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The horse suddenly veered to the left, snorting and threw his head up, nearly hitting my nose. I wrestled with the reins and reluctantly he resumed our course.

‘Bloody horses. Thousands of years as man’s companion and still scared of pigs.’

Vicky laughed from the saddle of the much larger horse alongside me.

‘You really don’t like horses do you?’

‘I hate the bloody things. And, what is more, there are about four miles of pig fields before we get back to the farm. And, I have to wear this ridiculous outfit.’

‘Oh do come off it, Suzy. You look good enough to eat and it shows off your arse deliciously. Don’t you just love the raw power between your legs?’

‘Actually, no. I might if I was in control of it but Pansy and I both know I am not.’

Vicky had told me that she always called gelded horses names like that.

‘Perhaps you’d have more fun if you rode with a bung in your arse?’

I looked at her and smirked. Her cornflower eyes had that wicked smile and her blonde, short cut hair, flicked around her ears beneath her tweed cap, the one she preferred to a riding hat like the one I was wearing.

Vicky’s father, grandfather and a long line of previous ancestors had farmed, become rich and died to pass the farm and wealth on. She, the last of the line, had inherited, leased the farm and kept the magnificent farmhouse and enough land to indulge her love of bloody equines. It was my love for her that led me to be where I was at that moment.

‘You’ll be fine. Old Pansy’s a great old thing, bomb proof if you show him who's boss.’

It became almost immediately clear that Pansy was not convinced of my managerial skills as he reared, whinnying and ejected me from the saddle. I felt as though I were suspended in mid air for minutes before a searing pain in my shoulder was followed by a crack on the head and welcome oblivion.

I became aware that I was looking up at a blonde framed face with four eyes which was surrounded by pale blue. I tried to focus but couldn’t. I felt a hand pass across my forehead and stroke my hair.

‘I’ve called an ambulance. You’ll be fine, don’t worry. You banged your head.’

Of that fact I was painfully aware.

‘Does, it hurt?’

‘I think the battle of El Alamein is being replayed inside me.’

‘Don’t be melodramatic. Be brave, sweety, not long now, I can hear the siren.’

I knew now that I was lying in her lap. I could see, very blurred, the shapes of the two horses tied to a fence post, presumably the fence that had assaulted me.

‘The nursing profession’s loss was my gain.’

Vicky chuckled. ‘We had a nurse we called Henry at school. She had teeth like Pansy’s. Her sole diagnostic technique was to shove a finger up your arse.’

I half muttered that I wished she’d shoved Pansy up Vicky’s arse.

‘I’ll let that pass since you’re not at your best.’

While the paramedics where assessing me, Vicky told me that she’d have to take the horses home but that she’d come straight to the hospital as soon as she had. I understood this but felt disappointed nevertheless. She kissed me, stood and I could see her more clearly in her jodhpurs, boots and Barbour. Then I threw up in a rather spectacular manner and passed out again.

I had no idea what time it was when I next knew what was going on. Vicky was sitting on the bed at my feet reading a paper. A nurse was shoving something in my ear and a blood pressure band was tightening around my upper left arm. The other arm was screaming blue murder.

‘Ah, back with us are you?’

I took in my surroundings as the nurse continued.

‘We think you’re concussed and you’ve definitely bust your upper right arm. The doc’s sending you for a head scan to make sure it’s nothing worse, then an x ray for your arm and theatre later.’

‘My Fair Lady?’ That was Vicky from the foot of the bed.

I asked, ‘Can you do something about the pain?’

‘As soon as the doctor says it’s okay, yes.’

‘I meant the one at the end of the bed.’

Vicky guffawed in her best upper class school manner. ‘You puked all over my riding boots.’

Once in hospital you become part of a system. The trolley I was on was pushed hither and thither, I was shoved through a large metal doughnut, photographed by a jolly woman wearing a blue apron and a badge that announced her name as Verity.

‘Nasty break,’ she opined cheerfully, staring at the x ray. ‘Not to worry, right as rain in no time. Bye for now.’

Then I was wheeled to a ward where Vicky was sitting comfortably in a chair still reading her paper. She looked up and watched as I was hefted onto the bed.

She pulled her chair alongside the bed and ran her hand over my forehead.

‘My god, you’re wearing a bugger's nighty.’ She laughed, referring to the inevitable hospital backless gown. ‘I swear they only do that to humiliate you. Good job your arse wasn’t like it was a couple of weeks ago. They’d be doing me for domestic violence.’

I hadn’t thought of that.

The nurse came back accompanied by a woman in a long white coat, stethoscope traditionally wrapped about her neck.

‘Your head’s fine. The arm’s a bit of a mess and we’ll be seeing to that this afternoon. Good job you hurt yourself so early this morning or you’d have had to wait until tomorrow.’ How comforting. ‘Smashing bruise on your bum, looks like someone took a cricket bat to it.’

‘That’s what a fence post can do you for you,’ said Vicky helpfully. The doctor and nurse left.

‘While your being fixed I’ll go home, change and feed the animals then I’ll be back here before you are, so don’t worry. Want anything from home?’

‘Could you shoot Pansy please?’

I was operated on at four that afternoon. Vicky was there to greet me when they wheeled me back to my bed although I was a bit drowsy and far from good company. She promised to come in the morning to take me home.

The nurse came in as we were kissing goodbye.

‘Sorry to intrude.’

Vicky didn’t stop kissing me for a while then, when she did, she said, ‘No problem. Just saying goodnight to my Hausfrau here.’ Turning back to me. ‘Bye darling. I’ll bring some clothes for you. They cut all yours off. £100 jods cut up! Appalling waste.’

‘Well,’ I said, ‘at least there’s some good news.’ She smirked, kissed me again and left.

They let me out after two more days of ‘bed rest.’ I was not allowed to drive for a week to make sure the concussion was all gone. I felt limp and the arm hurt a lot despite the painkillers. Vicky drove me home. She’d brought me a loose dress which was easy to get on but she had ‘forgotten’ underwear.

‘I’ve filled the freezer with ready meals. I can't have you cooking with one arm and I don’t cook as you know.’ I knew that only too well. If she went near a kitchen with intent to cook, milk curdled, eggs broke and food turned toxic. I didn’t say that of course.

What I did say was, ‘Suppose they’d seen the marks on my arse.’

‘Then they’d have known more about us, wouldn’t they?’

“But would they have called the police?’

She held my hand. ‘Darling, everything we do is for my pleasure and your discipline. You’d have had to explain and there would be absolutely nothing anyone could do. It’s absolutely none of their business, is it?’

Whilst I accepted that, I was glad the cane welts on my backside had disappeared. It’s so hard to explain a relationship like ours.

She then asked me a question I had never anticipated. ‘Are you ashamed of the marks?’

‘Not a bit. I just know that other people don’t understand.’

‘Fuck ‘em is what I say.’

‘We haven’t been out for a social since you threw yourself off Pansy.’

Vicky had been taking care of me and I knew she was restless for some activity. She rode every day and we walked the dogs together of course but she was a social animal and loved going out. I was improving rapidly, had lost the plaster cast and although I still needed a sling I could cook again and do my normal duties around the house mostly.

‘The Hunt are doing Burns Night again this year, Saturday in fact. I thought I’d take you.’

Now, to be brutally honest, the local Hunt was not entirely my thing. They all loved horses for a start and thought anyone who didn’t was a heretic. They threw lavish balls and fund raising events and since they were mostly rich or aspired to be, they always wore expensive clothes and drank industrial quantities of champagne. Not that any of that was bad, it was just that they were all Vicky’s friends rather than mine. The good thing about them was that they were, as the landed rich often are, earthy and accepting of any type of sexuality.

Saturdays in January can be dull. Short, cold days and even shorter, colder nights. I suspect one of the reasons for Burns Night’s popularity is that it is an excuse to find a reason to dress up and enjoy and forget the chill and misery that is a British winter.

A long dress, dark blue with a scooped neck and a full skirt was her choice for me that Saturday evening. The taxi was due at 7.30 and I was expected to be ready by 7 so that we could have a drink together before we left. That meant me getting ready then pouring our drinks and waiting for Vicky to sort herself out. She came down to the sitting room where a fire burned in the hearth and low lights sparkled on the two glasses of bubbly that I had poured. She looked stunning. A genuine Scot’s kilt with the obligatory sporran, long socks with knife tucked in, a white frilly-fronted and cuffed shirt and a black, short jacket with brass buttons. She wore a black bow tie.

‘How do I look?’


‘Good enough to eat?’

I smiled and she lifted the front of her kilt to reveal that she, at least, followed the alleged tradition that nothing should be worn beneath it. Her eyebrow lifted and I knew what was expected of me.

Hitching up my dress as she spread her legs for me, I knelt at her feet and paid my respects to the Venusian mountain. The heavy kilt fell over me as I loved her, my tongue finding her treasure, playing around her folds and her little but growing clitoris. I sucked her then, squeezing and rolling that little nerve bundle. I could barely hear her but I didn’t need to to know that she was on the brink. She had been wet when I got to it and I knew she’d brought herself to a state of arousal before she came downstairs. She wanted a quick one and got it. I felt her excitement, her arousal, her orgasm as it rose and crested and she gave me her thick liquid. I licked her down and clean, loving her gift as I always did.

We were among the last to arrive at the party. Men and women dressed much as we were. She’d placed a tartan shawl on me, across one shoulder and pinned at my hip. With my bad arm in a light sling.

We stood at the entrance to the large hall of the Leader of the Hunt’s baronial mansion. It was scene from a film depicting Scottish life. Everyone stood, drinking a variety of drinks and a waitress, dressed like a Scot’s maid, passed through the throng of perhaps sixty people with a tray of glasses. We each accepted one.

The bagpipe screamed the welcome to the haggis when we had finished a bowl of soup. Increasingly relaxed by alcohol, the guests applauded with clapping and whoops as the blessed pudding was ceremonially brought in, carried on a huge silver platter. The Leader drew his knife and ritually stabbed it before the incantation of Burns’s famous ode; happily not its entirety.

The waitresses served the traditional meal.

Vicky sat opposite me between a man of about fifty years and a woman of about forty. To my left sat a statuesque forty-five year old woman with a cap of dark brown hair and to my right a much older man, her husband who gave the impression that this might be his last Burns Night. He looked frail and a little over exposed to the whisky.

As dinner ended he excused himself from the table and disappeared. Vicky smiled at me across the table, pushed back her chair and made her way to where the dancing had started. I watched as she selected one of the younger women and led her to join the reel that was being prepared.

The woman next to me turned to me. Her voice was a product of money and expensive education.

‘Poor old bugger. He was quite something when I married him. Never marry a much older man, darling. Oh, but then, you’re not exactly the marrying kind are you?’

‘Well, not in the traditional sense, no.’

‘Of course, I forgot we can all marry now. You’re with our lovely Victoria?’ I confirmed this. ‘Well, she’s a lucky one and no mistake. Why the sling?’

I explained about my accident and my inherent loathing of horses.

‘Like men, darling, you need to show them who's boss.’

‘That was what Vicky said, just before the bastard thing hurled me onto a fence post.’

She laughed revealing good teeth. ‘Our Victoria, well, your Victoria I suppose one should say, is a fine horsewoman. I’m Debra,’ she spelt it, ‘and he is, or perhaps by now was George. Don’t imagine he’ll be my George much longer. He can barely stand, let alone dance, bless him.’

Vicky arrived at that moment, glowing. She kissed Debra fondly and with her hand resting on my shoulder.

‘Mind if I drag my bird onto the dance floor, Debs? She needs the exercise. She’s been malingering lately.’

‘We cant have that, can we Victoria. Perhaps you’d lend her to me later? If she gets too much for you, that is?’

As we walked to the floor, I said, ‘Was she asking what I think she was asking?’

‘Probably, darling. Dear Debs once told me she had shagged the entire committee, including the women. Rumour is that she wore poor old George out within a fortnight of meeting him. Insatiable, so they say.’

‘Weren’t you on the committee?’

She grinned but gave no reply, partly because the music had started and partly because, I suspect, she liked to keep me guessing.

Scottish dancing is a sort of combat really. It all looks lovely, but with feet and arms flying one is at great risk of serious injury. It isn’t made easier with one arm in a sling. I did my best. Vicky was careful not to do me any harm and after a couple of dances she led me past the table and out of the hall into a side room, where she kissed me. She tasted of whisky, good whisky. The room was almost in darkness, the sole illumination being a log fire but I could vaguely make out heavy curtains, a couple of wide leather armchairs and a sofa.

Vicky has an amazing capacity for drink. I do not and so had been taking it easy. She unpinned the sash and used it to pull me to her. I could feel the brass buttons of her jacket and the brush of her lips. I opened my mouth to her. She released the sash and ran her hands over my breasts through the silk of my dress. She bent to lick my chin and down my neck. I slid my arm from its sling and put both arms around her neck. Her hands roamed over my back, raking the bare skin above the low backed dress. I sucked her tongue into my mouth.

‘I wondered where you two had got to.’ Debra startled me. She stood just in the doorway, holding a glass of amber liquid.

‘Just checking her medical condition,’ said Vicky with a smile.

‘Yes, I saw. Seems perfectly fine to me, darling.’ She walked to us and stood behind me, talking to Vicky. ‘Did you fuck her before you came tonight?’

I felt Debra’s hand on my arse and went to move but Vicky held me tightly.

She said, ‘We don’t all shag and tell, Debs, darling.’

‘Well, I call that plain rude. Did she fuck you, Susan?’


Her hand caressed my arse and I felt distinctly uncomfortable. ‘George didn’t fuck me either. But then, George isn’t any use in that department anymore.’ The hand traced the crack of my arse.

‘Well, you’ve probably exhausted the poor old fart,’ said Vicky.

‘Doubtless. Now, are you going to lend me this little joy toy or am I going to have to go and find someone else to give Lady Debra her just desserts?’

‘Not tonight, Debs. I’m going to take her home now. I think we both need a little together time.’

‘Cant say I blame you but then, you cant blame me for asking either.’ She patted my arse. ‘Give her a good seeing to and remember, Lady Debra is always willing to babysit or puppy walk if you need me.’ Her heels clicked on the oak floor as she left.

I think it was then that I breathed again.

‘Don’t forget, sweety, that if I decide to lend you to her, then I will. Clear?’

‘Yes, Vicky.’

‘Yes, who?’

‘Yes, Ma’am.’

‘Better. Show me your arse.’

This was familiar territory. I turned so my back was illuminated by the crackling fire and lifted my dress. She pulled my knickers down a little and her hand wandered gently over my skin.

‘Not a mark on you. Well, home I think and we’ll put that to rights. Victoria is feeling rather cruel now. Debra taught me to enjoy my cruel side. She said it keeps a woman young. Come along now, let’s get home and find something to make my evening complete.’

The fire in the hearth was dying. I added logs and helped it to reawaken. Victoria watched me as I knelt in front of the fire. I was naked but for a suspender belt and stockings. She reclined, still wearing her kilt and shirt but having lost the jacket and bow tie. I turned to face her, still on my knees.

‘Well done you. I can never get the bloody thing to start. Pour me another whisky, darling. I want you to have one too.’

I stood up and walked to the sideboard where a large decanter held her favourite whisky. I poured a large one for her, a smaller for myself. Low lights barely lit the room.

‘Debra is one of the few who understands us you know.’

I placed her glass beside her on a low table to her left hand side. I sat on the floor, resting my back against her legs and felt her hand caress the top of my head. She was often at her gentlest before she indulged her cruel side. It seemed she enjoyed the gentle intimacies before she sought out my fears and tears. She knew I was at my most nervous now because I could have no idea whether it was to be long and drawn out or quick or what. She loved my uncertainty, my fear. Victoria loved tears shed for her pleasure. She was imaginative too, finding ways to hurt that surprised but always there was the pleasure, the intense, profound pleasure that went along with it. I sipped my whisky.

‘She once told me that she’d love simply to watch me caning you. I rather like the idea.’

I turned my face to her and looked up. I could see that look in her eyes. Fear ran through me like lava.

‘Stay there.’

Victoria stood up. I watched the sway of her kilt as she walked out of the room. Hesitating at the door, she turned and looked at me and her lip curled and my bowels turned to water. I knew that look too.

‘Over the chair, sweety.’

I waited, bent over the back of the softly upholstered chair. I could see myself in a large mirror hanging over the fireplace. Why, I asked myself. But, of course, I knew the answer. Nobody would understand but I did. I didn’t hear her bare feet pad into the room but I saw her in the mirror when she came to stand behind me. She’d put on a knee length nightdress, sheer and black, her breasts clearly visible. She kissed the small of my back, licked it. Her hands ran softly over my buttocks, over my thighs and up, up over my back in a gentle caress. The firelight flickered, illuminating my face. I closed my eyes, not wanting to see myself at this moment. Shame? Damned if I know.

‘Open your eyes.’

I watched as she placed a black stocking around my neck and pulled it tight. Not so tight as to throttle me but tight enough for me to feel it there. She held the two ends between the fingers of her left hand, like she held the reins when riding. Her mouth was beside my ear.

‘Look into my eyes. I want you to see, to understand.’

The crop in her hand, her right hand, was black. It had a tongue at its end, split like a snake’s. I was all too familiar with it. I watched her as she stroked me with it.

‘I love you, darling, with all my heart.’

I knew it was true. She kissed my ear, my cheek. The first stinging blow was across my arse. I bucked and she steadied me with the hand that held the stocking. The second came fast and accurate across the same spot. Then more with a few seconds between each but each harder than the other. I looked at her and saw the gleam in her eyes. She licked the back of my neck as another blow stung the tops of my thighs.

Victoria unwound the stocking. Deliberately she lifted her nightdress and slowly stuffed the foot of the stocking into herself until she left about six inches hanging. She held the nightdress so I could see, despite the tears running from my eyes. As I watched she walked round to stand in front of me. Her hands found my nipples and caressed them as she sighed and whispered how much she loved them. Her mouth came to mine and she kissed me, lifting my chin. My mouth opened and her tongue entered me. The kiss was deep and passionate, slow and loving. She twisted my nipples between sharp finger nails until I cried out into her mouth and she swallowed my pain.

Pulling back from me she pulled the stocking slowly until it was gathered into her hand. She pushed it into my mouth, leaving its top dangling.

‘Come with me.’

Standing, feeling the burn on my arse and thighs I took her proffered hand and she led me up the stairs. The bedroom was dark but a little moonlight through the uncertained window allowed us to see the white sheets.

‘Face down, legs wide.’

I lay down as instructed, spread my legs and waited. The bed eventually dipped as she got on behind me and I felt the slippery tip of her strapon at my dark star. She pressed slowly and I tried to relax, to accept it, to welcome it. Hesitantly she held herself there, slowly, so slowly she began to increase the pressure and I felt the burn then the delicious slither as she overcame my resistance. As it delved deeper she let her body relax onto mine, nipples hard against my back, her hands holding her just enough to allow her to begin to fuck me. Her mouth was at my neck, licking, kissing and biting as she plundered me until her orgasm spewed from her and with it my own. God how I loved her.

I woke still face down, my head turned sideways on the pillow. She was on one elbow, her free hand tracing the welts I knew were there. She lowered her face.

‘Best not fall off today, darling. You don’t want the doctors asking awkward questions.’

‘Oh, please tell me you don’t want me to ride with my arm as it is?’

‘God, you’re such a wuss! Oh well, that means I’ll have to keep them topped up until you’re fully fit.’ I could hear the smile in her voice. She slapped my arse. ‘Tea for Victoria, please and then a brisk walk with the dogs. If I cant have you mounted then I think Vicky’s steel had better be installed here.’ Her finger traced my arsehole.

We showered after drinking tea side by side in bed. We had the brief ceremony of ‘’popping the plug’ as she liked to call it and then dressed for a walk in the brisk, cold but bright day, the dogs gleefully enjoying and exploring the smells of her land.

‘Can I have a cat?’

‘The sort with one tail or nine?’

‘I was thinking of the sort with four legs and one tail.’

‘Great idea, but so is the other. Both or neither.’

We stopped and stood facing each other, her hands on my shoulders. I kissed her mouth, a lingering kiss.

‘Both then. One for me, the other for you,’ I said.

‘God, I love you.’

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4 years ago
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CleanUp In Aisle One

Introduction: Some times a trip to the shops can be more interesting than it sounds… OK, here goes. Hopefully if I write this down my mind will clear up. So…erm…hi…paper… My names Jake and Ive got a strange story to tell… It all started last Thursday and it was the day I was meant to go to the shops and get some supplies. The supermarket we went to was always very good, never seemed to run out of anything. So I just popped down one morning to get the odd items, when I found myself sharing an...

2 years ago
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My First EverythingChapter 51

"CLARA!" Kate threw down her coat and started running over to Clara. I bent over and picked up her coat. By the time I straightened back up, Kate and Clara were wrapped in a tight hug together, both of them were trying to speak at the same time. I hung back, not wishing to do anything to spoil their reunion. Also, my legs felt too uncertain to be trusted to carry me any closer to her. I hadn't seen Clara in over a year. Sure, I had thought about her once or twice during that time, or more,...

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The Sun I Cant See CH 04 Part 1

"Morning, Squeaky.""Mmm..."I tried to stretch my limbs as Miles ran his fingers on my latex-covered face, but I couldn't move… ah, yes. The sleepsack. The amazing contraption hugged my body so comfortably. Did I really fall asleep in bondage? I wondered what time it was; we went to bed late last night and I slept like a baby since then."Do you want out?" Miles asked."Mmm… What time is it?" "About 9 am. Did you sleep well?""Hehe. I could get used to this, yes. Hey, is Mei awake?""Nope, I think...

3 years ago
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Thursday in our Condo

We met for dinner, my boyfriend and I. As he was telling me about his day, he mentioned that a guy he'd gone to school with had reached out and said he had moved back to the area. This guy had asked if they could have dinner. My guy was blushing as he told me this, so I teased him a little about perhaps having had a crush on this man back in the day? His nondenials were so cute! But he was quick to tell me he'd told this guy he is in a relationship.I'm a few years older than my bf. He gets...

Gay Male
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Lift To Fuck

Hi friends this is Vijay(name changed).. I am a big fan of ISS and I appreciate the work of all the writer of ISS..I am from Visakhapatnam(Andhra Pradesh) I am 22 and I just completed my graduation..I read at least 2-3 stories everyday from ISS and due to which I got so fantasized in sex and specially when the woman is an elderly one..I am here to narrate a story which happened 1 year ago when I accidently met someone which turned incidentally into sex. Every evening I go out for my guitar...

4 years ago
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Ben Nancy Ch 08

Passion in James County XV: Ben and Nancy ‘I think Mr. Morris is a hunk, don’t you?’ Trish Wilkins whispered to her friend, Dawn Dillon, as they sat in study hall during school. ‘I guess so,’ Dawn replied. She did think Mr. Dillon was good-looking, and really liked him. Hearing her friend talk about him like that made her angry, even though she wasn’t sure why. ‘I bet he’s awesome in bed,’ Trish continued. ‘He’s probably hung like a horse. Can you imagine what it would be like to have him...

2 years ago
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One Great Halloween Chapter 1

It was Halloween 2004, a night of frights and scares, along with fantasies that came true. Our friend, Janine, decided to join us for the fun that weekend. J-Nine, short for her name as we called her. Halloween is M’s favorite holiday of the year. We decorate heavily with the cemetery, the burning flames leading to the house, and both garages decorated out in full Halloween spook. Needless to say, we overdo it a bit. Bloody Mary’s on dry ice, and fog machines for effect, etc. J-Nine showed...

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Footprints In The Sea 9 and 10

Footprints In The Sea - Chapters 9 & 10 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015 Footprints in the sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X. Currently the contents would warrant a G but very soon there are sexually explicit love scenes which would warrant an X. So to protect those people who would find this unacceptable I have rated it X...

4 years ago
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Night With Friends

"Hello?" I heard the familiar voice of my best friend come to me over the phone lines, and I smiled as I addressed her. "Hey, what's going on?" "Oh hi, Jess, not much, just sitting around." "Oh yeah? You doing anything tonight?" "No." "Do you wanna do something tonight?" "Bitch, what do you think?" We both laughed. "Meeting that guy, you know, I've showed you his pic. He's in town." Bri'Anda's voice went from her normal, I'm-just-sitting-here-and-really-hating-it...

4 years ago
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My First Sex

Dear friends , I would like to share with u my first Sex experience.I am not sure how horny or erotic this makes u after reading .this is real so I haven’t added any masala. Moreover, I am better with mouth than with hands. I am at present 23 and still running. I lost my virginity 3 yrs back, when I went to college. There I met this girl Asha, she was not that much type of a beauty queen but when compared to other girls in my class she is indeed. Also i am oly fond of plump girls but she was...

1 year ago
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My girlfirends mother part 3

In parts 1 and 2 I let you all in on my past as a teenager in Salt Lake City and how I had sex with my girlfriend's mother while we were alone. Also, how it turned out I discovered that my girlfriend's parents were closet swingers and had been having sex with the lady next door. The weekend that I house sat while they were at their cabin I discovered all of this and then amazingly I ended up having sex with the neighbor lady. She also let me in on how enormous my girlfriend's father's dick was...

1 year ago
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My Stepdad Gene

My name is Drucilla, but my friends call me Dru, and my really close friends call me D. I met my step-dad when I was three years old. I was a little brat and Gene performed behavior extinguishment on me. He swatted my little butt once. It was hard enough that I never wanted to be spanked again. I made sure Gene never saw me do anything bad. Growing up I kept a low profile. My sister’s name was Antoinette, but we always called her Toni. She was supposed to be the smart sister. Gene talked to...

2 years ago
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The Department of Magical Violations

The Department of Magical Violations Caterpillar Girl Kevin dreamed of the woman he had been with the night before. Her fiery red hair caught his eye. It attracted him in an odd way. He had never been attracted to a redhead before. As they had sex, she stared into his eyes with a cool confidence that he had never encountered. As he climaxed, he saw a sly smile come across her face. As the morning sunshine entered the room, Kevin turned over in his bed. He opened his eyes and saw...

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Part 2

Anyway where was I ah yes I was on all fours on the bed a finger inside my wet pussy then another slid in, then as he circled and made my arse ole wet with my juices he slipped one in my arse obviously a nice feeling I could feel my body rocking with his movements then it happened I suddenly stopped moving I was supposedly a little embarrassed not realising what just happened until he said god u just squirted everywhere first time for everything I suppose he got so turned on by this he turned...

3 years ago
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Bag of tricks

CHAPTER ONE: The sensual erotic love story continues "Hello Fugs," said Mr Noodle Cock, as I gently pushed and pulled his pee hole to make him talk, "I am not in a very good mood today, in fact I am so angry I am at the point where I could explode!" "Oh, what's the matter babe?" "Shit Fugs, they are after me. I need to find some place to hide, somewhere dark," Mr Noodle Cock – a.k.a Noodles, a.k.a Instant Noodles - said as a little bit of spittle came dribbling out of his mouth. "I know...

2 years ago
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Wife as a Bet

I have been married to Kanchan for gone 10 years, 3 years after she started working as my secretary. It would be impossible to rule out that I hired her for her willingness to please and her fine athletic figure, therefore it didn't take long before I began to find out exactly how willing she really was.I manage a law firm in Mumbai, quite a large place with my own office and Kanchan's desk just outside. She always wears sexy sarees for me to spice up our ‘private meetings', not to mention her...

2 years ago
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My first Bi sex

If you've paid attention to my profile, you've seen a lot of man-on-man, crossdresser and 'pegging' videos as well as my own videos playing with a dildo and anal beads along with all the 'normal' straight sex stuff. I'm bisexual and I'm a 'bottom' (I'm going to assume that you know what that means). I'm 45 and have known I was bi for about 30 years. I remember what got me started playing with my own ass. An uncle used to let me watch (REALLY showing my age here) 8mm movies. Yes....old film...

4 years ago
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Birthday cuckold confirmation

So back in October i became an official cuckold! So once my girlfriend Sophie realised i was truly comfortable and aroused by her sleeping with other men (see previous post) she started cruising the swinging websites looking for guys to meet. We had fun going through the profiles together and chatting to and swapping pics with other guys. She eventually found Toms profile and began chatting with him. Tom was a well groomed young professional aged 25, he was 5'9 clean shaved and handsome in a...

1 year ago
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A Pirate Quest Chapter 2 Charting A course

Over the next few weeks, Sabina locked herself in her study. Sometimes she had Pippa run errands for her but mostly spent her time alone. She looked over every scrap of paper many times. She made calculation after calculation, she was making sure all the information in the documents were exact.At times, Sabina would not leave the study all day and would not let anyone inside. The only one who was allowed was James, her butler. James walked in and out of the office fetching and delivering things...

3 years ago
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Boy Toy Confessions

Being a boy toy to a sophisticated mature lady is the fantasy of many young guys. But after living this lifestyle for quite a while the reality of it is starkly different. Being on a beck and call of a hot cougar/sugar momma is a hell of a lot of fun but there are a lot of drawbacks and things you're just gonna have to deal with. So let's get started. 1. She's the boss. This really is the number one thing in these sort of relationships. She's gonna dress you the way she likes it, tell you her...

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The wrong bed in the wrong room

One of the old friends of my sweet wife was coming to stay with us for a few days. Diana was a sensual and beautiful woman.I often I had fantasized of her; even when I was in bed with Ana.I reminded my wife that the guest bedroom floor creaked real badly.Then Anita told me we could offer Diana our bedroom as we would stay at the guest’s.Two days later I got home and got a message from Anita; she was going to pick up her girlfriend from the airport.I hugged and kissed Diana when both girls came...

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the k**s were gone 4 a week and my wife was out doing stuff so i figured i had time 2 get my freak on it had been awhile so i got my shemale dvd out and put it in the bedroom tv and let it start as i went through my wifes dresser and found a pair ofblack lacy cheeky pantys that came half way up my ass cheeks and was tight up my ass crack like a thong and my cock and balls squeezed in where the would fit.i set the mirror at end of bed and climed on the bed knees up legs open and started watching...

2 years ago
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My first climax

My mother passed away when I was a p*****n. My dad, in a fit of misguided sincerity, determined that my brother and I, “…needed a mom!” Therefore, a year later he married the worst possible choice: this woman had already been married at least twice (maybe 3 times?) before Dad showed up and was widely considered to be the poster c***d for White Trailer Trash. Nice lady though. She had a daughter who was about a year older than I was, tall, slim, with a nice rack for her age but a little...

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Noahs Whore Part 1

Standing outside the office door, Nancy was looking at the name plate by the entry. It read, “Noah Brady, Director of Marketing.”She took a deep breath and whispered, “Go for it, girl. Your time has come.”Stepping into the doorway, Nancy saw her long-time friend, sitting at his desk reading what appeared to be a trade magazine. Tapping lightly on the door frame she spoke, “Excuse me, Noah. Can you spare me a minute?”Closing the magazine as if he’d been caught doing something naughty; her...

4 years ago
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How I fucked my guy friends while our girlfriends

One night my friend called and invited me and my girlfriend over to his parents house for a get together. Everybody had fun we all drank a it was a good time but by the end of the night we were drunk so me and my girlfriend asked if we could spend the night. Of course my friend said yes, that's the logical thing to do. My girlfriend and I cuddled up on the floor to go to sleep. In the middle of the night I had woken up and apparently me and my girlfriend had been bumping our bodies together or...

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Bi MMF BBC wife w Shower

It all begins with a look from my sexy beautiful wife Madison as she leans into kiss me passionately. As the kiss comes to an end, she moves her lips to my ear and whispers... "Happy Birthday my baby, Tell me you deepest most secret fantasy honey and tonight for your birthday I will fulfill it for you." (at this point Madison poured her self and Tim a glass of wine) My heart begins to beat rapidly and my cock begins to swell. I look at her and say, "I don't want to tell you what it...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Sophia Burns Offers Up Her Virgin Ass

Brunette beauty Sophia Burns has been a good girl…until now. Although she’s never had sex in her parents’ home, it only takes a little persusasion from Robby Echo to get her sucking his cock in blowjob up in her bedroom. After riding his rock hard rod cowgirl, she gets even naughtier and lets him take her virgin ass for the first time. The horny nymphette is loving anal so much that it’s just ass fucking from there on out. This is one hardcore premium Penthouse porn you...

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Birthday Surprise

What a lousy way to spend your 50th birthday, I thought to myself as I pulled up in the driveway. My wife the law partner was out of town on some trial and there was no knowing when she'd get back. My high school age son was out of the country as an exchange student. It was the middle of the week, so there wouldn't be any celebration until the weekend. I'm a photographer. I like to consider myself a nature photographer, but like anyone who wants to be an artist, I spend most of my time in...

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Introduction: When I was fourteen, my life was a mixed bag. I experienced love, but I was not happy. Read on, and youll see why . . . SEX AND TRAGEDY: My Story: Part 1 The account that youre about to read is a true story that Ive put together for a friend. I have tried seeing things from a female perspective, and hope that it comes across well. Names, quite naturally have been changed. This is dedicated to my friend Kinkybitch1 Hi. My names Tina and this is my story. It contains sex, love,...

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Following DoryChapter 20 Peace Order and Good Governance

It took two months before the insurance company cleared the way for our payment for losses due to the fire. Randolph Bentley had been arrested the next day on suspicion of arson, and there was enough evidence that he was the culprit in the opinion of the local Crown Prosecutor. He was held without bail since he was already up on charges for impaired driving and uttering threats. He was considered both a flight risk and a risk to re-offend. It would be some time before he would see the light...

3 years ago
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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 26 Erin Comes Home

August – Year 1 When Lynn and I got home we had dinner and watched TV for a bit. We were naked and cuddling and while it felt right, it didn’t. “Honey, I need to tell you something.” “Oh shit! I’m gonna die.” “Paul! You are not going to die.” “Well in those silly cheater stories I used to read online, the woman always starts off the confession with that sentence.” “That is because of poor and uninspired writing techniques. Plus, you know that I would never cheat on you....

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The Devils Pact SideStory The Naked Jogging Club

Introduction: Mark founds the Naked Jogging Club to make jogging fun. And he has a lot of fun. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 The Devils Pact Side Story: Jogging Club Day One, Monday, June 10, 2013: Anastasia Notes: Takes place during Chapter 10. It was six AM when I slipped out of the house for my morning jog, alone. My husband was still asleep, snoring like a lumberjack sawing wood. I wish Stan would join me, I would bug him to go jogging, to stay in shape, and he would,...

1 year ago
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AssParade Blanche Bradburry Paola Hard Double Anal Surprise

Paola and Blanche are enjoying themselves today. The two sexy ladies worship each others bodies by rubbing oil on each other, kissing, and making themselves moan. As hot as the girl on girl action can be, they both need something bigger, and a little more….dick-ish. They get an amazing idea to call up Freddy Gong, they know he’s got a huge dick just waiting to be played with. He rushes over to their house after the phone call and they don’t wait a second before taking out his...

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Amandas life as a slave 1

I wonder what its gonna be that Daddy bought me? Better be a fucking car! She thought, while checking a purple bra in a store. Excuse me! Excuse me! She yelled to the clerk and the clerk quickly ran to her. Until what size these go up to? She asked. Just a minute mam, I will go and check… and what would it be your s….. 70EE She replied quickly, without even a flinch of smile on her face. I don’t have to smile on a fucking bra store clerk, my daddy could buy this place, she thought. The...

4 years ago
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My Friend8217s Wife Rhea 8211 Woman Of My Lust 8211 Part 1

Hi Guys and Girls – Ladies and Gentleman – all readers of ISS, I am Yash and I am here to narrate my fantasy sex story where I seduce and fuck my friend’s wife Rhea. Let me first tell you something about myself. I am Yash, 31 years old, married to a loving wife with one kid. I have had a high sex drive since teenage – that was when I started masturbating. However, it was not until my marriage at the age of 27 that I fucked a woman for the first time. Yes, my wife is the first and only woman I...

1 year ago
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Burying the PastChapter 2

“What are you planning?” Whitaker asked as they got back in the car and headed home. “I need to find a way into the investigation.” “Yeah, I get that,” she said. “How? You know Joe isn’t a fan of yours. Neither are a lot of the other top brass. They don’t like your methods, and they all think you’re a loose cannon. There is no way in hell they’ll let you take part of an active investigation.” “The rank and file guys I know like me,” Taylor said defensively. “Yeah, cause you get results....

3 years ago
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Grannies Gumption

Jenny sat by herself after the birthday party closed down. She’d poured herself several fingers of bourbon on the rocks. She’d been alive 60 years and was reflecting on where she’d gotten to. It had been mostly good with a pretty ordinary childhood and public school education where she met Roscoe, her husband of over 40 years. The classic boy and girl offspring were now out on their own and producing grandchildren. She’d had miscellaneous jobs, none of them highly skilled, over the years. Her...

2 years ago
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Family GroupingsChapter 23

"Mom, how come the boys haven't called, with their test results? They're supposed to pick us up, in a little while. You got your answer, this morning." "Julie's right Mom. Personally, I think Dave, and Dan, are virgins." "Relax, girls. I had my test on Wednesday, early in the morning. The soonest Mike, and the boys, could have done it, was Thursday morning. Two days, for the results to come back, like mine, means theirs will be back tomorrow. If I gauge Mike's mood correctly, he...

1 year ago
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Hotel Chapter Three

I kicked off my shoes, and slumped into the armchair with a sigh. It felt so good to be home, it was Friday, and I was looking forward to a long work free weekend, which was something I hadn’t had in quite a while. Leaning back I took a long swallow from a chilled glass of wine and thought about the kids. Susi had moved out about a month back, got herself a decent job in the city by all accounts, and Matt was away on a last minute jaunt he’d booked for himself and his new girlfriend. I gave a...

2 years ago
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Seven Years Since The Motel

This is an edited version of the original chapter. I made quite a few minor alterations to the text, but resisted making major changes. As a result, the chapter is still rather wordy in places. I should also warn you that there is a long build up over the story (hey, it’s romance), so no sex in this installment. ——————– Alessandro drummed his fingers on the arm of his chair as he glanced around. Flat panel TVs, leather armchairs, and oversized, modern light fixtures dominated the room....

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What happens at Dukes stays at Dukes

Helen was a fifty-year-old woman with lots of insecurities. She divorced her husband after their two daughters left home to go to college. Her ex-husband never complimented her, so she never believed she was even attractive. She was working for a company designing websites. She loved her job; she loved to use her creativity and see the satisfaction in the eyes of her clients when they see the product up and running. She preferred to be assigned to women clients because she could better...

Straight Sex
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Kinky Stepmother

I threw caution to the wind and jumped head first into my new role as housewife and stepmother with open arms. The only problem was that not everyone else's arms were open.My first official morning as a member of the Norton household began at the breakfast table. I woke at daybreak to make a huge feast for my new husband and my growing boys: eggs, hash browns, bacon, sausage, pancakes, real maple syrup, waffles, fresh strawberries, whipped cream and fresh-squeezed orange juice. I didn't even...

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The Den

There I was, in a shower, with a man I had just met minutes before, touching his veiny thick cock. It was growing in my hands and hardening. I stared down at it slowly, gently, pulling on it. It seemed to get bigger the longer I stared at it. The man was fondling my balls and trying to get me aroused but my tiny cock was intimidated by his large meat stick. "You can suck it now." The man said calmly. I got on my knees. I opened my mouth wide and wrapped my lips around it....Just days...

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