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I don't know why I brought it up that night. I had thought of it many times, but I guess the frustration and the wine had pushed me to it. Ellen and I had not had sex in almost two years. I masturbated, but no intercourse or oral sex. Plus Ellen still looked fantastic, although she went to great lengths to not be seen nude by me. Her breasts were still firm and at 36 C they were beautiful. She still had an hourglass shape, and her larger hips balanced any thickness around her waist. She thought she was fat, but I knew that the proportions were still right. She had a classic beauty. Plus her shiny brunette hair framed her soulful brown eyes, luscious mouth and smooth skin. Her face was going to be lovely forever. Her disinterest in sex was not the way it was when we first married. Sex was frequent and she had a healthy appetite for it. Nothing kinky, but we had at least weekly sex for the first 10 years of our marriage. So my frustration had really mounted over these last two years. No matter how or what I tried: romance, spontaneity, beautiful locations, presents, affection, talking about it, nothing worked. We never even got to foreplay. I had lost the ability to connect with her that way. And it was killing me. So I decided, again, to approach her about it. "Ellen, are you no longer interested in sex? Or just not interested in sex with me?" The question hung out there, for what seemed an eternity. Finally she answered. "What if I did say I was still interested in sex, but not with you. Are you just going to say, okay, and then I can go out and start screwing around? Is this some way for you to feel good so you can go find someone else for sex? I'm not ready for you to hook up with some slut. I'd rather go without sex, than let you do that. To be honest, I don't know why I'm not interested in sex with you anymore. I mean I still love you, but I don't get that hot feeling anymore. What can you expect after 12 years of marriage? We'll just have to deal with it." Well at least it was out there. I rolled over in bed and my stomach began to churn, but I knew it was either say nothing and have no sex, or try a new approach. Maybe if she had sex with a new guy, it would re-ignite her fire and we could wake up our own sex life as well. So I said it. "Okay." She seemed puzzled. "Okay? What do you mean by that?" "I mean it would be okay for you to have sex with another man. And I am not saying that just so I can find some other woman. I would be waiting for you and we could see if this might help us find the spark for our lovemaking. The only request would be I would have to meet the guy. I wouldn't feel safe for you, if I didn't get a feel for him beforehand." She looked at me as if I were crazy. Then she saw I was serious, and said she'd think about it. The way she said it, I was afraid it was just a statement to make me feel better, but that nothing would come of it. So I let it go and went to sleep. As I expected, nothing happened, so I forgot about it over the next few weeks. I got her call Tuesday afternoon. It was her usual call. We always met for dinner that night after work. Although I made plenty of money, she liked to work part time at a local ladies boutique. She made some mad money for her to spend and got out of the house to interact with people. "Martin lets meet tonight at 6:30. I get off work at 6, so I'll see you at Audrey's Diner. I'll be in the lobby or maybe the bar." "Great see you then." Nothing unusual, we often had a drink before hand. We still cooked at home most nights, but once or twice a week we did go out to local restaurants. The day at work went uneventfully, but I was glad to go and meet Ellen. Entering the lobby, I didn't see her, but glancing in the bar, I saw she was seated in a booth. Surprisingly, there was a man in a suit and tie sitting with her. Younger, but distinguished looking, and they were chatting away. As I approached the booth, Ellen smiled and moved over to let me sit next to her. "Honey, this is Chris from work. Chris this is my husband Martin. Chris is the manager at the boutique. We both needed a lift after today's rush so I thought we'd have a drink before you came." We exchanged pleasantries, and talked mostly small stuff. Turns out, he had transferred into the store about a year ago and was new to the area. So we spent quite a bit of time talking about things to do near the city, good restaurants, etc. He seemed nice enough, and I didn't remember Ellen talking bad about his management style at the store, so he probably was okay to work for. Finally, Ellen said she needed to go to the powder room, so I stood up to let her out of the booth. Chris stared at her, noticeably, as she walked away. As I sat down, Chris smiled at me and spoke up. "Ellen is very attractive and sexy. I'd love to fuck her." I couldn't believe he had just said that. I must have misheard him, or ....... I didn't know what to do or say, so I just smiled, weakly, and said she was indeed very attractive. I knew I had heard that correctly. "I've been asking her out for a drink or a date ever since I got the job at Elle's. Answer was always the same, thanks, but I'm married and it wouldn't be right. It was frustrating, but challenging as well, because she spent most of her work shift flirting with me. I had a feeling she wanted me, so I kept up the proposals. Finally last week, she said yes, she'd love to go out for a drink after work. Her acceptance floored me and it took me a minute to suggest a place. When we got there, her flirting continued, only with more intensity. You know how women are. She'd lick her lips, or flip her hair, lightly touch my arm, and she didn't jump or get defensive when I put my hand on her knee. I was getting real confident about scoring with her. So I asked her if she wanted to go out somewhere or maybe back to my place for dinner. Again, she floored me. Ellen said she love to but, not tonight and in any case her husband had to meet me first. I almost laughed, but just asked her why. Her answer that he wanted to be sure her date was safe and she wasn't at risk seemed odd. Then it struck me. She was cuckolding him and my meeting him was a test or a humiliation for him. Not that it was a problem. In fact I had heard about cuckolds, and liked the idea of taking a man's wife while he knew about it. I just wanted to be sure that was all there was to it. Didn't want any surprises, say an angry husband. So I quizzed her about you. Asked if there were any other kinky preferences you had. When she blushed I knew there was something. A few minutes of persistent questioning lead to her telling me you like to wear woman's clothes. That sealed the deal. The idea of a sissy husband letting me screw his wife made Ellen even more attractive. I love to be in charge and this would be an ultimate display of power. So, I agreed to meet you and here we are." With that he leaned back and smiled what I felt was an evil grin. I felt like my world was spinning out of control. I was not interested in being a cuckold and couldn't believe she told Chris about my cross- dressing. She was the only person I had ever told about this and I only did it when she was not around. I sat there stunned, waiting for Ellen to return. But Chris was not through. "So, do you have complete outfits, dresses, skirts, heels, lingerie?" When I nodded my affirmation, he told me to send him an email, detailing everything. Describe three or four outfits, including sizes, colors, brand names, and include any accessories. "I am the manager of a woman's clothing boutique, so I prefer to have as much detail as possible for my choices. I'll then let you know what I want to see you in, and you can come to my house Friday night, when Ellen and I go on our date." I nodded my head again, not knowing what else to do. From the corner of my eye, I saw Ellen coming back from the bathroom. But before I could get up, Chris stood up and spoke to her. "I need to be going, but I was wondering if you are interested in going out Friday night, maybe for dinner and drinks?" As he said this, he slid his hands around her waist, pulling her close to him. Ellen, smiled sweetly, and turned to look at me. Focusing her eyes on me, she said she'd love to, and then turned to face Chris once again. He slid his right hand down and gripped her bottom, pulling her even closer. "Great then it is a date. You and your sweet little husband can come over to my place about 7." With that he leaned in close and kissed her. She appeared to melt and her tongue eagerly probed his mouth. My mouth was dry and it felt like my heart had stopped. Finally, they broke off the kiss, and he left. Ellen sat down across from me. She was as giddy as a school girl and she spent the rest of the dinner talking about him. I was still in shock from seeing her kiss Chris. She had shown more enthusiasm in that one kiss than in a year of kisses with me. The sexual interest was obvious in her face and voice, which made me feel a little better about this risk we were taking. I was scared about her being with him, but perhaps it would work as I had hoped, after all. The rest of the week flew by. I emailed my descriptions to Chris as he has requested. Three outfits: a black tweed skirt with kick pleats, yellow turtleneck sweater set, and matching yellow bra, panties, & girdle; a maroon miniskirt, pink lace collar blouse, matching rose panties & bra with a nude girdle; and a black lace skirt, with see-thru blouse, & matching black lace lingerie. Each outfit had matching high heel pumps or sandals to wear with it. I had a blonde wig and could do a decent job of make up. Putting it in an email and sending it was almost as embarrassing as being at the restaurant with him. His reply was brief and to the point. I was to wear the sweater set outfit. I was to wear the underwear and hose under my male clothes. I could get completely dressed once at his house. I was to ask Ellen to do my makeup before we came over. I was to shave completely, but could leave a small patch of pubic hair, in the design of my choice, just above my penis. The details surprised me, especially having Ellen do my make up. I had suspected I would have to be clean shaven, but it still stung a little to have another man tell me to do it. Thursday night, neither Ellen nor I slept very well. She was much too excited and I was anxious about the whole proposal. At work Friday, the day dragged by and I couldn't concentrate. I was having second thoughts about the whole affair. It was a magnification of how I felt when I shaved myself. It seemed to be a surrendering of my masculinity and only my love and desire for Ellen drove me to complete this. When I arrived home, Ellen was almost ready. She stood there in a black lace pushup bra and matching thong. They were a set I had given her, but she had never worn for me. Her tan legs let her go without hose, and I could see she had a new little black dress and matching pumps to wear. "Hurry honey, we need to get you ready. Chris told me to check your shaving and you need to touch up your beard for sure. Do you have your cosmetics ready for me?" It seemed surreal, she using her pink razor to get the few patches where I had not been able to reach and sitting there while she applied make up to my face. I had dreamed of her participating in my dressing, as a prelude to sex, but never had envisioned it as a prelude to her having sex with another man. When she finished, she seemed proud and I couldn't blame her. It was the most feminine I had ever looked, far better than my attempts. She told me to get dressed and watched as I put on my bra, complete with silicon pads. As I was pulling up my panties, she told me to wait. "Chris told me, he wanted your cock out of the way and that I was to be sure you tucked it between your legs." She reached out and grabbed me. Taking each ball, she pushed it up into my body cavity and then pulled back my penis by the head. I pulled my panties up snugly around my ass and she checked it out. Beaming, she said "that looks perfect, Chris told me I was to be sure you were flat in front. Guess your smaller size makes it a little easier." Stinging from that last comment I put on my pantyhose, girdle and a loose jogging outfit over it. Ellen giggled a little as I pulled up my girdle. "I just don't see what you like about those hateful things, I'm glad I don't need one. Although, Chris did tell me he liked that you were used to them, it would help keep you tucked and smooth." The rest of my clothes were already in a bag. While I finished dressing, Ellen slipped into hers. She looked fantastic and if my cock had not been tucked back and held down by my girdle it would have stood straight out. We got in the car, and Ellen drove us over toward Chris's place. My heart was in my throat and I felt like I wanted to stop this whole thing. "Ellen maybe this is a bad idea. I mean I shouldn't force you to do this and I never expected to have to do all this as well. It might be too big a risk for our marriage. Once we do this we may not look at each other the same." Glancing toward me, Ellen smiled. "Oh honey, don't you be so scared. I will always love you, and we went to such trouble to get all dolled up, it would be a shame not to go through with our big date. Chris is a great guy and I think he will be just what we need. So let's just be calm and we will be there in a minute. Okay?" I swallowed slowly, and resigned myself to this. "Okay." We pulled into his driveway and walked up to his door. Standing there half-way feminized was odd to say the least. When he came to the door, his ever present grin was spread across his face. He reached out and took Ellen's hand and pulled her into the house. Wrapping his arm around her waist he gave her a quick kiss. "Damn, Ellen you look gorgeous. I told you that little dress would be perfect for you. Come on in, you want a drink while we wait for your husband to get changed? " "Yes, that would be great, a rum and coke if you have it." Looking at me, Chris indicated that the bathroom off of the bedroom would a good place to change. I was to put my jogging suit into the bag and bring it back to him after I changed. Leaving them together in the kitchen was hard, and as I slipped out of my suit and put the sweater and skirt on, I felt this was all a big mistake. But it was too late now. Pulling on my wig, I checked myself out in the mirror. Although I had manly features, I looked more like a woman now than I ever had. I just wish it wasn't under these circumstances. As I entered the kitchen, Chris and Ellen turned to look at me. "Now that is more like it, Martin. You look quite appropriate for your role tonight. I hope you don't mind, but I have a few chores I'd like you to do while Ellen and I are out. But first I want to give you something." Reaching behind him on the counter, he extended his arm and handed me a white apron. It was bib style, with ruffles around the edges and on the straps. I put it over my head and tied it behind my back. As I did so, I noticed an embroidered script name across the left breast, Missy, in dark pink. "I hope you don't mind that. I had one of our alteration ladies at the shop add it for me. I didn't think you would look like a Martin when you got here. Missy seemed more appropriate for you. What do you think Ellen?" "Oh it is precious! He certainly needed a little fem name and that seems to fit him. He loves to shop in the missy departments." "Well if that is settled, then Missy you come with me. I want to show you what I expect from you tonight." We spent the next 10 minutes or so walking through his house. He had a list of chores with about one in each room. None of them seemed that elaborate or even laborious. After that he and Ellen said goodbye and left in his car. I noticed Chris had picked up my male clothes when he left. Then it was done. Ellen was gone on her first date since we got married. It put a knot in my stomach that wouldn't go away. Even though it was just dinner and drinks, it was a date with a man intent on having sex with her. And I had told her it was okay. Not only okay, but I agreed to clean her date's house, dress as his maid, and accepted my new name, Missy. How had I come to this? I had surrendered my pride to another man, just because I couldn't live without sex with my wife? It seemed like an unreal fantasy, not the stark reality. I sat on the couch for a few minutes thinking like this, but finally realized I'd best start on my chores. As I went through the list, my mind left Ellen and what she might be doing, and I focused on the work. Chris might be kinder than I gave him credit for, this approach kept me too preoccupied to sit and stew about them. I must also admit, I liked dressing, and kept stealing glances of myself as I went about his house doing the chores. The one thing that puzzled me was the list. For example, he wanted me to dust the shelves in his living room, but the floor was obviously dusty as well. Why didn't he want me to vacuum? I could only think that the chores were mostly busy work, and he likely had a real maid service that cleaned for him. Finally, about 9:30 I was done. I was a little surprised that they had not come back by now, but since I could do nothing but wait, I sat on the couch. This became true agony, all the time I had been working, my mind was elsewhere, but now it thought of them together. How beautiful Ellen had looked tonight, how eager she had been, and the sexual lust that now simmered below her surface. The re-awakening of that sexual urge was the one positive that kept me from going crazy. I was jolted out of my thoughts by the light from a car's head lights in Chris's driveway. They were back! I stood up and went to the kitchen door to be ready for them when they entered. Chris opened the door and as he came in, it was obvious he was alone. Concern must have shown on my face because he spoke right away. "Don't worry about Ellen. She is safe at home. When we went for drinks, it became apparent that neither of us was very hungry for food. So when she suggested we go back to her place, I quickly agreed. I thought that might be the best way, easy for everyone. I was concerned you might try to stop us if we came back here. She told me she had not been with anyone since she married you and I was pretty sure she would be reserved if we came back here. I was more than right. Ellen was a sexual animal. She is a great in bed. The way she hunched on my cock, when she was on top, or opened up her pussy when I did her doggie style was wild. After we came the first time, she fed me her boobs, and played with me till I was hard again. She wasn't satisfied until we both came three times. So thank you Missy, I loved fucking your wife." Chris couldn't have hurt me more if he had run a knife through me. His description of their sexual tryst was very accurate. I remember that same sexual manner Ellen used with me when we were first married. I had naively hoped that tonight would be like a first date, maybe some petting and heavy kissing, but now I knew the truth. Ellen still loved sex, but so far not with me. As I silently stood there, Chris looked around. He had picked up the list and was checking everything, before coming back to me. "Missy, you completed everything on the list to my satisfaction, but I noticed you left many areas unclean. You must have seen the messes, but weren't motivated to clean them up. Just sticking to the list, will not do for me, I had hoped you would see what needed to be done and show some initiative. That is an evaluation approach I use with my employees at Elle's. It becomes pretty apparent which ones will need more attention or discipline and which ones can be self sufficient. I guess I should have known from your willingness to let another man do your responsibilities as a husband, that you would need more guidance and discipline. Follow me." Chris strode off to the bedroom, and despite my plea that I didn't want to do something without his permission, he was intent on settling this issue. I had been in here before, but hadn't paid much attention, just did my job on the list. Now I stood with Chris at the foot of the bed and waited. "Missy, when I tell you that we need to have a management review, I expect you to do exactly what I am telling you now. You won't wait, but will come in here right away and get prepared. First bring the wing chair that's in the corner, over here, so that it faces the bed and is about a foot away". As he spoke, I immediately went and brought the chair as he said. "Now stand behind the chair, remove your skirt, fold it nicely and put it on the chair seat." I felt strange unzipping my skirt with him watching, but I could tell from his voice that I didn't want to make him any more upset, so I quickly followed his order. "Next, pull your girdle and hose down till they rest about at your knees, but leave your panties in place. See those little wings at the bottom of the rear legs?" Looking down, I saw what Chris referred to; they were little ornamental pieces that flared out to the side from each leg, and I nodded that I understood. "Slip your foot in front of each one, then lean forward across the chair, reach for the end of the arm rest, and slide your hand down until you find a small hole on each arm. Once you find the hole, put your thumb in as far as possible, and just wait for me." I did as he said, and found each hole after stretching out quite a ways. The position forced my ass up and I had to rise up on my toes to fully insert my thumbs. When he saw that I had compiled, he stepped forward, and grabbed a wire rod that ran up the side of the arm rest. With his quick, forceful pull, I felt a latch tighten around each thumb. I couldn't help but try to remove my right thumb, but it was clear that I was going to stay bent over the chair until he was done. Chris came around and sat down on the bed facing me. "Like my chair? I've used it on a few girls, but nothing wild. We played a few sucking games, or if they needed a little spanking. I think it will work well for you too. That's another reason I wanted to screw you wife in your bed tonight. Although she is ready for me to replace you as her lover, she might not have liked seeing me teaching you the discipline you need. In time, she may see it of course, but that depends on how you behave. Missy in the future if you make any one of the major lapses that you showed tonight you will receive ten strokes from me for each error. If I apply that standard now, you would be here a long time and your ass would be bloody. So since this is your first time with me, I'll just give 10 strokes. But if you improve your maid skills, then this may be the only time you need a review. Before we get to that, you need to thank me for making your wife squeal and cum like a whore. Also, this will give you an appreciation of what she got tonight." Standing up, Chris took off his shirt, unzipped his pants and let them and his boxers fall to the floor. His cock bounced between his legs as he stepped forward. It was certainly large, probably around 8 inches and thick. Reaching down with his left hand, he raised it to my face, and then rubbed it across my check until it rested on my lips. I had closed my mouth, and was breathing shallow and fast through my nose. Chris said just thank the big cock for doing your job, and then kiss it, softly. I did not want to obey, but knew I had no choice, so I said thanks Chris for pleasing my wife and gave the head a quick peck. Laughter came down around my ears. "Is that how you kiss your wife? Kiss it like you mean it, and from now on you must call me, Mr. Morton is that clear?" "Yes Mr. Morton" and I kissed it with open lips. Chris moved his cock forward and forced the head fully into my mouth. "Suck it sissy; let me hear your slurps of appreciation." I obeyed and sucked it repeatedly. I don't know which was more humiliating, the salty musk taste, the heat from the blood pulsing through it, or hearing my slurps. Finally, he pulled back and it left my mouth with a pop. Walking around behind me Chris reached between my legs and gave my cock and balls a quick but painful squeeze. "Good that's right where they'll be from now on. I expect you to wear panties everyday and tuck your little package away. You also need to have all your lingerie monogrammed with your sissy name; you can bring them to the lady at our shop. She knows what style will match your apron." At that I felt the first blow. He was using his belt and made quick work of the 10 strokes. Now I know what he meant about not being ready for it. My ass burned and my face glowed with humiliation. I knew he would appreciate it, so I quietly said, thank you Mr. Morton, I will do better next time. This caught him off guard, and he chuckled as he stepped into my view. He pushed down on the wire trigger and my thumbs were free. "Gather your stuff. Get dressed. Your car keys are on the kitchen table. By the way, next week when you come over, be dressed. I'll tell Ellen when and she'll help you get ready." With that I got my stuff and headed home. I was so shaken by the evening, I hardly even thought about driving home as a fem. When I got home, I quickly checked our bedroom, and Ellen was fast asleep. I got cleaned up and crawled in bed, despite what happened I fell asleep almost immediately. The next few days were a little awkward between Ellen and me. We hadn't really talked about that night, but she did mention things at work, including Chris. The only reminder of the change in our life was my wearing panties. Ellen had taken all my panties, bras and girdles to the boutique for monogramming. When they returned she complimented me on how nice they looked. She even checked each morning to be sure I was tucked back, as Chris had required. Then on Wednesday I received an email from Chris. I was to wear the pink blouse and skirt for their date on Friday. On Friday, I shaved as before and got dressed. Ellen did my makeup and checked out my appearance. She had dressed in a short jean mini, a camisole top, and sling back heels. She didn't wear a bra and wore a tiny lace thong. My cock throbbed just looking at her. It was killing me to know that she was going to get fucked again by her boyfriend. The ride to Chris's place was nerve wracking. Ellen drove and I tried to sit low, as I was fearful of someone we know seeing me in women's clothes. Standing at the door, I felt the same heart pounding as before. This time when we entered, Chris called me Missy and showed me where the apron was. Ellen hungrily leaned forward to kiss him, and seemed much more at ease with their shared intimacy than before. "Missy we will be gone a few hours. You do your best job cleaning and I'll inspect everything when we return." My reply of yes, Mr. Morton, brought a little smile to Ellen's face. Then they were gone. I swallowed hard and then rather than waste time feeling sorry for myself, began to clean Chris's house. I could tell he really didn't do much, so I focused on picking up the scattered clutter, and then proceed to dust and vacuum. Once everything looked a bit neater, I followed up with cleaning the counters, mopped the floors and wiped out the toilets and sinks. Before I knew it, it was 11:00 and the lights from a car let me know he was back. As before, he was alone, and he wasted no time surveying my work. At first, he appeared satisfied, but it quickly became apparent that I had not done all he had expected. He pointed out that I had skipped the shower, the dishwasher should have been unloaded, and I had not done any of his laundry. I was stunned, embarrassed and a little fearful of the punishment that might be waiting. So I quickly began to plead my case. There was not enough time to do all the chores, especially laundry. I babbled on with other excuses, but he didn't seem to be convinced. I guess we'll have to discuss this in our management review. I knew this was the signal and reluctantly made my way to his bedroom. I followed the procedure he had identified, and soon was stretched out over his chair with my thumbs locked securely. As before, Chris stood before me and disrobed. I think he enjoyed seeing the reaction on my face as his large cock emerged from his shorts. However, this time he went straight behind me and gave my butt ten forceful blows with his belt. After the tenth, he reached between my legs and squeezed my little cock tightly, producing a jolt of pain. "So, it takes longer than one night to clean up properly? Is that what you are telling me maid?" "Oh yes, laundry would take several hours or more depending on how many loads there are and whether you want anything ironed." "Of course I would need you to iron. You don't expect me to do woman's work do you? And the bed linens would need to be washed and ironed as well. Further since you don't seem to appreciate the fact that I loaded the dishwasher, I think it would be good for you to hand wash and dry them for a few weeks. Given these tasks, could you complete them if you had three nights per week?" "Most definitely, Mr. Morton, it would easier once I had a schedule too. You know, laundry on a certain night, moping and dusting on another. Of course some things would need to be done each visit. If I had that arrangement I could certainly meet your expectations." His laugh filled my ears. He came around and stood before me, with that sly, evil grin again. His hand was wrapped around his cock and he brought it to my lips. Instinctively I knew what he wanted, and thanked his cock for pleasing my wife and began to kiss it as a show of my gratitude. "Well I think we can arrange that Missy. I know Ellen would love to be fucked more than one night a week. So that would work well for everyone. She certainly is a little slut when it comes to my cock. She begged me to let her suck it tonight. Even after we fucked she pleaded to taste it. But I told her no. So far I've only fucked her beautiful pussy. I've never liked the idea of kissing a woman who's sucked me. Something about the thought of her lips and tongue gliding up my shaft and then against my mouth doesn't appeal to me. But I do love a good blow job. So how about this arrangement, you get to clean my house three times a week, I will take care of Ellen's hot pussy, and if you've done a good job then I'll let you suck me off. That way neither you nor I will have to think about my big cock plowing your sweet wife's mouth." My mumbled yes Mr. Morton, was barely audible, with his cock in my mouth, but it was plain that I agreed to this dreadful plan. I had not thought about what he and Ellen would do if I spent more time cleaning his house. And to have to suck his cock till he came was even worse. I decided to just focus on getting it out of my mouth, so I began to move my lips and tongue more purposefully. From my few times going down on Ellen, I knew that a good combination of tongue movement, light sucking, and kissing were effective so I began to do that to his cock. I knew where and how I liked mine touched, so I used that as well. Apparently, I was doing something right because he soon began to breathe deeper and more rapidly. I also could feel his shaft get tighter and pulse slightly. Soon he grabbed the back of my head, thrust deeply, and spurted several times. I couldn't really feel it hit my mouth, but the strong taste of his cum was very obvious. Pulling out of my mouth, Chris moved back behind me. I was surprised as he gave me another then blows with the belt. "Missy, I know you will do better cleaning up or next time your punishment will double again. And you are an excellent cock sucker. I thought I would need to teach you what I like, but you seem to be a natural. Since I still need my laundry done, I want you to do it tomorrow. Bring Ellen to work for her shift tomorrow afternoon and I'll give you the keys to my house so you can get started. We will then come over after the shop closes." Laughing again, he freed the thumb restraint and told me the car keys were on the table. The ride home was uneventful and again Ellen was fast asleep. I took a long shower and rinsed my mouth repeatedly, but it seemed the taste of him would not leave easily. Sleep did not come for a while, as I tossed and turned all night thinking of how fast this whole situation had gone wrong. It seemed I would never get to be a husband to Ellen again. As we were both tired, Ellen and I did not awake until the phone rang. She answered and spoke softly, with a big smile on her face. Obviously Chris had called to tell her the plans for the day. Hanging up, she beamed. "Oh thank you Missy. I really wanted to be with him again today, but it makes me feel so better that you understand. I love you so much, but sex with Chris is just so good. It has made me lust again. Thank you. I'm going to take a quick shower and get ready for work. I guess you know you are to come with me. So why don't you fix us a bite to eat. He said you were to just wear a white pair of panties under your jeans and shirt. Be sure to tuck little thing away." With a smile, she hopped out of bed and headed toward the shower. It sunk in that this was going to be a fairly steady routine, at least for a while. The good news Ellen was back to being a sexual animal again. The bad news was it wasn't with me yet. Also, it disturbed me that she now referred to me as Missy, even when we were alone. I hoped that wasn't a sign she didn't see me as a man anymore. Breakfast went quickly and soon we were headed to the store. Ellen entered the store, waved a hello to the other clerk Heather, and went over to where Chris stood. He whispered something in her ear, gave her a quick peck on the cheek, and sent her to the back room. I ambled over to him feeling extremely awkward and embarrassed. I wasn't sure who knew about his affair with my wife, but it was clear that the other clerks must know as the saleslady watched the whole thing as if she had seen it before. I didn't know what to say and was going to ask for the keys, when Ellen returned carrying several boxes. She looked at me and smiled. "These are for you." Chris chimed in at that point. "You need some updating to your wardrobe. Based on your sizes they should fit, but you can try them on before you go." As he spoke Ellen opened one box. It contained a matching set of taupe colored underwear: a lace bra, panties, and shaper brief, as well as a pair of sheer Hanes pantyhose. The set was also embroidered with a script Missy; I guess that was done in house as the others had been. I took the boxes and reluctantly headed to a dressing room. Thank goodness, no customers were here, it was bad enough with Ellen's co- worker watching the whole thing. Ellen entered the dressing room with me and excitedly help me put on the lingerie and hose. She also had an adhesive silicon bra accessory that not only gave me more of a bust but created some cleavage as well. The dress was a short shift design belted under the bust in off white with darker taupe polka dots. She also gave me a pair of high heel sling back shoes in taupe. If I hadn't been at a public place, I would have loved it. The outfit was so coordinated and fell perfectly on my frame. I was admiring it in the mirror, when Heather looked in the room. I wanted to die, but she complimented me on how good it looked and said Chris had a real eye for styles. She handed me a short blonde wig, styled in a bob. Ellen helped me adjust it and then reached for her makeup bag. "Ellen, let's not do that now, I don't want to have to clean up before I leave". "Silly, don't worry. Chris wants you this way. You know you have to be dressed when you clean his place. So let's get you ready." I don't know why I was doing this. But Ellen did her usual great job, with my makeup. And with the new wig and outfit, I looked even more fem than ever. The last step was to put all the makeup, and my wallet into a dark brown leather purse. When she finished, she took my hand and we went to see Chris. He gave me the keys to his place, told me a few more particulars about how he liked his laundry done, and sent me on my way. I glanced at Heather as I left, but she acted as if she had seen this many times. The walk to the car was both thrilling and humiliating, as I had never been outside during the day wearing fem clothing. I got in the car and drove uneventfully to his house. As with most of my time there, I plunged right into my chores. I felt that immersion in the task would make it seem less humiliating than dawdling along. I immediately stripped the sheets from his bed and got those into the washer. He had told me he wanted all his bed linens ironed as well as any shirts, so I got a set of bed linens from his closet, ironed them and made his bed. Then I began to sort the darks, lights, and towels, but I got a surprise. In his laundry basket were several pairs of Ellen's panties. They had obviously come here for sex during the day. All though I knew they were fucking, it seemed to be more insulting that they had done so behind my back. While waiting for the first load to finish, I tidied up his place a bit; hand washed his breakfast dishes, and vacuumed. There wasn't much to clean since I had been there just last night, but I wanted to show him that I had learned my lessons. Once the linens finished I put them in the drier and did the load of whites, with his shirts to be ironed. That began a steady process for the rest of the afternoon, wash, dry, iron. It took a few hours but I was just finishing up, when I heard his car pull up. Chris strolled in with Ellen in tow behind him. He glanced over the kitchen and saw that I had cleared the dishes. He then walked around his place checking it out. Coming out of his bedroom, he was mad. "Missy will you ever learn? I told you to iron the bed sheets, which you did for the new set you put on the bed. But you should iron the set to be shelved as well. I may not have you here every time I want to remake the bed, so if you iron them after they come out of the drier as well as before you put them on the bed, it will cover all possibilities. I guess you need another review." I was panicked. I had hoped to avoid this if Ellen was around. I certainly didn't want her to see me submit to Chris's authority in this way. But now I was stuck. I began the painful walk to the bedroom and positioned the chair as required. As if in a trance, I removed my apron and then the pretty new dress that Chris had so recently given me. I folded them both and put them in the chair as I had been taught. Tucking my thumbs inside the pantyhose and the lace shaper brief, I pulled them down to my knees in one smooth motion. I leaned forward, wrapping my legs as I had before and stretched out to insert my thumbs in their waiting holes. Inwardly, my stomach churned and I had not been this nervous since the first time. Chris soon appeared in the room, with Ellen right behind him. She had a wide-eyed look, as if she didn't believe what I was doing. Chris turned to her, kissed her deeply and then slapped her on the ass. "Take those clothes off and get in the bed. I'll want to fuck you once I have finished with the maid." She peeled out of her dress, bra and panties in almost one fluid action and crawled into the bed. Leaning against the pillows at the head of the bed she looked sexy yet vulnerable. Chris had taken off his shirt and turned to see that she had done as he instructed. Smiling he walked behind me out of view, but I could tell as he walked that he was focused on her. "Get yourself ready for me. I want you wet and hot." Instantly Ellen spread her legs slightly and her right hand went to her pussy. She began to lightly finger herself, alternating between probing her hole and stroking her clit. She licked her lips, as if the pleasure was already washing over her. "Spread wider slut, I want to see that you want me." Ellen quickly brought her knees up toward her shoulders, so that her cunt was spread open. She also began to vigorously rub her clit. I almost expected her to come right then. The lust was apparent in her face and eyes. She glanced at me but mostly her gaze went past me to where Chris was standing. She obviously wanted him to see that she was ready. I could hear him continue to disrobe, the clothes following on the floor. He knew from previous sessions that I would pick them up and put them in the laundry basket or his closet. I could feel the belt in his hands, although I could not see it. "How many you strokes do you deserve for your failures Missy?" "Ten sir?" I asked hesitantly. "More like twenty I think." With that he let loose. The first few struck with a lot of force, but he soon switched to a lesser pressure, as if he was doing this more for show than for punishment. I expected that was closer to the truth. He just wanted Ellen see me in this position, but he didn't want the punishment to be too extreme, lest she think him too cruel. Although her hand never stopped stroking her cunt, her eyes watched intently as she saw her new boyfriend punish her husband. Despite the pain I was feeling in my ass, I also was focused elsewhere. I could not take my eyes from her, seeing the lust in her face and body, lust that I had missed for so long, and that now was directed at another man. That was far more painful than Chris's strokes. Soon he was finished, and I felt his hand reach between my legs. Finding the head of my cock he gave it a forceful long squeeze. He knew that Ellen could not see that and I expect he enjoyed knowing the pain it caused me. He spoke loudly, again playing to his audience. "I see you have that stubby little cock where it belongs, tucked between your legs." Then almost as if he was thinking out loud, he mumbled. " I think it's about time I took care of it finally as well." I was puzzled by this statement, but had no time to think about it. He moved again into my sight. I knew what was next, as he walked toward my face. I could see his cock hanging down, half erect, the head bouncing as he walked. He turned toward me and it hung less than an inch from my lips. He stood there looking down at me, making it clear he expected something from me. Before I had to thank him for pleasing my wife, but now I sensed he wanted me to ask him to fuck her. I dreaded her hearing or seeing this but I didn't know how to avoid it. "I hope you have learned your lesson maid. I expect you to do better next time is that understood? Is there anything else you wish to say?" "Yes sir. I will know better in the future. And I do want to thank you for fucking my wife and giving her the kind of real sex that I am not capable of providing for her. Will you please fuck her for me?" The words almost burned my lips as I said them, but I knew I must do it. Even with his large cock right in front of my face, I had watched Ellen as I spoke. Her eyes had flashed, with her pupils dilating as I ask him to fuck her. Her fingers had stopped but just for a moment and as I finished speaking she moved them as rapidly as ever. "Well of course I would be pleased to give your sweet wife the real cock she desires and deserves. A slut like her must be fucked often to keep her satisfied and it is obvious that you are not man enough to meet her needs. Just show me that you really want me to do it." I knew that was my cue. I stretched forward to reach his cock, but my lips just grazed it. I had to reach my tongue out to pull the head back toward me in order to get it to my lips. Feeling my effort, Chris shifted toward me so that I could now give the head of his cock an open mouthed kiss. I moved my lips part way down the head and ran my tongue over the tip. Sucking it into my mouth I continued to lick it with my tongue and gently tug at it with my lips. I could feel him getting fully erect and his cock began to fill my mouth. He helped this by stepping closer again to me, until fully half of his now hard shaft was in my mouth. I could taste his pre-cum as it leaked from his opening. Not as overwhelming as the whole ejaculate, but pungent never-the-less. Again I looked up at Ellen. The surprise was flushed across her face; I could almost see her opinion of me changing before my eyes. I knew it would be almost impossible to get this image out of her head. I hated what I was doing but felt trapped as never before. My self pity was abruptly ended, as Chris pulled his cock free, my lips and tongue moving in the air as the head popped free. He turned toward the bed. "You ready slut? Lie down on your stomach and put that cunt in the air." Now it was Ellen's turn to show how eager she was to debase herself for Chris's magnificent cock. She lay down, facing the foot of the bed, spread her legs wide, and raised her bottom into the air. Her face was no more than 2 feet from mine, but was turned to watch him. Chris went to his knees on the bed behind her. With a smooth powerful thrust he impaled his cock in her pussy. I could hear it as it went in, lubricated by the wetness that Ellen had created with her fingers. She straightened up as he entered her, turning back to face me. I saw how her eyes rolled back as she felt the electricity surge along the walls of her vagina and again from her clit as he pounded into her. It took but a few strokes to give her the first climax. She squealed and growled like a wounded animal but the pleasure was evident across her face. The first climax was quickly followed by several smaller ones and then the two of them settled into a steady rhythmic fucking. Ever once in a while, Ellen would open her eyes and we would look at each other. Her face in a semi-smile constantly as Chris worked his penis in and out of her. I could see the depths of lust in her eyes and face that I had never seen when we made love I knew then that I could not equal what Chris was giving her and could not see how I might get her back for myself. Finally after a full 20 minutes, I could see Chris begin to tense up. Ellen sensed it as well and began gyrating her hips and pussy as he increased his tempo. With one last thrust he exploded into her, and the effort and sound triggered an explosive orgasm in her as well. I had never seen such a powerful mutual climax, let alone experienced one with Ellen. As they finished their climax, she collapsed on the bed, and he lay back on the pillows pulling his softening cock from her. After all the commotion and noise of the past few minutes, the soft sounds of heavy breathing and exhaustion were deafening. Finally he got up from the bed, reaching for his robe. Ellen opened her eyes as she felt the bed move and turned to look at him. "I'm going to take a quick shower. You turn around and let Missy clean up my mess." With that simple statement he was gone. She turned back and looked at me. I could sense that she felt embarrassed. The glow of her climaxes was fading and she knew that I had seen everything. She knew I saw the lust in her, the desire in her, and really, the slut in her. She had exposed all this to me, but only because Chris could bring that out of her. Now as she swung around on the bed, she was going to show me the results of that sex. She had not expected Chris to make her do this, but she knew that to keep him with her, that she had to do as he asked. So that meant making her loving husband lick her hot steamy pussy and lick the juices of another man out of her. She had seen me take Chris's cock in my mouth, but didn't know that I had already fellated him to climax before. Like many things she shared with me, she knew the only way to do this was to just plunge ahead. So without much visible hesitation she slid down the bed until her pussy was inches from me. Looking at my bound figure, she knew I couldn't move so she just put it against my mouth and spread her legs around his head. Leaning back so she didn't have to look at my face she spoke softly. "Missy get started you know Chris expects you to do as you're told. I'm sorry to make you do this, but it will be okay once you start, like everything else so far." And I did. I licked quietly and steadily, trying not to gag as the ejaculate oozed out of her. It took longer than I expected, was nastier than I'd imagined, but it was also the closest I had been to Ellen in a long time. She had not really liked being licked down there, always preferring a good hard fuck. So since she didn't need me for that now, I was satisfied being with her this way. Although deep inside I had a sick feeling, so much had just transpired that I imagined that our relationship would be forever changed; and not changed as I originally had dreamed. I was jolted out of this introspection by Chris's return. He undid the thumb latch, dropped his wet towel, and bent over to kiss Ellen. "You may get dressed Missy. Pick-up this mess, and I want the bed stripped and re-made. I think you will do it correctly this time. You can hang up Ellen's dress; she'll be spending the night." I quickly did as he ordered. Ellen got out of bed and also took a quick shower. When I took the dirty clothes to his laundry, he told me he had ordered Chinese delivery and that I was to answer the door when it arrived. I began to iron the new bed linens, and was half-way done when the food arrived. I felt extremely awkward paying for meal, as the delivery guy had been to our house often in the past. I figured he didn't recognize me, but it was still unsettling. I put the food on plates, got some drinks and put everything on the table. Chris had made it clear that I was not to eat with them, but he said I could have the left over's once I had finished making the bed. As I went to finish ironing, Ellen came out of the bedroom, fresh from her shower. She was wearing only a small yellow thong and her heels. Her look was wanton and although she seemed a little embarrassed about me seeing her walk around that way for Chris, she seemed to like the idea of being on display for him. She approached him and he reached for her, grabbing her left breast roughly. He fondled it and then grasped her erect nipple, pulling her closer to him by it for a kiss. I was stunned by this action, as Ellen had told me early on in our relationship that her breasts and especially her nipples were very sensitive and she did not like rough play with them. To see how she let Chris have his way, made me feel very awkward, so I finished my chores as quick as possible and asked Chris if he needed me anymore that night. "No Missy, I am done with you for now." I drove home in a dulled state fatigued both mentally and physically. The next week was more of the same. I settled in a routine of cleaning his house and dressing as a woman more often. Ellen seemed to like me more and more as a woman, and often gave me soulful kisses when we saw each other. She did spend more nights at Chris's place but when we were together, she was more open with her emotions with me. Physically we weren't having intercourse, but I was getting more hugs and kisses than before and of course I got to give her some orgasms with my mouth and tongue, something I hadn't done with my penis in several years. On the next Friday, I got an order from Chris; he wanted me at the shop early. I knew tomorrow would be another test. I had set the alarm, but didn't need it. I got up, took a shower, and shaved my body, face, and genitals. I dressed as I did often now, with white panties, a polo shirt and jeans. I now knew that this would be replaced once I got to Elle's. Although I was still distraught about the last week and had missed Ellen sleeping next to me terribly, I had to forge ahead. I grabbed a light breakfast, forcing myself to eat even though I no longer had an appetite. The time drug by, so I busied myself doing some chores at our house; I had spent so much time doing Chris's housework and Ellen had been occupied otherwise, that our place was beginning to look a little messy. Soon it was time to drive to the shop. Since it was early for a Saturday, there weren't but a few customers at the store. Looking around I didn't see Chris or Ellen, just Heather. She smiled and came to greet me. "Chris called and told me you'd be coming in. Go in the back dressing room, there are a couple of packages there for you. I'll be in to help in a little bit." I was still embarrassed by my encounters with Heather, but she seemed to be fine with the whole situation, so I went on with the instructions. The boxes contained a short pink skirt, a white sheer lace blouse, a pair of pink strappy sandals with very high heels, a matching pink and white purse, and lingerie. The lingerie included white lace top stockings, small pink panties, a pink lace corset with garters, and a strapless pink lace bra. After stripping quickly, I exchanged the panties, and pulled the corset up my body. It fit very tightly, even with the back laces open. I was pondering how to adjust it, when Heather knocked and opened the dressing room door. "I thought you might be ready for some help. Let me tighten those laces. It's really hard to get this looking right without a second person. Now this will feel really constricting at first, but you'll soon get used to it; you just need to adjust how you breathe and bend over to get stuff." With that, she began to pull and tighten the laces. Every pull constricted my chest and abdomen more, and when she finally said it looked good enough and tied off the laces, it felt like I could only take about a third of a normal breath. She left to go check on the customers, and I finished dressing. Attaching the hose was hardest, as it was difficult to bend over enough to work the sheer fabric up my legs. But soon I had the skirt and blouse on, and began to do my make- up. Heather had said to do the best I could, and so going lightly I began to apply them. When finished, I did not look as good as when Ellen did it, but I had seen how she did certain things that made a difference and tried to do the same. Putting on the wig finished the outfit, and I took a look in the mirror. The outfit was not as refined as the one Chris gave me earlier, being a lot sluttier. The pink corset and bra showed through the sheer blouse, and it gave my body a curvier appearance. The lace tops of the stockings flashed as I walked, and I just felt limited as I couldn't breathe easily or take my normal stride due to the heels. Heather hadn't told me what else to do, so I put my clothes in one of the boxes, transferred my things to the new purse, and went out to the front. She was just hanging up the phone when I got there. "Chris will be here shortly. He wants you to come to his car when he pulls up. You did a good job with your makeup. Just be sure to walk slowly, if you can, it will take a while to get used to breathing in that corset." She smiled and went to help a customer that had just entered the store. I stood at the front for several minutes until finally I saw Chris's car arrive. I walked slowly to the passenger side of the car and with some difficulty slid into the seat. Chris was talking on his cell phone, indicating to the other person that we would be there in about 15 minutes. I was worried about where we were going, but Chris didn't say anything to me and I knew better than to ask. After a long silent ride, we pulled up to a tattoo and piercing shop. I immediately began to panic. I had all kinds of ideas about what Chris might be up to. We entered the shop and were greeted by a large black man, heavily tattooed, bald, with thick arms and chest. Standing next to him was a petite, blonde that had piercings in her eyebrows, multiple ear rings, and a nose stud. She told me to come with her, and as we left Chris and the man talked. We went into a small office and she grabbed a set of forms. She spread them on the table, so that the bottom part and the signature line were visible. "Just sign each one where the x is marked. These indicate that you wanted the procedures and are aware of the permanency of the piercings. Chris said you were ready, so I filled out the forms with the information he gave us." I looked down at the forms and then back at the blonde. "Can I read them first? I'm not sure what I'm signing." She looked at me and rolled her eyes. "Chris called in and told us it was ok. If you want to read them maybe you should ask him. He just doesn't seem the type you want to make mad, if you know what I mean." I looked at him and then back at her. She was right, if I took too long to read them, he would get mad and I would wind up signing them no matter what. So I just plunged in and started signing or initialing where she pointed on each form. With that out of the way, she took me back to a private room. She started putting on some tight latex gloves and looked at my outfit. "Are those pantyhose?" "No, I'm just wearing stockings." "Okay, in that case, just remove your heels, skirt, and panties and get up on the table." I didn't like the sound of that, but did as she asked, putting the clothes on the back of the padded table and then sitting on the end of it. She had me move forward till my balls and cock were hanging off the edge of the table. She pulled up a couple of stirrups and adjusted them so that my feet fit in them and were spread to either side. She told me to lay back and relax. She then began to fondle me and satisfied that I was shaved smoothly, she began to wash all around my genitals and ass with a disinfectant soap. Cleaning up the lather with an alcohol wipe, she was just finishing when the owner and Chris entered the room. The man was pulling on some gloves and stood in front of me. He reached down and softly felt me paying particular attention to my balls and scrotal sac. Apparently he was satisfied, so he pulled up a stool and set between my legs facing me. As he sat down, he started talked to Chris who stood in the background watching. The girl stood to his left holding some implements. "The key to genital piercings is to locate the best spot for the hole. Few people pierce scrotums like I do because they don't quite understand what all is inside the sac. I've done enough to know what I'm feeling inside the sac, to know where the blood vessels and vas deferens are. Once you locate all the vessels, then you can push the ball up into the body cavity. When boys are born, the testicle drops out of the cavity, so it can easily go back in, especially when they are small like these." As he spoke, he was rolling the skin of my sac between his fingers, almost like he was getting a reading from it. He then pushed my left ball up and into my body. The girl seeing this handed him a small, wide clamp which he applied to the scrotal skin. The clamp held most of the skin away from my body. Once the clamp was in place, he took a small thick needle from his assistant and with a quick punch created a hole through both sides of the sac. I only felt a sharp jolt of pain, and then it changed to a dull discomfort. He inserted a short thick bar into the hole and then screwed a metal cap on the end. Removing the clamp, he felt around the sac to be sure my testicle could not descend into the sac. Satisfied, he repeated the whole process on my right ball. "The bars will keep the testicles up in the body until you want to remove them. The testicles themselves will not be damaged, but the high body temperature will make his sperm infertile until the testes descend again. As you requested, we put glue on the threads of the bar. Without the proper solvent, the attached cap cannot be removed. We will use the same approach on the rest of the piercings." How calm he was about imprisoning my sex glands was almost as bad as what he was doing. Chris just nodded his head as if this were common place. The man then began to pull my penis back across the now flat scrotal sac until the head lay near my anus. He did not stretch it out, but just let it lay relaxed. He seemed to be sizing it up and he took a pen from his assistant to make a few marks. Releasing my cock, he applied a clamp to the skin behind my scrotum and anus. Using the same needle and punching motion as with my sac, he pierced the area and inserted a thick, small ring. He sealed it up with some adhesive applied to the threads as he connected the two ends. Once this was in place, he grabbed the head of my cock and inserted a tube into the opening. He made a sharp jab through the underside of my cock into the tube. Once he was sure it was pierced, he removed the tube and inserted a ring in the newly created hole, rotating the ring until it exited the slit in the head of my cock. Again he began to seal the ring, only this time, he also ran the ring through the one already embedded in the skin between my genitals and anus. As he let go of my penis, it remained fastened, tucked back between my legs, and laying flat where my balls had been. Assured that my cock was properly positioned, the man pulled the empty skin of my sac away from my body, a little bit on each side of the restrained cock. He pinched the skin together so that my cock was now partially hidden by the skin and he clamped the two stretched pieces together. Using the needle, he made three openings and inserted small bars through each one. Finally he released the clamp. I could not tell what it looked like but could feel a higher degree of pain, more like a throb with pulses of pain. He briefly handled the area and examined it looking for excessive bleeding. Satisfied, he turned toward Chris. "I think you'll like this result. The balls are not visible and most of the penis cannot be seen from the front. The scrotum skin is stretched tight across the shaft and the head is hidden next to his ass. As he is now, he can't have an erection and any releases will be sterile. He will look and function as if he has been castrated. Of course if you feel he warrants it you can use the solvent to remove the caps on the bars and rings and he can have full function again, including an erection. This makes the chastity piercing reversible but it isn't as user friendly as a lock and key." "That is just what I wanted. He really won't need his cock anytime soon and his wife certainly has no desire for it. We'll train him to get his sexual releases by other means." The girl now leaned in and began to wipe the area clean with alcohol. The man stood up, and removed his gloves. He told the girl to finish and went to the front room with Chris. She dabbed at my trussed up genitals and began describing what I need to do to keep it clean and ensure that it heals correctly. She said there wouldn't be much blood, but that I would continue to spot on and off for one to two weeks until everything healed up. She suggested I use a sanitary pad for the first week and then if needed I could switch to a panty liner. She asked if I had any in my purse, and my negative reply prompted her to recommend that I get Chris to let me pick some up after we left. They needn't be designed for heavy flow, but getting wings that wrapped around the panty would help them stay in place. I should wear more supportive panties as well, a girdle would be even better because it would support the whole pierced area. She indicated I could get dressed, so I retrieved my clothes and did so. It felt really odd when I pulled up my panties; the feeling was much snugger in my crotch, than when I just had my penis pulled back. After I was dressed, she told me to sit back on the table. "Chris also wanted you to get your ea

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Halloween Part 2

Halloween Part 2: Chapter Three: Wearing it: So I woke up on 31st October in a hurry to go to the toilet. My bedroom was dark and at first I thought I was still wrapped in our bedsheets when I sat up in the bed but as I moved to the door I realised I was still wearing the same black silky chemise with the lace trim and the matching panties that Leanne had pegged me in last night. (I have since learnt that phrase at the time I thought it was just described as made love to...

1 year ago
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My Neighbour Janice Continued

Continuing with JaniceI was awaken by the phone ringing and saw that Janice was no longer in the bed so I got up and saw a pair of oversize black silky shorts laid out on the bed with a oversize white T shirt beside them. I assumed they were for me to wear so I put them on and exited the bedroom and saw Janice was talking on the phone. She was obviously talking to her boyfriend Mike and I looked out the window and saw that we sure received a lot of snow over the night. Janice was already...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Red And Suzz Take On Four Black Studs

On Sunday afternoon, Justy and I reminisce about our weekend.It all started, well, last weekend really. Ani had just moved out to live with her new beau down in Romsey. I was not surprised really as we both needed to move on. Then Mikey left for the new year at Cardiff University, I was all alone.Never one to mope around at my misfortune I invited a couple of old friends to stay with me for the weekend. Well, we actually met when their cocks met my cunt at a party. They certainly passed the...

Group Sex
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Angelina Exposed

The call came over the radio at 11:11pm, just as I was about to make a wish. This was not what I had in mind. "2344 Concord Court is live"" I started my squad car and punched the talk button on the radio at the same time. "I'm on it." I'd been at the home security racket for a few years now. The money is good and it's easy work. Every so often I get a call, like this one, and I have to drive over and make sure the boogey man hasn't intruded. It's almost always a drunk teenager coming home late...

1 year ago
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Missy Day Six

I woke up on my back, my t-shirt riding up above my belly button. Before I could open my eyes I felt rough hands pulling down my panties. I opened my eyes to find Daddy kneeling on my bed naked, his fat cock hard and throbbing against his abs. “Daddy needs to fuck baby girl, open your legs.” He said gruffly, his eyes glued to my puffy bare pussy. “Oh!” I said surprised and did as he told. I spread my legs wide and without any foreplay he mounted me, sliding his cock into my tiny pussy...

1 year ago
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FilthyPOV Stella Rae Stella Looks Up With Her Gorgeous Eyes As My Big Cock Is In Her Mouth

Stella Rae has an amazing set of eyes and tits, I love watching her stare at me as she soaks her body in water. Teasing me slowly pulling out her nice natural tits, then turning around and letting the water run down her perfect ass. I can not take it anymore and Stella can tell by how hard my cock is, she starts to play with my hard dick. First slowly teasing the tip with her tongue then sliding my cock in between her juicy lips. Stella really knows how to work my shaft and I reward her with a...

1 year ago
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Becoming A Call Boy

Hi ISS readers I am Raj back with my first true experience. I’m regular reader of ISS proffesionally I am a call boy in Pune now but your eagerly wants to know how I become a call boy? So this is my true story for you. My earlier stories are and my house owner’s sexy daughter, fucking Guajarati house wife, call boy at your service. You can mail me your comment at My dick size is 8”long 4 inches wide stamina 2 hours good looking average body and I was in Pune that time living with my friend’s...

3 years ago
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My roommate made me his black cock loving bitch

Hi my name is Ben i an a virgin and never had sex before. In my spare time i like to wear girl clothes and mascubate to porn. I had got a new roommate recently, he is this tall black guy and his name is Ryan. So one evening wile Ryan was out on a date with some girl i thought i had enough time to dress up and have a little me time. While i wore a pair of pink panties black leggings and a blue shirt i sat in my room and watched some interracial porn. As i was watching porn the door to my room...

2 years ago
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Invisible Girl An Erotic Romance Pt 16

The rest of the week flew by much too fast for Jane.  She spent every free moment either with Peter, or, if he had to work nights, on the phone with him when he got home.  They had hardly gone a day without seeing each other in the many weeks they’d been together and even though Jane knew she would only be gone for a few days the prospect yawned before her like a prison sentence. She pretended otherwise before her parents, of course.  And really, except for the time apart from Peter, she was...

3 years ago
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Living with Bob

After finding out my wife was cheating on me with her Yoga instructor, I of course immediately demanded an divorce and a year later I was free of her.Unfortunately I lost the house in the divorce and had to find another place to live, it was then an old friend appeared back in my life, Bob.I first met Bob in college and even back then he was a cocky, charming man who seem to be able to do no wrong, and could bed any woman he wanted, by the time he left college the rumours were, he had had most...

1 year ago
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I watch the Doctor finger my daughter like a bowli

I took my daughter to the hospital, as she was experiencing stomach cramps. Of course as she had started menstruating, it was to be assumed they were the culprit, but she was not due for another week.'As she has just started', said the doctor, who was attending to us, she has not settled into a pattern.She was lying on a gurney and the physician suggested he examine her, which meant an internal.My daughter was lying in the fetal position and I watched as he undid her denims and zipper, and...

2 years ago
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BlendersChapter 15

Kent McPhersom was the Donald Trump of the Chicago area. He was a very good looking man, a brilliant businessman, and the most eligible bachelor in the city. He was tall, handsome, extremely intelligent, and had dozens of beautiful young women trying to get their hooks into him. He was thirty years of age, popular, and rich. Filthy rich! Kent earned it all himself taking his grandfather's advice to get into real estate. He bought two flats. three flats, and multiple dwellings. By 24. Kent...

3 years ago
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My Aunt Wants My Dick

Hai everyone, my name is Karan, 18 years old, and I am from Mumbai. Let me ask you all a simple question. How many of you secretly threw a side glance at your aunt’s boobs and thought, “Damn! She has got some good stuff in there.” Well, I sure did. And I didn’t stop at wondering at those assets but I also took it a step (or many) further. It was early September and the climate was very cool. A slight drizzle added much calmness to the weather. This is the climate when bachelor dicks say, “I...

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Gunny Meets Her Master

They were sailing in the Gulf of Aqaba with the fleet, supporting the super carrier George H. W. Bush. They were aboard an LHD amphib with a contingent of over one thousand fleet sailors and about 1,600 Marines. Gunny Atwater was responsible for a rifle company of Marines, with usually about 80 to 100 Marines under her supervision. She had been aboard for six months now and was starting to feel as horny as she had ever been. She had been developing relationships with other Gunnery Sergeants on...

1 year ago
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Mother Blows Best

The following story is a follow up to my earlier story "Like Mother, Like Daughter" and takes up where that story left off. If you haven't read "Like Mother, Like Daughter" yet, please read that story first as it will provide a background to the characters and events here.It had been a couple weeks since that day when Genny found out about her son-in-law, John, and confronted him. She remembered the way she overheard her daughter Lisa and Amy, John's ex-girlfriend, talking in the bathroom of...

2 years ago
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William Redman CarterChapter 10

The last test, marked with an A+, joined the rest of the tests stacked on the left hand corner of William's desk. Looking over at Lucy, he said, "That's the last one." "So how were the grades?" Lucy asked looking up from her work. "Not bad," William answered patting the stack of test papers. The first eight weeks of teaching had been hard on William. He didn't have any real experience of dealing with high school students. Getting his early education at the Druid College had not...

3 years ago
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The McMurray Chronicles

Hello my name is Aaron McMurray; I am 19 years old and fairly fit. My Messed up weekend begins on Saturday morning. I wake up and like usual my mother made breakfast and was hurrying out the door with my dad to the store. My twin sisters were still asleep, they are 16 years old. They are Alright in looks from a brother’s point of view. A bonus I have realized over the years about having younger sisters is that they have smoking hot friends. Like there friend Claire, she was 17 teen years old...

4 years ago
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Past Desires The Beginning

Alex and Angelina met in an internet chat room for practicing pagans. Alex was 20 and Angie had just turned 18. Alex always presented himself as a strong, brash, brave character, this was what he wanted to be, though in reality, he was not. Angie too, was a timid, shy young woman, she wanted to be a strong and powerful, as her new devotion to the Goddess had inspired her to do, but given her history with rape she knew she wasn’t strong. Upon meeting with Alex, studying magick with him, they...

1 year ago
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Rebel in the SouthChapter 33 Cowpens

That day, the 16th of January it was, I looked up the date, we found Tarleton's bunch only about five or six miles away and coming on pretty fast. Captain Foster said the army would be leaving Thicketty Creek and that Dan Morgan was looking for a place to stop running. He planned to stand and fight. I hurried back with my information while Reedy stayed to shadow the British and Tories. He never came back so I guessed he must have made a mistake somewhere. Morgan had camped near a low hill...

1 year ago
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Canoe CanoeChapter 9

The next few weeks were incredible. I had forgotten how wonderful life could be when it was spent with someone you really loved. I never tired of watching Angie, touching her, or simply being in her presence. I was whipped, and I think she knew it. After things had settled down, Angie stated that she would like to return to her own place. She said that she really appreciated my helping her, but she was not the kind of girl that moved in with a guy. She told me that if I wanted to be with her...

4 years ago
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Fucking the neighbors

Never expected to have sex with Karen until she asked if I was interested. Even more surprised when she asked if her husband could join in!! Karen is a runner and I’m a cyclist. We frequently pass each other on the road and exchange a few words. We both are married and have college age kids. Didn’t know much more about her than that EXCEPT that she has big boobs that bounce as she runs, topped by some of the biggest nipples I’ve ever seen!! In warm weather, when she wears a tight tank top...

3 years ago
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Moth Ch 012

Written by Nanna Marker, a citizen of Denmark, born in 1976. Submitted to literotica.com by the author. * Lei woke. She had heard something. ‘Wehiloooo.’ Lei sat up straight barely believing her ears. ‘Wehiloooo.’ Her mouth watered as if she were a child carrying her first set of wings. ‘Wehiloa.’ For a larvae it would have been a far off sound, but for someone with wings it was not! Lei turned and scrambled through her belongings, till she found her collection of self-made arrowheads....

3 years ago
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Man I Hate Straight Guys II

Man I Hate Straight Guys IIA Jimmie Johnson Original (A James Johnson Story)I claim this story as my own original work, and give all readers the right to repost it as they feel necessary and I ask to be credited if and when it is reproduced or copied We got in the car, and just sat there. I could tell he wanted to ask if he passed, he hadn’t cum yet, and I felt bad, but was I ready to let him end my virginity. He drove us back on campus, and parked his car. He put his hand on mine and my heart...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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After Dinner Delight

We just had dinner at this really nice Indian place. I‘m wearing a cute little brown strapless dress and all evening we flirted, talked, laughed and just enjoyed spending time together. Then we went back to your place. On the way there you start stroking over my knee and thigh, showing me what was to come when we got to the house. You move your hand up and down in slow strokes. Moving higher under the hem of my dress teasing. Brushing ever so lightly over my panties. You can feel my heat and...

3 years ago
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08 TogetherChapter 129

Present – Jens (Dasha), Ben (Valentin), Ira and Mira – On the mission The pilot comes on the intercom and announces, “Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seatbelts as we will be landing at Almaty International Airport in a few minutes.” I am soooo thankful this long trip is finally over. I was lucky and slept some while Valentin appears to have slept great. We exit the airplane and head to the luggage claim. I know what’s coming once we get our luggage and I’m dreading it. Even though...

1 year ago
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The Pill Part 4

This is the Fourth chapter in the story of my adventures in London, on the day when I took a small pink pill and my face and body transformed into that of a beautiful young woman. However, I knew that I only had 24 hours before the effects wore off and so determined not to miss any opportunity, I had a day of sexual adventures, some planned, some on the spur of the moment. The story so far: I had started my day in the back of a van, in a multi-storey car park, choosing the outfits I would wear...

3 years ago
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The Angry Witch

The Angry Witch By Anon Allsop The day started out fairly normal for a 16 year old sophomore boy, I noticed Cassie waiting in the lunchroom for classes to start so I wandered over there and sat about ten feet away. At least there I could look at her and not be noticed. I used to lay awake thinking about Cassie, she was so pretty and I was head over heals for her. My friends all thought she was a freak, I would bet that many of them had a crush for her as well, but they...

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Jason Laurie and Nicole

Introduction: Jason has some unexpected fun with his neighbor Laurie and her best friend Nicole. This is a fantasy Ive wanted to write about for a while. Its a little long though, so make sure youve got some time on your hands. Its my first story on this site so go easy on the comments please. There is a kind of long build-up to the action, but if you stick with it I think youll find it was worth the wait. I hope you enjoy! Dear Journal, My name is Jason. Im pretty much your average...

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hot coco

He stood in the hotel lobby looking hot as hell; his suit perfectly tailored to his muscular physique like a second skin. His gorgeous white teeth popped against dark chocolate skin as he smiled and joked with what appeared to be a male business colleague. I moved further down the counter, close enough to hear that they were waiting on an Uber to a nearby restaurant for a business dinner with their associates. He was the kind of man whose sexiness oozed from every pore and with every movement....

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Parota Kadai Akkavai Oothen

Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil parota kadai akkavai eppadi oothen endra kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul pogalam, enathu peyar ravi vayathu 24 aagugirathu. Enaku pengal endraal migavum pidikum athilum thirumanam aana pengal endraal rumba pidikum. Naan sila vibachaarigaludan sex seithu irukiren, ilamaiyaana pengalai oopathai vida thirumanam aagi athigam anubam irukum pengalai ookum pozhuthu thaan athil nala company kidaikum. Siru pengal valikirathu...

3 years ago
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Jogging Wife8217s Secret

I began to suspect that my wife, Isabel, was up to no good about six months ago. We have been married for seven years and although there is nothing routine and boring about our marriage � we would both describe our marriage as happy � she got into the habit, after about three years, of jogging every Saturday and Sunday morning (unless we went out for the day or were on holiday) and most Thursday evenings when I worked late. She would also go jogging sometimes if I went out for a drink with my...

3 years ago
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Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer Part II

Buffy The Shemale Vampire Slayer, Part II By Cal Y. Pygia Buffy waited until twilight, hiding out in her bedroom, as she tried to come to terms with the bizarre fate that had befallen her, thanks to the Feral demon's bite. It wasn't easy, psychologically, physically, or otherwise, to have gone to sleep a girl and to have awakened a hermaphrodite. She wasn't sure how to feel about the weird transformation that had changed her into a shemale. It was strangely titillating. At the same...

2 years ago
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Down a Rabbit Hole

You are walking through a park that you know like the back of your hand. You know the short cuts, where and when the cop stops by th say, hi. It's evening and your headed off to your friends places. Then there in front of you is a large hole you have never seen before. Shrugging you step across it, as you do, it widens and you fall in. Down the rabbit hole!

4 years ago
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The Innocent Cuckold

My wife and I have been married for 25 years and we seem to have hit a bit of a stale spot in the bedroom. We have never been very active sexually, due in large part to my own inadequacies in both size and stamina. I’m not very big at all and I’ve never really been able to last very long when having sex but now that I’m nearing fifty years old, I’m much worse off than ever. I’ve had some medical issues which make it nearly impossible to get hard at all. Even enhancement drugs don’t help and I’m...

1 year ago
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Spiritual UnionChapter 6

I could feel her hands touching me. They slid down the side of my face, leaving a warm trail of sensation. "Yamabuki..." I heard her speak the name, and again marveled at the regal tone. She was real, and I knew her, but who was she? I knew she was speaking to me as she pronounced the name, and knew that she loved me. I don't know how I knew, but I knew. " ... dreaming?" I asked, the word mouthed silently. "Yes," came the response. My eyes were closed in my dream. I wanted to open...

1 year ago
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As we lay there on your bed I listen to your heartbeat as I begin to fall asleep.I suddenly feel your hand run up my side and I let out a small sleepy moan. I turn to look at you and I can see your face as the moonlight pours through the window. I place my hand on your cheek as our lips meet. As our tongues touch our body’s become intertwined. Your hands make their way down to my panties,you hook two fingers on the sides and in one swift movement you have them off and on the floor. I am now...

3 years ago
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-This serial story is about my experiences with my first boyfriend. It's not a fantasy, and some of the events may be classed as more humourous/romantic rather than sexual. This first installment is not particularly racy, but others will almost definitely become more so. Yet, as the events are true, I will not add in things that didn't happen simply for reader benefits. -If this serial is well recieved, I shall also write about my experiences with my current boyfriend, which will be less...

First Time
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I hate Sneezing Ch 4

“Mmhmm” Riley’s sucking got faster and harder as his now practiced mouth and tongue worked around this Chad’s cock. This Chad was one of the few that knew Riley was a boy, but that cost an extra fifty dollars in this conservative little city. Most thought he was just a sodomy whore, but there were a few out there. Chad came in Riley’s mouth, and he held it in his mouth to show it off. “Yeah, I know, here.” He pulled out an extra twenty dollars, and Riley swallowed it enjoyably. “Thank you!”...

3 years ago
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The Visitors 3

July 4th (Independents Day) 12:30 AM. Kim never made it back to work, after four hours of a fuck fest there was no way she could go back to work. So all four of his decided to go swimming in the pool of course nude, nothing to hide or be bashful. All of has seen what each of us have, me an above average cock when hard about 10 inches long, Kim has very nice but a little small tits for my taste her breasts are 32 C. Amber and Ashley have breasts that are just perfect 34 C. All three of...

2 years ago
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Date Trap 8211 Part 3 8211 Final Part My Fantasies

I am discreet gay bottom from Hyderabad and through this story I am sharing one of my fantasies. My name is Ankit. Kapil and Romit are fucking me slowly as if they like torturing. I am crying and Akhil is licking my tears. Kapil- randi raat ko tooh bheek maang rahi thi aur ab natak kar rahi he. He spanks hard and I cry out in pain. Romit – bardash kar le bas aa hi gya. In about 6 minutes both came and watching them come Akhil came too. We all bathed together and had our breakfast. Kapil –...

Gay Male
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The most erotic Halloween party

On the bed I laid, looking around the room. Halloween outfits all over the floor. Any cumstains, and we're not getting out deposits back, that's for sure. I looked at Jess, who still had some of my goo in her hair. She looked beautiful no matter what, and gave me the best night of my life. Okay, let me back up. I attended a friend's Halloween party. I went dressed as Vinnie Vega from Pulp Fiction. My friend, who hosted the party, was dressed as a suicide bomber. The less said about that the...

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DeepLush Carolina Sweets Cumming Harder

This is an intense home sex tape with Carolina Sweets and I shooting together for the first time. We kiss and make out a ton before I go down on her. Our sex is fun and rough at times and we fuck all over the bed in a ton of positions. There’s POV shot during a sensual blowjob and while she rides my cock with her ass facing the camera. She has multiple intense orgasms while I fuck her with a hitachi on her clit. The scene ends with a POV of her sucking my cock and balls until I’m...

3 years ago
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Unicorn at Large Part 2 A Lawful Touch

A Lawful Touch by Andy Hollis I slammed the kitchen door behind me, dropped the bag of groceries on the counter with another bang and gave my mother my best glare. "What part of 'no' don't you understand?" I half shouted. "Now, Kimberly, there is no reason for you to behave this way," she said, grabbing the bag before it fell over. "You asked another creep of a boy to take me out?" "Justin is a nice boy, the least you could do is go out one time?...

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The AntiChrists puppet master

My name is Damien, I won't give out my last name for privacy reasons. I have dark hair, icy blue eyes, and a couple of freckles here and there. I always have my hair in a downward style. I have short hair, some of it's pushed behind my ears, and the bangs hang infront of my face. I'm around 5'6 and a pretty fit guy. My girlfriend's name is Sierra, we've been together for three years. She has long brown hair, dark hazel eyes, and her skin is flawless. She has the pouty lips, nicely...

3 years ago
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Wanting EveryoneChapter 7

Melinda and Phil stepped from the shower and playfully toweled each other dry. Naked and still laughing they walked into the kitchen, where Melinda cooked eggs and bacon for both of them. "The life of luxury," Phil chuckled. "I feel like a million." "So do I," Melinda replied. "Last night..." "This morning," Phil corrected. "It's 2 P.M." She smiled. "This morning was terrific. You're really quite a man, Philip Howard. I was beginning to believe that there weren't any men...

1 year ago
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It was written

I am just sitting here, waiting for you. While you are over there, with my words, touching you. I envy them I am just sitting here, waiting for you. While you are over there, with my words, touching you. I envy them.

1 year ago
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MonstersOfCock Nicole Rey Nicoles First BBC

So we are talking to hot latina Nicole Rey and come to find out that she has never experienced a big black cock. Well, she’s come to right place. After getting her to show us some of her hot little body, she decides it may a good idea to get herself ready for the big one. She plays with her pussy and gets it all nice and wet. In walks in Macana Man and she is amazed when she finally gets a look at his monster cock. She sucks him off real good as it barely fits in her mouth. He then fucks her...

1 year ago
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A friendly game of Strip Poker ends with hard anal

On occasions, things transpire when least expected, many of these moments are the most remarkable. This late summer night became to be one of those incredible adventures. It started as a tranquil evening at home, just my wife and I enjoying the fall evening outdoors. We were relaxing in our backyard around our fire pit as nightfall descended. Our outdoor lighting was on along with our music. We both had drinks with no plans to do anything but relax. My wife was dressed in her jeans along with a...

2 years ago
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Fully Sick

Clever Tamara fakes a cunning sickie but does her step dad Steve have a superior repertoire of tactics to get his male way in her bedroom.....I needed one of those Ferris Bueller days because there was a monster fashion sale at my favourite up market boutique and I wasn’t going to miss it.Mum was dead easy to negotiate. I said I had a slight temperature, sore throat and nausea. She was caught up in her morning rush to work... she had her own florist shop to run... she left with the completely...

4 years ago
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Post Workout Sexy Stretch Cool Down

“Hi babe, I’m back from my run,” Mike said as he poked his head through the door. “Looking good girl. Work it, work it, work that hot body!” he said teasingly.  Britney smiled at him, as he approvingly checked her out. Her hot bottom was nicely wrapped in the tight outfit he had picked out as a Christmas present.  She knew he was lusting over her. He always came back horny from his runs. Somehow they didn’t wear him out, at least not as it related to his interest in sex. Quite the...

1 year ago
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I should have done it

When I was uni-student. One day I was going to a book store by motorcycle. I was aware a woman walking this way. Passing beyond, we turned our eyes each other. I murmured ‘she is tight!’ in my heart. When I was reading a book in a sotre, someone stood by me and pushed stucked book down to my side .. I faced that person. She was there! She didn’t look at me but seemed to expect something. After a while she moved to exit and stopped to face me for a moment. I was too square to chase her. I...

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The amulet part two

As Drew became more familiar with the power of his new "toy", he came to receive a perverse pleasure in humiliating people he thought to be, shall we say a bit pompous!!! One morning on the way to work, a mean spirited woman verbally abused a young boy who had accidentally stepped on her toe! After listening to her upbraid the lad for at least two minutes, Drew gave her a suggestion, and to the delight of the men and the shock of the fresh pussy wafting through the bus give all the men hardons...

3 years ago
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Grace and the Longest TieChapter 21

The Last Hurrah! Grace did not see the award of the trophy to Beth and Diamond. She was taken upstairs to bathe and change and take a rest. She was surprised how refreshed she felt after the bathe. Apart from the wig all her doggie makeup and outfit were removed and she was naked except for a robe. She had mixed feelings about the gang bang that was to happen next. Seven men who had paid for her services like she was a prostitute. The bidding, that was secret, was brisk and high. Although...

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