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I must admit that I was completely in the dark and had no idea what Sue was ranting-on about, when I arrived back at the house that afternoon.

"See, she just took a picture of Mark!" Sue was raving to her brother, as I entered the lounge. "I tell you Mike, they're spying on us!"

On seeing me – as was her usual wont – Sue came over, greeted me with a familiar hug, saying "Hi Mark!" as we touched cheeks, in what -- since aspiring actress Rachelle, had joined our little community a year or so previous -- had become the traditional female to male (and female to female, come-to-that) greeting in the house.

Us manly guys just kind-a nodded to each other and grunted, by the way. But if a shapely and very alluring female deigns to offer you a friendly hug in greeting, what right-thinking red-blooded male is going to refuse? Actually being greeted by Rachelle herself was my favourite; Rachelle never failed to kiss me on the lips ... and stir my blood, while she was at it.

However Sue's greeting of me, had not interrupted her conversation with her brother Mike.

"Sue, there's no way anybody could take a decent picture of anyone from that distance!" Mike had replied.

After that, I kind of lost track (and interest) in their conversation, as I passed on through the lounge and into the communal kitchen. Sue and Mark might be twins, but they were alike as chalk and cheese. To find them in mild disagreement – usually concerning something so innocuous that most people wouldn't consider it worth mentioning -- was not uncommon.

I think I was hoping that someone had a brew on the go that I could filch.

Finding myself out of luck, I set about filling the coffee machine and then I put the kettle on, in the event anyone wanted tea when they arrived home.

Barry was the next to show his face. He squinted at the coffee machine, looked me in the eye and then glanced at the door to the lounge, behind which Sue and Mike's voices could still be heard.

I should add that Sue and Mike were almost always the first two home of an evening and ... well tradition had it, that the first home got the coffee on the go, if nothing else.

"What's got up Sue's nose, this evening?" Barry grinned at me, as he opened the dishwasher and began emptying that morning's load.

I didn't reply in words: I just threw Barry a frustrated glance as I took the mugs from him and began lining them up on the worktop.

"Like an old married couple those two! I pity Ron and Sheila." Barry went on.

I still didn't reply, poured-out four coffees, picked-up my own and then headed for the peace and quiet of my own quarters, leaving Barry with the job of delivering Sue and Mike theirs.

I had myself a little suite of rooms on the top (second) floor. Bedroom, private lounge and bathroom. Larger than anyone else's domain, but – technically -- I was the landlord, so no one objected.

Possibly this is a good point for me to explain my living arrangements, which were a little on the unusual side for single bloke of my age. Er, alright 34 if you're that interested. Anyway I apologise, if this explanation is a little on the long side, but my life up to that date had had its complications.

The house (my usual weekday residence) had originally been my grandparent's abode. I'd been brought-up in the place until I was eight years old, when my father passed-on somewhat prematurely. My mother had never been a 'big city person' and ... if I'm being totally honest ... she had never really hit-it-off with my grandmother either. We'd only lived in the suburbs because of my father's work. Once he was no longer keeping her there, mother lit out for the stud farm (her own childhood home) as soon as she could respectfully arrange it. Taking me along with her, of-course.

Hey, there had never been any real hostility between the two women; they just had opposing outlooks on life. My mother was at her happiest sitting astride a fifteen-hand plus, hunter, whereas my grandmother's preference would be strolling around Harrods, taking tea in the Ritz or in some other upmarket establishment. My grandmother didn't do mud, if you get my drift.

To be honest the two women had worked very hard to maintain a good relationship – probably on my account - after my father had passed-on, but they had such conflicting interests and outlooks on life, that I find it amazing that they were as successful as they were. Anyway that's really unimportant, as they were both distant memories by the time I'm talking about.

I'd returned to live at the town house during the latter period of my education, while I attended university in London. My grandfather wanted me to work in his company after I'd completed my education, but ... well, to be honest, I took-after my mother in some respects and never really felt at home in the big city. In consequence I'd returned to live in what had by then become my mother's stud farm out in Hertfordshire and settled down to a job with a local company there.

I believe the guy who owned the establishment I found employment with, had at onetime been suitor of my mother in their younger days. Way back before my father had entered the equation.

Just over a year after I'd completed my education, my mother had an accident while out exercising a (visiting) stallion one morning. Consensus is, that something startled the animal, causing it rear and roll over backwards on top of her. Two days later my mother succumbed to her injuries.

At my mother's funeral, my grandparents suggested that I should return to town to live with them. I suppose -- to them -- it would have seemed the logical move for me to make. But as a virile young man in his mid-twenties ... yeah, I'm sure you understand.

Anyway my mother's passing, had left me with obligations. i.e. I had her animals to think about (five dogs, half a dozen mares, two/three in foal, plus assorted foals and yearlings) and there was no way I could abandon or sell them. Well, I could sell the young stock when they were old enough, but not my mother's other... "babies!"

I had to get used to fending for myself though, but it didn't take me too long to get organised. I'm not sure what my grandparents made of the two horse-mad young ladies -- Vanessa and Averill -- who became my house mates at the stud. Basically they were employed to run the house, mind the stock, and look after the dogs.

However -- just in case anyone starts getting the wrong idea -- I employed the girls to run my mother's stud farm. Not to join my own, if you get my drift. A sort-of sibling relationship had rapidly developed between the three of us and nothing untoward ever went-on. Not that I'm sure my grandparents were ever convinced of that fact.

My grandparents always were a little uncomfortable with (what they termed as) my and my mother's bohemian outlook on life. There'd been a few ... strained interludes while I been at studying university; but generally they'd tolerated my transgressions.

Whatever - my grandparents' weren't around for very long after my mother died. Less than eighteen months later, they were both killed when a gas explosion and fire laid waste to their town house.

A consequence of that was that my life took another unexpected turn. Well, some silly bugger had to run my grandfather business, didn't they?

I did look around for a suitable candidate to buy the concern. However the few people I could find, were only interested in shutting it down and asset stripping the company. I'd known a lot of the staff -- personally -- almost all my of life, so I felt obligated to keep the place going, somehow.

Besides, the place was surprisingly profitable for such a small enterprise; only twenty-five staff and it did virtually run itself, most of the time.

My next problem was what to do with what was left of my grandparents' house. It was pretty-well gutted, but it had also been very well insured.

I suppose that my most profitable path would have been to pull the ruins down and then sell the plot as a building site. A developer would probably have jammed ten or fifteen houses, maybe more, onto that site. Or even built a block of flats; possibly both.

But a surveyor's report informed me that the walls were perfectly sound, so I felt obligated to rebuild the property myself. You see, my grandfather and my father had both loved the place.

I realised it would be prudent to take a few liberties with the rebuilding though. Because I'd felt obligated to keep my grandfather's business going, I'd have to have a home in town myself. But I didn't want or need a house that large for my own use.

My first thought had been to rebuild the house as several flats, but retaining roughly the same external design. But then the idea of a house of multiple occupancy came into my head. I had a few friends from my time at Uni (Barry and the Turner twins) who were forever complaining about the scarcity of suitable living accommodation in town. So I sounded them out on sharing the house with me. To say that they jumped at the idea would be putting it mildly.

So after nine months of hell, commuting almost every weekday, I moved into my very comfortable three-room suite on the top (second) floor of the house. And then I settled into a three nights at one address, and four nights at the other, lifestyle. Varying the when and where I slept depending on how my belly or business commitments guided me.

The girl's were far more competent at running the stud farm than I could ever be and I felt I could safely leave it in their hands most of the time. Well the same way as I left a lot of running of my grandfather's company to guys who had worked for him for years.

Of course, I made sure that everyone was paid well enough; it served their purpose best to look after my interests!

I suppose I sort-of lived a bit of a playboy life-style, for the next few years or so. Oh, nothing extravagant or anything like that; I just had a bloody good time of it!

I dated quite a bit. I suppose you could say I was a pretty eligible bachelor. After all how many thirty-year-olds own two large houses and two companies? But I was never overt with my cash: I had no intention of inviting the wrong kind of people into my life, male or female. Every big city is full of that type.

Anyway, over the next few years several other housemates came and went. One who came and stayed was the delectable Rachelle. Rachelle had arrived as an overnight or temporary guest of a character who eventually skipped-out on us, his rent for that month, and poor Rachelle. He took Rachelle's car, ready-cash, credit and debit cards with him; however she did eventually get the car back. The cards, I assume she cancelled.

Whatever, Rachelle having nowhere else to go, stayed-on! Yes okay, I'll admit it I felt sorry for the woman. And no at no time did thoughts of the kind some of you are thinking, cross my mind. A mug for a pretty face I might be, but I'm not daft enough to get involved in a... 'favours' for rent situation. Jesus in the big city, one could soon end up with a house full of bed-partners and an empty bank account.

For all her intermittent work schedule Rachelle has always been extremely punctual with her rent. She'd also learnt a very hard lesson about men, and now sometimes calls upon Barry and/or myself to ... discourage any undesirables who try to hit on her.

Actually, Rachelle is great fun to have around and she adds a certain glamour and some excitement into our routine. In recent times she'd landed a part in a TV series and a significant part in a movie. Barry and I had also been roped-in as Rachelle's escort to some of the very ... enlightening parties she'd been invited to. Barry I know, had made significantly better use of the contacts (of the female variety) we'd managed to make at those parties, than I had.

However I'm getting bogged-down in insignificant detail here, I was telling you about the Thursday evening it all started, wasn't I?

Well, not wishing, to get involved in Sue and Mike's sibling disagreements that evening, I'd made my way up to my apartments to shower and change.

I figured that someone would give me a yell, when they'd sussed-out what the plan was going to be for eating that night. Hey, it might be a takeaway or some of us might have gone out somewhere for a bite. But then again, one of our budding chiefs might fancy trying to poison us all. Yeah well, all university graduates we might be ... but cooking was a skill that none of us had truly mastered.

When you live in a big city with a takeaway, chish'n'fip shops and/or restaurants on every corner ... who the hell needs to know how to cook? A proper meal that is, I'm not talking about fry-up's here.

Er yeah, I suppose I'll have to admit that young Vanessa and Averill were magic in the kitchen and the village pub sported an extensive menu, when I was out in Hertfordshire.

Anyway while in the shower, I found myself ruminating on what Sue had been harping-on about. I hadn't consciously listened, but obviously some of what she had been saying had sunk in my thick skull.

From what I could recall of Sue's rant, it appeared she was convinced that two young girls had apparently got into the habit of watching the house from the park opposite. And on that particular evening, Sue was suggesting that they were taking photographs of us all as we came home from work.

My gut instinct was to go along with Mike in assuming that his sister must be mistaken. I could think of no possible reason anyone would want to watch the house, even less photograph me, or any of the other residents.

Possibly we'd have the paparazzi wanting to photograph Rachelle when she hit the big time; but up to that time, she'd only appeared in a few TV adverts, the odd pop video or two and a spurious play in some back street avant-garde theatre.

I'd sat through the bugger and had not understood a word of the plot. To be honest, I don't think that play had had a plot.

Having completed my ablutions and dressed again. I wondered over to my lounge window that overlooked the park, to see if I could locate Sue's miscreants for myself. Sure enough, I found that I could just make out two figures -- obscured somewhat by the trees -- sitting on a bench on the far side of the park. At that extreme range I couldn't tell whether they were male or female and -- as Mike had pointed out earlier -- I also doubted they could take meaningful photographs of anyone entering or leaving our house from that distance.

However, my curiosity was suitably piqued, so I hunted out my mother's binoculars ... Mother's interest in everything equine had extended to point-to-point racing, as a jockey, an enthusiastic observer and remarkably successful punter. A consequence of which had been my inheritance of several pairs of high quality and very powerful binoculars.

Selecting the most powerful pair, I went back over to the window and located the two figures again. And boy, did I get a surprise!

Look, actually locating what you are trying to see through a pair of very powerful binoculars, isn't quite as simple as it sounds. When you're not in the habit of using the things, the view is partially obstructed by the foliage of several large trees and you've never set-the-buggers-up for personal use anyway. In fact, I believe that I shut one eye and used them as a monocular or telescope.

Anyway, once I'd located the two young ladies ... yeah young ladies, both attired in the uniform of a well known and somewhat elite public school in that part of London, I was surprised to discover that one of them was apparently looking back at me through a similar pair of binoculars to the ones I was holding.

I say "apparently," because – at first sight – there was the chance that she was studying something in foliage of the trees on the near side of the park. You know, birds or even a squirrel.

Whatever, the second young lady was holding – what looked to me like – a thirty-five millilitre camera; only the thing had a totally massive telephoto lens attached to it. The sort of thing, one sometimes sees photographers using at motor racing circuits and the like. Well, that was the only place I'd seen one that size before.

Okay, even with that discovery ... logically, the two young ladies could-well have been trying to take photographs of the wildlife in the park. However what happened in the following half minute or so, told me that it was most likely Susan had been on the right track.

The girl with the binoculars lowered them and said something to her companion. Who then raised her camera to her eye and pointed the bloody great lens in my direction. A second later, both girls -- trying to look casual -- stood-up and walked-off towards a gate on the far side of the park.

There was no shadow of doubt in my mind that the girl with the binoculars had spotted me looking back at her from the window and that, that sighting, had prompted their sudden and swift departure.

I dashed down to the lounge to inform the rest of the gang of my observation.

"And, they were both wearing school uniform?" Sue asked.

I think Sue was asking me to confirm the conclusion she'd come to from her earlier observation of the two girls. Susan hadn't had the advantage of powerful binoculars when she'd spotted them.

"Yeah, a tasty pair of binoculars, no mistaking it!" I replied, "And the telephoto lens on the other birds camera ... Jesus, tripod job, no mistaking that either! I can't understand how she managed to hold the bugger steady enough to take a picture of anything!"

"Age?" Barry asked.

"Christ, buggered if I know." I replied. "Teeny-boppers anyway; they're still in school uniform, Barry. Too young for you anyway!"

I knew how Barry's mind worked; he was far worse than I when it came to females.

"Got to be between ... say thirteen and eighteen at the outside then!" Barry replied, ignoring my comment. "So who've we had living here of late, likely to have done something stupid?"

"Why do you always assume it has something to do with sex?" Rachelle, asked, pointedly directing the question at Barry.

"Sex is all he ever thinks about!" Sue interjected.

"That's a lie!" Barry snapped back. "I think about my Scooby ... sometimes!" Barry ginned back at her.

By the way, Barry's Scooby is his Subaru Impreza, the second great love of his life. The first great love of Barry's life appeared to be, any "available" female. Available translating as, old enough, pretty enough and willing (or stupid) enough, if you get my drift?

"That Scooby is your pussy magnate, mate!" Mike chimed in.

"Well, a man has to have at least one redeeming factor." Barry grinned back at him. Then added. "Besides Mark's worse than me. Only, he just plays his love-life ... low profile!"

"Oh you are funny!" Rachelle interjected. "But this banter isn't solving the mystery of those two little girls, is it! What possible reason could they have for taking photographs of us all?"

"Rachelle, there's no mystery where taking pictures of you is concerned, gorgeous; male or female!" Barry winked at her. "But the rest of us ... now that is a worry! Kind-a smacks of some idiot having done something stupid ... Like playing with a youngster's emotions. And I ain't that desperate ... yet!"

"There's been no one that silly living here for years - we've made sure of that!" Mike pointed out, but still pointedly looking Barry right in the eyes. It was clear to see where Mike's suspicion lay.

"Nope, I learnt my lesson with that American exchange bird at Uni ... You all remember her. Christ, the size of her ol'man ... I've never ran so bleeding fast in my life!

"Anyway, since her, I've been very ... circumspect. If they're foreign, I even check the age of consent in their own country." Barry insisted.

"Look, it might just be a coincidence." Rachelle pointed out. "Those two girls were probably just in the park taking pictures for a school project or something. And then, when they saw Mark looking back at them with his binoculars, they probably just panicked ... like you're all doing now."

"Yeah, could be." I admitted.

But Susan wasn't at all convinced.

"No I've seen them several times during the last couple of weeks. They are always by the same bench and always looking in this direction." She insisted.

"And who's to say that there isn't some rare bird or something, nesting in one of the trees over the road." Rachelle suggested.

"The lack of a tripod." Mike replied. "Well, surely if you want to take pictures of a bird on it's nest with a big telephoto lens ... well, a tripod makes sense, don't it?"

The conversation went on in a similar vein for the rest of the evening. Even continuing down at the pub, where we went as a group to eat and while away the remainder of the night with Mike and Sue's significant others, Sheila and Ronald.

There was no sign of the two so-called spies when I dashed into the house on the Friday to get changed for my date for that evening ... weekend. Well the young woman in question was spending weekend at my country estate, because she wanted to see the horses. Yeah you believe that, and you'll believe anything. But you get the idea.

Anyway, Averill and Vanessa had great fun, making suggestive remarks all weekend. About par for the course, with the majority of the young ladies I took down there, to be honest with you.

The exception being a woman named Rosalind, who for some inexplicable reason Averill and Vanessa had taken an instant aversion to: there was no mistaking the fact. You know -- on reflection -- none of the gang were particularly enamoured with Rosalind either, but I could never understand why. After all, Rosy had all the attributes that should have had Barry and Mike drooling, and Rosalind knew how to advertise the fact.

Anyway, my houseguest on that particular weekend proved to be surprisingly gymnastic and maybe even a little kinky. I was pretty-well knackered by the time I arrived in the office on the following Monday morning.

Monday evening when I arrived home, Sue and Mike were once again discussing the two so-called spies. Apparently, both Mike and Barry had spotted them -- sitting on the same bench in the park -- at different times over the weekend. However there was no sign of them when I checked it out.

But as the two girls were proving to be an enigma to us all, I decided to carry out a little surveillance of my own. It was all a little Heath Robinson, but I rigged up a web cam on my windowsill, pointing at the park and connected it to my computer.

Then I set the computer to take a still picture every five minutes. Video would have filled the available hard drive space in two or three hours, and I didn't want have to wade through that much video.

But I made a mistake in my settings anyway. I'd intended that the computer would start taking pictures at 3PM when the school day ended. But somehow I set it to start at 3AM; don't ask me how.

Anyway, by the time I arrived home -- late on the Tuesday evening -- Sue and Mike told me the two girls had been and gone already. But I was more interested in what time they'd arrived and how long they'd stayed.

Of course it was then that I discovered that I'd had the computer recording all ruddy day. Still no worries, the computer could run the whole days recordings though as if it was a film. So I just set it running and sat there staring at the screen; that's when I got a shock.

I found that I could see everyone walking along the pavement outside the house. I could even see my housemates and myself as we left for work that morning. And – in a single frame, at around ten past eight -- the two girls had walked past, apparently staring at the house as they did so.

At half-three they went past again going in the opposite direction. It was difficult to time them precisely, or say how long they stopped, because of the time-lapse nature of the recording, but they must have stood outside the house for ten or fifteen minutes, apparently talking; they were in three frames. Then in the next frame, they were gone.

Approximately forty minutes later they appeared on the bench in the park and remained there until around half-six. Again, because of the nature of the recording I didn't see them arriving or leaving. Actually the picture was so poor at that distance that, if it were not for the colour of their school uniforms, I wouldn't have been able to say for sure that it was the same two girls. However I could just about make out that whoever it was, they had binoculars with them and appeared to be staring at the house when Sue and Mike arrived home. There was nothing that led me to believe that they had their camera with them that day.

Completely intrigued by then, I reset the computer to take pictures at one-minute intervals. I also set it to start recording at 8AM and stop at 9; then start again at 3PM and remain on until I arrived home. I also moved the camera a little so that it had a better view of the pavement outside the house.

To my amazement the two girls spent six minutes standing outside the house on the Wednesday morning. It's difficult to tell from time-lapse recording, but I got the feeling that they were having a disagreement. I'm not sure why exactly; I suppose it must have been their body language that put that idea into my head.

That afternoon, they didn't stop at all on the way home from school: just walked past staring at the front of the house. Then they appeared in the park later as well.

However when Sue arrived home alone, the two of them left their bench and must have started to walk across the park towards the house. That is until Barry's Scooby appeared in the picture. In the next frame they were no longer visible.

Once the rest of my house partners had arrived home, I called them all up to my room for a conference and showed them the recordings.

"Seems to me, they are building up to something." Mike suggested once they'd all reviewed the recordings. "I'd say they were going to approach you Sis, until Barry scared them off."

"I didn't scare anyone off; I just came home from work!" Barry insisted.

"Not intentionally you didn't, Barry. But your arriving home made them change their plans. I'd say that they were heading for the front door; where-else would they be going?"

"I don't know." I replied, "But I think Sue, you'd better find out tomorrow morning. I suggest that you go into work late and tackle them on their way to school."

"No can do, busy day tomorrow; I've got a lot on." Sue replied.

"I can do it!" Rachelle said. "I've got nothing in my diary for tomorrow. I'll sneak up behind them."

"There's no need to scare the life out of the little beggars, Rachelle. A quiet 'Can I help you girls?' should do quite nicely. I'll hide my car in the garage later and stick around as back-up." I suggested.

It was agreed between us as a suitable plan of action. Although Barry did fancy staying home as well, and for some unknown reason suggested he could hide in the bushes in the garden. I'm not sure that anyone understood what Barry doing so, was supposed to achieve. So it was unanimously vetoed, on the grounds that Barry suddenly popping out of the undergrowth would probably frighten the life out of the two youngsters.

The following morning I was quite taken aback when an efficient looking blond, (I do realise that some people might think 'efficient' and 'blond' are two words that inconsistent in a sane sentence, but that was my observation) dressed in one of Sue's smart business suits and who bore no resemblance to Rachelle whatsoever, walked into the kitchen.

"They've seen me before; there's little point in giving them time to leg-it before I get close enough to talk to them, is there?" Rachelle explained.

"No chance of that happening, Girl." I replied. "Hey, you'd better watch-out Barry will be trying to chat you up!"

"He did! Gets up earlier than some, does our Barry." Rachelle grinned back at me.

Rachelle slipped out of the house around eight o'clock then set off along the road a-ways, timing herself as she went for her big entrance. Rachelle was planning on confronting the two girls as they crossed the drive in front of the house, where I could witness the encounter.

I stood in the main lounge behind the net curtains, from where I would be able observe, but not be seen by the participants.

Virtually on the button of ten past eight, Rachelle and the two girls walked into my field of vision from opposite directions. Rachelle had obviously timed it to perfection, as one would expect of a good actress.

Using Rachelle as a reference, I was surprised to see the two girls were taller than I'd expected. Probably it was that rather staid and old-fashioned school uniform that made judging their actual ages difficult. Both sported long auburn hair, but styled in plaits which also confused the issue. And of course neither sported any make-up: that definitely would not be on the approved list for that particular seat of learning.

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I woke up at 11 30am with the ring of my cell phone, I looked at my phone and saw that the caller was my dumb bitch of a neighbour. I pressed the button that put the phone on silent and lay back on my bed, stroking my dick which had started to tingle at the thought of my neighbour. She was a dumb bitch, but fuck was she hot. She had that perfect face that I thought of when I jacked off, and although she had a slightly flat chest, she had a behind that I thought existed only in my wildest...

3 years ago
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Curiosity Killed the CatChapter 28 Pampered

Monday, June 17, 1996, Sanford Maine Uggh! Consciousness came slowly and painfully. My awareness grew in two parallel waves. One was the awareness that came from waking up; the other was the awareness that came from realizing when one was in pain. My head was pounding something fierce. Goddammit, I had thought that maybe I had gotten lucky and been able to escape the headaches so often associated with brain trauma. I groaned aloud; I could already tell that it was a doozy. I’d need some...

4 years ago
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UniversityChapter 28

I went to my first meeting of Intro with an open mind. I got into trouble, nonetheless. The question was the state of affairs of the Aboriginal Australian and its cause. I quoted Prime Minister Keating's 1992 speech, that "European settlers were responsible for the difficulties Australian Aboriginal communities continued to face: 'We committed the murders. We took the children from their mothers. We practiced discrimination and exclusion. It was our ignorance and our prejudice, ' he...

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Two Sleepy People

It’s a common fantasy, the overnighter in a cheap hotel. You can get quite excited, out there in hotel land where no one knows you and you can do as you please, but when the sexual romps don’t materialize, expectations plummet.I was in one of those moods at this place in Fort Lauderdale. It was Sunday night and I had been traveling all day. I checked into the room and had a quick shower, but I didn’t know why; I wasn’t anticipating anyone getting close enough to notice how sweet I smelled.I...

Oral Sex
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The VisitorChapter 14

I woke the next morning to an empty bed. I looked over to the clock and was surprised to see it was almost ten. I could hear people talking downstairs and as I approached the door, I heard a voice I didn't recognize. Thinking I should probably not walk down naked as I was, I went and grabbed some jogging shorts. I started to grab a shirt but then for some reason decided not, perhaps because the unknown voice was female. As I walked into the kitchen, there sat Beth and Brenda on one side of...

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Adultery Mexican Style

Adultery Mexican Style by VIProffri www.viproffri.co.ukI was living in a small town in western Mexico by the sea for a few years and I decided I wanted to try a mature Mexican pussy since I had already had a few teens and marriageable candidates. It was pretty simple. All the local women over 25 were married with c***dren and plenty were expecting. They all went to church regularly with the k**s and husband and you would never think that you had a hope of nailing one of them. I was feeling...

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Romancing the Novices

I wrote this sat on a balcony in the Canary Islands sun. It's just a little fun fantasy and not to be taken seriously. The area of Playa where Helen and Tracy have a place does not exist and is based loosely on a lovely development I saw in Puerto Rico. Romancing the Novices. By Trish. The holiday complexes poolside caf?/bar was busy. "Hey love," Amanda whispered to her fianc?e over their breakfast. "Isn't that the woman I was speaking to last night?" Glancing towards whe...

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Anakin Skywalker Tryouts

Chapter 1 George Lucas had finally were finished the script for Episode II. The movie was going to be the story of 19 yr old Anakin and his relationship with Queen Amedalia, who was played by Natalie Portman. Lucas had yet to cast the actor to play Anakin, so he invited the 7 actors who he had narrowed it down to, to play Anakin. The list of actors included Austrailian actor Jesse Spencer(Neighbors), and American actors, Elijah Wood(the faculty) Jonathan Jackson(Deep End of the Ocean) Joshua...

1 year ago
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Masturbated often while watching cousin have sex t

Last week I hooked up with a guy I met on Craigs List. He is a heavy masturbator and so always looking for someone to j/o with. He has a several regular buddies he masturbates with throughout the week when he gets tired of masturbating solo and c2c.So stroked each other's cock on and off and masturbated together while we talked. One of the things we talked about was our earliest experiences. His story grabbed me and made my erection so hard that I have to share at least the situation he...

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Stud MakerChapter 4 A Bit of Discipline

My first day at the Manor had been exhilarating but after a glass of wine I was redy to turn in and said goodnight to Iris. "Remember Margo, regain your authority." she said kissing my cheek." "And I'll see you at breakfast." Making my way upstairs and along the landing I entered the guest bedroom. By 10pm I'd climbed into the comfy old bed, my head sinking luxuriously into the large puffy pillow. Then I heard someone knocking softly at the door! "Yes, who is it?" I called...

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Faith Hope and DestinyChapter 4

AMELIA LOOKED OUT THROUGH her bedroom window at the faint stars in the inky-black sky. From downstairs, the hubbub of loud conversations, sudden bursts of laughter, clinking glasses, and the music of big bands filtered up to her through her closed door. They were sounds she was used to hearing. Her mind turned to Mike as he sat watching her so intently at music class. His eyes had been so focused on her, his return smiles really cute, really nice and warm. Her mind drifted back further, way...

2 years ago
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Back in the saddle Part 1

The truth of the matter is I could, I am the the owner after all, unfortunately my work ethic instilled on me by my father forces me to visit my jobsites daily to make sure the guys get off to a good start. After stepping into my slippers I face the same conundrum each morning, coffee or a good morning whizz? Usually due in no small part to my raging morning wood, the coffee wins out, resulting in me dancing in place in my kitchen while fixing a cup and running to the bathroom for that...

4 years ago
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The interview

The first time Vincent surprised me was when he suggested a second interview – in person.When we chatted by phone he was reserved, at best. I had reached out about the mural he had painted years ago in the general classroom building on campus. It was the kind of thing thousands of students had passed by millions of times while coming in and out of the basement computer lab. You never really paid it any mind. But if you did, you'd catch the odd shapes of the field-workers and wildlife, the bold...

3 years ago
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Juggling Daddies 3

Juggling Daddies 3So I'm at work and in ugly boys clothes. That never seems to stop Daddy R's erections though. He sneers at me all the time.I can feel his eyes on my ass every time I walk away from him. I did suck his cock, but he seems to think it's appropriate for meto get down on my knees and serve him whenever he wishes. I'm up for it, sure, but he still expects all my work to be donedespite all the time it takes for him to ride my ass in the backroom. I always wear something kinky under...

2 years ago
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Cupids Kiss Ch 07

Psyche stared at the sex driven male Dalls that were butting heads over the females and felt her heart sink. How was she supposed to collect their wool without shooting? It wasn’t in her nature to go hunting, she considered it to be a sport of mendacity where the hunter had definite advantage of the gun over the hapless prey. There was no real victory in that sport. She had numerous arguments with her father when he went on his hunts but now she wondered if she would have to compromise her...

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Sugar Daddy

My sweaty hands held tight onto the backs of my knees as my virgin pussy opened to my Lush Daddy. His hard, black cock forced its way into my white pussy, the pain shooting up my spine. I opened my eyes and saw a blurry picture of the roof in the back seat of his old Porsche. Chriss lips caressed my cheeks softly, kissing my tears away. You okay baby girl? he asked me with genuine concern in his deep, sexy voice. Unable to find my voice, I nodded my head weakly. Chris was a lot bigger than I...

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A Memorable Night With A Friend

Hiiii readers. This is Ravi back with a new account. The previous account had some issues. Today an incident which turned to be the hottest sexual encounter of my life. The heroine of this story is luckily my girlfriends best friend Shweta. Shweta is a very modern and open minded girl . She is very beautiful and has great height 5’10. Her ass makes her apart from others. The way it swirls around is heaven. I have even confessed it to my girlfriend that Shweta has the best ass. Shweta’s boobs...

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Teacher Escapade

First lets start off describing yourself. You wouldn't be egotistical if you called yourself handsome. You would have no trouble getting the ladies, if that's what you wanted which you don't. You love the chiseled look of a man's jaw, and his wonderful set of cock and balls. You yourself have blonde hair that isn't too long but not too short. It nicely frames your blue eyes. You have gotten a lot of compliments about your eyes, you think that they are your best visible feature. Finally you are...

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Tales From a Far CountryChapter 17 An American Cousin

ACQUISITION ANXIETIES "Igor Ivanovitch?" "Da, Anatoly Sergeyevitch. A pleasure to speak with you again. How can I help?" "A client has asked me to arrange some arrangements. A meeting and discussion with you would be helpful. This afternoon?" "Da: where shall we meet?" "Tverskaya?" "Tverskaya, agreed." It is 5 o'clock in the afternoon and, Doctor Mendeleyev arrives at Anatoly's office at the Red Square end of Tverskaya Ulitsa. Anatoly has arranged for tea and for a few...

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Ringing. There was incessant ringing, but Raghav was too tired, physically and mentally, to answer the door. "Come in," he yelled. More intensely the second time: "Come in!"Raghav could not have been more surprised to see his love Deepali, nor less surprised. Nothing made sense anymore. Not since she walked out. He never saw it coming until, well, until she announced one evening that it was time for "a talk." He didn't know about the bag packed in her closet. Nor that her co-worker Dev, the new...

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She Met Him In Her Inbox Ch 02

Rejoining Katherine & Rick as their first meeting in real life happens after meeting online. You might want to read part 1 for an introduction of the characters. Thanks to my inspiration Americancumslut. Katherine followed Rick to the cabin door where he unlocked it with the key. The entrance was lit by a skylight and the cabin was an open design upon entry. With an open kitchen overlooking the living area the entire cabin was lit by natural light from 4 large windows overlooking the lake. A...

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Red Part 1 Saras drive home

Mid-August in central Virginia was sweltering and Sara was sweating as she squeezed her tall frame in her cherry red ’99 Toyota Corolla. “Red” as it was affectionately referred. After 218K miles, the A/C on Red, the hand-me-down from her ever-thrifty dad, barely worked so the windows were down as she turned onto I-95 for her 5 hour drive home. That’s 5 hours on a good day. On Friday afternoon at 3:15 that time could double if there were accidents. Sara smiled looking down as the wind blew the...

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Ohh Mom Pt 1

Alright this is my first story ever. I just wanted to say that some of these parts are true and some are just fantasies that Ive had. Im open to all criticism and comments. If you have an idea that you would like to share for one of my next stories sent me a message. ————————————————————————————————– I was your typical horny 17 year old teenager. I went to school, had fun with friends, and completed treacherous homework. I didnt have that many friends and I had never had a girlfriend. Hell, I...

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Containment Class: Ticonderoga Disruption Class: Vlam Risk Class: Caution Danger Special Containment Procedures: Agents are to observe any and all active incidents of SCP-XXX. Agents are not to interfere with SCP-XXX except as part of well controlled testing. In the event SCP-XXX undergoes a hostile event, all assets are to pull back to maximum observable distance and cease any and all interaction with the anomaly. Any Agents who are unable to pull back are to be considered lost unless they...

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Dad Got A Gift From Daughter

So I made some plans. On Valentines day flowers started arriving at the house every hour on the hour. I called in to see how Dad was coping and I thought I saw some life in his eyes mixed with confusion as he realised the valentines day ritual was still alive even if she was not. Just like her he said, to organize this before she died. I left him to enjoy the thought that Mum was reaching out from the grave and set about with the rest of my plans. I had left Dad’s tux on the bed hoping he would...

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The Truth About Global Warming

With the help of a polar bear, a man proves, conclusively, that global warming exists. Dave lived in Alaska. He’s lived here all his life. Just after Alaska was purchased from Russia in 1867, his family settled here in the 1880’s, long before it became a state, in 1959. Rejecting the wild west gold rush that panicked people with dreams of instant wealth to make a mad dash across the country, hoping to unearth a pot of gold, Dave’s ancestors traveled more west and more north than the...

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Punished During My Stay By Auntie Beryl Daughter Kate

When I last stayed with Aunty Beryl I was nineteen. I am now twenty-three and working for a consultancy company which means I have to travel a fair bit. At short notice, I was asked to work on a project in the West Midlands for a week or more and I was struggling to find a hotel room. On the off chance, I phoned Aunty Beryl to ask if I could stay there for the week and she said I’d be welcome. On the second day of my visit, Aunty’s daughter Kate was punished naked right in front of me and I...

4 years ago
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A Forest Walk

In the distance on the side of the trail was a bench, more of a 2x10 board across two tree stumps, but we were in no hurry. You grabbed my hand, pulled me to it. I sat down. You sat on my lap, leaning in to kiss me. It was a slow, deep kiss. Your fingers in my hair and my arms around you. The rain was picking up. As the warm drops came harder, you looked both left and right. Seeing the empty path for a quarter mile in each direction reaffirmed your decision. You stood up quickly and with...

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Revision of ldquoThe Real Bet ldquo

Not sure who did this one, but it’s one of my favorites! Revision of “The Real Bet”It was ten at night and the party of our friends Lori and Danny was in full swing with everyone having a great time. My wife Annette never a great drinker at the best of times, was well gone after three hours of partying and I knew she would suffer for it the next day, but what the hell. Sipping my drink I looked around the room eyeing up the women and comparing them to my gorgeous wife, I may be a little biased,...

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Twists of Fate Ch 03

Hello!! I want to apologise for the delay but here’s the third chapter anyways. Votes, rates and comments are always a welcome!! XXX * She took a deep breath as the presentation came to an end and glanced at Terence who was standing beside her. Their turn was at the last and after listening to the previous presentations, she had started getting nervous, but now that they were done, she was relived. She stole another glance at her professor and was shocked. Was he smiling? She tugged at...

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MELODY MEChapter 11

I woke up, but in two keystrokes I showed her the list: MEN IN BLACK (1997) PHOBOS: THE LANDING (2023) INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS (1978) 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEEY (1968) METROPOLIS (1927) BACK TO THE FUTURE (1985) THE CITY UNDER THE OCEAN (2022) TIDAL WAVE: IBERIAN COAST (2020) FORBIDDEN PLANET (1956) AVATAR 3 (2023) THE MARTIAN (2015) LANDING ON MARS (2021) OUTERSPACE: THE MUSICAL (2021) BACK IN TIME: 1820 (2022) TIDAL WAVE: THE WEST COAST (2022) AD ASTRA: (2019) We took my car, found...

1 year ago
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My Next door Neighbor Part Two

My Next Door Neighbor Part TwoThe following Saturday I was extremely nervous and highly excited. I had spent all week thinking about taking Christine to the beach party. I kept hoping against hope that nothing would happen to keep us from going. When Saturday finally came the hours dragged by. I shaved probably three times, even though I really only needed to shave about once a week at that time in my life. Finally it was time. I was wearing a sport shirt and slacks. I walked next door and rang...

Straight Sex
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Taking advantage

As I got closer I discovered that what I had noticed only as a slight movement from a distance, was in fact a young girl, no more than 16 years old, sitting on a fallen log. She was slumped forward and held an open can of beer in her hand, her long curly blonde hair obscured her face as I approached, but she jerked her head up to look at me when she heard me approaching as I got closer. She was obviously very drunk, and had been crying, but despite this she was still outstandingly beautiful,...

4 years ago
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'Oh God I'm coming,' Dave shouted his face going red as he thrust into me. 'Bloody hell, already?' I thought. It had only been 30 seconds since he roughly pushed his cock inside me. This was not one of my best one night stands! Dave rolled off me and laughed, thanking me for a good fuck. At least he was polite I thought. I moved closer to him, trying to get him to play with me. I leaned over and kissed him but he was already nodding off. Within a couple of minutes he was spread-eagled on the...

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The First Extra Solar GenerationChapter 6 Making Plans for the Future

Miriam had been working on her own project list. She was deep into cellular automata and artificial intelligence, or rather machine intelligence. I paid her visit and found her talking into a microphone in an unintelligible patois while watching a grid of high-resolution monitors "Hi. Whatcha doin'?" She hit a key which paused the action on the screen, then turned to greet me. "Hi! Long time no see. I'm teaching a computer intelligence how to identify a component, test it, and replace...

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384 SANDRA`S REVENGEThis as far as I know is based on the true reminiscences of Sandra, a friend I am very glad to say! Now Sandra, blonde and pretty, at the time of this story, was just 23, in great shape, attractive and bright, and about to qualify at the college she attended. Sadly, for her, her boyfriend of the last two and a half years, was too much of a fuckwit to fully appreciate what he had in her, neither her fab figure, her lovely attitude, or her devotion. The miserable little shit...

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Toms Personal SEXetaryChapter 2

Samantha had only been working for her new boss, erotic writer Tom Land for about 10 days, but she'd never had a job that had progressed as quickly as this one with him. After her first day in the next job, Samantha had been very pleased that she'd interviewed and been hired by Tom Land. Now, after her first 10 days, she was more glad than ever that she was quickly becoming an essential part of his workday and work-nights as his newest SEXetary. Samantha laughed to herself when she...

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One Last Job With VengeanceChapter 12

Tracing the line of pipes with his finger, Dan stops. With the street maps overlaid, there were three possibilities. With a pencil, he slowly draws a line following the roads away from the banks. Sitting back, he studies the map. One was definitely out, too many small roads to navigate. The choice was now between the two. They were both corner banks, which were good as this gave two exit routes and they both had good size roads around. It all depended on which one was the closest to the...

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The Impossible

‘Great. Now what am I going to do?’ Jeannie said to herself. It was a hot and very humid July morning and she was stranded on the side of the road. Her car had overheated and wasn’t moving anytime soon. She had tried to call a tow truck, but being on a small road in the middle of nowhere, there was no phone service. Jeannie was just thinking of walking home when a very expensive looking red Mercedes convertible stopped next to her. ‘Need a ride?’ a voice from inside said. Jeannie’s breath...

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Not According to Plan

I think of Mom and Dad every day, and I'll probably never drive down the street where their store was again. Dealing with all of it meant withdrawing from college for a year. Things are settled now, the funerals and trials are over, and I've moved on. The end result is that I inherited a nice, mortgage-free house, a decent chunk of change, and the freedom to live the way I want. I'm single, living in my own place, and working on my M.S. in computer coding theory, with no school loans...

1 year ago
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The Panties Affair

Hi, I’m Nat or Natalia, this is a second little story about my life, if you haven’t read the first one, feel free to do it now, if you don’t want, just read this little explanation. When I was young my parents died in a car accident, I survived, then, my aunt, Helena took care of me, I live with her and her two sons. Thomas and David, both are two years younger than me and are at that age. We live in a small village, between two country borders, that’s why I have a Spanish name, while my...

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Preteen Exploration V2

Mark was also twelve; we were next door neighbours from the day we were born. 4’9”, slight, brown hair, blue eyes – he was devilishly attractive, with a mischievous glint in his eye, and a smile that would light up Denmark. I never really know when I started to find him attractive – I was always attracted to him, and his smile. We never spoke about sex. Not until that day at least. Mark and I were playing Lego in my room, and were doing the role-play – having already built our houses, cars...

4 years ago
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Nikis New LifeChapter 18 Cyndi takes some and loses some control

Cyndi looked at the kneeling girl as Max handed her the leash. Niki and her had talked, for hours sometimes, and in some ways she knew more about her friend than anyone. And yet, in other ways, she knew nothing. Standing up, she stood over the obedient girl, spreading her legs in a wide stance, hands on her hips, ala ‘Wonder Woman’. “Give us another kiss and we can go” she said, watching her friend carefully. Niki looked up at Cyndi, swallowing nervously. Things were never going to be the...

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My Thai fuck in Bangkok

Dear friends of ISS I am going to share with you an experience of a lifetime and I hope that you will find it enjoyable. Read this story while stroking yourself and you watch your hunger grow. This incident dates back to 2005, when I first came to Bangkok for doing my phd. I had never stepped out of the national borders and Bangkok was the first foreign experience for me. I was thrilled with the developments. Large chopping malls, pubs, bars and the infamous Doi Boy (Lady boy) shows. After I...

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Missed CallBengali

Ami ujjal chakraborty, age 23,Ami onek din dhorei Indian sex stories er fan ami apnader songe amar jibon er ak durdanto ghotona share korte chai. Amar tokhon age 18 hobe. H.S. pass korar jonno baba akta mobile phone gift korlen. Kintu amar tate mon nai ami amar gym niyai besi basto. Tobe ami lokho kore dekhtam amr dike paser barir kakima amon ki amar mamato didi o hanglar moto cheye thakto. Jai hok amar notun cochin e sobe join korechi. Notun bondhu ra sob somay sex niye alochona kore ami o...

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A succubus story By: Ralph McPherson With help editing by: Clyde McEscher It started in 1992. The meatpacking district of NYC was still just that. There were no hipster dance clubs or hookah bars. The high priced lingerie shops and Apple store were not even a glimpse in their designer’s eyes. There was a slight chill to the air. I was out for a late night walk. I often did this when my mind was troubled, or I was bored, or I just needed to clear my head. I found myself...

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My Dad Got Caught

When I was sixteen, I was still a virgin, but I had already learned how to get myself off. I had listened to the brazen talk of the other girls at school and learned many things. My little fingers served me well. I never fell asleep at night before relieving the daily tensions with my fingers deep inside my slippery pussy. I had never seen an adult cock because I had no attraction to the immature, but horny, boys at school, finding their interest in me undesirable. On the...

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Time with my Boss

My boss walked in to my office to confront me about my skirt being so short and inappropriate so I decided to let him know "who is boss." I immediately started teasing him by hiking up my skirt and bending over for him as I do everyday while we are at the office. I told him that I love to see his cock get rock hard every time he checks me out and that I have always wanted to see him stroke his cock to me. I know he strokes his cock while thinking of me behind close doors so I told him to do it...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS11 E06 Lucinda Glass 46 from Middlesbrough

We start this week’s show with establishing footage from our drone camera as it flies over a large area of well-appointed parkland – bowling greens, rows of trees in large curves, recently mown lawns, a children’s play park, over a small lake, more trees and then down to the neat semi-detached houses beyond... Dropping all the way down to street level, bringing our host into view – a white speck on the pavement at first, then as we get closer – a nicer, more attractive speck ... Closer...

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