Omnia Vincit AmorChapter 19 free porn video

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When John arrived at the Benedict Joseph Hostel and Day Centre for the homeless on Saturday morning, Christmas Eve, he was prepared to follow his usual routine, serving lunches and clearing, while the full time staff got on with Christmas preparations for the next day, but he was met at the door by Brother Lawrence, the Franciscan prior and manager of the place.

“John! We’ve got big problems. I have four of the friars with ‘flu, Barry got ‘flu on Thursday, and now Derek and Vivienne have gone down with it as well, and you know how vital they are on Christmas Day. That’s half the staff, and the friars who would make up numbers are too ill. I don’t know what to do!”

“Brother,” said John with a knowing smile, “what you’re asking is whether I can come in tomorrow as well as today.”


“As it happens, all my children and their other halves and families have gone to Cumbria for the week. I was going to join them after I finished tonight. They’ll manage perfectly well without me. Of course I’ll come tomorrow.”

“Oh, thank you, John! We’ll still be very short staffed, but there are one or two of the homeless lads’ll give a hand serving the food.”

“I’ll just give James a call to tell him not to expect me, then we’d better get on,” said John, getting out his phone as he walked to the kitchen.

“I’m sorry James,” he said, getting to the point as soon as his son answered. “I won’t he able to get to you today or tomorrow. The hostel is badly understaffed because of illness, ‘flu. to be exact, and I’m needed for the Christmas Lunch. You’ll get along fine without me.”

“Really, Dad?” James replied, disappointment evident in his voice. “Surely they–”

“James they’ve three staff and half the prioiry off sick with ‘flu. and they don’t have everyone there tomorrow in any case. There’ll be chaos if I don’t stay.”

James’s sigh came over loud and clear. “OK, Dad. I’ll let them know. We’ll be thinking of you.”

“And I’ll be thinking of you all. I’d get to you on Monday, but it hardly seems worth it. Perhaps we can get together here for New Year.”

“Happy Christmas Dad, but try to get up here for Boxing Day – we’ll miss you.”

As expected, preparing everything in the kitchen and decorating the dining room took even longer than usual, and it was nearly midnight by the time John left the Hostel, and half past twelve by the time he arrived home.

He negotiated his way round a car parked in front of his house and parked his own on his drive. Christmas Eve and Day always saw his road heavily parked with visitors. None for me this year, he thought as he let himself into the dark house. At least it was warm as he’d left the central heating on low all day.

He’d just entered the kitchen to make some cocoa to take to bed, when the front doorbell rang. Visitor to the wrong house, he thought as he made his way to the door.

He opened it. “Hello... Claire?“

“Hello, John, you’re very late back.”

“Er, yes. We’re very short staffed at the Hostel, but how come... ?” Then he remembered his manners. “Stupid me! Come in, love, come in! I was just going to make some hot Chocolate. You’ll have some? You’re lucky to find anyone at home, I should be–”

“At Grange,” she completed the sentence, and waited with a smile.

John was now operating on automatic pilot, which meant that his natural hospitality drove what he said and did, while his mind tried to catch up with this completely unexpected development. Thus her comment that she knew he should be at Grange passed him by. Instead, he made hot chocolate for two.

Claire was, in spite of herself and her knowledge of John, amazed. She arrived at twelve thirty five on Christmas Day morning, and beyond a moment or two of confusion, he was making her Drinking Chocolate, which as both of them knew from previous experience there, was a bed-time drink. He was the same relaxed man who had received her into this house on every previous occasion. Nothing seems to phase him, she thought.

“So I assume your flight has just arrived and you’re on your way to stay with Ellen and Simon?” John asked her.

“No John, I heard that you’ve got staffing problems at the hostel over Christmas, and wondered if I could help.” She still had that almost playful grin on her face, and John wondered why she was so amused.

“I don’t follow,” John said as he poured the milk into the mugs and stirred.

“Now John, where would I have heard about your staffing problems? Eh?” she said with an even wider grin. John now had the mugs ready.

“Let’s go and sit in the living room,” he suggested, carrying the two mugs and preceding her there. He put her mug down on the coffee table in front of the sofa, placing his own next to it in an invitation to sit by him there.

He knew now that she was having fun at his expense, which she was. He did not mind and tried to work out why she was there with him. He thought he knew.

On her part, her playfulness masked a deep fear of what he would say to her when he regained his wits, though she had no choice but to wait until he asked some uncomfortable questions.

Instead: “Happy Christmas!” he said with a smile. “It’s turned into Christmas Day already. Now let me try to catch up. Our families have been plotting again. I should have known when both my daughters were asking if I’d been in touch with you recently, and then planned a Christmas at Grange of all places, to relieve Clare of stress.

“You heard about my hostel problems while you were up there, I presume with your own family. Mine told you that I wouldn’t be arriving at all, and why, and you’ve come hot-foot to help out. Am I right?”

“Spot on, John,” she said admiringly. “My family told me I was looking ill and needed pampering at Grange. They know how I love that place and would jump at the chance to go. Of course they said nothing about your family being there as well.”

“So they conspired for everyone to be there at the same time,” John said with a knowing smile. “I wonder why?”

“I think we both know why, don’t we, John?”

“Oh yes. And you’ve played right into their hands, my darling, haven’t you? I couldn’t get there at all without letting all the folk at the hostel down, so the two families’ plan to get us together was falling apart. But you jumped into your car and drove all this way because you knew the hostel and wanted to help. So now we’re together which is exactly what they wanted.”

“John, we need to talk.”

“Yes indeed we do, but not tonight sweetheart. Early Mass tomorrow and then straight to the Hostel. It’s late. If we can still stand up tomorrow night, we can catch up then. I take it you’ll be staying here with me?”

“If you don’t mind, John,” she replied.

“No, why should I mind?” he said. “The bed’s made up in the guest bedroom,” he said, as he rose.

Claire stood with him and then went to get her bag from her car.

“I’ll get off to bed then,” she said, as they met in the hallway at the foot of the stairs.

“OK,” he said with a smile. “I’ll lock up. Do you want waking? Mass at eight.”

“No. My phone has an alarm.”

They stood facing each other not knowing what to do, so John took a step forward held her arms and kissed her cheek. “Good night, God Bless,” he said, releasing her.

“Good night John, and thank you.”

“What for? You’ve come to help us over our problem. See you in the morning, or rather later this morning!”

They laughed and Claire made her way up the stairs, while John did the rounds of the house and put out the lights.

A little later, two middle-aged people lay abed in the same house but in different bedrooms, and prepared for sleep.

Claire had never felt so exhausted. She had risen very early, taken a flight to Manchester Airport from Schiphol, been driven up to Cumbria, driven herself from Cumbria back to the Manchester suburbs, all the while feeling stressed at her possible cool reception by John, then been welcomed warmly. She had time to think that she felt so much at home there in his house as she always had, before she fell deeply asleep.

John had worked all day at the Hostel until very late, and knew he was delighted to have Claire under his roof again. This time she was not in some sort of crisis herself, but had instead come to help with his problem. He still wondered if she would have come had there been no crisis of any sort, but like his guest, fell asleep before resolving the matter.

Meanwhile there was consternation at the Grange House.

“We can’t find mother!” shouted Elizabeth, “she’s not in the house!”

“The car’s gone!” cried Mary. “I think she’s gone back home. She was totally angry about what we’d done.”

Catherine came down the stairs. “What’s the matter?”

“Claire’s gone,” Ellen said, “and we don’t know where.”

“Some last minute shopping in Grange?” asked Clare Junior forgetting it was Christmas Eve and all the shops would be long since closed.

“I’ve got a text,” John said as he emerged from the living room. “She says she’s gone to help with the homeless hostel.”

“Dad’s Hostel?” Catherine asked. John nodded.

“Oh hell!” groaned Philip. “She’s too tired to drive all that way! She’s been up since five.”

“I’ll text her and ask her to let us know when she gets there,” Mary said, suiting the action to the words.

Everyone except the young children stayed up until Mary got a reply just before midnight.

“‘I’m outside John’s house, who hasn’t got back from the Hostel yet’.” Mary read to them. “So she’s got there safely. Oh, John’s just arrived. Mum says ‘Happy Christmas!’”

The party celebrated with a drink or two before retiring.

“It’s a bit of a downer that Mum and John won’t be here in the morning for presents and Christmas Dinner,” said John as they all climbed the stairs.

“Yes,” said Elizabeth to Catherine, “Not quite what we planned, eh? But they are together – and alone!” The group giggled and went off to bed.

Far earlier than she would have liked, Claire was awoken by a hand gently shaking her shoulder through the duvet.

“Claire, it’s seven o’clock. Here’s some tea,” and he was gone. She opened her eyes with a groan to find the bedside light on and a steaming mug of tea beside it. By the time she had finished the tea, she was awake enough to switch off the alarm, get out of bed and get ready for the day.

From then on, for both John and Claire, there was no let up. They celebrated early Mass at eight, then on to the Hostel where they were fully occupied until late afternoon, grabbing bacon butties for breakfast, and a late turkey lunch after the homeless had been fed.

Claire had made herself available and filled in any job that needed doing ‘now’, chatting with the diners whenever an opportunity arose, to John’s great admiration. John was cooking during the morning and waiting on during the meal. Both of them helped with washing up and setting up the dining room for a cold evening meal should any wanderers arrive later in the day, then cleaning down the kitchen.

“John, do you do that every Christmas Day?” Claire asked as he drove them home at nine thirty.

“No, I help with the preparation on Christmas Eve. There are usually enough volunteers to form a shift system on the day, so I’m not needed. We’ve never had so many ill with ‘flu. before. Claire you were marvellous: every time there was something needed doing you were there.”

“I feel great! It’s great to be really useful, but I’m shattered now.”

“You and me both!” They laughed.

Once inside, John ushered Claire into the living room, “Sit down and rest,” he told her. “I’ll sort something out.”

He put the oven on and put half a dozen mince pies in to heat, pouring some nuts and chocolates into bowls. Then he returned to the living room with plates, to find Claire fast asleep on the sofa. He took out glasses from the cabinet, a bottle of port and a few selected malt whiskies. He left her to sleep a little longer while he went back to the kitchen to serve up the pies and nuts, bringing them into the living room with a jug of water for the whisky, and putting them on the long coffee table.

His movements woke Claire, who looked embarrassed until John’s gentle smile relaxed her.

“Oh, John! Your homemade mince pies!”

“Port or whisky?” he asked.

“Oh, definitely port!” she said enthusiastically.

John put a CD of Christmas carols into the player, and sat with her while they ate the food and sipped the drink while the carols played.

“This is just perfect, John,” she said, feeling totally relaxed.

John said nothing but merely smiled at her. And she continued in a reflective mood.

“When I discovered how our families had plotted ... I was so angry! I hated being manipulated like that.”

“Or hated the idea of having to spend Christmas pushed together with me?” he asked with a grin.

“Yes ... No...” she stammered. “It’s not like that. It’s just,,, “

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Halloween party

I love Halloween. My family have always had fun with Halloween since I was a k**.I have recently returned home to my parents after being away at college the last four years. My parents have lived without k**s for the last two years so it has been a transition for them to have me back in the house. My parents have had a great Halloween party for years. People go all out and dress up in costumes. There are so many people that dress up in total disguise so you don't know who is in that costume.So...

2 years ago
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More Than A Band The End

This was it. Cliff, the keyboardist/lead singer of our band, the dangerously serious bad boy type, was going to make me, Keith AKA Sir Clumsy, his. My heart has always been owned by Cliff, even if he didn’t know. There’s just this aura of protection and safety that he exhibited, that I was attracted to from the very start. The band consisted of Cliff and his half brother, the cheerful and gaint of a man, John, and Kyle the cutie who curses his child like features. I wasn’t exactly an eyesore,...

3 years ago
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PennyChapter 11

Towards the end of June Peter and Penny received warning of Boulter’s trial at the Crown Court in Dorchester on 15th July. It stated that if his Defence notified the court in advance that he would be pleading Guilty they would not be required to give evidence. In the event of a Not Guilty plea they would and would not be allowed to sit together. Peter and Caroline had gone to work when the post arrived. Penny opened and read hers. She was horrified. She would be on her own again and not have...

1 year ago
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Entangled Chapter I Educating Rapunzel

She paced the floor restlessly, the flagstones under her bare feet worn smooth from a lifetime of relentless steps, her dark silhouette flitting through the dimly lit chamber, mimicking her every move, clinging to the walls and melting into the shadowed corners like some menacing stalker with an agenda all its own. I watched her spin, her eyes filled with suspicion, trying to catch it off guard, pleased by the distraction; she knew she was being watched, but not by whom. Adjusting my focus, I...

3 years ago
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CommunityChapter 41

Cindy's Turn: I finished, well, actually WE finished a Skype session with Kara. This time it was me and Nikki and Kara. I turned to Nikki. "She's a sister, you know. Should be part of the Community," Nikki said. I'm glad Nikki said it first. I don't want everybody to think I'm running this show. I'm certainly not malicious or anything, but everybody contributes in this effort. "How do we make it happen?" I asked. "She's music, not engineering." "We had Mizz Patel handling...

2 years ago
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Bobs Great AdventureChapter 84

I finally would be sleeping in my own bed, after being away for over a week. I sure missed it, not just because of the women in it, but the bed was so comfortable to sleep in. Of course I had a nice welcome from my new wife to take care of first, but then sleep. My first nine wives pretty much wore me out yesterday, so I should have no problem satisfying just one new wife tonight. I showered with Barbara, Marlit, and Melody, as the others would shower after us. We played a little with me...

4 years ago
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The Bathroom Mirror

The next night, after staring at her ass all day again, I was out in the living room of the apartment and she went for a shower. I have no idea why she didnt notice the full lenghth mirror hanging across from the bathroom doorway. And the way the apartment was set up, if you sat on the end of the couch, you could look right at that mirror and see in the bathroom, which luckily did not have a door on it from it needing repaired. I knew It was wrong, but I just couldnt help myself. There she...

3 years ago
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My Hot Cousins In Bangalore 8211 Part 1 First Pussy Licking

The story is about me and my cousins. We have had some heavy encounters among ourselves. And when everyone got to know, we began sharing our stories. I have changed all our names for the sake of privacy. Hi guys, I am Mayur. I am a 23-year-old engineer based out of Hyderabad. I am a single child to my mom. To give a brief of my cousins, I have two uncles. Both my uncles have 2 kids each. My eldest uncle is the father of a boy Sameer and a girl, Siri. My other uncle is the father of Nidhi and...

4 years ago
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Padosan Ki Chudai Ussi K Ghar Par

Hi dosto mera name luv hai.. From saharanpur u.P me ak compani me job kerta hun.. Agr aapko khani psnd aaye to plz muze email krna or I can full-fill any girl requirement Main yeha 1 year se reh reha hun.. Main mnc company me juniyer engeenir hun.. Main ak kiraye ke room me rehta hun , main akela rehta hun.. Mughe akela rehna pasund hai , mai apne bare me beta dun , main 20 year ka na gora na kala sawre rung ka hun.. Main jis bulding mrehta hun usi ke samne wali ak bulding me ak family rehta...

1 year ago
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Sallys Black Bang

My 48 year old wife Sally loves cocks. She's quite happy with mine most of the time but now and then she wants to feel a different sized cock in her pussy. I think she also likes the way she can attract and control men by offering her body to them. Sally discovered her passion for cock when she was in her late 30s. She had just gotten divorced from her husband of 18 years. He had left her for another woman and she was just not sure whether she would still be attractive to men. Her first date...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Halloween Treat

Allie, Kate and Daniel were getting ready for the Halloween party. Kate and Daniel were dressing as Hansel and Gretel. Allie put on her plaid skirt, white button up blouse, and pulled on her long white knee socks. As they walked out Allie slipped on some penny loafers she had picked up from Goodwill. While driving to the party, Allie sat in the back seat. She felt like the spare tire of the group. Although her and Kate secretly had a thing going, Kate had made it clear that she was in love...

4 years ago
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Me being sissy

Let me start at the beginning .. I have always known I was bi having been married bit enjoying the taste and feel of solid cock. I first started wearing panties stockings a few years ago and soon began to love the feel and look of being dressed sexy. It was about 3 months ago I was on grndr and started chatting with a guy called David he was 57 I am 46 slim tonned he much bigger than me... after a while of chatting and flirting swapping pics I asked if he likes guys in panties stockings his...

2 years ago
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Mrs Smith avery hot wife

I found Mr and Mrs Smith's (their name has been changed for this story) profile on here website, and I was instantly hooked. Mrs Smith was 42 with a body to die for, long legs, sexy little ass, small perked boobs and blond hair. She was also stunning and looked much younger than her age. I initially message both her and Mr Smith to see if they were interested in a 3sum, making her the centre of attention. A day later, I had a reply, it was Mr Smith asking if I wanted to fulfil my fantasy that I...

2 years ago
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A Sailors Tale Chapter Four

Chapter 4   I read Sally’s note, I couldn’t understand why she was so desperate to get the coat before picking me up on the docks less than 10 hours away.   A sigh streamed from my lungs as I tried to figure out what I could do to make it happen.   A thought occurred to me that Sally had just done something she hadn’t up to then…another person that she seemed to know, a name and a phone number.   Clicking off the message I dialed the number…they could still be open at the...

2 years ago
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The Sybil

This story was inspired by a message from…”a little star”…and a thought I had about the sensuality of the act of writing, and that lead to comparing it with cybersex in a chat room….. I hope you like it. ————————————————————————– John loved his garden, and spent a lot of time working on it, especially so since his wife had died. He felt that this had been very unfair, as he had taken an early retirement in order to try to spend their later years together. This was not to be as she had gone...

2 years ago
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Love and Poverty on Distant Worlds Ch 02

Author’s Note 1: I apologize to any of my ‘fans’ (if they exist) for the length of time between stories. I has been little under a year. I swear, I had a good excuse, but it was eaten by my dog. Author’s Note 2: Italicized dialogue represents the Niyannese language. * BALANCE: 12 kilocredits One foot ahead of the other. For John, it had ceased feeling like walking. Instead, it was like he was treading tablecloth, the city pulling ever closer like a teetering tower of dishes, but always...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 45 Decisions

January 12, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “Hi, Sweetheart,” I said when she answered the phone on Sunday morning. “I’m sorry I had to head home so quickly after the announcement. And I’m sorry to take you by surprise that way.” “A normal person wouldn’t have the kind of physical reaction I did.” “You are NOT a normal person!” Bethany said with a laugh. “That isn’t exactly a revelation!” I laughed. “I totally understand why you wanted it to be a surprise. I wasn’t upset. Jessica’s decision...

2 years ago
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First Meeting

I couldn't believe that we were actually going to meet in person. We had chatted on line quite a bit. We had some very erotic chatting sessions. We have shared fantasies and secrets with each other that we dare not tell our spouses.It was a stroke of chance that brought us together. We both had out of town business trips in the same city. Mine was for an uncooperative subcontractor, hers was for a sales meeting. Needless to say it seemed like destiny.I was scanning the denizens of the lounge...

First Time
2 years ago
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Sex In Massage Parlour

Hi This is another story of mine, For a big salary hike, I relocated from Bangalore in 2012. You know how it will be the initial days in a new location, that too in a big city like Bangalore. It is not easy to adjust to the new climate, work environment, and finding new friends will take some time. In the beginning, I didn’t have many contacts in office. Though I had few friends in Bangalore they were staying far away from my office. So I decided to take a pg close to Jayanagar area and started...

3 years ago
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Journey With Aunt Ends Up In Bed

Hi ISS reader . This is Sameer age of 22 from Kathmandu Nepal. I am doing my bachelors in management. i have read a lot of stories here which are from India and found few from Nepal. As I am regular visitor of this site, I thought of sharing my own experience with you all. Hope you all will like this. For any feedbacks, my mail id is Aunties and girls from Nepal can contact me as confidentiality will be maintained in the relationship. Once I have to travel to Itahari which lies in the eastern...

3 years ago
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Charlotte part 11

"Godddd..." I moan as I prop myself up on my elbows on a towel on the floor of the converted London taxi. "Why does it have to take this long?" "It'll take as long as it takes," Hannah replies from the driver's seat of the taxi. "Not 'that'," I say. "I mean my damned dilation..." I stare down at the thick orange tube poking out of my vagina and sigh again. "Do you want me to get you a pillow, or something?" Hannah asks. "No, I'll be fine," I say, trying to sound at least...

4 years ago
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Halloween G

Halloween - G Author's Note: Wrote two versions of this, one with sex, one without, because I know some prefer and other don't. Been working on a story that has gotten rather long, wanted to write a short story, these are them. Enjoy. I went to Jan's front door carrying a shopping bag and a case. I was so excited to be going to a Halloween party tonight. Jan and I had been friends and off and on lovers for many years. We decided to go to a club tonight for a big party. There was a...

3 years ago
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My Office SlutChapter 8

Once Macy and I had arrived back at the hotel, she immediated went to the washroom. I waited for her. She was not long, and I went to the washroom. I just washed off my cock, and returned to the room. Marcy was on the bed, naked, waiting for me. She just said "You on top." I quickly stripped out of my clothes, and crawled onto the bed. I carefully positioned myself over her, my cock dangling in her face, and putting my arms outside her legs, I was able to bring her legs up, and open her...

2 years ago
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The Alpha Male Part I

For about 5 months I’ve been meeting strange men in restaurants and cafes. This activity is the culmination of years of work-related stress, home-related stress, boredom, sexual frustration and a feeling of impending doom. The doors are closing and the light is fading. I don’t know what I’m looking for but I’ll know when I find it. I find the men on the internet. The internet is crawling with horny men of all shapes and sizes. They frequent illicit dating sites, erotica sites, internet...

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