UpgradeChapter 3: Trish Joins The Couple. Triad Forms free porn video

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We spent a long time making love. It was exciting and tender, and very romantic. Instead of showering, we went skinny-dipping in her pool, took an outdoor shower, dried off, dressed, and then went to a restaurant in a new shopping center for dinner. Afterwards, we came home and made love again. We spent the night locked in each other’s arms.

Sunday, we tried to duplicate Saturday, except instead of splitting up for the afternoon, we drove down to Siesta Key Beach and acted as beach bums for the afternoon. Pam was dressed in a micro-bikini that I was sure would draw police attention. It didn’t, but it did draw the attention of every breathing male within a half mile. They trooped by our blanket, gawked at Pam, many got hard-ons, and then they reluctantly left.

I told Pam a little gangbang fantasy about how a group of them might decide to stop and turn their lust into action, stripping away her swimsuit, and then taking turns fucking her until she was a blithering orgasmic mass of hot female flesh covered in cum. She allowed as how that sounded pretty good to her.

Besides our fantasy, we also talked more about our lives, our viewpoints on things, values that were important to us, and how we weathered major changes in our life. Pam talked at length about her marriage and breakup, and how she’d moved through the hurt to be in the good place she was in now.

We did dinner at a beach club where we could wear flip-flops, bathing suits, and t-shirts. There was a three-piece jazz band playing, and they were knocking the music out of the park, so we stayed for a long time and listened. Through that activity, we learned a lot about each other’s tastes in music and the arts.

I not only stayed that night with Pam, I stayed with her the rest of the week. We made love just before going to sleep, and then again in the morning before starting our days and going to work. Since I worked out of my condo, I’d just drive home and work there, and then head back to Pam’s around cocktail and dinner time.

Friday night, on my way back to Pam’s house, I stopped and picked up flowers. When I got to her home I saw a car in her driveway that I didn’t recognize. I parked and went up to the front door.

I knocked and another pretty woman also in her early thirties opened the door with a smile. She said gaily, “I’m Trish.” She seemed certain she knew who I was. We stared at each other for a full minute, sizing each other up, and absorbing the good vibrations we were giving off.

“I’m Bob.” I smiled warmly feeling something positive from the woman; “Pam is expecting me.”

“Of course, come in? I’ve heard all about you from Pam.” She gave me a lascivious grin that left no doubt that Pam kissed and told. Trish was dressed in a colorful frock with a broad red belt that amplified her slim waist and ample breasts. With a little imagination I could see her nipples poking through the material. She also wore matching red heels that blended well and produced an upscale dressy look. She looked very feminine, and downright beautiful.

I guessed that this was the Trish that Pam had referred to earlier when we had a little fantasy moment during one of our morning jogs, as well as when we’d talked about who our good friends were. Given how pretty she was, I had a brief reminiscence to that erotic scenario, before I put the whole idea out of my head as totally unrealistic. Threesomes didn’t just fall out of the sky, particularly for a guy like me.

Trish and I took our time in sizing up each other. I studied her from head to toe, and found nothing wanting. I hoped she found me the same, as her scan obviously traveled over me.

Pam appeared from the back of the house also wearing a pretty dress and heels. She flowed into my arms and kissed me. “I hope you don’t mind, but I invited Trish to join us for dinner. I told you that she’s my best friend, and I really wanted her to meet you and enjoy some of your company. If you felt your ears burning this afternoon, it’s because we talked about nothing but you – well, almost. We both took time off to spend together, very impromptu.”

I presented the flowers to my official date, and got appropriately fawned over with more kisses and tongue, until she broke off to put them in water. Trish had watched our antics with apparent great interest.

I smiled. I’d be going to dinner with two gorgeous women, either of who would be showstoppers in any crowd. Having the two of them on my arm was going to stroke my ego in a large way, and I normally didn’t think that way.

Trish and I went through the small talk as new friends meet. I sensed that she was vetting me to be sure I was a genuine article and not putting on some front to take advantage of her best friend. She seemed protective for the first twenty minutes or so, but then seemed to relax. I guess I’d passed some kind of unknown test, plus when Pam knew an answer to one of Trish’s questions about me, she’d jump in and beat me by giving the answer. In doing that, Pam proved to her friend that she already knew a lot about me.

We had some wine and cheese sitting beside the pool, and then we went out to a new Italian restaurant that Trish recommended. The food was great, and the company was even better, and I did get to make a spectacular entrance into the restaurant with two very hot and beautiful women on my arm.

As we ate I became acutely aware that Trish was flirting with me, initially in a subtle way, but then gradually in a more outrageously obvious way. I kept checking in with Pam, probably with a worried look. All I needed was for my girlfriend of less than a week to become irate because I’d flirted with her best friend. I kept trying to defuse the situation by ducking the innuendos, interpreting the double entendres in a prim way, and avoiding physical contact when I could without being rude. Even then, I became more confused when Pam seemed to be instigating some of our flirtations. I wasn’t sure what to do, so I tried to remain a total gentleman and not respond in any inappropriate manner.

I knew I was in serious trouble when I felt both Pam and Trish’s sexy feet rubbing against my legs under our table. They’d both kicked off one of their shoes and were running their toes around my calves. Moreover, their sexy actions below the tablecloth were visible to another table about twenty feet away. I saw one of the men at that table do a triple-take and he was obviously focused on what my dinner mates were doing to me. Finally, he caught my eye and gave me a smiling wink and a lecherous grin.

As we left the restaurant, I sidled up to Pam, “Hey, what was all that flirting at the table? Were you all right with that? I was trying not be rude, but know that I sure don’t want to inspire your jealousy or anger, or get between you and Trish. You are my focus, and...”

Pam pulled my head to hers and kissed me. She whispered, “I’m way beyond fine with everything that happened. I’ll explain at home.” That statement confused me and made me wonder what was happening.

We drove back to Pam’s home continuing the banter we’d had over dinner. Despite the neutral topics, I wondered what the rest of the evening would hold, hoping that Trish went home early so Pam and I would have some serious ‘in bed’ time. I was coming off a long dry spell in terms of sex with a partner, and the week with Pam was a breath of fresh air in so many ways I knew I’d have to be careful lest I over commit or do something rash, and being flirty with Trish just didn’t seem on the agenda at all, despite Pam’s few words to me.

As we went in the front door, Pam said in a nice tone, “Bob, would you get us some wine, same as before dinner? I may even have some Grand Marnier.” I nodded and by now knew how to play host in her home, at least as far as some wine went. I went to the kitchen and retrieved some glasses and a new bottle. I wondered what her remark about the liqueur was about.

When I turned the corner back into the living room, the lights had been dimmed to an obvious romantic level. I really wondered where the evening was heading. Pam and Trish were both standing there; they’d been whispering to each other, but stopped as I appeared. I set the glasses on the coffee table and poured us each a little. I was most suspicious of what was going on.

As I stood to figure out the seating arrangements, Pam again came to me. She pressed her body against me and we kissed.

Pam said in a low voice, “I’m taking a big risk here right now. When we talked about our fantasy on the airplane, we talked about two men and me – you and Jon. We never talked about you, me and another woman. Would you be shocked if Trish joined us?” Pam studied my face carefully, obviously trying to see just how far over some imaginary line she’d stepped, and whether I was about to run for the door.

My whole gut made a spasm of joy at her request, and I felt a surge of hardness into my dick. I actually had to blink a few times and reprocess what had just been said to be sure I hadn’t misunderstood the words. In my professional terms, my entire mental computer rebooted and reprocessed that information to be sure there wasn’t some other less physical and sexual way to interpret what she’d just said.

Pam filled in the silence I created by not immediately responding, “I’m sort of shocked that I’m asking, but you have so inspired me to open up my sexuality. I told you earlier that you have already had a big impact on me, in what, a week? If you think this isn’t a good idea, just say so, and I’ll...”

I interrupted by holding a hand up for her to stop, and for a second Pam looked worried. I teased, “It’s not a good idea, ... it’s a great idea.” I kissed Pam again. To be sure, I said to Pam, “And you’ll be OK with me kissing her ... and ... being naked with her, ... and making love to her. I assume that’s your intent.”

Pam broke into a smile. “Yes, yes; that’s my intent. I want to try this ‘V’ or ‘triad’ or whatever it is, not just for tonight but for a little while, if you’re willing. Since you mentioned it, I’ve had part of my brain spinning around thinking about your polyamorous friends and what their life must be like. I read about it on the Internet too. As for us, I’m very open to whatever happens. I promise I won’t get mad at you. It’s been one of the things I’ve enjoyed thinking about – other than you – since we had that conversation on the plane and then on our runs, and if there’s anyone I would want to share the experience with, it’s Trish. I also know I’m taking a risk that you’ll like her more than me.”

I stroked Pam’s cheek in a loving way, “That’s your insecurities talking to you. Thank you for pushing the limits of your own vulnerability, but I’m quite sure you don’t have to worry about that. What about you and Trish? Do you plan to participate with her? Does she know that?”

Pam coyly smiled and said in a soft voice, “Again, yes and yes. We talked all afternoon, although I have to admit I caught her by surprise when I sprung what I was thinking on her. This will be an experiment for the two of us, so be tolerant with us. One of us might suddenly get cold feet about any or all of what’s going on; otherwise you can direct us how you want us to behave. We’ll be learning some new things about each other too.”

I said cautiously, “Then I think you should bring Trish over here so we can both kiss her and see what she thinks.”

Pam grinned at my acceptance of the situation, and then turned to Trish who stood at one end of the sofa watching us from ten feet away. She looked most uncertain, and had braced herself for rejection. She hadn’t quite been able to hear our low conversation, but knew we were talking about her and the rest of the evening. As we both looked at her, she looked hopeful.

Pam said to her, “Come join us Trish. Bob wants you ... and so do I.”

Trish slowly walked to the two of us. As she reached us, she said, “I’ve never done anything like this. I love Pam ... and Bob, you’re so nice and affectionate; I don’t want to come between the two of you at all.” I started to move to kiss her; she continued for a second, “I ... just ... I’ll stop talking now.” We were both looking at her with loving eyes.

I took Trish in my arms and pulled her against me, being gentle but firm so she knew I was going to take the lead in some of what happened. She was a couple of inches shorter than Pam. I gently tilted her head up to me with one hand under her chin. I kissed her lips a few times, breathing romantic and sexual energy into the kisses. The last kiss, I used my tongue to French kiss her and she responded as I’d hoped.

When I turned back to Pam a couple of minutes later, she surprised me by passing me a demi-glass filled with orange liqueur. She whispered, “It’s Grand Marnier. I think you know what to do with it.” She gestured to aim me at Trish.

I took a sip and turned back to Trish. She looked up at me with eager eyes as I moved to kiss her. I put my tongue to her lips, pushed into her mouth and then as she responded to our French kiss I squirted the rich liquid into her as we joined and pushed our bodies against each other. Trish moaned as she latched onto my tongue with her whole mouth, sucking me. I could also feel her position herself so her mons rubbed against my thigh.

I took another sip of the liqueur and turned to Pam. I pulled her to my other side, and she flowed into me next to Trish with visible ardor. I kissed her, and then changed to a French kiss that resulted in a liquid kiss for her as well. She moaned louder than Trish.

I said to Pam, “Are you sure about this? You said you’d never been in a threesome with either a man or a woman ... and that you’d never been with a woman.”

Pam nodded. “True, but I’m trying to change ... to broaden my horizons. So is Trish. That’s most of what we talked about all afternoon ... what we’d do, how we’d feel doing it, how we’d feel afterwards, what you’d think of us, what you’d do to us, and more. We want to be together and to be with you.”

I turned to Trish. My look asked for validation.

Trish nodded, “Please. We may never do this again, although right now I can’t wait to do whatever we’re going to do – with you, with Pam; and I have a feeling I’m going to want to keep doing it for the rest of my entire life.”

Pam said in a slightly embarrassed tone, “We watched lesbian porn films this afternoon to get an idea about what to do – sixty-nine, eating pussy, breast play, fingering and fisting like you did to me. We got forty-million hits on Google the first time we searched on the two words ‘lesbian porn.’ I had no idea it was so popular.”

I chuckled, “Besides many women who might be interested, most guys like watching two hot women making love, me included, and yes, this’ll be a first for me on that account except for some Internet porn.”

Trish warned, “I may be a little shy, I mean ... you and I have never...” Her voice just trailed off, but what she implied was perfectly clear.

I pulled Trish back to me and tenderly kissed her. “Honey, you don’t have to do anything that embarrasses you or scares you. If you want to be alone with Pam before or after or anytime at all, just say the word and I’ll disappear somewhere. If you want to just make out and not have sex, I’ll support you in that. We can even keep our clothes on. I’m sure if you want to be alone with me the first time we’re together, that Pam will understand. She gets the same treatment if she wants. I don’t want anybody forcing themselves on anybody else, or doing something they’ll regret.”

Trish squeezed me in a strong hug, and then Pam put her arms around both of us. Pam gave Trish a liquid kiss with the Grand Marnier right in front of me. After I saw the liqueur dispensed into Trish’s mouth, the pair spent a long time French kissing. While I could tell the experience was new to each, both of them were mewling softly into the shared sapphic kisses. I could almost feel Trish dissolving in a puddle of sexual mush before my very eyes.

Pam said, “I think it’s time for us to go skinny-dipping in my pool. Think of it as an icebreaker. We get to see each other nude, and we’ll arouse each other.”

Trish immediately started to unbutton the shirt she had on, but I reached over and stopped her. I said, “Let me do that. Maybe Pam will help me, and then we’ll undress Pam, and then the two of you can undress me.”

Trish nodded at my wisdom, and I slowly undid the buttons on her dress. At first, I kissed her lips as each button opened, and when I could peel back the top portion of her frock and see her neck and chest, I lowered my kisses to these new areas of feminine real estate. Trish watched me carefully, but with a pleased expression at my seduction.

Pam joined me, unsnapping and unzipping the rest of Trish’s outfit. I watched as she pulled away the dress and encouraged Trish to step out of it.

Pam and I kissed Trish all over at this point, and I ran my fingers around the edges of the two pieces of underwear she had been left with – her light yellow panties and a matching lacy bra.

Trish said softly, “I feel very under-dressed.”

I smiled, “Then let’s undress Pam.”

Trish and I worked on removing Pam’s clothing, until she too stood in panties and her bra. In this case, however, I didn’t stop. I pulled Pam into a kiss with me, reached around her and undid the bra snaps. As we parted, I pulled the bra down her arms leaving her in only a pair of bikini briefs that looked very sexy on her.

Pam had large breasts with large dark areolas topped with dark nuggets of nipples that were standing at attention due to the sexual excitement we shared. Her waist tapered beautifully and then spread into perfect feminine hips and legs. Her panties hid little.

Pam said to me, “Now you.”

I shall always remember the excitement, anticipation, and joy of having two very pretty women undress me for the first time, both nearly nude. As the last of my clothes disappeared including my briefs, my erection bobbed into view. Trish’s eyes took in my male organ with her own look of excitement. Pam was onto me in seconds, pulling my cock into her mouth to start a blowjob.

I let Pam work on me as I pulled Trish to me to kiss. I undid her bra and cast it aside, and then given what was happening to me, was able to push her undies most of the way down her legs. She shed them quickly and then looked to see if I approved of what I saw. We gawked at each other’s bodies, and then at Pam whose blonde head was bobbing wildly on my cock. I told Trish how beautiful she looked.

Trish was beautifully tanned with a white triangle left behind by the lower part of her bikini where it had covered her cleft. A triangle of dark s hair graced that landscape, but I could see beneath the fuzz the start of her slit, and below that her puffy labia. The focus on sex during the afternoon had apparently left this visible effect on her.

Trish’s breasts were as tanned as most of her body, proving that nearly nude sunbathing was still alive in Florida. Atop her taut breasts were pink mature nipples centered on beautiful matching areolas. Her long, lustrous brown hair hung down almost to her nipples.

She turned her face up to me and I kissed her again.

“Pam,” I urged as I looked down, “Let’s go in the pool. If you keep doing that I’ll be a big disappointment later.”

She came up and kissed me. I think she was trying to tease me because she’d had my cock in her mouth, except I didn’t think it was big deal. I was prepared to do even more things in that direction that I knew would surprise her later.

Trish pulled away Pam’s panties, and then the three of us walked out the door to the pool area. Pam left the lights off, but there was sufficient light from the house for us to see what we were doing and to see each other.

We each went in by way of the pool steps into the shallow area. The water felt warm compared to the air, so we were motivated to submerge our bodies. I went first, actually diving under and swimming the length of the small pool and back. Pam and Trish just floated across the pool but remained near the shallow end.

We bobbed around for a few minutes, and then I swam over to Pam, kissed her, and then turned to Trish. After a few kisses, I lifted her naked body onto the edge of the pool. I pulled her legs over my shoulder forcing her to lie back partway, and then I gently burrowed my head into her nether region. When I could, I extended my tongue and swiped up her slit in one slow defining moment. I studied her to see if she’d liked that.

Trish shuddered, and whispered in a throaty way, “More. Again.”

This time I swept up her slit but kept going up her body until I reached her left breast. I sucked the nipple into my mouth bringing it to a highly excited state. I left the breast behind and went higher until we could kiss.

As we broke from our French kiss, Trish said, “I can taste myself on you. I don’t mind ... I kind of like it.”

I encouraged, “Go and taste Pam. Eat her pussy.”

I turned to Pam and lifted her to the pool’s edge next to Trish. As I kissed her, I felt Trish slide into the pool beside me and then move in front of my lower half so her mouth could reach Pam’s pussy. When Trish made contact, I could tell because Pam’s body snapped to attention and she moaned. I heard Trish moan only a few seconds later. They verified later that this was their first sexual contact with each other.

Trish only made tentative moves on her best friend with her tongue leading the way. Pam reached down and touched her friend’s head, nudging it more firmly to her quim. As Trish worked with increasing confidence on Pam’s pussy, I made love to Pam’s breasts. She had larger breasts and larger areolas than Trish, a point I expected to hear about later in some way if they worried about comparisons. Pam’s blonde hair was now slicked back due to the water.

Knowing this was the first sapphic contact for either of the women, I studied their faces to see whether they were excited and turned on, or whether they were steeling themselves to perform an unsavory act. Pam had a blissful look on her face with her head tilted back and her eyes closed. A slight smile graced her lips. Trish glanced over at me without breaking lock on Pam’s pussy, but I could see her smile and her eyes crinkle in joy; she continued to lap and suck with great enthusiasm. She winked at me.

Pam muttered, “Oh, Trish. Why didn’t we start doing this to each other eight years ago when we met? This is so good – so good.”

I made a point to pull the two women apart and lead them to the outside shower to rinse the pool water from us. When we were done, I pulled both of them over to a large chaise on the deck behind Pam’s house.

Pam whispered, “We have to be quiet. The neighbors can hear us, and if they work at it by coming into their backyards they can see us too.”

“Do you want to go inside?”

“No. Let’s air dry while we play together.” She chortled, “Besides, I’m feeling very randy and very naughty, so screw ‘em if they peek. Maybe we’ll invite them over to participate.”

On that note, I created a pillow from one of the towels, knelt on it, and proceeded to eat out Trish. Pam was working on her nipples, and Trish had a hand down in Pam’s crotch doing something meaningful.

After a few minutes I played director again. “Pam, sit on Trish’s face while I tend to her pussy.”

Pam scrambled around on the lounger, straddled Trish’s head facing me, and gently lowered her twat to Trish’s waggling tongue. I had watched from my position between Trish’s legs with my tongue moving on her pussy and clit.

As the two got into the cunnilingus, I changed position and rubbed my erect cock, now at a ‘10’ from watching the women, and slid it up and down Trish’s sodden slit a number of times. Pam watched in fascination. I did it slowly, allowing my mushroomed glans to ‘catch’ in the opening to her vagina. Each time I did, Trish would lurch trying to get me to penetrate her. Her moans of happiness told me she liked what was happening around her. She got wetter and emitted more of her sexual aroma with each passing second.

Same as Upgrade
Chapter 3: Trish Joins the Couple. Triad Forms Videos

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On the appointed day Trish phoned early that morning and asked if she could bring her new protege along. “Half my age, twenty, very pretty and very talented. I think you might both enjoy Honey.” “Okay, but remember our rules, no intercourse, oral sex only, but that leaves lots of options. I had known Trish for some time through our business network, she is a few years older than me, and had confided with her a few times about the sexual liaisons my man and I participate in. Not to be outdone...

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first had contact with Trish when she replied to my ad on an adult finder website. She sent me her picture along with a note. It turned out she lived just one town away and she saw my profile and wanted to meet me. We met at a local bar and hit it off right away. Trish is a big woman, a BBW as they are called online, my favorite variety. She has a very curvy body, super big breasts and long auburn hair. Her cute face and friendly demeanor immediately put our conversation at ease. I am a big man...

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“Have you fucked your man since Sunday?, is the first question she asks as we kiss passionately with seductive slow, soft jazz music in the background. “Yes, twice,” I tease. “And I thought about you the whole time.” “Good, I have been thinking about you also and how I can pleasure you today. You are a very exciting woman with the ability to have both men and women lusting after you. “And you are very talented.” As she leads me into her spacious bedroom I note the walls all have mirrors on...

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“Have you fucked your man since Sunday?, is the first question she asks as we kiss passionately with seductive slow, soft jazz music in the background. “Yes, twice,” I tease. “And I thought about you the whole time.” “Good, I have been thinking about you also and how I can pleasure you today. You are a very exciting woman with the ability to have both men and women lusting after you. “And you are very talented.” As she leads me into her spacious bedroom I note the walls all have mirrors on...

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A WellLived Life Book 8 StephieChapter 37 Stephanie Trish and a Visitor

July, 1983, Chicago, Illinois On Sunday morning, the phone rang at 6:00am. Stephanie was calling to say that she was leaving home and that she and Trish would be at my place in about six hours. After I ran and ate breakfast, I called Karin, despite having just seen her a few days before. After our call, I double-checked that I had all the food I needed and checked that the guest bedroom where Trish would sleep had clean sheets on the bed and that there were clean towels in the downstairs...

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Trish and Ashley vs candice and Torrie

Trish and Ashley are backstage,Ashley you ok Trish asked Ashley looks at Trish iam ok but I can’t believe Candice and Torrie did that to me last week Ashley is blushing. I no Trish giving her friend a hug, Ashley whimpering they stripped me to my bra and panties then spanked me in front off everyone Ashley sobbing. It’s ok I will deal with them both later Trish says. Candice is in the ring a mic in hand well you all saw what happened to that jumped up loser Ashley last week but just in case...

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Trish Kathy and JeffChapter 2

Jeff woke up early the next morning. Not because he wanted to, but because his bladder demanded it. After taking care of his business, he came back to his side of the bed and smiled at his sleeping wife before picking his pajama bottoms off the floor and pulling them up his legs. "Good morning," he said, as he walked into the kitchen and saw Kathy pouring a cup of freshly brewed coffee. "Morning," she said, as she poured a second cup, handing it to him. Jeff saw that she was wearing an...

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Trish Jenna

Trish couldn’t sleep. It was gone two and she had work the next day but somehow she just couldn’t unwind. Harry lay there like a balustrade, inert and snoring. She cuddled up to him, her hands slipping down his hairy belly and between his legs, with out thinking reaching for his penis. It was flaccid. She let go of him and rolled onto her back trying to clear her mind. She had had a bust up with Jenna, her step daughter, earlier that day, well yesterday now, about seeing boys. In the heat...

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Trish Sarah Harry

Trish pulled in to her drive. Strange, Harry was home. He should have been at work. Maybe he wasn’t feeling well. Trish put her key into the lock and entered the hall way. ‘Harry love, are you home?’ No answer. ‘Harry are you  ok ?’ Still no reply. She softly climbed the stairs and went into  their  room. Sure enough there was Harry fast asleep in  their  bed. ‘Harry love’ she whispered, ‘are you feeling  ok ?’ There was no answer so she slipped in beside him pulling the quilt over her and...

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Trish Sarah Harry

Trish pulled in to her drive. Strange, Harry was home. He should have been at work. Maybe he wasn't feeling well. Trish put her key into the lock and entered the hall way. 'Harry love, are you home?' No answer. 'Harry are you  ok ?' Still no reply. She softly climbed the stairs and went into  their  room. Sure enough there was Harry fast asleep in  their  bed. 'Harry love' she whispered, 'are you feeling  ok ?' There was no answer so she slipped in beside him pulling the quilt over her...

Group Sex
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Anything For Your FriendsChapter 2 Trish

The wedding went off without a hitch. It was small, but had everything that was needed. We enjoyed the reception at my parents' home before catching our flight to Hawaii. I had been to Hawaii on a few occasions. That just comes from growing up in a family that is blessed with wealth. I knew that Trish was going for her first time. Rather than just stay in our hotel room for the entire week like some newlyweds might, I took Trish out and showed her many of the sites of the islands. Trish...

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Adventures with Trish Part 3 Night Club Sex

Trish and her co-worker get hot on the dance floor. Trish later enjoying her coworkers cock. He shot a load in my girlfriends sweet pussy.My girlfriend and I were a couple, but Trish was hot, and loved to have a good time. So I let her have some freedom when it came to sex. Once Trish wanted to go to a new dance club. So we double dated with her friend Barbara and her Boyfriend. Trish was telling a coworker Sam about it and he asked if he could come along too. Trish dressed very sexy as usual...

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Trish and Jerry

It was raining cats and dogs, but I didn't give a good goddamn! Herdin' a semi down the road was better than watchin' them damn soaps. Retirement-reshmirement, it sucked. Being retired ain't nuthin' but waitin' to die. Not me, not anymore, I'm workin' again. I pulled the big rig into the diner and parked for easy egress later on. I only had a couple of hours more road time, but I was hungry. The construction project would have to get along without its rebar till I filled my belly. So...

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Massaging Trish

Just as Trish had been prompt for my haircut appointment, she arrived right on time at my house for her massage. I gave her a quick tour of the main part of the house. I’m rather proud of the way it came together. I’ve got about 6,000 square feet in the main house and another 1,200 in the guest casita that I use for massages. We walked outside past the pool and spa and I promised Trish that we could use the spa afterwards if she liked. I could tell that she was impressed, but she wasn’t...

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The adventures in becoming the maid Trish

The adventures in becoming the maid Trish.By Lindsey AnastasiaIt was hard to believe that a whole year had passed since I arrived at this place. The place was called "The Mansion" and it was run by Mistress Deena. It was a very large facility almost hotel like size and Mistress Deena's main focus was on training and transforming males into beautiful feminized submissive permanent full time maids. The first day I arrived at about 10am and after a long cab ride I was dropped off at the front...

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Trish was a red-headed Irish beauty, complete with creamy skin lightly marked with tiny, sexy freckles and deep beautiful green eyes. Being her roommate I saw her naked often enough (well not really enough for my taste, but keep reading) so I knew that she had perfect sweet firm breasts that were also adorned with sweet tiny freckles. Her pussy was covered with a lush patch of red hair. Her butt was round, firm and so very sweet that you just wanted to reach out and grab a handful. She was also...

4 years ago
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Advertures with Trish Part 2

IPart IITrish said, "So Don remember when you asked me what I do on my other dates? Would you like to see? Because I have an idea..." "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well tonight at the club, a guy that I dance with was there. That's why I didn't want you to go." "Well Trish I know you dance with other guys when your friends go out, so it's not a big deal." "No you don't understand. I've done more than just dance with him..." " Oh you mean?" "Yes. We've gone out before, and you know... And I have...

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Long story about Trish

This is a true story. I have only changed her name to protect her privacy and memory.Way back when, when rocks were soft- not really, just the 80's. The days of working my eight hour shift and then spending every evening at the bar or nightclub having a good time until closing, getting up at 530a.m. to do it all over again. Those were some days! The local bar/nightclub had something going every night- Monday was sports night all year round, with drink and food specials, Tuesdays were tacos and...

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Adventures with Trish Part 1

When I was in my twenties I had a girlfriend that was my hottest. She was 19 when we met. She was very friendly and outgoing with lots of friends, both male and female. We lived far apart, so when we weren't together, she would keep busy by going out and having fun, In addition to her work and school. She had a very sexy body and loved to show it off. She was medium sized with curvy hips, flat tummy, a great ass, and medium perky tits with big nipples. Average looking face with long blond hair,...

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Trish Kate and me part two

After the events of the previous story, things changed in our class. My mate flunked his exams on the retry and quit school. Another boy, let’s call him Klay, came and quickly became my best friend.The girls (Trish, Kate en Mel), Klay and me became a sort of organism on our own that year. There were other people in our class, but they were satellites. The core of the room was us. We’d sneak our hands down another one’s pants during math class. We’d lick an earlobe at lunch. Sometimes there were...

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The Triad and the Kidnapped Virgins 3 Virgin Prize

Chapter Three: Virgin Prize By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Seamus – The Tower of Kov-Thi, The Kingdom of Haz At the bottom of the Tower of Kov-Thi, a monolith of black that thrust high over our head, was a guard post, only no guards manned it. The foul stench of kobolds filled the air, and their filth lingered in the hovel before the door. We had killed many of the kobolds who served the dark Warlock whom now occupied the tower and was terrorizing the surrounding lands. According to...

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The Triad and the Gorgons Hypnotic Gaze Chapter 3 Serpentine Passion

Chapter Three: Serpentine Passion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Fiona – Dev-Lek, The Kingdom of Haz Euryale hissed at my rejection of her love. Her serpent-like hair writhed about her, their tongues flicking as she loomed over me. Her golden eyes caught mine. They were slitted like a snake and almost seemed to glow as she worked her magic on me. I love Euryale. The voice drifted out of my mind. I could almost hear the sibilant hiss of the gorgon as she worked her magic on me. “I...

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The Triad and the Gorgons Hypnotic Gaze Chapter 1 Taking the Hot Wife

Chapter One: Fucking the Hot Wife By mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Aoifa – Southern Lesh-Ke Mountains, The Kingdom of Haz Reds, yellows, and oranges had descended upon the mountains. The autumn foliage graced the ridge to our right as we rode down the winding, dirt road. It was steep, our horses plodding as they navigated the ridge. I patted Scathach, my black mare, on the neck as she followed my husband and wife. Fiona was before me. My twin sister and wife wore her white robes,...

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The Triad and the Virgins Passion Chapter 2 Dryad Delight

Chapter Two: Dryad Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Seamus – The Dryad's Grove, The Kingdom of Haz I gripped my sword, the blade burning with the warrior god Gewin's enchantment, as I stepped out into the clearing. I had followed the sounds of moaning. I had thought the moans belonged to my wives, the twin sisters Fiona and Aoifa. I had lost them when the trees came alive and attacked us. I hacked my way through the trees, my sword stained with sap, and instead found the dryad...

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The Triad and the Virgins Passion Chapter 3 Octogirl Surprise

Chapter Three: Octogirl Surprise By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Seamus – The Lesh-Ke Mountains, The Kingdom of Haz When I scaled the cliff with Fiona, I expected to rescue our wife Aoifa from the leotaur that had kidnapped her. Thanks to Fiona's witchcraft, we had rushed up the cliff far faster than a pair of humans could, enhanced by spirits. But when we got to the top, we found Aoifa naked, recently fucked by the leotaur, and with a big grin on her face. Kelmam, the leotaur, held...

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The Triad and the Kidnapped Virgins 2 Fucked by the Warg

Introduction: Aoifa discovers a new way to fight a warg–spreading her legs and letting the beast fuck her. The disgusted Fiona cant help but watch as her twin sister/wife is ravaged by the beasts passions. The Triad and the Kidnapped Virgins Chapter Two: Fucked by the Warg By mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Fiona Lesh-Ke Foothills, The Kingdom of Haz My spouses both gave me sour looks as we rode through the foothills of the Lesh-Ke Mountains, leaving behind the village of Min-Kei and all its...

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The Triad and the Gorgons Hypnotic GazeChapter 3 Serpentine Passion

Fiona – Dev-Lek, The Kingdom of Haz Euryale hissed at my rejection of her love. Her serpent-like hair writhed about her, their tongues flicking as she loomed over me. Her golden eyes caught mine. They were slitted like a snake and almost seemed to glow as she worked her magic on me. I love Euryale. The voice drifted out of my mind. I could almost hear the sibilant hiss of the gorgon as she worked her magic on me. "I don't love you. I love Seamus and Aoifa." "Even after they betrayed...

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Trish loves being a slut

So I was just waking up as it was Saturday and the phone rangand it was Jack. What are you doing today he asked and I had no plans as Nolan wasnot coming home to see me, again. Who knows, maybe Kathy wasspreading her legs over his head again as they “hiked.” Jack said I have my cousin’s van and thought maybe we could go to the lake andhave a picnic with my friends and hopefully their girlfriends. Jack saidthe guys are providing all of the food. I had nothing to do and itsounded like fun. It was...

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Trish and Cyn 2

We were probably both sound asleep, but Cynthia and I both woke up and glanced at each other from across the bedroom when we heard mom stumble in on her high heels at around 4AM. Love mom, but she had a habit of doing that on Friday or Saturday night and being miserable the next morning. I dreaded that my sister would insist I deal with her first in the morning ... Sure enough. "Good Morning, Patty! Coffee's on." Which I could already smell. "You can bring it to mom when it's ready." I...

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Trish Kate and me

I promised in the comments of my last story, ‘Peeing Tom’, that I’d write the follow up real soon.That was two years ago. Sorry I lied. Also: I can’t write the follow up, because the ending is the only part of the story that wasn’t true. And I kind of like to stick to true stories. Like that one time at the empty dormitories.This is ages ago. We were young (but let's say we were legal), drunk and horny. My friend who’s dad owns a private school took three girls (let’s call them Trish, Kate and...

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Trish s first gloryhole visit

Trish was a tad naive when we met. She had desires and curiosities, but had no idea what to do with them. She knew she wanted to be fucked by multiple men but she is a woman who can’t and won’t cheat, so she never thought it would be possible. She never dreamed of meeting a man who would encourage her to take all the cock she wanted, provided we did it together.The more I told her about the doors I wanted to open for her, the more eager she got. Not only eager, she started coming up with...

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Trish Kathy and JeffChapter 3

Jeff had been horny all day. After his encounter with his wife and Kathy that morning, he and Trish had taken separate showers, gotten dressed, and went on their normal Saturday errands. Even though it was explicitly detailed how Trish and Kathy got together, the question of why still lingered in his mind. For twenty-five years, he had fantasized about her with another woman. He had asked her several times if there was ever a possibility of it and was always told that it would happen when the...

2 years ago
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My Boi Trish

This is a true story about a young lover whom I will call "Trish".I attended a Halloween party several years ago. There I saw a cute boy who worked in the same retail store I did. He was all hussied up like a gypsy (still think of him whenever I hear that song by Fleetwood Mac). He had a very smooth, lean body and I think his ethnicity was middle-eastern. Nice almond skin and jet black, shaggy hair, very thick. Anyway, he kept giving me the eye all through the night until I finally walked over...

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The Triad and the Kidnapped Virgins 2 Fucked by the Warg

Chapter Two: Fucked by the Warg By mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Fiona – Lesh-Ke Foothills, The Kingdom of Haz My spouses both gave me sour looks as we rode through the foothills of the Lesh-Ke Mountains, leaving behind the village of Min-Kei and all its nubile women and virile men. Seamus and Aoifa had both been eager to break our marriage vows and fuck anyone that was willing. We had rescued the village from a marauding band of kobolds riding wargs. While I attended to the injured...

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SupermanThe Triad Chapter 1

By Author Unknown ********************* The story is great and builts-up as the chapter goes. This is a pilot chapter, it does not include much sex. But from chapter two all chapter contains sex, A LOT OF SEX!!!!!!! ********************* ______________________________________ ||The Triad Chapter 1 - The Exchange|| The jeep scrunched to a stop in the sand, just in front of the mine shaft. The shaft was built deep into the side of a mountain and was covered by a old locked,...

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The Triad and the Virgins PassionChapter 3 Octogirl Surprise

Seamus – The Lesh-Ke Mountains, The Kingdom of Haz When I scaled the cliff with Fiona, I expected to rescue our wife Aoifa from the leotaur that had kidnapped her. Thanks to Fiona’s witchcraft, we had rushed up the cliff far faster than a pair of humans could, enhanced by spirits. But when we got to the top, we found Aoifa naked, recently fucked by the leotaur, and with a big grin on her face. Kelmam, the leotaur, held Viora in his arms, kissing the young girl. She was also recently fucked....

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The Triad and the Kidnapped VirginsChapter 2 Fucked by the Warg

Fiona – Lesh-Ke Foothills, The Kingdom of Haz My spouses both gave me sour looks as we rode through the foothills of the Lesh-Ke Mountains, leaving behind the village of Min-Kei and all its nubile women and virile men. Seamus and Aoifa had both been eager to break our marriage vows and fuck anyone that was willing. We had rescued the village from a marauding band of kobolds riding wargs. While I attended to the injured with my magic, Seamus and Aoifa enjoyed the locals. I found Seamus with...

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Delta OriginalChapter 12 The First Triad

Kyle invited Tony to have breakfast with him and Debora. After the work out where Lee had them working on throws and attacks in groups of threes, Kyle had wanted to be with both of them. Debora wasn’t sure if she wanted Tony with them or not, she was very conflicted. She had come to enjoy Tony’s quiet attention over the last couple of weeks. As any woman who finds a man sexy, she was flattered that he was also interested. She had even wondered what sort of lover he would be. As much as she...

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TriadChapter 5

I woke up early sure of two things. First, from the angle of sunlight trying to get into the room behind the room darkening shades I guessed the time to be about six a.m. Second, someone had their warm lips wrapped around my morning wood, and they were making love to me in their own way. I cranked both eyes open and looked down my body. A naked hot A-list movie star was between my legs and having a virtual field day bobbing, lapping, sucking, and otherwise romancing my cock. I could see...

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TriadChapter 8

The changes had happened gradually to each of us. Some were so profound that I had been the only one to make it to the Cape the previous year, and then only for a month not my usual three or four. Anna became an even more sought after movie star. At one point she was working on three films simultaneously. EVERY week she was on the cover of some magazine in the supermarket aisles and newsstands. EVERY week she appeared on some major TV show, usually promoting one of her movies and being...

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Valentines day with Trish and Nikki

I was so much in love with Trish. She was a 19 year old at that time, a real cutie with wheatish complexion, just like me. Although she is 6 years younger than me, but we shared some magical chemistry, since we first saw each other, some time back. Trish is about 5’3” tall, having an amazing figure of 34-28-34. Although a bit on the plump side, she is an angel. Her smile is a cute, to-die-for one, carrying an aura of cheer, wherever she goes. She has burgundy-streaked shoulder length hair. It...

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a girl named trish

One night I was interested in hooking up with a black busty girl named Sierra, but instead she introduces me to Trish, a black busty girl herself. She had big busty breasts and a thick round ass. For some odd reason right after she stepped, into my room, she got in my bed and pulled the cover over her. But I didn’t pay any attention at first. I was drinking so I really didn’t care. Until I got tired and wanted to bed then I noticed her blue jeans were lying on the floor. Then it got me...

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Trish and Cyn 1

"Wake up, loser!" A slap on the head. "Now, little brother! Paaat-rick." My older sister, Cynthia, was always the one to wake me up. And take responsibility in general. But when I wanted to be lazy, the extended-out name always did that, I couldn't ignore it! "OK, what does Mom want?" "Sorry, we have to do some shopping for me, it will be boring for you, just take a shower so we can have breakfast and get out of here." Cynthia was always bossy to me, but not to be bad, just to keep me...

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The Triad and the Village of Pregnant Beauties Chapter 1 MotherDaughter Pregnant Delight

Chapter One: Mother/Daughter Pregnant Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Fiona – Shesh, Lesh-Ke Mountains, Kingdom of Haz I took a deep breath, trying to ignore my twin sister's terrible antics in the bar. “Ten guys before a quarter of an hourglass runs out,” she boasted. “I'll make you all explode.” “Las's cum, but you're a wild one,” laughed a rough-faced man with the dusky skin of a Hazian, contrasting against my sister's...

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