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Blessed By shalimar Where to begin is the question. Perhaps I should begin at the beginning of the magic room. There you are what you soul is, not what your shell shows. In my case I'm Mrs. Shelly Johnson, the Evil Witch, although in real life I'm a 54-year-old male to female transsexual with graying mousy brown hair. In the room I am physically 20 and a genetic female. My hair is thick and fine at the same time, but it is the color that makes me stand out. It is red to orange and platinum to raven with chocolate mixed in. The combination is such that it has no streaking and actually seems to sparkle with the highlights. Also, in that room I am what outsiders call a witch. Actually what I really do is be a tool of G_d. I am also not the only one in the room. One of my favorite people is my sister, Jenna. Over the years we have gotten close. The fact that I'm fifteen years older actually helped our relationship. There was no sibling rivalry and we love to talk to each other tell each other secrets that we even hide from others. When she was younger she actually looked up to her big sister. When she was finally on her own our relationship became equals and close friends and sisters. We share a lot of our lives including our size 6 clothes, but not our panties. Like me she is physically 20 but she has auburn hair. Jenna is married to a wonderful man named Rick. I see their love when they are together and it reminds me of many parts of "Song of Songs." He is also handsome, and if I wasn't married myself and if Jenna didn't see him first I might have gone after him, but I'll never tell her that. They have two children, both lovable, but different as night and day. Rebecca, at eight, the oldest one, is a lovely child, loving and a joy to have. She is always happy and loves to share herself with others. Everybody seems to like her. In fact the room seems to brighten whenever she enters it. I expect that she would be popular with the boys in a few years. Cathleen, Jenna's other daughter is a handful. Like most three-year- olds she is inquisitive and also a very loving child. She also understands the concept of acting lovingly to others. She seems to have a wisdom that even most people my chronological age lack. What sets her apart is her mischiefness. See seems to always get herself into trouble. In addition she seems to think I will turn every boy into a frog. She thinks that when she kisses each one he will turn himself into a prince. She doesn't realize the pizza boy who was turned into a frog will become a pizza boy again when he is kissed. That doesn't mean that he won't become her prince. Like the song, "Sunrise, Sunset," she gives her parents and also me "happiness and tears." But I would take the tears of a dozen Cathleens over the tears that Becky gives us. Becky is sick with terminal cancer. I see the hurt in the eyes of my sister and brother-in-law. Her sickness also hurts me. It is Becky's goodness contrasting with her wrecked body that I see and my love for my sister and her whole family gives me pain. No parent should suffer that kind of pain. In addition, as the Evil Witch, I am supposed to be able to heal the sick just by my touch. I am supposed to be able to change reality. With Becky I have been a failure. Once Rick confronted me after I made my cousin, Misty Dawn, a MD. She now specialized in pediatrics. "Why don't you heal Becky yourself?" Rick asked. "Don't you think I've tried?" I asked as tears welled up in my eyes. "Don't you think I want to more than anything else in the world?" I ran from the room. He followed me and said, "I'm sorry. I'm just angry that she is this way." "I see your pain, Richard. I keep on trying with her for you too. I'd do anything if I knew it would work and even if I only thought it would work." I was even trying some of my favorite recipes of chicken soup. Bubameyicin, as I call chicken soup, is the cure all for any disease. I make several kinds. Plain, cannonball (matzo ball), noodle, okra, okra noodle, sweet and sour matzo ball soup and my specialty: chicken soup for the soul. I make enough of these soups that I sell some to Bob for his restaurant called of all things, "Bob's Caf?" and his partner's restaurant across the street called "Amelia's." Amelia is one of my children. But I'm digressing a bit here. I realized that despite my deep love for Jenna and her family I was actually jealous of my sister. She had what I needed. She had a family that truly loved her and she loved them deeply. The good news is that I never acted upon my jealousy. Actually, I didn't realize I had jealously until after three incidents that happened each one day apart. The first was that Jenna had to leave on an important errand and left me in charge of her munchkins. It was the end of the day so the first thing I did was take care of Cathleen. I told her she was taking a bath. She said, "I no take bath today." I looked at her like I was not going to take that answer. She showed me her TABAS (Toddlers Against Baths And Showers) card. "Don't work with me," I replied as I pulled out my MMGB (Mothers Must Give Baths) card. When she saw that she said, defeated, "Aw, Auntie Shelly!" "Tough," I replied as I made the bath a bubble bath. She actually had fun as I put bubbles on her hair. Then I put bubbles on her chin. Her pet rubber ducky, Quackers, got a bath from Cathleen. After drying her I fixed her hair. Then I read two stories to Cathleen. By the middle of the second she was asleep. When I finished it was Becky's turn. I bathed Becky and set her hair. Afterwards we played twenty fingers, and she was delighted to have such pretty nails. Then I cuddled and rocked her until she fell asleep in my arms. I took her to bed and tucked her in. Then I kissed her. The love I had for Cathy and Rebecca actually brought tears to my eyes. That night I felt fulfilled. When Jenna came home she saw that content smile on my face. Jenna knew what I was missing and she told me later that she was determined that I would get it. She didn't realize how soon I would get my needs fulfilled. The next day Jenna called me and told me to come to her toy store. She told me I was going to meet someone special. I know that Jenna is almost always right with things like that so I listen attentively to her glowing praise of the person I was to meet. I trusted her with her appraisal of the other person because most times she is more sensitive of other people's needs than I am. She also made sure I understood that I should dress as if I was going on a date. Looking in my closet I found the right outfit. A true pink blouse with the flared lace sleeves begged me to wear it. It had a flower print. Under that blouse I put a salmon skirt that went down to about an inch above my knee. I took out the pair of salmon shoes with a three-inch heel and threw them into my oversized pocketbook. Until I got to Jenna's store I would wear my sneakers. I wasn't going to hurt my feet until it was absolutely necessary. I splashed some perfume, Charlie like my mom wears on me and just in case put on my favorite emerald necklace. I drove downtown in my year-old Buick and was able to park it about a half of block away. I looked for change for the meter. I had practically none. With THAT zealous meter maid in that neighborhood I knew I didn't want to give the town a larger gift. I put in enough money in the meter that I could stay for two hours if necessary. I could always get some change from my sister. After feeding the hungry meter I changed into my high heels and walked the half block to the toy store. I walked into the toy store and saw that Jenna was talking to that same zealous meter maid I was afraid would give me a ticket. The meter maid was dressed in her uniform that was kaki in color. She was also tall and thin. She was over six foot and may have weighed 125 soaking wet. Her brown hair was in a black scrunchie that made a ponytail. I walked up to them and stood there for a few seconds as they finished their conversation. I noticed that the meter maid's voice was neither masculine nor feminine. Jenna introduced me to the meter maid as Margaret and told me that this was the one I was to meet. I sensed that Maggie the Kitten, as she called herself, actually was hurting inside. I reached out and held her hands as we talked. I felt her pain. I felt that she had missed being a little girl, for like me she had been born with a male reproductive system instead of the female one she deserved. If that were her only problem I would have given her the proper body and would have forgotten her in a few months. But I sensed that she needed more than the body of a woman. Maggie was a kitten inside, a human kitten. She needed to be that little girl. Eventually I asked her, "If you could be anything you wanted to be what would that be?" "It's not possible," Maggie said. "Assume that I'm a witch and can do anything. Assume, also, that I am granting you a wish, just because." "Promise me you won't laugh?" "I should laugh at someone bearing her soul?" "Thank you." "For what?" "For using the feminine pronoun with me." Maggie replied. "Are you not a young lady between your ears?" I asked. "You see my soul." "So did my sister Jenna," I replied. Just then Becky and Cathleen came running passed us followed by Jenna's puppy, Baisley. Maggie looked longingly at them and sighed. "I want to be a girl, an eight-year-old girl," she blurted out. "I want to be able to play girl's games. I want to learn to be a woman. I want to have my first bra, my being allowed to finally wear makeup, my first kiss, and my prom night. Do you understand?" She began to cry as I held her. I understood why Jenna asked me to meet this young lady. I didn't know it at the time, but I made an offer that would heal both our souls. "I am a witch, at least as far as outsiders see us. How would you like to be that eight-year-old girl, my eight-year-old girl?" "Don't tease me," she replied. "I'm very serious. If you want it just say 'yes.' But you must want it with all your heart." She got closer to me and gave me a very tight hug. "Yes," she said through tears. "But you must be sure I'm not just a port in the storm," I continued. "This will be for real. This will be forever." "Could you love me as your little girl?" Maggie asked. "I think I already do," I replied as I played with her hair. "Please, please do it." I felt her grow smaller as I hugged back. When I felt her stop getting smaller I looked at her. Her eyes were green, but shaped in my Mongolian way. Her wavy hair was auburn and still had a ponytail, but now it was down to the bottom of her shoulder blades. Like me, she had the dark Mediterranean skin. She was wearing a hot pink Grrls Rule T- shirt and a pair of blue jeans that had flowers embroidered on it by me. "Mommy," she said to me. "Yes, Kitten." "I loves you," she said as she gave me a hug. With that I felt my love for my little one even more as I hugged her back. Jenna's kids ran passed us again and I saw that longing look in Maggie's eyes again. "Before you go," I told Maggie. "Let me fix your scrunchie." "Otay," she said as I quickly fixed her hair. "Now, go play with your cousins. I have to talk with my sister, anyway." Maggs gave me a hug and ran after her cousins. She had a grin on her face. I knew I did the right thing for her. 'She'll heal quickly,' I said to myself. Jenna came over to me and put her arm around me. "Well, sis, I see you did it. You finally committed yourself to a little one." "I think she is going to be special," I said as I hugged back. "She is," Jenna replied. "She is your special little one." "No, I mean something is really special with her, like your Becky." "I hope so for your sake." "She is going to be a blessing to me. I'll use that as her middle name. Her middle name is now Baruchah." "Good choice sis. Who is she named after?" "The middle name is from dad's mom. Her first name is from grandma's paternal grandma." "I hope Maggie likes that." "I think I will be taking my Kitten here a lot. How else is she going to be your bestest salesperson?" "Do you think that Becky would ever let her beat her?" "Never." It was then the girls took some toy horns and a drum and started to march around the store. It made the puppy bark. "What a racket," I said. "Despite the saying, children are heard and not seen," Jenna replied. "I know," I sighed. "You forget that I am your kids' bested babysitter." "Even better than Prue?" "Maybe our cousin is a tie." We giggled. They marched passed us and Maggie said to me, "We're a parade!" Jenna and I clapped as we smiled at the children. The dog was right behind the girls. Her yipping only made the racket worse. "By the way, are all of you coming to Shabbat dinner tonight?" I asked. "Yes, we'd like that." "Then it's settled. Keep Magg Pie so I can finish shopping and cooking. I'll expect you for dinner around five." "OK" With that I went shopping. Most of the food came from Sapphire's Organic Foods and Herbs down the block. The rest came from the kosher butcher. After I brought the food home I made dinner for the seven of us. I popped the two chalahs that I started rising early this morning into the oven and added the roasted lamb that I had started marinating yesterday. The chicken soup was ready for the matza balls that I made while the bread and meat was cooking. I cooked the rice and added the herbs and lightly steamed the string beans. I added slivers of almond and some spices on that. While I was finishing dinner, Norman made the table. After putting on the tablecloth I asked him to do and put out the settings, he filled the Kiddush cup with wine and took the two now warm chalahs and placed them on their plate on the table and put their cover over them. He took out the grape juice for us ladies and the children. I had just turned off the soup from a low boil when we heard the doorbell ring. I opened the door to Maggie giving me the best hug she could give me. She was followed by Becky and Cathleen. Jenna and Richard joined in the hug fest. The three girls at once began telling me everything that they did in the store as Baisley barked. Happily, I had to bend down and pet the puppy. Her tail was wagging a mile a minute. While that tail was going one way, her behind was going the other. "One person at a time," I said as Jenna closed the door behind her. "Who's first?" "Me!" the three of them shouted as they each raised one hand. Baisley continued to bark. "Mama," Maggie said. "I had so much fun and Becky showed me where everything is. I even sold something to this boy who came in. Like me, he's eight. He likes the airplane kit lots. He's cute for a boy." 'Cute for a boy?' I though to myself. 'I'm already in trouble.' "That's wonderful, Maggie." "Mama, can I get a bike? I think I losted mine before I came to the store." "I have her new one in the truck," Rick told me. "I'll help you bring it into the garage," Norman told him as they went outside together. Men and Garages. I don't understand their fascination with garages unless it is because it is their space and only THEIR space. I gave Maggie another hug and said, "Do you think you can get dressed in that Kelly green dress you like?" "Sure, mama. Now?" "Yes, and hurry. Shabbat is about to start." She ran up to her room followed close behind by Becky. When she got to the stairs, Cathy climbed after them in a crawl. The puppy had more difficulty, but was helped by the baby. For a few minutes I heard giggling and barking upstairs. It was during that time I gave Jenna a hug and whispered to her, "Thank you. She IS a blessing." "Anytime, sis." I realized I had tears. "You really needed her." "Yes, and I didn't know it." "Just give her love and you both will be fine." I smiled. "Are you ready?" I yelled upstairs. "Yea, mama!" Maggie replied. "Becky is zipping me up now!" "Becky, make sure you don't get the zipper caught!" "I won't, Auntie Shelly." "Mama, can I wear my necklace?" Maggie yelled down. "Bring it down," I replied. "I'll put it on." Maggie ran down first. She was holding her necklace in one hand and her stuffed toy lion, Sir Lionheart, in the other. She gave me the necklace and picked up her hair as I unfastened the clasp. Her necklace was a duplicate of my emerald one. I saw a smile on my Kitten's face. By the time we finished putting the necklace on Jenna's kids were down the stairs and our husbands came in through the garage. "Its time to light the candles," I said as it was finally very near Shabbat. I took out the safety matches and asked Maggie if she would like to light the candles. She got onto the chair closest to the candles and waited. Cat joined her on the chair, as she wanted to help too. I lit the match and handed it to Maggie carefully. As she lit the candles with my help she smiled. Then us ladies and girls did the ritual with our hands, covering our eyes seven times. We then blessed the Sabbath. I helped Maggie while Jenna helped Cathy with the words. This is the same ritual that mothers, grandmothers, wives, girlfriends and daughters were doing throughout the world that night. It is the same action our mothers and their mothers have done back to ancient times. When we finished, Maggie looked at me and smiled. I knew she was proud of what she did. Then she gave me a tight hug. Seeing what we were doing, Cathleen joined us. The rest of the family joined in this hug fest with the men on the outside. I was happy. I was so happy that I was crying. I was giving more love than I thought I had. Yet, I was receiving more love from my family that was a quantum jump greater. It was the most amazing event I ever experienced. Even giving birth is only close. It is situations like this that make everything else worthwhile. It is worth every diaper I had to change, the terrible twos, caring for them when they are sick, helping them through their first period and first bra, the indignity of being considered the dumbest person around by my teenage brat, and more. I will always cherish this moment. I hope for more moments like that. When we finally disengaged about ten minutes later, the only dry eyes were with our husbands. Norman did the blessing over the wine and then the bread. We ate and talked. I was content. The third incident occurred the next morning. Jenna and her family were not in synagogue. When it was way past time for them to show up, I asked my brother, Steve, and sister, Holly if they knew anything. Neither of them did. Finally it was the part of the service where the blessing of the sick was made. When the gabbi called Becky's name I knew why Jenna wasn't there. "Becky's badly sick," I whispered to Norman. "Are you sure?" he asked in a whisper. My ability to "see" what is happening is very acute while Norman's is just OK. "We have to go to the hospital as soon as possible." "Which one?" he still whispered. We arrived home about two hours later. I fed our family as Norman first called Jenna's home. When he got the answering machine he started to call the hospitals. He found out that Becky was at his second choice hospital. She was admitted the night before. Norman was able to talk to Rick who was watching Cat while Jenna was with Becky. They were going to switch in about an hour. Rick said that Becky had flu symptoms and with her diminished resistance to disease the doctors though it would be best for the child to spend a few days in the hospital. After arranging for babysitting, Norman drove us to the hospital. While we were traveling I called Steve, Holly, and Lori. They promised to get to the hospital as soon as possible. When we arrived, Norman took over Cathleen playing duties as I went up with Rick to Becky's room. When we got there I helped Rick get dressed in the protective clothing needed to visit Becky. A few minutes later, Jenna came out of Becky's room and took off the protective clothing. When she finished she came to me and hugged me tight. I heard and felt her soft sobs as I held my sister and gradually took her to the elevators. I didn't want Becky to hear her mother crying. I also knew how hard Jenna was taking this. Jenna is a strong woman, but Becky's condition is taxing all of my sister's strength. When she finally calmed down enough, she looked at me. "I'm here for you, kid," I told here. She gave me a sad smile. I took some tissues and dabbed the tears from Jenna's face. "I wish I could tell you that everything will be alright," I told her as I continued to clean her face. "Why?" she cried out. "Why her?" "I know," was all I could say. "Look," she said to me. "I ruined your blouse." I looked at my blouse as she blew her nose. "So you did," I replied. "Oh well. It was worth less than a sister's tears. How about I fix your face and you take your Cathleen to lunch. I bet that little chatterbox will cheer you up very quickly." Shacking her head, "yes" she gave me a sad smile as I looked in her pocketbook for her makeup. Then I finished cleaning her face and reapplied her makeup. When I finished, I smiled and said, "There, now you can take your daughter to lunch. You will come back here with a grin." "You're probably right," she sighed, still not to happy. We said our goodbyes waiting for the elevator to arrive. We gave each other a hug and a kiss. When the doors closed I walked towards Becky's room and got dressed in the protective clothing needed to visit my niece. When I finished, the nurse checked me, and then let me in. I saw Richard talking to Becky and helping her to play with Bernadette, her favorite doll since she was a little baby. Becky was breathing with the aid of oxygen through her nose. It broke my heart to see my joyful niece in such condition. Then she had a coughing fit. Richard cleaned the flem. Then Becky cleaned the flem from her favorite doll, Bernadette's face. I could see why my sister was balling when she left the room. It took all my will power not to break down inside that room. . Then Becky saw me and gave me a grin that lit up the room. "Auntie Shelly!" she exclaimed with a labored breath that sounded more like a whisper. Quickly, I walked over to Becky and gave her a hug. I know that usually when she says my name that way she runs to me and give me the biggest hug she can manage, but this time I knew I had to go to her. I gave her a special hug that I also hoped would cure her of her cancer. Although I concentrated like I normally did in these situations, I knew nothing was happening. G_d didn't allow me the privilege of it working. During the time I was there. Becky cuddled and talked to me and had me play with her and Bernadette. It was fun. I knew in reality it was more than that, but what seemed like a few seconds, Jenna returned. As the hospital rules said too many people would overtax the strength of this precious patient I had to leave. When I left I got out of my special garb and saw Prudence and Lorraine sitting and waiting for their turn to see Becky. I went over to them. They saw me and noticed that I was holding back tears. They both got up and held me as they took me away from Becky's room. By the time we reached the elevators, I was balling as badly as Jenna had. "She's so fragile," I cried through tears. "I've tried to do my curative hugs and they don't work." "We'll see what we can do," Prue said. "Maybe, one of us will work the miracle," added Lori. "Why isn't it working?" I wailed. "I'm even trying harder. I'm getting desperate!" "You're forgetting one of the most important rules," Lori told me. "You need detached involvement." "Yes," continued Prue. "You are too attached to the kid. I don't blame you. She is special and is family." "But, it still not fair!" I complained. "We'll do what we can," Prue told me. "Promise!" swore Lori. They finally dried my eyes and then walked back to Becky's room. By that time my sister, Holly, and my brother, Steve and his wife, Betty, had arrived. They all eventually visited Becky. After Norman visited Becky we left the hospital. That evening as much of the family that was in the area had dinner together. We needed each other's company. That night when I helped Maggie go to sleep she saw that I was distracted. "Mommy, are you otay?" she finally asked. "I'm just worried about Becky," I replied. "Mommy, me too." "She'll be all right," I said with my best mommy magic. "In fact I talked to the doctors and they said the she will be coming out of the hospital in about a week." "I wish I could do something to help Becky," she said to me very seriously. "I would do anything, ANYTHING to fix her. It's not right for her to be sick. I would want to be sick like her and her to be better than her to be sick. Mommy, I'm not afraid of being sick at all. Maybe I could be at least be sick for Becky for a little while and then she could go take a break and play and stuff and then maybe she could come back a long time later and take the sickness back after she's been playing a while." Then Maggie thought. "Don't tell her this though," she continued. "But when we do that and when she comes back for it I'm not going to give it back to her. I'm just gonna keep it with me and she will just have to stay all better forever." "That's so sweet, Maggie," I said to her. "And I believe that you would do it for your cousin, but the Boss won't allow a life for a life." All the time she was talking I was screaming inside, "NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" I couldn't loose Barucha that way. I was actually scared. I hadn't been that afraid in a long time. I tucked Maggie in with Sir Lion, kissed her and closed the light. I went down to the kitchen and started to make some Bubameicyn. I HAD to make a batch that would cure Becky. I HAD to. That's how my two oldest daughters, Angela and Amelia found me about four hours later. Like twins tend to do they had come back from a double date. "Mama," Angela asked. "What are you doing?" "What does it look like?" I asked in return. There was an edge in my voice. "I know you're making some chicken soup," Amelia replied. "But why the tears?" "The soup's special," I answered. "It is for Becky." "I'm taking you to bed, mama," Amelia continued. "We'll finish the soup," Angela added. "We know how to do it," Amelia said as she herded me out of the kitchen. "You taught us well," Angela finished. When I finally got to bed, Norman was still up, editing one of his stories. He put his work down as I talked and got undressed. I cried in his arms, and then we made love. Both acts helped me that night. The soup didn't work. The next two weeks were bliss. I worked on some of the romance novels, etched out an outline of a children's story, edited some of Norman's works, and was happy to pick up Maggie from her school every day. Those happy hugs after a hard day at school from her melted my heart each time. I received a few paintings from my little girl that ended up on my refrigerator door. Her homework and tests showed 100's, plusses, checks, smiley faces, stars, and "A's." When the teacher at a conference told us that she is a blessing I told her the meaning of Maggie's middle name. By the second week Becky was out of the hospital and back in school. She caught up on the work easily and joined her cousin Maggie as her bestest friend again. But, the bliss finally ended and I was made to go on a book promoting tour by my publisher. Two incidents during that two-week tour stuck out in my mind. On the second day of the tour I ended in a bookstore in Regina up in Saskatchewan. Surprisingly, a young man asked me to sign a copy of my latest romance novel. He was probably about eighteen and well built for his six-foot frame. He had a goatee and long black hair. He even had some muscles that implied he was an athlete. He was handsome enough that if I didn't already have a husband I might be romantically interested in this young man. Because he had requested me to sign the book I was curious. "What is a young man like you reading things that are usually reserved for women?" I asked as I prepared to sign the book for him. He looked down. His cheeks went red. He was embarrassed. I should have been more considerate. Because of his actions I decided to do a gentle probe of his thoughts. In addition to the information I received I noticed he had in him major discord and conflict. I knew why I had been sent to autograph my books in this small, at least for me, town. G_d had sent me to take care of him. "What's your name?" I asked. "I can make my note to you." "Bill," he replied. "To Bill," I wrote in his copy. "May you find the love I tried to put into this book." "Thank you," he said as I handed him the book. He started to walk away. "Please stay for a while," I said. "I'd like to talk to you." "Me?" "If you don't mind." "I'm not too interesting." "I think you're very interesting." "I'm also not too talkative," he replied. "Then I'll do most of the talking," I responded. "Are you sure you don't mind?" "Why should I?" "OK," he replied. He smiled and sat down near me. During a lull I said, "You're a girl inside." "How do you know?" he asked, afraid. "I know things. It's OK. Come sit closer. We can talk so no one else hears." "Are you sure?" he asked. "I'm not going to embarrass you?" "Me embarrassed by a good looking young man like you?" I replied. "So tell me about yourself." "I've had these feelings all my life. Ever since I remember I've thought of myself as a girl. When I was younger I always played with the other girls." "I see," I replied. "I shouldn't have told you that." "Being transgendered isn't a crime," I explained. "It is a part of you. Just like it was once a part of me." "You don't know half of it. About fifteen years ago, my parents died in a car accident. My sister and I had to move in with my aunt. My aunt lives down in Texas. We moved down there while my sister, Susan, finished college up here at McGill. I was five at the time. Two years later she finished college and found a job here in Regina. About three months later she took me with her. I started to call her mom within the year. Soon afterwards she met her husband. They have two children, Steve who is five and Dorothy is two. Susan is my sister, technically, and I am really those kids' uncle, but those kids and I think of me as their big brother. This year I took a year off from school to have enough money to go to college, but I will start in the University in the fall. Right now I help out the family by working in the supermarket nearby. Today is my day off. We live in a four-bedroom house not too far from here. I barely have my own space only because I use the basement." "Maybe I can help," I told him. "I do more than just write books." "No, don't," he replied. "We can manage." "Right now," I explained. "All I want to do is talk. Perhaps, maybe with your mom and dad?" "I can't let my parents know I talked to you like this." "Nonsense," I told him as I pulled out my cell phone. "What is your home phone number? We are going to eat out tonight, including your family. My treat." "I can't," he explained, afraid of what would happen. "Don't" "Mom and dad don't know about their big girl. Do they?" He shook his head "no." "I won't bring up the subject unless you do," I said, lifting my right arm as if to swear. "Promise." "NO!" he practically shouted. "That conflict in you won't go away unless you let it out. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not next week. Not ten years from now." "I'm scared," he replied. "I know," I answered putting my hand on his. "Your heart says one thing. Your head says another. What society says is a third. And if you do what you need inside some will call you a freak if you're lucky. You don't know what to do." "You're right. I don't know what to do," he said in fear. "But what am I supposed to do?" "I don't know either," I replied. "I just got involved. Maybe together we'll find out what to do. So what's the phone number?" "Let me make the phone call." I sighed in relief. I realized that this was going to be a tough assignment. At that moment, I remembered the TV series "Quantum Leap" where Sam, the hero, never had an easy assignment. The last episode explained why he was doing all the leaping. After all these years and seeing that episode numerous times it still bring tears to my eyes and I always hope I can do as well as Sam. He made the phone call and we made arrangements for me to take him to their home and then we'd go to a nice restaurant in the area. We had about an hour to get to Bill's home. When we arrived at his home I met his mom. I immediately saw the resemblance between them. I could see he had her eyes, nose and mouth. She looked like she was a well-kept thirty-year-old. Her blue dress was pretty, but faded from too much use. It looked like it was a party dress once. David, her husband also looked like his clothes had seen some wear. The two little children looked like they wore hand-me downs and thrift shop purchases. There was more than one issue here. Apparently they could just support what they had. "Hi," I said cheerfully. "I'm Mrs. Shelly Johnson." "You're not the writer," Susan said as she got her evening jacket. "Are you?" I looked at Bill and smiled. He looked like he wanted to hide. "Why, yes I am," I replied. "How did you two meet?" she asked as we walked to my rented car. I looked at Bill who gave me a fear sing on his face. "I was doing a book signing here in town," I answered truthfully. I knew I was withholding information, but I was going to keep my promise. I opened my door to the minivan I had rented. It accommodated the family with some room to spare. "I don't know where we're going. So direct me to a nice place to eat." "Make a right at the light," Susan told me. "I know of an inexpensive place for us to eat." "Believe me when I say that money is not an issue," I replied. "Is there anyplace any of you wanted to go to but could not afford?" "Not really," Dave said "Not really," Susan agreed. I pulled over to the side and looked at them. "Don't worry about the cost," I explained. "I could afford five dollars Canadian or five thousand American. So where are we going?" "I still think we want that restaurant," David replied. "It does have good food. It is about ten blocks away." "OK," I told them. "Then it's settled." We rode the rest of the distance to the restaurant. We made small talk during the ride. I think all of them were more relaxed by the time I parked the car. Because it was Sunday night our wait was only about fifteen minutes. We ordered then the shit hit the fan. "So what book did you have autographed?" asked Susan. I looked at Bill and he looked scared. "I told you this wouldn't work!" he shouted holding back tears. He ran out of the restaurant and into the alley on the side of the restaurant. His dad and I followed. As we ran after Bill, his father told me, "I don't know if you know it, but he's different." "I know," I puffed back. We finally reached him. "Billy, we know," his father said as I reached out to hold his hand. "It's OK," I added. Susan came out running with the other children in her arms. "No, it's not!" Billy replied. "Billy, baby, I already know I'm not going to have grandchildren through you," Susan soothingly told him. "I love you anyway." "But I don't want to be like this," Billy explained through tears. "And if I change I'll look like a freak." "We'll fix things. Please come back inside," I said. "I'm here to help you, and your parents." "What could you do?" Bill asked. "Outsiders call me a witch," I told him. "I could change you, but I don't know how I should do it, yet. Please come back inside so we can discuss it." "What do you mean change me?" Bill asked. "I could give you your greatest wish," I explained. "But we have to be sure what should be done. Please come back in so we can talk more. I'm getting cold standing out here." "OK" Billy replied. We started to walk inside. "Oh, oh," Susan noted. "I left our pocketbooks in the restaurant." "Don't worry," I replied. "They're protected. I put a spell on them." Just then a girl of about sixteen walked around the corner towards us in the alley with three pocketbooks. Two of them were ours. "Mama," she said to Susan. "You left your purses on the table when you ran after Billy." Susan looked confused for a few seconds. Then she said, "Thank you, Ruthie." "I told you the pocketbooks were protected," I whispered to Susan. "Ruth was a petty thief named Bob. He thought he had a safe opportunity and tried to steal our bags. Now he is your sister-daughter. Because of that she has the opportunity to learn right from wrong." Ruth noticed that her brother looked like he was crying and asked as we reentered the restaurant, "Are you alright, Billy?" "I think I'll be alright, Ruthie," he replied. "Mrs. Johnson is a real witch." "I might have a big sister?" Ruth asked. "Everybody knows?" he asked as we sat back down at our table. "Even though I tried to hide it?" "I'm afraid so, Billy," Susan replied. "I love you and will try to help you whether you are William or?what would you want to be called?" "I never thought of what my name should be," he answered. "How about," she thought for a few seconds. "Beth, Elizabeth Rachel? That is want mom and dad would have named you if you were a girl." "Could we?" he asked as he looked at me. "Is that what you really want?" I asked. "More than anything else in the world." "I think we can do it," I replied. "But I have to be sure of all the consequences. Give me time to figure things out." "How long should that take?" the future Beth asked. "Oh, only a few days, I replied. "Then I'll make a proposal to you. I'll let you think about it, and then you will decide." "So long?" asked Beth. "I'm afraid so," I replied. "There are consequences to this action that must be looked into. It won't be as long as you think." "I'll try to wait," Beth replied. "Drinks?" asked the waiter. "Just a coke for me," said David. "Seltzer, please," I replied. "Or club soda, whichever you have." "And you, miss?" the water said to Susan. "You may have alcohol," I said to her. "I'm driving." "A nice red wine," she said. "The kids may have anything they want," I added. "As long as it is legal." The children ordered their drinks and then we ordered our meal. During the meal we had a pleasant conversation. I was able to get to know this family and realized how special they were, especially Beth. I discovered she had wisdom and compassion. I knew the Boss would want to have her on our side. I doubt that she would need much training, at least as far as concept was concerned. Even Ruth was changing for the better because of her new past experiences. I was thinking of how they could join our force. During the dinner I magically put extra money into the wallets of everyone there. Even Stevie and Dorothy received some coins. I felt good helping this family in a little way. Actually, feeling good about what you do is the reward the Boss gives us. Eventually the check came and I automatically took it. David tried to argue that they were a complete family and I was just one. "Remember I said I was sort of a witch?" I asked David. "Yea, so?" he replied. "I actually work for the Creator," I explained. "So this meal is a means for me to know what to do." "At least let me pay for the tip," Dave insisted. "Don't even think about it," I answered as I gave a generous tip on top of the bill. "But we insist," Dave replied. "Please don't argue with me," I explained. "I'm not even paying for this meal. I am G_d's agent, and as such He is paying for this meal." After we paid for the meal and started for my car I explained more, "I am not really a witch. That is the way other people see me. I am really just a tool of G_d's. I do what he wants me to do. I actually perform these miracles as much as a screwdriver screws a screw. That is why I didn't know exactly what to do." "You do now?" asked Beth. "Yes," I replied. "And it involves your entire family." "Me too?" asked Stevie with a yawn. Dorothy was already asleep in her mother's arms. "Even you, Stevie," I replied as I picked the boy up. He put his head on my shoulder. I suspected that he would not make it to his bed awake. I realized then that I missed my husband and babies. I had hope that I would get to them very soon. After putting Stevie and Dorothy to bed, the five of us went into the kitchen and sat down while Susan made tea for us. "Billy, you are special," I began. "I know," Beth replied. "I'm a girl inside." "It is more than that Billy," I continued. "You care about others, and because of that you have a great potential that has to be tapped. G_d needs you on our team. Although you need some training, you will eventually be like me, correcting mistakes, giving a new chance on life to strangers, and giving G_d's grace. Do you think you can handle that Beth?" "But how does that involve us?" asked David. "That means being a part of my family," I explained. "I could hook you on through my grandfather's first wife. Susan would be a descendant of them." "Why? How different would I be?" Susan asked. "We need your entire family, not just Beth to help take care of this world. There are too many people that are hurt. We can't heal them all by ourselves. We need help. That's where you and your family come in. Besides you would look a bit like me, but not that much. Beth, Susan and Ruth you would be my children's half second cousins." "But what about my family down in Texas?" Susan asked. "That is the only piece of the puzzle that I have to check out. I'll go down to Texas in a few days and then make the complete proposal to all of you. At least you have the basics now." "Will I be a witch too?" asked Ruth. "You will need training, but you will help also. The Boss needs all the help He can get. Believe me that it is an adventure of a lifetime." After giving them the rest of the details they accepted the basic concept of the change. They also understood that I would have to get the agreement of Susan's family in Texas. Later I left and drove to the hotel. When I finally got back to the hotel, I went to the room and transported myself back home. I returned home just in time to tuck Maggie in and give her a goodnight kiss. I then talked a little to Amelia and Angela. In the end I cuddled next to my Norman and told him about the events of the day. I must have fallen asleep in his arms fast because the next thing I knew I was woken up by Maggie tapping me on my hip and saying to me, "I have the scaries." I saw she held Sir Lion in her hand. "What made you so scared that Lion couldn't protect you?" I asked my munchkin as I picked her up and put her on me. "I was fraid you not here!" Maggie said to me very seriously. "I'm here now. Sometimes I have to do some work for the Boss," I replied. "I will always return." "Still fraid," my Kitten replied. "How about you stay between mommy and daddy tonight, Barucha," I told my little one. "I think we can protect you from the scaries getting to you. And Sir Lion can watch above mommy and daddy." "Otay, mommy," she sad happily as she slid between Norman and me. I started to fall asleep again. "Mommy?" "Yes Barucha?" "Don't leave me." "I won't Barucha," I replied as I kissed her on her forehead. "I will always be back." She sure knows how to tug on my heartstrings. I woke up the next morning listing to music on the radio. I tried to cuddle closer to Norman, but bumped into Maggie who was still between us. Yet, I was able to reach out and share a kiss with my lover. My eyes were blinking open and closed, although they were more closed than opened. During one of the open times I noticed Sir Lionheart was lying on the other side of Maggie. So I picked it up and I put it in the arms of my baby. Sir Lion DID need to be protected from the scaries also. When the music finally stopped I gently woke Maggie and got her ready for school. I noticed that I was a little horny as I was getting dressed. As I still had that hotel room I suggested to Norman that we have breakfast back in Regina. I told him that after we finish breakfast I could show him my new sexy nightgown I recently bought at Victoria's Secret. I figured that should get him excited enough for us to enjoy each other's bodies later this morning. After we had the fun I could check out of my room. Finally Maggie was ready, so I took her to Jenna's down the block. The door was ajar for us and we went in. As soon as Maggie shouted "Hi!" Becky and Cathy ran out of the kitchen and hugged their cousin. "I had the scaries last night," Maggie explained after the hug fest ended. "Wow!" replied Becky "Mommy and daddy let me snuggle between them." Maggie continued. "They chased them scaries away." "I wanta snuggle wid mommy and daddy," Cat told them. "Me too!" Becky added. Then she thought. "Cept I'm a big girl, now. NO! Snuggles are better." We went into the kitchen where I told Jenna what Norman and I were going to do that morning. She smiled, gave me a kiss, put her hand on my belly and whispered, "Have fun." "There ain't nothing there, yet," I replied. Then I looked at Jenna and her smile. "You're impossible." "What are sister for?" she told me. I said my goodbye to my sister in such a way that Maggie wouldn't know I left and went home to dress for my date with Norman. First I put on a sexy aqua bra and panty set. I then put on some perfume in an area that would direct my favorite honeybee to my nectar. I then put on my aqua dress that had large flowers printed on it. It had flared sleeves, a scooped neck and the skirt part came down to two inches above my knee. I put my emerald necklace on a thin gold string. The stone came down to just below the notch in my neck. Next I brushed my hair in a sexy style. Then the makeup helped make my face look prettier. On went the rest of the jewelry. My engagement ring went on behind my wedding ring. An emerald and diamond bracelet completed the look. Finally I put on three-inch shoes. In fifteen minutes I was complete. I went downstairs where I met Norman who was in a charcoal suit and tie. We transported ourselves to my hotel room. I put my hand around his arm and we rode down the elevator and walked to the restaurant. We obtained a continental breakfast from the buffet. After we sat down we talked. I found out that Norm was stuck on a section of a story he was writing. We discussed that section and his vague idea for it. After a while I was able to give him some suggestions. He liked them and added to my ideas. The more we talked about it the more the story became solid to us. When we returned home he was able to write about fifty pages from our ideas. I knew I needed to control what we were doing or I wouldn't get what I needed that morning, so I put my foot up his trousers. Quickly he stopped talking and smiled. I knew I was going to get what I needed in a few minutes. He paid for breakfast and took me back to my room. In the elevator he put his arms around me from behind and kissed my neck. It sent shivers through me. He started to take my dress off and I would have let him IF I weren't afraid we'd get caught. I fumbled for my keys as Norman tried to undress me in the hall. It was a bit distracting and I enjoyed every second of it. I was finally able to put the "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door before locking it. It was difficult though. Norman was trying his hardest to get my mind on the business at hand, his hand. It was working as my dress and his jacket were already on the floor. I helped Norman with his shirt and tie. A few seconds later we were naked and Norman carried me to the bed. He quickly followed. We kissed all the way. He touched all the right spots on me and I was ready for me to take him in. The results were wonderful. I sang all the high notes as he came in me. After it was over I was content to cuddle with my huggy bear. I will have to show him that sexy nightgown on a later date. It was warm sunny later that day. It was unusual for this late winter season that was colder and wetter than normal. So I decided to pick up Maggie and Becky at school without my "usual" car. As I waited I chatted with the other mothers for the impending release of our children. Some of the younger classes came out first. Finally Mrs. Marino's class came out. In the middle were Maggie and Becky. When she saw me Maggie ran towards me, followed close behind by Becky. They both gave me a hug. "Mommy, I made a picture for you!" Maggie told me. "May I see it?" "You can see it whens we gets home," she explained. "Want it good. In my bag." "OK. A surprise! I can wait." And then to Becky I said, "And did you make a picture for your mom?" "Yea, Auntie Shelly." "May I see it?" "No," Becky replied. "Special for mommy and daddy." "OK. May they show it to me after you give it to them?" Becky thought for a few seconds. She looked like this was the most serious consideration. "Otay," she replied. "But only after theys gets it." "That seems fair." "Where's my mommy?" asked Becky. "Picking up Cathleen and your cousin, Raquelle," I explained. "They'll be coming to my place in a few minutes." "OTAY!!" both shouted as they ran down the block towards my home. I still can't understand how they missed hitting any the parents and other children as they ran. "Hurry mommy!" shouted Maggie. "Run, Aunt Shelly!" added Becky. Ah! The energy of youth. Here I am, a twenty-year-old, and talking about the energy of youth. I started to walk faster through the crowd. When it was clear enough I jogged to the corner. The crossing guard helped us cross, which resulted in a diagonal crossing at that light. They ran the short block and I ran with them. Checking the traffic we walked across the street. They ran to the next light. When they tried to cross without me, I shouted, "Wait!" I'm not sure they know the meaning of that word, but they waited as patiently as any eight-year-old could. On the other side they let go of my hand and ran like the wind towards my home. By the time I had turned the corner the girls had beat each other in the race to the house. A half a minute later when I finally got home they were already playing on the swing set in the back yard. Becky saw me and yelled out, "Auntie Shelly, you're slow." "Yea, mommy!" "That does it! I'm going to get you!" I yelled as I charged. "Ahhh!" they squealed as they ran off the swings in opposite directions. I stopped, smiled and turned towards the house. "Who wants milk and cookies?" "Me!" they yelled, raising their left hands. "Should I bring it out?" "Yea!" they shouted. "Make it chocolate milk," Maggie added. "Yea," agreed Becky. "Chocolate milk is better than nilla milk!" When I got into the kitchen the doorbell rang. Although I was expecting Jenna, greeting me was a woman needing charity, so I went to my purse and pulled out the wad of cash that had somehow appeared in there and gave it to her. To say she was surprised would have put it mildly. "If you need more just come back," I told her. I don't know how many times Norman or I have said those words to someone. Many do come back. One couple came back several months later and tried to give us the money back. We told them to give it to others who need it instead. After some minor arguing they agreed to donate that money. I went back to the kitchen in time to hear the front doorbell again. This time it was Jenna, Cathleen and Raquelle. Raquelle is Steve and Betty's four-year-old and goes to the same nursery school as Cathleen. I was glad that Raquelle could join us. With watching children one plus one is as easy as watching a half a child, while watching one plus one plus one is like watching fifty. These four would be two plus two. With two moms that would be very easy! "Becky, Maggie," Jenna asked as she took the little ones to the back yard. "Could you push Cat and Rocky on the swings while we get the milk and cookies ready?" "Otay, mommy," shouted Becky. "Otay, Aunt Jenna," shouted Maggie at the same time. While this was happening the little girls ran out to the swings. Jenna and I got two trays that had the milk, the chocolate syrup, the cookies, plastic cups, the Sippies and plates. And we brought these items out to the four munchkins. We set up the plates with the cookies, filled the glasses with milk and stirred in the chocolate. "OK, girls come and get it!" Jenna said. Maggie and Becky ran to the table as we got the little ones off the swings. While the kids ate I noticed Becky put two cookies in the pocket of her skirt. "You have to do something about what Becky just did," I whispered to Jenna. "I do," she whispered back. "I check all her pockets before I do a wash." Kids always find a way to do something that us adults would never think of. That's another reason to have the next generation. "Mommy," Maggie said. "Wanta show you da picture." "OK," I replied. Carefully, Maggie took out the painting. In the painting were four little girls and a mommy and daddy. "That's daddy," I said to Maggie. I could tell by "his" auburn hair that was drawn as red and brown stripes. "Yea, mommy," she replied. "And dat's you." She pointed to the larger female stick figure in the painting that was holding hands with the male stick figure. My hair had many colors. Even blue, purple and green. "And this must be you," I said pointing to the stick figure female that had red and brown in the hair. "And dat's Becky, and Rocky and 'Leen," Maggie added. And der is Angela an Amelia!" The kids were also holding hands. The Maggie stick figure was holding my hand while the Angela and Amelia stick figures were holding Norman's hand. It was a beautiful way for Maggie to express her love for her family. As I looked at it longer there were tears in my eyes. I was also proud of the way Maggie expressed it. "What are you going to do about dinner?" Jenna asked me. She got me out of my thought. "I don't know," I replied. "I haven't thought that far in the future." It was then that Betty came by to pick up Raquelle. "May I suggest that we share the chore of dinner?" asked Betty. "What can we serve that will take care of our families?" I asked. "I can quickly go to the store and get a precooked turkey," Betty replied. "That should take care of the main part of the meal." "Shelly you stay here with the kids and I'll get the brown rice and vegetables at Sapph's." added Jenna. Sapphire's Organic Foods and Grocery is the best place to get vegetables in the area. She and her husband always inspect the produce before it enters the store. They would rather lose a sale that day than sell inferior quality vegetables. She also has used the gift that G_d has given us to do his work. It is those reasons that her store is always crowded. "Call Sapph and ask her to get things ready for us," I suggested. After Calling Sapph's they left me with the kids. An hour later they returned with the food and we cooked dinner. The four little girls helped in their fashion by setting the table as best they could. Dinner was ready the same time our husbands and the rest of the family arrived. When I finally got to bed I snuggled next to Norman as he studied a manuscript that was almost finished. He was both editing it and proofreading it. I told him of the changes to Beth's family that I wanted to do which is why I needed to go to Texas. Norman agreed that my idea was good but he wanted to join me in our trip. He thought another perspective would be helpful. I readily agreed. That evening Maggie threw up. I felt her head as I kissed her. That forehead felt too warm. I knew she was sick, but Norman and I still had to go down to Texas so I asked Prue to baby sit. She lives in New Zealand so that trip is often hard for her. She used the transporter method we had developed so she was able to come over with enough time. Maggie greeted her favorite babysitter with a hug. Actually her Aunt Jenna is, but the child doesn't know that Jenna is babysitting her. "Is you gonna baby sited me today, Auntie Prue?" "Yes, your mother has to go down to Texas so she can complete a family transformation. If everything works out they will be our cousins." "Is Texas as far away as New Sealand?" asked Maggie. "Is it tomorrow there too?" "It is far away, Kitten," replied Prue. "But not as far away as I am. It isn't tomorrow there. In fact sometimes it is yesterday there." "Wow!" Maggie exclaimed as her eyes lit up. And, them in Texas, dose they have kids my age?" asked Maggie. "The ones up in Canada have a five-year-old boy and a two-year-old girl," I replied. "We don't know about the family in Texas yet." "I hope they have kids down in Texas." "If they do, I hope you get to know them," I replied. "Would you like for me to tell you stories of Hugglebugs again?" asked Prue as I transported myself down to Susan's cousins. Prudence is the scientist that invented the Hugglebug Nanite System. She now owns most of and is president of Hugglebugs Ltd. Although it has a worldwide distribution, the original grants came from the government of New Zealand. They only insisted that Hugglebugs be headquartered in that island nation. To honor where it was headquartered Prue insisted that a small picture of a kiwi grace each bottle or can distributed. "Now don't you fill my daughter's head with Hugglebugs when she has bugs in her tummy," I teasingly admonished Prue. "And make sure she rests," I finished as I first kissed Maggie then Prue. I then went to where Norman was and transported us down to Texas. Our first stop was in East Texas. There we met Beth and Susan's Aunt Trudy and Cousin John. Trudy was in her seventies and with her ostio arthritis she had difficulty moving. Her son, John took care of her. He was in his early thirties, single, but dating a twenty-two-year-old named Twana. She had recently moved in with John and they were headed towards marriage. We presented our idea to them. They asked us for them to think about it then we went a few miles away to visit one of John's sisters. She was about two years older than John and had a five-year-old daughter. She wasn't sure that having that kind of power was such a good idea for her. She was afraid she would be too frivolous, but she would not stop the change if she were the only one. "Would you teach me what to do?" Annie asked. "We and others will be glad to guide you," Norman replied. "This is a great responsibility and you will need to know how to choose what to do." "I'm scared," she told me. "I think I'm irresponsible." "That is a healthy attitude," I told her. "By realizing you can make a mistake you are halfway there to doing the right thing. And you need to be scared. It is a major responsibility." Eventually she acquiesced and though that her five-year-old daughter would enjoy playing with her cousins. We then headed for Houston where the last part of the family lived. They ran a food distributing company that often gave food away to the poor in the city. I knew that this couple was already doing some of G_d's work. They needed little persuading. "We would give more food away?" Bill asked. "You will even hire some people to help you distribute the food. Yet it will not effect your bottom line," Norman explained. "That sounds even better," Bill said as he looked at his wife. "I was willing for this change to cost us some additional money." They were holding hands. They looked at then smiled at each other. "Yes," Bill said. "As long as the others agree." After that they only asked for the details of what they were going to go through. When I told them they were excited. Then they presented the idea to their daughters who were old enough to be included in the decision. Although I told them to take their time to decide, their minds were made up before we left them that day. It took less than a week for everyone to be part of the family and start healing others. I knew I did the right thing. . It was close to three in the afternoon when we finally arrived home. Maggie was sleeping. As I looked into Maggie's room, Prue whispered to me, "She was wonderful. I fed her a little oatmeal, and helped her with the crayons. And I let her play with my muse." "Did your muse chew your hair?" I asked. "For Maggie of course it did." Prudence's muse acts strange when it is around Maggie. It becomes a hair chewing chocolate moose that loves to play tricks on Maggie and Prue. At other times it helps Pure write some the best fiction I have ever seen. I believe Prue is a better writer than me. Her characters are believable and the stories are exciting. It was then that Maggie stirred. She saw me and cried out, "Mommy!" "Yes, Maggie," I replied as I went to her bed and held her. "Mommy, I's better now," she told me as she hugged me. "You are?" I asked as I brushed her hair back with my hand, noting if she still had a temperature. She was cool. I knew that if she wasn't she was close to normal. "I's still has sickies, but I had fun with Auntie Prue, I helps her makes special oatsmeal with real may pole an raisins, den we's colors something fir you, mommy, where is it, Auntie Preu? I wants it on mommy's frigheraider den I pays wif Auntie Prue's moose, she ated Auntie Prue's hair, deys both tolded me a story bout Hugglebugs an how it maded dis old man gets younger and bees happy ta be a girl, right Auntie Prue? she likes ta pays wif her dolly an helps her mommy wif da cooking an da laundry an utter girl games just like mes den I wroted a ledder ta Becky telling her dat I misses her lots and wants ta pay wif her, den I watched cartoons den I gets da sleepys den I wakie up an yous here." Yep, my Maggie was back to normal. She again became the chatterbox that I have grown to love. I'm still not sure if she ever took a breath when she told me what she did that day. The next Saturday night Norman and I decided to go to Dominico's, a nice Italian restaurant nearby. We planned to go to a movie after dinner. Angela and Amelia had dates and Maggie had a sleepover at Jenna's so we had plenty of time for ourselves. After dinner as we walked to our car a young man asked, "Spare some change?" His shirt and jeans were dirty. He was five foot eleven and would have had beautiful long curly dirty blond hair if it didn't look like it wasn't washed for a while and matted. I could smell him even at the five feet that separated us. I estimated he was about eighteen. He was skinny. "Give him some money," I said as I looked at Norman. "I think he needs it." Norman was already pulling out his wallet as I spoke. It is great when we both know what to do. "What is a young man like you doing in your condition?" Norman asked as he handed the youth a wad of $20.00 bills. "I'm homeless, lost, hungry, and ran away from the orphanage," the young man replied. Norman and I looked at each other. My love gave me a nod. I smiled back at him. I love it when we are on the same page like this. "Orphanage?" I asked. "There are only temporary orphanages in this country." "I'm Canadian," he told us. "I crossed the border a few days ago. I did it illegally. Now I have no money and can't get work." "Come with us," I offered. "We can offer you shelter for the night and maybe longer." "How do you know you can trust me?" the young man asked. "If you want anything, just ask," Norman replied. "We can either spare it or get it for you. By the way, I'm Norman Johnson, and this is my wife, Shelly." "

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Barbaria Act 4 Chapter 5

It took Xena over an hour to complete the two semi-circles. Some Ladies permitted only a brief kiss on the toe; others made Xena kiss and lick for several minutes. By the time she had finished, Xena’s neck, back and tongue were aching abominably. That was, however, pain preferable to that of the switch falling, which it did several more times on her little tour of submission. “Kneel before the Princess,” ordered the Overseer. Xena crawled into position and knelt erect. She remembered how often...

4 years ago
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A Little Bonus Ch 01

This one starts a little more slowly than most, but I think it will be worth the wait. * ‘Matrix Services, this is Mac, how may I help you?’ I spoke into my headset as I wandered down the hall to my office, my BUD/S trained eyes scanning for my favorite coffee mug, and the unlucky Tango who had stolen it. ‘Good morning Mac, this is Lindy from Global in Chicago. How’s your day going so far?’ My mood jumped four notches, along with my heart, as I heard the voice of one of my favorite people...

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When The Darkness Calls

When her Darkness calls to me, across the land, I hear its cry with my inner ear. I do not know how I know, but I know I need to listen. The calling tells me where to find the one like me, the compliment, the confidant, the one who hears my Darkness calling out to her. I have tried at times to fight the call, I even managed to suppress it deep inside for a while. I buried myself in my work and in my hobbies and in making plans to while away the hours. No matter what I did to occupy my mind...

3 years ago
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The Devils DiscipleChapter 21 Saturday March 12 The confrontation

'Tell me what 'are' we going to do?' It was Saturday morning, the orgy had finished at the usual time and a bleary-eyed Anne had left to meet Nathaniel Bristoll and continue her role as Susan Dixon. 'Watch another episode in this long running soapie you're enjoying so much.' 'Do I need to? I mean I do have Meredith for company, and she is naked and she does feel nice with her arse pressed back against my erection and with my left arm around her waist.' 'Oh yes Fred you certainly...

4 years ago
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My Loving Son

Helo friends i am saima and i am from karachi.This is the true incident of my life which changes all my life.This incident happened after the death of my husband.Jab meray hubby ki death hoi to meri age 42 thi aur mera figure 36 ,29, 40 tha.Gar main mera son aur main he rathae thae.Us ki age 17 thi aur 11th ka student tha. Aik raat jab main computer par kuch porn dekh rahi thi to mugh sae aik incest site open ho gai.main nae us site sae bohat si stories parhi aur mother son ki pics aur movies...

3 years ago
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vendida como una puta a compantildeeros y jefes

seria una putita sabrosa y se como dar el culo y mamarla hasta dejar a mi principes sin ni una gota de leche, me quedaria el hoyo de mi culito bien rojo de tanta verga y bien rojitas mis sabrosas nalgas de tanto nalguearme por ser una putita bien calientona. entonces para esa ocasion en la noche (no sabia yo lo que me esperaba)Elegí un vestido de lycra bastante corto, de color negro casi transparente. Era muy entallado al cuerpo y dejaba ver bien mis curvas.No llevaba corpiño y la tanga era...

2 years ago
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Full Moon Adventure

Full Moon Adventure by Bill Hart I remembered that night as I looked at the calendar. Being attacked and savagely bitten - a wound impossibly healing overnight - was something unlikely soon forgotten. Tonight, another full moon would shine. Once again I would be transformed and seek out fresh meat. The moon peeks over the horizon. Its light caressingly floods across my body. My skin begins tingling. Then the pain strikes. My body rapidly reassumes its newly acquired...

4 years ago
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Kim Kardashian als Schneewittchen

Kims Auto hielt gerade vor ihrem Haus. "War das wieder ein nerviger Tag", dachte sie sich. Ständig wurde sie auf Autogramme angesprochen und fotografiert. Als ob sie nicht wüsste, dass ihr Popo und ihre Titten für etliche Freaks und Perverse als Wichsvorlage dienen würde. "Aber für heute ist Feierabend", sagte sie sich, als sie ihr Haus betrat. Sie huschte schnell ins Wohnzimmer. Heute trug sie ein enges Minikleid, welches betonend ihren Po umspannte und tief in zwischen ihre üppigen Brüste...

2 years ago
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The night I Found Out That I Am Bi

I stood there looking in the mirror at myself. I was dressed in my favorite sheer pink teddy and matching panties as I turned to look at my profile I cupped my 34D’s and smiled. I had not been fucked in 5 days and that is a long time for me so I was just plain horny. I have two guys for recreational sex but Brad was fucking another girl for a while and Jason (who along with Monica rents a room in my house) was out of town so I decided to do what any red blooded american girl would do,...

5 years ago
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Marie the Pinay Slut WifeChapter 21

As Marie climbed unsteadily from the bed, exhausted from the intense fuck and suck, she turned to see that Brad was now intent on fucking Jane. Marie knew that Brad would not make love like her boyfriend - instead he would fuck her roughly, treating her like the slut daughter of the slut mother that Marie had just shown herself to be. She couldn’t bear the thought of what might be in store for her daughter and herself next, because she knew that Brad had no mercy and that he was totally...

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Sisters Horny DogChapter 7

Babs awoke in the middle of the night, feeling a raging horniness in her loins. "Oooooh, I need Jake! I need my doggy!" the young girl said with a grin as she slipped out of bed, completely naked. She padded barefoot from her bedroom, in search of the big German Shepherd, the only one who could appease her sexual desires at that point. "Jake! There you are!" the youngster sang out happily as she saw her pet curled up, asleep, next to the sofa. The dog awoke at the sound of his...

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The Lost FlightChapter 12

Ted said, "Yes, we did. We lost four older couples but had no real difficulties. Todd and Cindy have been busy. I saw the girls heading up that cut. Bill said you had marked a place up this way." "Yes, we have but have also decided to move. We found another place about two hundred yards further up with a chimney. Fred and Millie should have a look but we will incorporate the chimney into our cabin." Ted nodded. Nancy said, "Eve, I don't think you told us everything about the...

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Just One HourChapter 24

The bed was dragged across the floor until the mattress lay under the suspended Debbie. She looked down at the face of Stacey who was gripping the bedpost pale with nerves. Big Mamma climbed onto the bed as Stacey tried to sit up. The big black whore slapped her across the face straddling her neck and face kneeling up to the suspended open thighs of Debbie. "Listen you bitches," she growled angling her ribbed black cock down to Stacey's mouth." You better get it on with me real good yes...

3 years ago
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Angel Anjali 8211 Touching After A Break 8211 Part 1

Hi guys. Raj Rambo back with a new story to please you all. Noticed that there are too many writers named ‘Raj’ here. So will be using my full pen name. Raj Rambo. Also, moving forward, I will try to keep the titles of stories consistent. The word ‘Angel’ is followed by the name of the heroine in the story. I chose the word angel because I feel every woman on this earth is an angel. Beautiful in their own ways irrespective of age, size, or color. These beautiful angels deserve to be treated...

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Jenny Blows a Big Cock

One hot summer afternoon, heading to my car, was a tall thirty-ish-year-old guy walking towards me. As we were about to pass between parked cars, we did the fake left, go right routine a couple of times, so each time we ended up in each other’s way. We stopped and laughed. He said, “I’ll go left, and you go right.” I asked, “But whose left are we talking about?” and we both laughed again — the whole time I was eyeing him up and down. Behind my sunglasses, I looked at him like a steak at the...

4 years ago
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Sexy Naughty Adventures

Hi. My name is Chetan. My wife’s name is Nisha. We have been married for two years and live in a small town in Madhya Pradesh. Our sex life has been really great. Especially recently, in the last couple of months when my wife has opened up to me about her past. This is a series of stories about my wife and her sexual (mis)adventures. Let me start by describing her. Nisha is a beautiful young woman. Born and raised in a small town, Nisha is one of the hottest girls our town has ever seen. She...

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The Trial Part 3

The Trial Part 3 I continued checking myself several times a day but didn't really notice anything else in the short term. Was this good news, I wondered? I suspected it wouldn't last, but didn't have any idea what would happen anyway. It was no consolation whatsoever that Claire didn't either! There was no visible change at the moment so I concentrated on going out as often as I could to carry out one of my favourite pastimes, photography. I either walked locally or took a bus or...

2 years ago
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The Belfast Crab

When she hit my life, I was living in Belfast and she blew in like a hurricane. To this day, I’m not quite sure where or how I first saw her, the memory is hazy now. I think I had gone to a friend’s house to borrow something, his latest girlfriend was there and we were introduced. Somehow we left together. We ended up having a drink, then a meal and later that night, for the first time, she shared my bed. She was an insatiable lover and I was just as besotted. Note that I said we shared a bed,...

1 year ago
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Mail lady

Delina the mail lady was a hot mess she didn't just deliver mail she also did sex she would walk down the street in tight black stockings , and a short shortsor a dress that would ride up her ass , you could see her cumming as she walked down the street with high heel shoes on to give men the mail and umm sex. Her boobs hanging out of her tight shirt she was a hot mess so sexy and nasty delina wanted to fuck the men on the street in there houses she would go to the houses with men waiting to...

Erotic Fiction
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Private Rebeca Fox Enjoys Gangbang with Fianc and Groomsman

Today on Private, we have the pleasure of introducing you to Rebeca Fox, a sexy, young redhead who has come to Private Specials, Gang Bang Beauties to show her fiancé her new wedding dress and everything that’s underneath! Whoops, looks like Rebeca has forgotten to wear panties! But that’s ok because this fiery bride is down to fuck as she reveals her sexy lingerie ready for the groomsman to join in for a spectacular gangbang that has her enjoying a long session of anal and DP all the way to...

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Violated and abused pt 1

A mixture of sweat, spit and cum clung to her tight young body and the smell was a pungent concoction giving a pitted history of how she had lost her virginity, her dignity and her soul to the two men who had broken in to her family home. She couldn't really move as she was almost unconscious, she was fuzzy both in head and also in her loins and knew that if she tried to move the pain from her body would overwhelm her. She wasn't thinking about how her body had given in to the...

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My sister in Law Second Time Continued

This story started in My sister inlaw First Time and continued in My sister inlaw Part TWO or My sister in Law Second time .To explain, I didn’t think the second part had been uploaded as I couldn’t find it so I wrote it again. Unfortunately, I forgot the name I had used so both are now up there. If anyone knows how I can delete one of the please let me know. Sorry to be thick. Any way back to the story.In the rush for June to get dressed I pocketed her knickers. She was a bit put out when she...

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A Private Function

A Private Function OKAY, I'm not sure what I've got myself into. I'm not sure what is going to happen. I'm not even sure where I am! But, what I do know is that I look pretty, I feel amazing and I am teetering on the edge of going crazy with excitement... Let me tell you what I'm talking about. I'd been swapping pictures and fantasies with Gwen for a while. You must know Gwen, the prettiest, subbiest sweetest party-girl. You must have seen her pictures. Those long long legs in...

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New Arcadia Denises Story

"How beautiful is one's first orgasm! It is not only the pleasure that one derives from it, but the realization that this pleasure is what the human body is made for. It is an experience to be treasured and shared, not hidden from others by a veil of shame. A child's first orgasms should be a cause of communal celebration, particularly for females, many of whom must be taught the subtleties of the art of self-pleasure. For them, their orgasm is a sign of mastery, of control over their...

3 years ago
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The Point

A completely fictional story told from two points of view ASHLEY It was two weeks until graduation. I had been going out with Billy for about six months and was looking forward to spending the summer with him before starting college in the fall. We had been up to The Point a few times before, and I had let him make it to second base. (The Point was a sandy flat spot up on the ridge overlooking the city where all the high school k**s would go to make out.) I loved the feeling of his finger...

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Reflections in TimeChapter 10

With the aid of the long vine from up above, we lowered all the hides down the long rock slope a lot faster than I would have thought possible. The three women and five girls were all eager to help and get over to the portal. The place where Sheryl was talking about was right next to where we’d been dumped here originally, and it took us only an hour or so to get there. There were clouds moving in and we hurried to get all of our belongings piled close. We wanted to be able to dive through...

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My Wifes Loose Pussy

My wife has always had a healthy sex drive. Occasionally, I would return home from work to the sight of her using her vibrator. On one particular day, I came home to find her on the bed pumping a fat black dildo into her pussy. I coyly asked her, "Are you trying to make yourself a loose, little slut for me?" As I stripped off my clothes she responded, "Not yet, since if I did try, you would not be able to fuck me properly any more. Where is the fun in that?"I moved up and replaced my wife's...

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Honey Hollow

Welcome to Honey Hollow! Scenically located on the shores of (REDACTED great lake), we're a lovely port city of 75,000 inhabitants. Now, we might not have breathtaking mountains lined with chalets and ski resorts, nor do we have a charming riverwalk overlooking a mighty river, and we aren't the perfect setting for higher learning. So what do we have for you, potential visitor? Honey! We're the town that likely provides the tasty honey you fill your cravings with. Don't listen to what those...

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Zoeys Blackmail

"Another boring Friday night for your insomniac ass," Zoey said to the girl in the mirror. She was right, of course. The night had been fairly boring indeed. Zoey had less friends than she would have liked, and it seemed they always made plans without her these days. Likely it was due to her shyness, she thought - Zoey barely said a word when she was invited places. When at a party, she was the type to make fantastic friends with the house cat. On such boring Friday nights, Zoey would first...

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Gone With the Wind

It was the Neapolitan admiral Francesco Caracciolo (1752–1799), who made the observation: 'There are in England sixty different religions and only one sauce'. However, when I enlisted in the RAF, nearly two hundred years after his rather disparaging remark, many changes had been made in the Sceptred Isle. England now had two sauces— red and brown, and the myriad Christian sects and denominations encountered by Francesco Caracciolo were reduced to three — at least as far as the Armed Forces...

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Canon Ch 03

Geoff woke up on the third day with a curious sense of completeness. Usually he awoke with the feeling that there was something missing – something he had forgotten to do, or needed to do and had not done. Some responsibility unfulfilled, some project uncompleted. There was usually nothing, and he had long since learned that the feeling was just a manifestation of the emptiness of his life. But today he felt – complete. That everything was in its place, neatly squared away and properly...

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Slut Wife for the Real Estate Boss

The economy in the Detroit metropolitan area and much of southeast Michigan has been seriously depressed for many years, and it has been challenging for my wife and I to make a good living as real estate agents. My name is Ed, and my wife Christine and I are both 30 years old with a six month old daughter. We grew up and worked in Flint, Michigan, but then decided that we needed to move to Detroit to find a better employment opportunity. We interviewed with a Latino real estate broker named...

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Leave My Daughter AloneChapter 2 Kate

It's been fifteen years since Mom moved in with that no good fuck Steve. I hated him since Day One, that dirty look on his face. Fortunately he never made a move on my body until I was legal, because I guess Mom had let him know that I was off limits before then. The click of the door latch as he closed it was what woke me up. In the darkness, I couldn't see a thing. The blackout shades that I've known all of my life kept out all ambient light. The sound of him bumping into the dresser...

2 years ago
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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 47 Glenda Harpers Confession

The ‘spurtin’ at Camp Starkers that Bill Snypes, the groundsman, was predicting did come but not immediately. Once all the visitors had taken the Reverend Unsworth’s lead and taken their clothes off things seemed to just proceed in an ordinary fashion like any other Summer Camp - apart from the fact that everyone was walking about in the nude. That was a very new sensation for this church group but one that they seemed to take to much more easily than anticipated. For the naked Jessie Harper...

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Summer Vacation Of 89

I am 40 years old now and am happily married with three kids. But the summer vacation of 1989 when I was just 19 years old still lingers in my memory, very fondly. As soon as I completed my 1st year of engineering in Delhi, I was happy to come back to my hometown of Chennai. It was more for the food and other comforts than anything. As the plane was landing (we were rich and hence my parents bought me plane tickets for my annual homecoming), I looked at the lush green fields of my beloved...

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Not everyone can enjoy the fine fruits that real women have to offer, and that’s all thanks to modern technology, as well as society's natural modern-day progression, which has ultimately lead a generation of young men into thinking that 2D cartoon tits and ass are more attractive than real women. It’s definitely something to think about - I mean we are animals after all, but because we’ve evolved exponentially at a ridiculous rate in the last few thousand years, we’re starting to find new ways...

Best Porn Games
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Jo was just brushing her teeth again for the third time that day, she was getting excited and horny as she was meeting Gary tonight and she was guaranteed a good fucking, they had a fantastic sex life always something new and pleasurable. As she was rinsing her mouth jo thought she heard something but dismissed it after all who could it be. She was already dressed ready to meet Gary she was wearing a zip dress which could be undone at either end and a lacy bra and stockings on underneath with a...

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Fucking mom

I’m 25years old. I’m a regular viewer and would like to share my story with you all. this story is about me and my mom pretty who is around 36 years and just mind blowing, gorgeous with large tits. My father is a charted accountant, so my cousin had brought a file from his dad. We reached there place in afternoon and came to know that my dad was out of town and would be returning after a week or so. we were a bit disappointed as we had some work with him. but still we managed to hang on as we...

1 year ago
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Monica Mayhems First Time

It was during her last year in high school. She was living in Sydney, Australia, and at the time, she never thought for a moment that she would make her way to the United States one day and wind up a porn star. Her name was Jamie at the time. Monica Mayhem was just a porn name that she adopted a few years later after embarking on a career in erotic pleasures. She was very inexperienced about sexual matters in general. The only thing she knew about sex was what her friends told her when they...

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Young and Old

I had numerous encounters with middle aged and elderly gentlemen in public toilets throughout the years, sampling many different cocks. Most were on the smaller size of the scale, but I never complained because they were easier to fit into one's mouth. But then there were a few guys who had some very impressive members, and most of the time they were only too self aware that they were packing some serious meat in their pants! One such guy was the elderly gent who'd masturbated me to my first...

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The organised party was going really well and the Ladies that had chosen to breed had selected their stud for the evening. The Madam released the boys from their 2 weeks of chastity and allowed there weapons back into the public again!!!I was a little surprised that a pretty, tiny and slight girl with mousy hair called Sharon was standing nervously in the breeding Ladies line up?We spoke and she explained that she had had a couple of white lads, but said they were not up to much in bed and she...

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As illustrated in the figure above, in the frame xOy, we have a line l :x-y-2=0 and a parabola C:y=2px(p>0) I let my pencil whirl around the knuckle of my thumb and re-read the sentence for the third time, try to make sense of it in connection with the figure that shows a sideways parabola on a nearly blank coordinate system.Then I swallow the yell that’s bubbling in my gut, press my lips together just a bit harder, draw my eyebrows together, and try to focus on to the first actual task. Given...

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A Bulls Perspective on Cuckold Couples

,I recently had a very informative email exchange with a dominant man named Steve. I was trying to understand what it is like to be dominant, and what dominant men think of cuckolds who like to eat cum from their wives’ pussies. Steve asked me to write, with him as first person, about a real encounter that he had with a cuckold couple.My name is Steve, and I live in Ohio. I am of South Asian descent and I have always taken a dominant posture in all aspects of my life. I was raised in a culture...

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MomPov Ria Sexy Swinger MILF Loves To Fuck

– 52 Years old married woman – Husband fully supports her doing porn – It will be her first time fucking on video – Was referred to us by a past model – Is from Brazil originally – She’s always been a bad girl, so why not do porn? – Has been DP’d by 3 guys before, or would that be 3P’d? – Has even had two cock in her pussy at once – She is a swinger in the lifestyle with her hubby – They have sexual adventures together quite often – She has a boyfriend on the side she get to fuck on occasion –...

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I Got My Girl In The Bed

Hi, guys, I’m new here to Indian Sex Stories. My name is Shan (name changed). Malaysian Indian, just 23, 6’inch tool size with a bit of athletic body, an engineering student. So, here is how my sex story goes. Ohh, yaa, forgot to mention the goddess. She is just 21, her name is Miya(name changed) from Malaysia too & she is doing medicine. Superb in size. Her boobs can be like 36, a guess. Yummy milky jars she has right there, waiting to be sucked & played around. Yummy can’t wait to share my...

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Johns Dream Come True

John woke up around five thirty in the morning with a raging hard on once again. He looked down took his hand slid it down his pants and started rubbing himself. The reason he woke was because of her. Alexandria, although he was only 15 and a freshman in high school he knew he loved her. Everything about her turned him on; The smell of her strawberry shampoo in her rich dark brown hair that went just past her shoulders, Her C cup breasts, her wonderfully tight ass and her long slender...

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My Wife Fucks a Stranger for Me

It’s funny the things that turn us on. I got divorced because my first wife was cheating on me. I am remarried now and get totally aroused by the idea of watching my wife fucking someone else. I remember the first time I ever mentioned this to her six years ago. We were well into the throes of passion, talking aloud as we fucked. I was looking down at where our bodies converged and she asked if I liked looking at that. I told her yes, but the only way I could really see what I wanted...

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Sister SpreadsChapter 9

Joy got up late on Saturday. Alone in the kitchen, still wearing just her shorty nightgown, she fixed a breakfast and sat down at the table to eat. She was suddenly shocked, and pleasantly excited, to see her naked father and brother chase her fully stripped, giggling mother into the room. Mack and Eddy quickly caught Dee. Then they put her in a dog position on the floor and started fucking her cunt and mouth, Mack cocking her face and Eddy her pussy. Dee gladly took on both cocks, humming...

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An Unofficial Custom

An unofficial custom By Yasmeen I have been encouraged by generous comments about my previous stories to delve into fiction. So I thought I would submit this story, based on my experiences, but embellished somewhat. Those of you who have read my earlier stories will know that I am a thirty-something professional, who has to keep my identity a secret. My wife knows, but is not supportive and has nothing to do with my dressing. I rely on hotel stays and interstate or overseas trips to...

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Fun with the wifes sister

I have always found my sister-in-law to be attractive. Other than height and hair color she didn't look like my wife. She was older than me and her sister, slimmer, flatter ass, and smaller tits (but still 38C). Still, she was pretty and we got along real well. Now, she had married her high school sweetheart and as such he had been the only man in her life. Whenever friends of theirs would be over I noticed how just some innocent flirting from other men made her smile and giggle a little and...

4 years ago
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Confessions of a BoyToy Continues Elizabeth Johnson

"Hello, is this Howdy?" the soft feminine voice on the phone asked. "Well, I guess that depends on who is asking," I replied in a slightly flirtatious tone. Veronica, my wife of over thirty years had only been gone a few days. The annual month long ski tour from Heavenly to several Colorado stops to Jackson Hole was under way without me this year. A nagging running injury had made me reconsider joining my wife and her two female cousins this time around. The only down side I could see by not...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 188 Smoke Mirrors and Torture

I was at home depot returning their truck, when I speed dialed Helen's number. "Helen, this is Maxine, I'm in trouble again," I said. "What do you need doll?" she asked. For a change she seemed concerned, but not terrified. I think she was learning that not all trouble was an emergency. "Could you have food for about ten people ready for me to pick up by 2PM." I asked. "How about ham with mac & cheese," she asked. "I can send enough for left overs to make ham sandwiches...

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Fuckbuddys flat mate

I had to pick something up from my fuckbuddy’s flat this morning, she was at work I ring the buzzer to be let in her flat answered. I said can you let me in, ok she said the door clicked open I went up to the flat she had the door open for me, She was standing there in a towel just covering her tits & cunt, I’ve fucked her before she got a very hairy cunt & loves cock, a lot of men have been to the flat & fucked her, well she said hello have you come to pick that thing up, yes I said she said...

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Ambush at the CampChapter 4

I opened the chests and found an impressive amount of gold. Some of it was in bars and some of it was in coins. I gave each of the women 10 golden Krugerrands. I was not sure of the current value, but I was sure that each one was worth on the order of $1,500 each, at least. That was a drop in the bucket for how much gold was in the two chests. Now my problem was how to deal with that much gold. There was at least 200 pounds of gold, plus the weight of the chests, so I literally had an...

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Life Gets Better Part Two The New Roommate

 Brian looked down at Stacy. He couldn't believe he might be fucking these huge tits for the last time. The two of them had a good thing going on between them for these past three months. They both had decided not to put a label on their relationship. Instead, they just enjoyed each others company, as well as fucking each other to the point of exhaustion. All of that would have to was on hold for now. Stacy and her ex-husband had agreed to go on a long trip together. It was their last attempt...

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60 MRS BRIDGES AND THE SILVER MASTERThose of you that know me will know, that I am known at home as the Silver Master, I live near Dover in Kent, in the UK, it`s an old farm ½ mile from the village, though not a working farm it works as a place of solace for some of my patients, I being a registered consultant in sexual mental anguish.That really means I`m what is locally known as a shrink! However, the twist is that I am a sadist myself and I have a hidden dungeon that I use for my work, and...

2 years ago
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The Job Interview Part 4

The Shower with CharlieYou need to read the Gym session to get all of this… PaddyI was woken by Charlie rubbing my shoulder, incessant,” Wake up, wake up! We are late and the Mistress does not like to be kept waiting.” I looked it was 10 to 7. I was so exhausted after yesterday. My cock was pleasantly sore from the Mistress’ attentions, fucking Alex and from the ministrations of Charlie at the Gym. Her face was now so close I reached up and give her a languid French kiss. She responded in...

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