoal in the grill just outside my sliding glass door. I then tossed the steak on the grill. I put some tin foil on two ears of corn and a bake potato. I tossed them on...

1 year ago
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BrutalSessions Gabi Gold Blonde Girl Next Store Gabi Gold Rough Anal Fuck in Brutal Bondage

Gabi Gold is all too eager to serve under the boot of sadistic male dom. She is the kind of wanton slut that only feels complete when she is catering to his cruel whims. Gabi starts her day shackled to a Saint Andrew’s Cross with stiff leather ankle and wrist cuffs. Her natural perky breasts are completely vulnerable and exposed to the brutal smacks of a heavy leather flogger and a stiff leather riding crop. Her nipples and inner thighs are beaten mercilessly until she is gasping and...

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It Started With an Apron Episode 1

IT STARTED WITH AN APRON By Monica Graz Author's note: This is my very first story, written in the mid 70s and concluded several years later in 1983. It is developed in five episodes. Episode 1 was published in 1976 in the magazine 'Astounding TV Tales no 2' published by Empathy Press. I edited it 30 years later, mainly improving expressions etc. The basic canvas of the story remains the same. EPISODE 1 Bob Burns returned home around six this Friday...

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Jeanne Does Deer Camp

"Oh goody!" Jeanne squealed. Her husband had just announced she was invited back to deer camp this year. She had a hot flash remembering the wonderful time she'd had last time.One of the older wives that had done the camp for years had moved away and all the guys had pressured her husband to let Jeanne fill the vacant spot. He hemmed and hawed but they kept reminding him of all the years he had been to the camp and it was his turn to contribute.You sure couldn't blame the guys for asking....

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Behen Ko Lund Ka Chaska

Hello Dosto, mein nikku ek baar baar fir se apna true incident aap se share krna chahta hu. Pehele mein apni chudakkad matao, beheno, bhabhi or auntio ko mera pranaam agar who mujse kuch share krna chahte hai toh who muje mail kar skte hai Mere ht. 5 ft 11 inch hail und, 9 inch 3 inch mota or athletic body hai with smart shape and dashing personality. Toh ab mein apni story par aata hu, mein rehene wala UP ka hu par apni padai ke liye delhi mein aa gya tha 3 saal pehele or ab job krta hu.Mere...

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Savita Bhabhi8217s Servant8217s First Fuck 8211 New Comic Video

Savita Bhabhi’s stud servant, Manoj, tells her about his first sex. He describes how sexy his first girlfriend was. She wanted to lose her virginity to Manoj as she was going to get married after that. Listen to Manoj describing the village belle. Read the dialogues in English as you hear their sexy moans.   You can watch more such Savita bhabhi hot sex videos. If you want to watch the full episode, join SavitaBhabhiVideos Telegram channel. You can join by clicking the button given below....

1 year ago
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My Special Vantage PointChapter 3

Mirror, mirror, on the wall, is this reflection truly I? No, it is the image of Rose my twenty year old niece with the great pair of headlights and the deluxe model ass. What magic has been cast to take me from the security of my "dearly departed" jar on the mantle to standing naked in front of this full length mirror? I have no idea how long we will remain switched in this strange quirk of fate but I have every intention of taking full advantage of it. My deplorably dissolute former...

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My Dads Boss Part 2 True Story

(Note: I was reading over my dads boss part 1 and I realised theres a few spelling mistakes I'm sorry about that I have dyslexia and it took me a while to write this due to that so I'm sorry if there are spelling mistakes Thank You)The little (big) voice inside my head must of grew stronger cause I realised I had just kissed my dads boss.I pushed him away and head to the door trying to quickly unlock it but before I could he grabbed my arms and roughly pinned me to the wall, he smirked and...

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The Greatest Thing Youll Ever Learn

"What time is it, Jess?" He cleared his throat. He had just decided on the Egyptian Red lipstick, and glanced at the dresser mirror before answering. Every step of the process was exhilarating, but every choice - from what color lipstick to how he should toss his hair, made him a little anxious. He looked at his full mouth, the crimson dress he wore, and then at the reflection of the alarm clock across the room. "Quarter to six," he answered, looking over at her. Sarah was...

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