- 3 years ago
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My thanks to my editor adetaildiva. Without her this would be a poorer story. After her any errors are mine.
‘I was talking to Jean Marlowe again. You know she was an English major in college.’ We were driving back from church the next day. Since I was obviously back in the dating scene, Linda felt like she could push her candidates forward.
‘Really.’ I had been a history major at UT, but my minor was English and I loved reading ‘classic’ novels. I could tell that I’d have to have at least one date with Jean and, if she liked novels, maybe it could be fun.
On Monday night, I made two calls. Nan and I were going clubbing on Friday and Jean and I were going to dinner on Saturday.
When I picked Jean up, she was dressed in a simple black skirt and red scoop-neck shell. Very pretty but conservative, the outfit set off her light complexion and chestnut hair. She wasn’t going to incite the wolves tonight.
I took her to dinner at a place further out, in the opposite direction from Nan’s place. It was upscale from the one I had taken Nan to on our first date. I felt we could dawdle there for coffee and conversation.
‘You know, Dickens wrote his novels from 1836 onwards.’ Jean and I had discussed our favorite novels during a two-hour dinner. The waiter’s glare had finally driven me to get the check.
We were window-shopping in the quaint downtown area where the restaurant was. The little crossroads was being restored. It had almost died as a farming community in the sixties. Now it was reviving as the Washington suburbs sprawled ever further out.
Jean was now talking about her favorite novelist. ‘But the actual conditions he described were from London in the early 1800’s. Oh, look! A sale!’
Like most men of a certain age, I have learned that it is dangerous to get between a woman and a dollars-off sign. ‘Oh. Kid’s clothes.’
‘Yes. That dress would look great on Rebecca for Christmas parties. And see, back there. They’ve got winter jackets marked down. I bet Bobby will need something heavier than he had in Georgia. And I can see some boy’s sport jackets back there, too.’
‘How long’s the sale on?’
‘The sign says through Friday.’
‘Maybe we ought to get over here this week.’ I spoke without thinking. What a dummy! Had I just committed to another date? Would she think I’m pushing too hard? Did she just maneuver me into this?
‘You can’t pass up something like this. I bet clothes are a lot more expensive up here than you’re used to.’
‘I’ll have to talk to Linda about what Bobby needs. Last year Faith helped me with this.’
‘Who’s Faith?’
‘Faith’s the only nanny that Bobby ever had before we moved up here. Kathy and I hired her when Bobby was six weeks old. She kept the house running for several months after Kathy was killed until I recovered. Look, a bookstore. I always like to shop at hometown bookstores over the B&N’s and the big chains. I guess I’m just a small town boy at heart.’
‘Yeah. I like the smaller stores, too. I don’t mind paying a few dollars more if I can get personal service.’
‘Unless you find a sale.’
‘Hey! That was a small store. I bet even with the sale they still have good service.’
I delivered Jean back to her door about an hour later. ‘Jean, I really enjoyed the evening. Perhaps I can call you during the week and we can set up another get-together.’
‘Jack, I’d really like that.’ Before I could do anything else, she reached up and gave me a peck on the cheek and stepped back. ‘Good night.’
As I watched the door close, I wondered where I was. I didn’t expect every girl I went out with to hop in bed after the first date like Nan, although I could always hope. But I wasn’t sure if Jean liked me or just wanted me to leave and the kiss was to avoid being groped. Damn! Ten years of close association with a woman and I still didn’t know anything.
I got home just as the nightly news was coming on. ‘Linda, do you know why Jean got divorced?’
‘Never thought to ask, but even if I had, you ought to ask her first.’
‘Well, I liked being out with her, but — and don’t get me wrong. I don’t expect every date to end in bed — I don’t know whether she liked the date or not. When I dropped her off, she gave me a quick peck on the cheek and disappeared.’
‘Did you try to kiss her?’
‘No. I was going to, but she acted before I could and then was gone just like that.’
‘Well, I’d say that was a good sign. The only way to find out, though, is to ask her out again.’
‘We saw a children’s clothing store that was having a sale. Would it be too unromantic to ask her to go with me and Bobby?’
‘I think that would be sweet. Some divorced women, though, don’t want their children meeting their dates too early. That way if things don’t work out they don’t have to explain what happened to Mister Jack.’
‘Huh. Never thought about that. That’s something I ought to think about, too.’
Jean had suggested Mickey D’s Playland for dinner before going shopping. We were watching Bobby chase Rebecca through the tunnels or her guide him through the tunnels depending on which kid you asked.
‘I’ve got Linda to help with the house and Bobby when I get stuck. You have any help?’
‘There’s a woman in the neighborhood that can pick up Rebecca in an emergency. Other than that, I do it all myself.’
‘Wow! It’s been almost two years since Kathy left for Iraq and I still feel like I’m learning to manage a household. Women are amazing.’
‘Well, it’s been about four since Josh left me. Being chauvinistic, I think that women just instinctively understand how to manage home and hearth. Men are still the hunters.’
Sure enough there was a good winter coat for Bobby to play outside in and a plaid sport jacket that he could wear to church or other dress-up occasions.
‘Daddy, I’m going to be an Eskimo.’ The fake fur trim on the hood did lend itself to that approach.
‘We’ll have to get you a spear for the seals, sport. He has a book with chapters on kids around the world. Spearing seals and spearing elephants are his favorite pastimes right now,’ I said turning to Jean.
‘Thank you, momma,’ Rebecca curtsied. Rebecca looked gorgeously adorable in the green velvet dress that Jean had spotted in the window.
‘They make her thank the teacher at the end of every ballet lesson. It’s helped in other places, too. Would you like to come back and I’ll make us some coffee?’
‘Friday nights are the one time that I feel I can say ‘Stop world. I want to get off.’ Tomorrow it’ll be back to soccer games and groceries, but Friday nights I decompress.’ Jean curled gracefully down on the other half of the couch. She didn’t hug the arm, but instead by settling where she did, she invited me to move over and share her space. I intended to take her up on that.
The kids were in the den. Shrek 2 was in the DVD player and they would probably fall asleep before it was over. Things were pointing toward Jean and I and some alone time.
‘Jack, there is no good time to do this. I could see it in your eyes earlier that you are wondering why a guy would leave his two-year old daughter and wife. It also begs the question of how I could have made the mistake of choosing him.’
‘Jean, I don’t want to pry –‘
‘No. I feel the beginnings of a connection, but if we can’t get past this then it’s good to know now rather than six months on.’
‘I feel a good vibe, too,’ I replied and then I waited for her to continue. It was quiet as she collected her thoughts.
‘I met Josh during my junior year at UVA, but we didn’t start dating until the beginning of our senior year. It didn’t take long before we were very close, if you get my drift. He was only my third lover, but I thought we were pretty good together. I tried the Pill but the hormones played havoc with my body, so we used cond
oms. Spring Break we went to Florida. One night we got drunk and went skinny-dipping. One thing led to another and we were doing it in the dunes. Of course Josh had forgotten the rubbers. Just one time won’t hurt, we thought. And here we were getting ready to graduate from UVA! Intelligence doesn’t equal smart.’
‘Well, we got the wedding lined up for June and I couldn’t have been happier. By then I was past morning sickness and my hormones were raging. They raged until Rebecca was born. Then it seemed like I was tired all the time. By the time she was a year old I was back in balance, but the spark wasn’t there.’
‘One day the daycare called. Rebecca was sick and I picked her up. I heard Josh’s voice when I walked in the door. Rebecca heard it too. Even though she was sick, she ran to the bedroom to see her daddy.’
‘Well, she saw all of her daddy and all of the blonde bimbo that he was screwing. They were out of the house in five minutes. By the time Josh returned, I had a suitcase packed for him. He tried to tell me that this was the first time and he’d never do it again. What guy drives fifteen miles from work on his lunch hour to bed a gal the first time? We tried counseling but I kept thinking: if he’s unfaithful after two years of marriage, what’s he going to be doing after twenty years?’
She was sniffling now. I could imagine even after four years that this was still traumatic. I put my arm around her. She blew her nose and continued.
‘The last counseling session, when he saw that I was going to cut him loose, he let go at me until the therapist stopped him. He called me cold and unimaginative in bed. Josh said that I’d be married to my fingers from here on because no one would want the missionary position on top of a woman stiff as a board, and just as flat, every night for the rest of their lives.’ She blubbered for awhile. I just held her until she felt like talking some more.
‘Josh has been responsible since the divorce. Of course, working for the government they would come down on him like a ton of bricks if he missed his child support. But he shows up for Rebecca’s soccer games and her ballet performances. He plans things to do with her on the weekends when it’s his turn to have her.’
‘I take his support payments and put them in a 529 account for her college and I show him the balance each quarter. I think that makes it less like he’s paying to support me, too. When she needs braces or if she falls in love with horses I may have to change, but now it’s okay.’
We sat quietly for a few minutes, my arm around her shoulders and her head leaning against me. Then I moved and we looked at each other. She put a hand behind my head and pulled me down to kiss her. Our lips touched, then she turned and we embraced without breaking the kiss. Our lips opened and our tongues briefly fenced. Then I broke the contact.
‘Jean, I think we get along well together. I don’t want to go further tonight because you feel you have to prove something.’
‘Jack, I — ‘ She was looking deep into my eyes.
‘Let me finish. If I did what I want to do now, I’d feel like I was challenging you to prove Josh was wrong. I KNOW Josh was wrong. If there was any problem, it had to have been because of him, probably emotionally. Let me call you on Monday and we can continue this later when we’re both thinking clearly about the future, not the past.’
‘Oh, Jack!’ She threw herself against me and we clung to each other for several minutes.
‘Now let me get Bobby.’
As predicted, both kids had fallen asleep on the floor. I picked Rebecca up and carried her into her bedroom. Jean could undress her later. Before I picked Bobby up, I hugged Jean and kissed her forehead.
‘We’ll have plenty of time for more when we’re both feeling better and looking forward.’ I picked Bobby up and took him out to the car.
The next morning I picked Nan up about 9. We headed west to the Shenandoah Valley. I had invited her to go on a day hike on part of the Appalachian Trail. The Trail wound along the crest of the mountains. This late in the season there would be no through-hikers. There might be one or two weekend backpackers, but the most I expected was another day-hiker like us.
‘How should I dress,’ she had asked.
‘It looks like it’s going to be warm, so shorts and a blouse, runners with socks. Bring along a light jacket and slacks and I’ll stuff them in the pack in case it gets cool up on the ridge. I’ll carry the daypack with lunch, drinks, and snacks.’
As usual, Nan had interpreted my instructions very loosely. She did hand me the slacks and jacket, which I immediately packed before getting in the car. When I swung back behind the wheel, I appraised the rest of her outfit more closely.
She had on a tank top, which might have fit her when she was sixteen. As it was, her C-cups were spilling out of the sides and her nipples were signaling that they were very glad to see me. Her khaki shorts were loose in the leg and her left knee was up on the seat pointing towards me.
‘I wanted to make sure and save every ounce of weight so I wouldn’t get too tired.’ She worked out four times a week so I knew that this hike would be easy. ‘So I cut my clothing to a minimum.’ With that, she pulled the leg of her shorts to one side exposing her bald beaver to me, unconstrained by any panties.
She teased me with flashes up her shorts and down her top during the whole drive to the trailhead. In fact, when we made the last turn onto the gravel road that would take us the last mile, she pulled her top up and rode with both boobs exposed.
We hiked for about an hour and a half until we came to a spot where several rock outcroppings hung over the side of the valley. It was lunchtime and the sun had swung around just far enough to provide warmth to the stone.
‘Jack, this is beautiful,’ Nan said as I spread a blanket to sit on and a tablecloth for the food. ‘How far is it over there?’
‘The tops of those mountains are in West Virginia. I guesstimate it’s about fifty miles, maybe more, as the crow flies.’
I popped the cork on a bottle of red wine. Then I pulled out a container of apple slices and a squeezable tube of peanut butter. Afterwards, we had some trail mix for dessert.
‘The beauty here is so sensuous,’ Nan remarked. ‘And the wine has relaxed me. I think a little rest and some tanning is in order.’ She pulled her tank top over her head and lay down with her eyes closed.
‘Aren’t you worried about other hikers?’
‘We’ll probably hear them coming.’ She was completely relaxed. Even her nipples had gone to sleep.
About fifteen minutes later we did hear other hikers. They were about twenty feet away when we heard a bush rattle. Nan grabbed her top across her breasts as she jackknifed forward.
‘Uhh, hello.’ Two teenaged boys greeted us on their approach. From the looks on their faces I was sure that they’d gotten a good flash of Nan’s boobs.
‘Hi,’ I replied loquaciously.
‘Hello, I’m Nan.’ She stuck out her hand to shake while supporting her modesty with her left arm.
‘I’m Jim.’ He shook her hand first.
‘I’m Bill. Pleased to meet you.’ The second one shook her hand while burning a hole in her covering with his eyeballs.
‘We were just relaxing and admiring the view after lunch,’ Nan said. ‘Have you boys eaten?’ Where had Nan’s deep Southern drawl suddenly come from?
‘Yes’m. I mean, No’m.’ Jim elbowed Bill to change the response.
‘What he means is that we had a little snack earlier, but not a lot.’
‘Well, I just know that boys are always hungry. We have some apple left over. Would you like some?’ She turned and bent at the waist to pick up the remains of our lunch. I couldn’t see myself but I was sure the boys were getting a good look at the side and maybe underside of her right breast. I was looking at how her shorts tightened across that firm gluteus maximus.
have some of our apple slices.’ She turned back to them as she straightened up.
When their eyes widened even further, I glanced back at Nan. Her arm had moved to under her breasts, now just barely covered by a loose flap of her top. If she bent over again, they would fall, fully exposed.
Bill and Jim each took some apple, but they fumbled with the pieces. Not looking at what you’re doing will cause that.
‘It’s just so gorgeous up here. I feel like I’m so close to Nature. Don’t you?’ She continued to prattle on in that simpering voice, but the boys were only catching every third or fourth word. When your blood is pounding in your ears it’s hard to hear. The blood that wasn’t pounding in their ears was rapidly pooling in their groins, so they were having a difficult time responding coherently. Finally, they finished the entire apple.
‘Well, I hope that helps you through your hike.’ They took the hint and began to move slowly away. As they move to the edge of the clearing, Nan waved at them.
‘Bill, Jim. I hope that was a nice treat.’ She waved too vigorously and one breast popped out and jiggled enticingly on top of her arm. ‘Oh, my.’
She turned her back slowly and then pulled the tank top over her head and down to her waist.
‘Well, I think you made their day, month, maybe even year. Weren’t you worried that they might try something?’
‘With my big, strong man here? How could I ever worry so?’ The Southern belle was still in full force.
‘Ugh, me Ogg. Me bash in head of rivals.’
‘Are you my cave man? You’ll fight for me? Then act like my cave man! Do me now! Do me here!’
‘You want it? Act like it! Suck me first.’ I pushed her down on her knees with one hand while I pulled the tank top back over her head. ‘I’ll have you dress like a cave woman, too.’
I was half hard from watching her tease the boys. In another minute, I was stiff and she was taking me to the root in her mouth. I grabbed her hair and yanked her away.
‘Get out of those shorts and show me you’re ready for this.’
She lay back and stuck her feet in the air pulling off her shorts. Spreading her legs far to each side, she pulled her pussy lips open. ‘Fuck me here. Fuck me now.’
‘Not like that. Doggy style. Get on your knees and put your head down.’ She moved as commanded. I grabbed her hair again and began to stroke in and out. I couldn’t contain my lust, and I sped up and began to pound her.
‘Yes! Yes! Fuck me hard! Split me open! Do it! Do it, Nowwww!’ She went limp as I felt her pussy spasm around my cock. Two more thrusts and I spurted into her.
I had another enjoyable, athletic evening with Nan on Friday. Indoor springboard was my best event.
Saturday night I picked Jean up for a dinner and a movie. We ate a light supper at Applebee’s and then to a chick flick. (I have learned over the years that surrender is sometimes the better strategy in the War of the Sexes.)
‘Coffee at my place?’ Jean asked afterwards.
‘Want me to run the babysitter home?’ I offered this as we walked onto her front porch.
‘No need. Rebecca’s spending the night with her best friend down the block.’
We made small talk as the coffee brewed. Then we both sat down towards the center of her sofa. Why we had made a full pot, I have no idea. Neither one of us had more than a couple of sips before we were entangled in each other. Arms, legs, and miscellaneous body parts seemed to entwine and meld together.
As the third kiss started, my hands began to wander. Suddenly, I realized that there was no bra strap under her sweater. I momentarily wondered when she had changed because there had been a bra there coming out of the movie. No matter, I slipped my hand to her waist and then back up under her sweater.
As my fingertips felt the swell of her breasts, I spread them out and avoided her nipples. I lightly caressed the tender skin under her arms and across the upper portion of her chest. As her passion mounted, her kisses became more insistent and she thrust her tongue into my mouth.
Finally, I acceded to her unspoken desires and pulled the sweater over her head. I gazed on the dark protuberances and then leaned down to feast.
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Barbara Clausen woke with the first light of dawn as it crept through the curtains. Moving slowly and carefully, she slipped from under the sheet and swung her feet to the floor. She stood and tip-toed to the chair where her clothing lay. She donned her dress, picked up her underwear, pantyhose, shoes and purse and left. She stood in the bedroom doorway and looked back at the bed. Lee's dark hair was scattered over her pillow, hiding her face. The sheet had slipped down, exposing one bare...
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She awoke from bad dreams into worse. Her arms ached, pinned painfully together behind her back and wrapped immobile in a tight sleeve buckled to her waist. Her calves were belted to her thighs, pressing her ankles against her buttocks; a metal bar linked to straps wrapped around her thighs kept her legs forced wide apart. She couldn’t even turn her head – a high, rigid collar was wrapped around her neck, keeping her gaze focused straight ahead at a blank wall. Her jaw ached, forced open...
It was summer recess and I was bored. Stretching and yawning I dragged myself out of bed and padded naked to the john. After a long and rather satisfying pee I brushed my teeth before padding back to the bedroom and drawing the curtains wide open. Standing at the panoramic window I smiled at the warm summer scene. Sure I was naked but I have a gorgeous body and don't care who sees it, even Mr Badass across the road, I giggle as his curtains twitch. I pull on my tee shirt, pleated short skirt,...
Introduction: Hello readers, I realize I have been on almost 2 year hiatus, and havent posted in a long time. Part of it was boycotting the site, and another part of it was at a loss of what to write about. So if you have any story ideas, Im open to ideas, just message me your ideas, plots, and any particulars. Im not planning on continuing this story, unless you have some ideas for it. Constructive criticism only please, help me improve the writing. After retiring from the Air Force, Joe moved...
This is my fantasy i hope to play out on day.Your arms are behind your back so your forearms are together and your hands are touching your opposite arms elbow. Your legs are tied cafe to thigh and there are two lines running down two each knot form your arms. You’re wearing a cheap pair of panties and a tight white t-shirt I can almost see through. Your lying on your back in the middle of the bed. The rope running form your arms your legs is forcing you to arch your back push breast out, Your...
I hadn't had time to open my front door when my mobile rang. "Just what is going on?" I heard Jill's sweet voice ask. Jill may not have been told anything directly, but she was too clever not to work things out. As I entered my house I explained in précis form, the events of the last two days. I told her I'd explain more fully when we next met. Proving herself to be the friend I knew her to be, she offered to cancel a trip to the theatre that night to come around and keep me company. I...
Teen porn darling, Evelina Darling, puts herself between two men for this Hands On Hardcore 4K glamour premium porn exclusive that you’re never going to forget. The brown-eyed babe has some work she needs to have done around the house, most importantly a proper pussy and butthole pounding for her horny holes. Handymen Erik Everhard and Nikolas answer the call and they are definitely up to this dirty task. See them pull out their beefy cocks for the babe to suck on before cramming them...
xmoviesforyouScurrying quickly up the stairs from the basement, I get so his side as fast as I can, “Yes, master?” I ask in my most respectful voice, disinclined to provoke his anger. “Did you get yourself ready the way I told you?” He looks me up and down, his beady eyes scanning over my young, thin form. He motions for me to rotate, and I do, showing off the clothing I had been told to wear. He looks over the scanty clothing I’m wearing, hardly covering my pale elven skin, and the thin gauze over top...
There was a fine drizzle of rain falling as the boat set out from Crinan. Eoric decided then and there that he would have boats built for his own use in Lorne and he would establish a port closer to home. Despite the weather, Gemma and Sarah were in high spirits at what they saw as a great adventure. Eoric's men had to row, as the wind was not entirely favourable so the going was steady rather than fast. The girls were chattering away, commenting on the scenic view as they passed along the...
MEI LING AND ME! By ANNE GRAY It was not planned so I suppose you could call it accidental. In any eventit was one of the best things that ever happened to me. I had just seated myselfat one of the conference dinner tables. As usual at these events there wereten chairs squashed around the table and only the chair next to mine was stillvacant. After the usual introductions the nine of us settled back down and I glancedaround to notice her standing at the entrance to the meeting room looking...
This story is fantasy fiction set in a fantasy world depicting extreme and very graphic torture. It is intended for mature adults not offended by such material and the author does not endorse or excsue violence of any kind.Chapter 1 - From the DeadThe thumping of boots and the clanking of metal echoed eerily in the rough, winding corridors. No light had graced their descent except for the wavering flames of their own torches, and the triumphant pace of the first steps had become more and more...
"Oh don't worry, I'm very easy... to get along with." I wasn't sure if I should trust what my ears were hearing, or rather, the way my brain seemed to be interpreting the words. But then the way she turned away from me, putting a slant to her hips... the slope of her shoulder said it all. Dumb moth to a bright light, I fluttered across the space between us. The shiver she gave when I lay my fingers gently on that shoulder. Just this slight touch and I was raising goose bumps! If she was...
My parents were out of town so I was home alone. While browsing on Tinder I got a message from this guy. He looked hot from his pictures and he was cute through our texts so since I’m always horny I figured just why not? So I invited him over. While waiting for him, I changed into a sexy deep red lingerie. He arrived soon after changing. He stepped in the doorway and after some quick small talk, we started making out. It was so hot knowing that he is just some hot stranger. Before I knew it, he...
xmoviesforyouNote from the author– I apologize for the confusion this has caused. I don’t know what happened to my original version of this story, but here it is again. * It was a beautiful Saturday in June. The year was 1983 and Laura was getting dressed for the biggest party of the summer, her sister Sara’s wedding. Laura, the maid of honor, was so excited to have had a say in the decisions that were made regarding gowns for the female members of the bridal party. One of the bride’s maids chose a light...
I work for a restaurant, not saying the name, I am a busser there, where I clean tables and set it back up for the next person to use. I worked with a female busser named Beth. She has some meat on her, she is a brunette, had glasses on. She was pretty cute, I think her breast was a small C cup from the look of it. I work mornings and she usually work nights, lately she have been doing some days and nights. When we work together we chat, she is such a nice lady to talk too. She has a boyfriend,...
It had been 3 months since my wife had performed in the Hotel window for the young men. She never really mentioned it but I could tell she was a bit embarrassed by her drunken behaviour. But I was so turned on I wanted her to do it again and more...I had been texting Mark virtually daily, he was desperate to see my wife Sarah again. I’d sent him most of the pictures I had of taken of her over the years and he said he’d wanked over every one and shared some with his friends. He was desperate to...
Over the past ten years i’ve come a long way from a sweet, innocent, extremely naive 18-year old from the deep south to, with the possible exception of my aunt sheetal, the best cock sucker and blowjob artist to be found. I left home when i was 18 to attend college . My parents were very strict; my father is an accountant and my mother teaches summer school and leads the school choir. They only agreed to my going to school there if i stayed with my aunt sheetal, who lived within a few blocks of...
Lesbian“I’m telling you, she’s a nightmare,” I say as I put down Carl’s plate of food in front of him on the dinner table.“She can’t be that bad,” he says dismissively before taking a large and sloppy slurp of pasta.“She can. She is. I’m telling you, I’m worried about Maria’s safety.”“You’re talking like she’s in an abusive relationship.”“She might be,” I say while trying to use my spoon to help with my noodles. I could never figure this part out.“With a woman?”“Women can be abusive, too.”Carl lets...
Mind ControlJason took a deep breath and tried to clear his head a little. It didn't work. He looked back the way he had come, over the high sand dunes towards the water of the gulf. He could see the glow of the big bonfire and hear the rambunctious noise of the twenty or so college students. The music from the boombox was loud and all - just like he had - had been drinking and their shouts and laughter were a little more slurred than they should have been, but, what the hell, it was the first day of...
Hey guys it’s RKC again. It’s the continuation of my last Story with Bhanu. As I was cleaning her with the rose water, she moaned and I was completely cleaning her from top to bottom, there was a constant moan during that process.. Next I sat in between her legs and leaned forward and slowly whispered in her ears “how was it?” In reply she didn’t speak anything. She just had a tear on the corner of eyes and hugged me tightly and I got my reply. She kissed me again but this time she was wilder....
“I showed up late one night with a neon light for a visa. But knowing I’m so eager to fight can’t make letting me in any easier. I know I been wearing crazy clothes, and I look pretty crappy sometimes. But my body feels so good, and I still sing a razor line. Every time.” -The Who, “You Better, You Bet“ Contessa Helena de San Finzione stood in the Equals household’s living room, rapt in nostalgia. She admired old photos of the three of them at various stages of her life up until about seven...
Every detail of sharing my wife was so arousing for the both of us to discuss, relive after our get together with a male friend and prior to meeting with them, read other true stories, great to relive and share those hot memories. This chapter is all about the men ejaculating their cum either deep inside her, over her body or into her face, much to my viewing pleasure. Over the duration of sharing my wife for all those years getting it on either 1 to 3 month intervals with them (we did have a...
I turned, as quietly as possible so as not to disturb You. I just wanted to look at You, Sir, and maybe after a while wake You with a kiss. But You weren’t there, Sir. Tossing the covers aside (and blushing a deep red at the sight of the lengths of rope still attached to the bed) I got to my feet. You weren’t in the bathroom, which was a good thing because I had urgent need of it. Still naked, I padded on bare feet out to the stairs, thinking You might be making breakfast for us. I...
Located at Marine Corps Base Quantico in Quantico, Virginia, the FBI Laboratory provides a multitude of services to Bureau personnel and law enforcement partners around the globe. First organized in 1932, it is a full-service operation, with some 500 scientific experts and special agents working in a state-of-the-art facility. Among them are a unit chief who supervises forensic examiners, and biologists who comprise the DCU, or DNA Casework Unit. Melanie Rogers was the current DCU chief. A...
Chapter twofollows....
Robin is a guy from North of Sweden, moving all the way to Hustonville, KY after a guy he talked online to, Lance, suggested he would join their newly started soccer team. But Robin is in for many new experiences and will discover new sides of himself ;) This is a Reading F1lth original. Listen to part 1 on Spotify! My name is Robin. I moved from the north of Sweden to the small town off Hustonville, Kentucky. Why? To play soccer of course! It all began when I was playing FIFA on Xbox....
BisexualJack Winters sat in his car outside of his sister's house. She wasn't home from work yet, but he knew Emily and the other two girls were already there. He pulled the medallion from beneath his shirt and gave it a good hard look, thinking about what David had told him earlier. "I don't know if you're really changing me, but if you are, I need you to not mess with my head tonight", he said to the jade stone. With a sigh, he opened the door and headed toward the house. Emily answered the...
If you've come here searching for a story that starts out with 'Once upon a time,' than you're looking in the wrong place. This is no fairy tale, I can promise you that. There will be no prince charming to kiss his princess awake. There will be no prince to climb up the tower to rescue his girl from the evil witch. There will be no handsome stud who will fight the mad sea queen for his one true love. No, none of that. This is definitely not that kind of story. You're not going to find flowers,...
Oral Sex‘What the fuck happened?’ Connor demanded angrily, meeting Eamonn at the entrance to the surgical wing. ‘I don’t know, man,’ Eamonn tried to placate Connor. ‘She was fine and then she was almost fainting.’ ‘Just like that? She has one of the strongest stomachs of anyone I’ve ever met. Surgery has never made her lose her lunch.’ Connor ran a hand through his hair, taking a deep breath. ‘I mean, she’s been tired lately, but fainting?’ ‘Look, she’s in the break room. I gave her a mug of tea and...
"STOP IT, YOU PRICK! NOT IN MY ASS! PLEASE, PLEASE!" Like the little cock-teaser really thought that screaming would stop him from popping her ass cherry. Perhaps it would be better to go back to the beginning. Let's first identify the actors in this little drama. There are for the most part four of them that count. Well, maybe five, but that'll have to wait. Ladies first: There's Sara. She's fifteen and pretty. Of course she is; who would possibly write a fuck story about an ugly...
“Carla, come in here please.” I heard my husband calling from the dining room, where I had spread out the books I needed to write my term paper on the table, next to my laptop. “Sure honey,” I called back. I finished hanging the shirt I’d just ironed, and switched the iron off at the wall. Unsuspecting, I wandered through to the dining room. “What’s up?” Dave was sitting in front of my laptop. He looked around, his face serious – not a usual look for him, he’s quite the joker. “Did you get...
" Viel Glück Padre' Doe " waren die letzten Worte die ich aus meiner alten Gemeinde mit nahm, das und den Segen Gottes, sein Werk tun zu dürfen. Voller Begeisterung fuhr ich mit dem Zug in meine neue Gemeinde. Ein 250 Seelen Dorf mitten im Nirgendwo. Dort angekommen wurde ich auch herzlich begrüßt und von allen freundlich aufgenommen. Nun bin ich schon fast seit einem Monat hier und die Leute scheinen mich als ein teil ihres Lebens akzeptiert zu haben. Es war mir einfach unmöglich zu verstehen...
New Year's Eve was approaching. Our party was getting close. Laura and I were preparing for it with the girls helping. Tom and Mark were helping, too. Laura put them to work and they both chipped in willingly. They and their parents were among the invited guests. Our guest list included our Sunday school class, our Pastor, friends from my office, and teachers from Laura's office. We had non-alcoholic sparkling juice for all. Laura and I debated having regular Champagne but decided that we...
You all know the story, but now have the chance to make any change you want. It can be set in the modern day, or maybe the Genie gives unlimited wishes, or Aladdin is a girl, or Jafar wins the final battle. Specify the deviation from the classic story, and take it anywhere you want.
FantasyHi everybody this is Satya Dev. I am a software engineer from Hyderabad. I want to tell you a real story about my aunt (my father’s younger sister) which happened in 2002. Her name was Supriya and she was really fun and cool. I just turned 18 then and was very happy to see my new test results. I got very good marks and my father said I can go for the holiday with my uncle and aunty to Delhi. I had not seen my aunty for some time and I was very eager to see her. She has a son 2 years younger to...