Bless Me Father 7: Narcissist free porn video

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Bless Me Father 7: Narcissist By Deane Christopher One day, about five weeks after giving birth to a beautiful baby girl, the former Catholic priest got the second biggest surprise of her life. Stepping from the shower, Karen was rendered spellbound as she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. A proper diet and a good exercise routine had worked wonders on her. A second, more thorough inspection, quickly informed Karen that she wasn't just beautiful. She was absolutely gorgeous. So gorgeous in fact, that she could easily hold her own with any of Playboy's stellar playmates and probably, make a good seventy five percent of them envious of just how her supple, shapely and down right sexy her perfectly proportioned hourglass figure was. At that instant, as the dripping wet, slack jawed, Karen stood there in her parent's bathroom, lecherously gawking at her own reflection, an unabashed narcissist was born. Though Karen remained as yet oblivious to the fact, by God's Hand, her psyche was even then undergoing an unobtrusive revamping of its' sexuality. In the next several weeks, her sexual preferences would shift incrementally and she would make the fluid transition from being a self-avowed homosexual woman to being a bisexual woman. God had a master plan in play. He desired for Karen's newborn baby to be nurtured by the loving and balanced guidance of both a mother and father. To achieve that end, God had interceded. He had shed His Grace on Karen at the very moment of little Danielle Patricia's birth, there by initiating the subliminal process that would, in its' fruition, make it possible for Karen to accept a certain, preordained male lover. However, even though Karen was well on her way to becoming a functional bisexual, she was still under the sway of a far to long repressed male libido. And, by in large, so she would remain until God called her to her Heavenly Reward. Standing there in her parents' master bathroom, a thoroughly captivated Karen was quick to realize that her male libido was operating in overdrive. Reflexively, driven by the fervor of her primordial desires, Karen's left hand shot to her right nipple as the middle finger of her right hand entered the crease of her womanhood and eagerly sought out the elusive nub of her clitoral protrusion. *** In her former life as the male Daniel Patrick Parker, Karen had entered the cloistered life of the junior seminary at the tender age of fourteen. Though she - as the he that she had been - had been encouraged by his confessor/councilor to date girls during his summer vacations as a means by which he could put his calling to the priesthood to the test, Daniel had decided not to heed his confessor's sage advice. Basically, liking girls the way he did, the young Daniel feared that his resolve would be unequal to the task of overcoming the temptation. Abstinence and personal restraint was the key. Nancy Reagan's anti-drug policy of 'Just Say No' was nothing new. For centuries, members of the priesthood practiced the policy of sexual abstinence. In fact, to harden their resolve to forego the pleasures of carnal intimacy, prior to ordination, those that desired to enter the priesthood took a Vow of Chastity. They promised God that they would remain celibate. Many, many times over his years as an ordained priest, Father Dan had been hard pressed to keep that vow. A number of women saw a member of the clergy as the ultimate 'Forbidden Fruit' and therefore, a challenge to be plucked and plundered. While some women teased with harmless flirtations, others were deadly serious about bagging and bedding a priest. It fell to Father Dan to discern one from the other. And, women were only half the equation. While Daniel Patrick Parker was a priest, he was also a man. And, as a man, he was keenly aware that he possessed a very healthy, and at times, somewhat over-active male libido. He liked women. Truth be told, Father Dan liked women a lot. And, though he tried his best not to, he had a marked tendency to spend an inordinate amount of his idle time thinking about them. And, that fixation of his had lead Father Dan to seriously questioned his vocation to the priesthood every now and again. To some extent, God had stepped in and resolved the issue of Father Dan's vocational quandary. Though little Danielle Patricia Miller been in a fetal state at the time, she needed a personal savior to preserve her viability. The Original Karen Miller had been seriously contemplating having an abortion. Father Dan, upon becoming aware of that possibility while hearing the Original Karen's confession, had beseeched God to intercede on the her baby's behalf and in doing so, had offered himself to be used in any manner that God saw fit. Little did Father Dan realize at the time that God would take him up on his offer. More to the point. Little did Father Dan realize that God would step in and resolve the matter in the miraculously unorthodox manner He had. Initially, the former Catholic priest found her new body to be more of a turn-off than a turn-on. Illicit drug and alcohol use, compiling in on the former owner's catch as catch can, extremely non-nutritious eating habits had given Karen the unkempt looks of a waif. That is to say that, as Karen, Father Dan had found her new self to be anything but attractive. Karen thought she looked more like a somewhat effeminate prepubescent boy than the twenty year old young woman that God had turned her into. It was Gabriella's influence and patient tutelage that had turned Karen the Street Urchin into Karen the Young Lady. Starting with Karen's hair and continuing on with lesson revolving around both the application of makeup and matters involved with feminine hygiene, Gabriella helped the former Catholic priest adjust to living life as the female she had become. A nutritious diet in conjunction with a daily exercise routine also contributed to the ongoing the enhancements that were being enacted on Karen's appearance. However, those improvements were being masked by the concurrent changes that were being wrought upon her body in order to accommodate the infant that was even then developing within her womb. Though people were constantly complimenting her on how wholesome and nice she looked, Karen held a vastly different opinion of her appearance. Contrary to what she was being told, Karen thought that she looked fat, frumpy and far to ungainly to ever be considered in anyway attractive. *** "Oh!" Gabriella snickered. "So, I take it that we got off on ourselves today, did we?" Having become accustomed to her friend's uncanny psychic abilities, Karen did not think to respond with a cynically sounding, 'And, just how the hell did you come up with that?' Instead, Karen, keeping her voice low in hopes that her mother, who was out in the kitchen preparing dinner, wouldn't pick on the exchange, nonchalantly acknowledged the fact that she had indeed gotten off on herself. "And, I assume that we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves?" Repositioning Little Danielle in her arms as she did so, a noticeable distraught and somewhat irked Karen tersely replied, "Yes! Yes, we did! We - Or, I should say I! - enjoyed it a lot! Now, before my mother catches wind of what we're talking about, can we please drop the subject and talk about something else?" "We could..." Gabriella teased. "But, we're not going to. You see, Karen, I'm awful curious. And, I really want to know what precipitated that little me'in and me'in session of yours. And, I'm planning to keep after you until you fess up and tell me. So, I suggest you do so now and have done with it. Okay?" "All right!" Karen was clearly miffed. "If you must know, when I got out the shower I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror." "Oh! And, I take it that you liked what you saw?" "Yes! Yes, I did. I liked what I saw a lot." "Okay! So, what you're saying is: you turned yourself on. Then, I guess, one thing more or less lead to another and you ended up playing a game of grabass with yourself." "Yes!" Karen was incensed. "That's pretty much what happened! Now, can we please drop it?" *** During dinner that evening, Gabriella, after commenting to Karen's Mom on just how delicious everything was, continued on to say, "I don't mean to be presumptuous, Aunt Jean. But, do you think I might prevail upon you to watch Danielle for a couple of hours this evening so that Karen and I can run over to the mall?" "Sure, dear. I'd be happy to..." *** "Okay, Gabriella! What gives? Could you please tell me just why we're going to the mall?" "Because, silly! Now that you've finally come to realize that you've got yourself one hell of a body there, I think it high time for you to start upgrading that rather limited wardrobe of yours..." *** Though it took a good bit lot of coaxing and cajoling on her part, Gabriella eventually managed to talk Karen into accompanying her into a Victoria's Secret Outlet. Sheepishly, as she gazed about the store, Karen said, "I'm not so sure about this." "Well, I am. Look, Karen! After everything you've been through, I think it's high time you start pampering yourself a little." A few minutes later, Gabriella had to laugh. "All right! So, I guess we've learned something here. You're not into lacy, frilly things. So, what do you say we look at something in satin? I mean, you do like the feel of satin don't you?" Karen did like the feel of satin. Fact is: she thought she liked the feel of satin a little to much for her own good and told Gabriella as much. "So, what's wrong with that?" Gabriella impishly teased. "I mean, I don't think being a little self-indulgent is going to hurt you. I mean, get real here, girl! There's no way that you're going to rot that precious soul of yours by simply wearing a satin bra and panty!" "No!" Karen freely admitted. "You're right. It won't. But, it could lead to temptation. And, temptation could lead to sin." "Oh!" Gabriella sought clarification. "So, I take it that what you're saying is: you're still hung up on the masturbation business. Look, Karen! We've hashed this out before, but it looks like we need to hash it out again. As a man, didn't your doctor encourage you masturbate as a means of safeguarding your health?" "Yes! Yes, he did." "Well, let me ask you a question. Isn't your mental heath as important as your physical health?" "Yes! Of course it is!" Karen was noticeably ill at ease with the subject matter; fearing that a salesgirl or another shopper might overhear what she and Gabriella were saying to one another. "Okay! Let me ask you another question, girl. Hasn't getting off on yourself helped you to relieve all the sexual tension involved with you and your being a guy with a girl's body?" "Well, of course it has! But..." "There's no 'buts' about it, Karen! Look! If playing a game of grabass with yourself helps you deal with you and your being a girl and all, what's wrong that? I mean, it more or less goes without saying that since God chose you to be Danielle's mother, He wants you to be the best mother that you can be. And, if that means you have to masturbate in order to maintain your sanity, I can't envision Him gigging you for doing something that helps to keep that crotchety and, at times, perverted old male mind of yours on an even keel." As much as she wanted to, Karen found herself at a loss to find fault with her girlfriend's logic. What Gabriella had just told her made a lot of sense. "Okay, Gabriella! You win! I'll buy a set just to see if I like 'em." "Oh, you'll like 'em all right. Trust me. You're going to love 'em. And, you're not buying them. I am." "Oh, no you're not. I'm not going to have you spending your money on me..." In the end, Karen won the argument, but the lost the war. Gabriella eventually conceded and allowed Karen to buy the matching satin bra and panty ensemble she had selected. However, once Karen had completed her purchase, Gabriella handed the salesgirl another six of the satin bra and panty sets along with her new check cashing card. "Oh, so you decided to pick up some for yourself too?" "No." Gabrielle smirked as she coyly replied. "These aren't for me. Since they're on sale till the end of the week, I just thought I'd be nice and pick them up for this hardheaded friend of mine who takes perverse pleasure in giving me such a hard way to go all the time. I mean, you'd think by now that she get it through that thick skull of hers that I really do have her best interest at heart..." *** Karen absolutely loved the feel of satin against her skin. She also loved how down right sexy she looked decked out in the pair of skintight jeans that Gabriella had pretty much coerced her into purchasing. Fact is: Karen liked the way she looked in the jeans so much, two days later, she asked if Gabriella if she could see her way clear to stopping by the mall on her way home and picking her up two more pairs. Gabriella was more than happy to oblige. "Hey, I picked you up something else when I stopped off to get those jeans for you." "What? What'ya get me?" an intrigued Karen gleefully inquired. "They were on sale, so I got you a pair of shoes. Here!" Gabriella said as she proffered Karen the bag. "How about trying them on to see if they fit you." "Hey! What gives?" a clearly disgruntled Karen said upon opening the shoebox. "These shoes have heels." "Yes. They do, don't they. But, I'd say that they're only about two and a half inches, so they shouldn't be all that hard for you to handle. I mean, you did tell me that you like seeing girls in heels, didn't you?" "Yeah... but..." "But, nothing!" Gabriella coquettishly countered. "Like it or not you're a girl now. And, by your own admission, a narcissist one at that. So, I just figured that since you like to see women decked out in high heels, you might as well go for the gusto and starting wearing them yourself... Tell you what, kiddo. Once you get the hang of these, I'll pick you up a pair of three- inch heels. Likewise, once you feel comfortable with them, we'll move you up to a pair of four inchers..." *** Occasionally, when the rare opportunity for an introspective evaluation of her current situation presented itself, Karen would start off by asking herself the very same question she always asked herself. 'Did she like being a girl?' Her answer, as always was an emphatic and resounding 'No!' Though she had become quit accustomed to functioning as the female, had the former Catholic Priest had any say in the matter, prior to Danielle arrival, Karen would have jumped at the chance to be a man again. However, Karen had to admit that there were certain aspects about being a woman that she absolutely loved. For starters, as much as Karen had liked being a priest, she loved being a mother more. God, she realized, had gone the extra mile and provided her with a very healthy maternal instinct. As demanding as job as motherhood was, Karen found that even though she occasionally grumbled about it, she would not have had it any other way. As much as Danielle needed her, she needed Danielle. Danielle was her reason for living - her rock, as it where. And, she in turn was Danielle strength, at least for the near to immediate future. Though it had thrown her for a loop initially, Karen had come to realize that being a sort of self-contained narcissist was as neat as it was handy. It was, to her way of thinking, eroticism carried to the nth degree. Though she was always circumspect about it, lest her mother catch her crassly playing with herself, Karen thoroughly enjoyed experimenting around with all those nifty erogenous zones that her new body had come equipped. She loved to tweak them. She loved to caress them. She loved to keep herself simmering just sigh of the event horizon of a full-blown state of sexual arousal. It became game for her. And, Karen, being the perfectionist that she was, soon began a grand master of it. Knowing full well that she might have given in to the lure of situational ethics, Karen, after one hell of a lot of soul searching on her part, concluded that Gabriella was probably right about the masturbation business Aware of the fact that she had no recourse but to seek such sexual realize as a means by which she could maintain her tenuous grasp on sanity, Karen had come to believe that God would not look upon her actions with disfavor. *** "Karen." Jean Miller said as she joined her daughter at the kitchen table. "I know I've told you this before, but I think it needs to be said again. Both your father and I are so very, very proud of you. Not only have you turned your life around, but you really are a fantastic mother." "Thank you, Mom." Karen was on the verge of getting choked up. "Hearing you say that really means I lot to me. And, I've got to tell you, I really appreciate all the help you and Dad have given me..." "While I don't mean to probe, honey." Karen's Mom introduced a new topic, "What's going on between you and Mickey?" Guardedly, Karen replied, "Nothing that I know of, Mom. I mean, he's just a friend." "Oh!" Jean Miller response clearly conveyed a sense of cryptic disbelief. "Are you sure that Mickey knows he's just a friend? I mean, he drops by to see you almost everyday." "That's because he's new to the area, Mom. He hasn't made a lot of friends yet." "Well, he certainly isn't going make many new ones hanging around here, now is he, dear?" "No... I guess he isn't... So, I take it that you're saying that he has an ulterior motive for hanging around here, Mom?" "Yes. That would be my guess." "So, am I to take it that what you're not saying is: Mickey likes me? And, not just as a friend?" "Yes. That would sure seem to me to be the obvious answer. The question is, dear: do you like him?" Being as honest as she could be, the former Catholic priest thoughtfully replied, "I'm not really sure, Mom..." "Well, honey, don't you think you owe it to Mickey to find out?" "Yes. You're right, Mom. I guess I do at that..."

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I would like to say I woke up with each of the girls tucked in beside me, one to each side. Yes, I very much would. However, I woke up alone with a mild hangover and no girls. Who am I kidding with the hangover I had? I thought I might have been better off had the assassin been successful. No rest for the weary, I guessed. Getting up, with my morning ablutions out of the way, I dressed and went in search of Nick. I had left him with my briefcase. And those files were not going to read...

2 years ago
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Grandfathers Busty InternChapter 4

Shannon sidled across her bedroom, undoing the buttons on her blouse, thinking about what the night ahead had in store for her. She'd sucked her grandfather's huge cock a couple of times now, and tonight, he'd promised to fuck her with it. She couldn't wait. She stepped across to the bed and saw two large boxes lying on top of the covers, each one done up with a big colorful ribbon tied into a bow. One had a tag attached that said: "FOR DINNER TONIGHT" and the other said: "FOR...

1 year ago
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Blessings in a Puja brings motherhood

A childless Australian Indian visits her mom at Mumbai to perform a puja to become mother. Will she succeed? How ? read on That morning I was going to In orbit mall at Vashi from my mother’s apartment at CBD Belapur. Suddenly I could see lot of crowd almost blocking the road. I was cursing the Indian public who never bother to block roads for trivial causes. I badly wanted to return to Sydney where I lived with my husband. I had come to India to attend a marriage. I asked the driver to...

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Bless A Fantasy

It always amazed her when she thought about the strong urge he had for release. Of course, she had always been this way too, or at least for as long as she could remember. Closing her eyes, she felt herself pulse from the nights sex and thought about her man and how she loved to be with him. His sexuality was constant and soothing. She had just learned to touch him and take him from the base of his cock and jack the hardness in to him. This made her smile and excited to think she could stroke...

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Bless A Fantasy

It always amazed her when she thought about the strong urge he had for release. Of course, she had always been this way too, or at least for as long as she could remember. Closing her eyes, she felt herself pulse from the nights sex and thought about her man and how she loved to be with him. His sexuality was constant and soothing. She had just learned to touch him and take him from the base of his cock and jack the hardness in to him. This made her smile and excited to think she could stroke...

Group Sex
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Bless This Broken Road

I loved just lying in bed on a Sunday morning. I admired the way the N'awlins dawn slowly began to peek over the horizon and shine through our bedroom window. Of course the fact the early morning light was gradually revealing a naked woman sleeping next to me had a lot to do with my mood. She lay on her stomach, her head turned away from me, face buried in her pillow. But I knew she was awake, I could hear her soft, shallow breathing. I smiled realizing we were watching the same sunrise. I...

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Blessed Be

Jenny's hands were clamped tensely on the car steering wheel while Liz wrestled with a map. "I've seen that tree before." Jenny grumbled. "We're driving in circles." "How can you tell?" Liz protested. "Tree's all look the same." "You see the same tree over and over, you know." Jenny growled. "We're lost. I told you we should have sprung for GPS." Liz tossed the map into the back seat. "It's not like they come with a best escape route feature." She said. "We better find...

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Fathers and Sons Suck at the Hunting Camp

My name is Jason, and at twenty-six years old I’m married and living in Savannah, Georgia, the town where I was born and raised. I still socialize with my childhood friends, Larry and Paul, who are also married, and I’ve recently been thinking about the experiences I had in my teens that influenced my hunger for sucking cocks and swallowing cum, that is still a source of enjoyment for me.My father, Colton, is an electrical contractor, and for as long as I can remember he’s gone deer hunting...

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Blessed Art Thou

Blessed Art Thou He looked at the picture cradled in his hand and slowly, almost reluctantly, took another slow drink of the whiskey. It still burned a little as it slipped down his throat, but he could no longer taste it so that meant that he had drank almost enough to get to where he wanted to be tonight. Deep in his stomach his latest drink joined the bonfire that raged there and he could barely feel anything as it was. It didn't matter anyway. He was going to drain the bottle...

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Fathers Day Roast

Introduction: Wanting to supprise her father on fathers day Jessica decides to give him a meat-girl barbeque, but when the town butcher shop runs out of meat-girls Jessica find herself on the sharp end of the spit. Fathers Day Roast Story: #32 Copyright 2005 Written: June 12 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Mom? Jessica called out as she was...

4 years ago
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Blessed By shalimar Where to begin is the question. Perhaps I should begin at the beginning of the magic room. There you are what you soul is, not what your shell shows. In my case I'm Mrs. Shelly Johnson, the Evil Witch, although in real life I'm a 54-year-old male to female transsexual with graying mousy brown hair. In the room I am physically 20 and a genetic female. My hair is thick and fine at the same time, but it is the color that makes me stand out. It is red to orange and...

2 years ago
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Mystic Godfather

Mystic Godfather----------------Chapter 1---------His arrival was memorable in itself but that was the night I went to myfirst high school dance. Mom tried to console me she would neverunderstand. I buried my head in my pillow so I didn't notice the flashof light or hear the opening of the closet door. The music was on tomask my tears so I didn't hear him approach.I only knew someone was in my room when I felt something bump against mybed. A man was standing there when I looked up. He had...

3 years ago
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Mystic Godfather

Mystic Godfather ---------------- Chapter 1 --------- His arrival was memorable in itself but that was the night I went to my first high school dance. Mom tried to console me she would never understand. I buried my head in my pillow so I didn't notice the flash of light or hear the opening of the closet door. The music was on to mask my tears so I didn't hear him approach. I only knew someone was in my room when I felt something bump against my bed. A man was standing there...

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Her Fathers Girlfriend

Erica sat on the couch next to Sarah, her fathers young girlfriend, as the two women watched TV. Ericas father had gone out to do a few errands and had left the two at the house. Whatd you do for your eighteenth? Sarah asked, taking her eyes off the set and looking to see her boyfriends daughter splitting her dark black ends. Huh?! Erica questioned as her head turned to Sarah, a few strands stuck underneath her nose as a faux moustache. Sarahs brown eyes lit with mirth at the sight and...

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Blessing in the teepee

I was so worked up after going out to the hunter’s cabins by the coast earlier that day, on the first snow of the Fall that my g/f had to stop the truck and give me a good licking. When she was done she knew that I had enjoyed her efforts immensely, but she also knew that if I could get a cock in me right now my body would shake and writhe excessively in one huge orgasm. Just the mention of the possibility that some native hunters were staying at the teepee was all the incentive I needed to beg...

2 years ago
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Sarah woke up and instantly knew that something was horribly wrong. She tried to sit up, but she couldn't. Her hands did not work; here legs did not respond. She opened her eyes and looked down. She lied in a white bed wrapped into sheds, but she could feel that something was missing. She tried to sit up again, but her body did not react. "Hello" she shouted, but nobody came. There was a window with white curtains. Gentle sunlight was shining through. What was going on? Where was she? What had...

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Nobless Oblige

Yes, I sent you the contract and a diskette.  I think this is the version you bought.  Go ahead and cut as you suggested.                                Noblesse Oblige                                                                         by Abe        Old Shedeur, my father's trusted advisor, reminded me:        "My Lord Harald, tonight you must exercise your droit de seigneur; you must deflower a bride."        I was aware that lords do that, but I had been serving my uncle, Sir Einar, as...

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Noblesse Oblige

I'm kind of tired, today. I should go rest for a bit. Maybe I should go downtown to watch the lady office workers on their lunch break. That's always relaxing. So many short skirts and V-necked blouses. Lawyer ladies are the best. They have to look good to make the Judge decide to negotiate the sentence on the couch in his chambers, so they always work out and have great hair and make-up. No, I just can't take the time. I have to make my list and make arrangements for the pickup. When you...

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Fathers Day Taboo A Gemini Breeding Session

Introduction: After the Fathers Day/Birthday cookout, Richard, Olivia, the boys along with the Gemini twins and Lila all take part in a breeding orgy. The second & last part in the two-part series. Little slow going at first, but it picks up as it goes along. *********PART TWO: ALL IN THE FAMILY************* As we all got ready for what was about to be an exciting day, my son Julian called to wish me both a Happy Fathers Day & a Happy Birthday. So when are Damian and Lila coming over dad?...

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Naughty Thoughts About My Stepfather

I've been having a lot of wicked thoughts and dreams about my stepfather lately. I’m thinking that this summer, I’m going to try and seduce my stepfather, Michael. I just find him amazingly handsome. My stepfather is very sexual and enjoys sex. I know he likes me because he's always smiling at me and running his eyes up and down my body. My stepfather is 6’2” and has brown short hair. He’s very athletic and has an amazing body. He works out and is pretty muscular in the right spots. I love his...

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Loving My Stepfather Part Two

Things are heating up with my stepfather. He loves to play all sorts of naughty games. He loves for me to wear all sorts of lingerie and has even bought me some costumes. He loves me to be a naughty school girl and he'd be the principal. I'd be a very bad girl and would need a spanking from him. I'd be wearing a short green and blue plaid pleated skirt, white shirt with a white push up bra, white lacy panties, blue knee highs, and loafers. He'd then need to give me lots of discipline. There...

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Blessings Part 3 Finale

July 23rd, 2025 Tara's transport was one that caused Mary some fear: a private airplane hired by the Peterson family but really paid for by John Finn at his insistence. It was also David's ride back to Boston as he kept a close watch on the Russos just in case, with Miles and Kennedy staying in Pittsfield to ensure that there was no delay or outside interference in the investigation into the Riley family as well as Hugh Shyster. It was expected to get difficult when Shyster made his...

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Loving My Stepfather Part Four

My stepfather had bought two tickets to St. Lucia. He was taking me on a swinging vacation. I was a little nervous wondering what he might like us to do. I could tell he was planning all kinds of things for me. I was finding out that my stepfather was very kinky and liked putting me in strange situations. I was still pissed at him for making me have sex with my best friend. He also had me have sex with his African American friends. Now he was taking me on a trip to paradise. I was hoping we'd...

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Loving My Stepfather

My name is Lucy and I'm nineteen and my boyfriend is twenty one. We'd been dating since high school and I really believed he was the one I would marry. But, he went to college and met some sorority girl that was wild and crazy, and he wanted to be with her. I was just devastated. I started to lose a lot of weight. I'm not a very big person to begin with. I lost about ten pounds. I'm now down to ninety pounds. My mother and my stepfather were worried that I might get anorexia. I've started to...

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Amy Learns Sex From Her Stepfather

It was a little before sunrise and he was lying in bed, wearing only his boxers, as usual, when his bedroom door opened. There was his daughter. She was sixteen, and developing beautifully. Her firm breasts were beautiful mounds topped with her stiff little nipples. They showed through the thin nightshirt she was wearing. He had seen her in that nightshirt before, and he had wondered if her mother would have permitted her to walk about the house wearing only that. Her mother had passed away...

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Loving My Stepfather Part Three

I’ve been kind of mad at my stepfather after the situation with Heather. I really thought that I was his princess and now it just seemed like he had two princesses. I’ve been moping around a little and have been a bit unhappy. My stepfather told me to just start living at the apartment. I’m old enough to be on my own. My mother thought it was a good idea to finally spread my wings. I moved into my stepfather’s apartment. My stepfather really had been spoiling me to try and boost my mood. I...

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Fathers Day Taboo Gemini Surprise

Introduction: Richard gets a rather unexpected surprise for both Fathers Day and his birthday, then breeds his wife as his adult twins observe a potential breeding in progress. In honor of Fathers Day approaching, I thought it would be nice to throw in a little taboo story. NOTE: This story was re-edited. PART ONE: THE TWINS GIVE THEIR FATHER A HEADJOB, THEN THEY WATCH HIM BREED THEIR MOTHER IN HOPES FOR ANOTHER BABY. As a married and proud father of four adult children (two boys, ages 22 &...

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Grandfathers Cock Orgy for Eight

Author's Note: In Grandfather's Cock Was Too Large For His Jock, Kimberly and her BFF Cissy did some girl on girl before Cissy turned Kimmie over to her brother Neil to have her cherry broken. Kimmie goes home to find Grandpa watching a porn flick while he baby sits Kimmie, whose parents were away for the weekend with Cissy and Neil's parents. It turns out that Grandpa was the star of the film, one of many films, and that his leading lady was Kimmie's Mom. Kimmie and Grandpa proceed to fuck...

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Naughty Thoughts About My Stepfather Part Three

“Wanda, I have a surprise for you come down here.” “I’m coming Michael, what is it?” “We're going to a hotel today. I have a surprise for you there. I have a business meeting tomorrow, so we have all day today and then you can go back home. But, today and tonight we'll have lots of fun." “Your mother will be home tonight so we have to go to the hotel. Dean, will be here also. I have to have your sweet pussy or I’ll go crazy.” “You’re unbelievable. I suppose you really like me, don’t you?” ...

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How I became my fathers cum slave Part Two

Introduction: It would be best to read part one first. I kept my eyes trained on my fathers form as he sauntered towards my bed. I was starting to relax as I played out my idea in my head. All I had to do was allow him to do whatever he wanted except enter my pussy. But even just thinking about my father touching me made me get soaking wet. He obviously noticed because he chuckled as he stood at the edge of my bed. He motioned with his head towards me and my brother got up to pull me back into...

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MY FATHER IN LAW MISTAKE FUCKHi, FRIENDS this is Nalini again, Thanks for the wonderful response I got from you people for my story “Aunty seduced by her Nephew”, urged me to start my new story of my Jaya Aunt which happened in her earlier days of marriage. I a simple house wife residing in Bangalore and newly married having a satisfied sex life with my husband.The story I am going to narrate now is about my Aunt Jaya aged 43 years, who is living in Hyderabad, with her husband and only son. Her...

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