Addiction_(0) free porn video

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“So Doc, ahh crazy question - is it possible to be um, like, addicted to a person?” It was a crazy question and Tom was somewhat embarrassed by even asking it, but it was a question that he had been wondering about for days now.

The doctor, actually a psychologist, was a bespectacled balding man in his fifties, who had heard a whole lot of crazier things in his twenty odd years of practice. He was aware that Tom was serious and he needed more information before he could give an answer. “Do you think that you are addicted to a person Mr. Jensen?”

Tom took a deep breath and scratched his forehead before answering “Well, there’s this girl that I kinda like, I guess, but I like lots of girls if you know what I mean.” He glanced up at the doctor who was writing something on his clipboard, then continued. “I mean, I kinda play the field right now, you know, I’m not really ready to settle down just yet. But then there’s this girl who is hot, and I went out with her a few times, and it was good you know, but it was just like any other time and any other girl. She was just a… a distraction I guess. You know she was fun and all, but not any more than that.” He stopped to think about what else to say because the rest was tricky.

The doctor looked up and adjusted his glasses “Go on Mr. Jensen, you're doing fine.”

Another sigh and then “Well, we went out like, maybe three times and I was still seeing other girls. She knew that too. I told her that I wasn’t exclusive with her from the beginning, it wasn’t like I was hiding it you know. And then, one night, she calls me out of the blue and says she wants to see me. Actually she told me that she wanted sex. It wasn’t the first time we had sex either. So I went over and, like one thing leads to another you know and we get undressed and she, like pulls my face down to her… you know.”

“She wanted you to perform oral sex on her.” the good doctor finished for him.

“Yeah that’s it. So like I go down there and I smell her… and it’s like there’s something about her smell. It’s not normal, but not in a bad way or anything. It was like I couldn’t get enough of her smell, and she kept encouraging me to. ‘Keep smelling me’ she says and ‘that’s it, breathe it all in’. It’s like she knew something, but at the time I didn’t realize anything was wrong. I just kept smelling her scent and it was like heaven.” He glanced up at the doctor and realized that he was listening intently this time, not writing anymore.

“Can you describe what you felt as you were smelling her?”

“I really didn’t think so at the time but later when I thought about it I realized that I felt… almost high. Like I was intoxicated by her odor. The weirdest part of this is that I keep having these cravings now. I can’t stay away from her for more than a day or I have… withdrawals.”

The doctor adjusted himself in his chair, as if he had become uncomfortable, and asked his next question. “Can you explain what you mean by ‘withdrawals’?”

“Well, I haven’t gotten sick or anything, but I get really tense and I can’t think clearly. All I can think about is getting back between her legs and smelling her and licking her. Even when I’m with another woman, we could be having sex and I could be eating her pussy” he paused when he realized how crudely he just spoke and looked to see if he had offended the doctor. There was no discernible difference in his demeanor so Tom continued “Sorry, I could be performing oral sex and I’m still thinking about how quickly I can get out of there to go see Ka- the other girl. It’s bizarre.”

“What about your job, has that suffered at all?” The doctor inquired.

Another deep breath from Tom and then “Yeah, I think about her at work all the time. My boss has noticed that I haven’t been myself and was asking me what was going on. I told him that I have some personal issues that I’m dealing with. Doc, it’s affecting every aspect of my life lately. If I go more than one day without seeing her, without smelling her, I can’t sleep, I can’t function, and I’m afraid that it’s getting worse.”

“When was the last time you was with her?”

“I went to her place last night around eight o’clock and every night I feel the need to go over earlier. Just a few days ago I could hold out until ten P.M. And when I go to her place, even when I just pop in without calling, she’s expecting me, like she knows I’m going to show up.”

The good doctor sat for about twenty seconds thinking about what he had been told then gave his perspective “Well, to be honest Mr. Jensen, you can’t become addicted to a person's smell; however, the juices that an aroused female produces from her vagina can be quite an aphrodisiac to a heterosexual man, and may create the feelings that are similar in fashion to an addiction. It seems to me though that your reaction is much more intense than normal. It has affected all aspects of your life and that is not a good thing. Not to belittle you Mr. Jensen, but I believe that what you are experiencing is all in your head. Perhaps your feelings for this young lady are deeper than what you are willing to admit. Love works in strange ways you know.”

“I’m NOT in love with her, if that’s what you think. She’s cute and all, but she’s not really my type.”

“But you’ve slept with her.”

“Yeah, she was a good time and all, but I don’t want to marry her or anything.”

Nodding his head, the doctor of psychology stood up and glanced at the clock on the wall. “I’m going to teach you some exercises to help calm you and focus you. I believe that this will be an easy fix, but you just need to focus your brain on something other than the young lady that has got you in such a fix. I’m also going to recommend that you get an over the counter sleep aid to help you get a good nights rest. I think you can take care of this relatively easy Mr. Jensen, and you’ll realize that you are not really addicted to her at all, just infatuated.”

“I hope you are right doc.”


Later that evening, Tom started feeling the urge again around five P.M., and he immediately started doing the breathing exercises that he had learned earlier. Deep breathing and shaking out the stress helped him feel better after ten minutes and he was confident that it was going to work. The doctor told him that if he could resist going back to her, his body would forget the craving and he could go back to his normal life. It lasted about twenty minutes while he attempted to keep himself busy, but then he started to think about her again. He resisted for ten minutes then did the breathing again until he was relaxed and thinking clearly again. This time it took him twenty minutes to calm down and it was now six o'clock.

He made himself busy cooking dinner and tried singing along to the radio, but soon found himself with the cravings again. He glanced at the clock and was surprised to see that it was only ten past six and he felt even more jittery than before he did the calming exercises the second time. He had planned to tough it out until eight o'clock and then take a sleeping pill, hoping that if he made it through the night, he would put as much distance between himself and her as possible.

He tried to ignore the feelings that were building in him, he was still cooking after all, but soon he was so preoccupied that he wound up burning his meal. Hungry and angry at himself, he sat down and started once more with the breathing. Even doing his exercises, he still couldn’t calm his incessant cravings and after just ten minutes of trying, he decided he needed the sleeping pills. The problem was that when he left the doctor's office, he had forgotten to stop at the pharmacy and that meant that he had to go out now. Grabbing his keys he headed out the door.

He nearly made it to the pharmacy before he turned and headed toward Kayla’s house. He was convinced that she had done something to him and he was determined to confront her and find out what. He broke more than one speed limit on the way and finally pulled into her driveway. It was seven o'clock.

Tom jogged up the front steps and stopped at the door. He took a deep breath and let it out between pursed lips and then knocked loudly. As he waited rather impatiently, he noticed that his usually steady hand was trembling badly. He made a fist and crossed his arms over his chest. A few seconds later, he heard a female voice from inside the house call out “You can come in Tom.” It was definitely Kayla, but how did she know it was him?

He opened the door and walked into the foyer, closing the door behind him. He made his way down the short hallway to the room he assumed she would be, and as he walked he was struggling with conflicting emotions. On one hand, he was angry with himself for being so weak and angry with Kayla because he was sure that she had something to do with his problem; on the other hand, he was excited and couldn’t wait to be in the same room with her.

He turned right and walked into the living room and was relieved to see she was lounging on the couch. She looked the same as always; shoulder length, fiery red curly hair, a smattering of freckles on her cheeks and forehead, thick soft red lips, and a cute little nose. Her eyes were what Tom always noticed first though. Her eyes just had a way about them that he found super sexy. No matter what the conversation was about or what she was looking at, he thought that her eyes were her best feature. Her body wasn’t too shabby either, although in his mind, she could have lost a few pounds. She wasn’t fat by any means, but she had a little more belly fat than he preferred. He also thought that her ass had too much cushion. Even though he would agree that she was a beautiful woman, and perfect for some lucky guy, she wasn’t right for him because he wanted to be seen with a Barbie doll girl.

“Hi Tom, I’ve been waiting for you.” She said, smiling sweetly.

Tom was confused because he hadn’t told her he was coming over. “Why, were expecting me?” he asked.

“Come on Tom, we both know that you can’t resist me.”

Tom had all he could do to keep himself from rushing over to her and diving between her legs, but his anger was also rising. “WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO ME!?!” he shouted, stepping around a table, but resisting the urge to jump on her.

Showing no fear, Kayla said “Sit down Tom.”

Feeling a drop of sweat rolling down his temple Tom was shocked by her attitude. After all, he was a strong man and she was a just a woman. He could easily have his way with her if he wanted, and yet she didn’t seem the least bit worried. He fought the urge to keep yelling and said “I don’t want to sit down, I want to know the truth.”

“Tom, when I tell you to do something, I expect you to do it and not question it. Now sit your ass down.”

He paused for only a second, and then he sat on the footstool in front of her. If someone had asked him later why he had sat when she ordered him, he would have said it was because he wanted to know what she had done to him, but the truth was, he didn’t know why he obeyed her.

“Good boy.” She beamed brightly again. “Okay, so you want the truth huh? I knew that you would soon enough. So, where to begin? Well to start with, the company I work for, Scent Designs, started testing what we like to call ‘designer scents’. The idea is that they will take a sample of a clients DNA and use that to make a scent that is perfectly matched to that person. They needed a variety of DNA from several different people and I volunteered. They made scents for twenty different people and started testing it on the first five volunteers. I was in the last five so I originally didn’t get any of my special scent.

The tests were a success, at first. The first five volunteers were told to bring in their favorite perfume or cologne. They used the store bought stuff on one arm and the specialized scent on the other. A panel of judges were assigned the task of smelling each arm individually, and then picking which scent they preferred. Apparently, it became quite obvious that something was different when the judges were smelling the designer scents. They all picked the DNA enhanced versions without first being told which arm was which.”

“A day after the initial tests were conducted, both the judges and the subjects all started to experience some peculiar side effects. The judges were desperate to get back to the person that they originally smelled. They had become addicted, because of one smell. Meanwhile, the test subjects all begged for more of the scent. Well the testing should have stopped right then, but instead, the judges and the test subjects were given what they wanted. Each test subject was given more of their individual scent, and each judge was allowed to smell them. I was lucky enough to be able to watch what was happening, and I’ve got to tell you Tom, I was enthralled.”

“These people were relative strangers, but it was as if they had lost their inhibitions. No one got naked or anything, but I’m talking, judges were sticking their noses in places that they would never had done had it not been for the scent, and no of them seemed to care in the least, as long as they got what they wanted. Well after that, all production of new designer scent was halted until our scientists could figure out the whole addiction thing, and the other fifteen test subject were put on hold, no one else could use the stuff. I mean, we wanted something that people were going to love, but not become addicted to.”

“Meanwhile, the original five test subjects and judges continued on with the experiment. At least for a few more days anyway. You see, one other side effect became apparent after a few days of usage. Parts of the test subjects bodies were...enlarging and becoming more sensitive with each application of the scent. It was determined at that point that there were too many risks to continue the program, so it was shut down. All the people who became addicted had to go through specialized detox. There was no long term damage done, but the rest of the designer scents that were made were all supposed to be destroyed. I didn’t want my batch to be destroyed Tom, I wanted what the test subjects had, and I needed to find a way to get my scent before it was destroyed.”

“Luckily for me though, the guy that was responsible for destroying the samples likes me. He’s a nice guy, but he’s kind of a geek, not at all like you. All I had to do was bat my eyelashes a few times and promise him a blowjob and he snuck out my sample. Then I just needed to pick the perfect person to be my bitch, and after I found out how good you are in the sack, all I had to do was invite you over for sex and spray on some of my special scent. You were hooked immediately, and every time that you smelled my pussy after that you were more addicted until now.”

Tom was incensed and yet he could only think of getting his fix. He started mumbling out loud, his mind a jumbled mess “I knew it was something. I told him but he didn’t believe me. He will now though, he has to believe me.” Tom didn’t even realize that he was talking out loud.

Kayla heard it all and quickly leaned forward “Who did you tell Tom?” she asked. She watched his eyes darting around and realized that he needed a fix to clear his mind. She hadn’t yet sprayed herself with the scent so she said “Tom, wait here, I need to freshen up and then you can have this.” She pointed to her crotch and saw his eyes light up. “I’ll be right back” she assured and quickly hurried to the bathroom. She could hear Tom still mumbling as she went. Once in the bathroom, she yanked her shorts down and grabbed the spray bottle. She pointed the sprayer at her pussy, but stopped before she sprayed. A wicked smile played over her face as an evil idea came to her. She bent forward at the waist and with her right hand she pulled her right ass cheek open. Then, with the bottle in her left hand, she placed the nozzle right up against her puckered asshole and squeezed the trigger. She felt the cool liquid spray in her anus and laughed out loud. She felt so wicked and couldn’t wait to see Tom’s face.


She walked back to the living room naked and saw Tom perk up when he saw her. She moved to the couch and sat in the center, spreading her legs wide apart. Tom nearly dove face first into her pussy and started sniffing all around. She watched him with amusement as he searched all around her sex but still wasn’t getting what he desperately needed. Finally he looked up at her in confusion. She burst out laughing at the expression on his face, she couldn’t help herself, he looked so pathetic. She took his face in her hands and pulled him up close to her face. “Honey,” she cooed “I’ve got a special treat for you tonight. I’ve hidden what you need somewhere on my body and it’s up to you to find it, if you really want it.”

Of course he really wanted it, and he was determined to find it too. Like a hound dog searching for a fox, he started sniffing all over her body, his nose tickling her. He was absolutely frantic as he sniffed up one side and down the other. He went up and down both arms and legs. Her feet had a unpleasant cheesy smell, but he worked his way around every inch and up the back of her legs. Finally he looked at her and said, “It’s not here, I’ve gone over every inch of you.”

Smiling again Kayla said “You haven’t smelled every inch yet.” and she motioned to the one part that he hadn’t smelled, the part she was sitting on. Her ass. He looked down at where she was sitting and back at her eyes. A tear rolled down his face as he realized how low he was at this point. Kayla reached up and wiped away the tear then said “If you want your fix, you need to lay on the floor.”

A once strong man who would never have let a woman treat him like this a few weeks ago, Tom hung his head dejectedly and rolled onto the floor. His brain didn’t want this and kept yelling at him to fight this feeling, but his body craved it so bad that his brain was overruled. He watched as she crawled on top of him and scooted her ass up to his chin. Looking down into his eyes she said “I’m afraid that your gonna have to go digging for it.”

He wondered what she meant as she slid over him. He looked up at her ass and from this perspective it seemed enormous. He started sniffing all over the globes of her cheeks first as she hovered about an inch over him. When that didn’t bring the results he craved, he stuck his nose into her sweaty crack and inhaled her womanly scent. Her smell was strong musk but not too unpleasant and he did get just a slight rush as a tiny bit of the designer scent was also inhaled. A little more investigation and he came to the realization that it was not on her ass but in her ass. He whimpered at the thought of what he had to do. He reached up and grabbed her by the waist and guided her asshole to his nose.

“Oh there you go, you got it now.” Kayla said as she let him pull her where he needed. She felt his nose sink into her crack and push up against her anus. She was absolutely loving the feeling of power she was feeling right now and thinking to herself that if it felt this good with one man, how great would it be to have more.

This wasn’t the first time Tom had been this close to a woman’s asshole, but this was quite different. In the previous instances, he had been the aggressor. Hell he was always the aggressor with women. In his mind that was the way it was supposed to be. The stronger male was the dominant one while the weaker female was the submissive. What was happening here was all wrong.

He kept sniffing deeply and was getting some of what he needed, but not nearly enough. It was like an alcoholic who only has one wine cooler. It is alcohol, but not enough. As degrading as it was, he was trying to insert his nose into her asshole, but it just wasn’t working. Then he heard her say something that made him wince. “Try sticking your tongue up there, that should work.” He cringed but he knew she was right. It was a horrible sinking feeling to think that he had to stick his tongue in her ass to get what he wanted, but his craving was so strong at this point that he tried. He tried but her sphincter muscle was too tight. He could feel himself getting frantic until he heard Kayla’s calming voice say, “Lick around it gently and it will open for you.”

He would try anything at this point so he started licking all around her puckered anus, lubing it up with his saliva. Kayla enjoyed the feeling of having her asshole licked and this being her first time, she decided then and there that she wanted to do it more. For about a minute that seemed like a lifetime to Tom, he licked her wrinkled brown hole. He was starting to think that licking gently wasn’t working when he realized that his tongue was actually sinking in deeper each time he slid it over. It was loosening so he took a chance and pushed hard and was rewarded as he sank in deeply. He heard Kayla moan loudly, but to him she seemed miles away.

There was a slight tingling sensation on his tongue and he felt a rush go through his body. It was so intense that his penis expanded rapidly and his mind came into clear focus. He had definitely hit the pay dirt that he was searching for, and he wanted more. The smell and taste were forgotten as was the depressing feelings he had felt and the shame. What he felt now was his need being taken care of. It was like a vampire who was feeding on the neck of a victim and getting strength from that feeding.

The feelings Kayla were experiencing was quite different. She was shocked at how good this ass play felt and she started rubbing her sopping pussy. She couldn’t remember the last time her pussy got this wet without anyone touching it. In fact, she was so turned on, she could smell her arousal stronger than ever before. Even that heightened her excitement. As the feelings intensified, she rubbed her clitoris faster and soon forgot that there was a man beneath her ass.

She lowered herself down so she was sitting full weight on his face. Her breathing had become a series of short sharp breaths sounding almost like a locomotive chugging down the tracks. “WHOO WHOO WHOO WHOO” Her fingers became a blur and she stretched her legs out straight which put more weight on Tom’s abused face. The muscles in her legs tightened up as the pressure built, this caused her ass cheeks to squeeze together, clamping down forcefully on his nose.

When Tom started getting what he needed out of Kayla’s ass he was in heaven, but as she lost control of her muscles and dropped on his face, he was just in pain. At first, the weight of her pressing on his face was bad enough, but at least her chunky ass was soft. He still had his tongue deep inside her and for the moment he was still able to breathe with some difficulty. But when her muscles clamped down, the softness disappeared and became hard. He couldn’t breathe anymore and his nose felt like it was about to snap like a twig. He pushed with his hands, trying to lift her up to relieve the pressure, but in his position, he had no leverage, and the little that he moved her only made things worse when he dropped her. He heard a snap and saw bright lights flash as the pain exploded in his head. He dug his fingernails into her thighs, shaking in agony and yelping, certain that his nose was busted now.

With absolutely no care in the world for the whimpering man underneath her, Kayla started bouncing her butt every so slightly up and down as her orgasm overtook her. Her body was covered in a sheen of sweat, her muscles ridged, her breath caught in her throat, and her pussy and ass contracting in ripples as she rode the pleasure wave. Sometime during her orgasm, her pussy squirted a small jet of clear fluid which dripped down into Tom’s hair, and she lost control and farted. She wasn’t screaming during her intense cum, she wasn’t much of a screamer anyway; instead she was gritting her teeth, her eyes rolled back, and her body trembled like a leaf in the breeze.

The agony for Tom intensified when she started to cum because she bounced up and down. Her ass that had been so soft earlier was now hard and unforgiving. Yet throughout the pain, he was still trying to get to the sweet nectar that was slowly dripping out of her ass. His need was being satisfied, his addiction being sated in spite of his pain and his asphyxiation. When she started cumming though, his tongue was forced out by her sphincter clamping down hard. He was just a seat now, for he was not helping her cum anymore. He felt wetness on his head and almost instantaneously his cheeks were filled with a powerful blast of hot fetid air. The gas that escaped her ass was sealed in completely by his face and much of was inhaled in his injured nose. Now his nose felt like it was on fire from the inside and he started slapping on her thighs with his hands, desperate to dislodge her.

The slapping on her thighs was a minor annoyance after the monumental orgasm left Kayla in a haze of bliss. She sat for another thirty seconds while her heart slowed and her muscles stopped trembling. Finally she slid her ass back to his chest, and gasped when she saw his face. He had been completely out of air for well over a minute and had nearly passed out. His face had gone past red and was nearly blue. A pulsating vein stood out on his forehead. His eyes were bloodshot and haggard looking. He had two black eyes and his nose was crooked. There was milky white cream mixed with brownish slime all over his face like a glazed donut. He looked as if he had just fought a heavyweight boxer. His eyes were open and he still awake, but barely. Kayla slapped him lightly on his cheeks until he woke up fully, then climbed off him to let him recuperate.

Tom rolled on his side and held his face in his hands. “You broke my fucking nose.” he said, although it sounded more like “You bwoke my fuckin dose.” Kayla genuinely felt bad for breaking his nose but she didn’t want him to know that so she bit her lip and said “Oh you poor baby, you’re lucky I didn’t smother you to death. Now, if you want to be able to get what you need easier next time, you’ll tell me who you talked to about me.”

Tom turned back to look at her “What?” he asked, forgetting that he had said anything.

“After I told you about the designer scents you said ‘I told him but he didn’t believe me.’
So who did you tell Tom?”

Tom closed his eyes as he was suffering through the worst headache ever. “I was talking to my psychologist Dr. Hewes, but I ah, I didn’t tell him your name I think. He didn’t believe me anyway. Wait till I tell him this story though. Maybe he’ll HUUAAAH…”he didn’t get to finish his sentence because she suddenly turned and plopped her ass back down on him, this time landing right on his belly. He wasn’t expecting it and she knocked his breath right out of him.

“You won’t tell him anymore because the next time you go see him, I’m going with you.”

Confusion would have been evident on Tom’s face if his face hadn’t been broken and battered. For now though, he was in too much pain, and he just nodded in agreement.


Tom spent the night with Kayla, but not in her bed. She made him sleep at the foot of her bed on the floor and she gave him a bag of frozen peas to put on his swollen face. The next morning, he made two phone calls. The first was to his job, which he lied and said that he was much too sick to work and would be out the rest of the week. It was Thursday anyway so he would miss only two days and he had several sick days already built up.

The second call was to Dr. Hewes office. He called before they opened for patients and asked the receptionist if he could get an emergency appointment with the doctor. He told her that he really needed the latest possible appointment, preferably the very last of the day. She told him that he was in luck and could see the doctor at four o'clock that afternoon, the last appointment. He had no idea why Kayla wanted to see Dr. Hewes or why she wanted to be the last appointment, but he really didn’t care either. As long as she took care of his needs.

Afterward, he went into the bathroom and looked at his battered face. His nose looked somewhat straighter after he had tried snapping it back into place the night before. He had taken three aspirin and had numbed it somewhat with the frozen peas before trying to re-align it. His face still looked like he had been in a car accident though. His still had two black eyes and his nose was also discolored.

They had breakfast together and Tom asked Kayla just what she had in mind at Dr. Hewes. She grinned a somewhat evil looking grin and said “I think Dr’ Hewes will be very interested to find out that you were telling the truth. I was under the impression that doctors were supposed to listen to their patients and try to help them, not dismiss their problems as something in their heads.”

“So you’re going to tell him about this magical spray stuff then?”

“I’m going to do better than that Tom. I’m going to make him smell it, and you are going to help me. That is if you want more of my pussy.” Tom knew that she wasn’t just talking about her pussy, but about the spray that he would be having withdrawal symptoms from if he didn’t get his daily fix in time. The thought of having someone else addicted to Kayla made him nervous. What if she ran out of the spray? She did say after all that it wasn’t being made anymore. Plus, he was a little bit jealous.

“I don’t think I’m okay with helping you do that.” He said “I mean, why would you even want to do that?”

Kayla put her fork down, picked up her napkin and wiped her mouth before looking him in the eyes. “First of all,” she said coldly “you don’t get to have an opinion. You’re just an ass eating slave. Second, if you don’t like it then you can leave anytime, I’m sure that you can overcome your addiction to me eventually.” she picked her fork back up and took another bite of egg before saying while chewing “Why don’t you get under the table and put your fucking tongue to work. I’m horny.”

Tom sat for a moment looking down at his half eaten breakfast. He was still hungry and he was ashamed for having so little willpower. He wanted to tell her to go get fucked but he knew that he wouldn’t. he glanced back at Kayla who had resumed eating and then he slid forward out of the chair and onto his knees under the table. It was a small round table with four chairs around it and a white tablecloth covering it.

Once under the table, he felt like he was in a cocoon. He reached over and pulled apart the sides of her robe, exposing her cotton panties. He could faintly smell her womanly odor. Taking both sides of her panties, he edged them down past her thick thighs, around her folded knees and down her calves until they fell off her feet. As he glanced back up at her exposed vagina, he smelled her aroma again, now much sharper than before.

Realizing that he would have difficulty reaching her like she was sitting, she scooted her ass forward to the edge of the chair and sighed deeply as she felt his mouth attach to her moistening pussy. She hadn’t sprayed any of the scent on this morning so she knew that he wouldn’t get anything out of this other than maybe an erection. For the first few minutes she kept eating her breakfast while he was eating her, but as the feelings intensified, she put down her fork and gripped the side of the table. His tongue was fluttering all around her clit and then he would slide down lower and stick his tongue into her pussy hole before going back to her sensitive clit again.

Something was strange though and Tom realized it the more he licked and sucked her. Her clitoris seemed to be bigger than he remembered it being. He understood that the clitoris was like a miniature penis and that it filled with blood, thereby making it larger, when it was excited, but he had been down here before a few times and he never remembered it being this big. In fact, the first few times he had gone down on her, he had had trouble finding her clit. Now, her clit stuck out more than a half inch and was swelled up to the size of his thumb. It was certainly much more convenient this way and he wrapped his lips around it and whipped his tongue over it as fast as he could.

The sensations for Kayla were inexplicably heightened. To her it felt like he was doing something different than he had done before and it felt divine. She was getting closer and closer and then “AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHSSSSHHHHIIIIITTTTTT” she screamed in ecstasy and was overtaken by her orgasm. Her legs clamped together on Tom’s head reminding him that he still had a headache, and she felt the sudden urge to pee, although she hadn’t had to pee before. She made a split second decision and decided to let it spray, not sure if it was urine or not. She pushed like she was peeing and felt a jet of fluid spray from her twitching cunt. It only intensified the already overwhelming feelings and she opened her mouth and screamed again. This time “OOOOOOOHHHHHHYYYYYYYEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS”. She couldn’t remember ever having an orgasm so powerful, or one that lasted so long. It seemed to go on and on and by the time it wound down, she was out of breath, covered in a sheen of sweat, and shaking uncontrollably.

Meanwhile, Tom’s face was wedged between her thighs and he was trying not to drown in her ejaculate. He hadn’t been expecting the sudden forceful spray and his mouth was filled quickly. Some went down his throat and made him cough. He pulled back and bumped his tender nose causing him to yell in pain and lose his erection.

Once finished, Kayla pushed away from the table and made her way to the bathroom without acknowledging the man kneeling under the table. She walked to the bathroom with a purpose and it wasn’t to clean up or to use the toilet, it was to spray her pussy with another squirt of the designer spray. She didn’t know why she did it because Tom wasn’t asking for it yet. For some reason she just felt like she needed it. She had noticed after about the third time she had sprayed herself that it gave her a pleasant tingly feeling and calmed her each time she sprayed herself. She didn’t know what it meant and right now she didn’t care. After she sprayed herself, she lifted the bottle and saw that it was about half empty. For some reason that made her feel nervous about running out and she started to form a plan to ensure that she wouldn’t run out.

They both showered and got dressed and Kayla grabbed the bottle and dropped it in her purse. She was going to leave Tom at her place but then decided he could come with her. She had to go to her job in order to secure some more scent. Ten minutes later they pulled into the three quarter full parking lot of Scent Designs. Kayla told Tom to wait in the car and went into the building. She didn’t bother to punch in because she wasn’t planning on working today. Instead, she headed for the laboratory and the one person who could make more of what she needed.

There was at least a dozen people in the lab and the one person that she was looking for was Arnold Peters, the man that she convinced to sneak out her special scent. Arnold was an overweight, balding man with thick glasses and a pimply face. Not the most handsome man for sure and that was why he was so easy to manipulate. She had promised him to suck his dick if he would get her the scent and she hadn’t yet paid him. To be fair, she hadn’t planned to pay him when she made the deal. She knew that he wouldn’t tell anyone because it would mean not only losing his job, but also prosecution. Now however, she needed something else and she had no choice.

She found him sitting at his chair looking into a microscope, and when he saw her standing there, the look he gave her was not very pleasant. “What are you doing here?” he growled under his breath. “Do you want to get me fired?”

“Oh keep your panties on.” She quipped, then “We need to talk, can you take a break?”

He looked around and saw that he was being watched by a couple of coworkers. “C’mon” he said and took her by the arm heading toward the door. As he walked he told another worker “Mark, I’ll be back in fifteen minutes, I’m taking my break.”

Apparently Mark wasn’t too happy with that because he quickly pointed out that it wasn’t time to take a break.

Arnold looked angrily at Mark and snapped back “I don’t take smoking breaks like half the other people in here so I guess it won’t hurt if I take one fifteen minute break.”

Kayla could tell that Mark was not used to being talked to like that and she was impressed with Arnold. She didn’t think he had it in him. She smiled slyly as he led her out of the lab and down the hall. Soon, they were out in the parking lot and he led her to his car, a compact foreign car. He unlocked the doors with a push of a button, put her in the passenger's seat, and hurried around to the drivers seat.

From Kayla’s car, Tom sat wondering what was going on.

Once he was in the car with the door closed, Arnold turned toward Kayla and said “Okay Kayla, what are you doing here?”

“I need some information from you.” She answered.

“Oh you do huh?” she could tell he was angry “Why the hell should I give you anything? We had a deal and you still owe me. I should have known that you wouldn’t pay up.” He looked almost ready to cry.

“Oh please, I thought you were the smart one here. I haven’t taken care of my side of the agreement YET because I had to make absolutely sure that what you gave me was the right stuff. For all I knew, you could have given me a spray bottle of water. It took me a few weeks to find the perfect test subject and then I needed a couple more weeks to see if it actually worked.” The expression on his face had completely changed from anger and hurt to hope.

“So did it work?” He asked.

“Like a charm. It works even better than I could have imagined.” This was the hard part for her, but it was necessary. “Take out your cock Arnold.”

Arnold’s eyes got wide. “What…you want to do it here…now?”

“No time like the present. It’s time I showed you that I’m a woman of my word.” she reached across and slid her hand between his legs.

He looked around the parking lot, obviously very nervous. “Jesus Kayla what if someone walks by?”

“Are you gonna take your cock out of your pants or what Arnold? I think he wants to come out.” she was rubbing the rapidly swelling lump.

For a few uncertain moments, Arnold struggled with his worries so Kayla gave him something else to think about, “Don’t forget, you only have about ten more minutes.” That got him moving. He lifted his ass up while unbuttoning his fly and awkwardly slid his pants down.

Kayla smiled at his nervousness and said “You don’t want me to suck you through you underwear now do you?”

Arnold looked at her with wide eyes, seemingly ready to pop out of his head, and then carefully slid down his underwear. He was shy, and seemed embarrassed when his semi-hard penis flopped onto his thigh.

Kayla grinned widely and decided to give him a little encouragement. “Why Arnold, I do believe you’ve been holding out on me.” She took his rapidly rising member into her hand and found that it was sweaty, or maybe it was her own palm that was sweaty, but either way, she was not looking forward to this. She steeled herself, then, licking her lips in an exaggerated sexy way, she leaned down real close and licked the very tip of his penis with the very tip of her tongue. It tasted salty and her nose was filled with his musky smell, but she pushed herself to continue.

Arnold’s dick surged up with blood and was almost instantly fully erect. Standing up at about seven inches with a mushroom shaped head. She blew some cool air on it and giggled when it twitched. Then she sat back up.

Arnold looked almost ready to pass out and nearly yelled “Is that it? You call that a blow job?” he was shaking like a leaf and she hadn’t done anything yet.

“Of course not Arnold. I just need one piece of information first. Tell me who manufactured my special scent and I’ll suck you dry.”

“AHH shit… it was uhh… it was Laura…Laura Stanwick, yeah that’s right she had the fourth batch, the fourth group I mean and she made yours.”

Kayla hadn’t even considered that it might be a woman and she was taken aback for a moment, but then she cleared her head and smiled. “Thank you Arnold. Hope you like this.” she leaned down again and took the head of his cock deep into her mouth, his taste nearly overpowering. She wanted to finish him off as quickly as possible so she lifted up and dropped a big dollop of saliva on his shaft and stroked the lubed up base with her right hand while sucking gently and tickling just below his cock head with her tongue.

Kayla heard Arnold exhale loudly and felt him tense up almost immediately. He gripped the steering wheel with both hands and groaned. “Oh shit oh fuck oh good god I’m cumming” and Kayla felt the first squirt fire into the back of her throat. She quickly pulled her head up and aimed his penis away from her face, inadvertently swallowing the sticky mess in the back of her throat. She hated the taste of semen and was not happy that he didn’t warn her that he was going to shoot. He also came quicker than any guy she had ever sucked off before, under one minute.

She watched his face as he powered through his orgasm, his cum spraying all over the front of his shirt and some splashing his pants. His eyes were shut tightly and his mouth was open in a big O shape. She had always thought that guys in the throes of orgasm made the funniest faces and this was proof. Before he was fully recovered, she slid back into her seat and checked her face in the mirror. Satisfied that she was clean, she opened the passenger door and climbed out, leaving Arnold gasping behind her. She hurried across the parking lot to her car and climbed in the drivers seat.


“Damn it” she snapped “It’s a fucking woman. Now what the hell am I going to do?”

Tom, who had been waiting in the passenger's seat was confused. “What are you talking about?”

Kayla sat silently for a thirty count, just thinking and finally sighed and said “The person who made my batch of the designer scent is a woman.”

“So, what does that have to do with anything?”

“Well, I was hoping it would be a man because men are so easy for a woman to manipulate. All we have to do is smile and flirt with them and they melt like butter.”

Tom was about to object but thought better of it, instead he remained quiet.

“It’s much more difficult for a woman like me to get another woman to do something. Unless she’s a lesbian and she’s single. I’m going to need your help Tom. After we go see Dr. Hewes this afternoon, we need to get our hands on Laura Stanwick. She’s the only one who can help you Tom.”

“What do you mean by ‘help me’?” Tom inquired.

“We need someone to make more spray now don’t we.”

The rest of the day was spent making plans, both for when they went to see Dr. Hewes to how they would convince Laura Stanwick to make more stuff. They stopped at an Internet cafe and did some research on Laura. It wasn’t too difficult to find a picture of her and even her address. With a plan in place, they headed back to Kayla’s place.

By three o'clock, Tom was needing another fix. The time between fixes was getting shorter. With one hour left before the appointment, Kayla sprayed her pussy once more and felt the tingling. She was starting to enjoy how the spray made her feel more and more all the time, and couldn’t wait to get Tom’s face down there. She laid on the bed with her knees hanging over the side and watched as he kneeled on the floor and dove in.

This time when he got down there, his eyes were once more drawn to her clit. He was sure that it was even bigger than this morning when he licked her under the table. He wasn’t great with measurements, but he was sure that it was sticking out at least an inch and its thickness was close to a quarter. It was still partially concealed under her labia, but it was resembling a small penis more than ever. He also thought that her lips were thicker. He wanted to question her about it but he smelled her scent, and he forgot. The only thing that he cared about was getting his fix.

He leaned in and pushed his mouth between her labia and breathed in her succulent aroma. His penis surged forward, filling with blood to an almost painful point. He slid his arms under her thighs and settled in when he felt her hands grab the back of his head and pull him tightly against her. Her super plump lips seemingly swallowing his face. His still sore nose was wedged up against her clitoris, which had elongated even more since he had started eating her. The pain in his nose was throbbing or maybe it was her giant clit that was throbbing, he couldn’t be sure, but he was sure that he was going to ask her about it after he was done.

For Kayla, she realized at this point that she wanted pressure against her cunt and pulling his face into her was good, but she really wanted more. She wished that she could sit on his face again, but she was aware that his nose was broken and she had promised him that if he helped her she would make it easier on him. Holding his face tightly against her pussy would have to suffice for now. She was really enjoying the extra sensation that the spray seemed to be giving her. It was an unexpected plus. Not only did it seem to bring her to orgasm faster, but her orgasms seemed to be getting more powerful. She could feel every lick from Tom’s tongue and she just wanted to pull his whole head inside her.

Breathing had become a chore for Tom as his bruised nose was being blocked by Kayla’s enormous clitoris. He was sticking his tongue as deep as he could inside her hole and licking all around it. If she hadn’t been holding his head so tightly, he would have already moved to her clit, but she was waiting for the right moment to shift his mouth and that moment came just as he was completely out of air. As she pulled him up, he inhaled a deep breath through his nose and found his mouth stuffed full of her mini penis.

Her orgasm starting, Kayla wanted her clit sucked and moved his head to that spot. Feeling his mouth wrap around her clit, she thrust her pelvis forward and exploded. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” her whole body went rigid as all her muscles locked. She involuntarily sat up and her heels dug into Tom’s back. Meanwhile, her hands gripped the sides of his head so tightly, that his ears were completely plugged, and quite sore later. Her pussy started spraying his chin, she didn‘t even try to hold it back this time. Every part of her body was gripped in the throes of the most incredible orgasm she had ever felt. It was even better than the last one. Her cunt would spasm and stay contracted for up to fifteen seconds at a time before the contraction would release for about five seconds, and then spasm again. She didn’t squirt the whole time though, she would have dehydrated if she had. Each time her pussy would start another spasm, more fluid would squirt for a second or two and she would scream in ecstasy. About forty five seconds into her orgasm, she wondered if it would ever stop, if she would ever stop cumming. She would go mad with pleasure and eventually her heart would give out and she would die screaming and squirting and laughing hysterically. All in all, her entire orgasm lasted a full minute and twenty seconds before it finally stopped and she fell back on the bed panting and sweating.

When Tom was released he had one thought on his mind. His penis was ready to pop off. He was so horny and he didn’t wait for permission. He stood up and pushed himself deep into her puffed out pussy. It was like sliding into a soft blast furnace it was so hot, but it felt incredible and he started pumping away like a man possessed. It only took him about forty five seconds before he reached his apex and deposited his seed with a loud groan deep inside her sucking twat. Having exhausted himself, he dropped on top of her to catch his breath.

They laid together for five minutes catching their breath before Kayla looked at the clock and said “Shit, we need to get moving.” it was twenty past three and they had to be at Dr. Hewes by four. They jumped up and rushed around taking a quick five minute shower and getting dressed. Then they headed for her car.


They arrived at Dr. Hewes office at 3:50. The receptionist, a young girl named Miranda that Tom guessed was about nineteen years old, smiled as they walked in and said “Good afternoon Mr. Jensen. I forgot that you were coming in this afternoon.”

Tom smiled back at the pretty girl “Hi Miranda. I’d like you to meet my friend Kayla. She’ll be sitting in my session with Dr. Hewes today.”

Miranda glanced at Kayla, smiled and said a quick “Hi”, then looked back at Tom. “You can have a seat and Marvin will be with you in a few minutes.”

“Thanks” Tom said and went to the other end of the room to sit. Kayla sat next to him and quickly leaned in to whisper in his ear “Holy shit is she horny for you.”

“What! She’s just a kid, don’t say that.” Tom argued.

“Oh come on, she’s not that young. I’ll bet she’s twenty years old, and I saw the way she looked at you. She thinks you’re all that. Why don’t you go talk to her, she’s kinda cute.”

Tom did agree that she was cute, he thought that from the first time he met her. She wasn’t a typical beauty either and that somehow added to her attractiveness. She was short, about five foot three and she had short black hair in a boyish cut. Not typically what attracted Tom, but it worked with her cherub face. She kind of resembled a pin-up girl from the forties. She also had a nicely proportioned figure, not fat, but not a paper thin waif either. Her lips and cheeks were plump and her perfectly straight teeth shined when she smiled, which was often. She also wore a tiny diamond on the side of her nose.

“Kayla, she’s cute but she’s too young for me. I’m nearly old enough to be her father.” Tom said rather unconvincingly. He had slept with young ladies before, none under eighteen of course, but he didn’t like to advertise it. It always made him feel sort of guilty. He was thirty four years old after all. Maybe not ready to get married, but ready to start acting more his age.

“I’ll handle this” Kayla stood up and walked up to the desk, leaving Tom wide eyed and wondering.

Miranda looked up at Kayla and smiled “Can I help you with something?” she asked.

Kayla used her most disarming smile and said “Well actually, I wanted to ask if I could get your opinion on something, you know, I need a ladies perspective.”

“Oh sure” Miranda was only too happy to help.

“I just bought this new perfume” Kayla started, pulling the bottle out of her purse “and I want you to tell me what you think.”

Tom saw the bottle come out and quickly stood up. He started to rush toward them intending to stop her but he was too late as he saw Kayla quickly spray her wrist and hold it under Miranda’s nose. “NO” he said quietly but forcefully.

Miranda, not focused on Tom, leaned in for a quick whiff and her expression changed instantly. Tom saw her eyes sort of gloss over and she immediately grasped Kayla’s arm with both her hands, one on her wrist and one on her palm. She held the arm gently but firmly as she kept inhaling the scent over and over making mewling sounds. Her eyes seemed to get heavy and as Tom reached the desk he watched in dismay as Miranda actually licked the wrist. He pulled Kayla away and admonished her under his breath.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” He whispered sharply. “Why would you do that?”

Kayla pushed him gently away replied “I know you want to fuck her, now you’ll get your chance. If I decide to let you that is.”

“Damn it Kayla, you can’t do that.”

“She’ll do anything now to get her fix, just like you. Whatever I tell her to do.”

Tom wanted to continue, but just then Dr. Hewes came out “Mr. Jensen, come on in.”.

Looking back to the receptionist who was sitting with a peaceful look on her face, Tom turned toward the doctor and sighed deeply. He felt good right now because he had gotten his fix just and hour ago, so he wanted to drag Kayla out of there and berate her. However he was worried about how he would feel later when the cravings started. The last thing he wanted right now was to piss her off. He stepped forward and said “Dr. Hewes, I’d like you to meet my friend Kayla.”

Kayla stepped forward and offered her hand to shake. Shaking her hand Dr. Hewes said “So, are you the one who Tom is addicted to?”

Smiling sheepishly, Kayla shrugged, raised her eyebrows and said “Can you blame him doc?”.

The good doctor laughed “Well come in and let’s talk about it.”


As she walked into the room in front of Tom, Kayla pulled her v-neck shirt away from her chest and sprayed one squirt of the scent between her breast. No one else noticed because her back was to them.

Once in the room with the door shut, Kayla and Tom sat on the couch and Dr. Hewes sat in his leather chair. “So Tom, tell me why you felt the need for another appointment so soon after our last one.”

Tom looked at Kayla who nodded and then back to the doctor. “Well, I told you that I thought I was addicted to her,” he motioned to Kayla “and I was right. She told me why I am addicted to her, and it’s not at all what you thought.”

The doctor nodded as if he completely understood and then asked “So Kayla, why don’t you tell me what you told Tom.”

Kayla stood up and said “Well, maybe it would be easier if I just showed you.” she confidently strolled around to where Dr. Hewes was sitting and held her hand in front of him. “Would you stand up please.”

For a moment, he looked at her with a quizzical expression, then she said “Trust me, I won’t bite.” and he nodded and did as she asked.

Once he was standing face to face with Kayla he said “Okay, now what?”. he glanced over her shoulder to look at Tom still on the couch and suddenly his vision was blocked as Kayla pulled her top off over her head. His shock was evident by the look on his face “What are you doing? Put your top back on miss.” he was flustered but tried to remain professional.

Kayla just stood there in her bra smiling “Do you like what you see doc?” she asked. Then she reached up and unclipped the front latch and freed her rather ample breasts. “Sometimes it’s nice to get that thing off, it can be rather restricting you know.” she added.

The good doctor had seen enough “What is the meaning of this? Mr. Jensen will you please tell your lady friend to put her clothes back on and leave my office immediately.” He had no idea what kind of stunt this was, but he was not amused. He started to turn away from her when she jumped into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his head. He was so surprised that he fell backward, right into his leather chair. Kayla used this to her advantage and quickly slid up so his face was right between her breasts. From there, she clamped her arms together on either side to trap his face.

As Dr. Hewes struggled to free himself from the assault, he became aware of a wonderful smell and even though he was frightened by this crazy woman, he soon calmed down and only wanted to breathe in her scent. It was heavenly and he wrapped his arms around her back and closed his eyes and kept breathing in her essence. He felt his cock getting hard in his pants and all thoughts of professionalism had left his head.

Kayla also felt his manhood growing under her ass. It felt too good to waste so she started wiggling her hips back and forth. It took only a few minutes of her sliding her ass back and forth before the good doctor fired his load into his boxers.

After several minutes of Dr. Hewes breathing in the designer scent from between Kaylas tits, she finally disentangled herself from him and stood up. “Now you understand what Tom means. He wasn’t lying to you doc. He really is addicted to me. You’ll find out.”

Still sitting in his chair, looking rather disheveled now, Dr. Hewes looked back at Tom “What has she done to me?” he asked slightly out of breath.

Tom shrugged and said “The same thing she did to me doc.”

Kayla walked over to Dr. Hewes desk and took a piece of paper and a pen and wrote down her address, and her cell phone number. Then she walked back to the doctor who seemed almost frightened of her. “You’re going to need me in a few days. If I were you, I’d come visit as soon as you start feeling the craving. You can try to resist, but you won’t be able to.” While she talked, she was putting her bra and shirt back on, then she turned to Tom and said “Let’s go, we have a woman to find.” She headed toward the door but before she went out she turned back to Dr. Hewes and said “Oh and by the way doc, if you tell anyone about this, you won’t get anymore of what you’re going to need.”

As they walked back out into the waiting room, the pretty receptionist was still seated behind her desk looking a bit stoned. Kayla wrote down her number again and tucked it into Miranda’s hand. Then she held her wrist in front of her again and let the girl breathe in her scent once more. As if in a drug induced high, the cute receptionist mewled sexily and started smelling and licking the wrist . Tom was fascinated and a little turned on by what he was watching. After a few minutes, Kayla pulled her hand away and grabbing Tom by the arm, marched toward the exit as if she were a mother leading a child.


Later that evening they were parked in front of Laura Stanwick’s house, and watched as she returned home from work. Laura was a tall athletic woman with long straight blonde hair and glasses. She was a forty year old divorced woman with a twenty year old daughter in college. Her friends would say she was married to her job, and after her first marriage ended badly, (she walked in on him having sex with two men) she had no desire to get married again.

Once inside the house, she turned on her stereo and slipped off her shoes. Walking barefoot into her bedroom, she took off her button up shirt and bra, then slipped a cut off tank top on. She then sat on the edge of the bed and pulled off her dress pants and panties and put on a pair of workout shorts. She then headed into the kitchen to get some bottled water, but was sidetracked by a knock at the front door.

Figuring that it was a friend of hers that sometimes went to the gym with her after work, she opened the door without first checking who was there. It wasn’t her friend, it was a pretty red head. “Can I help you?” she asked, wondering what this woman was selling.

Kayla smiled sweetly “Hi, I’m so sorry to bother you but I was wondering if I could use your phone real quick, my car just quit running and I left my cell phone on the counter when I left earlier. If I could just call my brother, he’s a mechanic and he lives locally.”

Laura, who stood eight inches taller and outweighed Kayla by sixty pounds, figured that she had nothing to worry about and stepped aside, welcoming her in. “I’ve been in the same predicament before so I know how you feel. Come on in, the phone is over there on the wall.”

“Thank you so much, I’ll make it quick.” Kayla replied as she made her way past the tall blonde. As Laura turned to follow, she saw movement out of the corner of her eye and turned back to the door to see a man coming in. The distraction was just enough for Kayla to turn back and place the Taser against the side of Laura’s waist and shock her with enough voltage to drop her like a stone. She had never used her Taser before so she wasn’t sure what to expect. She liked what she saw.

To Laura, the shock from the Taser was like getting jabbed with needles over every inch of her body all at once. The pain was intense, as every muscle seized up, and she watched the floor rise up and slam her. She was still awake but disoriented and her body wouldn’t work anymore. Even though the shock had passed, she couldn’t control her extremities to get up let alone fight back.

Tom shut the door behind him and locked it. Then he tied Laura’s arms together at the wrists while Kayla tied her legs. Then, he pulled her chin down and slid a ball gag into her mouth and strapped it behind her head. By the time she was regaining her faculties, she was securely restrained.

Kayla stood up over her and started to undress as she explained what was happening. “I’m really sorry that I shocked you like that but I had no other choice. See we need you to do something for us and you probably won’t want to.” she dropped her shirt on the floor and unsnapped her bra.

Laura was freaking out thinking that she was going to be raped by a woman and a man and probably killed.

Unbuttoning her jean shorts Kayla continued “It’s very important that you help us and the only way to make sure that you are going to help us is if you are in the same predicament that Tom over there is in. So…”she was naked now and she took the tiny spray bottle from Tom and held it up so Laura could see it. “I need you to make some more of this for me.”

Laura knew exactly what was in the little bottle and her eyes grew wide with fear. She had been told that all samples had been destroyed. “MMMMMMMM” she tried to protest, shaking her head and trying to rise. This was not good and it was obvious that these two didn’t know what they were messing with.

Kayla raised her foot and pl

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Ann Summers

AnnSummers! When shopping for sex toys, lingerie, or even something for your BDSM backroom exploits, it’s always important to choose a retailer you can trust. Well, perhaps you enjoy walking into your local sex shop and chatting with the cashier, telling them how you appreciated their nipple clamp suggestions last week, but not everyone is into that.In the 21st century, most people prefer to purchase their sexual paraphernalia discreetly from the comfort of their own homes. But, still, it’s...

Online Sex Toys Shops
2 years ago
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Senior Year Pet Chapter 1

This is a story of how I used the second half of my senior year to turn a girl I couldn’t stand into my personal completely obedient fuck toy, and got rich doing it. That girl, Sarah had always been a person I found to be extremely annoying, but interaction with her was inevitable as her locker was beside mine for all of high school, and consistently I was lucky enough to share classes with her. Sufficient to say I was extremely tired of her by second semester in senior year. Best...

4 years ago
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“Suck hard bitch!” I tried to do as he said, but it was hard when he was fucking my face so hard that I couldn’t get it together. “You Slut! Suck harder!” he screamed at me. I relaxed and pressed down on his shaft sucking in as he pulled out. “Oh yeah! That’s more like it, I knew you could do it you slut.” I kept on doing this as my mind drifted away. How did I end up like this? Just minutes ago I was driving down the interstate, music blaring, trying my best not to fall asleep. If it hadn’t...

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Yaad Aa Rahi Haifriend Ki Girlfriend

Hi I am raj now 38 , 5’5 and have average looks. All those who have shared the stories are like me who for the past many years were glued to these stories but never could find time and courage to write and share one of own experiences. This story dates back to the days when I was in college in Mumbai. We had a friend circle of five girls and four boys. The informal group was just because of all of us being freshers in the college and hardly any one knew each other. We had a chemistry botany and...

2 years ago
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Perfect Sex Session With House Owner

Hi, this is Hrishi again from Guwahati. I am working as a manager for an IT company which involves a lot of traveling across north east India along with a periodic visit to Kolkata. As an Indian, I am average with a height of 5ft 8 ½ inch and 32 years old and living alone. I will appreciate all of your feedbacks. Please keep me posted at Recently my two stories were published in ISS and I am glad people loved it. I am taking this opportunity to thank all my readers. This story is not related...

4 years ago
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The Rookie0

Thirty-two years ago, I was a Rookie Police Officer employed by a large Metropolitan Police Department and was eighteen months into my two-year probationary period. We didn't have designated FTO's (Field Training Officers) back then. However, we still had to be partnered with a veteran police officer. The veteran officer was supposed to teach me how to apply my classroom knowledge to the reality of street policing. Believe me, it was a real eyeopener. The veteran police officer assigned to...

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Nirvana on FireChapter 13

Mandy's car stopped just down the street from Jefferson's office building. The street was deserted. Mandy looked at her watch. It said eleven fifty. It's been a long night already, she sighed. Quietly she slipped out of her car and crept over to the building. The parking garage gate was down, but not completely. There was almost two feet below the bottom of the gate. Raven peered through the gate carefully. A security camera panned across the chain gate. Raven timed the camera. When it...

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Camp Karma

Now I can only assume you are wondering who I am and what I am going on about, Well, Let's just say i've been told I have to tell you people how I came about living at this camp, Yes I do live at a camp, Used to live in a nice three story house but not anymore, Thats old news, Been living at this camp for what seems to feel like a millenium even though I guess at this exact time it will be six months, Maybe give or take a few days Alice:- *Will you get on with the story* Ahh that there...

4 years ago
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Who Knows He or She 1

Who Knows, He or She ? My name is Rachael and I’m 30yo, I’m what is called a hermaphrodite, I have the body parts of both male and female. I keep myself in very good shape and I look like a woman. My tits are a size C-cup, I have a 7” cock which also nice and thick, my pussy is right below my cock, although I don’t have a set of balls, I still have something that stores my sperm, but it’s on the inside not out. It’s hard to really understand or explain. I sometimes like to jerk myself...

4 years ago
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Our Scotish Pool Boy

With the housing crash, property values plummeted, especially in Vegas where we'd been talking about a second home. Molly, my wife of 8 years came through the door and said, "Danny, time to step up to the plate and buy the home we've been discussing." At 41, she was strikingly beautiful, standing 5'7'' with a thin build at 121 pounds, light reddish-brown hair with blond streaks cut in a pageboy, emerald green eyes, 36-C breasts and an ass that just took my breath away. She was a fashion...

3 years ago
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Competitive Affairs

My wife Julie and I have been married for 12 years. We have eight c***dren and she is currently pregnant for the eighth time. Yes that's number nine in the oven. One of the previous seven pregnancies was a set of fraternal twins, hence the eight k**s.Our family is rather large for a modern family, but we are quite happily married and the k**s add another loving dimension to our relationship. My wife and I, like many married couples, have had our little differences and spats over the years, but...

4 years ago
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Mrs Jenkins And The Sixthformers

Hannah Jenkins was a married woman aged fifty-three although she prided herself that she usually looked considerably younger. She was very curvy and maybe just a touch overweight but regularly caught the eye of males of all ages. Her marriage to Charles was more or less in name only because they both got sexual pleasure elsewhere and currently Charles was shagging a twenty-two-year-old secretary. The couple was quite wealthy as they owned various businesses and a number of properties.It was a...

4 years ago
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My first time cucking the hubby The wifes

My hubby came out and told me a fantacy of his about 6 months ago. He wants me to be with other men. He likes it when Im slutty. My first thought was 2fold. 1= "Yay!!" And 2 = "wait....whats he trying to pull?" It took me a long time to come around to the idea that he actually wanted this to happen and it wasnt some excuse for him to sleep with other women. Thats when I told him I thought putting pictures of me on a website would be a good way to start. He immediately found this site and...

2 years ago
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Overnight Wife Swap

My wife and I have been swinging for several years now. Lately we've been talking about trying new and different things. Our k**s are older and out of the house for the most part so that starts to open up new avenues. We've always been together when we were swinging, we enjoy seeing each other have fun. Ocasionally we've been in separate rooms but not often, and never far away. Anyway we decided to try something totally up with a new couple and trade spouses for 24 hours....

3 years ago
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Dirty Lauras Gangbang

My ex bird Laura (then 29) and me Sean(then 32) were very sexual people and quite honestly dirty in bed ! Or other places then bed !Anyway, lots of sex and dirty talking, her clear filthy fantasy was to invite more than 2 guys to join me for a full session ! This went on for about a year before one night while fucking and talking I said " Told a few lads about your gangbang idea " ! (I actually hadn't at this point. She just giggled and said well I'd have to be tipsy and have notice to ensure...

2 years ago
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175 Autumn island part 4

175 Autumn island part 4[A quiet finish and a return to our sexual iddle if you want the next stage, just ask and comment]She slept till seven the next day, by then all the last items were aboard, after I woke her with tea, the mattress, bedding and kettle were loaded, she looked around then locked up We set off, dropping the keys in an envelope through the door of the agent before the streets were properly aired, and set off north, me driving the old van, and Autumn smiling now but no...

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Bare Paw RanchChapter 3

I soon was back on US 50 headed east to the Lake City junction at the east end of Blue Mesa Reservoir. It would take us a little more than 2 hours to make the trip. As I drove, I was hearing a lot of squealing in the back seat. I knew the squeals belonged to DE. Focusing my rearview mirror on her, I saw KC was on her left and Kim was on her right, I could see that they were each sucking on one of her nipples and both had a hand in her crotch. My cock was getting even harder than it already...

4 years ago
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Doggy Style

My name is Melissa. I am now 22 but I have to share with some one what I done when I was much younger. I was at school and was preparing to leave from an after school activity when it hit me, I was uncontrollably horny all of the sudden. Not sure why but I hurried up and packed up got in my miata and went home. When I arrived my mother was pulling out of the drive and saying by, she had a date with another strange guy.When I went in side I quickly locked the dead bolt and ran up stairs to...

3 years ago
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The beat of the bass guitar, the drum pounding, the rhythm of the musicpulsed as though at one with Sandy's body. She closed her eyes. Holding a hotiron away form her and the ironing board Sandy spread her knees squatting asshe swayed, her hips rolling from side to side. One, two, three to the beatshe bounced her bottom. Sandy stood, smiled and pressed the next sleeve ofJack's shirt. She felt a bit randy today. Dancing made her feel nasty, goodnasty. Passions flushed warm in her sex. She...

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Whiskey Man

"That does it! Keys in the fishbowl or not, I'm cutting you off! When you start talking to someone who isn't even there it's time to quit the drinking and sober up." Phil, mine host and the sole proprietor, owner and chief glass washer at Phil's Cantina had obviously taken exception to my long conversation with the young man seated next me and I couldn't resist the urge to be witty in reply. "I talk to myself all of the time. It's healthy — unless you start to answer yourself using...

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I arrived a few minutes early. I walked into the office. It was nicely decorated and was very clean. There was a young lady sitting with her back toward me looking for something in a file cabinet. When she turned around I was pleasantly surprised. I recognized her immediately as my high school crush, Jessie. I had had a crush on Jessie since the first time I had seen her during our sophomore year. She was a cheerleader for the football and hockey teams. Unfortunately I was a basketball...

2 years ago
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PornWorld Vanessa Decker Stud Slams Slutty Neighbor Venessa Decker While Her BF is Away

Vanessa Decker is pleasuring herself on the couch at her boyfriend’s apartment when she hears a knock at the door. She opens the door to find her neighbor Kristof on the other side, who asks if she’s parked her car in his parking space. They talk a bit more and Venessa, being the horny slut that she is—and with her pussy still dripping—invites him into her place even though she’s half-dressed. From there, it doesn’t take long for Kristof to slip his cock into her box for a nice slam session.

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Swinger Dad

From the time I was in my mid teens, I always imagined I would get married and have a lot of kids. I wanted to get married young and have as many kids as my wife and I could afford; I just felt like being a dad was 'in my blood'. When I was 19, I met a beautiful girl named Jessica and we were fast friends. We fell in love and got married within just a few months of meeting—she was still 18. Barely a month after we were married, Jess was pregnant and we were on the path to having the large...

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SSBBW adventure part 3

If you haven´t read previous two parts of adventures of this SSBBW, i suggest you do it to understand what´s going on and who these people are.Here are links to previous parts; (PART1) (PART2)Week ago i asked everyone of you to give me suggestions on the post i wrote (I need your suggestions) i gave all those suggestions to Rolf, so he could...

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My delicious maid

Hi! This is Rana once again. You must have liked my earlier story of my sexual bouts with our maid, Sati. After that our relations continued and we used to enjoy sex in absence of my wife when she was in school. But my mind was always after Bobby, the younger sister of Sati who had been appointed by wife as full time maid servant. In fact she was staying in our residence. Bobby was really beautiful with voluptuous figure with exciting curves. The first time I saw her, my lund shot up from its...

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Hotel de LAmour

It was 5.00 in the afternoon. Jaynee was EXHAUSTED. After a long day of work and a dominating, pushy boss stressing her to "have the files ready for tomorrow!", she just needed a shower and bed. Meanwhile, downstairs at the reception... "I don't GIVE A DAMN! She could be queen Latifah for all I care, I reserved Room 409 and i'm GETTING IT!" "Look, we're very sorry for the inconvenience, but if you really want to occupy that room you will be forced to share it with someone else." "Fine. Just...

3 years ago
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Caitlin at the Bat

CAITLIN AT THE BAT By Jezzi Belle Stewart (apologies to Earnest Lawrence Thayer) (c)2002 Turn Right Productions It looked extremely rocky at the Mudville home that day The score stood Casey zero; 'twas mom and sister's turn to play. For sister was fed up it seems with Casey's teasing game And mom was mad because it seems he treated her the same. Casey tried to plead his case in deep despair. At best He clung to the hope that springs eternal in each human breast; He thought perhaps...

4 years ago
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Shadow and LightChapter 9

Davidson Residence, 22:00 After jumping roof to roof, Max and Liz brought Tess to Isabel’s roof that they jumped off of to land in her back garden. Fortunately it was so dark that nobody saw them on their approach. Inside the house, Isabel and Michael picked up on their presence and Isabel went to unlock the back door to let them in. “What happened?” Isabel asked. “Nacedo tried to attack her,” Max said. “Tried to attack?” Michael asked as he approached. “There was this ... raven. I...

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A little help

The wires clicked and chattered, spitting out their loads of information. Another file uploaded, one amongst many in the cloud. But this one was intercepted, was torn out of it's journey. She sighed, it was all so predictable. Men wanting to be women. Embarrassed by the urge, and so wishing it to be forced upon them. Enough. More than enough. It was all so... predictable. She set her electric minions to whirring while she prepared herself. Tools, medicine, clothes. Many of the things...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 23

We left the next morning just after dawn and right after breakfast. My people were ready to go, and thankfully Gogra and his people were ready as well. We formed up on the other side of the stream and then, after a final farewell from Agar we were off. Gogra rode beside me, riding on my left. We were mounted. Behind us our joint party marched, with my group on one side and Gogra’s on the other. Hopefully in time, once acquaintances had been made, the two groups would become one. We’d see....

2 years ago
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Making More Dreams Come True

The events depicted in this story take place in the months following the end of Making Dreams Come True and so may possibly make more sense if that story is read first. * * * Making More Dreams Come True by Writer 345© 1. Helena's At-Home It all began at one of Mom's "At-Homes". These are the soir?es that take place on the third Thursday afternoon of every month when we were "at home" to receive visitors - always members of "The C...

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Furry in the park

"I'm not a hooker" she replied. "I never said you were. Its late a young girl like yourself shouldn't be out walking at this hour." " My boyfriend kicked me off his bike." "Sounds like a class act." "What do you want?" Just to give you a ride." Victoria got an evil idea in her head at the thought of what this stranger had said. "You want to give me a ride? " "I would like to yes." "You can take me to the park." Victoria said climbing in the car. "Where is the park...

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Jennifers First Time

I did not write this story this is a real first time storyThe first time I remember getting excited when I saw a naked woman was in the summer of 8th grade. My best friend Robin and I were just messing around at my house playing Marco Polo in the pool, it was her turn as she got closer I tried not to move and as she reached out feeling around with her arms she hit the strap of my bikini top and it snapped like a twig.She opened her eyes just in time to see my boobs drop out. I immediately...

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My first uncut cock

My first time with a thick skinned uncut cock was when I was young and would go to a park where old men would pick up Gurls like me and boys and real girls as well. An older man approached me one evening he extended his hand to me. I took it and we walked down the path to a secluded spot that I used. it had a picnic table and bench. I was wearing my normal style short pleated skirt, petticoat, stockings, garter belt, panties, bra, blouse short "bob" cut wig, makeup and of course my signature...

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A Fistful of Dragons Part 2

A FISTFUL OF DRAGONS Part 2 Here we go part two of Yedda and Cyrena's adventures. Again I apologise for the length of time taken to get it out, but you have to admit I tend to give you decent size hunks. Anyway I am honestly trying to concentrate on this one and Kingdom of the Blind, the other four I have on the go just keep distracting me from them occasionally. Thanks should go out to Lynn from all who read this and enjoy it, for it is her efforts that translates 'Hypatia...

2 years ago
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BDSM Venture With Neighbour8217s Sexy Wife

Hello, this is Vicky again. In the past, I have written a few stories and now writing one more. I am a horny dominant male who loves to pleasure ladies in many ways, any lovely girls, aunties, and ladies who are looking for some quality chatting, message me (email and kik given at the end of the story). I have written many stories on this amazing forum. This is a brand new story. This is a story about how I got to fuck a sexy lady living in the bungalow opposite to my house. It was a steamy...

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Two Suits

His text, confirming the time, date and location for our meeting, concluded: Please wear a suit. I’ll be in a single-breasted dark blue suit. My reply read: See you on Friday at noon as arranged. I’ll be wearing a grey double-breasted pin-stripe suit. I wondered if I’d arranged a sexual ‘meet’ with a clothes faddist.Our only contact had been via an adult chat site. We’d ascertained that we lived within fifty miles of each other, were both married but relished the idea of pleasuring another man...

3 years ago
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Lost at Sea Book 1 Where Theres a Will Chapter 1

She had hips that rolled like the ocean. A constant, unstoppable churning that was trying to drag him under. All he could do was hold on. She smiled down at him with one black eyebrow raised and a smirk on her face. She rolled her hips harder. Something inside her squeezed.“Holy fuck!” he said through clenched teeth.“It is kinda like that, isn’t it,” She laughed. Her laughter sent ripples through her whole body. The tremor pulsing through her inner muscles stole his breath.“Where did you learn...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Twins Little Sister

It was Wednesday evening the phone rang. Samantha picked it up. Her mother was on the other end. She explained that she had to go to Japan for a business conference over the weekend. She was leaving on Thursday. Samantha had friends in Japan that she hadn't seen for awhile and asked to tag along. "Sounds fun." mother was excited to have the company on the flight there and back. Hannah wished she could join them but had to work Friday. She called Rich and asked if he could stay with her over the...

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All Things Considered

And all through the house, Not a creature was stirring……. As you can probably tell, not a whole lot was going on! So yeah, it’s not exactly the Little House on the Prairie but our home sitting squarely on the Nebraskan high plains in a small mid-western township, is if nothing - congenial living. OK, so it was constructed in 1926. Interesting year that. Calvin Coolidge was in the White House, Eddie Cantor was running hot with “Bye Bye Blackbird,” A.A. Milne...

5 years ago
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A Year Of Darkness The Sorrowed Part 1

Four teens had met after the apocalypse, already born outcasts. Standing out from their normal peers, bullied, tortured, mocked, they never knew each other, until that fateful day. The day the world had practically ended. This is their story; A year had passed since the world ended, Japan had dropped a bomb, not just any bomb, but the biggest bomb ever built. It had destroyed the world. Earth was now a wasteland, nothing but dirt. Little amounts of food were left worldwide. Cannibalism had...

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Patentochter meiner Frau

Die Patentochter, Tina, meiner Frau besucht uns für zwei Wochen. Sie hatte ihre Ausbildung abgeschlossen und tritt bald eine neue Stelle an. Vorher kommt sie zu uns in die Großstadt. Für mich schränkt sich damit der Zugang in unser Büro ein. Wir haben dort ein Gästebett wo sie schläft. Schon bevor sie angekommen ist herrschte hier große Hitze. Unsere Wohnung ist unter dem Dach und es wurde sehr heiß bei uns. Wir alle tragen darum so leichte Kleidung wie möglich. Das führt dazu, dass Tina bei...

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To be Young Again

At a slow but steady pave, Ignatius and Marium made their way to a park bench sitting at the edge of a large open grassy area. “Mind if we join you?” Ignatius asked a young woman sitting near the centre of the bench reading a book. Looking up and seeing Marium and her walker, pushed her purse nearer to the far end of the bench and slid over far enough for Ignatius and Marium to sit saying, “Please, take a seat. It is fair walk to the next bench.” “Oh,” Marium started to explain, “it's...

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Manja at Pussygirls

Had gone to Denmark to visit a good friend who moved away from Sweden.For some reason, my horniness steered me to the city of Horsens, south of Aarhus.Come out to the yellow house on Nygade 10th Rang and Manja opened.I had not been with her ??before. But she seemed nice.Manja. She is an adult blonde bimbo, at 35y.o..She is as tall as my 178 cm, but weighs just 63kg distributed on a golden porn star's body.Always with a twinkle in his eyes, full lips that you just wanted to kiss.She has them...

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Most transformation stories deal with finding a magic object and experiencing its powers for the first time. But what happens next? And what happens when things go too far....? STUCK By Emma Now I had found out what the magic stone did, another thought materialized in my head. What if I used it and then got stuck? What if I let it transform me and then something happened - I lost it or... or someone stole it? I'd be trapped in that other form forever. A...

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Rose of Sharon

Communicate. That's the bottom line. Whatever it takes. The advice had been from Sharon's psychologist. After the 'trial' separation, she went to Dr. Foster looking for answers. Tyke had refused to go to the psychologist. He was really bitter. "I don't know how I can, " Sharon protested to the doctor. " We just can't talk to each other. We're always holding back." "Then don't talk. Write." "Write?" "Hear me out ... you and Tyke have had problems communicating your needs....

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Girlfriend Ki Palangtod Chudai 8211 Part 1

Hello my name is manas. This story is about me and my gf’s (saloni) first sex . This is my first story so sorry if I commit any mistake Hope you will like my story I am a 21 year old guy having smart personality and athletic body . My dick is almost 7 inches .And saloni is a cute fair and avg heighten gal with 34-30-32 stats and can give any guy an instant hard on. Yeh kahani 2 saal phele ki hai jab humare (me and saloni) 12th boards just khatam hue the. Hum pure din free hote then saath me...

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brs Anal Surprise

David woke up suddenly. Not really sure what woke him up, he sat up and looked around. It was just 2:00 am. As he rolled over in bed he realized he had a hard-on in his underwear he wore to bed. A little surprised, he thought about maybe giving his hand another workout before rolling over and falling asl**p. As his hand slid under the waistband of his briefs, he heard a noise that froze him. It sounded like it was downstairs. ‘Nobody should be up at this hour’ he thought to himself as he got up...

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