An Obligation free porn video

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It wasn’t exactly a plan, but it was something that she had been thinking about for some time: and as the day got nearer, the more she wanted to do it before it was too late! From the day of her birth, and probably before, her whole life had been mapped out for her: a giant ‘to-do’ list of things to be ticked off as they had occurred. She knew that she had been sheltered from the harsh realities of the real world, and she was not unappreciative or ungrateful: but she had grown up with the mantra ‘With privilege comes responsibility’; and now she was ready to do her duty ... but all she wanted first was a little freedom: her own little cache of memories to draw on in the years ahead of unceasing obeisance towards conformity!

At about three a.m. she got out of bed and quickly dressed: and from the place that she thought it most unlikely to be discovered, she took out the bag that she had ‘borrowed’ from the domestic staff when she came upon it, unattended; and into this she put a few basic items of clothing and toiletries. Then, going to her writing bureau, she sat down, took out a sheet of paper and an envelope, and wrote in her neat hand: I am safe. Please allow me some time to be myself, then I will contact you. Anna. Folding the paper, she placed it into the envelope and sealed it, before writing ‘Papa’ on the front and leaving it on her pillow where it would be easily found.

Having lived in the royal apartments for most of her twenty-one years, she knew that security was practically non-existent inside: so donning a long coat, a woollen hat that covered her head, and a scarf her face, she slipped out of the building and into the night.

At 05:45, Sam Whelan walked down the stairs from his living quarters over the shop. He’d done this almost every morning for the last five years, since his parents had retired early to a bungalow near the coast to see out their days in a place where there were no stairs to climb, no heavy boxes to lift, and no deliveries to oversee. Sam had moved into the apartment with his wife, Debbie, where they planned to spend several decades together until it was their turn to either pass on the shop to their children, or sell up and move to their own equivalent of a seaside bungalow. However, the hit-and-run driver who had knocked Debbie down and left her dying in the road had put an end to the dream.

He turned off the shop’s alarm and turned on the lights, and then walking through to the front he opened the door to collect the bundles of newspapers that were always left there. This morning, however, as well as the papers, he found a young woman huddled in the doorway. He placed a hand on her shoulder: “ ... Are you all right, Miss?” Anna opened her eyes: “ ... I’m so c-cold!” He helped her up and supported her. “ ... Come on! Let’s get you inside and into the warm!” He led her to the stairs at the back that he had only just descended. “ ... If you can just sit here for a couple of minutes...”

Leaving her, still shivering, he quickly dragged the newspaper bundles inside, shut and bolted the door, then turned off the shop lights. There weren’t usually many customers this early and anyone who did turn up, would ... well ... just be unlucky!

Once upstairs he took her straight through to his bedroom, where the bed he had so recently vacated would still be warm. Helping her out of her coat and her boots, he laid her down, otherwise fully-clothed, and covered her up. “Get some sleep, Miss!”

She smiled weakly at him and whispered “Thank you!” then closed her eyes. Sam went downstairs to get the shop ready for opening. He didn’t do newspaper deliveries any more, as there was not enough demand to warrant it: although a few were put aside for regular customers; so after setting the papers out in racks, it was business as usual.

At ten o’clock his assistant, Mary Elmsworth, arrived, so he took the opportunity to pop upstairs to see how his ‘guest’ was getting on. She was sleeping, but had obviously been awake, because a pile of women’s clothes now lay on the floor next to the bed. Sam picked them up and loosely folded them, before placing them on a chair. He looked at the sleeping figure in the bed: she was certainly very pretty; and there was something familiar about her that he couldn’t quite put his finger on! He quietly returned downstairs to carry on with his shopkeeping chores.

“Can you manage for bit, Mary!” he asked, rhetorically, “I’m going to get some lunch!” Mary was more than capable: she’d worked for Sam for two years; ever since his wife ... He climbed the back stairs once more, stopping outside the bedroom and glancing in.

“Good morning! Please come in!”

“ ... Well, you’re looking a lot better than you did earlier this morning!”

“Yes ... thank you! You were very kind to take me in like that ... I hadn’t expected it to be that cold! My name is An ... Angela. What’s yours?”

“ ... Sam ... Sam Whelan! Pleased to meet you, Angela!” He couldn’t help noticing her porcelain skin and the elegant curve of her neck: like one of those marble statues that you see in museums.

“Are you hungry, Angela ... I was just about to make myself some lunch!”

“ ... Oh, gosh! I’m absolutely starving! I haven’t eaten since about eight o’clock last night!”

“Well, it shouldn’t take long to cobble something together! Would you like to take a bath or a shower first?”

“ ... Ooh, yes please! I’d love a bath! Um ... do you have a robe or something that I can borrow, Sam?”

“ ... Of course! Hanging on this door! The bathroom is just along the landing. Would you like me to run it for you?”

“If you wouldn’t mind!” she said, smiling. Sam left the room, pulling the door closed behind him. Anna wasn’t really sure that she wanted to get out of bed ... it was so warm and snug, and there was a residual aroma that she actually found very attractive! But she pushed off the covers, then walked over to where the robe was hanging from the hook on the door. She put it on, luxuriating in the feel of soft cotton towelling against her skin, from her neck to mid-calf. She took a moment to really look around the room. She was unused to clutter: her rooms were tidied daily, and although familiar, they still had a sense of impersonality; unlike this room, which was full of evidence of real people living in it.

She had only seen Sam, but there were photographs of him and the pretty dark-haired woman: obviously his wife, judging from the clothing they were wearing. Anna wondered if she would be meeting her later. But then she saw the small photograph, not framed, but tucked into the corner of the mirror frame. It showed a simple, black marble headstone, with the inscription:

Deborah Whelan


Cherished Wife and Daughter

Much Loved and Never Forgotten

Anna pushed the tears off of her cheeks with the back of her hand: she felt the guilt of intrusion into another person’s life. Sam had been so kind to her ... but even now he must still be feeling his sense of loss! As she opened the bedroom door, he was coming out of the bathroom. He smiled, and the warmth of his affection pierced her heart!

“It’s all ready for you, Angela! Take your time ... there’s plenty more hot water if you want it!”

It was a very simple meal, but Anna couldn’t remember one that tasted better!

“That was lovely, Sam! I’ve never learned to cook!”

“ ... What ... not even beans on toast!” he said, playfully.

“No ... not even that!” She omitted to say that she didn’t think that she’d ever even had it, let alone cooked it!

“I’m not really a cook: my wife ... my wife always used to do the cooking...”

“I’m truly sorry, Sam: I saw your photographs in the bedroom!” His eyes betrayed his sadness, but he tried to smile.

“That’s life! These things happen, but life goes on!”

Anna had never really had to deal with such deep emotions, but some part of her consciousness made her reach out and squeeze his hand. In that moment she decided that he had to be told the truth.

“ ... Sam ... do you know who I am?” He looked intently at her face: there was something...

“ ... My name isn’t Angela: it’s Anna Maria Louise. Does that sound familiar?” She recognised the shock of acknowledgement in his face. “But you’re...” She nodded.

“ ... I suppose you could say that I ran away! You probably know what’s about to happen to me: it wasn’t my choice; but I accept the reasoning behind it! He’s a nice man, and I’m sure that in time we will both grow into the relationship!”

“ ... But, in this day and age ... I didn’t think that sort of thing still went on!” Anna smiled:

“It’s more common than you know, Sam! Some of my relatives are permitted to marry for love alone: but I’ve known ever since I was a little girl that my Prince Charming would be chosen for me. I’m 21 now, and considered to be of the right age!”

“So are they looking for you? Will you ... will I ... get into trouble if you’re found here?”

“Goodness Gracious, no! I left my father a note: and you’ve been nothing but kind, Sam, and you helped me when I needed it most; if anything, you should get a reward!”

“ ... I wouldn’t want that ... er, Ma’am! In fact, I’d rather no one ever knew!”

“ ... Yes, I understand! I’ve put you in a very awkward position: so if you’d rather I went...”

“No ... not at all! You’re welcome to stay for as long as you want, of course!”

“I’m glad about that, Sam! I’ll stay up here out of sight: but if I’m going to stay, there’s to be none of that ‘Ma’am’ business; you must call me Anna, or Angela, if you prefer! And while I’m here, perhaps you can introduce me to beans on toast!”

Before he went back down to the shop, he gave her a quick tour of the flat:

“I generally close up around six in the evening: unless there’s any last-minute customers. Help yourself to anything that’s in the kitchen: and I have books and DVD’s. And if my assistant asks: I’ll say I have a friend staying for a few days ... she won’t come up here unless I ask her to!”

After making herself tea in a big mug, Anna went into the bedroom to find something comfortable to wear. She wondered if there were any of Sam’s wife’s clothes still in drawers or closets: but she decided that, even if she found something, it would definitely not be a good idea to borrow anything without permission; and even with, he might find the reminder too painful! So instead she had a prudent look through Sam’s clothes. He had obviously played sports at some time, because she came upon several pairs of football or rugby shorts ... some probably too big, but one pair which she put aside.

In another drawer she found T-shirts: another one of which was added to her temporary wardrobe. She then removed her own rather formal clothing and put on his: quite unlike anything that she’d usually wear; but rather comfortable all the same! Thus dressed in her borrowed attire, and with bare feet and bare legs, she carried her tea through to Sam’s living room and turned on the television. She was particularly interested to see if there was anything about herself on the news. There was not. Thank you, Papa, she said to herself: he had obviously got her note and was giving her the limited freedom that she’d asked for!

So with the knowledge that, as far as the rest of the world was concerned, nothing extraordinary had happened, she looked through Sam’s film collection. A few she had seen before, but most she hadn’t. Then with her bare legs tucked up under her while sitting on Sam’s sofa, her big mug of tea, and the DVD’s, she was really relaxed and enjoying herself!

At about 6:30 she heard someone coming up the stairs. “Hello, have you had a good afternoon?” he asked her.

“Mmm! Very much so! I hope you don’t mind me borrowing a few things?”

“No, of course not!” he said, with his usual good grace and generosity. “There are a few things of Debbie’s, if you’d like to borrow them!”

“No, that’s very generous of you to offer, but these are fine! One thing I was going to ask you, Sam: do you sell mobile phones in your shop? I really ought to let somebody know that I’m all right, but I left mine behind, and I wouldn’t want the call traced back to here!”

“No, I don’t sell phones: but I do have the SIM cards that go in them, and I still have my wife’s phone; suppose we charge that up and put a new card in it!”

“Yes, we could do that! I’m afraid I don’t have any money on me, but I’ll make sure you’re reimbursed!” Sam smiled:

“ ... We’ll see! I’ll go and get it and put it on charge ... if I can find it! Incidentally, Anna, what shall we have to eat: I thought perhaps I could order something in; Chinese or Indian take-away, or a pizza, perhaps?”

“Do you know,” she said, somewhat incredulously, “ ... I’m afraid I’ve never had any of those!”

“ ... Well, Indian might be a bit too much if you’re not used to it, and pizza might be a bit bland: shall we go for Chinese? I’ve got a take-away menu that you can look at!”

“Would you like a cup of tea, Sam ... I know that I can do that!” Sam laughed:

“I’m sure that there’s lot of things that you can do, Anna ... if you get the chance!”

Sam went into his bedroom to look for Debbie’s phone and charger. He knew that it should work, because she’d not had it long before she was knocked down, and she hadn’t had it on her at the time. They could have left the original SIM in there: but he couldn’t remember whether she’d registered it at the shop’s address; so he went down to the shop and got a new card and a prepay voucher, so that she could use it as soon as the phone was ready.

“Here’s that menu! I quite like Chinese food, and you get lots of variety! Have a look, and then I’ll phone the order through!”

“ ... There’s such a lot of choice!” Anna exclaimed, “How do you ever decide!”

“Well, most Chinese food is cooked quickly at high heat, so it’s not heavy food. Shall I just order some basic chicken and rice dishes: with a few extras thrown in for good measure?”

“All right! I’m all for trying new things! I’ll trust your judgement, Sam!”

The phone was still charging when the food arrived. Sam opened all the containers in the kitchen, then handed Anna a fork.

“Try a little of everything, and anything you like, put on a plate. I like all of it, so don’t worry about any of it going to waste! Would you like some wine to go with it? I have red from Chile or white from Australia ... although it’s probably not as good as you’re used to!”

“ ... White, please ... and it will be fine!” she said, putting her soft hand on his arm.

When she did this, Sam felt stirrings in parts of his body that he hadn’t felt since Debbie: he quickly tried to push them out of his mind; but he couldn’t deny that she was a beautiful woman! They even ate their meal off of their laps, on trays, rather than sit at the table. But once more Anna loved the informality.

Despite her upbringing, Anna could never be accused of being a snob. As little children she and her siblings had not been coddled, and they played freely and mixed with the other estate children: only later were the demands of protocol tightened, and they were expected to act and behave in accordance with the social constraints of their status and position. The phone was now fully charged, and Sam changed the SIM card and then added the credit.

“Why don’t you make your call in the bedroom!” he suggested. Anna gave him a smile that curled his toes! When she returned she sat next to him on the sofa and he topped up her wine glass.

“ ... I have two more days, if that’s all right with you, Sam! I told my father that I’m in safe hands and enjoying myself, but not where I am ... because, in truth, I’m not sure! I walked in the dark for several hours before I saw your shop, and I was cold and couldn’t walk any more!”

“You know that you’re very welcome, Anna ... and I’d like you to keep the phone, if you want it!”

“Yes, I want it! And I shall always keep it as a reminder of you and your kindness and generosity!”

She went to use the bathroom, and when she came back she sat even closer to Sam. They sat talking for a little longer, and then he said:

“I’m sorry, Anna: I have to be up quite early; I really need to go to bed now! Our spare bedroom is full of stock now: but I’ll fetch a pillow and a blanket and sleep on the sofa!”

“You’ll do nothing of the sort, Sam! The bed is big enough for both of us: but if you’d rather not share, I’ll be the one sleeping on the sofa!”

“ ... Okay! If you don’t mind! But I ... er ... I don’t have pyjamas!”

“Well, I have no objections!” she said, smiling. “Do you need to use the bathroom?”

Sam stood in front of the bathroom mirror brushing his teeth, and not quite believing what was happening! Of course, things like this only happened in stories, not in real life: but here he was, about to get into bed with a beautiful woman; who happened to be incredibly sexy, and also very good company! And he could probably never, ever, tell another person about it ... not that he ever would, of course!

“Just give me a few minutes, Sam!” Anna said, then she walked across his bedroom floor wearing only his T-shirt! He groaned to himself as he watched her perfect bottom cross the room. He quickly undressed: the stirrings were much stronger now. No, please! Not now ... not that! All he could do was get into bed and use his hands to cover his embarrassment: really hoping that she wouldn’t return and get the wrong idea!

Just before Anna got into bed she pulled the T-shirt over her head, then pulled back the cover so that she could slip between the sheets. She looked at Sam and giggled.

“I’m so sorry!” he said, “ ... I’m afraid it’s been a while ... I haven’t...”

“ ... First of all ... stop apologising, Sam! Second thing ... show me!” Sam tried not to think: he just lifted his hands off of his manhood. By the soft glow of the bedside lamp, he could see Anna’s facial expression clearly.

“ ... Well, you’ve certainly have nothing to apologise about ... and I have no intention of letting it go to waste!”

Anna slumped forward onto Sam’s chest: her insides palpitating from the orgasm that had just ripped through her body. Still sitting astride him, her wet vagina still gripped him like a limp handshake, the sticky liquid sliding down his flaccid penis and oozing out of her. He held her tight.

“That was your first time, wasn’t it?” he asked her, quietly. Her head was resting on his shoulder. “Yes!” That was enough conversation.

“Good Night, Anna!”

“Good Night, Sam!”

Leaving her gently snoring on the pillow, Sam kissed her lightly on the brow then dressed and went downstairs to open up the shop. Although he’d got a lot less sleep than usual, he probably felt more vital and alive than he had for a long time! While the shop was empty, he picked up several packets of condoms and slipped them into his pocket.

Despite how embarrassed some people felt about buying their contraceptives from the place where they shopped regularly for newspapers, tobacco, and milk; they sold a lot more of them than he thought they would when he’d introduced them. They were kept on view, but behind the counter: and as he’d expected, he’d observed that some men seemed a bit uncomfortable asking for them when Mrs Elmsworth was serving behind the counter; but women seemed to have no such inhibitions ... whoever stood behind the counter!

Once again he excused himself at ten o’clock, and then climbed the stairs to see how Anna was. Ruffled, but still beautiful, he thought, she lay in the middle of the bed, on her front, clutching a pillow to her chest. Despite walking softly, she must have heard him, because she opened her eyes and smiled.

“Good Morning, lovely Sam! Are you coming to bed?” He knelt on the floor so that his head was level with hers.

“I wish I could!” he said, stroking her hair, “ ... But I can’t leave the shop! Why don’t you sleep, and I’ll be back in a couple of hours!” Anna closed her eyes. “Beans on toast,” she said, already half asleep. Sam chuckled, then kissed his finger tips, which he then briefly held against her brow.

The singing was coming from the bathroom. Well: not so much singing, as ‘La-La-La-ing’! He knocked gently.

“It’s open, Sam! I’m getting out now, Poppet! I’ve been waiting for you!” She stood up ... like a soapy Botticelli’s The Birth of Venus! Sam held out a towel, which she wrapped around herself before she stepped out, with Sam holding her hand to steady her.

In the bedroom they chatted naturally as she stood naked drying herself, before putting on briefs and Sam’s T-shirt. They went into the kitchen, and while Anna made tea, Sam cut thick slices of bread, which he put into the four-slice toaster, then opened a can of baked beans: the contents of which were transferred to a basin, and then into the microwave oven.

“Mmm! It’s really good!” Anna said, as she tucked into her lunch.

“There are a few side-effects! What do your family think about flatulence?” he asked, smiling.

“ ... Oh, we do ... everyone does! Although not in public, of course!”

“ ... About last night,” Sam said, “ ... Aren’t there rules about virgin brides!”

“ ... Not any more, Darling! They won’t inspect the Royal bed-sheets, or anything like that! And I know for a fact that my husband-to-be is I believe what they call ‘a player’, and he has bedded quite a few women already!”

“ ... And we didn’t use any contraception!”

“I suppose that could present more of a problem ... but it’s really not your problem, Sam! What matters is that you were my first: nothing can ever change that, and I will certainly never forget it ... or tonight, I hope!”

“And when exactly is your wedding, Anna?”

“Six weeks tomorrow, Darling Sam! That’s when the dream ends and the reality begins! But you know what, Sam: I’m not dreading it any more, because you’ve given me enough happiness during the last few days to last a lifetime!”

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Bill Hardesty’s turn: I’ve just become Bill 3.0. Cindy officially conferred the status upon me. “Bill 1.0’s my adopted dad. Bill 2.0’s Haley’s husband in Louisiana. Since you’re part of this now, you shall be Bill 3.0.” Which is fine, except to Herself, the Vickster, I’m ‘Billy’. “Cindy said you were ‘Billy’ when she first met you.” “I was. I like to think that I’m mature enough to be ‘Bill’ now.” Sparkly eyes. “Not ‘William’?” “Bill.” Snicker. “Billy.” That snicker is one reason I’m...

2 years ago
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Fantasy Football

My Gladiator I don’t feel good about this. I went to go grocery shopping downtown. With our daughters finally back in school I had a little more time for it, and I just like being downtown. A couple niche groceries where you can get better stuff. It’s a little more expensive, but it’s worth it. I had worked out this morning, too: another opportunity that disappears in the summer when kids are everywhere. Even though I’m in my late 30’s, I’m still the youngest regular at our club gym. It’s...

3 years ago
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The Boss Needs Help

It was Kristen's first day as a newly promoted office manager and she looked the part in her sharp new jacket and skirt. For her first official act, she summoned her brother into her office. As fate would have it, her older brother was the guy who had recommended her to this company in the first place. "You wanted to see me?" Michael asked, while standing at the door.She nodded. "I did. Come in and close the door, please. We need to have a little talk."Michael was tense as he shut the door and...

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WinteringChapter 2

Carrying Traci into the bedroom, Bill Meyer couldn’t help but feel like a teenager who was going to lose his virginity. The anticipation of making love with this beautiful woman was something that he was eagerly looking forward to doing. He already had an erection that put him into a state of readiness. She must have felt the same anticipation because she told him that his carrying her was making her feel like a bride on the night of her marriage. Bill placed Traci down on her bed and...

3 years ago
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Navratri And My Mom

By : Open Mind Hello..this is a work of fiction.We live in a posh area of the city. I am the only child of my parents. We are a upper class family and quite rich but I won’t boast on that. My dad is a rich person and holds business while mom is a home maker. She used to be a part of a dance troop in her earlier days. Even after she was married to my father she continued it till she had me. Speaking about my mom, she is not any ordinary girl. In our locality men flock around our house just to...

4 years ago
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Sex With the New Secretary

Last week was a week full of celebratory events. Agatha Smith finally retired. She gave thirty years of service at Anthony Roma’s company. He made sure that she got a nice pension and his company gave her a retirement party. She was the best administrative secretary he ever had. The best part of her retirement was interviewing dumb blondes to take her place. There were many that were perfectly qualified. Mr. Roma wasn’t really looking for somebody who would be able to get her work done...

3 years ago
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Beeline 0280 Prisoner of Lust

Prisoner Of Lust By Theodore Stickles PAULA'S UNLEASHED PASSION Paula had always known that one day, the lust-starved prisoners that shecounseled would not be able to resist her voluptuous body. So, as the prisoner grabbed her and forced her to undress, releasing hisaching member, she shouldn't have been so shocked. He squeezed and fondled her bare breasts ... pinching her nipples hard... savouring the flavor and feel of a woman's flesh ... rubbing hishard, erect penis against Paula's trembling...

4 years ago
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Masturbating mom

I was totally horny. I couldn't stand it any longer. My husband, Jim was away on business again and I couldn't wait another minute, much less another two days. My son, Paul was out on a date, so I was all alone in the house... alone and frustrated! My pussy wanted attention in the worst way. Since Jim wasn't around to help the situation, I was just going to have to take matters into my own to speak. I wasn't new to masturbation. Quite the contrary. I loved doing it. It...

2 years ago
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Business Epilogue

Alex and I went home and lived happily ever after. We got married 3 weeks later. We didn't even wait to graduate. We kept building up our company for about a year and would probably still be doing it except for a slight changing our plans. Alex somehow got pregnant, go figure. Anyway we sold DanAlex for a retarded amount of money. Alex wanted to be a stay home mom, and she insisted that we stay home together. Dana never recovered from the incident. A few months after it happened, I was...

1 year ago
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MyFriendsHotMom Krissy Lynn 23975

When your mom catches you masturbating, it’s embarrassing. But when she catches you masturbating to a picture of your big titted aunt, it’s mortifying beyond words. So Justin gets sent to his friend’s mom, Krissy Lynn, to talk it out. She’s a psychiatrist, and comes to realize that his perverted attraction might just stem from an attraction to older women. She suggests some role play, so he can work through all of his desires. Only this role play involves Justin fucking his Krissy Lynn, who’s...

1 year ago
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Reach Out For The Sunrise Ch 04

© SADIE ROSE BERMINGHAM & BELLORA QUINN 2009 ‘Our fond wishes and thanks to everyone who’s stuck with us this far into our long, and ever winding story. You keep us going with your lovely comments and kind words. And so without further ado, the festive season is upon us, that time of indulgence and rampant consumer excess, so what better antidote than a little slice of melodrama and despondency courtesy of ours truly. On the house, no really… it’s our pleasure! Chapter Four is the start of...

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Zeus and Io Books 1 and 2Chapter 15

I found the skinny biker chick I was looking for. She was perusing a large, nasty looking rifle. "Hi Zeus. I was just looking at something for personal protection. What do you think?" She hefted a M16 look-alike. "This is what I carried in the game." She propped the gun on her hip, under the watchful eye of the vendor. "I think you're more likely to shoot yourself in the foot than do any damage to some attacker. And where are you gonna carry that thing anyway? You got a purse that...

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Mathews humiliation in front of the whole family

Mathew's mum Janet had just come off the phone and was both angry and disgusted.  Mr Nesbitt who owned the local newsagent had called to tell her that he was detaining her teenaged son Mathew after catching him red handed stealing. The shop owner was a no nonsense sort of man who had a dim view on sticky fingered youngsters.  It was only that he had a soft spot for  Janet (or a hard one more like) that he didn't bother reporting Mathew to the police, which was his usual course of action. When...

2 years ago
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Naughty Weekend

It was Saturday morning and I was spending the weekend with David and Vivian, a married couple in their fifties who were friends of my mom. I had turned sixteen a few weeks before and had lost my virginity just the night before to this wonderful couple. After I had showered and dressed, I went downstairs to find David sitting on the couch watching TV. I sat down beside him and he put his arm around me. Vivian had to work that morning and would be home around lunchtime. David got up and put a...

Group Sex
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A Revenge Saga Chapter 2

“Aditi?” Devansh walked up to the stranger with the question,”Ah! I thought I saw you!!” he added sounding all thrilled. Aditi turned, the initial look of the puzzle on her face gave way to an expression as blank as a plain piece of paper and then a tired smile flashed across her face. “Oh! Hi Devansh!!” she replied. Silence. They just looked at each other for what looked like an eternity. Devansh was at a loss for words. What could he possibly say to her after all this time?Finally, Aditi...

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Poker Night in My 20s Another Night Remebered

Following on from the experiences I have shared relating to my time with Fred and other men at poker nights, I thought I would add one more such experience. I have been asked to do so by a lovely, sexy gent who kindly e-mailed me through SOL. I had been contacted by Gordon, one of the men who had been at Fred's party night, where I had previously acted as a stripper for the evening. He had got my number via Fred who said he was sure I wouldn't mind him getting in touch with me. Gordon...

1 year ago
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From break up to first memorable sex Virgin Sex Stories

This wasn’t supposed to happen because it wasn’t planned at all. It was supposed to be a sad beginning for the newest year. But it was exactly the opposite of how we planned and I can’t believe I am not a virgin now. It had been a few years since I and Kevin has been dating. We met in the college and since then we have been in a relationship. For the past few months, we weren’t clicking well together. Constant quarrels with patch-ups and break-ups. I was going to break...

2 years ago
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The Girl Across The Street Is Taught A Lesson Part 4

The morning sun wakened me from a deep, peaceful sleep as I turned onto my back. Lying there, I couldn’t help recalling the sexual escapades from the last two days. After taking care of my morning wood, I went and took a quick shower. Getting dressed, I decided on Alice’s Cafe for breakfast before doing my errands and going up to the lake. I packed my gym bag, then went outside to get the morning paper from the porch and heard a voice call out... “Good Morning, Mr. Powers.”“Good Morning, Mrs....

Wife Lovers
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Lisa first time Chapter three he takes my virginity

Chapter 3: Lisa’s First Love – Don wants to take my virginity….I think I want that too. I awoke the next morning, thinking that the word eventful does no justice to the past twenty-four hours. Yesterday, I kissed Don for the first time, he felt my breasts, fingered me, driving me to a wonderful orgasm. He introduced me to his penis, and ejaculated all over my stomach as we humped together in my bedroom. I could not resist masturbating last night as I lay in bed, recalling the wonderful day...

First Time
3 years ago
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Getting Lucky in Kentucky Ch 06

Everything had been going just so well with David, but I was just plain scared shitless of this picnic on Saturday. My daughter’s father had abandoned all responsibilities, never acknowledged that he had a daughter, never paid a penny of child support, and has never even seen his daughter, and yet David not only hasn’t been scared away from a woman with a child, he even suggested a picnic in the park so that he could meet her. After I got home on Friday, I sat Lucy down and tried to explain...

3 years ago
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Femdomme Marriage Gone Wrong and AftermathChapter 17

"There, I want you to keep that in till Monday night when we change it the next size. You'll keep that till Wednesday night then the "Big Daddy" goes up your cute butt." "Can you stand? Try it. I'll help you if you want me to." I stood up but for a moment Red had to steady me. "Here let's take off your blindfold and the nipple clamps." "Ouch" and another "Ouch" It really hurts when the blood rushes back into those nipples. "Come Peter let's go take a shower and then you...

3 years ago
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Claudias ConditionChapter 17

The summer evening air was beginning to cool as Dan walked Kim hand in hand. “Where are we going?” She wondered. “Golf courses can have some of the most beautiful settings, especially ponds close to the greens,” he said, escorting her along a gravel pathway. “Thank you, Dan, for treating me so special,” she said, hugging his arm. “It’s my pleasure. I love my Claudia and care a lot about you, and Tracy. But right now you are the only woman in my world.” Kim stopped him under a light...

2 years ago
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Submissive Goes Candle Shopping

M: “Come shopping with me tomorrow, I need to buy some candles, leather, toiletries. Then let’s head to the race course.” F: “Ok”, you said. M: “Just the black one piece.” Our conversations were pretty one directional, always post 10 pm and ended with you replying with a syllable, unless I was in a different mood. You thought my leather jacket had given some great times, and was wearing out – so decided I wanted to get a new one. You had heard me talk about getting as new electric toothbrush...

3 years ago
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A Lustful Goodbye

A full moon glistens over the snow covered ground as it lights our way. Returning from a long crisp walk, the only sounds we hear are out hearts beating as the snow falls down around us. Seeing the muted lights of our house in the distance, my mind begins to wander. Wondering what the rest of the night has in store for us, knowing that this is the last night we will be together for a very long and lonely week. Lost in my thoughts, your touch startles me as you slip your arm around my waist...

2 years ago
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Uncle Dave’s Homecoming Eleven fifteen she thought as she looked at the clock on the V.C.R. Dam I’m not going to get the beach today. Anita had been looking forward to a day at the beach with friends from school for weeks. It was a hot summer’s day in Miami and instead of going to the beach party that she had planed, she was on her way to the airport to pick up her Uncle Dave, a man she hadn't seen in five years. As Anita took the 405 freeway out to Sky Harbor Airport she wonders if she would...

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The Queen and her Decendant

Running and shouting are heared throughout the forest. A girl and three soldiers all armed with spears and swords run through the forest. "Bandit, bandit!" Is all the soldiers yelled, the girl runs and turns through the endless trees away from them. "Why me, what did i ever do wrong," the girl thought; her life was on long bad event after another, left in an orphanage, tossed out for reasons beyond her control, forced to whore and steel to live, and now she was here soldiers chasing her into a...

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My Fantasy Wife Get Blacken Pregnant

She is an administrative secretary for a fairly large local company. She has to make many business trips with her manager, Ken.I’ve known Ken for a few years now but we only usually meet at things like the company Christmas party of when he gives Karen a ride home from work. He is a tall, muscular, young black man that played professional football for a few season's with Atlanta. Karen is 5’6, weighs about 148 lbs (depending on her current diet) and measures 38C, 29, 40. She has 2 k**s and she...

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BangBrosClips Keisha Grey Fucking My Boyfriends Friend in the Woods

Keisha went camping with her boyfriend and his friend, she just woke up craving some cock but her boyfriend is not around instead she finds our boy Sean. He’s available and ready to give her a good fuck. Even though Sean feels bad for his friend, he still gives Keisha all the dick she’s looking for. Feeding his massive cock to her mouth and the letting her ride it like a champion. Eventually her boyfriend shows up but they don’t care, the fucking keeps going on in the tent, behind the zipper....

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How Lucky Can You GetChapter 3

The saloon was pretty quiet when I walked in. This was in the middle of the week, so most people would have to get up early to be at work as soon as it was daylight. That kept the crowd pretty thin except on Saturday night when people could sleep late on Sunday. Hell, a lot of men slept as late as 7:00 AM on Sunday morning! Thank God, I led the carefree life of the self-employed, so I could sleep late if I wanted to. The only restriction on me was getting up in time to make it for breakfast...

4 years ago
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Lose One Find AnotherChapter 48

September progressed along just fine. Brenda continued to drive her mustang to and from school. She was the hit of the school and the most popular cheerleader in the whole school. I wonder how that happened? ha ha ha On Friday's we would go to her school and watch football while she stood on the sidelines cheering her team on. Ashlee and I sat in the stands cheering for our cheerleader and hoping that the football team would win. Saturday was family day and when we could, we would drive to...

2 years ago
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Neighbors PetChapter 8

Stan Wilson was even more handsome by candle-light, Beth ardently reflected as she studied his dark-eyed face expectantly smiling at her across the table. His strong, masculine hand rested caressingly over hers on the white linen of the tablecloth, its virile warmth telegraphing little shivers of anticipated delight along her spine. They sipped martinis and spoke in low tones, spoke in near- whispers of suggestive moments to come, until the thought of the way she had deceived Jay with the...

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Freeway exhibitionist sex

There was a tow truck behind me that wanted to pass, but I was to wrapped up in my titties. The tow truck got into another lane to exit, when all of sudden he got back into the freeway traffic lanes. That is when I became aware of him because of his fast lane changes. He pulled up along side of my car. I knew then he was watching me. My excitement was increasing and my pussy was getting wetter. I looked at him. We made eye contact. His eyes were fixed on my large melons. He licked his lips,...

3 years ago
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The Adventures With Mr Ferguson

Mr Ferguson is beyond gorgeous. He is a mixed man, with gorgeous green/hazel eyes. I’m pretty sure he isn’t married, but even if he was, I really wouldn’t care. He is pretty tall, about 6’2′ and has very well-defined, broad shoulders. You can just see Mr. Ferguson’s bulging biceps peep through his orange shirt and his massive cock in his khakis. Every girl in my grade wanted him. He looked so gorgeous today. I could just feel me getting aroused looking at him in front of the class. I felt like...

4 years ago
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Enslaved Chapter 23

“Well now, how did it go then?”Glenda Heine, wife-to-be of Quentin Osman eased herself further into the soft cushions piled on the Ottoman upon which she reclined. She wore a lightweight trouser-suit of flower design. Her light, blonde hair fell to her shoulders and this lessened the hardness of her rather angular face.She was a woman who once might have been pretty but now, in mid-thirties, was no longer that. On the other hand, she had not become a beauty. In effect, she had one of those...

1 year ago
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My Moms Hot Friend Part 2 An Unexpected Visitor Revised

It was Friday afternoon, I was waiting for Linda to finish working so the festivities could begin. Nothing seemed to amuse me for more than a few minutes, I would try playing video games or reading a book but I kept thinking about what was going to happen in less than an hour. It didn't help that I had an erection that wouldn't go away, I had already jacked off twice today but I was still horny as hell. I felt like I was going to explode if I didn't blow my load soon so I decided to...

4 years ago
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Unforgettable Gay Experience

I am the third son of my parents after still birth of two other male child.It was predicted that third will be a girl but destiny had its way and finally born as a son.Because of death of earlier children my parents were very much afraid.An astrologer advised to keep this child as a girl for at least seven years and get married to lord shiva .My parents obeyed what they were told and offered me to Lord Shiva as his wife.Also I used to were cloths as a girl child.I looked very very beautiful...

Gay Male
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Histoire dune poupe Partie 2

------------------------- M?MOIRES D'UNE POUP?E ------------------------- UNE ?TERNIT? DE PLASTIQUE Tant de vigueur sexuelle malgr? l'?ge Il me chargea sur la banquette arri?re de sa voiture et d?marra. Alors qu'il conduisait, il se mit ? me parler, jetant dans le r?troviseur des petits coups d'oeil amus?s dans ma direction. - Tu sais Lola, si tu es aussi bonne qu'ils l'affirment, je crois que je ne vais pas regretter mon achat. C'est que, ? toi je peux le dire, les femmes en g?n?ral me les br...

3 years ago
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A Teasing Tale

We have been a happily married couple for a while now and although our sex life started off well, sadly it has been going downhill for a few months. I think, like many typical married couples, in the beginning the sex is wonderful and exciting and then over time, it fades to once a month or so and becomes stale. One day we have a heartfelt conversation about our sex life and I know that you are such a caring, loving man and so patient but I can see that you are getting frustrated. So, I decide...

Straight Sex
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Cousin Josh

Introduction: Young love … theres a glorious, fleeting beauty about it, one a heart does not understand until years pass … … This story takes a while to build up, and the sexual scenes are very detailed, which might not be everyones cup of coffee. Enjoy! Sexual characters are eighteen, of course. ********** I lay on a towel in the scorching sunshine. It was hot enough to be almost uncomfortable. The tip of my left bare boob itched, and I rubbed it absently. I hated tan lines. Luckily the...

3 years ago
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Strip Searching RebeccaChapter 3 Girl Sex and Ass Rape

Rebecca heard the sound of the door opening. "Please, let me off of this, my pussy hurts so bad, I will do anything, just let me off," the pain in her voice making it tremble. She had been riding the ridge for over an hour since the Judge had left. No matter how much she tried to stay still, her tender pussy was continually rubbed raw on the sharp edge. The Commander walked into her view. Rebecca was tied onto the pyramid, her arms bound behind her back, her breasts thrust forward. Sweat...

4 years ago
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Sandra war auf dem Weg zurück in ihre neue 2-Zimmer-Wohnung. Weit nach Mitternacht hatte sie sich nach einem spontanen Besuch bei ihrer besten Freundin auf den Heimweg gemacht. Simone wohnte weit draußen auf dem Land, in einem winzigen Dorf in Norddeutschland. Beide hatten sich schon viel zu lange nicht mehr getroffen. Ein leckeres Essen und eine Flasche Wein taten der Stimmung gut. An sich trank Sandra nie Alkohol wenn sie noch fahren musste, aber Simone hatte mehrfach ungefragt nach geschenkt...

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