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Derek Malone was a fairly normal American guy. Well, that's not exactly true. He was normal in the sense that he'd never caused any trouble to American society as a whole. Never been in any serious trouble with the law other than that one parking ticket he'd paid promptly, never shoplifted, been drunk and/or disorderly, and he'd never been the slightest bit of trouble really to any of the teachers he'd had when he had been in school. In fact, if his teachers had been asked, they would have universally remembered him as, "That quiet boy who always sat in the corner, never made any trouble, who never volunteered the answer to any of the questions, but always knew the answer when asked."

School was far behind him, however. He'd slid through high school as smoothly as possible - leaving almost no trace of his presence except for the almost non-impression he'd left in his teachers' memories. He'd had no friends in high school, nor any desire to make them. He preferred to be alone. He didn't even really like people all that much, and he would have told everyone that if anyone had ever cared enough to ask. His parents had died two months before he graduated high school in a tragic car accident, leaving him their sole beneficiary. He had no other living relatives and he had been an only child. He'd been eighteen when they died, his birthday was in late February. So he'd finished high school before leaving that world forever behind. After graduation, he'd continued to live in the house his parents' death had paid for. After everything was settled, the house mortgage was taken care of and the bills were all paid, there was enough money for Derek to live some years in comfort, if he was very frugal.

Derek, in addition to being somewhat of a misanthrope, was also agoraphobic. His fear wasn't so extreme that he couldn't even bear the thought of going outside, but it was strong enough that he avoided going outside as much as he could. He had a car, but he didn't drive it very often. Between the agoraphobia and the accident that had killed his parents, he had little desire to get into a car and go someplace. He only used his car once a month when he went to the grocery store to buy food for the next 30 days. He always went to the 24-hour grocery store that was closest to his house, and always precisely at 3:45 a.m. That wee hour of the morning was the perfect time for him to go grocery shopping because there was rarely more than the cashier and one or two people shelving stock in the entire store. The time was perfect because it was too late for anyone who got the munchies after going out and too early for people to be stopping in for pastries before work; so there were very few, if any, other customers for Derek to deal with.

The girl who was invariably the lone cashier on the night shift when Derek was shopping, got used to him after awhile. Its easy to remember people who have orders that large - especially when they always did their shopping at such a dead hour. He was a good distraction from the tedium once a month. Doreen Wilcox, the cashier, always thought he was kind of weird though. He looked like he might be tall, but he was always slightly hunched over, so it was hard to tell for certain. If she had to guess, she'd say he was in his mid-20s somewhere. He had wire-rimmed glasses covering eyes that were a gray so light that she almost thought he didn't have irises at all. His hair was so dark of a brown that it might as well be black, but it was his skin that made Doreen stare. It was so pale that it was nearly translucent. Doreen was more than half convinced that he was some weird freak who thought he was a vampire and went around avoiding sunlight because he thought he'd die if he saw it. Still, he was sort of cute... she'd like him better if he didn't ignore her every time she tried to start up a conversation though.

So Derek lived, worked, and played at home. Almost the only person who ever even saw him was Doreen the grocery store cashier. He was so far under society's radar that he wasn't a blip... not even a tiny smudge. A pinprick, maybe... if that. Both Derek and society were content to have it that way. Derek wasn't afraid of sunlight, but sunlight was outside, and that was somewhere he was firmly against being.

Even at home, Derek wasn't all that interesting. He did mailings from home to supplement the meager savings he possessed seven years after his parents' deaths. He was endeavoring to stretch his income out enough so that he never had to work in an environment other than his own home and so that he dealt with people as little as possible. So far he had done fairly well. He didn't buy anything excessively expensive such as a new car or even expensive food. He didn't drink, he didn't smoke, he didn't do drugs, he didn't date or visit prostitutes, and he never visited doctors, dentists, or other members of the medical profession so he had no outrageous bills for health care.

Derek was a man without vice. Well... almost. Derek's one vice was the Internet. He allowed himself the luxury of internet access because he couldn't live without it. It gave him the ability to be whoever he wanted to be. He could be thin, fat, gay, straight, male, female... anything at all, and no one would be able to say otherwise. He could create whole new identities for himself and no one would be the wiser. No one would really know that he was just plain Derek Malone: loner, agoraphobe, and virgin.

Still, even in this one vice, Derek remained a frugal soul. He bought the cheapest kind of Internet access he could find - dial-up. If he could have found anything at all cheaper that let him stay on the Internet nearly 24/7, he would have used that instead. His Internet connection was barely a step up from free. If he could have found a free service without monthly time limits, then he would have used that. As it was, the cheapest thing he could find that was reliable and banner ad free (he loathed banner ads because he felt that they impinged upon the personal space that was his computer) was the service provided by his local telephone company. The phone service was a remnant from the time when his parents were alive. If it hadn't been for the combination phone/Internet service package the company provided its customers, Derek would have cancelled the phone altogether. Derek didn't really need a phone after all... there was no one he would ever want to call and no one who'd ever call him save telemarketers. But he did need Internet access. So the phone stayed.

He had only the single phone line and left his computer connected to the Internet at all times to save himself from having to take the time to connect and to make sure that if a telemarketer ever called that they couldn't get through. The service was pretty decent as dial-up connections go. It wasn't terribly fast (because dial-up modems never are), but it was remarkably steady. Derek even had his connection set up to automatically reconnect on the off chance that it ever disconnected, and he also automatically connected to the Internet when his computer started up. Derek was a certified Internet junkie. He knew it, he even admitted it to himself, but he didn't care. It made him happy and kept his life from being a completely humdrum existence. Also, it gave him that vital means of connection and communication with other human beings that all people need, whether they admit it or not.

His only other connection with the outside world came, rather unexpectedly, from his next-door neighbor, Monica Delamater. Derek had always made it perfectly clear to his neighbors that he wasn't interested in being their friend or in having them visit him. Monica, however, had paid no attention whatsoever to his protests and declarations. Instead, she'd steamrolled right over them, barging into his life until he simply didn't know how to get her to go away.

Oh, he'd tried to get her to leave him in peace. But it just didn't work somehow. He didn't really understand it. She'd defeated him with her incredible charisma and the stubborn way she only heard what she wanted to hear. He'd tried to get her to go away... then he'd tried some more... and some more... and again. But after awhile he got tired of trying to get her to leave when she never even paid attention to what he had to say. After she broke through his natural reluctance to be around any human being on a regular basis, he became accustomed to her presence. She was even a friend of sorts.

If he was honest then he'd admit that the real reason why he hadn't tried very hard to get rid of her after awhile was because she was a beautiful woman and after twenty-five years he was getting rather curious about what it would be like to have sex with an actual woman. No woman had ever bothered to try to scale the veritable Wall of China he'd placed between himself and the outside world. But Monica was different. She hadn't even bothered to try to climb over his defenses. Instead, she'd simply blown her way through them and left a Monica-shaped hole behind. She'd probably had an easier time of it than most because she was absolutely gorgeous. No, she was better than gorgeous - she was a full-fledged siren. A raven-haired seductress, Monica could have easily made a living as a model, if models came in a variety other than stick thin that is. She was tall, perfectly proportioned, and had a face that could have made Da Vinci weep. Her long black tresses, full red mouth, and striking amethyst eyes combined to give her a sinful, wicked look. Half the time Derek wondered if she was an angel in disguise, the other half of the time he wondered if she was a succubus come to drive him mad, and all of the time he fantasized about what it would be like to be with her for just one night.

Derek was completely absorbed in his thoughts as he stared at the simulated stars of his screen saver. Suddenly, he was startled from his self-imposed trance by a knock on the door. "Speak of the devil," he muttered to himself, knowing that only Monica ever knocked on his door. "Speak of the devil and she shall appear."

Derek got up from his computer desk and stretched lightly before going to open the door. He knew from past experience that if he tried to ignore her, she'd just get more annoying and insistent with her actions until he was irritated enough to give in and allow her access to his home. She knew he was always home and refused to be ignored... he'd tried once before. She'd knocked on every door and window she could reach on the outside of the first floor for a good 30 minutes before he gave in and opened the door. He wasn't about to go through that again. His pace quickened slightly at the thought and before he knew it he was standing in front of his door, drawing back the dead bolt, and opening the door.

As expected, Monica stood on the front porch - poised as if she was waiting for praise or a photographer's camera to flash. She held her pose for a moment, allowing Derek's appreciative eyes to fully take in her appearance and attire. She looked fairly casual this evening; she must have had the day off and spent it at home. Even on a 'casual' day when she hadn't dressed up for anything or anybody, her twenty-seven years still looked damn good. The clingy t-shirt and the jeans that were so form-fitting they seemed to have been molded to her body were amazingly seductive in the way that they hugged her curves in such a way that they revealed her lush attributes without truly revealing a thing.

The look in Derek's eyes was apparently what Monica wanted to achieve with her posturing in front of the door, because she dropped her pose to let her disconcertingly dissimilar personality shine through. She looked like someone who would be dark, mysterious, and the downfall of every man she met. In reality though, she was stubborn, cheerful, and so effervescent that she'd make an excellent perky blond if only her personality were taken into account. "Hi Derek!" she exclaimed with a sunny smile, "How are you this evening? I just thought I'd invite myself over to eat with you tonight... I hadn't any plans for dinner and I was feeling kind of lonely, so I thought to myself, 'I know! I'll go over to Derek's for dinner! He'll be home and I bet he hasn't eaten either.' So here I am!" She finished her little speech with another megawatt smile before brushing closely past him on her way into his house. She didn't bother to wait for the invitation she knew she wouldn't receive.

"Hi Monica," Derek said belatedly after his brain finished short-circuiting from her body brushing his. "Come in... I guess. You're right, I haven't eaten."

"Well, that's just perfect then," Monica cooed. "I'll just go see what you've got in your kitchen, shall I? The least I can do is cook for you after inserting myself into your meal like this. You go on and make yourself comfortable while I putter around in the kitchen. And don't even think of coming into the kitchen to help me. You just let me take care of you for a night."

Derek acquiesced with a silent nod. He knew she'd just do what she pleased anyway, so he might as well go enjoy himself and spend some more time on the Internet. The hassle of having to cook for himself would be foregone for one evening, and in return, he would tolerate Monica's company. He couldn't make up his mind if Monica's presence was a boon or burden, though even if he was secretly pleased to have her in his home, he would still complain loudly of her intrusion if he thought she would listen. She wouldn't, but he was half-tempted to complain anyway just for form's sake.

An hour later, Derek was pulled from his fascination with the Internet by Monica tapping him on the shoulder and saying, "Dinner's ready." He turned to face her with a scowl - he'd forgotten about both her presence and his need for food. But the spell the Internet cast over him had now been temporarily broken, so the need for sustenance rose to the fore once more. He arose from his computer once more, smiled slightly, and followed Monica's shapely behind to the small dining room just off the kitchen.

The dining room was small enough to be considered cozily intimate, especially after all of the obvious effort Monica had made to make it that way. Normally, the dining room wasn't even used as anything other than storage and as space when he needed it to stuff envelopes. So in its natural state, the dining room was nothing more than a table covered with a large scattering of papers. He ate in the kitchen because it was more practical and he didn't need to carry dishes and food from the kitchen to the dining room and back again. But Monica had transformed the dining room from its use as a mundane, utilitarian work space to something resembling not only a place to actually eat, but one that had a romantic atmosphere to boot. She'd dug out a lace tablecloth and two white taper candles were lit in silver candlestick holders. The tablecloth, candles, and candlesticks must have all been his mother's, but the candlesticks shone bright silver in the gently gleaming candlelight, lending an elegance to the room that Derek didn't recall it ever possessing.

Dinner was a deliciously prepared filet mignon that Derek was almost certain he didn't buy, preceded by a salad, and accompanied by braised baby carrots, and mashed potatoes that were deliciously rich and creamy. Both the steak and the mashed potatoes were lightly coated with a sauce that he couldn't even begin to describe, but whatever it was, it was a perfect way to tie the filet mignon and potatoes together. Dessert was a simple, but scrumptious strawberry shortcake. All of the courses were accompanied by what seemed to be a never-ending bottle of special wine that Monica had fetched from her house. Derek never drank under ordinary circumstances, but the amber-colored liquid was astonishingly appealing and after the first sip he couldn't get enough. He downed glass after glass of the golden wine and never felt like he was affected by the alcohol.

Although Derek didn't feel like the liquor was affecting him, it was clear to Monica that it actually had done what copious amounts of alcohol usually does. He was more relaxed in her presence than she had ever seen him before - chatting almost freely as dinner progressed instead of the stilted, terse conversation they'd started with. Too, his body language and posture had similarly relaxed and loosened. It had been very clear to Monica at the beginning of their meal that Derek was extremely uncomfortable and tense. But as the evening progressed, his taunt posture relaxed and his words began to flow like the wine he was drinking.

Dessert long finished, they lingered over the wine and conversation both had been enjoying. After about half an hour, though, the wine bottle finally came to an end and Monica stood up. "Well," she said, "I guess I'd better start cleaning up. You stay seated and I'll just gather these things." Monica went over to Derek's side of the table to get his plates first. She leaned over his seated form, brushing her breasts against his arm as she bent towards the dirty dishes. As she did this, she put one hand on his shoulder for balance. When her hand just touched the rim of the plate, she turned her face toward him and suddenly their mouths were just inches away from each other. She looked at him for a long moment before closing the distance between them and touching her lips to his.

The first kiss between the two neighbors started out soft and tentative. It was a kiss of exploration, of two sets of lips getting accustomed to the feel of the lips of another against theirs. However, after a moment or two, the kiss swiftly evolved into something else - something primal, something... passionate. Monica's tongue teasingly tracing his lips was the first harbinger of the change. When her tongue gained entrance to his mouth, the kiss immediately changed into something fierce and uncontainable. They kissed passionately and urgently, desperate to connect in the most intimate way possible between two human beings.

As they kissed, their hands began to roam, adding fuel to the fire. Derek's fingers were in her hair while her hands began to busily unbutton his shirt. Finally, they forcefully removed their lips from each other's, succumbing to the insistent need to breathe. They stared at each other, breathing hard, with unbridled lust in their eyes. After Monica had enough breath back to speak, she coyly asked, "Show me your bedroom?"

Derek nodded, and got up from the table. When he was standing, they kissed once more, somewhat awkwardly, before he took her hand in his and lead her down the hall into the bedroom. Derek's bedroom was large, utterly masculine, and formerly belonged to his parents. But Monica wasn't really concerned about the decor at the moment. All she wanted was to get Derek out of his pants and onto the bed as quickly as humanly possible.

The goal of getting into the bedroom achieved, Monica now set her sights on getting Derek naked. With a sexy smile, she stepped extremely close to him once more and kissed him again. Mouth and mind occupied, her hands finished the task of unbuttoning his shirt before sliding it off his shoulders. Her hands roamed his newly-bare chest for awhile, finding a few spots that made him moan and kiss her with renewed fervor, before starting on a downward trek to his pants. Her fingers brushed the top of his pants before nimbly finding and opening the single button. She slowly pulled the zipper down in a manner that would have been torturous if Derek hadn't had other things to concentrate on. He couldn't take her t-shirt off of her due to the active nature of her hands on his body, but he could reciprocate and unbutton, unzip, and pull down the jeans that were tightly encasing her lower limbs. So that is exactly what he did, albeit somewhat awkwardly, being unused to unbuttoning clothes that were on someone else's body. As he pushed down her pants, he felt a sensation of sheer relief as both his pants and boxers were pushed off his hips.

His erection sprang forward, already fully-formed and Monica gave a murmur of approval as she dropped to her knees. She had an irresistible urge to touch him, and reached for his cock with eager hands. She spent a few minutes stroking him and learning the feel of him in her hands before leaning forward to take him into her mouth. As she did this, her ever-busy hands continued to torment him with one hand fondling his balls as the other tickled the underside of his cock.

After teasing him almost to the point of release, she removed her mouth from his throbbing member and rose to her feet once more. She kissed him hard, letting him taste his own secretions on her lips as she gently maneuvered him towards the bed. Derek briefly felt the backs of his knees touch the end of his queen-size bed before Monica's elegant hands planted themselves firmly in the middle of his chest and pushed him onto it.

She quickly backed a little ways away from the bed, but when Derek moved to get off the bed and go to her, she playfully wagged her finger as she said, "Nuh-uh-uh. You just stay right there and let me take care of everything." Her arms crossed in front of her as she grabbed hold of the hem of her t-shirt. She slowly pulled her shirt upwards before removing it with a quick flourish and tossing it aside. She brought her hands down to her side, and stood posed for Derek as she had earlier in front of his door. His eyes roamed over her lush figure, now clad only in a matching bra and panty set of black lace; his face lit with a smile of appreciation and anticipation.

Intended response achieved, Monica turned, giving Derek an enticing view of her backside. Her hands came up behind her back to the fastenings of the flimsy excuse for a garment she was using as a bra and undoing the clasp. She then used one finger to slowly slide each strap off her shoulder individually. The bra fell from her body, but she didn't turn around. Instead, she bent forward, grasped the sides of the only remaining garment she wore, and peeled the lace panties off with a decidedly lack of haste. The excruciatingly slow uncovering of her perfect posterior caused Derek's cock to jump in reaction. He waited with poorly concealed impatience for her to turn towards him once more so that he could see her front free from all confinement.

When she turned around once again, Derek was not disappointed that Monica's was the first female he'd ever seen completely nude. Her breasts were full with large areolas that clearly showed her arousal and her pussy was shaved completely smooth, something that surprised him. Clothing removed, she stalked towards his prone form, crawling up both the bed and him when she reached them. When her lips were even with his cock, she halted her upward movement. One hand came up to stroke him briefly before the other hand came up and rolled a condom on his pulsing shaft.

Necessary protection provided, Monica sensuously writhed and wriggled her way up the rest of Derek's body. She stopped when his cock was comfortable nestled in the valley between her thighs. She kissed him deeply once more before using his chest as leverage for her hands. Her body lifted briefly and when she came back down his cock was firmly ensconced within her wet heat. Derek moaned in surprise and wonder at the feel of his dick being encased within a lovely velvet vise for the very first time.

Monica moved rhythmically up and down on her favorite portion of any male's anatomy, adding a circular motion of her hips every once in awhile for variety. Derek laid there for awhile letting Monica do all of the work before slowly beginning to thrust back, picking up her syncopated rhythm. Seemingly as one, Derek's hands came up to play with her breasts as Monica's nails raked over his flat nipples. The unexpected stimuli sent both crashing over the edge into mutual orgasm. Monica collapsed onto Derek's chest and Derek fell asleep, his now flaccid cock still trapped between her thighs.

When Derek awoke from his sex-induced slumber, there was no longer an exhausted brunette on top of him. In fact, Monica was nowhere to be found. There was a note laying on the nightstand next to the bed however. It was short and to the point: "Derek - I had a great time. See you tomorrow night for supper... I'll cook again. Monica." Derek was torn between satisfaction and annoyance. So that was what sex was like. Huh. It was almost enough to make him understand why people associated with each other.

After he'd had a shower and gotten dressed, he wandered through the dining room and kitchen to see if there was anything he needed to clean up. They certainly hadn't done the dishes last night. Their minds had been on other, more carnal, things. But to his surprise, there was nothing for him to do. Both the dining room and the kitchen had been restored to precisely the way they had been before Monica ever knocked on his door. If it hadn't been for the note she'd written, Derek could have dismissed the whole encounter as an extremely vivid wet dream. But the note was tangible and therefore the sex had been also.

That evening set the pattern for the next two. They progressed in almost exactly the same manner - Monica cooked dinner, they ate it accompanied by copious amounts of her special wine, they had incredibly energetic sex, he fell asleep, and when he woke up it was as if nothing at all had happened and everything was returned to normal. On the fourth evening, Monica didn't show up on his doorstep. She didn't knock, or call, or communicate with him in any way. She simply did not show up.

Derek was annoyed. She could have done something to let him know that she wasn't coming. He had been expecting her and almost looking forward to her presence. But if she was going to be inconsiderate, that was just fine with him. She'd once again confirmed that he was correct to loathe humanity as a whole. All human beings were like that - only wanting to use you and then throw you away like Monica had. Clearly she had got what she wanted from Derek and now wanted nothing more to do with him. He scowled. Well screw her, he thought. I never said I wanted to be her friend or her fuck toy. She just assumed that I'd have no problem with it and did what she wanted, took what she wanted. The bitch.

Derek decided to take his mind off of Monica by indulging in his favorite pastime - surfing the Internet. He spent a few happy hours wandering the vast realm of cyberspace. He was always happy to be online - whatever problems or concerns he had all just disappeared as soon as he became absorbed in the Internet.

Shortly after Derek heard the clock chime thrice to signify 3 am, something unexpected happened. The Internet disconnected him. Derek frowned - that didn't normally happen when he was online. He dismissed it as a power surge or some other minor, inconsequential thing and connected again. A minute later, he was staring in disbelief at the little icon on his systems tray that told him he was disconnected again! That had never happened to him before. The Internet was always connected and always there. It just was. The idea of being without it was unthinkable to Derek.

Derek didn't know what to do. So he did the only thing that seemed reasonable. He connected again. This time he stayed online for two minutes before it disconnected him. The light of stubborn determination gleamed in his eyes as he clicked the mouse to connect again. This time he was kicked offline in less than a minute. He couldn't even do anything on the Internet if he was only connected to it for 30 seconds at a time. Derek was determined, however, so he reconnected... and then reconnected again... and then reconnected some more. Each time he was disconnected he grew increasingly irate and annoyed. He was able to stay online for a whole five minutes once, but that was a rare occurrence. Generally, he was only online for somewhere between three seconds and three minutes.

On one of those three-minute intervals of connectivity, he had accessed the web page of his Internet provider. That took almost three minutes to load, so he connected again to view the contacts page. This gave him the 24-hour tech support number that he desperately needed after his connection had been so consistently aggravating. At his wits end, he did something he'd normally never consider - he voluntarily reached for the phone to make contact with another human being.

Of course, his brave and uncommon act did not immediately result in his hearing the voice of another person. Oh no, first he had to spend time going through a very irritating electronic menu of choices that grated on the ear and already frayed nerves like fingernails on a chalkboard. The particular option he wanted on each section of the recording was obvious, but he impatiently listened to all of the options first before making his selection, just in case they decided to sneak in a better description of his problem at the very end of the recording. There wasn't though, so he pushed one for English, two for tech support, and one again for connectivity problems. The mechanized voice then promised that someone would be eager to assist him as long as he remained patient and waited until an agent was free. So he waited and they supplied him with a steady stream of Muzak that was supposed to be soothing, but was only annoying, peppered by a steady stream of interjections assuring him that yes, they did want to speak to him, but all their representatives were currently assisting other customers at this time. The voice urged him to 'please be patient, someone will be available to assist you shortly,' told him that his patronage was important to them, and that they 'looked forward to assisting you with all your communications needs.' After twenty minutes of such treatment, he was even more incensed than when he'd first picked up the phone.

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My first MILF

Lorraine was one of the secretaries where I worked. Somehow she always stood out from the rest. Early fifties, pretty, smiley, flirty, always immaculately dressed and manicured, and obviously someone who was a real catch when she was younger. One day at some social event or other Lorraine got a bit tipsy. She was wearing a tight-fitting white shirt, jeans that showed off her pert, shapely arse and when she was up on the dancefloor I couldn't take my eyes off her. I thought nothing of it until...

2 years ago
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Bobs Great AdventureChapter 25

Upon arriving home we could see no outward changes so we drove into the garage. Pauloa helped me stow all the weapons and we walked into the main cave. WOW!! Where the cave had stopped before, it was now expanded at least another 500 feet back with three corridors about 6’ wide. It also looked like openings off each corridor about 15’ apart. We wandered back that way and what we saw was unreal. Starting at what used to be the back of the cave we saw a doorway on the right side about 5’ down...

2 years ago
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Her Fathers Queen

"Journal Entry for the night of August 23, 1876. "Word reached me towards the end of the meeting I had been having with the Prime Minister that the unthinkable had happened - the news collapsed me. On their return journey from Hamburg, my wife and my son had an accident. The carriage had overturned, the messenger informed me, and the heir-apparent to the throne, my son, had been killed on the spot. "My wife was wounded. Badly. Her head had slammed into the roof, and she had fallen into a...

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A Country Orgy

Introduction: Picking up two backpackers leads to a huge orgy. Well who would have thought that a quick walk through the forest would have led to this? Here I am sitting on my lounge watching my wife take on three men as a German tourist sucks my cock and her two friends lick cum out of their hard fucked cunts. What a strange yet wonderful world. Id had a bastard of a day and had decided to take the two dogs for a trot down to the river. The sun was belting down and it wasnt long before I had...

2 years ago
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First time in a new life

This is my first story and although the names have been changed, it is true. Thank you to BS21 for assistance in editing. My name is Mark. I am 37 years old; I stand 6 feet 2 inches tall and weigh 230lbs. I had been separated for about a year when this story took place, and had found the Internet to be my new best friend. Whilst I had been married for 13 years I had only ever been with one person, now I was single, I had found a whole new world. I had joined an over 40 chat rooms; and being as...

First Time
1 year ago
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OldGoesYoung Foxy Slave Naughty hottie gets caught redhanded

Naughty Foxy Slave tries on her new stockings and bodysuit. She loves the feeling of cloth on her hot body so much that she gets very much excited. She has no other way out but to break the rules and to satisfy her dripping wet pussy right in her stepdad’s bed. Foxy Slave knows she can be punished for that but she simply can’t resist the excitement. Sure, she gets caught in the middle of the solo game. Luckily, it’s her stepdad who enters the room just in time to admire her...

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BlacksOnCougars Brandi Love 07162018

Brandi Love is an entrepreneur. One of her specialties? Flipping homes. She’s so successful, Brandi now consults with other people interesting in the same thing. Enter today’s meeting with two big, Black Bulls. Brandi can’t keep her eyes off their crotches during the consultation, and finally Brandi succumbs to her weakness. She begins by turning a professional meeting into a personal one, saying, out of the blue, “my husband doesn’t do it for me anymore.”...

1 year ago
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My views on my wife

It’s not considered big unless it is 40 plus inches. Now I have been with a very large number of women with phat asses, 40 or more inches in size. My wife has an amazing phat ass of which happens to be 48 inches in size that I absolutely worship. Even though I’m 100% ass man and worship her incredible ass cheeks in so many adoring ways, and she has an amazing body, she has been misinformed through her past relationships, causing insecurity. So its my duty to make certain, even if it takes me to...

2 years ago
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Pam the most incredible dream girl

Pam was angry with Kevin for taking her for granted after promising not ever take her for granted by getting angry for Pam’s suggestion to trade her next weekend. She thought he also angry at Dennis for ever moving here and being competitive with Kevin. Pam felt he was keeping her as piece of his personnel property never to be questioned after honestly describing to Kevin how good Dennis was as a lover. Kevin had started to us the word fuck or fucking as universal adjective while Dennis never...

3 years ago
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Snow Wolf

You have been standing at the window for what must be hours. Your mind can’t grasp exactly why, but something ‘out there’ is calling to you. You stand silently watching, waiting, for what or whom, you have no idea. Mesmerized by the flurries of snow that float upon the cold evening breeze, you feel a slight shiver traverse up your spine and your curious mind wonders why, for it is warm and cozy in the cabin in which you stand. Built long ago, in the days when the wasichu were trying to wrest...

4 years ago
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A Whore is Born

I was laying in bed in a semi-conscious state with the full moon trying to break through the curtains. All I could remember was drinking in the bar with Sue, I couldn't have drunk so much in such a short time could I. Then as I was drifting off again I felt a smooth hand stroke my thigh and then cuddle up to me. A smooth body pushed against my back, cool breath tingling my neck. I felt comfortable and warm, even secure. A hand dropped on to my knee and slowly lifted my legs a part then I felt...

1 year ago
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The deal of a Lifetime for a dad and his son

Note : This story is completely fictional! I don't like long drawn out explanations about myself or any thing so here it goes. On a sunny Saturday morning, I went over to my friend Devon's house to watch tv with him. Little did I know that his parents were gone for the day and his older brother Demetric was gone to play football with some friends. When I got there, Devon was acting kind of funny when he answered the door. Thinking little of it, I followed him to the basement. When I got down...

3 years ago
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Break In

I've seen this man before...he's 5.9 has black hair, dark eyes and mouth watering lips...but the only thing that truly matters are his eyes... I remember seeing him throughout the day, in fact everyday of this week... here and there...his penetrating, undressing, intense eyes...almost killer's eyes minus madness...I can feel his gaze upon me everywhere and anywhere, how it sends goosebumps down my body and forces me to turn and look around, have a feeling that someone is watching me. Then when...

1 year ago
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One More Last ShotChapter 2

Harry is hovering over me when I come to. His big bushy hair leads down into his big bushy eye brows that connect to his big bushy beard. The hand extending a glass of cheap booze is covered in thick black fur. I don't remember his real name. I don't want to ruin his sofa, so I decline the drink. Harry sets it on the coffee table. I sit up and shake the cobwebs out of my head. The fog doesn't lift from the room. Through the haze and his thick mane, I can see that someone paid Harry a...

2 years ago
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Selling My Hot Wife On Nudist Beach

A few months back , Me and My Wife Suzanne were on holiday in Spain.We Are Both Keen Nudists And enjoy the Nudist Beach Scene.My Wife Suzanne Is 5 ft6 ,Slim-Toned , Very Short Blonde Hair ,Blue Eyes , Darkly Tanned , 38c Breasts, Trimmed/Strip,She is 41 years old and has a huge sex drive , we have sex quite often but my performances are quite pathetic at times and i know myself i am not fulfilling my Wifes many Needs.She goes to the gym alot and trains hard to keep her self in very good shape...

2 years ago
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I Wet Dream of JeannieChapter 4 Culture Shock

Tony Nelson stared at his commanding officer. “Sir?” “Oh, don’t get nervous. Have a seat.” He motioned the astronaut towards a chair. “Porter’s gone off the rails again. She filed a complaint against your partner, too.” “Roger?” Bellows nodded. “She charged the pair of you with disrespect, disobedience, and intentionally corrupting the experiment. For all I know, she’s still filing charges. Did you do any of those things?” “No, sir! Of course not!” Bellows smiled and shrugged. “Good...

3 years ago
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Homosex with friend in hosur

Hi This is govindaraj from coimbatore age of 24 and my cock size is 6.5inches in length and I am fair good looking guy.I am in coimbatore now and my native is hosur(Krishnagiri Dist.,)This happened when I was 22 when I went to my native place I met my old college friend there in hosur his name is rajan and he is of my same age little darker in color and cock of 7 inches long.I went to his house there were no one in his house he was in lungi and baniyan and he was watching television and after...

4 years ago
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My InheritanceChapter 20 A New Kitten

I awakened at the bottom of a human pile. Andy was crushed against one side, her mass of blonde hair over my face inhibiting my breathing, her head over my arm. Tinker Bell was jammed against me on the other side. Sometime in the night, Mary had rolled over Tink and me, crushing Tink into the bed, placing her head next to mine on the pillow. Mary’s fingers were wrapped around my cock. As I tried to disengage us, I got moans and mumbled complaints as they struggled to move in their sleepy...

2 years ago
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Webmeets Diary Ch 07

Note to the reader: In this diary I will tell the true stories of my sexual encounters that have come about thanks to the internet. Some more precise details such as names and places will be left out to protect mine and others' privacy, and also because they don't matter. Each entry in the diary can be read alone or as part of a series, but since I have a wide sexual appetite you may not find everything I've done to be such a turn on, so you may want to skip those chapters. This chapter and...

Group Sex
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My Sister

~ Incest / romance Sex Story ~ The events started when I was just out of High School. My sister, Sam, was younger than I was and cute as a button. Even at 18 she looked so petite she often got into the movies at child’s prices. I was on holidays before going off to Uni to do a nursing degree. Our Mom was a nurse and worked the night shift, this way she could get the late shift allowance and be home in time to take us to school. She had been doing this for years now and we were well in to...

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Bhavika Hit Me Down

Hello Guys and beautiful Girls, Recently I started reading ISS and found many interesting stories. Some are really awesome. I started liking stories here very much. As all are sharing their experience here, I also thought to write about my experience. So I created email id () to post the story here. This is my first story and may be the last as am not sure in future whether I come across such incident or not. So without making you bored, let me start the story. This is between me (Chintan) and...

1 year ago
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Blind DatePart 3

The fact that Jesse had a new boyfriend called Billie acted more like a spur to her libido rather than a calming effect. She imagined that once her pussy was finished and in place she would be able to fully access the differences between pleasuring her pussy rather than her rear portal. Unfortunately, at this stage of her transfer, she still had some physical reminders of her days as a man and she was a little afraid of cutting off her body with no road back to satisfy her rampant cock when...

4 years ago
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Big SkyChapter 5

Two years passed when Nancy received devastating news. Erin received a big promotion and had to move to Denver. She wanted to accompany her but still had a year left in school and transferring there would cause a great inconvenience for her. Erin offered to refuse the promotion but she told her not to. It would be too selfish of her to be a barrier for Erin's rising career. Nancy told her she would stay in the flat where we lived and if she were ever in the area, to let her know. The last...

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Teacher a Short Novel Under ConstructionChapter 14

On Thursday after lunch the teacher was in the main office getting ready run off some history quizzes when two booming shots rang out, heavy thumps that came from the nearby front hall and shook the pictures on the wall. He jumped and the windows rattled. They were so loud that they sounded like nearby explosions. He ran out into the hall with a half-open ream of copy paper in his hands. And there was one of his former English students, a skinny junior, standing in the middle of the hall...

1 year ago
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First time in the sauna

German sauna culture has a particular etiquette. Nudity is expected and usually required. Some people say this is because chemicals from the swimming pool might evaporate but it was the rule long before people worried about such things.Being nude in the company of strangers is supposed to be a liberating experience that breaks down barriers. It is not a sexual experience, or at least it isn't supposed to be and nothing of that sort has ever happened to me. Except of course that one time, which...

Quickie Sex
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Dealing With JessieChapter 2

Jedd Clampett This is the second of a nine part story. Please read and comment on the content. Vote of you like. Here goes part two... Gary had always been her rock in tough times, her ever faithful husband, and the responsible father. Where had it all gone so wrong? He realized none of that mattered, not to her, not anymore. To her he wasn’t anything. He was like a spare part, something extra, a left over. Really, what could he offer; nothing now, nothing she couldn’t get from her...

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Fembot Fucking

2017. Nevada, USA. John Smith is a man in his early 40's, medium built, black hair, blue eyes and a good husband to his wife and devoted father to his children. He's driving through Nevada, having visited his old college roommate who owns a big casino in Vegas. His family is waiting for him back in California and he wants to get back to them. Even though John enjoyed watching the Vegas-strippers with their big, fake tits dancing around the poles in the casino theaters, he never considered their...

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Mistress and Boi 1Feeling Mean

Mistress and Boi #1 Feeling mean. She waited. Arms crossed over her ample chest, leg rocking. She was in a mean mood, and would soon receive relief. She heard her Boi's truck pull into the drive, and she smiled wickedly. She had waited for this all day long. She had some aggression to abate, and it would be tonight. When he stepped into her bedroom, he knew something was amiss. She was dressed in her black silk and lace negligee, had her long hair up under a silver comb and her eyes were cold....

Quickie Sex
4 years ago
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Watchingirishmik60 Is it incest if you only watch? Is it wrong? Naughty? Disgusting? Or sexually exciting? Passionate? Erotic? I was home from my freshman year at college for Spring break. I'd rather be at some exotic spot with my friends, partying and fucking my brains out, but sadly finances got in the way. So, here I was laying on the bed I grew up in, chatting on my cell with my bff. She was at Ft Walton Beach with others, drinking themselves into a drunken frenzy, fucking any boy that...

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Love Comes Around

Ding, dong, ding, dong, ding."Mommy, a man named Adam is here for you.""Okay. Take your brothers and sisters to the playroom and color and play."I knew who Adam was; he knocked me up two years ago. We had dated a little after meeting in a grief support meeting. I had lost my second husband to suicide, making me a widow for the second time in my short twenty-six years; he, his wife and young daughter. I was almost glad I got dressed today. Normally, I would've settled for gym shorts and a baggy...

Love Stories
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Roscoes CapitulationChapter 2

Olivia timidly wheeled us out of the cul-de-sac in the monster car; her chest palpitating as she gently touched the gear shift. The air was just right and the car throbbed as she acclimated to its dominance. Olivia hiked her skirt to mid-thigh, exhibiting her creamy thighs to me as her soft hand caressed the shift knob. I was mesmerized, just looking at her as she seemed just on the verge of an orgasm as the breeze ambled through her silken hair. The neighbors, hearing the distinct growl of...

3 years ago
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Another Welcome GuestChapter 5

Aphrodite - Daughter of Zeus and Dione, Goddess of love, beauty and sexuality Artemis - Daughter of Zeus and Leto, goddess of the hunt, the moon, and chastity Athena - Daughter of Zeus and Metis, goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, strategic warfare, mathematics, strength, strategy, the arts, crafts, and skill. Zeus - King of the Greek gods Hera - Queen of the Greek gods, sister of Zeus Ares - Son of Zeus and Hera, god of war Apollo - Son of Zeus and...

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Conversations With Katherine

My boyfriend has some really weird friends and neighbors. One couple, who live just down the block from James, loved to throw themed parties. Costumes are always part of it, but during the party, you are supposed to stay in character. For example, last New Year's Eve they held a 1930's Prohibition-themed party. Everyone was a 1930's Gangster or Gun Moll. We had a Bonnie and Clyde, a John Dillinger and the Lady in Red . . . you get the idea.James and I didn’t go the typical route and came in...

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Never Bet a Women You wont Cheat Blacken

Toni called being very apologetic, asking if I minded watching our little girl while she attended a party thrown by a friend of Gingers. I told her it was no problem, not to worry, and to have a good time. Wanting to make sure she would be safe, I asked if she or someone else was going to drive. Though Toni was very conservative with her actions, she didn't drink very often and when she did, it always made her tipsy. She informed me that Ginger was driving and she was riding with her. She also...

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Adventures of a Greenie Green Marine Vol 3Chapter 17 Reunited

The Saran woman entered the hotel room she and the Saresii had occupied since they arrived in Montreal. They both were working for the Kermac Ministry of Information and thus for the enemy. She had been a member of the Black Cat society and like all Black Cats very opposed to the Gray Cat society, a rivalry as old as time. The Gray Cats had become the dominant group and influenced everything in Saresii life, while all the other societies, like the Red Cats or the White Cats, withered away to...

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blow jobs

When I was married my husband would bring his friends home from work with him on the weekends. I'm a good cook and they all wanted my cooking, one weekend my hubby got really drunk and started to kiss me and play with my boobs. The guys were chearing him on and soon I was naked, he was so drunk he couldn't get a hard on so I went to the nearest man on my hands and knees and took his cock out and gave him a blowjob. While i was doing that the other 2 men took their cloths off and kept saying...

1 year ago
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High School Days

Jerry was spending a few days with his old high school buddy, Bill, and his sister, Barbara. Jerry hadn't seen Bill in years, and when he found that he would be in his town on business, he had called to say hello. Bill had insisted that he stay with them, instead of at a motel. That evening, after a good dinner, the three of them were sitting in the den sipping wine and talking."By the way, Barbara, how did your class go today?" Bill asked his sister."Great," she grinned. "Wait until you see...

1 year ago
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Perfect Roommates

Author's Note: It became clear while I was writing this story that aspects of it have been influenced by the stories of Ed Miller and Zedd, among others, but those two primarily. I hope they, and the reader, see this effort as one by a new TG writer searching for their own voice as opposed to being an imitation of those two established authors. Although, I guess, both things could be true. Regardless, I hope you enjoy this story for what it is. PERFECT ROOMMATES You don't always...

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Substitute WifeChapter 2

Richard had courted Vivian for her smiles. When she was pleased, the entire room lit up. She should be pleased at her wedding, for God’s sake. She looked worried, though, throughout the ceremony and the feast afterwards. When they were back at his town house and had separated to dress for bed, her maid, Phyllis, rapped on the connecting door and he went in. Vivian was lying with the sheet pulled up to her chin. If she’d looked worried during the service, she looked terrified now. Well,...

3 years ago
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True Love Found

I was raised an only child by very strict Protestant parents.  As a girl born int the 1950's, it was expected you would grow up living at home until you were married and then have your family.  Sex before marriage was not permitted and that was drilled into my head, daily.   From the time I could talk, I wanted to be a nurse, and when my dad had his first heart attack when I was five, he was admitted into a Catholic church run hospital.  In those days, children were not allowed to visit, but...

Love Stories
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The Young Adults of New StartChapter 3 Tanis Mercy

The next day they all assembled in the quarters as directed and when Tani did not appear, they went to bed. At two minutes into the next day when it was still, pitch black outside the lights flashed on in their bay. "Stand by the end of your bunks," Tani yelled. When all had complied, she began to pace up and down the aisle and address them. "You are mine for the next week and I just thought I would let you know that training starts three hours from now, during this week I will tell you...

3 years ago
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Humiliated Part 2

Author’s note: I highly suggest reading Part 1 first, however this story should more or less stand on its own. The story is based on a chat-based roleplay between v-card and myself. The basic outline of the scenario was mine, but the actions and words of “Nikki” are by v-card and are used by permission. I have tried, as much as possible to present a consistent story without deviation from the actions presented in the chat. In some cases, however, I have elaborated on the chat to provide a...

1 year ago
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Britain under the Nazis Jack Boot part 3

Part one - two - days after the incident in the discipline room, Nancy and Mary, along with the rest of the dorm, were allowed back into general circulation. The disappearance of the dorm mistress and corporal had caused concern. Still, nobody in the German high command believed that the girls could have had anything to do with their...

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visiting germany

Hi Jim, Do I have a story to tell you – you are not going to believe this! You know I have been working in Germany for the last two months and I’ve actually been so lucky that I got to stay at a colleague’s home the last couple of weeks. This is where this story starts to get crazy! So, his wife, Dagmar, is a pretty and slim woman, but seemed a bit shy to begin with. After the first couple of days I noticed that she kind of let me see stuff – she bent over in front of me showing me cleavage...

3 years ago
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My Neighbor Ned

I’m an old guy widowed; living in the same house my wife and I raised our kids in. I have great neighbors some who have lived here as long or longer then I have. Physically and mentally I am in great shape for my age. I have only one problem I am obsessed with porn and sex. I am very bisexual; enjoy giving and getting oral, anal and anything else having to do with sexual gratification. I am having an ongoing affair with Alice that lives on one side of me and Neil that lives on the other. I...

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Daddys Mindcontrolled DaughtersChapter 6 Daddy Cuckolds the Cheater

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! There was nothing like having a teenager’s cunt on your dick while driving. Just feeling that hot, tight snatch clenching and relaxing, shifting as the car drove over any bumps, the way she whimpered in pure delight as my dick stirred around inside her. I had my arms wrapped around Pina, a fifteen-year-old Hispanic slut I claimed at the church orgy. Pina brought my burgeoning harem up to ten women: my wife, my four daughters, Crystal’s...

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Mistletoe and Mom

This story is not mine i just wanted to share it Mistletoe and MomMy parents divorced last year after 35 years of marriage when my father ran off with his young secretary; cliché, yes, but it does happen. I've been trying to help my mom as much as I can with all the changes so when she needed some one to go with her to her company Holiday party, I accepted without even thinking.My mother is a typical suburban housewife of 58 – she is not unattractive, but not young, firm or hot. She works as a...

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