- 3 years ago
- 21
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I followed Ena down the main street of the market, with Avanna and another guard at my heels. I could tell Avanna wasn’t happy that I was following a random elf – a thief – to Maker-knew-where. I gestured at Avanna and she jogged up beside me; I slowed a little to leave some space between us and Ena.
“I don’t think it is, but it’s always possible this is a trap.” I sighed as Avanna gripped the pommel of her sword. “She knows who I am.”
The guardswoman paled. “Then don’t follow her, my Lady. Let’s just leave!” she hissed.
“Except, I don’t think it’s a trap. I think she knows where Arathea is and she’s just afraid we will hurt her or try to take her by force.”
“Then let me go alone. There’s no reason for you to be there.”
I considered. “Maybe. We will see where she’s planning to take us. If it is some sort of ambush or kidnapping attempt, just ... well, be ready. I’ve got weapons and armour; I’ll be fine.”
She grumbled, but fell back when Ena looked over her shoulder. I picked up my pace and pulled up next to the elf. “Where are you taking us?”
She looked at me, expression inscrutable. “Never fear, your Highness. We will stay outside where everyone can see what’s happening, and we can escape if you make it necessary.”
“I’ve promised not to harm you or Arathea, but I notice you haven’t offered the same assurances to us.”
“I didn’t think you’d need assurances from a mere elf.” I scowled at her, and she flushed slightly. “I promise that I mean you no harm. I just want to ensure our safety, that’s all.”
I nodded. “Thank you.”
We passed beyond the clean, open streets of the more prosperous area of the city and into a darker, dirtier, more crowded neighbourhood. It wasn’t a slum, not like the Alienage, but the houses were close together, the alleys full of refuse, and the air smelled of sewage and fish. I kept my face neutral, even as I wanted to wrinkle my nose in disgust. The roads were a bit of a maze, but I did my best to memorize the route we’d taken – just in case.
I knew Avanna didn’t, but for some reason I trusted Ena. The words ‘honest thief’ might have been an oxymoron, but they still seemed to apply. The few times she’d tried to lie – in the market, when denying she’d pickpocketed me – she was terrible at it. I just have to hope I’m not wrong.
We finally came to a clearing between several streets, which originally must have been meant as a token green space in the closely packed urban area. It hadn’t been maintained well, however, so the only green visible was some scraggly grass and the occasional weed. Several streets headed off in every direction, and I had to admit I’d gotten completely lost; I’d have to hope Avanna knew how to get back to our inn. Despite the dismal view, some enterprising soul had set up a stall selling cups of cheap wine, and there were a handful of tables to sit at, all currently empty.
Ena motioned to a table closest to the edge, and I sat down with my two guards at a table directly behind me. They were close enough to help me if something happened, but too far to grab at someone across the table if she ran, something that would hopefully make Ena – and Arathea – less afraid. The set up clearly didn’t improve Avanna’s worry any, and I saw her fingering her scabbard anxiously. I double-checked my two daggers without thinking, and then forced myself to stop and relax.
Ena sat down across from me, and I paid for wine for all of us, and an extra cup which I left sitting beside Ena. We waited silently, and I sipped at the wine, trying not to grimace – I wasn’t a fan of wine in general, and this wine in particular was awful. I wasn’t enough of a connoisseur to know if it had somehow gone off, or if it was just that terrible. I was glad it only cost a few coppers a glass – any more would have been highway robbery.
Ena watched me impassively, ignoring her cup altogether. I wondered what we were waiting for; if it’s going to be an ambush, surely it wouldn’t take this long? Patience wasn’t my strong suit, but it occurred to me that asking questions and demanding they hurry probably wasn’t going to help my case any. I sighed and settled in to wait as long as necessary.
A few people eventually walked up and took tables, sitting down and drinking wine while chatting amongst themselves; they didn’t seem to have a problem with the wine, so I decided I was probably just a wine snob. I took another hesitant sip and watched them idly, noting at least one elf at one of the tables. I was somewhat surprised that the wine seller didn’t so much as blink at Ena or the other elf; I wondered if he just didn’t care who he took coin from, or if the racism wasn’t as bad as I’d assumed.
People-watching distracted me from the wait, and I almost missed the slim, brown-haired elf that wended her way across the street and slipped into a chair beside Ena. She was beautiful, older than I expected – probably older than me by a handful of years – but looked completely terrified. She looked from me to my guards, glancing fearfully at the other patrons before dropping her gaze to the table in front of her, but never made eye contact with anyone. I supposed, disgustedly, that it was a habit from her days as a slave. I felt myself stiffen and had to consciously force myself to relax.
“Hello.” It sounded stupid, but it escaped before I could take it back.
“My Lady,” she replied, bobbing her head nervously like a little bird.
“My name is Sierra, and you are both welcome to use it. Please, help yourself.” I gestured to the cup of wine, and she wrapped one tiny hand around it but didn’t take a sip. I sighed. “What’s your name?”
She glanced at me quickly, startled, and I could see that her eyes were a brilliant blue, a colour I’d never seen on anyone before. I didn’t get much of a chance to look before she turned her gaze quickly to Ena – who nodded reassuringly – and then looked back down at the table.
“Arathea, mis-, er, my Lady.”
I winced at the half-voiced honorific; I’d never be anyone’s mistress. “I just want to make sure that you’re the right person I’m looking for. If you are, I have some questions, and then I can help you, if you wish. I won’t hurt you, okay? No matter what.”
She nodded almost miserably.
“Can you tell me where you’re from and how you got to Wycome?”
She gulped. “I lived in Minrathous with my master and his family. His son and I fell in love. He would not have been permitted to have a relationship with me, so we left in the middle of the night, took a carriage down the Imperial Highway until we reached the river, and then a riverboat to Ansburg. The captain of the boat, he, he ... he took all of Larus’ coin with threats of alerting the Circle, and then abandoned us on the docks. We were trying to come to Wycome, but we had to walk, and then I lost him in that horrible town and he was captured by templars, and—”
She was nearly hyperventilating as she told the story, and looked about to pass out. I shared an alarmed look with Ena, who put a hand on her shoulder, and I reached out to touch her hand, but the reconsidered and just held my hands out. “Okay, okay. Steady, take a deep breath.” I probably sounded condescending as hell, but fortunately the elf listened and seemed to calm a little. “So ... Larus. Can you tell me about him?”
It was the right question to ask; she smiled almost dreamily, and the tension bled out of her as she answered. “He’s wonderful,” she sighed. “We met when he healed my arm after I was cut by a broken dish I’d dropped.” She looked at me, making eye contact for almost the first time. “Imagine, an altus making the time to heal me, even after I dumped his dinner all over the floor.” What on earth is an altus? Her tone was adorably breathy, the way Hollywood actors sounded in over-the-top romance movies. I wonder if I sound like that when I talk about Alistair? She continued prattling on about the healer, emphasizing his kindness and sweetness, traits I hadn’t particularly seen for myself – but then again, he wasn’t in love with me, I supposed.
In any event it was quite clear that she was more than smitten with the man, and really did want to find him. She told me she’d followed him to Wycome after Aedan had orchestrated the fire and freed the mage, but then lost track of him – presumably when Aedan dragged him onto the boat. She’d been hiding out in the Alienage ever since, looking for him. The Hahren had allowed her to stay there for free briefly, but she had started to worry about how she would support herself if she didn’t find Larus soon. Not that it sounds like he’s got any more coin than she does anymore.
Satisfied with her answers, I wanted to ask about a few last things.
“Arathea, you said you left with him willingly. What sort of duties did you have before you escaped?”
“I was a kitchen and household slave, my Lady. Helping the cook, washing floors, that sort of thing.”
“I see. And ... look, this is awkward to ask, but ... were you ... did your masters...”
“I was not a body slave, mistress, if that’s what you were asking. I was purchased as a child by Larus’ father and was only trained for cleaning and kitchen duties. Body slaves require rigourous training and they are chosen only from the most beautiful of slaves.”
More beautiful than her? I doubted it. I breathed a sigh of relief. “So, you were never pressured for sex?” She was so matter-of-fact about it that it seemed strangely ... normal to talk about it. I’m pretty sure I’m still blushing though.
She flushed too, though it looked like anger. “Not by my master. Some of the guards, though...” She trailed off, looking slightly ill. “I was lucky. The others looked out for me, and then Larus freed me before anything could happen. I’d never ... before Larus.”
I took a deep breath, feeling like I was being disgustingly nosy – and hating that she didn’t even think to refuse to answer my questions – but needing to know for my own peace of mind. “May I ask when you and Larus ... first... ?”
Her dreamy smile returned. “At an inn a few days after we left Minrathous.” I thought it was probably a good sign that he’d waited, not had sex with her as a slave. She continued, “It was very romantic. He brought me flowers and supper, paid for us both to bathe ... he was so gentle with me, teaching me to please him.” She blinked at me as my jaw clenched. “Not like that! We pleased each other. He was wonderful.”
I relaxed slightly and nodded. “Arathea ... have you given any thought to what would happen if you decided you didn’t want to be with him anymore? Or if he didn’t want to be with you?”
She looked at me anxiously. “Do you think he wouldn’t want me anymore?” She glanced down at herself, wearing threadbare, stained clothes, and I saw tears pool in her eyes. “I know I don’t deserve—”
“No, no. Nothing like that. Your clothes don’t matter, not to me and I’m sure not to him. You’re lovely. I’m just thinking about the future. If you wanted to leave him, what would happen?”
She frowned. “I wouldn’t...” She stopped when I opened my mouth to interrupt, and seemed to think about it. “You are asking if he would let me go if I wanted it.”
I nodded, relieved she understood.
“He would never hurt me. If I told him no, he would let me go. I’m sure of it.” She certainly sounded convinced. I breathed a sigh of relief.
“My Lady ... you are asking all these questions, but I’m not sure I really understand why.” Suddenly her expression looked guarded. “You said you can help me?” She looked over at Ena as though for reassurance.
“Oh!” I slapped myself on the forehead. “I’m sorry, Arathea. Yes. I should have explained.” I considered where to start. “The short answer is that I know where Larus is, and I can get him to come back here. I just wanted to make sure that you were the right person – and that you really wanted him to find you. I admit I was ... worried ... that you had been taken against your will.”
This is written for the third anniversary of the SRU universe. It's a little late, but somethings can't be helped. The first story specifically designated as SRU (although I spelled it all out the first couple of posts) was posted to the TSA-TALK mailing list on October 8, 1996. At first, I wasn't sure if I would have the time to write an anniversary story. There was the crossover series with the Altered Fates universe to consider, although that project now looks dead. And I didn't...
A Night at the Reunion By Bill Hart Pete arrived fashionably late at the hotel, where the thirty-year reunion of his Forrester High School graduating class was being held. When he'd first received the notification in the mail, he hadn't been certain whether or not he'd wanted to attend. Quite obviously, his name had appeared among the many on the "We Found Them" list, but there was another name - this one listed among "Those Still Missing" - that had grabbed his full...
o’s High School ReunionHigh School reunions are often a source of surprises; the homely ?fat chick? turned into the gorgeous swan, the tough-guy, troublemaker, is now a cop, the science whiz is a shoe salesman. There are, i’m sure, similar surprises at every reunion, but can you imagine the girl known as ?The Ice Queen?, and voted most likely to be a virgin when she gets married, returning to her high school reunion as a sex slave; Hard to imagine? Well, i’ll try to describe how it went.i...
The invitation read: Come and reminisce with the Class of 1985 S.R. Butler High School Saturday, August 20th, 2005 7:30 pm to 11:30 pm The Courtyard Huntsville Hotel 4804 University Drive N.W. Huntsville Alabama 1-256-837-4114 Now, I hadn't been real fond of high school back when I was going to high school, but I tossed the invitation onto the table as I left for work that day. I tried to put the invitation out of my mind and concentrate on my work. As a computer programmer, I need to be able...
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The world seemed in never ending turmoil as the decade of the 60's drew to a close. Vietnam was an ongoing war and the peace movement was in full swing. Woodstock was fresh in everyone's memory having provided our generation with the hope that as we graduated high school we could actually affect change in a world of unchanging politicians and nineteenth-century morals our parents had grown up adhering to and tried to force on our generation.After receiving the diplomas we'd work twelve long...
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Saturday, June 25, 1983 Intellectually I knew that my family’s meltdown was not my fault, but rather the fault of my insane brother and his equally culpable mother. I was as much a victim as anybody. Emotionally, I knew otherwise. They were all the same people as on my first trip through, only I was different. That made it my fault, ipso facto, ergo sum, quod erat demonstradum, etc. etc. etc. Intellect had nothing to do with it. Marilyn helped me. She simply couldn’t understand my family;...
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Straight SexThe Reunion40th High School Reunion. My wife and I were both looking forward to the reunion. It was my high school reunion…but she wanted to meet the friends I had talked so much about.The day of the reunion, at noon time my wife got sick…so sick that it looked like we were not going anywhere except maybe the emergency room...After a two hour nap...and she never naps she was much better. Even ate some toast. Well she wasn’t in shape to go but I felt ok going without her.I arrive at the...
Saturday, May 28, 2005Heather couldn’t believe it had already been ten years. Ten years since she’d sat in one of those classrooms. Ten years since she’d heard Mrs. Wagner’s warbling voice. Ten years since she’d heard that bell ring for the last time. Ten years since she’d walked across that stage. Heather’s ten-year high school reunion was approaching rapidly, and she was surprised to find herself slightly nervous. In this case, “approaching rapidly” meant a matter of minutes—less than an...
TrueAlthough I had been sitting in front of the computer for hours trying to finish the last chapter of my next sword and sorcery fantasy novel, nothing seemed to be working. I knew someone needed to die in order to create a climatic finale; I just couldn't make up my mind which one it should be. Should I kill off the Elf or the Dwarf or perhaps even the leader of the little band of mercenaries who was the hero of the story? For whatever reason I just could not find a workable ending that my...
Fantasy & Sci-FiI want to share a story that happened to me recently. My wife of 15 years Betsy and I planned to attend her 20-year high school reunion and were packing to leave for the trip. I had met Betsy in college and we hit it off right from the start. She was a cheerleader at the college, Blond hair, beautiful body and had been captain of the cheerleader squad at her high school. She is so hot that I still call her “Hot Stuff”. I did not know much about her past but was soon to find out more than I...
A few years after we were married, Lorrie received an invitation to her hometown school reunion. They were inviting all former students to come together for a celebration. She attended a small rural school located about 20 miles from where I grew up. Since I dated both Lorrie and a classmate of Lorrie's, Karen, while I was in high school and college, I knew a lot of her friends. So, we decided to attend the event.I knew that Lorrie wanted to see some of her girlfriends but I suspected that she...
I was going through some mail one afternoon when I came across an invitation. I opened it up to see what it was and noticed that it was an invitation for my 10-year high school class reunion. It was going to be held at a fancy hotel so that anyone who drank too much could book a room and spend the night. As I read it, I couldn't believe it had been 10 years since high school already. I sat on the couch and looked it over while thinking back to the old days. I wondered what had happened to some...
THE REUNION ONE Alan Harris stared at his wife blankly. She looked so hot, even dressed plainly in slacks and a blouse. But she surely didn't actually expect him to do what she was asking. "I don't think I can," he told her nervously, a stammer almost appearing in his voice. "Listen, for the last twenty years I've heard all about your conquests and how great you used to be in the sack," she reminded him. Not that I ever saw any of that amazing prowess, she thought. It was...
Robert Sherman had been undecided about attending the school reunion which was for former pupils that had left the school between forty-five and thirty-five years previously.He had left forty years previously and he had left under a bit of a cloud and with a sore backside.Three days before he was to leave the school he and Shirley Watts, they were both aged seventeen at the time, were caught in a very compromising position as his penis was in her mouth.They would both normally have been...
MatureThis past weekend was our class reunion in my hometown. I was so excited to see my old friends that I haven't seen in years. I asked my husband if he'd like to come with me but he said that it was my reunion and that I should have a great time. My sister still lives in our hometown, so I decided to stay with her.On Friday morning I finished packing and headed off for my six-hour drive. One of the organizers set the whole reunion up on Facebook. It was great because we got to know who was...
CheatingFiftieth High School Reunion When I received my Fiftieth High School Reunion packet I almost shredded it along with the other junk mail. I went to my tenth reunion and never went back. I realized that I didn’t like anyone that I had attended school with, I was the youngest member of my class, and I was a nerd. I didn’t know I was a nerd. Not until I saw the movie called Revenge of the Nerds. That was when my wife and finally realized that I was a nerd. I had been sixteen throughout...
The last time I had seen Rose was at our ten-year high school class reunion. In high school, Rose had been the one girl I wanted to date, but she barely even knew I existed. At the ten-year reunion, I confided that I had always had an immense crush on her and that if I had to do things all over again, I would have said as much.To my surprise, Rose told me she had a crush on me as well, but that she had been too shy to approach me. Both of us had gone out separate ways, married and started...
CheatingSamantha had been looking at the garment bag hanging on the closet door of her motel room all day. She was nervous, yet excited at what Paige, her college mistress, had picked out for her to wear to their Sorority Reunion. The night before had been amazing. Her body was still weak from the powerful orgasm she had while being used by Paige, and their friend, Allison’s 19 year old daughter, Alexis. Sam ordered room service for lunch and rested the activities that night. This night’s reunion was...
BDSMThis past weekend was my class reunion in my hometown. I was so excited to see my old friends that I haven’t seen in years. I decide to stay with my sister while there. I asked my husband if he’d like to come with me but he said that it was my reunion and that I should have a great time. On Friday morning I finished packing and headed off for my six hour drive. One of the organizers set the whole reunion up on facebook. It was great because we got to know who was going to be there. I...
High School Reunion By Debra Darling Debra was the femme name of a fairly conservative cross dresser. She did, however, like to push the envelope on occasion as long as she could do it safely. The company she worked for was owned by a parent company based in Glendale, CA. Debra was visiting on company business and she chose to stay nearby at the Glendale Red Lion hotel. Her evenings were free and she was planning on attending a monthly gathering of drag queens in LA. No one was...
I was sitting in Bennigan's with my wife and my best friend Ben. Ben and I had been friends forever it seemed, at least from the sixth grade on. After we finished eating we sat there making small talk and Ben asked me if I was going to our classes twentieth reunion and I told him that I wasn't. "Hey bud, you really need to go, the things are a blast." "Why would I want to go and see those assholes? Most of them made my life miserable when I went to school with them." "That's the...
Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...
Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...
THE REUNION by Rodeotexas June 2010 Our Related Stories in Succession. It is advisable to read them in order as the stories transcends to the next one: 1. Bree1 – Kate- Story for Texans, the prequel to: 2. Bree 2 – Girlfriend’s Big Surprise 3. Bree 3- A Trip To The Mountains 4. Bree 4 -Wife’s Accidental Encounter With The Donkey 5. Bree 5 – Bree and Suzanne Go To The Mountains 6. Bree 6 – The Awakenings 7. Bree 7 – Shannon’s Encounter with Jake The Donkey 8. Bree 8 –...
Introduction: Girlfriends Get Togther with Old Boyfriend Bree 8 THE REUNION by Rodeotexas June 2010 Our Related Stories in Succession. It is advisable to read them in order as the stories transcends to the next one: 1. Bree1 Kate- Story for Texans, the prequel to: 2. Bree 2 Girlfriends Big Surprise 3. Bree 3- A Trip To The Mountains 4. Bree 4 -Wifes Accidental Encounter With The Donkey 5. Bree 5 Bree and Suzanne Go To The Mountains 6. Bree 6 The Awakenings 7. Bree 7 Shannons Encounter with...
Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...
Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...
My wife's 20 year class reunion was coming up and I really didn't want to go. I had lucked out the previous year, and didn’t have to go to her 10 year reunion because I had a work engagement I couldn’t get out of. My wife Andie is an attractive 38 year old Italian girl with a round ass and large firm tits. She has big soft lips and long brown hair. She looks better than most 30 something's. She is from a small town and the reunion was being held at a mid size ranch that one of her...
Has it really been ten years, already? I still didn’t know if I was going to go? My husband kept insisting that I go. It was my ten year class reunion, sure he wanted to go, he was Captain of the football and wrestling team, honor roll, and prom king for two years in a row, and dated every cheerleader there was, and probably fucked them all too! I was a nobody in school, I stayed mostly to myself and it was two years after graduation before he even knew my name. I only had one boyfriend in...
This story is 100% fantasy, none of the names or places is real and none of the events have occurred in real life to my knowledge. Any similarity between this story and any actual event(s) or person(s) is purely coincidental. Often in life little bits of a conversation or a phrase used by another leads my mind to run wild in an erotic fantasy. And so it is with this story. It is based entirely on one phrase written to me via a text message by member of www.xhamster.com. To protect this...
"Oh, my gosh, I was so nervous," Nikki thought as she paced the suite. "I have not seen Vikki since just after high school, a little over ten years ago."This weekend was our tenth-anniversary reunion. I waited in the suite we would share while at the celebration. I hoped Vikki liked everything. I moved the flowers I brought to the center of the table. I rubbed my hands on my wool slacks hoping to keep them dry. Waiting for her was worse than graduating from college and starting my first job.I...
Lesbian"What am I supposed to do?”“Buy a damn dildo?”“Wouldn’t even know where to find one, hah!”I couldn’t help but over hear the woman’s voice at the next table as she talked and laughed with her friends. I could though, hear a tone of desperation in her voice and was instantly alert for more. I leaned back in my chair as the voice was vaguely familiar, my memory searching for the clue. The DJ playing surf music wasn’t helping. Although I did like the song.Who was she?From the corner of my eye, I...
SeductionLast Friday Joan came rushing up to me when I got home from work. She said, "Dick, guess what? I just got an invitation for my high school's 10th reunion." Joan grew up in Nashville and attended an elite coded prep school. We hadn't gone on many trips lately. Joan and I go on business trips where I work, and she seeks sexual adventures for both of us. So I said, "We should go." Joan did a little happy dance and gave me a long wet kiss. That kiss led to a night of hot sex with Joan coming to an...
Wife LoversReunited with Nazia the Hijabi slag. So it was coming up to my 5 year high school reunion, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go as I didn’t really keep in contact with anyone after school, just a few people on Facebook who is hardly ever chat to just scroll through their posts when I logged in, I was trying to remember if any of the girls was attracted me back then may be more attractive now but couldn’t really picture it, I’m single at the moment so was hoping to meet someone there as dating sites...
Bob was still athletic even though it had been 20 years since he was Quarterback of his High school team. He had become very successful in the last ten years, moving from the small town where he had gone to school, to the city. He owned his own business, was a member of the Chamber of Commerce, had a Supermodel, thin trophy wife. He had been married about 10 years, and his marriage is not what it looked like from the outside, Bob and Mary put up a good Public face, they were always at the right...
This story is 100% fantasy, none of the names or places is real and none of the events have occurred in real life to my knowledge. Any similarity between this story and any actual event(s) or person(s) is purely coincidental. Often in life little bits of a conversation or a phrase used by another leads my mind to run wild in an erotic fantasy. And so it is with this story. It is based entirely on one phrase written to me via a text message by member of www.xhamster.com. To protect this...
This is a bad, dark, and very dirty story written in bad English. Forced sex, humiliation. Please do not read if you can be offended by such materials. Reunion. The party was on, and everybody was there, all the familiar faces I missed for the last three years. Luckily for me, the game started, and everybody concentrated on the screen of a huge TV set in front of the room. I breathed with relief; nobody is going to stare at me anymore, and by the end of the game, they are going to...