GreeniesChapter 9C free porn video

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Mermaid had no one in the official position of executive officer. There simply were not enough officers to go around for that designation. The closest that they had was Lieutenant Sugiyoto, the navigation and tracking officer, who filled the role if it was needed by virtue of being second in command.

"Green light on all exterior doors, Brett," he said now, checking a panel on his display.

"Thanks, Sugi," Brett said absently, looking at his own display board. He was now sitting in the captain's chair on the bridge, his restraints applied. He was careful not to let his voice show any of the anxiety that he felt. He was really about to try to take this ship out of dock with an understaffed, inexperienced crew. They were really going to try to fly towards the sun and attacked heavily armed WestHem vessels. Were they all mad?

He took a few deep breaths and then opened the ship's intercom system. "All personnel, this is Ingram on the bridge. All stations report your readiness for zero gravity conditions."

One by one the stations checked in. Engineering, navigation, weapons. All loose objects had reportedly been stowed and all of the men were sitting strapped into their chairs. The majority of them, at Brett's advice, had vomit bags with them since they would be undergoing the sensation of lightening for the first time.

"Let's do it then," Brett told the intercom. "Disconnecting from TNB's gravity generation system in five, four, three, two... one." He pushed a button on his panel, shutting off the flow of current to the conduits in the ship's hull. In an instant everyone became weightless. Brett himself easily absorbed the sensation. He had been through it hundreds of times before. Others weren't so lucky. From all over the ship came the sound of people moaning and retching. On the bridge itself three of the six people deployed had to vomit.

"Let's all take a few minutes to get used to the sensation," Brett said over the intercom, suppressing a sigh. "It'll go away shortly but then you'll have to get used to the zero gravity conditions. That one takes a little longer."

Little by little the ship seemed to settle down. Vomit bags were sealed and stowed. Foreheads were wiped clear of perspiration. Brett asked for another status check and received readiness reports from all stations once again.

"Okay, let's get this thing out of here then, shall we?" he said to the bridge crew. He turned to the young woman who had been chosen as the helmsperson. She was twenty-two years old and a previous ghetto inhabitant. She had scored remarkably high on her ASVAB, particularly the computer interface portion. "Mandall," he told her. "I'm releasing the docking clamps."

"Okay," she said nervously, her fingers hovering above her panel.

With a push of a button on his own screen, Brett released the magnetic clamps that held them to the dock. There was no sound or motion associated with it, only a red light that appeared on the panel. "We're free of the dock," he said. "Mandall, give us ten percent on the starboard thrusters and move us away."

"Ten percent on the starboard thrusters," she repeated, as she had been taught. She touched the screen in front of her.

On the outside of the ship the four maneuvering thrusters on that side of the ship flared to life, slowly pushing the Mermaid away from the dock. The gap between the two structures stretched out to one meter and then two and then five and then ten.

"Increase starboard thrusters to fifty percent," Brett ordered when they were sixty meters away. "Let's move out in the departure corridor."

"Increasing starboard thrusters to fifty percent," Mandall repeated, doing as she was told.

"Sir, they are definitely moving away from the dock," reported Pebley. "The aspect of the vessel is changing and I have what appears to be thruster activity on the side facing the docks."

"Christ," Warren said disgustedly as he watched the display screen. "They're going to crash that thing into the naval base."

"You suppose they're just playing around with it?" asked Lovington. "Trying to see if they can move it from one place to another? After all, they might have some greenie that used to serve on the helm doing it for them."

"Maybe," Warren said, liking the way that sounded. "Although I still can't imagine what good they think that'll do them. They can't break orbit without burning the fusion engine and I know goddamn well they don't have anyone who would know how to do that."

"Should we make a report to CINCFARSP?"

Warren thought that one over for a moment. They had just sent one of their thrice-daily reports to Jupiter via an encrypted communication laser. The next one wasn't due for another six hours. "Let's just wait until the next report goes out," he finally answered. "There's no sense in sending off a special report because they're playing games with one of our ships. We'll just keep our eye on them."

"Understood," Lovington replied.

"Sir?" said the navigation officer.

"What is it?"

"If we're going to keep tracking this target we're going to have to maneuver soon. Our orbit will take us out of range of Triad in another twenty minutes."

"Very well," Warren said. "Plot us a burn that will keep us in the vicinity. Remember, minimum G. There might be a Henry out here somewhere and we don't want to give away our position to them. There's a good chance that they're feeding information to the greenies."

"Yes sir," he said, bending to his computer screen. It took him less than a minute to give the computer the parameters he needed and get an answer from it. "Burn info is on your screen, captain," he said when it was done.

A minute later the order was given and Marlin's fusion engines began to burn, pushing the ship closer to its target at .15Gs.

Mermaid was now three kilometers out from TNB and nearly two downrange, far enough away that her fusion engines would not cause damage to any structure. Her nose was now facing nearly ninety degrees away from the planet. The navigation computer had taken over thruster activity to stabilize them in this particular inclination.

"We are in alignment for our burn," reported Sugiyoto, who had lit a cigarette and was puffing on it nervously.

"All right then," said Brett, who was puffing a smoke of his own. He touched his screen, linking his communications with the engineering spaces. "Mike," he said to Bellingraph, "we're aligned for our burn. Is everything ready to go back there?"

"The engines are turning and ready," Mike reported. "They'll burn at your command."

"Thanks, Mike," he said, shutting off the link and then turning on the ship's intercom. "All personnel, this is Ingram. Prepare to break orbit. I repeat, we will begin our burn in twenty seconds." He shut off the intercom and then looked at Sugiyoto once more. "Sugi, sound the acceleration alarm."

"Right," he replied. "Acceleration alarm sounded."

When it had sounded for twenty seconds it automatically shut off. Brett looked at Mandall. "Helm, commence burn. Point two G."

"Point two G," she repeated. Her finger trembled as it reached down to the control and pushed the button.

Everyone on board was holding their breath. Half expected nothing to happen. The other half expected the ship to explode in a fury of ignited hydrogen fuel. All of then were wrong. The fusion engines lit just like they were supposed to, expelling a stream of uncooled, white-hot plasma from the rear. The ship was pushed forward at two tenths the force of gravity, pushing everyone down in his or her seats. A collective sigh of relief was breathed as they felt the motion.

"How we looking, Sugi?" Brett asked, unsnapping his seat belt now that there was acceleration produced gravity in the ship.

"Right on the line," he reported after taking an extra long drag of his cigarette. "We'll have enough velocity to break orbit in forty-five minutes."

"Thanks, Sugi." He flipped to the engineering link again. "Mike? How are we looking back there?"

"Both engines are operating within parameters," he replied at once. "Was there ever any doubt?"

Brett laughed. "Of course not, Mike. Keep up the good work."

"Holy shit!" blurted Pebley as he saw the flare of white from his tracking computer.

"What the hell did you just say?" asked Warren, who was a notorious stickler for military courtesy.

"Sorry sir," Pebley apologized. "It's just that the greenies just lit off the fusion engines on that thing!"

"They did what?" Warren and Lovington said at the same time.

"No mistaking, sir," Pebley told them. "They've initiated what looks to be a fusion burn. They're accelerating at a rate of one point nine-six meters per second. That's point two G. They're trying to break orbit."

Lovington broke free of his chair and floated back over to Pebley to look over his shoulder once again. Warren called up the display on his own screen. Both stared intently, seeing the white flare before their eyes but still not believing it.

"Son of a bitch," Warren said quietly. "They got the fusion engines lit. They must have a crew aboard that they're forcing to work for them."

"No question," Lovington agreed. "But where the hell are they going with that thing? What could they possibly hope to do? It doesn't make sense."

"Sir," Pebley spoke up, "I have a positive identification on the vessel from the engine signature. It's the Mermaid."

"Stan Hoffman's ship," Warren said reflectively. "And I think Jack Braxton is his XO. The greenies must have one or both of them on that bridge. Helm, maneuver to keep tracking them. I want to figure out just what their post-orbital course is going to be and I don't want to lose them if they throttle down those engines."

"Plotting tracking course," the helmsman said, bending to his computer.

"That's going to put our own engines fairly high in the infrared," Lovington pointed out. "If there's a Henry out there they might catch a whiff of us."

"A chance we'll have to take," Warren responded. "It just occurred to me what those greenies might be up to with that thing."

"What's that?"

"What if they're delivering it to the EastHem military? Selling it to them in exchange for that fuel that they're planning to use? Those fucking fascists would love to get their hands on one of our Owls. They haven't had a chance to examine one since that traitorous greenie handed a C model to them during the Jupiter War."

"Damn," Lovington whispered fearfully, frightened by the very thought of the EastHem's learning the various secrets of the modern Owl. "I think you might be right. And they might hand the crew over to the EastHem's as well."

"We need to stay on their ass," Warren said. "If the EastHem's take possession of one of our Owls it will be an act of war."

"Course plotted, sir," the helmsman said. "It's on your screen."

Warren looked down, noting that they would have to increase their acceleration to three tenths of a G in order to keep close enough. That was a little bit high for maintaining stealth mode but he really had no choice. "Initiate," he said. "And let's start preparing a report for CINCFARSP. I guess we'll break the communications routine after all."

"Sir," the communications officer suddenly spoke up, "I'm afraid that we won't be able to send a message by laser for a bit."

"Our alignment?" Warren asked with a sigh.

"Yes sir. Our path puts the planet between the receiver and us. We won't be able to lock on for another hour at least. There's always the radio of course, but..."

"No, maintain radio silence," Warren ordered. "I don't want the greenies or the EastHem's knowing that we're out here if we can avoid it. We'll just wait until the receiver is back in sight and send the report then."

"Aye sir," the communications officer said.

Mermaid's velocity continued to increase as the fusion engines burned and pushed them higher and higher above the planet. Mike in the engineering spaces continued to report a good status and gradually the crew began to relax a little.

Brett was still sitting in his chair, sipping out of a cup of coffee and chain-smoking cigarettes as he tried to work out some sort of drill schedule for the first week of their deployment. He needed to get everyone up to speed on the general quarters and damage control drills first and foremost. But there was also the abandon ship drill, the emergency deceleration drill, and half a dozen others that they needed to perfect before they went into combat the first time. And then there was the fact that most of the crew didn't know how to maneuver in low G's. Already there was one person in sickbay from falling down a ladder.

"Brett," said Sugiyoto, who was monitoring the detection and navigation computers, trying to run some tracking drills, "I know this sounds strange, but..."

"But what?" he said, looking up and glancing over.

"Well, I think I'm detecting something."

"What do you mean?" he asked, not terribly interested yet. They were after all, still in orbit. He figured that Sugi was maybe getting a reading on a communications or a research satellite in high orbit. The passive sensors that he was using were very receptive to that sort of thing after all.

"There are some white lines showing up at bearing 133 mark 42. Didn't you tell me that white lines could be a stealth ship exhaust?"

"Yes," Brett said thoughtfully, becoming a little more interested now. True, it was probably nothing, but that was the spectrum that an Owl or a Henry's plasma exhaust would be in. And it had been agreed that there was a better than even chance that one or both of those entities would try to put a stealth ship into orbit around Mars. "Let me take a look." He called up a duplicate of the display and saw immediately what Sugi was talking about.

"What do you think?" Sugi asked. "Am I just seeing things?"

"Oh, you're seeing things all right," Brett said, standing up. Moving carefully he walked across the bridge until he was standing next to him. "Try to clean up that image a little," he told him. "Fine tune it with the contrast dial and then turn the array directly onto it."

"Right," Sugi said, putting his hands to the screen. He fumbled with the touch sensitive screen controls for a moment and the image suddenly sharpened, showing a lot more white and even some blue. "Wow," he said. "Is that what I think it is?"

"Damn right," Brett told him. "Designate that contact and get it on the display." He walked back to his chair and pushed the general quarters alarm. He then turned on the intercom. "General quarters everyone," he told the ship. "This is not a drill, which is a good thing because we haven't drilled in that yet. Everyone get your emergency suits on and report to the area of the ship where you were told to go when we went GQ. Do it as quickly and as safely as possible and report in to your officer as soon as you get there. In the meantime, I'll tell you what we've got going on up here." He took a deep breath, wondering how his cherry crew was going to take this. "People, we've detected a stealth ship in an orbit just higher than ours. We don't have a positive identification yet, but my instinct tells me that it's another Owl. Whoever is driving it is running dumb, flaring his engines much hotter than he really should this close to another target. I'm going to maneuver us to get a better lock on him."

"Target is designated, Brett," Sugi said, pointing to the holographic screen before him.

"Good. Keep a lock on it, just like I showed you."

"Right," he said, nodding nervously.

"Helm," Brett said, "cut engines to point one G."

"Cutting engines," Mandall told him, her fingers going to her controls. A second later the gravity on the bridge suddenly reduced to near nothing.

"Bring us to new heading, 100 mark 20."

"One zero zero mark two-zero," she repeated, making more manipulations. Everyone felt the shudder of centrifugal force as they turned on their axis.

"The picture is tightening up," Sugi announced excitedly. "I getting some readings in the low spectrum now as well."

"Run an ID check on the signature," Brett told him. "Let's see if we can figure out who we're dealing with here."

"I don't remember how to do that," Sugi told him. "Sorry, Brett, but I..."

"It's okay," Brett assured him, getting out of his chair again and moving gingerly across the floor. He nearly fell once since they were still in the midst of a turn. Finally he reached the terminal. "Right there," he told Sugi. "The window on the bottom will open up a new screen for you. Just highlight the contact and drag it over there."

"Right." He did as he was told and the computer instantly gave a reading.

"The Marlin," Brett said, shaking his head in amusement. "I should've known. That moron Warren got command of it because his family has connections with the builder. He would be stupid enough to come chasing after us with his engines firing like that. Let's see if we can get a few more bearing readings and pin down a location."

"Right," Sugi said.

"Sir," said Pebley, "the Mermaid is maneuvering! Engine thrust has been reduced and I'm getting some thruster activities. Bearing is slowly changing left to right."

"What the hell are they doing now?" Warren asked, looking at the display on his own screen. "It almost looks like they're maneuvering to prosecute us."

"If they have a detection watch operating," said Lovington, "they probably picked us up. We're awfully close to them and we're burning our engines pretty hard."

"Do you really think that a captured crew would have reported sighting us?" Warren asked. "That would be traitorous."

"Didn't Mermaid have a greenie detection operator?" Lovington said. "I seem to remember Hoffman going on and on about him once at a party."

"Yes, you're right," Warren said, shaking his head. "He said he was pretty competent for a greenie. I bet that fuck is on board that ship right now, looking at us." He sighed. "Goddamn it. We spend a million dollars training that ungrateful greenie and look how he repays us."

"What do we do now?"

Warren though it over for a few moments. "Cut engine power to a tenth of G," he finally ordered. "That should bring our signature out of detection range."

"Cutting power to point one," the helmsman answered.

"I lost the signal, Brett," Sugi said. "It just died!"

"That's okay," Brett said. "I was kind of expecting that. He figured out that we were tracking him and cut his engines."

"What do we do now?"

"We have a rough course plotted don't we?"

"Yes, but we don't have a range."

"Fire up the active sensors but keep them on standby for now," Brett ordered. "We'll find him again when we need to." He looked at the communications terminal. "Frank, get me naval operations on the screen. Use radio signals but encrypt them."

"Right," Frank replied.

"And how many stations have reported in manned and ready for GQ? It's been nearly five minutes now."

"Only engineering," Frank answered.

"Damn it, not fast enough," Brett said. He turned on the intercom again. "Listen up, crew. I really hate to rush you guys and I know we haven't done this before, but I really need you to move your asses getting to your GQ stations. We need to get the airtight doors shut and the weapons manned. We've identified the contact as the Marlin, which is a WestHem Owl. We might be shooting it out with them in a minute." He flipped the intercom back off and reached down for his cigarettes. "Why does this shit have to happen in the first hour out?" he asked the air.

Admiral Belting himself answered the emergency hail. His face appeared on Brett's screen looking worried. "Is there a problem, Brett?" he asked anxiously.

"Nothing with the ship, Admiral," Brett told him quickly. "But it seems we have some company out here. We detected the Marlin in a high orbit just as we were accelerating to break our own orbit. It appeared that she was tracking us and maneuvering to stay with us. I ordered a maneuver to prosecute them and they cut their engines down. We lost her at that point but I think she's close enough for us to pick up with an active search."

"Did you get a course and range?" Belting asked.

"Approximate course. Not enough readings for a range though and my people are still trying to get to GQ positions so I didn't want to go active until that was done. To tell you the truth, I don't think we're really up for a fight with them just now."

"Understood," Belting told him. "Stand by on your active search for now. I'll get some A-12s out to you."

"Copy that," he said. "Standing by."

"Keep me updated if there are any changes."

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Fun with a homeless girl

I told my husband that I needed a spa weekend and booked myself a package at one of the fancier hotels in the city. We live in a commuter suburb, so it was about a 45 minute drive to the downtown hotel. I left Friday evening when my husband got home from work. I made sure he knew where everything was for the kids, that he remember the play date tomorrow then kissed him goodbye. I got to the hotel just before seven. I got checked in with plenty of time to get to my massage at eight. Then...

3 years ago
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Getting It on With SamanthaChapter 21

Pete was lying in bed that spring evening and he'd been asleep for a couple of hours before waking up and realizing that his cock was hard, jutting up from his groin and he was as horny as he'd been earlier in the evening. He'd taken care of his sexual needs then along with those of his younger teenage sister, Samantha, and they'd both gotten their feel of sex before they agreed it was time to go to bed. Their folks were both away from the house that night, as was often the case it...

3 years ago
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Virginity Lost

I knocked on the door and looking right, I could see through the window into the empty back room. There was no reply and no sign of movement inside, I knocked a bit louder this time, prepared to just leave. With no response, I turned to go when I caught a glimpse of Fred's mother, Barbara through the window. She wore a white robe tied at the waist and recognising me, grinned her wide, toothy grin and hurried to the door.Returning to the door, I was greeted by Barbara with her characteristically...

2 years ago
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Night at the Lounge

Echo got out of the metallic silver 2015 VW Beetle. Their black heels clicked against the asphalt of the parking lot as they sashayed. A couple of onlookers catcalled as they too the stroll into the adult novelties store. Echo had on a gray shin-length wool & polyester coat - belted at the waist. The two guys smoking cigarillos admired Echo’s silhouette. “There she go, mane,” remarked the guy who was sumo-esque and of warm, tawny complexion.“Yeah! She bad,” the one that was sinewy,...

1 year ago
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A Second ChanceChapter 13

A woman packs for every possible occurrence ... and then Murphy takes over. But before the packing Mom asked, "Where are we going in Pentwater?" "I've spoken to the real estate agent here. He has spoken to the realtor there. There are exactly three places for sale on the north side of the lake." I paused for the sake of drama. Mother made that motion with her hand that signifies, hurry up, asshole. We don't need no stinking drama. "The house on the north east corner of Dover and...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Blair 19 yearold

Today is 19 year-old Blair who by all accounts is the stripper with the heart of gold we come to realize as this shoot progresses. But don’t let all her tattoos fool you. No no no no no, Blair is sweet, confident, and likes her sex soft and sensual with lots of kissing and passion. Well we’re not the playboy channel here but we are all about capturing whatever the situation presents and Blair presents a lot. Now I’ve never met a girl that’s had a continuous orgasm during sex until today. Well I...

4 years ago
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If I Could

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen. What would I do if I could be with you? In my black lace underwear, I’d kneel before you, undoing your belt and zip. I’d pull down your trousers and pants to your knees, and breathe hotly over your exposed cock and balls. I’d put my hands around you, and squeeze your bum cheeks as I fluttered my eyelashes up your soft shaft, until I felt you beginning to swell. Then I’d suck little kisses down your...

1 year ago
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SheWillCheat Brenna Sparks My Husband Is A Cuckold

Brenna Sparks is super open with her husband, maybe even too open actually. She explained to him how she just was not happy in their relationship anymore and needed to see other people. Her husband could barely get out a stutter before Brenna could introduce her new fuck buddy Dylan. They were going to go fuck now, but hubby was free to watch and play with himself as he pleases. He followed them into his bedroom where he watched his hot wife get pounded by another man while making fun of him....

2 years ago
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At the ConferenceChapter 2

One year to the day they announced Buckle had sold the company. The new company took control almost immediately and my new employer was a large insurance company branching out into the domestic market. A year later, they offered me a redundancy package I really couldn’t refuse. Buckle had obviously done his bit as promised and I left work with a package that was half descent. Quite honestly, I didn’t have to work anymore and at forty-seven years old, I was glad. With paying up our mortgage,...

3 years ago
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Stemom adventures 8211 Chris story

Chris was growing quickly for his age. His life was full of the typical teenage adventures and problems, a body that was flooded with hormones causing most of them. The alarm had rung some time ago and his stepmom had yelled for him to get moving twice. He stretched and rolled out of bed, the virtually permanent erection of a teenager bouncing and leading the way as he headed for the bathroom to take his shower. He threw his clothes on for school still half-asleep. It had been a long week last...

3 years ago
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Whispers From The Mirror

Janice stood in front of the mirror, staring at herself. She had turned twenty yesterday and her mother had bought her a new blouse and skirt. She turned around and around, smiling at her reflection. She looked beautiful. She looked healthy. She looked perfect. ‘Still too fat.’ She looked around, wondering where the voice had come from. A look into the mirror provided the answer. Her reflection stood staring at her, hands crossed across its chest and one foot tapping impatiently. Janice just...

3 years ago
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Katies Dream

I know that I have told you in the past that I have this overwhelming sense that if you and I were ever to get together it would be the best sex of our lives. And that I can't explain why you get my fantasies boiling, but you do. I don't know why or how but I find myself infatuated with you so much that I'd be willing to do anything you wished. That being said I had a dream about you last night. It started with me approaching you from behind in a candle lit room. As my arms envelope you I begin...

3 years ago
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StMartin Adventure

We were young and in love. Only newlyweds, we had not had much opportunity to travel outside of the United States. Sure there were trips to the beach in our home state of North Carolina and we'd gone to Florida to visit family but otherwise we were pretty naïve when it came to international exploration. That's why we were so excited about this upcoming trip to St. Martin.I had an uncle who had a time share and, when his health problems prevented him from taking his scheduled trip, he offered it...

1 year ago
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On the RunChapter 21

Inspector Richard Williamson banged on the front door as an array of light-bulbs flashed behind him from the gate. There was silence and he stood aside as an officer with a battering ram smashed into the door and shouted "we're in" as the door came off its hinges." Four officers and the Inspector poured into the house and fanned into the rooms. The Inspector walked in and looked around, listening for any noise. He was annoyed; the raid had had to be hastily arranged and brought forward...

3 years ago
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Rocky Having Sex With Colleague8217s Wife Kavita

Hi All, This is the story about sex with my colleague wife which happened few years ago (All names are changed for obvious reason). I’m Rocky 5.7, athletic body. Kind at heart, jovial and good guy. Can reach me on Comments and responses are welcome :) My colleague Deepak is a best friend to me. Before marriage we used to hangout a lot. First I got married and after two years Deepak got married. I helped him in his love marriage against their parents wish. Her name is Kavita. Deepak is from...

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blood and Sex

It was a clear night, the moon and stars shining brightly, the vampire hungry. Jake is a 300-year-old vampire, created by the now dead vampire, Manna. Jake was out looking for young beautiful women to feed upon. Instead he found a young man looking for death. Reading this mortals mind, he found out this man is a bisexual but mainly preferring other men. “Ah this should be fun” Jake thought to himself as he strides up to this man. “Sir, would you help a man down on his luck? Some food, clothes,...

1 year ago
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Twins 1

My heart stopped beating and my breath caught in my throat when I saw her. She was gorgeous. She was way out of my league. I was far enough away that she didn't see me, and I was able to stop and let the nerves pass. We had met on an online dating site. For nearly thirty years, my wife had been jealously driving away my friends until I didn't really have any. Then she ignored the cliché and left me for a younger man. I didn't know where else to look for a companion. I had been more than...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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After Work Fuck

I’m at home, doing my thing like I always do, cleaning house, doing dishes, etc…but today I felt like feeling sexy, so I decided to do my chores in a pair of lingerie that my husband got me for a past birthday. It’s a little dress that makes my DD breasts seem like DDD’s, and lands graciously below my plump ass, and in the front it is split on either side of my pussy to show my hips but not my upper thighs nor does it reveal my vagina. It’s spaghetti strap that goes about halfway down my back...

3 years ago
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Daddy Coming home to my Baby

I placed down my bag as I usually did every day when I got home from work, and hung up my coat as I called out to my angel, “Amy, my darling I’m home.” Silence. She didn’t reply. That was unusual, there was no note on the table underneath the coat hooks to say she had left the house. I walked over to the stairs to call up in case she hadn’t heard me, “Amy?” As I called up, I saw a piece of her sexy lingerie draped over the end of the banister. It was a lace thong that I had bought her only a...

3 years ago
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Some Day My Prince Will Come

Someday My Prince Will Come This happened in 2011 and is, as always, true:I had come up with a product, well sourced several products, and knitted them together, it had to do with toll payments for passage through the Suez Canal, if you're interested. As the leader on the project it was up to me to close the deal between my then-company and a company whose interests included vast amounts of modular shipping (containers). The company was headquartered in Dubai.No trip there for me though,...

1 year ago
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AnalMom Dee Williams Scandal in Suburbia Part 1

Scandal In Suburbia: A Dee Williams Mini-Series [Part 1 of 3] – As Dee gets home from the supermarket, the pervy boy next door, Rion, spies on her while she unloads her grocery bags. Rion can’t help but notice her perfect ass peek out from her skimpy dress, but when Dee catches him taking photos, she flips the script on him. Dee has been looking for some raunchy fun, and Rion is the lucky guy who will show her a good time. This is just the beginning of Dee’s wild sex adventure, and it...

3 years ago
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Basin Point

Basin Point, another town, another beach with good surfing conditions, surfing conditions my husband Peter loved. This was another stop off on the surfing calendar. We'd been following the circuit for the last two months; the surf at most of the beaches had been conducive in making this year one of the best. Peter was an ardent surfer and was well placed so far. The problem was I didn't share his enthusiasm for surfing, day after day and sitting around just watching was not exactly my idea of...

1 year ago
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Having My WayPart11

After my love dipped his fingers in my pussy, he had me lick them clean. Hungrily, I sucked them into my mouth, tasting the honey nectar. Then I felt him climb off the bed and I heard the drawer of the night stand open. He knew that was where I kept my toys. The blindfold he put over my eyes prevented me from seeing what he was doing, but I heard him moving things around. Then I heard nothing and I knew he was watching me.I wanted to move, but the restraints held me tight. Vulnerable, I wanted...

3 years ago
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SLUT ASHLEY 3“I’m taking the dog for a walk!” Ashley yelled to her mom. The 28-year-old tanned beauty had recently moved back in with her mother while she took a few courses at a nearby college. Her boyfriend, O.J., lived far away, but would be coming to visit in a couple hours. It was almost one now, and she had another man that she wanted to see. Keenum and his cock of over nine inches had been fucking her since Tuesday night…and she was already hooked!It was a sunny day as she took the dog...

2 years ago
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Fun at the conference Version 20

Author’s note: This is the second story I have written about having “fun at the conference” and more are planned. Each story is distinct; the only similarity is that all the stories take place at a professional conference in San Diego in the summer. A conference, in real life, I hope to attend. San Diego is a great place to attend a professional conference. The air is warm, the people friendly, and as it is summer, business attire standards are relaxed some. I wear a coat and tie to the kick...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Lustful Chat

Hey folks I am new to ISS and have been very impressed with the stories in the site. Keep up the good work. After so much thought I have decided to post my experiences on this web site. To begin with I am posting a chat with one of my chat mates. This is a sensuous chat I had with a Kolkota lady.. Your feedbacks are most welcome to my mail id lustychaponcam (04-12-2009 10:43:18): Hi Synthia (04-12-2009 10:43:27): ?{ lustychaponcam (04-12-2009 10:43:46): what’s that Synthia (04-12-2009...

2 years ago
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California Girl Part 6

California Girl Part 6 By Princess Panty boy "Ya know what is funny Kellie?" I look at Stephen or Stephanie smiling at me. "Today is the first time I ever had any type of sexual anything." I look at Stephen continuing to smile at me all most busting from excitement. "That's great Stephanie, I'm going to call you Stephanie when you're dressed like a girl and I'll call you Stephen when you're not okay Stephanie?" "Sounds good to me Kellie. This is so great I received my first...

1 year ago
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Ahead of the GameChapter 10

Jeff could tell Sara wanted to tell him something important. Leading her away from the others, Jeff stopped by the rail, and then looked inquiringly into her eyes. He was sure there was nothing she could tell him that would be too bad. "I don't own this boat, at least not yet," Sara told a startled Jeff. "What do you mean, not yet?" he asked her, bewilderment crossing his features. "An old man told me he has my dad. He told me if I did what he told me to, he would release my father...

2 years ago
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Prison Aint So Bad

"I can't fucking believe it, not too long ago, to this day, I was living a good life, I was drinking champagne with my girlfriend Alexis, not the brightest of girls but damn she had a nice body, that night we drank until we couldn't and fucked until the sun came up, now look at me, travelling on this bus heading to prison, all because I was stupid enough to commit fraud".The bus pulled up at the prison and instantly the convicts gathered by the fence, I could hear them all screaming and...

3 years ago
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FFFM Foursome

Hi guys and girls. Handshake for boys boobs shake for girls. I hope my previous story in virgin category sweet girl from club got you hot and wet. This story is a continuation of that at the end of that story and that girl requested me to fuck her virgin friend too. Finally and the time had come to fuck these girls together. We decided to meet at the same club and Nisha who lost her virginity to me introduced her virgin friend Swathi. She was a cute girl like Nisha. We were chatting for long...

1 year ago
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What Choice Do I Have Part 1

What Choice Do I Have? - Part 1 Authors Note: This is my first attempt at writing a story, I hope you really enjoy this first main part. I have lots of ideas of where I want this to go and can't wait to share more chapters with you all! I welcome criticism and feedback so please send some my way, I am eager to know your thoughts and it's the only way I can get better at writing. Lastly I want to repeat what I said in the prologue, this story takes a lot of ideas from some of my...

1 year ago
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Meine ersten Erfahrungen mit einem Mann

Es fing alles so an, dass ich immer schon gerne Pornos geguckt habe und dabei viel mir auf, dass fast in jedem Porno immer der Schwanz ganz groß dabei ist. Ich fand es immer geil diese dicken Dinger anzugucken. Besonder wenn eine Frau anal genommen wurde oder mit den Füßen einen Pimmel gewixxt hat. Also hab ich aus Spaß im Suff einfach mal eine Anzeige geschaltet, dass ich einen ältern Herrn suche der mir sein Ding zeigt usw. Daraufhin meldete sich Tobi. Tobi beschrieb sich als normalo Mitte 50...

3 years ago
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Daughter gives her first blowjob

I live alone with my Dad. On my 18th birthday have gave me the amazing present of making me a woman. Now I’m pregnant with his c***d. I’ve given up school and stay home now, looking after Dad and preparing for the birth.I seem to be getting bigger and bigger by the day. I’m now six months pregnant. Have got used to the idea, and am so looking forward to being a Mummy. My Dad loves the way it’s all progressing too. Last night he took some sexy photos of me. I do hope he keeps them private...

2 years ago
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football game

Ugh! I got so drunk during the football game! We watched it at home, my bf, about ten of his male friends and me. My bf made margaritas and kept filling my glass, all his friends were flirting with me and I loved it. I had on my super short and tight cutoff jeans, which look so cute on me, my long pretty legs look so sexy in them, I was barefoot and wearing a cute tight, white, very low cut v-neck t-shirt, no bra, my long hair loose, my lips so red, smiling at all the guys and laughing at their...

1 year ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 35 Clinic Day 8 9

When someone came around to wake me up, I was still able to see the girl like me just by finding the egg I fertilized growing inside her. One thing I found about having this thing in my head was that I always felt full of energy and ready to go even if I just went to sleep. We could not have been asleep very long. When I found my jeans and boxers, they were still really wet, so I just got on my shorts. Even though everyone worried about bugs and sunburn, many of us decided we would risk it...

4 years ago
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First Do No Harm Winter JenningsChapter 15 Eagle

I woke up in Palo Alto feeling ... refreshed. More like my old self. First time since ... well, it had been a while. Feeling morning-naughty, I sat under the shower spray and treated myself to a quickie. Dressed for success, I was checking myself out in front of the hotel mirror. Picked up my cell, “Hello.” “What are you doing in California?” I smiled, sat back in the club chair, Clint Callahan. “And this is your business ... why?” “I made it my business.” “Oooh, tough guy. I’m still...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Avery 08312017

A first look can be deceiving, especially when it comes to our 22 year old recent college grad, Avery. She majored in psychology and with her glasses, you might think she’s one of those nerdy types, but when the clothes come off, her hot model looks let you know she was born for porn. It doesn’t hurt that she has a bad girl reputation either. Avery has friends in the adult biz, so she thought she should give it a try, and TC was just the one to show her how it’s done. In fact...


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