Omnia Vincit AmorChapter 16 free porn video

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The Passing Years

Once again John returned to his empty house, but the feeling was not as depressing as the previous times she had departed. In fact he smiled to himself thinking This is becoming a habit! Things were now more on an even keel and he could sense Claire’s marriage was on track for the future.

He reflected she was more at peace, and comfortable with her life. Having thought the last time she left that it was the final time they would see each other, he now wondered if and when she might turn up again.

Lfe returned quickly to normal this time, having been disrupted only for a weekend. While he felt more balanced, and more at peace in himself now Claire was settled back into her marriage, there was still a wistfulness underlying his feelings, a feeling of love lost.

So Spring turned into Summer.

Previously when he went to the barbers the inevitable question ‘Going away?’ as in ‘Where are you going for your holidays?’ had occurred.

“Not going away,” he had replied to the barber’s surprise. “I’ll visit my children, but since my wife’s death, I don’t feel like going on holiday alone.”

Then came the man’s embarrassment and his condolences.

John resolved that in future he would say he hadn’t made a decision yet, which saved discomfort.

He did visit his children, staying a few days with each and enjoying the discomfort on James’s face when he wondered about grandchildren!

“All in good time, Dad,” his son would say.

“Don’t leave it too long,” John would reply. “I want to be still young enough to play with them!”

James would rapidly change the subject.

For the rest of the summer, John drove to beauty spots or stately homes, or went hiking in the hills. He realised that were he to stay in a hotel, he would feel the absence of his beloved Elizabeth all the more keenly, and it was still too soon.

Autumn gave way to winter with its grey wet days, and a low sun in the sky, shining through skeleton trees.

Of course, Claire came to mind, as she did when he sent off her Christmas card, addressed to both her and Peter, and when her card arrived, it had a short letter enclosed.

My Dear John, (that tugged at his heart strings a little, and he grinned at the feeling).

I feel a little guilty at not writing before; but time has flashed by, what with my teaching job and looking after the family.

Everything has settled down now, except for Thomas who refuses to have anything to do with me, apparently blaming me for his divorce. It seems Sharon would never have left him if I’d not given her the idea. The rest of the family laugh at him, and he hasn’t much of a sense of humour, indeed he’s not got a lot to laugh about any more. No one sees much of him. I try from time to time, but get the brush off. Sharon still keeps in touch with us all, which in turn keeps us in touch with the grandchildren. Did I tell you she was divorcing him?

Mary gave birth to a lovely little boy in October, so I’m a Grandma again! Elizabeth married Noel in the summer. They married in a civil ceremony which Peter didn’t like much, and obviously Thomas didn’t have anything to do with it, but Peter is mellowing and becoming more tolerant. I think he rather enjoyed the wedding.

As to that, he is just about cured of his jealousy, and at last realises that I love him and am not looking for anyone else – even you! (Joke). He often says he wishes he’d got therapy much earlier. He says he’s never been happier, but is sad at the missed opportunities in our past years.

And – get this – he now accepts that you and I didn’t have sex (no, sorry, make love – or have sex!), while I was with you. I told him in great detail of the nights I spent in your bed with you, including the last naked one – it was during our couple’s meeting with Lieve, and carefully structured. He didn’t like it, but said later that paradoxically it convinced him of my faithfulness.

He admires your moral stance and restraint! More to the point he realises that I love you as well as him, and amazingly is OK with that, as long as I don’t leave him for you!

Come to think of it, that may also be the real reason why I’ve not contacted you before. I always tell him who I write to, or phone, but then I always did. I think that while he was still in therapy, it wouldn’t have helped if I were writing to you.

Anyway, thanks to you and your kindness in that terrible time, our marriage is pretty safe now, and Peter agrees with me about that, so at the beginning of December we formally gave notice to the court that we were reconciled and were no longer proceeding with the divorce.

So our marriage is back on track and you will always have our gratitude for supporting me.

By the way, if you ever want to use the house in Grange-over-Sands, there’s a key with the nearest neighbours, Mr & Mrs Seddon. You met them, and they know I’ve OK’d any visit you want to make. That applies if you want to take James, Clare, or Catherine. Ellen knows to let you know if they’ve booked it.

George isn’t interested, he never goes there. I think there are too many memories for him bound up in that house, though he doesn’t mind being a part owner and paying a share of the bills. He says he feels content that the house is still in the family.

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas, as good as the one we all had last year. Fond memories of your family mingling with mine. Give my love to your family.

Much Love

Claire (and Peter)!

John held the letter and re-read it. It gave him a warm glow of satisfaction, of happiness that Claire had found peace in her marriage, but mixed with a deep feeling of emptiness. He knew why. He had fallen in love with her anew, and there was always that secret hope, which he had always firmly rejected and tried to suppress, that she would return to him. The clear knowledge that now she never would, and the loss of her, was mitigated by the knowledge that he had helped and supported her in her quest to save her marriage.

He sighed and made his own plans for Christmas. On Christmas Eve he went and helped prepare the homeless hostel for Christmas dinner the following day. That year his children joined him on the day, and though Elizabeth’s absence was still felt, everyone agreed that while spending the feast at Grange the previous year was wonderful, and helped so soon after her death, this year it felt good to be home again.

Life went on and gradually he had become more used to sleeping and living alone. He never lost his feeling of loneliness but stoically bore it. He knew after Claire that he would now never want or search for another woman to take Elizabeth’s place; he would live out the rest of his days alone. In a strange way that gave him a sense of contentment and enjoyment of the simple things in his life. He became quite an expert gardener and often commented to Elizabeth (to whom he felt especially close in ‘her’ garden), that he hoped she liked what he had done.

Three more years passed, and then his life was changed again by a phone call one Thursday mid-afternoon in late September.

He had always sent Claire and Peter a Christmas card with a brief message detailing news of his children, including James and Julie’s first baby boy and Clare’s marriage to Luke, and while receiving cards in return, those contained nothing but a signature. That was the sum-total of their communication, which disappointed him.

The phone call set in train a new course of events and more emotional upset for him.

It was of course Claire and she was panicking. “John it’s Peter! I don’t know what to do!” she shouted down the phone.

“Tell me,” he said quietly.

“He’s collapsed he’s lying on the floor. He’s making noises.”

“He’s alive then. Have you called an ambulance – told them what you saw?”

“Yes, they’re coming.”

“Is he conscious?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Talk to him, stroke his cheek. Does he react?”

There was a short pause.

“He’s sort of straining, mumbling, he’s staring but I don’t think he can see anything.”

“What does his face look like?”

“Sort of lop-sided.”

“It sounds like a stroke. Just be with him, talk to him, soothe him. You did the right thing; there’s nothing else you can do. He needs to be in hospital within an hour.”

“The ambulance is here. Thanks.”

The call ended abruptly, at which John was not surprised. What he half-expected was a follow up call giving an update on Peter’s condition, but when none came that day or the next he shrugged and let it go. He knew that recovery can be very slow and not always complete, and assumed Claire was wrapped up in visits to the hospital and then the process of helping him recover at home.

Weeks later, on Tuesday of the third week of October to be precise, he received an email in the afternoon.

Hi John

Peter was at death’s door for quite some time, while the hospital tried to dissolve the clot in his brain which was a very large and serious one. There was worry there would be other clots circulating round his body. The problem was that the longer it took, the more damage was done to his brain, and the less likely it was he would fully recover.

He’s back home now, but he’s badly damaged. His speech is very slow, and he finds it hard to find words. He’s forgetful. His left side is paralysed so he limps badly and while there’s some movement in his left arm, his hand is badly disabled. The left side of his face is paralysed and has dropped, so eating is difficult.

The worst thing is that he’s not fighting it. He’s badly depressed and nothing I or the family can do seems to help. He’s told me a number of times he wants to die. He says he can’t cope with being in this state for years; he’s only fifty-nine. Obviously, his strong faith won’t allow him to consider suicide or euthanasia (which is legal here), so he’s stuck in abject despondency.

I’ve been busy with him. I’ve had to resign from my job to look after him, and it’s so hard to keep cheerful around him. He’s not eating much, I have to cajole him, but he’s losing weight and I’m frightened that this, along with his depression will lead to the worst possible outcome.

Thank you for your support and advice when I rang you in a panic. Once again you came good for me. I hope you understand why it’s taken so long to send this.


John sat and read the email again, then a third time. He wondered what to do, and, should he answer it, what he could say? In the end he shut his laptop and made his evening meal.

Over the following weeks his thoughts would turn to Claire from time to time and the terrible situation in which she now found herself, but he did not send any reply, thinking there was nothing he could say. Nevertheless, whenever the phone rang his first thought was that it was Claire giving him the worst possible news, but it never was.

As Christmas approached, John sent a card as always, adding a note expressing his sadness at Peter’s illness, and assuring them of his prayers, and received one from Claire, but as usual it simply said ‘Love from Claire and Peter’, nothing else, and he understood she had no time or inclination to write. He was touched that Elizabeth and Mary both sent him cards, which he was able to return with thank you notes since they put their sending addresses on the back of their envelopes.

After spending Christmas Eve at the hostel, he attended the Vigil Mass and remembered his own dear Elizabeth. It was then that Claire and Peter also came to mind, and he said a prayer for them and their family.

Christmas Day was spent in the same way as the previous year, and this year he visited James and family with the girls and Luke, since James’s was now the family with a youngster.

Again he kept Elizabeth’s anniversary in January, and was comforted by his children who visited him at that time. Catherine stayed with him for a whole week.

Winter turned into Spring and Easter came and went. He became busy tending to the garden as growth took off and weeds grew faster than flowers, as they always do. Summer followed and he again faced the question of whether to take a holiday away, or stay at home. This year, he felt like a change, though he had done nothing about it.

It was at the beginning of August when his daughter Clare made a suggestion which got him moving.

“Dad,” she said, “After your generous help with the deposit for our house, and now that we have a huge mortgage to pay, Luke and I can’t afford to go away this summer, and Catherine doesn’t know Gerry well enough to take him on holiday alone with her. We’ve all got time off next week. We were going to spend it at home, but then I had a thought.

“Didn’t Claire say we could use the house at Grange? I loved that Christmas when we were up there all together. You need a break Dad, wouldn’t you like to invite us to stay there with you for a week if it’s vacant?” She grinned cheekily at her impudence, and the idea suddenly appealed to John.

He phoned Ellen.

“Ellen it’s John Pollard, I wonder–”

“Oh, John, isn’t it so sad? And everything was going so well.”

“Sorry? Sad?”

“About Peter?”

“You mean his stroke?”

“Claire’s not been in touch?”

“She emailed me last October, but I’ve heard nothing from her since.”

“Oh dear! John, I’m sorry to say that Peter died just over three weeks ago. We’ve just got back from the funeral. I’d have thought she would have ... I wondered why you weren’t at the funeral, I mean after all you did for them.”

“No, she’s not been in touch. Was it unexpected? I knew about the stroke, because she rang me when it happened, and she emailed afterwards to say initially he was in a bad way. But usually people recover, at least in part, and with medical support they can usually stave off any recurrence. I assumed he had recovered at least to some extent.”

Ellen sighed. “Peter had a second stroke in March. It further affected his speech and his ability to find words. He was very distressed and how she coped with him then I don’t know. He was incontinent and though he could feed himself slowly he often left his food, so she had to feed him. The children rallied round, but she’s worn out.”

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Jimmy Olsen - Shemale Bimbo Chapter 1 - Junior reporter on the job! Jimmy ran the brush through his shoulder length hair one more time and stepped back to admire himself in the full length mirror. The wig looked good. It was the same wig he wore each time he dressed up. He took the cap off of the lipstick tube and applied a generous coating of the scarlet wax to his lips, and then blotted off the excess with a tissue. He was ready. He pulled a light sweater over his blouse, careful...

2 years ago
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The Mistress of Holt House Part OneChapter 3

The next day he was dressed in white as though ready for the 'tropics' and was taken by cab to the house he had visited before when dressed as a woman. The stern looking yet kindly woman with the jet black hair greeted him at the door and waved at Marcia who remained in the cab. Marcia leant from the cab window. "Don't you spoil him Jenny; you make sure he remembers his place amongst women!" Miss Jennifer Ledbetter-Jones gripped his hand as he ascended the steps and looked at him...

3 years ago
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Cat Fight 9 Doctor

Specton - 2 1/2 minutes Toton - 2 1/2 hours Minton - 2 1/2 days Daycon - 2 1/2 weeks Quant - 2 1/2 years Galant - 2 1/2 centuries Metson - 2 1/2 inches Heckson - 2 1/2 miles Tetson - 2 1/2 acres Characters  Bill Axor (AKA Ambrose) - Lion clan, King elect King Tomco Traxor - Bill's dead father King Tobias Traxor - Bill's dead brother Queen Niaco Traxor - Tiger clan, Tobias mate, now Bill's Twitty Glax - Grey Tabby clan, bill's body guard and...

2 years ago
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Something More Than Friendship

Hey. This is a story that happened a few weeks ago with my colleague. We both joined the office together. Her name was Neha and she hailed from Jaipur. She had the most amazing figure. We started off at the same level and were often assigned with each other. Slowly we developed a friendship which grew day by day. It grew into something which was more than friendship. We started talking a lot to each other. She was very frank and could talk about literally anything. And I enjoyed that. It became...

1 year ago
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NeighborAffair Kenzie Taylor 26685

Kenzie Taylor is locked out of her house so she goes to her neighbor’s house to wait it out. She did just finish working out so she asks her neighbor, Ryan, if she can use the shower while she’s over. So Ryan shows her the way to the shower and hides behind the door to catch of glimpse of Kenzie showering, but Kenzie catches him in the act and invites him to join her. Ryan’s wife won’t be home for a bit so he takes off his clothes and joins Kenzie in the shower to clean...

4 years ago
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Sex Holiday 2 The Lifestyle Friendly Hotel in Fl

Another FantasyAfter our holiday experience in Maspalomas I was interested in finding out if wife had really meant it when she had agreed to maybe having sexual experiences during overseas holidays. After dinner one night at home I suggested we look online for a venue for our next holiday. I asked if she was up for some new experiences and she said yes. I told my wife that we could go to Florida as I had been reading about a lifestyle friendly hotel just north of Miami. We could do some...

3 years ago
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Jenny, my little sister, had a rough year the year my k**s went off to college. She'd lost her job about a week before her husband, Eric, had first been laid-off. Eight months later the bank announced foreclosure on their home almost the exact same day her husband received notice that he was being called to service from out of the reserves and he would be spending at least the next year overseas.My sister called my wife crying and there wasn't even a discussion before my wife told her to come...

4 years ago
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Rachel moments memoirs of my cousin sister Part 1

Rachel moments: memoirs of my cousin sister Part 1Rachel – my best friend, my confidante, my cousin sister. Rachel and I were born 4 months apart, and we grew up together – spending some of our most pivotal moments together. When we were young enough so we were still close, but not so young that I don’t remember those times – Rachel was the first sexual experience I had. We were sitting in the Jacuzzi together when Rachel got out to shower. I continued sitting when to my surprise, Rachel got...

2 years ago
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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 41 INTERLUDE KOKEN

It was easier than he thought. Larthop was on Koken. The place crawled with scientists, Xeno archeologists and scholars. The Union had found the planet of origin of the Kermac. Back when they were split into five societies and sub species. The Ker and the Mac united and tried to eradicate the others. One of those species were the Blue and forced into exile. The Blue, after a trip that lasted generations eventually reached the Andromeda galaxy became a thriving and somewhat mysterious society...

3 years ago
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When Opposites Attract Chapter One

Jason had eyes for his friend's stepdaughter. Gracie was a cute, bubbly girl. She was a little shy, a prankster, and football fan all in one. She was any guy's total dream girl: she could dress up and go shop for hours, yet could also sport the tomboy, hanging with the guys just as well, which she did on Saturdays and Sundays when she wasn't dating.This weekend, he arrived early to her parents' for a chance to see her. Gracie had been dating a guy recently, and would probably skip poker and...

Love Stories
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If Thats Your Excuse Ch 08

Hey guys sorry for the wait, this part was just a little hard to iron out. Hope you enjoy and I swear the next chapter is already on its way! I smiled and waved as Ben pulled out of my driveway two hours later. We’d had breakfast, laughed, and smiled. But I knew eventually I’d have to get home and explain myself. My parents hadn’t even known I was missing, but I’m sure there would be a few friends I owed an explanation. I felt guilty for last night, but it wasn’t really something I could have...

2 years ago
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EdenChapter 10

The Gardener reached worm speed and negotiated the worm transit uneventfully. At the astronomers' request Captain Ziang left the external scanners on for a short while at the beginning of the transit, but the view was only of a featureless void and after a couple of the more agoraphobic members of the crew asked, she turned them off. On-board excitement built quickly as the ship exited its wormhole and began decelerating toward Eden. The astronomers and physicists busied themselves quickly...

2 years ago
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Mene mere jijaji ke pas chudvaya

Hi iss reader ek bar phir apki pyari lund lene ki shokin puja ap ke liye ek sachhi kahani leke ayi hai. Sab log apne apne lund aur apni apni chut ko hath me lele. Meri pichli stori padhakar kafi logo ne mujhe email ke jariye chodneki ichha jahir ki aur ho skta tha utne logo ke pas mene chudvaya bhi sahi.asha karti hu ki meri ye kahani bhi apko usse bhi jayada pasand ayegi. To ab kahani ki shuruat karti hu. Ek bar meri jiji aur mere jijaji mere ghar aye mere jijaji kafi jawan handsum aur hatte...

2 years ago
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The Masquerade Ch 01

Alex glanced around the ballroom, which was filled with an abundance of color, lace, laughter and masks. She stayed near the edge of the room, standing to avoid the difficulty of maneuvering in the wide full skirt and sure if she sat, the corset would tighten to the point where she could barely breathe. She sipped wine carefully and avoided eye contact, made much easier by her fascination with the wide variety of masks that hid identities. The masks were an assortment of animal faces, colorful...

4 years ago
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The following story has been a fantasy of mine since I was about 15. Now 18, I am looking forward to telling my aunt how I feel about her.When I was 15 I was as horny as anyone I knew. I am now 18, much bigger in muscle and in the pants. One thing that hasn't changed about me is how horny I am and how much I fantasize about fucking my Aunt Michelle. My aunt is now in her early 40's but has the body of a 20 year old. She has bleach blonde hair and weighs about 125 pounds. She works out all the...

1 year ago
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Watching Mom

It's the middle of the afternoon, when I came home for lunch. I noticed a strange car in the driveway and wondered who was here. I was humming a song that I had heard earlier in the day. As I walked up the driveway I heard some noise from the backyard. I snuck up the corner of the house and peaked thru the cracks of the fence. The gate was open, but I didn't dare open it, cuz it creaks too loud. So I wam watching from a crack. I see 3 guys, but ass naked. 2 of them are stroking their...

3 years ago
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Sexy Married Business Associate

Hi, again, I am Prashanth, from South India. Good looking, medium built but athletic and pure rugged, desi-Hindustani. This sex story happened on my Palakkad tour when I had tour on-duty for my private firm. So, I came to Palakkad where I had given a hotel to stay. It was just a small hotel. So, I went to this industry and my reporting manager happened to be a very hot, dark, lovely girl (she must be 35). I straight away reported to her and got down to business. She was rather serious at first...

2 years ago
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Reality Flux 4

Reality Flux 4 By Paul G Jutras "Mommy, what happened?" Six year old Benjamin asked in a confused tone, as he lay stretched across the wooden kitchen floor after a twisted ankle caused him to collapse from the breakfast table. Dressed in a floral print dress, suntan hose and six-inch spike heels, he was afraid to try to stand again. "I... I don't know honey." Mrs. Sawyer said, looking down at tiny feet that couldn't reach the ground. "The radio was just talking about another...

4 years ago
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Bukkake Holiday

"Mmmmm, that's nice and warm,' I purred, as another load of cum landed on my face. I groped my spunk-coated breasts, massaging the warm, succulent goo into my skin. I looked around the room. I was surrounded by men, too many to count, all naked, hard and ready to cum. This was a situation entirely of my own doing. I am a spunkaholic.I have a fetish for cum - everything about it. I adore the taste. I love how it feels on my skin. The aroma is delicious. It feels so warm when it lands on my body,...

3 years ago
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Her Yellow Summer Dress

He raises his eyebrows as his hand moves up and down his impressive length. Really? So, that’s what he does when he strokes himself. How incredibly fascinating. I am so turned on. I slam the book onto the shelf so angrily that all the other overpriced trade paperback copies of the book fall to the floor. ‘That wasn’t very nice,’ says the man behind me. There’s that word again. Before I can turn around and shove the man away, he grabs my arms. ‘Don’t move,’ he growls. ‘Take your filthy...

2 years ago
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Sasural Mein Group Chudai

Hello friends, mera naam Raaj hai. Aur main is website ka regular reader hu. Mujhe iski lagbhag saari kahaniya pasand aati hai, khaas karke wo jo rishto mein chudai ki hoti hai. To main bhi aaj apni ek sacchi ghatna ko aap sab ke saamne pesh karna chaahta hu. Umeed hai, ki aap logo ko meri kahani pasand aayegi. Ye kahani hai meri aur mere sasural ki. Dosto baat aaj se lagbhag do saal pehle ki hai. Maine apni complete ki, aur turant hi meri job lag gayi. Fir uske baad mere liye rishto ki...

2 years ago
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After the night of ‘Truth or Dare’ I was afraid that Belinda might feel awkward about everything that had happened. We had been together for four years and had never brought another person into our collective ‘sex life’ before that night. Two or three days a week during the summer, Belinda would come over while my parents were at work and we would tan in the backyard. It was the same backyard where I had dared her to make out with her best friend Marcela. It was the same backyard...

1 year ago
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Hard Time For Anita

Hard Time for Anita Ladyvet Their shackles made it difficult for Anita and the other women to climb downfrom the van. Their descent was further complicated by the chain between theirshackled ankles fastened to manacles locked to their belly chains. The transportofficers watched them negotiate the long step to the pavement without offeringassistance. It didn't matter to them if an inmate fell. They were just cargoto pick up, transport and deliver. Anita stared though the two razor...

1 year ago
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SexAndSubmission Casey Calvert Seed Freak

Nurse Casey Calvert is working her shift at the Emergency Psych Ward. Her assignment is patient “John Doe” who is sleeping, strapped to a gurney. Casey grabs her clipboard and her specimen collector and tends to John Doe (Derrick Pierce). She closes the curtain, leans in to her patient and smells him. She draws back his sheets and exposes her patients cock and starts stroking it while he sleeps. She jerks his cock until he blows his load into her specimen collector and she quickly...

2 years ago
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The Shieldmaidens Part 1

The snow and sleet bit into my face as I circled Sigrid. She was hunkered down in a defensive position, her shield covering her chest and only her eyes were visible. She held her sword to the side and as she waited for me to attack she winked.“Hilde, stop messing around, and do something,” said Rolf, our instructor.He was a big man, broad shoulders, tall and with thighs like tree trunks. He stood a few feet from us together with the other Shieldmaidens in training.There were twenty of us, from...


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