Fantasy Provider
- 1 year ago
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Geoff woke up on the third day with a curious sense of completeness.
Usually he awoke with the feeling that there was something missing – something he had forgotten to do, or needed to do and had not done. Some responsibility unfulfilled, some project uncompleted. There was usually nothing, and he had long since learned that the feeling was just a manifestation of the emptiness of his life.
But today he felt – complete. That everything was in its place, neatly squared away and properly finished and folded. As a military man, that was a feeling he appreciated. And he knew why he felt it.
He opened his eyes and looked down at the lovely face of the naked girl sleeping beside him.
His life had meaning again. He had a reason to live. He smiled, his heart full.
My world is right here, he thought. And it’s perfect. She’s perfect. He looked at Amy and marveled.
The love of my life, he thought. She came late – but she’s here.
He loved her with all his heart, with everything he was and had ever been, and that love was as deep and certain as his love of honor, and valor, and of his country – the lights by which he had always found his way and known who and what he was.
But today and from now on, Geoff loved Amy, and that was the star he steered by now.
Then he remembered, there was, indeed, one thing he had not done, and that he very much needed to do.
He smiled. Perhaps that would happen today – if she was ready.
She opened her eyes, and as always, he fell into their infinite depths. Cool, innocent blue and warm, promising brown – her sweet dual nature, girl and woman at once, there in her marvelous, mysterious, compelling eyes. His tough old heart melted, as it always did when he looked at her face.
‘Good morning, Punkin,’ he said, his voice a deep, foggy rumble – Geoff’s morning voice.
Amy smiled. ‘Good morning, Geoffie,’ she said sleepily. ‘I felt you watching me.’
They looked at each other for a moment, she with her sweet and smooth young face and he with his lined and craggy old one – but both were wearing the same warm and contented smile.
Her smile grew wider, and her eyes gleamed. ‘Wanna fuck?’
He laughed and hugged her, feeling her soft breasts against his chest. She lifted a leg and rubbed her bare thigh against his hip. He stroked it and kissed her. ‘I was just thinking about that,’ he said.
‘Mmmm.’ She snuggled into his arms contentedly. ‘Whenever you want me, Geoffie,’ she whispered. ‘I’m your warm wet pussy forever.’
He chuckled, warm thunder, and held her close. He kissed her again. ‘I love you, Punkin,’ he murmured softly. ‘Later. Let’s wake up and have some breakfast. I need to work out.’
She leaned back and looked up at him, her lower lip thrust out in a mock pout. ‘Okay,’ she said, ‘if you’re not interested…’
He laughed. ‘I didn’t say THAT,’ he said. Then he leaned close and whispered in her small pink ear: ‘You’ll see how interested I am,’ he breathed. ‘And you’ll feel it, too.’
She whispered back: ‘Today?’
‘Tonight. I promise.’ He kissed her again, his lips gentle on hers. ‘I want it to be very special. You’ll see.’
Amy felt a subtle thrill of excitement run up her spine and down again, and she shivered. ‘At the pool? Outside?’
He blinked, then smiled. ‘No. That’s for later. You’ll see,’ he said again.
‘Come on, get up,’ he said, rising. ‘And put on something modest for a change. Don’t let me see you till it’s time.’
He smiled, kissed her once more, and left the room. She watched his hard, muscular butt as he walked to the door and out, and she shivered again.
A short time later, Amy was walking down the hall toward the kitchen, wearing, as instructed, a modest, oversized college sweatshirt – with a bra – and wheat-colored jeans. She had slipped on a pair of sneakers, she knew how Geoff loved her bare feet, and decided to cover them too. Her hair was tied back in a long ponytail.
She heard a small clank, then another, from the other wing of the house. Curious, she walked a few steps down that hall, and stopped beside a door that was only partly closed.
Her eyes widened in fascination. It was a weight room, a small gym with exercise equipment, a treadmill, a rowing machine, a rack of dumbbells and weights, and a weight bench with an overhead bar and cable. She noticed a boombox in the corner, silent for the moment.
Geoff, wearing gym shorts and nothing else, sat with his back three-quarters toward her, pulling down on the wide-spaced handles of what she would later come to know as a ‘lat bar.’ His body was shining with sweat, and she watched the muscles of his scarred back working beneath his skin with an admiring gaze.
His eyes were closed, and his lips moving, she guessed he was counting. She watched him for a few moments, unable to tear her eyes away from his body.
She smiled in wonder. Seventy, she thought.
Not below the neck, no, sir. His face was that of an old man, but the rest of him…
He stopped, and turned. Seeing her watching him, he smiled, but got up and moved to another bench, where he lay down and took the grips of a barbell in his veined and knotty old hands – old, but strong. He lifted the bar from its rack and began to do bench presses. She marveled at the amount of iron on the bar, no wonder he can pick me up so easily, she thought. That thing weighs more than I do.
‘Do you mind if I watch?’ she asked.
He shook his head, but did not speak, he was puffing in rhythm with his lifts, concentrating on the effort. She went in and sat crosslegged on the floor.
He stopped, replaced the bar, and rested for a moment, then picked it up and began again.
After the third set of repetitions, he sat up, breathing deeply but not gasping. His chest and arms were gleaming, and he seemed to glow. ‘One more,’ he said, and went to the dumbbell rack.
Amy saw that he chose a set from near the bottom – 40-pounders. He sat back down on the bench and began to lift them alternately, his biceps swelling as he curled one, then the other, up to his shoulders, over and over.
She counted with him. Three sets of twelve repetitions each. Finally, he rose, put the weights back, and turned and smiled at her. ‘So, what do you think?’ he said. Grinning.
He knows exactly how good he looks, she thought. He’s proud of his body. And he has a right to be.
‘You’re the most handsomest and most sexiest man in the world,’ she said, from her heart. ‘I love you, Geoffie.’ To her astonishment, she saw a hint of color in his lined old cheeks, and he looked down in embarrassment as he rubbed his arms.
He looked up again as she rose from the floor. ‘Shower for me now. Alone,’ he added with a smile as she began to speak. ‘Go fix breakfast. I’ll be out in a few minutes.’
She nodded, then moved toward him. ‘Don’t hug me,’ he said. ‘I’m all sweaty.’
She looked up at him with a twinkle. ‘That’s why I want to hug you, Geoffie,’ she said. ‘I want to smell you, too.’
He gaped at that, and stood still as she hugged him and inhaled deeply, her nose inches from his armpit. She nuzzled his wet and greasy chest and clung to him for a few seconds. He stroked her hair, tentatively, then bent down and kissed her head.
She looked up, her chin on his chest. ‘Thank you, Geoffie. I love how you feel. I love how you smell.’
Then she let him go and giggled. She looked at him, both eyes filled with a teasing promise. ‘And if you think you’re all sweaty now….’
With a girlish laugh, she disappeared down the hall, leaving him standing there amazed.
He shook his head in wonder, then headed for his shower. In his bathroom, not hers.
Geoff walked into the kitchen, wearing fatigue pants and a well-worn Marine T-shirt. Amy blinked t
o see his footwear, then realized he was wearing Vietnamese sandals. He took his seat at the table, and she set his coffee before him.
His scalp was shiny. On impulse, she stroked it as he sipped. It was silky-smooth.
‘Ooo! Fresh shave?’
He nodded. ‘Every few days. And for special occasions.’ He grinned up at her.
‘I like it.’ She kissed his head and went back to the stove.
‘Mmm. Pancakes,’ he said. ‘Smells good.’
‘These are special,’ she said without turning as she flipped them expertly. ‘Pecan pancakes. With link sausages and real maple syrup.’
He shook his head. ‘You’re spoiling me,’ he chuckled, watching her move. Even in jeans and a sweatshirt, she was incredibly sexy.
‘I want to,’ she said. ‘I want to spoil you rotten.’ She turned and smirked at him. ‘And I haven’t started yet, Geoffie…’
They ate with relish, and Geoff marveled at her skill in the kitchen. ‘You’re an amazing cook, Amy,’ he said around a mouthful of crunchy, maple-sweet pancake. ‘You’ll make some guy a wonderful wife someday.’
She put down her fork and looked at him steadily, smiling but somehow solemn. Her eyes – both of them – were warm, but hard as steel.
‘I don’t want to be anybody’s wife, Geoff,’ she said, her voice level. ‘I want to be your cook, your lover, and your naked slave girl forever. I want to feed you every day and fuck you every night. I want to dance for you and hold you and sleep in your arms and cream on your cock and eat your cum and make you happier than you’ve ever been, every single day of your life.
‘That’s what I want,’ she finished, and returned to her pancakes.
He stared at her as she ate. When he said nothing, she looked up.
He was just sitting there, his mouth hanging open. ‘What?’ she said. ‘Eat your pancakes before they get cold.’
He took another bite. ‘Talk about an offer you can’t refuse,’ he muttered, and she giggled.
Midmorning, the phone rang. Geoff picked it up.
‘Hello?… Oh, hi, Ellie… Yes, everything’s fine. Amy’s turning me into a fat slob. Just a minute.’
He handed the phone to Amy, who winked at him repeatedly as she spoke.
‘Hi, Mom!… Everything’s wonderful! I love my room, and Uncle Geoff loves my cooking.
‘We’re getting along fine, Mom. We’re very comfortable together.
‘He’s a dear. I love him to death.
‘Yes, registration is day after tomorrow. We’re going over to the campus today so I can get oriented and know where I’m going.
‘I’ll let you know as soon as I have my schedule. I haven’t got my laptop set up yet…
‘I don’t know. Just a minute.’ She covered the phone with her hand. ‘Geoff, do you have Internet?’
‘In the study,’ he said, indicating the other wing with his thumb, ‘and in your room. I’ll set you up.’
Amy turned back to the phone. ‘Yes, he does. I’ll email as soon as I get online…. Okay.
‘No, I’m good. If I need any more I’ll call. I’ll be buying books later this week, though, so maybe.
‘Okay. I will. I will… Don’t worry, Mom. Everything’s fine, I promise.
‘Okay. Tell Daddy I love him. I love you, too.
‘Okay, Mom. ‘Bye.’
She hung up and giggled. ‘How did I do?’
Geoff grinned. ‘Butter wouldn’t melt in your mouth,’ he said.
Geoff showed her the high-speed connection to the Internet in her room, and helped her get her laptop and printer set up. ‘Sorry we haven’t done that already,’ he said.
‘We’ve been busy,’ she said with an innocent smile.
He laughed. ‘That we have, Punkin. Want to run over to the college?’
‘Sure! Can we take the Jag?’
They toured the campus, referring to a map that Geoff had obtained the week before. There was some little activity, they saw parents helping their kids carry boxes into the dorms, professors striding busily around with their briefcases and bags, and trucks unloading food at the dining halls. The Administration building was a hub of activity, with people coming and going dressed in everything from three-piece suits and business dresses to jeans and cutoffs. Still, Amy knew the campus would be much more crowded and busy later in the week.
She took notes, and when she was comfortably sure that she knew how to get to everywhere she needed to go on Wednesday, they turned and headed for home.
‘Did you go to college, Geoff?’ Amy asked as they drove back across the campus.
He shook his head. ‘No, it was straight into the Corps for me as soon as I was old enough. My folks had a hard time convincing me to finish high school. Glad I did, though. Made it easier to get promoted.’
‘Do you ever wish you did?’
He thought as they waited for a group of boys to pass in front of the car. They were all staring at the Jag, and he smiled at their comical doubletakes when they saw Amy.
She didn’t notice. ‘I don’t think so,’ he said. ‘All I ever wanted to be was a Marine.’ They drove on, leaving the boys staring at the beautiful girl in the beautiful car.
‘Did you see a lot of fighting?’
It was so long before he answered that she added, ‘Mom and Dad said you don’t talk about it much…’
He shook his head. ‘No, I don’t.’
After a moment, he smiled at her. Don’t want to make her feel bad, he thought. ‘I saw some things I don’t like to remember, sweetheart. I – did – some things I don’t like to remember.’
‘I can’t imagine you doing anything terrible.’ She looked at him innocently.
He patted her hand. ‘I was different then.’ He was silent for a moment. ‘War is ugly, Amy. Changes a man.’
‘Are you over it?’
They were stopped again, at a red light. He looked at her. ‘That’s not something you get over, Punkin.’ He looked forward, over the long hood of the car. ‘I have ghosts,’ he said. His face was still, and hard.
She blinked at him, her strange eyes big behind her glasses. ‘You mean – real ghosts?’
He shook his head. ‘No,’ he said quietly, his deep voice reflective. ‘I can still see the face of every man I ever killed.’ He drove in silence for a few heartbeats. ‘I’ll carry that till they put me in the ground.’
She squeezed his hand. ‘I love you, Geoffie,’ she said. She could think of nothing else to say.
He smiled at her, his face soft again. It was, it seemed, enough.
They stopped at a hamburger stand for lunch and talked of other things, and soon the mood lightened.
‘So have you decided on a major?’ asked the old man, sipping his coffee over the remains of his chiliburger.
‘I’ve decided on a sergeant-major,’ she said with a smirk, and he laughed. Her right eye teased and her left eye beckoned, and he looked at her warmly.
‘Seriously, Amy. Have you given it any thought? Your folks said you were leaning toward English.’
‘I love literature, and I love to write,’ she said. ‘But there are lots of jokes about English majors waiting tables. About all you can do with a BA in English is teach, and I don’t want to be a teacher.’
‘I’m thinking nursing,’ she said. ‘There’s a shortage now, the money is good, and I’d always have work…’
Geoff noted the wary look in her eyes – and then he understood, and raised an eyebrow.
They looked at each other, and he saw the unspoken plea on her face. He finally smiled and nodded.
‘If that’s what you’re really committed to doing,’ he said softly.
Both her eyes looked into his levelly. ‘I am,’ she said.
They both knew the reasons for Amy’s choice. They would never speak of it – not then, nor later.
‘What do you think of the campus?’ he asked.
Before Amy could answer, a third voice spoke.
‘Hey, baby.’
They looked up to see a tall and beefy young man standing over their table. He was obviously an athlete of some kind, p
robably a football player, broad shoulders and muscular arms, a narrow waist. He was superficially good-looking, with a shock of wavy hair that hung over one eyebrow and an unpleasant smile that was almost a sneer. He thinks he looks like Elvis, thought Amy.
‘I’m sorry – were you speaking to me?’ she asked sweetly.
‘Why don’t you get rid of Gramps here and you and me go somewhere and party?’
She looked up at the boy curiously, and Geoff saw his mouth drop open. He had noticed her eyes.
‘Do the girls you hit on ever actually respond to that kind of demeaning crap?’ she asked, just as sweetly.
Geoff was surprised yet again. This lovely young woman had a bit of steel in her. The old man watched the exchange, to all appearances relaxed and unconcerned, but his gray eyes glinted like a predator’s.
The young man snickered and said, ‘You’d be surprised, baby.’
She smiled yet again. ‘Please go away. I’m not interested.’ She returned her attention to Geoff.
The burly boy grinned and said, ‘I’ll bet I can get you interested…’ He brushed her cheek with the backs of his fingers – and an instant afterward, he was falling to his knees and crying out in pain. Geoff had seized his hand, turned it palm up, and bent it backward.
‘Oww! Lemme go!’
Geoff had not even risen from his seat. There was no trace of rage or anger on his face, he was perfectly calm, and even lifted his coffee cup with his other hand and took a sip before he leaned forward and spoke in a deep, but perfectly level voice.
‘Listen carefully, son. The lady said to go away. Are you going to do that, or do I have to break your wrist and take you out for the season to teach you to be polite?’ He bent the young man’s wrist a fraction farther. ‘Say ‘No, sir.”
The boy, grimacing in pain, quavered ‘N-no, sir.’
‘Good.’ He leaned closer and hissed like a venomous snake:
‘Touch her again… And I’ll kill you.’
Geoff’s face was an inch from the young man’s. He was smiling, but his old eyes were as cold and hard as gray ice.
Then he leaned back and let him go. ‘Don’t fuck with people you don’t know, boy,’ he added with a good-natured smile. ‘It’s bad for your health.’
The young man stood up, rubbing his wrist, opened his mouth to reply – then thought better of it and fled.
Several patrons of the diner, who had been watching with interest, gave Geoff a short round of applause. He ignored it and returned his attention to Amy.
She was not staring open-mouthed. She was smiling, her eyes warm. ‘Thanks, Geoffie.,’ she said. ‘That was pretty cool.’
‘The wrist thing?’ He waved a hand, it’s nothing. ‘You can do that. I’ll teach you.’
‘That would be cool, too,’ she said with a grin. ‘You can’t be with me all the time.’
He looked at her thoughtfully. ‘You’re right,’ he said quietly. ‘I’l teach you some other things, too. You may need them someday.’
They both knew the subject had returned to the one that would never be openly discussed. They left it in silence.
Amy smiled. ‘Let’s go home, Geoffie. Today I want you to teach me-‘ Her strange eyes glittered, one teasing, one smoldering. ‘-something else.’
He grinned broadly, and they rose from the table. On the way out, the balding, heavy-set manager apologized – and thanked him. ‘Come by anytime, sir,’ he said. ‘Semper Fi.’ He had noticed Geoff’s USMC T-shirt, as the young thug apparently had not.
Geoff grinned at the man’s globe-and-anchor tattoo. ‘Semper Fi,’ he said in reply, with a respectful nod. ‘Gunnery sergeant?’
‘Good guess!’ said the man. ‘You an officer?’
Geoff shook his head. ‘Nah. Enlisted. Sergeant-major.’
The man blinked, then offered a hand. ‘That kid didn’t know who he was messing with,’ he said.
Geoff shook it. ‘Nice place you’ve got here,’ he said. ‘Good burgers. We’ll be back.’ Amy smiled at the man, and they left.
In the car, Geoff glanced at Amy and said, ‘That young punk didn’t bother you at all, did he?’
She shrugged. ‘All mouth,’ she said. ‘If he was anything more – well, I was with you, Geoffie.’
He smiled.
When they pulled into the garage, he put on the emergency brake, turned off the engine, and said, ‘Don’t get out.’
He smiled, walked around the car, opened her door, and lifted her from her seat. She giggled as he carried her to the house. ‘What’s this about?’ she asked, her arms around his powerful neck.
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After the call ended, Dave yawned and stretched, concentration finally broken. He realized he hadn't even touched the coffee he'd made hours before, and he really needed to use the bathroom again, anyway. Another yawn told him he could stand to get some sleep after being up all night -- but he realized he'd better not sleep too long or his schedule was going to be well and truly loused up. Get a couple hours, he thought, and he might be able to get something done. He didn't even bother...
Dear friends, My name is varun(name changed) , age 26 male hyd. Eidi 2 years back jarigina real story. Apudu may 2012 na jeevitham lo marchipoleni sangatanalu online lo kotha parichayalu jarigina month adi.Nenu daily online yahoo chat lo aunties or hot cpl yevaru aeina vundakapotara chat cheyakunda vuntana ani daily search chesevadini ,eidi na college days nunde vundi chala mandhitho chat cheasey vadini kani naku indulo 99% fake valle tagilevallu kani nenu na fantacy kosam pattu vadalani...
It was while I was married and living up in UDON half way between Udonthani and Nongkai. Well me and 3 mates booked a trip over to Loa to go to the was a new trip started by one of our Thai friends where we lived. So it was going to be a3 day 2 night trip to a Casino just out side Venten, Our wives said that we should all go and enjoy so we and help out our Thai friend with his first run so we did.So Martin the weekend came we set off at 7:30 and was at the Boarder Crossing Freedom...
Chapter 1 I really thought I knew my wife. We had been together for eight years and things had gone extremely well in all areas of our life. Kay is a good looking, sexy thing at 29. Still has a killer body that she frankly enjoys showing off. Hell I like for her to show it off too. But I had always thought that it stopped at a little flirting, a little flashing, a little touching. When we would get home after a party where she had flirted pretty good our sex would be the best. It obviously...
FIRST TIME WHORIN'I was just 18 when I went out whorin' for the first time. It was something I had an overwhelming urge to do after fantasising it countless times. I had been painting up and dressing since I was 13 and my 18 month older brother had been fucking me regularly since I was seven until he went away in the Army when I was 16, plus I had been shoving all types of objects in my pussy almost daily. My desire to have my pussy ravaged was insatiable. I used cucumbers and even a slender...
Couldn't Stay Away "You couldn't stay away, could you? I know what you need, you little fag slut. You need much more than you get at home, don't you, my dear? You need to worship my thighs, to stick your tongue up my silky ass with your nose in my crack, to suck my throbbing cock, don't you my girl?" I was at his door again. Lord knows I didn't want to be there. No fool like an old fool. And it wasn't the usual story of a young golddigger blonde lovely girl, no, much worse. Not only...
FUCKED MY DAUGHTER FIRST TIME Firstly I thank full to ISS owner he created an enjoy full site for improvement of sex in the life. If any very old men read out these iss stories his tool must be erected and he want to fuck any girl or woman. Friends I am 40 years old man have a beautiful wife and a beautiful daughter (Rekha)16 years and a son 12 years. I were started to read iss stories since last 3 years I liked these stories so much specially incest stories. I am a healthy and very very sexy...
IncestIt was so hot, I lay on top of my bed naked letting what little breeze there was coming from the open window to blow across my body. Daddy had called earlier in the afternoon to say he had to work late and to leave the outside light on for him before I went to bed. I had gone to live with my daddy when I was ten my mother had died. My parents had divorced when I was four, I was now sixteen. I used to spent every other weekend with daddy, he had never re-married he said the only women for him...
IncestWhen I woke up, I felt awful. My head hurt, my sides hurt, my stomach hurt, but most of all, my heart was still broken. I lay there for a while with my eyes closed and tried to figure out where I was. I could hear the beep of a heart monitor somewhere, so that told me that my whore of a wife HAD called 911 in time. Bitch. My next priority was to try to figure out if I was alone or if she was waiting for me to wake up so she could start trying to convince me to be like she was again. There...
When I got home from the Hollywood Hills I barely had the strength to remove my makeup. I was so exhausted I just wanted to flop on the bed and pass out, but I persevered and undressed properly, removed all makeup and even put my wig back on its wig head.But when I was finally between the covers my brain refused to cooperate, rethinking the night's events, imagining how they may have looked to an observer, or to Harold Plumrose himself. I saw my lap as he must have seen it as he hovered...
CrossdressingContinuation of 'My First Black Cock'It was Friday afternoon, and I had called it quits early. Derrick had been stopping by frequently over the last two weeks, and I showered in anticipation of the boy’s arrival. I was just fixing a snack his impatient finger repeatedly pressed the doorbell. When I opened up, I found not just Derrick on my porch, but also a cute black girl, that, like Derrick, was very dark-skinned.Derrick introduced the girl as Shaniqua, and proceeded to tell me she had wanted...
BustedI was at home once looking at a photo my girlfriend had sent me during that day while she was at work. It was just after seven and Sarah would not be back for several hours yet and that was exactly why she did it. Sarah always was a tease sending me all sorts of photos that never left anything to the imagination.Sarah loved to look after herself and at just under six feet tall all I could see was the perfect woman. With the body of a model and legs that no sculptor could match I was quite...
Disclaimer: All characters are entirely fictional and all resemblances to anyone in real life is entirely coincidental. If you are under 18 or offended by sexual material, don’t say I didn’t warn you. ([email protected]) SLUT 4 U by Sinistra Part I Darius walked up to the common room doors, his heart in his mouth, clutching a small brick phone. He could have used any phone, but this was cheap and somewhat archaic, and he enjoyed the feeling of punching in the keys. It felt...
Hi naughty boys and girls….I am Neha and I am back with another true and pretty interesting story. For people who don’t know me please read story “My experience as nudist part 1 and part 2”. After a few encounters, this incident happened when I was working in a firm. I was promoted in senior position. After a fresh intake in our company, there were five fresher in my team and my PM wanted me to give them training. One of those five was a hot guy. He has muscular body and rest was girls. As...
Within fifteen minutes, Cutlass and Rapier reported in with similar results. Of course, Cutlass had it easier, as they were able to start the French devastation by destroying five ships with the C4 charges set the night before. By the time the enemy ships were even aware of their presence, they was already in a panic and seeing something move through the water at that speed was, in their view, demonic. Grant was waiting to hear from Tony Bacon when he heard Tony’s Texas drawl, say, “Saber to...
If you don't know what a snowball story is, read this: This works somewhat like Image Inspiration Chapters. However, after someone writes a chapter, someone else has to continue that story with another chapter. Try to end each chapter open-ended. Note: Stories with an asterisk * have no stories yet.
The rest of the San Francisco trip was pretty much a blur, we shopped and went sightseeing every day, ate at a superb restaurant every night. No one wanted the visit to end and we all left little bits of our heart behind at that wonderful city by the bay. We've thought often about moving back there but the timing hasn't ever been right to do so, although we certainly hope to someday and we all visit at least twice a year now. There was really now only two pieces left of important...
Disclaimer: This is part of a larger adventure story. If you reached this page as part of a reader’s choice from a previous page, continue below. If not, CLICK HERE to start at the beginning of the SexVenture. = = = = = Page 13 = = = = = What? An Easter Egg in erotica? How did you get to this page? There is no part in the story that directs you to this page! You must not have been following the directions nor going to the pages indicated by your choices. No, that’s not it? What happened...
Like Father Like Son Part Six February 1920 Bethan and Peter “Of course it’s the war, it changed everything.” William Welford Barnes looked up from the newspaper and gazed at his wife. “What do you mean, my dear, precisely?” “It’s Bethan and Peter, of course. They want to get married. At least, Peter does. I’m not quite so sure about Bethan.” “Good God! When did this happen?” “Oh, William, have you been blind these last months? Ever since Peter came out of the Air Force, or whatever they call...
EroticTy walked into the hospital room and he saw Denise emitting a glow as a new mother only could. He could see that the delivery was very tiring for her. She looked happy but at the same time exhausted. In her arms she was hold the baby. Ty went up to Denise and gave her a kiss on her forehead and looked at the new addition to the family. He looked at the baby and the only thing he could say was “Is it a boy or a girl?” Both Denise and the Doctor laughed since they had omitted to tell Ty the...
“Do you think I’m blind? When we were over at Frank and Emma’s this past weekend, for their cookout, I saw you flashing you cock to Debbie and that’s not the first. I saw her looking at you and smiling. Are you fucking her? You know she’s only 16 and thank God Frank and Emma didn’t see what I saw. They aren’t stupid you know. You will be in so much trouble if they find out. Well! Are you fucking Debbie? If you aren’t, you were probably thinking about it while you were fucking me. You haven’t...
Hi every body this is your one and only JJ back with a lesbian submission. It some what thrills me when the readers give in their feed back on the lesbian stories from their comments I can feel the way they feel about the story and many women actually masturbate or reach their orgasm as they read the stories. Well let me get straight down to business and of course this is once again one of those golden memories from my PG days and as revealed by my beloved Malathi my English tutor and her lover...
LesbianJosh was a mass of pent-up, seething need as he yanked Emily in. He was done with the waiting and sneaking. His pull had propelled Emily to the center of the room. Josh leaned back against the closed door and threw the deadbolt, the sound gunshot loud in the quiet darkness. He watched Emily turn to face him, ambient light from the sheer-covered windows casting her in gradient shadow. He could see her body in silhouette, every luscious curve starkly defined. “Tell me what you want, Emily.” He...
Love StoriesAfter bidding adieu to Ms. Jane & Ms. Daina when I reached home I met my parents there. On the dinner table, they told me to call Ms. Jane to request her to join them for breakfast tomorrow morning at 9 AM as they have to catch a flight to Kashmir at Noon.I messaged the instructions given to me by my parents to Ms. Jane and in a prompt reply by a message on the mobile phone, confirmed that she will be joining us sharp at 9 AM.Ms. Jane appeared at the gate of the house sharp at 9 AM the next...
I live opposite a single woman who I fancied something cruel. She appeared to have a very active social life with lots of men friends. I thought her unapproachable since my partner would very quickly be suspicious if I was to have an affair so close to home. We actually nicknamed her trollop due to the many men she entertained.One Saturday my partner was out for the day and there was a knock at my door. I was amazed, and delighted, to find that it was the neighbour from across the road. Could I...
i lost track of the day i was trapped in this shitty room. every couple of hours i would be injected with some thing that made me weak, and doped up. i had no control over myself.the gang had already sold my car, taken all my money out of the bank with my atm card, and they were now going to my house and bringing me my mail, which i was made to sign and empty my 401 k over to these thugs.what must have been the 5th or 6th day , the stopped injecting me with the d**g, i started to have major...
The evening is warm in the English countryside as I pull into Deb’s driveway. It is dusk and I can see a light burning through the front window. I park the car and walk to the front entrance. This is our first meeting and even though we have been chatting for quite a while on the internet, we have never met face to face, though we did exchange photos. Her husband is gone on another business trip and her daughter is spending the night at friend’s home. I ring the doorbell and hear a cheery...
After I had finished showering and shaving I started thinking about sex while standing there in front of the mirror. Needless to say my cock began to get hard so I decided I would masturbate before getting dressed for work. I usually leave the bathroom door open a little when I am getting ready for work so that the steam can exit the room. As I was stroking my cock to its full 8 inches I thought I saw movement out of the corner of my eye at the door. I looked over but didn't see anything. ...
“How in the Seven Hells are we to get into the damned city, anyway? We must get past this rotten mess and this is the perfect moment for a sentry to catch us, you know. You two really know a passage into this miserable town?” Ser Jorah looked at Tyrion and Davos with a bit of skepticism and hesitation even now. “Three, counting myself, Ser Jorah. Remember, with Ser Jamie’s aid, I was able to smuggle Tyrion here out of King’s Landing and on a ship to Pentos. Trust me, though. We’ll be in...
Hi ISS Readers, I am Anubhav and I have recently got to know about this website. Since the day I came to know about this ISS site, I have been following it daily with the updates and I really feel glad to see people over here who take out time to share their experiences. Today, I am here to share about one such experience I had during this lockdown. Since it’s my first time writing over here, if there are any mistakes then do excuse me. So, let’s start. It’s the lock downtime and the last week...
Damn….where was I gonna get the money to pay for this. My Parents were gonna kill me. I had run up 700 dollars on their credit card that easily. The one that was ‘Only for emergency use Delilah, ONLY for emergencies’. Fuck, my Dad told me I had one week to come up with the money, or he would take my car. I had to think. I finally decided to sell some things at one of those shops. You know the ones that offer the best prices around. I made my best friend Kara go with me. She was nervous...
I climbed the steps to the front door, took a deep breath, and pressed the doorbell. It seemed like such an age before there was any sign of life, I wondered if the bell wasn't working, or if they'd already got up and gone out; I was about to try again when I saw a light come on through the frosted glass of the front door. The door swung open to reveal a tall man (whom I vaguely recognised) in a well-worn dressing-gown. "Good morning," I said, "Could you spare me a few minutes to talk...
Dessie and Phillip at the Castle Six weeks earlier continued. ... Dessie and Phillip passed a glance. “We were planning on leaving first thing in the morning, but we can certainly put our hiking off for a day or two, don’t you think, Hon?” Dessie asked her husband. “We were in a hurry to set up camp by those waterfalls and do... nothing,” he said as he grinned at Mia. “We can do nothing in a few days just as we could do nothing day after tomorrow.” Dessie summed it up. “So, we’ll gladly...
When I opened the front door, Chloe, Daphne and Gabriella burst in soaking wet from the pouring rain. "Could you have left us out there in the rain a little longer?" Gabriella snarked. "I could have," I laughed. "Come in. I'll get you towels. What is so urgent that it couldn't wait until tomorrow?" "You don't look sick," commented Daphne. "See I told you she was faking it." I had totally forgotten that I'd told Chloe I was sick. I shrugged. "I just needed a little me time," I...
I had to lose almost everything before I came to my senses, sitting there at the dining table with my boyfriend Todd - watching him gamble away everything he owned and, as it turned out, a few major things that I owned too. I never considered myself to be stupid, but much as a frog stays in water that slowly warms up to a boil without noticing what is going on, it somehow didn't concern me when he stopped winning at poker and started to lose. It didn't concern me that the new car I was...
TabooKissing Cousins I was forced to go with my parents to a New Year’s Eve party at my Aunt Mildred’s house because she couldn’t trust me to stay home alone. Well the truth was I got caught kissing Jimmy and he had his hand in my panties at the time too. Hell I was thirteen years old and damn good looking. I was tall for my age, a bit too skinny, and I had tits. They weren’t much but Jimmy sure liked them and I liked him. He would let me hold his cock if I kissed it first and sucked on it...