Rita Remembers Ch. 03 free porn video

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Author’s Note: My thanks to Ronnie Wachuka for his help and also for providing a male perspective. My thanks, also, to my friend Gloria.

It might be helpful to read Chapters 1 and 2.

There is no sex in this chapter, but just hang on for Chapter 4!!!


Rita pulled herself from her bed and groaned as she made her way to the bathroom, kneeling in front of the commode. Her stomach was rolling and she could feel the bile rise in her throat as she threw up for the third morning in a row. ‘Oh God,’ she shivered as she rinsed her mouth out and went back to lie down. ‘What in the world has made me so sick?’ She truly didn’t want it to be what she was thinking.

She had been in Tuscany and Florence with her parents for a week to see the sights and the beautiful old art work, architecture and vineyards. They had thought it would be good for her to get away. She had always been such a cheery, loving young woman, but in the last few weeks she had become morose and disinterested in everything. She missed Frank.

His face loomed up in her mind and she could see him. She could see his laughing eyes and that dark hair that she loved to run her fingers through. It made her still queasy stomach knot with desire as she remembered his soft sweet lips kissing her gently, becoming more demanding as he led her to heights of desire she had not known existed. She could hear in her heart his low sexy voice urging, ‘cum for me, Rita. Open your eyes sweetheart and cum for me. I want to see your pleasure.’ She nodded and whispered ‘Yes, oh yes,’ as tears slipped from her eyes and her fingers found her clit. She bit her lip and whimpered as she trembled through her orgasms.

‘Oh Frank,’ she cried softly, ‘What did I do that you left me? I don’t understand.’

A knock on her bedroom door shook her from her thoughts and her mother came in. ‘Hurry darling, we must be ready to go as soon as your father….’ Her mother looked quizzically at her daughter. ‘Rita, what’s wrong? Are you sick, dear?’

She sat up and swung her feet to the floor as she looked at her mother briefly before running to the bathroom to throw up again. As she finally was able to stand on wobbly legs, she leaned against the sink to wash her face.

‘Marie, are you and Rita ready?’ her father called from the doorway.

‘Not quite,’ his wife replied. ‘Rita isn’t feeling well. We may need to see the Doctor at the Embassy when we return.’

He walked to the bathroom door and looked at his daughter. She was white as a sheet and shaky. ‘Is it something you ate, pumpkin?’ he asked.

Rita sighed as she walked past him into the bedroom. ‘You might say that.’

Her mother was fussing with packing Rita’s things and mumbling about what all they needed to do before going back to Rome.

Rita didn’t realize she had screamed at her mother until it was done.

‘Stop it! Nothing matters? Don’t you see? Just get out and leave me alone!!!’ She was sobbing as if her heart was breaking as her mother stared in shock. ‘RITA!!!’

Before his wife could finish, Rita’s father gently ushered her into the hall. ‘Go back to our room and I’ll talk to her. She’ll be fine in a few minutes. Finish packing and then we can check out.’

Rita sat on the bed, her hands covering her face, crying as he crossed the room to take her in his arms, sitting beside her. She laid her head on his shoulder and sobbed. ‘I’m sorry, Dad. I don’t know why I did that.’

‘It’ll be all right. Your mother will get over it. She’s just never seen you this upset. Shhh! Now, dry your tears and tell me about it.’

Rita sat up and wiped her eyes, smiling wanly as he handed her his handkerchief. ‘You always make me feel better, Daddy, but this problem you can’t solve.’

‘Oh, I don’t know,’ he smiled. ‘Tell me, and we’ll see.’

Rita dropped her head and new tears slid down her cheeks.

‘Is it a man?’ he asked gently.

She nodded.

‘Want to tell me about it?’ he asked.

‘I can’t,’ she choked out. ‘He…he left. I don’t know where he is…and….’

‘Oh sweetheart, it will be ok. Just talk. I’ll listen.’

The words tumbled from her through more tears and he held her close.

‘Dad, I think I’m pregnant.’ She sobbed. ‘I’m so sorry. I know I’m a big disappointment to you.’

He patted her back and held her on his shoulder so she couldn’t see his tears. ‘You’re not a disappointment to me, nor to your mother. We’ll see the Doctor and make sure about this. It’ll all work out.’ He was trying to be calm, but it was almost more than he could do. ‘Do you know who the father is?’ She nodded. ‘Will you tell me?’ He asked. ‘I can’t,’ she whispered.

He sat her up and looked into her eyes. ‘Rita, he needs to know and take responsibility for what he has done. He is…’

Rita dropped her head. ‘He can’t, Dad. He’s a Priest.’

Her father sat, stunned. ‘A…a Priest?’ he stammered. ‘But why…how…?’

‘Please don’t tell mother. She will be so upset.’ She pleaded. ‘Please.’

He stood and began to pace the room. ‘Rita, I have to tell her, at least part of it, but I’ll try to keep the Priest out of it. I’ll just tell her you won’t divulge the man’s name. Now young lady, you finish packing and we’ll talk more about things when we get back to Rome. That will be soon enough for your mother to know. Until then, this is our secret.’

Rita managed a small smile and hugged him. ‘Thank you, Daddy. I love you.’

‘I love you too, pumpkin. Now, scoot. Get dressed and I’ll make arrangements for you to see the Embassy doctor.’

‘Yes, Miss Moore, you are definitely pregnant. I’d say 2 months or so,’ Dr Baker said.

Rita was stunned. She had known there was the possibility of pregnancy, and now she was faced with the reality. She was in her prime childbearing years, so she shouldn’t have been surprised.

As she walked slowly back to her apartment, she couldn’t help but feel like this child was a gift to her, not a burden. She sat later, still trying to absorb the fact that she was carrying a child. Decisions had to be made, and her first was that no one would ever know who the father was. She would raise her child, boy or girl, as a Catholic. That, she knew, would be what Frank would want, but she was determined that even Frank wouldn’t know he had fathered a child. There was no point in causing him problems in his career and in his vocation. She cared too deeply for him to do that.

In the weeks that followed, arrangements were made for her to go back to the States to live with her Dad’s sister. It would work out much better for all concerned, and she would not have to live with the look of disappointment on her mother’s face, nor hear the angry accusations as her parents argued. Her father tried to protect her, doing what he could to keep her out of the way of the scandal that surely would erupt as she progressed in her pregnancy. Her mother, though she loved Rita, was concerned with their social standing and how being grandparents of a child out of wedlock, especially a Priest’s child, could ruin her husband’s political career and his ambitions. Even though >,>,the late 30’s were ‘progressive’ there were very real ‘limits’ and a child out of wedlock was anathema.

Rita quietly moved back to the States. She spent the next six months living with her Aunt Jeanne, who was a head nurse at a Catholic hospital in a small town just north of St. Louis, Missouri. Jeanne didn’t know all the details but she was wise enough to figure things out and Rita eventually told her everything except who and ‘what’ the father was. She kept her secret even through the months of waiting as the country approached war.

Early in 1941, things were getting so hostile in Italy that her parents were transferred home and based in Washington, D. C. Her mother and father made one trip to St. Louis but Rita could barely stand her mother’s reproaches and the tri
p didn’t really smooth things over between them.

Six months later, in the Catholic hospital in St. Louis where her Aunt was Head Nurse in Labor and Delivery, Rita gave birth to a girl, 7 pounds 8 ounces and 22 inches long. As she looked into her daughter’s face, watching her yawn and snuggle against her breast, she could see how much she looked like her father. She would most likely be tall, as he was. Frances Anne had his features and her hair was dark like his.

Rita smiled. ‘Is there any part of me you have?’ she murmured. At that, Frankie as she would be called, opened her little bow of a mouth and let out a piercing cry. ‘Oh yes,’ Rita chuckled, placing her nipple in her mouth as she latched on and sucked. ‘You, my sweet girl, have your mother’s temper.’

World War II had broken out and while Rita was giving birth, Frank was on a ship serving as Chaplain. He had joined the Navy and served throughout the War. It had been a challenge for him and he had seen and heard things he would never speak of to anyone.

He celebrated Mass on Sunday on several ships. Some were destroyers, some carriers, some supply ships, but they all had one thing in common…men that needed and wanted to talk with him.

At the end of the War, he was approached to join The Company. His work among the enlisted men and the Officers was well known, and his other abilities in a crisis situation had been forwarded to the powers that be. The Company was anxious to recruit him. In time, he joined, and his cover was that of a Jesuit priest. His vocation worked well for him. He was assigned to St. Mary’s Church in Stamford, Connecticut.

As Frankie grew in the next few years, Rita met and married an Air Force pilot. Captain Mike Thompson was ruggedly handsome as well as witty and Rita found herself falling for the pilot. They had met at the hospital where Mike had come for some tests, and she was working as a Red Cross Volunteer. They were married March 3, 1950, and their son was born a year later. Mike had adopted Frankie as his own child. They had accepted her parents wedding gift of the old home she had grown up in on Long Island. It was important to her that the family have stability with Mike being gone for months at a time and the Korean Conflict loomed like a cloud on their future. He was assured that his family was safe, and he was able to focus on his military duties.

It was now June of 1953 and Rita stood beside her husband’s grave, her children at her side, as she barely heard the playing of Taps and then the mournful wail of the piper as he played Amazing Grace and walked away until the sound was faint and then no more. She raised red, puffy eyes to the man in uniform that laid the flag in her hands and heard his voice crack as he saluted. Her look was one of confusion, almost as if, is this all that’s left? What do I do now?

The old Priest wrapped her in his arms and whispered, ‘God go with you and your children,’ and then she was led, numbly, to the car. She laid her head back on the soft leather of the seat and sighed. This part of her life was over.

At home, she walked into the library to get away from the groups of people that wanted to console her. She wanted to be alone. Mike was gone, she would raise her children alone. She didn’t want to be rude, and she wouldn’t be, but she needed to be alone, at least for a few minutes. The mail was on his desk and she picked it up, thumbing through it. One letter caught her eye and she opened it. It was from the U.S. Conference of Bishops based in Washington, D.C. inviting them to a reception for the new United States Bishops. Her hands shook as she read the names. Frank’s name was there. ‘You’ve done well for yourself, my darling,’ she whispered as she sat reading the invitation over again. Her fingers softly touched his name on the paper as if touching him. RSVP? Yes, she decided, she would go. She didn’t want to be in the line meeting him, but she wanted to see Frank. She wanted to bring closure to that part of her life, to the wondering, and she could stay on the fringe of the crowd and see him. Yes, she would go.

Rita stood at the entrance to the Mayflower Hotel two months later and took a deep breath, smoothing her salt and pepper hair in its tight chignon. Her black dress fit gracefully over her soft curves. Having two children had only enhanced her figure. She had the classic elegance and beauty of a mature woman now, but anyone guessing her age would have been wrong. It had been a long two months since Mike’s death and she had fought with her impulsive decision to come to Washington, but deep inside herself, she knew she had to see Frank. She just wanted to see him one more time and that would be enough. She wouldn’t go near him, just to see him across the room would be enough. She grinned softly, thinking, I just want to see if Frankie really does look like her Daddy.

She was ushered into the ballroom that had been decorated with flowers and finger foods for the Reception and cocktails. Soon she began to relax as she mingled among the dignitaries and acquaintances she had known for many years when her father traveled back and forth between Rome and Washington. She sipped champagne as she chatted easily with old friends and caught up on news and even some gossip.

As she excused herself and started up the marble steps to the ladies room, she heard a deep, masculine voice speak softly. ‘We’ve met like this before, haven’t we?’

‘Frank,’ she breathed softly as she stopped mid step. ‘Oh my God, Frank.’

Rita turned to look into the eyes of the man she had known so well so many years before. He hadn’t changed, well, not that much. He was older, more distinguished looking. She fleetingly remembered something she had heard as a young woman…men grow better looking with age, women just age. How true, she thought, at least for THIS man. Her eyes traveled over the now salt and pepper hair, to the tanned face, lined with experience, to the black suit and collar that were so familiar to her. His physique was still well toned and her gut knotted with desire as in years before.

She stood still, unable to move until he walked up the steps and took her hand in his. ‘Its so good to see you again,’ he said a bit louder and inquired about her parents. She realized this was for the benefit of people standing close by. She took his cue and told him about their work in Rome, and now in Washington. As people wandered away, Frank spoke softly. ‘Rita, we need to talk. I’ve much to make up to you, explain to you.’

‘Frank, I…I…’ she stammered.

As much as she wanted to be with him again, even for a little while, she wasn’t sure if she wanted to hear his explanation. She knew the truth. He had left her in Rome. No letter, no call. He had just left. She had carried his child and given life to her. He had never known, nor would he.

‘Please,’ he begged softly, ‘please give me just a few minutes. I know I hurt you badly, but there were extenuating circumstances. Let me try to explain.’

Rita sighed as she looked into his eyes and could see the pain. ‘Okay, but not here. I’ll meet you somewhere.’

Frank breathed a sigh of relief and said, ‘There’s a tea room a couple of blocks from here. Is that ok? Its very quiet and private.’

She nodded. ‘I’ll find it. I’ll be there in an hour.’

‘Thanks,’ he whispered. ‘I owe you.’ He turned to rejoin the conversation among the Priests, yet looking over their heads to her.

‘You sure do,’ Rita murmured. ‘You owe me big time, but you owe your daughter more. Its too bad you will never know her.’

In an hour, Rita was seated in the Russian Tea Room sipping tea and waiting impatiently for Frank. He had still been talking with friends when she left, but he had slipped her a message that he would be along shortly.

In minutes she spotted him working his way to her table. He ordered coffee and gently squeezed her hand before letting it go. ‘I’m glad you agreed to meet. I’ve thought about
you so many times over the years.’ His eyes rested on her wedding rings. ‘You married,’ he said dully. It shouldn’t have surprised him, but it did.

‘Yes,’ she said, looking down at her hand as her eyes filled with tears. ‘He died two months ago.’ Surprised at herself, she wondered why she had revealed that. It wasn’t something important to Frank, only to her.

‘I’m sorry,’ he replied softly. ‘You must have loved him very much.’

‘Yes, I did,’ she replied, and then straightened and squared her shoulders. ‘Mike has nothing to do with us though. What did you want to explain?’

She sat listening, at first in anger, and then in sadness, to what Frank told her. It was appalling to know all the things that had happened to him.

‘There really was a letter, then?’ she queried, softly. ‘I never got it.’

‘I gave it to Father Vittorio to take to the Embassy. I didn’t have time to take it, but I wish now I had taken the time. At least you would have known what was going on.’ Frank’s eyes showed the remorse he felt.

‘I wrote to you,’ Rita said softly. ‘I wanted you to know about Mike, but none of that matters now. I have two children to raise, and our lives can never be the same.’

‘Rita, I want to see you…’

She shook her head. ‘It won’t work, Frank. There are too many years between us. It will be better for both of us this way. You have done well for yourself, my darling. I will always love you, but we can’t take chances on more, especially with your rank in the Church now.’

‘I’ll think of something,’ he said desperately as she rose to go.

Rita looked down into Frank’s eyes and smiled wanly. ‘I love you, Frank. I will always carry a part of you in my heart. Good-bye.’

She was gone and Frank sat dejectedly, staring into his coffee. ‘I have to find her again. It can’t end this way. I won’t let it,’ he muttered.

‘Want some more coffee, Father?’ the waitress asked, and he looked up. ‘No thanks,’ he replied as he pulled some bills from his pocket. ‘Will you pay this for me? I really have to find someone.’

‘Sure,’ she answered, winking. ‘She went out the side door.’

Three days later, he sat in his Office in Stamford, staring at the phone. He picked it up and dialed a private number. In less than two hours, he received a call giving him all the information he had requested. He looked at the name, the address in New York, her phone number, and her personal and family history. He read and reread it, mulling over the decision he had to make.

In less than a month, he made a ‘business trip’ to New York. After meeting with the Archbishop, he made a side trip to Long Island. As he stepped from the car and walked up the steps to the door, he could feel his stomach knot. He rang the doorbell and waited.

To be continued…

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Rita like hymen girl Jhanky

Note : This story is completely fictional! Reedited by: Jack Mayne, many thank to him working with my story. Author’s Note: You should always clean your toys before and after using them. Characters: Rita me and my maid Jhanky *** I was reading a newspaper at my parent’s home when I heard the maid and I said hello to her then went back to reading my newspaper. I think she picked up the cups and left but after a while, she was back and looking at me. “Yes? Do you want something?” I asked. “Yes,...

Erotic Fiction
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Brita Gets a Job

It was a perfectly ordinary street, but at the same time extraordinary, and what had to be number 37, had to be because although it didn't have a number on the door, the doors either side were 35 and 39, was perfectly ordinary except ... Like many city streets it wasn't particularly wide, it had three and four storey buildings on either side, joined to form long terraces. At one time all the properties had been residential, but now some were offices, some had been converted to apartments...

1 year ago
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A Beautiful Wish Chp 5 The Heart Remembers

A Beautiful Wishby 800ibGorrilaChapter 5: The Heart RemembersThe water streamed across George and Dawn's entwined bodies.  It traced the lines of George's lean muscles and caressed Dawn's impossible curves.  They kissed and embraced and joined over and over, enjoying a closeness that neither had felt in their short time together.  George cleaned her first, starting with her golden brown hair, which looked and smelled just as intoxicating wet.  He lathered up his hands and slowly ran them over...

2 years ago
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Amrita Rao The Sexpress Final

The dirty gardener, who was working her legs, reached up and moved aside the crotch over her suit. This caused Amrita to open her eyes and try to reach toward her exposed cunt. This action only brought her in contact with two excited cocks. Amrita looked left and right and all around and surveyed the situation. Seeing all these men naked and in various states of excitement caused her to struggle more violently to escape. The men held her tighter. The gardener grabbed the sides of her bathing...

3 years ago
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Pritam again

Dear Readers I have already told you about sweet Pritam, my student. After that episode within a month she had her exam and she was busy with her studies. We met each other once or two but nothing happened between us. We just hugged each other and kissed and that was all. But after her exam was over she was very eager to meet me. After her last paper was over she called me and asked when can we meet? I was also very eager to take her in my arms and so I told her that I am free today and she can...

3 years ago
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Rita Ki Mast Gaand Boobs Aur Chut

Hi hw r u all story readers.vaise mein v ek story readers hu roj padta hu aur muth v marta hu kyon k ab meri koi g.f to hai nahi.kyon k abhi thodi rest karna chahta hu thak gaya hu chudai kar kar k ok mein jyada bor na karte huye ab mein apni introduction aur story suru karta hu.mera name jai hai aur mein chandigarh punjab se hu.vaise mujhe bachpan se hi sex ka bahut shonk hai.yeh story meri aur meri ek g.f jiska name reet tha uski hai. Baat un dino ki hai jab mein 22 year ka tha.mere najdeek...

1 year ago
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*I hate New York. Everything about this place is starting to piss me off. I want to be somewhere else. Somewhere new and far the hell away from my family. I want to be with her. I use to think that meeting someone online was a waste of time, because chances are you were never going to meet that person. I have talked to many different people online, and have found that you can actually feel something for people without having never met them. But what I feel for this girl is more than what some...

1 year ago
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Senorita Sex

My name is Steve, and in ninth grade, I had a really hot Spanish . Her name was Senorita Fisher. But first, let me tell you about me. At that time, I was fifteen. I was average height for kids in my school, and kind of muscular. I have brown hair and blue eyes. I was pretty popular, and known around as funny. I had a handsome face, and a great set of pearly white teeth because I had just gotten my braces off. I had a dick that was about six inches long at the time, and goodly-sized around. I...

4 years ago
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Sarita Ki Choot Ko Chodha

Hi friend mera naam raj hai aur main 26 ka hoon Aur ye meri pehli kahani hai jo main ISS ke writers se impress ho kar likh raha hoon . ye ek sachi kahani hai. Jo mere saath kooch dinon pehle ghati. Mere friend ka ek ladki ke saath affair tha aur usne mujhe bataya aur uski girl frien se baat bhi karaya then I talked to her sister wo usase badi thi Aur use mujhse baat karma acha lagta tha . Aur 27 march ko mera birthday tha aur usne mujhse party mangi. To main ne usase kaha ki main party 6th ko...

2 years ago
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Ritas Lascivious Trap

You are at work and as you sit at your desk you find yourself constantly stealing glances at a woman named Rita. You have been fantasizing about her for some time now and you immediately get hard whenever she walks by you. She is everything you lust for in a woman, she is tall with a gorgeous face and she is also happens to be a very shapely plus size woman. You watch as Rita walks over to a file cabinet that is just a few feet in front of you and your, one quick glance and your cock instantly...

2 years ago
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A Young Boy Remembers

‘All the Worlds a stage and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts.’ William Shakespeare A Young Boy Remembers – The best Guitar Player I Never Heard! I still remember that summer day. It was hot, almost stifling in my Grandparent’s modest living room. Out of boredom, I had picked up my Aunt Jeannie’s guitar and was idly fooling around with it, picking the third string once, and then sounding the second string...

1 year ago
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Rob Remembers

Cover Art The images used are Brownswirl with cgbc eyes1 811 from the Lulu cover art page and are used with permission of Lulu. The trimming, manipulation, and adding of text is by Ernest Bywater. All rights to the cover image are reserved by the copyright owners. 10 November 2018 version The titles I use are a chapter, a sub-chapter, and a section. Table of Contents The Story Starts Troubles Shell Game Thursday - Getting Organised Moving On Friday Furniture Arrangements Evening Night...

3 years ago
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Sarita Mam Ki Din Rat Chudai

By : Adityasbdin Hi readers mera nam Aditya Saxena hai mai is sit ka regular reader hu bahut sari story padhne ke bad aaj mai apni story bhi likhne ja raha hon jo ki meri jindagi me ghatit hui. ye kahani aaj se 3 sal pahle suru hui thi jab mai apne kam ke silsile se apne hi sahar ke bajar se apne liye kapde kharidne ek dukan par gaya hua tha us dukan par ek 35 sal ki mahila baithi thi jisko dekhkar mujhe aisa laga jaise maine ise kahin pahle dekha hai mai use dekhne laga jaise hi uski najar...

2 years ago
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A Beautiful Wish Chp 5 The Heart Remembers

A Beautiful Wish by 800ibGorrila Chapter 5: The Heart Remembers The water streamed across George and Dawn’s entwined bodies.  It traced the lines of George’s lean muscles and caressed Dawn’s impossible curves.  They kissed and embraced and joined over and over, enjoying a closeness that neither had felt in their short time together.  George cleaned her first, starting with her golden brown hair, which looked and smelled just as intoxicating wet.  He lathered up his hands and slowly ran them...

2 years ago
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Ritas Humiliation

Rita is a high powered executive with a large company. Through her work she has great responsibility. Recently she realised how stimulating and relaxing it could be if she was controlled. If she was made to do things, she no longer had the burden of responsibility. However giving up control could make her vulnerable. She may have to do things she didn't want to. That, though, was strangely exciting. The first experience for this 45 year old woman, of the thrilling excitement of handing over...

3 years ago
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Sarita8217s Sexescapades With Her Bisexual Hubby And Brother

Hi friends, I am Abhishek and i am back with another bisexual story after my story- My Bisexual Orgy.I am 29 & from Gurgaon often travel Lucknow . So any couples from these NCR & Lucknow who have a bisexual dream can ping me for real encounters.Single teen girls,aunties and bhabhis are most welcome.Kindly you guys can leave your comments on This story is shared by my reader Sarita and she has asked me to share the story as it is.I met her through ISS. She is an avid reader of sex stories on...

1 year ago
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Puritan Whores Ch4

It has been nearly a month since we started our own porn site, ‘Puritan Whores.’ Traffic was good, but not as much as we needed to keep the village. Constance seems to enjoy her role as a maid. Abby helped her pick out a few different sets of slutty maid costumes online. Now that’s what she mostly wore around the house. Happy to do her chores. She was also getting good with typing on the keyboard. She was on our site’s chat room frequently throughout the day. Often uploading pics of...

1 year ago
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Puritan Whores Ch3

Josephine, my wife, a beautiful ginger. Her long red hair piled up so it only flows halfway down her back. Revealing the freckles that cover her pale body and dot her sweet round ass. Walking next to her mother was my sweet Abigail. A bit shorter with a bigger ass. My delectable Muffin only has freckles on her face and shoulders. Her darker red hair was curly, and not as long as Josie’s. They are both walking in black high heels. Slowly, as they were still getting used to the strange...

3 years ago
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Sarita Bhabhi Ko Satisfied And Pregnant Kiya

Hello this is Raj,25. from uran, raigad,navi-mumbai 5’8″ in height & i have 6″ good looking. Ye story pichhle sal pahale ki he. mere pados me ek bhabhi rahati hai. uski shadi hue 4 sal hue the lekin usko abhitak koi aulad nahi thi. Uska pati jyadatar bahar hi rahata tha. ghar me un dono ke alava koi nahi rahata tha. Bhabhi mast hot mal thi.bhabhi ka figure 34-28-36 hoga.Bhabhi ki kapde pahananeke tarike vajah se bhabhi aur sexy lagati thi. Uska transparent blouse,blouse ke andar stylish bra aur...

4 years ago
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Readers, if you have read my previous story with my Father-in-law, you must have known by now how he first got me in his bathroom with my husband standing just opposite the door without having any knowledge. After that, he came after me in many occasions but he ensured that every one of them were special. He stuck to his own style; he never fucked me when my hubby was not around. There were always people nearby, or over the phone and he always related my body parts with something, be it fruits,...

1 year ago
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Puritan WhoresChapter 3

My Puritan whores are both naked. Walking ahead of me at the end of chain leashes attached to dog collars around their necks. Josephine, my wife, a beautiful ginger. Her long red hair piled up so it only flows halfway down her back. Revealing the freckles that cover her pale body and dot her sweet round ass. Walking next to her mother was my sweet Abigail. A bit shorter with a bigger ass. My delectable Muffin only has freckles on her face and shoulders. Her darker red hair was curly, and...

3 years ago
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Recovery of a HeroChapter 8 The Hero Remembers

This story is a work of fiction only. Any chance resemblance to actual people or events is purely accidental. I remember that incident in Iraq quite well. It's one of my clearest memories. Five of us in a Humvee were going to one of the Iraqi government buildings where I was working on the computer network systems when we were ambushed. As we were driving down the road, an RPG exploded to the right of us. The vehicle was lifted off the ground on that side by the shock wave of the blast....

4 years ago
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Amrita Teacher Teach Me

My name is Sunil from Bangalore. Let me tell you about my incident in my school days. When I was studying PUC.Our family was very conservative and talking about sex was taboo thing in that time. Frankly I never had much knowledge of sex at that time. The information was limited to the casual talks with friends. But I had confusion and doubts about many things of sexual act. At that time my class teacher was the mothers close friend, and they used to stay nearer to our house. Our family was very...

2 years ago
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An Old Coach Remembers

God, I hated the draft. I loved coaching baseball – showing young men how to play the game, watching as they grasped the concepts, and seeing the joy on their faces as the incomprehensible becomes known. Watching boys transition to young men, both in terms of baseball and life brought indescribable joy to this lowly coach. Each year, these young men became MY boys if only for the summer. But for the summer they were mine as surely as if I had sired each and every one of them. But before we...

1 year ago
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Samaritan Saves Stranded Stranger

Samaritan Saves Stranded StrangerThe car sat alongside the lightly traveled road out of gas. Amanda was frustrated because she knew better than to travel to the middle of “Nowhere”, Kansas without a full gas tank. The cell coverage was weak at best and none her friends could get to her for a couple of hours. She was anxious. She had seen more airplanes pass overhead than cars on this road. But all she needed was one person to stop; the bad news was none had stopped.Amanda had been off to...

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Ritas Adventures

Chapter 1: A Day at the office The receptionist sitting behind an impressive counter of mahogany looked bored, her hair was tied up into a bun and she looked serious, she had her reasons, her boyfriend has been away on business for a week and had not called her, she was feeling unusually horny and a call would have made all the difference. The firm usually busy, looked deserted at this time in the afternoon, all the senior managers were tied up into the various conference halls and a few...

4 years ago
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An Old Lady Remembers

My name is Callie Charlotte Carruthers, and I am a spinster. I will be 100 years old on my next birthday which is not necessarily a blessing. But I am in possession of all my faculties and require very little assistance. I live in a suite of rooms atop the Carruthers Hotel. Few townspeople even know I’m here, I had gone to live in Europe- when my marriage failed I returned. Of course the help knows, but they have been with us for generations and they are as close as family as could be. A...

1 year ago
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Ebima Remembers

Christopher was blessedly unconscious during the vile act, and Ebima prayed to whatever deity may listen that he remain that way. For one glorious moment, Ebima Auvengarde was in love. He had the affections of a human boy, and was absolutely content. Ebima lowered his head, feeling himself begin to fail at schooling an indifferent mask. It was becoming more and more difficult listening to the sound of wet skin slapping, his father's grunts and growls, and the soft squeak of his mattress...

3 years ago
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Ebima Remembers

Introduction: Soooo, its been a while! Yeah, Im sorry… Theres just been a TON of stuff going on in my life, moving across state lines, getting evicted and moving again, burying a dog, moving again. The list goes ooooon and oooon. Anyways! I wrote another chapter in my Ebima saga XD This one isnt as sexy as the others have been, and its a little short, I didnt want to give to much more of the story until I gave a bit of a back story. How does Ebima know Chris? Who is the demon that attacked him?...

2 years ago
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Eleanor Remembers

Eleanor sits at the dressing table brushing her long, wavy hair. 100 strokes a day her mother used to tell her and it's a habit she's never given up. Even now that she has no reason to worry about her looks, her hair is her one vanity. Charlie always loved her hair. She smiles as he enters the room, silently as always, as if she's conjured him up just by the act of saying his name in her head. She knows her family thinks she's mad when she tells them she can sense his presence but then...

1 year ago
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Veritas Ch 00

This is a bit different from what I’ve done before, but I have been thinking about this story for a very long time. There isn’t much sex, so if that isn’t your type of thing, then please either move on or enjoy the ride. **************************************** Prologue My name is Karoleah Gregory. I write this record with the hope that future generations will learn from what we have done. I am the leader of a group that many call a resistance, but I call it hope. We are under the thumb of...

2 years ago
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Veritas Ch 01

Karoleah Gregory stood in the warm sunlight of her solar as the people below moved about at the lazy pace that was afforded on a hot day. With her eyes closed, she could almost remember a time when she was free to do what she wished, without the tyrannical husband that was the bane of her existence. The warm breeze in her hair as she hiked through the woods or rode her steed through the mountains, God, how she missed that. Turning from the windows, her gossamer gown swirling around her legs,...

1 year ago
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Britains Got A Naked Singin Boy Wiv A Boner

All characters and terms including boy and lad refer to people age 18 and over. This talent contest has come to town. It’s something like Britain ’s Got Talent. I thought I’d give ‘em something totally different. It hasn’t been done before. I’m gonna sing Unchained Melody naked with my cock on bone. Keep my erection all through the song. Not as easy as it sounds. Takes some doing. Practised it a few times in my flat. I find the best thing to keep my dick hard is to think of Gareth Gates while...

2 years ago
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Britains Got A Naked Singin Boy Wiv A Boner

All characters and terms including boy and lad refer to people age 18 and over. This talent contest has come to town. It’s something like Britain ’s Got Talent. I thought I’d give ‘em something totally different. It hasn’t been done before. I’m gonna sing Unchained Melody naked with my cock on bone. Keep my erection all through the song. Not as easy as it sounds. Takes some doing. Practised it a few times in my flat. I find the best thing to keep my dick hard is to think of Gareth Gates while...

Gay Male
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Corrita Part 1

Title Coritta (Part 1) A few words before. After writing four pieces I decided I wanted to try something of real length. I will post this in two or three parts. I looked back over my prior pieces and decided to emphasize growth of character. There will not be a lot of sex. I also wanted to write a piece with a definite ending. I hope you enjoy. Chapter 1 Not Butch: If you were to sit in my cubicle in what we called "analysts row" on the 18th floor of my old office building and...

1 year ago
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Corrita Part 2

Title II Corrita Part II. Some words at the beginning: I encourage you to start by reading "Corrita Part 1" because there is a lot of history that will make this more understandable. Briefly, Sam Haber, a financial whiz, relaxes by writing trashy Hispanic tinged romance novels. He never tried to get them published until Kate, a friend of his, encouraged him. To better understand what it is like to be a woman Kate also encouraged him to try dressing in women's clothes and Sam found...

3 years ago
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Corrita Part 3

Corrita Part 3. I urge the reader to go back and read Parts 1 and 2 before starting Part 3. There is a lot of history contained in those pieces. Briefly Sam Haber is a financial whiz at a NYC investment firm. To relax he writes romance novels aimed at a Hispanic audience. To learn more about how women do things he started experimenting with dressing in women's clothes and calling himself Corrita del Barco. While dressed up he met Hannah Peterson and they felt an immediate attraction....

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