If It Walks Like A Duck free porn video

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[If you want to read a sex story, move on. All the sex in this story is in the last two lines. They are best if read after you read all the other lines. This is what some call a social story. Maybe it could be called a parable. For lawyers reading this, remember this is a fantasy and it takes place in rural America. Remember, John Grisham didn’t write it.]


‘Maybe there’s nothing I can do about it.’

‘You believe what you just said?’ My Dad looked over at me. He looked back at the long road in front of us. I had been talking to him about the trouble I was having in school. Paul Garrett was a year ahead of me and seemed to be the star of the whole school. That would be Ok except he was blaming me for something I was sure he did. He said he saw me pour dye in the school swimming pool. When it happened I was walking home from school.

We live three miles outside town. No one saw me walking home. I had no alibi. Dad had been called and told about what I had done before I even got home. I walked into the kitchen and he was sitting at the table with Mom. They looked up at me and asked what I had done after school.

‘I dropped the books at the library and walked home.’

‘Go anywhere else?’ He asked.

‘I stopped ay Mr. White’s farm and watered a tree, Sir.’

‘The principal of the school, Mr. Morgan, called and said you were seen pouring dye into the swimming pool.’

‘It wasn’t me, Sir.’

‘I believe you. He says you’re guilty. We have to both go to school in the morning and have a meeting with Mr. Morgan. I don’t want to go. Can you straighten this out without me?’

‘I can speak to Mr. Morgan myself, but I think it comes down to my word over whoever said I did it.’

‘Then you go and you tell him I believe you had nothing to do with what happened.’

‘Yes, Sir.’

He was called by Mr. Morgan when I walked in without him. Mr. Morgan is used to being obeyed. He didn’t even speak to me. He pointed to a chair and I sat. He picked up his phone and dialed my Dad. He got Mom. Dad was on our tractor and half a mile from the house.

‘Mrs. Peterson, this is Mr. Morgan. When I spoke to your husband yesterday I told him to come to school with Nick this morning. He came to my office alone.’

I didn’t hear what Mom said but I watched Mr. Morgan’s face get redder and he said, ‘Then I have no choice. Nick is suspended until the end of the quarter and until your family pays to have the pool cleaned.’ He hung up.

He sat quite still for almost a minute, looked at me and asked, ‘Why the hell are you still sitting there? Get off my campus!’

‘No, hearing? You don’t want my side of what happened? I’m automatically guilty?’

‘Who should I believe, you or Paul Garrett? What basis would I have to believe you over him?’

‘You have two daughters don’t you?’

‘You know I do.’

‘If you walk into the kitchen and see milk on the floor and you ask Kathleen how it got there and she says Karen did it, will you ask Karen or is she guilty?’

‘Neither of my girls would leave a spill. Now, get out. I’ve wasted enough time on you. I’ll call your parents when I get a quote on cleaning the pool.’

I walked home and went to work. On our farm there is always work to be done. When Dad came in for lunch he saw me shoveling manure from the stalls in the barn.

‘Come have lunch.’

We ate and he asked about the meeting. Mom told him about the phone call. I told him what I saw and heard. After lunch he said he needed to drive to Bridgeport and get something for the tractor. He invited me to go.

An invitation from my Dad is a lot like hearing God say, ‘Would you like to do this for me?’ It would not be wise to say ‘No thanks.’

On that ride I made the statement that got his reaction. ‘Maybe there’s nothing I can do about it.’

‘You believe what you just said?’ My Dad looked over at me. He looked back at the long road in front of us.

‘No. I just don’t see what I can do. Paul is the football star, the best point guard the school has ever had and it looks like he’ll get a scholarship to a big school somewhere. I’m not sure Mr. Morgan even knew who I was before yesterday.’

‘So, you give up?’ He said the words with no emotion. Giving up was something my Dad never did.

‘What can I do?’

‘Find a way. I won’t solve the problem for you. You need to finish your education. You need to be cleared of the charges. I’m not paying to clean the pool. You are not going to give up. Do your research, find a way.’

I was quiet all the way to Bridgeport and back. When we got home I went back into the barn and shoveled more shit. At dinner time Mom rang the triangle and we washed. At dinner we talked about farming. The school and the pool were my problem.

At a little after seven the phone rang. Dad answered and held the phone out to me. It was Fran. ‘I heard you got tossed out of school.’

‘I heard the same thing.’

‘Guess who thinks it’s the funniest thing he’s ever heard?’


‘Yeah! I heard his girl-friend Janice tell two of her friends in the girl’s locker room that he laughed when he heard they booted you out.’

‘She say anything else?’

‘Yes! She said he did it and framed you. He framed you because you made him look bad in Algebra two.’

‘Because I got a better score on the mid-term?’

‘Being the star is his thing.’

‘I have an idea. You willing to help me?’

‘Sure. What can I do?’

‘It may be distasteful but I need you to tape him or his friends telling you that he did it. Then I can use the recording to show I didn’t do it.’

‘Ok, if I can. Oh, I found out a deep dark secret. Did you know the Mr. Morgan is the uncle of Paul’s Mom?’

‘Oh? How did that secret come to you?’

I was delivering attendance to the office this morning and his secretary answered the phone. She turned to him and said, ‘It’s Mrs. Garrett.’ He picked up the phone and asked her, ‘How’s my favorite niece?’ I did some checking with the paper and her maiden name was Morgan. The wedding announcement listed him as attending the wedding.’

‘Thanks. That will help too. Can you get me the assignments from my classes for the next two weeks?’

‘I can, but why? You’re out. Mr. Morgan didn’t suspend you, you’re gone.’

‘Not so. He said I was out until I paid to have the pool cleaned and until the end of the quarter. I want to have all my assignments ready to turn in when I come back.’

‘Ok. I’ll get the assignments from other people in your classes. How much will cleaning the pool cost?’

‘Whatever it costs, we won’t pay it. I didn’t dye the pool.’

‘I believe you, but I don’t count.’

‘Yes you do. You count for a lot! And, thanks for helping me.’

I went out to the barn and forked hay for the animals while I thought. I thought about how to get Paul to be the one who got the blame for the dye, and how to pay him back for blaming me.

The next day I was up at four-thirty and out taking care of our animals. They were into the routine of me getting to them before I left for school, so the reality of my not going to school didn’t matter to them. They expected me by five in the morning, every morning. By seven they were all ready, eggs collected, cows milked and put out to pasture, horse brushed and given fresh hay and oats. I opened the doors at both ends of the barn and let the morning breeze freshen the air and cool off the barn interior. I ate breakfast and asked Dad what he wanted me to do.

‘Make believe this is your farm. Look around. See what needs doing and do it. I’ll be sitting on the tractor for the whole day. The section over by Wilbert’s fence needs breaking up. If you need me, ride Blizzard out to me.’ He smiled as he said our horse’s name. She was the biggest, blackest, Dutch Heavy Draft mare in the county. Twenty-two hundred pounds
of muscle, on the hoof. Dad named her Blizzard after plenty of people at the auction suggested names like Blacky, Midnight or Pepper.

Mom had made lunches for both of us, not knowing how close we would be to the house. I knew what needed to be done. If it was my farm I’d be the one on the tractor and since my hand was doing that I was freed up to clean up the irrigation ditch. I got Blizzard and the special weed burner she would pull and we headed for the ditch. The weed burner was a contraption we built that rode on two metal wheels. The wheels rode along the top edge of the ditch while the center bowed deep into the dry ditch. There were ten nozzles between the wheels and a safe distance from the propane tank that fed the nozzles. Once it was lit it would burn all the weeds in the ditch in one day. It used to take three days when we used a plow and then had to harvest all the cut weeds. It was hot, noisy and dirty work but when we opened the flow of water on our day it would flow clear and smooth.

In late afternoon, Blizzard and I headed back to the barn. We parked the burner near the end of the ditch, unhitched Blizzard and I climbed aboard. At eighteen hands she was a magnificent creature and we loved being together. As soon as I was aboard she set off, but not for home. She headed for the pond.

Dad and I built a pond the year I was in seventh grade. It was a watering hole for migrating birds, he said. It also served as a watering hole for all kinds of other animals and Dad got pictures of a lot of them. He put signs and things near the edge of the pond so when he showed someone a picture, they knew where the picture came from.

On warm days when we had worked hard and gotten dirty Blizzard loved to wade into the pond so she was standing in the water with her back wet. That made the water about seven feet deep. The first time Mom saw us wade in she laughed. Blizzard’s neck and head and me from the waist up showed. The rest of us was under water.

As we started back to the barn, dripping gallons of water as Blizzard walked it hit me, ‘Where could Paul have gotten enough dye to color the pool?’

I took care of Blizzard then visited Mom in her garden. ‘Mom, let’s say you wanted to dye all the sheets, curtains and clothes in our family. Where would you get the dye?’

‘Crawfords!’ She stood up, smiled as she said it and went back to work. I looked at my watch and calculated some things. I had over an hour until my friends would be out of school. I got down on my knees and pulled weeds with Mom for that hour.

When I spoke to Fran I had her call anyone she was sure wasn’t one of Paul’s friends and have them meet us at the covered bridge. I told Mom what was up and that I’d probably miss dinner. She told me to check the oven when I got back.

It would have been faster and easier to ride Blizzard but it would also have been obvious. She doesn’t hide well. So I ran and walked to the bridge. I got there first. I climbed up into the rafters and waited. Kids arrived and gathered in the shade. When twenty-five or so were there I came down.

‘I need your help. You all know I was sent home from school, not to return this quarter and not to return until I pay to clean the pool.’

‘But, you didn’t do it!’ Josh Reynolds said.

‘You’re right. What I need to do is prove that. There’s only one place in the county where he could get enough dye to color the pool, Crawford’s.’ They use that new computer scanner for everything. Whoever bought the dye left a paper trail.’

‘Mr. Crawford won’t help us. He’s afraid of the Garretts.’

‘He won’t, but maybe someone who works for him might.’ Fran said.


‘His wife! My Mom told me Mrs. Crawford believes Mr. Garrett is having an affair.’

‘Could one of you talk to her?’

Bob asked, ‘What would I say to her? I live next door and we talk almost every day, but not about this kind of thing.’ ‘Next time you talk, mention that it must have taken a lot of dye to color the pool. Maybe the chemistry teacher would assign students to find out how much dye it would take.’

‘That’ll get her curious who bought all that dye. Good idea.’

‘One of you others can go into the office and ask how many gallons of water the pool holds. Someone else can ask the chemistry teacher how to calculate how much dye it would take to turn the water the color it is. If we spread the questions around they might not get what’s happening until we have some proof I didn’t do it.’

Plans and methods of getting the information back to me were settled and the group went home. The phone rang five minutes after I got home.

‘Is this Nick?’ A voice I didn’t recognize asked.

‘This is Nick.’

‘You best have a good alibi for this Friday night. Someone is planning another prank and they plan to blame you.’

‘What do they plan to do?’

‘I don’t know. I just heard they plan to pin it on you.’

‘Thanks.’ Before I could say or ask anything more, the line went dead.

Dad looked over at me. ‘I’ve just been warned that a prank is going to be blamed on me Friday night. I’ll need an alibi.’

‘Saying you’re here with us isn’t good enough. What will you do?’

He wasn’t going to help. This was my problem, my solution.

‘I don’t know, but I will by Friday night.’

My friend Alan loves photography. He lives on a farm about four miles north of town and he rides to school on a horse too. We became friends the year I started riding Blizzard to school. Second grade. I rode the scenic route and met him on his way home from school Thursday. While Blizzard and Spot got reacquainted (Spot is an Appy) I handed Alan ten dollars.

‘What’s this for?’

‘Buy fast, high contrast film and take pictures of Paul Garrett from the time school lets out tomorrow until he is home in bed.’ I explained what was happening and he said he was on the case. He had thoughts of becoming a photographer for the police of a big city. This was just practice for him. I turned Blizzard for home before Alan started talking lenses and f-stops.

At four-thirty the next morning I was up and in the barn. At seven we had breakfast. Dad asked, ‘What are you doing tonight?’

‘I’m going over to the sheriff’s office in Bridgeport and I’m spending the night. Before I fall into the gutter on Main Street I’ll drink a beer and spill a little on me. They’ll take one whiff and toss me in the tank for the night. Tomorrow they’ll want my name for the records and I’ll have proof of where I was.’

‘Good plan. May I offer a suggestion?’


‘There’s a livestock auction in Lincoln Saturday morning. If you and I are seen in the barbershop Friday afternoon and we buy something at the auction Saturday morning there’s only one way that could happen. We had to drive all night to get there.’

‘If you buy something, it proves you were there.’

‘If you buy something, you had to be there. I think we need a new sow. A young one. She can ride home in the back of the truck if we put the stake sides on.’

‘I like your idea better than mine. Thanks.’

‘Your idea would probably work. Mine gets us a new sow and keeps you from drinking a beer. Your Momma doesn’t much like beer drinkers.’

Friday at three we went into the barbershop in town. Mr. Carstairs was in the chair. He’s the mayor. Carl Smith was next, he owns the bowling alley. We talked about sports, crops and the weather. No one mentioned school. They knew I was not in school. When Dad got in the chair Socks asked why were getting haircuts.

‘When my wife hands me money and says it’s you or the sheep shears, we get in the truck. You want a better answer than that? Ask her.’

The conversation went to the latest on if our Congressman was having an affair with a woman on the City Council or not. Socks said he believed the rumors. They call him Socks because his name is Frank Argyle. Dad says it started when they pla
yed high school baseball.

We left the barbershop at four-thirty. Dad asked Socks if he was sure his clock was right. He compared it to his watch and the watch of the two other men in the shop. They all agreed, it was four-thirty. We headed north and picked up my Uncle in Winner, South Dakota.

We drove all night and had breakfast in Lincoln Nebraska. Dad kept the receipt from the Denny’s. It showed what time we ordered and what we had for breakfast. He handed me a credit card to pay for breakfast. It had my name on it. I got the message. He was helping me prove where I was all night.

The auction started at nine. By nine forty five I had bought a nice two month old China-Poland sow. My Uncle bought her sister. By ten thirty we were back on the road. I drove half way while Dad slept and then he drove and I slept. It was twelve thirty when I unloaded the sow into our barn. Twelve thirty at night.

Mom was sitting in the kitchen with a warm pie, ice cream and the latest news.

Seems that the sheriff had been by looking for me. Mom told him I was with my Dad on an errand. She wasn’t sure when we would be back. She asked why he was looking for me. Someone had painted slurs on the side of Crawford’s market and the witnesses said it was you.

Dad smiled. He picked up the phone and called the sheriff.

‘Sheriff, this is Lee Peterson. My wife tells me you’re looking for Nick. We just got home. You can come by now or wait till morning. If you say you’re coming we’ll wait up, otherwise were going to bed. Got to get up at four thirty.’

We went to bed. Three hours later I was up and taking care of animals. I saw how Mom did the job while we were gone. She did fine, just not quite how I do it. I took a few extra minutes with the new sow. At seven we had breakfast. At seven-thirty we heard tires outside the back door. Mom let the sheriff in, offered him coffee, eggs and toast. He said no, and ate everything she gave him.

‘Friday night a vandal painted the side of Crawford’s. Two witnesses came to me and said Nick is the one who did it.’

Dad took another bite of eggs and chewed. He washed it down with coffee. ‘You believe them?’

‘I have to check it out.’

‘Who were the witnesses?’

‘I can’t tell you that.’

‘It will tell me who lies in this town. Nick has been within ten feet of me since three Friday afternoon. I can and will prove it in court, if need be, but we will be standing in front of the liars who say Nick did this.’

‘You know I can’t tell you who told me.’

‘Then arrest Nick and call the judge. He will not speak until we are in court. Those witnesses lied to you, sheriff. When we prove it, what happens to them?’

‘Filing a false police report. A misdemeanor.’

‘Did they use spray cans or a brush?’

‘Spray cans.’

‘I’ll bet they bought them from Crawfords. I’ll also bet the dye in the pool was bought there. As they say on television, follow the money.’

The sheriff had finished his breakfast. He stood. I stood. He looked at me and I said, ‘I don’t want to wear handcuffs. I’ll ride in the back and I promise not to attempt an escape.’

‘I don’t want to take you in.’

‘Then what about the report that I’m a vandal?’

‘I’ll do some more investigation. I’ll go to Crawford’s and look at their records.’

‘I’ll stay here.’ I sat back down.

An hour later Mom rang the triangle. I headed back to the house. Fran was sitting on our back porch with Mom. Mom had her arm around Fran’s shoulders. When she looked up I wanted to cry. Her eyes were both swollen almost closed. Her nose was smashed and from her upper lip to her hairline she was black and blue.

She stood and I held her while she cried. I looked at Mom and she put a finger to her lips, telling me to stay quiet. Mom went back in the house and when she came back she had crushed ice wrapped in a towel. We sat Fran back down and gave her the ice.

She held it to her face and continued to cry. Mom sat on one side and I sat on the other. Eventually she pulled the wet, cold towel away and said, ‘Guess who Paul said helped you paint the swastika on Crawford’s.’

‘That doesn’t explain the bruises.’

‘When the sheriff came to our house, I wasn’t there. By the time I got home my Dad was mad and drunk. He said I shamed the whole family. As soon as he passed out I left. I hid in Alan’s barn then over in the grove before I came here.’

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Hi guys, my name is Sujan and I am a new author in the community of ISS. I love reading sex stories especially the incest stories. Every time I read a story, it feels so fresh and good. So, I have decided to share an experience of mine. I hope you guys like it and get aroused by it. A little introduction to my life. I am 24 years old and I live in Bangalore, India. I work for a reputed MNC in Bangalore. Although I do not have an athletic body, I have maintained a good shape. I will not bore you...

4 years ago
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Seducing My Radhika Apte Lookalike Maid For Sex

Hi guys. My name is Rahul. I was a 19-year-old college boy. I am an average looking guy and a virgin. Though I have a girlfriend, we have never done anything more than a little light kissing that too on my insistence as she was a very conservative girl. So, naturally, I was was sexually very  frustrated. The story begins at the end of my 1st year of college. I and a few of my friends decided to rent an apartment near our college campus as we were all not from the same city as our college. On...

3 years ago
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Pornstar Lookalike CoWorker Fucked Hard In Office

It had been a couple months since I started my own IT firm with a couple of my friends. We built a great team, yet the absence of female employees made the office feel a little dry. After a few weeks, we started our first venture, a news-based web portal and it went viral. We started giving out vacancies for interns as we needed journalists and content writers. After a few days of interviews and rejections, luckily, a group of 5 girls, all friends to each other showed up, with the finest...

2 years ago
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Pornstar Lookalike Sister Fucked By Muscular PE Sir

Hi friends, this is the story of my innocent sister Neha. This was when I was studying in the school and she almost graduated from the college. Let me tell you about my sister. Neha was 21 years old and had a sexy body like a pornstar. She had a milky white skin with firm D cup breasts and a slim waist with a round sexy ass which could make anyone crazy. Whenever I went out with her, I could always see men looking at her lustily. She always wore tight fitting low cut t-shirts and jeans or...

4 years ago
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Made Love With Srishlike Bhabhi

This is Pranay from Vizag. I am 5 7 in height and have average weight. This is the sex story explaining how I got laid with the wife of my distant cousin. Girls who are interested can contact me and give feedback at I will be waiting for that. Sorry for my narration as it is my first sex story. All the character names including mine are fictional. This happened when I was 20. I was studying my bachelor’s and having a lot of fun but didn’t have any encounter till then. I came to know that my...

4 years ago
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It all started in the hotel bariAs the duty manager I got called to the bar to deal with a complaint. When I got there I was sent to you, a very good looking mature woman who said your 1982 bottle of chateau neuf was corked. As I apprached you I noticed you had a figure hugging pencil skirt on and i took a sharp intake of breath as I noticed the suspender belt outlined and a panty vpl. I was aware that my dick was getting hard I sat down oppisite you hoping you hadnt noticed the bulge in my...

4 years ago
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It all started in the hotel bariAs the duty manager I got called to the bar to deal with a complaint. When I got there I was sent to you, a very good looking mature woman who said your 1982 bottle of chateau neuf was corked. As I apprached you I noticed you had a figure hugging pencil skirt on and i took a sharp intake of breath as I noticed the suspender belt outlined and a panty vpl. I was aware that my dick was getting hard I sat down oppisite you hoping you hadnt noticed the bulge in my...

1 year ago
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Hot Actress Lookalike Made Me Her Toy

Hi all the fans of this wonderful site. Hey there friends myself Sam. I’m 23 year old guy from Jaipur . I have an athletic ripped body with some really Whitish fair and hot looks. My height is 5’11″ and my tool is as big as 8 and 2’5 cm thick I am an MBA from a well reputed college. This is a real experience which happened to me exactly few Months before.. Lets start the story I was living at a PG in Delhi for my studies. There was a Hot Mature aunty which resides near our Flat.! Her name was...

3 years ago
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uk daphne fowler lookalike 65

One week earlier in summer i had been off work with a bad shoulder,so after a few weeks i was getting quite bored,only so many times you can sit at the computer wanking..One night the mother in law had popped round and in conversation said i was bored,she suggested that the charity shop where she worked was really short staffed,as one of the helpers out the back had broke her hip,so why dont i help out there,your having a laugh i said no chance.its ok she said your be out the back helping out...

4 years ago
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She Really Likes It

My ex girlfriend let’s call her Shel and I had great sex and I want to share with you our first time and then how I taught her to give the ultimate blow job.   I noticed Shel at work and how well she filled her jeans out, so one day I asked her supervisor about her. The Supervisor being a female that I had also tangoed with was very direct, she’s easy go for it. Soon a date was arranged and we hooked up at a company party. We danced for hours then I ask her if she wanted to follow me...

Straight Sex
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Aadhichu polikeda mone

Hi! Ella malayalee vayanakkarkkum vayanakkarikalkum ente namaskaaram. Enttammo o! Enthoru sukham, pattathiyude aa neyappa pooril aadichu kayattumbol; aa maathanga mulakalil onnu thottal pinneh parayukayum venda. Iyppol. 42 years, 5” 10” height, 42” chest, 80 kgs weight (9”x 4” size) ithu ennude thu; inni en pattathi yudethu 39 years, 5”7”, 42-32-38”, 77 kgs (venna niranjha ponthiya neyappam) 11 years munne widhva yayi., iyppol keralathil sthira thamasam, 2 sons + prayamaya amma ithryamannu...

2 years ago
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Actress Vidya Balan Lookalike Aunt Boldly Fucks 8211 Pt 2

Hi guys, this is Sujan back with another part of my story. Sorry for delaying the second part of the story, as I had been busy with office work at home due to the lockdown. Thanks, everyone for your suggestions and feedback on my previous story. Those who are reading this story for the first time, I request you to read the previous part to get a background about myself, my aunt, and how it all began. The link to the first part is given on top. Let’s continue from where we left off. I dozed off...

1 year ago
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Sex Like Real aka SLR VR! You’re ready for the future, aren’t you? Hell, you’re already living in the future. That’s why you’ve got your VR headset all set to pump hot sex directly into your eyeballs, letting you live the dream of fucking your favorite pornstars. Your only problem now is deciding which of the VR porn sites are worth your hard-earned spank money. Today, I’m going to take a look at Sex Like Real.SexLikeReal.com is fairly new to the sex movie industry, but so is VR tech....

VR Porn Sites
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I Like Comix! Do you like comics? That’s really more of a rhetorical question, because you probably wouldn’t be reading this review if you didn’t give a shit about them. More specifically, though, it’s porn comics you like, huh? Well, the aptly titled ILikeComix has exactly those, and they’d like your attention.ILikeComix.com has been around in some form or another for the better part of a decade. The current domain wasn’t registered until 2018, but the archive stretches all the way back to...

Porn Comics Sites
3 years ago
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The Duckling

Life for Emma was totally predictable. Work, television, bed, work. Social life, nil. Friends, nil. Interests, nil, well unless you counted wildlife documentaries, she loved animals, and the cheap romance paperbacks she read. Otherwise, there was nothing in her drab existence to write home about. There was only one mirror in her small tidy apartment. She didn’t need constantly reminding of her appearance. She avoided looking in it as much as possible. She was 25, with a steady if boring job,...

2 years ago
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The Ugly Duckling

I was talking to a couple of friends when this girl walked by. Doris was a local girl and certainly not the best looker in this town, in fact she was ugly, but she had a great figure. I watched as she walked by. I thought if she had a good head she would have men lined up for miles. Silently I thought, with a bag over her head or in the dark she might pass muster between the sheets. Her nose and mouth were big, and she had slightly buck teeth. Her eyebrows were dark and heavy and her hair...

2 years ago
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The Ugly Duckling

I was talking to a couple of friends when this girl walked by. Doris was a local girl and certainly not the best looker in this town, in fact she was ugly, but she had a great figure. I watched as she walked by. I thought if she had a good head she would have men lined up for miles. Silently I thought, with a bag over her head or in the dark she might pass muster between the sheets. Her nose and mouth were big, and she had slightly buck teeth. Her eyebrows were dark and heavy and her hair...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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The Ugly Duckling

When my step-brother and I accidentally swapped bodies he convinced me not to tell anyone what had happened. He said it would be safer that way, but now I've watched him taking over my life and making out with my boyfriend I'm not so sure. ****************************** THE UGLY DUCKLING by BobH (c) 2014 - 1 - Viscount Hugo Farnsworth was a tall, handsome, and seriously ripped aristocratic hunk who would one day be the Earl of Ambridge, but at...

2 years ago
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Only another ten minutes, Wilma Pettigrew thought. One last effort before the weekend! "Another basic plot, anyone?" Her eye roamed the classroom, seeking just one student who wasn't either asleep or already packing books away ready for the great escape to freedom. "Charlotte?" "Cinderella, Miss," Charlotte offered, her eyes rolling to the ceiling. "Very good. Beautiful girl, ugly sisters, which one gets the prince ... one more, anybody? One of you boys. Gerald?" Startled, the...

3 years ago
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The Ugly Duckling

"Oh!" was the muttered comment by Merv as he surveyed the array of boxes that littered his shed/workroom. "I know I have said it many times", he muttered to himself. "I must examine what is in them, but as usual it was 'I'll do it tomorrow' of course tomorrow never comes. However, if I want to get that new machine in, I need the room; so today is the day I start sorting what is in the boxes and that will be interesting as a number of them come from my grandmother's old house and have...

3 years ago
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Kelly Girl 6 Not Very Ladylike

Copyright 1999, 2002 by Wanda Cunningham. Lainie, Vickie, Rebel and Bashful, thanks for the encouragement. There is no actual sex or transformation in this chapter, but I guess it should be rated R for context. So, nobody under 18 should read this or whatever is the appropriate age in their community. This story deals with transgenderism in children and may be uncomfortable for some readers. Kelly Girl Chapter 6 -- Not Very Ladylike By Wanda Cunningham "Did I hear my name?"...

2 years ago
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Sow and ReapChapter 18 The Sequential Order of Ducks

"Nii-sama, this is Tamura." Mokuba caught up to me at school, at lunchtime, which was about the only time we'd been able to see each other recently. I thought he was introducing another student but when I looked up, I realized it was an adult. The man was well over six feet, broad shouldered and chiseled. He was dressed casually, in a polo shirt and khakis, but it took me only a moment to realize that he was Kaiba Security. There was something in their stance that gave them away. I...

3 years ago
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Why I dislike most porn 3

I have seen a lot of it - Some is quite good - See here my more than ten thousand favourite videos!I have seen also many videos without acting or directors, why are they always better than pro-porn?I am amazed as pleased by extreme success of the first episode with over fifteen thousands readers!I especially like the serious and lengthy feedback in some of the comments which invoke my interestI am keeping half an eye on the second installment, very well read so far in first few hours upI am...

2 years ago
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Likes and Dislikes

For each activity, there are two answers. The first is whether you have done the activity, and the second is how much you enjoy the activity or (if you’ve not done it), or how much you want to try it (if you haven’t already) answer with yes or no.SEX:Anal Sex (get): YesArmpit Sex (get): NoAss Cheek Sex (get): YesButt Plugs (get): YesDildo – Anal (get): YesDildo – Oral (get): NoFinger Sex (get): YesGenital Intercourse: YesHand Job (give): NoIncluding others: NoLicking (get): YesLicking (give):...

3 years ago
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likes and dislikes

For each activity, there are two answers. The first is whether you have done the activity, and the second is how much you enjoy the activity or (if you’ve not done it), or how much you want to try it (if you haven’t already) answer with yes or no and numbers 1-5 for degree of interest with 1 being low interest and 5 being highest.SEX:Anal Sex (get): + 5Armpit Sex (get): - 1Ass Cheek Sex (get): +3Butt Plugs (get): + 5Dildo – Anal (get): + 5Dildo – Oral (get): + 5Finger Sex (get): + 2Genital...

2 years ago
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Everything But the Rubber Ducky

I first realized I wanted to sleep with my mother when I was ten years old. My mother wasn't a drop-dead gorgeous woman, but she was very comfortable with her body. She wasn't an exhibitionist by any means, but bathroom doors were never locked when she was bathing or using the toilet. She never minded if one of her children needed to use the bathroom when she was in the tub; it just didn't bother her. On this one particular day when I was ten, my mother was indeed lying in the bathtub,...

3 years ago
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Look Alike Revenge

Look Alike Revenge by Diana Kimberly Heche Terence stared quietly at the man who sat across his table from him. For obvious reasons, he viewed this man with great suspicion. Terence could not shake the odd feeling that this was a chess game and it was now his move. He clasped his hands together, his brow furrowed with concentration, as he spoke his voice was the only thing breaking the silence of the massive dining room. "I want to make sure I understand this...

4 years ago
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They dressed alike

Hello!! All ISS fans. As it seems that I have endless stories for u! Are u enjoying them or not??? There is another fucking and sucking story for u. as you all are aware of me that I am Abhishek, 18 male living in east Delhi. The story is not real. It does not match to any living being present on earth. it is made by me only for your enjoyment .if anybody having any questions, comments or anything to say about the story can freely mail me on or enjoy it dudes and babes. The story starts from...

3 years ago
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Why I dislike most porn 2

I have seen a lot of it - Some is quite good - See here my more than ten thousand favourite videos!I have seen also many videos without acting or directors, why are they always better than pro-porn?I will list below some categories where well intended 'amateur'-shoots are almost always a failureI will list the alternatives and explain why those takes can not possibly fail in any way whatsoeverIt is always the guy who organises it who is to blame for the failure of his well-intended enterpriseIt...

2 years ago
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Godlike Wink

Today was no different than any other day in your average life. You went to your same old boring job at a marketing company. It had been a hard day at work, so you went to bed early, hoping to get some rest from the world. You didn't notice you left your clothes on In your dream, you found a strange looking textbook. You picked it up, and noticed it had only one paper left in it. The other ones were ripped out of it "Whoever has a piece of this textbook in his hand, in his pocket or anywhere at...

4 years ago
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Ugly duckling

I must say that for a bunch of middle school aged kids, we did well, I never remember anyone making fun of Barbara or giving her a hard time. But still, she was outcast. The teacher rarely called upon her in class because she knew that it was embarrassing for Barbara to speak. She could talk, but it was a slurry and drooling speech that seemed to agonize her as she spoke. At recess, or in the lunchroom, she sat nearby but alone. Many times I caught Barbara staring at me during class, she...

1 year ago
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Ugly duckling

Introduction: homely teen gives her tight virgin cunt to her dream boy Her name was Barbara, she lived not too far away from us across the railroad tracks in a shack of a home that her poor family rented. Barbara was an outcast, she attended school with us but no one spoke to her much. She had some deformities that made her walk with a hobble and her face was almost gruesome. One side of her face was misaligned and her left eye was enlarged, the left side of her jaw protruded down and to the...

2 years ago
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Ugly duckling

When I was 25 my younger sister came to live with me , she was 18 and a nerd type. Not to be mean but she was not attractive. Not because she is my sister I have another sister who is absolutely gorgeous. Karen is not attractive. She’s kinda built like a skinny boy. I mean she has tits but they are small. She never wears makeup, beauty is on the inside is all that matters she’s says. Yeah bitch all the ugly people say that. She dressed like shit. Her face has pimples. She’s just a mess. She has...

2 years ago
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The Notsougly Duckling

Margaret, or Maggie, as everyone called her, smiled as her parents told her she was being sent to her Uncle Bob’s farm for the summer. Her parents were archeologists, and during the summers, when they weren’t teaching, they usually went off to some far off place to dig up what Maggie thought of as ‘dead things’. And then Maggie always got sent off to Uncle Bob’s farm. Her parents had been working on their PhDs for the last two years, though, so it had been two years since she’d spent the...

3 years ago
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2 Love Birds Alike

2 Love Birds AlikeBy: Londebaaz Chohan If not the ultimate, Jim was almost pretty close to be the geek of the high school. Accepted that he was virgin but far more than that; he was the model boy of being so desperate for the pussy and a physical contact but absolutely unable to succeed because girls always backed away from him. Surely this impossible distance between him and all sorts of femininity gave him a rigid and hefty hard on all the time to carry in front of him, between his legs. He...

4 years ago
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Why I dislike most porn 4 BDSM

I have seen a lot of it - Some is quite good - See here my more than ten thousand favourite videos!I have seen also many videos without acting or directors, why are they always better than pro-porn?I am amazed as pleased by extreme success of the first episode with over fifteen thousands readers!I especially like the serious and lengthy feedback in some of the comments which invoke my interestI ended the third installment of this series of serious essays with my offer of three next subjectsI...

2 years ago
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Virutal Likeness

If you notice any grammar or punctuation that needs to be correct, please contact me. As it says on the right side, you have Your name 'the son', your moms name and your sisters name. For the sister, if it still says Madison when you type in your own. Then I have not updated that page. Give me time. I also need to add the Aunt and several others. The current options below. First option - Son creates a virtual reality system where he uses it for mostly sex. But to help humanity as well. Also he...

2 years ago
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A Perfect Likeness

Copyright© 2004 There was a parcel tightly wedged in the mailbox when Bill got home from work. It wasn't all that big, but damn, it was heavy for its size. Priority mail, and insured, too. Very mysterious. He couldn't remember having ordered any merchandise recently. Bubble wrap and plastic peanuts littered the floor under his kitchen table. And there, up on the shelf above the stereo, there it stood. The contents of the package. A statuette. An five-inch tall highly detailed rendering...

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