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Rita's Report Janet L. Stickney [email protected] My name is Tom Hansen, and I always wanted to be a reporter. As far back as I could remember, I wanted to be like Edward R. Morrow, a hard hitting pull no punches kind of guy, and all of my schooling had been directed towards that one aim. I was in my first year of college, taking courses in journalism, when I applied for a job at a local newspaper. The Editor was a 40 year veteran in newspapers, a man I knew I could learn a lot from. On my first day on the job, my dream shattered when I found out exactly what my duties would be. "Okay kid you're hired. You'll run the errands for the reporters and do copy work." I was disappointed, but I took the job anyway, figuring that I could at least learn how things really worked. For the rest of that year I did every job asked of me, and realized that by starting at the bottom, I would become a better reporter. Once, when Ed Blankenship was off on sick leave, the Editor let me write a small filler for the paper, which everyone liked. That summer I was assigned to tag along with Ed, as an intern. Intern! That was the next step on the ladder to having my own column! Ed covered the courthouse scene, and I knew that a lot of great stuff happened there. "Listen Tom, this rag is just about the smallest paper I have ever worked for. Most of the guys here have worked at some of the most prestigious papers in the country. Before this, I was at the Times." I looked at Ed, his weather beaten face showing the ravages of drink, his eyes a testament to the fact that he never quit. "Be careful kid. This job can bite back hard. I know. Before you ask, I was fired from the Times for printing something I thought was true. It turned out the guy was innocent. I must have been so drunk when I wrote that piece that I crossed the line, and here I am." I listened to the old man, but saw the despair written on his face. Ed knew that the once promising career he had worked so hard for, had been washed away in a sea of booze and inaccurate reporting, while I could hear it in his words. We worked together that entire summer, and partially through the fall, then I was summoned to the Editor's office. "Ed tells me that you're pretty good kid. I have a proposition for you. My wife has been complaining that our paper doesn't have a single page devoted to the women in the area. I have decided to start a column for women, and I want you to do it." I started to say something, but Paul stopped him. "I know what you're going to say Tom, but I don't have any female reporters, and I can't afford to hire anyone right now, so you're it. Ed is retiring at the end of the week, and you can have his office, but by Friday I want an outline of the type of things you think you'll cover, and of course, a woman's name that you will write under." I was stunned! It was what I wanted, a column of his own that is, but I had expected to take over Ed's slot! Now he wants me to do a column for women? For the rest of the day I wandered around, trying to figure out what I would write about, with just the bare basics listed. It wasn't until I got home and talked to Mother that I found out just what the women in town wanted. "Things like who is sponsoring the flower show, who attended, all of the church news of course, who is this years debutante Queen, and maybe a good recipe added in. Tom, women are nosy. They like to hear the gossip and see who wore what where." I had written down everything Mom told me, and the next morning I gave it to Paul. "I like it Tom. I like the concept a lot! A half news half gossip column! The ladies will eat it up! What name have you decided on?" "I haven't given it much thought yet. I wanted to get your okay on my ideas first." "Figure out a name, and have a column ready by Monday. We'll run it." I left his office, still confused, but willing to give it a try. I went to Ed's old office, now vacant. It still held the musky smell of Ed's cigarettes, the desk and floor thick with a dusty film. I spent the rest of the day just cleaning out all the old files. The single window looked like it had not been cleaned since before I was born. Finally I had most of the offending dust and film cleaned off the desk and credenza and all the files boxed and sent to storage. Then I made arrangements with the janitorial company to give the office a thorough cleaning that night. Over dinner I told Mom the news. "He liked it. I have to have a column ready to run on Monday, and I think it'll just be a short one. I still have to find a name to write under, and a name for the column." Mom and I tossed around several combinations before we settled on Rita. It was the name of a character in a popular police show to which I held a fondness. The column would be called Rita's Report. That night I picked my Mother's brain again, then wrote my first column under the name of Rita Hansen. I added one of Mom's recipe's at the end. The next day I went to my new office. It was sparkling clean, the scent of citrus in the air. I sat at the computer terminal, then edited the piece, adding and subtracting bits and piece's until I was satisfied. At the top I put Rita's Report. With a single stroke of the keyboard, I sent it to the printing plant for then Monday run. My column was a hit from the first moment it hit the stands, and I was summoned to Paul's office. "You have a hit on your hands Tom. Mrs. Pierce wants to meet you this afternoon at 2, don't be late." I knew who she was. Dorothy Anne MacGuire Pierce was the widow of the man that started the paper, and one of the most influential people, let alone women, in the state. I rushed home and changed into my best suit. The drive to her home took about an hour, her secluded estate a four hundred acre reserve for animals as well as a retreat from which she rarely ventured. I pulled into her driveway and drove up the tree lined smooth asphalt road. Promptly at two, he rang the bell, being admitted by Mrs. Pierce herself. "Yes?" "You asked to see me Ma'am." She had a stunned look on her face, but let me enter. I followed her into the study. She was a formidable looking woman, not at all the frail tired woman many envisioned. She looked very fit and trim, her gray hair well coifed, her clothes tailored to accent her figure. Her sharp blue eyes looked me over for what seemed forever before she beckoned me to sit. "Paul told me he was going to start a women's column, and since I leave him to hire people, I expected that he would at least use a woman to write this column! However, you have a style with words that pleased many of my friends. Would you like to continue to do this column Thomas?" "Yes Ma'am. I have always wanted to be a columnist, and this is a good way to start." "I see. That's a fine attitude Thomas, but we will have some problems to work out of course, like what do you intend to do when you are asked to speak at a luncheon? Or attend some function or another so that you will be able to report the even with accuracy? If you showed up like you are now young man, we would both be in trouble! I am sure that Paul overlooked it, but have you though about that aspect of this job?" I was stunned! I never figured that I would have to actually go anywhere, I thought I could just call around! "Stand up Tom, and take your jacket off." I did, then she walked around me, making small noises in her throat. "Is your Mother Mary Hansen?" "Yes Ma'am." "Good! I know your Mother from several events we have attended together. By the way I have a dinner planned for three weeks from now, and I plan to introduce Rita to my guests, so, if you want to continue your column, then you'll have three weeks to become Rita!" I fell back in my chair, my mouth wide open. "Now don't fight it Tom. You wanted a column, and now you have one. You just have to make a few adjustments in how you look." She saw the look of bewilderment cross my face as I mentioned the cost. "Ma'am, I can't afford anything. With my college costs and all, I'm broke all of the time!" She went to her desk and opening it, took out her checkbook and wrote a check. "I think this will do for now, and I'll double your salary. After all, columnist make more than interns." She showed me to the door, gradually easing me out. What I did not see was that after I left, she leaned against the door and started to chuckle. All the way home I felt my stomach tightening as I realized what I had to do to keep not only my column, but the raise I had been given, plus the money would pay for all of my college and more! They never mentioned anything like this in school that's for sure! I walked in the house, my head down, almost in a sulk when Mom stopped me. "What's the matter Tom? Lose the column already?" "No Mom, I have to dress as Rita. Mrs. Pierce said that I might be asked to speak at a luncheon, or attend something, and the women would expect to see a woman, not a man. She gave me some money, but within three weeks I have to be Rita." Much to my dismay, Mom started to laugh. "It's not funny Mom!" I stormed to my room and shut the door. Half an hour passed, then I heard a soft knock on the door. "Come in Mom." She came in and sat on the bed. "I want to show you something Tom." She opened a photo album to the first marker she had inserted. "This is a picture of you at age 6, at Halloween." It was me, dressed as a girl. She went through almost every year, and every Halloween I had dressed as a girl, right up to my senior year in high school. "It would seem that you like to dress as a girl, at least once in a while. Think of this as one long Halloween party." I knew that she was right, I did like to dress up now and then, but didn't want to admit it, then or now. "Why don't you get undressed and I'll take some measurements. That way we'll know what to buy." I stood up and undressed to my briefs, measurements were taken, a list made, and Mom announced that we were almost ready. She had me wait for a moment, left the room, then returned with a pair of pantyhose. "Put these on Tom. You can't try on heels wearing socks." The enormity of what I was about to do loomed over me, and for the first time I realized that not only would I become Rita soon, it was going to last for a long time, especially if the column grew popular. That would mean that I would be dressing as a woman full time, attending all of the functions that required I be there. Dressing up once in a while was fun, and I liked it, but doing it every day could become tiresome, dangerous, and worse, expensive. Mom assured me that she thought I could do it if I put my mind to it, but she is a woman and does not suffer from the fear of discovery that I did every time I put a dress on. Yet, the lure of having my own column, then vastly greater pay, and opportunities, let me push those fears aside...almost. At last we left for the mall. With Mom leading the way, in the lingerie department she held out, for my inspection, several bras. "These are sexy Tom, and with your size 10 figure, you'll be able to wear almost anything." After that it was a flurry of lace and elastic as Mom piled panties, a waist nipper, a corselet, slips, two nightgowns, and a padded pantybrief in my arms. From there we went to the dress department where together we picked out two skirts, a pastel blue shirtwaist dress, and two white blouses. Then we went to the shoe department. I didn't like it, but I tried on a pair of plain black heels and a pair of beige flats, then we went to a makeup store where I had to endure sitting on the stool while the girl matched makeup to my skin tone. It was almost 9 by the time we got home. I called my Editor the next morning, and told him I needed the day off. Mom gave me a bottle and told him to follow the instructions on the side, and once I was in my room I read the instructions. Naked, I rubbed the stuff all over myself, then waited the required 30 minutes before I stepped into the shower, watching as all of the sparse hair I had, washed down the drain, leaving my skin smooth and soft. Then I used an aloe lotion as directed, replacing the lost oils in my skin, and making my skin even softer. In my room, I slipped on a pair of the new panties, marveling at the way they fit, and also, they made my skin shiver. The pantyhose were next, and as I slid them up my now smooth legs, I felt that familiar something awakening inside. The gel padded pantybrief was next, and as I pulled it on, I was aware that I now had the hips of a grown woman. I had never used a padded pantybrief before, and liked the way it gave me some shape. The waist nipper, right out of the package, was tight, but it reduced my waist by at least 3", to a very nice 25". The bra I selected was white with lace trimmed demi cups. From under my bed I pulled a small box. Inside were the breastforms I had made for myself long ago. They were made of the thick skinned balloons like you get at the circus, filled with the blue gel that is used to keep things cold. I slipped them into the cups of the bra, felt the weight of them, and gently squeezed each one. They felt real, and filled the cups nicely. Then I slipped on a robe and went to the bathroom. It had been a long time, but I applied the new foundation, using two fingers to evenly smooth it out, using a powder to set the foundation, waiting about five minutes before I brushed away the excess. I selected a light blue eye shadow, using the small applicator to draw it on his eyelids, then a soft gray with copper highlights over that. I used a sponge to blend the colors, followed by a black eye pencil to line my lower eyelids, a liquid eyeliner in deep black on the upper lid, put on with a single stroke that gave me sensuous eyes. I could always do eyes really good. Then I called for Mom who came in a few minutes later. My hair, like many guys my age, was long, and because she had told me she could make it look feminine, I let her try. She rubbed in a gel, then used rollers in a pattern she had selected. I had to sit under a dryer for about 30 minutes before she began to brush my hair out. Using scissors, she trimmed my hair here and there, the results, after she had sprayed it with hairspray was a definitely feminine hairdo. My soft blonde hair, done this way, almost denied my maleness. She left, and I slipped the shirtwaist dress over my head. Once I had pulled the zipper closed and fastened the belt, I looked in the mirror and saw a familiar, face, yet she looked so much better than before. I took a lipstick and traced my mouth in a soft plum, stepped into a pair of new heels, and saw for the first time in many years, the girl I always denied I liked becoming. I walked out of my room, my heels silent on the carpet, then I stepped into the kitchen, the clicking of my heels signaling that I was there. I heard Mom audibly gasp when she saw me. From the top of my blonde hair, down over the gentle swell of my breasts, the material tight against my abdomen, then the skirt flaring over my hips to my shapely legs, as Tom, I had disappeared. "You always were pretty To.... Rita. Ready to go?" I nodded my head yes. We had decided that I would need several suits, but thought it better that I try them on as Rita so we could make sure they fit right. My went to her room, returning with an old purse of hers which she handed to me. I put my wallet, lipstick, and a few tissues in it, and we left. I had been in the mall dressed as a girl twice before, but I was a mere youngster then. Now it was different, and I knew it. All I could do was the best I could do. In the mall we found several suits that I liked. One was all pink. It had a straight skirt, with a single button jacket that flared over her hips just right. Another was red, but it had a pleated skirt which came above my knees, but not quite as much as the pink skirt. I also found an ivory tea length dress set that had flowers on it. I tried it on, and found that I really liked it. From there we went to a jewelry store where I had my ears pierced, then bought some earrings, a few bracelets, and several necklaces. Back in the shoe store I found both pink and red shoes to match the suits, along with a pair of black patent leather heels. I also bought a new wallet, and two purses. As much as I was concerned before we went into the mall, not once did anyone look at me funny. "I think you're ready for now Rita. Why don't we stop at the paper and let Paul meet his new columnist Rita Hansen?" I knew that I had to do it sooner or later, so I agreed, if I could change into the pink suit first, and ducked into a changing booth. I knew that I looked good, and I also knew that there was only one way to do this. I had to become Rita, inside and out. I pulled in a deep breath and walked straight into the paper, no hesitation in my step. My heels clicking on the hard tile floor, my skirt swaying to the rhythm of my walk, the scent of perfume followed in my wake as I went to Paul's door and knocked. "Come in. Yes? How can I help you Ma'am?" "Paul, I'm Rita. Rita's Report?" His mouth opened in a gape as he looked at what was, just a few days ago, an energetic young man. He gave me the once over before he began to question me. "This is a joke right? You're Tom's sister!" "No Paul. I am Rita Hansen. At our meeting, Mrs. Pierce pointed out that sooner or later I might have to face those women I write to, and suggested, no, she told me, that this would be better for the paper. So here I am. From now on, I'll be Rita Hansen." He was, for the first time in his life at a loss for words! "Just so I understand this. You'll be coming to work every day dressed as a woman right?" I nodded my head yes. I'll give Paul credit, he didn't even blink. "That means all new ID. Press pass, company ID and all. Stan can take the picture of you for the column. I hope you can do this Rita. God help us if they find you out!" I took Mom to where my new office was, then to see Stan, the photographer. He took three rolls of film, both black and white, and color. He took both sides, front, sitting, standing, and a few with my Mother sitting next to me. "They'll have your new pass and ID by tomorrow. Stop in and see me then." Since it was almost quitting time, we left, deciding to have dinner out. "You know of course that a lot of the ladies in town, once they find out that you're single, will be trying to fix you up with the right guy, usually a son or nephew or grandson. You better be prepared for that." "Mom! I'm not that way!" "Yes I know that, but they don't. They'll think that you are what you look like. A beautiful young lady. There might even be times when you will need a male escort. Like the debutante ball at the country club for example." I sat there, pondering what was just said, knowing that since I had already committed to the role of female, and as long as the column ran, I would have to be Rita. Mom saw my shoulders slump. "You can pretend to pout about this all you want to Rita, but I'll bet that you dreamed of something like this happening. Given all of the times you dressed as a girl before, you can't really believe I was that na?ve do you? Admit it. You like it, but are afraid that somebody will find out, especially me, but I already know." I raised my head and slowly smiled at Mom. "Just keep it a secret will you Mom? Another thing, I'll have to be your niece or something, that way nobody will put it together that I'm not really a girl." "No." "No?" "You are my child, regardless of how you dress, and I will not give that up. You have become my daughter, Rita, and we will work out the details later if we have to. Understand?" "Yes Ma'am." I had made a major confession to Mom when I told her she was right, but she promised to hold that secret to herself. The next morning, I got up early, dressed in the same clothes I wore the day before, and went to work. Taking my time getting ready, I looked just as good as I did the day before, but this time I was alone. Mom wasn't there to protect me if I needed her. As I walked to my office, the softly scented perfume I was wearing brought the keen eyes out of all of the men. They didn't know who I was, not even when I walked into my office. A few minutes later I hung a hand written sign outside the door. "Rita M. Hansen. Rita's Report. I think that's when they knew it that Rita was Tom, or they thought it was anyway, some did, but most were confused. Since it was in the best interest of the paper to keep my actual identity a secret, Paul told everyone that as Tom, I had gone back to college, but he had hired Rita, still me, in my place, which was very confusing but really cinched my future! Nobody asked how he was lucky enough to find a reporter named Rita to do the column, Rita's report, or the fact that she and I shared the same last name, but even then, in a room full of nosy reporters, I'm sure they all knew. As the week went on, I was invited to several functions held by various ladies groups in town, and I graciously accepted them all, wondering the whole time if I could really pull it off. I attended all of the functions, made careful notes, and reported all of it in the column. Some of the women, like Mrs. Carney, deserved to be noted in the paper. Mrs. Carney was 101 years old, walked with only her cane, always had a smile for everyone, and made the best apple pie in the county. Over the next few weeks I began to find it easier to get ready for work, attend these functions, and seemed to have been accepted by many of the women I met. At the function I had been initially invited to attend by Mrs. Pierce, she positively cooed over me. She introduced me to the women that spearheaded all of the major functions in the city as her newest find, and the women went crazy as they all seemed to clamor to have their names in the paper. I took it all with a smile as expected. After everyone had left, Mrs. Pierce and I had a little chat. "You were fantastic Rita! Simply wonderful! You had them eating out of your hand in no time!" "Thank you Ma'am." "You look simply wonderful dear, better than I ever thought a boy could look." "It's a gift of nature I guess." Mrs. Pierce handed me an envelope, and told me to use it to increase my wardrobe, because she had no intention of letting me get away, then she gave me another raise! Over that same period, my office became very feminine as women sent me small gifts, little stuffed animals and the like. Mother had given me a small pot of popourri, which made the office smell very feminine. Since I went to all of the functions, being accepted by everyone as a woman, Mom had suggested several times that she wanted to fix me up, but I resisted every time. By the end of my first whole month as a female, I was tired. Just getting ready for work in the morning seemed to take 45 minutes, when I could be ready in 10 as Tom. "Why don't we both go to the beauty shop Rita. It always perks me up, and you can have your hair set in a perm, and you can get your nails done. That way you won't have to take so long to get ready in the morning." As I looked around myself in the mirror, and saw nothing but girl, I agreed, went to my room to change into a pair of jeans and a top and rejoined Mom. I had bought the jeans the weekend before, and they fit me like a coat paint, presenting a very feminine profile whenever I wore them. Every time I had dressed as a girl before, I had used a wig, always wishing I could use my own hair. The feminine beauty I thought I had securely hidden away, was in fact, well known by Mother. After that first week as Rita, I began to like it more and more, and it seemed that the more I dressed as Rita, the more I wanted to keep dressing as a female, regardless of the time it took to get ready, and now, for the first time in my life, I was about to enter a place that catered to women only. A beauty shop. I also knew that having a permanent would lock me into the role of Rita for a long time, unless I shaved my head that is! In the beauty shop I was shown to Karen's chair. "Hi Rita, I'm Karen. What can I do for you today?" "I'm not sure Karen. I haven't been to a shop in a very long time. I want a career type cut, but I want a perm in it." "Lets look at my books." We went through the books, deciding on a style. It would be just above my neck, fuller on top, with waves cascading down the sides. "How about we lighten it a bit while you're here Rita, wash out the stray colors." I said yes, and Karen began. After the permanent solution was in, Beth came in and started on my nails. She used acrylics to both lengthen and strengthen my nails, filing them to a rounded end and using a soft mauve for color. By the time I left the shop I did feel better, more feminine than ever before! My nails glistened under the lights as they reflected off the mauve polish, while my new hair color made my whole face brighter. My Mother's stood up when I walked out. "You look marvelous Rita!" On the way to the car she said , "I found a shop that you might want to visit. They specialize in helping girls like you. The ones that have a less than full chest." Mother and I drove across town to a small shop. The door chimed as the walked in. "Hello. May I help you?" "Yes. This is my daughter Rita. I called you earlier today about her needs." "Oh yes." The woman locked the door and motioned for us to follow her. I had to strip down to my panties so the woman, Anne Johnson could do her magic. "This will take about 3 hours Mrs. Hansen, perhaps you would like to come back later while Rita and I take care of things here." When Mom left, Anne explained exactly what was involved, and then began. A mold of my chest was taken, then a male mold was made that matched my male chest. From a drawer Anne took out some molds and tried several before she was certain she had the right one. She poured liquid latex into the mold and put in a small oven to cure, then she brushed latex over the male mold, making it several mils thick and started to cure that as well. "I know it is embarrassing dear, but can you step out of your panties." By this time, I just gave up, and stripped, then Anne handed me a very special panty. It looked exactly like a woman and I held it with two fingers. It was open in the back. "Let me help you dear." The panty had a special sheath for my member, so I rolled it on like a condom. At the end of it was a tube that coiled around and terminated in exactly the place a woman's would. I pulled the panty to my waist, the tight latex firm against my skin. In the rear, Anne showed me how to use the special glue. "This will hold the edges down. Now you can still function, but even if you undress in front of someone, they will see that you are a woman. Go look in the mirror." I walked over to the mirror and saw for myself that I had what appeared to be natural width hips, a rounded bottom, a narrow waist, and best of all, a vagina! "If you like, you can also function as a woman wearing that panty Rita." The look of confusion on my face made Anne be a bit more explicit. "You can have sex Rita. Sex with a man." As I slipped my panties back on, and saw how much better they fit, I smiled at the thought of just being able to have sex with a guy. Not that I wanted to, but then again I never expected to be living as a woman full time either. Just then the bell rang, signaling that the latex had cured. Anne made several quick cuts and took the rest to me. Holding it to my chest, Anne marked where she needed to cut, and began trimming. She held the actual breastform against my chest, made some more marks and cut some more. When she was done she molded the two pieces together, and with her special glue, she attached them to my chest, then filled them with the right amount of silicone. With just the tiniest bit of makeup, she hid the seams, making detection impossible. I was standing in front of the full length mirror naked when Mom came in, gasping at what she saw. Standing in front of her was a young lady. All traces of male gone. "That is simply the best disguise I have ever seen Anne!" "Mom, she told me that everything works too!...Everything!" I got dressed while Mom watched. She saw new breasts hanging as I bent over, while my now wider, and rounder bottom looked like every other young ladies. I wrote a check to pay for Anne's services, glad to do so. "That's quite a figure you have now Rita, 36-24-36. I can assume that by saying that everything works, that you can... have sex?" "That's what Anne told me Mom. She gave me a booklet to read so I can keep everything clean." It was a much more assured woman that I had become. The addition of the special panty and my new breasts made all of the difference, as I could now wear, do, or act, like any other girl my age. On Monday I got a call from Mrs. Pierce inviting me to her home on the following Saturday for a casual function. "Bring a swimsuit dear. My Granddaughter Jill has invited some of her friends over as well. She's about your age, I'm sure that you'll hit it off right away." I said that I would be there. With the addition of my new breastforms, and of course the special panty, I had started wearing lower cut blouses. Not slut low, but lower. I went to the mall that afternoon to buy a swimsuit. I tried on several, all of which looked nice, but I wanted to make a statement, so I took the bright red bikini. It had a full cut panty bottom, the top, like most bikini's, exposed a lot while covering just a little. I knew that I was being tested, but I looked good in that bikini, and knew that I was going to win Mrs. Pierce's little test. My column had become required reading by the ladies in the town, and I was always in demand as a speaker or guest, and the paper had a small increase in circulation, all because of my column. Mrs. Pierce was pushing me and I knew it, but I was ahead of her with this one, and I didn't, wouldn't, decline this invitation! Wearing a short, pleated white skirt and a blue blouse with my tennis shoes, I looked every bit at home as any other woman there. Mrs. Pierce was surprised to see me looking better than the first time she saw me, and gave me a severe look over. She saw the hair, blonder than before, the nails perfectly done, obviously by a professional, my makeup perfect, no trace of a beard showing. My shapely well tapered legs below a well rounded bottom, my breasts looking firm and pert under the blouse. "The others are on the patio Rita. I must say, you look smashing. Better than I ever imagined possible." I smile back, but knew that when I appeared in the bikini, Mrs. Pierce would swallow her tongue! "Hi. I'm Jill. Grandma told me you were coming. Let me introduce you to everyone." Jill took my hand as we made the rounds. The other girls were Cheryl, a trim knock out, her Italian heritage clear from her dark eyes and well tanned skin. Kelly was the shortest, with auburn hair and the bluest eyes I had ever seen. Janet was a bit older than the rest, but every bit as good looking. She had soft brown hair and eyes, a 38-24-38 figure, and a winning smile. The guys were Jack, he and Janet were a couple, Roger, he and Cheryl had been going together for a long time. Ron, who had stayed by Kelly's side, Victor, Jill's boyfriend, and Robert. "I hope you don't mind Rita, I invited Robert so that we could pair off later if we decide to dance." I saw the way that he looked at me. I felt his eyes on me as he walked over to shake my hand. "Hi Rita. I'm Robert Benson. Would you like a drink?" I said she would, and he went off to get it. I sat at one of the pool side tables with Jill and Kelly. "My Grandma says that you write the new column in the paper. You have any plans to include women our age Rita?" "I intend to cover most everything. But since the women that usually read my column are older, I'll probably devote more to them than us." Kelly, had always been a little blunt, so when she said,"Judging by the way Bob looked at you, I'm willing to bet he makes it a point try and get to know you better!" Bob returned with our drinks and the girls quit talking about him. Jack and Victor did the barbecuing, telling everyone that it would be about an hour before the steaks were done, so the girls decided to change into their swimsuits and take a dip in the pool. "Come-on Rita, grab your suit. We're about to drive the guys crazy!" It was the first time I would have to undress in front of other girls, and hoped that my disguise would pass. All five of the girls, once in Jill's room, stripped their clothes off, and I did likewise, quickly slipping my bottoms on and pulling them snug. The bra to the bikini left no doubt about my figure, my nicely rounded bottom, now encased in the thin red material as it hugged my skin tightly, both front and back, gave no hint that I was a male. All of the girls wore bikini's, and all but me knew that they had the power to make the guys pay close attention to them if they wanted it. When we walked out on the patio, all of the guys turned and watched. Jill was the first on in the pool, diving in right away. still unsure of myself dressed this way, I stepped in from the shallow end. Mrs. Pierce had watched all of us girls walk onto the patio from her study, and saw for herself just how far her newest columnist had gone to meet her guidelines, and I know she was very impressed! Bob, Roger, and Ron stripped off their shorts and shirts and joined us in the pool. They each headed for, "their" girls. "You have a terrific figure Rita. It's a shame that you hide it so well." "The life of a career woman Bob. I have to dress for the job." He leaned against the side of the pool, next to me, then I felt his arm as he placed it around me. We had a bit of small talk before he pulled me, gently, close to him. I had, in my wandering dreams, always wondered what a girl felt like when she was sought after by a handsome young man, and now, I thought, I am going to find out. He helped me out of the pool when Victor said the steaks were ready, my slender form pressing against his naked hairy chest as I stepped on the cold tile. I felt his arm around my waist as he led me to the table. The other girls watched as Bob refused to let me move, insisting that he get my plate. I sat in the shade, remembering what Anne had told me. "You have to remember that latex doesn't tan honey. Stay out of the sun if you can." It was a pleasant afternoon, Bob always nearby, except when we girls changed their clothes again. Later, on the way home, I recalled that without hesitation, I had given Robert Winston Benson III my phone number, and wondered why. On Monday I went to the papers library and looked up everything I could find on Bob and his family. I found out that he came from a very wealthy family of merchant bankers. He was 24, had a graduate degree from Harvard in Economics, had one sister, Iris, and was currently working as the International Fund manager for the bank. On the way back to my office, my short red skirt flipping from one side to the other, my heels clicking on the floor, I knew that I wanted to see him again! Not because he was wealthy of course, but because he awakened in me those repressed dreams I had always had as a child, and then a young man. Opening my office door, I was surprised to see Mrs. Pierce sitting there. "Hello Rita. I wanted to stop by and tell you that you have exceeded even my expectations." I got up and closed the door. "You are a lovely girl. Beautiful in fact. I talked to Jill, and she said that you changed clothes with the other girls, and that you had a knockout figure. Now either you are really a girl, or you are the best female impersonator in the world!" "I am what I've always been Mrs. Pierce." "All my life I had hidden the fact that I liked dressing as a girl once in a while. Now, after a few weeks as Rita, I feel like it should have been this way all along. Even if you take the column away from me, I intend to keep living as Rita." Dorothy saw the tears starting to well up in my eyes and handed me a tissue. "Honey, you are what you are. Your column is a smash hit and I have no intention of canceling it. I talked to your Mother on the phone this morning... about you. I now know a bit more, and believe me I understand. My late husband liked to dress in the feminine once in a while, and I came to understand it better as the years went by. As I understand it, very few people know the truth about you. You, your Mother, myself, and Paul. Jill and her friends are convinced that you are what you seem to be. A beautiful, single woman. Lets keep it that way shall we?" I smiled through her tears as she and Dorothy hugged. Robert called me that same night, asking me out to dinner on Thursday evening, and of course, I accepted. Mother had been watching the changes in me as I became her daughter, and decided that they had to talk. "Rita, I know that you like being a girl, but since you never got the education in womanhood, I think that we should have a talk." I sat across from Mother, waiting patiently for her to begin. "Since you can literally have sex with a man, I want you to know that I don't want you to just give yourself to a man just so that you can try it. I wasn't raised to be that way, and I don't expect it from you. Women can get pregnant on the first time, so even if we both know that you cannot, I want you to insist that any man you allow to use you, uses protection." I was stunned that Mom brought it up! I had always thought that Mom lived in the dark ages! "I called your Aunt Carolyn and told her that when she and Steve and her kids come over on Christmas, that Rita would be here. Now tell me about this young man Robert." I described him, my voice giving away the excitement he had caused me. Mom saw the way I looked as I talked, and was pretty sure that I had a strong attraction to him. Robert rang the doorbell right on time, and Mom opened the door and she immediately saw why I thought he was so handsome. He was! Just for this occasion, I had bought a new outfit. It was a light green sheath dress with a square cut neckline. Perched in my taupe heels, my legs were shapely, the hem, just above my knees, showing them to perfection. I wore minimal makeup, just earrings and my watch for jewelry. Robert greeted me with a peck on the cheek, we said goodbye, and left. Robert was attentive to my every need, polite and very sure of himself. I had never in my life been treated like this, and I soaked it up. On the way home he stopped the car on a secluded street and drew me close to him, and I let him kiss me. Before long, I found my arms around his shoulders returning his ardor. His hot breathe on my neck drove me crazy as he managed to push everyone of my buttons. I felt his hardness against my leg, startling me, and finally asked him to take me home. In my room, I knew that I had crossed some barrier. Without thinking, I put on my sexiest babydoll nightgown and went to bed. My Aunt Carolyn called me at the office the next day. "Mom says that you are a woman now! When did this happen?" Before I could answer, Carolyn said that before she could tell Steve or bring the kids, she would have to see for herself, we made arrangements to meet halfway, about an hour drive for me. We agreed on Saturday. Carolyn, my Aunt, is actually only a few years older than I am. She was sitting at a booth waiting when I walked in. For the meeting with Carolyn, she decided to wear the light green chemise again. I walked right up to Carolyn and sat down. "Sorry, this booth is taken. I'm waiting for a friend." "Carolyn! It's me! Rita!" The look on Carolyn's face was worth the drive if nothing else. "Oh my God! Your gorgeous! How did you.... I mean have you.... " "Calm down Carolyn, and I'll tell you a story." I proceeded to tell her everything, even offering to show her the special panty Anne had provided. "No thanks Rita. I know what girls look like. Your Mom said that you have a boyfriend, is that right?" "Well not exactly a boyfriend Carolyn. He is a male, and he is a friend, and we have gone out to dinner, but nothing more than that. But he does have the hots for me, that much I do know for sure!" Carolyn looked at me and I saw a different kind of look in her eye. "I can remember when you used to wear girls clothes now and then, so your liking to be a girl doesn't surprise me too much, it's how pretty you are that surprises me. Now, what do we tell Steve?" "Maybe we could tell him the truth Carolyn. Can he keep this kind of secret? Nobody knows except for just a few people. If it got out I would lose a lot." "He'll keep it. The very first time he sees you he'll have the hots for you. He's a leg man, and you have a pair of doozies girl!" We had a light lunch, then decided that since her kids were so small, that I would be Aunt Rita from then on. I gave her several of the pictures that Stan had taken, including one of Mother and I. When I got home, I went to my room and undressed, taking both the panty and the breastforms off. "Once a week" Anne had told her. "For at least 4 hours. So the skin has a chance to breathe." I cleaned the glue away, wiping my chest and bottom with alcohol. The panty and breastforms had to be cleaned with soap and water, followed by alcohol so that any trace of bacteria was cleaned off. Wearing a robe, I felt naked, not quite whole under the thin cotton robe. I went back to my room and put a bra on and used the old forms to fill the cups. It was a good thing I did, since Robert dropped by unexpectedly, and Mom let him in. "Hi Rita. I just stopped by to see if you have been invited to the Christmas dance at the country club yet." "No, I haven't." Mom saw the way I smiled at him and knew in her heart that he would most likely be the first man to sleep with me. Robert turned to Mother and asked if she would like to accompany us. "It's the biggest dance of the season Ma'am. I would consider it an honor if you would join us." "He's very gallant" she thought. "Thank you Robert, I'd be happy to join you." He could see that I wasn't dressed to go anywhere, so he left, but not before he asked me she wanted to go on a drive the next day. I did. That night I endured the smelly cream again and removed any trace of body hair, then sat in a bubblebath soaking, and shaving those small areas that I couldn't use the cream on, like my groin. When I stepped out of the tub I was hairless except for my head. The next morning I put the special panty on carefully, using extra glue, wiping away any excess. For the drive I decided to wear the short white skirt again with a loose fitting top, without, for the first time, a bra. My panties were white satin. No pantyhose, nothing to stop his searching hand's. I had fought with myself about this, but I had been living as a woman for over six months now, and decided that since I was now living as a female, and could function as one, Robert was the one that was about to prove it, to him certainly, but myself as well, that I am a woman. My hair fell right into place, my makeup barely enough. His car was a convertible, so I wore a scarf as we raced through the countryside towards a park. He carried the basket and I spread out the blanket. The bright sun was shaded by a large oak tree, the hill he had chosen gave us a view for miles around. I started to set things out when he took me into his arms. I was like a rag doll in his arms as he kissed me, his hands feeling my cute bottom. He lay me down ,and as I looked up at him, he took his shirt off. He got down next to me and placed his hand on my right breast. I could feel his hand since the forms fit so well, moaned in anticipation as he ran his hand over my body while he kissed me. I felt his arm against me as he reached under my skirt, then touched my womanhood. Knowing what I wanted to do, I rolled him over and unbuckled his pants and took them off as he shimmied them down his strong legs. His hardness was beckoning me, and for the first time in my life, I took another mans member in her hand. "Can I kiss it?" was all I said as he lay back. I held his velvety soft, but very hard member in my hand, and kissed the tip of it, just before I took all of him in my mouth. That morning I had prepared carefully, lubricating the false vagina, and I raised myself, then placed his tool in the right place and lowered myself. He gasped, and I smiled at him. I was in charge as I ran my hands through his chest hair, rocking back and forth. I felt him starting to heave as he let go, filling me with his love potion. He rolled me off to the side, but stayed inside of me, waiting until he was hard again. His slow strokes could be felt inside the panty, making me, I was surprised to find out, quiver! I could feel every stroke he took. He filled me again, his love draining away as he spent himself. Naked, I went behind the tree to clean myself up, using a damp washrag I had kept in a small plastic bag in my purse just for that purpose. I straightened myself out, slipped my panties back on, and went back to the blanket. Bob had his briefs on, and nothing else. I raked my fingers in his hair as he pulled me close to him. Neither of us could seem to get enough of the other. We ate a lunch and lay back on the blanket again, and I placed my hand on his member, then felt it rise against me again! This time, I took him in my mouth until he was spent. The ride home was quiet, Robert in love, and I wanted more than a rubber panty to please my man. Now I knew exactly what I wanted. Robert dropped me off, watching as I went in the house. Mom saw me come in, the look on my face, the thin smile I always got when I got my way, and knew without a doubt that I had given myself to Robert. On Monday I went to work, even more assured of my femininity than ever before. I done something with Robert that only since I had started living as a woman had I ever considered, except in my wildest dreams. As Tom, I would have never had any kind of sex with Robert, but as a woman, I wanted it. I wanted to be a woman in every sense of the word. The Christmas dance was always a big affair, and Dorothy Pierce called me to make sure that I had an invitation, then reminded me that unescorted ladies were not allowed. I told her I had an escort and an invitation, which Dorothy correctly figured was Robert. Then I called our family doctor, and made an appointment for that afternoon. Wearing my red suit, I walked into the doctors office, startling him. He started to say something, thought better of it, and took me into an examining room. "Before you start, I have been living as a woman for almost six months now Dr. Stinson. I want to become a woman. Can you help me?" "I think so Tom...that's not right is it?" "It's Rita now." He asked me to strip, finding the panty and breastforms ingeniously made, then he watched as I carefully removed them. "Clever! Very clever Rita." He examined me, then prescribed female hormones. "By summer you won't need the breastforms Rita, and by this time next year the panty can go as well." Then I got dressed again, and headed for my next appointment, to remove her beard. For the entire week I went to various events, my column becoming more and more popular. My hair had grown out and needed to be redone, so Mom and I decided to go to a spa and get the works. By the time I left the spa, I had been baked, kneaded, washed first in hot water, then doused in cold water, had my hair, makeup, and nails done over. Refreshed, we went to the mall looking for new dresses for the dance. Mom decided on a mauve evening gown that had sequins sewn on all over it. I wanted something sexy, yet tasteful, and I found a white sheath dress with a low back, sleeveless, shear front piece, with the dress held in place by a single tie around my neck. It was tea length and looked wonderful, but the zipper was just a little snug on me. "Buy it Rita. We can find just what you need to make the dress fit." We paid for the dresses, then, carrying mine over my arm, I was led into a lingerie shop. "Do you have corsets? My daughter needs to get into this dress of hers." The woman showed us where to look, and it wasn't long before I found myself being laced into a corset. By the time Mom was done with those laces, my waist could not have been any larger than 22"! "I can hardly move Mom!" "Beauty comes with a price dear. Try the dress on." I walked out of the changing room, the light reflecting from the rhinestones clips that held the dress together. Everyone said it was perfect! The dance was on the weekend before Christmas, which would fall on Saturday this year, which would give me a chance to include the dance in that weeks column. Mom and I stayed home on Sunday, then, on Monday evening, we went out looking for the perfect jewelry for our dresses. By Friday my column was done, and I left early so that I could get ready. This was the second largest affair of the year in their city, the debutante ball the biggest. Saturday afternoon I started to get dressed. A long, hot bubblebath, aloe lotion rubbed all over, and a careful shave. My makeup skills had gotten so good that I could hide any defect I found. I had started with a new foundation that was an even better match for my skin tone, a powder finish, the rose eye shadow with silver highlights to accent the dress. A thin coral line under each eyebrow, deep black eyeliner on both upper and lower lids, mascara brushed on several times, making my eyes sultry and sexy. I had been wearing the new corset for a few days to get used to it, and now I could pull the laces tight by herself. I was down to 126 pounds now, and with the special panty and the corset, I had a 36-22-36 figure. Hose and garters instead of pantyhose, I clipped the hose to the garters, adjusting the tension. The I sat at the vanity and fixed my new hair style, fixing it in place with some hairspray. I gave myself a few shots of perfume, and slipped the dress over my head. the shoes were silver lame with rhinestone clips on the toes that matched my bracelet and earrings. I didn't wear a bra since the corset did the work, and my breasts could almost be seen through the thin material of the dress, which is exactly what I wanted. Using a red lip pencil I outlined my mouth, then filled in using a bright red lipstick that matched the color of my nails. Just as I stood up to see myself in the mirror and do a last check on herself, Mom walked in. "Marilyn Monroe! In that dress that's who you remind me of Rita! If that doesn't make your young man hot nothing will!" I blushed for the first time in a long time. I borrowed Mother's white fur, while she wore the mink. We had just walked into the living room when the doorbell rang. Robert was resplendent in his tuxedo as Mom led him in. When he saw me, I could see that he was awed. "I have to be the luckiest guy there tonight! I'll have the privilege of escorting the two most beautiful women in town." Mom had kept her figure over the years, and at 51, she was still a beautiful woman, trim and pert, the resemblance between us was easily spotted. He helped us with our wraps and escorted us to the limousine. He tried to suppress his grin as he led us into the ballroom and across the dance floor. We had been seated with Mrs. Pierce and her escort Mr. Walter Hiton, Robert's Mom and Dad, and Mr. Dominic Calbro. Introductions were made, and at the first note of the music, Robert took me to the dance floor. It started as a waltz, but segued into a tango. I followed him perfectly as we glided around the dance floor with an ease that looked like we had been dancing together for many years. Dominic asked Mom to dance, and soon the whole table was dancing. Because the paper was this years sponsor, Dorothy had the privilege of making the announcements. She was smashing in a rose colored organza dress the revealed nothing, but hinted at everything. "Ladies and Gentlemen. Many of you have asked me to introduce our star columnist, so without any delay, Rita, come up here please." Applause surrounded me as I walked across the floor and mounted the stairs to the microphone. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, Rita Marie Hansen. If you saw them dancing out there, it is obvious that they belong together, and Rita, who will be soon, if don't miss my guess, become engaged to Robert Winston Benson III. Robert smiled at me, while I swallowed my tongue! "Remember guys, she's taken, but I'm still single!" That brought out a few laughs. Robert rushed to the stage and escorted us back to the table. Everyone was smiling at Robert and I when I sat down. "I've heard a lot about you dear, all good. You're the only thing Robert talks about anymore." His Mother was sharp I had heard, and I knew that I had to be very careful around her. "That dress is quite revealing isn't it?" Harriet, Robert's Mother was going for the jugular. She was the kind of Mother that thought that there were few women good enough for her son, and since I knew that already, I was prepared. "I didn't buy the dress to please you Mrs. Benson, I bought it to please Robert." Robert's Dad almost choked on his coffee as he watched his wife sputter for an answer. "It's Bob's choice Harriet, butt out. It seems the lady is quite unafraid of you." Unknown to Robert or I, Harriet got exactly the answer she wanted. She wanted him to have a strong wife and she knew that I was certainly strong. By the end of the evening, Mom and Dominic were gone, saying they were going to go count stars or something, so Robert and I lounged in the back of the limousine alone. For the first time, I invited Robert to my room, and once again we expressed our love for one another in more physical terms. The next morning I untangled myself from his arms and went to the bathroom to make sure that what was left of my light beard would not give me away. It wouldn't. In my babydoll nightgown and a robe, I went to the kitchen and made some coffee, taking a pot and two cups back to the room. He was still asleep, but I found a way to awaken him. I nibbled on his ear. "I have fresh coffee. Do you want tea? Or maybe me!" He rolled over and grabbed me in his arms and pulled me close. My perfume made him excited, but I pulled away laughing as I stood on the foot of the bed, then took my robe off first, and then, slowly, my babydoll. Then I woke him up. We were still in bed drinking coffee when Mom stuck her head in. "Everybody decent?" "Come in Mom." Even though Robert and I were naked under the sheets, Mom said nothing at all. I guess she expected it. "You just coming in Mom?' "Yes. Dom and I had a lot of stars to count!" She was smiling when she closed the door to my room. It was almost 10am by the time Robert had gone home. Both Mom and I had taken showers and were lounging in our robes, watching television. "You're going to have to tell him soon Rita. Dorothy was right I think. He is about to ask you to marry him, and you can't go through life in a rubber panty!" "I know Mom. That's why I started on hormones almost two months ago. Dr. Stinson said that by summer I won't need the breastforms, and by this time next year I'll be a woman! I've also been having my beard removed. Another few months and pouff! No beard! But you're right. I should tell him, I just don't know how." "You'll find a way Rita." The very next day she called Robert and asked if he could come over that evening. Wearing my best suit, Mom and I waited until he was seated on the couch. "Robert, I think you know how much I love you. But there is something you have to know about me." He was leaning forward to hear me because I was speaking so softly. "I can't have children Robert. Never." "I don't care about that Rita, we can adopt!" "Wait. There's more." I was clutching Mother's hand hard. "I used to be like you. A male. I still have some surgeries to go through, and I'll be the woman you want. If you still want me that is." Robert was stunned to say the least! He made no move towards me as confusion rained across his face. "But we, I mean you and I last night!" "It's a device I use Robert. That doesn't mean I love you any less, it just means that you have to wait a bit longer for the real me." I got up and ran to my room, a flood of tears mixed with the sobs of a terrorized heart. "She really loves you Robert. She couldn't have told you if she didn't. It's up to you now." He shook his head;, "I thought that she and I would... I mean, I guess I don't know what I mean." "No matter who, or what she is, you love her and you know it. Look at it this way. Many women can't have kids. So what? If you love her, like I know that you do, you go up those stairs and tell her right now." He looked at Mom, then the stairs. His heart won. He climbed the stairs slowly, walking to my door, then, without knocking, he opened the door and saw me face down on the bed, crying into my pillow. His weight as he knelt on the bed caused me to roll over, facing him. He took me in his arms and we both cried the tears of love and compassion. We lay on the bed for a long time, so close it was if they were a single body. I told him about the surgery, having my beard removed, and when I would have breasts of my own. He replied by taking my clothes off, then stripping as I watched. As we stared at the ceiling he asked me to marry him. "We'll have to wait until after you have your surgery of course, what about next December, just before Christmas?" That was all I wanted to hear! He left several hours later, after we told Mom that she was about to have a new son-in law. I was on cloud nine as I wrote my column that week. I didn't mention anything about my engagement to Robert, but somebody, probably Dorothy added it to my column. Christmas morning was hectic as Mom and I got ready for Carolyn and her family to arrive. Mom had invited Dominic and I had invited Robert. It promised to be a special day for everyone. Dominic arrived first, greeting Mom in a very friendly manner, which made me smile. Mom had been single for quite a long time, now it was time for her to find someone. Carolyn and the kids came in shouting and yelling like most kids do. Carolyn looked at me and sensed that something was different, but she just couldn't put a finger on it. Steve looked at me, unable to see anything but a beautiful young woman. We heard a knock on the door, and Carolyn opened it to admit Robert. That's when she knew why I looked different. I was in love! Over the dinner table, Robert stood and said he had a question. "Formally my dear, will you marry me?" He held out a ring that was at least 3 carats! I took it in my hand and slipped the ring on her finger. "YES!!" Everyone applauded as we hugged and kissed, Carolyn hugging me tightly. On the other end of the table, Dominic stood up. "I too have a question. Mary, will you accompany me to Europe? I have many plants to visit and your company will make it bearable for me." Mom smiled and nodded her head yes. "Looks like the scarves we got you two aren't going to measure up today!" Carolyn nudged her husband as he smiled at everyone. After the first of the year I legally changed my name, by summer I no longer needed the breastforms, my column was now syndicated, and Robert and I were building a house. Dr. Stinson moved my surgery date up, and at the end of August I had completed my transformation. I waited, like Dr. Stinson told me, but during the first week of October, I lost my true virginity to Robert. Every touch of his hand made me quiver when he made love to me. The first time he filled me with his love, I held on tight, not wanting to lose the moment. Then, one week before Christmas, we were married at the cathedral, with Carolyn as my Maid of Honor, her niece Alison, my friends Jill, and Kelly as bridesmaids. Dominic gave me away, the entire wedding an event that was sure to be reported in the paper. Robert and I had only one thing on our minds. Going away, and beginning a new life as man and wife. Dorothy and Mom stood side by side watching as we drove away in a shower of rice. "You were right all along Mary. There always was a girl there. She just needed the right push. Besides, I have the best gossip columnist in the state out of it!" Their plan to find a way for me to become Rita was perfect. "I just got so tired of watching him mope around every time he had to quit being a girl each Halloween. If he fought this change it we would have dropped it, but didn't, which meant that we did the right thing." The two women, friends since their school days walked away laughing.

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the education of Caitlin part 1

Ed looked at the guide as he flicked through the channels on TV. There was nothing that caught his eye as the clock on the mantel chimed out 9pm. " There will be something to watch soon, Caitlin will be home ." He mumbled as he switched the cable off and headed to his workshop. Ed had a small computer repair business that he ran from his house. He knew his way around computers and over the years he has managed to place hidden cameras in the shower stall and Caitlin's bedroom. He turned on...

3 years ago
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The Adventure of Nemo of Utopia

(Important Note: If you enjoy a chapter like it, I will prioritize adding to chapters and chapter strings with the most likes. If you dislike a chapter Instead leave a comment saying why you disliked the chapter, because that I can respond to and work with...) I awaken in the forest, on the edge of a ruined city. High towers of crumbling stone, shattered glass, and rusting steel stand solemn sentinel over the uncounted graves of an age of glory long succumbed to some slow decline and final...

4 years ago
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Blackmailed And Got Laid By Hotelmen 8211 Part 1 Bus Incident

Hi, my name is Regina and I am 22 years old. I work as an IT employee in Bangalore. I am a hot busty girl and everyone stare at my curves and my boyfriend loves it a lot. My structure is 36C-32-36. He always says that I have a great figure and I am hotter than his Australian classmates. He studies in Australia and his name is Raj. Coming on to the story, I was getting ready for my office combing my hair and checking out my boobs. It was hanging and big as usual. Although I don’t have a flat...

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Unforgettable Navrati With My Hottest Aunty

Hi, this is rishi again from Gujarat and this is my another story. . My gmail id is Any aunty or lady want to sex chat with me or want to do oral sex than email me on my mail id. I got some feedback from my first story and so for you all decided to share my experience with me aunt. There was summer vacation. My aunt and my uncle with their daughter were planning to come to Gujarat to send their vacation with us. For the readers who have not read my story before let me tell you that my aunt has...

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No Time for Strangers

She needed a bath, her uncombed tousled hair stuck up every which way and she was goddamned pissed at the world in general and Lyman, her old man, in particular. Her sandy reddish hair and freckled complexion showed hints of an ancestry originally found in the north of England. Her stocky, only a little chubby young body was, as Lyman affectionately put it, "Built for th' long haul." Her young pussy showed evidence of "long haul after long haul." That dam' Lyman had just about "long...

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A Log Truck Driver In Outer SpaceChapter 2

Nearby, on the highest spot, were the remains of four large lightning-blasted trees. They lay in a more orderly arrangement than I'd have expected. One of the giants had been split and splintered remarkably but the other three looked almost as if they had been pushed over and together with a purpose in mind. This must be the safe area the greenie had mentioned but the dead trees weren't the result of natural lightning. They must be what passed for initial shelter for most new arrivals. Not...

3 years ago
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WinnerChapter 4

Buzzy grabbed me one morning while we were doing our stretching drills. "They want you in the office," he said with a nasty smile. By then the Grapefruit League season was maybe half over, and the new Nats were feeling very good about themselves having won nine and lost only five. Balls were flying out of the wooden-fenced parks, and it was the rare game when we did not get two or three homers from our high-priced sluggers. The Washington newspapers and TV stations had produced reams of...

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My Angel Fasi 8211 Part I

Hai ISS readers i am new to this site. So i may have a lot of mistakes please don’t mind that. This is a real incident happened between me and my aunty fasi.And am from trissur in kerala. Now am 24.This story happened a three years back in march. So am writing this in a mood of three years back. Now coming to the story I am salih a muslim guy with well built body age of 21(at the time it happened) and handsome looking and always have a helping mentality always crack jokes with my family members...

3 years ago
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Magic Ink IV Ken and KellChapter 4

Characters introduced in this chapter: Mr. O'Flaherty Harbor Master, a man of average height, but well filled out from good eating. Captain O'Sullivan Captain of the Aine, A medium height, broad Irishman with brown hair and beard Mr. Fin First mate of the Aine, A tall thin man with watery eyes and thinning blond hair Kell and I were up early the next morning after a good night's sleep. After taking care of our morning business, we repacked our backpacks and folded the clothing...

4 years ago
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Unbound Potential

Your great uncle Teddy had led a long and altruistic life. Through his admirable work ethic and higher education, he put his immense wealth to humanitarian efforts and reforestation. Unfortunately, prostate cancer and complications brought on by pneumonia didn't care how extraordinary of a man he was, and he passed away. The funeral was heart-wrenching, and shortly after his will was read aloud. Most of his holdings went to is brother's children (your mother), other extended family, and...

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Erotic Virtual Worlds

There was a flash of light and in an instant you found yourself standing in a white feild of nothingness. In all directions you could only see the pale white landscape which stretched on forever. Your bare feet felt chilled against the cool smooth floor of ivory you stood upon. When you looked down you realized you were naked. Standing in the nude, your body was not your own but instead an unfamiliar form of a young male. It was common for simulations to place users in a premade form which...

5 years ago
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No FutureChapter 43

A Well-Rounded Education Primrose 2087 The man who opened the apartment door most resembled one of Primrose's clients. His hair was thin, his hands gnarled and he had a slight stoop. He looked at her in the same slightly apologetic way such clients almost always did if they were aware that there was little likelihood that they could give her any genuine pleasure. However, this wasn't a client. It was her grandmother's latest boyfriend. "You must be Karen's granddaughter," he said....

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A Private Function

A Private Function OKAY, I'm not sure what I've got myself into. I'm not sure what is going to happen. I'm not even sure where I am! But, what I do know is that I look pretty, I feel amazing and I am teetering on the edge of going crazy with excitement... Let me tell you what I'm talking about. I'd been swapping pictures and fantasies with Gwen for a while. You must know Gwen, the prettiest, subbiest sweetest party-girl. You must have seen her pictures. Those long long legs in...

2 years ago
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A Series of TabooChapter 31 A Flake

Inspired by https://i.imgur.com/MtBfaGl.jpg Byron watched as his ex-wife worked her tits into the large cups of her industrial strength bra. At 35, she still kept that hourglass figure. Too bad she was such a flake. “Will you talk to him? I mean, if Bill ever catches him...” Bill would do nothing except maybe whine, Byron thought. Even at 15, their son could lay him out with a single hit. Her husband is not what you would call a manly man. One of the many reasons his ex still comes around....

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Life is Strange Ch 03

Disclaimer: I almost never wrote any more due to the situation never did go as I had prayed as a result I had to go through with my divorce in spite of my religious beliefs against divorce. The names are changed to protect identities just as previous parts. It is said ‘life is like a river that flows always changing.’ I’m not sure where that saying came from but, it reminds me that my story is about one man’s life with all the variations and is not about some pity request. I was going to leave...

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A Promise

My hands gripped the steering wheel so hard that my knuckles turned white and my anticipation made my skin erupt in goosebumps, my nipples harden, and my pussy dampen. I knew that if I got out of my car, that I would experience the most intense pleasure. That was what you had promised me. You had texted me that you would focus on me, on all the things that I had described to you, on all the things that made my pussy burst with cum, and repeatedly contract from orgasm after orgasm. I took a deep...

Oral Sex
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Sharmila And Me

By: Hotlover Friends, I have been reading the stories listed here on ISS for sometime now and I was thinking of submitting my experiences or fictional stories. I never could make my self write till now. I felt that it is now time to share some interesting stories and real life experiences. I have tried to fabricate the stories around real life experiences and all the names and characters are fictional. You can call me Raj and I am from Bangalore. I would appreciate constructive feedback. You...

4 years ago
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Testimony Of Hameeda 8211 Part 3

…While I was laying, so many thoughts came into my mind. Omar trusts me a lot, and he has allowed me to come this far all alone and revealed much, because of his trust on me. But now, what am I doing here? Still, I felt myself lucky because though imad seemed like a tough man, he really cared about my pain as well. That was so good of him. Thank god he was like that. I looked at him. He was sleeping like an innocent giant, I may say. His embrace was loosened by now so I could roll off and stand...

4 years ago
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fun at the holiday vila

Well we had arrived and in style we all got out of the limousine and as we adjusted ourselves we were met by two of the sexiest Spanish ladies I have ever seen Mark nudged me and said they were part of the entertainment staff, and right behind them were two of the hottest guys I guess girls need eye candy too I saw Sarah grab your bum and say they are entertainment too you giggled as she said it.We were introduced and led in to the Villa where we were allocated our rooms overlooking the pool...

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Caleb 04 Saturday

When I woke, I found myself staring into a pair of beautiful, tawny eyes that I immediately identified as belonging to Amanda. “Morning,” I said, trying not to breathe too heavily in her direction. Morning breath is not great. She smiled brightly. “Hey you!” she said chirpily. “How did you sleep?” I stretched, luxuriating in the feeling. “Like a baby,” I said. I looked across at Mary, who was still asleep. “How long have you been awake?” I asked Amanda. “Oh, we took it in turns. Mary has...

1 year ago
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Ooh daddy fuck me faster faster

100% fiction! i have been mom's cunt. I was arosed. start wetting my panties. I wanted some too. from then I started to wear sexy out fits to grab dad's eyes. my plan worked. I saw daddy's cock lift'n when I rub my neck. one day I called dad to my bed room saying" dad,i've biology project can u come?" " ok honey" he said. as he entered I locked the door. " honey what are u do'n?" dad said he was look'n at my biology book with images of penis&vagina. he said" lovely this is. . ahh. . something"...

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Just another night at home

Note : This story is completely fictional! So it was just another usual night around the house. Dad got called away to go pick up some parts for a car that had to be done. He called and said he would be home around morning. My sister and her boyfriend decided to go out to eat and go to a movie since no had cooked. Well its around 6 oclock and we are hungry. So we are just trying to figure out something to eat and we decide on chinese take-out. It's simple and quick. So its just me and my mom...

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Amandas ChoiceChapter 9

As Sirinna walked down the silent path, the break in the clouds had drifted overhead, revealing a sky of velvet blue sparkling with tiny points of distant light. The cool breeze blew against her skin, stimulating her, goosebumps rising on her arms partially in response to the wind, and partially from the growing excitement she felt as she approached the Overlord's quarters. Her skin was already dry from the breath of night air, but a slight dampness lay in her hair, a faint fragrance of the...

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The Bathub Part 2

part one: http://de.xhamster.com/user/catherine-belmont/posts/348110.htmlMichael checked the newspaper the next morning, but he found nothing. While he was on the computer, he searched the city database of police reports for last night and today. None of them reported a **** or burglary in the neighborhood. He wasn’t surprised from the way she acted. She came just as he did and she took every drop of his cum in her mouth. He was sure that she swallowed it all.He went out every night to the...

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Imax Thirai Arangil Kaama Vilaiyaatu

Vanakam. Enathu peyar Thanish, vayathu 24, naan Chennaiyil vasithu varugiren. Ippozhuthu oru software niruvanathil velai paarthu varugiren pothumaana alavu samabalam irupathaal enathu vazhkai santhoshamaaga sendrathu. Enathu pen thozhigalukum panjam illai niruvanathil sunniyai umbi sex seiya. Naan parka azhagaga irupen enathu sunni pengaluku niraiya pidikum pazhaga aarambitha udan avargal muthalil enthu sunniyai idithu thaan kaama sugathai anubavaipaargal. Enathu veetil yaarum illatha...

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Rebel in the SouthChapter 23 Vanessa

My horse had gone lame, and I was afoot that morning, carrying my rifle, the captured muskets well hidden, when I almost walked into a Tory company camped alongside the road. One man saw me, yelled and waved as I ducked into the pine trees and ran for it, in no mood to tackle a dozen, well-armed men. They came crashing after me, hooting and hollering like it was some kind of game or cross-country hunt. I stayed low and moved as fast as I could through the dense woods, across a stream, up a...

3 years ago
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Naughty Lily part 2

I tried to push her off me as fast as i could but it was to late. I heard a voice next to me saying: What the hell are you two doing? I looked up and saw the hot teacher Lucy, Miss Lucy was a beautiful woman in her middle-thirties. She had nut-brown hair and had brown eyes. She also had tremendous boobs, but not as big as those of lily and despite the fact she was a teacher, she never covered them to much. . Miss Lucy was always wearing skinny jeans which made her ass look very big. She was...

4 years ago
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Someone Was There 7

I arrive at the Blue Moon club at about quarter to eight. The journey had been easy, so I decided to wait inside. I join the few early customers at the bar. The guy serving remembers me when I say I am hoping to catch Rose. "Not yet," he replies, "You don't seem like trouble." "Just a friend," I reply. "Enrico keeps a close eye on his staff," he says, in a way that has all the hallmarks of a warning. "I don't know Enrico, but I am certainly no rival to him," I answer reassuringly. I am enjoying...

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Private Florane Russell Horny Cougar Fucks Stepdaughters Boyfriend

Florane Russell is a curvaceous blonde MILF with a cracking pair of tits and today she comes to Private Gold, Love Radio to tell her story of a naughty encounter with her stepdaughters man Nick Ross. Whilst the unsuspecting Nick is showering this horny cougar gets all warmed up playing with her pussy and then pounces at the first opportunity enticing him in with those amazing curves and a nice sloppy blowjob. Then watch and enjoy as this MILF takes full advantage, grinding, riding and fucking...

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Kathy had been married to Malcolm only three months when she got involved with a black stud named Hank. Soon she was not only sexing him, but several of his friends. She soon realized she revelled in black cocks and liked the idea of being a wanton white slut for strange black dicks.About this time, she also discovered herself becoming more dominant over her husband and yearning to subjugate him totally. She told her mom of this desire."Kathy dear, I should've known you were sneaking around and...

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Meri Chudi Ki Dastaan 8211 Part VIII 8211 Kamsin Ladke Ka Lund

Main apni jindgi me chudai ke maze me poora vishwas rakhti hun aur ek achchi chudai ke liye tayyar rahti hun. Bahut se padhne wale sochten hai ki main bahut chudakkad hun aur koi bhi mujhe chod sakta hai. Mostly readers mujhko chodna chahte hai, ye unki mail se pata chalta hai. Haan………. main bahut sexy hun, par sab ko pata hona chahiye ki main apne chacha aur apne premi se chudwa kar poori tarah santust hun. Jab bhi mera chudai ka man hota hai, chacha aur premi tayyar hai, aur jab unke lund...

4 years ago
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Fishing For Fun

I love getting away from all the city stresses mainly by going for walks in the deep countryside. Away from the hustle and bustle of city life. Away from the noise and the pressure. As a family we would walk for miles but now, as the kids have grown and moved on, it’s just my wife and me out on these rambles. Normally that is, but this time she was shopping with her sister in the city so I was alone. I’d left the car in the car park, map in hand, and headed into the hills. After a couple of...

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A sissy whos ready to be taken by her Daddy

The proceeding story is a result of me asking my sissy girl to write something in anticipation of upcoming meet, greet and breed session and this is what the horny bitch wrote her Daddy. I hope to have future instalments from our hot encounters. Enjoy!I arrive at the hotel room and quickly apply my makeup, making sure to have lots of lipstick to leave on your cock. A touch of scent and I slip into my stockings , collar and lingerie. I turn on some soft music and sit on the bed hugging my teddy...

1 year ago
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My MILF fantasy

I sat with her on the couch. I sat on the edge of the couch sideways looking at her. She was sat right back. Her feet didn't touch the floor. She twisted slightly towards me. I moved in to kiss her. Just as we started to kiss I placed my right hand onto her waist. I placed my palms against her feeling the soft flesh through her blouse. My left hand went arccos her shoulders. We kissed with tongue as my right hand gently pressed into the flesh of her tummy. That felt soo nice. I waded my hand...

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A wild night hard to forget

You can’t deny the fact that you always engage in some ogling and fantasy whenever a sexy girl passes by. It’s a very general habit and I understand. How about actually getting the opportunity to sleep with such a chick? Just what you have been thinking, isn’t it? Yes, now cheap Dublin escorts can give you an erotic prime time, like the way you have always craved for.So here’s introducing myself, I’m Josie a sex pro, your love fantasy. So boys if you are dissatisfied with the coldness of your...

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I am taking this wife

This true event happened at a party I attended, and a memory I will not forget. No one has permission to use my material with out my permission. First, I want to start out by saying the names have been changed, never will the real names of the people in my stories be used. I have attended two other parties at this couple’s house. We met through mutual friends and the last two parties were a lot of fun, so when I got an invited to this party it was a no brainer, I was going.Pam is a stunning...

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The BarnChapter 10

Word of Danielle's pregnancy completely changed David's world. Granted, he had originally captured Sharon (now Danielle) out of anger at the invasion of his barn. He had murdered Eddie in a rage over Eddie attacking him in the root cellar. He hadn't planned on keeping Sharon. He hadn't planned on using Sharon as a sex toy. He never anticipated Sharon's total submissiveness to him. He certainly never expected to the total obedience that she showed him. He never expected to have her...

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Fucking My Hot Neighbour

Hello everyone, this is Karan here. Getting to the point directly, this story is about how I got a chance to fuck the hottest girl in my neighborhood. I was 18 years old back then and I was appearing for my 12th board exams. There was a girl named Sarika in our neighborhood who was the center of attraction for almost every guy in our society. She was three years older to me and was into her Engineering course. She always wore dresses that were revealing and she loved it when guys stared at her...

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Irregular Checkup

Irregular Checkup I arrived at the doctor’s office about ten minutes early. My wife is always kidding me about for habitually being early to everything. Of course, all doctor’s offices run at least fifteen minutes late just on principal, so I sat in the uncomfortable waiting room seat for about twenty-five minutes. I watched the cute young receptionist from across the room as she registered new patients and answered questions. She wore a low cut blouse and leaned across the desk quite a bit...

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The ride

I didn't have anything but a motorcycle for years, and in Hawaii, that wasn't a big deal. The bummer was that I often road alone, because my buddies didn't have motorcycles, which often meant if I couldn't find a girl to ride with me, I would head out alone. All that changed, when my friend (I'll call him James) bought a new motorcycle. James is a well built, slim, muscular black man, (we were both in tip top shape, due to youth and military service), and had been a good friend for...

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My Ladies

Just thought I’d properly introduce what I call ‘my Ladies’. Linda is my wife and Sophie is our lover, friend and makes up our family unit.I met Linda several years ago and we had a ‘connection’ from the off. Our second kiss was French, deep tongues, I also held her tight and when I put one hand around her throat, her knees went a little. Stopping to see if she was ok, it turned out she was more than ok and would I do it again. Linda, it turned out, is a submissive and loves to be loved and...

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My 30 year nephew and my wife

My 30 year old nephew Phil and hi sexy wife Amy visited us and Phil told my wife Fiona that he had seen videos and photos of her on the web. She asked him if he liked them and said he did and asked if he could call in by himself one evening when he was working away from home. Fiona said it was fine with her but to ask me. He told me about the videos and if he could spend an evening with us. I agreed as long as he bought me a worn and soiled pair of his wife Amy’s panties – he agreed and we...

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Writer of the Year

Dear Readers, Thank you for over-warming response (ISS Writer of the Year 2019) Voting period: 12-26 January 2020. Result 1 30% (8128) Winner 2 15% (3976) Runner up 3 14% (3866) 4 13% (3615) 5 9% (2363) 6 9% (2324) 7 9% (2303) 8 Other 1% (398) Total votes received: 26,973 from 25,747 voters. Voting host stats: ISS: Congratulations Riyaasharma! 30% of our readers have voted for you as the ‘ISS Writer of the Year 2019’. Your stories have been most liked and read by all readers. Your...

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Paulas FantasiesChapter 7

I fast forwarded through the video until I saw Vic getting up to answer the door. Paula hadn't arrived yet and I thought it might be her. It turned out to be a man leading a Great Dane on a leash. The men greeted each other and Vic led Tom into the back of the house. They returned to the front room shortly without the dog. I guess that Rex was locked in a bedroom or the bathroom. The men sat around for a few minutes, drinking beer and talking about how much fun they had with Paula...

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She just loves playacting 3

Old Tricia and young Simon were well into their sexy role playing and they started to explore their bladders and shitholes.However, before they started playacting, they both really enjoyed kissing and very heavy petting. Usually Tricia started it by playing the upset granny.Simon would be invited around and found her sobbing on the sofa and would sit next to her and putting one arm around her would comfort her.‘There, there, Gran. Don’t upset yourself, let me kiss those tears away’ She would...

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Riding Lessons

Riding Lessons----------It was almost unbearably quiet all day, virtually too hot for most to venture to the farm and ride horses. Even the boarders who always visited to care for their horses had called out, making the workload heavier. By noon, I had pulled my bra off and tied off the bottom of my blouse with only one button remaining. The sweat poured down my chest causing the blouse to cling tightly leaving little to the imagination.I stood under the huge fans in the barn praying the air...

2 years ago
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DaughterSwap Alexa Nova Gabriella Paltrova Bad Skinfluence Pt1

Alexa Nova and Gabriella Paltrova are talking about some dirty stuff in their bedroom when Alexas dad overhears them. He is shocked and appalled that his daughter even knows what sex is, so he looks around in her room and finds her vibrator. Just like any good parent does, he blames the situation on his daughters friend, Gabriella. He talks to Gabriellas dad and tells him he needs to get a better handle on her. Her dad responds by showing him what kind of handle he already has. He walks...

3 years ago
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Chance To Fuck Owner Aunty 8211 Part 3

Hello this is Prakash again thanks for your comments on my previous story pls give your feedback for this story also Any girls or aunties from belgaum or bangalore want to have safe and secrete sex mail me at don’t hesitate relationship will be kept full secrete After our morning session we were tired and slept as I woke up in evening aunty was sleeping in my arms I woke up aunty and told her to freshen up….She asked me come with her I went behind her as I entered bathroom she sat and started...

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Cum loving training

So my daddy Art was a little disappointed that even though I loved to make out with him passionately, loved sucking his cock and loved being fucked by him even more, I still couldn't bring myself to eat cum unless I hadn't already came.I've tried many times, per daddies directions. I watch porn and edge for hours and have no trouble eating my pre cum or cum as long as I ruin the orgasm. If I don't I immediately lose the desire, wipe up and go about my business.So I know I like cum, I just...

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