Omnia Vincit AmorChapter 2
- 3 years ago
- 46
- 0
Note: Since John’s daughter is also called Clare, to avoid confusion his daughter’s name is spelt without an ‘i’: e.g. Clare, throughout the remainder of this story.
On Saturday, the last day of July, Claire had letters ready for attachment to emails. She had written individually to each of her children except of course, Thomas. In them she explained gently what had happened, where she had been and why she had come to John’s house again.
She had wondered as she wrote if compassion for his injuries was the driving force that brought her, or the rekindled desire for him she had not felt for thirty plus years. Needless to say, that question did not find its way into any of the letters.
She did explain how ungrateful their Father had been and how she was now looking at divorcing him and seeking an annulment from the Church. She would be staying with John until he was well enough to look after himself. She pointed out that they would be friends as before, nothing more, though inwardly she did not feel much confidence about that assertion.
“Have you sent the emails?” John asked.
“No, I was going to ask you to read them – see if I pitched them aright.”
“Good,” he said with satisfaction. “Have you seen this?”
He handed the local paper to her, open at an inside page. She read.
‘Father and Son in assault court drama.’
‘A father and son who broke into a man’s home and injured him badly went before the Magistrates’ Court this afternoon.
‘Peter Klinsman and his son Thomas Klinsman both from the Netherlands had accused John Pollard of a relationship with Peter Klinsman’s wife. They assaulted him severely after forcing their way into Mr Pollard’s house. He was taken to hospital as a result of his injuries.
‘Both men pleaded guilty to Assault and Grievous Bodily Harm and were about to be sentenced to prison terms, when Mr Pollard, the victim, pleaded for their release in his victim’s statement.
‘He stated that the families of the two men would suffer hardship if they were sent to prison, and that they were under a misapprehension about Mrs Klinsman’s visit to him. Mrs Klinsman and he had been university friends and she had visited Mr Pollard in sympathy for the recent death of his wife.
‘As a result, both men were released. Peter Klinsman was conditionally discharged, and Thomas Klinsman was sentenced to six months in prison, suspended for a year.
‘Neither of the men commented on their lucky escape from prison as they left the court.
‘It is understood that Mrs Klinsman visited Mr Pollard again to care for him when she heard of the attack by her husband and son.’
Claire looked up. “It made the paper then?”
“Yes. If I’d not intervened, it probably wouldn’t have been reported. I thought you might like to scan some copies and attach them as well?”
She smiled at him. “Good thinking, At least they won’t be able to accuse me of lying.”
John read the letters and saw nothing amiss with them, so a scan of the newspaper article was attached along with each letter attachment and sent off. John and Claire braved the showers to take her son John’s letter to the post office to be sent to John’s friend in Germany who thereafter posted it on.
When they returned from the post office, they had coffee sitting on the sofa. She turned to him and looked pleadingly into his eyes, and he knew she needed to be held, to receive comfort and security from him. John said nothing but hugged her to him. There was nothing he could say, nor did he want to say anything.
At length she stirred, finished her coffee and stood up.
“If you don’t mind, I’ll go and do some gardening. It will calm me down. I need to think.”
John nodded and she left to change. He picked up his latest library book and settled to read. It was not long before he realised that he could not concentrate. Things were moving too fast for him.
Now it seemed that Claire was fixed on a course that would end her marriage one way or another. Whether she would get an annulment from the church was doubtful, but civil divorce seemed inevitable.
He felt saddened that after so many years and a family of five, it had to end with all the disruption that would cause. At least all the children were of an age to cope, for they were all adults and should be living independent lives by now, even if one of them was still at home.
What would she do now? Where would she live? It began to dawn on him that he would rather like to have her with him as a companion. It would relieve the loneliness. After all they had managed very successfully before.
Then he mentally slapped himself. Who was he kidding? How long would it be before they were in bed together? Adultery. One of the Top Ten alongside killing, stealing and lying in court. Not a good idea.
He went to the window and watched her. She had found the kneeling board, a trowel, a hand fork and a trug, and was setting about weeding the flower border. He wondered what was going through her mind.
In fact the answer he would never know was – not a lot! It was as if her life with Peter and her children existed in a parallel universe. She was living in the present moment, distinguishing plants from weeds, watching the small brown robin redbreast as it hopped close to her, picking out a worm and flying a short distance away to flail it about prior to eating it. The bird had a simple life. She remembered that while it was pretty, it was in fact one of the most vicious small garden birds. That’s life, you can’t tell by appearances, she thought to herself.
She came in for a salad lunch before returning to the flower border, while John got out the motor mower, cut the grass and trimmed the edges of the lawn. It caused him some pain, but he persevered.
“Let’s go out for a meal tonight,” he suggested to her, and she smiled and nodded. They took their separate showers and dressed up a little. Claire took his arm as they wandered along what John called Café Alley where there was a variety of fare on offer, Indian, Chinese, Persian, Turkish, Italian, even British!
“Claire, you choose which place for us,” John begged her. “You’ve been through a lot, which one?”
“I really fancy a curry,” she said, glancing at him to ascertain if this met with his approval.
“Good idea!” he enthused. “Can’t go wrong with a curry.”
The meal was well cooked and attentively served with humour and no subservience. As they left, Claire was presented with a red carnation, which amused John and touched Claire.
“Very apt after all your work among the flowers today,” he said.
When he offered a nightcap, Claire opted for a whisky.
“Highland, Speyside, Lowland or one from the islands?” he asked.
“I have so much choice?” she asked, eyes sparkling. “I think a Speyside, would be nice.”
“Twelve year old Cragganmore?” he asked.
“Sounds wonderful,” she enthused.
He poured her a generous dram, and presented it with a small jug of water.
“What are you having?” she asked, noting another bottle on the table.
“Old Pultney,” he said. “Highland. Most northern distillery, I think. Wick, near John o’Groats. Lovely smooth dram.”
“I never knew you were a malt whisky expert. You were always a beer man.”
“Still am, but I’ve grown to love malt whisky. Got quite a collection, like your mother. You?”
“As you know, Mum was a single malt whisky buff. I think you two would have got on well in her later years. You saw the collection at the house. You must come up with me again and drink some more of it.”
“Love to.”
“You know, when she was dying she as much as told me to leave Peter and come to you.”
There was a pause.
“She and your father didn’t like me,” he countered with that bald statement.
“It wasn’t that,” she said. “They wanted the best for me, and according to their lights at the time, they thought I could do better. Mum said at the end that they’d been foolish and you were the one I should have stuck with.”
“Water under the bridge,” John said. “We’ve said it before, I think. Between us we have eight (is it?) reasons not to regret the choices we made, and then there are all the good times we’ve had with our spouses.”
They finished their drinks and went to their separate bedrooms.
On Sunday, John was up before Claire was awake.
“Morning Claire,” said John, placing a mug of tea by her bed.
She stirred then awoke fully and smiled. “Morning John. I’m supposed to be looking after you.” She sat up and the duvet slipped from her. John was relieved that she was wearing a nightdress that covered her completely.
“I’m much better. Mass today and then I’m afraid you’re on your own this morning. It’s my week on the Sunday rota for taking Communion to our sick and housebound.”
“John!” she reprimanded him. “You’re not well enough to go traipsing round the area. And it’s just started raining. You’ll put your recovery back weeks!”
Claire caught the evening flight back to her husband and family with no problems, until, that is, she came though arrivals and looked for whoever was meeting her. She suspected in her bones that there would be trouble of some sort when she arrived. Peter had not phoned her at all, though the children had, telling her that they could not understand why she was staying away. She told them nothing, saying all would be explained when she returned, if their father had not explained it to them...
It had been just over four weeks since Claire had left John Pollard’s house, and John was once again used to being alone. He had been grateful for Claire’s presence and for their long talks, which he thought had been consoling for both of them. He had bade farewell to her hoping she had found a new way of living with her husband. He followed his routines. It gave structure to his life. He had also stayed for a while with his son James. James and Julie had made him very welcome, and it was...
The phone awoke the house early on Thursday morning. Claire answered and called to John to pick up his own. The police officer handling his case was ringing to tell him that Peter and Thomas were now in transit from Cumbria to the city and would be brought before the magistrates at two that afternoon. John as the victim was welcome to attend. The constable went on to say that if they pleaded guilty the procedure would be over that day; if not guilty, they would be remanded, probably in...
When the doorbell rang on Sunday morning, Claire grinned at John and went to the door. She opened it to find a young woman and a man. “Hello, you must be Clare,” she said brightly, “and this will be Luke. I’m Claire Klinsman.” “Pleased to meet you, Mrs Klinsman,” said the younger Clare with a smile, as the pair shrugged off their rainwear. Outside there was a fine drizzle. “I’d say call me Claire, but that might be awkward. My second name is Deborah, so perhaps I can be Claire D?” “D’you...
Though all her other children had replied to Claire’s email, there had been nothing from Elizabeth, and Claire felt the loss. Each day she had hoped for something the next day, but there was nothing from her. “I’m worried about Peter,” she said over coffee that morning. “From what the children say, he seems very depressed.” So he damn well ought to be, thought John, though he said nothing, but massaged her shoulders and back. “D’you think I should write to him?” she asked plaintively....
Claire daily looked for a reply from Peter to her letter, but none came. After a week she gave up. She sighed and at breakfast she told John of her decision. “I think it really is over, John,” she said. “I can’t go on like this. He’s not going to talk with me, and I need to get on with my life. I hoped I would get some sign from him to give me some – any – hope we could repair things, but I see now that’s unrealistic.” “So?” John’s voice was soft and affirming. “So I begin divorce...
Christmas lights had festooned town and city streets for some weeks already, and the news of the decree spurred John to ask about her plans for the feast. “I don’t know,” she answered him. “I wonder what the children have in mind. None of the children have kids of their own apart from Thomas, and he’s not talking to us. The whole family used to come to us. But I don’t know now...” “Same here. All mine live in striking distance, but Cath and Clare would come here and stay over.” John...
As January days progressed Claire became more and more morose, and more taciturn. John knew he could do nothing for her: it was her problem alone. He simply looked after her, and she often smiled her thanks. On the afternoon of Friday the 14th of January, the Friday before Thursday the 20th when she could apply for the Decree Absolute, the phone rang, and Claire being nearest answered it. John was in the kitchen, and heard what transpired. He heard her gasp of surprise and was ready to join...
Claire phoned Simon and told him she would not be applying immediately for the Decree Absolute. “I’ve had a last minute visit from Peter, and he’s getting therapy,” she said. “So I’ll delay until I’m certain there’s no hope.” “Fine,” Simon said. “You’re the boss, and I think you’re right. After the Final Decree there’s no going back. You can’t undo it. You’ll feel better in yourself if you’ve given the marriage every chance,” That evening, there was another phone call. This time John...
Claire emerged into Arrivals Reception pushing her trolley with two huge cases, two smaller ones, her laptop and some duty free bags. She searched those waiting and then saw Peter standing among the crowd. He simply stood. He did not wave to catch her attention and his face seemed emotionless, neither happy nor sad, though certainly not eager. She made her way to him and stood before him, the trolley between them. She looked enquiringly at him and he seemed to awake and stood aside. “Let...
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On the other shore of the North Sea, Claire Klinsman lived from day to day much as John had in the early days of his bereavement. She had returned to work at the same school, and ran the ‘English for Adults’ courses in the evenings, and that filled her days. With all the children gone as well, she could not face cooking meals for one, and consequently lost weight. She had written to John that the house seemed to echo with emptiness, but she knew that in reality the loneliness was within her,...
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The Unexpected Starlet I'm a young guy who has been dressing as up a girl since my early teens. I don't know the reasons why but I found feline clothing to be comforting, erotic and quite sensual. I also realized that I wanted to look female in my private times. I even bought make up and a wig by my sixteenth birthday. Eventually my petite frame and my unusual but strong desire to be dressed up like a "gal" brought me to take some daring excursions in public dressed as a...
She was standing nude before him, her dress draped on the back of his chair, her underclothes in a pile on a nearby table. She was clearly restless and impatient, her nipples taut, her skin pinked in arousal, her hips undulating faintly as if she could barely wait until he was undressed and inside herTo that end, he began disrobing, dropping his clothes on the floor with male disregard for subtleties. His shirt was off, as were his shoes and socks. He was just about to open his pants when she...
Straight Sex"Haha, you wish." He smiled at me, leaning toward me and took me by the waist, perfect lips leaning down toward my face. I blinked, not knowing how to react and I shut my eyes. His lips rested against mine, then moved a bit and it got more comfortable. I moaned, wrapping my arms around the curve of his neck and he held his body tight against mine..."Emily! Are you even listening?" My teachers voice pounded against my brain and my head shot up and I could already feel the flush of my face...
About two weeks later, we were spending a sunny Saturday basking by the apartment's swimming pool. This provided Carla with another way to show off, although I was surprised that her hot-pink bathing suit was surprisingly modest. I actually teased her about the suit and asked if she was losing interest in exhibitionism. Hardly, she explained. She just figured she was going to ease her way into more daring public exposure. A few minutes before we were going to pack up and call it a day, a...
The honeymoon didn't last long for the newlyweds since neither couple wanted to spend a lot of money. Times were tight and there was other things the two couples wanted to spend their money on. BB took Sheila on a tour of the White Mountain Apache Reservation for their honeymoon much to Sheila's delight. Sheila agreed with BB that his home was surrounded by some of the most beautiful country on earth. She liked the plains and rolling hills of her home in Oklahoma but the majesty of the...
It had been 2 years now since my father cheated on my mother which led to my parents divorce and my father was completely out of me and my mothers lives and my 2 older brothers who are 7 and 9 years older than me were very busy with their jobs, which left just me to go with my mom on our annual week long trip to our cabin in Tupper Lake that our family took every July. My name is jon and im 19 years old and about 6’1 with a solid athletes build due to me being the star 3 sport athlete in high...
Hiii friends this is rahul gigolo back again with a new story of my self mai aap kooo is story mai bataunga kii kaise maine aapne ek puranee dost kii behen koo chooda. Kripa kar story padkh kar mail kare aur mail ke reply bhi jaldi kare my mail id is please mail me aur jabalpur ki aunty aur ladkiya koi tooo milo yaar. Please jabalpur aunties mail karna mere age 22 hai mere height 5’7 hai aur mera lund 8.5 inch lumba aur 3inch mota hai so plz contact me for having sex. Mai kaise bhi sex karne...
It was just one of those days. I didn’t hear my alarm clock, couldn’t find matching socks, missed my bus and was thirty-four minutes late for work. Exactly. I know because my boss told me about sixteen times when I walked through the door. Everybody has one of those days every once in a while, but lately it seemed like every second day it was my turn to have one of those days. Everything was catching up on me and I was beginning to feel like I would never outrun any of my problems. When I got...
Love StoriesPatty and I have lived next door to each other since we were born. She was an only child while I had a younger brother Timmy. She was quite a tomboy so when we were preadolescents we three did everything together. That included playing “doctor” in the treehouse my dad built for us quite a way back in our big yard. We examined each other’s parts and she thought our little stiffies were cute. We were all fascinated by the way the other kind peed and played a few games with that as part of our...