- 4 years ago
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Denton High. A typical American high school in a typical American town. Some kids liked it, some didn't. No surprises there.
Amongst the boys, there was the usual mix of jocks, geeks and normals. The jocks bullied the geeks, the geeks kind of huddled together for protection, and the normals ignored the both of them. That was pretty much the scene. The different groups had little in common, so the demarcations made a weird kind of sense.
There was one thing, however, which united ALL the boys ... jocks, geeks and normals alike. They all of them lusted endlessly after Tanya Richardson.
Tanya Richardson. Head Cheerleader. 18 years old and drop dead gorgeous. Queen Bee.
HCs tend to be the prettiest girl in school, of course, but Tanya Richardson was something else. The spoilt only child of wealthy parents, Tanya was blessed with a face of heart stopping beauty and a body to make grown men tremble. She was an object of intense desire for every boy at DH. Most of the male teachers too, if truth be told. Wherever she went, Tanya was the centre of boys' adoring attention, the focus of adolescent, hormone fuelled yearning.
Tanya knew this, of course. How could she not?
She'd known she was a beautiful girl for about as long as she could remember (everyone was always telling her so!) but her awareness of what that really meant ... more precisely, the shattering impact she could have on the male of the species ... had not fully dawned until one day last July. She'd been chatting at home to Morris Briggs, an old friend of her parents who'd popped in to see her father about something. His timing was out (her parents had gone shopping) but he stayed for a while and the two of them talked about school ... how she was doing, plans for the future ... stuff like that. It was a hot day during the summer vac and Tanya was wearing cut off shorts and a skimpy, spaghetti strap top. As Tanya chattered away to Mr Briggs about nothing in particular, she noticed how his gaze kept straying to her long, shapely legs ... to her breasts, almost tumbling out of the revealing top ... and then back again to her legs. His face became flushed and his hands were shaking as he sipped the coffee she'd made him. Tanya didn't fancy Morris one bit (he was old enough to be her father, after all) but she found herself enjoying this situation. With a flash of insight, she knew ... knew full well ... that SHE was the cause of the poor man's discomfort, and the knowledge both delighted and excited her. Suddenly feeling very naughty, Tanya openly flirted with Morris, testing her new found powers, started to tease him with her body movements on the sofa. It had the desired effect. The more poor old Mr Briggs squirmed in a painfully obvious mixture of lust and embarrassment, the more she found she enjoyed it. She felt amused and in complete control the whole time she was tormenting him. It was delicious!
When school resumed in September, Tanya had a new wardrobe (full of outfits calculated to drive the boys crazy) and a new attitude. She worked hard, got good grades, led an active social life (hooked up with big bad Brad Phelps, no less!) but all that was kind of secondary. Because the episode with Morris Briggs in the summer had triggered something in Tanya Richardson (something rather wicked) and the thing she devoted most of her energies to ... her hobby, if you like ... was torturing boys. And one poor boy in particular was destined to suffer most cruelly at her hands. Denzil Harris.
Brad Phelps and Denzil Harris. Super jock and super geek. The embodiment of the opposite ends of the Denton High pecking order. One at the top, master of all he surveyed, and one at the very bottom.
Now towards the end her final year, Tanya was having a whale of a time. The position of Head Cheerleader had fallen to her quite naturally (there really was no competition, as the other girls were all too aware) and she was thoroughly enjoying the role. Rehearsals were twice a week. On Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, Tanya and the six other members of the squad ... her "backing group" as she condescendingly referred to them ... would slip on their sexy little CL outfits and go practice in the sports hall. Word soon spread amongst the boys that here was a chance to watch Tanya Richardson gyrating around in a very short skirt, white knee socks and a tight, low cut tee shirt. Before too long they were must see events, these rehearsals, right up there with Sunday's match. Every Tuesday and Thursday, as the one pm start time drew closer, the hall would fill up with boys. By the time the squad came out to perform, there'd be a large crowd of spectators — and every single one of them was there to ogle the drop dead gorgeous Tanya Richardson.
This particular Thursday was no different as Tanya and the squad strutted their stuff, with the boys looking on.
And Tanya was LOVING it, as always. Being the focus of such male adoration was confirmation of her beauty, and she got a thrilling sense of power knowing the boys were there for HER. She loved the feeling of being desired by all these horny, drooling boys. As she performed, she liked to imagine what the boys were thinking and feeling. Their cocks stiffening as they watched her dance ... breasts jiggling in the flimsy top ... knickers flashing under her short skirt as she twirled around. Did they store away these images and beat themselves off later, fantasising about fucking her? Did they spend every waking hour thinking about her? And did it torture them that they couldn't have her? That she was reserved for Brad Phelps? Oh the joy of being a hot like fire eighteen year old girl at High School!
Brad never came to the CL rehearsals. For one thing, as the star quarterback on the football team, it would have been beneath him ... and Brad Phelps NEVER did things he considered beneath him. Plus, of course, he had no need to go around pathetically lusting after Tanya Richardson because he could fuck her pretty much anytime he wanted. He knew his gorgeous girlfriend enjoyed having the boys panting over her, that she got a kick out of cock teasing them, but he didn't mind one bit. Just made it even more of a bang for him, that HE was the guy who got to do, on a regular basis, what every boy in school could only dream of doing. Yes, Brad had to admit that he got off on the idea of Tanya deliberately tormenting the other boys, and he encouraged her to be a tease. Sometimes, when they made out, Tanya would gently stroke his dick and tell him how she'd been driving the boys wild that particular day, how she'd worn a short skirt, say, which flaunted her legs ... how she'd tantalised the boys during study period, perched on a desk in her little short skirt, crossing and uncrossing her luscious legs. Hearing Tanya whisper stuff like that, as her soft fingers snaked inside his pants, blew Brad's mind ... a few minutes later, he'd be exploding inside her like a volcano.
Someone who DID go watch cheerleading practice ... never missed one ... was Denzil Harris. There were geeks, super geeks, and then there was poor little Denzil Harris. Denzil worshipped the ground Tanya Richardson walked on and his adoration was made all the more intense by the sad fact (which he fully recognised) that she was so stratospherically out of his league. In truth, all girls were out of Denzil's league ... he didn't get so much as a sniff of that sort of thing ... but it didn't stop him fantasising. Made him fantasise all the more, if anything, since his default condition was acute sexual frustration. Tanya was, to his eyes, a goddess. She'd never spoken to him except for the one time she'd come across Brad and that bastard Mickey bullying him (when she'd done him no favours) but it didn't matter. She'd probably forgotten that, he thought ... probably didn't know he even existed ... but Denzil kind of accepted his lowly status and tried to content himself with his fantasies. He was quite durable in his own way. Even that thing with Jennifer Clark and the "needle dick" photos ... those awful few weeks of non stop teasing and humiliation after Jennifer did that ... well he'd survived it, hadn't he?
Denzil was wrong about Tanya, as it happens, because she HAD noticed him. She always did. It amused her no end, the number of geeks who came to ogle her at CL practice, and Denzil she recognised as the saddo who Brad was always persecuting. It was true she hadn't spoken to him since the incident a few months back ... an incident she very much did remember since it had kind of gotten her and Brad together ... but, you know, why on earth would she? ... geeks like Denzil were no more than insects as far as Tanya was concerned. Seeing him again now, standing there watching her, with his eyes on stalks and his tongue hanging out, Tanya couldn't help laughing to herself at what had happened that afternoon. She'd walked into what she thought was an empty study room, intending to catch up on some stuff, and there was Denzil cowering on the floor in front of Brad and another jock, Mickey Roberts.
Mickey Roberts was prodding Denzil in the ribs with his toe ... not really hurting him but clearly threatening to. "Aw, no Mickey, don't," Denzil was pleading, as Tanya walked in.
The three boys looked in her direction. "Hey Tans," grinned Brad, eying her appreciatively, seeming to forget about Denzil for the moment. "Hi," pouted Tanya, returning the look. Brad was the hunkiest boy in school and she'd been thinking for a while that she wouldn't mind dating him. She fancied him rotten for one thing and (what was better) she knew every other girl did too. The thought of going around with Brad Phelps, making all the other girls even more wildly jealous of her than they were already, was a very appealing notion.
"So what are you guys up to?" she asked, glancing down at Denzil, a sardonic look on her achingly lovely face.
"Do you know Denzil, Tans?" grinned Brad. "Don't believe I do," said Tanya, playing along. "Hey Denzil," she said, grinning down at him.
"Say hi to Tanya, Denz," said Mickey, and he gave Denzil a sharp prod in the ribs with his foot.
"Hi Tanya," grunted Denzil. He was looking up at her with a beseeching expression and Tanya could see the poor boy was desperately hoping she would put a stop to what was going on. Which she could of course, Brad and Mickey (like all boys!) would behave pretty much how she indicated pleased her the most. Realising poor little Denzil's fate was in her hands, Tanya decided to have some fun. The studying could wait.
"What are you doing on the floor, Denzil? You tired or something?" she asked, still grinning at him.
"No, I want to get up but they wwwon't let me," said Denzil, pathetically.
"Aw Brad, why won't you let poor Denzil get up off the floor?" pouted Tanya.
Brad grinned. "Cos he's a fucking little worm, baby, that's why." "Yeah, that's right," added Mickey, with another prod in the ribs. Harder this time, for Tanya's benefit.
"Hear that, Denzil?" said Tanya, "the guys think you're a worm. Are you a worm, Denzil?"
"Nnno, Tanya," he mumbled.
Brad and Mickey, seeing Tanya was happy to join in, were grinning at each other and preparing to really enjoy themselves. "Well I don't think you're a worm either," said Tanya. A cruel pause then, smiling... "I think you're more of a little doggy."
The two jocks exploded with laughter.
"Yeah, Denzil the Dog. Has a nice ring to it, that does," said Brad, winking at Tanya. "Say, Tans, what do you think we should do with the little doggy?"
Tanya looked down at Denzil. God he was pathetic. She flashed a wicked grin. "Get on all fours and go woof, doggy," she ordered.
Denzil did so. On hands and knees, he started making dog noises. "And scamper around a bit like a proper doggy," prodded Tanya, grinning at Brad and Mickey. Poor Denzil did as he was told. Scampered around the room on all fours in a pathetic dog impersonation, with Brad and Mickey jeering him on.
"Hey, Denzil's a dog!"
"Go doggy go!"
Tanya giggled at the pathetic spectacle. What a dork the guy was! She was relishing Denzil's humiliation, also enjoying how the two jocks were kind of competing for her attention and approval. Brad was going to be the winner there ... she'd pretty much decided that ... but it was fun to lead that ugly brute Mickey on too.
Brad and Mickey were kicking Denzil now. Hard kicks to his ribs and his backside. Denzil was yelping in pain and starting to cry. Tanya settled into a chair and got comfortable. She crossed her legs teasingly in her short skirt and watched the cruel spectacle, giggling and clapping ... egging the two bullies on. She couldn't believe that, even as he was being kicked around, Denzil was still pathetically trying to make like a dog. What a loser!
"Aw stop it guys, you're hurting him," she said, finally. Brad and Mickey reluctantly stopped the kicking. They stood looking sheepishly at Tanya, thinking they'd perhaps gone too far. Was she angry with them now? Had they blown it with her?
They needn't have worried.
"Anyway, he's MY little dog. Aren't you Denzil?" she grinned, to yelps of laughter from Brad and Mickey. Denzil didn't reply. Just stayed on all fours, looking down at the floor ... the floor that he wished would open up and swallow him.
"Aren't you Denzil?" she mocked, making the poor boy answer. "Yes Tanya," mumbled poor, humiliated Denzil.
Tanya sat there smiling, letting Denzil stew, enjoying her power. She liked how Brad and Mickey were ogling her legs, gave them both a flirtatious look. Gave Brad a VERY flirtatious look! She noticed that poor little Denzil, despite his undignified position, was also staring at her legs. That amused Tanya no end. As if.
"You've got GREAT legs, Tans, you know that?" said Brad, grinning wolfishly over at her. Brad had his foot resting on Denzil's stomach but, other than that, the poor little geek was forgotten again. Tanya glanced down at the subject of his compliment. She uncrossed her legs, slowly crossed them again ... skirt riding a little way further up her thighs. She gave him her best come on smile. "Have I, sugar?" she pouted. It had the effect she intended. Brad wanted her badly, she could see that. So did Mickey but, you know, tough.
"Say Tans, how about you and me going out this evening?" Brad said.
Normally, Tanya would have treated a question like that with disdain. Made the boy asking it jump through a few hoops before turning him down. But this was Brad Phelps. She liked his confidence, his air of entitlement ... something they had in common.
"Mmmm, well let's see. Think I should check with my little doggy, don't you?" She winked at Brad, completely ignoring Mickey now.
"Sure baby," chuckled Brad.
"So Denzil, what do you say? Is it okay if I go on a date with Brad tonight?"
"Guess so," mumbled poor Denzil, for whom the thought of going on a date with Tanya Richardson was a sort of unattainable heaven. How he wished he was Brad instead of his poor, pathetic self!
"Cos I won't if you don't want me to," said Tanya, grinning at Brad who was killing himself laughing. Mickey Roberts was looking a bit disgruntled and out of it.
"I dddo want you to."
"You sure, Denzil?"
"Yes Tanya," he stuttered.
"Well beg then. You know, like a good little doggy. Crawl over here and beg me to go out with Brad tonight."
Brad was loving this. "Yeah Denzil, let's hear you fucking beg! C'mon you're Tanya's dog, she OWNS you remember."
Denzil crawled over to the giggling Tanya, helped by a serious kick up the rear from Brad. "Please Tanya, ppplease go out with Brad tonight."
"Um okay. And should I be his girlfriend too?" she pouted.
"Yes Tanya, I want you to be Brad's girlfriend. Please be his gggirlfriend, Tanya."
Tanya kept poor Denzil grovelling at her feet, pleading and begging, for a few minutes. What a scream ... flirting with Brad, making Mickey jealous and totally humiliating Denzil all at the same time. She couldn't stop giggling. Oh the power!
Time to go though. "Okay sugar, pick me up at seven," she pouted to Brad as she got to her feet. "See you Denz," she said, grinning down at the poor, humiliated geek. "Hey, kiss my foot before I go," she giggled and she slipped one foot out of its shoe, pushed it lazily into Denzil's face, allowed him to kiss it a couple of times. "Seven," she repeated, for Brad's benefit, then she sashayed out of the room, wiggling her bum as she went. The three boys followed her with longing eyes, Brad looking very happy, the other two rather less so. "Bye Tans," shouted Mickey as she was leaving. Tanya didn't reply.
Yeah that'd been fun thought Tanya as she finished up the routine and, along with the rest of the girls, trooped off to the showers. Poor little Denzil. She was meeting Brad later, after school, and she was expecting that he'd be bringing up the subject of the senior prom. Only just over a week away now and, as always, the talk of the school. Who'd be going with who? What was the music going to be like? Who was going to drink too much and get slaughtered? What would Tanya Richardson be wearing? All that sort of thing. Everyone was assuming that Brad and Tanya would be going as a couple ... the King and Queen, as it were ... and of course they would be, but Tanya was planning a little something extra, something rather fiendish. Involving, as it happens, Denzil Harris. Tonight, she planned to run it by Brad and she was feeing slightly nervous about his reaction. To her, the plan she'd evolved was a masterpiece which would, if executed correctly, be the funniest thing ever. But Brad might not see it like that. Tanya hoped and prayed that he did because she was turned on like never before at the prospect of doing this particular thing to Denzil, and the sight of the sad little geek yet again drooling over her at CL practice ... clearly sick with longing ... only made her more determined that it should happen. She needed Brad to agree, however, since he was an integral part of the whole scenario.
Meeting up with Brad had not lost its thrill for Tanya. She could never quite make up her mind which she liked best ... dating and making out with the school hunk, or the obvious jealousy it stirred up in the other girls ... that she was doing it and they weren't. Tanya loved making other girls jealous, especially the plain ones, the ones who never got any interest from boys. Tanya felt so superior to girls like that and she liked to let them know it. Like on that very first date with Brad, for example, which she remembered as if it were yesterday. He'd picked her up in his car at seven, as agreed, and she'd asked him to take her to the Rocket Bar in the centre of town. The RB was a favourite hangout of Tanya's. She went there sometimes with the other cheerleaders (all pretty girls but not in her league) and basked in the attention of the predominantly male clientele. You got the older guys in there (not boys from school) and Tanya always had a good time leading them on. She was known as a cock tease, of course, but that didn't stop the guys trying, every time she appeared. The other CL girls played the same games, competed with each other in the "drive the men crazy" stakes, but they all paled next to Tanya.
When she and Brad walked into the RB that night, she had her usual impact. Every guy in the place drank in the vision of the drop dead gorgeous Tanya Richardson dressed to kill. The skin tight designer jeans, the skimpy crop top which flaunted her luscious breasts and her flat, toned, lightly tanned belly. She looked like a wet dream. Seeing she was with a guy (Brad) rather than her usual girly group, the men looked disappointed but it didn't stop them ogling. Would be no more than that though, tonight, what with the size and stature of Brad Phelps ... obviously her new boyfriend. Tanya grinned around the place, sensing (and enjoying) their dismay that she was hitched, lapping up the usual longing stares.
They took a table and Tanya was pleased to see that a fellow DH girl, Brenda Gonzales, was waitressing this evening. Brenda was a plain, dumpy looking girl from a poor family, working her way through school. The contrast with the rich and beautiful Tanya Richardson couldn't be greater. It was cruel, really, how one girl could have so much while another had so little, and Tanya always enjoyed rubbing it in with girls like poor Brenda. She'd already heard that Brenda had got a job down here and had been really looking forward to her next visit with the CL gang ... would be amusing, the poor girl having to slave away the whole night serving tables, while she and her CL pals enjoyed themselves, dancing and drinking, flirting with all the hunky men. Still, maybe some other time, because how much worse for poor Brenda (and therefore even more amusing!) to see her out on a date with the school super hunk.
"Hey, isn't that Brenda Gonzales?" said Brad, looking around the room.
"Yeah, she works here now," replied Tanya. "Hey, you don't fancy her do you, sugar?"
"C'mon Tans, what do you think? Is a guy going out with the hottest girl in school gonna be interested in a moose like Brenda Gonzales?"
Tanya giggled. "Aw poor girl, she's not that bad is she? She fancies YOU like mad, honey. We've all heard her talking about it. Going on and on about how lush you are, about what a total dreamboat that Brad Phelps is."
Brad let out a half snort, half chuckle. "Tans baby, I wouldn't give Brenda one if she was the last chick on the fucking planet. Trust me. Hey, here she comes! Oh god, look what she's got on!"
Brenda had made her way to their table, pad in hand. The waitresses at RB had to wear a kind of all red uniform ... short skirt and halter top ... which was meant to look sexy for the benefit of the male clientele. On Brenda Gonzales, however, it looked anything but, as the girl herself was sadly aware. Normally she wouldn't mind too much but faced with the prospect of serving the gorgeous Tanya Richardson and the boy she dreamt about all the time, Brad Phelps, poor Brenda felt painfully inferior and self conscious.
"Hey Bren, nice outfit ... really suits you," said Tanya, smiling sweetly.
"Um thanks, Tanya," muttered Brenda, knowing she was being made fun of.
Tanya snuggled into Brad, who draped a powerful arm around her shoulders. "Think you know Brad don't you, Brenda?" she grinned.
"Um, yeah, hi Brad," said Brenda, blushing. She couldn't help but notice how Tanya had her hand gently resting on Brad's leg. Kind of like she owned him.
"Hi Bren, how you doing?" said Brad.
"Okay," mumbled poor Brenda. Which had been true a few minutes ago but was far from the case now. Tanya had started to squeeze and stroke Brad's muscular thigh through his jeans. Oh how Brenda wished she could trade places!
"So, any chance of a couple of drinks?" said Tanya, continuing to stroke Brad's leg.
"Um, sure," mumbled Brenda. She was blushing furiously now.
"Great," said Tanya, thoroughly enjoying this. She carried on smiling at Brenda, saying nothing further. Brenda, feeling more and more uncomfortable, cleared her throat a couple of times. She was feeling too ashamed to speak and wished that Tanya would hurry up and order.
"Well?" drawled Tanya, raising an eyebrow. "Aren't you going to ask us what we're drinking?"
"Um yeah, sorry Tanya. So what do you guys want?"
Tanya turned to Brad and grinned. "The waitress is asking what we'd like to drink. How about a nice cold beer, honey? Would you like that?"
"Sure babe, that'd be good," said Brad, struggling to keep a straight face.
"Okay, so run along and bring us a couple of beers." ordered Tanya, talking to Brenda as if she was no more than a servant.
Brenda, desperate to get away, just nodded and walked off in the direction of the bar. "Oh waitress!" called Tanya, when Brenda was maybe halfway across the room but still in earshot. Brenda turned around to see Tanya waving at her. Once she had Brenda's attention, Tanya stopped waving and summoned her back ... didn't say anything, just wiggled her finger. When the wretched Brenda returned to their table, she found Tanya and Brad wrapped in a passionate kiss. Again she found couldn't speak ... poor girl had to stand there, completely ignored, while Brad snogged Tanya's face off for what seemed like an eternity. Brenda had long dreamed of being kissed by a handsome boy like Brad Phelps ... had fantasised many times about Brad himself, let's be honest ... and it was cruel seeing him so obviously crazy about Tanya. Brenda was consumed with jealousy.
Tanya finally broke off from Brad, pushed him playfully away. "Stop it honey, can't you see the waitress is back?" she giggled.
"Screw the waitress, baby. I'm busy," grunted Brad.
Tanya chuckled. "Yeah well I'm sure she'd love that, sugar, but maybe some other time. Look, I called her back over ... thought you might be hungry ... thought you might, you know, wanna order some peanuts or something."
Brad grinned, started nuzzling Tanya's neck. "Only thing I wanna eat is you, baby girl," he growled. Tanya looked up at poor Brenda. "Boys!" she giggled, rolling her eyes, Brad now nibbling away at her ear.
Not having being actually dismissed, Brenda couldn't move, had to keep standing there. After a while Brad broke off and looked at her. A horrible, sneering type of look. "Look, can't you see me and Tans are on a date? Why don't you just ... you know ... just kind of fuck off and bring us the beers?"
Brenda turned and stumbled off, Brad and Tanya half killing themselves laughing as they watched the unfortunate girl go.
"Oh god, that was funny! Poor cow. You are SUCH a bitch, baby, you know that?" said Brad.
Tanya just giggled.
Finishing up her shower now, Tanya smiled as she recalled how that memorable first date had ended up with them going back to his place for a couple of hours, taking advantage of the fact his parents and little brother were away, and Brad had the house to himself for a few days.
In the car, they'd laughed at the cruel stunt they'd pulled when Brad signed for the check (which came to twenty bucks). "What about something for our little waitress?" said Tanya, winking at Brenda. Brad had grunted and took a hundred dollar bill out of his wallet, let Brenda get a close up view of what both he and Tanya knew was a fortune to the poor girl. He fingered the bill for a while, teasing Brenda with it, smiling at her as if he was about to give it to her.
"God, did you see the fucking look on her face when I finally put the hundred away and tossed her the fifty cent piece?" chuckled Brad, as he swung the car into the driveway of his parents' mansion. "Talk about disappointment!" he smirked.
"Poor Brenda," giggled Tanya, thinking how much fun it was, as a girl, to be rich AND pretty. Like she'd probably spent more on the shoes she was wearing tonight than Brenda would get to spend on herself in her whole lifetime. And if she wanted to buy another pair tomorrow ... another dozen pairs! ... all she had to do was put it on her father's charge card. Daddy would do anything for his little girl and Tanya had him wrapped around her little finger.
The two of them had been necking pretty much the whole time at the RB and they were very hot for each other by this point.
Tanya remembered how it'd been that first time.
Within five minutes flat she was wrapped naked in Brad's brawny arms on the sofa, her heart thumping fast, hot blood thrumming through her veins. Her pussy leaked onto her smooth, inner thighs as she eagerly received his probing kisses. She sucked on his tongue as it slithered in and out of her mouth. She clamped onto his lower lip, gnawing and suckling. Brad had slid off her at one point and rolled onto his powerful back, his stiff cock whipping to and fro. Tanya straddled him with a lustful look in her eyes, her breasts heaving with mounting excitement. Brad had grinned and reached up to give both her tits a firm squeeze. Tanya moaned and ground her sopping wet pussy against his throbbing erection. Reaching behind her, she attempted to direct his cock into the entrance of her pussy, but Brad had stopped her.
"Not yet baby. First I want you to wrap those beautiful lips of yours around my big dick."
With a wicked grin that caused Brad's balls to ache, Tanya slowly kissed her way down his bronzed chest, nibbling and licking as she went. The big jock moaned his appreciation as she tongued his ripped six pack, one muscle at a time. Meanwhile, her silky soft fingers were worked their magic over his cock ... stroking, squeezing, caressing. Tanya felt intoxicated like never before. She could smell her own juices on his cock. The smell excited her and she wanted to taste it ... to feel his big, hard cock in her mouth. She wanted to suck his cock ... to toy with it ... to drive Brad crazy with desire until he could take no more. Then she'd let him take her ... take her completely.
After fucking each other's brains out, they'd lain for a while just chatting.
"Hey, did you like this afternoon? ... you know, when I made Denzil Harris act like a dog?" Tanya asked.
"Total scream, baby," grinned Brad.
"So, did you carry on messing with him after I left?"
Queen of Queendom Princess stood on the edge of the cliff, head held high. Below her, the grey sea churned violently. She had a choice, to jump or to turn away. It was no choice at all. The crowd watching her expected her to jump. There was no true escape from her duties. To jump was to declare herself the rightful ruler of the kingdom, to turn away would not strip her of her title, but it would turn the people against her. Her every move would be questioned, scorned and broken down. Her...
Queen of Queendom Princess stood on the edge of the cliff, head held high. Below her, the grey sea churned violently. She had a choice, to jump or to turn away. It was no choice at all. The crowd watching her expected her to jump. There was no true escape from her duties. To jump was to declare herself the rightful ruler of the kingdom, to turn away would not strip her of her title, but it would turn the people against her. Her every move would be questioned, scorned and broken down. Her orders...
I `wrote' this while staring at the ceiling at 4:00am, the morning before I left. The inspiration for this story is in the first paragraph. I gave it a subtitle of `Vacation Story Number 4" because it was the fourth story `wrote' while on vacation. (I `wrote' it in the sense that the entire story, and most of the scenes were imagined, but not typed in.) The other three are still in my head and need to be typed in. Enjoy this. This story is purely fictional and meant for adult audiences...
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Hai this is rathode again please do leave your comments on my id Please read the stories for fun not at the cost of relations. Once youpon a time during Ancient India there is a kingdom called mathasangama , the kingdom is well blessed with all kind of resources where ever you see the land is full of greenery, farmers grows well yielded crops, miners mines pure gold, iron, silver and diamonds, soldiers fight with glory, each and every men and women in the kingdom are wise and pay the taxes on...
IncestTHE PRESENT: "She is the queen of what?" Val asked. Tasmine looked just as surprised as Val and I did. Except for Atheria. She leaned back and looked puzzled, stroking her chin thoughtfully. "She is the Queen of the Dragons," Sheperd repeated. "No, she is not a true dragon, if that's what you're wondering." "Then how can she be a queen to you?" Tasmine asked, perplexed. "It is a long story," Sheperd told us, "and I was not there for it. Perhaps you could ask someone who was...
Bees by Bryony Marsh "New kid, eh? I'm Baker. Stick to me like glue today, and you'll be OK." The new worker stood out prominently, his clothing yet to be stained by the pollen. He looked excited, and anxious. "Is it true about the bees?" he asked. "I mean, you hear things, but... if they sting you...?" "It's not a sting; it's a bite. And of course they're not exactly bees - although close enough. If they bite you, they'll inject you with a poison that makes your nuts shrink....
Chapter 1:The Invitation"Oh look at that, we got an invite to Queen Aroma's annual festive party!"My gorgeous brunette queen Hannah tells me with a grin.She's standing in the kitchen, going through her mail as I'm knelt behind her, my head tucked away out of sight under her pink fluffy dressing gown, sniffing her delightful bare ass.It's early in the morning, a week before Christmas, and she's still not fully awake just yet, yawning as she sips her coffee, and places her invitation carefully...
The Queen could not believe what she was reading;a letter had arrived from the Abbess of the Abbey of St.Deaglan that was accusing her of cowardice.It had all started a long time ago,when the now Queen was a young Princess.Her father,the King had made sure that a girl of noble birth would be appointed as a 'Whipping Girl' this girl would take any beating that the then Princess should have received, "Her Royal skin shall not feel the hand or the lash...the 'Whipping Girl will be honoured for...
-Alice Hoffman *** "Mirror, mirror, on the wall…" "What's that, mother?" The Queen turned away from the glass. Her stepdaughter sat at the tower window, embroidery in her lap, looking puzzled. "Just something I used to say when I was a little girl," said the Queen. "A rhyming game. There's a second part to it, but I can never remember how it goes." She looked at the mirror again, frowning over her reflection. Something didn't look quite right about it. It was...
The Queen lay back on her featherbed, urging the young lad that was betwixt her legs onward. He was young, far younger than she usually chose, but he was eager to please, and she eager to train, he glanced up at his mistress, his lips, nose and chin glistening from her essence. He replaced the void of his mouth with three of his work worn fingers and stroked her as she had shown him until she writhed on the bed. Without much warning the Queen spun the lad until he was pinned betwixt her legs,...
The Queen, the Guard and the Farm girl Queen Katherine was a young Queen. Her mother had died giving birth to her. Her father, the King was kind, and his people loved him, and so did Kathryn. Sadly, he fell sick and died shortly after her 18th birthday. Kathryn was named Queen and promised herself and her kingdom that she would rule as her father had and her people would love her. Queen Kathryn was a beautiful woman, she stood at 5’6” and 110lbs. She had beautiful, flowing black...
It had been months fighting but the Mokrull finally was closing in on the Gyu. Their complete takeover was imminent. Until now the Gyu's superior intelligence and agile execution of their training had been the key to their survival. But the Mokrull's size and superior strength gave them an advantage at hand to hand combat.The Mokrull are a race of hideous Mongrel-like humanoids, each one weighing somewhere between 300lbs to anywhere as large as 500 lbs (very little of it actually being fat...
Chapter Eighteen: Pleasing the Rakshasa Queen By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn't write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Ankush, The Queendom of Naith My stomach roiled. Summoned to see the...
Feeling the familiar warmth and weight of Suzi lying on top of him, Joey didn’t move when he first awoke. But when he opened his eyes and found himself back in the royal bed chambers, he decided he needed to after all. “Suz,” he said gently, rubbing her naked back. “Wake up, Suz. The dream is back.” “Hmmm?” she said sleepily, then smiled and stretched as she pulled herself up to give him a kiss on the lips. “Morning to you too,” Joey said tenderly. “Is the Queen the Queen, or herself...
Feeling the familiar warmth and weight of Suzi lying on top of him, Joey didn't move when he first awoke. But when he opened his eyes and found himself back in the royal bed chambers, he decided he needed to after all. "Suz," he said gently, rubbing her naked back. "Wake up Suz. The dream is back." "Hmmm?" she said sleepily, then smiled and stretched as she pulled herself up to give him a kiss on the lips. "Morning to you too," Joey said tenderly. "Is the Queen the Queen, or...
Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Lasla – Ankush, Queendom of Naith I fought to keep my fear at bay and marched up the last few steps of the Ziggurat to the top where the open throne room lay. I...
Queen Malika came from a poor family before she married King Louie. They’ve been together for three years. Her purpose is purely for decorations. She is no allowed to interfere with state affairs. She has been provided with a dozen maids attending to her and she spent her days being made pretty and waiting for the king to call on her. Malika is prettier than ever. She was only 18 when she married the king, then a prince. Now, as she turns older, her body curved became more refined. The king was...
Erotic FictionIf you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is...
I really should have listened to Dwayne. He told me to stay away from her. He told me she was way out of my league. He told me she was dangerous. But I didn’t believe him. Besides, everyone picked on me and teased me and I thought this was one opportunity to tease back.I guess I’ve always been teased. When you are smaller than all the other boys and don’t have a lot of body hair, you are going to get teased. Gym class was bad in grade school and worse in high school. By my senior year, it was...
FemdomLasla – Ankush, Queendom of Naith I followed the dwarf out of the cell, leaving behind my sister and our sex slaves. I walked in my purple robes like I were a queen. I kept my head straight, my black hair falling down my back. My slipper-clad feet whisked on the stone floor. The dwarf marched before me, not saying a word. I wondered what the Queen of Naith wanted from me. It was too early for there to be word from Kurtis. This was so dumb. I hated that we had been forced to do this. He and...
5:00 AM. I wake up and shower off the night. I grab my phone and text my Queen. “Good Morning my Queen. I hope You find the day to Your liking. (I also include a pic of my morning wood for Her.) I move on to my work out. 100 pushups, 100 body squats, and a two-mile jog. Once back home, I open my laptop, I log on to and see who is online as I make breakfast. As I look over the girls online, my phone goes off. It is my Queen. She has sent me a video with my tasks to honor Her...
The Prom Queen: A Story About a Lovely Boy - Part Three (2nd Section) Copyright, 2006 by K. G. Communications (Note: This section of Part 3 of this story was left out in the transmission. For sequence purposes, it should be read before Part 4. The author apologizes) The public announcement that a boy would be running as prom queen at Carney High spread like wildfire; by 2 p.m. on the day it was posted, there were television trucks outside the school, interviewing students...
Alyce continued down her path. What a strange and fascinating land? Part of her wanted to stay and explore every sexual adventure, but the other part just wanted to go home. She walked down the well-worn path, looking in every direction for a clue as to where to go next. “Where is Chet when I need him?” she pondered. Coming to a fork in the path, she looked left and then right. Lush green vegetation surrounded her, and she felt the sickening dread of being lost. Sitting down on a large...
SupernaturalJames reluctantly left his bedroom with a slightly wistful glance at Fiona still asleep in his bed. She was sent over from his Service to help him heal from injuries suffered during his last mission. She was doing more than just heal his physical injuries, but also reminding him that even with his replacement parts, he was still a man! His still healing leg was stiff and uncomfortable, but he knew he had a very important appointment to keep and one does not keep her waiting.The young Queen...
SteampunkThe Prom Queen - The Story of a Lovely Boy -- Part Six By Katherine Day (Copyright 2006 by K - G Communications) Corey Sanders, his loveliness so apparent in the junior dress he was wearing, stood in nervous anticipation, holding hands with his boy friend, Mark Lundstrom. He was one of five contestants to win the honor of being Prom Queen for Carney High School. The five were joined by their male partners and other supporters and they waited in the wings of the giant stage of the...
Queen Ankhesentiti lay in her chambers one day, bored and wondering what she would do with her day. She got up off her luxurious bed and walked out onto the rooftop terrace overlooking her palace courtyard.She stood on the terrace, leaning on the stone railing as she looked out at the land she ruled. It was a fine land, rich with resources and wealth. She was quite content and her people were happy with her as their ruler. Queen Ankhesentiti was a fair and just ruler, benevolent to her people,...
SeductionPERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE ???? SHE? RA? v? DRAGON QUEEN ?By Sonya Esperanto ([email protected]) Synopsis: About the animated heroine She Ra (from Masters of the Universe and had her own series) being defeated by a sadistic Oriental villainess, who makes She Ra her bdsm slave. Story: Our Earth Dragon Queen entered an abandoned mansion that had a Victorian look to it. As far as she was concerned, it might as well be a haunted house.Dragon Queen was a tall, slim...
Romancing the Queen By: Malissa Madison Lars Grendel had no idea why this very young Queen was being so kind to him. Especially since he had just confessed to having accepted a contract to kill one of her best friends. The Royal Guardian, Leonida sat staring at him, clearly, she had no clue either, why her Queen was acting this way. Finally, she pushed herself away from the wall. "I don't know if you're the bravest person I ever met, or the...
YAVARA The first thing I noticed when I awoke, was the familiar warmth of hair atop my head. It was strange, but the most jarring part of being burned half to death was the feeling of cold air against my bald pate. The missing limbs and skin were somehow secondary, and so the recovery of those lost things came as a second realization to me. The third thing I noticed, was that I was in my room in the high tower of Castle Alkandra. The fourth thing I noticed, was that Leveria was hovering over...
No one knew how, or from where, but ever since she appeared, the so-called White Queen of South Africa had been a nightmare for all South African gangs in the so-called famous Cape Town.Almost nothing was known about her, except that she had previously been a prostitute in Namibia, and that it was believed that she had been born there, perhaps in Windhoek, being of a possible German or Dutch origin due to her particular accent when speaking for those who had managed to dialogue a bit with her,...
No one knew how, or from where, but ever since she appeared, the so-called White Queen of South Africa had been a nightmare for all South African gangs in the so-called famous Cape Town.Almost nothing was known about her, except that she had previously been a prostitute in Namibia, and that it was believed that she had been born there, perhaps in Windhoek, being of a possible German or Dutch origin due to her particular accent when speaking for those who had managed to dialogue a bit with her,...
My last patient for the day. An eighteen year old from the local school, Michelle. She was something of a queen bee - tall and confident, sadly with small tits but with great curves to make up for it. She had blonde flaxen hair, wore a little bit too much make up, yet was naturally gorgeous, with nice pouty lips and green eyes which shone in the desire to be dominated, signifying an eros of unfulfilled love. Even though I was fifty-six, I had to have her. And I'm a man who always gets what he...
Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Azkobez Hold, The Otsal Mountains “My mother,” I groaned, the fog falling off my mind. I sat up and saw that the woman who was speaking to me was short....
Author's Note: The character of Professor Ava/Queen Ava is heavily-based on porn star, Ava Devine, a very beautiful, voluptuous and talented actress with a fantastic voice and screen presence, so if you want to know exactly what the character looks/sounds like, check out Ms. Devine's work. Chapter 1: Moans of Despair And Lust. As Johnny (dark-haired & muscular football jock) and Lucinda (cute petite ponytailed-brunette with a perky personality) were about to walk into the Advanced...
(Femdom, Sci-Fi, Orgasm-Denial, Teasing, Lesbian, FBB, BDSM, Humiliation, Fetish, tragic love story)Author's Note: The character of Professor Ava/Queen Ava is heavily-based on porn star, Ava Devine, a very beautiful, voluptuous and talented actress with a fantastic voice and screen presence, so if you want to know exactly what the character looks/sounds like, check out Ms. Devine's work.Chapter 1: Moans of Despair And Lust.As Johnny (dark-haired & muscular football jock) and Lucinda (cute...
LEVERIA “…three, two, one!” Elena grunted, and with a heave, we tossed Sir Fraldias’s corpse down the spiraling staircase. It clanked and boomed as it disappeared into the stone blackness, then ended with a distant splash. “How are you going to explain it?” Elena asked, catching her breath. “I’m the queen of the Highlands; I don’t need to explain anything.” I smiled, wiping the blood off on my already-ruined night gown, “No one will question me about a missing knight, but a dead one at my...
Submitted on 11/29/08Within the palace of The Living Goddess Aishia hundreds of slaves were housed, born or conquest of war slaves. Being a tremendously wealthy young Lady, The Goddess Aishia has been waited upon all Her days by bought chattel. It is true to say She has never lifted a finger to perform a menial task in Her life all slaves worship Aishia. There has never been an attempt to escape; no day passes without number of slaves painfuly suffers ortortured to death for Queens pleasures,...
The man had shown such promise when he’d been captured during the siege of Garanelle far to the south. When she finally led her warrior maidens to her enemy’s throne room, this man had stood defiantly at the head of the old king’s bodyguards. He was tall and bare-chested, his sun-kissed skin glistening with the heat and sweat of battle. He crouched in a defensive pose, two short swords held ready before him. Ten other men stood by him, glancing nervously at each other and looking almost like...
Thank you guys for your appreciation of my stories. Some of you have asked me to continue this stream, so I continue with the next part. To give a brief context of the story up till now. This story goes back to 200 years where kings and queens ruled the provinces. I was a traveler passing through a province ruled by a queen and used to hate men. I committed a crime and was landed in prison. The prison had a different set of rules and different types of punishment. It was...
Suddenly he woke up and opened his eyes to see lightly light place with strange resin all over the walls and roof and floor, after a few seconds he sat up and started to remember what had happened: He was a soldier on a mission on this strange planet where they found a derelight space ship, probably from the space jockeys race. He was one of the soldiers who went on board it and found some urns inside which they took a close look at and all out of a sudden some black sticky substance hit them...
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! This warning is possibly not needed for this particular story, but I am including it because it is needed for most of my stories. If you decide to read other of my stories make sure that you read the disclosures and warnings at the beginning of each story. All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any...
Halloween was approaching, but the days were not growing cold. That was because I was in a campground in southwestern Texas where winter doesn’t show up until February and even then it doesn’t get below forty unless the local weather people are screaming about record lows.I decided to go hiking out through the scrubbrush. The maps warn not to hike alone on a lot of the trails, but I wasn’t going up into the mountains or anywhere really difficult or dangerous. This was such a simple trail that...
Fantasy & Sci-FiHalloween was approaching, but the days were not growing cold. That was because I was in a campground in southwestern Texas where winter doesn’t show up until February and even then it doesn’t get below forty unless the local weather people are screaming about record lows.I decided to go hiking out through the scrubbrush. The maps warn not to hike alone on a lot of the trails, but I wasn’t going up into the mountains or anywhere really difficult or dangerous. This was such a simple trail that...
David knew better than to struggle against his captors. The thought had crossed his mind several, if not many times, to try and fight back. Part of him argued that they were merely women, that they were no match for him. Yet the other part, the far more sensible part knew that it was futile. They had taken him this far with very little effort; an attempt to fight back now would only worsen his situation. After all, they were the palace guards, and he was bound; as good as helpless. ...
Queen Isabella was very beautiful. It was impossible to keep our relationship professional.Queen Isabella was so beautiful, and I secretly wanted her. Probably every man working in the palace did. Her husband, Leonardo, paid little, if any, attention to her and had several mistresses hidden away that he visited regularly.But being a good Queen, she ignored it outwardly, but I knew she was hurting inside. I felt sorry for her, but I was only her personal secretary and could not do anything. I...
She did it again!!! Damn it all I should have known better! I should have known she would have broken my heart again. Lies! Always with the lies. She came back into my life just after Christmas, everyone filling my ears with how wonderful she looks now that she's clean and sober. She had run away to clean up her act. Stop her drug abuse and settle into a regimen of methadone and counseling. Away for almost 8 months. I thought all my dreams were about to come true. My Eagle Princess was...
The Baron took her hand and led the Queen towards the couch bed. Her new larger breasts swayed and jiggled as she walked. He sat her on the bed and she scooted back so that he could kneel between her legs. "What do you want her to do, Sam?" asked Selassie. "Do you want an airhead bimbo? Do you want a slave? Do you want her to call you master?" "Master would be nice," answered the Baron. He ran his large black hands down her smooth wide legs and pulled them apart. "Semen Sez call him...
Chapter Sixty-One YAVARA It took me months to fully heal from the wounds I suffered atop the tower. Even with the full expertise of the royal mages, my stomach and liver were permanently damaged, and my abdominal wall had to be held together with a stiff corset lest I develop a hernia. It made it damnably difficult to sleep, but at least my posture was always good. Headmaster Lucian assured me that it would only be a temporary measure, for he and his best mages were working diligently to...
My quest to find the Queen of Sex Fantasy Land in search of the ultimate sexual experience...The Queen.I am so ashamed. I am just so ashamed of myself, you have no idea. I have been so bad I should be punished by one or two of you fine looking women. Really, I have been a bad boy. I have let you people down big time. Oh yes, I really did it this time. Here I am on an adult web site and what do I write? c***dish nonsense about lost tribes of wild women, going back to the Garden Of Eden, girls...
Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Ankush, The Queendom of Naith My stomach roiled. Summoned to see the queen. Dawn peeked through Princess Lavhi’s window. My sisters, sex slaves, and I...
The Prom Queen: A Story About a Lovely Boy - Part Four Copyright, 2006 by K. G. Communications Even though his attorney had arranged to have Corey excused on the day after the School Board meeting, so as to avoid the many distractions that an interested media might create, Corey was determined to go to school, as he had done in the past few weeks, dressed in his unisex manner. "Thanks," he told the attorney, Kristen, "but I have come this far and don't see any reason to shy away...
Memoirs of an Interplanetary Queen Part 1 Tomorrow is my eighteenth birthday and I've been waiting for this day for many years. You see, I've had a crush on a girl since the tenth grade. She's like the feeling of standing in a warm summer's rain; like the first day in spring when you realize you don't need to wear a coat; like the fresh smell of the air after a lightning storm; and like the first taste of bubblegum before it become all bland and tasteless. Tomorrow, on my birthday,...
In a small land far away there were two warring countries eachbeautiful lands but both in need of a king. One had a very beautiful olderbut stunning Queen the other a handsome young Prince.Queen Raya, came up with a plan to help her take full control of her kingdomall she had to do was marry being that her husband the late King was very oldand had just died and few weeks earlier and now her country was asking fora new King even thought she wanted the thrown for herself she new she had todo...
When Alice came to, she was alone and in what could only be described as a compromised position.“Oh, dear,” she murmured, gazing at herself in the oval mirror that had been moved to the foot of the bed upon which she knelt, her arms stretched towards the ceiling, manacles of gold securing her wrists to a chain descending from the rafters. She let forth a sigh at the sight of her once pretty outfit, now quite disheveled and revealing much more Alice than she would have preferred. Much more leg....
BDSMIt didn't take Amelia long after stepping out of her cage to feel the effect of having sex with a Succubus. She felt drained like she hasn't slept any from the night before, and her limbs felt heavy. Amelia focused all of her attention on the cold hard cobblestone floor below her feet to keep from thinking about Mary's ass. The way it swayed from side to side as she walked made her want to do forbidden things to it.When her mind became one with that creature, it knew everything about her,...
Fantasy & Sci-Fi