CrunchChapter 8 free porn video

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Today was a 'visit the doctor' day. Orthopedist, to be exact. Time to get a tuneup on my broken leg. The day started with Ronni getting out of bed, going to the bathroom, and then coming back to check on me. She bent over and kissed me a few times, bringing me from drifting along in that sweet spot between sleep and wake to fully awake. She led me to the bathroom for my early morning ritual, and then helped me to my chair in the living room.

She went in the kitchen to start a pot coffee. While she was in there I heard her on the phone.

"Hi, mom!," She said. "Yeah, we're up. I was just checking to see if you're making breakfast. Otherwise, I'm fixing him a bowl of Cheerios." She giggled. "No, Mom. THAT'S not the reason." She paused. "Oh, don't worry about it. I'm sure a bowl of Cheerios won't kill 'im."

So I got to eat a bowl of Cheerios for breakfast. She sat in the chair near me, sharing the TV tray. We turned on the news and let it play in the background. Finishing the Cheerios, Ronni collected the bowls and took them into the kitchen, returning with two cups of coffee.

She turned the TV off. "Do we really need this noise? she asked. "I mean, it's just so serene this time of the morning. I don't know how much of this we'll get to enjoy. Usually there's something going on."

"Yeah," I said. "I'd normally be at work by now." That was the truth. On a normal day, I got up at six, out the door at 6: 30 and in my office at seven. But for the past few weeks, life was anything but normal.

A little later in the morning, Ronni help me get dressed for my upcoming doctor's appointment. Putting a shirt on me wasn't a problem anymore since the bandages were off my arm. Pants, though were another problem entirely. The cast was too bulky to pull pants up over.

"Tell you what," I told Ronni. "Look up on the top shelf inside my closet. There's some old medical scrubs that I use for knocking around the house."

"Yeah, I remember seeing you wear those."

"Uh-huh," I said, "that cotton is comfortable in the summertime. Let's sacrifice a pair those trousers."

She came back with a pair. "I think they're the rattiest looking pair you had," she said. "Let's get these pajamas off of you," she smiled, kneeling in front of me. As she unsnapped my pajamas, she started giggling. "Oops," she tittered, "forgot you don't have underwear on."

I laughed. "Yeah, okay 'forgot'. I haven't had underwear on for four weeks, and YOU'RE the one that has dressed me."

She looked around quickly, then her head bobbed downward, her mouth opened, and she sucked my semi-erect dick into her mouth. "Mmmmm," she purred.

I expelled a breath. "Baby," I said, "don't tease me."

Her eyes laughed as she released me from her mouth. "'S not teasing, love. It's just a sample." She started pulling the scrub trousers up over my legs. When she got as high as she could over the cast, she stopped. She looked at me. "Scissors?"

"Yep! Snip 'em right up the seam so you can pull the pants all the way up."

She complied. The result was something that wouldn't win fashion shows but met the requirements of modesty. I wasn't going to a four-star restaurant, I was going to a doctor's office. After she finished with the pants thing, she put a sock and shoe on my left foot. Then she giggled. "If I was really dressing you up," she laughed, "I think I'd paint your toenails."

"Be careful, little one," I said. "You will be a hopeless cripple forever."

About 20 minutes after that, we heard a knock on the door. I looked at Ronni. "Baby, can you get that?" I said, sarcastically.

And she bounced up, turned, sticking her tongue at me. Opening the door, she said, "Hi, Dad! He's ready."

The two of them loaded me into the wheelchair, wheeled me out to the car, and seated me in the front passenger seat. Ronni crawled in the back seat behind me after she buckled my seat belt. Alex loaded the wheelchair in the back of the SUV, then drove us to the doctor's office where they unstrapped me and rolled me into the waiting room.

It wasn't long before my name was called and I was wheeled back into the bowels of the office. I was laid on the table, the old cast removed, a set of x-rays taken, and a new shorter, lighter cast was applied.

"Okay, Mister Dave," the doctor said. "You're coming along quite nicely. You can start hobbling around a little bit with this cast. You can put a little weight on the leg. Try using it a little bit to keep the muscles from atrophying. Use crutches if you wanna move around any real distance."

"How much longer am I going to have a cast?" I asked.

"Another two or three weeks," he said. He looked at Ronni, then back at me. "You know," he said, "I can set you up with a plastic surgeon if you want to see if you can do something about that scar on your head. Hair'll cover up most of it, but they can probably make it a little less obtrusive."

"Ronni? You think I'll try and get it fixed so I can pursue a career as a male model?"

Ronni giggled. "That's up to you, babe," she said. "We can talk about that later, but I don't think it's a problem."

I looked at the doctor. "She gets to say," I said. "She's the future Mrs. Johnson," I told him. "Our wedding day is set for the day after I get my cast off, so that's why I'm asking."

He looked at the two of us and said, "You don't have to wait till the stupid cast comes off. I know I wouldn't." He smiled.

We had a little talk about painkillers and about do's and don'ts and then I slid back into my wheelchair and out the door we went, the proud possessor of a fine a new pair of crutches. Thirty minutes later we were home. When we came in the driveway, Alex and Ronni came around with the wheelchair.

"No," I said, "let me try the crutches. It's about time I was able to get around on my own." Gingerly I eased out of the seat of the SUV, carefully positioning the crutches, tripodding myself on my good leg and the two crutches. I eased my left leg down. "There!" I said, "I'm standing all by myself."

Ronni giggled. She knew I was trying to be funny. "Wow! Just like a big boy!"

"You sure you're okay, Dave?" Alex asked.

"No," I said. "Your daughter shows horrible disrespect for her future husband."

He laughed. "Gets it from her mom..."

I took a first tentative step, then another, and then confident of my new success, I proceeded to my own front door with Ronni hovering nervously beside me.

"Ron, give 'im a little room!" Alex said. "He needs to be able to do that on his own."

"Why? I'm gonna take care of 'im anyway, crippled or not. He's my husband." She smiled at her dad, then pulled the keys out of her purse and opened the front door so I could go in.

Alex walked in behind us, checking on things around the house for me. "It's time to cut your yard again," he said. "I can do it."

"Nope," I said. "Get the kid up the street. He does a good job and he'll appreciate the money, and you an' me can sit on the front porch an' drink beer and watch 'im."

"Yep, if you wanna be one of those guys that just sits on his front porch an' watches other people do their yard work." Ronni said. She looked at her dad with an exaggerated frown.

"See," Alex laughed. "She's already denying you your simple pleasures." He sighed. "You gonna call that kid to cut your grass?"

"Yeah," I said. "His number's next to the phone." I lowered myself to the sofa. It was the first time I did that without assistance since the accident. I felt a sense of accomplishment.

"I'll call him," Ronni said.

"Well, if you two are gonna be okay, I'm gonna go see what Rena's doing. We need to get something for lunch anyhow," he said.

"Look," I said, "why don't you let me foot the bill for pizza for supper?" I said. "Savin' her the trouble of cooking dinner."

"Well, if she's already got it on the stove, then we wait'll tomorrow for the pizza thing?"

"Well, see what she's got going. It's always an option."

"Okay," Alex said. "I'll see you two later."

"We'll be okay, Dad," Ronni said. She watched her dad disappear across the yard, then turned to me, smiling. "Babe, you can walk now."

"And that means exactly what?" I asked.

"It means that just maybe you don't need to have me around here 24 hours a day."

"Are you out of your ever-lovin' mind?" I blurted. "If I have any choice about it, I'll never be without you around for the rest of my life." I looked at her. "Besides, hobbling around on crutches, I mean, that's a step, but I'm hardly a hundred percent."

She looked at me, smiling. "Dave, I don't WANT to go. But I've been here every night for the last four weeks, almost around the clock. You're not, like, that tired of me?"

"Not likely, sweet one," I sighed. "Didn't I say I loved you?"

"Yeah, but..."

"Don't make me chase you. C'mere, sweetie."

She came closer. I took her hand. "Sit in my lap. I think I need to get my arms around you."

She complied, settling in gently. She looked at me with those big brown eyes. "Dave? Are you sure?"

"Are YOU sure? Baby, I love you. But I don't want to force you into anything. That includes you staying here, and that includes you marrying me."

"UH, Dave, that's not what I'm saying. I just thought..."

"If you thought I needed private time, sweetie, there may be a day where that crosses my mind. But I just can't see it. Not from here anyway." I kissed her.

She circled me with her arms and buried her face in my neck. I stroked her soft brown hair, and let my hand stroke her back, savoring her curves. "Baby, I want you to stay. Forever."

"Okay, baby," she whispered. "I was just trying to give you a little space."

"Sweetie," I said, "maybe when we're older, uh, when YOU'RE older, we may enjoy little bit of space but right now I just find myself very happy to have you around."

"You sure, Dave," she said. "Not just 'cuz I was, like, helpful?"

"Little girl," I said, "you were exactly as useful as I ever imagined you would be, being helpful at a time when I absolutely needed it. But that's not what we said to each other. It's one thing to lend a helping hand, even several. But you said you love me and when you said it, it was the most wonderful thing I ever heard. Because I love you. Ron, I want to MARRY you. I even asked your mom and dad. And you and I told the neighbors. Is that something that I would've done just to stay on your good side? Because you feed me? Take care of me?"

She looked at me from a very close distance. "Uh, Dave, I, uh, WE did a whole lot more."

"Silly, silly little girl! That's what I mean. We did stuff that I would NOT've done with you if I didn't love you. I wouldn't let you do things if I didn't think you loved me. We talked. Neither one of us was into any kind of casual sex thing. Love. Had to be." I stroked her face, willing my fingers to transmit my feelings directly to her.

"I'm sorry, baby," she said. "I guess sometimes, it just hits me. Dave, you gotta know how many nights I laid in bed thinking to myself how much I wanted to be with you. Married. I don't know why. But I do."

"Then don't get all flaky on me, cutie," I chided. "You an' me're gonna be together for a long, long time. We'll have plenty of time to get on each other's nerves an' get all aggravated an' have good days and bad days together. Okay?"

She answered with kisses.

We stayed that way for a while, me leaning back into the sofa, Ronni cuddled in my lap, her arms around my neck.

Finally, she got up. "Doctor said three weeks, an' you're out of your cast. D'ya wanna talk about the wedding?"

"If you still want to marry me," I said. "You sure?"

"Sorry, babe," Ronni said. "I know what's happenin'. I think I'm startin' my period. I get, I dunno, maybe just a little bit, you know, emotional?"

"So that's it? A period?"

She nodded, her brown eyes soft, a little sheepish expression on her mouth. "I'm sorry. Forgive me?"

"Of course I forgive you. Even though you haven't done anything wrong. I mean, everybody's got MOODS. As long as you still love me."

"Only on days that end with 'Y'," she giggled. "Now, about that wedding..."

"What about it?"

"Dave, you get a say-so in this thing."

"No," I said, "I get a Ronni. It's, like, the BEST thing in the world."

"But baby," she said, "how do you want to do it?"

"Sweetie," I said, "I thought we had that all figured out. You. Me. Your mom and dad. My sister and her family. And past that, we send out invitations. We already invited George and Martha. And anybody else in the neighborhood that might be interested. I'll invite some people from work. You might want a few people from school. What else?"

"Like who's gonna do the ceremony?"

"Didn't we say the pastor of your church?" I thought for a second. "Why don't you see if your mom can come over? I mean, if you want her to. She might have some ideas, but at least she needs to hear what we're talking about."

"That sounds like a good idea." She picked up the phone and dialed her house. "Hi, Mom! Are you busy?" Pause. "Yeah, if you can. Me an' Dave want to talk to you." Pause. "Okay! Just walk on in. The door's unlocked." Pause. "Okay! See you in a minute. Love you, Mom!"

Ronni turned to me. "An' now we give you a few kisses. I owe you."

"Owe me?"

"For gettin' all stupid and everything." Before I could reply, she was kneeling beside me on the sofa, her arms around me, little kisses preventing me from speaking. She stopped when she heard her mom's footsteps on the porch.

Rena knocked. Ronni went to the door and opened it. "Mom! I SAID it was unlocked!"

Rena laughed. "Then how come you bounced off the sofa when you heard my steps on the porch?"

"'Cuz I didn't want you walking in on me, kissing him."

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Cletus Tucker4Chapter 7

Colorado Territory, September, 1871 It was time for the big fall buffalo hunt. Cletus was looking forward to this, since he had missed out on the Yankton hunt. He had talked to Howling-Wolf, the leader of the hunt, about having Cletus shoot a number of animals with his Henry. Cletus proposed that he and one other man sneak up on the buffalo herd and Cletus would shoot those animals picked out by his spotter. As an experiment, they would kill up to 10 animals. Howling-Wolf agreed. On the...

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The LotteryChapter 38

Lisa opened her door and got out of the car, Megan followed her up to the front door of Tom's house, and they waited for someone to answer the bell. "Hi Lisa, hi Megan," Tom said after opening the front door and inviting the girls in. "How are you guys doing? Jack is in the family room, we have been waiting for you. I put a new roll of black and white film in my camera so we can take some pictures." The girls listened to Tom talk non-stop as they followed him. When they got to the...

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New Feelings

Introduction: A teacher with new desires cannot resist New Feelings Entirely fiction! I watched the young middle school girls come in too my room, waiting for me too finish a little work so i could work with them in this after school session. Oh god, the thoughts, my dreaded thoughts. I could never do anything like that, im a 25 year old women! Im way too mature to be thinking about.. those things. But i liked thinking those thoughts, thats how they crept up on me. For the last week, every...

4 years ago
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Crown Casino Adventure

Crown Casino Adventure. I love Crown Casino in Melbourne. It's full of life, fun and atmosphere. The gamblers, the party people, the security staff, it's all fun. Shops, restaurants, the cinemas, the river -- there's something for everyone. This is a story about one particular adventure I had when I visited Crown recently. I hope you like it. Georgie, my best friend and I, went into town to go shopping. We had both dropped our kids off at friends for the night, and our husband's, Steve and...

Group Sex
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Pinwheel RemasteredChapter 10 Epilogue

“But I don’t want to drill with the Krell,” the Borealan recruit protested, her brow furrowing as she glanced over at one of the massive reptiles. She clutched her long, bayoneted XMR against her chest, her fuzzy tail flicking back and forth in irritation. “They’re so big and slow, they won’t be able to keep up!” “You’ll do as the Instructor tells you,” Raz chided, a sting in her voice. “Or you’ll have to answer to me.” The younger Borealan recoiled, hunching her shoulders in a display of...

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First Meeting

Maria Sanchez sat by herself at a small table in a quirky little coffee shop aptly named The "C" Cup. She had picked a spot in the coffee shop where she could sit and wait for the arrival of the man she expected to meet there. She wanted to watch the door and get some kind of perceived "advantage" of seeing him before he saw her. Maria's mystery man was supposed to arrive at 11:00 a.m., so she had gotten there about twenty minutes early in order to gather herself together and to watch for him....

4 years ago
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The ParalegalsChapter 3 Ab Inito From the Beginning

For the next several hours we sat there watching the videos over and over again. When that didn't get us anywhere, I took another DVD player from one of the bedrooms and hooked it up to the television so we could watch the videos side by side in split screen mode. None of which helped us at all. For example, one thing we learned was that both videos were definitely two recording of the same event but from two different angles. Another thing was that they were also of such good quality...

3 years ago
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Teresas Christmas Story

This story is a vignette meant to stand on its own as a story, though based upon characters in my ongoing police drama series.’ This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, nor criminal activity, and any depictions of any of these in this story should not be construed as...

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Sibling Seduction Ch 20

Bonnie had changed to her sleepwear – white T-shirt and blue shorts, and came into the spare room with a pile of blankets for her brother. “Goodnight.” She said with a knowing smile. She leaned forward and kissed him. Their kissed lingered a little, and he pulled her upper lip outward slightly. She went to bed where her boyfriend lay, Jeff went to the living room, sat on the couch, and watched TV. Bonnie lay beside Jack, deep in thought. She could feel her brother’s semen leak out of her...

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Surprise BDSM For the ladies

Now imagine you walk into your house and go to turn on a light, only to discover the power is out. You decide to go to bed its late anyways, surely the power will be on in the morning. As you enter your room and close the door you’re grabbed by the throat. You’re pushed back hard against the door, yet not with the intention of hurting you too badly. As you gasp from the surprise and brief amount of pain your attacker forces his tongue past your lips kissing you.The way he kisses you, there’s...

1 year ago
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Birthday girl0

Once we got inside I drew myself to showing the weapons I carried on my belt and the knife next to Kelly’s neck. I made sure it was known what I expected. I took the ties I had within my pocket and instantly made Kelly aware of how tight they would be. Placing the gag around her mouth as she sobbed. I sat her at the nearest dining room chair and then was next to bring Marie to the other chair, doing the same. I turned to Dan who’s cigar I took from his lips and pressed to the table in a cloud...

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BusherChapter 17 Dave

That long weekend with Emmy was the happiest four-day period of my life to date. There just wasn't any doubt about it! I had offered her a chance to just relax, back at the apartment, and skip one or more of our ballgames, but she wouldn't hear of it. She and Eddie were right there at the same old stand, for all three games, Friday through Sunday. And Eddie quietly disappeared again, right after the Sunday afternoon game, so that Emmy and I could have a little time together before she had...

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TGirl Kim Becomes a Slave for the Weekend P5

::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: 3:...

4 years ago
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My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 6 Katies Revenge

Katie’s Revenge It had been four weeks since our encounter with Joel. Katie and I had talked about what had happened and how I ruined her trust, didn't respect her and embarrassed her. I had sent her flowers, cards and took her out for romantic dinners. She said she wasn't going to divorce me but I had to regain her trust. Katie and I hadn't had sex and I hadn't cum since the dressing room at the Gap. I was horny as hell. I tried everything to get my wife to have sex but she refused telling me...

3 years ago
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Demon Dream

Last Saturday night, I brought a guy home, looking to get fucked. Turned out he was a wimp: when I said ‘no,’ he actually took me seriously and stopped! Jesus! Whatever happened to men????? After he left, I was frustrated, my body on fire with the need for cock. Before wimping out, he had fondled my breasts and licked my nipples. I was insane with lust! I went to bed alone, my tits hot and swollen, nipples erect, my cunt soaking wet. I’m amazed I got to sl**p at all. At least, I think I...

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Me and 2 black men

Hello again this is EvA…I am a 40 year old tranny. I do not consider my self a crossdresser anymore, because I am doing that for so long that I have been transformed to a very sexy and feminine ladyboy. I have been taking also hormones for 4 years, on and off and I already saw many changes…my boobies are growing, becoming poutier and have sensitive nipples. My skin is sooo soft and my hips are getting bigger giving me a pear figure… I also see changes in my feelings, being more sensitive and...

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Im only 15, I told the local church minister,as he rammed his cock firmly up my gaping arse,keep still boy he said, do as you are told,do you want to go to hell, no sir,then be thaankful Im here to help you free all those Demons inside of you, He held my hips tightly and was shafting me with his 8" cock, .This is the third time he,s raped me, he likes to have me suck his cock while he gives his Thursday evening address, in the pulpit I have sit and wait for him,and as soon as he arrives ,he...

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GirlsWay Maddy O8217Reilly Darcie Dolce Basking In The Afterglow

Darcie Dolce is smitten with Maddy O’Reilly and misses her lover very much. Basking in the afterglow of a passionate night, she lounges in bed and begins to stroke her pussy. She pulls off her bra and fantasizes about their explicit encounter, filled to the brim with longing. The girls have just arrived home from their date and they are ravenous for each other. Maddy pulls down the top of Darcie’s dress and exposes her huge natural breasts. Then Darcie pulls up the bottom of...

2 years ago
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Doggie DoctorChapter 2

Mimi Spender cried, screamed, kicked, and pleaded to her guardian angels. It did no good. Pinned to the hay stack with that smirking photographer squatting victoriously over her, she wondered how she could have been so stupidly ignorant as to let this man sweet talk her into getting naked. His immense hairy balls were brushing her flat smooth belly, his thick knob of a cock beginning to swell and harden as it dangled beneath his taut stomach. "C'mon, honey, stop playing hard to get. I know...

1 year ago
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A Most Unusual RomanceChapter 8

I sipped my coffee as Zoe finished her story. She looked up the end of her admission and smiled at me, “So do you still want me with you on your grand road trip.” I laughed and muttered, “So long as you realize I’m going to blame you for all the wrong turns I make.” She smiled and sat back in her seat and gave a contented little burp. She shot me an embarrassed grin. “I take it that means you’re done?” She nodded. I paid our bill, and we headed out to check on the car. Zoe stopped me at...

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I worked nights and live with a friend like a brother he hAd his mom n dad and two young teen sisters one wAs 12 and 14 i stayed off the room had ajoing bath room i was tired i got out shower and climbed in bed naked about 7 am i got off at 5 i herd shower than i watched my door open a little and i could see in she pushed it more open i saw the younger one in panties n bta she looked in my room i had moved cover bsck n it was hard she walked over anf after swhile sucked it only took a few min...

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The End of an Affair

"So this is how it starts," she thinks to herself, "the beginning of the end..." It's not what she'd expected, her brain works on switches; off and on; black and white; indecision, shades of grey, they are not part of her world. But this, this is different and it scares her because she recognises there's no easy way to do this, because a big part of her isn't ready to end this yet. She's not bored, in fact, she's far from bored of him. He still manages to surprise her, make her...

4 years ago
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Gigiyude Mulakal

Alla vayanakkarkkum swagatham nerunnu. ethu oru masam munne nadanna ante anubhavam aanu. Athinde thrill vayanakkaraya malayaikale ottum thanne choodarathe ariyikkan anikku aagraham undu. Exactly ethu nadannathu may 29th friday aanu. (njangalude perukal real alla for privacy). athinu munne njangal parijayapetta thu anghineyennu parayam. njan oru business man aanu. Anikku whole sale garments nde agency aanu. Ernakulam gillayil aanu njan stapanam nadathunnathu. Ante friend mukhenayanu gigiyude...

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My girlfriends mother

This happened to me back in the 70s. In those days, sex was a lot different than today. Women didn't shave their privates. Neither did men. Sex was a lot more restricted I guess, but at the same time, dresses were short and women wore low cut blouses. They also wore pants that were tight a lot and highlighted a woman's thighs and ass. It was a different time, but people were still horny and wanted to fuck, but we kept it more to ourselves than the way things are today.I was in my first year of...

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Slavers of AgharaPenthay

Olga Anastasia To my muses – Werner H, Humilator, Brian S: I hope this pleases you. Olga. x 1 – MIA When an emergency call comes to the university and it’s summoning me to The Fortress, I sink straight into despair. It’s just as I’ve long feared. There is one reason anyone at that place would want to see me, and only one reason for the nightmares. Something has happened to my precious Gara. Of course they do not tell me that over a public holo-screen. I’m pulled from a lecture and into the...

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Bet you cant make me Gay Bets a Bet

"It's time to wake up now."With just those six words, I regained the ability to open my eyes. Regained? I guess that's not the right word. I'd only just dozed off—nothing more."Well, how do you feel?" The hypnotist grinned at me. I didn't see why he was grinning, though. He was a friend of mine. His name was Kyle and he liked to think he was a master when it came to hypnosis. I guess in a sense he was. I did get into a trance, after all—well, I did if that's what you call falling asleep from...

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My First Lovers Mother Daughter part th

My First Lovers, Mother, Daughterby Tawny T.I almost went ape. The combined vibrations seemed to come from a thousand places at once. She did as I had done, and slid them alternating in and out of my two holes. I exploded almost at once. My body seemed to short circuit. I was one huge massive pussy, exploding at once. I screamed again and again against the mattress. She said that, even then, I filled the room with my cries of passion.According to her I came six times before I grabbed her arm...

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Just Another Day At The Track

The day was bright and sunny. There was a slight chill in the air on this early summer morning, but that was perfect. I stood at the edge of the track and looked it over. There had been some concern as it had rained pretty hard last evening. But the morning sun and breeze had helped to dry out some of the mud. It was turning into a gorgeous day and I'm sure the conditions would be fine. Everything seemed so serene, so peaceful. It would stay that way for about twenty more minutes, until...

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