- 3 years ago
- 18
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It wasn’t exactly a plan, but it was something that she had been thinking about for some time: and as the day got nearer, the more she wanted to do it before it was too late! From the day of her birth, and probably before, her whole life had been mapped out for her: a giant ‘to-do’ list of things to be ticked off as they had occurred. She knew that she had been sheltered from the harsh realities of the real world, and she was not unappreciative or ungrateful: but she had grown up with the mantra ‘With privilege comes responsibility’; and now she was ready to do her duty ... but all she wanted first was a little freedom: her own little cache of memories to draw on in the years ahead of unceasing obeisance towards conformity!
At about three a.m. she got out of bed and quickly dressed: and from the place that she thought it most unlikely to be discovered, she took out the bag that she had ‘borrowed’ from the domestic staff when she came upon it, unattended; and into this she put a few basic items of clothing and toiletries. Then, going to her writing bureau, she sat down, took out a sheet of paper and an envelope, and wrote in her neat hand: I am safe. Please allow me some time to be myself, then I will contact you. Anna. Folding the paper, she placed it into the envelope and sealed it, before writing ‘Papa’ on the front and leaving it on her pillow where it would be easily found.
Having lived in the royal apartments for most of her twenty-one years, she knew that security was practically non-existent inside: so donning a long coat, a woollen hat that covered her head, and a scarf her face, she slipped out of the building and into the night.
At 05:45, Sam Whelan walked down the stairs from his living quarters over the shop. He’d done this almost every morning for the last five years, since his parents had retired early to a bungalow near the coast to see out their days in a place where there were no stairs to climb, no heavy boxes to lift, and no deliveries to oversee. Sam had moved into the apartment with his wife, Debbie, where they planned to spend several decades together until it was their turn to either pass on the shop to their children, or sell up and move to their own equivalent of a seaside bungalow. However, the hit-and-run driver who had knocked Debbie down and left her dying in the road had put an end to the dream.
He turned off the shop’s alarm and turned on the lights, and then walking through to the front he opened the door to collect the bundles of newspapers that were always left there. This morning, however, as well as the papers, he found a young woman huddled in the doorway. He placed a hand on her shoulder: “ ... Are you all right, Miss?” Anna opened her eyes: “ ... I’m so c-cold!” He helped her up and supported her. “ ... Come on! Let’s get you inside and into the warm!” He led her to the stairs at the back that he had only just descended. “ ... If you can just sit here for a couple of minutes...”
Leaving her, still shivering, he quickly dragged the newspaper bundles inside, shut and bolted the door, then turned off the shop lights. There weren’t usually many customers this early and anyone who did turn up, would ... well ... just be unlucky!
Once upstairs he took her straight through to his bedroom, where the bed he had so recently vacated would still be warm. Helping her out of her coat and her boots, he laid her down, otherwise fully-clothed, and covered her up. “Get some sleep, Miss!”
She smiled weakly at him and whispered “Thank you!” then closed her eyes. Sam went downstairs to get the shop ready for opening. He didn’t do newspaper deliveries any more, as there was not enough demand to warrant it: although a few were put aside for regular customers; so after setting the papers out in racks, it was business as usual.
At ten o’clock his assistant, Mary Elmsworth, arrived, so he took the opportunity to pop upstairs to see how his ‘guest’ was getting on. She was sleeping, but had obviously been awake, because a pile of women’s clothes now lay on the floor next to the bed. Sam picked them up and loosely folded them, before placing them on a chair. He looked at the sleeping figure in the bed: she was certainly very pretty; and there was something familiar about her that he couldn’t quite put his finger on! He quietly returned downstairs to carry on with his shopkeeping chores.
“Can you manage for bit, Mary!” he asked, rhetorically, “I’m going to get some lunch!” Mary was more than capable: she’d worked for Sam for two years; ever since his wife ... He climbed the back stairs once more, stopping outside the bedroom and glancing in.
“Good morning! Please come in!”
“ ... Well, you’re looking a lot better than you did earlier this morning!”
“Yes ... thank you! You were very kind to take me in like that ... I hadn’t expected it to be that cold! My name is An ... Angela. What’s yours?”
“ ... Sam ... Sam Whelan! Pleased to meet you, Angela!” He couldn’t help noticing her porcelain skin and the elegant curve of her neck: like one of those marble statues that you see in museums.
“Are you hungry, Angela ... I was just about to make myself some lunch!”
“ ... Oh, gosh! I’m absolutely starving! I haven’t eaten since about eight o’clock last night!”
“Well, it shouldn’t take long to cobble something together! Would you like to take a bath or a shower first?”
“ ... Ooh, yes please! I’d love a bath! Um ... do you have a robe or something that I can borrow, Sam?”
“ ... Of course! Hanging on this door! The bathroom is just along the landing. Would you like me to run it for you?”
“If you wouldn’t mind!” she said, smiling. Sam left the room, pulling the door closed behind him. Anna wasn’t really sure that she wanted to get out of bed ... it was so warm and snug, and there was a residual aroma that she actually found very attractive! But she pushed off the covers, then walked over to where the robe was hanging from the hook on the door. She put it on, luxuriating in the feel of soft cotton towelling against her skin, from her neck to mid-calf. She took a moment to really look around the room. She was unused to clutter: her rooms were tidied daily, and although familiar, they still had a sense of impersonality; unlike this room, which was full of evidence of real people living in it.
She had only seen Sam, but there were photographs of him and the pretty dark-haired woman: obviously his wife, judging from the clothing they were wearing. Anna wondered if she would be meeting her later. But then she saw the small photograph, not framed, but tucked into the corner of the mirror frame. It showed a simple, black marble headstone, with the inscription:
Deborah Whelan
Cherished Wife and Daughter
Much Loved and Never Forgotten
Anna pushed the tears off of her cheeks with the back of her hand: she felt the guilt of intrusion into another person’s life. Sam had been so kind to her ... but even now he must still be feeling his sense of loss! As she opened the bedroom door, he was coming out of the bathroom. He smiled, and the warmth of his affection pierced her heart!
“It’s all ready for you, Angela! Take your time ... there’s plenty more hot water if you want it!”
It was a very simple meal, but Anna couldn’t remember one that tasted better!
“That was lovely, Sam! I’ve never learned to cook!”
“ ... What ... not even beans on toast!” he said, playfully.
“No ... not even that!” She omitted to say that she didn’t think that she’d ever even had it, let alone cooked it!
“I’m not really a cook: my wife ... my wife always used to do the cooking...”
“I’m truly sorry, Sam: I saw your photographs in the bedroom!” His eyes betrayed his sadness, but he tried to smile.
“That’s life! These things happen, but life goes on!”
Anna had never really had to deal with such deep emotions, but some part of her consciousness made her reach out and squeeze his hand. In that moment she decided that he had to be told the truth.
“ ... Sam ... do you know who I am?” He looked intently at her face: there was something...
“ ... My name isn’t Angela: it’s Anna Maria Louise. Does that sound familiar?” She recognised the shock of acknowledgement in his face. “But you’re...” She nodded.
“ ... I suppose you could say that I ran away! You probably know what’s about to happen to me: it wasn’t my choice; but I accept the reasoning behind it! He’s a nice man, and I’m sure that in time we will both grow into the relationship!”
“ ... But, in this day and age ... I didn’t think that sort of thing still went on!” Anna smiled:
“It’s more common than you know, Sam! Some of my relatives are permitted to marry for love alone: but I’ve known ever since I was a little girl that my Prince Charming would be chosen for me. I’m 21 now, and considered to be of the right age!”
“So are they looking for you? Will you ... will I ... get into trouble if you’re found here?”
“Goodness Gracious, no! I left my father a note: and you’ve been nothing but kind, Sam, and you helped me when I needed it most; if anything, you should get a reward!”
“ ... I wouldn’t want that ... er, Ma’am! In fact, I’d rather no one ever knew!”
“ ... Yes, I understand! I’ve put you in a very awkward position: so if you’d rather I went...”
“No ... not at all! You’re welcome to stay for as long as you want, of course!”
“I’m glad about that, Sam! I’ll stay up here out of sight: but if I’m going to stay, there’s to be none of that ‘Ma’am’ business; you must call me Anna, or Angela, if you prefer! And while I’m here, perhaps you can introduce me to beans on toast!”
Before he went back down to the shop, he gave her a quick tour of the flat:
“I generally close up around six in the evening: unless there’s any last-minute customers. Help yourself to anything that’s in the kitchen: and I have books and DVD’s. And if my assistant asks: I’ll say I have a friend staying for a few days ... she won’t come up here unless I ask her to!”
After making herself tea in a big mug, Anna went into the bedroom to find something comfortable to wear. She wondered if there were any of Sam’s wife’s clothes still in drawers or closets: but she decided that, even if she found something, it would definitely not be a good idea to borrow anything without permission; and even with, he might find the reminder too painful! So instead she had a prudent look through Sam’s clothes. He had obviously played sports at some time, because she came upon several pairs of football or rugby shorts ... some probably too big, but one pair which she put aside.
In another drawer she found T-shirts: another one of which was added to her temporary wardrobe. She then removed her own rather formal clothing and put on his: quite unlike anything that she’d usually wear; but rather comfortable all the same! Thus dressed in her borrowed attire, and with bare feet and bare legs, she carried her tea through to Sam’s living room and turned on the television. She was particularly interested to see if there was anything about herself on the news. There was not. Thank you, Papa, she said to herself: he had obviously got her note and was giving her the limited freedom that she’d asked for!
So with the knowledge that, as far as the rest of the world was concerned, nothing extraordinary had happened, she looked through Sam’s film collection. A few she had seen before, but most she hadn’t. Then with her bare legs tucked up under her while sitting on Sam’s sofa, her big mug of tea, and the DVD’s, she was really relaxed and enjoying herself!
At about 6:30 she heard someone coming up the stairs. “Hello, have you had a good afternoon?” he asked her.
“Mmm! Very much so! I hope you don’t mind me borrowing a few things?”
“No, of course not!” he said, with his usual good grace and generosity. “There are a few things of Debbie’s, if you’d like to borrow them!”
“No, that’s very generous of you to offer, but these are fine! One thing I was going to ask you, Sam: do you sell mobile phones in your shop? I really ought to let somebody know that I’m all right, but I left mine behind, and I wouldn’t want the call traced back to here!”
“No, I don’t sell phones: but I do have the SIM cards that go in them, and I still have my wife’s phone; suppose we charge that up and put a new card in it!”
“Yes, we could do that! I’m afraid I don’t have any money on me, but I’ll make sure you’re reimbursed!” Sam smiled:
“ ... We’ll see! I’ll go and get it and put it on charge ... if I can find it! Incidentally, Anna, what shall we have to eat: I thought perhaps I could order something in; Chinese or Indian take-away, or a pizza, perhaps?”
“Do you know,” she said, somewhat incredulously, “ ... I’m afraid I’ve never had any of those!”
“ ... Well, Indian might be a bit too much if you’re not used to it, and pizza might be a bit bland: shall we go for Chinese? I’ve got a take-away menu that you can look at!”
“Would you like a cup of tea, Sam ... I know that I can do that!” Sam laughed:
“I’m sure that there’s lot of things that you can do, Anna ... if you get the chance!”
Sam went into his bedroom to look for Debbie’s phone and charger. He knew that it should work, because she’d not had it long before she was knocked down, and she hadn’t had it on her at the time. They could have left the original SIM in there: but he couldn’t remember whether she’d registered it at the shop’s address; so he went down to the shop and got a new card and a prepay voucher, so that she could use it as soon as the phone was ready.
“Here’s that menu! I quite like Chinese food, and you get lots of variety! Have a look, and then I’ll phone the order through!”
“ ... There’s such a lot of choice!” Anna exclaimed, “How do you ever decide!”
“Well, most Chinese food is cooked quickly at high heat, so it’s not heavy food. Shall I just order some basic chicken and rice dishes: with a few extras thrown in for good measure?”
“All right! I’m all for trying new things! I’ll trust your judgement, Sam!”
The phone was still charging when the food arrived. Sam opened all the containers in the kitchen, then handed Anna a fork.
“Try a little of everything, and anything you like, put on a plate. I like all of it, so don’t worry about any of it going to waste! Would you like some wine to go with it? I have red from Chile or white from Australia ... although it’s probably not as good as you’re used to!”
“ ... White, please ... and it will be fine!” she said, putting her soft hand on his arm.
When she did this, Sam felt stirrings in parts of his body that he hadn’t felt since Debbie: he quickly tried to push them out of his mind; but he couldn’t deny that she was a beautiful woman! They even ate their meal off of their laps, on trays, rather than sit at the table. But once more Anna loved the informality.
Despite her upbringing, Anna could never be accused of being a snob. As little children she and her siblings had not been coddled, and they played freely and mixed with the other estate children: only later were the demands of protocol tightened, and they were expected to act and behave in accordance with the social constraints of their status and position. The phone was now fully charged, and Sam changed the SIM card and then added the credit.
“Why don’t you make your call in the bedroom!” he suggested. Anna gave him a smile that curled his toes! When she returned she sat next to him on the sofa and he topped up her wine glass.
“ ... I have two more days, if that’s all right with you, Sam! I told my father that I’m in safe hands and enjoying myself, but not where I am ... because, in truth, I’m not sure! I walked in the dark for several hours before I saw your shop, and I was cold and couldn’t walk any more!”
“You know that you’re very welcome, Anna ... and I’d like you to keep the phone, if you want it!”
“Yes, I want it! And I shall always keep it as a reminder of you and your kindness and generosity!”
She went to use the bathroom, and when she came back she sat even closer to Sam. They sat talking for a little longer, and then he said:
“I’m sorry, Anna: I have to be up quite early; I really need to go to bed now! Our spare bedroom is full of stock now: but I’ll fetch a pillow and a blanket and sleep on the sofa!”
“You’ll do nothing of the sort, Sam! The bed is big enough for both of us: but if you’d rather not share, I’ll be the one sleeping on the sofa!”
“ ... Okay! If you don’t mind! But I ... er ... I don’t have pyjamas!”
“Well, I have no objections!” she said, smiling. “Do you need to use the bathroom?”
Sam stood in front of the bathroom mirror brushing his teeth, and not quite believing what was happening! Of course, things like this only happened in stories, not in real life: but here he was, about to get into bed with a beautiful woman; who happened to be incredibly sexy, and also very good company! And he could probably never, ever, tell another person about it ... not that he ever would, of course!
“Just give me a few minutes, Sam!” Anna said, then she walked across his bedroom floor wearing only his T-shirt! He groaned to himself as he watched her perfect bottom cross the room. He quickly undressed: the stirrings were much stronger now. No, please! Not now ... not that! All he could do was get into bed and use his hands to cover his embarrassment: really hoping that she wouldn’t return and get the wrong idea!
Just before Anna got into bed she pulled the T-shirt over her head, then pulled back the cover so that she could slip between the sheets. She looked at Sam and giggled.
“I’m so sorry!” he said, “ ... I’m afraid it’s been a while ... I haven’t...”
“ ... First of all ... stop apologising, Sam! Second thing ... show me!” Sam tried not to think: he just lifted his hands off of his manhood. By the soft glow of the bedside lamp, he could see Anna’s facial expression clearly.
“ ... Well, you’ve certainly have nothing to apologise about ... and I have no intention of letting it go to waste!”
Anna slumped forward onto Sam’s chest: her insides palpitating from the orgasm that had just ripped through her body. Still sitting astride him, her wet vagina still gripped him like a limp handshake, the sticky liquid sliding down his flaccid penis and oozing out of her. He held her tight.
“That was your first time, wasn’t it?” he asked her, quietly. Her head was resting on his shoulder. “Yes!” That was enough conversation.
“Good Night, Anna!”
“Good Night, Sam!”
Leaving her gently snoring on the pillow, Sam kissed her lightly on the brow then dressed and went downstairs to open up the shop. Although he’d got a lot less sleep than usual, he probably felt more vital and alive than he had for a long time! While the shop was empty, he picked up several packets of condoms and slipped them into his pocket.
Despite how embarrassed some people felt about buying their contraceptives from the place where they shopped regularly for newspapers, tobacco, and milk; they sold a lot more of them than he thought they would when he’d introduced them. They were kept on view, but behind the counter: and as he’d expected, he’d observed that some men seemed a bit uncomfortable asking for them when Mrs Elmsworth was serving behind the counter; but women seemed to have no such inhibitions ... whoever stood behind the counter!
Once again he excused himself at ten o’clock, and then climbed the stairs to see how Anna was. Ruffled, but still beautiful, he thought, she lay in the middle of the bed, on her front, clutching a pillow to her chest. Despite walking softly, she must have heard him, because she opened her eyes and smiled.
“Good Morning, lovely Sam! Are you coming to bed?” He knelt on the floor so that his head was level with hers.
“I wish I could!” he said, stroking her hair, “ ... But I can’t leave the shop! Why don’t you sleep, and I’ll be back in a couple of hours!” Anna closed her eyes. “Beans on toast,” she said, already half asleep. Sam chuckled, then kissed his finger tips, which he then briefly held against her brow.
The singing was coming from the bathroom. Well: not so much singing, as ‘La-La-La-ing’! He knocked gently.
“It’s open, Sam! I’m getting out now, Poppet! I’ve been waiting for you!” She stood up ... like a soapy Botticelli’s The Birth of Venus! Sam held out a towel, which she wrapped around herself before she stepped out, with Sam holding her hand to steady her.
In the bedroom they chatted naturally as she stood naked drying herself, before putting on briefs and Sam’s T-shirt. They went into the kitchen, and while Anna made tea, Sam cut thick slices of bread, which he put into the four-slice toaster, then opened a can of baked beans: the contents of which were transferred to a basin, and then into the microwave oven.
“Mmm! It’s really good!” Anna said, as she tucked into her lunch.
“There are a few side-effects! What do your family think about flatulence?” he asked, smiling.
“ ... Oh, we do ... everyone does! Although not in public, of course!”
“ ... About last night,” Sam said, “ ... Aren’t there rules about virgin brides!”
“ ... Not any more, Darling! They won’t inspect the Royal bed-sheets, or anything like that! And I know for a fact that my husband-to-be is I believe what they call ‘a player’, and he has bedded quite a few women already!”
“ ... And we didn’t use any contraception!”
“I suppose that could present more of a problem ... but it’s really not your problem, Sam! What matters is that you were my first: nothing can ever change that, and I will certainly never forget it ... or tonight, I hope!”
“And when exactly is your wedding, Anna?”
“Six weeks tomorrow, Darling Sam! That’s when the dream ends and the reality begins! But you know what, Sam: I’m not dreading it any more, because you’ve given me enough happiness during the last few days to last a lifetime!”
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Sweet blonde babe, Tristan Summers, slays in her black lacy lingerie and knee-high stockings as she touches her full-grown boobies and frail-looking body to satisfy her lust. But doing so just wasn’t enough. She decides to show off her navel piercing before bending over, teasing Tyler D with her tight asshole and shaved pinkish pussy. Tyler couldn’t resist the horny blonde so he inserts his fingers into her hole before letting her give him a sloppy blowjob. Not able to control their lust any...
xmoviesforyouI was coming that night from a conference in the West.I felt tired and wishing to come back home as soon as I could. But it would be useless; because my lovely hubby was out of town and then he could not give me the good fuck I needed so badly. And I really needed it…I was travelling by the main highway that ran into my home town.There was a gas station there, where I knew that I could find a trucker eager to enjoy my growing arousal that night…I reached there, finding that the parking lot...
Penny's cheerleader costume was attracting more attention than she anticipated. She wore the vest top without the requisite turtleneck sweater underneath, plus she left the top three buttons undone. Her D-cup breasts put a tremendous strain on the remaining two. The vest was spread so wide that her nipples were barely covered. Once when she was dancing a whole tit popped out. The skirt wasn't much better. Her husband, Rick had her shorten the pleated little number by five inches. Instead of...
Hello everybody. Thanks to ISS that giving me chance 2 share my story with u. First I will introduce myself. My name is rahul n I m from PUNE, having 5 feet 6 inches height, medium body age 27 yrs.This is a true story which happened ten months back. Well before coming to story I will let u know that I have desirable very hot sexual feelings, really hot. Starting with my story, my grant mother is elderly n she is 70 yrs, due 2 elderly in age she was once hospitalized in PUNE. The health...
IncestChloe Couture is stuck in the bathtub calling for help. When her stepbrother Tony barges in on her to see what the problem is and learns that she has hurt her ankle. She’s stuck in the tub, and Tony sees a way to use the situation to his advantage. He tells Chloe he’ll help her, but only if she gives him a hand job. Since Chloe has no choice, she soon gives in to Tony’s request and strokes him off, even leaning in to wrap her puffy lips around his fuck stick until he gives her...
xmoviesforyouThe guys aren't sure why the girls as ked the to the apartment but they 're anxious . Especially since both Penny and Bernadette are dressed in lingerie.Could they want an orgy Howard wondered excitingly . They already have a thing for nerds ."Boy I 'm sure you're wondering why we as ked you here. " Penny asks ."A lit t l e. ""Well you see, we feel like you take us for granted and don' t s how the love you claim you have. ""We understand you have y our hobbies of comic books and video games ....
Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil doctor college pennai eppadi chat seithu oothen enbathai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar akash vayathu 28 aagugirathu, enaku innum thirumanam seithu vaikamal irukiraargal. Thirumanam seithu vaikathathaal naan kama veri pidithu irunthen. Yaar kidaipaagal avargalai ookalam endru kathukondu irunthen, thianamum kama kathaigal padipen. Thinamum facebookil ilamaiyaana pengalaai usar seithukonde irupen aanal ithu naal...
Bros before blows from your friend’s hot girl? Not if she’s deepthroating! At least that’s Tyler’s M.O. when he chases down his buddy’s gf Samantha Hayes after a huge blowout with her and her now ex-man occurred in front of their social circle. Tyler’s always had the hots for Samantha, and when he tells her that she doesn’t deserve that asshole of a “friend” of his, that she can get much better, his odds of banging her are greatly improved. In fact, Tyler’s words are so sweet that Samantha goes...
xmoviesforyouSunday, June 19, 2005 (Continued) When Carol and I arrived back in the study, the parents were talking about the mansion-buying AGAIN - was there no end to it? They stopped, letting me say, "Carol's game has finished. It served its purpose and Carol lost the mood when she and I started talking normally..." "Thank you VERY much for it," interrupted Carol. "I had a GREAT time. That was the first time I've been able to do that, and it was even better than I'd imagined. Especially...
Jack was hungry. So fucking hungry. Andhe had an appetite for pussy. He pushed open the door and walked into the room. There before him was his ultimate fantasy. She was laid back, legs apart, with a coy smile on her lips. She beckoned him closer, and opened her legs wider. He slipped out of his suit jacket, and tossed it on the back of the couch. He drank in her fine body. Her rich auburn hair, spread out on the pillow like a halo. Her large, full breasts, encased in an emerald green bra,...
When I was younger and was either having sex with a gal or simply jerking off at home I would shoot a load that was impressive. One time I laid on my bed and jerked off and when it was time to cum I held in for a bit and then let it go. I swear it 3' or 4' in the air before landing on my belly and chest. But that was when I was young. I'm now in my early 60's and things are definitely changing. I no longer shoot like I did as a k**. Now when I cum it either comes out really slow or not at all....
It was mid morning by the time we had arrived at the State Natural Reserve. It’s quite common to hear people refer to that area mistakenly as a State Park. The reserve itself shares boundaries with two marine parks, one also a reserve, and the other a conservation area. It’s just one of several favored places along the coast that we’ve enjoyed. Although our schedules don’t easily allow, we do try and schedule return visits since moving away. We knew the trail system and...
Once again, it’s Senior year, we have all matured (apparently) and most of us have gotten into good shape and, of course, hormones are flying around in the atmosphere. Personally, I’m not that fit, but I got into shape just at the perfect moment. However, others from my class have taken it way too seriously (meaning, the ones who have had sex like 5 times in just a month and a half of school). Now, the first case. I’m the president of the History League of my school. We compete in some...
Well, there I was, fucking my aunt’s ass when her daughter, Jane, walked in. She took one look at her mother, crouched down in that beautiful head down, ass up position, and just froze. I did so as well, for just a moment, but Aunt Susan’s squeezing and pushing back on me got me reacting without thought. I know she had not seen her daughter, unless she had been peeking from under the blindfold which I had tied around her head. She liked it that way, she said it excited her more. So I took a...
IncestSo to set the scene, I have walked you into the living room, put a blanket around you and offered you some water or wine and a snack. We are chilling for a little bit, watching tv and just bonding/relaxing together. Making conversation about our past and just getting to know each other. I knwo you are a fantastic cook, and we start talking about food. You offer to make dinner and I resist, saying that we can both do this, it will be fun together. Ok, so we are in the kitchen making dinner, Im...
“You said I had six hours!” “I lied, Nichols.” It was unmistakeably the voice of Montague, the captain of the pirate vessel that had hailed them earlier. “I don’t know why you’re shocked, or what difference it makes. Maintain course while we approach and dock. And I remind you, this ship is armed.” Rhys cut the transmission and turned to Cait, anger written across his face. The sensor screen had pulled up a profile of the Erebus: it was a sleek vessel, not dissimilar in design to the...
that allows herself to be isolated or consents to any kind of public display then sex is a certainty. What others see and think makes privacy, secrecy and subtlety very important to Muslim women. Celeste brought Marie to the estate, Marie is Celeste's friend. There is a knock and I open the door. I said, " Hi, there. I'm John." Marie smiled and said, " Nice to meet you." Marie's has an hour glass figure, she is a petite woman, a nice pair of breasts and a nice ass that is very...
Later that morning, after sleeping entwined in each other’s arms and legs, they got packed up, though she didn’t have much to organise. She realised that she hadn’t thought this scenario through fully. In her haste to put her plan into action she hadn’t thought beyond meeting Gary at the airport! She wondered how she was going to brazenly walk through the hotel foyer out to her car with practically nothing on under her coat. Gary knew that this predicament was preying on her mind and he...
Otto asked Brown Horse if he would be willing to be a decoy. Otto wanted him to crawl up the hill toward the Indians while Martha and Otto covered him from the wagon. The hill was shaped so that the Indians would have to expose themselves from the waist up in order to shoot anything crawling up the hill as long as the crawler hugged the ground while he was doing it. He had first thought of sending the dogs, but they could not climb while staying close enough to the ground. Brown Horse readily...
After an earlier meet I exchanged some messages with this couple. They were very pleasant and easy to chat to online but nothing more happened for a couple of weeks or so, until one evening things took an unexpected direction.I was chatting to the husband and he was asking about my personal circumstances, like was I married or in a relationship and what kind of fun I got upto. I had nothing to hide and I confirmed I was single, hoping to get some sexy fun. He asked a few more questions about...
The explosion that came out of nowhere, took out not only the double doors of our suite, but a significant portion of the wall on either side of the frame. The room was alive with flying debris, gunfire and lots of shouting. I was off to the side and Evie and Deirdre were in one of the other two bedrooms. Because they were not with me in the living room, or in the master bedroom, they were spared being shredded by the flying projectiles, which all went towards the common wall that faced the...
The entire situation was **SO** embarrassing! I've been bullied for so long that I can't remember the last weekday I came home without rushing to mommy for a hug. It made everything better, even though she didn't really understand the whole story... She doesn't know that my bully is...actually a futanari. Revealing that detail, that I've been pushed around by some big-tittied, hung bully would honestly be harder to accept than the hell I go through on a daily basis. I've been made to...
Dave found himself sitting in a circle of female flesh Sunday afternoon. They were all slathered up with suntan lotion and were only wearing monokinis: Cricket, Bridget, Candy, Christie, and Nikky. The five women had been delivered home about five a.m. in two cars by their ‘dates’ from the fraternity house. They were naked but carrying their toga costumes when they arrived and confessed to having been in that state since about ten or eleven o’clock the night before. Bridget giggled through...
These events took place just over twenty years ago, shortly after my eighteenth birthday, and describe my introduction to the delicious pleasures of cross-dressing. It was also when I learned that my parents and their extended family of siblings and cousins enjoyed a discreetly incestuous lifestyle into which we were initiated once we officially became adults.These days I generally limit myself to wearing ladies sexy lingerie underneath my normal masculine attire, or in bed at night, although...
IncestThe next day I walked into the park office to find Helen and Cindy chatting. I waved a set of keys at her. "It's time," I said. "Time for what?" she asked with a puzzled look. "Time for you and me to go fire up the Starship Enterprise. Or a 1968 model Cessna airplane. Something like that." Squeal. Hug. "What?" asked Helen. "Mechanic called me today. He finished the inspection on my airplane and it's ready to fly again." "Oh, yeah. You told me you had a plane over there."...
When I was still married to a woman. We hadn't had we in over 6 months. She told me anytime i tried to do it myself. Well one day I was looking for work on Craigslist and came across an ad for man to do random yard work. In the add it he stated he was gay and prone to walking around in his underwear during the daylight hours. Part of the condition was you had to be ok with it. I thought about it and decided I could handle being watched while I worked. So I emailed him. It was like 2am and Less...
It has been months since the last time Mandie had seen him. Mandie knew the last time she met him wasn’t going to be enough, but she was going to have to be patient. An opportunity at work presented itself and Mandie knew it was only ten minutes away from where Daddy lived. She made sure to pack some of his favorites: a black lace bra and garter set, handcuffs, a ball gag, an oversized anal plug and of course, red lipstick. She made sure to discreetly send all her information to him via email:...
BDSMI’m a guy in my late twenties and like many indians hadn’t had the luck to have hit upon any girls and I had to be happy shagging imagining at girls we like or looking at the porno videos or reading stories. Kalpana is the wife of one of the senior managers in my team, Jayanth and she was just a couple of years elder to me. She had got married 7-8 years ago and has a cute daughter who is in her 1st standard. I met Kalpana for the first time in a team outing including family members a few months...
Shining like a diamond in those hot spot lights. She gleamed from the sweat and the abundance of body glitter. White teeth sparkled from a ruby red mouth which is surrounded by golden brown skin. Catcall’s, whistles, clapping, and cheering seemed like a blur of noise and excitement. She stood there, arms outstretched, reaching for the sky, chest heaving from her performance. She finally made it, after all the years and hard times she had finally made it. She thought to herself, ‘Not bad Layla,...
Hywel woke suddenly. He had a strange feeling that he was being watched. Jumping quickly to his feet he scanned the valley but he couldn't see much in the early dawn. Even the bushes seemed to take on different shapes somehow in this light. He thought about Amelia and wondered if she was safe? He slowly crept into the mine shaft to reassure himself, sighing with relief when he saw her still fast asleep on her improvised bed. He returned to the entrance and sat down again, still pondering on...
(Thanks to Gordon for his editing suggestions!) "I understand, Zoe. I am not part of you, of your family, but I had so much fun last night." Sally was grinning, looking much more relaxed today and she snuggled with Zoe in the middle seat of the SUV. They were on their way to meet with the tattoo artist, Angie. Zoe and Sally were discussing the group dynamic, the relationship between Zoe, Stacy and James. "I would really like to, well, spend more time with you guys." she said, looking...
I really never thought I would be one of those people… the kind that would turn into a virtual stalker. But Erica brought that out in me. Turns out she brought a lot more out in me that I ever imagined. Allow me to explain. Erica started working for me about a year ago and from day one, I found myself fantasizing about her. I had never really had bi-sexual tendencies before, but there was something about her that filled my dreams. She was perfect, the kind of perfect that can’t be properly...
My name is Rob. Candice and I have been married for 9 years. We met in college and have two children now. Ages 5 and 6. They spend alternate weekends with their 2 sets of grandparents. Candice is 5’1? tall, weights 103. Blonde and well endowed on top with nice full milky white tit’s a narrow waist and full hips. Her ass is to die for. Full looking round ass and further down she has what I like to call. Thunder thighs. Candice is always saying they look fat but guys are always starring at my...
After trading a few emails back and forth, I made an appointment to see Marie. Her online ads promised a massage and a mind-blowing blowjob.Pausing here, since I was a guy who preferred only sensual massage and a “Happy Ending” this was something new to me. It also caused me a bit of hesitation. What about safe sex? Condoms?When I arrived at Marie’s, I have to be honest, at first, I was a little disappointed. She was a larger woman, in her 40’s and frankly not that attractive to me. Her...
TrueSlutyasianwifey had a fantasy, she wanted to be gangbanged by bbc right in front of her husband.After searching and making some contact online she decided to invite over 5 bbc’s. So on the day they came over she dressed up like a little slut wesring just a short skirt n white top without her panty n bra. When they came in they stared at her petite little body. They where all way bigger then her. They gave her all kinds of compliments wich made her a bit shy. They went to sit down on the sofa...
Christopher got on with life. He did not go home every weekend but most. On the others he avoided the pub in case he ran into Tina. He could have taken no notice of her there but it would have been unnatural and upsetting for her. He did his concerts but solo as he had done before. He rang Merle just to keep tabs on things. Tina seemed to be back on an even keel and he was content but not happy. In early June Ellie invited him to a midweek party at her flat. It was her flatmate's, Sally's,...
Delphi played it safe. made it look liked she tried to block, just a second too slow. As the wand disappeared from her hand, she smiled. “Now you’re getting it. You’re really good at this.” The truth was, he wasn’t very good. At all. Albus Severus Potter might bear the names of three of the greatest wizards to have ever opposed Voldemort, but he had none of the makings of even a half decent wizard. Knowing better than to let her contempt of the boy’s skills show, though, Delphi smiled...