CrunchChapter 8 free porn video

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Today was a 'visit the doctor' day. Orthopedist, to be exact. Time to get a tuneup on my broken leg. The day started with Ronni getting out of bed, going to the bathroom, and then coming back to check on me. She bent over and kissed me a few times, bringing me from drifting along in that sweet spot between sleep and wake to fully awake. She led me to the bathroom for my early morning ritual, and then helped me to my chair in the living room.

She went in the kitchen to start a pot coffee. While she was in there I heard her on the phone.

"Hi, mom!," She said. "Yeah, we're up. I was just checking to see if you're making breakfast. Otherwise, I'm fixing him a bowl of Cheerios." She giggled. "No, Mom. THAT'S not the reason." She paused. "Oh, don't worry about it. I'm sure a bowl of Cheerios won't kill 'im."

So I got to eat a bowl of Cheerios for breakfast. She sat in the chair near me, sharing the TV tray. We turned on the news and let it play in the background. Finishing the Cheerios, Ronni collected the bowls and took them into the kitchen, returning with two cups of coffee.

She turned the TV off. "Do we really need this noise? she asked. "I mean, it's just so serene this time of the morning. I don't know how much of this we'll get to enjoy. Usually there's something going on."

"Yeah," I said. "I'd normally be at work by now." That was the truth. On a normal day, I got up at six, out the door at 6: 30 and in my office at seven. But for the past few weeks, life was anything but normal.

A little later in the morning, Ronni help me get dressed for my upcoming doctor's appointment. Putting a shirt on me wasn't a problem anymore since the bandages were off my arm. Pants, though were another problem entirely. The cast was too bulky to pull pants up over.

"Tell you what," I told Ronni. "Look up on the top shelf inside my closet. There's some old medical scrubs that I use for knocking around the house."

"Yeah, I remember seeing you wear those."

"Uh-huh," I said, "that cotton is comfortable in the summertime. Let's sacrifice a pair those trousers."

She came back with a pair. "I think they're the rattiest looking pair you had," she said. "Let's get these pajamas off of you," she smiled, kneeling in front of me. As she unsnapped my pajamas, she started giggling. "Oops," she tittered, "forgot you don't have underwear on."

I laughed. "Yeah, okay 'forgot'. I haven't had underwear on for four weeks, and YOU'RE the one that has dressed me."

She looked around quickly, then her head bobbed downward, her mouth opened, and she sucked my semi-erect dick into her mouth. "Mmmmm," she purred.

I expelled a breath. "Baby," I said, "don't tease me."

Her eyes laughed as she released me from her mouth. "'S not teasing, love. It's just a sample." She started pulling the scrub trousers up over my legs. When she got as high as she could over the cast, she stopped. She looked at me. "Scissors?"

"Yep! Snip 'em right up the seam so you can pull the pants all the way up."

She complied. The result was something that wouldn't win fashion shows but met the requirements of modesty. I wasn't going to a four-star restaurant, I was going to a doctor's office. After she finished with the pants thing, she put a sock and shoe on my left foot. Then she giggled. "If I was really dressing you up," she laughed, "I think I'd paint your toenails."

"Be careful, little one," I said. "You will be a hopeless cripple forever."

About 20 minutes after that, we heard a knock on the door. I looked at Ronni. "Baby, can you get that?" I said, sarcastically.

And she bounced up, turned, sticking her tongue at me. Opening the door, she said, "Hi, Dad! He's ready."

The two of them loaded me into the wheelchair, wheeled me out to the car, and seated me in the front passenger seat. Ronni crawled in the back seat behind me after she buckled my seat belt. Alex loaded the wheelchair in the back of the SUV, then drove us to the doctor's office where they unstrapped me and rolled me into the waiting room.

It wasn't long before my name was called and I was wheeled back into the bowels of the office. I was laid on the table, the old cast removed, a set of x-rays taken, and a new shorter, lighter cast was applied.

"Okay, Mister Dave," the doctor said. "You're coming along quite nicely. You can start hobbling around a little bit with this cast. You can put a little weight on the leg. Try using it a little bit to keep the muscles from atrophying. Use crutches if you wanna move around any real distance."

"How much longer am I going to have a cast?" I asked.

"Another two or three weeks," he said. He looked at Ronni, then back at me. "You know," he said, "I can set you up with a plastic surgeon if you want to see if you can do something about that scar on your head. Hair'll cover up most of it, but they can probably make it a little less obtrusive."

"Ronni? You think I'll try and get it fixed so I can pursue a career as a male model?"

Ronni giggled. "That's up to you, babe," she said. "We can talk about that later, but I don't think it's a problem."

I looked at the doctor. "She gets to say," I said. "She's the future Mrs. Johnson," I told him. "Our wedding day is set for the day after I get my cast off, so that's why I'm asking."

He looked at the two of us and said, "You don't have to wait till the stupid cast comes off. I know I wouldn't." He smiled.

We had a little talk about painkillers and about do's and don'ts and then I slid back into my wheelchair and out the door we went, the proud possessor of a fine a new pair of crutches. Thirty minutes later we were home. When we came in the driveway, Alex and Ronni came around with the wheelchair.

"No," I said, "let me try the crutches. It's about time I was able to get around on my own." Gingerly I eased out of the seat of the SUV, carefully positioning the crutches, tripodding myself on my good leg and the two crutches. I eased my left leg down. "There!" I said, "I'm standing all by myself."

Ronni giggled. She knew I was trying to be funny. "Wow! Just like a big boy!"

"You sure you're okay, Dave?" Alex asked.

"No," I said. "Your daughter shows horrible disrespect for her future husband."

He laughed. "Gets it from her mom..."

I took a first tentative step, then another, and then confident of my new success, I proceeded to my own front door with Ronni hovering nervously beside me.

"Ron, give 'im a little room!" Alex said. "He needs to be able to do that on his own."

"Why? I'm gonna take care of 'im anyway, crippled or not. He's my husband." She smiled at her dad, then pulled the keys out of her purse and opened the front door so I could go in.

Alex walked in behind us, checking on things around the house for me. "It's time to cut your yard again," he said. "I can do it."

"Nope," I said. "Get the kid up the street. He does a good job and he'll appreciate the money, and you an' me can sit on the front porch an' drink beer and watch 'im."

"Yep, if you wanna be one of those guys that just sits on his front porch an' watches other people do their yard work." Ronni said. She looked at her dad with an exaggerated frown.

"See," Alex laughed. "She's already denying you your simple pleasures." He sighed. "You gonna call that kid to cut your grass?"

"Yeah," I said. "His number's next to the phone." I lowered myself to the sofa. It was the first time I did that without assistance since the accident. I felt a sense of accomplishment.

"I'll call him," Ronni said.

"Well, if you two are gonna be okay, I'm gonna go see what Rena's doing. We need to get something for lunch anyhow," he said.

"Look," I said, "why don't you let me foot the bill for pizza for supper?" I said. "Savin' her the trouble of cooking dinner."

"Well, if she's already got it on the stove, then we wait'll tomorrow for the pizza thing?"

"Well, see what she's got going. It's always an option."

"Okay," Alex said. "I'll see you two later."

"We'll be okay, Dad," Ronni said. She watched her dad disappear across the yard, then turned to me, smiling. "Babe, you can walk now."

"And that means exactly what?" I asked.

"It means that just maybe you don't need to have me around here 24 hours a day."

"Are you out of your ever-lovin' mind?" I blurted. "If I have any choice about it, I'll never be without you around for the rest of my life." I looked at her. "Besides, hobbling around on crutches, I mean, that's a step, but I'm hardly a hundred percent."

She looked at me, smiling. "Dave, I don't WANT to go. But I've been here every night for the last four weeks, almost around the clock. You're not, like, that tired of me?"

"Not likely, sweet one," I sighed. "Didn't I say I loved you?"

"Yeah, but..."

"Don't make me chase you. C'mere, sweetie."

She came closer. I took her hand. "Sit in my lap. I think I need to get my arms around you."

She complied, settling in gently. She looked at me with those big brown eyes. "Dave? Are you sure?"

"Are YOU sure? Baby, I love you. But I don't want to force you into anything. That includes you staying here, and that includes you marrying me."

"UH, Dave, that's not what I'm saying. I just thought..."

"If you thought I needed private time, sweetie, there may be a day where that crosses my mind. But I just can't see it. Not from here anyway." I kissed her.

She circled me with her arms and buried her face in my neck. I stroked her soft brown hair, and let my hand stroke her back, savoring her curves. "Baby, I want you to stay. Forever."

"Okay, baby," she whispered. "I was just trying to give you a little space."

"Sweetie," I said, "maybe when we're older, uh, when YOU'RE older, we may enjoy little bit of space but right now I just find myself very happy to have you around."

"You sure, Dave," she said. "Not just 'cuz I was, like, helpful?"

"Little girl," I said, "you were exactly as useful as I ever imagined you would be, being helpful at a time when I absolutely needed it. But that's not what we said to each other. It's one thing to lend a helping hand, even several. But you said you love me and when you said it, it was the most wonderful thing I ever heard. Because I love you. Ron, I want to MARRY you. I even asked your mom and dad. And you and I told the neighbors. Is that something that I would've done just to stay on your good side? Because you feed me? Take care of me?"

She looked at me from a very close distance. "Uh, Dave, I, uh, WE did a whole lot more."

"Silly, silly little girl! That's what I mean. We did stuff that I would NOT've done with you if I didn't love you. I wouldn't let you do things if I didn't think you loved me. We talked. Neither one of us was into any kind of casual sex thing. Love. Had to be." I stroked her face, willing my fingers to transmit my feelings directly to her.

"I'm sorry, baby," she said. "I guess sometimes, it just hits me. Dave, you gotta know how many nights I laid in bed thinking to myself how much I wanted to be with you. Married. I don't know why. But I do."

"Then don't get all flaky on me, cutie," I chided. "You an' me're gonna be together for a long, long time. We'll have plenty of time to get on each other's nerves an' get all aggravated an' have good days and bad days together. Okay?"

She answered with kisses.

We stayed that way for a while, me leaning back into the sofa, Ronni cuddled in my lap, her arms around my neck.

Finally, she got up. "Doctor said three weeks, an' you're out of your cast. D'ya wanna talk about the wedding?"

"If you still want to marry me," I said. "You sure?"

"Sorry, babe," Ronni said. "I know what's happenin'. I think I'm startin' my period. I get, I dunno, maybe just a little bit, you know, emotional?"

"So that's it? A period?"

She nodded, her brown eyes soft, a little sheepish expression on her mouth. "I'm sorry. Forgive me?"

"Of course I forgive you. Even though you haven't done anything wrong. I mean, everybody's got MOODS. As long as you still love me."

"Only on days that end with 'Y'," she giggled. "Now, about that wedding..."

"What about it?"

"Dave, you get a say-so in this thing."

"No," I said, "I get a Ronni. It's, like, the BEST thing in the world."

"But baby," she said, "how do you want to do it?"

"Sweetie," I said, "I thought we had that all figured out. You. Me. Your mom and dad. My sister and her family. And past that, we send out invitations. We already invited George and Martha. And anybody else in the neighborhood that might be interested. I'll invite some people from work. You might want a few people from school. What else?"

"Like who's gonna do the ceremony?"

"Didn't we say the pastor of your church?" I thought for a second. "Why don't you see if your mom can come over? I mean, if you want her to. She might have some ideas, but at least she needs to hear what we're talking about."

"That sounds like a good idea." She picked up the phone and dialed her house. "Hi, Mom! Are you busy?" Pause. "Yeah, if you can. Me an' Dave want to talk to you." Pause. "Okay! Just walk on in. The door's unlocked." Pause. "Okay! See you in a minute. Love you, Mom!"

Ronni turned to me. "An' now we give you a few kisses. I owe you."

"Owe me?"

"For gettin' all stupid and everything." Before I could reply, she was kneeling beside me on the sofa, her arms around me, little kisses preventing me from speaking. She stopped when she heard her mom's footsteps on the porch.

Rena knocked. Ronni went to the door and opened it. "Mom! I SAID it was unlocked!"

Rena laughed. "Then how come you bounced off the sofa when you heard my steps on the porch?"

"'Cuz I didn't want you walking in on me, kissing him."

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Rimming a hetero bloke

So I've been reminiscing of late as I'm no longer sexually active, long story, and it frustrates me. This episode goes back a few years when I'd gone to a late night bar which had live music, usually jazz which I effing hate but the club stayed open till 3 a.m. and the talent was lush. It's relevant that this place was predominantly Afro-Caribbean and mainly heterosexual. I was accepted because 'You don't behave like a gay bloke', whatever that means,lol. Anywho, one night a group of fairly...

4 years ago
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The Occasional BachelorChapter 8

Where does the time go was the thought that ran through Greg’s mind as it normally will when he makes this drive to the airport. It seems like it just was just a blink of the eye but four months had gone by since his wife’s last trip to Dallas and here he was driving to Hopkins International for her to go back there for another month. Since she enjoyed her time with the grandkids Greg didn’t say anything about her going there. His thought was that his wife was interfering somewhat with his...

3 years ago
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My Hot Mother Malini And Me Part 8211 2

My mother Malini and me – II I woke up by hearing maa’s voice. “Orey Paddu get up. it is almost 11 and you are still sleeping… get up”. I pulled Maa on me and gave a wet kiss on her cheeks saying “Oh! Maa.. let me sleep for while.. there is no sleep in the night”. “Enduko? Antha spcial duty dora garu emi chesaro..?” (Why? What special duty this raja had done) she asked mischievously smiling at me and wiping her cheek where I kissed. “Emi special duty chesano neeku teleeda..?” (Don’t you know...

5 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 469

Say thanks to Neuberd for the following: (On September 17, 1994, Alabama’s Heather Whitestone was selected as Miss America 1995.) Question: If you could live forever, would you and why? Answer: “I would not live forever, because we should not live forever, because if we were supposed to live forever, then we would live forever, but we cannot live forever, which is why I would not live forever,” --Miss Alabama in the 1994 Miss USA contest. “Whenever I watch TV and see those poor starving...

2 years ago
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Twins A Love StoryChapter 3

On the weekend before the last week of school, Sue called John to her room. She was sitting at the desk. She had the laptop on and there was a porn site on the screen. “You ever watch incest porn?” “Not a fantasy I’m having right now,” he replied, eliciting a chuckle from Sue. “Why?” “I kinda got curious. You know how a lot of those scenes start?” “Hm?” “One person walking in on the other masturbating.” John laughed. “We’re just walking, talking cliches.” Sue laughed too. “You know...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 22 Relative Calm

December 26, 1993, Chicago, Illinois “Before my parents get here, I wanted to tell you that Tom and I found a place. We’ll be moving at the end of January.” Bethany and I were drinking tea before breakfast on Boxing Day. I’d already read the newspaper and cuddled with Birgit, and had a cup of coffee. “Where?” I asked. “Just south of the university. A townhome. We’ll close on the 21st. It’ll take a few days to get everything moved from the apartments.” “Good! How is Nicholas handling...

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Where do I begin Chapter 1

Where do I begin? I’m normally not very open about my private life, seeing as I grew up under the pretense that secrets are meant to be secrets. However it seems I have come to a point where I am comfortable with who I am and where I have been. Comfortable enough to bare to you all my deepest secrets. Deep breath in, slowly let it out. My name is Alicia, well that's my new name, my old name is Michael. If that confuses you then I should explain that I am a cross dresser, been so for about a few...

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Worthy of an Oscar

The text alert ring tone of his mobile phone awoke him from his daydream as he relaxed in the hotel restaurant with an after dinner brandy. It was from his wife Helen and read ‘There is a DVD 4 U in laptop bag. Inside pocket. DO NOT VIEW IN PUBLIC!’Startled, he rang her back only to get an ‘Unable to take your call’ response again. He had been attempting to call her for most of the day but there had been no response. They had argued that morning though, before he left, and Helen’s response...

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A Nat 20 to Love

"So Gorund The Vast charges up to the black dragon, fighting off the pain of the aura of pain that the dragon's minions casted earlier. He raises his ax high above his head, and with a single powerful stroke-" "Heh. Stroke." "Can it Jason. Anyway, Gorund raises his ax high above his head, and with a single powerful attack manages to decapitate the dragon, his head falling with a dull thud as blood soaks Gorund head to toe." "YES! MY ANCESTOR'S HAVE BEEN AVENGED WITH THIS BLOODY BAPTISM!" Tina...

4 years ago
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First LoveChapter 22

They were talking on the phone one night, and he mentioned that he was going away for a week, with his dad. "What for?" "Oh, just to go see some family and stuff. He said I could go, and maybe look at some schools around there." "Oh, I'm gonna miss you!" "Yeah, I'll miss you too." "When are you going?" "Um... Like, the 12th to the 18th I think. I'll have to check on it." "Wow, you get to miss school. Hey that's the week Danny comes down. You're gonna miss him!" "Oh...

1 year ago
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Shampoo Bottle

I decided to take a shower lastnite and as I walked into the bathroom, I dropped my shorts to the floor and removed my tight little tanktop, exposing my C-cup breasts. I turned the shower to full blast hot as I began to remove my panties, letting them drop to the floor. Steam immediately filled the room and fogged the mirrors, my body becoming hot as well. I stepped into my shower and allowed the hot water to trickle down my chest and feeling the water bead and drop from my breasts. I leaned up...

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Night of the Rubberdolls

“It’s settled, ladies,” announced Phil ‘Mandi’ Reeves on the three-way call.“I’m so excited,” replied Doug ‘LeeAnn’ French.“Me too,” added Gary ‘Sylvie’ Barber.“Me three,” giggled the fifty-two year-old Mandi.The three ladies were all avid rubber doll crossdressers. They had each been involved separately in the fetish, but made the acquaintance of one another over the course of the past two years. Mandi, who in her male life was a sales manager, was recently divorced and offered up her spot for...

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John and JoChapter 8

It was about sixty miles to Norwich Airport from John's house, and as it took about the same time to get to Norwich by train, and then from the station to the airport, as it did by road, John ordered a taxi to take them door to door. Their flight was due to leave at 08:45, so John asked for the taxi to pick them up at 06:30. "I suppose you've flown a lot!" Jo had said to John. "Yes, quite a bit. I take it this is your first time?" "Yes, Julie and I always intended to go abroad, but...

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SRU The Lust Charm

This story is a sequel to my story Envy Charm, written to the specifications of Robyn as a prize for my second story contest. SRU: The Lust Charm By Morpheus An incredibly hot looking blonde slowly walked down the corridor, her whole body swaying erotically with every step. She couldn't have been more than 20 at most, dressed in a tight skirt and halter top that left very little to the imagination. The faint tapping from her high heels echoed loudly, in spite of all the people that...

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Mom Came Home Pissed

What a son should not see or doIt was late when I heard a car stop outside the house and then there was a knock on the door, either my mom had lost her keys or she was to drunk to find the lock. It was her friend Susan from work holding my mom up against the wall waiting for me to take her inside. They had been to the Christmas work’s party and Susan’s husband had kindly offered to drop my mom off after having to collect his wife.Susan managed to prise herself away from my mom’s hug as I took...

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She surprised me

It was Saturday and I had to work 8:-noon. I returned home and Carol was still wearing her night clothes. A short neglige which barely covered her panties. She welcomed me with a wet kiss and said she had to take a shower   I got a beer out of the fridge. Half way thru the beer, I heard her say ‘Honey, come look at this’ I entered the bathroom and she stood before me completey naked. There was my angel completely nude and dripping wet. My eyes first looked at her beautiful blonde hair and...

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Life With AlphaChapter 15 AARD the Early Years

Diana and Zatanna's return was a fairly straightforward scenario. At first glance, it might seem that it would be more complex because for the first time the household knew they were coming and could prepare, but we had more than enough uncertainty about the specific arrival time built into the background story. As much as I like to discuss background stories, this time ... just read the previous chapter. For a quick one-line summary: They believed that traveling between their universe and...

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Low in the ColdChapter 10

It's Monday, late into the night, a few minutes away from midnight, and Philip is glad he made the decision to stay at home. After such enjoyable last few days, he isn't in the mood to go out to the crowded and noisy After Eight bar, so two hours ago, he sent a message to Daniel excusing himself saying he's feeling a bit sick. Ilene doesn't seem to have a problem with not going to Daniel's newfound job celebration at the bar. Wearing her old pajamas with a warm, brown pullover on top of...

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My Niece Comes to Stay Chapter II

Please read Chapter I prior to reading this continuing saga.As I watched Lauren at the pool over my sister’s shoulder, I imagined I was fucking my sexy little niece, if not just for a second or two. Soon I was pounding my cock inside her with every thrust. She was pushing her ass back to meet my every thrust. Her juices were trickling down the insides of her thighs as she moaned softly.It didn’t take us long to reach the edge of orgasm as we were both extremely aroused. As she began to shudder...

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Amys shoes

Amy is a good, long time friend of mine. We met in the spring of 1993 we hit it off nicely. I'm a mechanic by trade and it wasn't long before she was hitting me up to put a new engine in her car, a 1972 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme. I said ok, but I didn't really want to fuck with it.Amy knew enough about cars to be dangerous, but she was down right helpful in that she wasn't afraid to get dirty and we had the old engine out of the car and onto the floor in no time. That was when she asked me...

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Swim Coach Part II

Regina toyed with my dick for about a minute, I grew hard as could be. She laid back down, taking me with her."Let's try it on for size"I slid into her pussy. I couldn't enter all of the way at first. I slowly eased my dick in and out until her young pussy could take me.She knew what to do. She arched her back and worked her pussy against me. I stared down at her hard young tits and I came quickly. She smiled.As she put her robe back on and walked towards the door I heard her mumble. "Road...

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Chubbyy Granny

This is a true story about my affair with an older woman. It happened in 2017. It's not 100% accurate because i don't remember everything but it is real. A little about Val. She was 60 when things started with us. She is about 5 feet 2 inches and has a nice big ass, both wide and out there, with some nice big tits too. Val is a chubby grandma and even has a great grandk**. She is divorced and has been single for about 16 years. She lived with her mother for the last 12 years or so(or her...

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Big Time with Big Girl chapter 01

Introduction: A large woman divorces and decides to have some fun His hands roamed across her body, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she felt his embrace, His tongue traced around her aereola as she moaned softly, enjoying the attentions of her lover. Then he was standing up as he pulled on his tight briefs again, Oh, how she loved a man with a tight butt. Ill be back in a moment my dear, But first, we need more wine! he kissed her longingly and slipped away to the Kitchen as she lay back...

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Nadine Part V

I have never had any objections to shopping. In fact, I quite enjoy going round shops, so long as I am not the one having to try anything on. That, and I need to be fed coffee. So when Nadine asked me if we could spent one Saturday shopping instead, I was quite happy to oblige. Besides, knowing her state of mind, or at least the state of mind she’d been in since our holiday, I was half expecting a trip to Ann Summers or such shop. I was becoming familiar with her underwear collection now and...

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Sheilas Crisis

"Sheila, it's not the end of the world. You'll get over this.""Yeah, sure. You're married to a great guy, have a job and I've just been dumped and have no job," Sheila tearfully replied."Hey, let's be honest," her friend Caitlin said. "You chose a married man to shack up with who just happened to be your boss. It wasn't a good combination.""Okay, maybe I can deal with my principal lying about divorcing his wife. It just didn't make sense that he fired me."Caitlin held her friend's hand and...

Straight Sex
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South of Bikini Homeworld

South of Bikini Episode 7 "Homeworld" 0800 hours, Ni'ihau, Hawaii, May 8th, 1944 "Good morning, Empress." "Good morning, Corrine." "'Morning, Empress." "Good morning, Jamie." "Good morning, Empress." "Hi, Tish." "Good morning, Empress." "Hi, already! Oh, et too, Alex?" Allie seemed a little upset this morning as I approached on an intercept. We were both on course for breakfast. As usual, the...

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my ssbbw wifes first time getting shared

This is the first of a few times sharing my ssbbw wife with a friend. I am posting this via my cell phone so please forgive any mistakes that I might make in my gramar.A hot summer day a few years back the in-laws calle us and asked if we wanted to go out with them on their house boat for the day. We had partied the night before and had a friend (chuck) spend the night since he had 1 or 15 too many. He was happy to join us for yet another full day of booze and fun. We started the hour long...

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A Little Neighborly Help

Chapter 1 Do you remember the first time you masturbated? I do. I'm a guy and the day is etched in my mind. It was summer, school was out, my mom and dad had gone to work and I was slowly waking up but not ready to get up and get my breakfast. So, I rolled over on my stomach and moved my hips around getting comfortable as my penis lengthened and began to feel very good. I scooted around some more as it just felt better and better. I flopped over onto my back as my dick pushed my white...

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