Omnia Vincit AmorChapter 2 free porn video

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Claire was deeply disturbed as she drove away from John’s house on a sunny calm afternoon. It had been a sudden decision to visit him, born of her compassion for his bereavement, but as soon as she saw him all the old feelings had returned.

She could not identify what it was about him that turned her emotional life completely upside down. It had happened exactly like that all those years ago. She smiled as she remembered how all her beliefs and convictions about love and sex had been undermined, not by his urgings or his arguments, for there had been none. All the changes came from within her and her desire for him.

She smiled. She had been far from prudish, but she had always resisted the groping of her previous boyfriends, none of whom lasted very long or got very far. She blushed as she remembered how, after her first date with John, he brought her back to her hall of residence. Unusually she had kissed him with a total lack of inhibition, her hands round his neck instead of by her sides, and had not resisted his hand as it made its journey up the outside of her leg under her pleated miniskirt to stroke her bottom.

Then there was the second date when they had gone out with his friends and, finding she was too late to return to her Hall, they had returned to their friends’ first floor flat. The second date! The others were already couples and went off to their shared beds, leaving John and herself in the living room on the bed-settee.

She had stripped down to her knickers, even removing her bra and actually displaying her breasts to him as he undressed to his underpants. Then they had spent an uncomfortable night on the lumpy furniture. He had not tried to make love to her but they had cuddled close, the size of the ‘bed’ forcing them together. From then on they were an ‘item’, though it was many months before she would offer him her virginity.

He just made her feel so alive, so capable of anything. His ideas were so original to her, especially about religion. And, she ruefully thought, nothing had changed even after all the years.

She was also astounded and angry, indeed livid, as she thought how Peter had intercepted John’s letter, hidden it from her, and had presumed to answer it on her behalf.

How dare he! She seethed all the way to her sister Ellen’s house and her resentment grew. It was not simply resentment about the letter. She realised he no doubt thought he was doing it out of love to protect her, but she knew it was really because he always sought to organise and order her life in every detail to keep control of her, because he was an intensely jealous man.

She was qualified as a teacher, but on his urging had stayed at home while the children grew up. She even wondered if their move back to the Netherlands was to prevent her getting a job of her own. She had never tried to practise in the Netherlands, though she was soon fluent in Dutch.

His control of their finances ensured that she always did what he wanted. In fairness, she thought, he was a company director and organising others, including her, was part of his nature, and she was sure that he did really love her.

She never had any serious doubts as to his faithfulness. Indeed it was his love and faithfulness that allowed her to suffer his overriding jealously, but this affair of the letter, this was serious. It went beyond all bounds of decency and even morality (she knew he thought himself to be a moral man). His action deeply insulted her.

As she drew up to Ellen’s house, Ellen rushed out to the car.

“Claire, where’ve you been? Peter’s been ringing every half-hour. He’s worried stiff. You should have been here over two hours ago.”

Claire rested her head on the steering wheel and looked sideways up at Ellen. “D’you know, Ellie? I don’t care a fucking damn how worried he is.”

Ellen looked startled. “What’s the matter, Claire? Something serious has happened hasn’t it?”

Claire nodded. “I’ll say it has. Let’s get into the house and I’ll tell you over a cup of tea – or coffee.” She remembered that Ellen did not drink tea. She got out of the car and the two sisters walked arm in arm into the house.

Claire sat at the table in the roomy kitchen of the large house, as Ellen made the coffee. While it brewed, she turned to Claire. Ellen was an accountant and worked from home; Simon her husband was a solicitor. The house reflected their wealth.

“So? What’s happened? Where’ve you been?”

“I went to see John Pollard.”

Ellen was nonplussed. The name did not ring a bell. “Who?” she asked.

“Sorry.” Claire had forgotten how long it had been. “He was my boyfriend before Peter. Remember now?”

Ellen remembered. “It must be thirty years Claire. He came to the house one summer. I was going on holiday with Mum and Dad. I was out and he’d gone before I got back. Mum and Dad didn’t like him at all, if I remember rightly. They thought you could do better. Didn’t you invite him back while we were away, you dirty girl?” she giggled. “Dad was very relieved when you married Peter. God, our parents were snobs back then! So why look John Pollard up?”

“I called on Fr Gerard on the way here. Don’t ask me why, it was just a whim. I hadn’t seen him for over a year and his parish was on my way. He told me that John’s wife had died very suddenly a few months back and John was taking it badly. Apparently they were deeply in love all through their marriage. So I diverted to see him. It was a spur of the moment thing.”

“So how was he?”

“Bearing up stoically, I think is the best description. Still very unhappy and depressed. I’m glad I went: it seemed to cheer him up.”

“But what’s up with you and Peter? You’re angry with him, I can see that.”

“Ellen, you won’t believe this. John said he’d written to me some years ago. He was very ill at the time with cancer and wanted to make his peace with people he thought he’d hurt or treated badly. I never got the letter. Peter opened it and sent a nasty reply on my behalf saying I didn’t want anything to do with him! And he didn’t tell me!”

“Good God!” Ellen’s blasphemy was heartfelt. “I know Peter’s a jealous bugger – he never used to let you out of his sight at parties. Didn’t he get angry when you talked to that Graham?”

“The jealousy I’ve coped with. Let’s face it I’ve lived with it for all our marriage. But this! He treats me like I’m his property. I wonder how many other letters he’s intercepted from friends of the past and answered them for me?”

The phone rang. The two women stared at each other. Then Ellen rose to answer it. She turned to Claire. Mouthing that it was Peter.

She spoke into the receiver. “It’s OK, Peter, she’s here.” She covered the mouthpiece. “He wants to talk to you.”

“Tell him I don’t want to speak to him. I’ll talk to him when I get back.”

Se relayed the message, then there was a silence as Ellen listened. “He says he wants to speak to you now.”

Claire rose in a temper, grabbing the phone from Ellen and shouting into the mouthpiece. “Peter don’t you understand English? I will not talk to you, I will not explain anything to you until I get back.” She slammed the phone down.

She was shaking with rage as she sat down and as she did so the phone rang again. Ellen dived for it before Claire could reach it. She listened. Then spoke quietly.

“Peter, there’s no point in shouting at me. Claire isn’t going to talk to you until she gets back. She’s a very angry woman at the moment, so there’s no point in phoning again. Good bye.”

She replaced the receiver on its cradle. It did not ring again.

Ellen poured the coffee and set it between them, offering milk and sugar. Then she sat and leant forward. “So, what was it like with John after all this time?”

Claire smiled. Her anger just evaporated as she remembered the meeting. Ellen could see the tension dissipating as Claire smiled fondly. Oh, she thought. Our Claire’s still carrying a torch for him, eh?

“It was as if we’d never been apart. He didn’t know me at first, but that’s not surprising, I’m in my fifties and we last saw each other when I was twenty one – I’ve changed and he wasn’t expecting me. But once he did, his eyes softened as he remembered, and when we hugged, well, I know I shouldn’t say this but I felt somehow back at home in his arms.”

“Wow, Claire!” Ellen exclaimed. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

“I don’t know what you’re thinking, Sis, but I realise now that I hadn’t felt so peaceful and content for a while. Peter and I have been coasting along, and I sort of got used to it. You know how strait-laced he is! It’s like living in the 1950s. He moralises all the time, following the strict right-wing church line – no contraception, a good wife obeys her husband in everything; only men can be priests. He believes all those dogmas which I’ve always taken with a pinch of salt – Immaculate Conception, Assumption, Virgin Birth. For him it’s all literally true.

“I know he loves me, he’s very affectionate, very comfortable, generous, caring, just not imaginative. I think he could be passionate – I know he desires me – but he won’t let himself go. We do get on all right together. Or rather we did.” At this Claire’s jaw set and her anger returned.

“When did you last have sex with Peter?” Ellen asked. She had always been direct and she had picked up on Claire’s remarks.

Claire thought. “About three months ago, I think. It was quite an effort to seduce him, and he was worried that he’d make me pregnant again – at my age! He doesn’t know I’ve been on the pill for the past three years. He’d have a fit!”

They both laughed.

The two sisters had always got on well together, and there were no secrets between them. They each knew the other would never break a confidence. Indeed they felt a strong bond of love and affection.

“The truth is, Ellie, visiting John has unsettled me.” Claire continued after they had calmed down. “As I said, he’s heartbroken, poor man, and I realised how deep their relationship was. It could have been me with him, having a relationship like that. Now I feel I’ve somehow missed my way in life. I’ve missed out somehow. It’s thrown a new light on my life with Peter.”

“Claire, you’re not...”

“Oh no! I made a commitment to Peter and I’ll stick with it. I do love him very much, you know. At least I will if I get a proper apology for what he’s done. I’m astounded at his nerve! Fancy writing to a man suffering from cancer, who’s trying to make his peace with everyone in case he dies, telling him to back off and that I want nothing to do with him! It’s almost unforgivable. And to lie that! I didn’t want to talk to him. I tell you, Ellie, it’s shaken me completely. I don’t know what I feel for Peter now. I can’t get my head round this.”

“Well, to be honest, Claire, I don’t know how you’ve stuck with him as long as you have.”

Claire looked startled, as indeed she was. She was surprised their relationship was transparent to others. She tried to explain.

“Well, it was great at the beginning. After the intensity of my time with John, he came as a relief. He was a real friend. He never made any sexual move on me and it was clear this was because he had these strong beliefs about sex before marriage.

“And believe me, Ellen, after we married, there was a lot of passion. He wanted children – and so did I. It was only after John was born that the sex began to be less frequent, except when I assured him I was safe. Of course then I got pregnant with Philip, number five, and after that he didn’t trust me.”

“I never asked you before. Were you a virgin when you got married? Was Peter the only one?”

Claire looked down at her hands on the table.

“No,” she said.



There was a silence. Then Ellen spoke again.

“Does Peter know?”

“No, he thought he was the first, but since he was a virgin, he’d no way of knowing that I wasn’t. I think he thought I’d popped my cherry on my bike or some such, since there was no blood. He never mentioned it, and knowing him as I do now, he really would have.”

“You know, Claire, I can’t believe we’ve never talked about this.”

“It’s not surprising, darling. Peter’s always been here with me, and the children were always around as well, ours or yours.”

“So what’s sex like with him?” Ellen asked leaning forward.

“Hey, Ellie, that’s a bit personal!”

“Oh, come on, Claire! We always used to talk about everything. Tell!”

“It’s always very nice–”

“Nice!” Ellen exclaimed. “Nice?” she repeated more gently. “That’s a very ‘interesting’ way of putting it. What do you do? How much variety?”

“You mean having sex?”

“Yes. Positions? Foreplay?”

“Missionary. He’s very gentle. I always enjoy it and feel loved.”


“He always comes.”

“I meant you!”

“Not with him. He won’t touch me down there, says it’s immoral. Luckily I’m usually moist and I can get myself off in the bathroom. If I get randy I can get a good buzz on my own.”

“Did you get any with John? I assume he broke you in.”

“Yes, that time when you were on holiday with the folks.”

Ellen laughed. “Naughty girl!”

“Funny you should ask that though,” Claire continued, after a grin at Ellen. “He was saying that he knew practically nothing about pleasuring a woman when we had sex. I remember I got really excited but I never actually came. And I finished with him not long after that. I felt I was getting too serious too early: we were getting so intense. I was a fool. I reckon he knows a lot more now! I read his wife’s letter.”

Ellen looked puzzled.

“When John was being treated for cancer he wrote a letter to Elizabeth for her to find if he died. Anyway, she found it while he was in hospital and it gave her the idea to write one of her own in case she died. So after she passed so suddenly, their solicitor gave it to him.”

“Pretty personal – intimate?”

“Ellie, you’ve no idea! Anyway,” she coloured up and grinned. “It was incredibly steamy!”

“Whoa!” Ellen gasped. “And he let you read it?”

Claire nodded. “How about your sex life?” She asked her sister as if vouchsafing that information about herself gave her permission to pry.

“Fantastic! Missionary, me on top (they call it cowgirl), doggy, sixty-nine, standing up, on the kitchen table, wheelbarrow. He’s really sensitive and loving, and skilful! He fingers me to perfection, does a fantastic job with his tongue as well. I come and come. He loves my blowjobs! Yeah. We have a blast!”

Claire was silent, breathing hard, red faced, her face a wooden mask.

Ellie took her hand. “Hey, Sis. You did ask. I’m sorry.”

Claire sighed. “Yes I did, didn’t I? Elizabeth said much the same in her letter to John.”

“Can’t you get Peter to...” she faltered to a halt. “No, I see you can’t.”

Claire’s eyes were tearful. “I wish now I hadn’t gone to see John. Peter and I have a very good life, but now ... God! What a mess!”

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Horny Shemale Sex With My Office Staff

Hi, readers. Today, I want to narrate a real-life incident in my life. My name is Shantan. I work in a nationalized bank in Hyderabad. I got posted as PO a couple of years before the pandemic. I have good staff and co-workers, and everything is going normal. During my initial days, all of our staff hung out during lunch breaks and after office hours. There is a girl named Sarvada with whom I used to have a crush. She also used to hang out with us and be close to me in person. Occasionally, she...

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Me the porn star

This is part 2 of a set of 3 stories about a girlfriend I went out with for about three months back in the Autumn of 1986 or 87 (not sure now - long time ago!!)Things had been going well in the week since I first met – and fucked – Nikki. She wanted to do a photo shoot in some ‘normal’ outfits, which we did down by an old river fort near to where I lived, and we had been talking about what she could do with her career. By the time I met her, I had photographed something like 500 girls who...

1 year ago
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Sisters8217 Wonderful Birthday Gift 8211 Part I

Hi every incest lover…. My name is Sanjay. I am from Hyderabad. I am an average looking guy, studying B.Tech final year. I come from an upper middle class family. My father works as an Executive Engineer. Mother is a house wife. I have a beautiful sister Sanjana, who is 2 years elder to me and she is pursuing her MBA in US. She is a beauty with sexy figure 32-28-32. This story which I am, going to share with you had happened after my EAMCET exam, before i was joining engineering. At that time...

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iSummer chapter 10

Freddie and Sam both woke up about an hour later around 10am. Sam woke up because her phone was going crazy and Freddie woke up because Sam fell on top of him trying to get to her phone while she was still half asl*ep."What's going on?" He sl*epily asked as he rubbed his eyes.Sam groaned. "I have like a million text messages from both Carly and Mel." She said as she scrolled through her message directory."And?""They both want to talk to me.""I wonder what happened.""I have no idea but Carly...

3 years ago
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The Perils of Paulines

Copy right,[email protected] Another story by Pagan.The Perils of Pauline Carpenter. You Promise "Don't get in the way, you hear me, I'm telling you," the skinnytall man picked up his coat as the nice but plain looking woman fussedround trying to help him, "Get off woman, now you understand?"The woman smiled nervously, "Yes, yes I understand," her fingerswent to her lip nervously touching her mouth, mean while he buttoned uphis coat, "I don't want to hear that you have been talking or...

3 years ago
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My kids tell me that they are doing it

The next day I didn't get up until around 1:30 or so. I didn’t finally fall asleep until like 6:30, so I was just so tired and I just had to sleep. When I got up, I got dressed and headed out there to the living room. As I got out there I saw them cuddling together on the couch. “Well, aren't you two just 2 peas in a pod,” I said. “No, I'm pretty sure she is a carrot and I'm a green bean,” Jack replied. “Oh really, and what does that make me?” I asked as I laughed. “An asparagus I guess,” Jack...

3 years ago
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Friends Shower Surprise

Friends: Deleted Scenes - Shower SurpriseMonica and Rachel were lying together, naked in Rachel's bed after a morning of lovemaking. Monica rested her head on Rachel's shoulder. Her fingertips brushed her roommate's breast, as Rachel stroked her hair. Monica broke the silence."You know, we have to find some way to tell Ross about us," she said softly.Rachel was silent for a moment. "Yeah, I know. But after what Carol did to him, I'm afraid he'll freak out and break up with me. There has to be...

2 years ago
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Sexual Encounter With Elder Brother8217s Friend

Hi friends I am Aparna age is 26 and I want to share my sexual experience with my brother’s friends. First, I tell about my family my family consists of 4 members dad, mom, me, and my elder brother. I am sexy girl in my office boys stare my breasts and back when I enter into the office and my size is 34 28 32. My brother has many friends and they will come to my home and they will chat with him and to me also. Particularly his 3 friends will come to my home often and they also call me as a...

1 year ago
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MySistersHotFriend Bailey Brooke 22823

He’s on a boat! Damon is, but it’s in his yard and he’s cleaning it because he has more time on his hands now since his girlfriend dumped him. His sister’s friend Bailey takes note of that to the point where she attends to him with some water in the hot sun while his sister is taking a nap. No only does she quench his thirst, she gives him an eyeful of ass when she peeks into his boat and the wind blows her skirt up to reveal her big beautiful bubble butt. That’s good enough for her to kneel...

3 years ago
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Lili sweats at the gym room

After the "cum shooting" with de Senegal Embassy, I rang Lili again for a new photo shooting, after the good experience at the studio with her. I mean the good professionnal experience. Even if the non professionnal side of her behavior gave full satisfaction too.A customer of my boss owns a work out room... He needed to change his imago to get it more female oriented as men were going away from his club due to his wife's recent input of dance and zumba lessons in the collective space of the...

1 year ago
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A Cougar At A Delhi Mall

This is Amit and I’m back with another escapade. Your responses couldn’t stop me from sharing another experience of mine. For newcomers, I’m from Mumbai, 37, tall, good looking and well built, having a high drive and am a fun to be with, adventurous guy. This incident happened during one of my visits to Delhi. I had to stay there a week long for work and was booked in a 4 star hotel in one of the posh areas of South Delhi. My first few days were very busy as I had a lot of work on hand, later...

3 years ago
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I loaned my Wife to an old friend

I have a friend who I have known since school. He is a really great guy with a great job, but he had a bad relationship that ended in divorce when he was twenty. Since then, he has not seriously dated or been involved in any romantic relationship. He lives alone, spending most of his time working. Both my wife and I think he leads a pretty dull existence. We have been able to get him to cut loose on a few incidents, but those occasions are rare. My wife has tried to get Dave turned-on, but he...

4 years ago
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My TeacherMy TeaseHer Control

I loved attention, so having older women tell me how much of a help I was or how cute or good looking I was always, motivated me keep people happy and I’m still like that today. new teacher..Madame Guillemette was in her 40’s...tall, dressed like a sexy librarian (pencil skirts, nylons/thigh highs...I could see from where i sat) always high heels a blouse and I’m sure she had fake boobs. Her face...she looked 40, redish hair, stylish with glasses and for some reason....none of my...

1 year ago
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Bite MeChapter 13

Time for Spanish class, of course, and there I met with a major lip lock from Sadie Turner, of all people. Jessica Cortez, my homeroom and Spanish teacher, raised an eyebrow playfully as she saw that, and then winked at both of us. She also made a point of showing me no small amount of her cleavage by virtue of no fucking bra under her blouse. Nor was said blouse fully buttoned, either. When she caught noticing these facts, she gave me a coy smile and another wink before running her tongue...

3 years ago
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School Mascot

This story is fantasy! It is is pretty hard. It contains nonconsensual incest, body modification, and scat – shit play. This story contains sex that is definitely not safe. I am looking for a woman or women to play with in the Portland, Oregon area. To that end I am writing this story to explain some of the things I’m interested in.Again, please keep in mind that this story is a fantasy, and while I like to play hard, I enjoy playing soft just as much.School MascotChapter 1A New SchoolBilly was...

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How I Got To Fuck My Driver8217s Wife 8211 Part 3

Hello there everyone, This is Harsh and in the previous you have seen how I and my wife got to fuck my driver and his wife in different locations and but now we had decided that we need to fuck in the same location beside each other. If you haven’t still read your previous encounters please view them before reading it in the series How I Got To Fuck My Driver’s Wife and then return back to this. So after the proposed the plan in front of my wife, She immediately accepted it and then I made this...

1 year ago
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Sex With Neighbor Cum Hot Wild Teacher

Hi guys this is Zuri(name changed) I am 24 and working professional in Bangalore, so this story is about me and my neighbor aunty who is horny. Her figure is 34d-30-36, shes got very good boobs, bit dusky in color but she looks sweet and hot. My shift is day shift so I used to travel to office in bike, I was new to the apartment.Then once I was parking the vehicle I saw this lady her name is chaya, she was also parking her scooty in parking lot and she was wearing a saree. I smiled accidentally...

4 years ago
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Peeping TomChapter 4

Friday. It had been a very busy week. I had finally gotten the last of my new furniture delivered. Liking the way my living room now looked, the soft leather couch, chairs ... along with a deep mahogany coffee table and end tables. Something I had always wanted, but up until now, had never had. Karen had insisted on what I termed as scratchy floral printed couches and chairs after we had gotten married, and I had hated them. Now I had what I wanted as I stood there admiring my new digs. And...

2 years ago
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A Modern Bards TaleChapter 7

Life was relatively calm for the next couple of weeks. The construction downstairs was completed in record time and with a minimum of screw ups. The staff was settling into their jobs with a preternatural smoothness. And all of my ladies were happy and contented. It was entirely too good to last. 3 weeks after Mieko left us, the Enemy made their next move. Kiki had gone out shopping with Maeve for some odds and ends for the apartment, and I was sitting in the kitchen working on another...

1 year ago
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FilthyTaboo Vina Sky Over Hearing My StepSister Fuck Her Man Really Turns Me On

I was about to head out when I heard some grunting and moaning coming from my step-sisters’ room. I gotta admit whatever was going on in her room sounded like it was a lot of fun, it really turned me on. Later that day I ran into Vina in the kitchen, she must of just got done having sex cause she was sweating and all bubbly coming into room. She was wearing the sexiest lingerie under her robe, I must of been staring cause I think she noticed. Vina uses my weakness to get what she wants,...

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Ryan The Coachs Wife and Mom0

Ryan preferred to live at home with the folks , a year ago he had also hypnotized his mom Joyce who was a 5ft 9 brunette with a strippers body & 40 dd fake tits ( which his step dad had bought her ) and a nice fat ass. While Bev kept her mouth full with his prick , Joyce opened the door & brought Ryan a cola , his mom was wearing a red thong bikini & 3 inch heels , she had been tanning by the pool , with Bill ( his step dad), before he had sent her text to come join them in the bedroom ....

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Virgin Captives Part 1

Penny Tucker finished hanging the last of the wet laundry on the line and picked up the empty wicker basket on her way back to the house. She paused on the screened back porch, wiping beads of perspiration from her fair face with the back of one slender arm. Almost hopelessly, she glanced at the thermometer which hung from a rusty nail beside the back door. It was 85 in the shade, and climbing. Tired and more than a little fed up with her workday routine, Penny let the wicker basket...

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Secret Affairs With My Friends Son Part 16

Next morning I woke up and Adam was lying naked next to me. I turned to face him and looked at his beautiful face. I looked at the clock, it was 6 a.m. and I had an hour before Annie would wake up. I kissed Adam and lay on my back, thinking how he fucked me last night. He made me cum twice, and then he shot his huge cum load in my mouth. I also realized that Adam’s mom would be really worried, as her son didn’t go home last night. “Adam, wake up,” I said slowly. “Five more minutes, Mom,”...

4 years ago
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Bua ki mast chudai

Hello I’m rahul 28 years old but I love to fuck mature ladies having massive body. Any aunty of age 35-55 want sex please email at Now I’m start my story how my dream come true to I’ m a student of engg. After my sem I’m going to my bua home my bua is 51 years old she is so sexy. She has a voluptuous body her breast and buttock both are massive aur jab wo chalti hain to unki gaan hilti hai meri bua bilkul south ki blue film ki herone lagti hai.mujhe aise hi aunty pasand hain ab mein aapko...

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My dear chitti

Hi i am Sathis living in chennai this is my first sex experience which i am sharing with all iss readears. This is an real incest happen in my life an un forgettable. When i was from the young age i have habit of staring women body. Because my family is a n authentic family and i am living in a joint family. Each and every person in our family take care of me. Because i am the last child of that genaration. And little one so every body will take care of me. So i got an advantage mostly my chiti...

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Make me yours

The club was hopping tonight. The rhythmic beats from the high tech sound system could be felt outside. Jenny closed her eyes and leaned against the warm concrete wall. Tonight she would give her body wholly; not just on a casual level, but on every level. Tonight she would be his. Dressed exactly as her master instructed, her latex skirt was short enough that when she bent over, her entire ass made an appearance. Jenny’s breasts were encased in a leather bra that had no cups, leaving the heavy...

1 year ago
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Hentai Mama? What kind of sick fuck would choose this name for his website? Anyways, if you love hentai, then odds are that you are part of the displaced masses that were left with their soft dick in hand, craving quality hentai after the all too soon death of Hentai Haven. But with death comes rebirth and opportunity. Lesser-known hentai sites are rising in the ranks as horny people seek out the source of their next nut. During such sad and difficult times, you can rely on me to show you the...

Hentai Streaming Sites
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Once More With FeelingsAbout A Girl Named Oz

Aperitif It's warm in the big hall, awash with the sound of voices as happy girls scrounge the last of the biscuits and pop - a special treat. Parents stand dotted in groups, renewing acquaintances, mothers fanning themselves with the day's program while fathers stolidly sweat in their suits. Look for a moment to the corner; there are two girls deep in serious conversation, seemingly unaffected by the gaiety around them. One is tall, reaching toward six feet in the modest heel of her...

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