The Life of Giving Chapter 5 Obligations
- 2 years ago
- 42
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1 Prologue
It was an autumn evening in London. On Thames Embankment, the lines of plane trees were already shedding their furry seed balls and the first strong winds of the season were picking off the early leaf fall.
In the hall of a house in Clerkenwell, a man stood quietly. His clothes were less than fashionable and made him look older than his years. Even so, they were of a quality that suggested that he could afford to dress well. His face was serious. An observant person would have noticed the way in which he was passing the brim of his hat nervously through his fingers as he waited. As the chiming clock on the wall began to strike the quarter hour he looked up at it, startled by the sudden noise. ?Ah, you're here.? A woman's voice drew his attention away from the clock and towards the top of the flight of stairs in front of him. Her voice seemed to communicate a level of indifference. Her bored expression suggested that she found his arrival an irritation. ?I suppose you had better come up, hadn't you??
?Yes, Mistress.? The man answered, quietly, stealing a glance upward and seeing the woman that was waiting for him. He put his hat on the hall table together with two hundred pounds from his wallet. Hanging his coat on the hall stand, he straightened his tie in a fastidious way and turned towards the stairs.
?Hurry up,? the woman snapped impatiently, ?I have better things to do than wait for you.?
At the same moment, a few miles away in a flat just off the Holloway Road, a young woman slid the door of her wardrobe shut. The naked, bound and gagged man that knelt within was plunged into darkness. ?Now, think about why you're in there,? the young woman said, ?and then perhaps we can have a more constructive talk about your behaviour in this relationship.? Her words were greeted with a muffled whimper of response as she headed to the lounge in search of a drink.
2 Coffee For Two
Allison Terry was on her lunch break but the precious hour before she had to be back at her desk was slipping away. She looked up and waved as Cerys came in to the coffee shop. Cerys looked as disorganised as ever, nodding an acknowledgement to Allison as she tried to juggle her large shoulder bag while she ordered a cappuccino. Fumbling in the bag in search of her purse as she reached the end of the counter, she almost knocked a pile of pastries to the floor while trying to find the money to pay.
Finally, with her bag tucked awkwardly under one arm and her coffee in its tall cup swaying disturbingly on a tray in the other, Cerys crossed the room and sank down in the padded leather armchair at Allison's table. "Phew. Sorry I'm late."
Allison smiled. She wasn't really that worried about the time. She knew that Cerys was a moveable feast - she turned up when she turned up. "Hectic morning?"
Cerys nodded, an outraged expression on her face. "I actually had to do some work!"
"Good heavens! How unreasonable" Allison laughed. Cerys's disaffection with the idea of working for a living had been a constant joke between the two since school days. "It's no good, Cerrie, you'll have to find a way to retire. You'll never hang on for another 40 years."
Cerys tossed her head indignantly, her long dark hair flicked back from her pale-skinned, oval, face. "42 if you don't mind," she responded. "I’m only 23. And anyway I may have found a way around that. That's what I wanted to talk to you about."
"You've found a man who'll keep you in the manner to which you wish to become accustomed?" Allison was sceptical. She was pretty certain that Cerys had done no such thing. Over the last two years Cerys had worked her way through a series of unsuccessful relationships where, usually, the money ran the other way. When it came to men, Cerys seemed fated to attract waifs and strays and Allison found it hard to imagine that she could have finally have moved on to finding a real boyfriend. "You know," she joked "a man that picks up the bill for both of you, when you go out to dinner."
"Patrick only ran out of a restaurant once."
"Yes, but then he made off with your credit cards and ?1500!"
"Well, yes. No, this one's different. He's sweet. He runs his own company; lives in this great place out on the edge of town. Look." Cerys rummaged in her bag and pulled out her phone. She thumbed through a series of pictures before she passed the phone over to Allison. "See. Gordon."
Allison peered at the picture. "He looks a lot like Johnny Depp," she said handing it back.
Cerys looked down at the phone and giggled. She tapped at the screen a few times. "Ooops, sorry. Try this." She passed it back again.
"OK. I can see the attraction." The man in the photograph looked to be in his mid-thirties, professional, short haired, not athletic but he obviously took care of himself.
"Anyway, I need your help."
OK, Allison thought to herself, this is where we find out what's wrong with him.
"You’re a lawyer; I need you to help me draw up a contract."
"Whoa! I'm a legal secretary which isn't quite the same thing. And anyway, what do you want a contract for? If he's the one that's loaded, he'll be looking for the pre-nup, won't he?"
"No, it's not like that. Look it doesn't matter that you're not a proper lawyer. I just want something that sounds like it’s a proper legal contract. You'd be able to put something together wouldn't you? Cut and paste a few bits of legally sounding jargon?"
"Cerrie, I'm confused. You want a contract but it doesn't need to be a real contract." Allison looked across at her friend. Cerys nodded. "What sort of contract isn't a real contract?"
Cerys looked around her. Allison felt there was something almost furtive about the way that she did it. The coffee shop was filling up. A middle aged couple has just taken the last table alongside the two girls. "Look, I can't really explain it here. And anyway I need to get back to the office." She rolled her eyes as if this was a particularly unreasonable idea in the middle of a working day. "Can you come round tonight? It won't take long. We can have a glass or two of wine and I'll go through it then. How about it?"
Allison was puzzled but intrigued. Why shouldn't she help her friend? Besides, Allison wasn't really in any position to judge Cerys’ choices. It wasn't like she had a man in her life. The only difference between them was it was usually Allison herself who decided that a relationship wasn't going anywhere. She looked at her watch. It was time for her to be heading back to Finsbury Square too. ?Look, I've got to get back to the office as well but alright, I'll do what I can to help,? she agreed.
"Oh thanks,? Cerys responded with delight. ?That really is great. Look, can you come at seven? Ring twice, so I know it's you."
?Seven-ish, then.?
?Well, as close to seven as you can manage.?
3 An Evening Drink
Allison was puzzled and a little concerned by the peculiarly precise way that Cerys had insisted that she turn up exactly at seven o'clock and ring twice on the doorbell. Whatever the cause, though, she wanted to find out what on earth was going on with her friend.
When she got to the apartment, Cerys was her usual pleasant, relaxed and hospitable self. Allison was welcomed in, enthusiastically.
"You had me worried at lunchtime," Allison said. "I thought you'd been at the gin for breakfast."
"Sorry," Cerys apologised. "All will be made clear. Do you want some wine or would you like to start on the gin?" she giggled.
"Wine will be fine," Allison said. Cerys disappeared into the kitchen and re-emerged clutching two glasses and a bottle of white wine, fresh from the refrigerator and dripping condensation.
The two of them sat down and Cerys poured them each a generous glass.
"Right," said Allison, "what is all this about? You were being seriously weird at lunchtime. I've spent all afternoon trying to work out what you were getting at. It's been a real distraction." She lifted her glass. ?Cheers!"
"OK." Cerys took a deep breath and paused, biting her lower lip.
Allison could see that she was nervous about what she was about to say. "It's all right, Cerrie, I promise not to laugh or anything."
"OK. Well ... Well, have any of your boyfriends been into anything a bit – well - kinky?"
"Not really. Unless you count a serious fetish for leaving the toilet seat up. I mean Jerry – you remember Jerry? – used to like me to keep my shoes on in bed, which I guess is a bit odd."
"Especially as you're usually in trainers!"
"Right. But apart from that no. I mean what are we talking about here? Fifty shades of Grey? He's invited you up to his red room of pain?"
"No, not at all. Well, quite the reverse really."
"You've got a red room of pain?"
"No. Well, no, not really."
"Not really?" Allison was looking wide-eyed at her friend. "Cerrie, what on earth is this about?"
"All right. Well, look, it's about this guy."
"Yes, Gordon. Well, Gordon likes certain things. Mainly what he likes is a woman that takes the lead."
Allison raised an eyebrow. "Is that lead as in showing direction or lead as in 'collar and'? Oh, good grief Cerrie, why can't you just have a normal boyfriend?"
"No look, he's sweet. And he is loaded, too. And he's a terrific lover too. It's just that he needs a bit of scene setting?"
"Let me guess. Does this involve you strutting around in a corset and high heels, wielding a bull whip?"
"No. It's not like that. Really it isn't."
Allison looked at Cerys. She was looking really worried. "I'm sorry Cerrie. I didn't mean to poke fun. You obviously like this guy and if he treats you OK then I'm going to like him too, whatever his little 'interests' might be. If you and Gordon are both OK with whatever it is you get up to, it isn't any of my business what you do in the bedroom. "
"And the kitchen," Cerrie giggled, "and pretty much anywhere. He's very, well, enthusiastic. To be honest I'm having fun with it too. I'd never thought about it really but maybe we've all got a bit of kink in us if we just find the right opportunity."
Allison didn’t think that she agreed but she was worried in case her friend thought she wasn't taking her relationship with Gordon seriously and concerned that Cerys would think her a prude. She laughed a bit nervously, "I hadn't thought of it like that," she said, "but if you're happy I'm cool with it, too."
"Good. I'm pleased. So you'll help me out?"
"Whoa! Hold on." Allison held her hands up. "I didn't say I wanted to get involved."
"Look, it's not like I want you to do anything with him. It's just that, well, he's really keen on the idea of signing some sort of contract of slavery and I just wanted to make it look really legal and everything so he'd know I was taking him seriously and then I thought of you and, well ?.. Look all I want is you to draft something out and make it look like a proper contract. It's not like it could be really real anyway – I mean no one can write a real contract like that in law can they? It would just have to look like one; with all the legal wording and everything."
Allison looked uncertain and shook her head. "I'm not sure Cerrie. I wouldn't know where to start. I don't know anything about these sorts of games and beside when we draw up contracts in the office we start off with a brief from the client that says what they want it to cover, what the contract is supposed to achieve, what the penalties are for failing to deliver. I wouldn't even know how to set about this. Besides it might be a problem; if anyone found out about it at work, I mean. Unethical behaviour. Something like that."
"That's all right. Look, I've got some copies of stuff I found on the Internet," Cerys got out a file of papers. Allison's eyebrows shot up. From the thickness of the file, there was obviously no shortage of source material. "And I've written in things that I think would work well for Gordon and me. Please say you'll look at it at least, Allie. It wouldn't take you any time, I'm sure, and no one in the office need know, need they? Here, have another glass of wine." Cerys refilled Allison's glass.
Allison took another sip of wine and thumbed through the papers with their hand written annotations. It didn't look any worse than some of the stuff she had to deal with from the lawyers in the office. Well, she told herself, there couldn't be any real harm in it and Cerys was a good friend.
"Allie, come on. How difficult can it be? Please say you will." Cerys's pleading and the extra glass of wine finally succeeded in breaking down her friend's reservations.
"All right," she said, "I'll have a look at it but no promises."
"Terrific. That's great. Oh, I knew you would!"
"I'm only looking at it."
"Yes, of course. I know. But still ? great ? thanks."
Allison was almost certain that if she didn't leave straight away there would be absolutely no chance of her getting out of helping Cerys and she really did want to keep her options open. After all, it did seem a bit weird. She couldn't imagine any of her other friends doing anything like this. But then she couldn't have imagined Cerys wanting to do anything like this either.
"OK. I'll give you a call tomorrow." Allison was heading for the door as quickly as she could.
"Thanks." Cerys gave her a good-bye hug and closed the door as her friend left.
Five minutes later, as Allison was boarding a bus at the end of the road, Cerys opened the door to her wardrobe. She pushed aside the blouses, skirts and dresses that were hanging there. The naked, helpless figure of a bound and gagged man stared up at her from the floor, his eyes blinking as the darkness of the wardrobe was replaced by the brightness of Cerys's bedroom . "Well, then," Cerys announced. "Now that I've dealt with my business, I think it's time to deal with you isn't it?"
The helpless man nodded enthusiastically and gave a mumphed grunt of approval as Cerys reached down to untie his ankles.
Allison was thinking. She had spent a couple of hours after work reading the papers that Cerys had given her and searching on the Internet. It seemed like there was an infinite range of things that might be included in a contract like the one Cerys was looking for. It all depended on what sort of dominant / submissive relationship they had going, what sort of kinks they enjoyed and what Cerys wanted out of it. Actually, Allison thought, I guess it depends what he wants out of it too. To...
It was the lunchtime on the following day when Allison picked up a call on her mobile. It was Cerys. “Hi-yer,” Cerrie’s greeting was cheery. Allison, trying to carry her coffee and sandwich while looking for a table and clutching the phone between her ear and her shoulder, wasn’t quite as chipper. “Hang on, Cerrie, I’m juggling lunch here.” Eventually she managed to get sat down and turned her attention back to the phone. “Sorry ‘bout that. It’s a pain trying to find a seat in here.” “You...
Two days later, on the Thursday, just before she was going to leave work, when Allison was interrupted by a cough and a diffident voice. “I wonder if I could have a word, Miss Terry?” Lionel Fairbrother looked rather uncomfortable as he beckoned Allison towards his office. As one of the senior partners Lionel was rather held in awe by the secretarial staff. He specialised in inheritance and probate work. Allison had worked on a few things for him but nothing recently. She’d always found him...
On Friday, Allison spent most of the day avoiding Lionel, thinking that he would interpret her evasion as disdainful disinterest for at least a while. That, she hoped – in between trying to clear her desk of the various tasks she needed to finish before the weekend - would give her a chance to think about his proposal. The disturbing thing, Allison thought, was that she hadn’t dismissed the idea out of hand and even now was still wondering what she should do about it. Friday night at least...
Lionel Fairbrother threw the book he was reading to one side. He couldn’t concentrate. A pile of papers – documents that he needed to review for a case at work - sat on the couch beside him, accusingly, waiting for his attention. Lionel pinched the bridge of his nose between two fingers and stared across at his hi-fi. He blinked. The music had stopped but he wasn’t even sure how long ago. A half drunk cup of coffee stood on a low table in front of the couch. Lionel could see it was cold just...
After leaving Cerys and the helpless Gordon, Allison headed home. Although it was early she felt tired; emotionally drained, she supposed, as a result of the strange experiences of that evening. She went to bed. The weather was sultry. A bout of late autumn sunshine following on from a week’s rain meant the city felt damp. In Allison’s bedroom, with windows closed it was stuffy but she knew that leaving them open would mean a chilly early morning. Allison lay, unable to settle, pulling her...
Allison had spent quite a while thinking about the call that she was about to make. In the end she decided there was no alternative but to plunge in and see what happened. “Could I speak to Ms Calloway, please.” “Just a moment. Who shall I say is calling?” “My name is Allison Terry. Ms Calloway should be expecting my call.” “Of course. Please hold.” The voice at the other end of the telephone was softly spoken. Allison couldn’t help wondering if it came from one of Ms Calloway’s clients,...
After her meeting with June on the South Bank, Allison spent the next day on tenterhooks getting progressively more anxious as the day wore on. She noticed as Lionel left his office at about five. He seemed to be in the same state of nervous anticipation that she was. Allison had suffered the same “What do you wear... ?” conundrum as she had in the office earlier in the week. She’s was beginning to think the default dominatrix outfit of black leather, corset and boots at least had the...
Lionel Fairbrother was standing in the doorway of the room, looking uncertainly from June to Allison and back again. Allison, anonymous behind her mask and wig was sitting in an armchair watching him. June was standing beside her. “I think you know what’s expected,” June said quietly. “Please don’t be concerned by my guest.” “No, of course, no Mistress,” Lionel’s stuttered response betrayed the way in which his expectations of the evening session had already been disturbed. Allison watched...
“There,” Allison said, putting the folder containing what she thought would be the final version of Gordon’s slave contract down on the table between her and Cerys. “I hope it’s what you were looking for.” “I’m sure it will be,” Cerys responded. “Thank you so much. It’s really going to get Gordon excited. You saw how he reacted when we mentioned about it last week.” Allison nodded. Gordon’s reaction had been one of the reasons why she’d even thought about Lionel’s proposal. Cery’s picked...
She could not, Allison decided, put it off any longer. She had decided that she would like things to progress. That meant one thing. A discussion with Lionel was needed. He, it seemed to Allison, had been very patient but now it was time to settle things between them. She stood in the corridor outside his office gathering her thoughts. Portraits of earlier partners in the firm peered down from the walls. Serious looking men in serious suits seemed to gaze down at Allison as if taking a dim...
The apartment was looking presentable, Allison thought. It was five to eight. He was almost due. She looked at the bottles standing on the sideboard. For a moment she thought a drink would be a good idea. She dismissed the thought, though. The conversation with Lionel was going to need all her attention. She’d decided that a rather formal, business-like look was probably the best for their initial meeting so she’d put on an outfit that she might well have worn to the office. The white...
“So, what did you think of the contract?” Allison and Cerys were sitting in the coffee shop where Cerys had first raised the idea of Allison drafting a contract for her and Gordon. Cerys pulled the document from her bag. “It’s exactly what I wanted. I’m so grateful. It’s really good.” “What does Gordon think of it?” Cerys laughed. “He felt a little uncertain, I think, when I first showed it to him. I guess the only thing worse than not having your fantasies fulfilled is having them...
Allison had told Lionel he could visit her again. From her point of view, she still felt that there were things to explore and he had seemed as keen as ever when she had rasied the idea. They had agreed a time but now Allison was worried. Lionel was over two hours late for their appointment and she had heard nothing from him. She knew he had left the office before her and there wasn’t - as far as she knew - any reason why he should have arrived at her flat yet. She wondered if he had had...
“You’ve got to get off here, sir. Service terminates here.” The words of the Underground guard snapped Lionel out of his confused state. “What? I’m sorry...” he began. “High Barnet, mate. We don’t go no further.” “No. No, of course.” He looked around. The carriage was empty. He got up slowly and a little stiffly, still very conscious of pummelling that his buttocks had received from Allison. “Are you all right, mate?” Lionel nodded. “Yes. Yes, of course.” He looked around as he went to...
Allison felt terrible. Her headache was partly the consequence of the several large glasses of scotch she had downed after Lionel had left but mostly it was because of what had happened while he was in the flat and in particular how she felt about her own behaviour. She’d called the office and told them that she wasn’t feeling well. That was true, but the trouble was she didn’t know, even when she felt better, how she was ever going to be able to look Lionel in the face, ever again. It was...
Allison looked up in response to the buzz from the front door of her flat. She had been worrying about the evening. She wanted to continue with her relationship with Lionel and she wanted to continue to explore her interests in dominance. She was also determined to stay in control her own reactions. It was going to be a difficult balancing act, she knew, combining her amusement with Lionel’s. She had thought hard about the evening, remembering June Calloway’s advice to plan things out. She...
The next day, Allison got into the office earlier than she expected. She was a bit bleary-eyed from a restless night but that was nothing that a good cup of coffee wouldn’t cure, she thought. She was standing in the queue for the coffee machine. There were a couple of other girls in front of her chatting away about the last evening’s television and similar things. “How was your dinner party,” one said. “Ah,” the other responded, “did you hear that news item that said dinner parties would be...
In the hall of her house in Clerkenwell, June Calloway was welcoming Allison. “We can talk upstairs if you like,” said June. “I have some visitors but they won’t object.” Allison was pretty certain that she knew what June meant by “visitors” but, following her experiences over the last few weeks, she didn’t feel the need to insist on having their conversation with June in the hall. June led the way up from the hallway and into her lounge. A few of the tools of her trade – a pair of long...
“You are invited,” the embossed, gold-edged card decreed in large black letters, “to a celebration of kink. The new Kink Collection of leatherwear, rubberwear, and restraints will be shown alongside party, play and dance at the Viaduct Club.” Allison turned the card over. It had the date and time and the words, “Dress Code: Tops – Leather / Rubber / Uniform / Fetish / Vintage. Bottoms – whatever the Top decrees.” Allison smiled. That was only as it ought to be, of course. Clipped to the...
“I’ve finished in the kitchen, Mistress.” Lionel stood head bowed in the door to the living room. It was becoming a regular event in Allison’s week. Each Wednesday, Lionel would appear and, accept her directions to clean up around the flat before being allowed some time worshipping at Allison’s feet. Allison found the routine curiously reassuring but she worried that Lionel was getting to take it for granted and also that she wasn’t getting much out of it other than a clean kitchen, damp...
The next morning when Allison awoke, rested after her night’s sleep, she felt no qualms about the night before. Somehow she felt quite comfortable with how things had turned out and saw no reason to break the spell that Lionel was obviously under. She dismissed him with barely a word, waving him away before she had even left the bed, even refusing his offer to put away the clothes she had discarded the night before. She had been amused when she woke to look down and see the sleeping Lionel,...
Three days later and with over a week to go before the Kink Collection party, Allison was in her usual lunchtime coffee shop. She turned away from the counter, clutching the sandwich and Americano she had chosen for lunch. She was hoping for a short time to relax after a hectic morning in the office. Lionel hadn’t been around – he’d had to go out to a potential new client for a meeting – but that had at least allowed Allison to concentrate on her work. It was hard to know which of the two...
“Well, you’d better get off to your playroom. I think you know what I am expecting, don’t you?” Allison and Gordon were standing in the hallway of his house. Allison’s stern demeanour immediately struck the right chord with Gordon. “Yes, Mistress,” he volunteered. “That is, if you wish for me to call you that.” He looked at her furtively. Allison had chosen to wear the corset that Gordon’s card had paid for together with the blouse and skirt she had been wearing at the time she had been at...
It was the evening of the Kink Collection party. Cerys was bleary eyed and coughing. Her nose was streaming from a particularly unpleasant cold. “It’s no good,” she said, “I’m in no condition to go to this thing tonight. “You sound awful,” Allison responded, sympathetically. She had come to meet up with her friend on the way to the Kink Collection event but Cerys was obviously not well. “I quite understand.” “I think the only way I could do it would be wearing a gas mask with a block of...
I really don’t understand how I’m not freaked out by this, Allison said to herself as she made her way through the packed bar of the Viaduct Club. Only a few weeks earlier her understanding of the BDSM world had been limited, to say the least. Yet, now here she was with three slaves in tow, surrounded by fetish enthusiasts of every flavour, and enjoying every minute of it. She found herself taking in appreciative looks from the others in the room. Her outfit was attracting attention from...
I really don’t understand how I’m not freaked out by this, Allison said to herself as she made her way through the packed bar of the Viaduct Club. Only a few weeks earlier her understanding of the BDSM world had been limited, to say the least. Yet, now here she was with three slaves in tow, surrounded by fetish enthusiasts of every flavour, and enjoying every minute of it. She found herself taking in appreciative looks from the others in the room. Her outfit was attracting attention from...
It was a few days after the show at the Viaduct Club. Allison looked up from her coffee just as a taxi stopped outside the shop. It was quiet. The coffee shop was almost deserted. Cerys emerged from the taxi festooned with shopping bags, each of which carried the name of some designer brand or other. Amongst them, Allison noticed, were two carrying the logo of ‘Style with Restraint’. Half falling through the door of the coffee shop she collapsed into an armchair. “Who’d have thought spending...
Allison and Lionel were together in Allison’s flat. She was sitting on the couch. He stood in the middle of the room facing her. He looked, she thought, more than a little uncomfortable. That alone gave her pleasure in a way she found surpising. “So,” she said, “have you had the chance to read it.” She nodded towards the papers that sat on the table on the far side of the room. She wasn’t certain what she expected or hoped the outcome of the conversation would be. “Yes.” “And what did you...
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------------------------------------------------- The evening had started innocently enough. At least on her side. Kean sighed grabbing the round of drinks, and moving through the crowded dance floor, checking out bouncing breasts and wiggling asses as he did. He liked what he saw, but he had better at home, or he would especially after this week,hopefully as early as tonight. His cock lurched in his jeans, and he had to slow his pace the let himself adjust. The waitress behind him carrying...
ReluctanceMy wife likes to fuck and she does it a lot. She tells me about some of her fucks when I’m pumping her wet cunt. She is so sexy. I’m a lucky guy. I’ve been told some wives don’t like to fuck very much. I can only get my dick hard to get in her when her twat is real wet. I guess that’s because my first time ever in a cunt was when she took me in her bedroom and took our clothes off. She played with my pecker and then got her pussy right over my hard dick. Some...
The following Monday morning, Sally rushed to answer the doorbell. Her mother had just left with her brother, and while her mom was expected to be gone for few hours, Sally was unsure when she would see Robbie again.She opened the door as far as the chain would allow and glanced around the edge.“Hey, Sal,” Lenny said, a wry smile on his lips. His black eye certainly looked better today.Sally closed the door, quickly removed the chain lock, then flung it wide and dragged him inside, slamming the...
First TimeIt wasn’t exactly a plan, but it was something that she had been thinking about for some time: and as the day got nearer, the more she wanted to do it before it was too late! From the day of her birth, and probably before, her whole life had been mapped out for her: a giant ‘to-do’ list of things to be ticked off as they had occurred. She knew that she had been sheltered from the harsh realities of the real world, and she was not unappreciative or ungrateful: but she had grown up with the...
September 3rd 1826. Monmouth House. London We had returned from Grantham the previous evening, Jean-Woodrow was enrolled as a day boy at The King’s School and had remained behind. Mimi shed a few tears when we left him, but knew it was for the best. The Allens were only too happy to have their grandson stay with them, and John Renoir Blanchard Allen, as he was entered on the school register, was already friends with many of those boys of the town who would now be his school companions. We...
When our stud needs his house cleaned, he calls a special service to send over a maid with the thoroughness he requires for the job. They send the impeccably hot Asian babe, Mia Leilani, and she seems to fit the bill. He tells her that she must call him Master and cannot look him in the eyes as she cleans. When she slips up, he punishes her, spanking her ass with a black leather crop. She moans as he spanks her on her hands and knees. Then, he picks her up and fucks her hard on the kitchen...
xmoviesforyouThe boy was a typical teenager. Though in his last year of school, instead of worrying about what he would be doing next year in term of going to college or going out to work; ever since his hormones took over, most of the time, all he could think about was sex. In the last year, he had found that he was growing like a beanstalk and was rapidly approaching the six-foot mark. Though still thin, he was starting to fill out but not just his body. His cock had somehow turned from a small worm into...
IncestNot too many days passed before I emailed him wanting to connect. I knew that the next time we met he would be burying his cock in me and I wanted to make sure we had enough time to plan it so we had a decent amount of to time to explore. I told him that I could entertain him the next few days and he indicated that tomorrow would probably work and he would confirm in the morning. I went to bed that night thinking of what it might be like the following day and hoped that we would get together. I...
Chapter 5 ended with Sandra resting in a tub of hot water and bath oil. Her body sore from being beaten with a cane, flogger, leather paddle and a crop. Master Frank punished her severely with the instruments of pain with a vibrator in her pussy and ass. Her tits tied painfully tight and clamped. He had forced her to orgasm multiple times before letting Rusty, the family German Shepard dog, fuck her cunt while she was securely tied to a bench. When he untied her she was too weak to stand or...
I was hot all day after Jen had told me of her naked weekend with Martin and Damien and I was thrilled that she had her first threesome. I was especially thrilled when she pulled from her overnight bag, six full bottles of her lovers' cum.“Damien sent you a bottle as well Trevor,” Jen smiled.“Oh, wow,” I replied.“We thought that you should taste him before you start sucking him off.”“Did you swallow his cum over the weekend?”“Yes a lot of it, he doesn’t cum as much as Martin but his is thicker...
CuckoldAubrey is a Real Estate Agent sick of her lazy Husband who just sits around and watches TV all day but refuses to get a job. She tells him she has an important meeting with her Real Estate Agent partner to go over some figures and can he go somewhere else in the house and he says no. She asks him if he can go grab some food and he says no. Then she reminds him that he crashed her car because he’s such a bum and she’s always paying all the bills. Finally she decides to teach him a...
xmoviesforyouMy wife and I were walking back from the lake on the Indian Maid path that almost no one at the campground used anymore. It had been so hot earlier in the day that the cool breeze coming off of the lake was a welcome relief. We liked walking the path even though it was not as well cared for and took about 10 minutes longer to get back to the campground. That extra remoteness occasionally came in very convenient when the wife decided that doing things on the wild side would be nice.But...
Hi readers I am back again .let me introduce myself again I am Chandu ,height 5,9,and well built sporty structure .this is continuation part of the story of my house maid Hima .To understand my story please read my first story “My maid Hima”.She got married again and she had been married to our car driver. He was well looking but unable to satisfy Hima. He is a drinker and smoker. This was a real incident happened 10 months ago. We both are happy to hear that my uncle and aunt are going out of...
My wife Kimberly and I have been married now ten years and are still in love, with a better than decent sex life. I had never thought about sleeping around. So it surprised me a little when her niece moved in with us six months ago. I was just really attracted to the very sexy eighteen year old. She came to us because her parents felt she was out of control and she needed a change of living arraignments.I guess having promiscuous daughter didn’t suit them. But I found her quite reserved and she...
When John woke up, he was disoriented at first. It took a few seconds before he realized that not only was he not in his own bed at home, but that he was in Betty's bed in Hawaii. "Oh shit!" he thought, as he remembered what had happened. The thought that he had fucked his beautiful hostess brought him completely awake, and also make him notice that he was alone in her king-size bed. "Well its about time you woke up. Your little nap turned into a full night of sleep, and I didn't have...
NSFW Monster sounds like the name of an off-brand energy drink that might make you flip out, get tazed, and then arrested in the lingerie section of Wal-Mart. I certainly wouldn’t know anything about that because I was too busy jerking off to the website that took the name instead. It seems like a much safer blend of stimulating ingredients: rather than getting another strike for public indecency; I just ruined yet another keyboard with a thick coat of semen. That, my friends, is...
Porn GIFs SitesNovember 12, 1993, Chicago, Illinois “I suppose we do need to start somewhere,” I said. “I’m just not sure that’s the right place.” “But it’s something we can all accept, right now,” Jessica said. “I’ll live here, and promise to talk to both of you each day, and to be honest with you about how I’m feeling and what’s going on at work.” “It’s not perfect,” I said, “but I’m not sure I have a better solution given everything you said. What do you think, Kara?” “I think it will be good for the...
Having just enjoyed the most volcanic ejaculations anyone could ever imagine, I was weak and at least temporarily sated and spent. I lay on my back on the landing at the turn of the stairway, breathing heavily. Edna sat next to me and began gently kissing me on my face, chest and stomach, as I slowly began to regain my stamina. After a few minutes, which seemed much longer, I was able to put my arms around Edna and pull her down to where I could kiss her on her lips and insert my tongue...
Riding into St. Johns, Hoyt had a good feeling about himself. For the first time since he was old enough to do a days work, he didn’t have a real job. Yet, he’d made more money this week than he’d made in any three years of his life. At the courthouse, he met with Apache County Sheriff, Braden Wills. “Hoyt, I got one here for you that I’d like to get cleaned up as soon as we can. This’n is gonna to be a tough one, but from what Marshal Freeman told me, you can get the job done if anyone...
*************Sexta parte************* Hab?a amanecido cuando Isabel abri? la puerta con energ?a. Yo estaba dormido y casi me cuelgo de la l?mpara del susto. ??Arriba, perezosa! ?dijo con su voz cantarina y aparentemente siempre feliz?. ?El d?a ya ha comenzado y hay un mill?n de cosas por hacer! Llevaba un vestido en tonos morados que dejaba ver el nacimiento de sus abundantes pechos y se estrechaba en la cintura, marcando una cintura de avispa. Terminaba aproximadamente un palmo por encima de la ...