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A comparison was inevitable I suppose. Danielle resembled Cindy Crawford; Robyn reminded me of Courtney Cox. The resemblances were weak, though. Danielle looked more like the girl next door. Robyn presented a put-together look. Of the two, Danielle excited me more—physically. Conversely, Robyn's mind intrigued me more. Both women were beautiful and confident and intelligent.

Robyn had consented to give me a few minutes of her time before school started, so I sat in front of her desk like a naughty student.

"I talked with my bullies yesterday," I said. She didn't respond, so I continued, "I think Cal can be salvaged. I don't believe I got through to Larry, and I need your help with Cory." When she still didn't respond, I told her about my conversation with Cory. "Were you aware of his learning disability?"

"Yes, but it wasn't diagnosed early enough to help him very much. He was taught to read phonetically, which doesn't work well with dyslexics," she said.

I nodded. I'd suspected not much could be done with the learning disability, but I had some suggestions. "What about voice to text software on computers?" I said. "And vice versa? That technology has advanced considerably in the last few years. That's not a memory, by the way. I researched the software on my laptop before I drove to the school this morning. Are any of his textbooks available in digital formats?"

She looked shocked. "Coach, that's an excellent idea? I'll check this out this morning. If his textbooks aren't available in digital format, perhaps the publishers can provide a digital copy because of the special circumstances. Cory isn't the only dyslectic in the school. With this suggestion, you've probably helped other students, as well. Thank you."

"You're welcome. Cory isn't dimwitted, Robin, not by a long shot; he's a smart young man, but he can't learn like his fellow students. I figure if we can help him with his learning problem that he'll start feeling better about himself. This should also help reduce his anger. Robyn, he's flat out angry with everything and everyone. He's been teased for years, not only because he appears dimwitted to others but also because he was fat. As he said, he's not fat anymore, just overweight. Still, he reacts to the smallest insult, usually violently. Physically tearing into someone who makes fun of him is the only thing that has worked to reduce the number of taunts coming his way, but now he's been tagged with the bully label. I think the right exercise program and a good diet can solve the overweight problem. I can design the physical training program. Whom can I approach regarding diet?"

"Talk with Gloria Sanger. She teaches home ec."

"Thanks. I came to you for help with his anger. Robyn, he needs anger-management therapy in the worst way. Any ideas?"

An introspective expression entered her pretty face. "The school has nothing to offer for anger management, but Ely Mental Health Center might. I'll check. If they do, the school will not cover the cost."

"What is Cory's home life like?" I asked.

"Don't know," Robyn said. "Why?"

"Perhaps his parents have health insurance that will cover the cost."

"Oh," she said.

"I'll talk to Cory about health insurance if the Mental Health Center can help him manage his anger." I rubbed my hands with glee. "I love it when a plan starts to come together." I grinned—rakishly, I bet. "There's one more element to the plan. This idea wasn't mine. My real estate agent joined me for my run this morning. When I told her about Cory, she said that he probably just needed to get laid, more than anything."

Robyn's jaw dropped, but then she suddenly hooted with laughter.

I chuckled with her but said, "I'm sure that getting laid is not a humorous concept for Cory. Remember, he's been fat. He has a learning disability. The other kids make fun of him. As Danielle said, he's probably not even held a girl's hand, let alone got a kiss from one."

"Danielle? Are you referring to Danny Kurt?"

"Yes. Robyn, teenage hormones are hurling through Cory's body like race cars in the Indy 500, and being a social outcast, he has no outlet for his urges except masturbation. That's got to make him angry, too."

"Are you buying some real estate?" she asked.

"Yes. About finding a girlfriend for Cory, here's my idea..."

"I thought you were broke," she said, interrupting me.

"I was. I'm not anymore. Do you want to talk about me or talk about possible solutions to Cory's problem?"

She grinned and said, "Both. Coach, you've managed to shock me silly, not once but quite a few times. You're not the man I knew before you were struck by lightning."

"I should hope not. That John Windom wasn't a very nice man."

"No, he wasn't. What happens when you start remembering everything?"

I shrugged. "I don't know, but along with those memories, I'll also have memories of my time since being struck by lightning. Hopefully the recent memories will make me realize that I'd be happier with the new me than I would be if I reverted to the know-it-all, bully, misogynist, and angry man I was before."


"Yes. The football team needs a place kicker. One is available, a soccer player that, according to Orville, can kick a football a mile. The problem is the place kicker is a girl. You probably know her, a transfer student named Helen Sanford. Anyway, according to Orville again, when she was suggested for the place kicking position, I proclaimed loudly that no girl would ever play football on my team. That makes me a sexist, at the very least, and from other misdeeds I've uncovered in my past, I took my self-definition beyond sexist to misogynist. I met with Helen last evening, by the way. She has agreed to join the football team."

When I noticed another dropped jaw, I laughed and said, "I just shocked you again, huh?"

"Yes, big time. Are you dating Danny?"

"No. I might later. Remember, my wife was murdered a week ago. I don't remember the woman, so I'm not grieving, but regardless, I don't think I should start dating. Do you?"


"May we return to Cory's problem now?"

"Yes. No. You were broke; now you're not. What happened?"

I sighed. "While cleaning the hovel I live in, I found a file that listed a gambling web site and some off-shore bank accounts. I don't know why, but the skill set that allows me to win consistently and big playing online Texas hold 'em poker survived my memory loss. Some skill sets didn't survive, the finer points of football, for example. Why I remember one skill set and not another, I can't tell you."

"If you gamble long enough, you'll lose," she said, spouting a phrase I'd heard frequently from others living in the community, a community that offered legal casino gambling.

"Maybe, but since I found the file, I've made enough to pay cash for seven acres of land off Great Basin Highway. I plan to build a home for my daughter and me on the land and develop a small horse ranch. Raising and training show horses is another skill set that survived my memory loss. Danielle helped me purchase the land."

"Everyone calls her Danny," Robyn said.

"I know, but I don't see her as a Danny. Danielle fits her better. I don't have much time before my class, Robyn. Can we... ?"

"Right. Back to Cory. You want to get him laid."

My jaw dropped for a change, which tickled her. "You couldn't be more wrong," I said. "I'm a coach trying to solve a problem for one of my players. I want to find him a girlfriend. Whether he gets laid or not, is up to him and the girl. It occurred to me that there has to be a girl in this school with a correctable overweight problem. I'll design a training program for her, as well as Cory, and the girl and Cory can work out together. That's it. That's as far as I'll go. I figured that you could point the right girl in my direction. I'd prefer that the girl comes from you instead of me."

She grinned. "Very Machiavellian of you, Coach."

I ignored her characterizing that I was conniving and said, "It wouldn't hurt if she's also a little brainy and would consent to do a little tutoring. If not, could you isolate some other tutors for Cory? Tutors of the female variety?"

"I'll think about it," she said.

I glanced at my wristwatch. "Gotta go!"

Robyn set the phone on its receiver and smiled. She'd made a list of the students struggling with reading that had been diagnosed with dyslexia. Then she'd checked their schedules and made a list of the textbooks used in their classes. Using her computer, she then searched for and found the publishers of the books, making another list that included the name of the publisher and a contact phone number. Then she started dialing. Only two of the twelve publishers couldn't provide her with digital copies of the books being used, and one of the two told her that they'd check to see if the digital copy sent to the printer could be made available to her. Every publisher told her that there would be no charge for the digital copies, and in fact, had promised to e-mail the books to her.

"Coach," she breathed, "you are a genius." Also quite a man ... now, she thought.

She stared at her phone. Should she, or shouldn't she. Why not? She dialed.

"Carver Real Estate," a voice said.

"Danny Kurt, please," Robyn said.

"Who may I say is calling?"

"Robyn Clark."

"Just a moment, please."

Robyn waited.

"Robyn, how are you? I've been meaning to call you today, but I've been very busy."

"Can you talk now, or should... ?"

"I've got the time now. After our run this morning, Coach told me that he was going to meet with you about one of his players, Cory Tidwell, I think Coach said."

"We met. He told me that you said Cory's problems would be solved if he got laid."

Danny laughed. "Yes, I said something like that. Put angry, young Cory next to a needy and naughty girl his age, and Cory won't be angry anymore and much easier to be around."

"Coach said you helped him buy some land," Robyn said.

"I did. I also helped him lease another house. He'll be moving the first of the month." Danny's voice lowered when she spoke next. "Robyn, Big John turns me on big time."

"Big John?"

"Yes, that's my secret name for Coach." Danny giggled. "Don't tell him, okay?"

"My lips are sealed. You know he isn't a very nice man, don't you?"

"He told me that you didn't like him. Well, I do. I like him a lot. I've heard what he was like before he lost his memories..."

"I take it you believe the amnesia story," Robyn said, interrupting her.

"I do." Danny chuckled. "Peggy, my broker, doesn't. That woman was born skeptical and turned into an all-out cynic. Here's the way I look at it, Robyn. If Big John is faking it, I like the man he's portraying. If he's not faking, I like the man, period."

She's making sense, Robyn thought.

"Oops, gotta run, Robyn," Danny said. "Let's get together for a drink one evening this week."

"Let's," Danny said.

After she hung up, Robyn sat in silence, thinking. Big John, huh? The name fits. When he strides back and forth on the sidelines of the football field wearing that sheepskin coat of his with a Stetson on his head and cowboy boots on his feet, he makes every other man in town look like a wimp.

Careful, Robyn, right now he's too good to be real.

Big John. I think there's a song named Big John, about a coal miner, I think. The Big John in the song saved his co-workers during a mine cave-in while sacrificing his own life. Not this Big John. This Big John is self-involved...

Ah, hell, admit it, girl. This Big John turns you on, too.

Not that I'll do anything about it. To start with, I would never jump Danny's claim. She got to him first. Still, if he stays the way he is now, if he gets real, and the ore runs out of Danny's claim, I just might take a run at him, stake my own claim.

She stood up and walked out to the bullpen in the administrative offices. "Evelyn," she said, "would you call Nora Daniels from her class. I'd like to meet with her now, and then I'd like to meet with Cory Tidwell. I'm running a little behind, so you might have Cory waiting for me when I finish with Nora."

"Will do, Ms. Clark," the happy and plump Evelyn said.

Nora is perfect for what Coach has in mind. She's overweight and unhappy, but she's as sharp as a tack. I'll tell her that Coach told me about a training program and diet he was putting together for Cory, and that I'd thought of her and asked Coach if he'd set up a workout schedule and diet for her, as well. Nora could workout with Cory, if she wants. I'll also tell her about Cory's learning disability, ask her if she'd tutor him. Then I'll meet with Cory and tell him about the text to voice software, and...

E-Lee Ford, Lincoln, Mercury (What's with the cutsie names for businesses in this town?) had a new Lincoln MKZ with all the extras at an almost reasonable price—after I walked away a half-dozen times. Before I wrote a check for the car, I called my accountant.

"Josh, it's John Windom," I said. I think my name confused him for a second or two.

"Oh! Coach! What can I do for you?"

"I'm buying a car. Should I pay for it with a check from the business account or my personal account?"

"What kind of car?"

"A Lincoln MKZ. Josh, let me be straight with you. I had not planned to buy a car right now, but I hired a woman as a cook/housekeeper/nanny. She needs transportation to drive to the grocery store and to take care of other chores, and she'll also be taking Piper, my daughter, to school and picking her up after school. I'll use the vehicle at other times, sometimes for purposes unrelated to the business and other times for business purposes."

"Are you leasing it or buying it?"

"Buying it, paying cash actually. My credit sucks, Elizabeth tells me. I believe her. I had to buy a CD at the bank for collateral before they'd give me overdraft protection on my debit card."

"Buy it with a check from your personal account. When you use the vehicle for business purposes, you can take the mileage deduction. About your employee, she'll need to fill out some paperwork. When I see you this evening, I'll give you the forms she must complete and sign. Will she be cooking for any ranch hands?"

"Maybe," I said. "I'm meeting a possible ranch manager/trainer Wednesday evening in Elizabeth's conference room. When I design the structures for the ranch, I'll include a small house for her separate from the main house. Whether she'll eat with us or do her own cooking hasn't been discussed. The nanny will live in the main house. I figure any other ranch hands will commute, but that could change."

"All right. I'll see you this evening, Coach."

After writing a check for the Lincoln, I told the salesman that I'd pick up the car that evening. Agnes could ride with me in the pickup so I wouldn't have two vehicles with one driver at the dealership.

I glanced at my wristwatch. My lunch period was all but over, and I hadn't eaten. I stopped by MacDonald's on the way back to the school.

The world is getting too much with you, I told myself as I waited in line at the drive-through to pick up my Big Mac meal, supersized of course. John Windom's taste buds told me that I didn't like MacDonald's hamburgers. I enjoyed the milkshake and French fries, though.

It was snowing when I pulled into the school parking lot.

At the start of my free period before football practice, I knocked on Robyn's office door. She told me to come in.

"It's still snowing," I said as I sat at a chair in front of her desk.

She nodded.

"Have you made any progress with our Cory problem?" I said.

"I have. By this time tomorrow, I should have digital copies of all of his text books on my computer. The publishers promised to e-mail them to me. I also met with Cory. He was truly excited about the text-to-voice software that would read his textbooks out loud, and was amazed that he could dictate his essays to the computer and that the computer would type them for him. He told me that would save him hours of study time every night. That he studied so hard surprised me, Coach. He puts in three to four hours of study time daily. You were right. Cory Tidwell is no dummy. The effort we'll expend to save that young man will be worth every minute of our time. I told him the text-to-voice and voice-to-text software was your idea and a part of your plan to help him."

"That's great news, Robyn. Does he have a computer?"

"No, but he thinks his parents will buy one for him. Did you talk to Gloria about a diet for him?"

"Not yet, haven't had the time. I bought a car during my lunch period. I'll try to meet with her before football practice."

"No need. I spoke with her. She's preparing a diet for Cory and Nora."


"Nora Daniels, the overweight girl I picked to workout with Cory."

"Ah," I said, drawing out the word. "You've been busy."

"I have. At first Nora was opposed to working out with Cory. She's ... well, frankly, she's afraid of him. But after I explained his situation, she understood. She can empathize. The other kids make fun of her, too. She also agreed to help Cory with his school work. She's a computer whiz, Coach. She'll also help him select and set up his computer, and help him select and install the voice-to-text and vice-versa software."

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Note : This story is completely fictional! He could feel Angie’s breasts and the long pressing into his chest and Bud could feel her pussy rubbing over his soft cock and belly! Bud knew he would be hard again very quickly. As he looked into her eyes, she smiled and he smiled. “God!” Bud said to himself: “She is the most beautiful woman I have ever had in my life! She is spectacular!” He knew he could never get tired of looking at her body. She was truly a lovely woman! He rolled her over and...

4 years ago
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Wife Mona Fucked At The Office

Hello iss readers this is Monty again with my wife Mona whose story am about to tell in her own words. Mona is 5’4″ and has a figure 35 25 36. she is a dusky beauty and has a sensuousness about her beauty that no one can resist. I was working in a computer institute and I was the only one women working there. There were 5 people working along with our boss I was handling the clients at office. Other 4 people were sales executive and were in field and getting prospective clients. I use to get a...

2 years ago
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Time Manipulation Mind Control Chapter 9 Begging to be Owned

Chapter Nine: Begging to be Owned By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Krystal Sampson “When is Justin going to unpause time?” I asked, standing roughly where I believe that I was when he froze time to begin with. At least I thought it was the right section of my college's hallway. It was hard to remember after the naughty things I did. My cheeks burned from the shameful pleasure of eating out my time-frozen mother's pussy full of my brother's jizz. I couldn't believe I enjoyed doing that....

3 years ago
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Big Busty Booby Girlfriend

Hey, this is abhishek guha, remember the guy with aunty whom he fucked after scotch. I stay in Ahmadabad now, any bhabi or aunty wanna fuck can contact me on This is my story of me and my girlfriend I was dating who was very bulky and busty. She is 22years old and has a figure of 36-42-42. Now one day she called me up and asked what am I doing so I just said that am just alone in my house to which she asked can I come down. To which I said yes. Now the door bell rung and my goodness she was...

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July 27th

I knew it was going to be the longest day of the summer. Work started at 9AM on July 24th, and it dragged on for eight unbearable hours. But as soon as that clock struck 5:00, I was gone. I fought the urge to run and instead walked calmly to the parking lot, where my car was waiting with a full tank of gas and my weekend bag already packed. I made the drive at 90 miles an hour, and admittedly my mind wasn’t very focused on the close calls in traffic, but more concerned with the girl waiting at...

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Bicycle Mechanicbysatyr_132003©Saturday afternoon is a lazy day for me, but a day at the mall for my daughter, Cindy and her mom. Cindy is 18 and my wife is now 39. They are both the loves of my life. Cindy, a long legged blonde, is in her senior year at high school and is planning to go to a prestigious college up north in the fall. That is the reason why she and her mom were at the mall. Cindy was getting a clothing overhaul. She had nice clothes but my wife wanted her to be ready for school...

3 years ago
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Stripping on a Bridge

This little adventure James and I had was about a year ago. It was autumn and we had one random very warm day. James and I had a day off so we decided to go out flashing. At the time this event took place I was twenty. I was my usual 50-52kgs (approx 110-114 pounds), slim waist, incredibly perky B cup breasts with prominent nipples and juicy ass. I had a bright pink skirt that I had cut short for the purpose of flashing so given it was such a warm day, I decided it was the a perfect opportunity...

1 year ago
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LoveHerFeet Gianna Dior I Hook Up With An Older Man

For a long time I felt like I had this major slut lurking deep inside me but I haven’t acted on it because boys my age seem so immature. So, when I turned 21 I decided to do something about it. I don’t know why I find it kind of disturbing but I’ve been wanting a man with a foot fetish who is into playing with my sexy feet. I never tried it before but I really wanted the experience so I went on an unconventional dating site and I found a man who would be interested in meeting my...

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The King 3

King " It's been fun Doc, thanks for everything " ( The king dies ). Doc Holiday " Goodbye Mr Sims ". The 24th century, Federation space. Wishing Steve and his family the best of luck and getting into his ship Kevin leaves star base 12 to start his new life in the 20th century. He's about to use the same technique Captain James T Kirk used when he and his crew traveled back in time when he's contacted by another ship. Understandibly Kevin is surprised when the pilot of the other ship...

3 years ago
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A Change Woman Part 4

A Changed Woman Part 4 They were not sure who woke up first. The two naked women stretching like female cats. One thing they both noticed was that Huey was not in bed. They looked around the room and Barb saw what looked like a note attached to the mirror. "Thanks for a great time. Had to go. Maybe we can do it again some time. See you around, Huey." "We show him great time and that is all he has to say about it?" asked Ann. "It must be a guy thing. Most of the men I know would pay an arm and a...

1 year ago
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3DX Chat! An (MMO) multiplayer 3D sex game in a virtual world! I’m not usually one to fuck with porn games. When it comes to porn, I am generally not trying to play around. I like to go to my favorite sites, find the sexiest videos I can and get down to business (fap, fap, fap). I have never really seen the appeal of jumping through all kinds of hoops, completing missions and leveling up in order to get to the main event. Why should I have to earn my pleasure? I already do that every day at...

Best Porn Games
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Darla in Africa InsatiableChapter 14 Darlas Followup Exam

As Darla arrived, Michelle, Dr. Anderson's new student nurse and sex partner, gave a smiling signal to both Dr. Anderson and Dr. Chad, who was a visiting doctor from the Congo, as the young patient raced in the door and announced herself. Michelle, who was barely 18, pretended to barely notice Darla as she kept her head down and instructed Darla to fill out some medical forms, after which she walked toward the back to see the final preparations being made for Darla's examination. Michelle...

1 year ago
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Her First Affair

I'm not Sean Connery, Brad Pitt, or Harrison Ford. More like Brian Denehey or Wilford Brimley. I'm mid 50's, overweight, and don't drive a Porsche. What attracted this woman to me I don't know. I didn't make half the money she did, dress in the manner she did, or in any way walk in her circles. But for a few short weeks we carried on a tumultuous affair. Her first, and who knows, probably her last. Her husband was a district manager of a major retail outlet. Her parents were both retired...

Wife Lovers
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Mother in law surprise part 1

I've been happily married for many years but in all honesty I have always had a soft spot for my mother in law, like many other men. The thing that interested me most about my mother in law, Anne was that she rubbed me up the wrong way and she wasn't really the traditional MILF mother in law but she just made me incredibly horny, very primal, every time I saw her I just wanted to rip off her clothes and you know the rest... Anyway to give you some kind of idea, Anne looked a little like she...

2 years ago
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The interviewpart 1

Midday, and Olivia Carr strode into the office of the most prestigious magazines CEO. She was applying for the recently vacated role of editor in chief, and it would make her the most influential woman in all of New York. And all that stood between her, was Mr X. She didn't know his real name, no one did, he had had it changed and had all records deleted, a costly, flamboyant move that seemed to serve no purpose. Olivia walked in, shook his hand and after a little bit of small talk he said...

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Elaine Griffen Black BreederChapter 2

Elaine Griffin was inside her office, doing PC work and paper work. She was the head of the NHS (National Health Service) in England, the 3rd largest employing company in the world. She was a short powerful Blonde woman who knew how to put racists in their place. A year ago she taught 10 racist Eastern European employees a hard lesson on being racist towards black people. Now all 10 women have black babies. There was a knock on her door. KNOCK KNOCK "Come in," Elaine spoke in a...

2 years ago
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In Submission to a Dominant Force 2

This is the second part of this story, to catch up and understand the situation please read part 1. The story is "based" on true fact as explained in part 1 and is about the domination by mother in law over her sissy son in law, it is about her slow emasculation and feminisation of him as she takes over his life. From past experience, if you don't like stories about sissification and forced feminisation then please don't read on only to send me withering complaintive feedback. This...

3 years ago
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Double Trouble

DOUBLE TROUBLE I'm a full-time tranny - mid 20s, quite attractive and always interested in meeting tranny-friendly guys. I'm friendly with this hunk of a guy, Bob - you know dark hair, brown eyes, warm personality. He's pure beefcake - no real depth but the sex is good and we enjoy each other's bodies. However he's not into anal and since I feel my ass is my crowning glory (even if at the wrong end), I've been feeling a little frustrated recently. No matter how short I wear my skirts,...

2 years ago
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Ice Hockey 101 Ch 02

‘What do you mean, he just walked out of there?’ Mary asked a few days later when Rebecca had gathered enough courage to tell her friend what had happened between her and Josh. Rebecca shrugged even though she knew her friend couldn’t see her. She settled back on her couch with a sigh, reliving that last night with Josh over and over again. ‘I don’t know,’ she said out loud to Mary. ‘He said he had to go and he left.’ There was silence for a minute over the line and Rebecca wondered if Mary...

1 year ago
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SweetheartVideo Giselle Palmer Blair Williams Art School HookUp

Giselle and Blair are both art students. They both have a passion for art and the female form…only Blair is not experienced sexually and doesn’t know how to channel her sexual frustration for Giselle. Giselle can sense Blair’s lust while commenting on how sensual the lines of Blair’s drawing is, and slowly moves in, kissing her. Blair kisses her back, she wants this so bad–but she’s never been with a girl before, or had an orgasm! Giselle reassures her while...

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Vampire Erotica

I feel as though there is someone following me. I feel as though they are becoming closer to me. I am so scared, and with it being so dark I trip over a tree root. On the ground, I feel someone near me. I feel their hand grave mine, and I can feel them help me up. Within the moon light, I can only see the outline of this man’s frame. I am still frightened, not knowing who this man is, thinking he is the one that has been following me. After helping me up, he grabs me and holds me tight. One...

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The Neighbor Story 1

His uncle was in town, and had parked his boat in their drive-way, and we used it like it was on the water, steering it wildly around, dodging helicopter missiles and the such, then we would jump off to a backyard to find ourselves pinned down by yet more bad guys. Somewhere along the way, his little sister (seven-ish) had come outside and joined us, and she played the rescue woman. I was the action hero the first time, and I would battle my way through the front yard, to find her in the...

4 years ago
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Mom liked me to watch 1

I was at a park one day after school. Playing baseball with a bunch of friends. I sliced open my hand sliding into home plate. I left the game and went to one of the bathrooms to wash the blood off my hand. I was almost to the bathroom when I thought I saw my mother in the distance. I thought it couldn't be her, she was at work. As I got closer, sure enough it was my mom. She was sitting on a bench talking to this black dude that was a bagger at the super market. What was this all about. I...

3 years ago
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Pure and Crystal 2 english google translate

You are there. You are at the rendez-vous. As I have decided. You're lightly dressed but you followed what I asked, simple, sexy and can be torn: A very short shorts, a T-shirt simple molding your sumptuous curves.Cause you're there to believe I can satisfy this fantasy. **** you and abuse you for hours. You would expect this bus stop. The men turn you on and dream of what they could do to you. They can not imagine what I'll do. I stopped the car in front of you and you get in. My hand is...

1 year ago
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Billy and Wili Wound Too Tight 5 in STOPWATCHChapter 32 Its the little things

BILLY, MEGAN, MINA & WENDY: Wound too Tight. Chapter 32. It's the little things. "Aren't you being a little presumptuous?" For a Dean of Women, she was an asshole. "Presumptuous?" Mina had been expecting something like this all afternoon. "This is, after all, a party for Faculty." Miss Prissy continued. "I think..." "Whew ... had me scared there for a minute." Mina interrupted ... on purpose. "Scared?" "Yeah ... I thought you might be the Rush supervisor for a...

3 years ago
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Dungeon MasterChapter 5 Discovery

Three days later Sun and Erina returned with their Battle Slaves. We, that was Ora, Jessica and I, met them at the stream. Seeing the team looking healthy, I was relieved. Kinda. Their packs were full of smoked venison and fresh herbs which meant that it wasn’t them that encountered trouble. We welcomed them back and after a bit of excitement, explained the issue. They wanted to go back out and search for Wen’s team but I forbade it. Inside, I received Sun’s report; which was basically no...

2 years ago
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Bus Stop Boy Part 3

Sheri went into her apartment stunned. She had been trying to get the attention of what she called her BSB (Bus Stop Boy) for months now without any response and now he was her new neighbor. Her mind was working overtime. She needed to think. As the hot water rolled over her skin she was thinking of what her next move was going to be. After all this time, Bret was his name and now he was her new neighbor. After thinking long and hard about the situation Sheri decided that she would wait for him...

3 years ago
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The Cursed Cock

The woman yawns and stretches out on her bed. She rubs the sleep from her eyes and looks around. The bed is empty aside from her. The man she was with is gone. She closes her eyes once more and listens, expecting to hear sounds from the bathroom or kitchen. Nothing. She frowns. She remembers the evening before. The man had been so charming. He swept her off her feet and whispered sweet nothing in her ear. Oh, sure, she knew he was using her for sex. Still, she expected at least some company the...

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Spizoo Alix Lynx Up Close And Personal

Get a whole new look at Alix Lynx. She started as a cam model then graduated to Girl/Girl before deciding to show the world how much of a cock loving slut she is. This intellectual, fun-loving babe is a healthy, fit, athletic sex machine who enjoys being watched as she’s pounded. She gets manhandled and loves every minute. You’ll want to see this one. This beautiful blonde shows up a spectacular well-fit body wearing a seductive light red lingerie, she bends over the couch and exposes her ass...

3 years ago
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Imagination 10

Imagination 10 No way! The thought of having to tolerate a really rigid and tight piece of foundation wear filled me with horror. I knew, however that I wasn't going to enjoy the results of saying no. They would undoubtedly be far worse than actually having to wear it. So, out came the expected answer. "Yes, Sister Sarah." The smile broadened on her face. "Yes what, Frilly?" "Yes, Sister Sarah. I shall enjoy wearing the nice girdle." "That's a good girl, Frilly. Not only...

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A Girly Laugh

A Girly Laugh A story by Rugburn Elements include: TG Transformation Note: Special thanks to the folks who submitted jokes for this story on Deviantart. Sorry I couldn't use them all. I went with the ones I liked best and felt fit the situation enclosed. (|?|) (|?|) (|?|) (|?|) (|?|) (|?|) (|)|) Billy nodded to his buds when he finally arrived in Jack's basement. Stan, Forest and Kyle were rockin' out to Rock Band on the Xbox, Tanner and Donny were chillen next to a new member of the group....

1 year ago
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The Punishment

I met this woman who was quite submissive and we began a normal weekend routine where we would meet at her place and have the weekend to live out a D/s relationship. On our first official date, I handed out some rules for her that if broken, there would be punishment. She agreed and the relationship began. First three months we explored everything, the play was intense, and she was extremely sexual.Later I began to notice that our play was lacking in intensity, I was not sure if it was me, her,...

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