CindyChapter 10 free porn video

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The next day I walked into the park office to find Helen and Cindy chatting. I waved a set of keys at her. "It's time," I said.

"Time for what?" she asked with a puzzled look.

"Time for you and me to go fire up the Starship Enterprise. Or a 1968 model Cessna airplane. Something like that."

Squeal. Hug.

"What?" asked Helen.

"Mechanic called me today. He finished the inspection on my airplane and it's ready to fly again."

"Oh, yeah. You told me you had a plane over there." "There" being the local airport.

"Yeah, and Miss Cindy is getting ready to make her first, and if she pukes all over the place, her ONLY flight in it." I looked at Cindy. "Go get some jeans on. This ain't a "skirt" kind of airplane, baby!"

Half an hour later we pulled the truck up next to an open hangar at the little country airport. There was another truck there, the mechanic's. We shook hands. "John Randolph," I said, "meet Cindy Smith. I tutor her in math, and I promised her a ride if she brought her grades up."

He smiled. Most people, and 99.9% of men, smile when they meet Cindy. "Pleased to meet you, Miss Cindy. You don't have to worry. The wings won't fall off. He might fly into a pine tree, but the wings will be there when he does."

Cindy grinned. "Thank you, Mister John. I'm thinkin' it's worth a risk. My first time in an airplane. Ever."

John turned to me. "Dan," he said, "everything checks out. You're good for a year." He handed me the plane's logbook. I gave him a check. "Call me if you need anything. Okay?"

"You bet, John," I said. "Thanks!"

"Want me to help you pull her out?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure."

We pushed the plane out of the hangar onto the concrete apron. I watched, Cindy by my side, as John drove off.

"Now what?" asked Cindy.

"We do a ritual. It's called a "pre-flight inspection" and you do it EVERY time you get ready to fly."

I did the walk-around with Cindy at my side asking questions every step of the way. Finally I had her open the passenger side door and take a step on the tire, another on the step, and finally into the cockpit.

The last step got me a comment. "Yeah, I think a skirt would have been a little bit revealing." She smiled.

I showed her how to buckle her harness, and then I climbed into the pilot's seat. "Here," I said, handing her a huge pair of headphones with an attached microphone. "Put these on so we can talk to each other without hollering. This old thing's loud." I showed her exactly how loud when I started the engine. We completed the ritual and taxied to the runway.

I looked at her. "Are you ready?" I asked.

She shook her head in the affirmative, grinning broadly.

"Okay. There's a barf bag in the glove box if you need it."

"No way!" she said. "I'm excited. Let's do this!"

"Okay," I said. "Here goes!" I pushed the throttle forward and we took off. Once we were out of the local pattern, I said, "Okay, now put your feet on those pedals and your hands on the yoke."

She looked at me almost incredulous. "Like, I'm gonna FLY this?"

"Yeah. Watch!" I took my hands off the control yoke. "It'll almost fly itself, so don't be scared."

Her eyes were wide. So was her grin. We flew around with me coaching her through turns and climbs and glides and toured the area, overflying the RV park and her school. Finally I said, "Okay. I don't know about you, but I'm getting hungry."

"Oh, no, Dan! I could do this forever."

"We'll see about that. This old thing is burning fifty bucks worth of gas an hour. We've been up an hour. And I'm hungry!"

"Okay..." She took her hands off the yoke.

"Oh, no, little girl. You're still flying." I crossed my arms.

"Eek!" she squealed, grabbing the yoke. We did a quick little porpoise move as her untrained hands wiggled the yoke in and out.

I put my hands back on my yoke and went along as I talked her through navigating back to the airfield and setting up in the traffic pattern, then had her fly along with me as we landed. We taxied back to the hangar and she and I pushed the old plane back into its shelter.

We got back in the truck. "Wow!" she said. "Just HOLY WOW!"

"You liked it, then?"

"Oh, god, yes!" She jumped across the cab and hugged and kissed me. "Do you realize you just gave me the SKY?!?!?"

"It is kinda cool, ain't it?" I said. "Pizza for supper?" I asked. "I can make a phone call and we can beat them back to the trailer." There was a local pizzeria that did delivery.

"Yeah! That's great!" A cellphone call got that on the way.

The ride home was all about flying. She asked the how and the why and I feared I'd created another monster: A cute red-headed one. Oh, well. There are worse things for people to want.

We were sitting together on the sofa when the pizza arrived. After finishing it off, we traded sloppy, garlic-flavored kisses, then did the shower thing.

Afterward, drying her hair, I said, "Baby, I don't know the first thing about getting a young lady's hair done."

"Ain't much to it, honey," she said. "I don't get my hair DONE, I get it cut. That's all. I know the lady that does it. An' I can call her an' get it done. I'm about due."

"Really?" I observed that it was just beginning to drag her shoulders.

"Yeah, it's, like, an inch or two too long."

"You don't get it colored?"

"Nope. This is what color you get. Mom wasn't gonna pay for extra stuff for me." She paused. "Unless. Why? D'you want me to change it?" She turned and looked at me.

"Oh, no, baby," I answered. "I'm a sucker for it just the way it is. Women pay a lot of money to get hair like you have naturally."

That got me a smile. And a twinkle. And a question that sat me back. "So tell me how this hand job thing works..."


"Hand jobs?" She looked at me, eyes a-twinkle. "I heard Mom an' whoever ... I assume it's somethin' that the girl does to the guy, from the sound of it."

"Yeah. Girl can do that to the guy, or the guy can do it to himself."

"I heard that's how guys masturbate."

"It is."

"Really? You do that?"

"Yeah, I did that. Thinking about you, since after I moved here."

Giggles "Really? I excited you?"

"Baby, you're the very definition of exciting."

That got me a hug. And kisses. And a hand wrapped around my dick. "Lay back an' tell me how to do this..." She sat beside me, naked except for her panties.

"Ain't much to it. You already do it. Last night, the only difference was that you sucked on me at the same time."

She smiled as she slid the skin up and down my shaft. "Like this?"

"Yeah. Or just slide the whole thing in an' out of your hand, and every now an' then, rub the head. You'll get it."

She was having fun. Right hand was doing the duties on my dick, her left fondling my balls. "Yahknow," she said, "I never saw your stuff come out. I feel it inside me. I felt it in my mouth, like yesterday. But I never saw it come out." Little Miss Flexible bent over and sucked on my nipple, causing my dick to jump. And her to giggle. Matter of factly she said, "Come for me."

She kept jacking and I was getting close. Pre-cum started by drops at first, then a steady flow and my hips were thrusting into her hand. "You're getting' close," she announced.

"Oh, yeah," I hissed. "I'm. Getting. Close. Ohbaby ... Nnngghhh! Yeah. Commmingggg!" I thrust hard and the first jet of my orgasm went straight up about three feet.

"Oh, wow!" she giggled. She kept stroking. I kept spurting. Three or four more good ones, then a steady flow that covered her hand. As I collapsed backward onto the mattress, she smiled and made a show of licking her hand. Then sucking me clean. And she laughed. "I don't know where that first one landed. Wow! I mean, I felt you inside me, and when I sucked you last night, I could tell it was squirtin' but I had no idea it went that far. Wow!"

I pulled her next to me and then rolled on my side to face her. I've often heard of eyes described as "adoring". I looked into Cindy's. And knew what the term meant. "Now you've done it," I said.

"What'd I do?"

"You've finished me off, an' I owe you two now, an' it's too early to go to sleep."

My Cindy grinned. "TV? Cards? Both?"

"Both." Cindy was fun to play cards with. It was always a battle. We were 50-50 at rummy. I tossed her a t-shirt. "Cover up." I put on a t-shirt and gym shorts, with no underpants. We went into the other end of the trailer where the TV and sofa were, and I pulled a little table out for us to play cards on. And we laughed and played and talked and even watched some TV. At ten, it was bedtime.

We crawled in from opposite sides. Well, I started to crawl in.

"Uh-uh," she chided.


"Take those shorts off. They get in my way."

"Okay," I smiled.

We slid together under the covers and her hand just naturally grabbed my dick, gently fondling, soothing, juggling my balls in her hand. Finally she rolled on her side facing away from me, and I turned toward her, spooning up behind her. She wiggled her ass onto my dick. I put an arm around her and squeezed on her titties gently, feeling the nipples harden, then I drifted my hand downward, my fingers stroking her pubic mound, firm beneath her panties. The final sound I heard before I dozed off was her "mmmmm".

And so went the week. By Friday a couple of things happened. First, Cindy's period was over. Second, we were settling into a happy routine. Thursday was another trip to the library. More books. We had to figure out how to work a little space into our togetherness. I bought a wireless card for my laptop, then gave it a little more thought, bought another one, and a laptop for Cindy. For school, of course.

Two weeks passed. I rolled into my parking spot beside my trailer. Its door flew open and Cindy bounced out to meet me. This was a sore point, because the first thing that came to both our minds at the end of the day was an embrace that went well past the "young girl greeting her friend" scale.

I met her eyes. "Nuh-uh..." I said.

"Oh, I knowwww," she countered. "I just wanted to tell you that the scores came back on my test. They're gonna call Mizz Helen about them."

"Okay," I said. I looked back towards the office. Helen's SUV was still there. "Let's go tell her." I flipped open my cellphone and called the office. "Hey!" I said when Helen answered. "Can you hang around a minute? Me an' Cindy need to talk to you."

"I was gonna call you," she said. "Got a call from school about Cindy."

"Yes, ma'am," I said. "We're on the way..."

One thing that HAD changed in the last two weeks was that Helen was on our tiny inside circle. How tiny? I knew. Cindy knew. Helen knew. So when we entered the office and I leaned up against the counter, I had Cindy almost welded to my side. She shook her head to get a strand of hair out of her eyes.

Helen smiled. "I like your haircut, sugar," she told Cindy.

"Thank you, Mizz Helen, but I'm gonna need a trim soon," she said.

"We can get that done, baby," said Helen. Then she turned to me. "So, Dan, the school calls me since I'm her guardian. They want to see me about some tests she took a couple of weeks ago."

"Good? Bad?" I questioned.

"Oh, don't get your drawers in a wad. They said they're very much pleasantly surprised."

"Well good, then..."

"Yeah, and they want a parent-teacher conference to talk about it. I told them that I wanted to bring you 'cuz I'm a ol' country girl an' I don't know much about that stuff."

"Okay. I'm up for that. When?"

"Next Tuesday. Nine AM. Counselor's office at the middle school."

"I can do that. I'll make sure."

"This is good, right?" questioned Cindy.

"Yeah, baby, if by 'good' you mean you have to stop skatin' through classes and buckle down an' use your brain..."

"What'd'ya mean, Dan," asked Helen.

"Well Helen, it's like this. Our little Cindy's mind in regular classes is kinda like having a NASCAR racer in the Wal-Mart parkin' lot. She's never had to use most of the horsepower."

"Yah think so?" Helen was perhaps not privy to Cindy's scholastic abilities, having only seen her at the pool and bouncing in and out of the office over the summer.

Cindy was smiling. She should be smiling. I was complimenting her. "Yeah. I KNOW so. So far, it's been a good thing because Cindy's mom wasn't real big on education, so all by herself, Cindy's been able to stay at grade level, all without help, and apparently without trying very hard." I winked at Cindy.

Helen popped, "It's a wonder she went to school at all..."

I continued. "Since this year began, I've been watching her. That "Please, Mr. Dan, help me with my homework" act got thin after the first week. She's sort of idling through her classes now."

"So what do you think they're gonna tell us Tuesday?"

"What I just told you. Except they're gonna tell you in "Professional Educator" language to make it sound mysterious." I fully expected to meet some product of the "Of educators, FOR educators" professional educator type.

"An' what's that mean to me?" asked Cindy.

"Yeah," said Helen.

"Now that could be interesting. I don't know what schools around here offer. Some places would move her into advanced classes. Some might try to move her up a grade or two."

"But she'd be fourteen in high school?"

"Yeah," I said. "I don't know if I like that."

"Me neither," Cindy chimed in. "Middle school boys are yuck enough. Older? No way!" She caught my eye. "Boys, I mean." She swung her hip to bump against my thigh. "You're NOT a boy."

"I guess we need to see what they say, then," I said. "and you can tell 'em I'm her tutor, Helen."

Helen smiled at the two of us. "Ain't that somethin'," she laughed. "Next thing you'll tell me is that she's wantin' to be an engineer..."

And Cindy giggled.

Helen laughed back. "Figures," she snorted. "So that's next Tuesday. Ya'll got plans for the weekend?"

"Yeah," Me an' Cindy're going to Mobile. Nice hotel. Nice restaurants. Tickets to a symphony."

"A symphony?" Helen arched an eyebrow, looked at Cindy. "Since when do you do symphonies?"

"Since Dan showed me that there's more to music than what Mom listened to."

"Dan, Dan, Dan..." Helen laughed, "You're the damnedest thing I ever saw. Take a girl out of an Alabama trailer park an' get her to studyin' engineerin' an' listenin' to classical music in a month an' a half..."

Same as Cindy
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I was born in Louisiana, my family were one of the first families here and I inherited the family plantation. Yes my family were slave owners. One day while rummaging around the attic I found my great great grandfather’s journal. He described life with slaves. He of course called them negros. The rest of my family were blatantly racist, my mother and father called all blacks niggers. While I was raised that way I didn’t think the same. Most of the men I met were definitely niggers but the women...

2 years ago
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Creating My Hot Wife 8

You might want to go back to CMHW 5 and read about Kevin's training and what he was primarily tasked with as a Seal. Once you understand how dangerous Kevin really was you might appreciate his answer when I posed these questions... "How can you stand seeing someone actually fuck Katie while you are in the room watching? I understand those fantasies really well. Ash and I do that all the time. But watching it happen in real time? Watching some schmuck aggressively take her, then his cum...

4 years ago
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A Paladins TrainingChapter 10 Angavar

all characters are over the age of eighteen years. ***ARAN – Temple Sura, in the Karvani Mountains, Western Ekistair.*** The next few weeks sped by with Aran learning more from Amina than he had from Elaina and Smythe combined. The Priestess imparted on him hundreds of years of wisdom and knowledge, and taught him far more of his vala, and how to use it. Aran felt as if he had doubled his abilities – perhaps more – since beginning his training under Amina. Still more knowledge was gained...

3 years ago
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my new friends

I lived at these apts and met this Guy who was about 2 years older than Me , We used to hang play video games and stuff , , so one day after playing some video games , He said Hey Mel would You like to look at some porno , no ones home . So after a while my cock was hard . Jim was rubbing the front of his pants . He said You horny ? He said its ok to jerk off , I was a bit nervous , but Jim stood up an lowered his shorts an under wear . He said come on Mel , so I took off my pants an...

4 years ago
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Absence Creates Strange Bed Partners

Sandy and Tom had become very intimate lovers while her husband was away for many months on military duty. He'd actually brought her out of a deep depression from the lack of intimate attention from her husband. Tom hadn't known it but he'd actually saved her life because Sandy had become very depressed and almost suicidal in her deep sadness. Eventually Sandy would end up having Tom's baby, a little girl, but before that happened, Sandy descended into a forbidden territory of sexual...

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My New LifeChapter 4

That Thursday morning it was hard for me to get up on time. I had a hang over from all of the drinking and I was worn out from the late night of sex. In spite of all this I managed to get to work on time. I got a strong cup of coffee and settled in to clean up all of my phone calls and e-mails that I didn't get to on Wednesday. I was just beginning to feel a little better when Bob arrived to finish his purchasing list. I said, "Good morning Bob. How you feeling this morning?" He said,...

1 year ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 58

Ken never liked cooling his heels and waiting for bureaucracy to slowly grind its way through even the simplest of matters. Give a small minded man the power of paperwork, and he was just as bad as any tyrant lording over his people. Just without any of the consequences that said tyrant might suffer if he got too far out of hand. Ken hadn't been out of the corporate world for all that long, but it was easy to forget how fucked up it was. And the government was even worse. Everything that...

3 years ago
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Awakening of Alexis part 3

The Awakening of Alexis - Part 3For days after that night at the motel, I was in a kind of turmoil. It was such a turn-on to see my wife Alexis pleasured by a woman and also pleasuring herself in front of her. But far more so, were the statements made by Jackie - the prostitute / 'escort' - about future encounters - i.e. involving black men. The examples she gave, the scenarios, the options, were breathtaking. Recalling her words just gave me an instant hard-on. Alexis was just as aroused too....

4 years ago
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Mind fucking Hayden Panettiere

Hayden Panettiere had returned to her New York hotel room after a long day. She enjoyed her work, helping promote the message of the Candie’s Foundation, which strove to reduce teen pregnancy. Still, the busy schedule did occasionally take its toll on her, with the constant public appearances, television interviews, and photo shoots the foundation asked of her, along with her work with other charities, not to mention her professional obligations to a multitude of studio projects. Hayden was...

3 years ago
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my mom is a doctor part2

Hi to all ISS Readers. I am Rakesh writing the continuation of my experience “My Doctor Mom”. I and my mom use to make love regularly. We use to try all the positions by watching the cd of Kamasutra. When I was alone I use to think whether all the things I am doing with my mom is a dream or what. Because she was the lady of my dreams, she was my heroine. One night after we made love and relaxing in each other’s hug she said that she wants to marry me. I said why so mom. She said I want to live...

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What really happened at the cabin

We all plan the perfect weekend and hope that nothing goes wrong. I planned it all. We were celebrating Valentine, two weeks late, and also her birthday a week late. This was going to be our first time together, so it had to be perfect. We had been together a few times, but it was only a bit of kissing, and a bit of touching. This weekend was all about exploring each other. We were to go beyond what either one of us have ever done. She knew what she wanted to do to me. I knew what I wanted to...

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Remembering Becky Ch 02

In Chapter One, we got to know each other and then proceeded to have a very unusual and intimate encounter. The story continues….. After I spent the weekend worrying about Becky’s abrupt departure Friday evening, I arrived at work Monday morning to find a package about the size of a shoe box on my desk, wrapped in foil. I opened it up to find a smaller box inside, also wrapped. Unwrapping that box I found a bag inside. Inside the bag, another wrapped box. I looked around to see if anyone was...

4 years ago
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My Austrian Adventure

I am a 36 year old female IT consultant from South Africa. I work for a company called Globaltech IT Solutions . ‘Just to give you a basic picture of me, I’m a little over the age line into respectable maturity, as befits an IT consultant for an international firm. I’ve also got just enough height, for a woman, that I don’t have to crane my neck very much to look the men in the office right in their eyes. Even if I sometimes have to cheat a little by wearing heels. ‘My eyes, by the way, do...

3 years ago
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Good Birthday Vibes

”Not bad, not bad at all!” I mumbled to my mirror image as I gently brushed through my hair.After what felt like a week of bad hair days, my thick blonde mane had finally decided to cooperate and now framed my face with soft curls. I was getting ready for a night out. It was my husband Tom’s birthday, and we were soon supposed to meet up with some of our closest friends at a nice restaurant just a couple of blocks from our apartment. However, my mind was preoccupied with rather naughty thoughts...

4 years ago
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Watching My Wife Fuck The Pool Boy

It was Friday evening, and I had just arrived home from work. I called my wife Sam and she responded by calling back to me.  I followed the sound of her voice and found her standing in the middle of our kitchen, peering out a window into our backyard. She beckoned me over to her with a wave of her hand. As I made my way over to her, I took in her incredibly curvy body. She was standing there in her gym clothes with her hair still damp with sweat from her workout.  Her ass looked so good in her...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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A teacher blackmailed chapter 1

Tiffany Jones is a twenty two year old teacher who recently landed her first job. As she sat in her car outside Haven Meadows Secondary School, the same school that she attended when she herself was a student, Tiffany sighed and prepared for her career in teaching. Tiffany was lucky in that she recognised most of the teachers from when she was a student, so this helped settle her nerves and soon she considered herself part of the faculty.Being a naturally shy and timid person, Tiffany worried...

4 years ago
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Keeping My Sister in LineChapter 15

(As Told by Ted Reddick) That first week flew by, and I learned a great deal from my father and mother about BDSM and power exchange in a relationship. I also learned a lot about sex, pain, humiliation, and fetish play. A lot more than I would have learned in any of the books or stories you read on dirty websites. Every day my sister fucked up on something. She made a mistake or tried to trick me. Yet, each day she paid for and was punished. Every day I managed to figure out what she was...

1 year ago
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College Teacher Chapter Three

College Teacher. Chapter Three ‘Have you seen this?’ Kit asked me as we sat down for breakfast, waving two sheets of paper before me. I could only shake my head at his question. ‘I put this notice up about camping at the weekend,’ which made me laugh at his choice of title, ‘and on Sunday there were only eight names up. Now look! Tuesday morning and there must be at least eighty names down. They even tacked on another sheet. We can’t handle that many with only being allowed ten at one weekend....

3 years ago
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The Messages

He had left her no choice, the stubborn prick had decided not to accept her invite. He had stopped answering her calls, and she didn’t want to have the conversation over text. “Aarrhh!” Her frustrations boiled to the surface. “Think woman. There’s got to be a way. I… I can’t let him win this battle.” She opened up the messenger app on her phone, and seeing Bradley’s smug smile on his profile picture only infuriated her further. She pressed record on the voice message option. “I know you...

2 years ago
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Big Stars Busted Balls

Is there a celebrity that you dream about? Do those dreams involve them causing pain to your testicles? Then this thread if for you. Please come in and help me tell the story of a lucky (or unlucky depending on your feelings about ballbusting) man who fulfills all of your fanaties. Meet Stan. Stan gets to work with a lot of sexy female celebrities. It seems like a dream job, getting to work on sex scenes and topless photo shoots with women that he has fantasized about for years. He even gets to...

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The Weekend

My name is..Whatever your desire. I am closing in on fifty. I am also a plus size girl with very large breasts. Now imagine me as you wish.Today is Sunday. It is in the evening. The weekend has been a long but enjoyable one. These are the ones that I love. We will start Saturday morning.I hear some noises around me but choose to ignore them. Then comes soft breezes in my ear. That goes on for a minute when I hear softly"get up or you know what happens. Still groggy, I lay there for a few...

1 year ago
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Uncontrollable Wild Sex With My Busty Elder Sister

Hi friends. I’m Arun. I’m 24 years old and I’m here to share with you my unforgettable sex experience with my cousin sister Gayatri. I live in Chennai. She is 42 years old, a bit fat, lemony complexion, broad round cylindrical arms and a huge buttocks. She lives in Bangalore and we were in touch only through phone and social media for the last say, 8-10 years. We used to speak very freely and we also share ideas about girls. Given the age gap, she never mistook me even when I spoke a bit more...

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Widows CompanionChapter 2

"That little cunt has cost us a fortune," said Maxwell when she had gone, his voice thick with disgust as he scratched Handsome's ears. "I'll say," agreed Dominique, putting out her cigarette in the nearest ashtray. Then she began undoing the belt on her robe until it opened fully, revealing the sumptuous pears of her high, widely-spaced breasts, the molten white belly beneath with its soft nest of auburn pussy hair, and the long slender columns of her legs. She lay back on the couch...

1 year ago
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Kimberly Wilder An Assessment

Pull up a chair. Oh. That's right. If you're reading this article, you're most likely at your computer monitor, which means that you've already pulled up a chair. Okay, good. In this article, I'm going to review the splendid art of a magnificent (and very beautiful, too, by the way) transgender artist who goes by the name of Kimberly Wilder. Several Yahoo groups are dedicated to her art and that of her friends. She has--or had--also posted some of her work on various other websites....

2 years ago
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The Girlfriend part 1

*********************************************************** THE GIRLFRIEND by Deane Christopher Copyrighted 1999 *********************************************************** "What the f'...", Jake Eagers exclaimed in frantic disbelief as he felt the strange and unnerving sensations beginning to infest the subcutaneous layers of skin in and around the immediately vicinity of his groin and, to a somewhat lesser, though still troubling degree, his superfluous...

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Well just fool around

She sent me the sexy photos every year when she got back from her Florida vacation. Claire went on vacation solo since she and her husband were no longer sleeping together. She was proud of her body and usually dated the pictures with her now advancing age. We exchanged sexts from time to time but it never went any further than that.Then, when she turned 65, she sent me a particularly sexy bikini shot with her captivating smile like always the highlight. I couldn't help but respond: "I'd...

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Die Entfhrung der Emily F

Sie hatte ihn schon lange gereizt. Genau genommen hatte er bereits ein Auge auf sie geworfen, als sie gerade einmal erst unschuldige 12 Jahre jung war. Doch er war nicht pädophil, und daher hatte er seine Neigungen ihr gegenüber immer zu unterdrücken verstanden. Doch nun war sie vor einigen Wochen 18 und damit volljährig geworden, und obendrein hatte sie sich in den letzten Jahren noch einmal erheblich körperlich entwickelt. Sie wies nun unverkennbare weibliche Rundungen auf, hatte schön...

2 years ago
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Vampire LifeChapter 4

“It’s YOU! FUCK! What the FUCK!” I yelled, recoiling a bit. Thankfully the bar was fairly loud and not many people could even hear me. “It’s me. More impressively, it’s you. I really can’t believe you’re still alive. You’re looking good too.” Liz grinned, taking a step towards me and dragging her finger on my chest. “Get the fuck away from me!” I screamed, swatting her hand away and taking several steps backwards. Unfortunately I found myself trapped between her and the pool table. “Come...

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BlendersChapter 3

And fuck they did. Andy arrived at her flat a little past six o'clock the next evening. She greeted him at the door completely nude. He gasped at her 36DD breasts that defied gravity. She had washed off her makeup, her thick mane was down, and she took off all of her clothes prior to his arrival. May debated whether to greet him in one of her sexy silky robes or nothing at all. Nothing at all won out. "Did you have any trouble finding this place?" she asked as she unbuttoned his...

3 years ago
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Trouble on alpha 9

A unit of 100 was sent to a planet for research and exploration. It was labelled as a F critical danger, so it should have been an easy mission. But obviously it wasn't, as we start off with the two commanding officers arguing about 3 missing people. "We have been looking! They have tons of equipment to get back, something bad must have happened to them!" Ally would emphasize. "Exactly! They have tons of equipment! They said they would be out longer then normal anyways, they will get back...

2 years ago
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Accidental Master pt 1 edited

Accidental Master pt 1 (edited) I was in a hurry to get home. I was out of food and needed to stock up on beer and snacks before the game started. Just as I was grabbing a case of beer from the cooler I heard a woman scream "Oh my God!" I turned around to see what was happening, only to see this beautiful woman kneeling on the ground in front of me and grabbing for my leg. I tried to step back from her, thinking she must have dropped something, or be in pain, but once...

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