QueenChapter 13 free porn video

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The opulent mansion was located several miles from the city on a rather remote wooded estate. Above ground it looked little different from that of any wealthy abode, an abundance of living, dining and recreation areas on the main floor with bedrooms galore on the second. It was the underground area however which set it apart. Ostensibly a wine cellar, there was the expected rack after rack of the finest from vineyards around the world. However a secret panel revealed a cavernous expanse more deeply set even further underground. It was here the trial by council would take place. The mat where the combat was to take place was in the middle while comfortable seats ringed the arena.

Leonora escorted Cassi into the arena. "I must leave you now and take my place with the council. Remember -- you win or you die!"

"I'm not likely to forget that one," said Cassi, trying to be flip but not succeeding.

"You will go to the edge of the mat and wait."

"Yes, my queen," Cassi answered, obeying.

The other queens had already taken their places and Cassi was amazed at how beautiful they all were. She had expected Leonora to be the exception, that most would be old hags or look like crones. That was far from the case however. Yes, some appeared older than others but all were as attractive as Leonora, some even more so.

At last, when Leonora had seated herself close by, a particularly lovely queen dressed in satin and furs rose. Cassi was puzzled to see Leonora straighten in her seat as if alarmed.

"I, Queen Vanessa," volunteered the vampire, "have volunteered to provide the test for Leonora's nominee to succeed her."

Cassi looked to Leonora who seemed to be staring icicles through the queen who stood addressing the council.

Vanessa motioned to the entrance and all eyes shifted their attention. The door opened and not one, but three young terrified women walked to the edge of the mat each wearing a long terry robe and barefoot.

Now it was Cassi's turn to be shocked for she recognized all three. The first was the beautiful black attorney from the D.A.'s office, Amy Caldwell, whom Cassi had toyed with and whose panties still resided in Cassi's dresser. The second Cassi knew she had seen somewhere but could not place until it dawned upon her that this deep auburn haired girl was the coed, Kelly Andrews, whom she had fed upon in the shadows several nights ago. And the third was the lovely young mother, Lorri Stevens, whose blood had been so warm, delicious and satisfying.

"What is this Vanessa?" asked Morella, a stunning queen dressed in a sparkling silver gown and matching heels who spoke with a middle european accent.

"I know it is --unusual, but allow me to explain," said Vanessa. "I had a fitting pawn selected to oppose our candidate, but she was taken ill. In order to provide the competition we all desire, I decided on these three humans."

"Pawns?" asked another of the queens.

"No, simply human. But three nonetheless. Our candidate is a police woman, versed in combat. I think a three-to-one ratio should make them a worthy adversary."

Cassi was stunned. How could Vanessa know about...

The vampire queen looked to Cassi with a smirk of self satisfaction "I know everything I need to know, Cassandra."

Leonora started to intervene. She knew, as did Vanessa, that after feeding or even toying sexually with a human a certain symbiosis developed between vampire and victim. And that meant Cassi would not only have to contend with three opponents, she would have to overcome her personal feelings as well. Vanessa had planned this well.

"Must she fight all three at once?" Leonora inquired.

"As the council wishes," smiled Vanessa, venom in her voice

The queens mumbled among themselves for a few seconds then one of the older queens rose to voice their decision.

"Three against one seems like demanding enough odds. She may fight them one at a time."

Vanessa smiled but was clearly disappointed. She sat down and glared at Leonora who returned the look.

"That one," pronounced the queen indicating the nineteen year old coed."

"Please," begged the girl. "My boyfriend proposed to me last night. I'm to be married."

The queen's response was simply to motion to a male pawn standing nearby who ripped the robe from the startled girl. Kelly made to cover her breasts for she was dressed only in a skimpy light blue thong. The queens were obviously pleased with this first of Vanessa's picks. Kelly's body was fit and trim, her green eyes a complement to her dark auburn hair.

The pawn pushed her to the center of the mat and motioned for Cassi as well. Cassi dropped her own robe and strode to center mat. She also wore only a black leather supporter for her oversized appendage and nothing more. Looking at Kelly, she had to agree with the other queens that this was indeed a beautifully delicious find. The other night in the shadows she had not had the opportunity to really appreciate Kelly's beauty, but now that the girl was fully (at least virtually) revealed she was stunning.

"What... are the rules?" asked the coed hesitatingly.

The pawn grinned. "There are no rules," he said, stepping back and off the mat.

Cassi's mind raced. She did indeed have feelings for all three of these women, yet she was being forced to defeat them. Was there any way, she wondered, she could make it easier on them.

The two began circling but as they closed, Cassi whispered to the young girl so none of the queens could hear. "Let me hit you a couple of times. Then go down. I'll try to save you."

But Kelly was either too frightened or too angry to listen. Vanessa had obviously told her that Cassi had fed upon her and despite the ecstasy, Kelly knew she had been raped.

"Go to hell!" hissed Kelly.

Cassi was sure that Kelly had no fighting experience. Her stance was too closed and she stood almost straight up. There was hate in her eyes but Cassi was sure she could take her.

A feint to the left and in her inexperience Kelly crossed her legs in attempting to react. That was all the opening Cassi needed. She swept the girl's legs from under her and Kelly went down hard. She was up quickly however and it became obvious she was not going to take the dive Cassi had suggested.

Cassi moved in hoping to score a quick knockout punch and although she got in two quick jabs which snapped Kelly's head back, the coed swung wildly and connected to the side of Cassi's head stunning her for a moment. Kelly swung again but Cassi partially blocked the blow by ducking and taking it painfully on the shoulder. The two separated for a moment, again circling and eyeing each other warily.

Cassi closed again and this time when Kelly swung, grabbed her arm and dropped to her knees pulling the coed over her shoulder and slamming her to the mat. As Cassi tried to pounce on the auburn haired beauty Kelly got a knee up and into Cassi's stomach knocking the wind out of her. Now it was Cassi who was in trouble. Kelly grabbed her by the hair, yanked her to her knees and delivered a right to Cassi's cheek. Cassi went down, stunned. She had not expected this kind of resistance from a coed with no training. She would quickly learn that with the threat of death hanging over someone they fight with an intensity no one could otherwise imagine. Kelly was at her throat in an instant, squeezing for all she was worth. Cassi's eyes began bulging and her vision was turning red before she could reach up and claw the coed across the face bringing a screech of pain as Kelly fell off and scrambled away to nurse the red whelps which now appeared on her cheek. Cassi stumbled to her feet trying to get her wind. Kelly, now enraged, ran directly at Cassi intending to bowl her over. Cassi, despite being winded, saw her chance. As Kelly approached at full speed, Cassi sidestepped and extended her arm. Her forearm caught the college student directly across the throat in what is often called a "clothesline." While not actually breaking any cartilage, the blow was sufficient to completely immobilize the girl. Kelly's legs went out from under her and her head hit the floor knocking her unconscious.

Cassi stood panting heavily until, at last, it became evident to everyone that Kelly would be offering no more resistence.

Vanessa waved to the pawn who dragged the inert body off the mat. "Very good Cassandra. You have met your first test," smirked Leonora's arch enemy. "Now let's see how you do with the second."

Lorri, mother of the newborn who Cassi had fed from in her apartment, was stripped of her robe and pushed onto the mat.

There was genuine fear in the mother's eyes as the two began circling each other.

"Please don't hurt me," sobbed Lorri. "I can't stand pain."

Cassi jumped in, squeezed the blonde in a bear hug. Then expending valuable energy she lifted the woman from the ground and slammed her to the mat.

"Lorri, listen to me," whispered Cassi as she pinned the woman's arms, "Let me put a hold on you. It'll knock you out but you won't be hurt. Then I'll talk to the quee..."

"Lorri, my sweet little whore," said Vanessa, "remember, if you lose, you die. And remember what Cassandra said she would do to your baby if you lost."

"Lorri, don't believe her. I don't want to hurt you or your..."

Suddenly Lorri was energized. Fighting now for her baby as much, even more, than for herself, she brought a fist into Cassi's jaw knocking the queen-to-be off to the side and enabling the mother to get to her feet.

Cassi, seeing stars, shook her head to clear it. It was just in time as the nineteen year old came charging. Cassi tried to sidestep as she had done with Kelly, but Lorri had been watching. Instead of allowing Cassi to move out of the way she changed her angle of approach and barreled directly into Cassi's midsection. Cassi went down heavily on her back with Lorri now atop her and raining blows to her face and head. Many of the blows went wild and simply glanced off, but three or four caught Cassi flush in the nose and mouth and she began bleeding from both cuts. Resorting to street fighting, Cassi grabbed Lorri by the hair and yanked. The blonde shrieked and fell off and to the side. But she scrambled to her feet and began kicking Cassi, again landing some painful blows to her side, one cracking a rib.

Cassi knew she could not take much more. So in desperation as Lorri's foot came in for another kick, Cassi grabbed it and twisted. Howling, Lorri fell and scrambled away. Cassi knew she hadn't really hurt the woman but it had given her a few precious moments to collect her wits and regain her breath which was now painful because of the cracked rib. Painfully Cassi climbed to her feet. The rush of adrenaline which had helped carry her to victory over Kelly was now gone and she suddenly felt weak and exhausted.

Lorri was breathing hard as well, but seemed basically unhurt. Cassi simply could not match her blow for blow and expect to win. Yet she had to convince Lorri that she could not win. Cassi brazenly walked up, fended off a wild swing of Lorri's and punched the women in the nose and mouth, bringing blood, then backed away. She saw the disbelief and tears appear in Lorri's eyes. Her training was coming back to her. She moved in, countered Lorri attempts at hay makers and punched the woman again in the face and breasts, then two shots to the stomach and the mother went down in agony. Cassi saw the look of panic in the eyes of the lovely blonde.

Standing over her, Cassi knew now how best to defeat the young mother. "You can't stop me Lorri. Remember that night in your apartment, how I had my way with you and there was nothing you could do to stop me? I've been taking it easy on you so far, but you just don't get it, do you? Well now you're going to get it, understand? Know what I'm going to do to you, Lorri?" she taunted. "First I'm going to break both your arms so you can't resist any more. Then I'm going to ream that little pussy of yours and when you're lying there crying and bleeding I'm going to roll you over and stick this monster in that tight little ass of yours and fuck you to death right here in front of everyone!" Cassi threw in a sadistic laugh to cap off the performance.

She got the reaction she had hoped for. Where there had been anger only moments before, now there was abject terror showing in the lovely face.

"Know what Lorri? Give it up right now and I'll see that no harm will come to your baby. I'll even see she's properly taken care of. Keep fighting and I'll punish you. I'll make you feel pain you never thought possible. Then I'll rape you in your pussy and your ass and we'll all watch you die. Now what will it be?"

Lorri was trying to stem the flow of blood from her nose and mouth. She was hurting now, the pain perhaps would have been tolerable in others, but for the young mother it more than she could bear. Even worse were the threats, first from Vanessa and now from Cassi. In the mind of the young mother all she could think of was her baby. She knew she couldn't defeat the policewoman, that she could only perhaps prolong her own agony. Could she hope for anything other than the promise that her baby would be unharmed? She was sure she could not.

"Well, Lorri?" demanded Cassi.

The mother struggled to her knees and looked up into Cassi's eyes beseechingly.

"You promise you won't hurt my baby."

"I promise."

In that moment Lorri read Cassi's eyes and found nothing but truth. Slowly she hung her head in surrender. Cassi moved behind her slowly reached down from behind to put a head lock on the pretty blonde.

"Don't fight it and it will soon be over," said Cassi.

Lorri nodded sadly.

Cassi gripped the woman's head and slid her hand over the mouth and nose. Lorri tried not to resist but as it became evident she was being smothered she began to flail her arms as panic set in. Cassi held her firmly however and carefully avoided being injured by the wildly panicked woman. The jerking was at first strong and for a few moments Cassi wondered if she should have used some other means of rendering Lorri unconscious. But she held on and soon the jerks and flailing became weaker and when the arms dropped to the floor limply, Cassi released her and gently laid her head to the mat.

"Foul!" cried Vanessa. "What kind of contest was that? Cassandra obviously cheated!"

"How so?" demanded Leonora. "Surely a queen's wits are as important as her ability to physically subdue. Cassandra defeated the human in a fair fight. The fact that she successfully used fear and intimidation to accomplish her goal is to her credit."

"I agree," came the voice of the oldest of queens. "Cassandra has demonstrated she has a quick and inventive mind. I like that."

"But..." began Vanessa.

"Enough!" said the old queen. "She still has another opponent to face, and from the looks of her I would say her most daunting yet."

Everyone's attention came back to the mat as Lorri's unconscious body was dragged from the mat and Amy was stripped of her robe and pushed forward.

The black woman was stunning. Tall and slender with long shapely legs she could have been a fashion model. Her hair was coal black, her complexion creamy chocolate brown. Her breasts were large for a woman of her frame the nipples prominent amid areolas which covered a large proportion of each breast. Her high cheekboned face complimented the large brown eyes and pouty lips. Every queen in the room felt a tinge between the legs as Amy walked to the mat, her firm hips swaying, the orange thong hiding very little of the small triangle of hair and pubic lips.

Cassi had hardly had time to catch her breath. She ached in every muscle and that cracked rib was giving her a lot of pain. Her breathing was ragged as well as she had now taken three shots to the nose. Although not broken, it continued to bleed making breathing difficult. Cassi realized she was also dog tired. Her training had never prepared her for extended combat like this. Add to that the fact that she had never actually been in hand-to-hand combat. She had only drawn her service automatic once and then only to cover Larry as he made an arrest. Now she was in the fight of her life and her training and experience seemed of little use especially with someone like Amy. The black woman was at least seven inches taller than Cassi and even though trim, outweighed her by twenty-five pounds.

So Cassi, now battered and fatigued, faced her strongest opponent yet. And there was something else Cassi was about to learn the hard way.

As the two began circling Amy assumed a martial arts crouch.

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Marital Escapades Part II

The next weekend, Kelly and I, decided to check out a new club that had opened. The flyer had said, in bold, “Couples Night Every Saturday”. When we arrived and entered the club, Kelly pointed out that there were a lot of attractive couples in attendance. Kelly excused herself to the restroom, while I stayed behind to get our drinks. While I was waiting, a woman approached me. “Are you enjoying yourself?” She asked. “I am”, I replied. ”How about you?” “I was getting really bored until I ran...

Group Sex
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A Day in the Life

"whore" has already been up for hours preparing for your day. "it" is expected to be fresh smelling, shaved, and dressed in your favorite slut outfit with hair in perfect soft curls. Last night's obedience lesson made for a particularly painful shower. Cold water ( you say "nasty fuck pigs have to earn the privilege to use warm water") and home-made lye soap burn whore's skin as it tries gently to scrub the dried blood from fresh wounds. Although whore works very hard to please its Sir, you...

2 years ago
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New school uniform

Summer was nearly over and mom said I needed to get fitted for my school uniform. I was nervous because it'll be my first year in Jr high. We went to a large department store in the near by city. Walking into the boys department, we were greeted by a older man looking in his sixties. Hello mam, my name is David. How can I help you today, he said. Mom told him I was starting a new school and needed a new set of uniforms. Not a problem man, he said. He guided us to the back area of the department...

2 years ago
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Meri Biwi Neelam Ka Satyanash

Hello dosto Mera naam Ajay hai, meri shadi 3 saal pahley hui thi. Meri biwi bahut sundar hai jiska naam Neelam hai. Uski figure 34 28 34 hai. Mer sabhi dost mujhey bahut lucky mantey hain ki mujhey itni sundar biwi mil gayi. Lekin meri ek samsya hai. Asal main mera lund kwal 4 inch ka hai aur bahut patla hai. Isliye main shuruaat main shadi nahi karna chahta tha. Meri maa ne bahut sare rishtey dihaye lekin apni kamjori ke karan maine saare rishtey thukra diye. Lekin jab mainey Neelam ki photo...

2 years ago
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The New Housemates Secret

The doorbell rings, a soft knocking accompanies the bell to break the silence of the house. You look up from your laptop nestled snuggly in your lap and glance at your watch. "That must be her. Right on time." You mutter to yourself, and reluctantly clamber out of the comfy reclining chair, situated in the living room. Your thoughts turn back to the last few weeks. Ever since your previous housemate moved out and gone back to his hometown after finishing his degree you have been paying all the...

1 year ago
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BohicaChapter 4

The next day I placed a call to Control, and they said they would have somebody come see me the next day to discuss arrangements. But they told me I already had a file opened, and it had been given a provisional green light, depending on cost and complications. Wow, Di must be higher in the organization than she claimed! About 2 years before I had gotten my phone destroyed in a fight, and it had taken almost 2 weeks to get it replaced. The next day I was startled to see a couple walk into...

3 years ago
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Roadhouse my most favourite story EVER

this is a short story by a published UK author. i wont say her name incase this gets deleted - pull those panties to one side or get your cock out because your gonna love this!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is a fantasy rather more than a story, and one which is special to me. It was my first really involved submission fantasy, and it kept me in orgasms for years, in innumerable subtle variations. Occasionally it still does. Like many of my...

3 years ago
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Weekend Dinner Party

As my wife and I are now the property of our black master, TK, we were told we were to attend a weekend dinner party being thrown at a large country house, owned by a powerful and rich black financier who invited fellow slave owners to dinners at which slaves could be displayed, swapped or even sold. The husbands of slave couples were to act as maids, serving the meal and attending the bed chambers and needs of the masters while the wives and other female slaves were used for the pleasure of...

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MY ANALYSIS FOR LUCYDENNY'S MAGISTRAL VIDEO>I will try to do my best to comment on this beautiful video posted by Lucydenny. Ilike all of her, but specially, her angel face and her enchanting eyes which delight meimmensely. I never get tired of watching this video, in fact, not that long ago, Iposted a short comment about it and some other fine pictures of her in the page thatshe keeps in this site.Lucy shot this video by herself by using her mobile and it...

2 years ago
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I looked down at my morning erection and felt sorry for myself. 30 days without sex was the longest I had gone since my high school days and it was driving me nuts. “Fucking Coronavirus,” I shouted at the top of my lungs before taking a long drag on my cigarette and then began to jerk off furiously. I came quickly and unloaded on the plants below the terrace, leaving strands of cum hanging from the leaves and slowly dropping down onto the poor ants below. “Sorry, guys,” I mumbled and walked...

3 years ago
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Both sisters had Anal on the beach

Some girls just lose it just cycling, that thin membrane medically known as the 'Hymen', a skin tight barrier that momentarily prevents a man from enjoying your inner vagina, but today it's us girls that want rid of it, as having an orgasm is a wonderful feeling, and as you know, mine hangs on a car bumper, not some bedpost, so I am a dirty little bitch, you know what guys, I kinda like that feeling.I had successfully convinced my sister to sunbathe tomorrow, we would go down to a quiet...

1 year ago
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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 61

I took them to my room. They were all still dressed for travel, which was sexy, but not the usual grade of slutty I had grown accustomed to. "Ok, Angels. Strip him. Slowly." The Angels looked at each other and smiled. "You want us to tease him for you?" Left asked. "We make him beg for you, yes?" Right added. I had to wonder for a moment if 'Angels' was the right name for them. "Yeah, ok. Let's see how that goes. Don't make it easy for them, Cutie." I sat comfortably against my...

3 years ago
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The Body Oil

The Body Oil I'm not the most romantic guy in the world, though I have my moments. My wife of nearly five years had been dropping enough hints, saying that we were stuck in a rut, that our sex wasn't as exciting as it used to be, that special occasions deserved special attention, so I finally decided to surprise her with a grand romantic gesture. With our anniversary was coming up, I began making preparations, buying supplies, carefully storing them in the trunk of my car. On the...

2 years ago
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Country BoysChapter 19

Sonny slid onto the bar stool while saying, “I’ll have a beer.” The bartender looked at Sonny and then poured a beer out of the tap. He put it down in front of Sonny and said, “That’ll be four bucks.” Sonny pulled out a five and said, “Keep the change.” “Thanks,” the bartender said. Sonny turned to the man seated beside him and said, “Well! Hello, Detective Mike Saperstein. What are you doing frequenting my favorite drinking establishment in all of Los Angeles?” “What in the hell are you...

3 years ago
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A New LifeChapter 7

We soon established a pattern. During the week I did my thing with dripping taps, sticking doors and collapsing shelves. In the evening I revisited my youth helping Jenni catch up with studies; the college recommended study materials and she took very seriously her opportunity to get a head start. We read classics and contemporary fiction, studied English, French and Spanish grammar (quite a departure for me. As I think I mentioned before, I speak only English with a smattering of foreign...

4 years ago
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Who is Tove Jensen aka Tiny Tove

Tove Jensen was born in Sweden in April 1958.Tove Jensen, a.k.a. Tiny Tove, has become one of the most sought after porn actresses of her time - and with good reason.Although being of legal age to star in both shoots and films, she always gave the appearance of being younger.Not much is known about Tove because her career in the adult industry - whilst fruitful - was short.What is known is that Tove got into the adult business soon after turning 18 years old. With the loss of her father at an...

3 years ago
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Church Hiding Place

My father was a pastor and an awesome Dad - I spent a lot of times exploring the churches secret hiding places - I use to go and hide in a place I thought no one knew about - you could kinda of see down on the main alter in the front of the church - I was such a rebellious k**, loved heavy metal and dark evil images and would spy On people from the hiding place. I never liked going to church but always loved finding creepy areas and fantisize about making out with girls and doing dirty things....

2 years ago
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step bro takes control

Peyton and Brooke are on their way back from town being very nervous as Peyton does not yet have her driving licence but does have a car to practice in but her parents were away so they took a chance and took the car out and on the way back they decide to go back to Brookes but as they were chatting Peyton did not notice the lights change ahead of them and overshoots so decides to just go for it and she puts her foot down and races back to Brookes. As they pulled into the drive their hearts...

2 years ago
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Secrets Of The FamilyChapter 3

"I want Ashley tonight," I told Jessica as we strolled around after lunch. "She's old." "I want her and she's not old." "She's like 23. Are you serious?" "You make things happen. Give me Ashley." "Oooh! You want to fuck old ladies," she derisively teased. "I guess I won't make it to your house for Christmas." "Don't say that!" she protested. "I damn sure know that there's no fucking chance I fuck you twice this week." Jessica's eyes sparkled. "Okay, I'll...

1 year ago
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The Punishment

I met this woman who was quite submissive and we began a normal weekend routine where we would meet at her place and have the weekend to live out a D/s relationship. On our first official date, I handed out some rules for her that if broken, there would be punishment. She agreed and the relationship began. First three months we explored everything, the play was intense, and she was extremely sexual.Later I began to notice that our play was lacking in intensity, I was not sure if it was me, her,...

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Decorating the Xmas tree

16 yrs ago I married my husband who had a 5 yr old boy Brent. A yr after we married we had a boy David. We live on a farm about 6 miles outside town. We have a small lake we can swim in take the row boat out or the paddle boat. It is very peaceful and I like to lay out naked when k**s go to school and early mornings on the weekends before they wake up. Lately I have enjoyed sitting out there with hubby while drinking wine in the late evenings. We usually get frisky with the wine and we get an...

2 years ago
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Building My Harem Pt 2

I apologize ahead of time for any spelling and/or grammar mistakes. I try. All characters in this story are at least 18 years of age. A couple of weeks had passed since everything that went down with Erin and my sister. Looking back, I suppose I should've felt more reluctance about deflowering my little sister, I probably should've felt ashamed for committing the ultimate taboo. But to be honest, I felt none of those things, I actually felt happy for once. For so long all I felt...

1 year ago
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A Tidy Solution

A Tidy Solution By Caleb Blake Victor and Lara were a strange couple, even before Victor started pestering Lara about Magic Depot. Victor was a researcher, currently out of work and Lara a laboratory assistant who could have done great things with Victor's credentials. Their marriage was strained by their finances and by Victor's kinkiness, neither of which Lara appreciated. He had been after her for thirteen years to dominate him, and even though she had tried it on a few...

2 years ago
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Person Interrupted

There are unspoken rules that people tend to follow such as shake hands when you meet someone, make direct eye contact with the person you are speaking with, or leave a tip. But what would happen if social norms shifts but only one person were to notice? Who would be affected/unaffected?

1 year ago
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TheDickSuckers Alexia Anders The Insatiable Dick Sucker

Alexia Anders is a self-proclaimed insatiable dick sucker, and whenever she works over her swollen clit and always-wet cunt with her favorite toy (a hitachi magic wand), all she thinks about is having a dick shoved in her mouth. Just look at this little whore, grinding out a few orgasms before Mr. POV walks on set. Whether Alexia’s on her knees or laying in bed, she simply cannot get enough dick in her mouth. And sure enough, Alexia gets so caught up in the moment, don’t be...

1 year ago
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NeighborAffair Blake Blossom 31049

Blake Blossom stops by her new neighbor’s house with some beer as a welcome gift. They get to drinking and Brad mentions that he has noticed her checking him out. He’s ok with that as he’s noticed her changing at night. If Blake knew he was watching she would of gave him a better show, so she decides to give him a close up look at what he’s been looking at by busting out her nice titties. Brad takes it from there and plays with her tits before giving her his thick cock...

4 years ago
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An Night to Remember Part II

The coolness of the marble vanity which pressed against her buttocks blended with the heat of his breath against her neck, creating a dichotomy of sensations that enveloped her with unmitigating ferocity.   It injected into her spine a river of tingling electricity that tumbled over nerve endings before waterfalling into her most intimate areas with a thunderous crash.   He was leaning over and into her now, and as his muscled body bridged the last few inches that separated them, her legs...

1 year ago
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Your cum tastes so sweet

Introduction: The quietest ones are the dirtiest ones... The following is my attempt to share some of my sexual adventures with members of this forum. I have enjoyed many a story on x hamster site, and hope most of you get the opportunity to live out your fantasies like I have. That said, happy reading!Living in a college town, I've learned there's always plenty of eye candy, but also a general lack of experience to go with those young hard bodies. However, there's nothing I enjoy more than...

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