A Would Be Heroine free porn video

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The cold night air kisses my young porcelain skin as I silently make my way through the empty park. A tiny girl of only 18, scans the darkness before quickly making her way to the public restrooms. I've heard the rumors of the sex crazed packs of horny men that have been gang raping girls in the area. It's always been my fantasy to struggle against several large, horny men, while they violate me against my will. That is why I have chosen such a revealing outfit. A small white top with a plunging neckline that barely wraps around my large, jiggling, young breasts and ties in a single bow around my back. my ample cleavage fully visible, a portion of my large, sensitive areolas can be seen peeking out from the gossamer fabric that struggles to contain my thimble sized, perky nipples that jut out in response to my arousal and the cold night air. My flat toned stomach is ringed by a belly chain. My tiny white gossamer skirt has a split up the right thigh. My crotchless white panties leave my young, tight holes unprotected. I slowly slip into the open men's bathroom, fully visible in the light of the doorway. unbeknownst to me a pack of sex crazed homeless men hiding in the shadows of the park had noticed me enter the mens room. As I gaze at my sexy image in the floor to ceiling mirror of the men's room I realize that it was drizzling outside as I snuck through the park. I can now clearly see my large sensitive Nipples protruding through my wet, barely there top, my tiny wet skirt desperately trying to hide my salivating pussy, all the while a white mask around my eyes conceals my identity. My orange hair is done in a single braid that reaches to my lower back. A tight, thin, white choker slightly constricts my airflow. Fear and arousal begin to flood through my mind as I size myself up one more time in the mirror. Suddenly I hear the shuffle of several footsteps entering the well lit men's room. Am I ready for this? Can I handle being forcefully raped by strange men who want nothing more than to impale me with their thick, massive cocks until my insides are overflowing with evil man jizz. The thought alone makes my girl parts shake with anticipation. I begin to drip from my slit, As I see a group of 6 large, homeless black men stride into the men's room. I'm frozen in terror as the mandingos hungrily gaze at me and say “you lost little girl”? Defiantly I stick out my chest and say “I’m sorry, I didn't realize this was the men's room. I was just leaving” All 6 men say nothing as there perverted stares gaze at my fully visible breasts and erect nipples heaving in time with my heavy breathing. My wet shirt leaves nothing to the imagination, all six of them begin to stoke they're clearly massive cocks through their jeans as they stare at my tiny trembling forme. my large, perky, teen breasts heaving in my wet shirt has their eyes glued, they lick ther lips as the stare at my large pink nipples that are now standing at full attention under the scrutiny of the lustful gazes. I'm unable to move as they slowly surround me. Stay away from me I say, as I try to pass through the middle of the group of big dick, homeless, black men. Strong arms force my elbows to almost touch each other behind my back, forcing my DD sized breasts to spill out of my top. Immediately two large sets of big black lips suction cup to each of my sensitive nipples causing me to cry out in a lustful whimper. This is rape! I scream. Not yet. Says one of the hobos as he frees his already cum dripping cock from his jeans. There hands are all over my body, groping every inch of my young sensitive flesh. I struggle helplessly to fight off the hands that rub my tender skin. The men, ugly, hulking hobos, free their large cocks and approach me, lifting my leg to the point where I am nearly doing the splits while standing. God damn hoe, you must really want this dick! One said as all off the men now see my young tight pussy that has begun to salivate from the grouping and sucking of my overly sensitive body. He kneels and begins to lick the pussy juice that has run down my thighs. AHHH, don't touch me I scream! You like it bitch. He casually replied as he sinks his long tongue into my defenseless, young pussy. At that moment a pair of police officers enter the bathroom. Rape! I scream again. Causing the man that held me to let go. The police pull their guns and tell the pack of hobos to get on the ground. Wait outside. One officer says to me as he ogels my young exposed form hungrily. I quickly leave the restrooms and move back into the rainy night doing my best to stay in shadows. Not waiting for the police, my heart pounding, feeling as though I may die of embarrassment at the thought of all thoughs horny men seeing me in such a sexy, wet outfit. I know the area well and the group of hobos didn't seem to be on the super drug that turns men into uncontrollable rapists. If a group of men were out here at night they would likely escape the rain by either hiding under the bridge further in the park or in the old factory on the other side of the woods. They could also be at the old rail cars that sit abandoned beyond the other end of the park. I know the rail cars are usually where all the homeless men camp out and again they don't fit the description of the group I'm hunting. I should check the bridge first but there's no way to approach it without stepping into the light and revealing myself to any possible onlookers. I have no choice and I can always run, I step out onto the well lit path and begin to approach the bridge, from this distance I don't see anyone so I hasten my pace into the shadows under the bridge. The rush of sneaking around in such a lude outfit has somewhat dulled My senses and I failed to notice the large man sneaking up behind me. From out of nowhere an arm wraps around my waist and a disgusting voice whispers “What's a beautiful little slut doing sneaking around the park at night” his big hand begins to fondle my large breast as he rubs his already stiff cock against my supple butt. “Stop. Please.” I beg him. His rough hands pull my top down, exposing my chest to the damp night air causing my nipples to betray my body and stand at full attention. “Stop. I whimper as I struggle against his rough groping. I don't want this” Though I said the words, I only half meant them. His rough treatment of my little body has my knees week. He slid his right hand down to my crotch as he pulls on my perky nipples with his left. “What's this” he says as he begins to finger my wet hole. “Crotchless panties, you're already soaked down here you little slut. I'm going to fuck you. “No. I protest, as I continue to struggle, while grinding my ass against the bulge in his pants. He spins me around and lifts me from my feet, bringing my perky breast to his mouth, hungrily sucking up each nipple in turn. The sensation of him sucking my nipples is enough to bring me to orgasm and my struggling stops as I tremble with pleasure in his arms. “That's right you sexy little slut, now I'm going to fuck you good and hard” he momentarily lets me go so he can free his throbbing cock. I take this time to act and quickly give him a swift kick to the dick. He crumbles to the ground with a grunt. I run from under the bridge, still shaky from the orgasm, my large breast still exposed, swaying as I run back into the rainy night. Adrenaline pumping throughout my body from the fright and arousal off the attack speeds my pace as I disappear back into the shadows of the woods. Once I am sure he hasn't given chase I stop to catch my breath. I clutch my heaving breasts, sucking each nipple to clean of the perverts saliva before stuffing them back into my top. God that was hot, and I managed not to get myself raped and still had an orgasm. Maybe this isn't such a bad idea after all. Emboldened by my victory I continue on, out of the woods towards the massive factory that looms in the distance. There is no real way to approach the factory that doesn't run the risk of me being spotted so I puff out my chest and walk confidently across the field. I don't think anyone saw me as I make my way through the fencing and onto the factory grounds. The place is covered in frightening graffiti, promising rape and sodomy to any who might venture inside. Though abandoned the factory still has power, lights flicker here and there as I slowly sneak between the buildings. In the distance I can make out the sounds of several men talking. Not wanting to be seen, I climb to the top of the building next to me. I move to the edge and look over. Across the way an open garage door reveals several men inside. Could these men be the gang of sex crazed brutes that have been raping all the girls in the area. I’ll have to get closer to get confirmation. Perhaps if I go around to the other side of their building I can find a way in. As I make my way around the buildings two men emerge from an ally only ten paces away. I push my back to the wall, clearly visible if they look my way. Luckily they don't notice me. They head the other direction towards the main factory, as I slowly follow behind. They are both abnormally large men, one black, one white. I can't quite make out what they are saying as they open a door and disappear inside. “Ok Kasumi” this is the moment of truth. I have know idea what could be waiting on the other side of that door. A blacked out window provides me a mirror. As I gaze at my orange hair in a single braid, my heaving chest, barely contained under my soaked top, erect nipples and large areolas fully visible, my crotch begins to drip again in excitement and fear. I feel a wave of panic hit me. If these are the guy's, I'm not going to be able to fight them off. I may be able to run as long as no one gets the drop on me. Again I look at my sexy, young body trembling in the window, I could be violently raped and cumed in by every man here. Even if these aren't the guy’s. if they see a young hot girl snooping around dressed like I am, with a mask on, short skirt and see through top, they are going to rape me anyway. Is that what I really want? To be penetrated raw by all these big men. The thought of all of them ripping my clothes off and filling all of my tight holes with their massive dicks until they fill me with their thick cum is making me lightheaded. I slowly slip two fingers into my womanhood and watch myself in the window as I bring myself to a shivering orgasm. Once I recover I say to myself. Fuck it. I slowly open the door and peek in. The first room is empty save for a dirty mattress and some torn women's clothing. I move to the next doorway and peer down the hall. There are several doors on either side. I can make out the sounds of rough panting and quiet sobs coming from one of the rooms. I wait for a minute and another large man exits a room to the left, stuffing his massive cum dripping cock back into his pants. That settles it, these are the guy's. Seeing the size of the rapists dripping member is almost enough to make my still twitching pussy cum again. I stifle a moan and Once the man leaves the hallway I sprint to the room he left. Inside I'm not very shocked to find a girl barely older than myself cuffed to a radiator, leaking the seed of the man who just raped her. I pull a pin from my hair and quickly free her. I lead her to the door I came through and tell her the best way to escape. Tell the police right away. I tell her. Are there any other girls here? Yes she says but I don't know where. It's ok, I'll find them, you get to the police. I watch her run off into the night. Wow, I'm a real hero I think to myself. I have to find the other girls. I slowly creep back down the hallway peeking into each room I pass. Most are empty. One had three men sleeping inside, I could have gone in there and been fucked silly, but I have work to do!. At the end of the hall I can go up the stairs to my right or through the door to the left which should lead to that big garage. I fly up the steps as I hear the door to the left begin to open. The man that had attacked that girl goes back down the hall. I continue up the stairs. A ruckus is starting downstairs someone freed that little bitch, someone is here. Find them. He screams. This isn't good, I have to get out of here. As I open the door in front of me I enter an office that overlooks the warehouse below. A gang of ten burly men are drinking and passing around a girl until the word of an intruder reaches them and they spring to action. The poor girl is thrown into a van and the gang of men begin their search… for me! I can't stay here and I can't go downstairs. I climb slowly out of a broken window onto the beams that criss cross over the mob of sex crazed men below. I hide there as men crash into the office. No one has seen me yet. I can climb down the other side of the warehouse by the garage door but I'll surely be spotted. A voice yells out “fan out and search the grounds” This man, I have not seen until now. A mountain of a black man, covered in muscles and tattoos. He must be their leader. The men leave the building to search the grounds but the boss stays behind. If I want to save that girl and myself for that matter, I'm going to have to go through him. Cowered! I yell from my hiding spot in the rafters, let the girl go and I will face you. With that he pulls the girl from the van and begins to beat her. You're going to face me or I'm going to kill this bitch. Stop! I yell, emerging from my spot in the rafters. I climb back to the office and head down the stairs. My clothes, still soaked through, my skin glistening with drops of rain. As I emerge from the door into the warehouse the man tosses the girl to the side. I step into the light so the ring leader can fully see the sexy young heroine who is going to defeat him. The man grins as his eyes drink in the beautiful young girl standing defiantly in front of him. He makes no move but his eyes survey every inch of my wet young body. Under the weight of his hungry gaze I feel my nipples start to stiffen clearly visible in my soaked, barely there outfit. He too has noticed and begins to take off his pants. I make no move as he reveals his engorged throbbing black monster cock, already dripping with pre cum. the sight of which brings my sensitive nipples to their fullest length, my cunt begins to drip with juice. I'm warning you. I say in my strongest voice. I know martial arts. I raise my leg into the air and hold a kicking pose to show him my prowess. Not realizing that I'm also showing him my crotchless panties and exposed vagina that is clearly running arousal liquid down my leg. “You think you're some kind of heroin” Look at you, dressed like a super slut with your tits out and dripping pussy juice. You came here to get impaled by this didn't you, you little fuck hor. He says as he shakes his throbbing cock at me, which has grown to the size of my forearm. My head spins as I imagine what it would feel like to be speared on his gargantuan cock. Catching myself I say. Not in your wildest dreams you piece of shit. I run at him and leap into the air with a flip, my wet crotch slams into his mouth, my legs now straddling his shoulders. His hands immediately grab my ass cheeks and I feel his long tongue begin to lick the entrance to my wet pussy. This is bad. I spin on his shoulders forcing him to follow my momentum and I send him flying to the ground. I land on my feet and strike another pose. He rises and licks my glistening nectar from his big lips. I'm going to enjoy breaking you. he says, while stroking his massive pole at me. He charges and I swing my lag in a large spinning ark. I misjudged his speed and as my legs are completely spread leaving my tight, slick, vagina prone to attack, I am instantly lifted into the air by his gigantic cock, forcing its way up into the deepest part of me with a single hard thrust. My pussy explodes with a volcano of female ejaculate and I shriek in ecstasy, spraying uncontrollably, all over the massive black cock that now pulsates inside me. I am helpless while impaled on his thick long cock, suspended in the air by his huge dick alone, still trembling from the most violent orgasm of my life. Hahaha he laughs into my face. The sensation of his massive clock deep inside me and the fact that I was defeated outright and am now being deflowered with rape only heightens the violent orgasm paralyzing my body. While i'm helpless still impaled by his first, deep plunge into my pussy. he pulls my breasts free and begins to hungrily suck my stiff, sensitive nipples causing me to again explode all over his dick. He begins to bounce me up and down on his massive pole, my feet never touching the ground. He puts his hands on my hips and forces me down, impaling me deeper with his throbbing dick. With every bounce I cum again. he never lets up his assault on my heaving breasts that have now started to dribble milk with every thrust of his cock. You like that hor. He screams in my face. I told you I would break you bitch. Still cumming with every stab of his enormous dick I manage to cry out. You'll never break me, no matter how many times you rape me. With those words I feel his cock swell inside me, then I cum again as I feel the spray of his man juice explode from his cock filling my unprotected vagina to the top. He removes his now satisfied cock from my twitching pussy allowing the flood of his sperm to flow out of my abused hole. Still shaking with aftershock orgasms my heart sinks as I hear the other men returning. They drag me to my feet. My hands are tied behind my back making my perky breasts stick out further. One man ties a rope around my ankle and throws it over the rafters, forcing me to do the splits while standing. I shake in fear at what's to come then I feel the first man's tongue licking my asshole as another attacks my cum dripping pussy. All at once hands and mouths come from every direction, fonduling and sucking every part of my body. It's not long before a stiff large cock plunges deep into my tight unused ass. Another forces its way into my pussy and I erupt again spraying my girl drippings all over the gang of men, now raping me, cumming inside all of my holes. The feeling of being stuffed in every orifice, violated by so many men is even more amazing then I could have imagined. They pass me around for hours until every man there has shot at least three loads inside me. exhaustion finally takes me and I pass out. I come to, too a soft voice whispering for me to be quiet. The girl who was beaten is dragging me to the van. All of the men are passed out. She puts me in the passenger seat and slowly pulls out of the warehouse. As I direct her to where to go she says. I can't believe you fucked all of those psychos to sleep. A small wave of pleasure rolls through me at the memory of being filled to the brim with cocks. The sun is about to come up as I have her stop the van by the woods. My house is in a cul de sac just on the other side. As I step out of the van onto trembling legs the girl says. You're a hero, All those cops we just passed are going to bust those guys. I tell her. You can't tell anyone of my part in this. Why she asks. Then people will know my identity and that I was raped by all of those men. I see she says. Goodbye and thank you for pulling me out of there. With that I disappear into the woods. My mother is gone out of town for work so I have the house to myself. I shower and stumble into bed. I turn on the TV to see the breaking story. Police have just arrested the gang responsible for all of the rapes in the area. Several women have come forward to press charges against this group. Two in particular were saved this very morning by a brave young woman in a mask. To my horror I see myself on security footage. Everything that happened in the factory was recorded. Including my violent gangbang. Fortunately the news can't show that part. If you have any information about this girl's Identity please come forward immediately. The segment ends with a shot of me emerging from the door into the warehouse to confront the boss. God damn I look hot. The next day it is released that the gang was shipping and using some new drug that swells a man's libido 5 fold, not to mention their dicks.

A few mornings later, once I can walk straight again. I wake up and put on my tight pink hoodie that reveals my midriff, with a half bra that leaves my breasts and nipples exposed and slightly lifts my already insanely perky set of DD’s. I only zip the hoodie up a third of the way so my breasts have some room to breath. I then slip on the matching short pink tennis skirt and a pair of crotchless panties that match the half bra. A pair of pink socks and my pink running sneakers. I put my hair into pigtails and make for the door. As I exit the house I see my neighbor Xavier standing on his porch across the street. He's a giant man in his late 20’s and very good looking. I always try to flirt with him but he usually cuts me short. Good morning Xavier I say waving as I step off the porch and begin my jog down the path that leads to the park. Xaviers eyes are glued to me as I jog past. Once I reach the park I realize I can't return to the factory, it's still a crime scene and the police are looking for me. As I jog through the park I come to the bridge where the man molested me. To my surprise I see him lying on the ground shaking, it looks like he's going through withdrawals, likely from the new drug. He doesn't even look up at me. Hay ass whole I say to him. He slowly looks up at me in confusion. Remember me? He shakes his head no. I Look around to see if anyone is coming and the coast is clear. I unzip my hoodie and let my breast hang free, remember sucking on these you fucking rapist. I'm sorry he whimpers in a sad voice. I quickly zip up my top. I know you got the drugs from those freaks at the factory. If you don't tell me everything you know about their operation I'm calling the police. All I know is I saw them talking to some of the vagrants over by the rail car's and last time I picked up from them I saw some guy's in college jackets leaving the factory. That's all I know, I promise. Give me a name! Gary, boxcar Gary, he was a priest once. I believe you, stay away from that shit, got it! I don't wait for his answer, I turn and make my way through the woods to the abandoned rail cars. I smell the stink of unwashed men before I even see the first car. As I approach the first blown out car I notice two hobos sitting inside drinking. They both eye me as I pass and one says. Hey baby, want to come party with us. Not even in your dreams, creep. If they were on the drug they would have come after me. I move in between the next cars. Two more hobos sit before me around a halfass fire pit. 20 cash if one of you know where or when I can find boxcar Gary. Tonight they both say in frightened tones as they scurry off. Well, looks like I need to go shopping. I can't run around as the same girl everyone is looking for. I leave the park and jump on the subway that will take me to the local mall. Good thing I put my plastic in my sock before I left this morning. It's still early on a Monday as I sauntered to the last subway car. As soon as the doors

Close I realize that this car is full of nothing but men. Despite the car being mostly empty all the men immediately crowd around me, maybe 20 of them. I regret wearing the crotchless panties this morning but the first hand to sly it's way up my hoodie to my unbridled breast makes me begin to pant and think otherwise. In seconds my pink hoody is unzipped exposing my big breasts and rock hard nipples to the mass of lusty men and I instantly go week as more mouths than I can count begin to suck hard on my exposed breasts. As my sensitive nipples are laid bare and suckeled by the throng of horny men, my body begins to betray me yet again. My moans of ecstasy embolden the horny mob of brutes. the first goon to touch my aching pussy with his finger immediately exchanges it for his big throbbing manhood. I feel his swollen member caress my tight pussy for only a moment before he stabs me deep and hard, causing me to cry out in a spasm of lust and squirt my feminine ejaculate all over his fat dick in front of the mob of now frenzied men that are assaulting my body. Stop, I don't want this, rape! I scream as I futilely try to fight off the gang of men while writhing on the fat cock that has already pushed its way to my cervix. The first man quickly cums in my womb and as he pulls out I spray again all over the crowd of men that are now forcing me back onto a man in a seat. Forcing my tight ass open with his already cum slicked cock. As I am forced down on his member my legs are hoisted into the air giving my ass no quarter and exposing my seed dripping pussy to the rest of the horny men. Two men now vie for my raw, cum soaked snatch , neither willing to give way, they both stick their bare long shafts into my salivating vagina. Being skewered by three big dicks at once, two in my pussy and one in my ass is to much for me to take and a spay my ecstasy again as I wrythe uncontrollably on the three big dicks screaming for them to pull out but I really don't want them to until they pump their seamen into my belly. As they cum inside me I fall back and a cock is shoved into my mouth while others attack my breasts and nipples showering me with thick gooy jiz. Every man in the subway car took their turns on my young body, stretching me to my limits as they poured load after load into my ravaged pussy or my gaping asshole all they while others came all over me. Being a fuck slut feels so good to me. I want this to happen every day. Crying only for the effect, the men finally leave me drenched in their seamen. As I wake from my dirty dream the subway car screeches to a halt. The five or six guys drooling over my sleeping body, rush for the doors.I exit the subway and head to the sex shop around the corner.

Inside I find a buxom, pretty attendant swiping on her cell phone. As I approach, her eyes light up and she asks “What can I help you with, beautiful” I explain to her that I need a sexy nun outfit, with a matching mask. Of all she shows me I decide on a white number. It's basically a white leather bra and panty set that rings my sensitive places, leaving my breasts and pussy covered only by a thin price of white, almost see through cloth that can be unsnapped and pulled away with ease. A nun's habit, and a small coat that really just covers my arms with a cape to my lower back. A belt with a strip of cloth that barely covers my ass in the back and pussy in the front. The white mask that resembles a bird she gives me for free. She winks and says, give it to em good. I leave and prepare for tonight.

Fresh from the shower I begin to put on my new sexy nun outfit.

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Perils of a Novice Superheroine

Another glorious day in Acropolis City... until, without warning, disaster strikes! It could be a fire, a bank robbery, a collapsing building, or something stranger. But even in the most hair-raising situations, the citizens of this fair city are confident that whenever the average cop on the beat can't handle matters, an amazing (and, often, quite sexy) individual will be swinging into action to set things right... assuming that exceptional individual wasn't the one who caused the problem in...

2 years ago
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The Undercover Superheroine

(I hope people enjoy a few of the ideas I've had kicking around in my head for a while. Feel free to add or write me with ideas...I definitely don't have any of this fully mapped out.) A superheroine's life is never dull, there's always some crook or villain to fight. In this case there are two new threats that have begun to pop up, unfortunately the biggest threats are just rumors on the streets and nothing more. Without something to stakeout or punch the only thing one can do is go undercover...

3 years ago
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The Clumsy Superheroine

Jennifer Sole was ready. She had her power's, she'd trained hard, she came up with her name (Supreme Girl), and made her suit. She was ready to start her career as a superhero. Ever since she mysteriously gained super strength, speed and flight, she was determined in her goal. And today was the day she would start. She donned her suit. She had modeled it after a cute costume she saw in a comic book. It consisted of a blue t-shirt, a red mini skirt and red knee-high boots. She had also added a...

1 year ago
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Woulda Shoulda Coulda

She should’t have. Brianne shouldn’t have worn that dress. Not to a business event. A slinky black slip dress with a plunging neckline and side boob? Her 34Cs just hanging out there on display? Really? A Vegas club? Sure. The frat date party it was purchased for? OK. But the Summer Intern Thank You Party? Poor choice.  The second martini before dinner was probably a mistake. But her boss had gotten it for her. It would have been impolite to say, no.  Politeness probably would not have been in...

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Wouldnt You Really Rather Have

“Wouldn’t you really rather have a Buick?” The quote was from a commercial jingle. I was watching a YouTube video of old car commercials from the 1950s and ‘60s, and that line was sung by a woman hawking Buicks. Those were the days when American cars ruled the roads and foreign cars, like Toyotas and Datsuns, were considered junk. The only foreign car worth a damn was the VW Bug and even that catered to a narrow demographic – the weirdo who gave a shit about gas mileage. At 27 cents a gallon...

2 years ago
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Would other men improve our marriage1

By aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities of desires, wants or fantasies. Read and enjoy. We just finished an hour of what I felt was fabulous love making. Jack was now laying next to me and breathing heavily as he was beginning to lapse into sleep. My mind was in a whirl and was having a hard time getting to sleep. I was still feeling my last orgasm as his cum was seeping from my pussy. I couldn’t stop thinking about Jack’s fantasy. He was talking...

3 years ago
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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 10

I had no idea why we were here, but I had faith in Amenthia and that was all I needed. It took nearly ten minutes to arrive at the destination Amenthia intended for us and it looked to be a shop of some kind. It was only single story, as the height of the hallway would not allow anything more than that. It was wide enough to house three or four of the stalls we had seen. We entered and found it to have a moderate number of people perusing the wares. Amenthia had a more direct purpose and took...

4 years ago
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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 12

After our brief discussion, we decided that we would head out and then start making our way towards the dragon, since we had more than enough food and supplies to last us the trip. When we arrived at the gates a few minutes later, we stopped to check the map, deciding what path we would take. I expanded the map to show our entire floor, looking at where the village was in relation to the stairwell we were supposed to go to. The dragon was located a day’s travel northeast of the village near...

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Essentially I’m a straight guy but that has never stopped me from harbouring cock sucking fantasies! I’ve been wondering what it would be like to take a nice, thick cock in my mouth since my middle teens. Never in my wildest daydreams did I believe I would actually find out what it was really like. It’s only happened on the one occasion and it was just under a year ago and I was 53 at the time. Fifty three for God’s sake! Why on earth did I wait so long. It was sensational!It would probably...

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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 9

I awoke sometime later, groggy and in pain, unsure of how much time had passed since my punishment. I was laying on a bed, face down, with only undergarments on and my back felt better than it should have, given the circumstances. When I tried to move, I found that my limbs were choosing not to respond, hopefully out of exhaustion. There was a tingling sensation going through them as if they were asleep and I figured it was to make sure I didn’t roll on my back. I could move my head from side...

1 year ago
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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 16

“Where do you think you are going with that food, Pathios?” Amenthia asked, with an irritated tone. “Well, there are only two chairs and I figured I could sit on the bed to eat; that way it wouldn’t be a problem.” I was surprised when Enti got up from her chair and dragged me by the arm to the table. She pushed me down into the chair, then sat down onto my lap and continued eating. Amenthia looked at me with a smug expression and said, “See, problem solved, and you didn’t even need to sit...

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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 13

“Shit,” yelled the first voice. “The safe zone up there is occupied, and I really do not want to share with anyone tonight. We will have to head west for a while to reach the next closest to that beast.” “We can get a few more kills in,” the second voice stated, “to help our stats before we face it. I see this as a win for us. Besides, that safe zone was reserved by another house, but are you sure we can take it?” “Well we didn’t have any money for enchantments, but we’ve got strong armor...

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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 15

We entered the armory and found it once again empty with Brot’k nowhere to be seen. We could, however, hear the muffled sound of metal striking metal from the far side of the room. “Brot’k, you big oaf” Amenthia yelled out, “quit tinkering back there and come out to greet us!” The clanging stopped, replaced with booming laughter as the doorway to his secret shop swung open. “I am here, Amenthia, no need to yell. It is good to see you, my dear, and you as well, Pathios, though I am...

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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 20

As we made our way along the corridor, we kept an eye out for any shops or stalls that claimed to be enchanters. We had stopped in a few that we found but felt that they were terribly overpriced for what they were offering. We planned to visit the other shops, then stop by the one that had provided services to us the last time we were here, so that we had a basis for proper comparison. We came across a shop as we started towards Arvin’s shop and figured that we would stop in. We entered the...

3 years ago
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Would They Call it Daddy Issues

“Ungh! Orrnnnnn Jeeeezus!” Natasha heard him growl into her neck, his face buried in her flesh. Her back was hurting. She was smashed up against the tile counter. Well her lower back and the tip of her ass was. She felt a little precarious to be honest, but she just kept her mouth shut and let him go, she doubted he would be willing to stop. Not even for her. If there was one thing she had learned about men, when they were close to coming, not much else made a fucking...

4 years ago
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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 14

After thinking on her question, I replied, “Either of them would do, though the spears would do well to damage the dragon’s wings.” She nodded and concentrated for a moment, before chanting again in her language. This time, two balls of flame appeared, but instead of the golden flames of the last set, these were blue and gave off a frosty discharge. The inside also looked different; while fireballs seemed to have a somewhat solid core, the ice balls seemed to be liquid in nature. With the...

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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 8

We had chosen to enter the first floor from a different stairwell today, and thus came out to a different region of the grasslands. I activated my map and saw that the nearest access point to the next floor was about four hours east of us. I talked to Amenthia about it and we felt that if we used an indirect path, we could extend that to eight hours. We set out, with me taking point, and Amenthia ready to engage in ranged support at a moment’s notice. Her arrows had regenerated for the day...

3 years ago
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Would You Die for Me

"Would you die for me?" The shadowy female hitch-hiker asked me not fifteen seconds after she got into my car. I don't normally pick up hitch-hikers, even rather lovely young and attractive appearing female ones, but when I saw her walking along the side of the lonely county road, miles from anywhere, hunched over in the cold late autumn rainy drizzle, something other than my head told me to hit the brakes and stop for her. Now, just a few moments later, I was wondering if I had suddenly...

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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 7

The bright light slowly dissipated as my eyes re-adjusted to the ambient light in the room, we had appeared in. Once my sight returned to normal, I noticed we were back on the Dungeon’s main floor, though I had expected to end up in the Pact house. “Don’t worry,” Amenthia said in her amused voice, “you will get used to it. It only affects people for the first few times and soon your body chemistry will get used to it after a few more transports. That is why we ask new adventurers to only...

2 years ago
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Would It Make You HappyChapter 1

Vanessa got out of line and sat down at a table in the back corner of the shop. She hated her job and was going to spend every possible second of her break enjoying her latte. She cursed herself for not taking the job for the financial services company. Instead, she took an entry level job working at a fashion magazine catering to African American women. She gambled that her brief, teen career as a model would have opened the door for her there. Unfortunately, the bosom that blossomed in her...

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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 11

Her eyes had a glazed look, as her head dropped. Soon, instead of the touch of her soft hands, I felt the slick, warm sensation of her mouth as it wrapped around the glans of my penis. Her tongue swirled around the head a few times, as she applied some gentle suction, using her hand to stroke the rest of my exposed shaft. Then she began to move her head, ever so slowly, moving the tip of my dick in and out of her soft mouth. Taking only a minute fraction more into her mouth each time, she...

3 years ago
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Would I be happy if I could remember

My story began a few years ago when I was in college. My roommate decidedto let his girl move in with us and although it is annoying working myschedule around their love life, she was very hot and I didn't mind theoccasional show when she would run from her shower to their bedroom. I haveto admit. My roomie was a lucky man. That girl had to have the nicestbreast on campus and an ass to die for. Eventually as most love stories go, things fell apartbetween them she had somehow talked my roommate...

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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 4

As we entered the dining hall, the eyes of every person in the room were on us, which was something I wasn’t used to. There had to be at least fifty people in the room and there was no telling how many more were out in the dungeon, watching the proceedings via their bracer. The room looked to be about fifty feet long and twenty feet wide. The ceiling looked to be twenty feet tall, as tall as Brot’k’s store, though there were much larger chandeliers illuminating the room. The walls had no...

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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 17

It seemed that the girls had decided a preference, with Amenthia on my right arm and Enti on my left. Amenthia leaned in and kissed my cheek before resting her head on my shoulder with a sigh. “I am sorry, Pathios,” She muttered softly, “I didn’t mean to seem to act pushy back at the restaurant.” I kissed her head and replied, “I know you meant it differently than it came out, but you are a bit rambunctious. You had Enti naked in my bed before you checked to see if I might be comfortable...

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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 25

Chapter 25 I slowly felt myself coming out of a dreamless sleep, hoping that I wouldn’t find myself in the longhouse with Freyja again. My head felt light and my mouth felt dry, with a bad taste in it. I could hear muttering which to me seemed like a good sign as I slowly opened my eyes. I was in our tent, which was another good sign and I felt myself calming down. Amenthia and Enti were talking frantically while someone else placed a cold compress on my forehead. “He’s waking up,”...

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Would This Be Okay

My name is Paul and my wife is called Janet. I am 54 and Janet is 53. We have been married for twenty-five years and in this time we have enjoyed a loving relationship. I’m not sure if everyone agrees, but during a long term relationship it’s easy to slip into a comfortable and some would say, boring routine.This happened to Janet and me. We both knew it was happening, but we didn’t let it push us apart. Over the years we worked much too hard and raised two wonderful children. We nursed, buried...

Wife Lovers
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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 21

“Pathios, are you out of your mind?” Amenthia asked as we made our way to Brot’k’s, fear and irritation creeping into her voice. I shook my head, “I asked Tyr to help come up with a solution, I didn’t expect this outcome, but it isn’t a surprise.” “Why isn’t it a surprise?” Enti asked, a confused look on her face. “I am shocked you aren’t more worried.” “Don’t get me wrong, Enti, I am worried plenty, but I can’t dwell on that right now. As for why it wasn’t a surprise, I was told after the...

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Would you like Two of me

Would you like Two of me? This takes place in the very near future&hellip,.. &hellip,.Im Lisa, and I took a big step and secretly put a clone and robotic combination of myself together. My company thought it was just the latest robot girl I had created. I waited for just the right guy to test it on. I finally found what I was looking for. He was handsome, sexy and young. Perfect&hellip,. ——— &hellip,Ron&hellip,. &hellip,I received information about a company wanting someone to try out their...

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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 5

She smiled and wrote my new name onto the card with a golden quill dipped into an equally golden ink. When the quill was lifted, the ink sparkled with a nimbus of golden hues before setting as a black ink. No doubt magic was in play to bind my name, as well as my bracer, to the card. There were so many cool things on this world that my anticipation continued to grow with each new encounter. “Your registration with the Guild has been completed,” Mityra stated, with a friendly smile. “This...

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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 22

We slept soundly in our new bed but made sure that the door was locked and jammed with a chair. While we knew that Tyr wouldn’t let anything happen to us, he had not expected Trovius to lay a trap in my room. Even if he were able to unlock the door, Torvius wouldn’t be able to get inside the room. When I awoke, a quick check of my bracer showed that it was roughly six in the morning and I could feel my bladder screaming for me to get out of bed. “Girls,” I said softly, hating to have to do...

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Would It Make You HappyChapter 2

The next day was Friday and she was too happy to let her obnoxious boss or annoying co-workers get under her skin. At lunch, Tom materialized and took her out to eat. He held her hand for a while after they finished. She felt a little uncomfortable at first, but after asking Tom if it made him happy and him returning the query, she realized she liked it (after some thought on the subject). When Tom admitted that it made him quite happy, it became her favorite thing to do in the whole...

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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 24

Our first stop was to Esmerelda, to check in and see if there were any quests, or the like, now that I had completed my trial. The lines were not that long, so we didn’t have to wait long before we were ushered to the back offices. A few minutes later, we were seated across from Esmerelda, who, as always, had a welcoming smile on her face. “Hello everyone,” Esmerelda said in a singsong voice. “I am happy to see you all here and you have gained another companion.” I smiled, “Yes this is...

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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 3

For the third time I woke up disoriented in a place I didn’t recognize, and I was pissed. It never felt good and it took me a while to get out of the groggy fog that accompanied it. The only saving grace was, unlike the previous times this had occurred, I was waking up on something soft. Not to say that the chair in the Council chamber wasn’t comfortable, but the position I had woken up in was uncomfortable. I was laying down this time and this had to be the most comfortable bed I had ever...

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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 6

As we stepped out of the archway and into the light, I was amazed at the sight laid out in the vast expanse before me. Grasslands stretched as far as I could see, and for a second I forgot that I was inside a tower. They reminded me of pictures I had seen, before my untimely death, of New Zealand and of areas of Great Britain. Warm light filled the sky from high above, almost like sunlight, and I could see what Amenthia had meant. The structure of the Dungeon outside did not look even a tenth...

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Would It Help to Say Im Sorry

(What if Carly didn't realize how angry Shelby was at her during the fight? No "time-out" and she didn't duck the next punch and kick. Now Carly is badly hurt; in the hospital and fighting for her life. People will change. Some will really surprise you.)"Ouch! That HURT! Watch it Shelby!"Carly stuffed her mouthpiece back in and went back to wind milling her hands in front of her in the best approximation of a fighter that she could adopt. Not catching the look of determination and anger in...

4 years ago
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Would You Do It for Me

Chapter 1 If you're a guy, maybe you remember when you first started masturbating, I do. I was nine, my dick would get hard when I played with it and what guy didn't play with his dick, right? And I found that it felt so good when I rubbed it with this small piece of silken cloth that was in my Mom's scrap basket. Oh, that felt so good. I used that piece of silk and would wash it out and put it up on my top shelf to dry so I could use it again. I was about ten when I learned that a squirt...

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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 23

As I slowly came out of my sleep, I could tell I was not alone in the room, but I couldn’t feel my lovely companions curled into my sides. I could hear hushed tones, but they were speaking too low for me to make out what they were saying. With my mind clear of the drowsiness of sleep, I realized two very crucial things. The first was that some time in my sleep, I had been tied to the bed and blindfolded. The second was that I was completely naked. I tested the strength of whatever was wrapped...

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Would you like to try it Snowballing

"Have you ever heard of snowballing?" my wife asked me one night as she sensed my moment of climax rapidly approaching.We often spoke to each other during sex, even oral sex, which was our preferred method of satisfying ourselves and each other.Recently we had increased our gym nights from two to three each week, working out on the machines and enjoying the ever-present eye candy. For a couple in our forties, we were both in pretty good shape, if I must say so myself, and sweating and straining...

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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 19

I awoke from a dreamless sleep to find that I was alone in my bed, which was a first since my public punishment. I was tempted to activate the map to see where they were, but that would have been unnecessary, I would see or hear from them soon. I noticed that the trolley was gone, so perhaps they went to get breakfast. I got up and stretched, thankful that I had decided to shower last night. I picked out some of my Dungeon clothing and belted on my sword, though I was unsure if I was going to...

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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 26

I couldn’t tell anything about the person in front of the door, due to the way in which their cloak was wrapped around them. “I’m sorry,” I said as friendly as I could, “is there something that I could help you with? Given that your current actions show that you are here to find us?” The person turned to face us abruptly and Entivala had a sharp intake of breath, causing Amenthia and I to turn our attention to her. Her face was a mix of emotions and unreadable, as her mind tried to process...

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Would Susan Cheat

Would my spouse of 15 years succumb to temptation? This is a true story of what happened with my spouse, Susan who I have been married to for over 15 years. Susan and I met in college and married when I was 25 and she was 22. Susan was, and still is a very attractive blonde. Actually I should say, dirty blonde. She has big brown eyes and can look innocent as hell. She is 5’4” and 121 lb, so she has managed to stay in pretty decent shape. Last year, after 14 years of marriage, things were...

Cheating Wife
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Would you believe

The original documentary which had started it all was on TV once again. It was a part of a series which had been introduced by a well-known sexologist. The idea had been to accurately represent different aspects of sexuality. For this episode they had been looking for a mother and a son who would agree to do it on TV for the first time. Mom was the one who had suggested this to me, saying it would be once in a lifetime experience for me. It had taken a while for me to agree, and we had been...

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Would you still love me

Would you still love me? One night, a small boy had a conversation with his mother. "Mom, would you still love me if I turned into a dog?" "Yes, my son, it would take some adjusting, but I would still love you as a dog." "Would you still love me if I turned into an alligator?" "Yes, it would take a lot of adjusting, but I would still love you." "Mom? Would you still love me if I turned into a girl?" There was a pause, as if the small child's whole future depended on...

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