- 2 years ago
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The dance of the WestHem marine's artillery battalions was an intricate and well-rehearsed affair. They spread out all across the valley, forming up by battery, each of which contained six guns. The commanders in charge of each battery had a map on their screen which indicated firing positions they were to head to after each firing sequence. Each battery had more than twenty such positions pre-programmed in as waypoints on the navigation screen. Their doctrine commanded they fire three rounds apiece and then immediately begin moving to the next waypoint. At the same time they were to begin moving, another battery somewhere else would begin firing on the same target.
In all, more than three thousand men were directly involved in the artillery operation for the Eden theater alone. At 2145 hours all six hundred guns were in their initial positions, their barrels elevated and ready to begin firing, their order of firing and their initial target info on their screens. They were only waiting the command to go before they started unleashing 150mm high explosive shells towards their primary targets: the entrenched ground troops of the greenie ACRs in the Jutfield Gap. Utilizing the latest recon shots from the AA-71 and matching them to their existing maps and existing positions, they were finally, for the first time, able to have confidence that their rounds would actually land within twenty or thirty meters of where they wanted them. The rounds they were to fire were a mixture of fused shells that would explode twenty meters above the ground and penetrating shells that would lodge into the ground before exploding. To a man the artillery units thought that they were the ones who would begin dealing some payback to the greenies that had tormented the corps for so long.
Unbeknownst to anyone currently in biosuits below, including the Martians in their trenches and armored vehicles, five tiny aircraft were circling eight thousand meters above the battlefield. The aircraft were called "peepers" by the Martians who operated them and they were each less than three hundred millimeters in length, with a wingspan of one meter. Unmanned, of course, and powered by electric batteries that turned a four-bladed propeller, the aircraft were constructed of radar-absorbent, heat-dampening material that made them completely invisible to any electronic detection device in possession of the enemy at the height at which they operated. Each was equipped with a high resolution infrared camera, a high resolution visual camera, and a directional radio antenna which could transmit a tight, encrypted beam to either a communications satellite or a receiver dish high atop the Agricorp Building.
Monitoring the real-time take from each of these aircraft were the FDCs, or fire direction centers, for the MPG 5th Heavy Artillery Battalion. There were twenty of the 250-millimeter guns divided into five batteries of four guns apiece. Thus, each FDC was responsible for directing the rounds for four of the guns. All five of the FDC teams were located in the same building, deep within the Eden MPG base. The actual FDC officers were captains — all of them long-time members of the MPG — overseen by a lieutenant colonel who had overall command of the battalion.
Captain Rod Resin was in charge of the 3rd Battery of the 5th Heavy Artillery Battalion. He sat at his terminal staring at the images on his screen, touching each grid that contained a marine 150mm battery and marking its location. He too began assigning an order of fire, as did his three counterparts.
Atop Hill 657 in the Jutfield Gap, Jeff Waters came slowly awake as he heard the volume of chatter on the tactical channel pick up. He yawned, stretched a little, and looked around, seeing nothing but blackness and vague shapes around him and stars shining overhead. It was full dark outside, which meant he'd been asleep at least three hours. The fullness of his bladder told him it had been more like four or five. He tapped the control panel on his leg and brought his combat goggles into infrared mode. Instantly the occupants of the trench became visible, as did the time display in the upper right corner of his view. It was 2149 hours. Almost five hours since he'd nodded off.
The trench they occupied was more than just a simple ditch dug in the rocky ground, it was somewhat of an engineering marvel in its own right. Sixty meters long and staffed with both first and second platoon, it curved and twisted along the summit of the hill and was liberally stuffed with extra ammunition, food gel packs, and waste packs, both used and new. The front of the trench, which faced the wastelands where the enemy would be coming from, was protected by a triple layer of heavy sandbags full of industrial shavings and cemented together with polymer glue. In front of this, buried beneath the soil, was a barrier of dense concrete designed to channel the blasts from penetrating artillery shells upward instead of inward. The trench itself had been dug so the bottom of it angled downward and inward, underneath the protective sandbags and concrete. This would prevent shrapnel from airbursts from reaching the troops during an artillery barrage. This was just one of more than three thousand similar trenches constructed at the approaches to all the Martian cities in the first ten years of the MPG's operations.
"How was your beauty sleep?" asked Hicks, who was manning the SAW position two meters to Waters' left.
"Static," Jeff said, standing up and stretching out. This allowed him to look out through the opening in the sandbags he was assigned to and view the terrain where they would soon be doing battle. It was empty out there as it had always been, even on high magnification, but there was something new, something ominous showing in the air beyond the horizon. There were flows and eddies of dark blue streaming upward into the sky and slowly dissipating, thousands of them, some brighter than other, some longer lasting than others. "What the fuck is that?" he asked.
"The little blue streamers?" asked Hicks.
"It's the fuckin' Earthlings, man," he said. "We started seeing that about an hour ago."
"The Earthlings?"
"It's the heat rising into the air from thousands of armored vehicles just over the horizon," said Sergeant Walker, their squad leader. "We can't see them yet, but they're less than thirty klicks away, forming up to move in on us."
The knowledge of what was causing the phenomenon made it seem even more ominous. He had been in this trench for thirty-eight hours now, peeing into a relief tube, shitting into a waste-pack, drinking processed water and eating food gel and looking out at a whole lot of nothing but now the reality that he was actually going to be in battle soon — real battle, not just another training battle — struck home to him. With this revelation game the logical extension of it. I could die out here. I'm only nineteen years old and I could be dead in the next twelve hours.
He shuddered a little and quickly sat down so he wouldn't have to look at it anymore.
"You okay?" Hicks asked him.
"Yeah," Jeff said. "Just need to take a shit, that's all."
"Oh, for the love of Laura Whiting," said a female voice in his headset. That was Private Cynthia Drogan, one of the other new recruits to the 17th ACR. She was on the other side of Hicks, her M-24 gripped against her chest. "What is up with you guys and the need to announce your bodily functions for all of us to hear? Can't you just do your business quietly and not talk about it like a civilized human being?"
"Want me to leave my comm link open so you can hear the grunts?" asked Jeff, who knew that Drogan's chiding was mostly good-natured.
"No," she said firmly, "and you can also spare us the description of the consistency, length, and liquidity of your stool as well, thank you very much."
Jeff smiled and flipped off the transmit button on his comm link. He let go with a stream of urine, which was sucked down a condom catheter attached to his penis, through a hose, and into the suit's liquid waste storage system where the water in it would be recycled and dumped into his drinking reservoir and the rest of the compounds would be shipped to the solid waste pack mounted just below his right leg. He then assumed the defecation position, which was a sitting position with the pelvis suspended slightly off the ground. A flip of a button on his suit and a custom-molded suction cup device pressed itself over his anal opening, forming somewhat of a seal. A vacuum began to run from within the suit creating a sensation that Jeff found disturbingly unpleasant but that others admitted — usually under the influence of alcohol — to enjoying greatly. He grunted, pushing with the proper muscles and voided himself for the better part of three minutes, the waste material moving down the hose and into the storage pack. When he was finished with his business a warning indicator in his combat goggles lit up, letting him know that the solid waste reservoir was now eighty-six percent full and that he should change it. This he did, opening the compartment on his leg and removing the old. He tossed it into a pile of other used packs and retrieved an empty one from another pile. He plugged it in and then closed the compartment once again.
"Did you wash your hands?" Hicks asked him when he was done.
"Hell yeah," Jeff replied. "Didn't you see me?"
"Disgusting," said Drogan. "Men are all disgusting pigs."
"Is that why you only eat tuna casserole, Drogan?" Hicks asked her.
"I don't only eat tuna casserole," she replied. "It's just my preference. I like a good beefsteak every now and then too."
"Yeah?" Jeff asked, surprised. He had thought she was a strict lesbian.
"Yeah," she confirmed, "although I must admit I prefer it with a little tuna on the side, if you know what I mean."
Laughter filled the channel for a few seconds and then slowly petered away. Before someone else could make another joke and keep it going, Sergeant Walker asked for everyone's attention.
"Uh oh," said Jeff. "That must mean something's about to go down."
"Actually," said Walker, "something is about to come down. Namely, artillery on top of our fuckin' heads. The LT just got the word from battalion that the marine artillery units are in position and appear to be readying for the preliminary barrage against us."
"Oh great," moaned Hicks. "The moment we've all been waiting for."
"Indeed," Walker said. "And there's some more bad news to go along with it. The WestHem navy managed to get a recon ship through our fighters and it was able to take some shots of the deployment area and transmit them back. Intel estimates that they might have got a clear enough shot to zero in their guns with. There's at least a fifty percent chance their arty might actually be accurate."
Everyone pondered this information for a moment with varying degrees of fear and trepidation.
"They have six hundred guns out there?" asked Jeff. "I know these trenches are designed to take a beating, but can they withstand a prolonged barrage of accurate artillery?"
"That's never been tested," Walker said. "Obviously, if enough fire is concentrated on a particular spot though, the integrity of the trenches will have to fail at some point."
"Wow," said Drogan. "You got any more encouraging words for us, sarge?"
"I'm told that the marine artillery will be quickly neutralized," Walker said. "That comes directly from Colonel Martin himself."
"How the fuck are they gonna neutralize six hundred guns?" asked Hicks.
"They didn't share their plans with me," Walker said. "But my guess would be our heavy artillery battalion will have something to do with it."
"The 250s?" asked Jeff. "Can they shoot them things a hundred klicks and have them come down close enough to hit the marine guns?"
"In theory they can," Walker replied. "If someone is directing the fire for them."
"Like the special forces teams?"
Walker sounded a little doubtful about this. "There would have to be a lot of special forces teams in order to do that. From ground level they wouldn't be able to see all of the guns, much less accurately graph their location."
"Then how the fuck are they gonna do it?" Hicks demanded.
"We'll just have to wait and see," Waters said. "Everyone man your positions for now. The moment you see shells coming in, we get our asses down in the bombardment position. Get it?"
Everyone got it.
Captain Resin looked at his screen, seeing that the enemy 150mm guns in his sector of responsibility were still just sitting there, not moving, not firing. They were probably waiting for it to be exactly 2200 hours. One of the things EastHem and WestHem were both quite fond of was having battles start exactly on the hour. This was for no other reason than it looked good when written up in the Internet news files. That was just fine with Resin though. Having the targets sit still made his job infinitely easier. Now it was time to see if all of the expense and man-hours that went into these heavy guns had been worth it. It not, the poor slobs in the trenches out there were really going to catch hell.
"All units are ready," came the voice of Colonel Standish, who was monitoring the take from all five peepers from his terminal at the back of the room. "On my mark, commence firing and fire at will."
Resin opened the link that allowed him to communicate with the men and women of his battery. "Prepare to commence firing," he told them, knowing, of course, that they were already prepared.
The actual guns were located half a kilometer outside the base wall, spread out over an area nearly a kilometer in length. Large concrete and steel reinforced structures housed each gun mechanism and protected the crew inside from casual bombardment or counter-battery fire from 150mm guns if they happened to be in range. The barrels of each gun were thirteen meters in length and, when not in use, could be lowered down into their own concrete reinforced shells to protect them from erosion by the constantly blowing Martian sand. Currently all of the barrels were elevated, pointing to the west, and aligned perfectly to launch their first shots at their first targets. Each of the gun positions were connected to the base itself by an underground tunnel system eight meters in diameter. Through these tunnels the crews were able to move to their positions, retreat from them in case of attack or destructive accident, and, most importantly, a constant stream of shells could be moved to the guns via a conveyer belt that led to the storage area inside the base.
Lieutenant Rich Hotbox was in command of Gun-1, in Captain Resin's battery. He, like all the rest of the gun crews, was dressed in a biosuit with a specially reinforced helmet that would provide hearing protection against the tremendous decibel levels the exploding propellant in the shells would produce. He checked the positioning of his crew one last time — they had loaded the first of the shells into the breech and had all stepped back the required two meters from the mechanism — and then checked the positioning of his barrel on last time. The numbers for his azimuth and elevation matched exactly the targeting information sent to him by command. The gun was ready to fire. All he needed now was the order to do it.
That order came a few seconds later. There was no dramatic speech to along with it, just the simple words from Captain Resin: "Commence firing. Stay on initial targets until told to switch."
"Okay, guys," Hotbox told his crew on the tactical channel. "This is it. Gun is firing now." With that he reached down and flipped up a guard on a simple red button. Without hesitation he put his finger on it and pushed it. A signal moved from the button, through a series of wires and switches, and caused a relay to close in the gun itself. A simple electric charge then ignited a primer in the self-contained shell. The primer ignited the main propellant charge and it exploded with a tremendous bang, propelling the shell out of the barrel on a gout of flame bright enough to momentarily turn the surrounding night brighter than daylight.
"Shot's off," Hotbox said. "Reload sequence."
Two members of the gun crew stepped forward and opened the breech of the weapon. Thin streamers of white smoke drifted out as they reached in and removed the ten kilogram shell casing and rolled it onto the other side of the conveyer where it would eventually make its way back to the base for recycling. The unload team stepped immediately back and the load team stepped forward. There were three of them. One moved a lever allowing the next shell to slide forward and roll into a hydraulic loading tray. Another then activated the hydraulic controls and lifted the shell up, allowing it to roll into the breech. The third then slammed the breech shut and locked it, causing a green light to appear on Hotbox's panel. The team then stepped back beyond the safety margin.
"All clear," said the corporal in charge of the reload team. His words came out less than fifteen seconds after the first shell had been launched.
Hotbox made a brief visual check to make sure everyone really was clear and then said, "gun is firing." He pushed the button again.
"Holy shit, look at that!" an excited voice — it sounded like Drogan — suddenly barked over the tactical channel. It was quickly followed up by other such sentiments.
Jeff wasn't sure what everyone was talking about at first — he had been watching the eastern horizon and those eerie heat tendrils drifting into the air — and then he looked upward and saw the white streaks flying through the sky in groups of four. They moved rapidly from behind, arcing over the top of them and heading off into the distance where they disappeared from sight over the horizon.
"Those are 250s," said Sergeant Walker. "No doubt about it. Nothing else could move like that."
"They're going after the WestHem arty," Hicks said. "That has to be what they're doing."
"Yep," Walker agreed. "The question is, will they be able to hit them?"
Colonel Steve Dallas was in ultimate command of the WestHem artillery battalions in the Eden theater of operations. His command post was a standard APC packed with computer and communications equipment instead of infantry troops. He was located near the rear of the artillery positions, guarded by two anti-air vehicles and two platoons of tanks. He had been watching the clock in the corner of his main display, waiting for it to be precisely 2200 hours so he could begin unleashing explosive death upon the greenies, when the cries of "incoming!" began to sound over his radio link. He looked at the screen in which an outside view, enhanced by infrared, was being displayed. He immediately saw the incoming shells and saw they were heading directly for his guns. This did not immediately worry him. After all, the shells might land in their midst but they had traveled almost a hundred kilometers to get here and they would have to land very close to one of his guns in order to damage it. His gun platforms, after all, were almost as well armored as an APC.
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After consulting to Mrs Mehta I was all set for my new role. I utilized all of the hours and had a brief read on the videos,sites and blogs she recommended me. I called Tushar to let him know that I was home already. After the sun settled in its shed I got up and made the dinner for both herself and Tushar. He was here in an hour still stressed, I asked him to come for dinner as I had something to discuss. Tushar was on the table in 30 minutes having dinner he asked "What is it Jigisha?" I...
By : Sultana1999 Dear Readers, I got inspired to write this story after reading the story “My Wife was Gang Banged on a Boat”. If you like the story mails me on and the writer of the above story “My Wife was Gang Banged on a Boat or Hope you have read it. If not then you send request I will send you the url. Oh Great”, I exclaimed in reaction to my horny wife’s candid confession. And I was quite thrilled about it also. “Everything is all right. It will be great if dadu comes forward to...
IncestHi, guys, I am Avir and this sex story was sent to me by one of my readers and I was ordered to publish it and I’m sure that it will be in a series of tales. Hi I’m Candy ( name changed) and I’m 25yrs old, I am not a very good looking girl but I guess I look decent enough to attract most of the guys around me. The main credit of my attractiveness goes to my assets.My 36D sized boobs are a treat for the guys staring me while I walk the streets and after I had walked passed them they get another...
Hi, readers, this is Rustamjaani () with the second part of the story about me and my colleague’s wife Deepika. Please read part 1 to familiarize your self with the story. I took a taxi to Deepika house, as I didn’t want any one to get suspicious about me being there. I got dropped off a bit early before her house and rang her on her cell. I told her if it was ok for me to come over, She said yes as she had sent the maid home early and she was alone at home but be careful. I asked what she was...
I felt my sister’s warm body. We were on a mattress on the floor under the covers. The warmth was spreading into the cold feathers and getting reflected back to us. I was caught in a dilemma of feeling her body, relaxing into the warmth of bedding, and pulling away from my own blood, getting physically too close. The door yanked open. Our mother stormed in. She ripped me up to standing and out of the room by my hand. Standing dazzled and receptive for the surely coming admonition, I saw her...
"Marshal, I think it would be in your best interest to listen to our husbands. Those men were trying to steal our belongings, and they would have succeeded if Gil hadn't finished eating sooner than expected. Now, I want you and your deputy to drop your guns, slowly ... Good, now deputy, you get your worthless hide down to that freight office and get the agent up here. While you are at it, find the President of the Bank. Our husband just happened to have a friendly game of cards with Mr....
Ok, well here goes I've always fantasized about having sex with two at the same and just been to scared to do it, but putting my naked pics of myself and videos of me and my boyfreind having sex and sharing my sex life with strangers on xhamster site has turned me and my boyfreind into exhibitionist who loves the attention and comments I get from showing off my naked pics of myself and sex acts I perform on video Its such a turn on for me to have a stranger comment or send me a picture of his...
Disclaimers: Weird Sex. Everyone’s 18. Leave a comment. Tiffany and Sara sit on the couch in their friend’s trashy dorm. Sara has broad frizzed blonde hair and wears a photo shirt of a woman streaming sweat mouth wide in a shout into a microphone. Tiffany too is waxing – peak of her beauty – red ringlets and pouting lips and cheeks, dressed in powder blue. She is small and tight. Veronica pushes the VHS they’d found abandoned in a gutter, pushes it with her hips into the machine. It’s an old...
My flight that I was to take on a business trip was canceled after being delayed for two hours. There wasn't another one till the next day so I decided to return home for the night. It was about ten pm when I entered the house, everything seemed normal but no-one appeared to be home. I sat in the living room for about fifteen minutes waiting for Judy, my wife. Finally I decided to go to bed as I had to be back at the airport pretty early the next day. I climbed the stairs and headed...
Hi everyone,Just thought I'd share some encounters with my sisters. Hopefuly a few of you enjoy the encounters as much as I did (and still have fond memories of)!I had a few encounters with a couple of my sisters. I'm the youngest in the family with 4 older sisters and an older brother. The two sisters closest to me 3 & 5 years older are those that I had some encounters with. The sister 5 years older sort of initiated me. I was an exhibitionist, and she used to play along. I would be...
Welcome to one of the most popular porn sites, I am sure everyone has already heard about… PornHub. Whenever you are looking for some free porn videos, I am pretty sure that this is one of the first porn sites you visit, right? Well, you are welcome to explore PornHub on your own, I am here to talk about one of their hottest categories, the Latina one… so if you like Latina sluts as much as me, you are bound to love this section as well.Those who are just interested in PornHub and not their...
Latina Porn SitesHi, every one I am Ajay working professional from Bangalore. I am 27, moderately built 5.8 in ht, N having great thirst and appetite for sex.I like to share one among many sex flings had. As I am staying alone in Bglore,I had engaged an Maid who cooks and cleans the house.Let me describe the Maid she is Kavya.She is in her early 30s and on a slightly darker note, with the tanned skin. Key noticeable features are her boobs. She has a pair of voluptuous boobs. She Seldom wears any bra. She is...
Part 1 of this story is called "A Girl Who Knows" it can be found here on my profile page inferis.A Girl Who DesiresBefore her was a lush green field speckled with the deep purples and pinks of wildflowers. Beyond the field stood a tall tree line of dark boding evergreens. Despite the size and grandeur of these trees the mountain loomed over all. The mountain looked like something Julie could only expect to see in a movie or some far off land. None the less there it stood before her with its...
Note : This story is completely fictional! She snuggled down into her sleeping bag, the air mattress squeaked underneath her. She could hear the laughter and music from her parent’s campground across the road. She knew they wanted her to join them and their friends but she was tired and bored. Her friends were supposed to be there already but they got delayed and wouldn’t make it out for another day. She turned and looked out the screen window up at the stars and thought about the day she’d...
IncestPulling over to the grass on the side of the road, Keith jumped out and removed the two flags from the boot. Both were small pennants on metre long poles. One was pink, its partner a complementary pale blue. Climbing over the farm fence into the paddock, he ran quickly over near the edge of the wood and pushed the flags firmly into the soft ground. Turning with a smile, he gave Peta a thumbs-up, and ran back to the car. Climbing back in, he restarted the car, and pulled back out into the...
Maybe I should tell a little bit about us first. The woman on my side is always smiling, happy, funny, gorgeous, extroverted, very sexual. Her name is Liesel, but people call her Liz. (I changed our names.) She is a natural blonde, stands 5.9' and has an hourglass figure with a nice, firm, round bubble butt. My name is Brad (short for Bradlay). I am 6.1', way more introverted but not less adventurous than Liz (she picked me up on our first night together...different story), athletic build...
What would happen if four families each contributed one member to create a new family? In this episode of Family Swap, Codey Steele and Molly Little are arguing about whose turn it is to do the dishes. Charles Dera and Lauren Phillips try to deescalate, but the swap kids are pissed now. Molly complains about Codey leaving his cum stained boxers around and Codey bitches that Molly leaves her dildos in the dishwasher. Lauren tells them to get along or else. Later, the swap kids are arguing again...
xmoviesforyouIt only takes me a short moment to figure out how to do it safely and once I have I climb out of one of the upstairs windows of my new house, clamber up onto the roof and sit with a six pack of beers and a pack of cigarettes. I crack a beer and take a swig before sparking a cigarette and taking a long drag, I lean back so that I’m practically lying on the roof looking up at the star filled night sky and for the first time in a week I start to actually relax. The night is peaceful and I’m calm...
My very own MILF & curvy hotwife Karen Fisher isn’t the easiest girl to please, but I know what will do the trick this Mother’s Day! She gets home and I surprise her with some chocolates to start. When she calls me to thank me I let her know that there is lingerie waiting for her in the bathroom and MORE chocolate. Her huge boobs look amazing in the set I got her. She is shocked to see Jovan Jordan, this massive black stud when she comes back into our bedroom. Jovan lets her...
xmoviesforyouPart 7Unlike the American President, British Prime Ministers do not have their own aircraft. That is a bit of a pain for her security but somehow it all seems to work. The black Jaguar led a small convoy as it swept across the tarmac at London’s Heathrow Airport and stopped at the bottom of a flight of steps leading up to a British Airways 747.Sylvia Tenant and her entourage, including me, got out of the cars (I was in the third of four) and went up the steps, she into first class with Tony...
LesbianIt’s not often that a guy’s girl friend takes off and rents her apartment to a friend but that happened to Jake Morrison. Amelia and he had a big fight and although he’d been trying to get her on the phone for three days, in the hope of patching things up, she just wouldn’t pick up his calls. Even though he was working day and night on a very important project he decided to drive into San Diego to have it out face to face. As his current job was up state it was very late when he reached the...
This is the continuation of a story between my niece and I. If you read the previous chapter you will be caught up with the events. The fun continues... We heard the car door close as I was looking up at Ellen. We both looked at the backdoor. She quickly pulled down her sports bra and pulled up her pants and bolted for her bathroom. I pulled up my pants and went to stand outside. The rest of the family came into the house and my nephew walked outside and greeted me with a handshake and I...
This is compliments of the 'Shy One' This was written by a young student, who apparently has their own take on what it is like for "retired" grandparents. Enjoy looking at this through the eyes of a child. RETARDED GRANDPARENTS After Christmas vacation, a teacher asked her young pupils how they spent their holiday away from school. One child wrote the following: We always used to spend the holidays with Grandma and Grandpa. They used to live in a big brick house but Grandpa got...
Spunky blonde slut Sarah Vandella looks sensational in sheer lingerie and stylish high heels. She flaunts her pre-plugged sphincter for director Mike Adriano, who welcomes the cock-hungry babe with an anal tongue fuck. The adorable girl displays her perky tits during an intense blow jog, slobbering over Mike’s thick shaft and deeply rimming his ass! Sarah spanks her pussy and fondles her furry bush amid a boisterous butt fuck; sucks cock ass-to-mouth and her bunghole gapes graphically....
xmoviesforyouTake me to the Moon. “Harry, have you got your backpack?” Anita asked. “Yes, let’s be on our way,” said Harry. The group headed down the street towards the river a few miles away. It was a blustery balmy day. The roads were quiet in the sleepy neighborhood. I rode with Harry in the front, and both of them were careful with their siblings at the intersections. “What a lovely day! I love cycling,” I said. “Come on, you horrible lot, lets go down this way. We are almost at the river. Cars...
Closer – Him and HerShe had a small pillow under her firm bottom. Her slender legs were spread incredibly wide. The tiny amount of soft red hair that had existed at her pussy that morning had been removed. He had been very careful and gentle while shaving her. She now looked pristine. He was her first love; they were in the beginning of their love affair, the beginning of joy and bliss.Things were so new; she was wonderfully shy. A pink blush was spreading across her body showing her sweet...