Green Eye Burn Part 2 of 2
- 4 years ago
- 31
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This story has been buried deep inside of me for a long time. I remember all of it very well, almost like it was last week. I’ve reminisced and re-lived it all many times over the years. Much of it is quite fun to remember. Some of it is bittersweet. Some of it is painful still.
When I was out of college and in my early twenties I got a job selling radio advertising in a suburban/rural area, and although new to the region, I became successful in a fairly short time. After a couple of years, I left the radio station and started my own business by acquiring a licensing agreement from a national company to sell direct marketing products. As this was an outlying area and not heavily populated, the company looked at it as an area with limited profit potential and whatever I produced would just be a bonus to them. They had never planned to develop the area anyway until I approached them, so they pretty much left me alone.
But within a year I had the area thriving. I was working hard and enjoying the fruits of my labor. Soon the regional manager was after me to expand the area. I told him I was maxed out as it was and I couldn’t cover much more ground. ‘So hire somebody!’ he hollered. ‘Why, so I can give my profits away to somebody else’?” I countered. But we hammered out an adjacent area and worked out a plan where I would hire a salesperson and then get bonuses on their sales and price breaks on the production costs. I ran the numbers a hundred different ways and didn’t see how I could lose. So I advertised for a salesperson. It was summer and I hoped that I could get a sales rep up and running by the fall, our busiest time.
Most of the responses I received were not too impressive, and the interviews didn’t go that well. The people were either not qualified, didn’t understand the business, didn’t have car insurance, or didn’t have a clue. But one looked pretty good. In more ways than one.
Her name was Denise. We met at a small coffee shop in the midst of what would be the new territory. After introductions, we sat down and faced each other from across a small table. She said to call her Dee. My name is Rob.
She had dark brown hair, cut neat and short, big green eyes and wore a sharp blue pantsuit with a white blouse. She was maybe 5’-7”, thin with a nice ass and her firm, abundant tits pushed at the cloth of her attire. Her face was thin with sultry lips and just a touch of gloss. We held eye contact and I felt a sizzle in her glare. She gave a demure smile and her tongue flicked out just a sliver between her lips as she handed me her resume. She seemed a little nervous. I was too.
I took a quick glance at her resume and saw that she was thirty-six years old and married. In those days that kind of information was commonly found on resumes. As I sat across from her and pretended to study her resume I tried to hide my uneasiness.
Here I was: a twenty-five-year-old newly-single guy, blond hair, blue eyes, tall with a thin, runner’s build; and I was interviewing this older, mature, married woman with much more experience than I. Her resume told me she had had several media sales jobs and was more than qualified.
As the interview went on we relaxed and it not only went very well, we shared some laughs and became more comfortable. And those eyes! She always looked me right in the eye and hardly blinked. I could tell she was a no-bullshit person who probably knew how to get things done.
She told me a little about herself. She had gone to France to study, met the man who was now her husband, got pregnant, had a daughter and they moved back to the U.S. Her daughter was now twelve. I asked her about her last job, almost four years at a newspaper, and why she had left. She said she’d left the job to go to work for her husband at his small construction company and to try to straighten out the business end of things. Her husband was good at building things, just not very good with the office and the paperwork and the rest of it. But now that was straightened out and she wanted to get back to what she did best, and the position I was trying to fill looked like a perfect fit. We discussed the compensation and commissions and she was agreeable. After about seventy-five minutes we ended. She thanked me for the interview, we shook hands and parted, and my eyes followed her ass all the way out the door.
The interview had gone well in every respect. Dee was qualified, knowledgeable, made a great impression and would represent the company and its products well. We said we’d be in touch. But I knew there was no way I could hire her.
Two days later I received a very professional thank-you letter in the mail from Dee, but I hadn’t spoken to her since the interview. When I had placed the ad for a salesperson I had scheduled it to run for several weeks and it ran again the next day. Soon I was getting follow-up calls from her and she left multiple messages with my answering service. I knew I was putting off dealing with the inevitable. When the next ad ran my phone rang first thing in the morning and I picked up.
“Hi Rob, this is Dee ____, how are you?” she said.
“I’m doing well, Dee, thank you. How are you?”
“Oh, I’m fine, thank you. I’m calling about the sales position. I saw the ad is still running. Have you hired anyone yet?”
“No, I haven’t,” I replied. I explained about the ad and its scheduled flight to run for several weeks.
“I can start tomorrow!” she said enthusiastically.
I chuckled and hemmed and hawed. I said I was narrowing it down to two or three and she was definitely in the mix. She reiterated that she was perfect for the job, she was flexible, would work hard, do whatever it takes, she needed the job, etc. So we set up a second interview at the same place.
My problem was this: At just about every job I’d ever had, I’d ended up fucking somebody. And it always ended up making things awkward or unpleasant or worse. It’s hard to work closely with people of the opposite sex because if you click, the sparks are going to fly. Throughout college, I worked at the campus library and ended up fucking a couple of co-workers and the relationships didn’t end well. My summer jobs, same thing, I always ended up putting my dick into some chick, making things weird at work. Even at my last job before starting my business I had fucked four different women: two cute female deejays at the FM station, a secretary at the AM, and our black receptionist’s cousin who had a thing for white guys.
Now I had a dilemma: I wanted to expand my new business but I didn’t want to screw things up. Dee might have been older, but she was attractive and sexy and confident. I was afraid that if we worked together the sparks would fly and then I might end up opening my fly and then it would ruin everything. And she was married to boot; I couldn’t risk fucking up somebody else’s marriage!
But I couldn’t get around one fact, and that was that she was an ideal candidate for the job. She had all of the qualifications and lived only about fifteen minutes away, which would make it convenient for both of us. And no doubt she looked good and would make a positive impression on customers. So, to be fair to the business and to her, we should have another interview.
So… We had another interview and it was a slam dunk. I hired her and never even told her about my fears. I knew she was right for the job and trusted it would work out.
We worked closely and spent a lot of time together the first few weeks as I trained her in the different facets of the job and the system. We went on sales calls together, we spent a lot of time side-by-side at my desk in my home office learning the paperwork and had informal meetings to plan our promotions. We worked very well together. And there was definitely a natural chemistry between us.
After about three weeks we were sitting elbow to elbow in my office working on some copy when she mentioned that she was moving that weekend. I was shocked; my mind started wandering, here I thought I’d found the ideal salesperson and she’s moving away already? I asked her where she was moving to and she told me the location, which was the perfect location: right in the center of her territory.
“I didn’t know you were planning to move,” I said. “When did you decide that?”
She looked straight at me with her big green eyes and said, “About two days before I answered your ad. That’s when I decided I was leaving my husband. That’s why I needed this job so badly.”
I must have inadvertently peeked at her left hand, I couldn’t recall if she’d had a ring on before.
“It’s gone,” she said. “I threw it at him the night you offered me the job. He’s cheated on me for the last time!”
“I’m sorry…” I started to say.
“Oh, don’t be,” she said, “it’s for the best, believe me. I did everything for him, even quit a good job to run his business for him, and he still managed to find a new bimbo to boink!”
We both chuckled at her use of words. She laughed and cried at the same time.
“So I found a nice little apartment for us. It is right in the middle of my territory, and my daughter won’t have to change schools.”
It all sounded like great news. She was moving right into her territory and would be more motivated than ever.
Over the next few months, we became more and more comfortable with each other. Even though she was a little farther away, we found convenient places to meet when she needed to drop off her paperwork or if we needed to have a brief meeting. Things became more casual between us too. We had lunch a couple of times. She would occasionally touch my arm when she spoke. Sometimes she would come by the house in the evening to drop something off, and if I wasn’t home she’d leave it in the box. One Friday evening around 6:30 she stopped by and I had just gotten back from a long run. It was a hot, humid evening and I was shirtless and my sweaty running shorts clung to my body and I know she stole a couple looks at the bulge between my legs. I looked up and noticed a young girl sitting in the passenger seat of her car.
“Looks like you have a passenger,” I said.
“That’s Lynn, my daughter.”
I started walking toward the car and introduced myself. “Hello, Lynn, I’m Rob,” I said. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“Hi. I’ve heard about you too.”
“How do you like your new apartment?”
“It’s okay.”
Dee came up from behind and said, “We’re heading to a big party. Her best friend turns thirteen!”
“Oh wow, the big one-three!” I said, looking at Lynn. That ought to be fun!” Then I turned to Dee and thanked her for dropping off the work and said drive safely and I’d talk to her on Monday. Then she gave me her green eye burn and held it and I swear I felt my dick grow a little from her stare. I watched them back out and drive off. I walked back into the house and the cool air hit me. As I peeled off my shorts I could see that the drenched synthetic fabric had adhered and molded to my cock and balls and was sucked into the crack of my ass. I realized then that she must have seen it too.
As fall approached we worked hard and spent a lot of time together. This was typically the busiest time of year in our business as we had promotions for back-to-school, Halloween and then the end-of-year holidays. Throughout those months we worked closely and were constantly in contact, in person and talking on the phone. There was definitely a strong attraction between us, we both could sense it, and you could feel it in the air around us and almost cut it with a knife. There were a number of times when I felt we were very, very close to one of us saying something that would cross that line between business and personal and would take us from being colleagues to being lovers. It was that close.
The ice was cracked in early December when we went together on a Friday afternoon to the annual Christmas party for our region of the company. It was held at the home of one of the company bigshots and it was about an hour’s drive away. She drove to my house and then we got into my car and I drove us to the party. We had a lot of time in the car together and we were relaxed and we talked easily about a number of things. She told me about her college days, going overseas and meeting her husband and how he was older and swept her off her feet. And how he was always a cheat and always wanted them to be swingers from the time they first met. At the party, we mingled some and we met a lot of people that we’d spoken to on the phone many times but had never met. We had a couple of drinks and relaxed even more. On the ride back we opened up further and talked about some of the crazy things we did in college, the courses we took and the drugs we took. I told her about the on-again, off-again blues band I played in and told her about a gig I had coming up the next weekend and suggested she come hear us if she could. She said she might do that because Lynn was scheduled to be with her dad next weekend. We were both feeling a new level of comfort together.
When we got back to my house I didn’t know what to do. It almost felt like I was dropping her off after a first date. It was a little awkward but we both did the professional thing. We wouldn’t cross that line today, but part of me had wanted to drag her into my house and rip her clothes off. I changed clothes and went for a run. I thought about her the whole five miles and I swear I had half a chubby.
The following Thursday we met at a clients’ business where we had bartered for holiday gifts for our customers. We had assorted nice gifts such as champagne, gift baskets, and sweets which we would deliver to our various customers over the following days. We loaded our cars with the gifts for the customers. Then I handed her a small wrapped gift which included a gift certificate to a nice boutique and a Christmas bonus.
“And this is for you,” I said.
She gave me the green eye burn. Her big eyes were moist and I thought she might start to cry. I could tell a million thoughts were rushing through her head. She looked like she wanted to speak but she didn’t, she just burned her liquid eyes into mine.
“Thank you,” she said in a shallow, half-broken voice.
Then she leaned up to me and kissed me, half on the cheek and half on the corner of my mouth. Then she spun around, walked to her car, got in and drove off.
She had done it. Now it was just a matter of time.
The following Saturday night we were playing our occasional gig at Slackers, a local restaurant and bar. We were midway through our first set and I was blowing a solo on my saxophone and hit a couple of clams when I saw Dee walk in. She was with another foxy chick and they did not go unnoticed by some of the customers as they strode to the back and took stools at the bar. The place wasn’t that big and we made eye contact almost immediately. She smiled and I felt the burn from across the room.
When the band took a break I walked over and stood in front of them at the bar and ordered a beer as we greeted. She introduced me to her friend Sharon, who looked fine. She was long and lean with long dark hair and black jeans that looked they were painted on. Dee looked great in blue jeans and a tight red sweater that hugged her curves. I thanked them for coming and Dee grabbed my arm firmly with both hands when she told me how good the band sounded.
“I didn’t know you were so talented!” she said. “What other talents do you have that I don’t know about?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” I blushed. “I make a mean omelet! I’ll have to have you over for brunch sometime.”
Dee and Sharon shared a sly glance and Dee said that she thought that was a great idea.
Before we knew it the break was up and it was time to return to the bandstand.
“Work, work, work,” I said to them. “Can you stay another set?” They said they would.
“Great,” I said, gripping her hand in mine. “I’ll be back in forty minutes!” Then I ordered a beer to take to the stage, which I almost never do.
The set flew by and I rejoined Dee and Sharon at the bar. Sharon was talking to some folks at a nearby table so I had Dee to myself.
“I’m glad you hung around,” I said. “I was looking forward to talking some more.”
“Me too,” she said, her big green eyes looking right through me.
“I wanted to ask you something.”
“Really? What?”
“Let’s go outside for a minute,” I said. I took her hand and led her out the side door to the parking lot. It was a mild December so we were okay without jackets. We walked toward the back of the lot where it was more private and we faced each other.
“What did you want to ask me?” she said.
I licked my lips and took a deep breath. “I wanted to know,” I began, “The other day, when we were picking up the presents for our customers…”
“You kissed me. And I wanted to know what kind of kiss that was.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean: Was it a ‘thank you’ kiss, was it a ‘you’re a really nice guy kiss’, or was it an ‘I want to fuck you’ kiss?”
She pursed her lips and then cracked a subtle smile. “What kind of kiss do you think it was?” she said, playing with me.
“Well,” I said. “First, I gave you the gift, so ‘thank you’ would have been appropriate. And second, I know that I’m a nice guy, so that would make sense. But to be honest, I was hoping it was number three.”
She shook her head and burst out laughing. “Rob, you are too much! Tell you what, Sherlock, let’s start over so that you completely understand what’s going on here. First, I’m going to give you a ‘thank you’ kiss.”
Then she leaned up and kissed me on the exact spot she had kissed before, on the corner of my lip.
She then said, “Okay. Now I’m going to give you your ‘nice guy’ kiss.”
She then grabbed my shoulder with one hand and kissed me full on the mouth.
Then she stepped back, looked in my eyes and said, “Now our next kiss will be the ‘fuck me’ kiss and it will be waiting for you whenever you are ready to come and get it!”
I was on her like a tomcat on a tuna truck. My arms went around her and our mouths met and my tongue entered her mouth and I tasted her for the first time. I inhaled her sweet scent and sucked in her tongue and her essence. Her hand was in my hair pulling my head to hers, my hands roamed her back and neck and shoulders. I backed her up against the wall of the building and we made out like a couple of tenth graders. In between the kisses and gropes, we babbled.
“Oh God, what took you so long?”
“I’ve wanted to kiss you since the day we met.”
“Why didn’t you?”
“You were married, I wanted to be professional…”
“I wanted you to be unprofessional…”
“You’re so fucking hot…”
“The way you teased me, standing in front of me in your tight, sweaty shorts with your…”
I was pressed against her and I knew she could feel my stiffened cock.
We gradually slowed and I peppered her with gentle kisses, my hand made it down to her firm ass. I wanted to take her home right then but I had another set to play.
“We better go back in,” she said after we broke a long, soft kiss. She was right, the time was up.
We reentered the bar and the band was already in place onstage.
“Gotta go,” I said as I gripped her hand. “Are you hanging around?”
She said they’d probably leave in a few minutes. I said goodbye, we’ll talk tomorrow and I kissed her lips. Halfway through the second tune, they got up to leave. Dee waved goodbye with a smile and mimed ‘Call me’ with her lips. I missed those lips already.
I called Dee in the morning and we talked about how relieved we were that we would no longer have to hide our feelings and tried to figure out when we would be able to see each other. With her responsibilities as a mom and her need to be discreet while going through her divorce, there would only be certain times we could get together. She said that Lynn stayed with her Sunday through Thursday morning, then after school on Thursday, she would go to her Dad’s till Sunday. Plus Dee would have her on a day every other weekend. So Thursday nights would be when we knew we could meet, and weekends would be hit or miss.
The holidays were coming to boot which would mean more commitments for both of us to juggle. But our work was slow that time of year and we wouldn’t get busy again until after January first. So we decided that we would blow off Tuesday and spend the day together, and then we would have Thursday night. On Tuesday morning she would get Lynn off to school and then come to my place and we would have all day until Lynn came home from school. She said she would be over around nine.
“Good,” I said. “And at 9:01 I’ll be tearing your clothes off.”
Then she said something like, Oh I don’t know, we should go slow, take our time, and some other such baloney.
“Oh, no,” I replied. “Forget that, we’re not playing that game. If that’s the way you want it, don’t even bother to come. We’ve been holding back for months, dancing around it, and last night we pretty near swallowed each other’s tongues. We are ready and we both know it. And it’s going to be the best we ever had.”
She said she’d see me Tuesday at around nine.
It was an icy cold, windy Tuesday morning and Dee wore a heavy coat when she arrived. She walked through the door and into my arms. We kissed deep and long and our tongues slow-danced as we gripped each other tight. When we broke the kiss I helped her off with her coat and was stunned at what was underneath.
She was hot as a firecracker. She wore a snug, low-cut, light green top, that made her tits look ready and her eyes like ripe melons. It was tucked into super-tight designer jeans that hugged her ass and crotch and every inch of her long, thin legs, and red pumps. Decorated for Christmas.
“My God,” I said, “You look remarkable!” I said.
She blushed and said thanks. “Not too much?”
“Hell no,” I said, “You look sensational. Come to the kitchen. I made Bloody Marys!”
She followed me and I poured us two drinks from the pitcher I had prepared. I handed one to her and she took a sniff and then a sip, and then a larger drink. I had made them strong and spicy.
“How did you know I like Bloody Marys?” she asked as she took another swig.
“I took a chance,” I said. “I figured if you didn’t I would just pour it all over your body and lick it off.”
She took another gulp, then struck a pose and said, “So, do you like my outfit?” and wiggled her butt.
“Oh, absolutely!” I said. “Like I said, you look fabulous. Good enough to eat.”
She put down her drink and moved in close. She put her hands on my hips and looked up at me, her eyes sending me the green burn. “Good,” she said. “Because I haven’t worn these pants for a long time. These are my ‘fuck me’ jeans.” I put my hand behind her head and pulled her lips to mine.
“Make love to me,” she whispered.
“Take off your shirt,” she said. “I want to massage you.”
We were in my bedroom. I whipped off my shirt in one quick motion. She asked me to lie face down on the bed. Then she knelt beside me and I felt her hands begin to explore my neck, my head and my back, high and low. Her sturdy, supple fingers caressed my flesh and over the next few minutes, my muscles eased into submission.
“It’s so nice to finally be able to touch you,” she whispered, and spread kisses on the nape of my neck.
I groaned in agreement. Her lovely hands worked their magic to my lower back and underneath the fabric of my jeans.
I soon sat up and said, “It’s time for your top to come off! I need to touch you, too.”
As we sat facing one another kissing, I pulled her shirt off and kissed her breasts as I removed her skimpy bra. I then eased her onto her back and lay beside her. I kissed her head, her hair, her ears. Her forehead, her eyes, her nose. And of course her lips. We lingered on the lips.
I caressed and kissed and tongued her upper body and when her nipples were stiff hard rubber I put my mouth on them and didn’t stop for twenty minutes.
Her hands were in constant flux, in my hair, on my back, around my neck, into my pants, seeking.
She was a loud lover. There were moans, groans, growls, howls, occasional dirty words and many other guttural utterances. She never shut up. I was taking my time. She exhaled a breathy murmur when I slipped my right hand inside her jeans.
“Time to pull down your pants,” I said.
I opened her jeans and kissed her lightly on the fabric of her damp panties. I smelled her finger-licking love funk for the first time. But as I started to undress her bottom half I found that her skin-tight jeans didn’t want to cooperate. I yanked on them and it was slow going, and then I gripped my fingers in the belt loops and tried to peel them off.
“Jesus Christ, girl,” I exclaimed. “What the hell did you do, glue these fuckers on?”
Dee giggled like a schoolgirl. “If it’s too much work, Romeo, just let me know.”
I kissed her lips and asked for a little help.
“Oh-kay, I guess so,” she said, in mock annoyance. “Men nowadays…”
She lifted her ass and pushed her pants down as I pulled on them. Finally, they were off.
“Damn, pulling off your pants is like shucking an ear of corn!” I hissed.
She laughed again. “You shuck, we fuck!”
I laughed at that and tossed her pants on the floor. “Not quite yet,” I said. “But, we’ll get there.”
I covered every inch of her lower body with my mouth. Licking and kissing her toes, her ankles, the tops of her feet, her soles, her ankles and shins, her calves, her knees. My tongue touched all of it. And Dee moaned and groaned and yelped and scratched the whole way. When my mouth reached her thighs my hands went round to her ass and I squeezed her taut cheeks. She squeaked when I did that.
By this time her clit looked like a ripe okra. So I wrapped my lips around it and she let out with a shrill gasp I’d never heard before. And I didn’t let go.
One time when I was in college, age nineteen or twenty, I was in a bar and I met a divorcee in her mid-thirties and went home with her. Her kids were with her ex-husband that weekend and she was horny. We got back to her place and she took me to bed. She made it clear that the night meant nothing but she needed to get off. She told me to eat her pussy, and she taught me how she liked it. She said to wrap my lips around her clit and never let go, forget all that tongue flying licking shit you see in the porn flicks. Stay on it, don’t breathe on it and don’t let air hit it. Keep your mouth on it, keep it covered, and keep it warm: Suck, kiss, lick, whatever, but don’t let go. She held my head in place with her hands. And her pussy exploded into my face. That’s been my approach ever since with my women and I’ve yet to have a complaint.
I dove down on Dee and I stayed down there for quite a while.
“Oh my, God!” she hissed. “Oh, shit. Oh, fuck.” I grabbed her ass cheeks with an iron grip and tried to squeeze the cum out of her. “Eat my pussy, baby,” she went on, “I can’t believe the way you’re eating my pussy!” I hummed a tune into her clit like I was playing a kazoo. She screamed like a cougar.
Her whole body quivered and quaked and wiggled and writhed in constant locomotion, but her hands were locked like a stationary vise on the back of my head. My lips and tongue continued their assault on her hard, swollen clit. When she came her love gates opened and months of her pent-up cum flooded my face.
“Oh fuck…” she shrieked. “Oh my fucking God…Oh fucking shit…Ughhh…”
When her spasms receded she tried to pull my head up toward hers but I stayed put. I wasn’t done. I was staying down there until she came again. I started humming a new tune and she shook so hard she almost fell off the bed. Her hands re-tightened around my head and my hands spread her butt cheeks wide and I slipped part of a finger into her ass. That elicited from her another gasp of surprise and pleasure. My sax-playing skills were paying off as my strong mouth and lips stayed clutched around her hard rod and I blew a love song into her snatch.
Dee quickly figured out we weren’t stopping yet and started swinging her groin up and down and grinding my face. She squawked with every sway and my bed squeaked in harmony.
“Oh, Rob…Oh God…” she moaned. “I love your mouth…ugh. Eat me…ugh…Fucking your mouth…ugh. I love your mouth! Oh shit…”
We rocked in rhythm for a few minutes more. Then I could feel another orgasm coming. She closed her legs tightly around my head.
“Oh Christ, I’ve never been eaten like this!” she wheezed. “I’m gonna come again…ugh. Ugh. Oh Ssshhhhiiiiitttt…….”
Her love levee overflowed again and my face was the delta. It wasn’t as forceful as the first but it was still a whole lotta love and I tasted her tangy stew for the second time.
When I finally started to move my head away from her crotch she pulled my head toward hers and we began a long, wet, sloppy, cum-filled kiss. Her hands roamed my upper body and slid into my pants. Her fingers reached the tip of my hardened dick as we were breaking our kiss. Her eyes drilled me and glowed green and hot.
“Fuck me…” Dee rasped excitedly.
I stood up before her at the side of the bed. I wore nothing but my beltless jeans, so when I unzipped them my hard eight-inch cock popped right out and was pointing at the ceiling. Her eyes grew into saucers at the sight. Now her green eye burn was directed at my swollen, purple pole.
I wiggled out of my pants and she reached over and pulled me closer. She held my cock in her hands and ran her fingers along its long edge and down to my balls. She softly kissed its glistening head.
“What a beautiful cock,” she said, and looked up. “Fuck me.”
I got on the bed and she guided my steely member right into her hungry cockpit. It was wild and wide and wet and warm and I slid right in. I didn’t waste any time, I started stabbing it into her pretty good.
“Squeeze me, Dee,” I said. “Let me feel your sexy walls. Pinch me…yeah, that’s it.” With each poke, I felt her sweet pussy pressure surround my cock. “Ah, that’s it, suck it out of me!”
Her moans grew louder with each push and her nails dug into my back. She sucked my tongue into her mouth and I wiggled my finger back into her ass as I pounded away. All her holes were filled. We grunted in a syncopated rut, and as the minutes elapsed I held back my load.
When our mouths parted I asked her if she could come again. She nodded her head four or five times in quick succession. We fucked even harder. She stroked her juicy okra in perfect tempo as I stuffed her with raw cucumber.
When I was ready to come she knew it, which triggered her third ejaculation. I let out a loud, dissonant grunt like a bull gator in mating season. I vibrated in spasms while spewing strings of my love syrup into Dee’s heavenly honey pot. As I was ejecting my seed into her I felt a fresh warmth surround my cock and ooze out to my balls and I knew she had come again.
Our aftermath was sublime. Sweaty lovers, side by side, enwrapped. I had my arm around her, her head was on my shoulder and our naked bodies were molded into one. There was total peace and a comfortable silence for a few minutes before Dee spoke.
“Wow,” she said. “Wow.”
I kissed her. “My sentiments exactly,” I replied.
“I mean it, really. I have never had climaxes like that, ever! And your mouth… I never knew I could come like that.”
I maneuvered my arm more snugly around her so I could take her breast in my hand. Her hand went to my penis. After another quiet interlude, she said, “I sure wish you hadn’t waited so long to be unprofessional!”
I chuckled and gave her tit a little squeeze. She did the same to my reawakening dick.
“Really, Rob,” she said. “I’ve had sex many, many times but I have never in my life felt so completely, totally, thoroughly, absolutely, utterly, perfectly fucked! I feel like I’m high or something.”
I put my mouth to hers and we shared a fresh, deep kiss. She stroked me, bringing my one-eyed monster back to full attention.
“It takes two to tango,” I said. “And I knew it would be great.”
After another prolonged silence, she softly said, “I love the feeling of your cock in my hand.”
“Not as much as I do…”
“You know, I knew you’d be big, I just knew it. But when I first saw it pop out of your jeans, I believe my eyes about popped out of my head. And two thoughts popped into my mind.”
“What were they?”
“First, I thought ‘wow’; that thing is big! And second, I thought how jealous my husband would be!”
She giggled and gripped me tightly around my fully-loaded grenade. I had nothing to say to that.
Dee pivoted around slightly so we were closely face-to-face. Those eyes sizzled. “I want to suck your cock,” she said, and kissed me. “I want to feel it in my mouth. I want to taste it. I want you to come in my mouth.”
She lowered herself into position and took my cockhead between her lips. Her fingers massaged my titillated chestnuts as she took me into her mouth, little by little, adjusting her position for her best angle of acceptance. I ran my fingers through her hair as I watched, mesmerized by her movements, so smooth and easy, and the sexy sight of my inflamed shaft sliding in and out of her dexterous mouth.
And so it went for a time as I watched the show and enjoyed the pleasure of Dee, the skillful cocksucker. But of course, before long my little cobra was fixing to spit and wouldn’t be able to hold back much longer. I gripped Dee’s shoulders strongly and started pumping. She knew the drill. She grabbed my ass and sucked, sucked, sucked. I groaned and she knew it was on the way, and with eight inches of cock in her mouth she stayed on it through my spasms, and when I shot my load into her, four, five, six times, she moaned with each spray, once again two lovers in perfect sync.
She came up for air, swallowing, and kissed my mouth with her cummy lips. It was my turn to say ‘wow!’.
We soon noticed the time. It was early afternoon and we were hungry. Dee offered to take me out for lunch but I shot that idea right down; I was going to keep her naked and in my house as long as possible. I told her there was no way she was putting those jeans on again because I may exhaust myself tearing them back off, and we weren’t finished for the day. I pulled a sweatshirt out of my drawer and gave it to her to wear.
We went to my kitchen, Dee dressed in only a sweatshirt and me in only my jeans, and whipped up lunch. We didn’t do too badly either. We baked up a frozen pizza and somehow in my fridge found the makings for a pretty good salad. As Dee was finishing her second slice of pizza she said she wanted to suck my cock again. We went back to bed.
I told her that the pizza must have made her horny. She said she was horny for my pepperoni. From that day forward the word ‘pizza’ would always be our euphemism for sex.
The next hour was spent in 69 position, each of us sucking out whatever was left from the other, then we topped it off with another racy fuck. But by then it was getting late.
Dee had to get home; her daughter would be getting home from school soon and she had to be there to greet her. So we showered together. And damn, somehow my cock became slick and soapy and erect again. And damn if it didn’t end up back in her pussy.
When she was dressed and her pants were glued back on, I admired her figure in her tight clothing.
“Does anyone else know those are your ‘fuck me’ jeans?” I asked. She shrugged.
I told her to get on home and change before the school bus arrived.
"It appears at this time," General Wrath told the assembled reporters in the briefing room, "that the terrorist elements who are holding Mars somehow got lucky and were able to have a team of their operatives pre-positioned near the north side of the Eden landing site. My guess is that they placed several of these teams in likely locations where they thought our landing ships might come down and that the law of averages simply allowed this particular guess to be a correct one. This group...
Stanley Clinton had been the director of the Federal Law Enforcement Bureau for nearly ten years. As such, he was accustomed to occasionally briefing the WestHem executive council — that group of nine elected representatives that had replaced the single-person presidency shortly after World War III — on various security issues. Never however, had he dreaded a briefing as much as this one. He had flown from the rooftop of the FLEB building in downtown Denver — the WestHem capital city — in...
The MPs guarding the main gate had the advantage of knowing exactly where their enemy was, in what numbers they were in, and what their plan most likely was. They knew that two squads and at least one battalion would push towards them from three directions, undoubtedly all at once. For many groups of trained soldiers this might have been enough despite the numerical and weapon superiority of the enemy. But the MPs were not trained as soldiers, they were trained primarily as a security force...
Aboard the WHSS Mammoth, Mars Orbit August 16, 2146 Lieutenant Callahan came into the berthing area to find his platoon lying listless on their bunks, just as they normally did. As always the smell in the room was of stale sweat and dirty laundry, although after nearly ten weeks he hardly noticed it anymore. "On your feet, marines," he barked at them. "Assemble immediately for a briefing." Nobody got to his feet. During the course of the chaotic trip across space, discipline among the...
Aboard the WHSS Nebraska August 24, 2146 "The last one, making atmospheric entry now, sir," reported Major Wild to General Wrath. The two men, along with everyone else in the room, were in the CIC watching the holographic display as it showed the tracks of the remaining thirty landing ships descending towards the planet. "Very good," Wrath said, sipping from his seventh cup of coffee of the day. Over the past week, since his marines on the planetary surface had come under increasingly...
Though there had been many advances in communications technology since the beginning of the space colonization age there was one constant that never changed and probably never would. No matter what carrier for the signal was used, be it encrypted laser beams or modulating radio waves, they could move no faster than the speed of light. As such it was impossible for a person on Mars to hold a real-time conversation with a person on Earth. Even at the closest approach of the two planets — a mere...
WestHem Capital Building—Denver The view was impressive from the large picture window in the executive council briefing room. The window looked east, out over the entire expanse of the thirty-eighth most populous city in WestHem; the sixty-third most populous in the solar system. The tops of innumerable high-rise buildings could be seen stretching away for kilometers in every visible direction. Each roof was dotted with landing pads and parked VTOLS, the transportation system for the elite....
Back at MPG headquarters General Jackson now had a pretty clear idea of the forces that had so far landed on the planet. Reports had come in from all of the special forces teams that had been deployed which allowed him to update the maps with solid intelligence figures. As far as he knew, none of the special forces teams had been detected by the enemy. None had been engaged anyway. Jackson directed his computer to initiate a conference with Laura Whiting, who was in her own office four...
Mermaid had no one in the official position of executive officer. There simply were not enough officers to go around for that designation. The closest that they had was Lieutenant Sugiyoto, the navigation and tracking officer, who filled the role if it was needed by virtue of being second in command. "Green light on all exterior doors, Brett," he said now, checking a panel on his display. "Thanks, Sugi," Brett said absently, looking at his own display board. He was now sitting in the...
LET IT BURN (with apologies to Joss Whedon) (sung to the tune of "walk through the fire" from Buffy the Vampire Slayer) I touch the clothes and it changes me They show everything I lack I'd like to change, my body re-arrange And never to look back Now in my head, she calls to me She want to begin the change To seize the day, or just...
It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...
In the middle of the forest, there was a wood cabin, circled with willow trees and lit by the reflection of the moon, with a crooked oak door and a twisted chimney; it was the witch’s cabin, and Dave knew the place very well. He had grown to like the location over the years: for instance, he enjoyed the colorful variety of flowers and plants around the wooden house, or the slanted roof that always looked like it was about to slide off, or even the constant mist coming from the swamps behind the...
Love StoriesAmi sandip choto bela thekei khub sex pagol. Choda choudi chara jibon amar boroi bisad lage. Eta koek bochor ager ghotona. Tokhon amar boyos 20. Saradin tokhon duchoke sudhu chodar sopno dekhtam. Amader chotto poribar. Ami, ammu arr amar boro bon. Abbu bidese thake. Boro bon uni te pore arr ammu ekta ngo te kaaj kore. Amader dui bed roomer apartment, ek roome ami thaki arr onno roome ammu arr apu. Anyway ebar asi asol kahinite. Ekdin college theke basay ese dekhi amader ek dur-somporker nani...
General Jackson was still at his command post in the capital building, monitoring the various operations that were taking place around the planet. The entire operation was at its most vulnerable right now since the bulk of the MPG members were still in transit to the bases. His greatest worry was of course the security of the Eden MPG base, which stood less than two kilometers from ten thousand WestHem marines. His worry was increased by a call from Sprinkle. "What's up, Jack?" he asked,...
Aboard the WSS Nebraska, Mars orbit September 11, 2146 Major Wilde was once again observing the final flight briefing less than two hours from the scheduled launch time. Admiral Haybecker was explaining to the AA-71 pilots and gunners for the tenth time that no matter what else they blew up in or around New Pittsburgh on the coming strike they were not to touch so much as a hair on the head of the Alexander Industries ammunition plant. "That plant is a vital part of the WestHem military...
MPG Headquarters, New Pittsburgh September 14, 2146, 2000 hours "It's confirmed, Kevin," General Zoloft told General Jackson via video link. "The WestHem marines are in full retreat from the main line. They started giving up in droves twenty minutes ago. It started at the Pillbox 73 and 72 positions and spread all along the line from there." "Could it be some kind of trickery?" Jackson asked, wanting to believe what he was being told but not wanting to fall into a trap. "I don't...
Green Eyed Monster - "The Boyfriend Trap" By Maximillian_Excaliber Prelude "If you wanted to fuck her in the first place, why the hell did you hook up with me?" Robin Bell yelled at Sam Rogers, her boyfriend, as she began packing her belongings into her suitcase. She had just returned to their apartment to find him in bed with Brandy, the apartment complex's resident slut and her next-door neighbor."It just happened, Robin!" Sam tried to explain."What do you mean 'IT JUST HAPPENED?’" she asked...
Straight SexHello, guys. I would like to introduce you to a series I will be starting. This will probably depend on how you like to so far, which will be enforced directly from Reviews. So, any and all feed back is welcome. Tips of any kind about where to head with the story are accepted, maybe even used if I need it. Anyhow, Enjoy the story. I briskly picked up my pace to distance myself from the bastards at school. They lacked common sense, and sometimes you just needed to knock it into them. It doesn’t...
Well I’ll never forget Miss Burns, that’s for sure. Not for as long as I live! You have to remember that this took place back in the mid 1960’s. As a sixteen year old schoolboy I and my mates had the usual sexual urges, which were very much frustrated for us. We had no internet, no mobile phones, no hardcore porn readily available. My small group of friends were not the types who were popular with girls, we were what you call “nerdy” these days. We were keen consumers of the kind of soft-core...
Kijani sat in the middle of the retrofitted prisoner transport bus. He garnered the attention of another passenger in the row opposite him. “What the get you for,” asked the slim, deep brown-skinned guy wearing the same state issued orange jumpsuit and shackles.Kijani sighed and rolled his eyes. “Prescription forgery.”“Ah hell, you stole a pad?”“I didn’t steal anything,” the burnt-caramel complexioned inmate hissed.“My bad, yo. Calm down. I mean that weed they found wasn’t mine. I ain’t even...
Cheyenne was almost dancing from foot to foot, waiting with poorly hidden excitement for Niki to show up. She was going to get to draw her, all by herself, and she could hardly wait. Spotting Niki coming through the crowd alone, the boys all turning to look at her pass, Cheyenne hurried over and crooked her arm through Niki’s. “Finally, I was getting worried!” “Sorry, had to get a paper from Ms Cushing. She heard about my modeling, and wondered if I’d do something for her class as well.”...
Sanai-er modhur sobde ghum bhanglo. Aj kaya-r ekmatro meye shreya-r biye. Ami ar amar stri, maya biye attend korte amar sali-r salt lake-r barite esechi. Bou school theke 7 diner chuti nileo, chele-r samne exam, tai darjeeling theke or boner biyete aste pareni. Bari bhorti lok, sobai basto, tari modhye shreya-r ma, amar choto sali, mane kaya, ek cup gorom cha niye ghore dhuke bollo, ‘ja, otho eber, ektu badei to tomar peyer-er shreya-r gaye holud suru hobe. Chole eso.’ kaya amar theke onek...
Tracy read the last two paragraphs of the book cradled in her lap. "All this," the young prince said, waving his right hand in a wide, sweeping arc, "will be yours my darling, after we marry." Alicia's eyes took in the panoramic scenery, the magnificent castle, the many stables, and the many fine houses beyond, strung out as far as her eyes could see. "All you have to do, my precious Alicia, is take my hand, cross the Meadow of Menace with me, and stand beside me in front of the vicar...
“Alright, so ... hear me out before you make a judgement, but ... I want to burn down the Alienage,” Cailan said. I choked – on what, I couldn’t say – and began coughing, while Alistair thumped me on the back. Aedan sputtered, face turning an unusual shade of crimson, but Kallian merely raised one eyebrow inquiringly. Aedan finally managed to get out an entire sentence. “I think you’re a lot more sleep-deprived than we thought, Cailan,” he ventured. “Or maybe you had a head injury you...
Don Mitchell, son-in-law of Director Clinton, had of course been given the honor of leading the takedown team that would take Laura Whiting into custody. He and his team gathered at the main FLEB office at 0700 that Thursday morning. There were forty of them, including himself, and he divided them up into teams of ten, each of which was assigned a leader. He then briefed them on their mission, an act that did not carry the dramatic punch he had hoped for since every last one of the men had...
Lieutenant Glory Bongwater was as confused as the rest of them, though her information was a little bit better. She stood before an Internet screen at the command post, a block away from the main entrance to the capital. Beside her was Special Agent Waxford, the highest-ranking FLEB agent left from the field office besides Corban Hayes himself. Waxford knew exactly what he wanted done but otherwise didn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. Bongwater detested him immensely and longed to...
July 28th, 2146 Deep space, between the orbits of Mercury and Venus The armada continued on, coasting through space at seventy kilometers per second. Because of the attacks made by Mermaid, it was now an armada that was significantly more alert than it had been on the outset. All active detection systems on all ships were powered up and sweeping through designated sectors. A full wing of attack and detection craft now maintained a 24-hour combat space patrol, circling around on all sides in...
As spring slowly came to the mountains Tom realized that he was happier than he had ever been in his life. He was now thirteen and almost as tall as Gray Eagle himself. He moved with the confidence and grace of a cat. He had spent the last month learning to fight. With fists, knives, clubs or just about anything that could be found. Gray Eagle was a great fighter, and he taught Tom everything that he knew. Tom had done badly at first, but soon found out that it was more a matter of response....
Wish Shift: Chapter Thirty-Seven When Shadows Burn Year 1 A.S. Day 192 Day 237 of Jenny's pregnancy Brother Paul kept driving past Derek's home. Derek's jeep was there parked under the carport, but it was the other car there that made him abandon stopping in as an option. He fumed as he drove down the road. Who could that possibly be that was there? And why were they here now of all times? He sensed the hand of the devil in this and considered that he might have to call Brother...
Her long brown hair fell against my cheek as her rosy pink lips reached mine. I could feel her soft hands caressing up and down my back. I found my hands wrapped around her waist, pulling her body close to mine. She parts my lips with her tongue and for the first time, I actually taste how sweet she really is. She presses her lips into mine so hard I actually feel like she is swallowing my soul. My hand slips under her shirt and slowly make their way up the small of her back, within minutes I...
Lesbian© Copyright 2000 When Mrs. Burns told me to come over Saturday, I tingled with anticipation. I showered, shaved and put on a tasteful amount of cologne. My pecs looked great from working out. I wore a T- shirt to emphasize them and loose pants, but no underwear. One yank on my pants would make my cock pop free. Mrs. Burns didn't know it, but I was going to fuck her. The Burns lived across the street from my parents. She was mid thirties with a great body. She played tennis and went...
There is something so incredibly hot about a firefighter. A man in his bunker or turn-out gear is a major turn-on for me. As a female firefighter, it should be old hat to me but it isn't. I have always wanted to get it on with a firefighter but being one myself doesn't allow me to fraternize with my "brothers", besides it would just be plain awkward afterwards. So this fantasy of mine had pretty much no chance of reaching fruition or so I thought! Our fire chief called a mandatory training...
Silvie spent the day lounging around the house in one of her dad's t-shirts. She figured her brother had already seen her naked, even though he was off playing baseball with his friends, and her parents wouldn't be home from work for hours. Besides, her sunburned skin was still very sensitive and the elastic from her panties just aggravated the burn. She thought back on the past day and a half and couldn't get over all that had happened. Her getting extremely sunburned while wearing a...
The Green Goblin Strikes Back by Steve Zink In Marvel Comics, Spider-Man is one of the all-time favorites. One of his constant foes almost from the beginning has been the Green Goblin. This villain was originally the chemical industry mogul Norman Osborn, who gained his alter ego after being bathed in chemicals at his plant. In the comics, Norman eventually died, while his son Harry, a good friend of Peter Parker, the alter ego of Spider-Man, married his high school sweetheart,...
My name is Clayton. We'll leave it at that. My wife was Anne Jaquiline Bennet. Pronounce it wrong and she'll reply Banay! We've been married 11 years and have no c***dren. Together we made the decision to not have k**s and we have a plan to be wealthy enough to not be tied down with traditional jobs by the time we are in our forties. I'm a factory worker with a good wage and my wife has been with a public relations firm for less than a year now. We live a comfortable life style in our apartment...
There was no water. Close to the heart of the Evergreen Forest, Snatch narrowed his eyes. The forest was picturesque. The trees (deciduous, despite the forest’s name) were thick enough to keep the ground below in a perpetual twilight, the grass was tall and green, and there were flowers everywhere. The place was obviously well-nourished. So where was the water? Snatch was not one for the outdoors, of course, but he’d worked with a druidess once. In his experience, it was very hard to spend a...
Mr. Burns was a dork. O.K., perhaps I’m being cruel and a bit insensitive…and even exaggerating. Certainly he would have been considered at least a ‘Nerd’ by today’s standards, even though we didn’t use the word back then. Most students of today certainly would have considered him so. A math teacher, overly intelligent and always formally dressed which was not expected in a tough, small school environment. In my eyes, his one over riding claim to fame was that he was able to get me through...
The Burns and Allen Show ran from 10-12-50 thru -09-22-58. [With apologies: I write this from my memory of some late-night TV shows I saw a few times on PBS, and _"Total Television" _(By Alex McNeil).] The Burns and Allen Show: The Power of Show Business By Ron Dow75 The Announcer: "Ladies and Gentlemen, Carnation Condensed Milk presents, "The Burns and Allen Show"!" [A thin man in a brown suit with a lit cigar comes onto stage from the side, the curtain still drawn. When...
The Troop Club was a chain of taverns that was owned by a subsidiary of Barkling Agricultural Industries, the third largest food producer on Mars now that the Agricorp-Interplanetary Food merger had been consummated. Only a minute portion of the intoxicant distribution holdings of BAI, Troop Club taverns were nevertheless a lucrative, low overhead venture. Located just outside of military establishments throughout WestHem's territory, they had managed to snare an incredible thirty-eight...
"Incoming multiple agency response call," the dispatch computer said in it's calm, cool, collected voice. A second later, rows of text appeared on the screen. "What is it?" asked Lisa, who was behind the wheel of the cart on this day. It had been another slow shift and she was ready for a little action to break up the monotony. A multiple agency response meant that something big was going down. "34th Street and 7th Avenue," Brian told her, reading from the screen. "Heavy smoke in...
Mermaid's engines had long since been shut down and she drifted silently through space, her passive sensors keeping an eye on the frantic search that was being undertaken on their behalf. The crew had been at general quarters for nearly five hours now, all of them anxious, scared, but also proud that they had just helped take forty thousand marines out of commission. Brett and the rest of the bridge crew watched their screens as the Panamas continued to pass far above them and as the...
Lon and his squad saw the dust cloud long before they saw the first of the WestHem armor coming down the valley below them. They were spread out atop four different hills on the south side of the valley, some forty-five kilometers from the landing ships, just outside of the effective range of the 150-millimeter guns on the ships. They were heavily laden with anti-tank lasers and charging batteries. Supporting them were two sniper teams on hills to the east and west of them and two mortar...
The dance of the WestHem marine's artillery battalions was an intricate and well-rehearsed affair. They spread out all across the valley, forming up by battery, each of which contained six guns. The commanders in charge of each battery had a map on their screen which indicated firing positions they were to head to after each firing sequence. Each battery had more than twenty such positions pre-programmed in as waypoints on the navigation screen. Their doctrine commanded they fire three...
Aboard the WSS Nebraska, Mars orbit September 5, 2146 Rear Admiral Mitchell Spears was the commander of all of the task force's F-22 space fighters. Each of the California Class superdreadnoughts housed a wing of ninety-six of these saucer-shaped craft for a total of 192 of them — or at least that was what they'd left Earth with, they were currently down to 147. Like most of the command rank officers involved in the conflict, Spears was somewhat upset and disillusioned by the losses and...
Aboard the WSS Nebraska, Mars orbit September 13, 2146 1718 hours Major Wilde sat at his desk, watching the InfoServe main news channel that was being beamed over from Earth. It was the top of the hour news summary, although, since it had taken it eighteen minutes to travel to Mars it was no longer the top of the hour. He was shaking his head in disgust and disbelief with every word the grinning newscaster spoke. "At precisely 1300 hours, Eden and New Pittsburgh time, today, WestHem...
Eden MPG base 2206 hours Matt Mendez was barely cognizant of the fact that the Mosquito he was in had just touched down on the main runway outside the base. He felt the gentle thump, felt the push against his restraint harness as Brian put on the brakes and slowed them to taxiing speed. He was weak all over, feeling like it was an effort just to move his arms or turn his head. He had never been so tired in all his life. The pain in his butt cheek was still there but had mostly faded to a...
Green Eyes by Anonymous at authors request As always, I wanted to size up my captive's predicament. She was beautiful, although it was hard to tell at the moment since she had a black leather hood over her head. Her mouth was plugged with a rather large penis gag, and the only identifiable parts of her head were her lovely green eyes (very rare for an Asian girl) and the lustrous mane of black hair sticking out of the back of her hood. The green eyes on an Asian were a specific...
Almost two long weeks had passed since my first meeting with my new slave Candy. Our first encounter was special and my sexy new sub had not left my mind since he walked out of my door. His juicy ass and hard thick cock have filled my thoughts each day since. I had found myself wildly attracted to Candy and lusting for him constantly. After deciding that ten days was long enough to make him wait I called Candy to set up another meeting. His phone barely got a full ring out before he...
Almost two long weeks had passed since my first meeting with my new slave Candy. Our first encounter was special and my sexy new sub had not left my mind since he walked out of my door. His juicy ass and hard thick cock have filled my thoughts each day since. I had found myself wildly attracted to Candy and lusting for him constantly. After deciding that ten days was long enough to make him wait I called Candy to set up another meeting. His phone barely got a full ring out before he...
CrossdressingAmi class xii er chatri, ei bochor higher secondary porikhya debo. Kintu school test porikha te onke fail kore boslam. Ekta subject-e fail korei school theke test-e allow kore na. Kintu ei bochor amar hs pass kora ta khub-i joruri. School er record-e amar boyes du bochor komano thakleo amar boyes 18 periye jachhe. Tai onker master mosai sadhon babu ke giye dhorlam. Sadhon sir school er managing committee-r member-o. Thaken school er pechone ekta bari te, ekai thaken sekhane. Dorja te knock...
Prelude "If you wanted to fuck her in the first place, why the hell did you hook up with me?" Robin Bell yelled at Sam Rogers, her boyfriend, as she began packing her belongings into her suitcase. She had just returned to their apartment to find him in bed with Brandy, the apartment complex's resident slut and her next-door neighbor. "It just happened, Robin!" Sam tried to explain. "What do you mean 'IT JUST HAPPENED?'" she asked him. "Tell me how you 'JUST HAPPENED' to end...
He was counting the Ehue “One to be happy, two to be sad, three to be good and four to be bad.” There were four, he sighed. The fates were against him. The man was taller than average, but not taller than his fellows in their armour. He stood a little aside from the others, leaning against a tree. His breastplate wore the green crest, embedded into the metal, as was his right. This right could not be taken from him, whatever he had done. It was a double-edged sword, for he had the right, and...
Green River by Tim Willows Jake never felt his first misgivings about transferring to Green River until the very moment when the needle entered his arm and the world dissolved into a vague cloud of grey. Before then, the transfer seemed like the only option-more than that: a godsend. He couldn't handle life in the general prison population. There was no other word for it: the other prisoners were animals. There wasn't a trace of racism in Jake's mind when he thought of them...
Debbie walked down the stairs from her apartment to the street. Her apartment was located on the second floor just above a travel agency. She waved to the very muscular woman, Uriel, who ran the agency before heading down the street. Based on her build, Debbie figured the woman competed in the shot put. She was definitely muscular enough to throw the shot put far enough to win a gold medal at the Olympics. She didn't have to be at work for another forty-five minutes. That was long enough to...
Green upon green "The Order is in shambles in here! What were you thinking? You have no foothold, the Assassins have all but destroyed our contacts and there is no one in the King's Court! I came here only to see how Portugal is doing in the hands of our noble leaders, but you have done NOTHING!" The Pope was fuming in the old decorated halls of the Templar Order in the middle of Lisbon. The room was dimly lit, with only a few candles on the large carved dining table in the middle,...
The trip back to Amaranthine was uneventful; the group of us, including the covered cart with our precious cargo, caught up to the army on the second day, and then proceeded to leave them to head slowly back to Amaranthine as we continued at a faster pace back to the Vigil. Nathaniel was going to meet with his sister in the city, and then join us back at the Vigil a day or so later. The plan was for the army to stay around Amaranthine for a couple of months in case the escaped sentient...
This is another fantasy with a gay slant involving a man and a shemale. It is written for those that appreciate such things, please leave a thumbs up if you like it and feel free to comment. If you want to give it a thumbs down would you be so kind as to tell me in a comment why you didn’t like it?“This will be very hard to explain,” I thought as I felt the tip a cock against my lips and I opened my mouth sucking that small cock head into my mouth. I had never sucked a cock before and at times...
“Alan? Are you here?” I closed the door behind me and dropped my keys into the singing bowl by the door. His car wasn’t in the driveway, but him not being home was odd enough that I couldn’t resist the impulse to call out again. “Alan?” Nothing. I kicked off my shoes and headed for his office. I knocked twice as I pushed the door open, only to find it dark and empty, the usually everglow PC cold and quiet on his desk. I couldn’t remember the last time I had seen that room as empty.It was...