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Only another ten minutes, Wilma Pettigrew thought. One last effort before the weekend!

"Another basic plot, anyone?" Her eye roamed the classroom, seeking just one student who wasn't either asleep or already packing books away ready for the great escape to freedom. "Charlotte?"

"Cinderella, Miss," Charlotte offered, her eyes rolling to the ceiling.

"Very good. Beautiful girl, ugly sisters, which one gets the prince ... one more, anybody? One of you boys. Gerald?"

Startled, the dishy Greek God of a boy in the back row sat up straight while several girls around him giggled. "Ummm. B ... boy meets girl, Miss?" he stammered.

The girls coo-ed in chorus, "Woooh!"

"Boy loses girl," Gerald continued without really meaning to.


"Boy finds girl again!"


"All right!"


Wilma forced herself to keep a straight face. "Wow, that's excellent, Gerald," she oozed, amid laughter, before turning to the blackboard. "Almost time to go, and it's a lovely day out there. Just time to think about your homework for next week. All of you, a simple enough task. Think of five different basic plot themes for stories, plays or films, and illustrate them with examples. We've talked about a few this afternoon. Try to think of five different ones from those, okay?" She turned to face the class, dusting the chalk off her hands. A sea of glum faces stared back at her. Five! That would take weeks! And teacher wanted it by Tuesday!

A bell rang, and the class was galvanised. They rose and streamed out, clutching books and bags, already planning the weekend's activity, predominantly sexual. The class members ignored Wilma as they fled for the door, although some, mostly girls, bade her 'a good weekend, Miss!' No doubt about what they were going to be doing, the sex-crazed little sluts in their thigh-high skirts and overfilled blouses.

Silence for the first time in a week, although excited shouts filtered through the open windows as the kids headed home. What was so special about home, Wilma wondered. There would be arguments, sulks, groundings, miserable mums and dads, disrespectful younger brothers and sisters getting them into trouble. Yet still, the class picked up its heels and shot out the door at three thirty on a Friday as if being let out of jail.

She picked up her books and folders, stuffed them into her briefcase. The summery weather was affecting the staff, too. The kids weren't the only ones getting themselves off the premises as if their backsides were on fire. The staff room was deserted by the time she got there, apart from Tosh Evans, the Welsh Geography teacher whose sole suit had leather patches on the elbows and whose all-pervading socks had a life of their own.

"Duw, Willie," he sang. "You still yer, then?"

"No, I think I saw me driving out of the gates half an hour ago."

Evans looked puzzled, then his brow cleared. "Garn, yew're still yer! Yew're a card, though, an' no mistake, isn't it? Yew got summat lined up for the weekend, I bet." Evans's line in sexual harassment was direct and uncomplicated. He was arguably the oldest virgin at the school.

"Fuck off, Tosh," Wilma commented warmly, slamming her filing cabinet and blowing him a kiss. It was all too easy to turn the silly old fool into a blushing wreck. She edged past the aura of socks and escaped into the fresh air.

The car was like an oven, the steering wheel practically taking the skin off her hands as she pushed and pulled her way on to the main road and accelerated in a cloud of noxious emissions past the bus stop. A crowd of her Eng Lit class - Gerald and half a dozen of the most extravagantly overdeveloped girls - went into a mime of coughing and choking, waving at her as she passed. Little bastards. They were the only reason she kept on doing this God-forsaken job, young people like that. Where would she be without them?

Right here, she thought when she arrived home at her bijou apartment overlooking the park to which people from miles around brought their dogs to defacate in the fresh air. It's not much, but it's home. More so than her real home had ever been. Three Ugly Sisters making her life a misery. Except that they had all been beautiful. Wilma had been the ugly one. Well, not ugly, exactly, just plain and ordinary. Homely, the Americans called it. And overweight. Not gross, exactly, just dumpy, heavy and not at all a fashionable shape. Talk about Cinderella! Cinderella in reverse, in fact. If Prince Charming had come around with a pair of glass slippers, the other three would all have found them fitting perfectly.

She slouched into the bedroom, avoiding the mirror. Time to ease away the cares of the week with a soak in a scented bath. Take away the dusty smell of books and Tosh Evans's perpetual socks. And time to plan a weekend's activities. As if!

How was it, she wondered, that even the plainest of the girls at that damned school seemed to have a retinue of boys ready to climb into her pants at the flutter of an eyelash? While some of the prettier ones probably needed a team of booking clerks to organise their personal and sexual arrangements.

It hadn't always been like this. At school, Wilma had been a popular enough girl, and had gone through the usual mating rituals with the best of them. Until her sisters found out. She'd never dared take a boy home. An array of sisters, two older, one younger, and all devastatingly pretty, all with stunning figures, all available and instantly negotiable with any and every boy they saw.

The youngest one, Rhonda, had become pregnant at thirteen, but that had only served to spur the others on to greater efforts. As the father had been - had probably been - one of Wilma's fleeting boyfriends, she seemed to feel more guilt about it than Rhonda herself.

In the end, after school and through university, it had been easier to opt out of the whole sleazy business. Her already dumpy figure ceased to be unattractive. It became invisible. When she dressed in boring shapeless dresses, or baggy jeans and sweaters, nobody noticed Wilma at all. It worked for her. Even after four years of teaching English Literature, she was willing to bet that not one of her classes could have described what she was wearing from one day to the next. They'd have been able to describe Mr Tosh Evans down to the last crisp-heeled off-white sock.

Mercifully, the bathroom mirror was already steamed up, so she didn't have to see herself as she climbed flabbily into the soft, blue-green waters and lay back to allow the suds to cover her unusually large breasts with their embarrassingly long, thick nipples. There was at least some compensation for the celibate existence she led. She didn't have to show herself to anyone else. What boy, what man, would ever be attracted to a woman shaped like her, with breasts like great bags of lard and nipples with such a will of their own that she had to stuff the ends of each already enormous bra cup with a thickly wadded handkerchief? A rhetorical question, if her class ever needed an example of one.

The park was always a pleasant and delightful place if one avoided the usual dog-walking routes. Clumps of trees provided cooling shade from the sun which was still making its presence felt at five pm. Wilma felt the cool air on her face and neck with gratitude. The hum of traffic was still there, miles away, but here in the park the birds were belting out their songs as if they were auditioning for a new musical by Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber. Birds. That's what they'd called girls when Wilma had been one. She'd been a bird herself, then. What did they call them now? She ought to know the popular word. She was supposed to be in touch with the vernacular. Keeping young by contact with the students. No, it was too much like hard work.

A flash of white caught her eye, somewhere in front. A magpie, perhaps, or someone's dog. Then a burst of girlish laughter, and a clutch of young people emerged from behind a bush on to the footpath. They hadn't seen her yet, that was obvious. One of the boys - there were two boys and four girls - was still zipping himself up. Too late to get away without being seen, Wilma realised, slowing down, then stepping bravely forward again.

The group formed itself into a giggling mass, until one of the girls detached herself and fled as slowly as she dared. Her school shirt was unbuttoned almost to the waist and her bra was missing. Her soft breasts bounced massively as she shrieked and ran, looking over her shoulder. Then she noticed that nobody was chasing her and she stopped, not five yards from Wilma.

"Miss!" the girl turned beet red and tried to pull her shirt across to hide the view.

"Good evening, Charlotte!" The words seemed somehow inadequate. Wilma was as red as the girl was. God, her breasts were massive! How did she ever manage to hide them so well?

Charlotte seemed to sense the teacher's eyes on her. "My bra got caught on a tree, Miss," she stammered. "Melissa's mum's going to try and mend it for me." She succeeded in fastening one or two buttons. With any luck, they might stay done up for ten seconds.

The rest of the little party had reluctantly come forward, the boys hanging back to adjust their clothing. One of the other girls had buttoned her shirt in the wrong button-holes, another was trying to rearrange things beneath her skirt. A third, Melissa presumably, was carrying an obscenely large pink bra.

"Hello, Miss," she mumbled, remembering at the last moment to try and hide the bra behind her back. Her own more modest bosom was better supported than Charlotte's, but her improbable nipples were sticking out like chapel hatpegs. Wilma stepped aside and they all slunk past. If they'd had tails, they would have been between their legs.

"Have a nice weekend, Miss," suggested Charlotte faintly as they got clear and began to hurry away.

Wilma was in a cold sweat. The horror of it: meeting half a dozen members of her class in such circumstances! It was too embarrassing. She blundered on, hearing more subdued giggles coming from behind her, and took a roundabout route home.

No doubt, the kids would themselves be in a state of shock over the weekend, wondering if Wilma was going to report them for lewd behaviour in a public place. Let them sweat, she thought, it would do them good. If she hadn't come along, what mischief would they have got up to next? A bit of relatively harmless feeling up would no doubt have turned into full-blown sexual intercourse. Four girls, and two boys? A gang-bang, was it? Date rape? An image of Charlotte's breasts flashed before her eyes again, and Wilma found herself blushing once more. The girl was immense. Her throat felt constricted and she had to stop, breathing heavily. Sweat trickled down her sides beneath her blue denim work-shirt. To her horror, she felt herself becoming moist. She'd need another bath after this. God, what was happening to her?

In the school corridor, Charlotte looked at the teacher like a scared animal, over her shoulder, showing the whites of her eyes. Wilma was pleased to see that the girl's bra had apparently been repaired over the weekend. She was still extremely full-breasted, that was obvious. Why hadn't she noticed it before? She'd thought of Charlotte as a chunky girl, broad in the beam and solidly built. The brief glimpse of her in the woods had revealed her as a remarkably shapely young woman. She was broad-hipped, certainly, but her waist was surprisingly slender. And her bust had been shockingly large.

Wilma hurried on down the corridor, feeling her nipples hardening. This was ridiculous. If anyone ought to be feeling guilty, it should be the six young miscreants, not the innocent witness. Innocent! You could say that again! She should be taking lessons from her Eng Lit class, not the other way around. She hurried into the staff room and sat down, breathing heavily. Her panties were uncomfortably moist. There was no doubt about it, the encounter had affected Wilma deeply. It wasn't enough that she had found herself thinking about it on and off all weekend, pictures of Charlotte's rebounding globes burned on her retina; now on Monday morning she'd caught just one glimpse of the girl and already she was flooding her underwear. And she hadn't even seen Gerald or the other boy yet. This was a nightmare! Someone was sure to notice. She was uncomfortably aware of the scent of her own arousal. How was she to get through the day without...

"Hell-o, young lady! Yew're lookin' your usual sexy self this bright Monday morning!" Tosh Evans sniffed deeply and appreciatively. "A new perfume, too, if I'm not mistaken! Oo's the lucky bloke, then? Or 'as my luck suddenly changed... ?"

With a bleat of dismay, Wilma escaped and hid in the staff toilet.

It had been a fraught day. Something was going to have to be done about this situation. The girl Melissa, whose mother knew how to repair industrial strength foundation garments, had almost said something to Wilma at lunchtime, but had appeared to change her mind. Wilma was wondering whether to approach the head teacher and mention her experience. Get it out into the open. Make an example of these kids. Maybe tomorrow, she thought, as she slumped on the couch not really watching a soap. She had wrapped a dressing gown around herself after her bath, and tied a towel like a turban round her head.

The doorbell rang.

"Damn! For Chrissakes, who can that be?" Tying the belt tighter round her waist - huh! waist? - she plodded down the stairs and peered through the spyhole. The image distorted by the fisheye lens, she could see only that it was a boy in school uniform. "Don't I get any free time round here?" But she slid back the lock and opened the door. "Gerald!"

"Hello, Miss Pettigrew! I was wondering..." He hesitated then blundered on, "About that homework you gave us. There's something I wasn't sure about, and I was just passing..."

"Come on in. Excuse the dressing gown, I just got out of the bath..."

The boy looked embarrassed at receiving what amounted to an apology from a teacher. "That's okay, Miss. It looks nice." He blushed deeply. Wilma spared him further torment, leading the way up the stairs. She had an uncomfortable feeling that his eyes were boring into her swaying nether regions all the way.

"Now, then. What seems to be the problem?" She turned off the television and waved him to take a seat. He chose the middle of the couch, the only seat in the room, and perched there insecurely. Suddenly, his face cleared as if a thought had come to him.

"Wow, Miss! Do you watch Visitors, too? I didn't think you'd like that sort of thing."

She laughed, looking around for a chair. In the end, she perched on a corner of the table. "Why not? Teachers watch television, too, you know."

"We all watch it, Miss. I like the girls in it," he confided, turning scarlet again.

"Do you, now?"

"Yeah, especially that Cheraline! She's got..." He stopped, too late. Cheraline was the token bosom in the cast. Or rather, the token huge bosom. The others were no more than extremely healthy Australian girls. "About this homework, Miss!"

"You didn't come here to talk about homework, Gerald. You weren't just passing, either. This road doesn't lead anywhere, and it's nowhere near Laburnum Drive."

"You know where I live, Miss?"

Damn. She had looked it up only this morning. "What did you want, Gerald?"

"They call me Gerry, Miss. My friends. The girls."

"What was it, Gerry? Was it anything to do with Friday evening? If so, it's quite out of order, your coming here to try to make me change my mind. I will probably be telling the head teacher about the incident."

"Nothing happened, Miss. Charlie caught her bra on a branch, like she said. It's true! She said it hurt..."

"So you rubbed it better for her?"

"Miss!" Gerald sounded so outraged, Wilma couldn't keep a straight face.

"I was just going to have a cup of coffee," she said. "Would you... ?"

"Gosh! Please, Miss. Three sugars." He followed her into the kitchen. "Charlie was ever so worried you'd tell, Miss. She'll get into trouble. Her dad would kill me, Miss."

"I'm sure he would, Gerry. Dads tend to be jealous about boys manhandling their daughters. Especially when they look like Charlotte." She suddenly had to busy herself with the coffee mugs to hide her confusion. They called her Charlie. Anyone less like a boy would hard to imagine.

"You're as big as Charlie, Miss."

She wondered if she had heard correctly.


She picked up the two mugs and he followed her like a dog into the other room. This time, she sat down at one end of the couch, placing the mugs on the coffee table. "Sit down, Gerry."

"I meant it, Miss. You're as big as Charlie. Up here, I mean." His hands formed a pair of imaginary boobs about a foot in front of his chest. He seemed to realise what his hands were doing, dropped them to his sides and sat down so heavily on the couch that Wilma was almost propelled into the air. "She was only saying tonight, on the bus, she'd like to see which of you was bigger..."

"Gerald! That's quite enough! I had made up my mind to report the terrible incident. It brings the school into disrepute. We can't have our students cavorting half naked in the park..."

"Nothing happened, Miss, honest!"

"I'm an English Literature teacher, Gerry. Don't think I can't tell when you're inventing stories. Charlotte was half naked. You were zipping up your trousers!"

"You saw that, Miss?" The boy looked so crestfallen, she almost felt sorry for him. "I wasn't doing anything with Charlie, Miss."

"It's as plain as the nose on your face what you were doing," she retorted angrily. "I'm not blind, you know!"

"It wasn't like that, Miss," he said unhappily. "Please..."

Something about his tone stopped Wilma in her tracks. He seemed encouraged to carry on.

"I was walking that way with Pete, Miss. Just the two of us. We were going to his place to swap games for the weekend. He lives just over there."

That was correct. "Go on..."

"Well, we've heard this noise in the bushes. Like giggling and stuff. So we've gone to investigate."

Wilma chose to ignore the boy's curious use of the Perfect Past Tense. Somehow it seemed to lend immediacy to the tale.

"I've crawled down the bank and we've looked through the bushes. And there's these four girls. Lissa Phillips and Paula Craker and Dawn Putnam and Charlie Adams. They're playing around, Miss."

"They're playing around... ?" The Present Tense, now? It felt as if the girls were playing around in this very room.

"With each other, Miss. Charlie's got her shirt and bra off. Bloody hell, Miss! The others are ... well ... Paula and Dawn are kissing each other, Miss, and Lissa's playing with Charlie's ... her boobs, Miss. Kissing them and sort of ... well, playing with them."

"I see."

"I wish you could have, Miss. You don't believe me, do you?"

Why should the boy make up an outrageous story like this? "You realise what you are saying, Gerry?"

"Yes, Miss, but it's true. Then Dawn's heard something. Pete's sort of overbalanced and fallen into the bush we're hiding behind. And she's jumped up and grabbed him, and Charlie's got up and run off. She's laughing."

"And you... ?"

"I was trying to zip my pants."

Nothing further needed to be said. The boy was so patently unhappy, everything had the ring of truth behind it. "Does Charlotte know you're telling me all this?"

"Of course not, Miss! You won't tell her, will you?"

"Your secret is safe, Gerry. But..."

"I meant what I said, Miss. About you being as big as Charlie." She pulled the dressing gown closer round her neck. Too late, perhaps. He was staring at her chest.

"You'd better be getting home, Gerry. I won't tell the head teacher. Not this time. But it had better not happen again." She stood up, and clutched at her dressing gown once more. Thoughts of Charlotte were spinning through her head. She'd have to have a word with the girl.

Gerald was leaving, stammering apologies. If he'd only stop being so apologetic, he'd be a nice looking boy. A Greek god, all right! She fought against the thought that sprang unbidden into her mind. The thought of being part of that little group of girls exploring the forbidden delights, while Gerry was crouching behind a bush, watching everything, playing with himself...

She hurried down the stairs, and he scampered after her.

"About that homework, Miss..."


"Yes, Miss." His shoulders collapsed and she opened the door. And there, on the doorstep, reaching up to press the doorbell...


The girl sipped her coffee. Unlike Gerald, she'd had time to change out of her school clothes into something far less suitable. As she curled her legs under her on a beanbag, she was practically bursting out of a pair of jeans. Her T-shirt was failing hopelessly to contain her epic bosom. A more workmanlike bra might have helped, instead of the soft-cupped, stretchy creation she was wearing. Every breath set off a chain reaction of rippling breast-flesh. Her nipples were immense.

Wilma felt the need to explain. "Gerry wanted some help with his homework."

"Oh, yes, Miss. The Ugly Duckling thing. And Cinderella, and Boy Meets Girl. I've done all those. I made it Girl Meets Girl, though, to make it more interesting. Miss... ?"

"Yes?" Wilma was now seriously regretting wearing this dressing gown.

"You know Friday night? You weren't going to tell, were you? Only I'd get into loads of trouble. I had to sneak indoors and run upstairs without my bra." She giggled musically. "It didn't half feel funny, running upstairs without a bra on. Have you ever tried it?"

"Of course not!"

"I only asked, 'cos you're big like me. You hide yours, though. I bet if you didn't hide them, you'd look great. Yours are probably even bigger than mine, and you know how big mine are!"

"I'm sure they're not. Not that it matters. It doesn't matter how big my bust is. It's immaterial. What does matter is that you were gallivanting around half naked."

"Yes, Miss," agreed the girl happily.

"Bringing the school into disrepute."

"Probably, Miss."

"Aren't you going to show some remorse?"

"I'm sorry, Miss. It won't happen again." She finished her coffee, then reached across to set down her mug. The action stretched her T-shirt to the limit and beyond. "I keep coming untucked, Miss. You could help some of us bigger girls, Miss. Hints and stuff about clothes. Bras and that."

"Charlotte! That's not really part of my..." She stopped just short of saying 'brief'.

"Charlie, Miss. Call me Charlie. All my other friends do. Miss... ?"


"Can you ... would you show me something?"

"Show you something?"

"Yes. Just undo your belt and let me see. You've seen mine..."


"Charlie. I'll show you mine again. You can feel them if you like."

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Bernie and Simon have been best friends for such a long time! Lately, though, Bernie has found herself really crushing on Simon. She knows it’d be awkward if she makes a move and learns that Simon doesn’t feel the same way, but at the same time she has to act on these feelings. Today the girls have met up to do a dancing workout together. Bernie can’t help but sneak little touches to herself as she watches Simon get all warmed up. It’s just that Simon is so hot with her...

2 years ago
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The Big Day

The reason for her anticipation looked at her over the top of his own flute and toasted her silently. Robert was probably the most attractive man she'd ever met, and Dani was dying to run her hands through his dark hair and pull him against her body. Thoughts of what else she wanted him to do had left her dripping in her panties for hours. The willowy blonde didn't want to wait much longer. "I think it's time for the garter toss," announced John. Robert's best man was easy on the...

4 years ago
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My Wifes a Slut for BBC Blacken

My wife and I have known each other since high school. She's 44 and I'm 48. She is extremely attractive with a beautifully proportioned body. She is moderately conservative. Open to a wide array of sexual fun.We enjoy sex its one of our favorite activities. My wife is very sensual and an incredible turn on in bed. She is multi orgasmic and loves to come. I love to make her cum. I love seeing the intensity of the orgasm over take her body.I think I have a big dick and I know it satisfies her,...

4 years ago
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One Night of Bliss

'Across a crowded room.' That's where I first noticed her, and immediately my mind jumped to Rossano Brazzi (his voice dubbed by Giorgio Tozzi) singing those words to Mitzi Gaynor from 'Some Enchanted Evening' in the musical 'South Pacific.' But while the attraction in that movie scene was Nelly Forbush's face, right there in the frat house my eyes dropped a bit lower. And while in the show the song was a precursor of Love, the 'L' word that best describes my emotions that evening was...

1 year ago
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Caught Belladonna Michael Von Rothe slipped his black, sheer nylon covered feet into his 4 inch heeled white pumps and walked towards the full-length mirror by the door to his hotel room. He smiled at his handiwork while he took in his self-feminized reflection. On his feet was a pair of pumps decorated with crystal embellishments he had purchased specially for the trip. Michael resituated his pantyhose covered legs. The two layers of pantyhose he was wearing concealed the...

3 years ago
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A meeting in Leather Part 5

#English / #Engels- a sequel to:"Wow, what a night I had!", I thought, when I woke up. I would love a few more like that one. I could recall the dreams I had one by one in my mind. Of course I looked back at them with a extreme amount of horny pleasure. Just thinking about them my almost 17 year old hand started to play with my cock. It felt like that thing had grown a few centimeters in one night! It occurred to me much later that...

2 years ago
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AK meet C part2

A & K Meet C For The First Time (Part 2)A looked at C as her fingers slipped into K´s moist knickers and found her warm wet entrance, K let out an audible moan as 2 fingers slipped into her wet pussy, A continued to have eye contact with C as she fingered his wife under the table. K stared at her husband as she felt C’s fingers slip out of her wet entrance, then slowly back in again, the teasing she was receiving made her eyes close with each tentative exploration inside her, she was biting...

1 year ago
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Oh no what have I done Pt 3

Maria came home and stomped right by Paula and I with Libby trailing with her head down. Poor little Gracie didn’t really know what was going on except mom was mad at Libby. Paula and I looked at each other when Maria turned around and said Libby you are grounded for the rest of your life so go to your room and think about what you have done. If you have kept your legs crossed and your mouth open we wouldn’t be having the conversion right now. I covered my mouth to hide a grin thinking that...

4 years ago
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My Life Part 03 Expanding Our Family

But Katie was insistent and started taking matters into her own hands. She openly posted flirty messages on my female friends' Instagram posts. She encouraged me to reach out to old girlfriends. She would have me write replies to them as we lay in bed after making love at night. She would guide me on what to say. But she somehow had a knack for words that I apparently lacked. Reagan -- the girl who I had a steamy email affair with after my first wife's passing -- suddenly wanted to...

2 years ago
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Bhabhi Told To Bhaiya And Then

Pain of nine years..i am a regular visitor of this web site and found that these stories are really very erotic mostly ‘Devar and Bhabhi’ always think that these are real or not as I also came across a real experience and want to share with you…Bhabhi’s and Devar’s i am not adding any masala or sex to this stories…but want your opinion that who is the Victim… Bhabhi’s please read and reply… as your opinion is valuable. I am Sui (name changed) from a middle class family, after my brother...

3 years ago
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My friends wife the start of an affair

Well it was a very warm summer night a few years ago and i had been out with some friends at a Local club for the evening, I walked my friends wife down from the club to the Pub where her Husband was having a quiet drink, they often had a Lock-in there so I went with his wife to the club as he was not into music and dancing. As I walked Jane down to meet him she was flirting with me, she was a bit older than me and what most people would call a BBW, I had always dated very slim and slender...

1 year ago
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FamilyHookups Kleio Valentien Paige Owens Cute teen Paige Owens lets her tattooed stepmom Kleio Valentien teach her how to fuck her boyfriend right

Paige Owens is fooling around with her boyfriend and he’s not very happy with her blowjob skills. Her stepmom Kleio Valentien accidentally walks in on them, but instead of freaking out she decides to offer them help. She’s an expert at giving head and Paige clearly needs some lessons, so why doesn’t she show them both how it’s done? After the blowjob portion Kleio is so turned on she decides to stick around and make sure he knows how to fuck Paige’s pretty teen pussy right. She even helps...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Lauren Phillips Aften Opal Leana Lovings Schooled NO Dancing In Detention

A teacher, Lauren Phillips, arrives to supervise two students in detention. She is shocked to see that the troublesome students, Leana Lovings and Aften Opal, are dancing around without a care in the world. Lauren demands that they stop, finding the whole thing to be completely disrespectful. Only homework and studying can be done during detention! However, the students cheekily say they’re not breaking any rules, because they’re taking a dance class this semester. Lauren is unhappy...

3 years ago
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My Daughters Sweet Milk

My wife, Amanda and I were sitting on the couch watching some Netflix and finishing some Chinese takeout when I heard a knock at the back door. "What now?" I grumbled as I paused our show and got up to make my way through the house to see who it was. As I entered the kitchen I could see through the window in the door that it was my daughter. "Hey Jules, what are y..." I started asking as I opened the door for her. As she raised her head, I barely recognized the girl I saw in front of...

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Lifes Changes Ch 01

So what now? The world has changed. Nothing will ever be how it was. Traditions, holidays, birthdays, and just those good ole lazy days, will never again be the same. I grew up out at my great-grandmother’s house. Until I was seven, it was the place I called home. In the movie, ‘Where The Heart Is’, one character says, ‘Home is where they catch you, when you fall.’ I believe that whole-heartedly. That old farm caught me when I fell many times. I remember going out there to soul search....

2 years ago
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After Whitby 5 Tgirls in the North East

AFTER WHITBY (5) T-girls in the North East Friday night had been emotionally exhausting. My first ever visit to a T- girl club had been exhilarating and great fun, but I hadn't got home until the early hours of Saturday morning and had also burnt a lot of adrenalin! This would not ordinarily have mattered; I could have just slept on, but unfortunately I had to drive from Wokingham - (just west of London) to Billingham in far the North East on Teesside. So when the alarm went off...

4 years ago
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Family PortraitChapter 4

In the days that followed my little eye opening adventures with Karen and Melanie, I was surprised to find that things in general hadn't really changed for me all that much, and that life pretty much went on as always. I still ogled the girls at school, and in fact I found myself staring even harder at their blossoming bosoms, which were kept hidden and yet oh so tightly wrapped under their pretty blouses and shirts. I wouldn't see Melanie for quite sometime, but I was searching around...

2 years ago
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Our story My fantasy Part 2

I rush to my rental car with confidence. Cumming on Mark’s fingers helped to take the edge off but it was to get to what I really needed. I really need John inside me but first I need to check into my hotel and freshen up. Once inside my room I move quickly to ready myself, showering and primping. In the shower I can’t help but spend extra time washing my swollen pussy and tender breasts. The anticipation has me so aroused that I am panting and shaking as I wash my body. The soap...

3 years ago
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Caitlin Part 4

The night that things got out of control and went farther than I ever imagined they'd go, I was left with a sense of wanting so much more.Caitlin and I had been talking, joking, having a good time, doing some harmless flirting, and that evening she'd gone upstairs, leaving me hard as a rock, horny as hell, and masturbating like a horny fool in my living room watching porn. When I was finishing, Caitlin had come downstairs, walked in on me just having finished having a massive orgasm in a paper...

2 years ago
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The Week After Thanksgiving

I have been married to my husband for ten years and we have always had a very close relationship. Neither one of us are into anything kinky and our sex life seems to be OK, although I must admit that I often find myself engaging in a little secret self-play to satisfy my yearnings and needs from time to time. I can’t deny my Hispanic heritage and the passion is undeniable. Rick, my wonderful husband, had to go on an extended business trip the day after Thanksgiving. It was a pre-planned...

3 years ago
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White DelightsChapter 15 Weakening

Kaitlin was invited through to dine with the Emir that evening, a procedure of which the Chief Eunuch clearly disapproved. In his eyes women were told what to do and where to go, not invited. The conversation centred mostly around the Emir's memories of Dublin and Kaitlin's singing career there. After dinner they were sitting in comfort on the sofa when the Emir leaned forward and kissed her on the end of the nose. One thing led to another and soon Kaitlin found herself on her back in his...

2 years ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 5 Paying the PiperChapter 12 Jenny Walsh

During my lost week, or rather my lust week, with Hannah a pile of mail had accumulated at 23 Kitchener Road. The day before I moved into digs at West Drayton I went through the pile and threw most in the recycle bin. The one letter I read came from my solicitors, and contained the DNA report on the soiled sheets Miriam and Hodge were shagging between when I walked in on them. Most of the language in the report was far too technical for me to understand, but one sentence astonished...

3 years ago
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Prostitute II

Remember: Your ratings decide weather I make a part 3 or not! Layla is a prostitute. Her kids now know what sex is, what it is about and how to do it thanks to that one special Saturday when they were taught how to fuck the opposite sex the right way. About a month later, they are sitting home on a Saturday afternoon with nothing to do the whole weekend. “Man am I bored”, Greg was sitting on the couch while watching TV as he was complaining. “Hey, do you want to...

1 year ago
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The Neighbor

At 6:00 in the evening I still hear the occasional whimpers and more than often the wailing muffled sobbing.She has been doing that for the past three and half-hours.Neither her whimpers nor her sobbing has been bothering me because I am a rapist and she has already been raped once already today.Now, I am sitting here enjoying the sounds.I know she is terrified because I told her that tonight I will be fucking her ass hole.I plan to do that late tonight, after I fuck her hairy pussy once...

4 years ago
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I Love My Dad Part 3

"Well, I guess we really have no choice."“We don’t. She was persistent, as usual. Sorry babe.""Not your fault my love. We will deal with it.""I love you so much.""I love you too. Shit!""What's wrong?""I have to be back to work in ten minutes, but I still haven't cum yet!"Yes, Randy and I were talking about my Aunt’s impending visit while we were fucking. It was the next day and as promised, Randy came home on his lunch break. He didn't have too long to stay so we were having a quickie on the...

4 years ago
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The Meeting Ch 01

As I lifted my head after stowing my carry-on under my seat I met the eyes of a seasoned traveler. He’d obviously been a veteran businessman, hopping flights for meetings and presentations. My throat constricted at the thought of sharing a seat with this man who appeared hungry for human contact and conversation. I didn’t want to talk with stranger, making casual conversation while jetting my way across the country to meet you for the first time. I wanted no distractions. I needed to be...

3 years ago
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anal showers

im a male with a womans figure a very nice figure this has caused lots of problems in the gym showers as all the men cant help looking at my curvy hips and plump bum! I love them watching me in the shower i pretend i dont know and wash my body like a horny little slut would! I eventually get to my private area by now my cock is semi hard and flopping from side to side! Oops the soap slips from my hands by accident of course NOT :) I slowly bend over bum facing you this allows my cheeks to part...

2 years ago
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New HorizonsChapter 3

Ring... Ring... "Hello?" "Hello, is this the great Dr. Hamm?" "Ah, Et tu, Brute? Or should I say, and you too Amy? Hi! How are you?" "Hi! I'm fine. Christmas was wonderful here in New York, and I loved meeting my roommate's family. How are you? Except for me, is the nickel all together?" "I'm fine, and yes, everyone is here. Our honorary family's newest member is here too. Sarah and Bill brought Benjamin over yesterday! He's so adorable! Just wait till you see him! And...

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Daughters Oral Fun Chapter 2

"Loni? Are you awake, honey?" Van's voice whispered into the stillness of the room. "Yes, Daddy, I knew you'd come to me tonight," the teenager murmured excitedly. "Good girl," Van murmured as he sat down on his daughter's bed. "Your mother just wanted a quickie tonight so I fucked her real fast so I could come in here to my favorite girl." Loni giggled. She was never jealous of her mother, or of the time her father spent in bed with her mother, because her daddy had made it very...

2 years ago
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Twelve Lays of Xmas Ch 09

Part Nine of 12 Lays of Xmas, the full novella version. I’m sorry Part 8 got posted before Part 7 – technical problem. * * * * * The Twelve Lays of Xmas Nine Ladies Dancing I can’t tell you just how exhausted we all were the following morning. I don’t recall what time I woke up, but Cristal had already dressed and gone. Jessica pointed out a message of thanks she had left on the bedroom mirror. It took me several minutes to decipher the scrawl. Neither of us could face even looking out...

1 year ago
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Im a Black Cock Super Star Now Gay

I was bored and horny as hell. It was another dull Friday night, just after 10pm and no one was online so I decided to drive into town and buy a couple new toys and rent a flick. My girlfriend and I had just broken off our engagement after she found out I was bisexual and I was depressed. My male friend was off with his family for the weekend, so I had plenty of time to waste. Since I had only planned on going in for a couple minutes, all I wore was a pair of sweat pants, flip-flops and a...

1 year ago
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Real Doll

Realdoll! What would happen if the producers of Black Mirror made a porno? Well, I think I may have just found the site that would start it all.Real Doll made by Abyss Creations makes the most lifelike, realistic, customizable male sex toys on the market today. They have a whole roster of sexy inanimate fuck toys for you to browse and (if you’re lonely and rich enough) purchase. If you thought blowup dolls were bizarre, just wait until you see the shit that Real Doll has to offer. Holy....

Sex Doll Shops
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The Little Black Dress

Katie's nipples were not cooperating.The 17-year-old looked at herself in her bedroom mirror. She had been trying to keep her nipples from being so obvious in her new dress, but it was no use. The lacy bra that matched the party dress didn't keep her twin nubbins from showing through the red gown.Katie had just gone through some weird growth spurt, and her breasts were now much bigger than before. Her nipples seemed to have grown, too. They stayed erect all the time, like small pink pencil...

1 year ago
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Foursome the best way to start

It started as Tiffany and I. She's a taller than me, we are both very fit, I'm a bit more petite. She and I like pegging, she's very dominate. I had my chastity cage on since early in the morning, it had made me pretty horny so I thought I would play to Tiffany's dom-side and get one of Anna's cheerleading outfits. She and I are about the same size and Tiffany likes a flirty girl type.Tiffany got her strapon and Anna got curious so she wanted to come watch (watching is not uncommon in our...

4 years ago
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Boss I Nailed Your Wife 8211 Part 2

“You don’t leave a woman wet, darling”. My boss’s wife was saying those words to me while her hand found its way into my pant and pulled the skin on my cock. I was daydreaming during work after that half-successful lunch at my boss’s home. I couldn’t get his beautiful and elegant wife out of my head. I wished she had the same thoughts of sharing the bed with me. I wished a message would pop out on my phone from her. My thoughts were getting intense and frequently shagged off imagining pounding...

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New to Prison Lesson 2 Gay

James was in quite the predicament - he was kneeling at the feet of his burly, masculine black cellmate, his lips swollen and slick from sucking Kyle's black cock, tears streaming down his face, his cute blue eyes wide with horror. Kyle's monster black dick bobbed and jerked in front of his face, wet with spit and pre-cum. James couldn't imagine that cock fitting in his ass - it was the thickest black dick he had ever seen, even in porn. But if he didn't bend over and offer his ass up...

1 year ago
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Mere Lund Ko Meri Masi Ne Sambhala 8211 Part 1

Hello readers, my name is Harshil Shah. Main abhi 21 years ka hu. Ye baat hai kuch do saal pehle ki, jab main college mein tha. Tab summer vacation mein main apni masi ke ghar gaya hua tha. Main Mumbai ke Andheri mein rehta hu. Aur meri masi Mumbai ke Virar mein rehti hai. Main every vacation waha par jata tha. Mujhe waha bohut maza atta tha. Baat karete hai is kahani ki heroin ki jo meri masi hai, meri mom ki cousin sister. Woh dikhne mein thodi si sawli hai. Perfect figure hai uska. Boobs and...

3 years ago
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Yipee, it's Saturday afternoon and I get to take the wife shopping!!! As we drive into the parking lot and park, a brand new shiny black Lincoln MKZ also parks in front of us, so we are head to head. There is a couple about our age in it and we exit our vehicles at the same time. The driver is a tall good looking guy, wearing shorts and I am instantly attracted. I walk over to him as he is closing the door and say "wow, is that ever a nice car!"He chuckles and says "my banker calls it his...

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Tart Of Gold Ch2

He showed me into the room next to the one we were in. I should think it was once a dining room. It was as he had described it. The lighting made it feel comfortable, even cosy.“I’ll leave you to undress and put on the gown that’s hanging over there. I’ll be back shortly.” He went out and closed the door behind him.When he came back, I had done as he asked, but I said to him “I’m not going to pussyfoot about with this thing if you don’t mind,” and shed the gown.I saw him swallow hard, and then...

1 year ago
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Teasing my coworkers

Bradley loved that Mary was an exhibitionist, but he didn't like the idea of guys they knew seeing her... it would make him jealous and feel uneasy, and he worried they would try to fuck her. Mary just got aroused at the idea of anyone being turned on seeing her, usually acting unaware she is on display... but they agreed that they should save that kind of play for when they were out of town... on one of their naughty trips. They hadn't had a lot of experiences yet though, but they enjoyed...

4 years ago
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Diary of A Naughty Nurse

I am working as a nurse in a small doctor’s office. You are my next patient, and I am looking forward to seeing you again. I have been waiting for you to come for another appointment because the last time you were in I got more than just a little hot thinking about the nasty things that I wanted to do to you. I go into the waiting room and call you in. You look hotter than ever. You follow me into the back of the office. I make sure that I walk extra slow and sexy so that you can get a good...

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