This Is Your Carstairs SpeakingChapter 12: Next Contestant, Please free porn video

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Hi! This story contains some sudden scene transitions. This seems to confuse many of you. In the print version these jumps are clear(er) because only new paragraphs get a blank line. However, on this site every hard return gets a blank line. Fixing this would require going through the entire book to add the right display codes, and I can’t be bothered. So if you’re suddenly confused, just go back a few lines and you’ll likely figure it out. Cheers! RD.

On the way out I shook quite a few hands. I even looked for prince Asim (though not very hard) but he was nowhere to be seen or, more likely, heard. As we left the building, Caroline’s phone dinged.

“Oh dear,” she said, as she glanced at the screen. “Martin? Might I have a few minutes? I’d rather not deal with this in a moving vehicle.”

“Certainly. I’ll see if Mel is still up.”

And so Caroline started a call and walked to a quiet part of the huge parking lot, while I stayed with the car. I’d parked it myself this time, since there was a free space near the entrance. Mel didn’t respond to any messages, but she goes to bed early when I’m not there so I wasn’t bothered. Kate was on duty at the Media Centre and as a matter of principle I don’t send Kelly messages after ten p.m. The last few times I did that I had the distinct impression she was already in bed and she’d tried to make the conversation a lot more exciting that I had bargained for. I wasn’t quite avoiding her, but I found I was keeping her at arm’s length. She knew well enough not to send me a picture of her bare feet peeping out from under the duvet just to ‘show me she was tucked in bed’. Save that for bleedin’ Instagram. And your boyfriend.

A solitary figure emerged from the soundless sliding doors of The Torch.

“Hey ... Yo...” he muttered to the doorman, who just smiled politely. I looked up and saw Kunthy, rummaging through his pockets. He looked a bit unsteady to me, and Qatar isn’t a country where you want to be caught drinking and driving. I walked up to him and tried to engage him in a friendly chat.

“Hello, Kunthy. Did you have a nice evening?”

Drunk as a lord he was. Okay, perhaps that was overstating it somewhat. Unfit to drive, certainly.

“Hey ... British man. What do you want? I’m going home, man.”

He tried to push past me. Had he been sober I’d have braced myself and unless you’re in a high-speed train that means you are not getting through. The ‘shoving Martin into a wall’ thing had been tried exhaustively in my youth and I make it a point to respond in kind, plus a free little bonus. However, as he was drunk I let him get away with it. It did make him drop his keys, though. So I had those.

“Hey man! Asshole! Gimme that.”

“I don’t think so.”

He turned to face me and blew himself up. He was at least a foot taller than me.

“You wanna start something?”

“Sir? Shall I call security?” offered the doorman.

“No,” we said in unison. I dangled Kunthy’s keyfob in front of his face and practically ran towards my own car. He followed me.

“Get in. I’ll take you to your hotel. Can’t have you driving like this. Where’s your posse, anyway?”

“Don’t be using our words, white boy. My crew don’t need to be knowin’ about no deals until they’s done. Now gimme the keys before I put a cap in yo’ ass.”

He steadied himself on a lamp post as he said it, so even if he’d had a gun I would have been quite safe. But he didn’t, because he was in a strange country where they open each and every suitcase to make sure you’re not bringing in anything fun.

“With what exactly? Listen, either you get a cab via the doorman or I drive you home. You’re not driving tonight.”

He swung for me. He actually swung for me! I didn’t even have to dodge him.


I walked around him in a half circle and reached into my pocket. He turned to face me and I pressed the lowest button on the Vanquish’s remote. The trunk popped open and silently rose behind his back.

“You want your keys?”


I tossed them in the trunk, over his shoulder. He turned round and began to look for them. The interior was lined with that black stuff you get in every car, the fake wool. Only this was probably Peruvian Panda-ass wool, or something.

“YOU MOTHERFUCKING...” he began. I reached over, took his paving tile of a phone, a Samsung Serving Tray or something, from his rear pocket and just bundled him into the trunk. Or boot, whatever. The one at the back, at any rate. It wasn’t hard. I just pushed his head down, picked up one leg and swung him over.

“Mind your fingers,” I said, and gently lowered the lid. Is it lid in the 500 square metres where you grew up? Hood, trunk, bonnet, lid, back, rear, flap, fifth door: just figure it out. I’m doing you a courtesy by using English as it is. I’m hardly going to push a fellow into the engine compartment, am I?

“Martin? What are you muttering about?” asked Caroline, who emerged from the dark into the orange light of the lamp post next to my car.

“The regional differences in English. They annoy me. Greatly.”

“Sounds like it’s time for bed. So why ... WHO THE DICKENS IS IN THERE?”

A muffled scream gave away my little secret.

“Kunthy South. He’s drunk and he was going to drive home. And he didn’t want to get in the back seat.”

“Well get him out before he calls the police!”

“With what?” I said, holding up his phone. Caroline’s face relaxed at once.

“Oh, that’s alright then. If that is his only one. Did anyone see you?”

“Don’t think so.”

“Well, he’s staying at the Sheraton, so that’s on our way. Shall we?”

By now South was kicking the inside of the bonnetlidtrunkhoodflap. We both stared at the car for a second. Caroline reached a decision.

“Best let him out again, Martin. It is illegal, after all. Even here, as he’s a male. I’ll deal with him.”

“Okay,” I said, and reached in my pocket again. The lid unlocked.

“Take a short walk, Martin. Two, three minutes. NOW.”

I walked to the far end of a lovely fountain. I wouldn’t say Caroline has a shrill voice, but if she is cross with you it is very evident from her tone. One of the most famous musicians on Earth then got a dressing down from her he was likely to remember for the rest of his life. Through the jets of water I could just make them out. He stood there like a school boy. It’s always the same with these big mouth types, isn’t it? They just need to meet a bigger bully.

A shrill whistle, the kind a grizzled cowboy would be proud to be able to do on his fingers, sounded through the relatively quiet Doha night. I was quite sure who that had been. As I walked back to the Vanquish I heard the last part of their conversation.

“Just be glad he found it amusing. I’ve seen what he does to people when he gets upset. The short ones are the mean ones, remember that. Now get in. Martin, give him his phone.”

I gave Kunthy his glass paving tile. He was too tall to fit in the back, so Caroline gave us both a brief but memorable lecture on ‘playing nice’ and instructed him to sit next to me. We drove away in silence.

Not five hundred metres from the hotel there was a police checkpoint. We were flagged down and I had to blow into a breathalyser. As my half beer had been about two hours ago, it didn’t register anything.

“Shiiiiiiit...” said South, as I gently pulled out and merged back into traffic. Caroline spoke up.

“Indeed. I’m calling Andrew back at the bar, to alert the others. Although perhaps I shouldn’t. A night in prison for the competition, or indeed an extradition, would no doubt work in Martin’s favour. You are at the Sheraton, right?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

We dropped Kunthy off and I gave him back his keys. He mumbled some kind of ‘thanks’ as Caroline switched to the front seat and disappeared inside. This wasn’t our hotel, but it was nearby. Enough time for Caroline to rebuke me, though:

“You HAD to put him in the boot, didn’t you?”

“I’m a little on edge right now. It seemed like a fun thing to do.”

“You don’t say. Being nice for a whole two hours really takes it out of you, doesn’t it?”

“YES, WELL, IT’S A BIT MORE THAN THAT, THOUGH!” I snapped. “I’ve had a bit of a day. Do you wanna hear about it? Huh?”

“Always, dear,” she said, completely calm.

“Well, first of all I had to attend a memorial service for that dead pilot! And speak to his wife and daughter for half an hour! No, his WIDOW and daughter.”

“Yes, you told me that. Very decent of you, Martin.”

“So that took me two hours, all told. And then I found a guy who was near death by the side of the road. His friend was walking him to hospital. WALKING! In this heat! They only had about fifty kilometres to go! So I drove him there, didn’t I? And then I had so little time left I fucking CHEATED. I mean, it’s probably very clever to find the coordinates, but it is still cheating!”

“Martin, calm down. This is a lot to take in. Someone nearly died, you say?”

“Yes! Some poor Paki bastard with diabetes couldn’t get proper treatment at his labour camp, so he and his cousin decided to go private. But they couldn’t even afford a taxi!”

“Where did you take him?”

“A diabetes clinic in Doha. I forget where. Anyway, that was MY fucking day. And then I try to stop the guy who stands between me and a free ASTON MARTIN from killing himself or someone else and he SWINGS at me?! I’m not having that. I am not fucking having that! What did that arrogant prick do today? He followed Pepi around! The only good thing HE did today was not record another one of his SHIT songs! And he’s two points ahead of me for being too fucking stupid to understand how dangerous racing is!”

God, I was livid. It’s a good thing Caroline isn’t even a tiny bit afraid of me. Mel finds it very difficult to handle me when I’m like this. I bottle things up. I shouldn’t, but I know what I’m like when I get angry. Best to avoid that.

“Martin, dear, please pull over right there. No, please, right now.”

The hotel district is entirely paved, with sidewalks that run along lush greenery and past lots of fountains. I pulled into a parking bay outside some high-rise, which was designated for unloading during work hours.

“WHAT? I’m FINE!” I barked. “You don’t have to walk home!”

“Let Caroline drive, dear. I think you’re a bit too upset.”

“Look, this isn’t a regular car! See this? Flappy paddles. That’s your gears. You can’t just...”

“I know perfectly well how to drive this car, Martin. I live above the dealership, remember? Just swap places with me.”

I did as she asked. She took off her heels and drove us to the hotel, barefoot. It’s probably sexist of me to be surprised at that, but I was and it helped to distract me. But then, I should stop being surprised about anything I learn about Caroline.

Western women are allowed to drive in Qatar, but even so the guy who opened the door on her side had a bit of a surprise.

“Park this in whatever space is reserved for the Ambassador suite and leave the key at reception,” was all she said, as she actually leaned on him while she put her shoes back on. I knew he wasn’t really Qatari, but he was probably a real Muslim and I admired the way he rolled with it. I handed in my laptop without breaking stride as I followed her to the lift. A well-heeled elderly couple just sauntered out of the hotel restaurant and so we stood there quietly until they got out on the sixth floor.

“How are you feeling now, dear?” she asked.

“I don’t know. Tired. Don’t think I’ll sleep much tonight, though.”

“It’s not even midnight yet. Do you want to sit down and talk it all over? I’ll make you a cup of tea and you can tell me more about those two men.”

“Don’t you usually go to bed at eleven?”

“That’s just a good habit, not a pressing need. I think Kate is right: you’ve had rather a lot on your plate in the past few years. Talking helps. Ideally to a psychologist, who would be able to identify the damage and blockades this has caused and teach you coping strategies. But you don’t strike me as someone who would entertain that option.”

She inserted her keycard and the lock opened at once. Typical: I always, always need three goes.

“I’ll make the tea. Do you want anything?” I said, as I took off my own shoes in her hallway. “Hey, what’s happened here?”

The lights were on, but mostly dimmed. Everything was tidied up: sofa cushions were fluffed, the usual array of folders and cardboard signs telling you about room service and what to do with your towels were back in place and the curtains were drawn. Through the open door to her bedroom I could see that the duvet cover was pulled back and there was a towel folded like a swan on the foot of the bed.

“Turn down service, dear. I imagine it’s the same in your room. And I’ll do the tea. It’s just about all I can manage so I like to practice it. Why don’t you go to your room, take off your suit and wear whatever you like? Or would you like to have a shower first?”

“Oh yes, I would! Can you give me ten minutes?”

“Take however long you like, dear. Just don’t be frightened when you return: there’s no mummy in the room, it’s just this tired, old cougar without the hair and makeup.”

I had seen her like that several times before and she’s different but no less pleasing to look at. The woman takes extraordinary good care of herself and a layer of powder and some curls really don’t make that much of a difference. I guess she was feeling vulnerable today, having been turned down by Gareth.

“Don’t be silly,” I said, and brushed my hand along her buttocks just before I went through the door to my own room. She was right: I had received turn-down service as well. My slippers were placed next to the bed and I had a small wicker basket with some treats waiting for me: raisins, a sealed chocolate chip cookie and a sliced peach in a sealed, clear container. There was even a note:

‘We hope Mr. King had a very pleasant evening. This is for him and Mr. Carstairs, with compliments from his colleagues in hospitality.’

I was so touched I almost went back to Caroline’s room to tell her about it, but then decided she would probably like some privacy. I devoured the peach, left the suit and almost everything else on one of the beds in a room I hadn’t even been in yet and took a shower. I shaved again, just because my shaving cream was a gift from Melody and I love the smell. Or rather: I love her and that’s the smell she picked for me. Then I put on clean underwear and a bathrobe and went back to Caroline’s room.

A cup of tea was waiting on her salon table, next to a glass of sparkling water. She, too, had showered, but wore a red, silk night gown with a dragon printed on it. Her hair was pulled back and in a bun, held together by what seemed to be expensive lacquered chop sticks. I call her my pet dragon but I’d never tell her that and so I just smiled as she came back into the room.

“Oh, there you are. Your tea should be just about perfect, dear.”

“Thank you. May I say you still look great? If you want to do some kabuki, be my guest.”

She smiled.

“I’m sorry to disappoint. I can probably manage some calligraphy, but you should have called ahead. Do you like the chopsticks? It’s called Kanshazi. Wearing elaborate hair pins, I mean.”

She took the water and sat down next to me, quite close.

“Love it. But then I’m envious of anyone with hair.”

She giggled demurely behind her hand, pretending to be a geisha. Come to think of it: she would probably be able to pass herself off as one! Endless pleasant conversation? A surprising array of weird and wonderful skills and tricks? Some dancing? Easy peasy for her.

“Would I be right in thinking you would refuse to speak to a psychologist, or any kind of mental health professional?” she said, and took a sip of her water. I stirred my tea.

“Pretty much. That sort of thing is for people who’ve seen terrible accidents happen, or who have been abused. I’m just tired. All I need is my family and my friends and I’ll be fine. And I have a dear friend right here.”

She shook her head.

“Of course you would think that. But tonight you resorted to violence for very little reason, Martin. And I see it in your posture and your breathing, too.”

“I’m not talking to a shrink and that’s that. What am I going to say, anyway: ‘Oh dear, look at my life: I’ve made millions of pounds, I get applause when people spot me in the Underground, I’m driven to work in a limousine and I have an amazing wife and a healthy, happy little boy. Oh, woe is me!’ I mean, they’re going to have me committed, aren’t they? For moaning.”

“That ... is an amazing and likely wilful misunderstanding of the purpose of counselling. Peter is just the same. He comes back from having killed more mobsters than béchamel sauce, shaking like a leaf, and claims he’ll be fine after a few rounds of squash and a twenty year old German art student.”

“Wait, what? He plays squash with a German art student?”

“No, he plays squash with his driver and he has exhaustive sex with a German art student.”

“Oh. Doesn’t sound very appealing. I mean, I hate squash.”

She didn’t even laugh, even though I find the notion of me doing anything even remotely homosexual very comical. It’s like Prince Charles suddenly taking up Krav Maga.

“Pa-dum,” she said, pretending a tired drum-roll followed my joke. “Anyway, that’s not something we need to go into right now. Martin, if you like I’m available to you. I’m not sure if I’d be taking advantage of you, so I’ll come right out with it: if you need to wind down by having sex, I’m all for it. But please, not just on my account. I’d feel awful if you just did it for me.”

“Oh! This is a ... I mean, I figured we might, on this trip. As it’s been a while. But my mind wasn’t on it.”

“From what I hear it rarely is, these days. Which is one of the reasons we’re all worried. I haven’t much to offer, Martin, but you’re welcome to it. Peter does his best, poor thing, but sometimes a girl just likes to be ravished. A little. Or a lot, if that would help you.”

I put my arm around her and pulled her in.

“You have a lot to offer. Boy, that idiot turning you down really shook you up, didn’t it? I can stuff him in the back of a car for you, if you like. Knock some sense into him? Take him out into the desert? Pang pang, back of the head?”

“Oh you would, wouldn’t you?” she said, turning her head slightly sideways so our noses wouldn’t bump into each other. As I considered my own joke I realised that physically hurting someone who deserved it (though not a young man who had been a bit too direct in turning away a mature woman) would probably really cheer me up! Something like setting a child molester ablaze, or dismembering a House Republican with dental floss, that would be very relaxing. I turned away from that train of thought, because it scared me. I don’t even watch horror films! Still, I was halfway into a joke so I saw it through:

“Just say the word, Caroline.”

“I’d rather you did something productive with that willingness to please me...”

We kissed for a few minutes. A bit awkwardly at first, because it’s always been a while when we do and we need to ease into it. But she’s a great kisser and I didn’t notice any alcohol on her breath, or even anything of the cigarettes she sometimes smokes on the sly.

“What’s this?” she asked after the first few kisses, and then gently leaned in to lick my lips.

“Might be peach. There was one in my room. But I had a shower after.”

“I have a very good sense of taste, you know ... And you’re right: it’s peach and ... aftershave balm.”

“That could well be it!”

“Why don’t you check the chain locks on your door and mine? We don’t want the Islamic Inquisition showing up, do we? I think I have the biggest bed. Though perhaps smaller is better...”

“What a good idea. I have tie-rips in my luggage. I’ll set the locks extra tight, so they can’t open it with a rubber band and some sticky tape.”

“They can do that?”

“Sure. Takes about a minute, but you need to be able to push your arm through the opening to attach the tape to the back of the door.”

“I love that you know these things! Or did Peter teach you this?”

“No. When Kate started spending a lot of time in hotels I thought up a few tricks to make her safer. She always uses a tie rip. Just tie up the slack in the chain and nobody can sneak in.”

“You take such good care of your sister, Martin. It’s quite disarming. But I bet Kate is pretty much the last person you’d want on your mind before you make love, so banish her from your thoughts and keep us safe from Sharia law.”

Yeah ... Kate and sex don’t mix. Keep thinking that, Caroline ... Keep thinking that.

“Want to go again?”

“Very much, dear. But it’s gone one a.m. and my leg is twitching. From that last position.”

“You should have said something!”

“Oh, screw the leg! Come on, we can go again if you like. Let me just...”

She reached for an unlabelled tube of gel, which contained a vaginal lubricant. She was quite embarrassed when she had to fetch it from the bathroom and actually stammered when she brought it up!

“I’m just ... The mind is willing, Martin. It really is. But I am on the wrong side of twenty-nine, as you so kindly put it. And ... well ... It helps. The tissues that create the...”

“Caroline, it’s fine! I don’t take it as an insult. We’re both grown-ups, for goodness’ sake.”

“I’m so relieved to hear you say that. When I used it with Peter he lost his ... panache.”

“Well, stick on a false moustache and he’ll soon have it back, I’m sure. Maybe stick it between your shoulder blades.”

“Martin! That’s not a very nice thing to say. He tries, the poor dear. Oh, could you not look while I’m...”

“I won’t, but I’m telling you it’s nothing to be ashamed about.”

“Says you. Turn your head, dear. I wish you had this attitude towards psychological care.”

“Oh, that again? While we’re doing THIS?”

“YES! Because I care about you! There ... good to go. Tell you what, if you can make that tube run out by 6 a.m. tomorrow morning, you won’t have to go to round four: I’ll buy you an Aston Martin myself.”

“You say the hottest things, Caroline...”

But we didn’t quite finish the tube. Actually, we didn’t get anywhere near. When we got going, she didn’t need it anymore. And besides, sex shouldn’t be like YouPorn. Well, maybe the enthusiasm. And the frequency. But not the positions, or at least not most of them. I like sex a lot, but what I like most of all, really, is the willingness: the simple fact someone is willing and preferably keen to do these things with me. Getting short-changed in that department in your youth can really do a number on you. It did on me. But it comes with a bonus, which is that you’ll never take sex for granted.

“It’s fine, Caroline. What is that stuff, anyway? Blank label?”

“Yes. I had a pharmacist make it to order. If some customs officer rifles through my stuff, I can say it’s massage gel. Well, if you’re sure ... Goodnight, then.”

She turned off the lights via a control panel on the night stand.

“Hey, wait a minute! I’m not a bat!”

“Martin, you can stay for the night. I’d like that.”

“Yeah, but ... If we’re asleep, we may not hear them trying to get in via my room.”

“Oh, please! That isn’t really going to happen. Westerners can do what they like, especially in the Ambassador suite. We could be roasting virgins over a coal fire and they’d merely offer to take the batteries out of the smoke detector. We both slept in your room last night, remember?”

“Yeah. Vaguely. Okay, but I may do unspeakable things in my sleep. And I snore.”

“I’ll survive, Martin. It’s why we are the superior gender. Good night. What was that? No, you mumbled something.”

“I said: you might have landed that plane yourself, if you were superior. Good night.”

We were back home. Kate was locked in the bathroom, much to her chagrin. Mel sat in a chair that leaned against the bathroom door and prevented the handle from turning downward as long as she kept her weight on it. I was running from room to room, making sure nobody got in to harm Kate. Mel was screaming at me, complaining about the racket Kate made behind her back.



Edwin was in charge of the tiny window of the downstairs loo, because I didn’t seriously believe our attackers would come in via that one and the little lad wanted to help out. I used a cast iron fire place poker to ward off the dark, shadowy figures that tried to get in through the windows of the first floor, but it was hard work. One of them threw up on me and I got soaking wet.


“I’m sorry Martin, I was out of options,” said Caroline, flushed and sweaty. I found myself standing on top of the small brown sofa that had been in the corner of our bedroom. For some reason it was now barricading the door. It opened out and I could in fact see the rest of our suite, but in my nightmare none of that had registered. I was breathing heavily, clearly having exerted myself a lot. Sweat dripped from my bald dome into my eyes, even though the AC was on.

“Are you awake now?” asked Caroline, holding an empty glass. I realised I was standing on wobbly cushions and nearly lost my balance.


“Be careful, for God’s sake!”

She held out her hand so I could steady myself as I climbed down.

“Well, this has been a very interesting night,” said Caroline, as she plopped down onto the bed. “My goodness, Melody wasn’t exaggerating when she said you have nightmares...”

“Oh God, what did I do?” I said, as I moved the sofa to its original position.

“You defended Kate from something. It started with merely talking in your sleep, for which I had been warned. I tried to reason with you, to calm you down. You kept addressing me as Melody. And then you got up, gave a very stern speech in the doorway to persons unknown, threatening them with violent deaths and threw up a barricade. That’s when I decided to let you cool down.”

I buried my head between my hands.

“Do you think security might show up?”

“Shouldn’t think so. You appear to fight in relative silence. And the speech was more of a ... huh huh ... more of a...”

Now that I was awake and Caroline could stop worrying, she started to giggle. I don’t often see her doing that, which made me start doing it. I imagine there’s nothing funny about a loved one who sleepwalks, but it was just stress relief.

“Jesus, I really needed this. Especially away from home,” I chuckled. She put her hand around my shoulder and pulled me close.

“It’s okay, Martin. You weren’t going to hurt me or even yourself. Though I was worried there would be some property damage. From what we’ve been able to work out, it’s triggered by stressful events. Well, in that case it was practically guaranteed.”

“Yeah. Who’s ‘we’, anyway?”

“The people who care about you. Well, the ones who know you and who possess a keen insight into human nature. I’ve suggested Kate record a soothing video of herself for Melody to play on her phone. To make you stand down. Poor thing.”

“Don’t worry about Kate. It’s worse for Mel. Kate can calm me down with just a few words, but I never seem to protect Melody. She just gets drafted.”

“Yes. I rather meant ‘poor you’, actually. You can’t seem to leave the house with getting involved in something weird. As I’ve said before: it is taking its toll. Ung ... I need a glass of water. I was fast asleep ten minutes ago. No, don’t get up. Try to find my watch, if you will.”


“You seemed to think it was a grenade and lobbed it into the room. I think it landed on the credenza next to the sliding doors. Then come straight back to bed: we can still have about three hours of sleep.”

I spent almost an hour worrying about my mental health, followed by two hours of dark, dreamless respite from the rest of the world. Caroline was taking a shower when I woke up, so I went back to my own room and showered there. When I came back, a reasonably decent breakfast was waiting for me: tea, crackers, jam, a peeled orange and a boiled egg. Not quite what I crave, but much better than those bloody avocados.

“Some comfort food,” explained Caroline. “And for further comfort I have arranged a FaceTime call with your family. They should be calling on my iPad in about five minutes, so I’ll make myself comfortable in your room if that’s okay. I’ll pick a suit for you.”

“I only brought two.”

“Two is a choice, last time I checked. And don’t answer any of my other messages, please.”

“Oh, I’m gonna get you laid. The first person to call on you is getting lucky tonight!”

“I ‘got laid’ last night. I’m good until 2020, at least.”

“I’ll remind you of that after dinner tonight.”

I think I won, because she shook her head and disappeared into my room. I started breakfast and was pleased to see an incoming call from Kate. When the connection was made, I saw Kate, Mel and Edwin. They were in the kitchen, having tea. Edwin sat in his high chair.

Same as This Is Your Carstairs Speaking
Chapter 12: Next Contestant, Please Videos

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 6 Something in the Air

Monday, July 13th. Gatwick Airport. What the hell was wrong with me!? Why had I worked so hard to get here? How did I not realise that pretty much the last thing I ever want is to be away from my family, particularly my little boy? Why the fuck was I going to a country where I’d be practically illiterate, dependant on the good will of the very people I was going to spy on to speak English with me! And how in the world was I going to be a spy when I had a sodding Wikipedia page and an IMDB...

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This Is Your Carstairs SpeakingChapter 15 Call of the hunter

Today Sinterklaas arrived in The Netherlands! If you have no idea what that means, why not read my short story ‘Best Sinterklaas Ever’, available on this very website? It predates the events in ‘Best Sister Ever’. – RD Having all that security gear installed in my house made me a tiny bit paranoid, I don’t mind telling you. It’s not as if I’m planning to assassinate the Queen or overthrow the government when I’m pottering about in the kitchen, but my private affairs are rather unusual and I...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 7 Miles from Home

The last time I was at Hamad I had been escorted off the plane soon after landing. This was much better. For some reason we didn’t use a jetway to get into the terminal building, so I was treated to a blast of the familiar heat of Doha. It felt strangely comforting, for some reason. It’s not quite the same as the heat of Los Angeles, or Las Vegas. Maybe it was because we were so near the sea. For the first few seconds it felt a bit like a warm hug. Isn’t that odd? An airport bus drove us to...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 18 Teach her a Lesson

I suppose it’s only normal that you take on the English accent to which you are most often exposed. In my case it started when BBC 1 and 2 were made available on the Dutch cable network. I loved almost every show they put on and that shaped my theretofore rather unremarkable Dutsj Ekssent. Well, Lexy grew up watching shows and films like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Beverly Hills 90210, Clueless, The Twilight Saga and related TV trash. Not every character on those shows speaks Valley Girl, but...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 2 I Spy With My Tired Eye

Saturday June 27th, 2015. Dallas Road, Ealing. “Good morning.” “You’re up early?” said Kelly, who I found scooping yoghurt into a bowl of muesli when I sauntered into the kitchen. She’d spent the night at my house, in her own room. “Are you kidding? It’s five minutes past eight! I’ve been staring at the ceiling for half an hour, trying to get back to sleep.” “Well, give it another go. Or give me ten minutes and I’ll come and wear you out.” “Cheeky cow,” I muttered, as I filled the tea...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 8 Now Pay Attention 327

I signed another document and followed Miles into a cavernous space, which was rather dark. Two men in lab coats scurried away. Miles waited until they were gone and then flipped a switch on the wall near the door. Bright lights in the ceiling clacked on and unveiled a turning plateau with a car under a black tarp. I could see the tyres, but not much else. Miles and Hugo shot each other a look and grinned. “Carstairs! Your new vehicle! Feel free to do the honours.” I stepped onto the...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 10 Come on Saudi Letrsquos Go Party

I woke up around eight in the morning, an hour later than I’m used to. I walked to the other side of the house, to Asim’s bedroom, and heard snoring. That was good. I had a quick yet annoying shower and took some time to spruce myself up. I’m not one of those men who are completely hopeless when they’re single, but what with Mel being a professional make-up artist and hairstylist, amongst many other talents, I rarely needed to groom myself nowadays. But now I was spending time shaving around...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 26 Si Vis Pacem Nolite Exacerbare Carstairs

It was about ten minutes to showtime. I’d be at the mosque in three minutes or so, although K-T would drop me off at the mall entrance and then proceed to another destination. We were making good time, because although some traffic kept moving, many cars just pulled to the side of the road wherever there was space near a mosque. Sometimes cars were abandoned in the middle of the road, blocking each other in. The police never made a fuss: after all, everyone was supposed to be praying. Men...

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This Is Your Carstairs SpeakingChapter 2 Mosque you bring this up

Kelly was very quiet on the ride home, but fortunately (and I use the word fortunately as in: ‘I have learned to live with this as a project in personal growth’) my driver, Ali, has absolutely no problems filling a gap in any conversation. Even when no actual conversation is presently occurring. Kate texted with Melody about the contents of our fridge, so I could prepare a shopping list. Okay, so I’m now officially a guy who pulls up at a Waitrose in a chauffeur driven car, but then I buy...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 4 Ask Me No Questions

Still Monday July 7th, 2015. A government building somewhere in London. (smiled.oddly.hosts) I was made to sit alone in a room for about ten minutes, so ordered by a man who clearly had no intention of getting me a cup of tea. And I did ask, twice. He was a bit shorter than me, but also a bit wider. Instead of a suit he wore something that was supposed to give him a military look but made me think of a fisherman: a brown shirt, brown carpenter pants, army boots. He was ginger, but his hair...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 9 In Which our Hero has Lots of Dates

“Crank up the A.C, sweetheart. Let me get some water ... Oooaaahhh...” “Sweetheart? Again?” “Yes. I suddenly cared for you in the wilderness, in the land of great drought. And especially for that bag with bottled water. Let’s get a move on. You drive.” “Destination?” “The most expensive hotel in Al Hofuf. Unless you can find one with a charger?” “I cannot execute that search. We will reach Al Hofuf in two hours.” “Okay. Then I’ll do a search and you drive. Stop at the next empty rest...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 14 In Which our Hero Sings for his Supper

If you’re anything like me (but maybe you got lucky and you’re not) you’ll know this feeling: there will be something on the news that makes you explode with rage. Say, some idiot gets behind the wheel, drunk as a skunk, kills three people who were just standing at a bus shelter minding their own Instagram and then he sues the bus company for placing the shelter near a pub. That sort of thing. Or a Belgian man locks up some girls in his basement and starves a couple of them to death before he...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 19 Cooling Down in Riyadh

They waited until her heart stopped pumping blood, which took about twenty seconds or so. Then the pressure got too low, and the trickle stopped. Two men dressed more like medics than soldiers came out of the main building with a stretcher. They wore gloves and aprons. Hurriedly they placed the body on the stretcher. The executioner helpfully placed the bag with the head above the neck, but only after he was done wiping down the blade and carefully sliding it back into its sheath. The Imam...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 20 Unexpected Benefit of Some Religious Instruction

There were also some messages. One was from Mr. Constable, the MI6 officer at the embassy. He told me they had analysed the recording, but that I’d have to come to the embassy to read the transcript. By appointment. But not on Thursdays. Another message was a transcript of a text message from Asim, which contained an invitation to join him on his next visit to Dubai. It seemed he was in the mood to catch a movie, and Dubai had cinemas. Well, two. The third message consisted of a somewhat...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 25 I had a Cunning Plan

Sunday, 30/8/2015. Saudi Royal palace. My day started slowly, with breakfast being served without any extra items. I called on Anaïs with an eye on a cheeky kiss or a bit of a fondle, but was told by a rather indignant Malaysian chef who caught me looking around in her kitchen that she had been seconded to another palace for the next few days, to help prepare for yet another banquet. He then demanded to know how I knew her and what my business was with her, but I just told him I was acting...

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This Is Your Carstairs SpeakingChapter 11 Game Check Point

I’ve never been one to make much of a fuss over cars. I mean, I enjoy comfy seats and power steering as much as anyone and it has been said I’m a tiny bit obsessive over vehicular cleanliness, but by and large I am not very interested in the roar of an engine or how many horse power it has. So it was odd I found myself so completely enthralled by this Aston Martin Vanquish. Not just the paint job, which was a deep, dark, shiny, sparkly, magnificent blue, but the stitching on the seats, the...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 3 There is an I in MI6

I was met by Kelly in the hallway. “Hi,” she said, leaning in for a kiss. A chaste one, on the cheek. More than enough for me, thanks. Although admittedly I’d have been disappointed with less than that. “Hello, gorgeous. I think you might have come at an awkward...” “Oh, I know. I was summoned. Caroline has been here all afternoon. She even had a lie down, because of a headache. Mel and Kate know everything.” It was ominously quiet on the other side of the door that led to the living...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 5 My name is Carstairs Reginald Carstairs

Caroline summoned me to my office on Friday. My ticket for travelling the next Monday had just been arranged. I was actually discussing something with Daphne, which always takes a while, but Alice, her secretary, was quite clear: I was to report to the fourth flour at once. “Sorry about that, but I think you got the gist of it. Winston will certainly be able to flesh out the code. It will give you a chance to hang out together.” “I still want to know why you’re leaving,” said Daphne, trying...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 12 The Stein Way

As meetings go, I’ve had worse. I had no particular reason to doubt John Stein, but you never know what Americans are really up to. The Saudi government is only one of many undemocratic regimes they support to the hilt. They’re also not particularly interested in bringing people to justice. Generally all they need is a set of coordinates, a license plate number or the exact time their target will be driving past a hospital or day care centre. I was fairly sure a couple of terrorist attacks in...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 21 The Ugliest Laptop Ever Made

I woke up at nine, which was fine except a bit too late to attend the buffet in the main building. Never mind: I called the kitchen again and ordered breakfast. It would take a while to reach me, but as long as I didn’t order any hot items that was fine. Yoghurt, a bun and some jam would do me. I selected a suit and showed up just in time for my daily session with Alexandra. Technically this was the start of a new week, although neither I nor Alexandra got any days off. It was crunch time...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 22 Say it Donrsquot Spray It

I went over the call with Kate in my head, slightly upset at the fact I had broken off our conversation just to get out of the heat. Maybe it hadn’t been the heat so much as the fact I didn’t want to be reminded of how much I missed her. That girl isn’t just catnip to me: she’s oxygen. And every time we were apart, there was nothing for it but for me to practice holding my breath. I also worried about the fact people had started to miss me, all over sodding Doctor Who! It’s the shittiest...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 23 The Beginning of the End

Tuesday, August 25th, 2015. My garage. It was about one a.m. when the door to the garage opened and K-T rolled in. I had called ahead, to let Anaïs know that I was fine and on my way. “How are you doing?” “I am drinking water and eating uh ... Maltezers. Very poor chocolate.” “Yes, it’s English chocolate. Could be worse, though.” “Hershey...” she shuddered. “Exactly. I’ll be there in about twenty minutes. Can you hang on?” “I can go nowhere else, Anglais. It is...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 24 Mosque Not Get Caught

Friday, August 28th, 2015. Royal palace, guest annex. The next morning I called Asim and offered to cook for him, so I’d be able to intercept any packages that might be delivered to his house. He was glad to have me and I took delivery of five boxes while he was out. I made us roast duck (honey roasted, with creamed cauliflower) and an old-fashioned trifle and then I stole one of his outfits: guthra, igal, thobe and sandals. Two thobes, actually, just to be sure. He only had fourteen left, I...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 28 All Out of Gum and Ass to Kick

Darkness had come and gone. Musa and I had worked all through the night. When I had answers to all the questions I could think of, and had copied the contents of the SD-cards to my laptop to make space on one of them, I had written a script for him to read. It was based on what he had told me, but we still went through it line by line. By that time he was struggling to stay conscious. The wounds on his wrists in particular hurt terribly, so much in fact that I had to cut him loose and bandage...

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This Is Your Carstairs SpeakingChapter 14 Therersquos no office like the Home Office

The trip back home was luxurious but uneventful. I had taken Caroline out to dinner for our last night in Doha, after an afternoon spent in Souq Waqif. I liked it there, because even though it was rather sanitized, there was more than enough to see, smell and taste. Sure, one or two of these hole in the wall shops sold the inevitable Gucci handbags, but it was actually fun to learn from Caroline how to spot fake goods. “Take this GG canvas horse bit hobo bag,” she said, while the salesman...

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This Is Your Carstairs SpeakingChapter 5 lsquoWell I can see who wears the trousersrsquo

So there I was, in a homeless shelter somewhere in Rome, with a nun, a priest, my wife and the head of the Catholic church. So the bartender says... Okay, there was no bartender. Too bad, because this was supposed to be a vacation, damn it! A honeymoon! But what do I get? I get to go from one potential aneurysm to the the next! Someone walks in on me fucking my wife! Then there’s an orgy in my apartment! I seem to be on a painting made well before I was even born and to cap it off THE...

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The Reluctant Contestant

"Come on, George, it won't hurt anything and just by participating we'll get to do a lot of traveling to places we've always talked about going to!" George rubbed his chin and gazed at his still young-looking and pretty wife of 27 years. "I don't know," he said. "It's really not the kind of thing I'm into at all. In fact, I'm a little scared ... What if I win?" Dorothy laughed heartily. "George, this is YOU we're talking about! Do you really believe you can win?" George shook...

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This Is Your Carstairs SpeakingChapter 6 Whatrsquos in a Name

“Martin, get up. It’s gone ten. The Pope has been up for over five hours, you know.” “Good for him. Show-off.” “You’ll miss breakfast!” “I told you: get them to deliver a tray to the room.” “I don’t want to eat in the room! I want to eat on the rooftop terrace again! Come on, you can’t stay in bed all day!” “Yes, I can. I’m on vacation.” I was being truculent, although I like to think it was in a playful way that women secretly find boyish and charming. Mel would probably not agree. Nor...

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This Is Your Carstairs SpeakingChapter 4 Begin the legume

“Okay, so maybe it’s me. I’m on TV, sometimes. I did a movie. Someone made a painting and thought of me. Or they saw an ad or something. This happens to Emma all the time.” Melody shook her head. “Except in her case they Photoshop her face onto pornography. That’s her actual face, not a portrait. This is one, and it’s fairly well done. The painter wasn’t very experienced, but certainly talented. I’d say he used a live model, not just one reference picture.” When Melody says these things,...

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This Is Your Carstairs SpeakingChapter 3 When in Rome

I knew Mel was all talk when she said she could easily leave Edwin in Caroline’s care. But I didn’t blame her. I just sat on the couch, next to Peter Fox, in Caroline’s luxurious apartment on the corner of Hyde Park, just over the Aston Martin dealership. He lived there now, on a trial basis. “It’s a much shorter commute,” was all he said about that. I knew his home. The man liked marble statues, preferably with a penis or at least a six-pack. (No replicas of David, then.) He liked Persian...

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This Is Your Carstairs SpeakingChapter 17 The Faint Light at the End of It

Well, there we are: the final chapter. You have until January 1st to read this story before I make it available to premium members only. Your comments are welcome and if you find you like this sort of thing: there’s plenty more available on my site. – RD It rained. I think it should rain, at funerals. Most people stood under black or transparent umbrellas, but I wore a Macintosh over my black suit and I just didn’t care. I needed to focus on not crying. Rain on my face might help to conceal...

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This Is Your Carstairs SpeakingChapter 16 Deep underground

All was well until we arrived at Paddington. It was busy, but not too busy for the crowd to give us half a second so we could lift Edwin’s stroller over the infamous gap and onto the platform. But then there’s an escalator, a fairly long one that leads back to street level. You see, the track slopes downward from Edgware road to Paddington. Trains aren’t generally good at inclinations, but it’s a fair distance between those stations. One of the escalators was being serviced: a man in a blue...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 11 My French connection

I like to think I’m a decent man. I don’t leer at women, not even when I’m absolutely sure they’re not watching. I don’t turn around to check out ‘cabooses’, I don’t call women ‘darling’ unless I know them very well indeed and by and large you can trust me with your daughter. Unless she’s REALLY insistent and/or has grown legs and breast that make Marilyn Monroe look like a coat hanger. But even then I try really, really hard to ignore that. But being in a country where women were nothing...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 13 Irsquom something of an Esobe myself

When Asim and I came home, it was as if nothing had ever happened. I examined the lock, but that was only because my instructors had told me it’s a good habit to see if you can spot the scratches most lock-pickers leave. This guy was good: there were no scratches at all. I also reviewed the footage from my spy-cam, but learned nothing more. I also had no idea what prince Omar had been doing in other parts of the house, because I only had enough gear to monitor my own room. By the looks of...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 15 In Which our Hero Comes out of the Closet

Right. How to get to deck four, and more specifically into Omar’s private quarters? Doors wouldn’t be a problem: only the guest rooms had those card readers. Deck four was for family only. No, my problem was with the guards. One had already denied me access once. But there was that lift near the pantry, so that’s where I was now headed. I passed the Sayada lounge, where two guards eyed me as if I was going to take out my dick then and there and burst into the room, turned a corner and found a...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 16 And Now the End Is Near

I had to put my jacket back on in the hallway, so quickly was I ejected from the kitchen. Two phones really weighed it down, but if the Professor had recorded the meeting, I was sure my spymasters would want me to hang on to it. The pen had served its purpose, so that went into the water as soon as possible. And then I felt really odd for a minute. A man was dead right now, because of me. He was hardly the first, but it was different from all the other deaths I have caused. I planned this,...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 27 It Only Hurts When I Laugh

As soon as the rolling door had shut behind me, I began to undress. The plastic segments that allowed in some sunlight were so badly scuffed nobody would be able to see inside. Not unless they pressed their face up against them, anyway. My suit was in tatters. I wasn’t even sure why I wasn’t wearing my slacks and button down shirt. It’s think it may just be that wearing a suit seemed suitable for the occasion. If you’re going to commit mass murder, you should at the very least dress for it,...

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The Contestant

I am trying something new this time. I have no real story here, just a prelude to some hot action. Based on the feedback I have received, this is what most people seem to want. The history that leads up to this story is alluded to but the exact details are left to the imagination of the reader. Hope you enjoy! "Ok, here's how the contest works," Kelly stated from her perch atop the coffee table. "Each guy puts twenty bucks into the bucket, then takes off his clothes and sits down....

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A Game show where 4 male contestants Compete against each other and a straight couple

Freddy was nervous as hell. His girlfriend Sue had signed them up for this stupid game show without even telling him. He still wasn’t sure why he’d agreed. Sure they could win a lot of money, and they’d each get a grand just for participating. And sure they needed the money pretty bad. Desperately actually. But they would be on national TV having sex with strangers. He didn’t know what was worse, the fact that his girlfriend would be having sex with strange men right in...

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The Contestants Ch 02

Author’s Notes: Intro: To get the most out of this story, I recommend that you read the first chapter, which can be found here: The Contestants Ch. 01 Although Anna is in the focus of the conflict, she will be made aware of that she once unleashed the fury and is responsible for the escalation of it. Until now, she has been blind to the suffering of others, but now she will learn that there are consequences to reckon with. The background now is the American Civil War. A couple of...

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Mathis the Mountain Man

There he was, sitting near the rocks, whittling a piece of wood. Naked. Half the time, he was naked. I guess that was the perks of living in the woods by yourself. He was a real mountain man. A big, rugged fellow with tanned skin and dense dark hair all over, from his chest to his ass. He had a bulky body, but his arms and legs had natural muscle carved purely from physical labor from living out in the wilderness, and his thick uncut cock hung low like a third leg down between his...

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The swimsuit contestant0

Anyway, I've done several more contests since then and have been fortunate enough to win every one. Now I plan on moving to New York to pursue my modeling career. Until then, I've been staying with my mom and Craig to save up money and to keep things less confusing for the imminent move. Mom's still working, she's only forty-five and planned a business trip to Canada for the next couple weeks. I was totally bummed because that means I'm stuck with Craig alone that whole time. Julie is...

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The Woman Pleaser

An engineering student helps her professor with a very interesting project.The Woman Pleaser Being a woman at an engineering college had its advantages. Not the least of which was that Helena was outnumbered by men everywhere she went on campus and was the only girl in several of her classes. She liked it that way. Helena liked watching the male students gawk as she sashayed across campus in a tight skirt and bustier, her four-inch heels making her ass sway back and forth as she walked. She...

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Yes Porn Please is a website that offers thousands upon thousands of great porno videos that you can watch over and over without your getting your wallet bruised and burnt! YesPorn Please is a nice name, it's a catchy name, and above all, it's a name that will bring you great joy. However, it's a very simple page without a certain thematic going on for it. It's generic, even. However, it is obvious that a lot of effort has been put into making YesPornPlease, so obviously, a page like that...

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Say Porn Please, and then say Thank You after you finish adding a new layer of sticky crust to the underside of your desk. People these days can be so goddamn rude, even when you’re straight-up giving them free fuck flicks. I’m just trying to encourage some general politeness, even though very few of you are ever going to extend any gratitude to the smut peddlers of the world who make your alone time so much more fun. Hey, throw your old pal The Porn Dude a bone! I work hard to find you the...

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“Yes, Porn Please XXX,” I said out loud as I drug myself from bed this morning, eyes blurry, hangover pounding and morning wood raging. It had been a long night, a bookend to an even longer weekend, and now Monday was upon me with all its demands and responsibilities. Sometimes, a man needs a hard reset in the form of an intense, porno-fueled fap session; other times, a man just needs to get off into a sock before starting the work week. Honestly, with me there’s a near-constant urge to stroke...

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Thistle street middlesbrough escort

6 or maybe 7 years ago I was working 6 days a week, 12 hour shifts with only a Wednesday off. So no time for a girlfriend so I started seeing escorts again.At the time I was still old school and finding them in back of the sport newspaper in classifieds section, there used to be around 5 adverts for Middlesbrough in northeast section, there was one think it said something like mboro female 6 days then had home phone number and a mobile number. I phoned talked to a very nice sounding lady who...

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What Youre Missing Part Two

Introduction: The nightmare continues as Adam tries to break lesbian Lila. Will she submit? Lila squirmed in her confines as Adam approached her, his demeanor hadnt exactly been sunshine and cuddles before, but now it seemed to grow even darker. His bright blue eyes had lost their humor and light, and instead had become filled with angry determination. Adam, please stop, She begged him. He said nothing and didnt even acknowledge that she had spoken. He crawled into the bed towards her and she...

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The Contestants Ch 01

Author’s Notes: Intro: This is a story about a very hard choice, one that is almost impossible to make. It is also a story about the interaction between a human and non-humans. The story has been fitted into the category of Novels and Novellas. It could however have been entered into other categories as well, since it embraces fantasy, romance, and incest. As it evolves, you will find aspects of passion, rage, desire, and jealousy and although violent at times, there is also love in spite...

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Loris and MorgChapter 4 Windshift What Do We Have for the Contestants Johnny

The wind was in his face. This wasn't a breeze, some little summer swippet. This was a full bore 25 mile per hour wind. His braid was actually whipping from side to side ... left shoulder, right shoulder, left ... whack, whack, whack. Any harder and he was going to be bruised. The eagle feather was long gone. Ahead, the sky darkened over the mountains. The first towering cumulus, silhouetted by the declining sun, peeped in a valley gap, easily two hundred miles away. A gust reaching 40 blew...

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What Youre Missing Part Four

Introduction: Lila and Luke get Adam thrown in jail, Good Guys 1, Bad Guys 0. Happily Ever After! Or is it . . . The semen inside of Lila was indeed Adams, the police confirmed. They made the arrest the next morning, he was less than happy. You bitch, He hissed at Lila. She watched them drag him into the police department, it took three officers to do it. Adam continued, You fucking whore. Youre lying! You fucked me and you know it! Lilas heart fluttered with fear. Luke sensed it and held her...

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SRU Crowd Pleaser

I thought I'd write this quick little fluff story to try and apologise for all the female to male stuff I've been writing lately without even realising it... how do you suppose I managed to do that?! Anyway, this story can be archived absolutely anywhere except where a charge would be made to see it. Yours, Kathy Core "Spells 'R' Us: The Crowd Pleaser" Harold Embass raised the mallet high into the air, screwed his face into a tight ball and with all the power he could muster...

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SRU The Crowd Pleaser

SRU: The Crowd Pleaser by: Kathy Core Harold Embass raised the mallet high into the air, screwed his face into a tight ball and with all the power he could muster slammed it against the tiny pad at the base of the 'Prove Your Strength' game. Tina, his girlfriend, laughed at the pathetic effort, rated by it as 'Puny as a girl!' much to Harry's embarrassment. The few other people gathered in that section of the carnival shared Tina's laughter, unable to believe such a skinny wretch...

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SRU The Crowd Pleaser

This story can be archived absolutely anywhere except where a charge would be made to see it. SRU: The Crowd Pleaser By Kathy Core Harold Embass raised the mallet high into the air, screwed his face into a tight ball and with all the power he could muster slammed it against the tiny pad at the base of the "Prove Your Strength" game. Tina, his girlfriend, laughed at the pathetic effort, rated by it as "Puny as a girl!" much to Harry's embarrassment. The few other people...

2 years ago
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My nextdoor nieghbour jacob Uncle pete makes a fuck visit

Anyways I live with my mum and stepdad.My stepdad has a son, Liam who is 17, but this story is'nt about them.. its about the 17 yr old boy that lives next door to me, Jacob, he is tall he has longish brown hair and has a hot,fit body and face.. I sometimes stare at him from my bedroom window at his 6 pack when he's around his pool,and play myself over him because he just gets me all hot and bothered and I use my vibrater so I orgasm. Luckily he is my stepbrothers friend. So lets get on...

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