Rita's Pegnancy free porn video

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I was seven months pregnant, my hubby Stan was on a business trip and I was wanting it so bad that the neighbor’s Siberian husky was starting to look good. Fortunately I wasn’t ready to go that route. Not yet anyway. At least not as long as Bobby was available. I picked up the phone, called him, and told him that I was in need his services and he told me he would rush right over.

I loved it that he had his own business and could get away whenever I needed him which was a lot lately. I honestly think that Bobby fucking me was helping to prolong Stan’s life. In our case “Fuckin him to death” was not just a catch phrase; I honestly thought I was actually coming close to doing just that. It was a good thing that Bobby loved fucking me because I don’t believe I could bring myself to go looking to hook up with someone. Too big a chance that someone might see me and rat me out to Stan.

I was never sure whether Bobby loved fucking me or just got a kick out of fucking Stan’s wife behind his back. Bobby and Stan had some sort of friendly rivalry in high school. Through friends and acquaintances I’d learned that in head to head competition Stan was usually the winner, but somehow they had managed to stay good friends. Maybe fucking me was Bobby’s way of evening the score. As long as he fucked me when I needed it is all I cared about.

While I waited for him to show up I thought back to our first time.

I was four months pregnant and Stan was back in Michigan taking care of something that had to do with his parent’s estate. He had been gone three days and wasn’t due back for three more and I’d been three days without sex and it was driving me up the wall. I didn’t know that pregnancy could scramble your hormones, but it sure messed with mine. It was like a switch tripped somewhere in my body. I went from making love to Stan three or four times a week to wanting it two or three times a day. I think Stan was glad to get away from me for a few days.

The doorbell rang and when I answered it I found Bobby standing there.

“Morning Rita. I need you to open the garage door for me so I can put the chain saw I borrowed back where it belongs.”

He went back to his car and got the chain saw while I went and hit the button that started the garage door to open. Bobby brought the saw in and put it where Stan usually kept it. When he turned he saw me standing in the doorway that led from the mudroom to the garage and he gave a low wolf whistle and I smiled and said:

“For me? Get serious.”

“I am serious girl. Pregnancy looks sexy as hell on you.”

“Yeah, right! I know I look like a bloated whale.”

“Bullshit Rita. You look sexier pregnant than most girls I know who aren’t pregnant.”

“Sexy? You think I’m sexy? You are just so full of shit Bobby.”

“No I’m not. If you weren’t married I’d be after you like a duck after a June bug.”

Like I sad earlier I was so horny I was ready to climb walls and here was a man who thought I was sexy and who would be after me if I wasn’t married? I don’t know what it was that made me do it. I honestly don’t know if I was just calling his bluff to see him back down or if, in my condition, I really wanted him to fuck me. I just looked at him and said:

“You would turn down married pussy if you could get it?”

That took him by surprise and he just looked at me and didn’t reply. I smiled and said:

“How about we just see if you can.”

I started to strip right there in front of him. I was unhooking my bra when he smiled, unzipped and took out his cock. I smiled, turned, and headed for the bedroom and he followed along right behind me.

When I got to the bedroom I was naked, but he still had a ways to go. He was unbuttoning his shirt when I went to my knees in front of him and started sucking his cock while I untied his shoes. I tapped his right ankle and he lifted his right foot and I removed his shoe and sock. Then I repeated it for his left. When he started to unbuckle his belt I got up and went over to the bed. I hadn’t gotten around to making it yet so I just laid down on it and spread my legs.

“Get over here ducky and eat my June bug.”

Bobby wasn’t worth a shit as a pussy eater. Stan had him beat six ways from Sunday on that, but Bobby got me of a couple of times when he fucked me. His cock was a bit shorter than Stan’s, maybe an inch or so, but he was a bit bigger round than Stan and he really stretched me out. I honestly never thought once about Stan while Bobby was getting me off.

Stan was the farthest thing from my mind until the phone rang at 8:10 that evening. I knew it was Stan making his nightly check in call so I made Bobby pull out while I took the call. He pouted, but I couldn’t take a chance on Stan hearing something during the call that might make him suspicious. When the call end Bobby bitched about making him stop.

“Don’t you know what a kick it would have been to be doing you while you talked to him?”

“Of coursed I do, but as much as you have been making me cry out and scream I couldn’t take the chance. If you want to do this again we need to keep Stan in the dark. You do want to do this again don’t you?”

“Hell yes I do.”

“Then we need to be cool. Speaking of being cool don’t you need to be getting home to Alice?”

“No need to. She is spending the week with her parents. Her mom had a stroke so she is there helping her dad cope.”

“Won’t she call you?”

“Not likely. We haven’t spoken much to each other lately.”

“Trouble on the home front?”

“Yeah. She’s pressing me to have kids and I keep telling her I’m not ready yet.”

“So you don’t have to hurry home?”


Bobby spent the night with me not the either of us got much in the way of sleep. He went in to his business for a half a day and then came back to me. While Stan was gone Bobby spent every night with me. I’ve no idea what he tells his wife Alice when he spends the night, but whatever it is she must believe because there has never been any fallout over it. Bobby has become my go to guy whenever the hornies hit me and Stan isn’t available to take care of business. Now Stan was gone again on a three day or four day business trip and I was again needful.

The doorbell rang and I hurried to let Bobby in. I’d prepared for his arrival by striping and then putting on a robe. I let him in and then headed straight to the bedroom. Bobby had told me that one of his biggest turn ons was nylons and high heels so once in the bedroom I let my robe fall to the floor and let Bobby see me in thigh high nylons and what Stan called my “Come fuck me” heels.

I went to my knees, unzipped Bobby and started sucking his cock while he peeled his clothes off. I climbed on the bed and spread my legs eager to have a cock in me. Bobby got on the bed and laid down on his back and I swung over him and let myself slide down his hard cock groaning loudly as Bobby split me open. Then he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me down so he could get his mouth on my tits and suck on my nipples. He gave me two orgasms before needing to get his own and then he rolled me over onto my back and drove hard into me until I felt his hot sauce flood my channel.

But we were by no means done. I knew my Booby and I knew what was coming next so I got up on my hands and knees. He moved in front of me and presented his cock to my mouth. I took him in and licked him clean and worked to get his cock back to life. As I sucked on his cock my eyes were on the heart shaped birthmark in front of them and I smiled as I thought of the significance. The heart was a symbol of love and Bobby and I sure did love to fuck.

When I had him hard again he stood me up and then bent me over the back of the bed. I felt his cock push at my asshole and I spread my legs a little farther apart and hissed at him:

“That’s it baby; fuck my ass, fuck it hard. Cum in my ass Bobby; come in my ass.”

He eased his cock in a little bit at a time and it did hurt a little at first, but the hurt went away quickly and soon I was begging him to fuck me harder and faster. Bobby loved my ass and he would bury himself in my dirty hole every time we got together. He told me that Alice would never give him her ass. I’d never done it before Bobby because Stan had never asked for it and because of that I had never given anal a thought until Bobby asked me for it. I was a bit hesitant at first, but I’d come to like it.

Bobby finished in my ass and when he pulled out I sucked him hard for one more fuck. Of course I cleaned him with a wash rag first. I might be a pregnant slut, but I do have some standards. We got each other off one more time before I sent him home to Alice and started to get ready to welcome Stan home.

I hoped he wanted to make love because I was still horny. Just so we are clear on this; I make love with Stan. I fuck Bobby, but I make love with Stan.

I had my seven inches buried in Alice’s ass when I got the call that Rita’s water had broken. I put on a burst of speed and pushed my load into her shit-chute and then pulled out saying that I had to run.

It took ten minutes to get home, five more to get Rita into the car and in fifteen I was pulling up at the Emergency Room entrance at County General. Rita was loaded onto a gurney and disappeared into the bowels of the hospital while I went and parked the car. On my way to the hospital I had used my cell to call Rita’s parents and it was no surprise to me when I got to the waiting room that they were already there to greet their first grandchild.

Rita had never had an ultrasound as we both wanted the sex of the baby to be a surprise. Three hours after getting Rita to the hospital the doctor came out and let us know that mother and son were fine. Stanley Louis Davis Junior was in the nursery and could be viewed in about fifteen minutes and Rita was in the recovery room and could receive visitors in about twenty minutes. I did my best to act enthused around my mother and father in law and I was enthused about the birth of my son, but I was in no hurry to see my wife. Not with the smell of Alice still on me. In fact what I really wanted to do was get back to Alice and pick up things were I’d left off.

I guess I need to explain. It was a cliché, but then clichés get to be clichés because they happen so often. I’d been back in Michigan taking care of some issues that had cropped up with my parents estate. I had expected that it would take a week to get things done, but I’d managed to get it all done in four days. I decided to surprise Rita, but it turned out that I was the one surprised.

Bobby’s truck was parked in the driveway when I got there, but I didn’t think anything of it. Being that Rita was pregnant I would feel better if there was someone who could give her a hand if she needed it so I asked Bobby if he would help her if she called and he said he would. Then I told Rita that I had arranged for Bobby to be on call if she needed help. Obviously something had come up and she had called him. I smiled and thought how good it was to have friends you could turn to in times of need.

The smile was wiped off my face when I was two steps into the house. I heard Rita yelling in our upstairs bedroom.

“Fuck my ass Bobby; fuck my ass. Cum in my ass Bobby” and then the familiar howl as she had an orgasm.

A dozen thoughts ran through my mind and they ranged all the way from running upstairs and laying waste to the two cheating assholes to doing nothing at least not at that time. Along with those thoughts came some memories. Wayne Abdon caught his wife doing the horizontal tango with Tom Deerfield and he killed them both. Now Wayne was sitting in a cell on death row waiting for a date that he hopes he can get his lawyers to keep from coming.

Rob Cruickshank caught his wife on their bed fucking the neighbor and he beat the shit out of the neighbor and physically threw his wife out of the house. He took a double hit. He was found guilty of spousal abuse and got ninety days in the county jail and he was also found guilty of felonious assault on his neighbor. His wife’s name was on the deed to the house and the neighbor was in the house at her invitation and thus he had the right to expect he wouldn’t be harmed while he was there. Rob got a year and a day in the state pen for that. Poor guy had no luck at all. He couldn’t even get to serve both sentences concurrently. He had to do them consequently. He did his ninety in county and was halfway into his stay at state.

All that rushed through my mind and I decided that it would be best to let someone else punish Bobby and worry about what to do about Rita later. I took out my phone, set it to ‘record’ and then quietly moved up the stairs and stood off to the side of the bedroom door where I could listen and record what was going on in the bedroom. I stood there listening and recording for about twenty minutes and then I shut off the recorder and silently left the house.

I knew how I was going to see to it that Bobby got punished and it made me smile as I thought about it. I was going to get double the pleasure out of it. I would get the pleasure of seeing Alice fuck him over in a divorce. We lived in a no-fault state and that meant that Alice would get half of everything. Everything included the business that he had built from the ground up and that he was so proud of.

The other pleasure would be in giving Alice the low-down on what was going on. Why would that give me pleasure? Because Alice didn’t like me; she didn’t like me at all. Hadn’t liked me since the ninth grade. She hated it that Bobby and I were good friends and it pissed her off that she couldn’t spilt us up. Well we were split now, but I didn’t think the way of it was going to make her smile.

I rang the doorbell and I was not at all surprised when Alice opened the door, saw me and said:

“What the fuck do you want?”

I smiled at her and said “I come bearing gifts Miss Alice. I’m here to give you something that you have always wanted. I’m here to make your day. Maybe even your week, month or year. You have always hated that Bobby and I were buds and that you couldn’t split us up. I’m here to give you your dream.”

“Cut the shit Stan; what the fuck do you want?”

“I just want you to listen to a recording that I have” I said as I took out my phone and pushed the necessary buttons. I was watching Alice’s face when she heard Rita say:

“Fuck my ass Bobby; come in my ass.”

I saw her eyes get big when Bobby’s voice came out loud and clear.

“Here it comes baby; here it comes.”

I pushed the stop button and turned to leave.

“Where are you going?”

“Got to go and make some copies of this and find an attorney.”


“Why what?”

“Why are you going to see an attorney?”

“I need to find out what my options are when it comes to a divorce.”

“I don’t want you to get a divorce.”

“What the hell business is it of yours if I divorce Rita?”

“If you go for a divorce it means exposing what Bobby and Rita are doing.”


“I don’t want Bobby to know he has been caught. I need him to be in the dark while I get back at him.”

“Given the way you feel about me why should I give a rat’s ass about what you want or don’t want?”

“Get in here and I’ll show you” she said as she grabbed my arm and started pulling me into the house. Once in she closed and said “Take a seat on the couch for and give me a minute.”

I sat down and a short time later Alice walked back into the room wearing nothing but a pair of CFM pumps. She cupped her breasts in her hands and said:

“You going to turn this down? You have wanted it since the seventh grade. Are you going to turn it down now that I’m offering it to you?”

“You aren’t making sense here Alice. We do it and you throw it in Bobby’s face and he will know we know about what he is doing with Rita. He will tell her that you know and it is exposed.”

“I’m not going to let Bobby know that I know.”

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*I hate New York. Everything about this place is starting to piss me off. I want to be somewhere else. Somewhere new and far the hell away from my family. I want to be with her. I use to think that meeting someone online was a waste of time, because chances are you were never going to meet that person. I have talked to many different people online, and have found that you can actually feel something for people without having never met them. But what I feel for this girl is more than what some...

3 years ago
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Il sogno diventa realt

Sono venuto a prenderti all'aeroporto di Milano. Appena mi hai visto mi hai   fatto un radioso sorriso e mi sei corsa incontro. Ci siamo abbracciati   come buoni amici, quindi ti ho accompagnata al tuo albergo. Appena giunti in stanza, ti ho donato un bouquet di rose rosse. Ad una rosa avevo tolto tutte le spine e ci avevo messo sopra un   biglietto. Tu hai preso i fiori con un grande sorriso, poi hai visto   la rosa senza spine con il biglietto attaccato. L'hai aperto e l'hai...

2 years ago
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AbeyanceChapter 7

I popped the mint in my mouth and walked slowly to the door. I dreaded this. I was probably going to have to sit and tell my family a bucket full of lies before I could go to bed. I gathered my strength at the front door and went in, trying to act as normal as possible. My parents and Laura were in the living room watching television. Only Laura seemed concerned. I was nearly an hour late getting home but they weren't worried. I suppose they thought that I was safe in the home of a...

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Wanting Babies

Chapter 1 Frank and Beth had been married for three years and they'd enjoyed just spending time with each other without any children to have to divide their attentions with. But, now, both of them were ready for a family. They'd had several of their friends who had gone through pregnancies and then they'd seen them with a new baby or even twins on one or two occasions. Frank and Beth were excited to have their own baby so Beth had gone off the birth control pills she'd been taking several...

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Hot Indian Wife ndash Groupsex

I had many fantasies in my eyes which I had never shared with anyone but when I got married then I started fantasising about my hot Indian wife only whom I used to love better as she was the only girl who showed me her naked body and allowed me to fuck her. This was the dedication of her for me that she too had never entertained any male near her as she remained much attached to the culture.I really had the best feeling for her and even imagining her with another person looked very bad thing to...

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MAU The Adventures of Lisa and Jeri Chapter 13

MAU: The Adventures of Lisa and Jeri Chapter 13 "What?" Jeri's clear sunglasses went to night vision mode and showed a tracking dot. Lights in the factory went out. Through an open ventilation hatch a creature entered, she'd never thought to see. Jeri thought she saw an Angel. A flash of red on her wrist caught Jeri's eye only briefly. She stared open mouthed at the beautiful nude woman and white wings spread before her. The woman held her hands up palms outward in a...

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Jessica the cowgirl

I got to my hotel room at about seven giving me 2 hrs to be ready. For me that is an hour to much so I jumped in the shower. After watching my hair and body I jumped out and kind of examined myself in the mirror. I have a dark brown hair it short and really thick. I have hazel eyes. And a slight tan. I'm 6'2 and pretty buff typical for a farmer my dad died when I was young so I did most of the work around my place. After looking myself over I decided to get dressed. I grabbed some jeans...

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first time with a toy

It was the summer after i had turned 18. I had moved in with my aunt to go to college in the fall. Enjoying a free open summer with nothing to do gave me much needed rest and time to just lay around and swim and tan in her pool. Once day snooping around in her room i found a dresser drawer fill of her toys. I know i was blushing as i took out a few looking at them. There was a few dildos in different sizes and and a couple vibs. I pulled out one very real looking dlido that had to be 9" and...

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A Peril at IshtarChapter 3 Thoughts on the Future

The pod opened and I awakened to see Ensign Bates looking at me. "It's been four hours, and the machine has completed the basics. Some of the changes will be occurring in the next couple of days, so don't push yourself if you feel dizzy. Your body will need to adjust," he told me as I put on a ship's uniform and finished waking up. He did one last scan to make sure I was fine and then sent me on my way with a smile. I returned to my chambers to find my four ladies sitting in a circle...

1 year ago
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BangBus Graycee Baybee Horny Chick Hops on The Bus

We’re out here boy!! The BangBus is still roaming the streets of Miami looking for some horny chicks in need of some dough. This week we pulled up on this baddie on her lunch break at a park. We sent Pete Green to chat her up and eventually she agreed to take a ride with us. Once inside, all we had to do from there was start flashing some cold hard cash. These hoes love money. Eventually, once we got to the right number, she was willing to risk it old to get her cash. Soon, she was deep...

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Market ForcesChapter 71 Island Jaunt

While Harry and Rick set up the colonial collection I arranged to take my trip to see Steve. I felt I should let Kelly know that I wasn't going to be around for a while and the night I was due to leave I wasn't far from her place so I thought I'd drop in. I tried her mobile a couple of times but didn't get a reply. I got to her house. It looked as if she was there. The car was outside and there were lights on. I rang the bell. There wasn't any answer but I was sure I could hear people...

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Roommate Intweview

Jenna sat at the foot of her bed, it was her first day in the new apartment. She had just turned 18, recently graduated, and had found a possible roommate for her apartment. After days of getting the apartment ready, she sat, wearing booty shorts and a tank top, her long brown hair thrown up in a messy bun. She was about to close her green eyes as she laid on the bed, but suddenly she heard the doorbell ring. She quickly hopped up and scurried out to the living room and looked through the...

4 years ago
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Air Force Weenie

I recently moved to a new neighborhood and if I’ve not said it before (which I have), let it be known I love being here. This neighborhood is quiet. It’s peaceful. Everybody knows everybody else – well, obviously that’s not true. But more people know each other here than any other place I’ve lived. But mostly I love it because it is blessed with an abundance of good-looking fellas, almost all of whom are members of the Air Force. Because our neighborhood consists of mixed residences, with...

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Platonic Hazard ch 2

After my conversation with Haze three days ago, I now found myself standing in front of the very bar I had destroyed in two minutes flat. There was a clean up crew, but Haze had assured me the owner was expecting me. I peered down at the little paper with the name on it and squinted up at the sign, wondering if I could lie and say I had gone to the wrong place but by the time I had found it they were closed. I wrinkled my nose, hearing Haze in the back of my head. "Yea right Alina...take your...

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Slut Dee Part 1

I first met Dee in 2002 at the side of the M90 not far from where I stayed. It was a typical working day for me in that I had risen early went to work in Edinburgh and at 2pm I was heading back over the Forth Road Bridge when my car went boom. It had just been for a service and MOT 4 days previously and this looked critical. Blue smoke from the rear of the car oil all over the windscreen engine bay and on the carriagway. The car limped in to the layby just in to the Fife side of the bridge. I...

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cucked and pimped

My wife and I have been exploring he cuckold lifestyle for a little over 2 years now. I love watching her getting fucked and having her pussy stretched by a well endowed man. When we first started doing this, I would just watch until the other guy left and then I would get my chance to reclaim her. After we had a few experiences, she started to include me a little more. At first she would just stare at me while the other guy was fucking her. That is still one of the hottest things I have...

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The Haunting of Licension Manor Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Admittance Kelsey pulled her car up alongside the little gravel clearing that existed outside the east side of Licension Manor. She was surprised to see hers was the only car there and not for the first time she thought about just ignoring the invitation and the party. The incident with Helen still burned inside her. All she had felt was regret at ruining the moment – there was no satisfaction in denying her own needs. She didn’t plan on going crazy. But she did want to let go just...

4 years ago
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Nurse Mom part 6

I was a little nervous, worried as to how she might be upon her return home that evening. Though much to my surprise, if anything, she was in a far better mood than she had been in, in several days now."Any plans for the weekend?" she'd asked, catching me off guard. The only thing I had really planned on doing, was spending as much of our remaining time in bed together as possible."Well sort of...in a way," I said smiling, trying to let her know where my thoughts were at the moment. She grinned...

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it just sort of happened2

Toni gave me mainly bland things items for kitchen etc but I took a different approach I wrote a list for sexual things that I would like, it went like this: I would like a blow job. Sex in a new position or location, Slide up and drip the come from your pussy all over me after we fuck then make me lick your pussy clean while you lick me clean, wear only sexy see through nigh ties while we are home and no panties (which really is not a problem since she does not wear panties most of the time...

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Friends with benefits Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

It was a lazy morning, I was sipping cola when my phone vibrated, someone had pinged me on Instagram. The notification flashed on my screen. Alex had sent me a ‘hey’, I jumped on my seat, my heartbeat pace increased. Numerous questions were popping in my head all at once, ‘why would he text me?’, ‘he might want something from me!’. ‘But what can he want?’, I push back all my thoughts and try to think of what to do next. I don’t want to text him instantly, that would show him my eagerness....

Real Hookup
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Black List I GhostsChapter 27

“The broadcast is coming on, Reeds,” Roger says over the earpiece. “Make it fast.” “Copy that.” Spencer turn to Wiltkins. “Sam and I will look for Sara. Keep the soldiers off our backs.” “No problem,” the man says. They jump out of the truck. Wiltkins immediately begins giving orders. The tactical squad and squad of marines burst through every available door and window on the ground floor. The soldiers inside are completely caught off guard, but immediately begins firing on the...

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The Best Job Ive Ever Had

This story is based on real people, I’ve taken some literary license with the characters and events. Sorry, there are no graphic sex scenes in this story. Constructive critiques and comments are hoped for and more than welcome. If you like or even dislike this story please comment or send me an email. Your comments, emails, and votes/ratings will help me to learn and grow as a writer. Thanks for reading my story and for your comments and your votes/ratings. Please Enjoy. For four years I had...

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OVERBOARDChapter 61 Christmas in California and then Beyond

It was absolutely quiet in the room while everyone watched and waited to see what Reyna would say and do. After a moment that seemed like forever she broke out in hysterical tears and said, "Yes, absolutely yes!" Junior let go of her hands long enough to pull something out of his pocket. He then took her left hand and slipped a ring on the ring finger of her hand. The women jumped up and surrounded Junior and Reyna almost before Junior could stand up again. They seemed to go wild. I...

2 years ago
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ReGenesis Inc6 Good Help Isnt All that Hard to Make

As is stated this is the sixth story in the ReGenesis, Inc. universe. It is another prequel, this one taking place prior to the first prequel "The Recruitment". This story essentially collects a lot of loose ends from the earlier stories in an attempt to say where some of the inhabitants within ReGenesis originally came. It doesn't include everyone. Those who archive stories freely may do so with this one. All five previous stories have been posted to this list. And should be...

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MessyJessy Jenna Fireworks Pool Boy By Chance

After finishing a job Jesse finds himself stranded outside in the heat with a dead cellphone so he starts looking for a house with a pool to break in and freshen up. He finds the perfect pool and after hopping the fence he notices a young hot blonde getting ready to tan in the sun. Jenna catches this guy in her backyard and as he’s explaining his situation Jenna decides to ask him to clean her pool, so he does. Afterwards, Jesse was hoping to be rewarded with a dip in the pool but to his...

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Chandigarh Main Cousin Ki Chudai

Mara name Harman hai, main Chandigarh main rehta hun, main yaha B.sc. 2nd main padta hun, meri ek cousin v hai wo b.com 1st main mere college main padti hai, uska name sweety hai. Jab wo chatlti hai toh gand hila hila ke chalti hai, gulabi honth dil karta hai puri zindgi unhi ko chumta rahu, wo alag room me apni friends k sath rehti hai, aur maine apne ek classmate k sath flat me rehta hun. Ek war sweety ki dono room mate apne ghar gai sweety akeli reh gai, usne sham ko muje call ki ke wo kuch...

2 years ago
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No Strangers Allowed in TombstoneChapter 5

Lucy thought Bat looked a little subdued when she entered the jail. He usually was quite loud and demanding just to show her who was boss. He told her to go upstairs. She surmised that something was amiss and was not surprised to see him appear at the door with his leather belt in his hand. Lucy quickly went down into the doggy position to give Bat good access to her rear end and lots of room to swing his belt. She had become a well-trained submissive after months of obedience training by...

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A mom desires

It all began about 4 years ago. My daughter was in taking her shower and I needed to go into the bathroom so I walked in and we began to talk about how nice it would be to move to a house where someone could actually have privacy to take a shower or bath without interruptions. We were laughing about it as she turned off the water and opened the curtain. As I watched her reaching for the towel to dry off I noticed how much she had grown up. At 18 she was already big built, with breasts already...

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Passionate Sexual Affair With Mom 8211 Part 2

This is the second part of the story and it picks up exactly where I left off in the first part. So, I would highly recommend reading the first part before continuing with this one. Now, coming to the story. As soon as I and my mom reached home, we were going on at each other like two fishes fighting for food. I kissed my mom’s lips, her neck while pressing her tight ass. We kissed for about five minutes. She then unbuttoned my shirt while I was untying her saree. We looked at each other and...

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My Bhabhi Introduces To The World Of Sex

Hello ISS readers, I have been a huge fan of this page reading all the stories from 4 years today I wanted to pen my own experience which happened with my bhabhi who introduced me to the world of sex Let’s come to introductions I am Sid from Hyderabad doing my b-tech 4th year in one of the reputed colleges in Hyderabad. I am 6 foot tall fair in colour as looks doesn’t really matter for me and guys this is a bit lengthy story so please bare with me because true stories take a lots of time and I...

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It Started with an Apron 2

IT STARTED WITH AN APRON By Monica Graz Episode 2 Monday morning was quite hectic for Bob turned Betty, she struggled out of bed a bit after 7.00am, feeling once more startled. She instantly realized there weren't any Bob's clothes left in the house and not many clothes for Betty to wear. She decided to keep her nightie on for the time being. She rushed to the kitchen to start breakfast. She knew Anita, her Mistress, as she should start thinking of her now, wanted a cup of tea...

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