Omnia Vincit AmorChapter 3
- 3 years ago
- 29
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Claire was deeply disturbed as she drove away from John’s house on a sunny calm afternoon. It had been a sudden decision to visit him, born of her compassion for his bereavement, but as soon as she saw him all the old feelings had returned.
She could not identify what it was about him that turned her emotional life completely upside down. It had happened exactly like that all those years ago. She smiled as she remembered how all her beliefs and convictions about love and sex had been undermined, not by his urgings or his arguments, for there had been none. All the changes came from within her and her desire for him.
She smiled. She had been far from prudish, but she had always resisted the groping of her previous boyfriends, none of whom lasted very long or got very far. She blushed as she remembered how, after her first date with John, he brought her back to her hall of residence. Unusually she had kissed him with a total lack of inhibition, her hands round his neck instead of by her sides, and had not resisted his hand as it made its journey up the outside of her leg under her pleated miniskirt to stroke her bottom.
Then there was the second date when they had gone out with his friends and, finding she was too late to return to her Hall, they had returned to their friends’ first floor flat. The second date! The others were already couples and went off to their shared beds, leaving John and herself in the living room on the bed-settee.
She had stripped down to her knickers, even removing her bra and actually displaying her breasts to him as he undressed to his underpants. Then they had spent an uncomfortable night on the lumpy furniture. He had not tried to make love to her but they had cuddled close, the size of the ‘bed’ forcing them together. From then on they were an ‘item’, though it was many months before she would offer him her virginity.
He just made her feel so alive, so capable of anything. His ideas were so original to her, especially about religion. And, she ruefully thought, nothing had changed even after all the years.
She was also astounded and angry, indeed livid, as she thought how Peter had intercepted John’s letter, hidden it from her, and had presumed to answer it on her behalf.
How dare he! She seethed all the way to her sister Ellen’s house and her resentment grew. It was not simply resentment about the letter. She realised he no doubt thought he was doing it out of love to protect her, but she knew it was really because he always sought to organise and order her life in every detail to keep control of her, because he was an intensely jealous man.
She was qualified as a teacher, but on his urging had stayed at home while the children grew up. She even wondered if their move back to the Netherlands was to prevent her getting a job of her own. She had never tried to practise in the Netherlands, though she was soon fluent in Dutch.
His control of their finances ensured that she always did what he wanted. In fairness, she thought, he was a company director and organising others, including her, was part of his nature, and she was sure that he did really love her.
She never had any serious doubts as to his faithfulness. Indeed it was his love and faithfulness that allowed her to suffer his overriding jealously, but this affair of the letter, this was serious. It went beyond all bounds of decency and even morality (she knew he thought himself to be a moral man). His action deeply insulted her.
As she drew up to Ellen’s house, Ellen rushed out to the car.
“Claire, where’ve you been? Peter’s been ringing every half-hour. He’s worried stiff. You should have been here over two hours ago.”
Claire rested her head on the steering wheel and looked sideways up at Ellen. “D’you know, Ellie? I don’t care a fucking damn how worried he is.”
Ellen looked startled. “What’s the matter, Claire? Something serious has happened hasn’t it?”
Claire nodded. “I’ll say it has. Let’s get into the house and I’ll tell you over a cup of tea – or coffee.” She remembered that Ellen did not drink tea. She got out of the car and the two sisters walked arm in arm into the house.
Claire sat at the table in the roomy kitchen of the large house, as Ellen made the coffee. While it brewed, she turned to Claire. Ellen was an accountant and worked from home; Simon her husband was a solicitor. The house reflected their wealth.
“So? What’s happened? Where’ve you been?”
“I went to see John Pollard.”
Ellen was nonplussed. The name did not ring a bell. “Who?” she asked.
“Sorry.” Claire had forgotten how long it had been. “He was my boyfriend before Peter. Remember now?”
Ellen remembered. “It must be thirty years Claire. He came to the house one summer. I was going on holiday with Mum and Dad. I was out and he’d gone before I got back. Mum and Dad didn’t like him at all, if I remember rightly. They thought you could do better. Didn’t you invite him back while we were away, you dirty girl?” she giggled. “Dad was very relieved when you married Peter. God, our parents were snobs back then! So why look John Pollard up?”
“I called on Fr Gerard on the way here. Don’t ask me why, it was just a whim. I hadn’t seen him for over a year and his parish was on my way. He told me that John’s wife had died very suddenly a few months back and John was taking it badly. Apparently they were deeply in love all through their marriage. So I diverted to see him. It was a spur of the moment thing.”
“So how was he?”
“Bearing up stoically, I think is the best description. Still very unhappy and depressed. I’m glad I went: it seemed to cheer him up.”
“But what’s up with you and Peter? You’re angry with him, I can see that.”
“Ellen, you won’t believe this. John said he’d written to me some years ago. He was very ill at the time with cancer and wanted to make his peace with people he thought he’d hurt or treated badly. I never got the letter. Peter opened it and sent a nasty reply on my behalf saying I didn’t want anything to do with him! And he didn’t tell me!”
“Good God!” Ellen’s blasphemy was heartfelt. “I know Peter’s a jealous bugger – he never used to let you out of his sight at parties. Didn’t he get angry when you talked to that Graham?”
“The jealousy I’ve coped with. Let’s face it I’ve lived with it for all our marriage. But this! He treats me like I’m his property. I wonder how many other letters he’s intercepted from friends of the past and answered them for me?”
The phone rang. The two women stared at each other. Then Ellen rose to answer it. She turned to Claire. Mouthing that it was Peter.
She spoke into the receiver. “It’s OK, Peter, she’s here.” She covered the mouthpiece. “He wants to talk to you.”
“Tell him I don’t want to speak to him. I’ll talk to him when I get back.”
Se relayed the message, then there was a silence as Ellen listened. “He says he wants to speak to you now.”
Claire rose in a temper, grabbing the phone from Ellen and shouting into the mouthpiece. “Peter don’t you understand English? I will not talk to you, I will not explain anything to you until I get back.” She slammed the phone down.
She was shaking with rage as she sat down and as she did so the phone rang again. Ellen dived for it before Claire could reach it. She listened. Then spoke quietly.
“Peter, there’s no point in shouting at me. Claire isn’t going to talk to you until she gets back. She’s a very angry woman at the moment, so there’s no point in phoning again. Good bye.”
She replaced the receiver on its cradle. It did not ring again.
Ellen poured the coffee and set it between them, offering milk and sugar. Then she sat and leant forward. “So, what was it like with John after all this time?”
Claire smiled. Her anger just evaporated as she remembered the meeting. Ellen could see the tension dissipating as Claire smiled fondly. Oh, she thought. Our Claire’s still carrying a torch for him, eh?
“It was as if we’d never been apart. He didn’t know me at first, but that’s not surprising, I’m in my fifties and we last saw each other when I was twenty one – I’ve changed and he wasn’t expecting me. But once he did, his eyes softened as he remembered, and when we hugged, well, I know I shouldn’t say this but I felt somehow back at home in his arms.”
“Wow, Claire!” Ellen exclaimed. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”
“I don’t know what you’re thinking, Sis, but I realise now that I hadn’t felt so peaceful and content for a while. Peter and I have been coasting along, and I sort of got used to it. You know how strait-laced he is! It’s like living in the 1950s. He moralises all the time, following the strict right-wing church line – no contraception, a good wife obeys her husband in everything; only men can be priests. He believes all those dogmas which I’ve always taken with a pinch of salt – Immaculate Conception, Assumption, Virgin Birth. For him it’s all literally true.
“I know he loves me, he’s very affectionate, very comfortable, generous, caring, just not imaginative. I think he could be passionate – I know he desires me – but he won’t let himself go. We do get on all right together. Or rather we did.” At this Claire’s jaw set and her anger returned.
“When did you last have sex with Peter?” Ellen asked. She had always been direct and she had picked up on Claire’s remarks.
Claire thought. “About three months ago, I think. It was quite an effort to seduce him, and he was worried that he’d make me pregnant again – at my age! He doesn’t know I’ve been on the pill for the past three years. He’d have a fit!”
They both laughed.
The two sisters had always got on well together, and there were no secrets between them. They each knew the other would never break a confidence. Indeed they felt a strong bond of love and affection.
“The truth is, Ellie, visiting John has unsettled me.” Claire continued after they had calmed down. “As I said, he’s heartbroken, poor man, and I realised how deep their relationship was. It could have been me with him, having a relationship like that. Now I feel I’ve somehow missed my way in life. I’ve missed out somehow. It’s thrown a new light on my life with Peter.”
“Claire, you’re not...”
“Oh no! I made a commitment to Peter and I’ll stick with it. I do love him very much, you know. At least I will if I get a proper apology for what he’s done. I’m astounded at his nerve! Fancy writing to a man suffering from cancer, who’s trying to make his peace with everyone in case he dies, telling him to back off and that I want nothing to do with him! It’s almost unforgivable. And to lie that! I didn’t want to talk to him. I tell you, Ellie, it’s shaken me completely. I don’t know what I feel for Peter now. I can’t get my head round this.”
“Well, to be honest, Claire, I don’t know how you’ve stuck with him as long as you have.”
Claire looked startled, as indeed she was. She was surprised their relationship was transparent to others. She tried to explain.
“Well, it was great at the beginning. After the intensity of my time with John, he came as a relief. He was a real friend. He never made any sexual move on me and it was clear this was because he had these strong beliefs about sex before marriage.
“And believe me, Ellen, after we married, there was a lot of passion. He wanted children – and so did I. It was only after John was born that the sex began to be less frequent, except when I assured him I was safe. Of course then I got pregnant with Philip, number five, and after that he didn’t trust me.”
“I never asked you before. Were you a virgin when you got married? Was Peter the only one?”
Claire looked down at her hands on the table.
“No,” she said.
There was a silence. Then Ellen spoke again.
“Does Peter know?”
“No, he thought he was the first, but since he was a virgin, he’d no way of knowing that I wasn’t. I think he thought I’d popped my cherry on my bike or some such, since there was no blood. He never mentioned it, and knowing him as I do now, he really would have.”
“You know, Claire, I can’t believe we’ve never talked about this.”
“It’s not surprising, darling. Peter’s always been here with me, and the children were always around as well, ours or yours.”
“So what’s sex like with him?” Ellen asked leaning forward.
“Hey, Ellie, that’s a bit personal!”
“Oh, come on, Claire! We always used to talk about everything. Tell!”
“It’s always very nice–”
“Nice!” Ellen exclaimed. “Nice?” she repeated more gently. “That’s a very ‘interesting’ way of putting it. What do you do? How much variety?”
“You mean having sex?”
“Yes. Positions? Foreplay?”
“Missionary. He’s very gentle. I always enjoy it and feel loved.”
“He always comes.”
“I meant you!”
“Not with him. He won’t touch me down there, says it’s immoral. Luckily I’m usually moist and I can get myself off in the bathroom. If I get randy I can get a good buzz on my own.”
“Did you get any with John? I assume he broke you in.”
“Yes, that time when you were on holiday with the folks.”
Ellen laughed. “Naughty girl!”
“Funny you should ask that though,” Claire continued, after a grin at Ellen. “He was saying that he knew practically nothing about pleasuring a woman when we had sex. I remember I got really excited but I never actually came. And I finished with him not long after that. I felt I was getting too serious too early: we were getting so intense. I was a fool. I reckon he knows a lot more now! I read his wife’s letter.”
Ellen looked puzzled.
“When John was being treated for cancer he wrote a letter to Elizabeth for her to find if he died. Anyway, she found it while he was in hospital and it gave her the idea to write one of her own in case she died. So after she passed so suddenly, their solicitor gave it to him.”
“Pretty personal – intimate?”
“Ellie, you’ve no idea! Anyway,” she coloured up and grinned. “It was incredibly steamy!”
“Whoa!” Ellen gasped. “And he let you read it?”
Claire nodded. “How about your sex life?” She asked her sister as if vouchsafing that information about herself gave her permission to pry.
“Fantastic! Missionary, me on top (they call it cowgirl), doggy, sixty-nine, standing up, on the kitchen table, wheelbarrow. He’s really sensitive and loving, and skilful! He fingers me to perfection, does a fantastic job with his tongue as well. I come and come. He loves my blowjobs! Yeah. We have a blast!”
Claire was silent, breathing hard, red faced, her face a wooden mask.
Ellie took her hand. “Hey, Sis. You did ask. I’m sorry.”
Claire sighed. “Yes I did, didn’t I? Elizabeth said much the same in her letter to John.”
“Can’t you get Peter to...” she faltered to a halt. “No, I see you can’t.”
Claire’s eyes were tearful. “I wish now I hadn’t gone to see John. Peter and I have a very good life, but now ... God! What a mess!”
It had been just over four weeks since Claire had left John Pollard’s house, and John was once again used to being alone. He had been grateful for Claire’s presence and for their long talks, which he thought had been consoling for both of them. He had bade farewell to her hoping she had found a new way of living with her husband. He followed his routines. It gave structure to his life. He had also stayed for a while with his son James. James and Julie had made him very welcome, and it was...
The phone awoke the house early on Thursday morning. Claire answered and called to John to pick up his own. The police officer handling his case was ringing to tell him that Peter and Thomas were now in transit from Cumbria to the city and would be brought before the magistrates at two that afternoon. John as the victim was welcome to attend. The constable went on to say that if they pleaded guilty the procedure would be over that day; if not guilty, they would be remanded, probably in...
Note: Since John’s daughter is also called Clare, to avoid confusion his daughter’s name is spelt without an ‘i’: e.g. Clare, throughout the remainder of this story. On Saturday, the last day of July, Claire had letters ready for attachment to emails. She had written individually to each of her children except of course, Thomas. In them she explained gently what had happened, where she had been and why she had come to John’s house again. She had wondered as she wrote if compassion for his...
When the doorbell rang on Sunday morning, Claire grinned at John and went to the door. She opened it to find a young woman and a man. “Hello, you must be Clare,” she said brightly, “and this will be Luke. I’m Claire Klinsman.” “Pleased to meet you, Mrs Klinsman,” said the younger Clare with a smile, as the pair shrugged off their rainwear. Outside there was a fine drizzle. “I’d say call me Claire, but that might be awkward. My second name is Deborah, so perhaps I can be Claire D?” “D’you...
Though all her other children had replied to Claire’s email, there had been nothing from Elizabeth, and Claire felt the loss. Each day she had hoped for something the next day, but there was nothing from her. “I’m worried about Peter,” she said over coffee that morning. “From what the children say, he seems very depressed.” So he damn well ought to be, thought John, though he said nothing, but massaged her shoulders and back. “D’you think I should write to him?” she asked plaintively....
Claire daily looked for a reply from Peter to her letter, but none came. After a week she gave up. She sighed and at breakfast she told John of her decision. “I think it really is over, John,” she said. “I can’t go on like this. He’s not going to talk with me, and I need to get on with my life. I hoped I would get some sign from him to give me some – any – hope we could repair things, but I see now that’s unrealistic.” “So?” John’s voice was soft and affirming. “So I begin divorce...
Christmas lights had festooned town and city streets for some weeks already, and the news of the decree spurred John to ask about her plans for the feast. “I don’t know,” she answered him. “I wonder what the children have in mind. None of the children have kids of their own apart from Thomas, and he’s not talking to us. The whole family used to come to us. But I don’t know now...” “Same here. All mine live in striking distance, but Cath and Clare would come here and stay over.” John...
As January days progressed Claire became more and more morose, and more taciturn. John knew he could do nothing for her: it was her problem alone. He simply looked after her, and she often smiled her thanks. On the afternoon of Friday the 14th of January, the Friday before Thursday the 20th when she could apply for the Decree Absolute, the phone rang, and Claire being nearest answered it. John was in the kitchen, and heard what transpired. He heard her gasp of surprise and was ready to join...
Claire phoned Simon and told him she would not be applying immediately for the Decree Absolute. “I’ve had a last minute visit from Peter, and he’s getting therapy,” she said. “So I’ll delay until I’m certain there’s no hope.” “Fine,” Simon said. “You’re the boss, and I think you’re right. After the Final Decree there’s no going back. You can’t undo it. You’ll feel better in yourself if you’ve given the marriage every chance,” That evening, there was another phone call. This time John...
Claire emerged into Arrivals Reception pushing her trolley with two huge cases, two smaller ones, her laptop and some duty free bags. She searched those waiting and then saw Peter standing among the crowd. He simply stood. He did not wave to catch her attention and his face seemed emotionless, neither happy nor sad, though certainly not eager. She made her way to him and stood before him, the trolley between them. She looked enquiringly at him and he seemed to awake and stood aside. “Let...
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One late evening I could not fall asleep for the life of me. I tossed and turned in my bed for hours, thinking about the woman I met online the other day. She was in her mid thirties, and since I was in my mid twenties and preferred older women, she was absolutely perfect. She was a free spirit like I was and enjoyed talking to people online. Our chats quickly became flirty and even turned into role-playing, fantasizing about meeting up at her place and having our way on her couch. I couldn’t...
Bob was on the last days of his Easter holidays. His final term at University would start on Tuesday of the following week. He had done a lot of revision work during the holidays and was confident that all his hard work would be fruitful. He was missing Kate; she was one of his lecturers, he had been having an affair with her for the last two years. She was in her sixties. Her husband had retired just before Easter, and it was now challenging for them to meet.Kate had helped Bob in so many ways...
MatureI woke up Sunday morning to the tantalizing smell of bacon and cinnamon. I pulled on my robe and stumbled out to the kitchen. I found Damian hard at work, assisted by Billy Robinson. Billy explained that the culinary bug bit his lover earlier that morning. He was preparing stuffed French toast, bacon, fresh squeezed orange juice and fresh fruit cup. Trevor and Stephanie were relaxing at our table, waiting for Damian to complete the preparations for the meal. Chip and Amanda came downstairs...
This story may not be re-posted without the permission of the author. ONE BAD TURN By Lana B. Dan Garrett slowly guided his brand new silver Jaguar XK into the reserved parking space and cut the ignition. He exited the car and approached the four-story brick building. He mindfully inhaled the early-morning cool air and detected the pleasant scents of honeysuckle and lilac. He held his head high and smiled as he passed the lawn placard reading, 'Ocudata Pharmaceuticals, Inc.,...
I woke up early in the morning with a piss hard-on. Kelly's clock showed it was 7:03 am. I slipped on my robe and went across the hall to use the bathroom. Fortunately no girls answered when I knocked on the door. I took care of my business and headed back to Kelly's room. I decided to check-in at the hospital before I went back to sleep. I grabbed my cell phone and went back out into the hallway. The front desk at the hospital wouldn't give me any information. The nurse did agree to take...
I live close enough to the shore, and there are many cafes across the street from the beach, where you can work on your laptop and enjoy the view and fresh air. Most of the year it's anywhere between warm and hot outside, but the breeze from the sea brakes up the heat pleasantly.As I often would during the summer, I went out to such cafe to work, instead of staying home all day. I got a few coffees over the course of the day, and I spent nearly all day there. Usually I would go home for a lunch...
Cursing himself for allowing his ownunder-fed sex drive and stupidity to force him into this, Koroko crept through the bushes while avoiding the skinny, thorn-laden branches, eager to get a view of a small drow outpost. For a lone human deep in the heart of drow controlled territory, this was an amazingly dangerous and foolish journey. Coupled with the fact that Koroko wasn’t a very capable fighter by any standard, and admittedly not the bravest of men, if he ran into trouble it wasn’t likely...
“Happy Birthday, to you, Happy Birthday, to you …” the group sings. Virginia then blows out her candles, and a cheer erupts. Hugs and kisses are exchanged with the birthday girl. There is a mix of family and friends, numbering about 15 people. This is the big one: Virginia is now 18 years old. This means that she is now a legal adult. With this milestone, she now can purchase alcohol and tobacco products. More importantly, she can enter adult entertainment venues. Virginia is my girlfriend’s...
HardcoreHi all this is Raj back with an experience. Thanks for the replies of the ladies and sharing their space. It just happened few a weeks ago, when my GF (baby) parents went out for a week. As she was the only child and has exams had to stay back. We never have been physical in our 1 year of relationship other than hug. But this was the time which changed all our thoughts and way we treated each other. First two days just went off with she busy in study and i at work but later on 3rd day evening...
Hi doston mera name hai Nimku aur mera Lund ka size 7inch hai jo koi aunty ya girl free mein satisfy hona chahti ho toh mail karen par Toh story pe aate hai iss story ki heroine mere flat ki aunty hai jinka name hai Mintu aur dekhne mein bilkul Jacqueline Fernandez jaisi. Unki figue 36-28-36 hai. Unki legs bilkul waxed aur toned hai puri milky white Jacqueline toh bhi complex de sakti hai aise hai Aunty mere flat ki. Ek din Dusheera ke time pe aunty kuch kaam karte waqt gir gayi thi jisse unke...
Hi all, this is my first attempt at a story for Xhamster, so please bear with me.It is a fantasy about a first real encounter with a Xhamster contact. Other than the possibility of meeting we haven’t discussed details at all, this is one version of that first encounter as played out in my head.Paul, I don’t even know his real name, said it would be easier to meet at his house as his wife was staying away with family. I had his address and a time to meet, instructions to park the car around the...
“I was working four jobs and going to college…University of Cincinnati,” Sara Jay told us. “I was a customer-service phone person. I was also a waitress at a spaghetti restaurant, and I was a coat-check girl at a nightclub, and I also sold Avon. I was an Avon Lady! I was working 96 hours a week and taking 14 credit hours at school, and I didn’t really care about my body, so when I went to clubs with this guy, I got to try wearing new stuff, and I liked it. Guys...
xmoviesforyouI rose to my feet as the ball approached the goal. The forwards, twin sisters in blue, worked a set pattern as they broke over the line. One defenseman, in red, had fallen. My son, the remaning defenseman, covered the girl on the far side. He cut the angle to block a shot on goal, but couldn't prevent a pass to his sister cutting across the center of the field. The goalie came out to hurry her shot. He dove, catching the ball at the far post, sprawling on his face. The shooting forward picked...
by Vanessa Evans Part 02 As we walked down the road Noah said, “I’ve been wanting to go into that shop for a couple of years now, but I never had a suitable girl to take in until you came along Olivia.” “Was that actually a compliment Noah?” “I guess that it was, I would, will be proud to take you anywhere Olivia.” Then Noah spoilt it a bit by adding, “Especially if you are dressed in some of the clothes that we just bought.” Never the less, it was a sort of compliment and I thought...
The most wonderful time of the year! It is surprise a fan at their home by their favorite porn star. This is a special time in Japan where the porn stars give back to their fans. They do this by accepting applications from fans to visit them at their homes and enjoy an afternoon of tea and biscuits with them. They really don’t expect tea and biscuits, they do expect to try to make a move on their fan while they are at their home and see where that leads. So today, in this wonderful world of...
xmoviesforyouI had my husband tied to the bed, as he claimed he loved to be. I timed mybobs to correspond with his thrusting hips. John's cock, purple with need,slid in and out of my wet, red-lipsticked lips effortlessly. My fingersencircled his shaft, stroking in time with my mouth and urging him to cum."Oh God!" he cried. "I am gonna cum!" My response wasn't spoken, becausethat would require me to break suction from his cock. Instead, I hummed apleasurable sound that conveyed my willingness to accept...
Synopsis: After celebrating his daughter's betrothal Henry unexpected finds he has the house to himself and decides to indulge his secret fetish. But he doesn't know that there's someone else in the house. An Unexpected Encounter By Belle Gordon Henry Adams lay in bed savouring the moment, knowing it was one of those rare occasions when he would have the house to himself. Sophie had arrived home from college the previous evening with her boyfriend and had announced that they were...
Once upon a time I was a naive 19yr old second-year student from Lancashire who wondered how it was that her flatmate friend and class-mate, Monica, always seemed to have spare cash when in our first year she was always cash poor.My suspicions were aroused when she always seemed to get calls and texts in the evening and certain week-day afternoons. She would then disappear from class when at college or in to her room when at the flat.If she was at the flat she would then hurtle into the...
"Hey!" Michael said as he saw me enter the studio.I smiled and greeted the director with a gigantic hug."Glad to see you aren't like the others," he said as he stared at my chest. "All these women getting reductions these days."I had worked with him on my previous interracial shoot; it had been almost a year since my first porn shoot. I was happy to work with him again. The last two were a pain to deal with, always wanting to change things. I knew with him at least all I had to do was show my...
OccupationsLaura did feel like she was getting a little old. Though not yet thirty-that dreadful event would happen in about six weeks-she was aware that the slang some of her younger girlfriends used, especially the teenagers, was alien to her, and their musical tastes too. When the Victoria's Secret catalogs arrived in the mail, Stephanie Seymour was nowhere to be seen in them, and the girls that were there, though sexy and attractive, seemed somehow callow, denatured, and remote, as if shot through...
Lily felt the first rays of sunshine stroke her face. She had been awake for quite a while, still trying to get back to her dream. When she first opened her eyes this morning it was still dark, she knew she had been having a nice dream tonight. But now, she couldn’t even remember what it had been about. Unwillingly she raised herself from her bed, knowing her dream was now lost forever. She tried to open her eyes fully, but the gleams of sunlight quickly restrained her from doing so. Lily sat...
Hi, this is Sameer from Mumbai, and I am going to tell a story of my encounter with a stranger girl Debika whom I met on facebook. First let me tell about myself. I am tall, 6 ft, wheatish complexion and of a muscular build. My cock is 7 inches long , quite thick, 3 inch circumference anI was rubbing her pussy skin.private area clean and shaved. I am not a virgin and had sex with two different girls. My age is 31. I work in an MNC and do a lot of traveling within India and abroad. Now let’s...
“I can’t raise Nikki on either the police radio or her cell phone,” said Sheila as Linda walked through the door of the office. “Where is she?” “She found a similar murder to ours in some old records. A Marjorie Timmings. Widow. Her daughter was killed about twelve years ago. Owns a farm out past route 57. Nikki went out there to interview her.” “How long ago?” asked Linda. “Almost three hours. She should have been back by now - at least have called in.” “Okay, get the timings woman on...