secret santa
- 4 years ago
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This was originally posted for the 2014 Winter Story Contest as "Special Occasions" ... but needed some rework. Sorry it took so long to get done.
I glanced over at my wife, all muffled up in her parka and scarf, as we pulled up the long drive to her folks home. I quickly looked over my shoulder into the back seat to make sure that our daughter, swaddled up to look like a lump in her car seat, was still sleeping. Sandy had been born in September and this was going to be the first time that Sara's family had seen her.
Sara and I live in Seattle. She had been going to school there and I am a new engineer working for the city. Now she is on 'pause' from school for a while due to Sandy. We had been going together for almost a year prior to last March when we found out that she was pregnant. We loved each other and were edging that way anyway, so it was really no great leap to make the life commitment that Sandy's pending arrival was pushing on us. We had done the justice-of-the-peace thing to get hitched in a hurry, and then had a little get together in my parents' backyard for my family and friends. Sara's family who lived eight hours inland and were dealing with the spring birthing season for the herd on their small family farm at the time, couldn't get there. While I had met them briefly two summers ago, this was the first time that I would be seeing them as their daughter's husband.
Sara had made the point quite strongly that we absolutely had to go to her folks' place for Christmas. We actually had a fight over it because I really didn't want to drive that far, through the mountains, in the winter. But, she won. She always did. Not only was Christmas a special family occasion, but her younger sister, Stephanie, had her birthday on December 25th, and would be turning eighteen this year ... tomorrow. For some reason it was imperative that Sara join her family to celebrate Steph's birthday.
Last time I was here was just a quickie afternoon stopover while travelling, and I was only the new boyfriend at that point, so I had only briefly met Sara's mother, Susan, and father, Tom. This would be the first time that I got to meet Stephanie, and Sara's older brother Matt who was twenty five.
My bride is in her early twenties, short at five foot two, with long brown hair. As I glanced at her again, I couldn't see the wonderful hourglass figure that she worked so hard to regain after Sandy's birth, bundled as it was under her winter gear. She caught me looking and blessed me with that radiant smile of hers. All I could think of was the mental image I had of her standing in her t-shirt and nothing else as she completed the last minute packing this morning.
In the darkness – we were arriving late after our long drive - we drove around the two huge spruce, brightly lit and gaily decorated for the season, in her folk's large front yard. They looked like two especially tall Christmas trees set there solely to welcome in the holiday. The early season snow was already piled around the yard and it was obvious that someone had had to shovel the driveway at least once. We pulled up to the side of the house. As we got out we could see that our arrival had been anticipated.
A tall man that I took to be Matt jumped down the steps in his sock feet, landing on the snow covered sidewalk, as Susan held the front door open and ran to help us with our luggage. He quickly shook my hand, saying 'hi', and gave a quick peck to Sara who was bending over in the back seat unbuckling our daughter's car seat/carrier from the car. Briefly I thought I saw him drag his hand up her shapely ass as she was bent over, but maybe not. Then, between the three of us we gathered up four bags and Sandy and headed for the door that Susan was still holding open. We did not have any Christmas presents with us as Sara had been firm in stating that her family didn't buy presents to celebrate this special occasion.
Up the steps, in the house, and there was a flurry of movement as we crowded into the small entrance. The house was a wartime build, a story and a half with three small bedrooms upstairs, a small kitchen, bathroom that everybody shared, and the living room downstairs. Glancing into the living room I could see a Christmas tree all decked out with the traditional decorations. I could also see six large and one small stocking, that I guessed was for Sandy, hung over the mantle of the old wood burning fireplace along one wall.
Our bags were dropped, Sandy in her carrier set carefully on the floor, and coats were pulled from us revealing me in my sweatshirt and jeans, and Sara dressed in her old gray t-shirt hanging loose over form fitting yoga pants that hugged her butt – we had dressed for comfort on the trip. Sara's dad extended his hand to me.
Tom is a large man in his early fifties. Short gray hair and rugged face suited the gray cardigan worn over a plaid shirt and jeans. I could see the pipe sticking out of his shirt pocket as he gripped my hand and welcomed me to their home.
He let go of my hand to be replaced by Matt's. As I said, Matt is a big man, easily six inches taller than my five foot ten, and a couple of inches bigger than his dad. Big in the chest with arms and legs apparently carved out of large trees. I could tell that the work on this family farm was keeping both him and his father very fit. I could also now understand better my wife's focus on getting back in shape.
Matt was replaced by Susan, who came in very close to hug me tightly. Susan, also in her early fifties, is even shorter than Sara, barely five feet tall. She was wearing a flowing red dress, belted at the waist, with a stylish sweater, unbuttoned, over the top. I noticed the unbuttoned sweater as she pressed herself into me because I could very easily feel the nubs of my mother-in-law's nipples push into my chest through my sweatshirt. Momentarily I tried to pull back but she maintained her grip, shifting her hands up to pull my face down into a kiss causing her nipples to drag up my chest. I expected a motherly kiss on the cheek so I was again surprised by the open mouth that met my lips. In a second I could feel her tongue press into me and I was too shocked to resist.
My eyes flew around wildly as her tongue twirled around mine and I could clearly see my new father-in-law bending over my wife, his daughter, also obviously thrusting his tongue into her mouth. The only difference was that my wife was apparently eagerly returning the favour – and I swear I saw his hands brush up and down her t-shirted back before one hand swept out of my sight, in between them. I couldn't see to know for sure, but if it was me, with my hand there, my hand would be cupping one of her delectable breasts.
My attention refocused upon Susan as she gave my butt cheeks a squeeze and then stepped back from me. "It is very nice to have you join our family, David, and especially to bring our daughter back to be with us on this very special occasion. Thank you," she said with a sweet smile. My face was flushed and I could feel a semi-stiffy straining in my jeans.
I was still thunderstruck as I nodded to her. Her husband stepped back from Sara and was replaced with Matt as Stephanie enveloped me in a hug. Steph is a little taller, but still short, standing about the same height as Sara. Steph's hair, a mousy blonde similar to Sara's, is different than the long flowing locks that my wife and her mother sported as she has hers done in a short page boy cut that frames her face giving her a pixie'ish appearance. She looks very young, and very beautiful. Steph was wearing a shorter white cotton dress without any adornment. It came to her knees and there were buttons from the waist up the back. I could see the straps of her bra showing through the white dress.
Steph also reached up with both hands to pull my face down into a kiss while pressing into me in a full-body hug. My semi immediately stiffened to full on 'hard'. I was better prepared for the kiss and opened my mouth to accept this sweet girl's tongue right away, while trying to angle my lower body away from contact. She had a delicious taste to her – not that Susan had tasted bad!
From the corner of my eye I could see Matt step into Sara's open arms, and I swear I saw him blatantly draw his hands up the front of her leg as he murmured something into her ear. His hand remained there, out of my sight, for a moment while my wife nodded her smiling face at her big brother. Then I could see her butt arch suddenly away from the hidden hand and her lips opened into a laugh accompanied by her waiving a finger in his face. Then Matt swept my wife into a full-on lip lock, and I could clearly see her cheek billow as his tongue invaded her mouth!
I was distracted by the fingers curling in my hair as Steph sucked on my tongue. She is such a sweet kisser!
"Ok everybody. That is enough for now. We'll have some more fun later ... let them get settled," this from Tom as he bent to pick up Sandy, and then stood back a bit with a huge smile on his face. Matt and Sara broke their embrace at the same time as Stephanie stepped back from me. I was very glad for the jeans I was wearing and the long sweatshirt hanging in front of them because I was sporting a boner like no tomorrow. "Sara, you and Steph help your mother finish setting the dinner out. Matt, help Dave take their things up to your room."
Tom led the way out of the entryway. Matt grabbed a couple of suitcases and started up the steep stairs. I grabbed the other two bags and went to follow him. Sara paused and grasped my elbow, holding me back for a moment. She looked at me, her hazel eyes looked darker and smokier than normal, and her face looked to be lit from within. She leaned into me and whispered, "I ... I guess we should have talked before we got here. It's too late now, but David, please just 'go' with things. It is a special occasion. I'll explain it all to you later." With that she gave me a wet, open mouth kiss and then turned to follow her family into the kitchen.
I turned and followed my new brother-in-law up the stairs. At the top was a little landing from which you could look down on the living room followed by a short hallway with a door off of either side, and one at the end. He pointed to the one at the end, and said, "my folks" and then at the door on his left "Steph's", and then he opened the door on his right saying, "mine, but this is where you guys are staying."
I followed him into a small bedroom. There was a double bed – which for a man his size would probably still be a little small – and a chest of drawers. He pointed at a crib pushed into a corner, "we dug that out of the shed when we knew you were coming and I cleaned it up real nice for Sandy." I took a look. This wasn't one of the modern, cheaply built cribs that you could buy today, but solid wood construction. "My dad made that for us when I was born. We've all been in it in our time," he grinned. We set the bags down at the end of the bed, and headed out. I asked, "if we are in your room, where are you staying Matt?"
He pointed at Steph's door, and then just opened it, "I'm with Steph, but don't worry about it, we'll get along fine," and he closed the door again. My brief view had shown a mirror image of Matt's room, with one double bed but without the crib. Huh? Was he going to sleep on the floor?
In the kitchen Tom was sitting at the table and the ladies were putting the last dishes out. They had obviously held supper for us even though we had arrived late. It was after ten. Everybody was smiling and talking, with my little daughter being cradled in her grandfather's arms.
Dinner was served at the table sandwiched in between the kitchen and living room. It was oval with no real 'head' of the table spot, and with all of us there it was a tight, but comfortable fit. I sat in the farthest corner – almost like they wanted to ensure that I wouldn't be able to get away. Sara was beside me and her father beside her. Opposite me was Stephanie, then her brother, and Susan was opposite Tom. Tom had set Sandy down on the floor beside him.
We devoured the supper with very little impact upon the talking. My wife had a lot of catching up to do with her family. Everybody was kidding Stephanie about her 'special occasion' although I didn't understand exactly what they were talking about. All of them, including my wife, were joking about 'the last time they would see that white dress' and 'no more bra straps sticking out'. Steph blushed for the first while, but seemed to settle down as the same comments surfaced repeatedly. Sara obviously had a very close knit family and I was starting to feel bad that we hadn't made the effort to visit before, and especially bad about putting up a stink about travelling out here for Christmas.
At one point I had to excuse myself to go to the bathroom. As I struggled to stand I noticed that Tom had his hand on Sara's thigh and it looked like he was softly squeezing it. I rounded the end and lost my balance a bit so put my hand down on Steph's shoulder. I could feel her bra strap under her white dress. I squeezed past Matt and Susan, looking down so as to not lose my balance again, and as I put my hand on to Susan's shoulder I noticed two other things. It looked like Susan's dress was bunched up on her lap, and I swear that Matt's hand was resting high on her bare leg. I paused and blinked a moment and also realized that I did not feel a bra strap under Susan's dress. Hmmm. Quickly I moved on, found the bathroom off of the entryway and did my business. When I returned via the same route Matt's hands were both on the dinner table. Finally gaining my seat again I looked down at Sara's lap again only to see her hand resting high on her father's lap!
Eventually we were all done and leaning back in our chairs. It had been a good meal, a 'light' one as the turkey would come out tomorrow. Tom was leaning back in his chair slowly stuffing his pipe with some aromatic tabac when he slapped his own head, "damn! I almost forgot." He set his pipe down and rose to the kitchen cupboard, returning in a moment with a number of small glasses. Then he went to the freezer – which was in the mudroom just outside the backdoor – and came back with a quart sealer of clear liquid. Everyone started hooting about the 'home made hootch' as with a grin Tom started to pour a liberal dose into each glass. Sara put her hand over one glass, shaking her head, "I can't this year dad. I'm feeding Sandy," and with her other hand she grabbed her own left breast and bobbed it up and down under her t-shirt, "sorry." My eyes almost popped as I watched my wife waving her covered tit at her family.
"That is ok baby girl," he replied. "Your husband can have your share," and he poured the extra glass, setting two in front of me.
"Ok everybody, down the hatch!" I watched as Susan, Stephanie, Matt and Tom all downed their glass of liquid in one swallow. Then I shrugged and did the same with one. "Holy shit!" I choked as the fire burned down my throat. Everybody laughed and started talking about the family tradition of 'having a glass' at special occasions. Matt explained that they made it themselves and kept it in the freezer, then he slapped me on the back and reminded me that I had Sara's share to take care of. Through tearing eyes I downed the second one. I could feel my whole body getting warm immediately. I grinned and Matt continued saying that the whole family gets a shot at every special occasion, so I could look forward to many more shots in the years to come.
Then Susan arose, announcing that it was time to draw for Secret Santa. I quickly looked at my wife because she had pointedly told me that there were 'no present giving' at Christmas at her folk's house. She saw my look and quickly understood the consternation on my face. She leaned over and grasped my head in her hands and quickly kissed me before whispering, "no, no ... don't worry honey. It is ok. I'll explain everything later."
Susan returned with two bowls that she had retrieved. I could see that there were folded up pieces of paper in them. She stood for a moment looking at everyone and then she focused upon me. "David, you've been a real good sport, and I can see that Sara has prepared you well to be a member of our family." I did not understand that statement. "I ... we ... are glad that she chose you." She paused for breath, "and we thank you for being here, and bringing our girl home to celebrate Stephanie's birthday with us." She smiled at me and then faced the others. "Now you know what to do, reach in here and pick a piece of paper. On it will be the name of the person that you are the Secret Santa for this year." With that she bent over and started to hold the bowls in front of us. One bowl was for the men and the other bowl for the women.
When it was my turn I reached in and pulled out a piece of paper. I opened it to see 'Stephanie'. I had seen that everybody else was keeping their slips of paper private, so I did the same. What the hell was I going to get Stephanie before tomorrow morning? I looked at my wife, who was glancing up at her dad, and I wondered why she hadn't let my buy a present. It was obvious that this was a family tradition and I needed one!
At that moment Sandy started to bawl. Sara immediately got up and said that it was her feeding time. The kitchen – living room area was an L-shaped room with the table in the space at the corner of the L. We all watched as my wife pushed her chair back as far as it would go, turned and bracing herself on her father's shoulders, stepped across his lap. She was facing him and he put his hands on her hips to pull her down to momentarily sit on his lap as she moved across him. I watched silently, feeling the hootch do its work, as Tom moved one hand up from her hip to caress the nipple poking out of her t-shirt. Sara quickly looked at me and saw the hootch-induced expression of bemusement on my face and then leaned down to kiss her dad. The quick peck extended to include a bit of tongue twirling before she stood again, patting Tom on his cheek and whispering, "not right now daddy. Sandy is hungry."
She picked Sandy up from her seat beside the table and took her to the living room and sat down on the couch, cradling our daughter in her arm. Then she struggled for a moment trying to raise her t-shirt on one side before pausing and looking at Matt. "Can you help me please?"
"Sure," from Matt as he arose and went over to them. Sara held one arm in the air and Matt reached down to grasp the hem and arm of her t-shirt, pulling them gently up exposing my wife's perfect breast to the world.
Sara shifted Sandy to her free arm and then held up the other, "just take it off please." Matt glanced back at me and then grabbed the other arm of the t-shirt pulling the whole thing up and off of my wife, tossing the t-shirt to the rocking chair sitting beside the couch. Matt sat down on the couch beside my half naked wife as she brought Sandy's mouth to her nipple.
Sara had never been shy about feeding our daughter in public, but had always made some effort to cover up the exposed breast as Sandy was sucking. My wife being fully exposed like this, in front of her whole family, had my mouth hanging open in surprise. I quickly glanced around the table and saw that everybody was watching her feed our daughter although none of them seemed to be too surprised by her semi-nudity.
Sandy was sucking greedily on Sara's right tit. Matt commented, "they sure do look full" and he took my wife's left tit in his hand and bounced it in his palm, gently holding it.
My wife had that loving, sweet look on her face that appeared every time she was feeding our daughter. She looked down at her brother's hand on her breast and then into his face, "they are full, and heavy, and..." At that moment Matt's squeezing produced a shot of mother's milk which squirted out across the floor. Sara laughed as did everybody. "You better watch out bro, I'm armed and dangerous."
Matt, also laughing, and looking at our daughter he said, "that stuff must be good" and he licked the milk off of his hand. "hmmm, it is good." Then he blew my mind completely by leaning in to my wife and placing his lips on her breast. I could see his cheeks hollow out as he sucked on her tit drawing some of the milk into his mouth.
Sara groaned and her eyes fluttered, murmuring, "Maaattttt." She groaned again and I could see that he was using his tongue to swipe at her nipple as he squeezed more. Then he pulled away from her tit dragging her nipple out as he continued to suck before releasing it, and swallowing the milk that he had just sucked from my wife's tit. Then Matt leaned over to kiss my wife squarely on the lips. We could all hear him quietly say, "I've missed your tits sis." My wife's eyes fluttered but as the kiss broke her whispered agreement was audible to all of us. Matt rose off of the couch and returned to us at the table while Sara continued to feed our daughter.
Other than the fact that my half naked wife was still sitting in full view on the couch, things returned to 'normal' as the conversation picked up again. We were all having a good time and I could definitely feel the rosy glow from the hootch suffusing my body. Everybody was flushed and animated as Steph and Susan cleared the table. Tom finished his pipe, tamping the burnt tobacco into a bowl that he had handy for that purpose.
Finally Sara was done and Susan went over to lift our now sleeping daughter into her arms. Tom, after a brief stop at the CD player to start some Christmas tunes playing, sat down beside his daughter who did nothing to retrieve her t-shirt or in any other way attempt to cover up. I sat on the couch on the other side of my wife and looked at her. She looked beautiful with her heavy milk-laden breasts sitting high up on her chest. Susan was strolling around the room crooning a Christmas hymn to Sandy while Matt and Stephanie continued to sit at the table watching everyone. Sara's naked breasts did not seem to bother anyone except me. I looked to my wife and found that she was looking right back at me. She leaned over to me, putting her finger across my lips and hushing, "it's ok dear. I'll explain it all later. Just be good with everything please." She looked at me so pleadingly that all I could do was nod my head for which I was rewarded with a beaming smile and anouther kiss.
At that moment the cuckoo clock hung over the mantle started to sound midnight. Susan paused in her strolling to look over at Stephanie with a huge smile on her face, "Happy Birthday darling. Are you ready?"
With a firm nod of her head the pixie-like girl stated, "yes mom, I've been ready for a long time." Her face lit up into an amazing smile as she stood from the table.
Tom said, "Matt, can you get the roll please."
Matt stood and quickly disappeared into the basement, returning in a moment with a thin mattress that he unrolled in the middle of the living room floor – directly in front of the couch. Then he pulled some pillows off of the rocking chair and the end of the couch and laid them on the mattress.
Stephanie moved over to stand in the middle of the living room as Matt stood back. Susan moved behind her daughter and we could see her free hand working at the back of the girl's dress for a moment. Then with some frustration Sara's mother said, "this isn't going to work one handed. Matt, could you please do this? I'm going to put the baby to bed." With that Susan started to head up the stairs with our daughter.
"No, mom," came from Sara. She looked at me, gripped my leg and squeezed as she continued, "David should take Sandy up and put her to bed." She looked imploringly at me so I just shrugged and got to my feet. I went over to Susan and she passed Sandy to me. I briefly glanced over to Stephanie and could see that the top button of her dress had been undone. I looked back at my wife to see her shoo'ing me up the stairs, so that is what I did.
As I headed up the stairs I could see that Tom and Sara were sitting back on the couch as Matt stepped behind his sister. Matt's hands went to the back of her dress and his lips dropped to her cheek and then her neck. Silently I paused at the landing at the top of the stairs to watch. Matt was nibbling and tonguing his sister's neck! Stephanie's eyes were closed with her pretty mouth open in a perfect 'O' as she tilted her head to the side to give him access.
Susan poked him in the ribs to hurry him along, so Matt straightened to concentrate on what he was evidently supposed to be doing. Shortly I could see the front of Stephanie's white dress loosen and then his hands were easing the dress off of her shoulders and letting it fall down her body to the floor. He held her while she gracefully stepped out of the dress and with one foot kicked it to the side of the room so that it landed under the Christmas tree.
Stephanie was standing in front of her family in her black bra and panties, staring first at her sister, then squarely into her father's eyes. Matt, fumbling for a moment, unclipped the bra and then brushed the straps off of her shoulders. As he knelt behind his sister, everybody was treated to a view of two perfectly formed, pear shaped breasts riding high on her barely eighteen year old torso. Her nipples were large – like my wife's – and protruding erectly from her aureoles. From my vantage I saw movement on the couch and even though it was difficult to pull my view from Steph, I looked down to see Tom's hand resting on Sara's thigh, softly kneading it.
At that moment Sandy chose to start squirming again, so I had to take her into the bedroom and work to settle her down. It took a bit longer than I thought it would, but eventually Sandy settled, and I gently placed our daughter into the crib and tucked her in. Then I moved silently back to the landing and looked down before descending the stairs. I froze in astonishment at what I was looking at.
Stephanie was nude, as was Susan who was standing behind her daughter softly kneading her breasts while placing soft kisses on the back of her neck. Matt was standing to one side watching them.
I heard Tom clear his voice, "Sara, sweetie, could you please help me out?" I looked to see that he was unbuckling his belt and pulling his zipper down. Sara nodded quickly and said, "sure dad, I'd be happy to."
My wife slid off of the couch to kneel at her father's feet. She got a good grip on his jeans and shorts while he was unbuttoning his shirt. He lifted his ass off of the couch and she heaved, pulling them off. Sara pushed them aside and then stood taking his shirt from him and putting it aside with the rest of his clothes. Tom was now sitting naked on the couch.
He took his semi-flaccid cock in his hand, and started to pull on it while my wife returned to her seat beside her now naked father. I could see her deliberately place her hand on her father's naked thigh and start to lightly trace her fingers up and down. Whenever she did that to me it drove me crazy.
"Ok Stephanie, we want you to lie down here on the mattress and your brother will help to put the pillows in the right spot," we heard from Susan.
"Sara," again from Tom, "could you please help your old man out some more?" He was looking at my wife with a crooked grin while fisting his cock. He had achieved semi-hardness on his own, but it was clear he could use some help. Sara looked quickly up at the stairs, but I don't think she could see me standing in the darkness before nodding to her dad and then bending over his lap. I watched, totally flabbergasted as my wife opened her mouth to lick the head of her father's prick. The effect was instant as his cock started to fill out. Tom placed his hand on the back of my wife's head and pushed her down. Sara opened her mouth and engulfed her father's cock, taking him down to the root. My wife was a good cocksucker, and while I had never thought about it before, I was now starting to wonder about where she had become 'so good' at it.
My knees were weak, and I suddenly felt dizzy. I found myself sitting on the top landing and I must have made some noise as I saw Tom's face briefly turn up to look in my direction.
By now, Stephanie was on her back on the mattress and Matt had arranged the pillows such that her ass and lower back were raised. He had just finished pulling Steph's legs apart, displaying her lower lips to best effect. We could all see the moisture glistening there. Susan looked over to see Sara sucking her husband and softly said to Matt, "your dad is going to need a moment. Can you get your sister warmed up sweetie?"
Matt nodded, "sure mom", and knelt down between his sister's legs, and then dropped to lie prone with his face hovering above her. He proceeded to lick and softly nibble at Stephanie's inner thighs, dragging his tongue up and into her pubic nest. Stephanie started to gasp, groaning and moaning as her brother tasted her. Meanwhile, Susan knelt down at Stephanie's head to kiss her lips while kneading her breasts.
I could see that Tom now had Sara's head in both hands and was thrusting her down on his cock with more vigor. As she pulled up to noisily breathe through her nose I could see that Tom's prick was now very hard. My wife pulled her mouth from her father and with a final sucking noise released him completely. His breathing was starting to sound like Stephanie's. Sara stood and sat down again beside her father making sure to keep her hand on her father's prick to keep pulling at it.
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This story was edited by my friend, ‘Chantal’ who always makes it a much better read. Hope you enjoy it and ‘Happy Holidays’. * I live in a medium-size town in the Midwest. I served four years in the army. When I got out, I went to college for two years and received my Associate Degree in Criminal Law. There weren’t many jobs available, but I was able to land a job in security at the mall. There was a lot of turnover in my profession, but I decided to stay with it and I became head of...
It was just another card game with the boys when Brad said something weird. “Oh, fuck! My wife is going to kill me!” he suddenly exclaimed. “What the hell are you talking about?” asked Joe. Brad’s young wife Bobbi was the most timid and woman around. Not like Paul’s wife. She had just wandered through the kitchen in a see-through nighty, giving all the guys instant boners. Paul especially. Joe remembered poor Bobbi from a party when they were in high...
She saw him up there sitting on a high throne of red and green velvet and she thought well why not her boyfriend had broken up with her two weeks ago seems he found another girl to lie to...Barry had been a good lover but he was never her friend not really Patricia always knew what a con man he was but the sex had been so great that she overlooked a lot well Barry was gone now and she was lonely and kind of horny too so when she decided to sit on Santa's lap it was not just to ask for presents...
Attached is a short, holiday contribution to the list. Feel free to post this on Fictionmania and any free site. Also, comments and suggestions are welcome. Enjoy! A Letter from Santa By JDCopyhack "Okay, Rudolph. You can power down now. Looks like we have clear skies ahead." Santa leaned back in his sleigh and peered out upon the horizon. The cloudy, foggy, snowy, wintry sky had given way to the warm, clear skies of Florida. Looking out the left side of his sleigh, he...
Author’s Note: Jake Rivers is my new pseudonym to replace Dynamite Jack. The first of the year I will be changing all of my stories over to my new id. Thanks to the many readers that have given support and encouragement. Thanks to techsan for his editing help. Early December – Charlie People think it’s easy to do this Santa Claus crap at the department stores. I’m here to tell you it’s one hell of a lot of work. All day, every day for a few weeks in that damn Santa get up. How would you...
"Ho! Ho! Ho! Welcome to another edition of 'Letters To Santa', the show where yours truly reads letters from viewers like you on the air. Now before we get to this weeks' letters, Santa wants all of you to know that this past year has been one for the ages, and not in a good way. As I'm certain many of you already know, Santa has had a few legal problems I had to deal with. You may recall on last years' Christmas show, I threatened to burn down the house of a man named Jay, from New York. Well...
HumorA Pipe Smoking Santa by Braagii© I just had to do it. See, Sarah has 3 young c***dren, no job, no husband and not a lot of money. Yep, I will put on a Santa suit to give presents at her house. It’s not like I mind. I always loved Christmas, Santa’s character, shopping for presents, snow gently covering the city, everything. I got inside my car and was on my way to her house. I parked 4 houses away, and walked up to the back door, as instructed. There she was, like we had said, waiting for me...
A Pipe Smoking Santaby Braagii©I just had to do it. See, Sarah has 3 young c***dren, no job, no husband and not a lot of money. Yep, I will put on a Santa suit to give presents at her house. It's not like I mind. I always loved Christmas; Santa's character, shopping for presents, snow gently covering the city, everything. I got inside my car and was on my way to her house.I parked 4 houses away, and walked up to the back door, as instructed. There she was, like we had said, waiting for me at...
Copyright© Early December - Charlie People think it's easy to do this Santa Claus crap at the department stores. I'm here to tell you it's one hell of a lot of work. All day, every day for a few weeks in that damn Santa get up. How would you like to wear that sweat soaked outfit day after day until it gets so wet and smelly so that you couldn't stand it yourself. And the kids? People have this strange idea that, especially at Christmas time, kids are charming little angels. They are...
"Who is coming to this party then, that I know I mean," asked Jayne as she fixed her makeup."The usual suspects. None of the ones you like and most of the ones you don't. Including your favourite of course," replied John knowing full well what Jayne's response would be."Oh no, not Ben. He's such a pain. He's so boorish and he insists on 'flirting' with me. I've told him exactly what I think of him but he still keeps coming on to me. Can't you stop him?" Jayne was pulling her best sexy, pouting,...
CheatingMy sister Rebecca had given birth to Sean 10 years ago. She had gonethrough what our mother preferred to call "a phase," and so she didn't knowwho Sean's father was. None of her current beaus at the time cared toconsider a claim, and so I had become Sean's surrogate father. Rebecca hadmoved closer to where I live so Sean would be able to spend more time withme and have a positive male role model in his life. It wasn't uncommon forhim to spend even weeks at my home during the school year. ...
Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas! And welcome to another episode of Letters To Santa, the show where I read letters form viewers like you on the air. Now before I read this weeks letters, I've got some old business to address. First is the investigation by the authorities about my workshop claiming that it was a sweatshop staffed by children working for little or no pay. Seriously? Staffed by children? I guess they've never seen elves before. Well anyway, that's been resolved. Santa only had to pay...
HumorMy sister Kay found out the other day that I was going to be playing Santa Claus on the same evening that she was going to be travelling through town. I told her she should stop by and get a picture on Santa’s lap but she replied, “My idea of sitting on Santa’s lap might not work with a crowd around.” Yeah, that got my north pole as hard as polar ice!!Anyhow, that evening it seemed like every mother and grandmother that came to get their precious little one’s picture with Santa also wanted to...
My Letters to Santa By Bad Irving Dear Santa: Dec 8 Please bring me big boobs for Christmas. Your pal, Bad Irving ----- Dear Bad: Dec 10 Santa is a little confused, what are you asking for? This seems a strange request. Ho, ho, ho, Santa Claus ----- Dear Santa: Dec 12 Well of course I meant for them to be attached to a beautiful woman that's horny for me! Sorry, for the confusion. Your pal, Bad Irving ----- Dear Bad: Dec 14 I am getting very...
“You are going to get yourself arrested,” his companion shrieked in a shrill-like voice. “You are just mad.”Mike smiled at his friend and shrugged. “I am not mad. It's Christmas. Where's your Christmas spirit? She'll thank me. Well maybe she won't, but she would if she could and knew it was me.”Rose shook her head and took her glass of wine from the table, looking up at her corybantic friend; even by his standards, his planned night-time delivery for the girl next door was simply a ridiculous...
He handed her a glass of champagne. “Thank you darling.” She said as she lifted her hand from the hot soapy water and took hold of the flute stem. “You are spoiling me tonight.” She said as she smiled. Steve leaned over the edge of the bath and kissed gently her. “Well it is our wedding anniversary and Christmas Eve.” He told her. And of course you are a very beautiful lady.” Sonya reached up and kissed him. “You are sweet.” “One last mention of the children tonight. “ He told her. “Mum said...
InterracialEvery year I take my k**s to go see Santa and to get their picture taken with him. Over the last couple years I would also sit on Santa’s lap and tell him what I wanted for Christmas. Last year it was a TV and the year before that it was a vacuum. You get the idea, practical gifts for the practical mom. This year I decided to ask for something other than a practical item and here is how it went down.As I waited in line for Santa I was getting nervous because I had something different in...
The Swarm Cycle Universe Copyright© 2007 The Thinking Horndog The choices looked bad for Clara. There was one security officer, three husbands with their wives, five or six male clerks, mostly with pimply faces, and several hundred housewives with kids. Oh, phooey! The best looking of the kids was a Volunteer himself. Clara needed a stud. “Mommy, we need to get back in line!” Melissa was dragging at her mother. Six-year-olds really don’t care if a pick-up is happening. They want their...
I had just finished playing Santa for a bunch of k**s at a homeless shelter and was heading home I had walked there as it was close to where I lived I was still wearing my Santa suit when I was assaulted by a gang of young street thugs I did not see the punch coming till it hit me in the face see I was coming down this kind of dark alley I knew I should not have gone down there but it was a shortcut that would save me at least ten minutes walking time so I took a chance what a dope I was...
"You are going to get yourself arrested," his companion shrieked in a shrill-like voice. "You are just mad." Mike smiled at his friend and shrugged. "I am not mad. It's Christmas. Where's your Christmas spirit? She'll thank me. Well maybe she won't, but she would if she could and knew it was me." Rose shook her head and took her glass of wine from the table, looking up at her corybantic friend; even by his standards, his planned night-time delivery for the girl next door was simply...
MALL SANTA Back when I was in high school, I was told I needed a college education if I was ever going to have the American dream – you know, house in suburbia, wife who is even hotter now than before our 2.5 kids were born, a nice SUV for her, a cool truck for me, golfing, maybe a little boat to use for fishing on weekends, all that shit middle-class kids are told they'll want when they grow up. There was one major problem with all of that. I was a decent enough student to get into a...
Dear Santa By Karen Singer December 2013 Dear Santa, This is Billy Simpson. I know you don't really exist, but I hope you don't mind me writing to you anyway. Which I guess is kind of dumb because how can you mind if you don't even exist? I mean, I'm ten years old now. I wasn't born yesterday! I know that it's really Mom and Dad putting all the gifts out under the tree. But still, if you don't mind, I need to think of you as being real right now, because I've got no...
“You do know that Santa’s in charge of the North Pole and all ofthe elves, right?” Jason said continuing our playful argument. “You’re nuts. Mrs. Claus is in complete control. The only reason Santa flies around in the sleigh is because Mrs. Claus needs sleep after working the entire year for this one night. She makes him do it and he probably whines the whole time.” I counter. Then in my best mock whining voice I continue “It’s coooold, it’s snowinggg, where’s the hot chocolate, my coat is...
Oral SexPreface: Let me tell you a little about myself. I am now nearing 40 years old. I have been playing Santa for 23 years now, mostly for my own kids, although I have also been a department store Santa as well. My 3 kids are Anna age 11, Janet age 13, and Samantha age 14, she will be 15 in a couple of days. All three of them still believe in Santa, though Samantha is a little suspicious as to if there is actually a Santa or not. (Perhaps Santa will visit her this Christmas.) A thief: My job as...
June was standing in the line for the mall Santa Claus, crushed between crabby, stressed out parents and their whining kids. She was trying to keep her niece and nephew under control and failing miserably as they kept running off toward any little thing which caught their attention. Fed up with them, June yelled, "Goddamn it, stand still you brats!" After she gave voice to her frustration, there was a hush as the entire line seemed to hold its collective breath in response. June weathered a...
I had been out of work for about 4 months due to redundacy, applying for everything from road sweeper to shop assistant. I had applied for store Santa way back filled in a criminal search form and sent it off, really forgetting about it. I had a letter stating I had got the christmas job as store santa in a very posh department store in the city, I was very pleased as it was the oppertunity I needed.I went for some trainning usua; stuff ho ho ho and had you been a good c***d all that crap and...
Not really wanting to work on series writing these days. Here is a favorite fantasy of mine! ============= I recently built “Santa’s workshop” just down the road from where I live. I play Santa, with a real beard and everything during November and December and the rest of the year I am a woodworking hobbyist. For years I have worked out of my garage and basement. But this year it just worked out for me to buy the old store building so I did. I was there about midnight the other night when...
In the end you could tell my Company Chief was an ex-sales guy. Dammit! At least that's 'my' excuse for why 'I' ended up in the Santa Suit halfway through the Christmas dinner celebrations. Don’t get any wise ideas! I'm not that fat, at least I don't think so,well-upholstered yes, but not fat! So my hair and beard are pretty white these days, I told him straight that was working for him, the bastard! So he had me hooked. OK, so greed came into it, bribery! In the back of my mind, that extra...
Straight SexPlease, please, PLEASE leave me a message / comment if you enjoy this story. It is a complete work of fantasy....But what a fantasy it is!!!Okay, I admit it. I had drunk WAY too much at the Christmas party and did some stupid things, but I never dreamed in my wildest dreams things would go to where they did!! I mean, I am glad I did not do anything really stupid in public and I am thankful that Jim and his wife drove me home, but what happened after the door closed and they drove off, just...
Late Letter to Santa By Paul G. Jutras Robert wanted only one thing each year in his letters to Santa. To wake up on Christmas morning to find himself turned into a girl. Each morning when he would get up and find that he was still a guy getting male bathing trunks for summer and stuff that would scream out, "YOU'RE A MAN DEAL WITH IT!" he would sink into a deeper depression. As time went on and Robert got over his belief in Santa and everything else slowly disappeared. Becoming a...
I Wish I Were Santa Oh, how I wish I were Santa, the most popular man of this season. Girls from around the world would come from far and wide, and stand in line to sit in my lap, snuggle up to me, and tell me their every wish and desire. I would listen attentively, as if I existed for no higher purpose than to give them what the want -- to make them happy. Of course I would listen, for I would be Santa -- the magic man who can make your dreams come true. Pour your heart out to me, put your...
Aislin is a talented baker. She has had a long time to perfect her skill, and she can bake pretty much anything. Being the Mrs. Claus comes with a very long life. Some may say that it is great being in such a position or being, next to Santa himself, the most important person come the holidays. Some would argue that it isn’t all milk and cookies and can be a dreadful existence. Aislin will not give you a direct answer on whether it is a good thing or not. If anything, she is content with her...
In the end you could tell my Company Chief was an ex-sales guy. Dammit! At least that's 'my' excuse for why 'I' ended up in the Santa Suit half way through the Christmas dinner celebrations. Don't get any wise ideas! I'm not that fat - at least I don't think so, well upholstered yes - but not fat! So my hair and beard are pretty white these days - I told him straight that that was working for him - the bastard! So he had me hooked. OK, so greed came into it - bribery! In the back of...
Last night Andrea and I were relaxing watching TV when the phone rang. Andrea talked for only a minute or two then hung up. She said Tim is coming over to fuck. I asked if I had to leave and she said no it's Christmas and I'm going to allow you to watch. She headed towards the bedroom and told me to follow her. As soon as I entered the room she said strip naked. I did as told and in a flash Andrea was on her knees putting a chastity cage on me. I asked why and she said no jerking off. Then she...
An Edgar Allen Poe-m for Christmas Copyright© 2005 Russell Hoisington (With deepest apologies to the author of the original.) Once upon a midnight, dearie, while I sat with eyes so bleary, Viewing many a strange and curious website of forbidden lore, While I nodded, lightly napping, from the fireplace came a tapping, As of someone gently rapping, rapping at the damper door. " 'Tis some rodent pest," I muttered, "tapping at my damper door; Only this, and nothing more." Ah,...
Letter to Santa by Catmandu99 Dear Santa, How's it going? Sorry about the sugar-free cookies and 2% milk last year. Bob (that's my husband - but I'm sure you already knew that) said that you were getting a bit pudgy and he thought your heart wouldn't be able to handle the added cholesterol. Don't worry. I'll sneak in some real cookies and milk this year. Speaking of last year, I'd like to talk to you about last year's present. I appreciate the fact that you were thinking of...
‘Go on boy, Good Old Santa!’ Cindy, a precocious eighteen year old in her twelfth grade at high school, smiled sweetly at her mother and assured her that she would not stay out late. Clare, her best friend, also had school in the morning, so they would not leave it too late leaving the city centre. They would watch the movie, grab a McDonald’s and catch the bus home before the riff-raff, drinking themselves silly in the bars and clubs, spilled onto the streets and caused their usual mayhem....
“You do know that Santa’s in charge of the North Pole and all ofthe elves, right?” Jason said continuing our playful argument. “You’re nuts. Mrs. Claus is in complete control. The only reason Santa flies around in the sleigh is because Mrs. Claus needs sleep after working the entire year for this one night. She makes him do it and he probably whines the whole time.” I counter. Then in my best mock whining voice I continue “It’s coooold, it’s snowinggg, where’s the hot chocolate, my coat is...
In the end you could tell my Company Chief was an ex-sales guy. Dammit! At least that’s ‘my’ excuse for why ‘I’ ended up in the Santa Suit halfway through the Christmas dinner celebrations. Don’t get any wise ideas! I’m not that fat, at least I don’t think so,well-upholstered yes, but not fat! So my hair and beard are pretty white these days, I told him straight that was working for him, the bastard! So he had me hooked. OK, so greed came into it, bribery! In the back of my mind, that extra...
"Fuck me now" the slutty elf demanded. The store Santa looked at her astounded. He was asked for a lot of things during the daytime, a litany of youthful demands, but coming home and being met by her dressed in her sluttiest elf outfit had thrown him off his stroke. Being ordered to fuck her had instantly filled his sack with a hardness he wouldn't dare to show at work. This would make the days of having to fulfill an endless line of demanding parents worthwhile.She reached out and grasped his...
It was a week before Xmas and my friend billy, his wife Anna (names changed) my wife Jill and myself were invited to a 40th birthday party.My wife looked stunning this particular night in a pencil skirt and fishnet tights and a pair of black calf high boots. I could hardly take my eyes off her and neither could a lot of the male guests at the party and i could see was getting admiring glances from some of the other women. Needless to say it was a great night had by all, what with the time of...
Ken finished his run on the treadmill in the basement fitness center while listening to the radio. In between songs he was reminded of the winter storm that raged around them. News reports of eight inches were predicted, with the high winds creating drifts up to two feet deep. Air travel was all but halted in the region with thousands of holiday travelers stranded.He grabbed a towel and paused to wipe the sweat from his face and bare, muscular chest and arms. He could hear the wind whipping at...
I was playing Santa at a party and my girlfriend said that we should go because she was tired. I said no, so she said, “Well, how ‘bout I give you a 'present' on the way home?” Of course I got us the hell out of there. But then in the car she decided she wasn't going to do it so I got mad. When I brought her home, she told me that she was sorry she didn't perform, and said, “If you beat me upstairs I’ll suck your dick, but if I beat you, then you have to eat me out.” We raced and she beat me,...
He handed her a glass of champagne. “Thank you darling.” She said as she lifted her hand from the hot soapy water and took hold of the flute stem. “You are spoiling me tonight.” She said as she smiled. Steve leaned over the edge of the bath and kissed gently her. “Well it is our wedding anniversary and Christmas Eve.” He told her. And of course you are a very beautiful lady.” Sonya reached up and kissed him. “You are sweet.” “One last mention of the children tonight. “ He told her. “Mum...
The air was bitterly cold as I approached the next stop. Even with the winds, the landing was easy given the broad expanse of smooth snow-covered ice. Here, in at the beginning of their summer, the sunlight reflected brightly from the landscape and reminded me of home. Dancer reminded me that this was the farthest point on the planet from that warm, comfortable bed that I wanted to get back to, so I moved quickly to the main buildings to hasten my return. The tree in the dining hall was...
I’M SITTING IN A COFFEE SHOP in Madison Park watching the locals come in for a Sunday morning coffee and newspaper. I’m lucky there’s a connection. I blend in perfectly with the surroundings here—just another Sunday morning blogger. I can see three other laptops from where I’m sitting. I’ll bet none of them got here directly from breaking and entering, though. I’ve got to break this habit. Breaking and entering I got up at five after way too little sleep. The coffee buzz from yesterday...
© Hitchhiker 2002 High in the Kentucky hills it had been snowing for most of the day and as darkness began to fall. Don and Peter were starting think about somewhere warmer than their tent to spend the night. Up in the high woods houses are few and far between. Ann had been living on her own for over year now, after her husband had died. Now that her grief had eased. Her bouts of loneliness had become sessions of fantasy and she was now in need of the affections of a man again. During the last...
Group SexHathat ghum bhenge suni maa gharer baire kar sange jeno katha bolchhe- “Tor jonye amar khub kharap lage re. Toke ja dekhte, amar e toke bichhanay fele chatkate ichchhe kare. Ashok toke khub chudto, na?” Bujhte parlam maa kaar sathe katha bolchhe. Sabita boudi esechhe nischai. Ashok amar dur-samparker dada, maas chhayek age liver er ki ekta asukh hoye mara gechhe. Ashok dada amar theke bachhor panchiser baro habe. Desher barir gramer sab adbhut samparka. Jai hok, ebar Sabita boudir gala sunte...
Secretes By Mistress Kay Most nights at the motel are non eventful, But this Friday night was different. JoMarie was at the counter waiting for her friend to get in from Texas. Now JoMarie has a past with him (John ). She can never tell him NO. And this night was no different. JoMarie and John has been playing around with BDSM and they have been taking turns being the top. JoMarie didn’t feel right dominating John but he seamed to enjoy it. JoMarie had gotten herself a Master and over the...
When people enter a barbershop or salon the most extreme thing they think might happen is for them to leave with a bad haircut or styling, something that is annoying, but will grow out given time. 99 times out of 100 that is exactly what happens. However few people know there is a war, of sorts, going on and it is being waged by a secret cabal of salons, not on each other, but on everyday thought, everyday people. Some of these secret salons do what they do deliberately, others by...