A Queen In Need - A Halloween free porn video

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Halloween was approaching, but the days were not growing cold. That was because I was in a campground in southwestern Texas where winter doesn’t show up until February and even then it doesn’t get below forty unless the local weather people are screaming about record lows.

I decided to go hiking out through the scrubbrush. The maps warn not to hike alone on a lot of the trails, but I wasn’t going up into the mountains or anywhere really difficult or dangerous. This was such a simple trail that it didn’t carry any warnings on the map except to remember to bring water and to not disturb the local vegetation. Maybe things would have happened differently if I had someone walking with me, but I really doubt it.

I had been walking for about an hour when I heard someone behind me calling my name. I turned around and there was no one there. I slowly turned completely around checking out every rock and shadow but there was no one visible for miles. Then I heard my name being called again and something green and shimmering began to appear on the path in front of me. As it continued to shimmer, it slowly started to take human form.

The green was a diaphanous dress that covered, but did not conceal, a very muscular and powerful, but still very curvy and beautiful, body. Her hair was a very dark auburn with orangish highlights. Her lips were redder than anything I had ever seen at the lipstick counter in Macy’s. Her eyes were sky blue and were looking straight at me. My own eyes were a little lower, checking out the dark triangle which was clearly visible through the diaphanous green.

She called my named once again and my Weird Shit Meter rose to about 5. For some people that would be the time to run screaming down the trail. But I’ve seen weirder. A couple of nines and tens come immediately to mind. I try not to think of those times when the meter went totally off-scale. Compared to those times, five wasn’t all that bad. For me, five means it is time to be careful, but not scared shitless.

She spoke again. “My name is Eithne,” she said. She pronounced it “en-ya” but somehow I knew it should be spelled Eithne when I wrote out this story.

I walked up to her and we stood silently staring at each other for several moments. I was still carefully inspecting her marvelous body. She was gazing at me as if she was trying to evaluate me for some purpose or another. Finally she sighed and said softly, “I guess you’ll have to do.”

I bristled slightly at her negative evaluation even though I didn’t know the criteria by which she was judging me. I think I said, “What?” or something like that. Whatever it was, it didn’t matter, because she ignored my response and said, “Walk through me.”

It wasn’t much louder than what she had spoken before, but it was much more firm and crisp, like an order. I continued to stand there staring at her for a moment. Then her eyes bored into mine and inside my head I heard her loudly command, “I said... Walk through me!”

I did, and suddenly I was standing in a beautiful glen. The sky was a totally different shade of blue and everything around me was green and alive. The sudden change from the dusty brown of southwest Texas was jarring. I quickly looked around. A small stream meandered down the center of the valley where we stood and, high up on the hill, I could see a large castle watching out over the surrounding area.

I shook my head and asked, “What are you?”

“I am one of the Fey,” she replied calmly, “and I have chosen you.”

“Chosen me?” I sputtered. “For what? Why? Where are we?”

She laughed slightly. It was a beautiful silvery laugh. “You call this Ireland,” she said, “but where we are is unimportant. What is important is when we are here and that you are... adequate... for the task at hand.”

I grimaced at the second negative evaluation of my ability, even though I still had no idea what she wanted me to do.

She laughed again and smiled sweetly at me. For some reason I suddenly thought of Glinda, the Good Witch from Wizard of Oz. Only I never worried that Glinda might turn someone into a frog... or worse.

“As to why you are here,” she continued in her cheery voice, “it is simple. You are here to save a wise woman from an unjust death. The Queen has declared her to be a witch and she will burn at midnight on All Hallow’s Eve... unless you intervene.”

I looked at her in silence as I tried to comprehend everything she had just told me. Finally I took a deep breath and asked, “Why was I chosen? How am I supposed to save her?”

She touched me in the center of the chest and said, “You were chosen because you are sexually open and are more adequately endowed than average.” She paused and then said, somewhat less cheerfully, “You are also not overly old or ugly.”

I took it I was not her first choice. Maybe I could still get out of whatever it was she had drafted me for. “A lot of men,” I replied, “have better equipment than me... and greater stamina. Why me?”

She paused. It was obvious she was debating whether or not to tell me something. She started to speak several times, but said nothing. Finally she grimaced and said flatly, “Yes, there are many other men who would be better suited to the task. But the woman who is to be burned is your” – she began counting on her fingers– “great, great, great, great”– she threw up her hands in frustration – “... great... something grandmother.”

“Wait a minute!” I exclaimed as I held up my hands. “This isn’t one of those time loops, is it?.. where I end up being my own grandpa... or great, great, great, great... something grandfather?”

I could feel my Weird Shit Meter start moving toward eight and I really didn’t like it. But then she shook her head.

“No,” she answered with her silvery laugh. “You are not expected to make love to her.”

“Then who?” I asked rather heatedly.

“The Queen, of course,” she replied. Her chirpy voice sounded as if I should have already known that and was being silly for asking.

“How will that save my.... great something grandmother?” I asked slowly. My Weird Shit Meter was continuing to climb.

“The Queen will be coming out to speak to her in just a few moments,” Eithne began to explain. “She will ask her once again to renounce the Devil and accept the judgment of the Crown. If your grandmother agrees, they will burn her immediately.” She cocked her head, smiled at me once again, and said firmly, “So I will tell her what to say.”

She looked up at the castle on the hill and started to get agitated. “Time is passing rapidly,” she said quickly. “Come with me. For the moment they can’t see you. We must hurry.”

I had to hustle to keep up with her as she hurried up the steep hillside. I was wondering how she was able to run so quickly through the slippery foliage, but about half-way up I realized that she wasn’t running. She wasn’t even walking fast. She was floating over the grass like some sort of hovercraft. I was huffing and puffing and she was still smiling serenely when we got to the castle gate. Sometimes working with magical creatures really gets annoying.

The big gates were closed and barred, but there was a small door open in the main gate. A heavily-armed guard stood on either side of the small opening. Through the opening I could see at least two others also standing guard. I felt a little vulnerable walking between them in nothing but a pair of walking shorts, T-shirt, and sandals, but evidently we really were invisible because they continued to glare out at the surrounding glen as Eithne and I walked between them.

“There she is,” she said softly once we were inside the courtyard. She then beckoned me to walk beside her as she floated up to a large, wooden stake set upright in the middle of the courtyard.

A naked women was bound to the stake with her arms stretched high above her head. Her hands were lashed to a chain which went up over the top of the post and then back down to a stake where it was held tight. Her light auburn hair was twisted into some kind of a knot and tied to a rod sticking out of the post above her head so that she had to remain facing outward and couldn’t bow her head to protect it from the sun. Her ankles, knees, and waist were bound directly to the post with coarse rope. It was obvious she had been there for some time. Her skin was very sunburned and she was peeling badly on her face, breasts, arms, and legs.

I was surprised that I had to look up slightly at the woman until I realized that she was standing on a small platform attached to the stake about three feet off the ground. Beneath that, piled up almost over her feet, were small limbs, twigs, and kindling chips ready for the fire. Larger pieces of wood were stacked nearby so that they could be set in place when it came time to burn her or perhaps just thrown into the fire once it was going.

Eithne approached the woman and said firmly, “Maoliosa,”– she pronounced it “male-eeesa,” but again somehow I knew how it should be spelled when I told my story. “Maoliosa,” she called out, “when the Queen asks you to confess, you must tell her that you are not a witch and that you practice no magic. Tell her that God has revealed to you that if she burns you she will have lost her last chance for something she has sought all her life. If you wish to save your life, say no more than that and no less. If you understand me, nod your head, but say nothing.”

I watched Maoliosa look around in confusion and then slowly nod her head, or at least as much as she could with her hair tied tightly above her. She wasn’t the only one who was confused. I looked at Eithne with obvious surprise on my face. I was going to give the Queen something she had sought all her life?

Before I could ask my question, Eithne said to me. “Be patient. All will become known when it must be known.”

I hate working with magical creatures. They don’t exactly lie to you, but they tell you the truth in ways that you don’t understand until it is too late. I started to ask her to explain things, but she shushed me and said, “Be quiet. The Queen is sensitive to the presence of the Fey and may feel that we are about if we disturb the ether too much.”

I wasn’t sure what in the hell she meant, but I shut up and stayed very still. It was only a moment later when the rattle of armor announced the presence of the four guards who were accompanying the Queen. All four were carrying short swords, drawn and ready for use. Their armor looked like it had once been worn by Roman soldiers, which was quite likely the case. Two walked in front of the Queen and two walked behind her.

The Queen herself looked like something out of Irish folklore– a Celtic Queen in all her power and beauty. She was wearing close fitting leather armor which accentuated rather than hid her voluptuous body. Beneath a short leather corslet, her legs were bare except for sandal straps which wound up her legs almost to her knees. She had very muscular legs, but they still had enough feminine fat to be curvy. Unlike Eithne or Maoliosa, her hair was not dark, but instead was the color of orange flame. It hung down out of her helmet onto her back well past her waist and rippled slightly in the wind as she strode across the courtyard and stood before the bound woman.

She pulled her sword from her back scabbard and reached out and up so that the point of the sword rested on Maoliosa’s chest just above her sunburnt breasts a little beneath her throat. “Confess your crimes, witch,” she called out loudly, “and accept the justice of the Crown and of the Lord.”

Maoliosa trembled in obvious fear, but then answered clearly, “Your most royal highness, Queen Aideen, I am not a witch. I know no magic. But the Lord has revealed to me that if you burn me on All Hallow’s Eve you will have given up your last chance for something you have sought throughout your entire reign.”

“You have proved you are a witch by falsely prophesying the future,” the Queen said almost angrily as she jabbed her sword into the ground in front of the stake. She then spat out in a voice of measured anger, “The fire will be lit at midnight on All Hallow’s Eve... so all your sister witches gathered that night throughout the kingdom can hear your screams as you burn.” She then picked up her sword, slipped it back into its scabbard, and strode back into the castle itself.

As her guards clanked along behind her, Eithne floated closer to me and said softly, “The Queen always rests in the afternoon. No one may disturb her while she sleeps. But often times there is very little actual sleeping involved in her afternoon naps.”

I wanted to ask what she meant, but she grabbed my hand and instantly we were standing in the Queen’s bedchamber. Popping around like that is disturbing, but at least I didn’t have try to keep up with her as she floated up the stairs.Two ladies-in-waiting were standing by the door as the Queen entered. She took several steps into the room, stopped, and held her arms out to her sides. They rushed to unfasten the various straps, hooks, buttons, and sewn closures which held the armor and other clothing on the Queen’s body. Soon the Queen was standing in just a heavy corset– or perhaps it was actually an inner layer of her armor. In any case it stopped at her waist and it was obvious that it was all that she had on beneath the other clothing and armor. I perhaps should have been surprised that she was not wearing anything between her legs, but a Queen going commando is fairly low on the list of things that can surprise me.

Once the Queen was totally naked, the two ladies bowed and left. Padding barefoot over to the door, the Queen threw the bolt which locked with a resounding, “Thump!” She then walked over to the bed and pulled a fair-sized box out from beneath it. At first I thought it might be a chamber pot, but when she lifted it and set it on her dresser, it was apparent that the box held three drawers. The top drawer was about an inch and a half deep, the second drawer was a little deeper, and the bottom drawer was closer to five or maybe even six inches.

From the second drawer the Queen drew out a rather accurately-carved ivory dildo about nine inches long and at least two or three inches around. That made me wonder what might be in the large drawer. She then walked over to the bed and lay down on her back.

She kissed the dildo and began sliding it over her body. At first, she was mainly using the ivory to stimulate her nipples, but soon she began sliding it lower and lower until it was dipping between her legs and sliding along her slit, which was becoming wetter and wetter.

“Time for you to appear,” Eithne said as she pushed me toward the center of the room. I felt a coldness over my body and suddenly realized that I was naked. I also realized that the show which the Queen had been putting on in the bed had definitely had an effect on my manhood which was standing out proud and stiff in front of me.

I was also now visible.

The Queen gave a small squeak of shock when she saw me, but immediately recovered and asked angrily, “How did you get in here?”

“That is not important,” I replied. “I am not here to harm you.” I gestured at my naked body and said, “It is obvious that I am carrying no weapons. I am here to grant you that which you have wished for throughout your reign.”

I’m not sure why I said that, but I am pretty sure that Eithne had something to do with it. That’s another thing about working with magical creatures. They can– and often do– put words in your mouth.

Queen Aideen sat looking at me from the bed. She was lying back slightly against her pillows. The ivory dildo was still peeking out of her slit where she had left it when my appearance surprised her. “Come to me,” she said and gestured with her hand for me to stand next to the bed.

I stood next to her bed and she reached out and stroked my raging hard on. She then reached under me and felt my balls, hefting them like she was checking out a breeding ram or bull or stallion. After a few moments she pulled her arm back and looked up into my eyes. After lying back fully against her pillows, she said, “If you do know what I want as you claim, come into my bed and give it to me.”

“Showtime!” I thought as I crawled up onto the sheets. I’ve never done the gigolo bit before, but I guess this didn’t really qualify as sex for money anyway. This was not for money. How well I performed didn’t determine the tip left on the bedside table. It determined whether or not my great whatever grandmother lived or died. And if she died, I would never exist. The stakes were my life and to win I had to give Queen Aideen the best sex she had ever had. No performance pressure in that, is there?

Since the ivory prick was still firmly ensconced in her love canal, I figure I would begin by concentrating on her breasts. Like many red heads, her nipples were a bright pink rather than the more brownish colors found on darker-haired women. I tweaked and twisted while I listened to her pant and moan.

Once those pink nipples were standing fully at attention, I took one of them into my mouth and suckled for just a moment. Her gasp and moan of pleasure told me I was on the right track. I switched tits so the other nipple wouldn’t feel neglected and kept switching back and forth as she urged me on with moans and soft cries of “Yes, yes, yes.”

Once she was panting heavily and starting to undulate on the bed, I kissed my way down her stomach to the fiery red triangle between her legs. With my hands still massaging and tweaking upstairs, my tongue started seeking out the pleasure point between her legs. Her very surprised cry of “Oh, my God! What are you doing!?” caused me to realize that perhaps oral sex was not well-known in old Eire. At least she had never experienced it before. She started arching and slamming into my face as the first orgasm tore through her.

I brought one hand down and grabbed the ivory dildo and began pumping it in and out of her now flowing pussy. She was climbing again toward an orgasm but seemed to be plateauing just short of release. Her grunts and gasps as she forced herself against my tongue were starting to be interspersed with cries of “Please! Please! Please!”

I was lapping and slurping as best I could, but she just would not go over the top. That’s when I decided to surprise her with something else from the twenty-first century. I pulled the ivory prick out of her steaming cunt and slid in two fingers. As I pumped faster and faster with those two fingers, “Two in the pink and one in the stink,” kept repeating softly in my mind.

The Queen didn’t look too regal as she bucked and jumped against my hand. She was almost there, but still couldn’t quite blast off. That’s when I decided that I had to actually do the shocker. With the next push with my hand, I straightened my ring finger and aimed it directly for her rosebud.

With all of the love juice that had flowed out of her cunt and down between her legs, it slid in very easily as I thrust with my hand. Her scream of surprise quickly turned into an even louder scream of passion and pleasure as the sexual energy built up by my tongue and hands exploded within her.

I rode her with my hand and my face as she bucked and screamed in ecstacy. As she began to calm down she suddenly spread her legs and started yelling, “Fuck me! Fuck me now!”

Not one to disobey the orders of a Queen, I immediately positioned myself between her legs and slid my throbbing member into her quivering cunt.

She had yelled, “Fuck me!” but it was more like she was the one doing the fucking. She thrust herself up against me so hard I had to grab the bedsheets just to keep from being bounced off. She was almost out of her mind. She was bucking and screaming and seemed to be in the throes of one, long, continuous orgasm. I don’t know how I managed to hold out so long– OK, I do know, it was probably more of Eithne’s magic. In any case Queen Aideen orgasmed many times and was reduced to a quivering tangle of arms and legs before I finally spurted inside her.

When I finally did cum, the Queen screamed out almost like someone dying and suddenly lay still beneath me. I waited a moment and then asked quietly, “Are you OK?”

“Yes,” she said softly. Then even more softly, she said, “I am pregnant. Your seed is planted within me.”

“Ahhhhh,” I said. “Isn’t it a little early to tell.”

“I know,” she said firmly. “Sometimes a woman knows these things immediately.”

She pushed me off of her so that I was now lying beside her. “I have sought an heir for all my reign that there be no wars for the crown when I am gone,” she said firmly. “I know that you have given me an heir.”

“Do you also know that I am here to save Maoliosa from the flames?” I asked.

“The witch must burn,” she answered firmly, “for the good of the kingdom.”

“The woman is not a witch,” I replied. “I was brought here by Eithne, one of the Fey. She went into the future and brought me back here to this time and this place so that I could save the woman you have called a witch.”

“How does your being here save her?” she asked. Her voice was carefully neutral, but her face was lined with curiosity and question. I was a little surprised at her casual acceptance of the actions of the Fey, but Eithne had said that she was sensitive to their presence– whatever that meant.

“It is simple,” I said as I stood next to the bed. “That woman is my great, great, great, great... something grandmother. If you burn her, I will never exist and everything which happened here this afternoon disappears.”

I handed her the ivory dildo and said, “Which means you are left with your little carved friend to relieve your tensions. ... and there will be war in your kingdom when you finally pass into history.”

She frowned at me and said calmly, “The ways of the Fey are very mysterious. I think more happened here this afternoon than either of us realize.” She then turned to the window which looked out over the courtyard and said, “She will not burn. She will be set free this afternoon, and I will see to her safety for as long as I reign.”

The sudden look of confusion on her face told me that the strange tingling I was feeling meant that I was again becoming invisible. Eithne stood in the center of the room and beckoned me to join her. As I stepped away from the bed, she faced me and said, “Walk through me.”

I did and found myself back on the path where I was a few hours earlier. I started to turn around and head back to the campground when a loud, deep, voice screamed out, “Found him!” From just a little farther behind me a female voice cried out, “There he is!”

I looked around bewildered and then realized that they were talking about me. “What’s up?” I asked.

“We’ve been looking for you for four days,” the ranger said. “Where in the hell have you been?”

I looked at him for a moment and then shrugged my shoulders and said, “Would you believe alien a*****ion?”

He keyed the radio on his shoulder and said, “Looks like we’ve got another one who tasted the mushrooms. He looks likes he’s OK, but he’s naked as a jaybird and barefoot. Tell the doc to give him the antidotes and check him over for snake and scorpion bites.”

He then grabbed me none too gently by the forearm and said, “Come with me. The medics will want to check you out.”

Luckily we weren’t too far from the ambulance because those paths were more than a little rocky and I hadn’t walked that far in my bare feet since I was a k**. I debated telling the medics the truth, but since I wasn’t sure I believed it myself, I decided to stick with saying that I had no memory of the past four days. She– the EMT was a woman– she smiled at me and said harshly, “In the future, PLEASE don’t eat the mushrooms.” Then she said, “Since you can’t remember exactly what you ate, I will have to give you the full spectrum antidote.”

She gave me a really nasty shot that stung like hell and wrapped me in a blanket. One of the deputies gave me a ride back to my camper. Luckily I have a touch pad lock, so I could get in without my keys. When I stepped through the door, the first thing I noticed was that my shorts and t-shirt were neatly folded on the floor next to the table with my sandals sitting on top of them.

“Thanks, Eithne,” I said angrily. I mentally vowed to never work with magical creatures again, but then I remembered that none of the times it has happened has it been my idea.

I just growled softly and dug my cellphone out of my shorts’ pocket. I called a cousin in Ohio who has traced the family tree back as far as she could. She even made several trips back to Ireland to research old records there.

“Sylvia,” I said brightly almost as soon as she had answered the phone, “do we have someone named Maoliosa way back in our family tree?”

She laughed and said, “You mean the witch they couldn’t burn?”

“What!?” I yelled.

“The story is,” she explained, “that she was accused of being a witch and was sentenced to burn at the stake on All Hallow’s Eve, but the Queen had a change of heart and freed her. In fact the Queen decreed that no matter what Maoliosa ever did, she could not be burned or imprisoned or even punished until after her great-grandc***dren were born. It was such an unusual declaration that it is noted in several history books on the area.”

“Thank you, Sylvia,” I said. “Someday when we are at a reunion or something, I have a really interesting story to tell you about Maoliosa and Queen Aideen.”

“Oh!” she exclaimed, “you already know about her, too. You must have looked up your father’s side of the family. That makes what happened between Maoliosa and Queen Aideen even weirder for you because you are descended from both of them. That must be a really interesting story.”

“You have no idea,” I said slowly as I hung up the phone. I somehow don’t think I’m going to share this story at the next family reunion. I really don’t want my name on the family tree as my own great, great, great, great... something grandfather.

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The Fairy God Mother Happy Halloween

My parents were going out of town. My Dad always starts his vacation the week before Halloween. They won't be back for a month. I didn't ask were they were going this year. I was just happy to have the house to myself. I had just graduated High School a few months back. I was still looking for a job. I was in no hurry to get started in finding one. I don't think my parents cared if I got a job or not. I went to bed late. Got up in the afternoon and was a slacker most of the day. I was...

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Queer Halloween

A Halloween Present for my TG Co-Respondents! Not very TG this time, but it does have some merit I think. I hope. For those whose reality includes fantasy, not for those who fantasize reality, not for those who can't tell the difference, and not for those under legal age. I guess that about covers it. Queer Halloween by Vickie Tern i. Oh, there's the waiter. I'm so pleased we could get...

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A Bronze Bookmark Halloween

A Bronze Bookmark Halloween An "Odues' Oddities" Story by TGTrinity The wind was picking up, and Sam secured his scarf tightly around his neck. The city streets were empty, save for some stragglers who were drunkenly trying to find their way to another party. There was a commotion in the distance, and Sam figured it was some kids egging a house, a drunken brawl moving from a party into the neighborhood streets or a father chasing a guy out of his daughters bedroom. On Halloween...

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Last Halloween

Last Halloween - Last Halloween he died, this Halloween it would be her turn. October 31st, 9:00am Bethal Estate, master bedroom, 3 miles south of Aspen, CO The light knocking on their bedroom door woke Annie up. She opened her eyes and watched as her maid, Maddy, entered, carrying her breakfast on a tray. Annie studied her maid as she approached her bed, something seemed off about her. Annie sat up, allowing the woman in the black uniform, highlighted in white lace, to...

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Life Out of Joint Chapter 17 Home for Halloween

LIFE OUT OF JOINT ================= by Crazy Baron DISCLAIMERS This work is not intended to make profit. It may be distributed to forums where it can be read free of charge, provided that the author gives his explicit permission and that the text is not altered. While it contains copyrighted intellectual property (namely, appearances of fictional characters), no copyright infringement is intended. As the story deals with topics and themes related to sexuality, violence and...

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An Unforgettable Halloween

An Unforgettable Halloween With Three Women. Tessa gets tricked at a Halloween ball but it turns out to be an unforgettable treat. This past Halloween I took advantage of a chance to attend a charity Halloween ball. I had to travel for business to a city in upstate New York for a few days, and my first day there I saw an advertisement for an annual Halloween costume ball taking place in the mansion of local philanthropist. The annual party raises a significant amount of money...

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My Thanks to Halloween

One of the phenomena I was thoroughly thankful for was the acceptance of our new relationship between me and Vassy by her parents. At first they were leery of me, even though my unknown actions were the catalyst that brought Vassy back from her very dark place. That fact kept me awake many a night attempting to figure out just what I had done, whatever it was I was eternally grateful for the result. I had Peter Grate to thank because of his hours of comments about his hometown, Abbotsville....

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XENA FOR HALLOWEENBy Karen Flynn It was approaching Halloween. My girlfriend and I were trying tofigure out some good costumes. Halloween was the only time of the year thatI was allowed to venture out of the house crossdressed so I always tried tomake the best of it. We were sitting at home watching TV when I saw mycostume. I got a smile out of Debbie when I said "That's it I am going tobe XENA." Much to my surprise Debbie said "Ok, I will be Gabriel." Let me give you a little background on...

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Xena For Halloween

Xena For Halloween By Karen Flynn It was approaching Halloween. My girlfriend and I were trying to figure out some good costumes. Halloween was the only time of the year that I was allowed to venture out of the house crossdressed so I always tried to make the best of it. We were sitting at home watching TV when I saw my costume. I got a smile out of Debbie when I said, "That's it I am going to be XENA." Much to my surprise Debbie said, "Okay, I will be Gabriel." Let me...

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wild halloween

WILD Halloween PARTY EVERFirst sorry everyone it’s been a several month since I been here was busy with my life. Anyway Halloween comes once a year and we all wear custom and I know personally lots of guys like to wear female custom. I am cross-dress and love Halloween, this Halloween was wild first ever wild Halloween party I ever been too. It was black party nothing but black guys and very few white guys but lots of white, Asian and black shemale was their and soon I walk in lots of black...

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An Unforgettable Halloween

This past Halloween I took advantage of a chance to attend a charity Halloween ball. I had to travel for business to a city in upstate New York for a few days, and my first day there I saw an advertisement for an annual Halloween costume ball taking place in the mansion of local philanthropist. The annual party raises a significant amount of money for a designated charitable foundation. This year all proceeds were designated to go to Hospice. The cause itself was good enough reason for me to...

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My Best Halloween

I just love Halloween. To me it’s the time of year where grown-ups can play dress up, with masks. I love the idea of hiding my identity behind a mask, because my inhibitions seem to disappear and my whole body quivers with lust. I remember one Halloween where my husband and I were invited to a swingers costume party. This couple was close friends of ours, and even though the event was a month away, I could hardly wait. Nothing says Halloween like a costume with near nudity. So we went online in...

Straight Sex
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The Witches come visiting on Halloween

Halloween Night The Witches Come Visiting on HalloweenAn erotic fable By Alfamann Part 1  It was the evening of Halloween and 33 year old Rachel sat alone in front of her television. As she glanced outside through the lounge window of her small, one bedroom Annapolis apartment she could see the sun beginning to set on yet another day. She felt thoroughly miserable. In fact, she didn?t think she had ever felt more alone and miserable in her whole life. Her 12 year marriage had broken up...

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I Hate Halloween

‘I hate Halloween,’ repeating it louder the second time hoping it will shut Diana up. Walking next to me she replies in a sarcastic voice, ‘You are hopeless. Your parents named you Rhiannon, after a Celtic fairy. The fairies are supposed to come out of their world and into ours, to do all that fairy stuff during their one night on earth, Halloween night.’ She waves her hands in the air with a look of disgust on her face. ‘So come out of your world little fairy, it is the night of goblins,...

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The damndest things can happen on Halloween

I was at a Halloween party with a bunch of people I didn't know after my girlfriend got pissy because I looked better then she did and left. Let's back this up two days !!! We've been invited to Tammy's Halloween party Saturday night, my girlfriend Carol told me. It's a maskarade party. We gotta get costumes. Oh great I said. Tammy is the rich bitch that's been after my dick since grade 9. I'm not into her. Way to snobby for my liking. Carol on the other had is the complete...

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Percys Halloween

This is my first story. Comment if you like it, or if you figure out the refrence! :D *** "No!" Percy refused. He crossed his arms and glared at his friends. "I'm not doing it!" "C'mon, Percy," Grover pleaded. "Connor, Travis, and I are doing it, so you have to too!" "Yeah," Connor butted in. "You said you would be in our Halloween group, so you have to dress up in the same theme we do!" "That was before I knew what it was!" Percy argued. "I am NOT doing it!" "I didn't...

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Der Geist von Halloween

Vorbemerkung: Ich schreibe keine Geschichten, ich erz?hle nur von meinen Phantasien... Heute versuche ich mich erstmals, etwas in meiner Muttersprache zu schreiben. Ich versuche zeitnah eine englische Version nachzulegen. Inspiriert wurde ich von folgender Comicsequenz http://diggerman.deviantart.com/art/Date-Night-Drag-Queen-Girlfriend- 504719679, habe allerdings auf Grund pers?nlicher Pr?ferenzen die homosexuelle Komponente entfernt. Wer Schreibfehler findet, darf sie behalten. Ich gel...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 3 Life On The SavannahChapter 15 The Holiday Stories Halloween

Halloween is a silly holiday. People dress up in silly outfits and beg for candy. We live in a spread-out neighborhood that is part up-scale homes and part farm homes. Any trick or treating to be done had to be done using transportation. Several of our neighbors had a golf cart that they used to haul garden stuff around their property, they didn’t make golf carts big enough for the Herd, so we used the 16-passenger van we had decided to buy, and we drove the Herd from house to house in...

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No Escape Chapter One Halloween

large mass of muscle, though having a six pack and noticeably worked arms. Seth had medium length black hair that hung barely past his ears. Nice blue eyes, and very distant freckles on his face. Seth was at his home, but was planning on going to get a drink at the bar. It was 6:33pm. The day was Saturday, and Seth didn’t have to go to work tomorrow. What he didn’t realize is, today was October 30th. When Seth went outside to his car, he say Halloween decorations all across the block. He...

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My Best Halloween

Nothing says Halloween like a costume with near nudity. So we went online in search of just the right outfits. I of course would love to go as a sultry vampire, with hubby as Count Dracula. Oh God, the mere thought of that sends shivers through my whole body! It wasn’t long until we found the perfect attire. My name is Kandy, and my costume was an “Elvira” one. The “Mistress of the Dark,” who hypnotizes any man and can make their deepest wishes a reality. It doesn't get any sexier...

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I Remember Halloween

Written by Jimmmy D. Halloween night, Samhain, the day before All Saints Day, a day when the demons are suppose to pounce from the ethereal planes to our materal planes. We wear masks to hide who we are, and to scare the demons away, but if you hde yourself for too long will you become your costume? Benjamin Bradley as a young man, abouty 17 years old, a slender young man, but strong never-the-less. His ratty unkempt hair hd his face from passers-by, and his punk attitude scared...

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Leons Halloween

Despite it being Halloween night Leon wasn't too happy. His plans of attending the Halloween party put on by some friends were ruined when his wife was called into work. It was one of the small annoyances at being married to Doctor who was on call.The outside of their house had been decorated with lights, giant spider webs, gravestones and eerie figures. A soundtrack of scary organ music emanated from hidden speakers and it was plain to everyone that Halloween was his favourite holiday.The warm...

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I sat at the back of the 127 bus to Wakefield. The infamous blocks of flats along with the cathedral’s spire scraped the night’s sky. The glowing signs of numerous fast food joints whizzed by as the bus sped up Westgate. I watched the groups of people starting their journey on the ‘Westgate run.’ I smirked as I saw some pretty lame Halloween costumes amongst them. “What are you laughing at?” Chris, my boyfriend, asked. “Just the costumes,” I replied as I turned to him. “I can see why,” he...

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(C) 2006 Nick B - All rights reserved Chapter I The thing with Halloween is that it's unpredictable; predictably so. Last year for instance, was not what Chris Burton would have expected even if he had been told it would happen beforehand. Chris owned and ran a software company and business was a little down at that particular time. He had started the company in October of 1999, just when everyone was panicking about the Millennium Bug. You know, it was just prior to that time...

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Rocky Horror Halloween

Rocky Horror Bet "Come on Lisa, don't you think this is going too far?" I asked nervously. "Tom, a bet is a bet. And you lost fair and square...besides, this is my final, and we need to have you ready for the show tonight." I swallowed again and shut up. It was no use whining, I had lost the bet. I wiggled in the chair in the beauty school as she worked on me. Part 1 It all started last week as my Jets faced off against her Giants. It was one of those rare times in...

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TGS Surrounded On Halloween

Surrounded On Halloween A Timber Grove Story by Trinity CHAPTER -ONE- William walked alone through the City Park, the sounds of laughter and cheers in the distance causing him no merriment at all. With each step his hiking boots seemed to drag a little more, with his jeans and jacket becoming more heavy as well. A sudden wind picked up, causing him to pull his jacket closer. It was rather mild for late October, but mild in Timber Grove was cold just about anywhere...

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A Katie R Halloween

"Hey, Claudette, let's play a trick on the new Librarian from Australia. Them foreign babes are willing to do just about anything if you put it to 'em right." Every year Del Rio, Texas and Wallaby, Australia trade librarians. No one knows exactly why this is done, but once two governments start something they never seem able to stop. This year's Aussie babe is the hottest one yet. Looks like a natural blonde to me and so tiny and cute. She can't be more than 5' 1" at the most, but no...

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I Love Halloween

I love Halloween, not just the day, but the whole season. I go to as many costume parties as I can. I sometimes have to crash the parties, but with everyone wearing a mask no one notices me. That's the benefit of costume parties, no one notices me. The rest of the year everyone tries to avoid me, ever since the accident. Ten years ago I was riding my bicycle to school. I was sixteen and could not drive yet. There was a big hill just down from the apartment mom and I lived in. It was great for...

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Full Circle Halloween

So, there I was, at a party going stag, a Halloween bash, of all things! Now, bear in mind that Halloween itself is my birthday and it happened to fall on a Saturday that year. I had just broken up with Selina, my girlfriend of two months, over something that I thought was petty, but she deemed a catastrophe. She had seriously overreacted and committed the unpardonable sin when dating me: physical violence. She had slapped me, I considered that to be abuse, and I told her so as I walked out on...

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Tanya Blows Halloween

A friend, our sometimes shy and always tiny Tanya, arrived at our post-Halloween brunch with her beau and two strangers, Chuck and Carol. After introductions, Mario asked how she met her new friends. The four of them burst out in giggles and blushing grins. “Oh, this should be interesting,” Mario smiled at his wife, Maria. Sue brought out a pitcher of frosty Marguerites and poured as Tanya hung a black trench coat and a black, long-feathered mask on a chair then began her embarrassing...

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My Best Halloween

I just love Halloween. To me it’s the time of year where grown-ups can play dress up, with masks. I love the idea of hiding my identity behind a mask, because my inhibitions seem to disappear and my whole body quivers with lust. I remember one Halloween where my husband and I were invited to a swingers costume party. This couple was close friends of ours, and even though the event was a month away, I could hardly wait. Nothing says Halloween like a costume with near nudity. So we went online...

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A Vampire on Halloween

The bobbing crowd momentarily obscured the tall blond man from my view. What I saw was enough to prick my interest. The tight-fitting leather pants hugged his lower body and when he turned around at a long table that served as a bar, I could see the bulging outline of his cock. He planted his black boots a few feet apart and thrust his pelvis forward for all to admire his tool. His white satin shirt was open to the navel and I could see his naked flesh daring me to touch it. My pussy responded...

Group Sex
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Red White and Blue Halloween

This story is dedicated to the men and women who defend us all. And to the silent heroes, their families. Bless you all. *** ‘It’s a tradition,’ Esther reminded herself as she pulled the box from the top shelf. For twenty-five years, since her Tommy was just two, she had decorated their house from top to bottom with ghosts, vampires and ghouls of all shapes and sizes. She, herself, would dress as a gypsy and read the cards for children of all ages in the neighborhood. She spent days before...

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A Broken Halloween

Where to begin this story is perhaps the toughest part so maybe I should start with my background. An unwanted pregnancy, an accident, between a man looking for a rich girl and a naïve college student. By the time he tried to call off the wedding I was already on the way. Needless to say the marriage didn’t last and my mother ended up remarrying. Unfortunately this failed also and I got shuttled between father and grandparents till I was in the process of being sent to a group home. Because...

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My Los Angeles Halloween

My Los Angeles Halloween By Mellissa Lynn Dear Diary, Last night was Halloween. I was going out with Lana, Tim, and Phil, and decided to introduce my real self. Boy, am I glad I did! After a hard day at work, I started making preparations for the evening. The first thing I did was to go shopping for some last-minute things (hose, etc.), then headed back to my apartment. I immediately went into the back bathroom and went to work. I started by slathering myself with...

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My Strange Halloween

My Strange Halloween By Jennifer Adams I want to tell you something that happened to me last Halloween, just to warn others so that they do not suffer a similar fate. This is about the Halloween that changed my life, literally. After a party I attended with my wife, she talked me into going as a ballerina. She had said that this would be especially funny since I weigh over two hundred pounds. It turned out to be a rather dull evening all in all. I did win an Ouija board as door...

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Donnas Halloween

Donna Anne's Halloween by Lisa Elizabeth in conjunction with Donna Anne Any resemblance of characters or situations to those of real persons or situations is purely coincidence. This is a work of fiction. ********************************************************** I had done it! I had won the costume contest at my school. It had been wonderful and I was very happy when I had gone to sleep last night. Now it was morning and I woke up in my bed holding on to Raggedy Ann. Today...

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SRU Happy Halloween

SRU: Happy Halloween By Paul G Jutras Arriving in town the Philips Family pulled up in front of their new house. They had sent all their things ahead of time, so the house was already furnished by the time of their arrival. "I wish you two would stop fighting so." Mr. Philips said to his kids, Paul and Lesley. The next day at school everyone were dressed in Halloween costumes. Lesley had on her cheerleading uniform from her previous school and Paul his football uniform. He...

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Unhappy Halloween

Unhappy Halloween By Paul G. Jutras It all started when Jackie came out of the supermarket and saw a flyer on her windshield about a new costume shop that had just opened in time for Halloween. It had been years since she went out dressed for Halloween. The only time she did get dressed up was when she was making love to her live in boyfriend, Jack. "Why not," she thought, as she got into the car and took note of the address on the flyer. When she got to the address of the strip...

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It was a cool crisp Halloween evening and I had been giving out candy and treats to all the ghosts, witches and monsters in my neighborhood from my spookily decorated doorstep. After a few hours, my candy supply was running out and the trick-or-treaters were becoming fewer. As I extenguished the candle in my jack-o-lantern and began to bring in all my holiday props, I noticed two young women walking down the sidewalk toward my direction. I couldn't recognise them at first because of their...

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Jennifers Halloween

As fall came, I got more and more time as Jenn, as well as time with Lindsay. Halloween was approaching, and on October 27th, I went, as Joel, with Lindsay to the local costume shop. I followed her around as she looked at costumes, discreetly telling her whether or not I liked a certain costume. We eventually picked out two costumes. Lindsay picked a Little Red Riding Hood costume, and we grabbed a cute bunny costume for me. Lindsay handled paying and we left. My dad dropped Lindsay at...

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A Minnie Halloween

A Minnie Halloween My girlfriend's company was having a Halloween party and it was to be a Disney themed costume party so about one week before the party we went to the suggested store that was supposed to have a large variety of Disney themed costumes. Carla and I looked around at many costumes sleeping beauty and Prince Charming peter pan and tinker bell, Beauty and the beast and we finally came across Mickey and Minnie, Clara became excited with these costumes and told the...

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Halloween costumes: Chapter One: Ladies who shop: Halloween had snuck on us again. It was 30th October. My girlfriend, Leanne, thrust a shopping list in my hand and sent me down to the shops. She was tired and angry and I thought I had better get what she wanted me to. I should perhaps introduce myself. I am Michael. I am older than I care to admit, let's just say forty something and I live with my girlfriend, Leanne, and our daughters, Amy and Rachel. I am very...

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Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 17 Halloween

Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 17 Halloween Fall was in full swing on the campus. Students and fans were flocking to the campus on weekends to watch their beloved Noles. The Seminole football team was enjoying one of their most successful seasons, eight games into the season they were undefeated. During the last weekend of October all of the Nole fans took a break from dressing in Garnett and Gold and dressed up for Halloween. Aaron and Beth had already decided to...

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Why I Hate Halloween

Why I Hate HalloweenBy ForkedbeardIt was Halloween. I was dressed in a red Devil's outfit. Red from head to toe. Red hood, Red top and red tights. I had my trusty pitchfork as I was on my way to the party.There was enough light to see but it wasn't bright since this was a residential area and they don't light them like downtown. A very pretty girl in a skimpy costume comes up to me and asks directions to an address that she says she knows is nearby but she can't find.Well I offered to help,...

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