Lacie Ch. 14 free porn video

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(A/N. This chapter is very dark. I’ll not apologize for the content, but I will warn of it. This chapter contains scenes of brutal torture. Every story needs a climax. A conflict. This chapter delves heavily into that conflict. At times, literally, excruciatingly so. If you cannot stomach this as a reader, please do not read this chapter. I have no desire to lose any of my appreciative readers, though I have again posted in the ‘romance’ section. This is due to my personal feelings toward this story as an overall romance. I bear no hard feelings if any of my readers decide to skip this chapter. The next few chapters delve into this as well, so for those of you who do wish to skip the dark portions, I beg, please do not stop reading entirely. The final 2 chapters are free from the dark content, and you will lose very little of the overall plot by skipping to those once posted. Thank you for your understanding and continued support. Dancingwizard)

Chapter 14: Lacie Kidnapped

Lacie groaned, her eyelids fluttering weakly. Darkness swirled around her, and Lacie could smell a cloying, sickly sweet scent coming from very close by. Leaning her head back, Lacie tried to move away from the nauseating aroma, but her body refused to respond. Slowly, Lacie pulled the heavy weights of her eyelids open and looked around her groggily. Immediately, Lacie knew she was in trouble. The room around her was stark white, only a small lamp in one corner of the room illuminating the large space. The walls and floor were tiled, glossy white squares reflecting light from the single lamp. In the center of the floor Lacie could see a small iron circle on the floor. Lacie’s hazy mind finally recognized what it was, and she shivered at the implications. A drain.

Moaning as sensation slowly began to trickle back to her body, Lacie felt as if her stomach was on fire. Rolling her head, Lacie tried to cover her aching belly with her arms, tried to curl up protectively. Her limbs barely twitched. A thick haze seemed to cloud her thoughts, and Lacie realized that she’d been drugged. Memory of the disaster at the party flooded back to her, and Lacie whimpered in terror. Sudden understanding nearly overwhelmed her, and Lacie realized where she was. She’d been kidnapped by the most sadistic people she’d ever heard of. Claire’s old owners had separated her from Master, knocked her out and taken her here.

Lifting her head, Lacie had to strain to lift her eyes to a point where she could see. From the weakness, Lacie knew she had been drugged with something that made her weak and slowed her thoughts. Finally, Lacie was able to look down at herself, almost falling back in relief when she saw she still wore her dress. Her arms and legs were splayed out on a cot, not bound to anything. Lacie tried to make a fist, but all she achieved was a tiny twitch from her fingertips.

Moaning in pain from the fire in her stomach, Lacie lay back down. Her belly felt like she had just done a thousand crunches, burning with exhaustion. Still, she was able to turn her head relatively easily, so Lacie took the opportunity to look around the room. Her cot was on one corner of the room, and the only door Lacie could see was on the far wall, nearly thirty feet away. The single lamp sat atop a featureless stainless steel table, set in the far corner.

There were nearly a dozen large, sheet covered objects in the room with Lacie, but she couldn’t see what the covered objects were. Thick, heavy black sheets were draped over each of the formless shapes, hiding what lay beneath. Lacie’s heart accelerated, guessing that torture devices lay underneath the heavy draping cloth.

Lacie had no idea how long she lay there, alone, but it was long enough for the fog in her mind to partially recede. Her hands and toes were slowly becoming responsive again, the drugs in her body wearing off. Just as Lacie was starting to seriously consider the possibility of crawling to the door and escaping, the stainless steel portal opened.

A tall, redheaded man walked in, carrying a metal tray. From her angle, Lacie couldn’t see what was on it. Instinctively, Lacie tried to shy away from the man, despite him being all the way across the room. Setting the tray down on the table, the man busied himself with whatever was on it, keeping his back turned to Lacie. He was tall, but thin. His back was turned to Lacie, so she couldn’t see him very well, his body partially blocking the lamp light. Slowly, having finished on the table, he turned around and calmly approached Lacie.

She got her first good look at the man as he walked towards her. He wore a white lab coat, with white pants and no-slip surgical shoes. The impersonal clothing frightened Lacie almost as much as the absolutely huge syringe he carried in one hand. His face was uncovered, but his features were blank, bored, lifeless. His brown eyes swept over her still form, not even seeming to really see her. His fire red hair was graying around the temples, the lines on his face seeming to make his eyes sink into the slightly pale skin, giving him a vaguely cadaverous look. He had to have noticed Lacie moving, but if her weak twitches and soft moans registered, he gave no sign.

Moving up to Lacie, he leaned down, swabbing her bare shoulder with a wet cotton ball. Gently, he pushed a small syringe into her sterilized shoulder, slowly depressing the plunger. Lacie turned her head away, unable to watch. Lacie felt the pinch of the needle, but it seemed muted, dulled. A moment later, Lacie felt a vague tugging from the injection site, and then a gentle pressure replaced the dull ache. Rolling her head back around, Lacie saw him holding the cotton swab over her skin, stopping the tiny flow of blood.

‘Wha…What…’ Lacie slurred, her thoughts slow and muggy.

‘Just another muscle relaxant. Also a slight stimulant. It should help you wake up and shake off the effects of the chloroform.’ his voice was soft, but bored, like that of an overtired parent.

‘Chloroform?’ Lacie asked numbly, feeling the tiny strength in her fingers slowly beginning to bleed away again.

‘Yes.’ he answered her, the bored look on his face echoed in the flat tone of his voice. He reached next to her and picked up a rag that had been lying next to her neck, too close for Lacie to have seen it. The fumes coming off the rag made Lacie’s head spin, her eyelids instantly weighing far more then they should. Woozily, Lacie recognized the sickly sweet smell. The man lifted the rag away and straightened up, carrying the syringe and rag with him.

He set the two objects down on the tray and turned, walking back to Lacie. Lacie could only watch as he slowly walked back and grabbed the metal frame of her cot. Slowly tugging, he pulled the metal frame away from the walls. Lacie could feel and hear the bed frame shaking gently, quiet squeaks coming from underneath as Lacie then understood that the bed had wheels. Moaning in fear of what was happening, Lacie tried to roll off the bed, anything to delay what she knew was about to happen. Her traitorous body didn’t respond.

Seconds seemed like hours to the helpless girl as she was wheeled next to one of the covered contraptions. The man reached up and pulled the black covering off, revealing one of the oddest devices Lacie had ever seen. It looked like a six foot tall ‘Y’. The frame was almost entirely made of stainless steel, only about eight inches wide in the upper ‘arms’. The lower base was almost a foot and a half wide. The front of the machine was softly glowing a light blue, since, unlike the sides, the front was only steel for about an inch and a half around the edges. The rest looked like some kind of gently curved plexiglass. Under the clear surface, a soft bluish mist swirled. Lacie barely noticed the softly swirling mist, or the graceful curve of the plexiglass. Her eyes were locked on the manacles and metal clamps that festooned the metal.

The man reached down and grasped Lacie’s waist, tugging
her body to the edge of the cot, where he lifted her with surprising gentleness to a slumped standing position. Using his own body to prop her up, the redheaded man clamped one of Lacie’s arms into a manacle at the top of one of the ‘arms’. Despite her whimpered protests, Lacie was unable to fight him off, the drugs in her system simply making it impossible for her to control her own body. It didn’t take long for her other wrist to be clamped onto the machine’s other arm.

Lacie slumped in her manacles, her back pressed to the glowing plexiglass. Moaning, Lacie fought of tears of terror, her heart straining in her chest, adrenaline fighting the cocktail of drugs in her system. Lacie knew what was coming, she knew who he was, what he did for a living. He created pain. Lacie knew she was his newest guinea pig. She couldn’t stop herself as she weakly whimpered in fear.

‘Please, please please, Master, please, don’t let them do this to me, please, help me! Master! PLEASE!!! HELP ME!!!!’ Lacie begged and prayed. ‘Don’t let them hurt me. I just want to go home! Please!!!’

Fear coursed through Lacie as the man turned back to the nearby table, picking the tray up and heading back to Lacie’s cot. Looking down, Lacie saw a number of things he was carrying on the tray, including a pair of clothing shears. Setting the tray down on the cot, the man picked up the shears and turned towards Lacie. Gently lifting the tight satiny fabric away from her skin, he moved the scissors into place.

Lacie closed her eyes as she heard the soft snipping sounds of the scissors closing. Tears leaked from her eyes as Lacie slowly had her clothing cut from her body. Lacie’s thoughts twisted away from her prison, back to the mansion. Lacie felt tears leaking from her eyes as she thought of Tara and all the hard work the lovely young woman had put into Lacie’s now ruined dress. Lacie felt hands around her ankles, gently pulling off her shoes.

Lacie took a deep breath, sending her mind away, ignoring what was happening to her in the sterile lab. It wasn’t real. It didn’t exist. Lacie was back home, at the mansion, talking, laughing, joking, playing. She was working in the gardens with Marie. The vegetables needed to be harvested. It was a beautiful sunny day, and she was laughing at some joke Marie had just told her, reveling in the feel of the sun and the smells of dark, fertile earth. She knew Ana was inside, preparing lunch for the household. Lacie wondered what they would be eating. She knew yesterday had been sandwiches and chips, and Lacie knew Ana didn’t like to repeat styles of food, so she was hoping for soup and salad. She had just helped Marie bring in some fresh lettuce that morning. Lacie smiled in anticipation.

A dark, cruel voice, dripping with smugness and arrogance, broke into Lacie’s escape.

‘Oh, let me do that part Tyler.’ Lacie’s eyes snapped open at the sound of Clarissa’s voice.

The redheaded woman was seated on the edge of the cot in front of Lacie, wearing a simple v necked black t-shirt and skintight jeans. The smug, delighted grin on her face made Lacie’s stomach curl in on itself. Lacie could see the cruelty in her smile, lurking in her beady, mud brown eyes. Clarissa must have entered the room as Lacie was daydreaming.

Lacie shuddered once as she realized her own nudity. Her body was completely on display, all the clothing gone save the tiny blue lace panties she had been wearing under her dress. Tyler, as Lacie now knew him, handed Clarissa a pair of rubber surgical gloves and a plastic tube of something. At first, Lacie thought it was a tube of toothpaste, since it was the same size and shape. Clarissa snapped the gloves in place then picked the tube back up before gently squeezing a generous glob of a viscous, clear gel-like substance inside onto one of her gloved hands. Rubbing her palms together, Clarissa pressed her hands into Lacie’s naked torso, smearing the gel across her body. Shuddering, both in disgust and from the cold gel, Lacie grimaced, unable to even shy away.

‘You should be thanking me, whore.’ Clarissa’s voice sounded like crystal bells to Lacie, belying the hatred and cruelty that was all to obvious on the woman’s face. ‘The gel will keep this machine from burning your skin. We think. It’s a new model. You have the honor of being our test subject for today.’

Lacie narrowed her eyes, peeling her lips back in a snarl.

Clarissa laughed, peeling the gloves off as she covered her mouth with one hand. Once the gloves were off, Clarissa reached up, stroking Lacie’s cheek. Lacie bared her teeth and lunged, trying to bite the redhead, but her muscles were slow to respond, and Clarissa was easily able to pull her hand away in time.

‘Oh, naughty girl. tsk.’ Clarissa smiled. ‘You’ll soon learn to respect your betters.’

Lacie knew it would get her in trouble, but she had no other way to fight back. Narrowing her eyes, she spat in Clarissa’s face. The redhead reeled back in surprise, her hands swiping at the wet patch of spit that was dripping down her face.

‘I…don’t…see…any…betters…here.’ Lacie strained, fighting to form the words as she glared at her captor.

Clarissa finally wiped off the sputum with her sleeve and turned back to Lacie. Infuriated, Clarissa twisted her whole torso before swinging her right hand in a wide arc, the back of her hand smacking full force into Lacie’s cheek. The impact knocked Lacie’s head back into the machine, dazing her slightly. Lacie felt a stinging burn from her mouth, and she knew her lower lip had split from the weighty attack. Her face stung and burned from the powerful backhand, but Lacie grinned at her enemy anyway, smiling through the coppery taste of blood.

‘You…hit…like…a…girl.’ Lacie mocked her, watching as Clarissa’s eye flashed with fire and hatred. Clarissa’s fist curled up and slammed into Lacie’s gut, blasting the air out of her lungs, making her gasp and wheeze for breath.

‘How do you think I hit now, bitch?’ Clarissa reached over, grabbing Lacie by the back of her head, lifting her face to eye level. Clarissa leaned in, her face only inches from Lacie’s. ‘Do I still hit like a girl?’ she hissed.

Knowing it would infuriate the redhead even more, Lacie smiled again, tasting iron and copper in her mouth from the blood slicking across her tongue. Grinning at her enemy, Lacie gasped her response.

‘Yes…but…I…don’t!!!’ Lacie quietly whispered, trying to use the soft volume of her voice to pull Clarissa in closer. It worked. As Clarissa leaned in to hear Lacie more clearly, Lacie surged with every ounce of strength that her drug weakened muscles could muster. Arching her neck before snapping forward and down, Lacie threw her forehead forward. The crown of Lacie’s head crashed full force into Clarissa’s face, completely crushing the older woman’s nose and bloodying her upper lip. Lacie ignored the sting of pain in her scalp, Clarissa’s hand had pulled out some of her hair when Lacie had lunged, but Lacie knew it was a worthwhile trade.

Screeching in pain, Clarissa fell back, her hands flying to her ruined face, trying to stem the flow of blood from her broken, misshapen nose. A huge explosion of pain slammed Lacie’s head to the right, a massive burst of light and color splashing across her vision, blinding Lacie for a moment. Groaning, Lacie squeezed her eyes shut, fighting the dizzying pain in her left temple. A moment later, she opened her eyes and saw Tyler standing in front of her. His huge fists were balled at his sides, and Lacie understood then what had hit her.

‘Bitch broge by node!!’ Clarissa screeched, fury in her eyes as she jumped up. Her hands turned into claws as she charged at Lacie. Just before she reached the bound girl, Tyler’s arms swept around her, holding her, keeping her just far enough away from Lacie.

‘And she’ll pay for it.’ His quiet voice cut through Clarissa’s furious howling. ‘She’s still bound, drugged and she has no way out. Let’s fix up
your nose, then you can come back and take your time with her.’

Clarissa slowly stopped trying to lunge at Lacie, her brother’s reasoned argument clearing her fury.

‘Fine. Bud she’s mine todight. Bitch id godda pay for dis.’ Clarissa winced as she talked, still glowering at Lacie.

Lacie pursed her lips and kissed the air between the two women, mocking Clarissa again. Before Lacie could see it coming, another huge backhand rocked her head back into the machine, dazing her once more.

‘Yeah, enjoy id bitch. Tonight you’ll be beggig me to kill you.’ Clarissa’s eyes flashed, then she turned towards the door and left the room. Tyler watched her leave. As soon as the door shut, he heaved a loud sigh.

‘That was… ill advised. She enjoys hurting people,’ Tyler spoke, turning back to Lacie as he did. ‘she’ll not go easy on you tonight. Nor will she be so careless again. Enjoy your victory for the moment, girl. It won’t last.’ Shaking his head sadly, Tyler walked around behind Lacie. Noise wafted around to the bound girl, hanging limp in her bonds as she was unable to do anything but wait. A moment later, Lacie felt something soft press into the skin on the back of her thigh. A moment later, the sensation repeated itself on her other leg. Even straining her weak neck muscles, Lacie was unable to see.

‘What…are…you…doing…to…me?’ Lacie panted, still slightly breathless from the punch to her gut.

‘Attaching leads.’ a quiet, bored sounding voice answered her.

Leads. Gel. Burns. Despite the drugs, Lacie quickly understood what was happening, putting the clues together. They were going to electrocute her. They were going to attach leads to her body and use them to torture her. Lacie bit her lip as tears slowly began to leak out of her eyes, her heart began to hammer in her chest as fear and adrenaline coursed through her. A long time passed as she limply hung there, silently inches away from full blown panic. Lacie refused to give them the satisfaction of knowing how scared she truly was.

Biting her lip, Lacie silently dove back into her mind, recreating her fantasy. She was laughing around the table, joking with Callie about something trivial as the girls sat down to lunch. Lacie had been right, it was soup and salad. A wonderful garden salad sat next to a tureen of soup, several varieties decorating the middle of the table, from chicken noodle to tomato, to broccoli and cheese. Lacie could taste the delicious coolness of her salad as she chewed, watching Master as he sat down. His grey eyes flicked up, watching her as she watched him. Lacie smiled at him and he wordlessly winked at her, prompting a smile from Lacie.

Lacie could her Tyler standing up and stepping away from her, having finished attaching the leads to Lacie’s body. Lacie fought to stay in her daydream.

They were laughing and joking around the table. Ana was trying to understand a phrase strange to her, and the other girls were laughing as Master tried to explain without success.

The machine behind Lacie vibrated to life, sending a gentle thrum though the otherwise quiet room. Lacie bit her lip and continued dreaming.

Master had given up, leaving Ana even more confused than when he had started explaining. Bridget cut in and deftly unraveled the linguistic puzzle for Ana, giggling and looking back at Master impishly as he glared at her playfully. The smug look on her face prompted him to gently shove her shoulder, slopping soup out of her spoon and down her chin. The table laughed as Bridget, rather than trying to wipe the soup off with her napkin, stood up and lunged for Master, leading with her face. The chuckles turned to gales of laughter as he jumped up and ran, circling the table as Bridget chased him, playfully trying to wipe her face off on his clothing.

That was when the first bolt of lightning hit her. Lacie’s eyes flashed open and she gasped, feeling her muscles contract and jump. Lacie’s skin felt like it was burning, every major muscle contracting despite the drugs. Lacie’s body jerked and shook, her muscles battling each other as electricity burrowed deep into her body. The burning ache in her belly redoubled, leaving Lacie breathless as the fire coursing through her body died. Stinging pains prickled at her skin as her lungs finally allowed breath back into her body. Moaning gently, Lacie hung her head, closing her eyes as she panted, still feeling her muscles jump and jerk occasionally, still bleeding off the electricity.

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"Now Gina. I want you to understand you are not being punished for anything. This is a training session. There are few things wrong with how you are lying. Do you know what that might be?" Gina thought for a moment. She was on the bed on her belly like she had been told. "Oh, I should have taken off my panties Master." "No that isn't it, but it was a good answer." "When you are waiting for a cropping or canning you should have your hands on the back of your head with fingers...

3 years ago
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Thrillseeker432 took off work to stroke his cock

I told you I was taking off from work so I could spend the day stroking my cock for you. I started out the day with morning wood, I know it was only from having to piss, but a boner is a boner after all. As soon as I took care of emptying my bladder and having some herbal refreshment, I went right to work on my stiff member, massaging my massive erection as I made a beeline to my computer. I throbbed with anticipation as I logged in and clicked on those videos of your bodacious, bouncy tits. I...

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How the Women Got Plastered and Patrick Got BustedChapter 9

The next morning was just as normal as it could possibly be. I got up early. Apparently good sex, even if it’s your first ever sex, is as good for you as a whole bunch of sleep. Danny was up early too, as was my mother, who was rustling up a mess of bacon and eggs. She had lots. They had planned this all nighter, unknown to me. My Aunt Christy, who probably still had my spunk soaking into her womb, came downstairs dressed in the clothes she’d worn over. She went over to Danny and sat down on...

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Rewrtitng a candy bar commerical

With all of the parodies being made of TV shows, have you ever re-imagined a commercial the same way. There is this Snickers commercial in which a woman accidently punches another woman while doing aerobics. They smooth things out when one gives the other a snickers. What if things were different.....Lisa's day was going terrible. She overslept, didn't have soap to shower, and she was late for work. She was screwing up at work, and just wanted to go to her aerobics class and call it a day. She...

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Second ChanceChapter 1

"Hey Baby Darling ... One big push ... breathe ... breathe ... Ok now ... You're doing great ... I'm so proud of you ... Give it one really big push for Rebecca, now..." I encouraged Colleen every way I knew how. "Colleen ... You are amazing ... This is going so well ... Your son will be here any second now ... Ok Sweetie ... Let's give one last push and see if James is ready for prime time..." Rebecca was just as determined to help Colleen thru this as I was, maybe more. We were all...

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My first breeding with Bull

That evening i fed bull. I wanted him to be in good shape for the next week. It was my first time with an animal and i was anxious. But later that evening i decided it was finally time to test it. I closed all the windows and doors and curtains and released bull from his chain. I was wearing only a very thin nighty which was almost visible and i had some icecream on the next table. bull loved icecream. I wondered if he would love it off me. I put on the video of a dog fucking a girl i had...

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Pastor Sarah Ch 13

Pastor Sarah was sitting having her morning coffee when she heard Jack’s truck pull in her driveway. “Well Jack, this is a pleasant surprise, I didn’t expect to see you till tonight.” Sarah said as she invited Jack in for a cup of coffee. “I hope you are not here to tell me that Brenda has changed her mind about our threesome tonight.” “Bill Johnson is sending a crew today to work on the offices at the church. Movers are coming to pack everything in boxes, and then removing all the...

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The Postulants Tale Chapter One The Accident

Dorcas and Margery were in bed together again. In the darkness, Abigail could hear the regular creak of the rough frame and Margery’s low moans as Dorcas pleasured her with one of the candles she had pilfered from the refectory. For someone who was training to become a nun, Dorcas had an apparently insatiable appetite for lascivious activity, and Margery had shown herself a more than willing partner.Abigail tried not to listen, but the noises were themselves somewhat arousing. She forced...

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sensual bliss

you come home from a long day of work as I notice your back is hurting your feet are hurting . your wore out from a long day I cant help how tired you look you come to sit next to me to tell me your day as I tell you about my day of work, I stand up and stand in front of you and reach my hand out to you. you look up into my eyes with a smile on your face. I slowly walk you to the bedroom as I know your in pain and I open the bedroom door for you as you notice a candles lit with some music and a...

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Bridesmaid Fun

I made it all the way to twenty-five years old before I was asked to be a bridesmaid. I don’t know why really, I had lots of girlfriends growing up and in college, even quite a few now that I’m working. Still, the opportunity never came my way until not long ago and it was a weekend I’ll sure never forget. Neither will my husband, John, or the three guys I ended up with afterward. I see you’re paying attention now. Well, you should, it’s quite a little story. Are you ready? Well, first some...

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Mike A Detective Story

Mike A Detective Story by EmileCopyright 2008.  This is a work of fantasy and the writer does not suggest or condone any particular activities.  You should obey the laws of your juristiction, ie consensual sex between adults. ______________It starts with photos.  A handsome buff chestnut haired guy swaggering off the gym mats, tee balled in his fists to expose his lightly dusted beefy body, arms defined and abs rippling as he walked, only the loose red trackpants hugging the curve of his tight...

4 years ago
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Ma ki padhai

Hi friends mein aapko apni sachi kaai sunane ja raha hoon.mein aapka jayda time to nahi lunga par aapko reques karunga ki agar aapko kahani pasand aaya to mail jaroor karna. Mera email id hai [] Pehle mein apne parivar ke bare batata hoon. Mein apne ma baap ka eklota beta hoon. Mere ma baap ke chote se goan me rehte . Goan ki aabadi char paanch so hogi. Mere pita bilkul anpad the par meri ma ne 12 padhi thi. Isliye mere pita g ka sapna tha ki mein pad likh kar baa afsar banu. Mere pita ka ek...

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she showed them the pictures

Some years ago, While my wife and I were separated, I was out of state and she called to ask if she could use the computer at my place. When I returned home she asked about the pictures she found of me all dressed up like a whore with some guys cock in my mouth and of me setting on a dildo and taking the whole thing. I made up some story about I was experimenting with a fantasy I had but that I didn't like the real thing and I was done with that fantasy. ( I told myself she bought it.) We never...

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Cheating Karte Pakdi Gayi Exam Mein 8211 Part III

Pehle dono part is site par hain aap search karke padh sakte hain. Mujhe waha us glass box mein band kar wo chali gayi, andar haath ko oopar kar khadi thi, haathon ko neeche bhi nahin kar sakti thi, Itni jagah hi nahin thi uske andar. Khade khade thak gayi thi, mere badan par kapde to na ke barabar hi the, skirt aur top ke to itne chitde kar rakhe the ki badan ko dhakh rahe hain ya nahin ye to bahar se dekhne wala hi bata sakta hai. Thodi der mein calling bell baji, aur kuch kisi ne darwaza...

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Three Green Street

Introduction: Once again ideas have been rattling through my brain, I hope you enjoy, please, please comment, I will take it constructively! My name is Sophie, I am 21 years old and have just finished my final year in university with a first class honours degree in mathematics. I must confess I am rather a plain Jane, I am of average height, slim build, straight long brown hair, small breasts and still a virgin. My uni friends call me a swot, I was extremely focussed on my studies and somewhat...

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A night to remember

I was stationed along the gulf coast while in the military. I was 24 and at the Navy base. A road led south from it to a Air force base. It was a training base so there was a lot of hot young cock. Out side the gate was a row of establishments which included 3 or 4 ABS stores on both sides of the street. When I had a need for seed ,this is where I headed.I would go from one store to the other looking for young meat to suck on. They all had booths with doors and glory holes cut in the booth...

3 years ago
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The Best Conference Part II

Catherine and I met up at a conference to have a little fun. I was married and had never cheated before, but after joining her in the shower for some mutual oral pleasuring, we were ready to move to the next level...CHAPTER 2: First nightShe wrapped herself in a towel to dry off, and went to hand me one when I stepped out. I took her hand and pulled her toward me, and we kissed."I have waited all year for this," she whispered to me. "So I have something special. I'll meet you in bed."I stole...

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Unforgettable Day With Navin

NOTE- This is a fictional story. The characters in this story do not denote a real-life person. Taking my hand from my pussy, I turned on the shower so that my moaning cannot be heard outside. Again I started fingering my pussy with one hand and pinching my nipple of right boob with other hand. The thought of Navin kissing Shwetha made me go mad and I came moaning Navin’s name. I am Priya 20 years old fair and sexy enough (stats not important) doing Engineering in a reputed college. I am horny...

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She Was Curious And So Was I

I met Laurie-Ann when she was just seventeen and still in high school. I was a grad student several years her senior. Her parents were hoping to get her into an Ivy League college and I was employed as her tutor. I knew immediately that she was the one for me, but realized I had to tread carefully. She worked hard and we saw a lot of each other over the following months. The two of us became very close on an intellectual level and, although it was clear to both of us that there was an unspoken...

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Dyked La Sirena Alice Pink A Lesbian Walk To Remember

Alice Pink still thinks about that day she spent with Lasirena69. Back when they were schoolgirls, skipping class, getting themselves into trouble. They were so close then, and they only got closer that one special evening. They started looking at each other in a brand new light, and soon they were digging their faces into each others young pussies. The sensation made their whole bodies spasm in pleasure, and as they dipped themselves in warm bathwater, they found themselves wanting more. They...

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Community ServiceChapter 10

Warren was scheduled to appear before the City Council the second week in December about his request for the city to foot the bill for providing the utilities. Rose Ann made him understand that he could expect a lot of resistance from the Mayor. It seems they had some bad history because she threw the book at him a couple of years back on a DUI charge. It was her position that an officer of the city should be setting a better example to the public. He knew she was one of the driving forces...

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A Sore Night Out story 8

Katie had already had a go at me for bringing 5 men home in four days and I’d fucked two of them at the same time, letting them all bareback me and fill my cunt and mouth with cum several times each. She was afraid I’d catch something and in the end she forced me to go to a clinic and have a HIV test. It was negative and I was negative for everything else as well so I counted my lucky stars. I also overheard a guy in the pub talking about me. He was checking me out and telling his friend...

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Helping HandsChapter 4

The farm had done very well financially that year so Roger decided to treat everyone to a special vacation at the nudist resort. Farms have to be attended to so two separate groups would go. He rented a cabin for a month and each group would get two weeks. He and Sara Lou would go along with Rebecca and Billy. The young man would be their camp guide and Rita would do the same thing for the later group. Billy and Rita had been writing to their friends and arranged for them to overlap in the...

2 years ago
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Pt 2 of First time having a black guy at my house

After Mike came he just fell on top of me keeping his cock buried in me. Steve was at the foot of the bed just looking and jacking off as fast as he could and within a couple minutes he was shooting cum all over himself. We all laid there a few minutes catching our breath and not saying anything. Steve finally broke the silence by telling me to take Mike downstairs to the guest bathroom to get cleaned up while he went to the man cave to fix a few things up for later. As I stood I had cum...

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Visiting Him

This is a story of what happened this past weekend when I stayed at Elliot's apartment with him. Elliot called and my m0m was ecstatic. It had been weeks, since she'd heard from him. I'd texted him on occasion, but nothing more than a quick hello from him, on his way to class. M0m must have been really tense, because when she got off the phone with him, she told me that he'd offered to give her a break and take me for a weekend. She asked him if it was alright for this weekend, and he had no...

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My Mom and I Visit the Lesbian Bar

About a week ago my mother and I were sitting on the couch watching television when I said, "Mom, I am bored. Let's go out to the lesbian bar and have a couple of drinks. It is Friday night and there should be a lot of girls there having fun. Let's join them!"Mom and I took a quick shower together then we went to our bedrooms to get dressed. I chose a conservative white blouse, a green plaid skirt with matching color panties and a pair of black sneakers. I looked in the mirror and said to...

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Sometimes you just need a hot babe to whisper dirty things in your ear. For the longest time, you couldn’t really capture that intimate moment in porn. I mean, it can be hard to hear a bitch whisper when she’s moaning as she gets her ass fisted by some lesbian slut. You kind of lose that closeness in regular porn. It’s all about the flashy scenes, hardcore poundings, and humiliation. But it can be good to take a step back and waltz on over to the softer side of porn. After all, you don’t want...

ASMR Porn Sites
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© 2003 [email protected] -- Commercial use prohibited without author's consent. I knocked, waiting patiently, and finally I hear her slowly unlock the door. She had never seen me before so it was nice to see a smile appear from those beautiful lips. She invited me inside after saying hello and asked me to sit while she got ready as I had just woken her up from a nap. She was tall. Tall and pretty, almost taller than me but I liked that fact. It looked like she had just pulled on some thin...

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Impossible DreamsChapter 2

Candy bent her waist laughing. "Oh my God," she said. "How much does he make?" "About three-quarters of a million," Lauren said, pulling her sweater down her head. "Oh my God," Candy said, wiggling her dance pants down her legs. "Why didn't you take it? Eighty is totally out of the reach, isn't it?" "Two reasons," Lauren said, as she also pulled her dance pants down. "What are they?" Candy said, holding her jeans in her hands. "First," Lauren said. "What if he makes...

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Parental GuidanceChapter 3

"Are you ok, Mom?" Rachel asked as her mother opened the door. "I heard shouting and bad words in there. Are you and Robbie having an argument?" "No, Dear." Jennifer replied, her body still trembling with excitement. Robbie isn't here. He's gone off with his friends. I was taking a nap and probably talking in my sleep." Jennifer wasn't a very good liar and Rachel looked at her suspiciously, not believing a word her mother said. She had definitely heard her brother's voice coming...

4 years ago
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My Sex Life 8211 Eve Of The Marriage

Hi friends, I am a new reader for ISS website.. as I seen lot of stories, experience here… I too like to share my experience to the ISS friends.. my first story is in the following location Myself Priyanka Swain from Odisha I am 26 years old and I am working in a well reputed software company in Chennai, South India. two months back I got married with Raveendar. I am going to tell my sex experience in the eve of my marriage here. As our marriage is on the morning time i couldn’t able to...

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AnnieChapter 3

I push her back toward the bed. She tightens her grip on my burning dick and pulls me toward her. Her knees hit the bed and she falls backward. I fall forward, laughing. She is not laughing. I can feel the heat from her body. She locks her long legs around my thighs and pulls me toward her. I look at the intensity in her green eyes and understand. It's easy for me to laugh tonight. On a scale of 1-10, she gave me a 13 blowjob when we came into the room. I punished her a little for her...

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Voyeur tape of a lifetime

Several years ago when I was in my teens I had a fixation with my best friend’s mother. She was about 40 and divorced which helped fuel my lust. She was tall and beautiful with long black hair and fantastic large tits, a bit like Sophia Loren. I used to jerk off to her several times a day. All it took to set me off was to think about her. On those occasions when I got a peek at her cleavage I would go erect almost immediately. Once when I was over for dinner the boys left the table to do...

2 years ago
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Baby Chloe in his Satin Baby Dress Bag

Baby Chloe in his Satin Baby Dress Bag "Hello, Sheila. Come in. Do you want some help with your stuff? Oh my, there's such a lot of it." "Yes, Andrea. Help me wheel everything inside the door and we can leave it in the hall for the time being. Until we've got him ready..." The two women shared a giggle across one of the trolleys. "Is he under sedation?" asked the doctor, pulling the first one inside the door for Andrea to take it from her and park it along her hallway near the...

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Lost FoundChapter 18

Traffic was light on Route 322 until I crossed the Susquehanna River. I crawled around Harrisburg in bumper-to-bumper traffic until I passed the turnpike. I-283 and Route 30 were busy, but moving well as I headed around Lancaster to my home. I pulled in front of my house a few minutes after five o'clock. Mom's car and Andy's car were both in our driveway. I parked on the street in front of my house. I headed in the door and found the living room was deserted. I followed the smell of...

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LoveHerFeet Lana Roy Sensual Yoga Hottie

Wanting to keep her body flexible and toned, petite darling Lana Roy starts the day off with a yoga routine on the living room floor. She stretches and flexes her lithe body, moving into positions that can stir anyone’s imagination and loving every second of it. Lana knows that she can have any man’s full attention and uses that to her advantage. She lifts her leg to suck and lick on her dainty feet, knowing all too well that any guy with foot fetish will be turned on. The Russian hottie is too...

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Sex ExperimentChapter 2

"Helen!" The psychiatrist's voice was imperative. "You must calm down. Now remember everything we discussed in my office last Thursday." "I do remember!" The pretty blonde thirty-five year old ran her fingers nervously through her hair. "But it doesn't do me any good remembering at the time. I'm telling you, Stan. I just don't know what I'm going to do! I feel like killing Adam. Either killing him or killing myself!" "Now, that wouldn't solve much would it?" Stan's voice...

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