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Ken finished his run on the treadmill in the basement fitness center while listening to the radio. In between songs he was reminded of the winter storm that raged around them. News reports of eight inches were predicted, with the high winds creating drifts up to two feet deep. Air travel was all but halted in the region with thousands of holiday travelers stranded.

He grabbed a towel and paused to wipe the sweat from his face and bare, muscular chest and arms. He could hear the wind whipping at the small, high basement window, the two panes frosted with ice and snow. After turning off the radio Ken climbed the stairs and doused the light.

It was late in the afternoon of Christmas Eve and cheerful holiday music was playing, just as it always had on this special day every year he could recall. But the festive mood was dampened by the harsh reality of the unexpected blizzard and the pending arrival of his father and sister.

Janice was attending college and with the rising costs of air travel she'd decided not to come home for Christmas. However as the holiday grew closer and her homesickness worsened, she began regretting that premature decision. So their dad took some time off from work to make the drive and pick her up, with the added benefit of giving father and daughter some private time to reconnect.

The thought of the whole family being together brought joy to his mom's heart and everyone became increasingly excited as the holiday approached. Not one of them contemplated the possibility of an unexpected storm isolating them from one another on this most special of family holidays filled with traditions.

As he walked into the kitchen he saw his mom standing in front of the counter spooning spiced apple wedges into a pie shell. He could sense the lack of joy in her robot-like motions and knew that the storm was lying heavily on her heart.

His mother was wearing what she usually did on this day every year; a pair of dark stretch-knit slacks with an elastic waistband and a bright red holiday sweatshirt featuring a Christmas tree with charms that dangled from the branches like ornaments. She looked good with her dark hair nicely styled for the occasion, and gold reindeer earrings dangling from her lobes.

The room was filled with the smells of baking. That happened only twice a year; on Thanksgiving morning and on Christmas Eve. Ken always looked forward to these holidays for very sweet reasons, and never tired of them.

"Have you heard anything more?" he asked as he closed the distance, stepping up behind her and reaching both hands around her slender waist.

"Not since this morning," she answered in a depressed tone. "I sure do miss them."

"I know, so do I," Ken admitted before gently kissing the side of her face and breathing in her pleasant scent. "I'm going to take a shower."


As his arms withdrew from around her waist he playfully swatted her shapely buttocks.

"Hey," she responded in a slightly lighthearted voice.

"I love you, Mom," he called out from several steps away.

She replied sarcastically, "Yeah, right, it really shows. This abuse stops once your father gets home."

Ken grinned. "But until then, watch out!"

* * * * *

...National Guard has been called in to help rescue the occupants of stranded vehicles in several areas. Local police and medical authorities have been overwhelmed with -

Ken saw the look of grave concern on his mother's face and knew she didn't need to hear any more bad news than she had already, so he turned the television off. She was watching so intently that she hadn't even noticed his presence in the room until the screen went blank.

"Hey, I was watching that," she looked up and told him.

"They're fine, Mom, everything is going to be okay," he reassured her as he turned the stereo back on to a commercial-free, all-Christmas station.

"You don't know that, Ken," she spoke sternly as worry lines appeared on her face. "This storm is turning out to be much worse than the forecasters ever predicted. It's taken everyone by surprise, and couldn't have happened at a worse time."

"You're starting to sound like one of them," Ken replied with a chuckle as he pointed at the blank screen. "Give Dad some credit, he knows what to do."

"I do. It's the other people that scare me."

The ringing of the telephone made them both jump. Linda quickly reached for the cordless receiver she'd been keeping close at hand.


Ken watched and waited to see who might be calling, silently hoping it might be his dad or sister. When he saw the expression of relief expanding across his mother's face he knew the news had to be good.

"Oh Greg, thank God, I've been worried sick. Where are you?"

He stepped closer to his mom, trying to listen in. Seeing his intention she angled the phone a little more in his direction.

"...truck stop about an hour north of the lake. The place is packed. One of the drivers was telling me that snowdrifts have forced the state police to close part of the interstate fifteen miles south of here and authorities are recommending people stay here or seek shelter at one of the local hotels."

"I would rest easier knowing you two are safe and not out in that storm," she quickly decided. "But it's not going to make for much of a Christmas for us this year."

"We'll all make the best of it, sweetheart. I'll call again once we get settled down for the night. Love you."

"Love you too. Please be careful, Greg, and give Janice a big hug from us both."

Ken smiled at that final statement as he thought of the sister he'd been missing like crazy since her departure months earlier. He hadn't seen her since the end of summer, although they did talk frequently.

Linda heavily sighed as she hung up. She turned to her son and smiled weakly. "What sounds good for dinner? It looks like it'll just be us."

He returned the same expression and reached his left arm around her waist. Her smile briefly widened before disappearing altogether as she leaned against his strong body and placed her head on his shoulder.

"I'm so relieved to hear they're safe, but I was really looking forward to having the family together again for the holidays."

Ken gave her waist a compassionate squeeze. "Like Dad said, we'll make the best of it and celebrate a day or two late. As for your question, how about a few slices of that spiral-sliced, honey-baked ham, with mashed potatoes and corn on the cob?"

"Now that sounds -" Linda started to say, but was rudely interrupted when the power went out and the house fell silent. "As I was saying, that sounds good, but we may have to settle for sandwiches."

"It won't be out for that long," Ken voiced his vote of confidence.

* * * * *

"What would you like on your sandwich?" Linda called out from the kitchen.

It was getting dark and chilly. Ken was scouting the various closets looking for candles, flashlights, and matches while he could still see. His search had yielded a total of three candles and a lighter. They weren't exactly the type of family to prepare for such unlikely events as these.

"Uh... I'll have mustard and a slice of that Swiss cheese please," he called back. "Thanks, Mom. I think I've found all of the candles we have. Where do you want them?"

"The living room will be fine, sweetheart. I'll bring the sandwiches in after I'm done."

A short time later mother and son sat on the couch in relative darkness, with dim lighting provided by three berry-scented candles. One was resting on the entertainment unit across the room, and two were on the coffee table they were using as a dinner table, one positioned at each end. Ken set up a portable, battery-powered boom box on an end table, tuned in to the same station they'd been listening to earlier.

"This is kind of romantic," Ken announced, trying to sound upbeat for his mother's sake.

"That's one word for it," she decided with a brief chuckle. "I was thinking more along the lines of pathetic myself."

"Come on, we're enjoying good food with great companionship and listening to Christmas music," he pointed out. "I know it could be better, but it's Christmas Eve for goodness sake. Try and enjoy it a little."

"I'm worried about your father," she admitted with a sigh. "He still hasn't called."

Ken swallowed a bite of his sandwich and washed it down with a swig from a soda can. "He may have tried, but cordless phones need power too."

"Oh," she said, sounding disappointed. "I hadn't thought of that. The phones used to work without power. What about the cell?"

Ken shrugged his shoulders as he took another bite. "Don't know, the towers may not have power either, or the network could be down. Depends how widespread this is, I guess."

"You know, back when I was your age, losing power was fairly common and it was just a minor inconvenience," Linda recalled. "Nowadays it seems like your whole life is put on hold."

"They had electricity back then?" he quipped, teasing his mom about her age.

"Hey buster, I brought you into this world, and I can take you out of it." Her deadpan, tough-girl impersonation got Ken laughing, and she joined in, helping to relieve some of the tension in her body.

"Dinner's good, Mom," Ken spoke up afterwards, trying to encourage her. "You should eat your sandwich."

Linda looked down and thought about it, but her stomach was knotted from all of the concern over Greg and Janice's safety and it just didn't sound very good to her at the moment. "You eat it, Ken. I'll get something a little later. Brr, it's getting chilly in here."

"Slide closer, I'll warm you up," he offered.

She grinned suspiciously. "Yeah, I know what's on that dirty little mind of yours."

Ken rolled his eyes. "Please, I wasn't even thinking of that. Well, at least not yet."

Linda considered his invitation and decided to take him up on it. She lifted her legs up onto the couch, tucking them underneath her body, and angled her body into his right side. He shifted as well until her back was pressing against his chest. He slid both arms around her tightly, holding her close and sharing their body heat.

"This isn't the worst Christmas I've ever had," Linda confessed.

Ken's interest was piqued. "What was the worst one?"

"It was back when your father and I were dating," she recalled with a whimsical grin. "I don't think words can do it justice, you had to have been there."

"Come on, try me," he pleaded.

She looked over at him, smiled with a mother's pride, and lovingly kissed the right side of his face.

"Okay, I'll try," Linda agreed. "I didn't know it at that time, but Greg told his parents that he was going to ask me to marry him. Since they knew, and before I did mind you, they made sure that the grandparents would be there to meet me.

"I was pretty nervous about spending Christmas break of our junior year of college with a family of strangers. And with two sets of grandparents thrown in for good measure, the house was nothing short of a zoo. Every meal was a logistical nightmare requiring us all to eat in shifts, and I was lucky to get a hot shower twice the whole two weeks we were there.

"Due to all of the problems we were having, Greg's father decided to open the gifts on Christmas Eve instead of in the morning. The grandparents were appalled and argued that point for well over an hour, complaining through all of the gift-giving festivities. And then Greg's grandfather on his mother's side had a gas outbreak that had us all gagging with disgust. He was finally forced out onto the front porch."

Ken was smiling and occasionally chuckled during the description as he tried to envision all of the various events as they transpired. He understood now what she had meant about needing to have been there to fully appreciate her worst Christmas, but he also got enough out of the story to see why. He couldn't help but think of many similar comedy movies on the subject that were so popular.

"After all of that, the worst part hadn't even happened yet," she added.

Ken was caught off-guard. "What do you mean?"

"There was a blue sapphire necklace I adored, and your father intended to surprise me with it," Linda continued as her eyes moistened with emotional tears. "But two name tags fell off the gifts and this was given to his mother by mistake. She was so overwhelmed with emotion that she started crying and he didn't have the heart to tell her the truth.

"She wore it the whole time, going on and on about how special it made her feel. I never wanted anything so badly in my life yet here I was, forced to watch her wearing my beautiful necklace."

"What did you get?" he asked.

"A pair of slippers which were too small for me to even wear. I was so upset, and I knew Greg felt badly, but that really was miserable on top of everything else."

"Excuse me," Ken said as he lifted one ass cheek.

Linda's mouth and eyes widened in horror as she realized what her son was doing. "Ken!"

He squeezed her tighter and smiled. "I was only k**ding, I couldn't resist after that Christmas story. So being alone with me is better?"

"Much better," she decided. "Thanks, sweetheart."

Ken was puzzled. "Thanks? For what?"

"For helping your mom to put things in perspective; I feel much better about everything now," Linda admitted with a sigh of relief. "The only other thing I need is a call from your father reassuring me that they're okay. But if he can't get through, I know he'll take good care of himself and your sister."

As The Twelve Days of Christmas faded and Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer suddenly started, Ken felt her chest vibrating with a quiet laugh.

"I can't believe you turned me on to this song when you were younger," Linda chuckled. "Do you remember that?"

Ken grinned. "Grandma hated it," he recalled as he sang it aloud on one Christmas morning when she was late getting to the Christmas tree to open gifts. Ironically it ended up being her last holiday alive.

His right hand stealthily crept underneath his mother's decorative Christmas sweatshirt as she closed her eyes and relaxed against him, enjoying the quiet moment and body warmth they were sharing.

"Ken," she sighed in frustration as she felt her nipples swelling. "Your mother's tired from baking all day. Give her a break."

"We lost power two hours ago, you've had a break," he reminded her. "Just let me touch you a little."

Linda shook her head. "I don't know why I let you talk me into doing these things with you."

"Because we love each other, and this is how people who love each other share that special feeling," he whispered. "Just relax and enjoy it."

As various singers from bygone days sang their collections of Christmas songs, Linda settled back against her son in a semi-reclined position and took him up on his suggestion to relax. She felt his warm palms and fingers caressing her flat tummy in gentle swirling motions that felt so good on her smooth skin. Her son really knew how to treat a woman, she decided with an inward smile of pride.

It started out as very comforting, but as his hands worked higher she could feel her nipples getting hard again as they throbbed against the sweatshirt. A few moments later the tips of her fingers were pushing under the swells as they rested against her chest before tracing along the bottom curvatures. The close proximity had her nipples straining, and arousing warmth was beginning to develop deep in her loins.

"Damn you Ken!"

After teasing her to the point of arousal, his hands cupped her breasts and lovingly squeezed as his thumbs circled both areolas, rubbing on the enlarged nipple shafts. Soft moans escaped her lips as her body began to writhe. Ken smiled to himself as he knew he had his mom right where he wanted her, primed and ready to be taken.

"You need to find yourself a girlfriend and stop borrowing your father's," Linda whispered with a brief chuckle as she kicked her legs out from under her and outstretched them along the couch.

Once she was comfortable her face turned towards his and their parted lips met in a kiss. Ken's tongue extended into her mouth and entwined, intensifying its passion. Their pulses and breathing quickened as excitement warmed them from the inside out.

Wanting more, needing more, Ken's right hand moved downward, easily slipping beneath the elastic waistband of her slacks which stretched to allow him access. Her legs widened as his fingers ventured lower, lightly tracing along the vertical crease of her pussy through the thin panties she had on. Linda trembled more noticeably as her son stirred her desire.

When the fingers tracing along her outer folds pressed harder, her back arched, throwing her shoulders back against him. Ken could feel moist heat emanating from the treasure between her thighs. He pushed the thin cotton barrier into the slit as he probed her sex more intimately, realizing he had found her clit as a loud, muffled moan filled his mouth.

Ken maintained the stimulation of the small, straining bead until wetness began to soak through the panty crotch. Then he threaded several fingers under the fabric and made direct contact with her slit, thoroughly exploring its full length while savoring the succulent feel of the slick, velvet-smooth walls.

Linda could feel her son's hard cock anxiously throbbing against her lower back. She blindly reached back with her right hand and eagerly rubbed the palm and fingers over the bulge, intermittently squeezing on the rounded tip. It wasn't long before his semen had seeped long enough to form a nickel-sized patch of wetness through the denim jeans he was wearing.

It wasn't much longer before she felt her son gently working two fingers into her wet, hot canal. Linda smiled to herself, wondering how he'd respond when he found out how successful her core-muscle exercise class and sex therapy sessions he mocked her about attending turned out. They hadn't had sex since before she'd started the sessions. Greg was amazed by what she could now do.

Taking the initiative and playing the role of aggressor, Linda's lips pulled away from his and she flashed him a naughty grin. Ken was pretty sure what she had on her mind and he reached his hands back behind his head, interlacing his fingers, and leaned back. Linda pushed up his shirt to expose his muscled chest and both kissed and caressed her way down.

As her fingers worked to loosen the button and zipper, she tongued the bare skin just above the waistline of his jeans. Once the pants were open her left hand pushed his swollen cock up against his abdomen and pulled the underpants down with her right hand. With his clothing out of the way, her eyes fixated on the handsome sight of his manhood topped by the straining, reddish-purple head coated with milky dew.

Ken closed his eyes as he felt her warm, wet mouth and swirling tongue devouring the head. As she sucked the leaking sperm from his cock her fingers tightened around and stroked the large shaft. Her practiced skill was greatly appreciated and enjoyed by the men in her life. Linda relished the unique, salty flavor of her only male offspring as she feasted on his erection.

Anxious to see his reaction to her refined lovemaking techniques, she sat up and quickly shed her clothing. Once naked her hands slid his socks and pants off as he slipped out of his shirt. She straddled his impressive hard-on and lowered, guiding him to her sex. Seconds later her shapely body sank down, ingesting his cock like a seasoned sword-swallower.

Ken moaned as his toes curled; there was nothing better than the feeling of her hot cunt surrounding his full length as juice bathed it. He reached up to grasp her hips and control her movements, but she was having nothing of it and slapped his hands away.

Her son's eyes opened questioningly. "What the fuck?"

She playfully slapped his face. "Mind your manners, boy, or I'll rip it off."

He was confused. "Rip what - Oh my God!"

Linda leaned forward, gloating. "You may have muscles on the outside, but I have them on the inside. Who's laughing now?"

She couldn't help but smile at the look of shocked delight on her son's face, watching as realization dawned on him. His hips began thrusting wildly as he pounded into her constricted cunt, enjoying the joy of her pussy.

This time Linda was the aggressor, and her trained core muscles drained cum from her son several times that night. But her training also focused on her needs, and she clenched hard just as many times as she quivered in orgasm.

As the heat of joy settled over them, chased away by the growing cold, Linda grabbed a blanket and they slept, bodies interlocked, on the couch. It wasn't the holiday she'd expected, but the more she thought about it, the time she'd spent with her son was priceless in its own way.

* * * * *

"Ken, sweetheart? What's this?"

Ken was sleeping but the sound of his mother's voice woke him up. As he stirred he rubbed the sleep from his eyes and slowly awoke. "What?"

"Don't act sly, what's in the box?" she queried curiously.

Ken sat up, pushing the blanket off. He noticed the heater was humming, the house was warm, and the kitchen light was on. "Looks like the power's back on."

"What's this?" she asked, lifting up her sandwich plate where a small, wrapped gift-box the size of a cigarette pack replaced her uneaten dinner except for a small bit of crust that had been left behind.

"I don't know, I didn't put it there."

"And I suppose you didn't eat my sandwich either. Come on, if not you, then... Did your father make it back last night?"

Excited by the thought, Linda jumped to her feet and hurried to the front window and pulled the curtain back. What she saw was a winter wonderland, where a thick, heavy blanket of snow covered the driveway, lawn, trees, bushes, and the road beyond. But there was no sign of Greg's car.

Eyeing her son suspiciously, Linda returned to the couch and picked up the gift, noticing the tag which read, To Linda, From Santa. Her accusing gaze reached for Ken's eyes and drew him in.

"What? Don't look at me!" he exclaimed, professing his innocence. "I'd tell you if I put it there, but I didn't!"

A slight smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. "Did your father put you up to this?"

"No, I swear! I have no idea where that came from, I mean it!"

Linda remained unconvinced as she returned the plate to the table and picked up the box before glancing over at her son. "Then you don't mind if I open it, right?"

Ken shrugged his shoulders. "No, I don't care, go ahead."

She sliced through the elegant gold wrapping paper before pulling it from the purple velvet box. Her eyes lit up as she lifted the hinged lid and saw a blue sapphire necklace. But, wait - not only a blue sapphire necklace, it was her blue sapphire necklace, the same exact kind Greg's mother had been mistakenly given.

Linda looked up at her son as her eyes overflowed with tears of unexpected joy that began rolling down her cheeks. She leaned forward and he pulled her against his chest, feeling wet tears hitting his bare right shoulder.

"I don't know who got if for me, and I don't really care. All I can say is this is turning out to be one of the best Christmas holidays ever!"

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Hi, mera nam Ravi he, me allahabad ka rahne wala hu, meri age 18 sal he or diploma me admission lekar hostel me chala gya hu. Mere ghar me meri mom or ek badi bahn he. Mom ka nam rita he, age 38 sal he, school me teacher he. Unka fig bahut sundar he 36dd, 32,38 ka har mard ko lubhane wala fig he. Badi bahna divya college me he or mom ka hath batati he ghar me. Unka nojavan badan 34d,28,26 wala he or mohale ke ladko ka dhyan khihta he. Papa foj me he or unka posting kashmir me he. Papa sal me 2...

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The Visit

Jenny opened one eye and looked at the bedside clock - 6.48 am. "Not worth trying to get back to sleep," she thought to herself before levering her naked body out from under her father's arm and sliding out of the king-size bed that dominated her parent's room. Stretching once, she headed towards the bathroom and an invigorating shower. She needed to wash off the dried cum and blood left over from the previous night's exertions with her well endowed sire. "Friday," she mused, "last...

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Behosh Chachi Ko Raat Me Chod Kar Ke Pregnant Kiya Aur Recording Bhi Ki

Mera naam Ishant aur mai 3rd year ka student hun.. Mai roz porn dekh kr masturbation krta hun jiske kaaran mera lund ek dum mota ur kada ho gya hai…. Koi bhi lady mere id ish pe iss kahani ka feedback bhej skti hain… Ye kahani meri mast sexy moti chachi shweta ki hai. To pehle main unka figure bata dun unki age 35 se 40 ke beech ki hai.. Unki tummy thodi bahar hai.. Unki chuchiyan thodi choti hai lekin usnki gaand hadd se badi hai.. Jab rste pe chlti hain to log zarur unhe dekhte hai… To aate...

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Mrs Fergusson Ch 1

“Tommy! Time for bed!” mom called out.   I registered hearing her, but pretended not to.   I was listening to the latest and greatest Steppenwolf album. I’d just bought it and it was so cool.   I was up in my room with the headphones on, so she couldn’t know that I’d heard her, anyway.   “Tommy. Bed! NOW”!   Mom had walked in about ten minutes later and gave me a rap on the head.     “Aw Fuck! Goddammit”!   I said, pulling the headphones off.   I said...

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My voyeur roommate

I still remember to this day and it still gets me horny today!, this happened when I was in my mind 20's, I had gotten this massager made to massage the body and it came with a rounded extension that could fit the head of a penis and would vibrate so good!! I miss this toy!! I was living with 3 other roommates in a 4 bedroom duplex, 1 female and two other buddies at the time, one day I was hanging around with (I'll call her the sexy Kitty she's about 5'4 and a tiny little sexy chick with...

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60 Vayathu Uncle Udan Nadantha Kaamam

Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil valimaiyaana 60 vayathu uncle udan sex seitha anubavathai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar velama vayathu 38 aagugirathu. Naan oru velaikaari veetu velaigalai seithu varubaval, kaalai velaiku vanthaal malai varai velai seithuvitu veetirku seluven. Enaku oru kudumbam irukirathu kanavar matrum oru pillai irukiraan, avan ippozhuthu kalluri padithukondu irukiraan. En kanvar oru painter avarum epozhuthavathu thaan...

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Sex medicine

I was studying M. Tech, and to our shock and surprise one of our classmate and friend Gandhi, was found dead in his room, obviously committed suicide taking arsenic poison. Gandhi was married six months earlier; his wife Madhusmitha was studying M.A in English literature at Andhra University. We couldn’t understand the reasons for his suicide. We informed his parents, and they arrived next morning by car from Vijayawada. His father went along with the Warden and some of our friends to the...

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Wendy My Brothers Wife RevisedChapter 3

Father Al picked me up at Lovett County Field and asked me how it went. All that I could think of to reply was, "Better than I had expected, but not as good as I had hoped." He asked me no further questions, for which I was very profoundly grateful. The next three months went fairly quickly. It had been a mild winter, and the town had a very good crop of snowbirds for the season. The spring showed signs of having equally nice and pleasant weather, and the local businesses seemed to perk...

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A Little Fishy Gone Fishing Ch 2

In The Morning LightLori woke to bright sunshine on her face as she stretched and realized that she had slept alone last night.She sprang out of bed and found Kyle on the couch, asleep in his boxers, with a half-dozen empty beer cans scattered on the coffee table. Lori glared at her husband as she shoved his leg with her foot to awaken him.He slowly came to and perked up at the sight of her sexy sheer pink teddy."Fuck… Did I ever miss out last night," Kyle said in a droll, hungover voice."Yeah,...

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Mera Phela Experience

Myself RAJ main 27 years ka hu ………Im from Delhi. this is my first story ……main iss ka bht bada fan hu maine is ki har story ko bht he mazze se padha hai…agar aap logo ko meri story pasand aye to please mujhe mail karna ….and koi bhi bhabhi aunty ya koi girl mere 7 inc k lun se chudna chahe to mujse contact kare Baat un dino ki i met with an girl her name is mansi. wo mere ghar ke paas ji rehati thi. usse dhirre dhirre baat honi shuru ho gayi thi hum bhut acche dost ban chuke the. aur mujhey...

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AlRincon is a site that's about sex and other stuff. Case closed. That's my take on what this site offers and it is a pretty damn accurate one. They have some sex, and then, they have some other stuff. Get it? No? Okay, let me expand a little bit so that you don't cry me a river and call me lazy for not being too detailed in my reviews. has popups, has sexy pictures, videos, videos that are not sex-related, they have viral clips wallpapers, they have...Okay, now that you...

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