Would This Be Okay? free porn video

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My name is Paul and my wife is called Janet. I am 54 and Janet is 53. We have been married for twenty-five years and in this time we have enjoyed a loving relationship. I’m not sure if everyone agrees, but during a long term relationship it’s easy to slip into a comfortable and some would say, boring routine.

This happened to Janet and me. We both knew it was happening, but we didn’t let it push us apart. Over the years we worked much too hard and raised two wonderful children. We nursed, buried and mourned our parents. We moved house three times and like a lot of couples, battled on through the rough times.

As the children grew older, and our responsibilities became less, our boring routine still continued. To be honest, it seemed we needed the slowdown as a form of comfortable relaxation. This all changed last year, as the last of our children left home for university. Suddenly, we were alone, and we both knew the comedown was over and we had relaxed enough.

Our life gradually changed. We went out more often, we enjoyed good food, the cinema, the theatre and we drank and socialised. We would walk and swim together and our sex life got better and better. There was time and space for each other, we had sex everywhere in the house and at any time we wanted it. We sat and watched erotic films, showered together and even used the dining room table as a massage bed. It was heaven for both of us and we started to get very, very, adventurous.

Late one Saturday afternoon after a long walk we called in our local pub for a drink. We chatted to the locals and we were introduced to Frank, a friend of a friend. He was a good looking guy in his forties and he seemed very friendly towards Janet. After three drinks we headed back home for a shower and a glass of chilled wine. Janet and I were as horny as ever and it didn’t take long for us to get to the bedroom. Slow relaxed kissing, touching, licking and moaning ensued until I had her head deep in the pillows and her ass pushed high.

“God, you look good on all fours” I gasped, as I let a fingernail gently draw down her back.

“Ohhhhhhh,” she moaned “I need you inside me, Paul.”

My hands pushed and rubbed her beautiful ass cheeks. I was curious about earlier and wanted to explore a little, see how my wife would react.

“You do know Frank couldn’t take his eyes off you earlier?”

I heard the slightest of moans from Janet. My cock was straining as my hands held her hips. The head of my cock slipped between her lips. I teased her, letting the head massage up and down.

“God, you're wet honey,” I gasped, “Has Frank got you all worked up?”

“Ohhhhhh fuck,” she moaned as my cock opened her up.

I grunted a little as I eased my shaft deeper, “Would you like Frank to take my place, honey?” I fed her the whole length, “Share you with him?”

To my amazement she pushed her head off the bed; moaned loudly, her back arched, her body shaking and her pussy flooded with juices as the powerful orgasm engulfed her. My cock was so hard and I thought about Frank fucking my eager wife, it didn’t take long for me to fill her with my warm cream.

We fucked once more that night, and again I mentioned Frank. The role play excited us both and we tried it over and over in the following weeks. Sometimes Janet was another woman but predominantly I was another man. In either scenario, it was a person we had chatted to and sometimes flirted with in real life. A shop assistant, a fellow walker, a waiter; in fact, anyone we both agreed had a certain something. Both of us found the fantasy play extremely exciting, but we never dared to discuss it going further.

Two months later we attended a garden party at our neighbours. He and his wife lived three doors away in a big house and the party was a fundraiser for a local charity. It started at four o'clock in the afternoon and the late August day was warm and sunny. We arrived fashionably late and walked along the side of the house and up the steps to the terrace. I wolf whistled softly as I watched Janet take the terrace steps in front of me.

Janet is a size 10, or a size 12, depending on the dress, 5’4” tall, but now a good four inches taller in her dark pink heels. I suppose she would be described as petite. Her floral pink dress was tight and showed off her wonderful rounded bottom. Turning to face me at the top of the steps my eyes devoured the low cut of the dress, her 36 DD boobs still pert despite her age, and her deep cleavage that would turn the head of any man. She smiled and kissed me.

“You look fantastic,” I whispered.

“So do you,” she smiled straightening my suit jacket. I’m 6’3” and Janet had to look up to see my smile.

The garden below and the terrace looked immaculate. People were chatting, enjoying the sun, and relaxing. The scene was set for a good day.

Our neighbours, Mike and Cheryl, greeted us as we walked through the open glass doors from the terrace to their huge kitchen. For all intense and purposes, the kitchen, was now the bar area. We accepted their offers of wine and we looked around. We acknowledged and waved at some of our mutual friends. The kitchen opened up to a very large sitting room with two other large rooms leading off at the far end. There seemed to be people everywhere.

“Paul, Janet,” said Cheryl linking arms with us both, “Let me introduce you to a couple of our friends, they moved to the area recently, and don’t they know too many people.”

We walked with her onto the terrace where a couple were talking. Both looked to be in their early forties, both of them were attractive and well dressed. He was fairly slim and 6ft tall. She was very slim, 5’ 9” or thereabouts and like Janet she had blonde hair, although hers was shoulder length and Janet had a short bob.

“Kim, David,” said Cheryl, “This is Paul and Janet, they live a few doors down,” Looking back at us Cheryl explained, “Kim is the head of Barnes solicitors, they are supporting our charity.”

“Oh, hello,” Kim offered her hand, which we both shook in turn “Yes, we are supporting the charity, but it’s really a ruse so I can mingle with some important new clients I have invited.” She laughed and smiled.

I turned to shake David’s hand and he shook quickly before side stepping and giving Janet a peck on the cheek to say hello.

“Do you mind?” said Kim, she looked towards some new arrivals, “I really need to talk to these people, nice to meet you,” and with that, she strode off with purpose.

“And there goes the career wife,” said her husband, “Well, at least this time I’m left with a good looking girl,” he smiled at Janet, then clearing his throat, ”And her good looking husband.”

He looked at me apologetically and shrugged his shoulders, “Well, I’m normally left talking with stuffy solicitors.”

He laughed and it made me smile. Janet smiled as well. We talked about the usual day to day subjects married couples talk about; work, children, football and house prices. He was intelligent and had a great sense of humour, but for all his likeable qualities I got the impression his wife pushed him aside in her quest to be Mrs Successful. For a guy we didn’t really know, we seemed to gel quickly and he certainly seemed to like Janet. With our recent role playing, my cock was twitching the more we chatted.

“Drinks?” I asked, and they both said yes. I walked to the kitchen and poured three fresh glasses. From there I watched as they chatted and laughed. Janet looked sexy, happy and relaxed.

On my return I handed them their drinks, “Here you go,” I paused and accepted their thanks, “Janet, are you ok here with David? I’ve just seen Gary, I need to have a word about the garage roof.”

Janet almost purred, “Of course, I’m sure I’m in capable hands.”

I turned and headed inside, my cock was stiffening as I walked. Janet knew full well I didn’t know anyone called Gary and there was nothing wrong with our garage roof. I did however, get chatting to a couple of friends but I positioned myself so I could watch as David flirted with my wife. He made her smile and she was obviously enjoying it. I almost gasped out loud at one point when his fingertips combed the side of her hair, as though to brush away one of the floating sugar stealers that wafted on the light breeze. Janet looked a little flushed and I watched as she moved away from him and back into the house looking for me. She swayed her hips as she moved towards me, smiling.

“Hello, sexy man,” she whispered in my ear, “Our new friend is being very suggestive.”

“Oh!” I whispered back, “That’s really, really, naughty. Chatting up a married woman.”

“Yes, very naughty,” She said, “But this married woman seems to like it.”

I smiled broadly, “Oh good, then I think she should enjoy the attention,” I then added, “Something for us to use later when we get home.”

“You, are so bad,” my wife smiled broadly, “But yes, he will make our fantasies extra good.”

She turned and started to walk away. As she looked over her shoulder at me, she swung her hips in an exaggerated way. I watched her closely as people chatted around me. She moved to the kitchen looking for a top up and as if from nowhere, David appeared at her side. She smiled up at him and I watched as he whispered in her ear. She giggled and blushed slightly.

“Hello again.” I was shaken from my voyeuristic daze as David’s wife slid in front of me.

“Oh, hello” I replied, “How are your clients?”

“They are good thank you.” Kim replied. Even though she was a very attractive woman, I nodded and feigned interest as she spouted on about work, deadlines and other rubbish. All the time I was discreetly glancing over her shoulder, watching her husband. I tried not to gasp as I saw him, secretly slipping his hand round my wife’s waist. Janet was grinning as his hand moved over her ass, unnoticed by anybody else.

“Anyway, I need to pee, before round two with my clients,” Kim finished.

“How’s your husband enjoying the party?” I smiled.

She looked at me quizzically, “I have no idea, I haven’t seen a lot of him. I’m sure he’s having fun doing whatever he does when I’m networking.”

She really did have a low opinion of him and with that she went off to find the bathroom. I watched her go. She was sleek, good looking and had fabulous legs. Her small, but perky tits bounced a little as she walked and I wondered if she fucked her clients to clinch a deal.

“Hey,” I heard my wife’s sexy voice behind me, “Would you like to dance?”

I turned and smiled at her, my hand slipped around her back, and then over her bottom.

“Oh my!” her eyes widened “That’s the second man that’s touched me up tonight.”

“I know honey, I was watching.”

Janet lifted on to her toes and breathed into my ear, “And did it turn you on?”

“Mmmmmmmm, oh yes,” I said.

“Me too,” she admitted, “But now, I need to dance, with my husband.”

For the next hour we moved on the garden dance floor. The light was fading but the air was warm. The music was good and fairy lights glowed in the trees. The party was now in full swing. We swayed and moved in time to the music, and with each other. The music changed to ballroom and more serious dancers invaded our space. We looked at each other and laughed. She accepted my outstretched hand and I led her up the garden and back to the house.

We entered the house and poured fresh drinks. We bumped into various friends and we made conversation. It wasn’t very long before we were separated. I looked but couldn’t see where Janet had gone. After a while I saw her chatting to a woman we both knew, and I watched again as David, honed in on my wife. This time I watched as he pretended to squeeze past her, his crotch obviously rubbing against her bottom. My wife caught my eye and she smiled. Inwardly, I groaned with pleasure.

I continued to watch as she laughed with him. Her hand was occasionally touching his forearm and eventually he turned to go out to the garden and my wife came back to me again.

“He’s being very, very, suggestive now,” she laughed, “He wants my mobile number, and, he says I’m very hot. He says he can give me what I need.”

“And?” I replied eagerly.

She giggled and spoke softly, “I have everything I need in you, and he has no idea he has already given me what I want,” she paused as a guest moved by, “Our role play tonight will involve him and that’s more than enough.”

“Well,” I said slowly, looking over Janet’s shoulder, “He’s heading upstairs, probably going for a pee,” I looked at her and wondered what her reaction would be, “Why don’t you follow him?” I paused, “A little more touching and kissing might give us an extra spicy role play?”

I watched her intently, her eyes searched mine.

Shaking her head slowly she said, “But that’s over stepping the mark,” she paused, “Isn’t it?”

Her hands were shaking slightly and I smiled warmly, “Well, it wouldn’t do any harm, would it?”

Her breathing quickened and she gulped her wine. She seemed to be lost in thought.

“I could give you five minutes, then I could come upstairs and pretend to disturb you, just in case he gets carried away,” I grinned and I hoped that my intended intervention would calm her. Her eyes were wide and her mouth was open.

I whispered close into her ear, “Imagine his probing tongue finding yours, his firm body against yours, the feel of his hardness against you.”

“Oh, fuck,” she whispered back, “We are supposed to talk like this in bed, not in full view of a party”

“So you are as turned on as me?” I gasped the words.

“Yes,” she whispered.

I looked over her shoulder again, “Hang on, it looks like you missed your opportunity, he’s just come back downstairs.”

Janet looked round to watch David walk out to the garden and then her gaze returned to me. She looked confused, disappointed and relieved all at the same time.

Taking a deep breath she kissed me gently on the lips, “I need another drink.”

I turned to talk to our friends, but I never lost sight of her. I watched her talk to friends as she made her way to the kitchen. The party was buzzing and the guests were tuned in with the flow of the alcohol. No one had any idea what was going on with us.

She looked outside on the terrace and smiled. Standing outside, David didn’t need asking twice to join her and he was soon moving in her direction. As he approached, I saw Janet take another deep breath and yet another gulp of wine. As soon as he was beside her she lifted herself onto her toes and whispered into his ear. I didn’t know what she had said, but I had an idea. He was smiling like the Cheshire cat and I watched as he quickly searched for his wife, making sure she was busy, then he headed to the stairs.

Janet walked a sexy walk towards me. It made me smile. Then almost mockingly she pushed up her boobs and whispered nervously, “I’d better have these up and ready, for my new lover.”

She handed me her glass, “Four minutes,” she mouthed to me and I nodded, checking my watch.

I stood there watching as she glided to the stairs. Her ass looked so delicious. My heart was beating so hard I thought people might hear it. A mix of emotions took over but my hard cock gave away how excited I was. I didn’t expect her to say 'New lover,' or for her to insinuate that David might get his hands on her boobs. Nonetheless, the uncertainty turned me on.

I waited and tried to join in with my friends' conversations. I looked at my watch, Three minutes, it seemed like an eternity. I couldn’t stand it any longer and moved to the second lounge area. I pretended to look for someone, killing time. I looked again at my watch, Five minutes, and I should really make my move. I groaned to myself and decided to give it a little longer. Re-joining my friends I tried to chat normally, but it was, becoming impossible.

My mind was racing, maybe other people were around, and they were just chatting. Maybe, Janet had backed off with nerves. Maybe he was too nervous. My beating heart slowed a little as these thoughts sort of comforted me. Even if it hadn’t gone further, then Janet would be more than happy with our role play later. After another, long, five minutes I put down my beer and headed for the stairs.

At the top of the stairs you could go left to the bathrooms, or right down a corridor to the bedrooms. I had been here before, I knew that the right hand corridor turned to the left further down. The dimmed wall lights cast a deep dark shadow where the corridor turned. I moved quietly to the turn and looked further into the house. My eyes adjusted to the dim light and I could now see my beautiful wife, her back against the wall, about ten yards away.

She was kissing David, her tongue slipped into his mouth and he was groaning softly. My cock nearly exploded there and then. My gaze moved lower to her shoulders and I realised my wife had the top of her dress pulled down on one side, her breast was out of her bra, her nipple looked wet and swollen.

David was now kissing the side of her neck, away from me, and I saw how much her dress had ridden up her thighs. Only then did I noticed why he was groaning so much. My stomach churned as I watched my wife groping his hard cock through his trousers. Janet’s half closed eyes found mine and she slowly withdrew her hand from his cock. There was a look of guilt or maybe regret on her face but also a look of pure lust. She was making moves to push her skirt back down over her thighs when I smiled at her. She looked puzzled and I nodded slowly, trying to give her my permission to carry on, if that was what she wanted.

David’s hand was now pushing up into her exposed breast, his fingers teasing her nipples, and still continuing to kiss her neck.

“Oh, fuck,” my wife gasped, her eyes closed as I watched her hand slide back to his bulging trousers. David half-turned and didn’t seem shocked or surprised to see me. He pulled away a little from Janet so I could see Janet rubbing his tool. He grinned at her and bent slightly to take her nipple between his lips. My wife gasped loudly and the sudden realisation, that we could be caught, struck home.

I cleared my throat, “I suggest that you two slip into a bedroom before one of our friends, or your wife, catches us.”

Janet looked over at me, a dreamy look on her face. David didn’t need telling twice and tried to move sideways. Janet held tightly onto his belt and didn’t move.

“Paul?” she gasped to me.

My eyes feasted on her. Her perfect body, her exposed breast, erect nipples aching for more, her dress riding up. I saw the desire in her eyes and just nodded.

“Oh, my,” She sighed.

Her eyes closed again and David kissed her. He moved sideways, she moved with her back against the wall to the next door along. Quickly she pushed the handle down and walked backwards into the room, pulling him with her. It was almost trance like as she seemed consumed with the surreal atmosphere. My heart felt like it would burst out of my chest it was pounding so hard. I waited maybe fifteen seconds before following them through the open door.

I realised we were not in a bedroom, but a home office. A table lamp bathed the desk top in a warm light. I closed the door quietly behind me, leant against it and watched from the shadows. Janet stood with her back to the desk and she was kissing David. Her fingers continued to massage his cock through his trousers.

Janet knew that there wasn’t a great deal of time. We might be missed downstairs, David’s career wife may come looking for him or someone could need to use this room. So with this in her mind, I watched as my wife slipped down to her haunches and started to unbuckle his belt. Expertly she unbuttoned and unzipped his trousers. In one quick movement she dragged his trousers and boxers to his ankles. He groaned as his shaved cock swayed into view. It was not as long as mine but about the same thickness. Janet paused licking her lips, she looked over to me and in a lust filled voice said, “Would this be ok?”

I stared at her for a few seconds, making her wait, “Yes, it would.”

I groaned and so did David as, without hesitation, Janet slid her lips over his purple head and sucked his shaft deep in her mouth. Her groans of pleasure were muffled on his thick tool. Watching my wife perform was incredible. I was tempted to stroke myself but resisted the temptation. David’s fingers tangled into her hair and Janet tried to moan her appreciation.

“Oh fuck,” David gasped, as he slowly fucked her mouth.

Janet realised he was getting way too excited and pulled away from him. His cock glistened from her saliva and it looked so, so, hard.

She watched his cock for a while, licking her lips and seemingly lost in thought before she stood again. Holding him away from her with a hand on his chest she used her other hand to pull her tight dress up and over her ass. I almost gasped out loud as she revealed her shapely legs, thighs and close trimmed pussy.

“Oh my god,” I thought, “When did she take her knickers off?”

David looked down, groaning softly. In total control, she took hold of his cock and held him. Her other hand now took his and she guided him to her pussy. Without letting go she looked to me and again she said, “Would this be ok?”

“Mmmmm, yes it would,” I replied without any hesitation.

“Are you sure?” she was almost whispering, her hand guiding his to her pussy.

“Really sure?” her eyes sparkled as she guided his hand and fingers up and down her shaved pussy. She held him tight and positioned him where she wanted him.

“Yes, I am very sure.”

Her hand let go of his and I watched him dip two fingers along her lips and inside her soaking hole.

“Oh, fuck,” She gasped her eyes closed and her head back went back, “Are you really, really, sure?” she moaned softly as I watched his thumb expertly find her swollen clit and two fingers pushed deep.

I didn’t answer, I knew she didn’t really need one. I watched as his fingers worked gently on her, Janet was panting out loud as she looked down watching. I watched her, for the first time, enjoy the pleasures of another man and she looked beautiful.

After a few minutes she seemed to come back to some sort of reality and between his and her groans I thought I heard her say something about 'time.' Pushing him away again she held his cock firmly in her hand. Again she waited, staring at his cock, licking her lips and deep in thought.Then very slowly and without letting go of his shaft she turned and bent over the desk. Staring at me the whole time she pulled his cock into position an inch from her lips.

“Oh, God,” she moaned, there was a look of slight embarrassment, or maybe guilt on her face I couldn’t really tell, “Would this be ok?”

“Yes,” I gasped.

“Oh fuck, are you sure?” she turned away from me not wanting me to see her reaction.

“Do you want him to fuck you?”

There was no reply, just a small whimper.

“Well do you?” I asked.

I thought I heard her say 'yes.'

“Louder honey, I can’t hear you,” I said softly.

“Oh, fuck yes,” she almost begged.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmm,” I paused, “Well, it’s ok then.”

With that she let his cock go. David smiled as he looked down, guiding the full length of his cock deep inside her. Her pussy must have been sopping as there was no resistance. Janet still couldn’t look my way. I groaned inside, the sight of her rounded ass pushed up, another man feeding her his tool. Her dress pulled up showing her eagerness, his trousers round his ankles, both of them fucking. A deliciously urgent seedy fuck. It reminded me of two desperate strangers in a back street behind a night club. Two desperate strangers wanting release, grunting to satisfy their desires.

“Oh, Godddd,” she moaned, and then quietly, “Yessssss.”

David started to ride her and I watched the urgency of them both. Desperate for each other. My wife was losing control.

“That’s it,” she could hardly get the words out, “Oh god, Oh fuck, I’m sorry, but ohhhhhhhhh,” a long deep groan was forced out as she pushed back onto his cock, “So, so, good.”

“Oh fuck,” I said out loud, then almost a whisper, “Deliciously good,” and she finally turned to meet my gaze.

As soon as our eyes locked she started to cum. Her back arched and her body began to shake. David did his best to carry on riding her but, he to, was so turned on he couldn’t hold back.

I knew the last few hours of flirting, a new adventure for us all, his apparent lack of a sex life, had taken its toll. I moaned my appreciation and rubbed my cock through my trousers as he pushed deep and held her waist, his seed now pumping into my wife’s eager pussy. I gasped as he grunted and thrusted, spasm after spasm, seemingly endless in filling her. My wife was whimpering as his hot cum and her orgasm engulfed her.

He groaned as he held himself inside her, his dick was softening. My wife was gasping for air as she slowly came down to earth. David stepped back and pulled his trousers up. He quickly straightened his shirt, said a quick 'thank you,' and was out of the door. I walked over to my limp wife and pulled her to her feet. With an arm round her I walked her to the first bathroom and told her I would be waiting downstairs.

I returned to the party and it was as though the last twenty minutes had never happened. The party was still going strong and no one had any idea what we had done. Janet joined me and whispered that she wanted to go home, we found the side door and left quietly.

It was only two hundred yards to our house and we walked with our arms around each other. We walked slowly in silence, my thoughts turning back to the sight of my wife being brazen and eager for another man.

“Oh, my God,” I laughed as we were nearing home.

Janet squeezed into me, “Yes, indeed.”

As we got to our driveway I asked, “Did we go too far?” unable to take the smile off my face.

“Yes, we did,” she replied quietly, not looking at me.

I stopped at our front door and turned to face her.

Her eyes searched my face looking for reassurance and she asked softly, “We went too far, but it was just grown up fun, wasn’t it?”

I smiled warmly and took her hand, I guided it to my crotch, my hard cock was straining in my trousers, her fingers felt my bulge and she smiled.

“You can feel how much I enjoyed it,” I said, grinning, “You looked so fucking hot with him.”

As she stepped into the hallway she replied over her shoulder, “I felt fucking hot as well.”

We entered the house and went through to the kitchen diner. Janet leaned against the dining room table and poured two glasses of wine as I moved behind her.

“So, you enjoyed David’s cock?” I whispered softly in her ear.

“I did, yes,” She replied quietly, “Did you enjoy?”

I moaned my approval, softly kissed the back of her neck and started to pull her dress up.

“And at what point did you take off your underwear?”

She paused and seemed to catch her breath as I pushed my swollen crotch against her bottom.

“After we had danced,” she replied quietly and after a long pause.

I gripped her dress and dragged it up, completely exposing her bare ass.

“You took them off for David?” I whispered, my lips an inch from her ear.

“Yes,” she said quietly, almost ashamed, “He... he asked me to.”

“You kept this to yourself? You didn’t think to tell me? And, where are they?” I whispered as my fingers moved to unbuckle my belt and I kicked off my shoes.

“I... I,” she was barely audible as she tried to explain. The excitement and apprehension in her voice was delicious.

“Well?” I said, as my trousers and boxers fell to the floor and I stepped out of them.

“I wanted to tell you, but I thought you wouldn’t like it,” she confessed, her breathing was heavy, “I slipped them into his pocket.”

“You didn’t tell me though?” my cock now teasing against her ass cheeks, “Did that feel naughty?”

“Oh fuck, yes,” she gasped as my hand moved around to her front and I crushed her breasts through her dress.

“Keeping it from me excited you?” I breathed.

“Yes,” she moaned softly, her bottom pushed back against me, “It turned me on, being so easy for another man.”

I pushed her forward and her head dropped, her forearms rested on the table. Her ass pushed up as I guided the head of my cock to her pussy. I looked down and groaned as I saw traces of David’s cum on the inside of her thighs. I groaned even louder as I saw the remains of his white creamy cum oozing out of her.

“Ohhhhh, fuck,” I groaned. The sight was something I had never thought about or ever encountered before, but fuck, it made me swell so much.

“You dirty girl,” I said, as I pushed his cum back inside her, with the swollen head of my tool. 

“You didn’t clean yourself did you,” I grunted and pushed hard inside her, with ease I was soon balls deep in her eager pussy.

“Ohhhhhhh,” she replied, “Oh fuck, Oh fuck.”

I groaned louder than I have ever done before, my member swelled in my wife’s soaking pussy. I was so turned on. The feel of her pussy, wet with her juices and his cum, her pussy already stretched by him. I pulled away slowly and looked down at my dick, large, engorged, it glistened with a mix of her juices and his cum.

“Oh my god,” I groaned as I pushed deep again.

Janet had deceived me slightly. She had been eager to please David, compliant to his wishes. I was slightly angry about her deception, but the anger was mixed, possibly overwhelmed, with lust and desire. My cock pulsated as the image of their kissing came into my mind. Then the image of her guiding his hand to her pussy. My respectable wife urging him on. I pumped her pussy with long hard strokes. She was whimpering with pleasure beneath me.

“Do I feel good like David?” my cock was relentless.

“Ohhhhh, God yes,” she whimpered.

“Does this feel better?” my words coming out in grunts.

Janet whimpered as I fucked her harder. For the second time that night I saw the tell-tale signs of her imminent climax.

“Well does it?” my cock throbbed as she arched her back.

“Fuckkkkk,” she moaned loudly as her body shook with pleasure.

“You want him again, don’t you?” I pounded her harder.

I gasped with the realisation she might say yes, but she was speechless as her orgasm overwhelmed her.

“Oh fuck,” I grunted as I realised she might want another cock again. Then, I started to cum, harder and longer than I have ever known. My spasms and the explosions of cum seemed endless.

It was a while before we both came down from the dizzy heights of our orgasms. My arms unwrapped from Janet’s torso and weak legged, we both found our way to the bedroom. Spent and tired we held each other under the quilt.

“God, I love you,” Janet whispered.

“Likewise,” I replied.

My mind drifted over the nights events and it felt good. My cock stirred but we needed to sleep. Janet’s deep breathing told me she was already there, and I would soon join her. I smiled as I looked forward to Janet’s thoughts and reactions in the morning.

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This Vid Scat is all about the freedom to explore fetishes your nasty perverted mind takes you to, even if that means landing on some pretty weird, repulsive, and even immoral destinations. The scat section of the site is not a place for ‘normal’ folks, leave alone the faint-hearted. Now, if you’ve just had lunch, you will have to excuse me as I explain to you what scat porn is all about as you might suffer from an ill stomach. I can handle the dirtiest shit, and although I’d never touch scat...

Scat Porn Sites
1 year ago
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One Does Not Simply Review A Site Like This AV…when it’s as unique and wacky as this one.When reviewing thisav.com, I wasn’t sure whether or not it was programmed by an amateur, horny yet driven 12-year-old or a particularly sophisticated but still limited AI. Some aspects of the site run well, while others are either broken or ugly as shit.In a certain sense, this site is a perfect representation of the phrase “welcome to the internet.” So, buckle up fuckers, this review is going to be a...

Asian Porn Sites
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Reddit Jizzed To This, aka r/JizzedToThis! Every day, hundreds of thousands and maybe even millions of people jack off to all kinds of porn and various alternative XXX content. But that whole process has its peaks and valleys - sometimes you don’t stroke it too hard while watching certain kinds of content, and suddenly you play one video that catches your eye, and you start beating your meat vigorously until you blow a load and stars start spinning around your head.Well, that content which you...

Reddit NSFW List
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This Vid is a pretty mundane name for a website. It’s generic as hell, and clean enough that it could even be the next obnoxious video loop app for teens. Well, maybe in an alternate universe. In our world, ThisVid is a free video-sharing site. In fact, it’s the #1 Place For Your Homemade Videos, according to the tagline above the logo. What kind of vids are we talking about? I think you already have a good idea.I am going to warn you up front, though: ThisVid.com ain’t your typical free tube....

Fetish Porn Sites
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Its Okay

I always thought I was pretty, at least my dad always told me that I was. It was a long time before I realized that a daddy's only real reason for being on the planet was to think, or at least tell, his daughter that she is pretty. I can't look so bad though; I mean, I still get the occasional young butthead that says, "Nice azz baby!" Of course you know how much that turns me on. The best thing about a remark like that is the look on his face when you don't swoon, fall on your back and...

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I don't know why I brought it up that night. I had thought of it many times, but I guess the frustration and the wine had pushed me to it. Ellen and I had not had sex in almost two years. I masturbated, but no intercourse or oral sex. Plus Ellen still looked fantastic, although she went to great lengths to not be seen nude by me. Her breasts were still firm and at 36 C they were beautiful. She still had an hourglass shape, and her larger hips balanced any thickness around her...

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Mr Woods are you okay

Just got off a plane and straight into a hotel limousine, I have come to hate hotels; I wanted a place of my own. I’m well off, in the world of finance. I’ve worked hard and set up my own business. I travel the world but my main port of call was London UK. I spent more and more time there than anywhere else, so I had thought for a long time about finding a place of my own, in or around London. I had asked several estate agents to look out for a place for me. I have been to see a few, but none...

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She said itd be okay

One quick drink turned into three and we laughed and talked. I think there was a little flirting but that ended when her husband came home.I didn't know my neighbors until that day, having only lived in the house a few weeks. I was out in the yard making the best of a bad sprinkler system earlier in the day when this melodic voice over my shoulder said hello. The woman had a smooth tone, an octave or two lower than most women. Sultry would have been an accurate description. I was digging in the...

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Woulda Shoulda Coulda

She should’t have. Brianne shouldn’t have worn that dress. Not to a business event. A slinky black slip dress with a plunging neckline and side boob? Her 34Cs just hanging out there on display? Really? A Vegas club? Sure. The frat date party it was purchased for? OK. But the Summer Intern Thank You Party? Poor choice.  The second martini before dinner was probably a mistake. But her boss had gotten it for her. It would have been impolite to say, no.  Politeness probably would not have been in...

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"Okay," Denise said. "But this doesn't prove anything." Her reaction surprised Patrick. He'd expected her to agree, of course. He was a mind controller; making his victims do what he wanted was his whole deal. What was surprising was her cool, calm reaction to his request that she take off her shirt. Patrick had been bullied his whole life - he'd grown up the archetypal nerd, and spent years trying to shake the image. Just before high-school ended, he'd started working out, and had...

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Everything is okay

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Oh Okay

"WAKE UP John WAKE UP John" Your eyes shoot open. You wake up to the noise of your buzzer going off and you get up kind of grouchy regretting setting up your alarm like that. You go to the bathroom and get ready to take a shower, as you look in the mirror you see yourself, Standing at 6 foot 8, A slightly above average 6-pack and its very well noticed you lift weights often. Your biggest asset though is the foot long tool your packing. Too bad you've never went to work with it, as you know you...

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No Fucking But Eating Pussy Was Okay

2005 and Sarah and I hadn,t had a proper full fuck in five years. Now and then she would suck me off then it was the occasional hand job then nothing.. One evening following a bath she joined me in our lounge in just her housecoat. “I,ve a sore spot on my bum I can,t reach.can you put some salve on it please?” she asked, dropped the garment and turned round to show me the angry looking sore spot on her lovely backside. Without a word Intook the preferred salve and rubbed some in with my fingers...

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Ready Okay

Ready - OK Prologue Estelle Bailey loved being the boss. As manager of the regional office of Caldwell Pharmaceuticals, she had staff of twenty-three minions at her beck and call. She also loved her new figure - when her prick of her husband ran off with the secretary he'd gotten pregnant, she channeled her rage into self-improvement. Granted, some of her changes had been surgical, but whenever she looked in the mirror and saw the knockout blonde with...

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It Will Be Okay

Chapter 1: I Do Secretly Believe Differently DELTA She drew in her journal. A poem? A song? Delta didn't know what it would be. Probably a poem. She thought to herself. Sitting at the table was her and her best friend Friday. Friday sat across from her and asked Delta the question that was consuming her. "What are you writing?" She didn't look up at her. She focused on her work. "Probably a free verse poem." "Can I see it?" Friday asked. "Fine but it's not finished." She handed over her black...

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Essentially I’m a straight guy but that has never stopped me from harbouring cock sucking fantasies! I’ve been wondering what it would be like to take a nice, thick cock in my mouth since my middle teens. Never in my wildest daydreams did I believe I would actually find out what it was really like. It’s only happened on the one occasion and it was just under a year ago and I was 53 at the time. Fifty three for God’s sake! Why on earth did I wait so long. It was sensational!It would probably...

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Would you like to wake up to this

How would you like to wake up to me giving you this wake up call ? Love to here your thoughts and suggestions.I open my eyes and scan the dark quiet room, allowing myself time to adjust to the darkness. The only light visible is that from the moon seeping in through the window and the alarm clock on my night stand. It reads 3:46 am. I take a deep breath and raise my arms above my head, stretching out long like a cat who has just awoken from a deep slumber. I inhale the salty sea air as it...

1 year ago
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Would YOU make this lunch date rendezvous

I want this fantasy to come to life.  Who wants to be the woman sitting across from me for dinner?  Any Buckeye ladies up for it?Guys, would you risk it all to meet a stranger, share a meal, give her a gift… to get just this thrill?Tell me what YOU think, please!!!  He slid the paper sack across the table and smiled at her before looking around the crowded restaurant.  “I think I would wait until there were fewer people around before I took what is in there out.”  He smiled a wicked little...

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Would love a shemale like this

****d (sort of) by a Shemale!I repair computers, often "on site"--in people's homes. I got a call from a woman asking me to come to her house to fix her PC. She told me her name was Shandra. We made arrangements for me to show up there Saturday afternoon. I showed up at the appointed time and was surprised when I saw her--she was taller than I am (I'm 5'11", she had to be at least 6'2") and fairly stocky. She looked like she could kick my ass in a wrestling match, but had an unmistakable...

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Would love this again

When I was married to my first wife, we took a trip to Disney and then over to Daytona Beach. During the drive over from Disney to the beach my wife had been flashing me in the car, reach over and rubbing the front of my shorts until I was hard as a rock. I asked her to give me a blow job while driving but she said it was all just to tease me for later. The trip took several hours and my underwear was soaking wet in the front with pre-cum. We finally made it to the hotel at Daytona and checked...

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Wouldnt You Really Rather Have

“Wouldn’t you really rather have a Buick?” The quote was from a commercial jingle. I was watching a YouTube video of old car commercials from the 1950s and ‘60s, and that line was sung by a woman hawking Buicks. Those were the days when American cars ruled the roads and foreign cars, like Toyotas and Datsuns, were considered junk. The only foreign car worth a damn was the VW Bug and even that catered to a narrow demographic – the weirdo who gave a shit about gas mileage. At 27 cents a gallon...

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Would Twins Do This

“Unbelievable!” Liza watched Jessica fold her arms over her chest and glared at Kenny—Liza’s brother and Jessica’s boyfriend. “What is?” “Him! I go to the trouble of throwing a Valentine’s Day party, and then the bastard spends all night talking to his mates and getting plastered.” “He has drunk a lot.” “You know what the worst thing is? When he gets in this state, it means...” “Means what?” “I shouldn’t really say, what with you being his sister and all.” “Oh, I’ve probably heard a lot...

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Would other men improve our marriage1

By aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities of desires, wants or fantasies. Read and enjoy. We just finished an hour of what I felt was fabulous love making. Jack was now laying next to me and breathing heavily as he was beginning to lapse into sleep. My mind was in a whirl and was having a hard time getting to sleep. I was still feeling my last orgasm as his cum was seeping from my pussy. I couldn’t stop thinking about Jack’s fantasy. He was talking...

3 years ago
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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 10

I had no idea why we were here, but I had faith in Amenthia and that was all I needed. It took nearly ten minutes to arrive at the destination Amenthia intended for us and it looked to be a shop of some kind. It was only single story, as the height of the hallway would not allow anything more than that. It was wide enough to house three or four of the stalls we had seen. We entered and found it to have a moderate number of people perusing the wares. Amenthia had a more direct purpose and took...

4 years ago
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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 12

After our brief discussion, we decided that we would head out and then start making our way towards the dragon, since we had more than enough food and supplies to last us the trip. When we arrived at the gates a few minutes later, we stopped to check the map, deciding what path we would take. I expanded the map to show our entire floor, looking at where the village was in relation to the stairwell we were supposed to go to. The dragon was located a day’s travel northeast of the village near...

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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 9

I awoke sometime later, groggy and in pain, unsure of how much time had passed since my punishment. I was laying on a bed, face down, with only undergarments on and my back felt better than it should have, given the circumstances. When I tried to move, I found that my limbs were choosing not to respond, hopefully out of exhaustion. There was a tingling sensation going through them as if they were asleep and I figured it was to make sure I didn’t roll on my back. I could move my head from side...

1 year ago
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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 16

“Where do you think you are going with that food, Pathios?” Amenthia asked, with an irritated tone. “Well, there are only two chairs and I figured I could sit on the bed to eat; that way it wouldn’t be a problem.” I was surprised when Enti got up from her chair and dragged me by the arm to the table. She pushed me down into the chair, then sat down onto my lap and continued eating. Amenthia looked at me with a smug expression and said, “See, problem solved, and you didn’t even need to sit...

3 years ago
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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 13

“Shit,” yelled the first voice. “The safe zone up there is occupied, and I really do not want to share with anyone tonight. We will have to head west for a while to reach the next closest to that beast.” “We can get a few more kills in,” the second voice stated, “to help our stats before we face it. I see this as a win for us. Besides, that safe zone was reserved by another house, but are you sure we can take it?” “Well we didn’t have any money for enchantments, but we’ve got strong armor...

2 years ago
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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 15

We entered the armory and found it once again empty with Brot’k nowhere to be seen. We could, however, hear the muffled sound of metal striking metal from the far side of the room. “Brot’k, you big oaf” Amenthia yelled out, “quit tinkering back there and come out to greet us!” The clanging stopped, replaced with booming laughter as the doorway to his secret shop swung open. “I am here, Amenthia, no need to yell. It is good to see you, my dear, and you as well, Pathios, though I am...

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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 20

As we made our way along the corridor, we kept an eye out for any shops or stalls that claimed to be enchanters. We had stopped in a few that we found but felt that they were terribly overpriced for what they were offering. We planned to visit the other shops, then stop by the one that had provided services to us the last time we were here, so that we had a basis for proper comparison. We came across a shop as we started towards Arvin’s shop and figured that we would stop in. We entered the...

3 years ago
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Would They Call it Daddy Issues

“Ungh! Orrnnnnn Jeeeezus!” Natasha heard him growl into her neck, his face buried in her flesh. Her back was hurting. She was smashed up against the tile counter. Well her lower back and the tip of her ass was. She felt a little precarious to be honest, but she just kept her mouth shut and let him go, she doubted he would be willing to stop. Not even for her. If there was one thing she had learned about men, when they were close to coming, not much else made a fucking...

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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 14

After thinking on her question, I replied, “Either of them would do, though the spears would do well to damage the dragon’s wings.” She nodded and concentrated for a moment, before chanting again in her language. This time, two balls of flame appeared, but instead of the golden flames of the last set, these were blue and gave off a frosty discharge. The inside also looked different; while fireballs seemed to have a somewhat solid core, the ice balls seemed to be liquid in nature. With the...

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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 8

We had chosen to enter the first floor from a different stairwell today, and thus came out to a different region of the grasslands. I activated my map and saw that the nearest access point to the next floor was about four hours east of us. I talked to Amenthia about it and we felt that if we used an indirect path, we could extend that to eight hours. We set out, with me taking point, and Amenthia ready to engage in ranged support at a moment’s notice. Her arrows had regenerated for the day...

3 years ago
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Would You Die for Me

"Would you die for me?" The shadowy female hitch-hiker asked me not fifteen seconds after she got into my car. I don't normally pick up hitch-hikers, even rather lovely young and attractive appearing female ones, but when I saw her walking along the side of the lonely county road, miles from anywhere, hunched over in the cold late autumn rainy drizzle, something other than my head told me to hit the brakes and stop for her. Now, just a few moments later, I was wondering if I had suddenly...

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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 7

The bright light slowly dissipated as my eyes re-adjusted to the ambient light in the room, we had appeared in. Once my sight returned to normal, I noticed we were back on the Dungeon’s main floor, though I had expected to end up in the Pact house. “Don’t worry,” Amenthia said in her amused voice, “you will get used to it. It only affects people for the first few times and soon your body chemistry will get used to it after a few more transports. That is why we ask new adventurers to only...

2 years ago
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Would It Make You HappyChapter 1

Vanessa got out of line and sat down at a table in the back corner of the shop. She hated her job and was going to spend every possible second of her break enjoying her latte. She cursed herself for not taking the job for the financial services company. Instead, she took an entry level job working at a fashion magazine catering to African American women. She gambled that her brief, teen career as a model would have opened the door for her there. Unfortunately, the bosom that blossomed in her...

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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 11

Her eyes had a glazed look, as her head dropped. Soon, instead of the touch of her soft hands, I felt the slick, warm sensation of her mouth as it wrapped around the glans of my penis. Her tongue swirled around the head a few times, as she applied some gentle suction, using her hand to stroke the rest of my exposed shaft. Then she began to move her head, ever so slowly, moving the tip of my dick in and out of her soft mouth. Taking only a minute fraction more into her mouth each time, she...

3 years ago
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Would I be happy if I could remember

My story began a few years ago when I was in college. My roommate decidedto let his girl move in with us and although it is annoying working myschedule around their love life, she was very hot and I didn't mind theoccasional show when she would run from her shower to their bedroom. I haveto admit. My roomie was a lucky man. That girl had to have the nicestbreast on campus and an ass to die for. Eventually as most love stories go, things fell apartbetween them she had somehow talked my roommate...

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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 4

As we entered the dining hall, the eyes of every person in the room were on us, which was something I wasn’t used to. There had to be at least fifty people in the room and there was no telling how many more were out in the dungeon, watching the proceedings via their bracer. The room looked to be about fifty feet long and twenty feet wide. The ceiling looked to be twenty feet tall, as tall as Brot’k’s store, though there were much larger chandeliers illuminating the room. The walls had no...

1 year ago
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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 17

It seemed that the girls had decided a preference, with Amenthia on my right arm and Enti on my left. Amenthia leaned in and kissed my cheek before resting her head on my shoulder with a sigh. “I am sorry, Pathios,” She muttered softly, “I didn’t mean to seem to act pushy back at the restaurant.” I kissed her head and replied, “I know you meant it differently than it came out, but you are a bit rambunctious. You had Enti naked in my bed before you checked to see if I might be comfortable...

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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 25

Chapter 25 I slowly felt myself coming out of a dreamless sleep, hoping that I wouldn’t find myself in the longhouse with Freyja again. My head felt light and my mouth felt dry, with a bad taste in it. I could hear muttering which to me seemed like a good sign as I slowly opened my eyes. I was in our tent, which was another good sign and I felt myself calming down. Amenthia and Enti were talking frantically while someone else placed a cold compress on my forehead. “He’s waking up,”...

2 years ago
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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 21

“Pathios, are you out of your mind?” Amenthia asked as we made our way to Brot’k’s, fear and irritation creeping into her voice. I shook my head, “I asked Tyr to help come up with a solution, I didn’t expect this outcome, but it isn’t a surprise.” “Why isn’t it a surprise?” Enti asked, a confused look on her face. “I am shocked you aren’t more worried.” “Don’t get me wrong, Enti, I am worried plenty, but I can’t dwell on that right now. As for why it wasn’t a surprise, I was told after the...

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Would you like Two of me

Would you like Two of me? This takes place in the very near future&hellip,.. &hellip,.Im Lisa, and I took a big step and secretly put a clone and robotic combination of myself together. My company thought it was just the latest robot girl I had created. I waited for just the right guy to test it on. I finally found what I was looking for. He was handsome, sexy and young. Perfect&hellip,. ——— &hellip,Ron&hellip,. &hellip,I received information about a company wanting someone to try out their...

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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 5

She smiled and wrote my new name onto the card with a golden quill dipped into an equally golden ink. When the quill was lifted, the ink sparkled with a nimbus of golden hues before setting as a black ink. No doubt magic was in play to bind my name, as well as my bracer, to the card. There were so many cool things on this world that my anticipation continued to grow with each new encounter. “Your registration with the Guild has been completed,” Mityra stated, with a friendly smile. “This...

4 years ago
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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 22

We slept soundly in our new bed but made sure that the door was locked and jammed with a chair. While we knew that Tyr wouldn’t let anything happen to us, he had not expected Trovius to lay a trap in my room. Even if he were able to unlock the door, Torvius wouldn’t be able to get inside the room. When I awoke, a quick check of my bracer showed that it was roughly six in the morning and I could feel my bladder screaming for me to get out of bed. “Girls,” I said softly, hating to have to do...

1 year ago
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Would It Make You HappyChapter 2

The next day was Friday and she was too happy to let her obnoxious boss or annoying co-workers get under her skin. At lunch, Tom materialized and took her out to eat. He held her hand for a while after they finished. She felt a little uncomfortable at first, but after asking Tom if it made him happy and him returning the query, she realized she liked it (after some thought on the subject). When Tom admitted that it made him quite happy, it became her favorite thing to do in the whole...

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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 24

Our first stop was to Esmerelda, to check in and see if there were any quests, or the like, now that I had completed my trial. The lines were not that long, so we didn’t have to wait long before we were ushered to the back offices. A few minutes later, we were seated across from Esmerelda, who, as always, had a welcoming smile on her face. “Hello everyone,” Esmerelda said in a singsong voice. “I am happy to see you all here and you have gained another companion.” I smiled, “Yes this is...

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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 3

For the third time I woke up disoriented in a place I didn’t recognize, and I was pissed. It never felt good and it took me a while to get out of the groggy fog that accompanied it. The only saving grace was, unlike the previous times this had occurred, I was waking up on something soft. Not to say that the chair in the Council chamber wasn’t comfortable, but the position I had woken up in was uncomfortable. I was laying down this time and this had to be the most comfortable bed I had ever...

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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 6

As we stepped out of the archway and into the light, I was amazed at the sight laid out in the vast expanse before me. Grasslands stretched as far as I could see, and for a second I forgot that I was inside a tower. They reminded me of pictures I had seen, before my untimely death, of New Zealand and of areas of Great Britain. Warm light filled the sky from high above, almost like sunlight, and I could see what Amenthia had meant. The structure of the Dungeon outside did not look even a tenth...

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Would It Help to Say Im Sorry

(What if Carly didn't realize how angry Shelby was at her during the fight? No "time-out" and she didn't duck the next punch and kick. Now Carly is badly hurt; in the hospital and fighting for her life. People will change. Some will really surprise you.)"Ouch! That HURT! Watch it Shelby!"Carly stuffed her mouthpiece back in and went back to wind milling her hands in front of her in the best approximation of a fighter that she could adopt. Not catching the look of determination and anger in...

4 years ago
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Would You Do It for Me

Chapter 1 If you're a guy, maybe you remember when you first started masturbating, I do. I was nine, my dick would get hard when I played with it and what guy didn't play with his dick, right? And I found that it felt so good when I rubbed it with this small piece of silken cloth that was in my Mom's scrap basket. Oh, that felt so good. I used that piece of silk and would wash it out and put it up on my top shelf to dry so I could use it again. I was about ten when I learned that a squirt...

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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 23

As I slowly came out of my sleep, I could tell I was not alone in the room, but I couldn’t feel my lovely companions curled into my sides. I could hear hushed tones, but they were speaking too low for me to make out what they were saying. With my mind clear of the drowsiness of sleep, I realized two very crucial things. The first was that some time in my sleep, I had been tied to the bed and blindfolded. The second was that I was completely naked. I tested the strength of whatever was wrapped...

2 years ago
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Would you like to try it Snowballing

"Have you ever heard of snowballing?" my wife asked me one night as she sensed my moment of climax rapidly approaching.We often spoke to each other during sex, even oral sex, which was our preferred method of satisfying ourselves and each other.Recently we had increased our gym nights from two to three each week, working out on the machines and enjoying the ever-present eye candy. For a couple in our forties, we were both in pretty good shape, if I must say so myself, and sweating and straining...

3 years ago
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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 19

I awoke from a dreamless sleep to find that I was alone in my bed, which was a first since my public punishment. I was tempted to activate the map to see where they were, but that would have been unnecessary, I would see or hear from them soon. I noticed that the trolley was gone, so perhaps they went to get breakfast. I got up and stretched, thankful that I had decided to shower last night. I picked out some of my Dungeon clothing and belted on my sword, though I was unsure if I was going to...

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