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Trish. by Kyorii Pilau. This story is a prequel to the story The Model maker and tells the tale of Trish up until the time that Chris moves in with her, I hope it fills some gaps in her life only hinted at in my story. (If however, you haven't read The Model maker yet, read this first). Chapter 1 An evening working. It's a pleasant late spring evening and I'm standing on the pavement with one of the older girls on the north side of the railway tracks just behind Middlesbrough train station on a quiet section of road only usually frequented by hookers, punters and on occasions the British Railway Police, it's been rather quiet this evening I've only had one customer so far and all he wanted was a blow job but I was relying on the fact that it usually gets busy once the pubs turn out a little later. It was now starting to get dark as the sun had now vanished behind the large corrugated steel buildings of the trading estate by the river, my ankles were now starting to ache from standing here on the pavement in my ludicrous heels. Tonight is a relatively rare event for me nowadays as I now have a daytime job and no longer have a drug habit to support but an unexpected bill has left me a little short of money on the run up to the end of the month, so here I am selling my body on the street once more in order to pay them and get a little spending money for myself before the weekend. I was just about to reward myself with a quick Cigarette break and possibly a cup of tea when I noticed coming out from under one of the road bridges that ran under the railway line heading back into town a young lad, he was carrying a backpack and he looked lost, he also did not look like one of the streetwise local lads. As I watched the teenager I was almost transfixed by him. "What you looking at Trish?" asked Jan. "It's that lad over there, I don't know why but I can't keep my eyes off him, do you think he's lost?" "Must be, the way he's walking he'll be mugged or worse before the end of the night." It was then I realised why I was so fascinated by him, he was reminding me of my old self, the old me just after I had run away from home or to be more precise after I had been thrown out onto the street by my father. As I watched the lad wandering aimlessly I started to think about my own life and how I had ended up becoming the person I'd slowly evolved into, the young lad down the road in front of me was just starting on his journey and I found myself hoping that he wouldn't make the mistakes that I had along the way. After a few seconds heading down towards the new police station on Bridge street the Teen turned and then started to walk back towards us, he seemed a little bemused as to why we were all standing on the pavement as if waiting for a bus. "Hello love," said Jan. "Want to spend a little time with me tonight?" the poor teen looked mortified and just said, "I, I, no I'm just." I didn't think that Jan was very funny at all and interrupted. "Leave him alone Jan, can't you see that he's terrified." I then addressed him. "Hello I'm called Trish, are you lost?" "I, er I'm trying to find somewhere to stay." I smiled at the young lad and asked him, "You're not from around here are you?" "No I've just.." He became rather tongue tied, I was really feeling sympathy for his plight as he was almost certainly a runaway so I reached into my purse, I then rummaged around for a few seconds and finally from under my stock of condoms and lube I produced a card and said, "Here take this, they tried to help me when I first came here." he took the card from me and looked at it, he seemed to be wondering what to do next, so I suggested. "Why don't you use that phone over there and give them a ring, don't worry they won't ask too many questions." The lad looked up at me and said, "Thank you er Trish." he then quickly went over to the rather grubby phone box across the road and I watched as he dialled the number on the card, he then seemed to freeze. "I think that lad is about to start bubbling Trish, oh yes there he goes," said Jan as we both watched him standing with the phone receiver in his hand as he started to cry. I quickly crossed the road and took the receiver from the poor lads shaking hand and said, "Hello, young man needs somewhere to stay, he's behind the train station." I hung up the receiver and stood by the beautiful innocent looking young lad whilst I waited for the inevitable minibus to arrive, no one was going to harm him tonight, I was going to make sure of that. Less than ten minutes later a familiar minibus pulled up by the phone box and one of the charities helpers got out, she smiled at me but I could tell that she was saddened to see me here tonight. "Hello Trish, back to your old tricks I see." "I'm sorry Tanya, I needed the extra money but at least I'm still clean now." "I'm really glad to hear it, now who is your friend?" "Dunno, think he's a runaway, a pretty boy like him wouldn't have survived the night out here.," Tanya turned to the young lad. "What's your name son?" she asked him kindly. "It's T.. Chris, miss." I think that both Tanya and I knew that he was lying but she smiled at him and said, "Come on, let's get you onto the bus, we'll get you fed and find somewhere for you to stay, shall we?," The young lad called Chris meekly followed Tanya onto the bus and sat down. I just stood and watched as Tanya helped him onto the bus, just before she got onto the bus however Tanya turned and mouthed "Thank you" to me. The door on the bus then closed and I watched as Tanya sat behind the driver. As the bus pulled away I just stood and looked as the obviously terrified lad who was now sitting clutching his bag passed me by, I smiled at him and in my head, I wished him well, I then crossed back over the road and went back to work. Later that evening I was dropped off by my last customer on the slip road to the Newport bridge and started the short walk back to my new flat, I was walking rather tentatively as my final customer had been rather large and had stretched me a little further than I was used to, he had taken me from behind as I had told him that I was on my period, he didn't seem the least bit bothered as long as he got to screw something this evening and he was good enough as to drop me off close to home in his nice new Jag. By the time I had teetered several streets in my silly heels I reached my front door my ankles were killing me, I took out my keys and started to unlock the three security locks, once unlocked I opened the door and the alarm system started to beep, Quickly I entered the four digit code and disarmed the alarm, I then closed and locked the front door behind me before entering the night code on the alarm, I then started upstairs whilst undoing the zips on my boots, I abandoned my boots on the landing and padded through to the kitchen and turned on the kettle. Several minutes later I was sinking into my large comfortable leather chair with a cup of cocoa in my hand and started to relax for a few minutes whilst watching the TV before I went for my bath before bed. I turned the TV off several minutes later as I was getting a little irate at a rather portly local politician who was being interviewed on the local news, he was talking about how he worried about the increasing levels of social deprivation in the area and he managed to say this on the same week as the councillors has awarded themselves an above the rate of inflation pay rise. "Hypocrite," I heard myself saying as I reached over to my handbag and started to take tonight's earnings from its hidden pouch. "Two hundred and twenty pounds, not bad," I said to myself as I got up from my comfy leather chair and took my mug back into the kitchen and washed it. I went through into the bathroom and turned on the shower and whilst it warmed I took a cotton pad and with a generous dollop of makeup remover I proceeded to clean my heavily painted face of its makeup. I then pulled my tight top over my head and removed my b cup bra with its silicone inserts and dropped them onto the small wooden chair near the bath, I slipped my tiny miniskirt down over my hips and removed my panties noting the small blood stain at the rear as I did. Just before I got into the shower I looked myself over in the mirror. my body now curved in all of the correct places, my breasts although still a little on the small size were now almost a b cup I looked down past my slimming waist and my gently curving hips to almost the last remnant of who I had once been, my now small almost childlike penis I looked sadly at the completely out of place appendage and then stepped into the shower. My shower refreshed me in more ways than one as it had cleaned away the filth of the day and also helped wash away the filth of what I had been doing this evening, I quickly ran a towel through my hair before bending over and wrapping my head in another towel like a turban, I then wrapped my body in a large fluffy cotton bath sheet and went through to my large and spacious bedroom at the front of my flat. Once dried moisturised and prepared for bed I lay back on my large comfortable Queen sized bed and listened to the early morning police sirens in the distance, I was wearing a plain cotton nightshirt and panties, nothing elaborate, as I was dressed for comfort. I turned off my bedside light and as I was readying myself for sleep I wondered to myself if the young lad I'd helped this evening was now safe and comfortable in the charities house on the outskirts of town, I hoped he was now safe and being helped by Tanya and the other staff I then actually smiled at myself for actually caring about someone other than myself finally. As I started to doze in the warm comfort of my bed my mind started to drift back in time to what now seemed to me to be another lifetime, a time when I lived in Yorkshire with my parents and my two sisters, to the day that ripped our family apart permanently and separated us by over 200 miles and a Border. Chapter 2 The breakup. I was born in North Yorkshire and lived a very normal almost privileged childhood on the outskirts of a small town called Harrogate well into my teen years, my parents were not what would be classed as wealthy but they both worked hard for a living and we even had two cars. I remember that my life started to change for the worse just before we were due to return to school after our summer holidays, it was the year that my youngest sister was going to join me and my older sister in secondary school. I'd just come back from my mates' house and got off my bike when I as I approached our front door I heard an almighty row in the house. As I was about to enter my father left the house and stormed past me, ignoring me completely and went straight over to his car on the other side of the street then got in, a few seconds later he screeched his wheels as he sped away. I went into our house and found my mum who was in the living room she was crying, I asked her what had happened and where my dad had gone but she just shouted at me, "What happened? Your father happened Joseph, he's just told me he doesn't love me anymore and he is moving back up to Scotland to live near his parents." "What, Why?" "Don't ask me, ask him." My mum then started to cry again, what I should have done was to comfort her like my sisters were doing but instead I went upstairs into my room and tried to ring him using my phone, he obviously didn't answer but by the time I went back down stairs my mum had composed herself and was making our evening meal. Over the next few days' visitors came and went, they usually left with items belonging to my dad, my mum was civil towards me but it was almost as if I were now a guest in the house instead of her son. My sisters also now seemed to relish every opportunity to put me down however, this really upset me as I had always got on very well with both of them, I put this down to their anger at dad for leaving us, (I was also male so it was also all my fault). Things calmed down after a while and life started to return almost to normal, that is until the day I got into a fight at school. One of the lads in the year above me made an unpleasant comment about my mum and it almost ended in a fight, I stood up to him and he quickly backed down as he also knew that I attended a local judo class but as I turned and walked away from him he pushed me in the back at the same time as one of his friends tripped me, I fell forward and face planted the wall, as I got up of the ground they could see the extent of the damage to my mouth and my teeth the two lads stepped away but it was too late. I savagely attacked the lad who had pushed me and as I was about to put down his accomplice when I was grabbed by the music teacher. "What the hell do you think you were... Oh Christ get yourself to the nurses' room straight away Connelly." I didn't realise it until after I was taken to hospital but I had lost five of my top front teeth and six of my lower front teeth, my mum was not happy about my fight and my loss of permanent teeth and perversely blamed the whole incident on me, two weeks later after several heated arguments on the phone I was packed off to live in Scotland with my dad, that was the last time I saw my mother or either of my sisters. Chapter 3 My new teeth. I Awoke the next morning and thumped my alarm clock, I stretched and then slipped my feet over to the edge of the bed today was a big day for me, not because it was a work day but because I was going to visit my dental surgeon and hopefully have the rest of my top teeth restored to normal, until very recently I had been wearing partial dentures as a result of an accident at school but now I only wore dentures on my top as my bottom ones had recently been replaced with dental implants. A few months ago my dental surgeon had implanted titanium pegs into my upper jaw and hopefully later on today hopefully my upper dentures would be a thing of the past also and I would once again have a full set of teeth, I retrieved my dentures from the bedside table and slipped them into my mouth. I dressed for work in my uniform it was pretty utilitarian and not very flattering. I currently worked at a local parcel firm as a receptionist and general helper, this mostly involved finding parcels and returning them to people who had missed them due to them not being in. I tied my hair back and put on very minimal makeup as I wanted my skin to breath today and I also did not want to be recognised by anyone at work as one of the hookers that work down by the station. My day at work went as all days went and at just after four in the afternoon I was on the bus heading towards my dentists' surgery. I was greeted by the receptionist and told that Mr Kumar was running a little behind and that he shouldn't be too long, I was now getting a little nervous. About ten minutes later Mr Kumar came out and greeted me personally. "Good afternoon Ms Connelly are you ready to get a new and permanent smile?" I just nodded. "Don't worry soon you will soon be the most beautiful girl in Teeside." Not only was Mr Kumar a very good dentist he really knew how to make me smile. When I had approached him several months ago about my teeth he had suggested several options and told me all the prices up front for his services he even apologised that implants were not available on the NHS, I really liked his honesty and gave him the job there and then, he even allowed me to pay in instalments for the work. Nearly two hours later I paid the receptionist the final instalment of two hundred and ten pounds and left Mr Kumar's surgery with my new teeth fitted and a very numb mouth, as it was still relatively early and I wouldn't be able to eat for a couple of hours I decided to go shopping, not for clothes or shoes but shopping for a little treat for me. As I got off the bus in the local retail park I immediately headed over to the hobby shop and went to my favourite section and started to browse, I initially got a couple of strange looks from members of staff but was soon ignored, I placed several small tins of paint into my basket followed by two fine paintbrushes a tube of plastic filler, a set of scalpel blades and a 1:48 scale model kit of an English Electric Canberra aircraft. As I left the hobby shop I noticed over the other side of the large car park was an electronics hobby store, I headed over there as I had recently had an idea and wanted to try it out on one of my models. As I entered the store I was approached by a sales assistant. "Can I help you Miss?" he asked pleasantly. "Oh yes I'm looking for some little bulbs, so that I can light up some of my models." "What voltage?" "Er, Battery voltage I think." The man then pointed over to the back of the store. "Lamps are at the back on the right-hand side." I got the distinct impression that I was being fobbed off but I headed to the rear of the store to have a look but when I got there I had absolutely no idea what I was looking for as there were many types of bulbs with different names and fixings and I didn't really understand what any of them meant, I was not however going to let my ignorance get in the way of what I wanted to do so I took out my little note book from my handbag and started to note down some of the names of the lights like LES, ES, BC, LED, I thought to myself that I would look these up on the internet when I got home tonight. As I headed back towards the bus stop the lure of clothes shopping became too great for me to resist so I reluctantly called in to M&S and treated myself to two new B cup Bra's and a pair or three of tights and a new skirt, I left before I got carried away however. I picked up a takeaway on the way home and was soon back in my little flat by myself once more. I did not enjoy my takeaway as much as I usually did as I usually did however as the anaesthetic had now worn off and my gums were now aching somewhat so I went into my room and got changed into a pair of joggers and a tee shirt, I made myself a drink in my small kitchen and sat on my comfy leather chair tucked my legs under me and started to watch a documentary show on the TV. One of the portions of the show was about teenage runaways and after watching for a few minutes I found myself becoming quite upset and had to retrieve a tissue from the box on the coffee table. I started to wonder if the charity had managed to convince the young lad I'd encountered last night to go home yet, I then smiled at myself and said, "Young lad, listen to me I'll only be nineteen myself next week," this started me thinking once again about my past and how it had started to shape me. Chapter 4 Alexandria. The bus journey up to Scotland took several long hours, at one point as we crossed the border just north of Carlisle I even wondered if I would be needing my passport! I changed bus in Glasgow and I was soon heading north once more. As I looked out of the window Glasgow appeared to be a massive busy and exciting place, soon though as the bus sped north the streets were replaced by first fields then gently rolling hills and then in the distance I could see actual mountains and a very large lake, or as the Scottish call them a Loch. The bus left the main road and headed for a town called Alexandria this was where my dad came from and was where he was now living, as we got closer I was not impressed by what I could see, the town seemed grey, bland and very run down it was nothing like the beautiful countryside that surrounded it. As I stepped of the bus I noticed that my dad was waiting for me, he did not seem particularly happy to see me, I smiled at him and he almost backed away as he noticed my array of missing teeth. "I see she couldn't even be arsed to get your teeth fixed Joseph," he sighed. "Oh well I should be used to getting your mum's rejects." The happy tearful reunion with my father wasn't going exactly to plan my dad just seemed more resigned to see me than happy, he took one of my bags off me and we put them in the boot of his small Renault. My new home was a large grey rendered ex council house, it had a large front garden and a small back garden, my room was the smallest upstairs it was the one that until recently had only been used for storage, it contained a bed. That evening I lay on my bed and looked at the bare walls and ceiling and resolved to try and make the best of my new situation. My father was no longer the fun loving great dad I had remembered but had become rather a cold individual, he did however look after me and within a week he'd booked me into a local dentist and paid for me to have a set of dentures made, unfortunately before they were ready I had to start at my new school and, surprise surprise, I was picked on almost from the first millisecond I opened my mouth. I retaliated from my bullying of course but this just lowered me further in my father's estimation of me. I did however slowly integrate into my new life in Scotland and almost started to enjoy myself, my father however remained distant from me and only really talked during meals or when he was going away on business, at those times it was only to warn me that my grandfather would be looking after me. My grandfather was very old fashioned, the only similarity between us was that we both wore dentures, even though mine were only partial. Every time my grandfather looked after me he felt it somehow his duty to take me to his local barbers and have my hair cut, although cut would really be me being polite as scalped I feel was a more appropriate word for what happened. I had found it really difficult to make friends whilst I lived in Scotland so all of my exploration of the local area was usually solitary my only real happiness was found making small plastic models and I usually spent my pocket money and my paper round money on them, both my father and grandfather however greatly disapproved of me wasting my money in this way. It was about three weeks after my seventeenth birthday that I did something really incredibly stupid and my life started to change. Back in the present however I used the remote and turned the TV off, got up and took my mug into the kitchen and washed up the few dishes from my evening meal and decided to have a bath before I went to bed. As I reached the landing before entering my bedroom I instead went into the empty room at the back of my flat. On opening the door, I noticed the bare floorboards and peeling paper on the walls, I smiled at myself as I started to formulate a plan. I was lonely, very lonely indeed I didn't really associate with my work colleagues and the only real friends that I had ever had were either now dead or prostitutes. I had some very good friends that walked the streets but as with all of the other girls that were not hooked on drugs I liked to keep my working life and my private life as separate as possible. What I should do, I thought to myself as I stood looking at the empty room was that I should decorate it and get a lodger in, I resolved to do this in the coming weeks. I undressed in my bedroom and walked through to the bathroom naked I really liked to feel the now familiar jiggle of my small breasts as I walked braless into the bathroom, I started to run my bath and then opened the bathroom cabinet and took out my medication my hormones, testosterone blockers and vitamins, I briefly thought back to a time not so long ago when I was almost eating hormone pills like sweets and had ended up in the local casualty department, I shuddered at my stupidity and took my pills at the prescribed dose and then thought to myself that I should contact my friend Peggy and have a cup of tea with her soon. I then slipped into my bath and relaxed away the day. Chapter 5 Redcar. On Saturday morning my 'Work' phone went off, I was sitting on my stool in the front box room dressed in a very comfy teddy bear onesie gently teasing the fuselage of an English Electric Lightning from its plastic sprue, I put down the small pieces of plastic and took my phone off the worktop. "Hello?" "Little Mouse?" I smiled as I knew exactly who it was it was my friend Peggy. "Peggy, how are you? I haven't heard from you in ages." "You've been working again." I could tell from the tone of her voice that she disapproved a little. "It's not what you think Peggy I just needed some extra money to pay the last instalment on my teeth." I also knew that even though I was telling the truth she wouldn't believe me, as an ex drug addict I accepted peoples mistrust of me. "In that case my Mouse you won't mind meeting me for a cup of tea later on then, will you?" "Er." "The usual place at lunchtime I'm buying." "Okay then." Peggy hung up, Jan must have snitched on me I thought, in reality I was actually touched that Peggy cared enough about me to check that I hadn't relapsed, so it wasn't really a chore at all to go and see her, in fact I was now actually looking forward to it. I finished off what I was doing and went through to my bedroom and brushed my hair, I then plaited it and finished it off with a little pink ribbon I applied a little mascara and lined my eyes and then applied a little powder just to take the shine of my face I finished with a discrete lipstick, I stepped out of my onesie and selected one of my new pairs of tights I took them out of the packet and gently eased each leg up my own smooth legs, I then decided that it would be a good time to break in one of my new bra's so I removed it from its packaging and quickly put my arms through the shoulder straps and deftly fastened the two little hooks to the rear, adjusted the straps for comfort and support and then selected a light and floaty pleated black and red skirt and a fitted white women's tee shirt and pulled it over my head, I finished off my dressing with a recently purchased pair of black plimsolls before I left for the bus however I placed a single cigarette and a lighter in my shoulder bag. I had debated whether to get the train to Redcar but had unwisely decided to get the bus as it was a little cheaper, I had to text Peggy to apologise as I was running nearly half an hour late when the bus finally pulled into Redcar, I quickly made my way down to the high street and into a small and very run down looking Caf?, Peggy was sitting at the rear and smiled at me as I entered and got up to greet me she kissed me on the lips and as we sat down opposite each other she asked, "So how are you then?" I smiled and said honestly. "Really good Peggy I think that my life is finally coming together," she was staring intently at me as I answered. "Well your breath is fresh and your eyes seem to be alert, you have to forgive me little mouse but I've worked with addicts before I worry about you." I don't know if it was Peggy's manner or the hormones but I was really touched by her concern for me and the tear I shed didn't go unnoticed by Peggy, she quickly changed the subject and suggested. "Shall we be really naughty today and have a proper dinner?" "Yes please Peggy but I'll have to go for a long walk afterwards." a couple of minutes later an old man came over to us and said, "I've brought you a cup of tea each have you decided what you would like from our menu yet?" "Yes please Barney could you do us both mince pie and chips please with peas and lots of gravy." "Coming right up, shouldn't be too long." As we waited I chatted to Peggy it had been a while since I'd last seen her and it was nice to catch up, she told me that her son was now starting secondary school and that she also now had a part time job, I was glad for her as I could tell that her lifestyle was starting to prematurely age her, after a few minutes an old lady came over with our meals as she placed them on the table Peggy held her hand and asked, "Are you feeling okay Mrs Johnstone you seem a little breathless today." "Oh I'm fine love just a touch of indigestion that's all." "Thank you for our food it looks lovely." The old lady slowly moved away I could see in Peggy's face that she was concerned but she didn't say anything she just started eating, I joined her and the food was excellent I hadn't realised it but the pie was home-made and tasted lovely. I really enjoyed our dinner together and was looking forward to an after lunch walk when the old man came over to us. "Everything okay?" "It was exactly what I would expect from you and your wife Barney it was lovely." he blushed a little. "Now tell me how are you both at the moment?" "Aches and pains the usual stuff peg, getting old is no fun at all." "And your wife?" asked Peggy. "She's slowing up a lot now but hopefully we'll be able to retire soon." "Barney when you've finished up for the day, take your wife to the casualty department at the General and tell them that she's been suffering chest pains and don't leave there until she's been thoroughly checked out I think that her Angina is getting worse." from the look on the old man's face I think that he already knew his wife was poorly but he promised that he would do what Peggy said, he also only charged for one meal. As we left the caf? I asked Peggy. "Do you have medical training because you seemed to know what you were talking about back there?" "I've already told you once Trish but I suppose you weren't in any condition to listen at the time, I used to do a little nursing when I was younger, of course that was before cowardly Ken left me and cleaned out our bank accounts." I had a vague recollection of her telling me something. "But I don't want to talk about me today Trish I want to hear all about your good Samaritan act the other night, Jan was quite surprised at you." I knew it Jan had snitched on me, I felt a little insulted but I did know what she meant. As we walked down to the beach I answered. "I don't know why Peggy but when I saw him looking all lost and scared I just wanted him to be somewhere safe, you know what it's like down there at night, I had to do something so I gave him a card for the Stevenson Charity." Peggy then gently held my hand as we continued to the beach. "That's not all you did my Little Mouse you then went over the road and helped him and then you stayed with him until he was picked up, I'm so proud of you." I smiled and I actually think that I felt my chest swell a little having Peggy tell me that she was proud of me actually gave me goosebumps. A little later as Peggy and I sat on the promenade watching the sea she said, "You are now almost a completely different person from the messed up young girl I first met over a year ago, were you always like that or has your real personality just returned to how it used to be?" I thought about her question for a second or two and then said, "I'd like to think that I have learned from my mistakes Peggy but I think that I had always been a little selfish and self-centred, I realise that now." Peggy stood up and held out her hand. "Come on let's go for a walk along the beach and you can tell me all about it." So, as we walked down the concrete steps to the beach I started to tell Peggy a little of my tale of woe. Chapter 6 The end of the beginning for Joseph. Shortly after my seventeenth birthday on a bright and breezy Sunday afternoon I was out on my bike exploring the countryside around Alexandria and the banks of Loch Lomond when I got a puncture. It took me a long time to push my bike back in towards town and it was also starting to get late, about half a mile from my home I turned down what I thought to be a quick short cut but was just a lane into trouble, for at the end of the lane I bumped into several students from my school I recognised them as I'd seen at least a couple of them in the sixth from block they were also older than me and they were sharing an odd-looking cigarette. "Hello Connelly, you are in the wrong place you shouldn't be here" said one of the lads. "Er I was looking for a short cut home, I've got a puncture." "So who's this then?" asked another of the lads. "Oh he's just a nobody from fifth form 'Gummy Connelly' aren't you?" "Oh, Err yes" one of the older looking lads who seemed to be eyeing me up asked, "Would you like to try my cigarette Connelly." "Err no thanks, I don't smoke," he smiled and said, "Just one puff and we'll let you go." I felt really intimidated by these lads but asked, "Just one and I can go?" "Yes just one, take this and put it to your lips yes just like that, okay now suck but don't breathe in" I sucked at the strange cigarette and my taste buds detected a bitter taste, it wasn't pleasant. "Now breath in deeply really fast." I breathed in quickly, nothing happened for nearly a second and then I started to cough and cough and cough it was horrible my eyes started to water and my nose started to run my throat felt like it had been sandpapered. All of the others standing around me however thought it was hilarious. "That was horrible" I said just before I was almost overcome by a wave of weird calmness. "oooohhhh, that wasn't just a cigarette, was it?" "No Gummy it was Pot, did you enjoy it?," I couldn't answer as I was feeling a little wobbly and was now holding onto the handlebars of my bike in order to keep the world stable. The gang of lads then decided to wander off and leave me but before they left me however one of the lads who I later found out was called Brandon said, "Here you can have what's left of the joint, keep it for later and if you want any more come and see me." he dropped the now extinguished part smoked joint onto the pavement next to me. It was nearly dark when I finally reached home, my father was not amused as I hadn't set the table or done any of my chores. I however didn't really care as I was still feeling the effects of that one lungful of smoke. It took a lot of concentration to try and act normal that evening but eventually my mind became less muddy and my senses fully returned to me. It was nearly a week later that I had my second experience with pot, it was just after my grandfather had been having a go at me about mowing the lawn and I was feeling a little down, I sneaked into the shed and lit the remnant of the joint that I'd been given, this time I inhaled three times before the small joint had burned away and afterwards I was completely stoned it was awesome. The effect lasted nearly two hours two hours of escape from my grandfather's constant moaning, it was well worth it. As you can imagine that was not the last time I smoked pot and soon I approached Brandon at school for another joint, then another and another, soon I was spending all of my pocket money on joints, the problem was that their effects seemed to be getting less and less and of a shorter duration. I initially tried to cut down but I liked the feeling of well-being that the pot gave me. One Saturday afternoon whilst aimlessly wandering around town I was looking in the window of a DIY store when I heard a voice. "Hello Joseph," I turned around only to find Brandon standing there, he looked as though he had been clothes shopping. "Oh hello Brandon," I replied as I looked at him. "You look a little different out of uniform." he did he looked very smart and seemed to me to actually look a lot taller. "Fancy a burger or something?" "I can't really afford it Brandon." I admitted. "My treat come on." I followed him along the high street until we reached a famous burger restaurant with a Scottish name that was not popular with the Campbell clan. "Sit over there and I'll get our food" said Brandon. I found a seat by the window and after a few minutes Brandon appeared with a plastic tray containing two medium meals he separated the meals and placed a drink fries and a cheese burger in front of me. "Tuck in" Brandon said with an endearing smile. "Thank you but you didn't have to," I said but he just waved at my food after a few minutes he said, "I was hoping to bump into you at some point without the gang present." "Oh?" "I'd like to get to know you a little better you remind me a lot of my best friend from when I was growing up in Kent, that was before my parents took me out of boarding school and moved up to this backward hellhole of course." "It's not that bad Brandon." "If it wasn't for my stash I think I'd probably go mad." I smiled. "You should let your hair grow the skinhead look is not a good one on you, your face is far too delicate for the thug look." "I would like to Brendan but my Grandfather has made it his personal mission to be in charge of my hair." Brandon sat quietly thinking for a while before saying. "Are you Busy?" "What now?" "Yes." "Wot really why?" "Want to come back to my place, I've got a ps3 and my parents are away for the weekend, they go away a lot since I turned 18." "Okay then, lead the way" I said happily, so once our food had been consumed we left the restaurant, I helped Brandon with his bags and he took me in a taxi back to his house. Brandon's family must have been wealthy as his house had a double garage and they had a games room I played on his ps3 with him for nearly an hour before he asked, "Want to share a Joint?" "Oh yes please," I said as he produced a ready rolled one and proceeded to light it, within minutes I was lying back against a giant beanbag and Brandon was lying next to me we were both giggling at something trivial, this then turned into him tickling me and then us play wrestling until he straddled me and had my arms pinned back with his much stronger arms. "I've got you now you're powerless to resist me." he said playfully he then did something totally unexpected he leant down and kissed me on the lips. I don't know if it was the chemicals flooding my brain or the fact that I'd actually been having a good time but I didn't immediately. break Brandon's kiss but actually kissed him back. Our kiss lasted several seconds but to me it was wonderful, it was the first time in quite a while that I had actually felt wanted almost loved, I broke the kiss however when I felt an erection developing in my pants, we both lay on our backs once more panting breathlessly, I however was now starting to panic a little and told Brandon that I had to go home now, he just nodded sadly and said, "See you at school next week maybe?" "Maybe" I replied as I hastily left his house and headed towards the bus stop. I stayed away from Brandon for nearly three whole days before finally agreeing to go to his house again the next Saturday. Chapter 7 Tanya's visit. It was getting a little chilly now on Redcar beach so I suggested to Peggy that we go into the amusements for a while to warm up. "Oh go on I haven't been in there since I was a teenager," said Peggy with a smile on her face. "My treat then," I said as we walked back along the beach with our arms linked, as we walked Peggy started to talk. "I actually feel honoured that you've opened up to me Trish but why now? you've always been so secretive about your past and what happened to you." "I really don't know why Peggy I think it may be because you're the closest thing I have to an actual friend at the moment," I heard Peggy sniff as we walked. "That's three times in a week you've done something completely uncharacteristic." she stopped and turned to me then with a big smile on her face said, "Okay who are you and what have you done to my little mouse?" I burst out laughing and then kissed Peggy on the cheek, she then wrapped her arms around me hugged me then whispered: "I really like the new improved you." After an hour in the arcades and losing all ten pounds worth of two pence pieces, Peggy and I left the arcade and sat on the promenade once more. "You are looking prettier and more natural looking every day Trish I hope you retire yourself soon or you'll end up like me." "I can think of worse people to be Peggy." "That's kind of you dear but I can't keep this up forever and I can never go back to nursing either I was thinking of doing a secretarial course and trying my hand at temping." "I'll tell you what Peggy if you do that I'll enrol in night classes later this year and try to re-take my GCSE's." "Do you promise Trish?" "Yes I actually think I do" Peggy reached over and held my hand for a second or two. We both watched the sea in silence for a minute or two then Peggy said, "That lad the one you helped the other night?" "Yes what about him." "Aren't you even just the slightest bit curious about what happened to him?" "Well yes I am but the charity doesn't really talk about its guests and I doubt they'll talk to me especially Carl, Tanya might however." "Well it wouldn't hurt to give them a ring, would it?" I thought about it for a second and then replied: "You know I think I'll give her a ring tonight and ask." I looked at my watch and noticed the time. "Peggy I'm sorry but I'm going to have to go now I want to decorate my back bedroom and was going to look for wallpaper today." "Really?" "Yes I was thinking that I could advertise for a flatmate to help with the mortgage and that may mean that I wouldn't have to do my evening job as much." "Oh well in that case Trish lead the way I'll help you choose your colours I just happen to know where there is an excellent DIY store just off the high St." "Really?" "Oh yes I'm a bit of a dab hand at decorating as I've had to do it all since shithead ran off with his floozy." Peggy was amazing she advised me on wallpaper, lining paper and types of paints and colours she even offered to come over to my flat the next weekend and help me to decorate, I pondered this for a while as I liked to keep my work colleagues and my private life separate but in the end, I agreed. "Great I'll bring the paints and wallpaper in the car with me next weekend. You can text me with your address." I waved goodbye to Peggy from the bus as I headed back home to my little flat. Once home I sorted my washing and started the washing machine going, I then made myself a plate of soup with a couple of slices of toast and a small glass of white wine, at around Nine I decided to give Tanya a ring. As expected she said that she couldn't discuss him with me but did say that he was now settling in at the charity, Tanya did however ask if she could meet with me one night, I suggested Thursday evening after work at my flat, Tanya even suggested that she bring a takeaway meal with her. Over the next few days I ordered a small wardrobe a bed a carpet and I even ordered a wall mounted flat screen TV for the back room of my flat from a lovely old gentleman called Alan who ran the local TV repair shop, he said that he would even install it for me once I'd decorated the room. On Thursday evening once I had got home from work I undressed and had a nice long bath, shaved my legs and armpits and washed my hair, once dry I stood in front of my growing wardrobe just dressed in a bra, panties and tights I didn't want to dress how Tanya was used to seeing me so I found a light flower print summer dress and stepped into it, I zipped it up with ease and looked at myself in the mirror the skirt stopped just above my knees and the bodice didn't show too much flesh, just the look I was going for. I smiled at myself and spun around, watching the skirt lift slightly as it moved, I sat on my little stool in front of my dressing mirror and started to remove my curlers and brush my hair out. I was just finishing off when I heard the doorbell. I slipped on a pair of 3" heels and headed towards the landing, I don't know why but I actually had butterflies in my stomach as I headed downstairs to answer the door. At the bottom of the stairs I paused, took a deep breath and opened the door. "Tanya, I'm really glad you came." I then leant over and kissed her on the cheek. "Trish... You look." "Nice?" "No Trish, you look really beautiful tonight," I started to blush. "Err come in please" I said as I turned and headed upstairs, I heard Tanya close the front door and follow me. "I brought a set meal for two from the local Chinese takeaway I hope that's okay." as she entered my living room I replied, "That's fine, I've already laid out the plates and I have wine or if you would prefer I also have soft drinks." "Lemonade please Trish," said Tanya as she sat down on my leather settee and started to unpack the foil containers from the carrier bag she'd brought with her. I returned from the kitchen with two glasses of lemonade and placed them on the table as Tanya was dishing up the food. As we ate Tanya started with polite conversation. "Your flat is lovely Trish; I hope that the rent isn't too high" I smiled at her. "No Tanya, I started off renting but oh it must have been a month or so ago a man called Mr Jenkins called on me and said that I'd been awarded some kind of grant and that my flat had been purchased on my behalf from the landlord and my deposit had been paid for me All I have to do now is to keep up the mortgage payments and in fifteen years or less I will own it." "Really? That is unusual, do you have any paperwork to back that up?" she said sceptically, I frowned. "I'm not paying for the house by selling myself Tanya I promise, I'm semi-retired now, it was a complete fluke that you saw me out the other night." "Sorry Trish but once a busybody always a busybody I suppose." I got up and recovered my mortgage documents from the drawers and showed her. "Oh yes, it was all handled by a local firm of solicitors, somebody somewhere must have put your name forward to receive that award though, I wonder who it was," I shrugged my shoulders and restarted eating. "There can't be that many people that would want to help me Tanya as I seem to have spent most of my recent life upsetting, hurting or generally pissing people off." Tanya smiled at me over the table. "But I've been hearing over the grapevine recently Trish that a lot of people have noticed a change in you, a change for the better, why do you think that is?" "I don't know Tanya but I think it may have actually started when the charity took an interest in me." "Really? because whenever your name crops up in conversation Carl still shudders, he was actually very pleasantly surprised when I told him that it was you that had helped our runaway the other night." "I'm sorry about what happened to him, I really should go and apologise to him one day." "I think that he would appreciate the gesture Trish but I don't actually think it's necessary." After clearing the plates away after our meal, I stood in the doorway to the living room and asked Tanya if she would like a cup of tea. "Yes please, thank you Trish." As we sat with our teas Tanya just kept smiling and looking at me it was quite unnerving, she then said "I just can't get over how you look tonight compared to how you used to be, you look almost innocent." "I think we both know that I'll never be innocent ever again Tanya," I replied with some sadness. "Yes but the Trish I'm looking at now is nothing like the Trish I met nearly a year ago, even an old sceptic like me can see that you've moved on now." Tanya then changed the subject. "Do you still do those little plastic models, or have you given them up too?," I smiled as she had remembered. "Yes I do Tanya it's the last vestige of my old life that I'm still clinging onto, would you like to see them?" "Please, I would yes," I got up from my chair. "In that case if you would like to follow me into my little workshop," Tanya got up and followed me through into the little front room. "I have a couple on the go on the worktop and on the shelves over there are some of my completed models. "May I?" Tanya asked as she picked up a scale model of a Vulcan bomber. "Yes that's a model of XM607 the bomber that bombed Port Stanley airfield on the Falkland Islands during the Falklands conflict in the 1980's at the time it was the longest bombing mission ever undertaken, it was powered by four Rolls Royce Olympus jet engines similar to the ones used on Concorde" I noticed Tanya looking at me she was smiling at me as I was boring her with facts and figures. "And those two on the ceiling the ones held in place by threads?" "Oh yes the Messerschmitt Me 109 dogfighting a Spitfire Mk 1." "What are those threads between them Trish?" "Oh, this is really cool, close the door and turn off the light Tanya." Tanya closed the door and when she turned off the light, in the dimness it looked like the spitfire was shooting the Me 109. "How did you do that Trish it looks really good." I smiled at myself and explained. "I painted little dots of luminous paint onto the threads between the planes so it looks like tracer bullets coming from the Spitfire's cannons." Tanya turned the light back on and said, "You are really skilled Trish I hope you keep doing models you obviously enjoy doing it." "It fills my evenings in Tanya I get a little lonely sometimes, Actually I'm thinking of advertising for a lodger, more to keep me company than anything else." "Oh, will you tell them about your err your old gender as well." "I don't know Tanya I will probably have to as I will probably be getting my final surgery later this year." "Really? so soon I thought that you had to wait a while before surgery." "Dr newton has told me that the time before I became his patient still counts and as long as I stay drug and disease free he's told me that I should be a real girl before this Christmas." I could see Tanya's usually emotionless face change and she came forward then hugged me. "I always knew that there was hope for you, I always knew it." I gently held Tanya and stroked her back as she hugged me. "Sorry about that Trish please forgive an old woman, it's just I'm so pleased that your life is back on track again, just wait until I tell Carl what a beautiful well-mannered young woman you are now becoming." it was now my turn to tear up. "I was a bit of a bitch, wasn't I?," I finally admitted to her. Tanya and I went back into my living room and she chatted to me like an old friend for nearly an hour before apologising and saying. "I have really enjoyed our night tonight Trish and I hope we can do it again." I had to admit it was nice just to talk to someone for once. "I'll look forward to next time Tanya." as I was showing Tanya out of the door she turned to me and said, "I'm really glad that you didn't try and ask me about that young lad tonight Trish." "I understand that you can't discuss him with me Tanya I just wanted to know if he was okay that's all." "Hmm do you remember the park that you used to go to when you wanted to be alone?" "Yes, Why?" "You should go there some lunchtime when you have a little time off it may help you relax." I kissed Tanya on the cheek and watched as she walked down my street towards the bus stop." That evening as I lay on my bed I started to wonder if I had done the right thing, if my life as a girl was right for me. I had changed a lot and I was now changing at an accelerated rate due to my recent change in hormone prescription, my hand slowly moved up my body feeling the sensitivity and softness of my new curves as it did, until it reached my small breast, I gently cupped my breast in my hand and touched my now erect nipple with my thumb. I almost gasped at the feelings that the little nub of erect tissue was now sending to my brain, my other hand however was heading slowly to my panties, my fingers slipped under the waistband and down until they touched my small penis, I gently stroked it but despite my best efforts it barely responded, tonight however I was determined to wake my little man up so I turned and opened my bedside drawer removed a small blue pill, I then quickly got out of bed and went through to the bathroom, poured myself a glass of water and took the pill, I returned to my room took out a small vibrating dildo and lubricant from my drawer then as I was waiting for the pill to work I lit a cigarette and smoked quietly whilst gently stroking my breast with my free hand after a while my poor little female hormone ravaged penis started to respond and I started to stroke and caress it like I had done when I was still fully a male. After a while I applied a little lubricant to both my bottom and the dildo and whilst still playing with my penis I inserted the dildo slowly into my waiting bottom, I manoeuvred the dildo until I located my prostate and then turned it on, the low hum of the dildo as it gently massaged my prostate was almost too much for me and I moaned loudly this was quickly followed by my whole lower body tensing up as my orgasm started to build pace. Finally I orgasmed and spent several seconds shaking as a small amount of clear fluid dribbled out of my disappointingly small but very hard penis. I lay for several minutes with the dildo still within me gently vibrating and quietly smoked another cigarette before I finally succumbed to sleep. The next morning I awoke to the realisation that the Dildo from last evening was still inside of me and had been keeping my bottom open for several hours now, I sighed as it meant that I would now probably need to wear a tampon and a pantie liner as from previous experience I knew that I would leak a little from my bottom for a while whilst it recovered from being stretched open, I grabbed a couple of tissues and a wrapped tampon from my drawer, I removed the dildo and wrapped it in a tissue, I then got out of bed and whilst squatting a little I quickly slid the tampon into my stretched little anus, leaving the small string hanging, I then went for a shower. Chapter 8 Decorating and a little more from Trish. The very next Saturday Peggy true to her word turned up outside my little flat in her old Volvo estate with all of the decorating supplies we had bought the previous weekend and was also in possession of a pasting table and many other decorating tools, I dressed in dungarees and a tee shirt and had tied my hair back into a ponytail. By lunchtime I had filled in all of the cracks in the plaster with filler and had sanded the walls smooth as per Peggy's expert tuition. We stopped for lunch when the pizza man appeared with my order and we both retired for a while into the living room. As we ate our unhealthy lunch Peggy asked me. "You were telling me last week about your friendship with a lad called Brandon." "Oh Brandon yes I was wasn't I," my mind drifted back to my second visit to his home, I had agreed to go and visit him the next Saturday I told my father where I was going but he wasn't really interested. "Just make sure that you get your chores done before I get back from the club tonight." I got off the bus and walked the short distance to Brandon's house and just as I rang his doorbell he opened the door. "Come in, come in want a drink?," he seemed really pleased to see me. "Okay then do you have cola?" "Yes, I'll just get you one, go through into the games room, I'll bring it through to you." Brandon returned a few minutes later with two glasses of cola. "Let's play on the ps3 anything you fancy?" "Any shoot-em-up would be great Brandon," I said as I took a mouthful of cola, although the cola was sweet it left a bitter after taste in my mouth but I continued to drink anyway, we played games for a while but I was having a little trouble concentrating and was starting to feel rather mellow. "Fancy a joint?" asked Brandon as he produced an already rolled one from a tin. "I'd love one." I answered, he passed it to me and I lit it and inhaled deeply, I tried to pass it back to him but he just pushed my hand away and said, "Not at the moment maybe a little later." I took another two drags and then nipped the end to save it for later, I then lay back on one of the large beanbags dotted around his games room and sighed. "You enjoyed that, didn't you?" I heard Brandon saying, I giggled a little and replied: "yes I did." Brandon started going through his wardrobe. "Want to see something cool Connelly." "Can't you call me Patrick; I know my first name is Joseph but I prefer my middle name Patrick or Pat." "Okay then Pat, look what I have here." he pulled out a small stash of vintage porn magazines from the 1970's and for the next hour we lay on our stomachs and looked at the pictures of naked women in tasteful poses. "I don't know about you Pat but I've got a massive hard on" said Brandon, I bashfully admitted that I did too. "Do you ever play with yourself Pat?" he asked but instead of becoming really embarrassed I just replied: "Doesn't everyone." I think that the pot had made me feel rather uninhibited. "I suppose they do, would you mind if I kissed you again Pat?" "Err, I don't think." "Just a little kiss, if you don't like it I'll stop," he moved alongside me and kissed me on the lips, just like last week, this time however he gently cradled my head as our lips touched, I knew that what we were doing must be wrong but it felt so good and after a few seconds I opened my lips slightly and allowed his tongue into my mouth I was becoming increasingly aroused by the second and could actually feel my heart beating in my chest as I returned his kisses and actually started to caress his tongue with my own, eventually after a while of frantic kissing I spoilt the moment as my lower teeth became dislodged. "I'm so sorry Brandon I thought you knew that I wore dentures" I said breathlessly. He lay on his back panting and said, "I did but still it was a bit of a shock to have your mouth disassemble itself whilst we kissed I chuckled at his comment but knew that our moment had been ruined, at least for a while. Brandon made us a snack and we returned to playing games for a while, then just before we started another round he asked, "Can I see them?" "See what Brandon?" "Your Teeth can I see them?" "Why on earth would you want to see my false teeth?" "Curiosity that's all." "No I would rather not, I look silly without them in." "I promise I won't laugh." "Okay you asked for it If I gross you out you've only got yourself to blame, I reached in and removed my bottom set first and then with a little more difficulty removed my upper set. "There, I look terrible, don't I?," Brandon just stared open mouthed at the large gap where my front teeth used to be, I was just about to slip my teeth back in when he asked, "Can I kiss you again, without your teeth in that is?" "Really?" I asked in my rather gummy voice. "Really, I'd at least like to try." "Okay your funeral." Brandon leant over and kissed me once more and soon we were lying on our sides with our lips locked together and I was becoming very aroused once more, this time however Brandon was gently rubbing the crotch of my jeans and I was responding to his rubbing, suddenly and almost without warning I came in my underpants I sighed as we continued our kissing marathon. Several minutes later I was once again lying on my back thinking to myself 'oh god, oh god oh god oh god' what on earth had I done. I'd allowed Brandon to seduce me and I had really enjoyed it, my main worry now however was the sticky cold uncomfortable mess in my pants, Brandon looked at me and said, "You've messed yourself, haven't you?" "I'm sorry I just couldn't help myself it took me by surprise." "I know I only just managed to stop myself from doing the same thing too, come into my bedroom upstairs and I'll let you have a pair of my briefs." I got up and whilst walking like a saddle-sore cowboy followed Brandon up to his very spacious bedroom he rummaged through a set of drawers and pulled out a pair of underpants and threw them over to me. "Here try these on, you can go into my bathroom if you are feeling shy" I took the underpants and went into Brandon's bathroom and quickly stripped off my jeans and then virtually peeled off my underpants, I then washed my nether regions until I was no longer a sticky mess. I also rinsed my underpants and rung them out and placed them on the heated towel rail to dry I then slipped Brandon's briefs on, they promptly fell off as they were far too large, I shouted through into his room. "Don't you have any smaller ones Brandon these just keep falling down." "Just a minute." I heard Brandon leave his room, he then returned a couple of minutes later. "Here you go these are smaller but you are not going to like them." he was right, as it was a pair of dark blue lace trimmed ladies' panties. "Very funny Brandon." "It's either that or go commando Patrick." so I reluctantly pulled the soft panties up my waist and quickly put my jeans back on over them. The rest of our day together was relatively uneventful but for some reason whenever Brandon kissed me he liked me to do it semi toothless, he was turning out to be one weird cookie. I still had his mother's panties on when I went home later that day I also had a damp pair of underpants in my coat pocket. As Peggy and I finished our pizza's she said, "Wow Trish didn't you realise at the time that he was manipulating you." "No not really Peggy to me he was just a source of cheap/ free pot and for once someone was actually being kind to me, you have to remember that my mum sent me to stay with a dad who didn't want me there and a Granddad who I constantly disappointed." "Hmm yes, will you tell me a bit more of your story later please?" "Yes I'd love too, if you still want me too?" "Okay back to work we'll sand the skirting and architrave before we prime it so put a dust mask on." I really enjoyed working with Peggy on my spare room and by late afternoon the walls had been prepared for papering and the door and window frames had been painted with primer as had the skirting board. "Just a quick coat of emulsion on the ceiling now Trish and the room will be just about be ready for papering," I stood there with a roller in hand and said, "Okay I'm raring to go." She smiled at me and said, "You look really cute today Trish and without makeup too, I'm so jealous you have such good skin." "Oh don't put yourself down Peggy you have a wonderful figure I hardly even have one yet." "Compliments won't get the ceiling painted Trish come on let's get started." It only took half an hour to emulsion the ceiling so I phoned out for a Chinese meal whilst Peggy cleaned the brushes and rollers under the tap. Chapter 9 Deeper and deeper. As we ate our evening meal Peggy asked me to tell her a little more about my history and it quickly started to flood back to me. After spending most of Saturday with Brandon I returned home and did my chores and disposed of my underpants in the washing machine with the rest of the washing, I then went up to my room locked the door and smoked a joint. I must have nodded off as I woke to my father returning from the pub blind drunk, he appeared to be bouncing around the house before he finally made it up into his room and started to snore. Sunday morning, I woke to my father banging on the bedroom door. "Get up you lazy git it's time for church." Church was a very new thing for me as when we lived in Yorkshire I only ever visited churches on school trips or the occasional wedding but up in Scotland my father attended church every Sunday and he expected me to attend with him and my grandfather. As I wearily hauled myself out of bed I noticed that I was still wearing Brandon's Mum's panties I smiled at myself and decided to leave them on, I quickly dressed and went down to breakfast. As I sat in church I smiled inwardly at my act of defiance, it probably seems like a tiny thing but I was sitting in church wearing a pair of woman's knickers and as my father sat with my grandfather I smiled almost as if I were sticking two fingers up at them. At school the next week I thought th

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My Slut

I’m a slut!I took a while to fnd the right situation. But recently I started talking to this dom on the internet through AiM and started talking about sex.Today! I got mastered! It started off as a casual conversation and then I started playing with myself as we were talking. I am such as slut, I didin’t now how much until now.I told her to take control. Sarah was her name. Gradually I started playing with my little vibrator from Cal exotics in and out of my Ass!  My muscles aching for more....

2 years ago
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One Fateful Evening

It was a hot summer evening and I had gone to a local exotic dance club to watch the local talent. I was looked at rather oddly by the staff being as I'm a 5 foot tall petite Asian girl with waist length pink hair. I handed the doorman my ID with my ten dollar cover and went in and found a seat close to the stage. I had watched a rather dazzling array of lovely dancers doing their best to pleasure the audience and that chrome pole in the middle of the stage. Then she came out! the most...

3 years ago
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Ingrid her story

Jan had come to visit me. And as always he couldn’t keep his eyes off me, and yet he did nothing. I had met him at a dancing school, and soon it became clear to me he was in love with me … or at least desired me intensely. But he never did anything at all. Probably didn’t have the guts. Even if we danced body-to-body, he remained scrupulously ‘correct’: never an attempt to seduce me, never a touch-that’s-just-over-the-edge, never flirting … actually nothing showed he wanted me, except the...

3 years ago
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Fucking A and B

I was in Atlanta on business when a college buddy asked me to come see his band at a local club. I had nothing better to do so I headed down to the club. I got there early and said hi to my buddy and he filled me in on how playing in this band has been the best thing ever for his sex life. I told him I looked forward to seeing them.A couple of hours later and the dance floor was packed with women. Some were there with men, but many were there alone or with another lady friend. I stood off to...

3 years ago
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More Mallucinations

Another party on another Saturday night, it's an ordinary suburban house but what's happening inside it is far from being ordinary. About a dozen young teenage couples are standing or sitting in a circle watching two thirteen year old girls undressing each other, I'm not all that interested in watching them, I'm more interested in the sexy little panties I've nestled in, They belong to Sandra, a pretty little fourteen year old and they're pulled right up into her slit, she's sitting in...

2 years ago
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Legacy of a LegendChapter 68

The road leading south from Bruma was packed with soldiers. By now, there were civilians fleeing ahead of them, so the army would no longer have an uncontested march deep through Cyrodiil. But that army was being led by two competent leaders, so while I knew they would have losses, I had no fear that they would see defeat. In the meantime, four companies of troops, five hundred men and women total, were making their way west, away from the main body. Depending upon the resistance we met, the...

2 years ago
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Masishen EvolutionChapter 17 Escape to Canada

Governor Sandra "Sadie" McConklin of Washington spoke softly to the uniformed officers seated in her office. The grim expression on her face and the uncomfortable looks on theirs betrayed the serious subject of their conversation. "General, is there any possibility that you could be relieved of command by anyone outside my authority? As I understand it, this is the State of Washington National Guard, is it not? "Governor, normally I would say no, but these are extraordinary times. The...

1 year ago
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A Day By the Pool A Little Winter Tail Part 12

Saturday morning I woke up after sleeping in. I was out, slept like a rock, exhausted from my marathon of encounters on Friday.My husband was already gone for the day, golfing with buddies, and I could hear Tommy downstairs moving around getting ready to leave. He was spending the day kayaking with his friends.During our talk at lunch yesterday, Megan and I planned for her to come over and enjoy a relaxing "girl's day" by the pool.The house was now empty and I was downstairs straightening up...

1 year ago
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Owning my Indian inlaws Ch2

Disclaimer:-This is a piece of fiction. None of the events mentioned in the story are real and all the characters are adult. You are not authorised to use my work and publish it elsewhere without my permission. If you like the story leave a commentRead first part at - came out wearing a pink t-shirt and black lower. It wasn't at all flashy she just wants her comfort while she do her jogging.“Aren't you supposed to be...

3 years ago
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Her Day

It was a day, a week, a month full of turmoil. It ended with three of her students getting into fist fights, two of them within the four walls of her classroom. Along with a parent blaming her for their child’s inability to pass, let alone behave, and another student being hurt in a car accident, her ruined day, week, and month were now complete. Back when she was a middle school teacher, this would have been the norm, this year she had decided to return to elementary school thinking it would...

2 years ago
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Biker Bar

This was back in the 80's when I would pass this bar on the outskirts of town. It was near the front Gate of An Army Fort in South. There was a Stripper Bar close by and a Cheap motel. I had passed this place over the years many times and seen any thing from a Bike to so many Bikes I could not count them all. Being curious one day and seeing only two bikes outside. I stopped and went in. Place was Dark as expected, Pool tables on the side and some tables not far from the bar. By the time I got...

3 years ago
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Mom plays Doctor

Author's Note: Due to the events described below the names of the persons have all been changed. Any similarities are purely coincidental. My name is Jason and the events described happened in 1987 at the age of 16. I was brought up on a bog standard council estate living in a 3 bedroom house with my parents who were more or less happily married. The problem started 2 years earlier when as I used to go to the toilet and found that I was pissing over me and the seat due to a...

3 years ago
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Aphrodisia Ch 05

When Jamie, Gwen and Sonya finally arrived at Sonya’s house embedded deep in the London suburbs they were all a little weak in the knees. Sonya was a somewhat light headed from the long drive and wanted to get inside her house to grab a change of clothes and collapse on the couch. Gwen actually stumbled out of the car after a very long journey in which she had found herself a very willing victim to a young man’s insatiable carnal appetites. She felt his cum still dribbling down her inner thighs...

1 year ago
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RelaxIts Just A Blowjob

(Wanted to try something new and different, I hope you like it!)"Come on man get off me, my wife's still here!" "Relax man... It's just a blowjob." "But RIGHT NOW?!, she's in the other room!" "Calm down I'm sure she's busy flirting with Jerry." "Jerry? What do you mean?" "Craig, it don't take a blind man to see that she wants his dick." "Get out of the way, I gotta stop this..." "You’re not going anywhere..... How long have we been messing around now? Like six months now and all of a sudden...

2 years ago
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SoulmatesChapter 9

The next morning, Greg woke up at about seven o'clock. Megan was still sleeping, curled in a ball, so he got up quietly. To avoid disturbing her, he took his shower in the washroom down the hall rather than the en suite in the bedroom. He cleared away the uneaten supper from the night before and rustled up a breakfast of sorts. He took his breakfast to his office on the second floor. He reasoned that he'd be able to hear movement in the bedroom directly overhead and maybe even get some work...

1 year ago
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Diaper Secret

Alexa’s not the only one with a diaper secret… so let’s add some more. READ THE WRITER’S RULES All characters must be 18+ Please keep the rules in mind. This is an ABDL story and will contain such elements. Now let’s choose someone to follow

3 years ago
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A Close Shave

"Hi! Welcome to McDowell's! How can I help you?", said the young sales girl. Wow! I'd been to many McDowell's in other cities. But I swear to God, I looked up at the lady employee, and she looked out of uniform. More like way out of uniform. More like she was butt naked! "Hi! Are you out of uniform?", I asked her. "Oh no! This is my usual uniform. I'm Laura!", she answered. "I'm Joe. Nice to meet you. So, wait a minute! They actually let you work here without any clothes...

2 years ago
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A Mistake To Remember Chapter 6

Chapter 6: My new home was in Farnham, and my new name was Blanche, the woman in "A Streetcar Named Desire" who "depended on the kindness of strangers" -- one of Harry's little jokes. Farnham was a closed community of isolated houses built around the side of a mountain. Started in the 50's by a group of survivalists, it expanded through the years to include anti-government types, libertarians, and people who wanted to be left alone. Farnham was an ideal setting for it: a single main...

1 year ago
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Gettng caught in Moms panties

I often wondered what would happen if Mom walked in on me while I was dressed in her underwear ever since the close call I had when I was 8. I was wearing her white nylon slip bra and panties. She came home while I was in her room. I closed and locked the door, changed and came out, claiming to have 'taken a nap'. I'm sure Mom saw right thru me and knew something was up. I was so tense it took me an hour to calm down from the adrenaline rush. From then on, I had a heightened sense of thrill,...

2 years ago
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Repo Auto CenterChapter 6 Ocean Awaits

“GAWD haole! You are SO white it’s hurting my eyes. But we’re gonna take you fishing in the surf tonight.” I was feeling really bad because my friend from college probably thought I was an ass, and I was. I should have been more sensitive. She was probably a rich girl without much raw life experience. When she saw what a dirty job I had and acting like I was having fun, well. But I was having fun. So I was buffing out a Cadillac convertible with a metal flake finish and it was looking...

3 years ago
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Family LettersChapter 102

Dear Sister-in-law, I seem to still get letters that Will sends to you. I guess that somewhere deep inside every AI is a bureaucratic ganglia that insists that the world has not changed. I wonder if they, like some companies and more government agencies I worked with, would not still be using couriers who ran on foot if possible because horses are a newfangled idea? Okay, that is a bit paranoid even for your brother who seems to be positively paranoid. Yet here I sit with my spouses lost,...

2 years ago
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Hearts Rewound

***This is my first attempt at a Romance. Compared to my other stories, this one is light on the sex.*** _____________________________________ O’Neal’s wife closed the French doors and came out onto the deck to stand next to Dexter, they both looked out over the lake. ‘Pretty sunset,’ she said. She was a small and slender woman with dark hair cascading beyond her shoulders. She had the sort of little compact body that he referred to as a gymnast cheerleader. She smelled faintly of one of...

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Black Invasion

Introduction:When we invite a young lad to stay in our spare room, my wife and I end up paying his debt -- with her body.Chapter 1Renting out the roomShortly after my teenage daughter moved out, I decided it was time to put my plan into action. For many years, I had harboured the thought of watching my wife being fucked senseless by some young, well-hung stud. Although I had broached the subject with my wife on many occasions during our lovemaking, she had always remained adamant that it was...

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A Song of Lust and Desire Chapter IX The One In Which Arya Learns How To Dance

In the following days after her father gave her a hard, punishing spanking - and more - in her room, the red, red bruises on Arya Stark's ass had faded and a growing desire in her loins replaced it. At the week's end, her lust-filled mind kept imagining the sausages she and her sister were breaking their fast with were hard cocks and found her tongue snaking around them, sucking and bobbing until she noticed Sansa giving her a queer look. Her sister narrowed her eyes in suspicion and asked,...

2 years ago
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Little SisterChapter 30 Capital Capital

Decisions often simplify other decisions. Mine certainly did. Once I decided to let myself be seduced by the Republicans, my driving objective was to find a competent person to run the Concord office. Morgan Robertson was ideal if I could get her to take the job. In this, I had an advantage and a handicap. The handicap was that I was not going to offer the money others might. The advantage was that Morgan clearly thought my star was rising. She might want to hitch her cart to my horse....

3 years ago
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Destination AzaharChapter 10 Absolute Power

The Nguyen residence was entertained by a good bit of screaming wafting from the master suite the next morning before the smiling pair emerged for breakfast. Kim was the first to send a salvo in Tuan's direction, "My God, Pop! You need to cut us some slack. It was bad enough with you and Bea on Copernicus. You and Nancy had the whole planet shaking enough to throw me out of bed this morning." She jumped out of his reach and giggled when Tuan tried to swat her retreating butt. Tensions...

4 years ago
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Aunt Rebeccas Remarkably Torrid Lesbian Incest Epic Part 1 The KIss

I am a tall yet full figured woman, and I have made working out a priority in spite of my busy schedule. I have short brown hair with lighter highlights, a creamy complexion hazel eyes and shapely full lips. My breasts are more than a handful for me and I love the fact that I can tongue flick my own nipples but only when they are stiff with arousal. I played competitive tennis through high school and college so my legs and ass are firm, sculpted and even though I am 36 have not sagged an...

4 years ago
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Money Well SpentChapter 9

We worked for a couple of months before we had another encounter with a homeless person. Out of the blue, Shaggy came up to us, smiling. We were two blocks from where we had first encountered him. He looked different, somehow. He noticed me looking him over and grinned. “Meeting you, talking about my mother, it gave me a wakeup call. Believe it or not, Mom is still alive. She’s eighty-four and resides in an assisted living complex, in her own small apartment. It took me three hours by bus,...

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iSummer chapter 3

Marissa Benson wasn't an idiot. She realized that Sam and Freddie had more than likely already slept in the same bed so she had no objection to Sam staying with them what time they were here in Seattle. After all, they were not k**s anymore and she knew that Freddie would not take to kindly to her acting like the over protective parent. He didn't take to kindly to it when he was a k** so she was certain he would hate her now. Marissa had to change, she realized that right before Freddie...

2 years ago
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Mummy Ko Chudwate Dekha 8211 Part 1Doodhwala

Meri mummy ka name hai sujata aur woh abhi 38 ki hain. Main pichle kitne salon se unhe papa se aur baki kai gair mardon se chudwate dekh rha hun. Pehle main apko bata dun k mere ghar me hum 3 log rehte hen. Main papa aur meri mummy. Mummy humesha se hi khubsurat rahi hai. Woh gori hai lumbi hai. Jyada time na barbad karte hue main sidhe story be ata hun. Yeh ek sachi ghatna hai. Yeh baat tabki hai jab main class 4 me tha. Mere kai doston k sath rehke main sex k bare me jaan gaya tha. Mere dost...

1 year ago
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Why I Became Me Part 3

I got up at 5.00 am, I wanted to be sure I wasn't late for Mr West. He was bound to be expecting me, Mr Henry will definitely have told him I would be there.I showered, got dressed into my uniform, wearing under my trousers the contents of the Marks and Spencer bag and went over to his house. I knocked on his door and waited. And waited. I knocked again and still no one answered. I was standing outside his study door, unsure what I should do when one of the sixth form boys walked along the...

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Goody episode 2

Introduction: Dot found her first job and a new friend in Goody To describe Goody in a word: voluptuous. She had black hair, piercing blue eyes and a tiny waist with flaring hips, truly a beautiful derriere, and breasts to die for. Hers was the first shaved vagina I had ever seen. Dot had already shaved it for her by the time I met them. Dot on the other hand was tall, blonde, small breasted, really long legs, and beautiful pear shaped ass. They were a sexy pair. Strolling down the boulevard...

3 years ago
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A surprise encounter with Pauline

I was on my way home from a friend's funeral up-country in the Midlands and stopped half way home for a night in a well-known motel near to the West Country. She was staying over night too with her husband who was attending an Army reunion dinner night, She had used the opportunity to go clothes shopping in a larger town where they had a Marks and Sparks store where, as any woman of a certain age knows, they sell the most comfortable underwear and good quality dresses.After unpacking I went...

1 year ago
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Going Down on Daniel

It’s been two weeks since I’ve heard from him. I don’t think a day’s gone by where I haven’t regretted that night. I’ve been listening to the same sad songs on Spotify on repeat. Routinely checking my phone, checking my messages to see not a single reply. Last online 40 minutes ago. Message seen, ten days ago.  Two weeks ago to this day, he and I had been drinking. I know we shouldn’t have been meeting during lockdown, but we’d never gone that long without seeing one another. Daniel had been my...

First Time
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Jos Blowjob Marathon

It was an opportunity that was just TOO GOOD for pretty JoAnne to pass up: a televised. 24-hour blowjob marathon. “You had a hand in this, didn’t you?” Jo asked me knowingly, peering up while kneeling at my feet and reaching up to undo my zipper. “Who? Me?” I asked innocently as I watched her pull my soft dick out from my fruit-of-the-looms. “Hmm hmm… hmm (Uh huh… you),” she said, my cock now in her mouth. In fact, I HAD had a major hand in it, something I was quite proud of. The idea stemmed...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Baby Bambi

I sympathized with my daughter, Candy. Her father was way too restrictive with her. She was fifteen, and boys were asking her on dates. I understood John's point and shared his concerns as well. Candy wasn't ready to make mature decisions about her body, sex, and picking what boys were good and which ones were not. Candy is a sweet kid. We named her right, but she has no idea how sweet she looks to the opposite sex. Candy still has a child's frame, but a woman's body has grown on it. She...

3 years ago
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Love and Family During the Great DeathChapter 4 Settling Down to Bed

When David, Alice and Ellen returned to the house, Ellen still couldn't get over it. "It's amazing, David," she said with the awe she felt evident in her voice, after they'd all cleaned up. "I can't believe that you and Alice built this all yourselves." "Well, we did have a little help from a few construction guys," David admitted with a grin. "Still, this is amazing, and not just because the two of you did it. It's a phenomenal work of architecture in its own right. Just look...

1 year ago
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Im Hotel 3

"Natürlich zeige ich dir mehr" sagt Rolf und dann treffen sich wieder beide Münder zu einem Kuß. Rolf winkelt sein rechtes Knie an und legt es über ihn. Dabei bemerkt er den harten Schwanz unter dem Stoff des Höschen versteckt. Als sie sich weiter küssen, fährt er mit einer Hand runter zu der empfindlichen Stelle, wo ein Schwanz befreit werden will. Rolf streichelt ihn über den Stoff, seine Erregung wächst wieder, was sich bei seinem Schwanz bemerkbar macht. Dieser wird langsam aber sicher...

1 year ago
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Candys Dandy

by Millie Dynamite Jaden and I meet a few weeks after he transferred to the Naval base just outside of town. I sat on a bar stool sipping my Pappy Van Winkle when this tall African-American man in full dress uniform sat next to me. He whore captain’s bars. He possessed an air of authority. I nodded to him when perched on the next stool. He returned my nod with his own acknowledgment, in a deep voice he said, “Yo.” He spoke without looking at me. “I’ll have bourbon, make it a shot of Evan...

2 years ago
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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 37

The helicopter was totally unexpected. We were deep in the forest, just north of the compound, when the big bird flew overhead. Naturally, it caused a hell of a lot of panic. “Fuck,” I cried out angrily as my horse kicked up a fuss, attempting to bolt, while at the same time trying to keep Ohba’s horse from taking off as well. “Merdé!” Clara exclaimed in French, also trying to keep her seat, “What the hell was that?” “A helicopter,” I shouted back to her, just before swinging off my horse...

2 years ago
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That Girl Chapter 1

I was fourteen and just the typical American teenager. I was still a little short at around 5 foot 4 but my growth spurt was just igniting it’s engines to rocket up to 6 feet or taller. I weighed about 125 pounds or something but any excess weight was mostly muscle as I did plenty of soccer in the summer and basketball in the winter. I have deep brown eyes and matching brown hair that I have in kind of a Justin Bieber style. I can’t get it that perfect but I think it still looks “cute” or...

1 year ago
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BangbrosClips Kailani Kai Kira Perez Stepdaughter Peep Show

Preston Parker is jerking off to hot pictures he secretly took of his stepdaughter Kira. When his wife Keilani Kai walks in and also take a peek. They both get turned on. Keilani helps him jerk off and she starts rubbing her pussy. Kira gets home early and catches them both with their pants down. Kira Tells them she going to the shower. While in the shower her step-parents start peeping. They get caught. Kira is flattered that they were jerking off the picture, She said they have the real thing...

4 years ago
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Family Boot CampChapter 3

“Shit!“ yelled Bobby. “Stop her!“ yelled Jenny. His lethargy vanished as adrenaline took its place and Bobby leapt up off of his aunt. Within seconds he was at the door. Amber was only halfway down the long narrow staircase. Bobby jumped a third of the distance as Amber heard him behind her and screamed. He jumped another third and then jumped one last time, landing right behind the screaming girl. His hands hooked into the back of her shirt and he heard it rip as she pulled against him....

2 years ago
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His first time

He sat in front of the mirror, as he slowly put on the makeup and applied lipstick to his mouth, making it seemed more luscious and full. He then got out of his chair, and went to his cupboard to look for his attire for the night. He was debating in his mind if he should put on the OL attire, or if he should go for the Japanese schoolgirl look. It was then he remembered the client specifying that he likes girls in their schoolgirl uniform as they look pure and wholesome. He also remembered the...

3 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 5

By the time the limo's engine stopped, Alexa was whimpering in agony. She had terrible pins and needles in her hands; her head and body were overheating in the suffocating catsuit and hood, and her crotch felt like it was on fire. She was desperate for the toilet and terribly thirsty. And she was very frightened. The whispered threat by that cruel guard was still ringing in her ears. What if she failed to please her new master? What if he sent her to ... him?! A rush of cool air bathed the...

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Free Cities Stories

In the 21st century the old world declined and crumbled to dust. During this downfall the Free Cities developed: Places living after the principles of neo-capitalism were money is all and everyone and everything can be owned. The Free Cities are built as clusters of arcologies, each of the arcologies governing itself, depending on the distribution of the shares of an arcology as the singular rule of the majority shareholder or as some kind of democracy in which every shareholder has a certain...

2 years ago
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Не съм си и мислел, че е възможно да загубя девствеността си на 18 години и то с Жена с главно “Ж”, но тъкмо това се случи, и то когато най-малко го очаквах. По това време бях в езиковата гимназия и гонех момичетата там, макар че не бях стигнал доникъде – всяка от тях беше готова, кажи речи, на всичко друго (опипване, френска любов и т.н.), но не и на секс. На рождения ден на един от приятелите ми аз замъкнах и тогавашното си гадже, Росица(тя беше една година по-голяма от мен и минаваше за...

3 years ago
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Sword Saint a New StartChapter 3 Robbing the dead

"Do you live by the lake?" I thought that I knew how to get there from here. "It's on the other side of the lake. Gamma's farm is easy to find." That caused her tears to start up again, but she looked like they were not going to overcome her this time. "Is that where you lived?" She shook her head no. I helped her mount my new horse, then grabbed its reins and started off in the direction of the lake. "How did you end up with the slavers?" "They attacked my father's farm and...

2 years ago
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Fucking A Foreign Arab Babe

Hi friends,it’s Jake here,currently residing and studying in Bangalore.I’m here to share my first sexperience with you.I had finished my 12th and had come abroad on vacations.It was hell boring and I was a person involved in martial arts,so I had started taking Muay Thai(Thai Kickboxing) and MMA(Mixed martial arts) and I was involved in underground fights,I had turned into a fighter with six pack etc.. However I was having a hard time paying my coach.In one of my underground fights an Arab babe...

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