Addiction. free porn video

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I live in the Chicago area with my mother and older sister; my father went to prison on drug charges. He’d been in and out multiple times for possession and dealing, but this time he was found with enough to get him 15 years... He tried to cooperate and give up some information, but none of it played out well enough in his favor.

Drugs, specifically heroin, were a real issue in my family… not for me so much, but my father sold regularly (but rarely used), while my mother and sister on the other hand were users. This created quite the stir in our home after my father left. At first things sounded like they might actually change for the better, there was talk of them getting clean and us being a more normal family, and to their credit it happened… for about 2 months, until one of them found a new dealer.

My mom liked to remember the days of her youth when she was homecoming queen, and a teen model, she was still a very pretty woman but her lifestyle had made her a shadow of what she used to be… But her fading good looks hadn’t hurt her confidence that though, as she was very outgoing, and was able to hold down a job. But with the sole income in family of 3 it paid the bills and that was about it. The plus side is it wasn’t the type of environment that allowed her to easily make acquaintances with people who sold drugs.

My sister was her mother’s daughter. Beautiful and still living her glory days, or so she thought. She was homecoming and prom queen, and incredibly popular, mostly because she could get drugs for parties and would sleep with any guy who mattered in her class. But when she graduated last year and all her classmates moved off to college or started jobs, she was not the type of person they wanted to keep in touch with. So she just sort of drifted. With no responsibilities, she had the freedom to do whatever she wanted, and that made her feel like she was living the life, but that still required money. Any one who looked at her could see she was a user, but she was young and pretty with enough charm that she could still sort of hide it. With every job though, eventually her drug use took precedence and she’d miss work or something and would get fired. She could never keep a job and thus never had money for, among other things, drugs. It actually seemed like it might secretly benefit her to not have a job, and I was right, when she was unemployed she was clean, but not willingly.

She had finally stooped to taking a job that was “beneath her”, as a convenience store clerk, and came home one day with a $25 bag of dope. They’ve always tried to hide what they did from me, but it took more than shut doors and hushed voices. From what I gathered, she met a guy named Kyle, your typical, skinny, crack-head, white-trash type of dealer. She told my mom he could hook them up and asked if she wanted to buy her some too.

My mother shuffled through her purse and pulled out her cash. I could see her doing the mental math, trying to decide what she could give up. Like most users, both she and my sister were also smokers and drinkers. These secondary vices weren’t as enjoyable as heroin, but were cheaper, more accessible and didn’t interfere with normal everyday life. Even though dope was preferred, deciding on a week’s worth of smokes in exchange for one shot in the arm was at least up for some debate. It also showed that she had made some progress being clean, the urge wasn’t as strong, and it was that false sense of accomplishment that made her think she deserved some sort of treat… so she handed my sister the money.

Now $25 doesn’t sound like a lot, and it’s not… if you wanted one hit every couple of weeks, but when an addict wants it multiple times a month, then a week, then daily, it adds up.. And for a single mother of 2, or a girl just out of the school who can’t keep a job, it adds up quicker…

Fast forward a couple months and my mom’s one time “treat” was now a weekly habit on the verge of becoming more frequent. The good news for her is, she’s a good mom, and has always put her responsibilities as a mother before her desires as an addict, so since once a week is all she can afford, that’s all she allowed herself. There’s no booze in the house and she’s all but quit smoking, which is all fine, but that money is going in her arm now, which isn’t an improvement.

My sister lost her job 2 weeks after starting to shoot up again. She quickly burned through whatever money she had left, and I thought this was going to be the end of it… if she’s not buying, then my mom will back off too and they’ll clean up (again). But one night she came home with a bag and my mom freaked out on her.

“Where did you get it?! Where’d you get the money?!” She said, snatching the baggie away. I was sitting on the couch watching TV, just feet from them, desperation, it seems, had made them less discreet.

“Kyle!” My sister answered, taking the bag back. “And I didn’t use money.” Her voice dropped suggestively with the last word.

“Then how’d you pay for it?” My mother demanded. My sister just looked down at her feet and shrugged. “Answer me dammit!”

“I did stuff ok!?”

“What did you do!?” My mom grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the room, out of my sight, but not far enough.

“God, I just sucked him off!” I heard my sister say defensively.

There was more scolding and yelling. Sexual favors for drugs was clearly the line that my mother had never crossed before, and she was disgusted that her own daughter had done it, but it didn’t stop. For weeks my sister was still getting high, and hadn’t even bothered to look for a job, she didn’t need money anymore. My mother disapproved of course, but let it go.

Now one of the problems with addictions is that they actually get worse over time. A person who has smoked for 30 years probably smokes more now than when they started. Same goes for an alcoholic, and the same goes for a junkie. Some studies say it’s because the longer a person uses a substance they become increasingly resistant to it, and need more to get the same effect. People also compromise with themselves to the point that they give themselves permission to do more. They start out with a budget, and they stick to it, until they decide they can give up something else in exchange for their addiction.. “I’ll quit smoking and use the money for coke instead”.. Well they’ve technically stayed within their budget, but now they’re feeding the addiction more. It’s all this flexibility that enables the user to get in deeper and deeper. If a person said “I’ll only spend $50” or “I’ll only do it twice a month” and stuck to their own rules, you’d still have an addict, but one who uses far less. But bending on your principles and morals can be even worse. It seems the financial restraints on my mom’s habit were enough to keep her from using more than she was, that is until she learned that she could use more and pay less…

One day I came home from school and caught her sucking that scumbags cock in the middle of the kitchen. I always came home through the back door, which happened to be the kitchen door. I walked up and grabbed the knob but before I could turn it I looked in the window on the door, and saw Kyle standing in there, pants and underwear pulled down mid – thigh. My mother was kneeling in front of him, head bobbing rapidly on his tiny prick. Her hands were grabbing his ass cheeks, while he had one on the back of her head and the other on the counter next to him. My eyes were wide, I was shaken, disgusted, and angry. I turned and left, I didn’t want to watch, although the hard-on I had suggested otherwise.

I never caught her again, but I knew it was still happening. For several weeks afterwards both she and my sister were shooting up on a nearly nightly basis. It sickened me to look at them, their drug induced state was bad enough, but knowing that they were allowing a piece of shit like that to use them, and use BOTH OF THEM! And be ok with it!? My mother sucking the dick of the same guy her own daughter sucked for drugs! I mean do you see what people will do for drugs?!

Then one day he was gone. I came home to my mom and sister arguing frantically, “why isn’t he answering?!”. Apparently Kyle couldn’t be reached by any means. I know I was keeping a straight face, but I was smiling on the inside. We never heard from him again, never found out what happened to him. Most likely he got arrested, or just realized that getting paid in blow jobs wasn’t a good business strategy.. but who knows, maybe he wound up dead in a ditch somewhere.. It’s nice to imagine. But this sudden disappearance turned into two very long weeks in my house. Sure I was fine, and rather enjoyed seeing them forced to clean up, but they were miserable to be around. They complained constantly about having to find a new dealer, which was easier said than done. The problem was that my dad burned a lot of bridges when he tried to be a rat to get out of jail time. No one with connections wanted anything to do with my family. But as with all industries, money talks, and they finally got in touch with someone.

His name was Tyrone, young, new to slinging, his older brother was a big shot dealer who was all about the money. So when my, still unemployed, sister offered him a BJ in lieu of payment, he turned and got back in his car and left. You’d think that’d be the end of it, but he was still trying to build up a client list, and I’m sure he looked at these two and saw a couple hundred bucks a month, steady. So after a week, when they pulled together the funds to get them each a bag, he delivered. The problem was that these two weren’t going to be happy with only one shot every few weeks, and with my mom being the only one paying, that’s exactly what it would be.

I minded my own business, but I watched, as things left our modest home. The house was cute, just outside a very nice neighborhood, which put us in good schools (a lot of good it did my sister), but inside our home you’d think we were squatters. The only things left were basic furniture, too big to move for the few bucks they’d get. My room was fairly safe, I didn’t have much, but I locked my door to make sure no one sold what I did have while I was gone. I’d made money the last couple years doing things for neighbors, mowing lawns, shoveling snow, etc.. Whatever was available to do that time of year. It was fall, so I’d been raking leaves, and since I had little desire to be home, and because I was forced to buy may of the things I needed myself, I was taking more jobs and staying busy.

Tyrone had been their dealer for a few months, still only taking payment in cash. My sister couldn’t even get a job now, couldn’t pass the drug test obviously. I skipped school one Monday, exhausted from yard work all weekend. If the school called my mom she’d scold me a little, but the truth is I’m kind of a nerd, well behaved, good grades, so I got a bit of slack. I planned to veg-out and play video games all day… what I should’ve been doing all weekend. Naturally my sister was just loafing around the house, she slept in late, then just sat around since there was nothing for her to do (they’d sold the other TVs weeks ago). Being a nosey sibling, or simply out of boredom, she wandered into my room.

“What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be in school?” She said, standing in the doorway. She was wearing a large hoodie that went down to her thighs.

“I needed a day to myself” I said flatly, not looking away from my game.

“What’s wrong, trouble in school?” she asked, not really interested.

“No, schools fine, just been working every day recently, and all weekend. I’m beat.”

“Working? Doing what?”

“Yard work mostly” I glanced over at her, annoyed that she didn’t seem to notice I’ve barely been around. “Other chores too, but right now mostly raking. Which is annoying cuz they want me to rake stuff up as soon as it falls, even though there’s gonna be more in a couple days, I mean geeze, just wait for the tree to drop ALL its leaves then I’ll do it all at once!!.. But the money’s nice, and they all pay me each time I go over, so I can’t complain.” I instantly knew I’d said too much. I shot a look at her, her eyes were wide, realizing what she’d just heard.

“I need some money!” She practically screamed, and ran in front of me, blocking my view.

“No!” I said, trying to look around her at the TV screen, “move!”

“c’mon Gene! Just $25! Or I’ll tell mom you skipped school!”

“So what, Tell her!.. Now Move!”

“Please Gene!.. I’ll suck your dick!”

“N… wait, what?” I couldn’t believe what she’d just said, I don’t even think she realized what she said, or who she said it to.. It was just a reflex, something she said to get what she wanted. She dropped to her knees in front of my chair and began unzipping my pants. I just looked at her in shock… but I hadn’t said ‘no’… which surprised myself.

“So $25 ok?!” She said, pulling her little brother’s cock out of his boxers… MY cock. I wanted to say no, to stop her and push her away, but I saw my prick in her hands, as hard as it’s ever been in my entire life, it was like my own body wouldn’t let me say no…

“k.” Was all I could eek out of my gapping mouth. But that’s all it took. She devoured my erection. Her head went up and down violently, her hair hung down around her face, obstructing my veiw, but it didn’t matter, I all but lost consciousness. My vision blurred and my body tensed, I didn’t move nor make a sound the entire time. I couldn’t tell you how it felt or anything from the moment she put me in her mouth. I was snapped out of it by my orgasm, which I didn’t even feel approaching. One minute I was in a coma, the next I was twitching as I shot my spunk down my sister’s throat. I felt like I’d been in a daze for hours, but I knew that it had lasted mere minutes.

“Alright where’s the money!?” She said, wiping her lips and jumping up to her feet.

My eyes regained focus, and I looked at my dick, still hard. It was shiny and slick, but clean, none of my goo was on it or in my lap, my sister had swallowed it all. I tucked it away, ashamed of what I’d allowed to happen, and stood up. I pulled the cash from my wallet and handed it to her, she darted out of the room with a grin on her face, oblivious to what she’d just done. I collapsed on to my bed and just stared at the ceiling. A short while later I heard a knock at the door, my sister opened it, closed it, and rushed back to her room. I looked out my window to see Tyrone driving away.

I spent the rest of that day and the whole next day at school trying to either condone or condemn what I’d done. I’m not proud of what happened, but, I’m a virgin, and that was the first time I’d received head. I tried to tell myself that it was understandable for a boy my age to give in to sexual urges and make bad choices, but she was my sister and even though it wasn’t my idea, I didn’t stop it either. No matter how I looked at it, it was wrong, and wasn’t going to happen again… spoken like a true addict… and as with all addictions, they cause you to make bad decisions… After school I walked into the kitchen of our home and was greeted my loving sister who looked like she had been standing there waiting for me all day.

“Can I have another $25?!?” She asked, dropping to her knees, not waiting for a response. She hurriedly fished my penis out through the front of my jeans and into her mouth… knowing that once she started I wouldn’t want her to stop. My eyes rolled back in my head and my balls swelled.

“k.” I said, placing a hand on the back of her head. I closed my eyes, and this time I savored what my $25 would buy me.

It went like this for over a month. I had a couple hundred bucks saved up when my sister first came to me, but I wasn’t stupid, I had to keep doing jobs to earn the money for my sister’s (and now MY) dirty habit. She was insatiable, she came to me every day, usually trying to blow me before I’d said if I had money or not. It took every ounce of my strength to push her away when I didn’t have the cash to spare.. Often giving in and letting it happen then paying her anyways. I started staying away from the house on days I knew I couldn’t afford to give her anything. I was venturing into further neighborhoods, finding people with chores I could do. I’d stick to the good areas of town, places where people were wealthy enough to pay someone to do their “to-do lists”. I was making great money for a kid my age, but it wasn’t enough for what I wanted.

Our arrangement was limited to when our mother wasn’t home, first of all she wouldn’t approve of seeing her daughter giving her son head, and second, if she saw my sister with dope she’d want to know where she got it. So it always took place when I got home from school, there were still a few hours left till my mom would be home, so by then my sister would be in her room sleeping it off. But one Saturday my mom had a work function to attend that was going to have her gone all day. This sounded appealing since it had been a few days since I was able to give my sister money for smack (and head). I had just earned some money last night after school, but figured I’d have to wait until Monday afternoon to get to spend it. So it sounded like my Saturday just improved. I was supposed to be at someone’s house in a couple hours to help them clean out their garage, which was fine, by the time my mom left, I’d be able to get a quickie hummer and make it to their house on time.

Which is exactly what happened.. my mom left, my sister instinctually asked for money, which I said I had, she said she’d suck my dick, and I accepted. I received my payment on the couch, sitting comfortably, I unzipped my pants and pulled out my cock, stroking it confidently while my sister took her position in front of me. I sat there, head leaned back, eyes closed, and enjoyed a leisurely blow job. When I finished, I handed my sister the money and left. I spent the next few hours helping an elderly man clean out his garage. My sister would still be out of it, so I figured I’d just do some homework until my mom got home, but to my surprise she was already there.

She came home early and found my sister in the middle of shooting up, they got into it, she demanded to know where she’d gotten the money, and in her compromised state, my sister told her everything. As soon as I walked in the door my mom attacked me.

“So you like getting your dick sucked?! Huh?! You don’t care that it’s your own sister?! You pay her to give you head like some whore?!” She went on a tirade, calling me every name in the book, I felt horrible. She cut me off every time I tried to say something, but it didn’t matter, nothing I could say would’ve made the situation better.

I went to my room and stayed there for the rest of the weekend. Monday after school I didn’t go home, my sister had no shame, even with our mother finding out she’d still be begging me for some money, and I was too weak to say no, so I just stayed away. I didn’t go home until evening, and went straight into my room. There was no sound in the house, I just read until I was tired, then fell asleep.

“Gene, Gene, wake up, it’s mommy.” My eyes slowly opened. I looked at my alarm clock, it was just after midnight.

“Mom?” I asked, groggily, “what is it?”

“Do you have any money sweetheart? Mommy just needs to borrow a little something, do you have any?” She was speaking very quickly and quietly, trying to sound calm. Now my mom was still using, but best I could figure she was only able to afford some every other week, and she was doing fine with that.. Because she had no choice, but just like with Kyle, as soon as she learned there was a way to get more without needing money her addict brain told her that she could get high again, and once she let herself believe that, nothing was going to stop her.

“Um, no mom, I don’t really have anything.” I was laying in bed looking up at her.

“Oh but you had some for your sister!.. Do I have to suck your cock too!? Is that what you want?! You want mommy to suck your cock for money!?” I couldn’t even respond, as she spoke she climbed on top of me and yanked down my boxers. My prick sprang out already half hard. She leaned down over me, straddling my legs, one hand on the mattress holding herself up, the other gripping my erection like a vice. She seemed to hesitate for a second, I thought maybe she’d change her mind, but she lowered her head and took me in her mouth. She used her hand along my shaft more than my sister did, it was amazing. I propped myself up on my elbows to watch her. The whole house was quiet except for the faint rhythmic slurping of my mother’s lips around the head of my cock. I made no effort to stop her, I’m not proud of myself, but would I? I loved this.

Just past my mother’s rising and falling head I saw movement. My sister standing in the shadows of my bedroom doorway, watching, angry. Not with me of course, but with my mom, telling her she couldn’t do this, only to go and do it herself. I was afraid she might say something, startling my mother and causing her to stop, but she didn’t, she just watched for a few minutes then went back to her room. The nervous tension of having my sister watch our mother giving me head in the dark caused me to last longer than normal, but it didn’t stop me from cumming. The build up to this orgasm was long and drawn out, and wonderful. It was the largest load I’d ever unleashed and it didn’t phase my mom one bit. Her head kept moving while I came, and her hand squeezed every drop out of me. She paused a second, making sure nothing was going to drip from her lips, then she stood up. She didn’t say anything, just looked at me in the dark. I didn’t speak either, I thought it best not to. I handed her the money and she left.

The next morning I was sitting at the table eating cereal before school when she came into the kitchen. We didn’t speak or make eye contact, she just stood at the counter making toast and coffee when my sister walked in. This was unusual, as she normally didn’t get up this early.

“Gene I need some money.” She stood in front of me… “Or did you give it all to mom last night?” She shot her a glance, but my mom didn’t turn around. I didn’t know what to do, my sister was clearly trying to call mom out for being a hypocrite, but I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to play along or take a side.. “Well do you have any??” She snapped at me. I was frozen, my mouth hung open, my eyes darting between my sister and my mother, who was purposely ignoring her. “Well!?” She snapped louder, grabbing my chair and turning it towards her. She pushed my legs apart and knelt down between them. She started unzipping my pants and looked at my face. My eyes were bulging from their sockets. Our mother was standing just feet away, her back to us but completely aware of what was taking place. Even so, I looked at my sister, who now had my stiffening cock in her hand and gave her a nod. She dropped her head into my lap and began giving me the loudest, wettest BJ she’d ever done. This was fully for my mom’s benefit, who stood there for just a moment more, before grabbing her things and leaving out the back door. Never speaking, never turning to look or even acknowledging what had taken place next to her, she simply left. And I was still frozen in place, a spoon in my hand, as my sister’s head bobbed in my lap, sloppy cock-suckling sounds echoing in the house.

My mom never said anything about it, and it didn’t deter her from continuing to use her son’s penis as a heroin-ATM either. My sister never pulled anything quite like that again, however she wasn’t as discrete as our mom was, who, to her credit never said anything or drew attention to it when she caught us. This arrangement lasted a few months, all the way until spring. This was good since winter provided plenty of opportunities to earn money (shoveling snow, clearing ice, hanging Christmas lights) and having nearly 3 weeks off of school gave me the time to earn it.

My sister was coming to me at least every other day, whereas my mom started out only coming to me every OTHER week, then EVERY week, then MULTIPLE times a week. At first she had still been buying her own supply, using me only when she needed a little extra, but she didn’t take long to rationalize with herself that she could just use my money for dope and her money for necessities for the family… Sure that meant sucking her son’s cock for drugs, but he wasn’t complaining, and hell, her daughter was doing it too! So it’s not like anyone else in the house had a problem with it, so why should she?! And once she looked at it that way, it wasn’t really that much of a stretch to go from doing it every other week to doing it every other day!

Ya.. my prick had developed a really expensive blow job habit, that was about to catch up with me. There came a point were I was getting head every single day… mom on Monday, sis on Tuesday, mom on Wednesday, and so forth… it was great, then one day Tyrone told them that he couldn’t keep coming here every day for one bag a day, he would only come if it was for two or more bags… at first this seemed problematic, but not for the reason you’d imagine.

Like most guys on this planet, I can only cum once, then I’m done for awhile. So I’m not gonna spend the money for 2 bags and only get one orgasm out of the deal, that’s just… nuts! So, my mother, my sister and I talked it out, and believe me that was an odd conversation. But ultimately they agreed that I’d still get head every day, from each of them, on alternating days, just like before. But that they’d both get high together, every other day, that way we were buying two bags at a time like Tyrone wanted, and he was making less trips. No one lost out really, they had been shooting up every other day already, but before they had been alternating, now they’d just be doing it on the same night.

After the first week of doing this I was really liking it. The nights they DIDN’T get high were kind of like family nights. It was rare that they were both lucid at the same time anymore, plus, things around the house had improved since my mom had stopped spending her money on smack. We had a TV in the living room again, and better food for dinner.. We’d watch movies or play games, and then all go to bed around the same time. On those nights my mom took it upon herself to be the one to give me head (my sister only did it if she was getting something out of it, so she did it on the days that they got their dope).

Mom would come in just after bedtime, never speaking or turning the lights on. I had started sleeping naked out of convenience. She would sit on the edge of the bed and put her hair in a pony tail, then begin to fondle me. I always feigned being asleep at first, somehow I figured it made her feel more comfortable. I’d get hard in her hands and then she’d lean down. After a minute or two of quiet sucking she’d always start to moan, nothing too loud, just that noise you unknowingly make when eating something good. At this point I knew she was relaxed, and (even though she’d never admit it) enjoying herself. I could now sit up and watch, put my hand on the back of her head, make noises of my own, and say things like ‘God yes!’. I’d eventually cum in her mouth, which she’d swallow with a slightly louder groan, and she would leave without making eye contact.

the nights they DID get high, it was like I had the house to myself! I’d come home from school, usually be greeted in my room by a sister who was eager to get her fix. I’d get my dick sucked before even taking off my backpack, then get left alone. They’d shoot up, pass out and I did whatever I wanted. I played video games, watched TV.. The house was quiet and I got plenty of me time. It was one of these nights, a couple weeks into this new routine, that I went into the kitchen to get something to drink when I saw my sister passed out on the couch.

Seeing them like this was just part of their addiction. Heroin gives its users an intense euphoric high, followed by a long low, consisting of hours of “sleep”… not just sleep, but an unconscious state that can be so deep that picking them up and dropping them on the ground won’t wake them. Sometimes they seem responsive, eyes fluttering, and they’ll even seem like they’re trying to talk to you, but it’s more of a dream for them, as they never fully understand you or remember the interaction later.

But seeing her on the couch was a little weird, as both she and my mom preferred to use their own rooms. It wasn’t unheard of, just uncommon… what probably happened was she shot up then got thirsty and couldn’t make it back to her room before the junk really kicked in. In any case, it’s best to leave her there. I got a soda and started walking back to my room when something caught my eye. I walked over to my sister and saw she was wearing a tee shirt that had slid up past her bellybutton, revealing she wasn’t wearing any panties! Now I’ve seen these two in pretty bad shape before, but I’ve never seen either of them naked. Not even since they’ve started blowing me have I ever seen them so much as toppless! So looking down at my sister’s nearly hairless snatch had me mesmerized.

I didn’t know what to do… I mean the brotherly thing to do would be to get a blanket and cover her up… but did that really matter?? I mean I give my sister drug money in exchange for blow jobs and she’s cool with that! Besides, she’s seen my crotch tons of times, I don’t think she’d care that I’m seeing hers… and if she wouldn’t care about me seeing this… my eyes traveled up towards her chest… then she really wouldn’t care if I saw these… I reached down and gently pulled her shirt up over her firm perky breasts. My sister lay there fully exposed to me, and as you could imagine, my body started responding to what it was seeing.

I left the living room and returned with something in my hand.. A condom. I’m not proud of myself, but ultimately my hard-on convinced my brain that if my sister was fine with sucking my dick, what’s sex gonna matter?? I mean if one day I said “sis if you want money today you’ll have to fuck me instead of blow me!” do you really think she’d say NO? Of course not! So I unzipped my pants, and like any addict I convinced myself that this was an acceptable line to cross, then pulled on the condom. I carefully laid on top of her and slid inside. I fucked her quickly and nervously, I barely remembered it afterwards. I know it felt different that a BJ, but that’s it, I never even played with her tits… all my focus was on trying not to disturb her, and trying to cum fast (which I did).

When I finished, I hurried back into my room and closed the door. I threw away the condom, changed clothes, and fell onto my bed. I laid there contemplating what I’d done, and worrying that at any moment she’d walk in, knowing what had happened. I was disgusted with myself, and after nearly an hour I decided to go check on her. I found her still asleep, she didn’t look like she had even moved. I pulled down her shirt and covered her up with a blanket, like somehow that made it all better. I laid back in my bed trying to just forget the whole thing, but even though I felt bad for what I did, my cock stiffened back up… it had no remorse.

I ignored it for a bit, but eventually I got up and left my room, this time naked. My rock-hard prick felt cool in the night air. I walked into the living room and checked on my sister again, still asleep. I went down the hall, walking quietly, but with confidence, and opened the door to my mother’s room. She had left the night stand lamp on, I could see her sprawled on top of her sheets, wearing a pair of panties and a thin tank top.

“Mom?.. Mom? Mom are you awake?” I spoke at a normal volume, and waited for a response. She didn’t move a muscle, the only sounds were her soft breaths. “Mom can you hear me?” I said a little louder, as I tore open another condom. Just more breathing. I closed the door behind me.

For a week this became part of my routine. In addition to getting my daily BJs, I was now secretly fucking them when they passed out on dope. Sometimes only one of them, other times both, either way I was appreciating it more. I was still cautious not to be too loud or move around too much, but I took my time and savored it, enjoying their bodies more than I had the first time. Neither of them gave any indication that they suspected anything was off… in fact our family life was great, the only issue was that I was struggling to make enough money to support this lifestyle… all this fucking and sucking was completely contingent on me being able to get them both high on a regular basis. Based on how much money I currently had, and how many clients said they didn’t have anything that needed to be done… I’d be broke in another week.. I needed to come up with a plan… Which I did.

Since this whole thing started I’ve had to say this a lot, and that’s “I’m not proud of myself BUT…” the but is always the kicker! I obviously know that what I’m doing or thinking is wrong but I’ve convinced myself that it’s acceptable for some reason… my mother and sister want their drugs, even if I said no and cut them off they’d still get it one way or another. The fact that they were willing to put their morals aside and suck on the cock of their son and brother was testament to how far they’d go. Honestly, getting it and doing it at home was safer than some alternatives. I, in turn, wanted to get my cock sucked, and would pay for their drugs to get it. This meant that more of my mother’s money stayed in the household, and improved our family situation. Me having sex with their unconscious bodies was just an added bonus for me that didn’t hurt anyone….now in order for us all to get what we wanted and our home life to continue to improve, I needed to make more money. They would want this too.

So I decided to tell 3 of my closest friends what’s been going on at home… well not everything. Like I said before, I’m a bit of a nerd, so my friends are too. None of us has had a girlfriend or had sex (that they know of), and of course throughout my youth I’ve had to hear comments from them about how hot my mom and sister were, so I was going to use all of that to my advantage. I lived near a very nice neighborhood and went to a good school both of these things translated to ‘wealthy’. So yes my friends all had rich parents and thus had allowances that dwarfed what I was earning doing chores. They rarely came around my house since it was impossible to hide my family’s drug habits, especially after my dad went to prison. It made them uncomfortable, which I understood, but all of this played into my plan.

I mostly told them the truth… I simply left out any parts that involved me. I told them that my mother and sister had insatiable addictions that they couldn’t afford to pay for with money, so they’d been reduced to sucking off their dealer (Kyle). But he’s gone and their new dealer only takes cash, so now (I began to embellish) they’d decided to try whoring themselves out for the money. But there’s too many risks walking the streets, or trying to bring a stranger into our home. Plus they’re too ashamed to sleep with someone for money, they just want to get high and act like it never happened… so they’ve asked me to try and find guys that would be interested in paying to have sex with them after they’re already out cold... My friends all thought I was joking of course but then I started laying it on thick and playing like I was the victim too. I told them that my mom was spending all her money on smack, and there was no food in the house and blah, blah, blah… I said I felt so horrible about this whole situation, but I couldn’t think of another way, and my friends were the only ones I could trust. They finally believed me, and they were in.

It was simple really, they came over after the girls shot up, and I charged each of them $75 per fuck. They had to wear condoms, be quiet and respectful, and leave as soon as they were done. Some nights all three would come over and take a turn, other times it would only be one or two, and sometimes no one, regardless, they were more than covering the costs of the dope. Occasionally one would leave, then call and ask if he could come back over and do it again, “sure, another $75”. I still got mine… my mom of sister gave me head every day, and I still screwed them both, before or after my friends did.

This went on for a couple of years until we graduated. My mother and sister were never the wiser, sort of “what you don’t know doesn’t hurt you” as far as I’m concerned. The end result was that they still got high, and I was able to put away a nice chuck of money for college. I got my undergrad locally, and lived at home those years, I couldn’t pull myself away from such a satisfying living situation. I’m not proud of myself for pimping them out, BUT, I knew if the only way to feed their addiction was to sleep with me or my friends they’d have done it anyways. And of course the only way to feed my addiction was to feed theirs... So I’m pretty sure they’d understand.


Same as Addiction. Videos

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Teenage Hormones Pt 4

***** The kids are away at College and Mom is left with an empty nest. Dad invites Mom to accompany him on business trips and the fun begins and the sex continues. *** The day after Labor Day, Logan and Becky left for their separate colleges which were roughly a two-hour drive from their home. Becky was attending the State University, studying Fashion Designs and Logan was attending the prestigious College of Architecture. The distance between Logan's college and Becky's is only...

4 years ago
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Erotic SnippetsBefore the Party

‘Quickly, Sam,’ Lisa whimpered. ‘If we’re going to do it, it has to be quick, before any of our guests get here.’ She was pressed up against the living room wall, her face forced against the smooth, cool paleness of it. A waterfall of orange curls, only slightly streaked with white, mostly covered her eyes and downturned face, but her eyes were closed as she lost herself to sinfully delectable sensation. Lisa shivered to feel her teenage son, already so much bigger than her, run his hand up...

3 years ago
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Momrsquos Used Cunt

I’d been on tender hooks all night waiting for the taxi that was fetching my mom back from her night out with the girls to stop outside the house. Last week I just happened to see the taxi driver kiss mom while her skirt was up past her waist before coming in to the house totally plastered. I watched from behind my bedroom curtains as the taxi stopped and the driver turn around in his seat to talk to mom. Minutes later, he is helping her out from the back of his car.Mom’s arms were soon around...

1 year ago
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My Maid Caught

Hi, guys, I’m matsingh and this story is about my maid Babita. She was in her mid-30s and mother of two children. I was 16 at the time when this story happened. She was an average looking brunette with wrinkles on her face and has huge boobs 36-d. She had a curvy ass. I was in class 10 at that time. Now the story begins. It was Monday morning and I was on a leave. We had a big house and I lived on 1 floor. She cleaned my floor at 10 am. At that day I saw an opportunity and I went to washroom...

1 year ago
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The Lawyer and the Killer Ch 05

Susan was lying on a pile of filthy sheets in a creaky bed a some dingy room in an abandoned house in one of the grimier sections of town. This was her second experience at being kidnapped, the first had been at the hands of Shawn McClellan, a man she considered terrifying with his threatening scar and callous disregard of her apparent fear. He’d brought her to the edge of madness with his calculated indifference, cool logic, and gallows humor. Now she considered his behavior generous, even...

2 years ago
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my gay sucking and fucking time

His soft lips kissed mine. Our tounges smacked on each other's as we passionately kissed. I pushed him on the bed. I took his shirt off to reveal is tight abs and muscular body. I kissed his neck, down to his chest and along his perfect abs. I removed his pants and underwear to reveal is hard perfect cock standing to attention in front of my face. I kissed the tip of his cock and then the shaft. I grabbed his cock in my hand and spat on it, rubbing my saliva in with my hand. I put his cock in...

1 year ago
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Love Me til Dawn Chapter 11

The following evening the three of them were together after dinner each relaxing in their own way. Alice was reading the romantic novel she had brought with her and Lorraine was on her laptop computer attempting to keep up with the backlog of emails that had accrued. George however, was fidgety and was distracting the other two. Lorraine felt under some pressure so she quickly finished her task and turned to face her.“OK George, what is it?” she asked.“Last night,” she replied, “the sexual...

1 year ago
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It was a beautiful day at the beach. I was with my boyfriend Chris, his buddy Mike and his girlfriend Amy . We spent the day enjoying the ocean and warm weather. The waves were just prefect to body surf in. More than once my bikini top came down riding the waves. I know Chris enjoyed the view and I caught Mike take a quick glimpse as well. After a few hours of the beach we decided it was time to go. I went home to get showered and then headed over to their apartment. We planned on double...

1 year ago
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The Sexy Girl At My Office

Hi this me Vikram again after a very long time. Sorry for not posting any stories after my first one. I had a rough patch in life and so needed a break from everything. Thank you, everyone, for your comments on my previous story. I don’t want to waste your time, let’s get into the story. The heroine of this story is a North Indian brought up in Chennai. This is a real-life incident that happened last week. Let me explain her looks, short around 5’2”, fair complexion, a bit curvy and brown hair....

1 year ago
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Family Liza Rowe I Want My Stepdads Big Black Cock

Liza or as her stepdad nicknamed her “Jo Jo”, finds her stepdad so sexy and even though she keeps flirting with him, he keeps resisting her attempts. Liza finally found her opportunity when her stepdad Sean fell asleep on the couch, so she started to play with herself while she fantasied about him. Her orgasm woke him up so she figured he wouldn’t be able to resist her now! He told her that her behavior is out of hand but Liza took matters in her own hands as she showed him...

3 years ago
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Hosed on the Street

Dashing out of the strip club with $1200 in hand after five hours in the champagne room, I was ready for a night out with Gibson. I called him on my drive home to make sure he was ready to go clubbing. My sexy man was getting dressed when I entered the master bath. He was wearing jeans and a trendy, untucked dress shirt I recently picked up for him at Buckle. I quickly changed into my skinny jeans, a black lace bra, my favorite black blouse that is two sizes too small, and 5′ platfrom heels....

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