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                               Noblesse Oblige


                                by Abe

       Old Shedeur, my father's trusted advisor, reminded me:        "My Lord Harald, tonight you must exercise your droit de seigneur; you must deflower a bride."

       I was aware that lords do that, but I had been serving my uncle, Sir Einar, as squire, so I had never seen it done.  When we learned of my father's untimely death, it was necessary that I cut short my training in courtly ways and return home, to take my father's place as Lord.  It was all rather overwhelming, being responsible for the castle, and the villages and estates, which are worked by hundreds of villeins, bordars, cottars, burs, and serfs.  I replied to Shedeur: "I'm bone weary.  I've been in the saddle most the day, and I am ready for rest.  I suppose she must be sent to my bed chamber.  Make it soon.  I need a good night's sleep."

       "My Lord Harald," Shedeur said, "it is not quite that simple.  To do it correctly, it will take you most of the night.  It will take some effort.  You will work up a sweat, if you do your duty well."

       "It's that involved?  My father, may he rest in peace, used to take care of deflowering brides.  Is there something I don't know?  Can't I just stick it in her, break her maidenhead, and be done with it?"  I would not, of course, admit that I had never stuck it in any woman, virgin or not.  My experience was limited to younger boys, whom I could bully.

       "By tradition, My Lord," explained my mentor, "it's rather more involved than that.  The custom of the lord deflowering the bride is ancient, and it serves several functions, to maintain the fabric of our society.  As with any formal social ritual, it behooves the enlightened ruler to perform it solemnly and well."  Of course, I was anxious to be an enlightened ruler.

       "Well, Shedeur," I replied, "we'd better get on with it.  You can talk me through it, can't you?  I must admit, I have never deflowered a woman before."  Truth be known, under Sir Einar's tutelage, I had never even lain with a woman.  I was entirely ignorant of the pleasures to be found in them.

       Shedeur led me to a tower, beside the main gate, and to the flat roof, from which, in war, archers could shower arrows down upon approaches to the gate.  Standing at a crenel, I watched as the town's people escorted the newly wedded couple from the steps of the church, across the square, to the main gate of the castle.  They saw my face at the battlements and assembled in a half circle around the base of the tower.  The groom, a strapping lad, bigger than I, stepped forward, knelt, and then rose to speak: "My Lord, I Dragor, your loyal subject, request permission to ask a favor."

       "Speak, Dragor."

       "My Lord, if it pleases you, I would send my bride, Else, to receive your favor.  This I request, in accord with the ancient tradition."

       "Your request is granted, loyal Dragor," I called down.

       "Very good, my lord," said Shedeur.  The crowd cheered.

       Soon, my chamberlain brought the bride to me, her long hair tied with colored yarn and adorned with flowers, her coarse dress newly washed.  Even her bare feet were clean.  She was a comely lass, slim, yet well muscled.  I rather suspect her father had used her to pull his plow.  She stood, with downcast eyes.

       "You are Else?" I said, not quite sure what I should say.

       "Yes, My Lord."

       "And you wish me to... prepare you for your husband, Dragor?"

       "Yes, please, My Lord."

       "Look at me, Else."

       She raised her eyes and stared at me with what might have been devotion, or awe.  Her features were not as fine as those of some of the ladies I had seen at court, but she was attractive to me.  My member stirred under my tunic.  I took her by the hand, and showed her to the crowd, below.  There were more cheers.  Then we retreated to the center of the space, where none could see us but my chamberlain and old Shedeur.

       The sun was low, and it glinted off her hair, gave a rosy glow to her face.  She smiled at me.  My chamberlain said, "Else, take off your clothes."  Else unlaced the bodice of her woolen dress and began to pull the dress off, over her shoulders.  Though her face and arms were tanned by work in the fields, her breast was pale.  She stepped out of her dress and stood before me, naked, her hands at her sides.  There was none of that covering up, trying to hide her breasts and crotch, that I might have expected.  The low sun accentuated her curves, and the shadows emphasized how her young breasts jutted forth, how round was her belly, how full her thighs.

       As a squire, I had not been permitted the company of women.  My eyes roamed over her ripe body, drinking it in.  My member stirred under my tunic.

       "Where will I bed her?" I whispered to Shedeur, "I don't see a bed."  The chamberlain went below, to fetch the bed, I assumed.  "Must I do it here?  In the open?"

       "Yes, my lord, so that the people may hear the confirmation of the deed."

       I could not keep my eyes off her, nor my hands, either.  I stroked her breasts with my finger tips, squeezed them gently, as if they were ripe fruit.  Her nipples, I noted, swelled and stood forth.  I know now that it might have been the cool air which erected them so, but at the time it seemed a minor miracle.  My hands ran down over her ribs, her hips.  Very gently, I touched and examined her womanly cleft, between her legs, noting the curly hairs, which gleamed as if bedewed, for I had turned her to the sun, the better to see.  "She is a fine wench," I said. "Where is that bed?"  Else smiled at me.

       "My lord," replied Shedeur, "there are some preliminary tasks to perform, first, for the benefit of her husband and her relatives."  It was hard for me to pay attention, as I was fondling her girlish breasts and running my fingers through the intriguing mass of hair where her thighs joined her body.

       The chamberlain came back, not with a bed but with a wooden  post, to which was attached a cross bar, across the top, like the letter T.  He returned again with bags of paraphernalia.  From one bag, he took a rope.

       To my surprise, Else thrust her arms forward, wrists crossed.  She knew better than I what was to happen.  The chamberlain bound her wrists together, leaving a long tail of rope.  "I don't understand," I said to Shedeur.

       "First, my lord," Shedeur went on, "you cause her great pain, so that she screams, for all to hear."

       "Why, Shedeur, should I wish to cause her pain?"

       "My Lord, let me try again to make you understand," he replied.  "Custom requires that you make it a unique, exquisite experience, one of absolute domination of the woman."

       "Well, then, afterward you can give her a potion of forgetfulness, right?  I can't go around inflicting lasting pain on perfectly innocent subjects.  Were she a criminal..."

       "No, NO.  She must remember every detail.  She must cringe in terror at the very thought of what you did to her, wake screaming in the night, when she dreams of it."

       "Why, Shedeur?  Why should I ruin this poor wench?"

       "Let me explain, My Lord," he said patiently.  I could remember him lecturing me when I was a boy.  I recognized the tone of voice.  "First, of course, you do this thing to prove to the community that you can.  It is your right, as Lord, to have the first fruits, and you must exercise your right to retain it, to be seen to be acting as Lord.  Should you return her to her husband with no outward signs of your dominion over her, no wounds, no bruises, there would be no evidence that you even cared to exercise your right."

       "Well, surely, Shedeur, a torn maidenhead is evidence enough."

       "My Lord, she can hardly display that to her friends and family!"

       "Ah, I see your point, but need it be painful?  Could you not give her one of your wonderful potions, that she should not feel the pain?  Or make her forget?"

       "Forget?  My Lord, this will be the most memorable night of her life, to spend the night as the object of her lord's attention.  Why should she want to forget?"

       "But, then, I should be gentle and kind, so she will remember me as a benevolent ruler," I argued.

       "My Lord, peasants are like animals," he explained.  "You have seen how, among the animals, the males fight, and the winner, the most powerful male, gets the females?  The victorious ram gets all the ewes.  It is the way of Our Divine Creator to assure the betterment of the breed.  The ewes want to be serviced by the strongest ram.

       "It is the same with women.  They have an instinct to be the sexual object of the strongest male.  As Lord, you are, by consensus, the most powerful male in the region -- socially powerful.  Any wench in your domain will willingly warm your bed, for you are the dominant male, with the power of life and death over them.  Is that not so?"

       "Yes," I admitted.  "often, women of low station have approached me, unbidden."  Of course, Sir Einar would never let me touch them.  "Yet, I suppose, if I were a goatherd and not a lord, women would not be attracted to me."

       "Exactly so, My Lord," said old Shedeur, rubbing his hands and obviously pleased that I understood.  "This peasant girl, Else, will want to remember that she was deflowered by a strong, powerful man, one so powerful that he could inflict any punishment, any degradation, at his whim.  You must show her you are physically powerful, strong, dominant, heartless.  You must show her that you care enough, care even about the humblest of your subjects, that you will exert yourself, all night, if necessary, to make her wedding night memorable, and leave scars to remind her.  She may never lay eyes upon you again, but she will remember her one night with her lord.  Secretly, she hopes you will impregnate her, so she may bear the strong son of a powerful lord, even though she is of the most humble station."

       "But Shedeur," I said, "this husband of hers, Dragor, will he not resent being delivered his bride in damaged condition?"

       "No, My Lord.  He will expect it.  These peasant girls, even as the ladies of the King's court, have been raised to think of their virginity as their most treasured possession.  There is always some resentment toward the man who takes it.  There is always some feeling, deep inside them, when they couple with their husbands, that they are being used, abused, raped, if you like.  You must use and abuse Else in so horrific a manner that anything Dragor may do with her in the future will seem gentle and kind in comparison.  He will thank you for that."

       Shedeur continued: "When Else suffers the pains of childbirth, will Dragor want her cursing him for inflicting that pain upon her?  No, he will want to be assured that she will think back to this night and realize that the pains of childbirth are as nothing, compared to the pain you inflicted upon her.  She will remember how her husband was kind to her, how he helped to heal her after her ordeal in the castle, and she will love him the more.  You owe it to Dragor to be thorough, tonight."

       "Noblesse oblige, I suppose."

       "Yes, My Lord, you must be seen to do your duty."

       While all this was being explained to me, the sun was setting, so that now Else stood, patiently, bathed in the red glow of the sunset.  Torches were brought to brighten the scene, and a brazier of glowing coals.   The chamberlain fitted the wooden post into a socket in the floor and led the girl, Else, to it.  He bound her ankles to the rings in the floor, so that her legs were spread wide.  Then he drew on the rope which bound her hands, so that she was pulled over, against the cross bar, which bore against her upper thighs.  She bent at the hips, and her arms were pulled taut before her, as the rope was fastened to a cleat on the wall.  With all of this, she cooperated, making no protest, struggling not at all, though it must have been uncomfortable, with her legs spread so wide, and her body horizontal.  Her hair hung down between her outstretched arms, and her breasts hung free, like ripe fruit.  I went to her and held her breasts cupped in my hands.  She turned her head and smiled at me.  I stepped behind her and squatted, so the globes of her buttocks, stretched taut by her strained posture, were right before my face.  So spread was she that I could easily see her little puckered shit-hole and below that the vertical groove of her maidenly cleft, the haired lips swelling, utterly exposed.

       With my fingers, I parted her flesh, revealing her inner lips and pinkness.  Gently, for I had never touched a woman thus, I moved my finger tip across her pinkness, exploring what I found.  Farthest forward, I found a little lump of soft flesh, and when I pressed upon it, Else gave out a mewling sound, like a hungry kitten.  It seemed, as if before my eyes, her cleft grew damp, even wet.  I spread the inner lips and peered within, as the chamberlain held a torch near.  "Tell her husband, Dragor, that his bride was truly a virgin."  Not that I would have known the difference.  I pushed my finger against her elastic membranes, marveling at the wetness, and marveling that I was touching Else's most private place.  I was, no doubt, the first man to do so.  I could smell her womanliness.  Looking between her spread thighs, between her hanging breasts, I saw her upside down face smile at me.

       "My lord," said Shedeur, handing me a whip, "unless you would prefer the branding irons."

       My heart raced, and I stepped to a wall, to clear my head, to take a deep breath of the evening air.  I saw half the village, it seemed, standing, waiting beneath the tower, casting long grotesque shadows as the sun set.  A murmur arose when they saw me standing in the aperture.

       Almost automatically, I waved to them and turned away.  Clearly, my subjects expected me to perform.  I resolved to do my duty, to apply myself to the job at hand.

       The chamberlain spoke, loudly and formally: "My Lord, your serf, Dragor, presents his bride, Else, and prays you will exercise your droit de seigneur."

       The whip was in my hand, like a sword.  It extended from me, the length of my forearm, stiff braided leather.  Then it divided into long leather thongs, with knots.  As I pulled the lashes across my palm, I could feel that each knot embraced a metal weight.  It was a whip to wring a confession from the most courageous man.  What would it do to a mere girl?

       I could hear the crowd, below, beginning to get restless.  Someone shouted, "I knew it.  The slut likes it.  Not peep of complaint."  Else heard it, too, and the expression on her face changed to one of great pain and anger.   That made me angry.  I swung the whip.

       The next instant is burned into my memory, the sickening slap as the knotted lashes fell upon her clear, pale skin, the ends wrapping around her body to snap against her tender breast,  the screech, the howl, of anguish, which emerged from Else and reverberated between the castle walls, the sigh, the murmur, which arose from the crowd below.  Else's taut body undulated with her agony, as her breath rasped in her throat.  I could see, across her back, the livid stripes where the lashes had abused her pale skin.  There was a spot of blood, where one of the knots had whipped around her ribs and pierced the skin of her tender right breast.

       Scarce had she drawn fresh breath, I swung backhanded, and again the instrument of torture slashed her girlish body, eliciting yet an other cry of agony, leaving a network of stripes, setting her left breast to quivering.  The effort of beating her seemed to me natural, like the countless hours of sword practice I had endured as a squire, hacking forehand, backhand, at a post.

       I realized, then, that in my limited experience, for a squire is supposed to remain chaste, I had never had the opportunity, never had leisure, to do anything I might want to do with a woman, to have her body entirely at my disposal.  I felt a sense of power, a sense of -- maturity -- that I had not realized as merely the son of a lord, or squire to a knight.  I realized, that night, there on the tower, that just as Else was embarking on a new life, with a new status, wife, just so this ceremony would launch me on a new life.  For the first time, I knew real power over another.  I felt like a lord!  I knew, with each swing of the lash, that I was the LORD, with the power of life and death!  This woman was mine!

       Shedeur stayed my hand.  I shook to clear my head, when I saw what I had done.  Else hung, limp, from her hips and hands.  Her back, her ribs, her breasts, her buttocks, her thighs, all the pale parts from her knees to her shoulders, were shades of pink or red, and in places, blood oozed, where the knots had gouged her flesh.  Her head hung.  "I have not killed her, have I?" I said, not believing what I had done.

       "She will recover her senses, my lord," said Shedeur, who must have seen a hundred of these ceremonies.  "You have done well.  The rabble are pleased."

       I walked to the wall and looked down.  The shadowy figures below, some carrying torches, moved excitedly, talking among themselves, almost in a festive mood.  They seemed to be waiting, expecting more.

       I returned to Else, lifted her head by her hair, and gazed, by torch light, upon her tear stained, weary, face.  Her eyes were closed; she was not aware of me.

       My chamberlain handed me a flagon of wine, from which I drank, as the three of us stood watching Else slowly recover.  At last, her body undulated, and she raised her head, gasping.  Her beaten breasts swayed, as her bruised ribs expanded.  I pulled her hair, lifting her face, and put my wine flagon to her lips.

       She drank, and writhed her bruised body, her hips fixed by the wooden crossbar, her arms kept taut by the rope to the wall.  I walked to her other end, where her bottom, raised high, and her widespread limbs, bore the overlapping welts from my exercise with the whip.  Her cleft gaped, gleaming in the torchlight.  No longer a shy, innocent squire, I thrust my fingers against her, squeezing her tender lips, pressing that little nubbin between them.  I showed no hesitation; it was my right, as Lord.

       "Now?" I said to Shadeur.

       "As you wish, my lord."

       I tore at my tunic, and my chamberlain helped me undress.

Soon, I was as naked as Else, and my manhood stood tall.  Her sheath was fully exposed, ready for my sword, and I quickly found the point to apply pressure.  With a heave of my hips, I rammed my meat into her wet tunnel.  "AAAHH!" she screamed.  I pulled back, the pushed hard again, mashing her bruised buttocks as I drove for maximum penetration.  "OH!, AH! UHNGH!" she cried, exclaiming with each thrust.  The crowd, below, heard and murmured acclamation.

       In those days, I was young and inexperienced.  With a euphoric thrill, I shot my seed into her belly and withdrew from her hot wetness.  She sighed and mewled, as if deprived.  Instinctively, I thrust my fingers into her bloody hole and fucked her vigorously, until she heaved her hips and cried out piteously, "Ah, oh, AHHH, OHHH!"  I could feel her sheath gripping my hand, and then she sagged once more, spent.

       "Well done, my lord, well done," said Shadeur.  "She'll not soon forget this night."

       Despite the cool of the night, sweat gleamed on Else's breasts, and her nipples jutted out.  She breathed heavily, as if I had beaten her again, with the whip.  But she lifted her head and smiled at me.

       Shedeur led me to her, until I stood with my limp, wet manhood practically touching her cheek.  "Else," he said, "you must take it in your mouth."

       Else did not protest, but did as he said, licking, kissing, sucking on my member until, to my surprise, it again stood tall.

"My lord," Shedeur said, softly, "there remains one virginal place.  You must use her as you would a page."

       I was never one to shirk my duty.  I again took my place behind her, but I aimed my thrust a little higher, pressing against her puckered rosebud until, suddenly, I sank into her body.  My belly mashed her beaten buttocks, and she gave one, loud, cry of pain and anguish.  Then she was quiet, except for excited gasps, as I fucked her forbidden hole.  She was tight, and the friction was delicious, but I had to pound her tortured buttocks with countless thrusts until, at last, I spent my semen in her bowels.  She did not show the signs of ecstasy that she had when I fucked her cleft with my hand, but she sagged, exhausted, hanging from her bound wrists.

       "Is more required of me?"

       "No, my lord," said Shadeur.

       "You did very well, my lord," said my chamberlain, handing me my clothes.  It occurred to me that, by morning, the whole castle might know how I had performed.

       I looked down at Else, and I think, that moment, I loved her.

       She raised her head to look at me as I dressed.  "Thank you, My Lord," she sighed.

       "I regret that I had to hurt you," I said sincerely.

       "I am content, My Lord," she said.  "I shall not forget your effort to make my wedding night memorable.? They delivered her to the gate, to her husband, Dragor, who waited there.  She kissed him, shamelessly, and they went off, arm in arm.  I never saw Else again.

       I often think of Else, for she was my first.  Since then, I have deflowered a hundred brides, fucked countless maids who have come to serve in the castle, and 'most every lone farm girl I might come across in my travels.  Nothing quite excites the passions like a good whipping, and never has one been less than grateful.


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Anne brought the car carefully to a halt in Ralph’s and Georgina’s driveway. Unusually, Brian had agreed to take the passenger seat. Normally he preferred to drive whenever they went anywhere together as he was a better driver than a passenger. However it was New Year’s Day and he’d had quite a bit to drink during the early morning festivities and Anne had insisted that she should take the wheel. After all, he needed his licence for his job. Brian’s brother Ralph and his wife Georgina had...

3 years ago
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Sex With Friend8217s Fatty Mom

Hi to all. Am Vijay from Pollachi, Coimbatore. Am a mad sex freak who loves to have all kinds of sex. Am a bisexual. I love to be both romantic and brutal as per the wish of my partner. This is the sex story which happened before 2 years. Being a regular Indian Sex Stories reader, now got the courage to open my sexual voyages. This is my first sex story. So, regret if I made any mistakes in the narration. Let’s get into the sex story without boring. Am a tall fair lad with an average body who...

2 years ago
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I just wanted to try

It seemed so much funI've watch her new vids all the time one is outcute little sissy girl waiting all dress sexy on a pillow in front of her glory holeI've watch so many nice black cock getting suck like a candy by herI've wanted to be at her place, secretly sucking on a fat cock seemed so much fun for panty lovers like meI fought the idea for a month , wearing my freshly undies from amazon and realistic bbc suction cup toyand one weekend i finally set it up , in my loby, the cardboard door...

3 years ago
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A Little TIed Up

The last message he sent her was "make sure you have the week off of work and i will see you tomorrow at 09:00". Natalie had met him several times previously but always at a Travel Lodge local to her but this was different he had instructed her to get the train to a quiet station, you know the types one train an hour. As she stepped off of the train and walked past the few commuters rushing about, she walked out the old red wooden doors where she saw him. He greeted her with "Hello Natalie,...

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Meeting Julie First steps towards an adventure

The email was pretty much like most of the others, short and to the point – What a lovely body you have, great pair of boobs, I would so like to make love to you.And that made me stop and read it again. Normally these mails were much cruder, telling me for example how much I would be screaming within minutes, and how many gallons of cum would be offloaded over me, sometimes so much that I could imagine myself being drowned in the torrent !But this one was different.I looked at the sender and...

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My Sons Mate

Sheryl was just walking in through her front door when she nearly got knocked over by her son and his mate running out into the street "watch where you're going " she scolded "sorry mum" said her son mike "sorry mrs Hulme" said simon her sons best friend "thats ok" she said "just be careful......where are you two off in such a hurry" "footie" they both said and ran off. Sheryl sighed"bringing up k**s was hard work sometimes"she thought as they ran down the street both her son and his friend...

2 years ago
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Rebel 1777Chapter 70 Emma Again

As I had promised, when I had the opportunity, I went to see how Emma was doing in her new life, hoping for the best since I felt an obligation toward the woman. Mrs. Scott and her ancient mother both greeted me warmly, praised the young woman's diligence and quick wit, and called her from her work in the well-lit back room that had windows on three sides. Emma squealed when she saw me and ran into my arms, jumping to my shoulders. I was a bit embarrassed, but soon took her off for a meal,...

1 year ago
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Making Maggy

I’d had a thing about Maggy since we were youngsters. Steve was the younger sister of my best mate Pete, who was exactly the same age as me. She was developing into a very fit young woman. At the time she was about 5 2 tall and I was 5 6. She had short dark hair, a trim figure, a great pair of boobs that were developing nicely and a prominent tight ass. There were five siblings in the family. Dorothy was the eldest, Pete came next, then Maggy who was a year younger than Pete, then Jack and...

3 years ago
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I Want to Go Back

Beth Taylor, a fresh-faced twenty-two-year-old, semi-attached lesbian sat in her spartan apartment glancing through travel brochures. Since graduating from THE Ohio State University in the Spring she was determined to do more traveling than a clumsy NBA guard. Her options were even better now, in 2044., Like most her age she was conceived during the pandemic of 2020, the most cursed year of all. Her generation even had a name: quaranteens.One positive to emerge from the lockdown was scientists...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Spankings

Gina Meadows, who was aged in her mid-fifties, and her seventeen-year-old son Ryan had now been lovers for almost two weeks. The cane that had been ordered at Gina's suggestion and Ryan's agreement had arrived but had not yet been used.Mother and son had become lovers after Gina had given Ryan a severe bare arsed belting after they had argued, although Ryan actually found the idea of bending over for his mother to be very exciting and actually ejaculated during the beating. Later that evening,...

4 years ago
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The new Mrs Harris Part 8

The day had finally arrived when Allen was due home, and i hate to admit it, but I was so desperate for a fuck there was very little I wouldn't have lowered myself to. I had already had to change my panties twice, and as i sat waiting on my husband to come home I was running my plan through my head. On the last few occasions I had gone for more than a few days without getting sexual relief, when Allen and I had finally fucked, he had come far too soon and I never got to orgasm, and on...

2 years ago
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The Lone ArrangerChapter 5

I was surprised to find that, over time, the world managed to confront an amazing number of new problems that neither I nor anyone else, probably, had anticipated. The world economy had been suffering at the time I started my New Morality campaign, and it continued to suffer now. Nothing I had done had attempted directly to address this issue. I didn’t really feel competent to do so. However, the much-increased level of public morality was helpful. Also something of a boon was the drop in...

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Seduction of Kim

This is a work of fiction about a woman i know and one of her fantasies Hope you enjoy it and if so may post some more.The Seduction of KimKim sat in the bar of the hotel. She was sad her husband had not been able to join her on this trip but their work schedules had not allowed it. This conference was worse than all others she had been on as she was not able to get out and enjoy the sites as she usually did. She had been in New York for 3 days had not been out of the hotel and was horny as...

4 years ago
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Ridding the train

Annie loved Craigslist. She could find anything there. A few days ago she found what she wanted – someone willing to gather up a group of men and set up a gangbang. She'd been feeling the itch for something wild and this would be wild indeed.She set the limits quite clearly. She wanted to pull a train. No oral, no anal. The guys would all get their chance to fuck her pussy but could cum anywhere on her body. Safe sex only. Annie hated condoms but hated the idea of bareback with strangers even...

3 years ago
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The Vampire Kaid Part 1 A Bite In TimeChapter 15

Things were quiet for a while after Osman Sameon received the dressing down and the final warning from the Inspector-General of Police, although the apparition did not go away. Indeed, it had begun to take on a more sinister aspect, one that promised an impending doom. Osman cursed that damned lawyer woman and her companion. Such an insignificant fellow, and yet, he ... oozed menace. That thing did not always appear, but even when it was invisible, Osman could feel its presence. In the...

1 year ago
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Fun Sex With Maid In Hot Holiday Summer

Hi I am reddy back with another experience of mine. Thanks for feedback for my previous stories. I hope I will get the same feedback for this one. My email is Coming to the story I am 21 years old when this has happened, I have just finished my bachelors and waiting for my post-graduation. I was on holidays so I visited my home town from there I went to my mom’s mom (aamma) place which few hours’ drive from our place. It is month of June very hot and I was chilling at that place, its old house...

2 years ago
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Sweaty Part 1

by Julius Copyright 2005 Mitzi rang the bell. Nobody answered, so she opened the screen door and rapped with her knuckles. The door swung open a couple of inches. Blowing a drop of sweat off the tip of her nose she decided this must be the hottest of her forty-eight summers. Voices, she was sure she could hear voices. God but it was hot, even in the shade of the house. Perspiration prickled in her armpits. She felt a trickle working its way down her spine, headed for her...

1 year ago
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My sister invites me to fuck her

My sister, Hazel, is 23 years old and two years younger than me and came to visit me for a couple of days. She is a good looking girl and fully dressed seemed to have a good figure. I asked her if she had a boy-friend."Not now but I did once. We didn`t live together and he visited me." At that I took a chance and said that I hoped she wouldn`t mind if I asked her a personal question."How persona;?""Very personal,""What is the question? I won`t know if I would object unless you ask it.""Did you...

2 years ago
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The CircleCast

Cast of Characters in The Circle (In rough order of appearance; members only) Men Jim Wilson Bob Cooper Matt Saddler Don Young (Monica's father; Michelle's husband) Alex Saunders Nathan Pocher Kyle Broadhurst (Lynn's son) Derek Dawkins Brad Ross (Nancy's father) Bill Jenkins Steve Wallace Kurt Thadani Mike Licata Darrell Brinnell Rob Minchen Women Sheila Parkinson Marshall Parkinson (Sheila's child) Zoey Frye Ashley Frey (Zoey's child) Monica Young Alyson Young...

4 years ago
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Helping friend fuck his girlfriend

I had been hanging out drinking with a friend of mine, and his girlfriend at their home one day. They're were sitting on the couch, and I was sitting in a chair almost directly across from them, and we were watching a comedy special. We were all a little buzzed, and they had began to makeout. I was trying to act like I didn't notice, and just pretend to watch the show, but it was turning me on.She was so sexy, Skinny waist, and big tits with a pear shaped ass. I watched as my friend slid his...

3 years ago
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La Macarena part 2

part 2It’s not anymore about “if” but just “when” and "with who"We woke up around 10AM. In the shower we got exited again and a lot of kissing and touching gave us a nice start of the day. When we open the door of the room we are immediately outside in the open air. Shades, slippers and a towel and on our way for breakfast. The long table was not crowded like last evening and together with four other couples we started breakfast. Everybody was friendly, helping each other, like asking if you...

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Just shut up and fuck me

Introduction: I helped a friend – then helped his GFs Mom Just shut up and fuck me. I said I was walking home from the last day of school. It was already close to a 100 degrees out. It was about a 4 mile walk back to my house. I had missed the last school bus. I had to stay after for detention. I got caught passing a note for my best friend, Stan. He had asked me to pass a note to his new girl friend. They had only been going out for a week. Now I was the only one walking home after spending...

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Sung Hees New Job Part Five

(Author's note. Read parts 1-4 first to get the full effect. Sung Hee is based upon a very real woman in southern CA.)Driving home I felt the dildo slip a bit and I felt what seemed to be a torrent of wetness inside the latex underwear. The undies were probably swimming with Mr. Johnson's cum. I could smell it and wondered if the scent would linger in my car.I quickly unlocked the door. “Girls? Are you home?” “Yes Mom!” I heard them reply from upstairs. “What are you doing?” I yelled. “We’re...

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SOSChapter 14

Jacob I flew past the city heading north, where I had detected the alien force, I scanned the ground below. I saw 1 giant centipede like creature, it was over 1km long, it was flanked by 3 giant spiders, and several hundred smaller ones walking along side of it. They moved fairly slowly, I circled getting detailed scans, it looked like the enemy at least suspected something was going on. I wondered why they had not mobilized a larger force, it made me wonder about the intelligence of the...

3 years ago
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never knew i had it in me

it was something i had never given a thought about. probably all the mr. wrongs in my life in the past. then i met a guy who did it for the first time. he loved creampies, making them, watching them, filming them, playing with them, worshiping them. And then he would do a wonderful, slow, dreamy clean up. WOW. i was SOOO turned on and continue to be turned on, it is all i every think about now. i was never with the guy again (damn) but am constantly fantasizing about being with, not 1, but 2...

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What Goes Up Must Come Down

Your name is Marcos a kingpin, and you are in your tiger striped bed, in your mansion, and can't seem to sleep for some reason. You sigh and say, "Puta Madre". You look over to your left and see your wife, Veronica, a spicy traditional latina with pitch black hair, fake 34cc tits, a big fake ass, thicc thighs and pouty lips that were meant for 'chupando verga'. You move over to her and grab her big ass with both of your hands and give it a good hard squeeze. That seemed to awaken Veronica, she...

1 year ago
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SynergyChapter 11

"Marlin, you have a letter here with the Imperial seal on it." Melody frowned as she walked into the kitchen and dropped what little mail there was on the table. "Oh goody," he replied with false enthusiasm. "The Emperor has finally sent me the invitation to his birthday party. That thing has been lost in the mail forever." Slipping his finger under the seal he popped it open and pulled out the two sheets of stationary with handwriting on them. "So what does it say?" Melody...

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Swimming Pool Surprise

Behind my house I have a 16×32 foot in ground swimming pool. I planted vegetation around the pool to make it almost totally private so nobody outside the immediate area of the pool can observe what goes on inside the area because I enjoy skinny-dipping ether alone or with females. One of the things I planted was a muscadine (that’s a wild natural grape, if you don’t know) arbor about 30 feet long along one side of the pool. In the Summer months the arbor provides total privacy along that side...

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Flying High1

I smiled at this, but we carried on chatting about the flight ahead, you slipped under my arm for a little bit of warmth since you are used to the temperature outside now. You suddenly look up at me and I bend down and give you a quick kiss before we join the check-in queue. We chat merrily away together as the 2 people in front of us move forwards in their turn and then it’s our turn. “Hi there, how are you today?” The check-in girl asks, with her sweetest I really don’t care smiles...

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etsindi ? ?To be frank I am confident that you will be pleased with the result." He said as he led her down the corridor, his?head down?staring at?his feet and actually feeling the reverse.. " I think you will admit Mrs Bishom the brief you gave us was not very detailed -?" mute sentient suffering "?I think was the nub of the thing -?however I believe we understood your requirements and that our interpretation will be to your taste." The woman turns to him as her heels click on the...

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Bhagya was at a ripe age of 35 when she landed as a new tenant in the neighbourhood. She stood by the truck all morning, supervising the strong, sweaty workers unloading the heavy articles, while her husband disappeared into the house. Every man on the street, including the workers, was stylish feasting on her sexy body. While some were slyly peeping out of their windows, some men even dared to walk by her house, smiling at her, trying to make small talk. But she shot them all down deftly and...

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Mias Welt 03

Der Besuch .Ich lag noch im Bett . Benny war schon unterwegs . Arbeiten . Ich lag nur da , schlürfte den Kaffee den er mir gebracht hatte . Und versuchte den gestrigen Tag zu verarbeiten . War nicht leicht . Ich wusste immer noch nicht was dieser Detektiv mit mir gemacht hatte . Sollte ich es als Vergewaltigung sehen ?Doch ich kam immer mehr auf den Schluss dass es keine war . Er hatte keinerlei Gewalt angewendet . Mir nicht damit gedroht . Gar nichts . Sicherlich war die Androhung die Bullen...

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Lunch At Lombardo

Ms Mason placed down her phone and looked out from her office across Sydney Harbour. It was a gleaming new morning and she felt elated having received news that she’d been selected as an Account Executive for the new Samsung Australia Account! It was a massive step up for her career with Stride & Stride. As she looked out across the sparkling harbour she felt a gratifying pride in what she’d achieved since graduating from university. She’d been the first female to manage important...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 230

Arlene stood, pulled the side of Jeff's coat open, then sat again, wrapping part of her husband's coat around her. Sitting on the planter the way she was, sharing his coat, helped, but his body heat seemed to help more as she snuggled to him. Jeff put an arm around his daughter, pulling her tightly against him. "This friggin' planter is cold," she whined. "Can't you do this inside, or maybe on the Ship?" But Jeff was shaking his head. "I can't possibly practice inside, well, at...

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A Helping Hand

I was never really the coolest guy at school. Even at eighteen I’d much rather spend time with family than with the few geeky friends that I had. I liked to think of myself as the cool guy since I looked the most normal in my circle. I had short brown hair with blue eyes, a bit of casual stubble and a bigger than average penis, although it never got used other than when I was watching some porn on the internet. One Friday night, I decided to stay at my grandparents place, just for a bit of a...

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The Helenian Wreathe

The Helenian Wreathe by Tegeli CHAPTER 1 - BREATHE Nobody on the station gave me the benefit of doubt. That was understandable. Getting into my position would have been difficult without breaking the law. The skills of a botanist weren't needed on the station, and charity cases were abundant. I needed more time to sort out my situation, but as my air allowance neared its end, my options dwindled. I didn't have enough dignity to jump out of the airlock instead of walking into...

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A Korean Beauty

During the good old 1960’s, in my college days as staff photographer for the school paper, I had the fortune of having many opportunities to cover beauty contests. On one occasion, I was taking candids of the contestants and also scouting for possible models in private shoots off campus. A freshman from Korea, Mimi, was petite–about 5’1′, 95 lbs., with short, but slender legs. Her parents were well off, working for the local embassy. After the campus event ended, I caught Mimi as she was...

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Chasing Megan 3 REDONE

Dating each other didn’t work out so well. All we really did was fuck each’s brains out other then go on really lousy. And when her brother saw us fucking once when we were at her house we knew we had to stop before it got in a real big mess. No way in hell was I getting coped by the feds for this shit. Her brother, Ryan, was in my graduation class and just didn’t seem to know that his baby sister was a lesbian slut magnet. I didn’t think he ever saw Megan as anything but a perfect little...

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My First Gloryhole Experience

I was 18 years old, and I was extremely nervous all day because I knew I was going to force myself to try it…a gloryhole. There was a place a few miles out of town called the XXX store that was opened 24/7. Me and my friends had gone in there a few times, and one time when I went to use the bathroom I saw a strange hall with many doors on either side. All had lights above them, some were lit and others weren’t. It wasn’t until later that I heard what a gloryhole was and how it was used in Adult...

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Lads Holiday Chapter 2

After having some very erotic dreams that first night in the hotel, I wasrelieved to find that the next morning Charlie didn't mention anythingabout the blowjob i'd given him. He was totally cool and normal, and Irelaxed again and really started looking forward to the holiday. I didn'tget to catch up with my old mates that often so i'd been really lookingforward to it, and I knew these other guys would be a good laugh when weall got drunk.The flight out to Berlin was pretty choppy and we were...

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Picking Up the PiecesChapter 2

The first thing Dave noticed as he was coming to consciousness was the smell of fresh coffee. That was strange; Julie didn't like the smell of coffee for some reason, so he usually got some on the way to work ... he opened his eyes, and saw a very tall blonde in the kitchen. All of a sudden things snapped into place. Yesterday. The tower going down. Julie. The boys ... and then, Shae and Eve. "Shae?" he said wonderingly, the question hanging in the air. "Good morning, sleepyhead," she...

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Case Study 301 I want to be your little porn slut daddy

Chapter 10 Case Study 301: I want to be your little porn slut daddy. Meanwhile back in LA Sunday Morning: Inside of the downtown Marriot lobby were two mid-thirty ladies sitting on a small sofa and they seemed to be in a carefree conversation. It appeared as though they were smiling and having a nice private conversation trying to keep up appearances but the reality was they were having a major fight. Wanting to keep up appearances instead of pointing fingers and screaming they were...

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Death and a Life in Emerald CoveChapter 11

Holly Garvin and Jim Andrews walked briskly up the darkened path between a pair of dormitories accompanied by a pair of Huntington Police Department officers. They saw the hulking figure of Bryant Hawkins looming ahead, surrounded by several uniformed officers. There was a band of students standing in the background, looking on in interest, trying to figure out what had just taken place in front of the dormitory. There was another visible figure; this one was lying on the grass. The suspect...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 184

Adriana had just walked into their bedroom where Van was propped against a big pillow on the bed, reading a book. "That took a while," he said, putting the book on the bedside table. "I was beginning to think you had decided we weren't going to make love tonight." Adriana slipped her robe off, laid it on a chair by the bed, and sat beside her husband. He reached to cup a breast as their lips met for a leisurely kiss. She eventually pulled back and gently took his hand from her boob,...

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