- 4 years ago
- 45
- 0
"As you can see, Miss Reina, the revenue from the second quarter was 7.4% higher than same quarter last year, and 3 points higher than first quarter this year. Most of this revenue increase is driven by the acquisition of the largest 15 new accounts which occurred in the past 3 months. Our projection for the next quarter..."
Good trends, Carmelita, or Miss Reina, as she liked to be called, thought. And Bryan is doing a good job with the presentation. I may have to reward him soon.
Carmelita sat at the end of the board room-style table, with half a dozen of her most dependable employees seated on the sides. Bryan was standing at the other end of the room, presenting his financial statements for the second fiscal quarter to the board. Although Carmelita appeared outnumbered by the room full of men, she held the majority vote, so everything she said goes.
Bryan was now presenting on the different types of financial accounts that their company, Avox Inc., owned. The company was originally founded in 1976 by John H. Wilcox to help working-class Americans with their retirement accounts, and was modestly successful for many years. The company was built on sound moral principles- never risking too much of their clients' accounts on volatile markets, and always treating them with the utmost respect and dignity.
Carmelita thought back to her first time working at Avox, back in 2007. She was only 21, fresh out of college with a bachelor's in business, and willing to do whatever it took to make it to the top. Despite being a business major, she landed herself an entry-level position as a financial advisor for some of Avox's smaller accounts...
Carmelita was always a hard worker, and her bosses took notice. They also noticed how pretty she was, and they always seemed to be extra nice to her. Carmelita was no fool, and took advantage of the special attention. She always figured that the primarily Caucasian office was intrigued by her Latina looks, and she made it a point to look good every day.
Back then, there weren't a lot of women at the company, except for secretaries. With all the male suitors coming in to talk with her, she could've had her pick of them, but somehow work was always more important to her than a relationship. Her mom had always tried to match-make Carmelita, but she was never interested in tying herself down or slowing down her career.
This was not to say that Carmelita was unexperienced with men, however. On the contrary, Carmelita had many sexual encounters with men during her high school and college years. Although her body was pear-shaped, with most of her weight in her hips and thighs, she still attracted attention with her 36C's. Ever the student, she learned what men liked from her encounters, and experimented with different styles of hair, makeup, or clothing. With her astute mind and a plethora of male interactions, Carmelita developed the unique ability to read men- what they were thinking, what they desired in a woman, and what motivated them.
It wasn't until she was passed on a promotion that Carmelita decided to use her man-reading skills at work. Almost overnight, she changed her focus from working all the time to observing the people around her, taking mental notes about them. She learned that pretty quickly, she could predict what certain men would say or do in different situations. Using her newfound social advantages, she decided that this patriarchal business had to be shown what a strong woman looked like, to allow future hard-working women to receive their due.
As an extension of her knowledge of coworker personalities, Carmelita learned how to be well-liked. After all, if the success of a person was not based on merit, what else would it be? At this time, Carmelita practiced different versions of herself to different people, depending on what they valued.
In a couple short years, Carmelita had methodically worked over every one of her colleagues, becoming one of the most popular employees at Avox. But even though she eventually received the managerial promotion she had been desperately seeking, the success of her social strategy disillusioned her to men entirely. Instead of trying to be a role model for women, she had become an attention whore, just a popular girl trying to please the men around her. Her success felt hallow.
So, as soon as Carmelita became the manager for Avox's sales team, she decided on a transformation. Instead of pleasing the men around her to get what she wanted, she would have the men please her.
It was easy to figure out what all men responded to: sex. As Oscar Wilde once said, "Everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power." So, Carmelita used her femininity to her advantage, wearing more revealing outfits and emanating a more confident, powerful presence at work. The change was immediate- men who never took her seriously started noticing her, and her employees seemed more productive.
Carmelita shifted her priorities, learning to balance her workload so that she could also work on herself. She spent more time doing aerobic exercises like jogging, and toned herself with some light weight lifting, too. The physical transformation soon matched her persona, making her highly-desirable to the men of upper management.
Carmelita gave hints that she was not interested in any of the men under her employ, or anyone of her hierarchical status within the company, for that matter. So it was only a matter of time when one of the board members, Jack Swartz, expressed his interest in her. Although dating within the company was not prohibited, it was expressly discouraged when one of the employees was above another, due to potential sexual harassment suits.
Soon Jack and Carmelita saw each other outside of work, and Carmelita used that time to learn more about how the company was run. Over the course of their 3 month relationship, Carmelita learned secrets about the other board members that no one else in the company was privy to. She was especially interested in their vices, and how they could be exploited.
After their relationship had served its purpose for Carmelita, she ended things with Jack. Jack was upset over their breakup, so Carmelita had to let things cool before making her move...
Now is the time, Carmelita thought. I've been out of the dating game long enough that people may start believing I'm not interested in Avox employees anymore. But that couldn't be further from the truth.
Carmelita had ended her relationship with Mr. Swartz only a couple months ago, so she was cautious about the timing for her next man exploit. After all, she didn't want to be seen as the office slut, going from one man to another. She wanted to be seen as what she really was- a strong, sexy, independent woman who picked her male companions very carefully.
And so Carmelita, now Sales Manager, was studying her next move. Although she had risen to a high status in the company in a short five years, she was still left unsatisfied. Every day, she interacted with upper management- the Senior Managers (her bosses), and their boss, the Managing Director. She felt like she knew them inside and out, and believed she could do their jobs better than they could. After all, she learned a lot about running the company from her time with Jack. Unfortunately for her, all of these men were firmly entrenched in their positions, and wouldn't be leaving the company any time soon.
Carmelita knew that her quick transition to Sales Manager was partly due to her sex appeal, and she needed to use that to make a large leap in the business hierarchy. That meant getting dirty.
Avox's board consisted of five members, one of which was the CEO, Jacob Summers. All five were men of at least 15 years' experience each, each a white male of at least 40 years. It was your typical boy's club situation.
One of the board members, Maxwell Schoonover, was a pompous ass who had tried to publicly humiliate Carmelita at previous meetings. In addition to being a board member, Maxwell was also head of the legal department, and a licensed lawyer in his own right.
At 43 years old, Maxwell was a good-looking man, but also a terrible person. Married and divorced once already, he had learned his lesson and was now staying with his current wife of seven years. He was a chauvinist, and he often belittled his female secretary, Pam.
Maxwell's wife Gwen, an attractive blonde in her 30's, was much too nice for Maxwell. Carmelita honestly didn't understand why Gwen had stayed with Maxwell for all these years, since Maxwell had a reputation for womanizing.
At this point, Carmelita was still doing her best to look good at the office. She dressed professionally with her business suit and dress pants every day, but also liked to take advantage of her shapely figure. With her 40-inch hips, she was able to show off her ass in the tight-fitting dress pants she liked to wear. Although her boobs were larger than the average woman's at 36C, she felt the need to pad them so that her hips didn't overshadow her chest. Whenever Carmelita walked through the office, she put her heels to good use, drawing more attention to her ass. With a deadly combination of eye-popping cleavage and a monstrous ass, Carmelita was catching every man's eye. After walking through the office enough times, she knew which of her coworkers were ass-men, and which preferred tits.
Carmelita also wore makeup, although not too much, lest she lose credibility. Mostly mascara, black eyeliner, and a light-colored lipstick (light pink was her favorite). With her natural tanned complexion, she liked to occasionally use a brown eye shadow. It also went with her auburn hair, which she had successfully given more sheen thanks to more time at the hair salon. Knowing what men liked, her hair was curled and now a little more than shoulder-length, almost to her breasts.
On this particular day, Carmelita made sure to put on eye shadow, to bring out her deep brown doe-eyes. She wore her favorite perfume, Acqua Di Gioia, to help her make an impression. Checking herself out in her charcoal grey suit and white undershirt, she knew she had the perfect amount of cleavage for Maxwell, who was definitely a tit-man.
Carmelita remembered what a Cosmopolitan article had said about cleavage-
"The perfect cleavage has to have strong creases and varyinfg shades of light to draw attention to them, but with enough cup coverage that men will wonder what the breasts look like underneath it all. A well-fitted bra and outfit can be more seductive than naked breasts, if done right."
Carmelita also knew that men responded to any change to a woman's breasts, attracting them like mosquitoes to an electric zapper. A slight move here, an uncovering of a jacket there, and their eyes would dart to your chest faster than anything. Simply test a man's attention with your exposed tit-flesh and you could tell how strong their libido was. It was entertaining to see certain men fumble about with their words while she did this.
Maxwell was a lawyer, so he was very familiar with human interaction. If Carmelita led him on too much, he would see right through her affectations. No, to win this man over, I have to let him make all the moves.
This was a risk, of course, since Maxwell may not take the bait. After all, Carmelita was technically one of his employees, and the company frowned upon such interactions. Jack Swartz hadn't cared much about that, but Maxwell was a lawyer and much more cautious.
"You wanted to see me?" Carmelita said, while standing in Maxwell's office doorway. Carmelita put on a neutral, professional tone.
"Ah, yes, please come in." Maxwell was sitting in his chair, leaning over his desk with a laptop in front of him. The office walls were covered in wood paneling, with no visibility of anything outside of it, save the open door.
"Close the door, or keep it open?" Carmelita asked. She hoped she wasn't appearing to favor the former.
"You can leave it open. Have a seat." He gestured to the short, leather lounge chair in front of his desk.
Carmelita walked over to the chair, heels clicking on the floor. She sat down, deftly undoing her suit buttons. Keeping her arms pinched to her torso, only a small amount of cleavage was showing between the lapels, and she couldn't tell yet if he noticed.
"I'll get right to the point, Miss Suarez. I received word from an HR colleague that you were asking about our company's legal definition of sexual harassment. I am told that you were interested in the difference between what our human resource department policy states, and what the state defines it as. Care to explain what this is about?" Carmelita had seen that intimidating stare before, and let herself be bothered by it.
"Well ... I guess I wanted to know if our policy was ... similar to the state's" Carmelita explained cautiously. She made eye contact with Maxwell for a few seconds before looking away briefly. That's when he spoke, "And why would you want to know that?" he sternly responded.
"Well, this is awkward to say, but ... I'm worried that some of my bosses could cite me for sexual harassment." Carmelita saw a split-second of surprise on Maxwell's face-
"And why would they do that? Have you done anything to harass them?" From his tone, it looked like Maxwell was very interested in the legal ramifications of this potential issue. An issue Carmelita had entirely made up.
"I can't help the way I look- I notice some of the men staring at me, ogling me. They see me as ... as a piece of eye candy. I'm worried that they will think my success is due to my looks, and the way I dress." Carmelita had made it a point to sit with her back straight, allowing Maxwell to get a good look at her upper body. She was interested to hear what he would say next.
"So, you think that your bosses will file a complaint against you because of the way you look?" he asked. Carmelita knew she could now take the lead in the conversation.
"Yes. I try to dress professionally, like a lot of the women here, but I can't help how my womanly figure looks in these outfits" she said, while loosening her arms. This had the effect of pulling the lapels down a bit, opening up more of her chest. Oh, he definitely noticed that.
But Carmelita couldn't let Maxwell change the subject, either- "You see, it isn't fair that I was born with these hips. It's not like I'm showing off, right?"
The question caught Maxwell off guard- "No, of course not Miss Suarez-"
"Please, call me Carmelita" she added quickly.
"Sure, Carmelita." He was trying to regain his train of thought. But at least she had slipped in that request for informality without him realizing it. Carmelita slowly tilted her head down, bringing a stray hair over her face.
"I don't think there is any issue here, but if you want to confirm your compliance with our policy, I suggest you talk to someone from HR."
Carmelita brought her head back, trying to whip the stray hair back in line with the rest of her wavy hair. When this didn't work, she combed her hand through her hair to put it back in place. The movement of her arm disguised the surreptitious expansion of her chest, which further exposed more chest skin, including more of her breasts. She pretended not to notice his furtive glance.
"Oh, isn't that why I talked to HR in the first place?" she asked him. He was at a loss for words, so Carmelita smiled at him to relieve the tension.
She didn't let the awkwardness last too long- "Is there anything else you want Mr. Schoonover?" Carmelita asked sweetly. She resisted the temptation to strike an even sexier pose.
"No, Carmelita, that will be all." Carmelita stood up, keeping her chin high.
"Alright then. Have a good day Mr. Schoonover" she said, emphasizing the 'mister'.
"We don't have to stay formal. Call me Maxwell." Carmelita gave him another smile, and noticed that his face mirrored hers to a small degree.
She thought he was checking out her backside when she left the office, but she didn't want to make her suspicions obvious.
With men, Carmelita knew there were a lot of fish in the sea, so she had to stay relevant in their minds to compete for that head space. Maxwell, with his wife Gwen, was even harder to manipulate, since he could have sex with her pretty much any time. Carmelita would occasionally come to Maxwell's office to ask a legal question related to work, and Maxwell didn't seem to mind it at all. Carmelita always dressed professional and extra sexy on those days, and wore the same perfume. She thought she noticed him sniffing the air one time, but couldn't tell what he thought of her scent. She also observed a more pleasant mood in Maxwell the more she came into his office, so it was only a matter of time before he caved into his carnal desires.
Carmelita learned more about Maxwell's relationship with Gwen from subsequent encounters, and calculated that they would reach a rough patch soon. She made sure to leave subtle hints that she was available and waiting for the right kind of man to be in a casual relationship with, like the one with Jack Swartz.
One day, Maxwell called Carmelita into his office, and she had to quickly touch up her makeup before coming in. She acted surprised when he offered her seats to a local opera, Puccini's La Boheme, explaining that Gwen had decided to visit her family instead. Although he was offering her two tickets, Carmelita explained that she since she didn't know anything about opera, she would only go if he went with her.
And so Carmelita and Maxwell went to the opera, and Carmelita was able to wear her black-and-white long dress with halter neckline. The halter neckline left her shoulders and arms bare, and also worked well with her ample bosom. Under the white torso piece, which covered everything from the chest up, was a tight-fitting black piece that hugged her waist and hips, before spreading out in a flowing skirt that ended at her ankles. A slit in the skirt ran from upper thigh down, allowing her to show her bare leg on occasion.
For this special outing, Carmelita did her hair up, leaving some of her bangs curled around her face. As she did at the office, she wore her usual makeup, and used the same Acqua Di Gioia as before. She wore her sexy black thong high heels, showing off her bare feet and making her taller.
Maxwell wore a Giorgio Armani black shimmering suit with skinny tie, which cut a nice figure on him. His dark hair was slicked back, reminding Carmelita of how lawyers looked in the movies.
The two of them were dressed to the nines, and made for a picture-perfect Hollywood couple. There were frequent stares directed their way, and Carmelita loved every minute of it. While walking around, Carmelita held onto Maxwell's arm, letting him lead her around. There was one man in particular, a photographer, who took a lot of pictures of them.
During the fantastic performance of La Boheme, Carmelita was still focused on Maxwell. She brought her bare leg out through her skirt slit, crossing it over her other leg for him to see. She often traced her face and neck absentmindedly with her hand, sometimes down to the top of her chest. When she wanted to speak with Maxwell, she placed her manicured hand over his before leaning over to whisper in his ear. She made sure to make long eye contact with him while their faces were close, as well, to entice the desire of a kiss from him.
She felt the intensity in his eyes when their faces were close again during the second act, with the stage light illuminating part of his face. The sexual tension was becoming stronger and stronger, and she wondered if he would kiss her then and there. She could tell he was holding back, so she diverted her eyes in feigned embarrassment.
Carmelita was watching the performance when she felt Maxwell's hand on her own. She looked sideways at him, and saw the desire in his eyes. Playing into his sexual appetite, she placed his hand on her bare leg. She felt him come in for a kiss, and their lips sensually locked together. As they worked their mouths together, she felt his hand stroking up and down her leg. Yes, this is what I've been waiting for, for so long. Now we just need to finish this performance.
Their make out session was short, but it encouraged their hands to explore each other's bodies with a clandestine passion. As Maxwell continued to tickle her skin with his hand, Carmelita locked in his lust for her by brushing her hand on his crotch. She was not surprised to find him erect.
After the opera was over, their conversations were unfocused, as if sex was the only thing on their minds.
"Where do you want to go?" Carmelita asked him.
"The house is empty..." he trailed off, staring into her eyes.
"Let's go" she quickly uttered, before giving him another kiss.
In no time at all, the two of them were back at Maxwell's house- a gorgeous two story stucco home with clay-tiled roof and a wrap-around cobblestone driveway. Carmelita figured the Spanish Revival house cost upwards of a million dollars.
Carmelita brought her purse in, and marveled at how beautiful the interior looked. Pieces of art were hung on the walls, as if Maxwell lived in an art gallery. She was admiring the art when she felt him press himself against her back-
"Oh" she remarked in surprise.
"Mmmmm" he hummed, grabbing her around the waist, "I love that perfume you're wearing." She could feel his erection against her ass, and his breathing on her neck.
She leaned her head back and breathed deeply, inviting him to explore her. "The bedroom" she said, while he was kissing her neck. Reluctantly, Maxwell disengaged himself from her. She left her hand out, and he guided her to the other room.
She pulled on his arm, and he stopped to look back at her. When he did, she pulled herself to his chest, "I like my men aggressive" she told him sternly.
"Not a problem" he responded. He took her to the master bedroom, where the king-sized bed was. He was walking backwards, holding onto Carmelita's hips when she stopped him again. "Just give me a second" she said, before walking quickly to the bathroom.
When she came out, she saw that Maxwell had taken off his suit jacket, and was working on his shirt next. "Close your eyes" she told him. When he did, Carmelita put her purse on the nightstand before making her way towards him. With him seated on the edge of the bed, Carmelita stood in between his legs. She pulled the straps of her halter dress over her shoulders, and pulled down on the dress. With the tight fit on her body, it took half a minute before her dress was on the floor.
Wearing only her purple lace bra and panties, she leaned her chest towards his face. "Open them" she said.
She saw the lust in his eyes as he examined her body, taking in all of her beauty. His eyes rested on her cleavage, mere inches from his face. He looked like a man on a mission.
"You're so beautiful" he told her. I know.
The wait was more than Maxwell could take, so he grabbed her by the waist and twisted her onto the bed, winding up on top of her. Carmelita gave a delighted whoop and smiled when they landed on the bed. Maxwell worked as quickly as he could to undress himself- first the shoes, then the shirt, then the pants. Once Maxwell was done with himself, he ripped Carmelita's panties down and her bra off.
"My, so aggressive" Carmelita remarked.
Maxwell and Carmelita kissed each other passionately and stroked each other, but there was little foreplay before he penetrated her in the missionary position. Carmelita only saw his penis briefly, but judged by the feel of it inside her that he was of average size and girth. Now the performance begins.
"Oh, fuck, that feels good" she quietly moaned. "You're so good, Maxwell. Oh, yeah." He was really pumping into her, and she hoped he wouldn't cream prematurely.
"Keep going, Maxwell. Oh ... Oh" she said while grabbing onto his ass. His thrusts were now in a rhythm, but just as violent.
"Say my name" she whispered in his ear.
"Carmelita" he responded. It was the first thing he had said since they started having sex.
"Louder" she pleaded.
"Carmelita!" he yelled.
"Do me Maxwell Schoonover, fuck me, oh!" she gasped. Now the rhythm picked up its pace. Shit, he's climaxing already.
"Tell me you love me" she whispered again. "What?" was his reply.
"I need to hear it. Oh ... to hear you say ... oh ... you love me. I'll fuck you all night if you say it", she told him. There was no way he would disagree to that.
"I love you" he muttered. That's not good enough.
"Look at me and yell it" she pleaded. Time to put those Kegel exercises to good work. Carmelita grabbed Maxwell's head in both hands, directing them directly to hers. She had seen her powerful doe-eyes reduce men to nothing, and she needed to make a stronger emotional connection here. Clenching her vaginal muscles, she was bringing his climax closer with every thrust.
Maxwell could not look away from those deep brown eyes, and Carmelita saw his will fading as his orgasm approached. Her intense eyes let him know what he had to do.
"I LOVE YOU CARMELITA" Maxwell cried aloud. She continued to hold his gaze, so that he knew where the source of his pleasure came from. She felt the warmth of his sperm inside her vagina, and his rapidly shrinking manhood.
Once he was physically spent and about to collapse, Carmelita released his face and he slumped beside her. The whole act had stoked the fire of her own passion, but the lovemaking was not long enough for her to entertain the thought of her own orgasm.
Although men mentally crashed very quickly after their orgasm, Carmelita also knew that they could be aroused again in a short amount of time. So when Maxwell had gotten his breath back, she nestled onto his chest and draped her arm across it. She heard him sniffing her hair, which was a good sign of their strong emotional connection. Taking it as a cue, Carmelita propped herself on her elbow and placed her naked breasts on his chest. He seemed to be recovering still, but quite pleased.
"Mmmm, that felt good" Carmelita crooned. "Was it good for you?" she asked.
"Yeah ... it was good" he admitted truthfully. Now to stroke his ego.
"I really like you Maxwell. You're not like anyone I've ever met. Certainly no one at the office." She smiled at him, and he smiled back.
"Well, you're a wonderful woman, Carmelita. You're absolutely gorgeous", he said while admiring the squashed breasts on his chest.
Carmelita looked down at her chest, then looked back at Maxwell, "Which do you love more- my tits, or my ass?" She was emphasizing the word 'love' with a playful smile.
"I love all of you- your ass, your tits, your tight waist, and your beautiful eyes. You're the most gorgeous woman I've ever met."
Carmelita snaked her hand down to his crotch, trying to bring renewed life to Maxwell's snake. She grasped it lightly. "I love it when you say things like that" she told him. "It makes me hot. Keep telling me how perfect I am." She stroked his wrinkled cock with her smooth fingers.
"Ever since the first day you were in my office, I've had a crush on you. You looked so damn sexy in your outfit, I just wanted to bend you over and have my way with you right there." Carmelita put on an enraptured expression, as if she hung onto his every word.
"Oh, I remember that day" Carmelita said, "I had no idea why you wanted me in the office. I didn't appear flirty, did I? I wasn't trying to lead you on."
"Oh no, you weren't expecting to see me. And I don't think you were leading me on, either-"
"I think if anyone was pursuing this relationship, it would be you, right?" she asked him. She felt the appendage in her hand growing.
"Yeah, you could say that. Like I said, I had a crush on you ever since that day. You sure know how to fill a pair of dress pants, and I couldn't keep myself from staring."
"Let me ask you something, and be honest- did you buy me those opera tickets so that we would have sex tonight?" Maxwell closed his eyes for a second, no doubt enjoying the hand job she was giving him.
"Mmmm ... yeah, I did. I was hoping you would say yes."
Eventually Maxwell rose to the occasion, and Carmelita took advantage of it by riding his cock in the cowgirl position. She continued to coax his affirmations of love to her, and to further expound on how entranced he had been with her in the workplace. At no point did they ever talk about Gwen.
That lustful evening finally ended with Maxwell giving Carmelita a ride back to her place. They agreed to keep their affair a secret, and both of them appeared to be enamored with each other.
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Saffron City was a peaceful place no super Villain very little crime to speak of. It was home to the rich and the fortunate. Which made it the ideal place to settle down and live a safe and quite life. That was until one day on the cities birthday during the mayor's speech. Saffron city had its first ever Super villain attack. Well to be exact super villainess. She called herself Queen Bee and she and her drones took to the stage and demand the people of the city to listen. "You will all become...
Mind ControlChapter Sixty-One YAVARA It took me months to fully heal from the wounds I suffered atop the tower. Even with the full expertise of the royal mages, my stomach and liver were permanently damaged, and my abdominal wall had to be held together with a stiff corset lest I develop a hernia. It made it damnably difficult to sleep, but at least my posture was always good. Headmaster Lucian assured me that it would only be a temporary measure, for he and his best mages were working diligently to...
YAVARA I had seen Elena naked hundreds of times. During our early teens I’d been horribly envious of her woman’s form, and I often admired it. I remember how she used to blush when she caught me staring, but she never attempted to hide herself. I knew why then, but I never said anything. Homosexuality was disgraced in Highland society, and I feared for her sake. Truth be told, I feared a little for my sake, for even at the age of thirteen, I’d felt an odd tingling when I gazed upon the...
YAVARA Elena was straddled across my hips. My buttocks conformed perfectly into the inner portions of her thighs, and her cock nestled comfortably between them, its underside running pleasantly across my pussy and anus, teasing the receptive nerves there. Her thumbs kneaded the knotted muscles of my back, turning them into gelatinous mush that flowed warmly beneath the flesh. Her hair tickled my face, as it was cast over one side of her head so that she could plant delicate kisses upon the...
PRESTIRA Yavara was in good spirits, having gotten the message this morning that both Brock and Elena were alive and well. From what little Zander had risked putting on the parchment, I gathered that he’d set plans in motion for finding a Froktora. I liked Brock, truly I did, and the Terdini were renowned for their strength and size, but they were just too small a clan. The Protaki were the largest tribe in The Pines, but even they paled in numbers compared to the hordes of The Tundra. The...
LEVERIA My father stared in disbelief at the enchanted mirror. King Dreus’ face stared back. “…I hope that we can come to a diplomatic solution here, Clartias.” Alfred Dreus said, “I have five-hundred-thousand beasts that reside in my city, and I cannot condone any aggression taken by you or your people.” “I can’t believe this.” Father sighed, collapsing into the chair, “My own daughter.” He’d remained silent as King Dreus recounted everything that had happened, from the failed rescue...
Chapter Seventeen ELENA The sound of morning birds chirping roused me. Destiny curled up closer to me in her sleep, murmuring softly. I relaxed in my position, savoring the feeling of her lying partially atop of me, her thigh pressed against my morning wood. A familiar hand caressed my cheek. I looked up to see two burning orange irises staring down at me. “Hi Elena.” Yavara giggled, “I see you made a new friend.” “Yavara!” I exclaimed. “Shh,” Yavara whispered, putting a finger to my...
Chapter Fifty-seven LEVERIA I took a deep breath, and my nostrils were filled with the smell of spent lust. Warm morning skin moistened in a dew of hormonal sweat, the subtle pungency of sexual fluids, and the tang of orifices that had not yet coalesced into their fleshy confines. Ah, what a wonderful miasma. My eyes fluttered open, and I sighed with contentment. The morning sun wasn’t yet up, but I felt no need to rise. The day would bring immeasurable bloodshed, and so I clung to the...
Chapter Twenty YAVARA I blasted through the roof the chieftain’s hut. I didn’t stop for their exclamations, nor to see their faces of wonder before I scorched through the sky. Prestira’s dying thoughts were echoing in my mind. They took her, she said, they took Elena! Stay with me! It’s too late. It’s all my fault; I did this. No! I thought, This was Leveria, not you! I killed Patricia, Prestira’s telepathic voice sobbed, I burned her alive. She screamed ‘why’ the whole...
ELENA I peered through the brush, the pine needles tickling my face. The morning sun cast speckled rays through the green canopy, and bathed my target in a golden aura. I supposed the man was beautiful. His face was chiseled with elegant features, his hair was a mess of blond, and his body was bronze and lean, toned to perfection. His ears came to points in the elven fashion, but his stature was more human. He lounged nakedly in the clearing, dipping his toes in the babbling stream and...
GORLOK The rising sun was red over the Highland Rift, casting the silhouettes of trebuchets and ballistae in a bloody hue. The morning was still, interrupted only by the annoyed cawing of a distant crow. To my left, the horde’s line stretched to the northern horizon. To my right, there was no one. The tundra grasslands gave way to pine trees, and the Highland Rift ascended into thousand-foot cliffs all the way to Castle Thorum and the Knife River. I sat atop Ginger, my prize warg, the beast...
Queen of Harvest Moon Part I: RICKY'S HALLOWEEN SURPRISE By Angel This story is about change. Yes, we all go through changes don't we? But how about changes that are brought about by others for a purpose you would not have anything to do with? SURPRISE! Unknown to you the changes have begun and there is no turning back. Halloween is one of the best times of the year for children, besides Christmas and birthdays, that is! Months before Halloween is to arrive the plan...
CRYSTAL The arrival of the Dark Queen had disrupted the equilibrium of the Gorge. Brock, already insecure about his position, was made even more so, and Master’s concerns about the intentions of her beloved had deepened. I could see the rift that was forming between Brock and Master, and indeed, the rift in Yavara’s own court. As of now, the greatest threat the two posed was to each other, for the division they sowed would pull at the Dark Queen, and paralyze her. The morally-flexible Zander...
I asked for itI walked in , looked down the hall and there she was. Standing at the far end of the hallway in the doorway of her bedroom. She was dressed in black boots with six inch heels, fishnet stockings and the sexiest curve hugging black mini dress you can imagine. She had one hand on her hip and her other hand was sliding up and down her purple strap on cock - stroking it. I stopped dead in my tracks and looked up at her and when our eyes met she said “on your knees”. Yes mam I said as I...
Chapter Twenty-Six TITUS I’d always considered myself the foremost connoisseur of humanoid creatures on Tenvalia. I’d had every kind there was to have, and indeed, I’d developed something of a food pyramid to rank them. Yes, much like grades of meat in the butcher shop, there was a hierarchy when it came to quality of species. Bottom-shelf varieties included: orc, goblin, troll, and ogre. Orcs were too salty, goblins were too lean, trolls were too tough, and ogres were downright disgusting....
ADRIANNA Riding a warg wasn’t anything like riding a horse. With a horse, I felt the power of the beast as it beat its hooves against the ground, springing me forward with each stride. With a warg, I didn’t even notice the ground it ran upon, for the warg didn’t beat the ground, but ripped through it, its massive paws tearing into the earth to create footholds for it to launch forward with each ferocious drive. The muscles on Sasha’s back rippled along me as I clung to her mane, and peered...
FIELD MARSHAL SHORDIAN I was groggy the next morning. Battle always took its toll the night afterward, when adrenaline and terror had eased from my body, and pain took up residence in their wake. I stepped from the citadel, and out onto the ruins of Mid Fort. Usually, I would have to take a few downward steps before crossing the threshold to the courtyard. Not today. The bodies were piled five-feet-high, and even higher along the walls. Thousands were dead in this small spot, no larger than...
ELENA “Oh fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck put me down, put me down!” I screamed, peeking over Yavara’s elbow at the thousands of feet of nothing between me and the ground. “Is that Castle Thorum off in the distance?” Yavara mused, “I think I see the Spearhead Mountains, but I can’t quite tell. Maybe we should go higher?” “I’ll kill you! I swear to god I’ll do it!” Yavara laughed, her black hair billowing in the wind. “You know, from this high up the landscape looks kind of curved, do you see...
ADRIANNA The woman’s name was ‘Hannah,’ and she was a scout in Esmerelda Giana’s rebellion. The force was made up primarily of women and the elderly, which had undoubtedly been laughable to the nobles of the Feractianas province when they’d first heard of it. They weren’t laughing anymore. Esmerelda’s army had swallowed entire swaths of the southern Highlands, moving untouched through estates that would’ve been armed to the teeth in peacetime. If the gentry of Feractianas had thought that an...
TITUS I shuffled over to Zander, every step a labor of agony. It had been two weeks since I’d sustained the wounds, but I still felt them acutely. Solar fire and Nadi wood were not things a vampire could simply recover from. It took the specialized training of the greatest wizard on Tenvalia just to get me walking again. He sat in his chair, smoking a pipe and staring out at the elven encampment three miles west. We were atop a hill, one of two hills in the entire Tundra, it seemed. The...
Leah stepped out of the elevator. Someone trained in reading subtle psychological tells would have immediately noted her repeated pursing of her lips, and the repetitive manner in which she clutched her handbag, while absently twirling fingers through her long, jet black hair. Of course that someone would have to be immune to her enormous sex appeal in order to observe the subtleties. The concierge looked up and smiled. It didn’t take much imagination or psychoanalytic knowhow to read the...
Supernatural“Where are we going now?” Walker complained, “are you going to throw me off a cliff to see if I can fly?” The Drones who were serving as his escort were tightly packed around him as they made their way down a sloping tunnel, winding ever deeper into the darkest recesses of the colony. The further beneath the ground they ventured, the warmer and more humid the air became, until Walker was sweating like he was sitting in a sauna. Fortunately, his fatigues had been returned to him that night...
PRINCESS PRESTIRA TIADOA Being a Highland princess was a lonely ordeal. Though my mother was a “free spirit” and encouraged me to make friends outside of the castle, I couldn’t bring myself to do it. A princess had her place, and it was not with the commoners on the street. That was why my only friend was my cousin, Adrianna Straltaira. Adri’s mom was a really busy woman, being the ambassador to Alkandra, so Adri spent most of her time living with her grandma, Great-Aunt Lydia, just a few...
Interlude Yavara sat upon a black throne. She closed her eyes and savored the discordant symphony of wails and moans, the drone punctuated by the clanking of chains and the cracking of whips. Exhaling contentedly, she opened her eyes. Below her laid a spectacle of depravity, churning masses of flesh oscillating to some unheard cadence, their glistening forms bathed in the crimson torchlight. The prisoners’ eyes were wide with horror, as what was being done to them was horrible, but comingled...
LEVERIA The previous night had been a sleepless one. I’d sat in my office, drinking wine and contemplating the mirror before me. Its twin was hanging over Elena Straltaira. She was awake, staring up at herself, a thin rectangle of moonlight shining on her face. Though her jaw was swollen, her eyes were bloodshot, and her face was filmed with dried sweat and smeared blood, she shown like an angel to me in her lunar aura. “What the fuck is wrong with me?” She asked herself. I’d been asking...
PRIVATE HESIA OF THE HIGHLAND ARMY “…I’m telling you, you’re safe if you don’t put the helmet on.” Alex said to me. We were stationed in the Crescent, a part of the Rift that bowed inward. It was the safest part of Sector Two, as the inward bow would funnel enemies into a crossfire. After being part of Droughtius’s fifth division and getting absolutely smashed at the Battle of the Tundra, it was nice to just man a wall. There’d only been one assault of the Crescent during the entire...
TITUS The sinking sun cast the sky in crimson, illuminating the thick fog of the marshlands in ethereal red, the helms of the Highland army barely glinting through the haze. I watched it through the silk fabric of my mask, the rest of my body submerged in a murky pool. Topographically, this part of the Highlands was not part of the ‘high lands,’ for it was flat marsh without so much as a tree stump to raise the elevation. The border was drawn after the collapse of Alkandra to ensure that no...
Chapter Twenty-Three LEVERIA “…do you see that?” A nasally voice cut through the darkness. The darkness had been pure bliss, a blanket of nothing to drape over my mind, gently dulling the cruel light of life. The voice was an interloper, a screeching rooster at dawn’s window, rousing me unbiddenly from the deepest of slumbers. “What is that?” Another voice asked. Oh, it was a sweet sound, a songbird’s melody to announce the gentle rise of the sun, its warm rays filtering through my...
IVANKA Tiffany and I watched from the mouth of the Broken Pass as the sun sank into the horizon, casting violet rays into the sky that faded to purple, then blue, then black. I waited until the last light faded, then I stripped my robes, and felt the cool wind caress my naked flesh. I took a deep breath of the night air, and my blood surged with a primal thrill. I pulled Tiffany into a heated kiss, tasting the avarice on her tongue, the suffusion of sexual desire and blood hunger, the need to...
Chapter Thirteen ELENA “Spin around, Opal, show Sherok your new tat.” I said to my favorite slave as the tattooist finished his work. “Master’s Little Anal Slut, that’s classy Elena.” Sherok laughed as Opal shimmied her hips, the fresh ink contrasting her pale backside. “Well, Opal’s such a classy little girl, aren’t you?” I grinned, filling my hand with her supple ass. Opal’s tail curled upward in arousal, exposing her holes. “Not now, Opal.” I said, running a finger down her taint,...
She is surely one of the most beautiful and sexy women on the earth even in her early 40's being an ex fashion model she still has a body to makes most hearts skip a beat and after getting married to a very wealthy business man she has settled down as a house wife or rather a trophy wife living a extravagant life full of all the comforts and luxuries one could ask for and most only can dream of a big luxurious mansion , luxury cars, number of servants and maids to do all the work, chores and...
The vampire queen hugged the naked body closely as her victim, a pretty Asian teenager, experienced a final massive orgasm, cried out and lay still in her arms. At last, satisfied she had drained every drop, the vampire released her grip and the body slumped to the floor like a discarded rag. The movie theatre restroom was dark, quiet and otherwise empty or so the queen thought. As she closed her robe, the queen felt another presence. She smiled, not even bothering to turn around. "Hello,...
The opulent mansion was located several miles from the city on a rather remote wooded estate. Above ground it looked little different from that of any wealthy abode, an abundance of living, dining and recreation areas on the main floor with bedrooms galore on the second. It was the underground area however which set it apart. Ostensibly a wine cellar, there was the expected rack after rack of the finest from vineyards around the world. However a secret panel revealed a cavernous expanse more...
CERTIOK The city was in chaos. People ran to and froe, shouting and screaming. No longer did the wide boulevards of Alkandra feel like a beast utopia, but like the walls of a cage. Windows were frantically boarded, men and women sprinted toward the castle in various stages of undress, watchmen handed out spears and swords without a care for who grabbed them. Everyone was a soldier now, and no one was. “Go to you posts!” I yelled, and began thrusting my finger toward the docks, “Remember...
LEVERIA “Wake up, sleepy-head,” a musical voice giggled. I opened my crusted-over eyes to see the blurry image of a bronze figure standing over me. This hybrid was fully-female, and her flesh was tattooed with calligraphy and chains that wrapped her like inked bondage. The parts of her that were clothed, were clothed in leather straps that squeezed her large breasts, crossed her tummy, encircled her thighs, and ended in garters that became fishnet stockings. She wore a feathered butterfly...
Chapter Fifty ZANDER “Make way for the queen!” the crier yelled. One goblin rang a bell, another blared a farting trumpet, a third struck a snare with a military cadence, and the crowd roared with laughter. “Make way for the queen!” The crier yelled again. The trifecta of successive noises sounded, and the laughter and jeers answered once more. “Make way, make way, make way!” the crier yelled atop the float, zealous and gleeful with his role. He was dressed in the traditional garb of a...
BROCK “Loose!” I roared, and a hundred siege engines released at once, sending great boulders into the air. Those that were launched from the trebuchets tumbled as they arced, those that were launched from the catapults flew unspinning upon a line-drive path. The trebuchet boulders rained into Mid Fort, and the catapult boulders smashed into its walls, caving in the final few lengths of its eastern-facing side, revealing the inner sanctum, the citadel, and the high tower. Debris blasted in...
ADRIANNA I immediately locked down my thoughts, shutting Yavara out from even the most banal of my musings. She pouted her lips. “I was only trying to see what you were dreaming about.” Though I was groggy with alcohol, I could smell the wine fresh on her breath. She’d already been drinking, and it wasn’t even eight in the morning. “How did you get in here?!” I snapped, my breath tight in my chest. “Last I checked, this is my castle.” Yavara tittered. “And if you must know, I used the...
BROCK “…I don’t know what is custom for Highlanders, or royalty, but in the tribes—in the Terdini anyway—well, the Protaki as well, and those of the Northern Pines… goddamn it.” I growled to myself, took a deep breath, and tried again. “My queen, Yavara. I know that I am unworthy… no, confidence, Brock. Yavara—too informal? Confidence. Yavara…” I assessed the area around me, then brushed some of the dirt away from the floor of my tent, and got to one knee. “Yavara, I don’t know what is...
Chapter Fifty-Five LEVERIA I awoke to an explosion. Metal screeched, then banged, and I was suddenly hurled from my bed, and smashed into a wall. My head smacked against the stones, my teeth clicked, and whatever sleepiness remained left in my brain was shot out with a concussive thud. My blurred vision made out a pair of orange eyes, each of them bulging and trembling with wrath. “Good morning, Yavara.” I groaned. “What did you do?!” She snarled. I blinked, trying to focus my vision....
Chapter Forty-Five ADRIANNA It had taken Furia and I a lot less time to get back to Alkandra. We didn’t bother going through the mines since Arbor had already caught us, so it took just two days in our swift vampire forms before we saw the candle-lit skyline of Alkandra between the trees. We transformed back to our elven forms, donned our stately robes, and rubbed the wrinkles out of them. I peered out from the tree line, and looked both ways. The agrarian fields were empty, the last...
BROCK “Please!” The elf scout screamed. “I don’t understand why you’re complaining,” I said as I loaded him into the trebuchet, “I’m returning you to your army.” “Hold on to this tightly, Imperial, and don’t release it too soon.” Trenok grunted, tying the parachute straps to the terrified man’s wrists. “It won’t work!” He cried. I knelt to his level, and put a compassionate hand on his shoulder. “Progress is made by silencing doubters, little imperial. All great scientists of our...
Adrianna’s Story synopsis Adrianna employs her skills as a commander to rule over the wild population of tribespeople and Ardeni immigrants. She earns their respect through a brutal show of force, and in turn, proves to the other hybrids that she is capable of being governess, even if she reluctant to do so. There are seven other hybrids that Yavara changed. The women turned hermaphrodites are: Eva Alecia, Furia Agustinia, Alexa Jenania, and Kiera Lestria; the men turned women are: Faltia...
Chapter Forty BROCK “…put your arms forward like this,” I instructed the little imperial scout, “then, when you’re at the precipice, you want to open them like this,” I motioned my arms outward, “and you’ll just glide over the top. Did you get that?” “W-w-w-what?!” I rolled my eyes. “Practice it with me, little imperial. Ball.” I crouched and hugged my knees, “Arrow.” I shot up with my hands together overhead, “Eagle.” I finished, spreading makeshift wings. “Ball, arrow, eagle. Ball,...
ELENA The drip of water, the howl of wind. The cold on my naked body. One breath, then another. That was what Adarian taught me so long ago. The room was lit by a barred window. It cast a dim ray onto my body, centering my exposed belly with a square of light. I was strapped to a wooden board in my cell, my limbs stretched in a spread-eagle, open and helpless. The binds were unescapable, I knew, for I’d placed many beasts in them myself. Only for them, the worst interrogation practice had...
YAVARA I struggled to sit upright in my throne as the priest before me droned on and on about the Holy Mother bestowing me with my right to rule. The seats before me were filled with hundreds of minor nobles and rich merchants, for there were no representatives of the Noble Court to witness me anymore. Perhaps it had become much less dangerous to be queen of the Highlands, but it also had become much less prestigious. To make up for the lack of nobility, I decided to conduct the ceremony in...
YAVARA It was two in the morning when Zander shook me awake. “What?” I groaned. “King Dreus is calling you.” “You think he’ll break this time?” I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, and sat up. “I think he’s ready.” I sighed. “Make me look pretty, Zander.” He cast a spell, and my disheveled appearance righted itself, makeup was applied to my face, and my eyes were cleared of redness. I threw on yesterday’s clothes, walked over to the mirror, and palmed the glass. “Yes, You Highness?”...
LEVERIA I walked to the dungeons, my footsteps echoing into the still night. The guard nodded to me and opened the iron door. He guided me by torchlight through the catacombs, the wails and shrieks of captured beasts echoing through the halls. I followed with one hand on his shoulder, carefully watching my footsteps as I navigated the uneven stairs. A familiar voice reached my ears. Mother’s sobs rang through the dark halls, each new lamentation punctuated by a whimper. Her cell was lit with...
Sometimes a simple gag can backfire. What seemed funny at the time turned out to be very serious.Annie and I had been interstate at a wedding. After the reception and feeling full of play, six couples went off into town in search of some more drinks and whatever else came along. More drink we certainly had and we found ourselves wandering the club scene marveling at the nightlife.We stumbled into a tattoo parlor because one of our friends wanted to get his wife Bec a tattoo of a dolphin on her...