Robin's New Look: Mockingbird's Emergence free porn video

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Robin's New Look: Mockingbird's Emergence Rating: G Add Complete: yes Synopsis: Previously in ShinnokRaiden99's tale, Robin wakes up after a sneak attack, only to find himself face to face with Gotham's most (in)famous criminal duo. and here is the link to his story line =1488235520990318141 Categories: Comics Crossdressing / TV Good Boy To Bad Girl Physically Forced or Blackmailed Pop Culture Stuck Keywords: Bisexual Costumes Defiant Heterosexual .........Now 4 months later Mockingbird was sitting at her make-up stand, deftly applying her base layer of white covering cream from her forehead downward, covering all the blemishes with a light coat as she had been taught by her big sister Harley Quinn all the while gazing into her mirror with a sexy pouty smile plastered across her feminine looking face. Stopping briefly she turned her gaze to her right where Harley sat in front of a duplicate make-up table and noted with glee that her big sister was confidently once more creating her own style of facial design. Giggling uncontrollably Mockingbird whispered a delicate, "Thank you sis." Her gaze fluttering downward with joy at how Harley had accepted her into the family dynamic. Harley stopped applying her own make-up and turned her gaze to her sister Mockingbird and noted the continued look of adoration that Mockingbird bestowed upon her. "Like, oh my god sis, you have really come a long way with learning the skills to make you a desirable girl!" she exclaimed with excitement. "Puddin is gonna love how far you have come!" Blushing greatly under her white cream colored face, Mockingbird demurely replied, "You think Mr. J will like this fresh look." she whispered as she briefly remembered her first night here in Joker's lair. Then she giggled again as she rounded out her thoughts. "Puddin, is the best ever sis." "He sure knows how to keep a girl on her toes!" she exclaimed with delight. The two female jesters Harley and Mockingbird continued to gaze at each other and Harley intoned, "Sis, you know Mr. J loves how you have blended into the family." "Just you wait till we get all dolled up, Puddin is going to go wild with joy!" "Now let's get a move on, you know how Puddin doesn't like when we take hours to get ready for the day." Harley then turned her gaze back towards her own mirror, returning herself towards finishing her make-up. Mockingbird, with a slight giggle turned her own gaze to her own mirror and took in the sight she saw. Gazing back at her through the mirror she took in the female looking figure dressed in just her panties and bra. It was a matching set, of resplendent dark lavender color with just the hint of lace. Although she could not look upon her rear end, if she had been able to she would have noted the words Joker's girl emblazoned across the backside. Her bra had the capital J stenciled in gold across the center of each cup. She took in the firm breasts that peaked out of the top of her bra and remembered the day that she had woken up with those breasts protruding from her once flat chested male body. The breasts, a firm 34C set, were a gift from Mr. J and Harley after that first heist that she took part in. Her breasts, her now plump feminine rear end, the shaving of her once predominate Adams apple, the sculpturing of her eye brows, her collagen filled lips and the waves of golden blonde tresses that were pulled back at this time, so that she could apply her make-up, were all gifts of Puddin and her sis Harley. Finally she raised her gaze upwards just a tiny bit and took in the purple collar with the letter J firmly secured around her neck. Her left hand gently touched her collar, then she returned to completing her white facial cream. The only remnants of what once had been Robin who had been part of the dynamic duo crime fighting team. was tucked away in Mockingbird's panties firmly encased in a dark pink cage, that also had Mr. J's symbol stenciled in gold along the topside of it. Mockingbird next began to apply her bright green lipstain to her collagen filled lips, again remembering back to the start when she had woken up in the lair of Joker and she frowned with shame at how she had acted during her first heist with Puddin and her sister Harley. Yes the heist had been successful; but she had tried towards the end to foil the plot, which had caused grief to Mr. J and he was forced to use the control he carried to drop Mockingbird into unconsciousness. Several day had gone by since that heist and during that whole time Mockingbird was kept in a perpetual coma like state in the lair, during which time underground surgical teams had been back and forth brining about permanent changes to the physical appearances of the one time Robin. Mockingbird snapped back to the present and continuing to keep her collagen filled lips pursed, she applied a coat of clear lip gloss atop the fine layer of bright green lipstain. Gasping with pleasure upon looking into her mirror and noting the hot looking babe staring back at her, Mockingbird gleefully jumped to her feet, twirling about with joy as she exclaimed, "Tada, look sis, how pretty and sexy do I look!" Harley having finished her own style rose deftly to her feet and gazed upon Mockingbird. "WOW sis, just WOW, you look scrumptious!" "Stay where you are at sis, I have a very special gift for you," Harley intoned, as she disappeared around the corner. Mockingbird waited for her sis to return and her thoughts once more dropped into the past. After waking up from her drug induced coma, Mockingbird's training as a cohort of Mr. J and Harley began. She remembered how she often times failed the assignments that Harley had given her, teaching Mockingbird the ins and outs of becoming the female she now portrayed. Each time she failed an assignment, she would get a severe jolt of pain from her obedience collar. For the first full month of her training in learning how to be a girl, she had fought the conditioning; but eventually she had learned it was better to be obedient. Once she accepted this fate, it became easier for her to apply herself to her new role. She began to truly accept that she was forever more the sister of Harley Quinn and that Joker was her boss and main squeeze. She took to her training with a hunger to be pleasing to her sister and she learned her feminine skills with ease. Her conditioning did not stop there though as she was also required to go out with her new family on several heists and once more she initially fought against being forced into a life of crime. She remembered the number of times that Mr. J had to use her obedience collar and how she endured the god awful pains. Once more she learned her lesson that it was easier to obey than it was to fight and when this happened the use of her pain collar had subsided. True though she did miss it a little bit and when she had needed a jolt, she would act out on purpose. Puddin and Harley soon had caught on that Mockingbird desired moments of the obedience collar being activated and they gave her what she hungered for. Mockingbird once again snapped back to present time as she heard the footsteps of he big sis returning. She wondered what present or presents that Harley had for her. As she was thinking this her delicate hands with bright green fingernail polish traveled down to her toned tanned abdomen till she reached her belly button and she twirled her fingers about the diamond encrusted J lettered jewelry ring that was permanently attached to her belly button. Harley returned with a large box tucked under her arm and she approached her sister with joy in her eyes as she turned the box upwards holing it out to Mockingbird. "Here you go sis," she proclaimed, "this is for you!" Mockingbird, the once junior male hero of the dynamic duo and now one of a pair feminine jesters, albeit Mockingbird had male package caged and tucked away who owed their loyalty to Mr. J, as the affectionately called him Puddin, the clown prince of crime, the Joker, held out her sculpted hands, to accept the gift that her sister, Harley handed over to her. Beaming with anticipation after Mockingbird accepted the gift from her, Harley looked at her sister with a twinkle of merriment in her eyes. "You are just gonna love what I got for you girl!" she proclaimed. Mockingbird, opened the box with care as she did not want to break another of her fingernails, as she remembered how long it took her to get each nail looking perfectly and the last time she had cried in despair and had wallowed in pity for hours after damaging her nails. When she finally got the box opened and looked inside, her breathe was caught in her throat, for she eyed such wildly sexy garments and was filled with joy that her big sister Harley cared so much as to give her this glorious package. Gently placing the box on the chair she had been sitting in to do her make-up, Mockingbird pranced towards her sister Harley and she hugged in her a warm sisterly fashion, crying out to Harley, "Sis, I love you for helping me out and for this wonderous outfit." Harley embraced her jester sister and upon seeing tears springing to Mockingbird's eyes, she pulled up a tissue from her own make-up table and dabbed at Mockingbird's eyes. "Now, now little sister, you can't be crying," she exclaimed. "it will ruin all the work you did on your make-up." Mockingbird gladly accepted the drying of her eyes, then planted a kiss on her big sister's check. Breaking away from the embrace, she returned to the box that she had placed on the chair and pulled the first garment out of the bag. It was a pair of purple fishnet stockings with a satin wide garter belt carefully wrapped between the pair of stockings. "OMG," she exclaimed, "these are very hot." Holding the stockings and garterbelt in one hand Mockingbird, carefully made room on her make-up table, then picked the box up and placed it on the table. For the past few months, Mockingbird had taken notice of many young ladies wearing just such this type of garment and she had envious towards them, for she had yet been allowed to wear such frilly and feminine attire. True she had yet to learn how to dress in them; but her big sis Harley Quinn would help her and she settled back down into the chair to unwrap the stockings from around the garterbelt. Harley, went over to her sister and pulled her back to a standing position, then informed Mockingbird, "Let's get your garterbelt on you first then you can sit down and we will work on your stockings." Mockingbird stood stock still as her sister, took the garterbelt from her and wrapped it around her waist careful ton insure that it had not twisted about. Then guiding Mockingbird around, so that she was facing away from her, Harley pulled the garterbelt close around her sister's hips and secured the sides together. Finally she pulled the four straps of the garterbelt down through the inside of her sister's panties, so that they would be easy to attach to Mockingbird's stockings and allow her to pull her panties down when she needed to pee and poop. "Now then little sis," Harley intoned with glee, "sit back down and let's get your stockings slipped on, you sexy jester." Mockingbird blushed greatly under her creamy white face ghostly make- up as she twirled around on the balls of her feet and settled back down in her chair. She glanced down past the swell of her 34C breasts encased in her bra, down towards her flat toned, lightly tanned belly which the rich purple garterbelt now snuggly rested and which had pulled in the sides of her abdomen, enhancing the width of her hips and noticed that stenciled in gold were the words Joker's girl. She took note that the upper and lower fringes of the belt were a bright emerald green roughly a half inch wide and that the garter clips that she saw swaying gently on her upper tanned toned freshly shaved thighs resembled the letter J. Demurely she was raising her gaze back upwards stopping once more where her breasts swelled through her purple bra and noted with embarrassment that her nipples had become taut and were poking against the fabric of her bra. She could just see the outline of the rings that were attached to her taut nipples and knew that those nipple rings each had small strands of gold attached to them and those small gold strands also presented with Mr. J's symbol of ownership. Her 34C breasts, once a point of shame for the young man now turned female, had at first been a point of shame the first two months of her training, also announced to all who could witness (and very few would see her without her bra) that she was Joker's girl, as her right breast was tatted with Mr. J's and her left breast was tatted with Girl. Both tattoos were outlined in a rich dark purple and the inner letters were bright emerald green. Her breathe quickened as her excitement built. Tears of joy and a little fear were again forming behind the emerald green eye shadow that coated Mockingbird's eyelids as she turned her gaze once more towards her big sis, Harley. "Oh my will Mr. J be happy to see me in this new outfit?" she huskily queried Harley. Peels of laughter could be heard resounding about the hidden lair of Joker and his two female jesters as Harley bespoke with merriment and joy. "You betacha sis. The twinkle in Harley's eyes telling Mockingbird that her big sis was speaking the truth. "Mr. J's going to love how decked out you will be!" Harley proclaimed, as she once more was reaching for another tissue to dab at Mockingbird's tearing eyes. Mockingbird, beat her big sis to the punch as she had already begun reaching for a tissue with her delicate hands, her nails gleaming brightly from the emerald green nail polish, to dab at her eyes. Mockingbird once again remembered how she had ruined hours of pain staking work applying her make-up by allowing her tears to run freely. She remembered how her big sis was very upset that she did not learn the first dozen times that she had cried, how to dab at her eyes and prevent the ruination of her white cream colored make-up. Now-a-days it was second nature to Mockingbird as in the past month or two her emotions had swung wide and tears of joy, shame, embarrassment and several other wild emotions erupted from behind her eyelids. She knew why her emotions were so greatly enhanced. It was due to the three patches attached to her skin, which were filled with estrogen medication and flowed through her system. Returning once more to the present time, Mockingbird daintily dabbed at her eyes drying away her tears of joy. Harley gazed down at her seated sister with a bright smile that reach her eyes, as she took note that Mockingbird's training had taken a strong hold. She remembered how she had to paddle the sexy minx a number of times across her bare rump, when her little sister failed to remember her lessons. For the past month she had no longer needed to paddle Mockingbird's plump tanned behind, as all remnants of Mockingbird's male persona were truly locked away behind many layers of doors in her brain cells, never to rear their ugly heads. She took great pride in conditioning her sister jester and loved her every bit as much as she loved Mr. J. Heaven help anyone who would dare to undo the conditioning that Puddin and she had bestowed upon Mockingbird, for Harley would let loose with a vengeance upon anyone who dared to harm her little sister. Mockingbird was part of her family now, a family that consisted of Puddin and his two female jesters Harley and Mockingbird. Harley figured that since Mockingbird was new to the family, she would always be her little sister. Anyone attempting to undo Mockingbird's conditioning was deemed by Harley as doing harm to her little sister. "Sis, now watch how I handle your first stocking, so that you will be able to don them from now on without my help." Harley intoned with gentle loving words of joy, at how well Mockingbird's conditioning had taken. She was happy to see her little sis gazing intently upon her, as she picked up the first stocking, then with great care bunched the purple fishnet stocking downward towards the heel area. Harley then dropped to her knees and raised Mockingbird's smooth, freshly shaved, tanned, toned, left calf upwards. With deft hands she slipped the foot of the stocking onto her sister's left foot, then began rolling and gliding the sleek stocking up her sister's left calve, continuing onwards up to Mockingbird's mid thigh. Pride showed in Harley Quinn's eyes as she took note that there was no stubble of hair noted on Mockingbird's left leg and she knew that the same would hold true for her little sister's right leg. Harley then, lightly began to run her hands down the fishnet stocking, till she reached right behind Mockingbird's ankle. Now Harley began to slowly move the stocking left or right as her delicate hands began to travel upwards once more, this time insuring that the seam of the stocking was centered along the backside of her sister's gleaming left leg. Mockingbird watched intently as Harley slipped the stocking upon her left leg. She was proud of the fact that she had daily taken great care to run her razor up her legs in long gentle strokes to remove any hint of hair upon her toned legs. The feeling of the stocking was new to her, and she was amazed how soft the fishnet felt against her bare leg. She was thrilled at finally being allowed to wear such feminine garments and was happy that her big sis had bestowed such a gift upon her. She knew deep in her heart, that Puddin had taken a slight hand in picking out her new outfit and she owed him a big heartfelt kiss upon his check, when she and Harley emerged from this dressing area that all their own. Robin would have been angry and humiliated at being forced to wear fishnet stockings; but his persona was safely locked away deep in the recesses of Mockingbird's psyche. It was her, Mockingbird who ruled this body now and she was never going to let that male persona loose to the world. Robin was a kill joy, a goody two shoes, who only thought of helping others and not himself. Mockingbird was the exact opposite. She was all about herself and her family, Mr J and her big sis Harley. Robin was male and a stuck up one at that, who did not know how to have fun. His persona was an enigma to Mockingbird who thrilled at being decked out in sexy girlie outfits and who delighted in enticing Puddin and her sister Harley. Robin was a dullard and Mockingbird was a vixen. A hot, sexy, wicked vixen at that, one who was happy to pull various heists with her family. Mockingbird hungered to show off her feminine charms to the world and thrilled at the sight of males gazing hungrily at her lush girlie figure. Those males though did not hold her eyes, as she was Joker's girl and she knew in her heart of hearts, that only Mr. J held sway over her longings and desires. She had felt devasted in the past two months when Puddin looked upon her with a frown and was gleefully cheered when he cast a bright smile upon her. Pride would cause her to all ways do her best to bring forth laughter and kind words from Mr. J and she no longer struggled with wanting to make him proud of her. So she sat there in her make-up chair and took in every single word and action that her big sis, Harley Quinn showed her as her sis slipped the first fishnet stocking upon her toned sleek left leg. Harley finished placing her sister's stocking on her sleek left leg, than rose up to a stern standing position and clearly stated. "Now your turn MB, let me see how well you have learned this new lesson." Mockingbird began to reach for the second stocking; but flinched when she felt a sharp sting upon her delicate right hand as Harley slapped her hand away from the stocking. Shocked she turned her gaze upwards in a questioning fashion towards her sister Harley. "No, dummie," Harley stated. "first you have to remove your anklet charm, so that you don't ruin your sexy stockings." Harley was wagging her finger at her little sister. "You have to take great care of your outfits and if you try to place your stocking on over your anklet charm, you will tear the stocking." Sheepishly Mockingbird demurred to her big sis. "Thank you for the lesson Harley." Mockingbird then raised her right leg upwards so that her slender right ankle rested lightly on the front of the chair and deftly with her delicate fingers removed yet another symbol of Joker's ownership of the feminine jester. It was a gold anklet charm with the word's Joker's Girl" spelled out in tiny emerald jeweled letters. This sexy charm had been gifted to her by Mr. J, after she had put herself between Puddin and the Batman, during a jewelry heist, that she had eagerly taken part in and thusly had saved Puddin from being hit with a batarang. Bats had held back using the batarang on the female creature who had taken up a stance in front of her boss, as he never would look to bring harm upon a female. This allowed for Mr. J to pull a stun grenade out of his many pockets, tossing it towards the Batman and allowed for the family to escape from capture, with the haul from a jewel heist. There were a number of emerald jewels and a gold chain in the loot and Mr. J used his underworld connections to have this sexy charm designed for his newest family member. Depending upon where on her right leg she placed this beautiful charm, Mockingbird was able to loosen or tighten the gold chain, so that it always remained in place when she donned her footwear and did not chafe her feminine right calve. Harley watched as her little sister, took off her anklet charm and gently placed it upon the make-up table. Harley, lightly patted her sister upon the top of her blonde haired head. She nodded her head in approval and continued to monitor the actions of Mockingbird. Mockingbird beamed with joy when she felt her sister pat her upon her blonde haired head. Harley was her big sis, her mentor into all things female, her guide and her confidant when she felt lost and lonely. She then retrieved her stocking and slowly began bunching it downwards to the ankle area, noting how soft the fishnet felt in her hands and also making sure that she did not get a run in her stocking from her inch long sculpted emerald green coated, fingernails. Deftly she donned her stocking, after slipping it over her emerald green painted toenails, giggling softly at the time two days ago when she and Harley had spent a girl's day at a spa run by the underworld and had a hot stone pedicure, facial cleansing, her fingernails re-sculpted and then she and Harley had spent two hours in a sauna allowing the girlish figures to be cleansed of toxins. She ran the stocking up her sleek, shaved, toned, tanned leg, all the way to her mid thigh region. Next she caressingly ran her dainty fingers lightly down the stockings till her sculpted fingernails gently touched the stocking at her slender ankle. With care Mockingbird, began to shift the stocking back and forth, slowly gliding her fingers upwards as she set the seam of her glimmering purple fishnet stocking around the center of her back leg and removed all signs of crinkles and creases. Mockingbird marveled at the soft feel of each stocking on her legs. After insuring that her stocking was in place, Mockingbird began to reach for her anklet charm; but Harley stopped her, by lightly gripping her delicate hands. Harley, guided Mockingbird to a standing position as she intoned, "Not yet, sis, all in good time." Her gaze centered upon her sister's face, which she now caressed with her own sleek fingers. "First we have to attach your garters to your stockings." A bright smile played about Harley's face, "Then we get you into your skirt, halter top and boots." Harley proclaimed. "After that you may place your anklet charm back on your pretty right calve." Harley, now proceeded with showing her sister, how to attach the clips of the garter to her stockings, by first gripping the utmost top area of the J jeweled clip, located on the front outside area of her left garter, causing the bottom edge to spring open, revealing two pinpoints on the front and back side of the clip. Next she gripped hold of the top of Mockingbird's left stocking and wiggled the clip into place at the top most of MB's stocking. Finally she let go of the clip and it firmly gripped Mockingbird's stocking top, holding it in place. Harley then moved her hands to the inside rear clip and repeated the same procedure. Then she moved to the inside front clip and finally the outside rear clip. Each time she allowed the clip to snap into place, till finally Mockingbird's stocking was securely attached to her garterbelt. Harley, then stopped back to admire her work and also to allow her little sister, to copy her in attaching the right stocking to her garterbelt. Mockingbird had once more intently watched as her big sister, taught her how to secure her fishnet stockings to her satiny purple with emerald green trim garterbelt. She repeated the same exact sequence as Harley had with her left garter clips to her left stocking, on her right leg. She swelled with pride as she felt the warmth of the gold J lettered clips as she daintily secured her stocking to her garterbelt. She lovingly caressed the J symbol of her clip, paying homage to her boss, Puddin. She mused to herself how much thought and care Mr. J and her sister Harley had used in designing this outfit for her and she wondered what the skirt and halter top would look and feel like on her sleek feminine frame. After securing her right stocking in place, Mockingbird rose to the balls of her painted feet and twirled about again, taking in how her stockings did not slip and slide about and remained firmly in place. She had noticed how girls hated it when they had to always reposition their stockings and she was now going to be experiencing the same trepidation if her stockings did not remain in place. Mockingbird knew that she would also be carrying at least one spare set of stockings in her purse, just in case of a run in her stockings. She knew this because she had seen girls enter the ladies room after noting a run in their stockings and had exited with a fresh pair of stockings with no runs visible. Mockingbird had even been in the ladies room a couple of times and had watched as the gals had replaced their ruined stockings. Excitedly, Mockingbird glanced towards her big sis and begged her, "Harley, can I can I, please try on the skirt and halter top?" she hungrily asked. Gushing with feminine desires exploding from within her, she continued to beg. "Please sis, pretty please....I sooooo want to wear the rest of this sexy new outfit!" she exclaimed. Harley, noted the hunger in her sister's eyes, the pleading looks, the strong desires, the awkward embarrassment that Mockingbird hinted at, and the fierce feminine feelings that erupted from Mockingbird, as she begged to dawn the rest of her sexy feminine jester outfit. Stepping forward she lovingly swatted Mockingbird's pantied covered rump and with delight proclaimed, "Sure sis, no time like the present, to get all dolled up for Mr. J." Mockingbird lovingly snatched up the folded rich dark purple leather skirt, bringing it first her her bra covered bosom, breathing in the fresh new leather scent that enveloped her nasal passage. She could feel new tear of joy and wonderment pooling in her painted eyes and quickly snatched up a fresh tissue with her right hand, all the while holding her leather skirt to her bosom with dainty care and dabbed her eyes dry before those tears could ruin her make-up. Having dried away the new tears of joy, Mockingbird deftly toke hold of her skirt with both delicate painted hands and allowed the skirt to slowly unfold as she wanted to take in every inch of this fine garment before stepping into it and securing it around her slender waist. She noted that the skirt had a high waist to it and two inch wide belt loops. She marveled at the fact that it was a pleated leather skirt and just from the look at it as she held it up against her waist line, she knew that it would reach no lower than mid-thigh. The fragrance of the new leather still wafted up to her nasal passage, while she took in the fact that her skirt was completely a rich bright purple colored toned fabric. Finally she took note that there was a zipper located at the backside of the her skirt and she knew from previous experiences with being allowed to wear other skirts, that the skirt was meant to be worn so that the zipper was in the center of her back. Quizzically Mockingbird looked to her big sis who was sporting a sleek long sleeve body suit in a two tone color running diagonally from the edge of her right shoulder down to where it disappeared inside an apposing skirt. From the front side the top color was a brilliant shade of black with speckles of silver running through out and the lower color was a crimson red, which also presented with speckles of silver running through out. If Harley had been facing away from her, Mockingbird would have noticed the the pattern was just the opposite. Her sister's form fitting skirt that about three inches above her sis' stocking covered knees had a similar diagonally design, only the left side of the skirt is where the brilliant white speckled with sliver began at the high point, running down at a diagonal to the outer edge on her sis' right side. As with the body suit the, backside of Harley's skirt ran in the opposite direction for the two tone colors. She knew that her big sis wore identical sexy undies, as she herself was wearing. excluding the fact that Harley's panties, bra and garterbelt did not have stenciled in gold letters the words Mr. J's Gal. Every item of clothing that Mockingbird was wearing and would be slipping into, in one form or another identified her as Puddin's girl. With a pouty frown, when she took note that she was not going to be wearing matching outfits Mockingbird questioned Harley, "Sis," she began clearly upset she was not going to be matching her sister's hot erotic jester look. "why I gotta wear this outfit," her frown deepened, "why ain't we wearing matching sexy outfits? she finished as she stomped her right foot down in emphasis, pressing for a good reason to know the different outfits. Since day one that she had been captured and forced to dress like a jester, she and Harley had always worn matching outfits; but where her big sis' color scheme was black and red, Mockie's color scheme for her sexy costumes were red and green. When Robin had been in charge of this sexy femmy body, he had constantly shown opposition. Where as, when Mockingbird's psyche took over, she hungrily followed along with her big sister's choice of outfits and they always were matching wickedly sexy jester outfits. "It ain't right sis," she continued. "we be sister jesters." she finally finished her frowning pout and frustrated upset look spilling forth from her eyes framed under her long dark sparkly purple lashes. SLAPP, the sound of Harley open handed made as it struck the face of her little sister. "You impertinent minx," she sternly lashed out upset that Mockie dared to question the difference in outfits that they were to wear today into the evening. "As your big sis, if I want you to dress in the colors of Puddin," she sternly snapped out. "then THOSE ARE THE COLORS you will wear," she finished off with "you sassy slut." Shocked at the strong words of her big sis, who rightfully was putting Mockingbird in her place, the sassy minx quickly sat down in her chair with a look of shame and impatience in her gleaming eyes She then unzipped her new pleated leather skirt, then just as quickly as she had taken to sit in her chair, she slipped her stocking covered feet through her new skirt; but at the same time remained vigilant so that she would not bring a run to her new fishnet stockings. All the while she was slipping her stockinged feet into her skirt, Mockingbird would glance upwards quickly to steal looks at her big sis Harley, hoping for signs of approval. She truly needed to always steal signs of approval from Harley, as it meant the world to her and her face was still burning with shame at causing her big sis to lash out at her. Mockingbird really wanted her sister to recognize that she was constantly seeking to act in a very feminine and wickedly sexy one at that, for that is what she was now and would remain. She had begun quite recently to hate that package that was caged and tucked between her legs and was even now thinking about having sexual re-assignment surgery to give her the final feminine virtue. She acted more girlie than a lot of females that were born as female. Harley was well aware of the fact that her little sister was stealing glances at her, seeking her approval of how she was dawning her cute leather skirt and she gave Mockingbird the approval that she so richly hungered for. "That's it sis, you're doing splendidly!" she exclaimed with a twinkle in her eyes. "Just wait till Mr. J gets a look at you in your new outfit!" Mockingbird rose to the balls of her feet, after slipping the rich bright purple, pleated skirt, through her stocking covered feet and half way up her calves, then began to shimmy the skirt up over her sleek knees and her firm, toned, tanned, stocking covered thighs. Upwards she pulled her skirt until reaching just a smidgen below her naval button. Musingly she knew she did not want to cover the adorned belly button jewelry. Moving both of her delicate hands to either side of her, Mockingbird, checked about to insure that it rode evenly all around from one side to the other and that there was not on side even a slight bit higher than the other. With a proud look behind her emerald green painted eyes, the girl, slid her hands slowly to her center back area, then firmly holding the top bacck in place with her right hand, she slid her delicate left hand downwards till her shimmering painted fingernails lightly touched the zipper of her skirt. She remembered how it had taken many tries to learn how to pull the zippers of her other skirts upwards, thusly snugging her skirts in place around her slender waistline; but she now had it down to a science and was able to slide the zipper upwards till it was locked in place at the top of her skirt. She then flattened out the panel that covered the zipper, there fore hiding the zipper from view. Finally she firmly ran her slender hands all around and down her skirt removing any signs of wrinkles, continuing to marvel how the skirt felt as her fingers and palms ran down the length. Harley, watched as her little sister shimmied into her skirt, all the while providing Mockingbird with looks of encouragement. Harley knew her little sister's deepest darkest wishes and those wishes were not Mockingbird's alone. Harley shared her sister's wish to have that final male appendage surgically removed and have it transformed into a girl's vagina. Harley knew that it would happen sooner or later; but she would hold off her asking Puddin to have the surgical procedure performed until she believed her little sister had earned the right to have her male package transformed into a bald beaver, a sleek warm hungry kitty. Harley left loose with a peel of merry laughter as she took note how Mockingbird deftly dawned her pleated bright rich purple skirt. Before Mockingbird could reach into her box, Harley stepped forward, laying a gentle caressing hand upon her sister's right shoulder, while her right hand snaked behind Mockingbird's backside and with loving aim, Harley smacked her sister's skirted plush rump. "How's that feel sexy girl!" exclaimed Harley, as she felt her sister melt into an embrace with her. Mockingbird had felt the smack on her skirted tush, and she had to admit that it felt good. It had not been a slap of punishment; but one destined to bring forth a rush of warmth through her tush and it had done just that.....that and it had caused her to jump into an embrace from her big sister, Harley. She felt a warmth flush across her painted face and responded, "Like WOW sis, I never knew that a smack on my tush could give me such a rush!" she exclaimed, eager and now hungry for a second smack on her skirted sexy, feminine, behind. But she was denied that second loving smack on her rump, as Harley lightly pressing on each of her shoulders pushed her sister, Mockingbird away from her. "NO sis, I can see it in your eyes," Harley intoned gently, "you need to earn those loving smacks from now on." She continued to gaze at her sister, Mockingbird, "Now then finish getting dressed as time is running out and Puddin has been waiting like forever." She finished off with, "We never want to keep Mr. J waiting to long!" Mockingbird laughingly joked to Harley, "OMG, you are right sis, we sure don't want Mr. J to be upset," she gleefully stated, "Puddin would paddle our sexy rumps if we are toooo late." she declared, drawing out the word to in emphasis. Sheepishly Mockingbird turned back to her dressing table, reached in and pulled out her new halter top. With her dainty hands holding each of the upper straps of her new halter top, Mockingbird allowed it to flow open and she took great pride in seeing the words Joker's Girl embossed in gold lettering on the right side of her halter top and on the left side was her name, Mockingbird also in gold lettering. The word Joker's, was semi- circular along the top section and after a brief spacing the word Girl was noted in a similar semi-circular design. Mockingbird wondered how this would look when it snuggled up against her bra covered 34C breasts. Her name was etched in smaller letters and was also in semi- circular design.. The halter top was two toned with the halter top itself presenting with a bright rich emerald green appearance, while the straps, that had hooks in them were of a much darker dull green color. The upper straps that would be secured behind her slender neck, were barely two inches wide, while the lower straps were an easy six inches in width. Deftly, Mockingbird wrapped her halter top around her so that the lower straps were facing front. Then she secured the straps together with the hooks using the middle hooks so that it presented with a snug fit around her upper abdomen. She then rotated the halter from back to front and slowly brought the upper straps up to the top of her shoulders reaching around to the back side and pulling the tail end of each strap with her dainty fingers. She secured the upper straps into the hooks and allowed them to fall into place at the lower end of her neck. Finally she adjusted the halter top so that it settled just right over her breasts. She turned her gaze to her dressing table mirror and took note that the words Joker's Girl and her name Mockingbird were prominently displayed around her breasts and Joker's was in an upward curve around the upper width of her firm, taut right breast, while the word Girl was showing in a downward curve. Her name was also showing in an upward curve around her left breast. Mockingbird frowned though as she took note that her bra's shoulder straps were showing and there was no way she could hide her shoulder straps with the way her halter top was designed. The fix was simple though. All of Mockingbird's bras had straps that could be removed and with a pleading look to her big sister Harley, she begged, "Sis can you help me to remove my should straps." Harley's response was a quick, "Sure thing sis." as she stepped behind Mockingbird and released the shoulder straps from behind and also adjusted the lower halter straps so that they hid the lower straps of her sister's bra. Mockingbird mean while was undoing the shoulder straps from her front side and this allowed her sister Harley to remove the straps and place them on the arm of Mockingbird's dressing table chair. Harley took note that her little sister was just about ready for her unveiling to Puddin, she needed just a few more touches and being Mockingbird's big sister, she took charge of adding those touches. Gently she pressed down on her sister's shoulder's guiding her back into her chair. Then she moved to her sister's table, pulled open the top left draw, which contained a number of ribbon ties, scrunchies, and rubber bands. She selected two emerald green ribbon ties, then moved back behind her sister. She quickly pulled the thick rubber band that held Mockingbird's golden bleached blonde tresses together and shook her sister's hair gently, while she tossed the rubber band onto her sister's dressing table. Next she pulled a good portion of her sister's blond locks together along the right side of her slender neck and using one of the emerald ribbon ties, she proceeded to tie Mockingbird's hair into a ponytail. She did the same to her sister's left side of her neck, then walked back to the right side of her sister's dressing table and opened the top drawer on that side. Inside this drawer were a variety of combs and brushes and Harley chose a light hair brush, moved in front of her sister and gently brushed her sister's hair so that Mockingbird's bangs hung down to to top of her forehead.. Finally she moved back behind her sister and teased the lower ends of her twin ponytails so that it presented with a light frizzy look for each pony tail. Taking several steps backwards, Harley examined her work and smiled approvingly. With glee Harley pranced off to the right side of their hidden section of the lair, going behind a curtain and quickly returned with one more box. There were a number of other boxes behind that curtain and they were all gift wrapped. These boxes were presents from her, Mr. J and a number of entrusted members of the criminal underworld here in Gotham. They would be moved to the main section of Joker's lair shortly before a party that was scheduled to take place late in the evening and in which she was sure her sister would take great pleasure in unwrapping. Returning to the dressing area, Harley presented her sister with this gift. "You're gonna love these boots sis," she proclaimed with sincere delight. "they were specially made just for you!" Mockingbird remained seated and gladly accepted her sister's gift. She ripped open the box and looked with an astonished gaze upon the boots. They were low calve size boots, made from the finest black leather. Along the toe area there was a brilliant gold plate and on the upper outside area of her new black leather low calve boots was the capital letter J. The heels were three inches gold plated and had very slender points to them. There was a zipper on the inside of each boot and it would allow for Mockingbird to easily feet her feet into her brand new boots. Eagerly and with great anticipation, Mockingbird placed her left foot into her left boot and zipped it up. "Wow," she exclaimed with pleasure, as the boot fit snuggly about her foot and lower calve. Next she guided her right foot into her right boot and zipped that one snuggly into place, once more exclaiming with abundant joy, "Like sis, they are just yummmmmmmmmmmy." Reaching forward on to her dressing table, Mockingbird snatched up her anklet charm, adjusted the width ever so much and secured it back on to her right leg, where it belonged. Harley beamed with pride, for now her little sister Mockingbird was ready to be revealed to Joker and she spoke to her sister with baited breath, "Now sis, now you are ready for Puddin to see his sexy jester vixen. Mockingbird knew that she was ready. Once more she rose to her feet, no stumbling noted as she had been trained to walk, stand, prance, dance, twirl, twist and even fight wearing three in heels. She knew at long last she was truly, Joker's girl now and she marveled with delight at all the symbols that adorned her frame, that announced to all who would see, that Mockingbird was a female jester of her boss Mr. J. She was thrilled with all the refinement she wore that spelled out that Puddin had absolute control of his girl and there was a constant twinkle in her emerald green painted eyes, as she glanced at herself in her dressing table mirror. The Bat be damned, Mockingbird, took in a sweeping glance of her frame and her wickedly sexy outfit, thrilling in the wildly wanton, sexually provocative creature staring back at her. Puddin was her man, he was her boss and her controller. Mr. J was all this vixen ever wanted from now on and she knew she would allow her man to use her as he wished. Robin had been a cowardly, sniffling, wimp and through the ministrations of her sister Harley and Mr. J, the emergence of Mockingbird had taken place. Sure she looked to Mr. J for guidance and yes she hungered for her sister's approval; but what girl ever denied those hard held facts. Facts that most men were alphas and had every right to demand perfection from their gals. Mr. J was most definitely an alpha and Mockingbird would strive to be his perfect girl as that was her place in the family. A girl also needs a sister to confide in and teach her all the ways that a female needs to behave in order to be pleasing for the alpha male. Bats might be an alpha male when dealing with other males; but he was not an alpha male when dealing with the fairer sex. No he was as much a wimp as Robin had been and there was no way the Bat could ever keep the vixen that Mockingbird had become. Robin wasn't an alpha, he was a beta and as such it was right for Mr. J and Harley to transform him into a girl. It was like Robin had been placed into a cocoon and after the many procedures and hours of conditioning of her sis, Harley and her man, Mr. J, also called by her and her big sister as Puddin, the true form had emerged and that form was female and she already knew her name to be Mockingbird, as it had been bestowed upon her when she first awoke in her man's lair several months ago. Maybe one of these day, Bats would be broken and learn his true place in a man's world; but Mockingbird did not want her Puddin to take that weak Bats as his. Maybe Bats could be taken by the Riddler or the Penguin. Awwww well those were not her decisions to make, for those decisions rested solely with Mr. J, silly girls do not make those hard decisions. Harley did not let her sister, bask for long in the glorious view of herself. There would be time enough later for Mockingbird to gaze wistfully at her sexy wanton girlie figure. Now she had to bring her sister to Mr. J's throne. She had to present this glamorous jester female to Puddin and allow for him to take in the stunning female he was responsible for giving life to. "Come along girl," she urgently commanded, "no time to waste now," she exclaimed, "Mr. J is probably at his wits end, waiting to see the new you." The pair of female jesters minced across the long breadth of the lair, Joker's lair, their lair, their home, till after three minutes of minced walking they arrived at Mr. J's private sitting area. Harley held up her hand stopping Mockingbird from advancing with her and the girl waited in place, while Harley continued forward. Harley embraced Mr. J and planted sweet kisses on either side of his face, the stepping back a couple of steps she loudly proclaimed, "Puddin, it is my greatest pleasure to present to you, my sister, your newest member of our family, the transformed, vixen, MOCKINGBIRD." The girl, hearing her name loudly being proclaimed responded as she had practiced for the past two weeks. She had been told that she needed to make a resounding entrance when she was ready to be presented to Mr. J and she did just that....she started out with a light footed dance, mincing each step on the balls of her booted feet....then she twirled about so that her backside was to Mr. J and her sister and leaping backwards, in an acrobatic fashion she perfected two exact somersaults, landing lightly...finally with deft prancing maneuvers, Mockingbird brought herself right up to the right side of Puddin's throne. Here she stopped and looked with longing and expectation at Mr. J, waiting for his response. She did not have long to wait, for Joker was quite taken by the transformation in this girl, his girl now. She had once been his foe and a male foe at that; but Joker had figured a long time before hand that Robin would become his newest member of his family and that he would take a place in the family as a sister of Harley Quinn. With a slap on his lap Joker demanded. "Here girl, place yourself on my lap and lavish me with you feminine attention." Mockingbird hearing her man's command, quickly settled her skirted tush upon Mr. J's lap, then lightly caressing both sides of Puddin's face she began to plant many tiny kisses on first one side and then the next. Cooing with hunger and pleasure, she demurely whispered "Ohhhh Mr. J, be the bestest boss a girl could ever ask for." She felt Puddin massage her breasts through her halter top and this increased her excitement level. "Yummmy Mr. J," she softly intoned as she continued planting kisses about his face and neck, I just loovvvee your manly scent Puddin." she purringly stated. Mockingbird continued to whisper her love and adoration to her alpha male, as she used all of the feminine charms she had newly acquired under the tutelage of her big sis Harley. For at least ten minutes, the girl cooed out loving to Mr J and used the names Puddin and Mr. J often, in a soft feminine voice. There was no hint of a male voice coming forth between the painted lips of Mockingbird, it was all soft femmy and girlie intonations. Joker allowed his girl to lavish her loving attention on him for a good period; but then he stopped her in mid kiss, waggled a stern finger in her face and commanded, "Enough girl," she stopped, and waited as Joker looked to Harley, "Take you sister, back to your dressing area and get her freshened up." Mockingbird, looked upon Mr. J questioningly, till she heard him declare, "Get her ready for her coming out party tonight!" "Coming out party," she whispered in soft femmy tones. "OH my, I have a coming out party, Mr Jjjjjjjjjjjjj, you are truly truly truly the best boss a girl could ever want or have." she cried out, and no longer could her feminine emotions be held in check. She cried with humbling love for Puddin and for her big sis Harley. She wrapped her arms tightly about her man's neck and planted several more kisses on either side of his face, then quickly she rose to her booted feet. Before she could dance out of reach, so filled with excitement she was with a coming out party, she felt Puddin's strong hand land firmly upon her skirted rump. "MB, what did you think you were getting all dolled up for." Puddin continued on with loud laughter, "An every day heist does not need my two female jesters to be dolled up." Tears of joy and excitement ran down Mockingbird's face, quickly ruining her make-up; but this time Harley did not care, for her sis earned the right to let loose with these joyful tears. Yes it would take a bit of time to redo her make-up; but right now seeing the bright flashing look of love and adoration that her little sister was bestowing upon her and Puddin was worth the extra time it would take to repair her sister's make-up. Besides she had an idea to plant two identical dark pink circles on either side of Mockingbird's face, which Harley believed would enhance the girl's feminine looking face. With her sister in hand, Harley and Mockingbird began to mince hurriedly out of Puddin's sitting area of the lair, quickly looking to return to their dressing area, so that Harley could help her redo her make-up. She took in the constant gushing, loving, cooing sounds that Mockingbird exuberantly intoned as they made their way along the wide expanse of the lair.................. MORE TO COME IF YOU WISH As soon as the two jester sisters arrived back at their dressing area, Mockingbird first settled in the task of cleaning up the mess she had left on her dressing table. She lovingly picked up the box which had contained her sexy jester outfit and shamefully noted that inside was one last item she had failed to don. It was a 2 inch wide black leather belt with a scrumptious buckle made of solid gold with many tiny diamonds that spelled out the words Mr. J's Girl. Sheepishly Mockingbird glanced over at Harley and quickly knew that her sis had caught her mistake. Humbly the feminine looking jester whispered, "Oh my, I'm sorry sis....reallllly reallly sorry, I missed a very important article to don." Harley began to wag her finger in a stern fashion at Mockingbird and in a severe tone of voice, she reminded her sister, "Girl, you must always, always always dress to impress," her tone of voice spoke volumes to Mockingbird as she continued on, "I'm sure Puddin picked up on your error and you bet he will not accept a repeat performance without wearing your complete outfit!" Mockingbird, quickly slipped the fine leather belt through the hoops of her skirt, and just as quickly insured it was snapped together....the buckle gleaming with the brilliance of the gold and diamond lettering. Next she finished cleaning her make-up table and re-arranged her various cosmetics in order of how she had been taught to apply her make-up. She was just preparing to settle down to repair her tear stained face; but suddenly felt Harley pull her upwards. Harley was squirming a little and this brought a questioning stare from her little sis. Firmly she instructed Mockingbird, "Quick sis, grab your purse, we need to go visit out ladies room." Reaching over to where her small leather purse rested on her dressing table, the impish feminine jester quizzically gazed at her big sis and begged the question, "Harley did I do something else wrong?" Mockingbird hushedly asked. "Oh hell no girl, I just started feeling my flow," Harley firmly told her little sister. Mockingbird knew exactly what her big sis meant by started feeling her flow. Harley's period had begun and that meant the two jesters had to begin wearing their pads. Mockingbird had just begun last month to wear pads when her big sis began her period. The first day they had been in and out of the bathroom at least 6 times and each time Mockingbird had to replace a pad just as her big sis did. At first she had thought it was a silly idea; but on the second day, when she woke up, she had urgently shook Harley awake and begged that they get to the bathroom because she really needed to change her pad. She did not know why the change had come over her and did not question the change for during the remainder of the time that Harley was on her period, Mockingbird felt like she too was having a period. So little sis that she was to Harley, she did not hesitate in wanting to get to the bathroom as fast as could be, so that she could get her pad in place and hope that nothing would impede her in this strong need. Harley moved her little sis along at a fast mincing pace and the sound of heels striking firmly on the cement floor could be heard reverberating through out the lair. Mischief in her eyes Harley remembered the day her period had begun last month and how Mockingbird was very hesitant to enter the bathroom with her big sis and apply a fresh pad to her panties. It had bothered her to hear Mockingbird whine and look like a petulant child after the fourth time that they had made their way to their very onw bathroom. She took the matter in hand that very night and just as her little sis was dropping off to sleep in their shared bed, Harley had drugged her and placed her in a deep hypnotic trance. It was not the first time that she had placed her sis in a hypnotic trance; but this time while her little sis was in her trance, Harley spelled out how Mockingbird would experience sympathetic menstrual periods at the same time that Harley began her own periods and that she would feel very distressed if she was not able to change her pads as often as 6 times each day. Harley furthered her suggestions that Mockingbird would need to take cramp pills at least three times a day in order to reduce the pains from the menstrual cycle. She also insured that her little sis would feel hours of discomfort if she did not adhere to a strict schedule of douching, her private parts. She convinced her little sister that she would be highly embarrassed if she ran out of pads at the worst possible time and she had deceived of a way to force her sister to feel the embarrassment just when she did not expect it. Finally while her little sister was still deep in the trance, Harley had pulled down Mockingbird's panties and had removed the pad that was there and replaced it with the bloody pad that she pulled out of her own panties. She knew that when her sister felt the wetness of her pad in the morning, she would scramble to get to the bathroom as fast as possible to change her pad and that is exactly what had happened. A twisted smile played about Harley's face as she noticed Mockingbird turn back towards her while they were mincing their way to their bathroom. Mockingbird begged with her tear stained eyes, "Please sis, we need to hurry, I don't wanna stain my sexy panties," she intoned in a very embarrassed voice. "it is very uncomfortable walking around with panties crusted with my menstrual flow." her little sister finished stating. Harley knew then and there that the suggestions she had made to her little sis were keeping a firm hold. She laughed to herself when she heard Mockingbird take ownership of her sympathetic period. Her level of wonderment stayed high when she heard her sister describe the unpleasant feeling she would have if she ruined her panties from her menstrual flow. "Not to worry sis," Harley stated with a light laughter in her tone. "we will get to the bathroom and get our rags in place with out staining our pretty panties." Mockingbird flushed with embarrassment upon hearing the term rags spew out from Harley's mouth. It is not that she did not think that her pad was a rag; but - as her blush deepened - no way was she gonna disrespect her pad, not when the use of her pad, during her period, saved her from ruining her panties from her bloody flow of fluids. Harley was slightly frustrated when she did not hear her little sis join in on the banter that she had started. She was sure gonna fix that soon. The little minx would soon be using all sorts of wicked terms when she spoke about handling her period products. Harley figured another deep hypnotic session was called for and she began to plan what she would suggest dirty language Mockingbird would soon be using when she was describing various aspects of being on the rag. Harley did not want a sister who spoke in clean terms about her sexual identification. She wanted a sister who reveled in using many vulgar terms when describing her needs, wants, desires, and humiliations' that she should feel in being feminine. As the two female jesters were heading to their own bathroom, Joker was still seated on his clown prince throne and he was searching through Google. It was just a general search; but he quickly stopped his search when he spied a very interesting link to the dark web, to an article regarding sex change drugs. Quickly he backed up located the site link of the dark web site and pressing enter opened up the link. The site was run by a female doctor who had been experimenting with various animals looking to control aggression responses. She had taken DNA samples from male and female dogs, cats and monkeys and had spliced the DNAs together. She then injected the serum into first a female dog who had displayed high amounts of aggression and she toke lengthy notes for several days. The notes had gone on and on about what she saw; but basically there had been no change in the female dog. Next she used that same spliced DNA and injected the male dog. Again she took lengthy notes and she was very surprised to see that the male dog began to undergo changes within several hours. The male dog began to take on the characteristics of the female dog. It was showing strong aggressive tendencies. She sedated the dog and injected a second dose of the serum. A day later the male dog began to convulse and show high levels of being in agony. She wondered what was happening and she had taken exhaustive notes on this period of time. For four days she had sedated the male dog at the end of each day and the next day more changes occurred. Not only had the male dog gained the mental and psychological attributes of the female dog; but after four days the male dog took on the physical appearance of the female dog. The male dog's appendage had transformed into a vagina and several tits had formed on its belly. It was when the male dog appeared to go into heat that the doctor realized what a treasure she had with this combined DNA serum. Not only had the male dog transformed outwardly into a female dog. No it had transformed inwardly too. When the good doctor had allowed a male dog into the kennel with the transformed mute, the new female dog responded like the bitch she had become and allowed the male dog to mount her. They engaged in the heated sexual engagements several times over the course of the next five days and soon there after the new female dog presented with all the signs of pregnancy. The good doctor then tried the same exact experiment on the cats and the monkeys and she found that her recombined DNA serum produced the same result with the monkeys and the cats. There were no changes in the female creatures that she injected; but the males were all transformed into female creatures. They had also all displayed very high sex drives. "Hmmmmmm," the Joker laughed out, "Me thinks I have a new heist to plan." he musingly declared to himself as no one was around to hear his words. A maniacal laugh filled the room as Mr. J declared to no one in particular and to all who cared to hear, "Screw that, I will ensnare the good doctor and have her perform this on my pretty little Mockingbird." Unaware of the discover that Mr. J had made, as the two female jesters were totally involved in placing their rags in to their panties and taking two cramp tablets. They then completed cleaning themselves up and just prior to leaving the bathroom, Harley removed the estrogen patches from the underside of Mockingbird's and replaced them with three more patches, that contained stronger doses of estrogen, then they returned to their assigned dressing tables. Mockingbird settled back down into her chair, after she placed her small purse over the right arm in order to keep it close by in case she and Harley had to rush back to the bathroom to quickly change their pads due to signs of a heavy flow and began to clean her ruined make-up off her her face. She used various creams to remove the white face paint, then scrubbed her face clean with moist towelettes. She slowly looked at herself in her mirror and took note of her tweaked eyebrows shaped in very femmy arches and the extended purple tinted eyelashes. Without thinking what she was doing she began to slowly bat her eyelashes in a very provocative manner. Even without her make-up the face that stared back at her was extremely girlish in appearance. Soft creamy skin exposed, her lips full and in a perpetual pout. Her nose was impish and upturned ever so slightly. This was definitely not the face of Robin the junior member of the dynamic due. No it was the face of an impish young lady who held the world in her hands and had caused men she did encounter to have wet dreams over. It was the face of a sexually hungry girl who exuded femininity. "Ummmmmm sis," the sweet girly imp hushly spoke, "ummmmm what is gonna happen at my coming out party." she begged to know the answer. "Well sis it will be like this." Harley began to explain. "You will be off in a secluded area of our lair." Harley began to warm up to the telling of her little sister's party. "I will be on Puddin's left arm." she took a deep breath, then continued, "Mr. J will describe the vixen that you are," grinning with merriment she continued, "and then he will call out your name in a loud loving tone." Harley paused for effect. "When Puddin calls out your name, you sweet vixen," A bright smile filled Harley's face, "and you will come prancing out, slip into an embrace with Mr. J on his right side, reach up on your tippy toes and plant a very long splendid kiss upon our man's right cheek." Harley stated, then stopped for a brief moment. "For a good long time," Harley began again, "we will roam the hall," another deep breath was expelled, "stopping and mingling with the leaders of Gotham's crime syndicates," she held back a light giggle, "and every time we approach a table with food, it will be our duty to first feed Puddin, before we can sample the food." Harley paused again for a short spell. "When Mr. J points with his right hand, sis, you will retrieve the food item and gently feed Puddin." A bright twinkle in her eyes, Harley, continued, "And when he points with his left hand, I get to feed our man." Mockingbird mentally took long notes of everything her big sis was spelling out to her. Each time Harley paused, Mockingbird would gush with "ohhs and ahhs" as she learned what was expected of her. She hoped that she could pull off her coming out party without error and vowed to herself and her big sis in a soft femmy obedient tone of voice, "I sure hope I make Mr. J happy with my coming out party." she humbly intoned. Harley let her little sis finish her thought, then continued on with the telling of what was expected of Mockingbird for her coming out party. "Next, sis we will glide to Puddin's throne and he will settle down." Remember, your always to settle on Puddin's right side and I always settle on his left." Harley chidingly declared. "When the three of us are settled, the henchmen will come forth with your gifts from the various leaders of Gotham's underworld!" Harley explained to her little sis. "At that point you get to open all your presents and you will be expected to thank each leader with a warm embrace and a quick peck on their cheeks." Harley stopped a brief moment. "Girl, you will not open your next gift till you give thanks to the person who gave you the present." Harley looked at her little sister with a stern commanding expression. "Don't forget that sis, for if you do, Puddin will be very displeased." Her tone softened ever so slowly, "I know you will do splendidly sis." Truth tell, Harley knew this as a fact, for two nights ago, she had induced a deep hypnotic trance in her little sister and had spelled out everything she was now telling her little sis. "Also know this, sis." Harley paused once more, "Everyone present will learn and know that you are Mr. Js giiiiiiiiirrrrrllll," Harley strung out that word with a gleeful smile on her face and she watched Mockingbird squirm enthusiastically upon her being described as Mr. J's giiiiiiiiirrrrrllll and she knew that the suggestion she had implanted deep in her sister's subconscious took hold. "they will know," she began to wrap up her tale. "you are his and only his giiiiiiiiirrrrrllll," she paused as once again Mockingbird was seen squirming with excitement and a great blush could be seen plastered all across her sexually heated little sis. "that they don't get to sample, your delectable charms, as you are the newest member of OUR family." she ended her tale, - placing emphasis on the word our - and heartily laughed as she saw Mockingbird bring her delicate hands to her impish face and began to fan her face to cool down the sexual undertones she was experiencing. Mockingbird was squirming in her chair, her thoughts were running wild, party due to the strong hypnotic suggestions that had been constantly implanted into the pyschie of the impish jester and partly due to the stronger dose of estrogen she was receiving from her medicated patches. Her delicate, slender feminine hands fanning the sides of her pert cleaned face she giggled uncontrollably as she sought to form words, "Hehehehehehehehehehehehe," trying to take a deep breath and a light pause in her giggling, she sought again to speak, "hehehehehehehehehehe," fuck she thought, I can't get a word out, then taking another deep breath, she let loose in halting long drawn out words, "ohhhhhhhhhhhh Harlllllley..........yooooooouuuuuu, hehehehehehehehehehehe, areeeeeeee, soooooooooo.........hehehehehehehehehehehe...... .riiiiiiiiggggghhhttttt." she closed her eyes as she had been taught by her big sis, when her emotions took control of her, and began to take in slow, long deep breaths, looking to center her being and not let the wild emotions brought on due to her having to deal with the period pangs she was experiencing. As Mockingbird was in deep thought trying to regain her composure, her thoughts once more traveled back in time, two weeks back to be precise. She recalled the heist that she not only took part in; but had been allowed to assist in developing the plans of. It was the first time that Puddin let her in on the planning phase of a heist, and she was thrilled beyond belief, that he was giving her this golden opportunity. The plan was for a large upscale department store and was set for the day that the company would be preparing to move large sums of moneys out of their vault. As Mockingbird was searching through the net and reviewing many photos of the store, her gaze took in the women's department and in particular the lingerie, skirts, dresses, and blouses. The exotic lingerie held her rapt attention, all exquisite panties, high cut, low cut, thongs, bikini, style, from fine lace, to satin, to stretchy nylon - no cotton panties held her sway as she thought they were tooooo simple and not femmy enough to be worn by her - and the various colors; but her mind settled on three basic colors that she desired, any shade of purple or lavender, pink, and emerald green were the colors that she desired. She had taken particular note of those panties that sported matching hot and sexy bras. Harley gazed intently at her little sis, noting that she appeared in deep thought and in a meditation state. She smiled with pure delight that another hypnotic suggestion had taken hold. Girls need to learn to center themselves, specially when having to deal with all the pains and moments of misery during that hectic week each month and she marveled at how her little sis was trying to settle her emotions that racked her body and soul as she was dealing with these sympathetic menstrual pains. She allowed her sis to meditate and decided to take control of the repair of Mockingbird's make-up. It was easy for her to apply the make-up to her while she was in this self imposed trance and would be more fun when her sis so the final results. Harley rose from her chair stepped to the front of Mockingbird, bent forward, placing a loving kiss on her sister's right cheek, then whispered into her cute earlobe, "Keep dreaming, Mockie.....let your big sis help craft your face for the festivities tonight." then she slipped her tongue just inside Mockingbird's ear, running it around leaving a light coat of her saliva around the entire inner earlobe. Mockingbird barely registered her big sis' words; but felt the exquisite fluttering lapping of her inner ear. "MMMMmmmmmmmmmm," she moaned in a low hushed lush femmy tone. Deeper into her self-imposed trance she went as she continued to remember that glorious night and the heist she was highly involved in planning and actively engaging in. She remembered how she had not only remain riveted to the many images that the upscale department store had in the lingerie department; but how she had also felt her mouth watering when she saw the naughty, wickedly sexy tight short skirts, the sassy long flowing skirts and the yummy dresses that were form fitting. She marveled at the images that were displayed in which young ladies showed off many articles of clothing and accessories that she began to hunger for. She took note of the variety of boots that were available and quickly shied away from any boot that did not have a spiked heal and a spiked heal that was less than three inches in height. She also shied away from classy dresses and skirts and blouses, as she figured she was not a classy lady type of girl. No in her own eyes, Mockingbird was a wicked sexy vixen and the only type of clothing that she hungered for was wildly sexy, naughty, sassy and provocative in nature. She was already used to dressing in wild sexy femmy fashions as Harley refused to allow her to wear anything that was classy and high society looking. Although she did not know it, whenever her big sis placed her in a trance, Harley continued to instill in her little sis the desire to be wanton and vivacious. Unknown to Mockingbird, while she was gazing through the various images that popped up on the upscale department store website, Puddin and Harley had been following along from their own computers. They each bookmarked the links that Mockingbird went to and saved them for a later date to be passed along to friends of theirs in the criminal underworld. Mockingbird, had then managed to pull herself way from continually roaming the department store's site and focused her attention on the tremendous task that Mr. J had given her. Pride swelled in her breasts and heat filled her very being as she returned to reviewing the various locations of hidden cameras, the times that uniformed and plain clothed security officers made rounds within the store. She took in the various exits and entrances that there were for the store and delving deep into the dark web she learned of the strange mindsets of various managers and store employees. The more she learned about the inner workings of every aspect of the store the better the plan could be in having a successful heist. As Mockie was deep in her personal thoughts, Harley had been hard at work re-applying her little sis' make-up. She kept a constant vigilance on Mockingbird's behaviors and allowed her to continue to dwell. She took note that her sister now appeared to be more centered and continued to work on Mockie's face, neck, eyes, ears and her hot sexy pouty lips. Mockingbird, continued to remanence over the heist that she had a major hand in planning and remembered how Puddin, laughingly provided her encouragement. He provided suggestions to her so that she could devise a plan that was fool proof and would also allow them to have great moments of merriment as they bedeviled the store and took off with a haul of several hundred thousand dollars worth of bonds, money and other financial goodies. The plan had been simple in nature; but it did indeed go off without a hitch and one of the reasons was due to lack of the involvement of Bats in foiling the heist. Mockingbird was thrilled beyond belief when they had returned to their lair with this great haul of goodies and Mr. J. gave her credit to the several henchman who had accompanied the family of three. Mr. J let her know that the henchmen were underlings and that the family only consisted of him as the leader, Harley as the second in command and her, as his sexy jester girl. Mockingbird had earned a trip to the local underground piercing studio and Harley had the female attendant place three piercings in each of her little sister's ears, plus for good measure a tongue piercing was required and a small silver ball bearing tongue ring was put in place. "Wakey, wakey little sis," Harley firmly stated to Mockingbird, "time's a wasting Mockie," she continued on with. "We need to shake our tails and get the the great chamber," she spoke in a chidingly tone. "as the time has come for come for you to be formally welcomed into our family!" Harley finished with a tone of excitement over the events that would take place. Harley helped her sister out of her chair, blocking her from looking into her mirror and taking note of the hot sexy feminine jester that would be staring back at her. Instead she propelled her sister along and was guiding her away from their assigned dressing area. Mockingbird stopped her forward motion and as her big sis eyed her questioningly, she quickly responded. "Sis, mus'nt forget my purse." she whispered humbly. "I sure will need my pads to protect my panties from my bloody flow." she hurriedly finished, as she quickly snatched up her small purse with her dainty right hand and slung it over her right shoulder. Harley, looked at her little sis, then patted her atop her blonde hair head, laughingly joking. "Girl you bet, you gonna need those rags tonight." Mockingbird knew exactly what her big sis meant. For last month, when they had gone out on a girl's night out during their cycle, they had to rush to the ladies room at least two times that she could remember. She had lost track after that do to the drinking and partying they had engaged in. Having gathered up her purse. Mockingbird steadied her thoughts and once more the two feminine jesters began their travels through the immense lair to where the party was to be held. They traveled the back way through the lair so that the many guests now assembling in the great chamber would not catch sight of the newest member of Joker's family until she was called forth. In short time the girls arrived once more at the clown prince of crimes throne room. Harley stopped her little sis' forward movement when the reached a pair of heavy curtains that had been pulled close, so that the throne room was hidden from the crowd of Gotham's underworld. Behind them was Mr. Js throne and on either side sat a pair of matching thick plush rich dark purple cushioned chairs with ornate designs of jesters carved out of mahogany wood. Puddin's throne had his self imposed title etched in a semi-circle along the top and it too had thick plush cushions. This is where Mr. J and his two feminine jesters would settle after they mingled with Gotham's elite criminal underworld. This is where Mockingbird would be presented with the many gifts that the many gang leaders of the underworld had brought with them or had delivered here ahead of time. Harley, swatted her little sister's derrie and cautioned her to listen for her cue to enter the main chamber. "Girl, just let the music that is inside you flow free," Harley whispered into Mockie's ear. "free to propel you to your rightful place at Puddin's right side." she finished, then planted a tiny kiss on her little sis's ear. Swiftly turning about, Harley slipped off to the right side of the curtains and quickly made her way to Puddin's left side. She nuzzled up against Mr. J, reached up on her tippy toes and planted a kiss on his left cheek. "Puddin, Mockie's ready for her grand entrance she seductively whispered into his ear. "Felons and felines," Intoned the Joker as he began his speech. "Quakers, and riddlers, henchmen and wenches, lords and ladies, mummies and dummies," Mr. J was just warming up. "hahahaha, hehehehe, hohohoho, pranksters and toddies, freezers and tweezers," His maniacal laughter was filling the room and flooded backwards to where Mockingbird could hear as his voice raised in timber. 'leaders and bleeders, for the longest time, yours truly has been grooming a new member of my family," Puddin, paused for effect. "a sweet delectable morsel, I have found and trained, a sweet little thing hungry for affection from," and here he pointed with his right hand and poked himself in his chest. "me her clown prince, Me, her boss, ME, her one true desire, ME, her PUDDIN," he paused again and this time patted Harley atop her head, "and of course her big sister Harley Quinn," taking a deep breath, Mr J finally called out her name and a strong tone vibrating the very air as he summoned out his newest family member. "Allow me to introduce you criminal masterminds to MYYYYYY pretty vixen, MOCCCKINGBIRDDDD!" Mockingbird was waiting in the wings of the great chamber of Puddin's lair hidden behind plush velvet curtains that reached from the rafters down to the floor a full 10 feet in height. Here behind this curtain she stood with baited breath to make her grand entrance. She stood stock still lightly posed and poised to begin her walk to Mr. J at the time that he would command. Two henchmen stood on the opposite side of these curtains and would part them at just the right time for her to be able to glide through the parted curtains with feminine ease. During the day the group of henchmen had been extremely busy polishing the floor, setting up many tables and chairs, carrying in large vases filled with fragrant flowers, that even now filled the chamber with sweet aromatic scents. Hints of rose, lavender, lily of the valley, hyacinth, and freesia wafted about and Mockingbird was filled with joyful lust from the blending scents, that caught her perk upturned girlie nasal passages. Previous hypnotic suggestions embedded in her psyche by her big sis Harley, held Mockingbird in her place, waiting patiently. Her heart though was beating a static rhythm, and her pulse quickened with each baited breath she took. A hunger that had been building inside her for the past month threatened to roar forth as she held her place. Stars twinkled from behind her bright emerald green painted eyes, as she batted her lashes a few times, like the provocative feminine jester she had been transformed into. She knew without a doubt that the repair of her make-up was flawless. Harley had seen to that. Pain stakingly her big sis had re-applied the base coat of white face paint. Each time that Mockingbird sought to raise a hand to help, her big sis, softly batted it down out of her way. From the top of her forehead down to the base of her slender neck, Harley laid down a slightly thicker coat of the white facial cream. Harley did allow her to apply her own emerald green lipstain and the coating of shimmering sparkly clear lip gloss. Then Harley planted first one emerald lipstained coated kiss to the left side of her little sister's cheek, then she planted an identical kiss on Mockingbird's right cheek. Finally she pulled a small sponge out of a jar sitting on Mockingbird's dressing table and dabbed it into a jar of dark lavender blush powder. Gently Harley had patted inside the emerald green lip stain on either side of her sister's cheeks. She heard her name being called out and Mockingbird, began to step forward. As if on cue, the moment she was within inches of running into the wall of velvet curtains, they parted and the lithe form of Joker's newest member of his family glided through. Click, clack, booted toe down first, three inch heel down next, the female jester pranced with ease taking short measured strides, the toes of her booted feet pointed inward, her heels striking the cement no more than 5 inches apart from the inside of her booted toes. Her hips swished left then right as her leather skirt kept swaying gently in a light breeze created by several fans that were positioned along the length of the hall. Click, clack, click, clack....oh how she loved the sound of her booted feet as she slowly made her way to where Puddin and Harley stood. Laughter began to spill forth from her pursed emerald green lips. A maniacal laughter that filled the hall and shocked everyone in attendance to silence. This too was another of the suggestions implanted deep in her subconscious mind by Mr. J. Her gaze held steady, she continued her long walk, click, clack....a long loud giggle escaped from her as she swayed to a music that came from within her soul. Her measured click, clacking steps brought her within mere inches of Mr. J exactly on mark. Twirling slightly towards Puddin, Mockingbird pressed herself firmly against his right side. She then reached up to Mr. J's strong shoulders, lightly pressing her sculpted hands on them, stretching upwards on to tippy toes she sought her mark. The center right side of Puddin's cheek; but sighing wistfully she was still a few inches below her mark. Believing she had done something wrong, she quickly glanced at her big sister Harley, who was firmly planted against Puddin's left side; but then she felt it. Mr. J, slipped his meaty clown prince right arm around his new girl's waist and with practiced ease, raised her up off the floor the last few inches. Her bare upper thighs were pressed against Puddin's strong muscular forearm as he held her in place, the coarse hairs of his arm tickling her tanned toned smooth bare skin. Swooning with heavenly delight. the feminine jester, planted the longest loudest kiss she could muster at the center mark of her man's right cheek. To herself, Mockingbird thought, it was so right for Mr. J to hold her like this, it showed everyone around them that he had firm control of his latest possession and that is what she felt like, like a girl possessed by her alpha. Yummy, hunky alpha at that, was the finish of her thoughts on the matter, while she kept her lips pressed to Puddin's right cheek. Joker allowed his newest family member to hold her tender kiss on his right cheek for a good minute, then he slipped his left arm from around Harley shoulders, brought it up to and over Mockingbird's right halter covered breast and squeezed her breast firmly. This was his signal to her to break the kiss and she did so readily, where upon he slowly lowered his girl downwards allowing her booted feet to settle firmly on the polished cement floor. Once he knew that his newest girl was standing solidly on the floor, he brought his right arm up and draped it across Mockingbird's bare shoulders in a firm embrace. "Again all you whacky, dacky mastermind criminal members of Gotham's underworld," Mr. J, intoned. "I give you Mockingbird, my newest family member!" He finished his statement as he brought his left arm back into position, allowing to lightly rest atop Harley's shoulders. "NOW," he bellowed with his manic laughter once more filling the chamber, "let the drinking, eating and merriment begin." Mr. J turned slightly towards a group of equally deranged criminal masterminds, and Mockingbird turn in unison with Puddin. Her big sis, Harley followed along, having greater freedom of movement, where as Mockingbird would remain in lock-step with Mr. J. Slowly the Joker stepped towards the small group of criminal masterminds, till the three family members stood bare inches from the small group. "Quack, quack, quack," Penguin began, "this dish of a fish is a fine sight, Jokester." he let rumble out of his throat. Mockingbird heard the Penguin speak; but her gaze remained firmly on Puddin where it belonged and which she would not turn away from unless Mr. J. commanded. She took her cues seriously and knew that she would only look upon the speaker if Puddin tapped her right shoulder and he had not done so. "Penguie, you deviant bird." Puddin laughingly declared, "she is MY girl, so keep you fishy paws to your own kind." Penguin laughingly shot back "She is but a goldfish and not truly worth my efforts to seduce, Jokey." Mr. J. nodded his head accepting the comment as he continued to keep a firm grip around the bare shoulder's of his girl. Riddler chimed in with his sentiments "You can touch me, you can break me, you should win me if you want to be mine." pausing slightly then, " What am I? he questioned Joker's new girl. Mr. J and Harley looked at the Riddler; but Harley did not think to answer for she knew that tonight it was all Puddin, showing off his new acquisition, the sexy, saucy Mockie. Mockingbird continued to keep her gaze solely upon Puddin, as she still had not felt him cue her to look at the speaker. Mr. J spoke up evenly, knowing that the riddle was soon to be answered by his questioning fool of a friend. "Why not tell us you whacked out question mark." "Ohhhh well, maybe this riddle can be left unanswered." Riddler tossed back. "Meeeeeeeeeeeoooooooooowwwwwwwwww," Began Catwoman. "you are a good catch for our clown prince of crimes, dearie." and she finished in all honesty, "always make our good friend here proud of claiming you as his prize meeeeeoooowww." Upon hearing this sentiment, Joker, lightly tapped Mockingbird one time on her right shoulder, and she immediately turned her gaze towards the vibrant Catwoman, then lowered her head and nodded in solemn acknowledgement that she would be an obedient girl for Puddin. She then quickly returned her gaze to Mr. J as she felt her firm ripe breasts heave with pleasure through her form fitting halter top as they once more lightly grazed the right side of Puddin's chest, from the compliment of the female criminal. Catwoman approached the new female jester, planted a light kiss upon her cheek, then whispered into her ear. "Remember, that as his girl, you give up all your charms to him willingly, whenever he demands." She then stepped back and winked at Harley who had a good inkling at what Cats had told her little sister. Mockingbird shuddered with a new lust building in her beating breasts at the wickedly sexually heated comment that Catwoman passed on to her. The last three equally dynamic and totally diverse criminal masterminds in the group added their personal thoughts on Joker's catch; but as Puddin did not deem it necessary for her to acknowledge those comments and the speakers, she barely registered what they were saying as she kept her focus on Puddin, continuing to breath in his manly scent. Her emotions held in check from a deep trance hypnotic conditioning that her big sis Harley had guided her through the previous night in preparation for her coming out party. If not for that conditioning the previous night, Mockingbird's emotions would have been running wild, partly due to the increased estrogen pumping through her system and partly due to the longings that had been building over the course of the past few months and the denial of sexual release. As the newest member of Joker's family clung to her boss, Mr. J. once more began a slow travel through the gathering. Harley remained loosely at Puddin's left side, while Mockingbird remained in lock step with him, moving as he moved and stopping as he stopped. They arrived at one of over a dozen buffet tables and here, Mr. released his firm grip from around Mockie's shoulders and pointed with his right index finger towards a platter of succulent chicken tenders swimming in a bathe of sweet smelling bar-b-que sauce. Mockingbird, glided forward the couple of inches that separated her from the platter, tenderly slipped her right hand down towards the platter, gathering up a good sized chicken finger, that was heavily coated with the sweet scented sauce. Stepping backwards with care, she returned to Puddin's right side, pressed her halter topped bosum lightly up against Mr. Js right side, then reaching up once more on the tips of her booted feet, she rose her hand upwards till the chicken finger threatened to smear his lips stained a dark green color. Here she held herself steady, her eyelashes batting downwards and she waited for Puddin to accept her offering. Mr. J felt the heavily coated chicken finger close to his pursed lips, opened his mouth wide and waited patiently for his newest gal to slip the succulent morsel into his waiting mouth. Mockie, took note that Puddin had opened wide, then guided the juicy bar-b-que coated chicken into her boss' waiting mouth. her delicate fingers dripping with the thick honey flavored sauce lighting resting on his tongue. The Joker lightly clamped down on the chicken finger and allowed his tongue to coat Mockie's fingers with his saliva, then with his lips still pursed firmly about his new gal's fingers, he licked the sauce off her fingers with his rough tongue, opened his lips and allowed his wicked vixen to slide her fingers out of his mouth. He then chewed on the chicken finger turning it into mush in his mouth. Mockingbird quickly gazed at her fingers lightly coated with Puddin's saliva and a little remnant of the sweet honey flavored bar-b-que sauce. She kept her fingers away from Puddin's mid chest while keeping her gaze firmly upon his ruggedly handsome facial features. She waited expectantly for his next silent command. As this interplay between Mockingbird and Mr. J played out, Harley spoke n a hushed tone, so only her little sis and Puddin could hear what she was saying. Warmly, she stated, "That's it girl...." when her sister's right fingers lightly holding the chicken finger a mere inch or two from Puddin's pursed lips. "wait....wait....let Mr. J take the lead always you sassy girl." Then afterwards as she took stock of Mockie's finger coated with Puddin's saliva and a hint of bar-b-que sauce she quietly said, "Hold your place little sis." her tone dropped lower. "your pleasure comes from pleasing Puddin." she finished off a hushed voice. After chewing the chicken finger to mush the Joker held that in his mouth and swallowed a good portion; but left tangy tidbits resting on his tongue. With a turn of his ghostly face he turned towards Harley and nodded ever so slightly. Harley took her cue, stepped away from Puddin for a brief second and snatched up a napkin, then quickly returned to Mr. Js side and wiped the fingers of her little sister. Smiling appreciatively, Mockie whispered to her big sis in a humble femmy tone of voice. "Thanks sis." The Joker, then glanced at his newest gal, tapped her smooth creamy bare right shoulder, with his pinkie finger. The former Robin, now ghostly faced triplicate of Puddin and her big sis Harley once more reached up high on her booted tippy toes trying like the devil herself would guide her lips to Mr.J's waiting mouth, she sighed with frustration in all her impish glory as she was still a few inches short. The Joker realizing his new gal's dilemma once more lifted her clear off her booted feet with ease. Mockie soon ha her emerald green lips planted lightly against her boss' forest green thick coated rough alpha male lips...she swooned her Mr. J's firm embrace, parted her lips expectantly and pressed her mouth against Puddin's. She could feel her halter covered boobs being crushed against his manly chest. Mockingbird briefly raised her long purple lashes upwards as she took in his ruggedly ghostly features, then batted them close as she waited, and the soft whimpering sound she made fore told to Puddin that she was ready for Mr. J to feed her the mushy chewed up chicken tender that was left in his saliva filled mouth. A lot of the criminal underworld took note of the wildly erotic behaviors that this triplet of jokester family members were displaying and they were speaking amongst themselves. They noted how submissive and adoring Mockingbird was showing to the Joker and as they spoke, they talked about how that new wench of the clown prince of crime would always be following in the footsteps of Harley Quinn, who had eyes only for that whacked out prince of crime. The Joker opened his lips just wide enough to press them firmly on the outer region of his newest gal's lips, then with his tongue he pushed the remnants of that mushy chicken finger and a good helping of his saliva into her mouth. He slowly moved his lips away from his sexy vixen and allowed her to close her lips around the tiny morsel of mushy food resting on her pierced tongue. Mockingbird savored the flavors of the mushy chicken, Puddin's saliva and a hint of his forest green lipstain that had entered her wet warm mouth. She then swallowed the food and planted a big kiss once more on his right cheek, whispering a hushed, "Mmmmmmmmm, thank you Mr. J. The Joker than carefully lowered his new gal till she felt her booted heels firmly land on the polished cement floor. He then swatted her skirted tushie before placing his muscular right arm back around her smooth creamy shoulders. "Hahahahahehehehehohohoho," he laughingly bellowed. "how my little wicked sexy gal you are MB!" he finished with a blast of smiling eyes as he looked directly into her emerald green coated eyes. She took in her boss's compliment and her body felt flush with heat. The heat of a sexually deprived female. As she stood there pressed up firmly against Mr. J's side her, halter covered breasts grazing his right side and increasing the heated feelings, she suddenly jumped tightly against Puddin as she felt an intruding hand squeezing her pantied covered plush tushie. Frowning and clearly feeling violated at this intrusion, she yelped in surprise "Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee," her ghostly delicate emerald green lips opened wide she twisted her head away from Puddin casting a hard glance around her, to see who dared touch her sexy pantied covered ass. Her tushie, that was only for Mr. J to feel up. Harley saw the flash of anger in her little sister's eyes and she followed Mockie's roaming gaze, until she spied the intrusive toady. She glanced up at Mr. J - who had taken in the fast firm pressure against his right side, that his new gal had been forced do, knowing that she been seeking the greater security of her boss, against an intrusive act from her backside - seeking Puddin's silent consent to nab that culprit. The clown prince of crime, though did not give silent consent, instead in a maniacal laugh he bellowed out. "HARLEY, my sweets....heeheeheeheehee," his mouth wide open, spittle flying through the air around them, he continued, "Haaahaaahaaahaaaa, fetch the one who shames me," a flash of devilish anger spewing from his ghostly pale face, he finishes off, "hooohooohooo, so injustice may be merited on the fool." Mockie, still clinging to Puddin, raised her sweet delicate ghostly pale face upwards to gaze into Mr. J's stern hard ruggedly handsome ghostly features. She clung desperately to Puddin, wondering of he would blame her for the wicked goosing of some sick punk minion who got his jollies off groping the property of the Joker. Her emerald green shaded eyes batted in nervous fear of being rejected because of this. The Joker, feeling his new gal's eyes seeking his attention, swiveled his face to the right and down, so as to allow his female jester a chance to see that he knew she was not to blame. Manical laughter filled his throat as he spoke to his vixen. "No fear from you pretty imp," he began, than he patted her atop her golden locks, "the joke is on that fool," he let loose with a long sinister laugh, "haaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaahaaaaaaaaa," smiling at her with lust in his eyes for his girlie jester, he finally completed his statement. "for it is he, who will suffer greatly, for daring to touch MYYYYY PROPERTYYYYYY." a demonic snarl escaped his forest green coated wide open lips, as he practically roared out the last two words, drawing them out for effect. Mockingbird gazed upwards with heated adoration as Joker had snarled out to all around, the harsh words. To her though, those were not harsh; but an affirmation that she was a prize that he and he alone solely commanded. Her ghostly white face pressed firmly against the mid point of his muscular puffed up chest and she inhaled deeply of his manly scent. Her heart, beat a static thump, her blood speeding upwards through her delicate frame, she took in a deep breath as her breasts swelled as blood coursed through her firm ripe breasts causing her nipples to perk up, the rings through her nips, pressing harshly against the soft cups of her purple bra. Harley quickly caught up to the sniveling culprit, where upon she pounced on his back like a wild tiger, laughing manically, "Hahahahahahahaha," she scratched at his backside till he fell forward on to his face. "You bird turd," she snarled out in a rage. "huuuuuuurt my little sis' feelings." She slapped his face several times for good measure, then grabbing him by the scruff of his neck, she began to drag him to where Puddin and her vixen sister stood waiting impatiently. From out of the crowd a lithe female figure dressed in a golden outfit strode forward as she had recognized the shameful coward, who had fled like a simpleton after getting his jollies in feeling up that which he knew did not belong to him. She was known as the Trickster and she had taken over reigns of his criminal empire. Although the simpleton was one of her minions, she did not cotton for anyone - not matter who they were - taking pleasures of a piece of ass, that was claimed by one of the criminal underworld. Mockingbird had been claimed by the Joker and as such her minion was supposed to abide by her rules and had shamed her by violating her number one rule. She stood just outside of the crowd that had gathered to await the judgement of the Joker. Harley dragged the wimpy hoodlum towards Puddin and her little sis, where she released her grip on his scruffy neck, letting the back of his head smack solidly onto the polished cement floor and all who mingled close by could hear the resounding "THWAACCKK." She then took her place once more along the left side of Mr. J, laughingly smiled over at her little sis. "Mmmmm, sweet cheeks," she softly declared, "this jerk will get his due this glorious night." then she reached up on her tippy toes and kissed Puddin on his left cheek. "Got the ass wipe, Mr. J.," she whispered into his ear. "That you did," Joker stated, as he swatted Harley's covered rump. "That you did and now what to do with this wicked creature!" he declared for all to hear, as he slipped a small spray bottle out of one of his many hidden pockets. Mr. J. Looked briefly towards his new gal, taking in the look of loathing that she displayed upon her ghostly white face with the two lipstick stains of emerald green and the light pink powder gleaming brightly within the center of those stains, planted on either side of her cheeks, his demonic Joker laughter filling the room, "Hahaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaahaaaahaaaaaa." as he thought of the most devilish recourse that would be bestowed upon the offensive henchman. The female Trickster stepped forward, looked Joker straight in his angry wildly laughing face and pronounced in firm language, "Jokey, baby" her voice smooth as silk with musical undertones, she completed her sentence. "maybe you should let your poor jester gal, exact the revenge upon her lovely tush?" she stopped for a moment, then continued on with her soft sensual voice. "I am sure that she will live up to whatever hellish torment you might be wishing to unleash upon my ill mannered buffoon." A final pause for effect she did take, then finished, "Besides, she does need to show, she has what it takes for her to be seen by all here to stand at your side, as your new jester." The Joker, kept his gaze steady on the lovely Trickster for the span of a long minute, then twisted his personage he gaze at Harley, his number one jester gal, who briefly nodded her agreement to the statements she heard spew forth from the Trickster's black stained lips. Joker then turned his visage to his pretty Mockingbird, deep in thought, then laughing loudly, he proclaimed. "Trickster, you she devil, when you are right, you are right." He then handed the small spray bottle, which was filled with his patent laughing gas meant to cause long lasting uncontrollable hysterical laughter, that brought long term catatonic effects, lasting months and sometimes years, to his pretty Mockingbird. Mockie, accepted the hand over of the spray bottle filled with that devastating gas, her boobs heaving through her form fitting halter top, then took two steps forward till standing over the sniveling wretch, positioning herself so that she could spray a good amount of the aerosol into the minion's face. Deep down into the dark recesses of her brain, the inner voice of Robin's psyche began to scream at Mockingbird, "NOOOOOOOO don't do it," Robin's inner voice was begging in desperation, "DON'T TAKE HIS LIFE," his pleadings trying to hold her hand, "I beg you, Mockingbird, it will destroy me." Her facial features twisted in anguish with the inner turmoil that the goody two shoes Robin was bringing to her own psyche, she spoke down to where he lay locked away in the furthest regions of her brain. "Go fuck yourself, loser." she firmly told the pleading apparition, "Mockie rules and robin's drool!" Then she tormented the psyche of Robin even more as she sang down to her nemesis, "Joker, Joker, he's my man. If Puddin wants me to. I SURE CAN." she sang to the locked away psyche which previously had controlled this hot, hot body, now in feminine form. She continued to sing to Robin in a sweet mezzo-soprano tone, " He gave me my tits, he gave me my wits, he plumped up my tush, he shaved my bush, I can dance and twirl, for I ammmmm his girllllll, Joker, Joker, he's my man, if Puddin wants meeeeeee tooooooo, Iiiiiiiiiiiiii suuuuuureeeeeeeee cannnnnnnnnnnn." she finished off, drawing out the syllables of the last few words for emphasis. Harley Quinn took in the anguish looks of her little sis, began to take a step forward; but Mr. J stopped her in her tracks. "No Harley, MB must do this on her own." Joker whispered to his number one female jester. "She must prove to all gathered, that she has what it takes to be MY GIRL." he finished with is left arm applying a firmer hold on Mockie's big sister. The inner voice of Robin, died down as as Mockingbird allowed her outer voice to be heard by the crowd that had gathered. "Fool, you be," she haughtily sneered down to the barely conscious minion, "you groped my ass." she paused for effect, and then in a lush sweet femmy, mezzo-soprano tone, she sang the line out loud that she had previously sung to the inner voice of Robin, the wimp. "Joker, Joker he's my man, if Puddin wants meeeeeee tooooooo, Iiiiiiiiiiiiii suuuuuureeeeeeeee cannnnnnnnnnnn.." Her singing filled the chambers, as Mockingbird then kicked the groaning henchman in the side, spat on his back, bent over at her slender waist, showing all who stood behind her, a brief flash of her rich satiny purple panties with the words JOKER'S GIRL spelled out in all caps, as she gripped the simpleton's right shoulder, rolling him over with a bit of difficulty, she stopped when his face was in sight, her tits heaving mightily through the exertion she had to use to hold him up, she quickly sprayed his face with Mr. J's demonic laughing gas. "THUUUUUUUUUUUUMPPPPPP!" went the fool's head as Mockingbird released her hold. Click, clack went the sound of her booted feet, as she returned to her man's right side as a feminine maniacal laughter escaped from between her wide open emerald green coated lips. "HAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAHAAAAA." She handed the small bottle back to Mr. J, then once more wrapped her slender arms around his muscular right side as she pressed her halter top covered tits firmly against his side, once more breathing in his manly scent. "MMMMMmmmmmmm." she hushly intoned which could be heard by only her big sis and the Joker. Loud laughter of pure gut wrenching agony filled the chambers coming from the wretched simpleton who lay at the feet of the Joker; but no one cared as they returned once more to the festivities. As single mindedly the gathering knew that Mockingbird had earned her right to stand beside her man as his newest girl and the wretched soul of a mere underling slowly entering a catatonic state was not worth their time. They all figured he deserved what he got. Trickster stepped forward though and looking at the three family members she laughingly stated. "My Joker, you didn't tell us that you new girl has such a sweet talented voice for songs." The Joker nodded his head in agreement, nothing needed to be said. The female trickster, then stepped in close to Mockingbird and planted a soft gentle kiss on her exposed right cheek as she whispered to the female jester, "Your treasures are his to take and you know what I mean, give up all that you have to offer any time and any way, he wants." Trickster finished, then stepped away to re-join her remaining minions. Mockingbird having heard the intent that the sexy Trickster passed on to her, relished the idea, as she truly began to understand the meaning behind the words. Just as she began to feel comfortable in Puddin's embrace though she realized something else as well. She felt a dampness around her bare pubes. She blushed with embarrassment knowing that it meant her rag was soaked on through and if she didn't change it out quickly, her sympathetic menstrual flow would begin to dribble on to her brand new purple fishnet stockings. "Ohhhhh," she mouthed, her sound heard by her big sis, nuzzled up against Puddin's left side. "Sis," she whispered. "I think I need to powder my nose." Harley took not of the discomfort of little sister, understanding the fear, that Mockie was faced with, as she took in the subtle hint. "Mrrrrrr. J," she began, "Mockie and me need to powder our noses." The Joker glanced from Harley, then to his new female jester and nodded his consent. The two feminine jesters, separated from the Joker, married together they began to move off towards the left side of the great chambers locked arm in arm. Click, clack went Mockingbird's heels, her feet turned slightly inward as Joker's two gals slinked off towards a bathroom designated for ladies during this festive night. Mockingbird spied her small purse, angling towards it, she snatched it up, as it contained fresh pads. "Geessshhh," she whispered in to her big sis' ear, "my monthly flow, is sure a damper on this wonderful party." she giggled as they continued on their path towards the ladies room. Five feet behind the two gals, were two of the gang's henchmen, who accompanied the female jesters and would take up places on outside of and on either side of the ladies room door. The two feminine jesters paid them no heed. Harley laughing along with her little sister whispered a soft refrain. "For sure sis, for sure." Her eyes twinkling with merriment, that Mockingbird was taking ownership once more of the changes in her body, a body that had at one time housed the psyche of the adorable; but mindless Robin, junior male compadre of the Bats. "We need always worry about staining our sexy undies and unmentionables." she finished with a flourish of soft spoken words. As the duo were closing in on the ladies room, Mockie, could hear and feel the squish, squish of her used up rag as her sympathetic monthly, flow caused her rag to be full beyond belief. "Good golly, sis," she whispered, "my rag is full of my nasty, bloody, menses." Harley, hearing her little sister, speak in such wicked terms, thought to herself. "That's right little sis, let your inner slut, come out," Harley did not know where her little sister's change was coming from; but she was thoroughly enjoying the latest change in the feminized jester as she finished her thoughts, "be the slutty vixen for Puddin, you need to be." Joker's two gals entered the ladies room. Harley let her little sis, use the toilet first. She watched through a mirror, while applying a little more blush to her cheeks, as Mockie, raised up her skirt in a hurried manner, slip her fingers through the waistline of her sexy panties, and slid her naughty panties down to her sleek, stocking covered knees. Mockie's then sat down on the toilet, peed, wiped between her legs from back to front, then she opened her purse and pulled out a fresh rag. She opened the package, and held it at the ready. Her dainty emerald coated fingernails of her left hand lightly gripped the fresh rag, while she reached down with her right hand. She pulled at the edges of her soiled, bloody coated rag and pulled it away from her panties. She tossed the used rag in a small trash can near by, then she applied the fresh rag to her sexy purple colored satin panties. She took in the faint scent of lilacs that wafted up to her pert upturned nose. All of her rags were scented with lilacs or roses. Harley continued to note the care that her little sis took in handling her sympathetic period needs, smiling in wonder at the changes in the former Robin's behaviors, actions and increased use of wildly naughty statements. Mockingbird completed her needs, then rose, flushed the toilet and an after thought she looked in to the waist basket, taking note of the bloody rag, she tossed a couple of sheets of toilet paper over the rag so as not to offend other gals when they felt a need to use the ladies room. She knew that no girl wanted to see the evidence of another girl being on the rag, bad enough that have to deal with their own days of hellish discomfort, stormy emotions and their own need to dispose of their used rags. Giggling to herself at the wicked thoughts that were floating through her brain cells, wondering why and how she had started to become comfortable with thinking and speaking in such vulgar terms. She approached the double basin sink where her big sis stood finishing up the repairs of her make-up and laughingly stated. "Sis, guess it's your turn to take care of your bloody bitchin rag." taking in a short breath as she felt her cramps punch her gut, she finished with. "my freaking rag was full of my bloody menses, sure hope your's isn't as bad." then with a soft giggle she spoke of an after thought. "Us bitches sure do have heated itches, don't we sis." She then reached into her purse once more, pulled out her cramp tablets and took two, then closed the small bottle and slipped it back inside her purse. She filled a cup with water, took a healthy pull of water from the cup and swallowed her two cramp tabs. "You betacha, Mockie," Harley responded. "us bitches most definitely have heated itches, urges and needs." She was in deep thought as she scampered to the toilet just vacated by her little sister, in deep thought. She was thinking that Mockie had begun to display the need to use vulgar terms shortly after she had dosed the Trickster's minion with Joker's patented laughing gas. She remembered how just prior to spraying the punk with the gas, Mockingbird, appeared to be fighting an inner demon and she figured that the inner demon was probably that simpering goody twit of a fool Robin trying to hold her back and break out of the mental cage that she Harley had trapped him in. She began to take care of her needs from her period, which she noted was a light flow and kept one watchful eye on her little sis. Mockingbird, began to repair the little damage to her make-up as she hummed to herself. Her movements were deft, and she quickly repaired her ghostly pale face. Next she could not help herself as she placed both delicate hands around her halter top covered boobs as she preened and laughingly joked out loud, "I'm a sweet and saucy bitch, with tits that are firm, nips that are perky, a hot sexy rump, and a tushie that is plump," she giggled again at she looked to complete her wicked lines, all the while singing in a soft melodic alto tone, "I'm a sweet and sassy bitch, that has a hunger and an itch, I like to pose and flaunt for a a sexy pix, an itch which only one man can fix," then she finished off with Puddin, Puddin, he's my man, he will use me as only he can." she wrapped up her little melody, as she reached in through her form fitting halter top and adjusted her bra around her boobies, then gave each of her nips a quick pinch through the bra cup. "Sis," Harley stated from her seated position on the toilet, "you are really letting your inner slut out." she commented with pride. Mockingbird's reply was silent; but spelled out her feelings as she bent forward at her slender waist, partly due to her garterbelt and partly due to the strict diet that her big sis kept her on, causing her waistline to shrink over the past few months, thusly extenuating her hips and tushie and twerked her plush bootie for her big sis Harley's enjoyment, her emerald coated eyelids batting close as she continued to feel a warmth building from deep inside, as she was learning to as her big sister put it, letting her inner slut out. She figured though that the inner slut she was releasing to the outside world, was reserved for Mr. J and her big sis, that she would only give up her charms to them as they were her new family. Dam, she sure did feel like a slut in heat, she thought, a hot, hungry, insatiable one at that. The two female jesters, finished their ablutions, giggling as they left the ladies room in a hurry to get back to Puddin's side and the on-going festivities. Joker's two henchman who had been assigned as their bodyguards, smirked to each other as they may not have seen what was going on behind the closed door of the ladies room; but they sure did get an earful. The two minions knew better though than to let Joker's gals see their reactions as they vixens began their wickedly sexy prance back to the boss' side, for if the two chicks caught them giving them the lengthy once over, it would have been curtains for them. After seeing how Mockingbird and Harley Quinn had dispatched the Trickster's lowly minion, Joker's henchmen, figured that they would have a better than even chance of clearing out with their heads still attached to their heads by Joker, rather than those two whacked out female jesters. Mockingbird stopped off once more near the table where she had gathered up her sleek small black leather purse and once more dropped it down on the table, not breaking her wickedly sexy prancing stride, she was in that much of a hurry to snuggle up on the right side of Puddin and the two female jesters soon found themselves doing exactly that. Mockingbird, so wanted to plant a good long kiss on Mr. J's right cheek, she was sooo flushed with a constant growing desire to express her desires, that she reached up on the tip of her booted toes, resting her delicate emerald coated fingernails lightly on his muscular, manly shoulder, then with a quick girly bounce she rose upwards just enough so that she could wrap her toned, tanned, smooth legs, encased in the shimmering purple fishnet stockings around her man's rock hard abdomen, while sliding her slender, equally smooth, toned and tanned arms around his thick, scruffy neck. Her skirt bunched up around her rump, garters on full display for anyone close by to see, she planted the wettest, sloppiest kiss on Puddin's right cheek, then nimbly dropped back down to the floor, where she wrapped her feminine looking arms around his waist. Her halter top covered boobs once more pressing up against his right side and her ghostly pale white face snuggling up around the mid line of his masculine chest. Harley and Joker laughed at the display of affection that their new gal bestowed upon him and the three family members once more began to roam the room, stopping briefly to chat with various members of Gotham's underworld. Filling themselves with tidbits of food and heartily merriment the three soon lost track of time, till on of Joker's henchmen, pointed out to Joker that the time had approached for them to move to the clown prince of crime's throne area. With undue haste, they made their way to the dais where the took their assigned places and shortly after that the various leaders of Gotham's underworld bestowed upon Joker's new gal, many wonderous gifts, ranging from erotic and exotic jewelry, to equally erotic and exotic lingerie, dresses, two toned, red and black or black and green one piece body suits, slinky dresses, form fitting mini skirts, blouses, jester costumes, and tons of makeup that would last a girl for at least three months, maybe even longer. After unwrapping a present and voicing her delight, Mockingbird adhered to her hypnotic suggestion from her big sis and with regards to the male leaders of the underworld, she planted a kiss upon one of their cheeks. The female leaders, she embraced in a warm sisterly hug and kissed both of their cheeks, before she would unwrap the next present. Soon though all of the girlie, jester's gifts had been unwrapped and she had thanked each and everyone of of the masterminds of Gotham's underworld. Joker took note that his two jesters were growing tired and he knew that they had spent hours prior to the party getting all dolled up. With a waggle of his muscular right hand, he summoned to different henchmen to escort his lovely gals, back to their personal chambers. Sternly though he cautioned them, not to respond in a imprudent manner towards his gals. He had taken not of the leecherous stares his other two henchman had bestowed upon his gals and tonight, when he would search out the good doctor with the serum and her notes, he was planning on taking those two henchmen with him; but they would not be invited back to his lair. He would give those impudent fools a choice, get out of Gotham and the surrounding town, cities and villages or suffer his great wraith. His lavacious gals, planted heated kisses one last time upon either cheek of Puddin, then began to dance off towards their chambers. One of the henchmen, gathered up all the wildly exotic and erotic gifts given to Mockingbird, placing them carefully in a tall rolling cart and followed behind the two jesters and his compadre. Joker than began to clear the lair of the party goers, as he prepared for the late night prowling he would engage in. Upon arriving back at the inner chambers of the lair where the family of three were secluded from the lowly, yet key henchmen of Joker's underground empire, Harley Quinn first allowed the henchman who had travelled behind with the cart full of Mockie's wickedly wild and naughty gifts, to deposit the whole lot upon the super king sized bed that she and her little sis slept on. The henchman then left the suite of rooms and took up his place outside with his compadre, where the kept watch and for a short while played a number of hands of poker. It would be up to her sister jester to put away all her goodies after they cleaned their faces of the ghostly white make-up, removed the heavy coat of eye shadow, slipped into matching sexy teddies,in their boudoir, before entering their inner chamber of the suite of rooms constructed for them and Puddin. Mr. J had his own personal entrance to the suite of rooms and there was a connecting door between the two massive bedrooms; but the door could only be locked from Joker's side. Their side of the door was always to remain accessible to Puddin in case he desired a sexually heated night long dalliance with his jesters. The two feminine jesters, adept at removing their make-up made short work in their boudoir, cleaned up the mess abounding their individual make-up tables, setting the various ointments, creams, powders, and other required items back in order, removed the layers of clothing they had worn during the festivities, placing them in a large laundry hamper, so that they may be taken away to be cleaned, by trusted laundry service companies operated by members of Gotham's criminal underground. They then silently slipped into sexually provocative lavender teddies that barely covered their exposed plump, toned, tanned buns, encased in matching hipster panties, the only difference between Mockie's and her big sister's nighttime attire is that Mockingbird's panties was stenciled with the words Joker's Gal in an upward curve, running from the outer low quadrant left bun upwards till reaching an apex, then curving downward till reaching the outer low quadrant of her right bun. Harley gently guided her little sis into their bed chambers and with a quick bounce she settled in a lounge chair with a table nearby. She fished through a number of magazines till locating her favorite Vanity Fair magazine and began to leisurely flip through the pages. Mockingbird on the other hand began to sort through her delicious assortment of lingerie, placing bras and panties into a drawer in her 5 draw dresser, her various stockings, garterbelts, pantyhose and leggings went into a separate draw, while her jewelry, make-up collection and the various hair clips and ribbons, she carefully placed on top of the dresser to be moved in the morning into their boudoir. Next, she began to sort through her skirts and took the time to hold them up against her slender waistline before placing them on various hangers and slipping into her walk in closet. Each jester had their own walk in closet, which was filled with an assortment of clothing....giggling softly Mockie thought "a girl can never have enough clothes to chose from." she continued to put away her many gifts till after what seemed like an eternity, the bed was cleared of all her scrumptious sexually alluring gifts. Mockie once more thought to herself with another soft chuckle "a girl sure does need to make sure she always looks her hottest for her man." then with an after thought added "and her wickedly hot big sister." She then raced to their bathroom, where she first slipped her panties down, then settled down on the toilet, peed and pooped, then wiped her bum from front to back, as she been taught by Harley, "musn't get any nasties into my private parts." she thought, then she wiped from the front edge of her groin area patting her groin dry of any pee that backfired. Finally she reached into her panties, removed the soiled and damp rag, replacing it with another fresh pad that was in a small topaz jeweled coverless container stocked with fresh pads for her and Harley's use for when they were on the rag. She ripped open the package and took in the hint of the rose scented pad, which she let rest on her smooth thigh, while she used the empty packing to stuff her used rag into and tossed that into the covered trash can. She finally placed the fresh pad into her panties, stood up on the balls of her feet, pulling her panties up with her as she rose, she smoothed the panties over her hairless tushie and similarly hairless pubic mound, wistfully wondering when the extra package that belonged to the sniveling Robin would finally be removed and she sported a pussy. She fervently hoped it would not be much longer of a wait and unbeknownst to her, it was not going to be much longer before she would indeed sport a succulent pussy and much more. Harley was still flipping through Vanity Fear, when he little sis slipped out of the bathroom. She watched her under hooded eyes, as Mockie padded towards her on the balls of her bare feet, her emerald green toenails gleaming in the pale light. Harley took in her sister's impish grin as she finally reached the lounge chair, softly settling down in a low kneeling position, on the thick carpeted floor at Harley's right shoulder, her neck length blonde lightly curly locks framing her delicate facial features, caused by her gaze point downwards. She took note of how Mockingbird batted her long eyelashes demurely and probably also with a bit of sleepiness behind her lowered lids. Harley quickly tossed the magazine onto the nearby table, then she reached over, lightly cupping her little sis' chin, raised Mockie's head upwards and lowered hers down towards her sister's perpetually pouting lips. She planted a soft tender kiss at first on Mockingbird's closed purse pouty lips till she heard a soft moan escape from her little sister and Mockie's lips parted wide. Harley then darted her tongue into Mockingbird's open mouth, running her own pierced tongue around first the roof of her little's sis' mouth, then down once side till her tongue met Mockie's and they allowed their tongues to engage in a dance in Mockingbird's mint scented mouth. They remained like this for a good long minute, their tongues entwined in Mockie's slick open mouth....Mockie soon felt Harley reaching in through the top of her teddy with her right hand and began to massage her breasts. She felt Harley's fingernails lightly scrape around first her right boob, then her left, then back to her right boob where her big sis, next gently fingered Mockie's nipple ring, then with a firm grasp, she Harley twisted the nip ring up, down, left, right, causing Mockie's boobs to twitch. Her titties were swollen, tender and filling with blood through the tiny veins that ran through her boob flesh. "MMMMMMmmmmmmm," she moaned as they continued to remain locked in the kiss. A soft warm glow began to cascade up and down her spine from the rough ministrations of her big sister's hands tweaking her tender melons. Goose bumps rose up all over her feminized frame and the heat she had been feeling through out the long hours of the day and had at times been held in check, was allowed to burst free. Harley broke away from the long kiss she had initiated with her little sis; but kept a firm grip with the fingernails of her right slender hand on Mockie's right nipple ring. She rose upwards on the balls of her own equally soft balls of her feet, causing Mockingbird to stand up with her or endure sharp pains through out her right tit. Together the pair padded to the oversize king bed, where they tumbled down onto the firm memory foam mattress encased in lavender sheets and a dark lavender comforter. Here their bodies became entwined, as their smooth tanned creamy legs began a dance. Harley released her hold on Mockie's nipple ring, only to slowly tweak and torture her little sister's left tit. This dance of their bodies continued for a good long period of time, as they each began to caress the other's body from head down to their pierced belly buttons. Finally Harley pulled away from Mockingbird as she rolled over towards a nightstand, pulled open the top draw, slipped her left hand inside, fishing about till she felt her fingers touch the vibrating plug and control that was hidden in it. She pulled it out, then with a light crack of her sister's pantied covered tush, she indicated that her sister was to remove her panties. Mockingbird readily complied with the silent command, pulling her panties down her sleek smooth hair free legs. Three months ago Robin - who was still in control of this now lithe vibrant body - had fought Harley every inch of the way as he was slowly being feminized and was made to endure the forcible taking of his butthole. As the emerging psyche of Mockingbird grew stronger and the sheer pleasure and torture of his renamed butthole, - which he had been taught to identify as his boi-pussy - that Harley had forced upon the wimpy male, the combined psyches of Robin and Mockingbird had started to feel a hunger for the invasive vibrating plug. While the Robin psyche complied solely due to the need to keep his big sister from slapping and stomping on his shrinking penis, Mockingbird's emerging psyche complied due to sexualized hunger she felt. She did not think of the vibrating plug as an intrusion. Instead she lusted after that tool which made her feel girlie. While the Robin psyche thought only with his shriveled, caged dick, the Mockingbird psyche, felt heat through out her entire frame. The use of the vibrating plug to her was just an extension of her emerging sexuality. So when her big sis had issued the silent command to remove her panties, Mockie' complied willingly for she knew that the two of them would engage in sexual debauchery for at least a long long time during their late night sexual romp in bed. The pheromones now coursing through her feminine frame heightened her desires, her longings and hunger. These very same pheromones had been pulled forth from the DNA of Harley's blood that had been drawn several months ago. The chemical make-up of the pheromones had been identified, subjected to additional chemical substances, and then been reformed into a long lasting injectable rods which was then introduced into both arms of Mockingbird. Once a month for the next three months, she was given a new set of injectable rods filled with her big sister's pheromones. Harley slowly, teasingly began to glide the vibrating plug down the smooth belly of her little sister's lithe frame, till she reached the apex of Mockie's groin region. She then tapped first one sleek, smooth hairless thigh, then the next as she continued with her silent commands and her little sis, spread her legs wide open, arched her back, placed her dainty palms face down onto the firm bed and pushed her tushie up into the air. Harley, then continued in a teasing manner rolling the plug around her little sis's inner thighs till eventually she found her way to her waiting, hungry boi-pussy. With a firm grasp of the outer tip of the plug, she pressed the thick end up to Mockie's pulsing hole. Slowly she began to apply more forward pressure and the vibrating plug began to enter her little sis's boi-pussy. Mockingbird felt the toy entering her pulsing waiting hole and a long soft moan escaped from between her pouting lips. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," she was whimpering. "yessssssssss sis, there, there, there, ohhhhhhh hellllllll, it feels soooooooooo gooooooooddddd," she exclaimed, as tiny beads of sweat formed along her delicate facial features, her breasts heaving and jouncing about under her teddy, a warmth flooding her belly, her toes wee twitching and slender, smooth toned, tanned legs were beginning to shake from the sheer pleasures of feeling that vibrating plug gain entry to her most prized possession, her boi- pussy. Once again she reverently wished that she could soon have a real pussy, so that she could enjoy sex to its fullest. Harley pressed the plug firmly into place, then she began to slowly increase the level in which the plug would vibrate, taking note of the heat her little sis was engulfed in. She knew that if the Robin psyche had been present, he would not be feeling the sexual pleasures through out his body as her little sister was feeling. His sexual pleasures would have rested entirely on his shriveled up caged dickie. Mockie's sexual hunger and desires was not centered on the caged useless tool that was tucked between her smooth, creamy tanned legs. No her pleasure was noted to engulf her entire femmy frame. Harley noted her sis's heaving boobs, the tautness of those tits in high evidence as her sister's teddy was stretched tightly about her twitching bouncing melons. Harley kept increasing the speed of the vibrating plug till she pushed her little sis right to the edge, then she quickly decreased the speed which signaled to Mockie that she needed to remain in control and not allow for one of many orgasmic releases to occur. Panting hard, many soft moans escaping from between her lips, dripping with sweat, the feminine jester, slowly began her deep breathing exercises, so that she would not explode with that first orgasm. Harley then motioned with her free hand to her dripping panty covered mound and waited expectantly for her little sis to comply. Mockingbird, quickly scampered downwards on the bed till her face was even with her big sis's sleek groin area. She then rolled over towards her big sis, thusly placing her face within reach of her big sister's damp panties. Her delicate hands slid upwards to reach for Harley's panties and she pulled those pretty undies off her sis, exposing Harley's quivering kitty lips. Slowly Mockie lowered her face to her sister's kitty, inhaling the sweet musky aroma of Harley's pussy. Next she slipped her pierced tongue out of her pouting mouth, and began to run her tongue lightly around the meaty outer lips of her big sis's slick hole. Mockie teasingly swished her pierced tongue all across her big sister's kitty, then flicked her tongue in little jabs at the hooded clitty of big sis Harley, relishing in the immense pleasures that she could tell her sis was experiencing. She then used her delicate fingers to spread her sister's meaty lips apart and darted her tongue into Harley's waiting pussy. Mockie bathed the inside of her sister's glistening hole, while lightly tickling Harley's meaty outer pussy lips. She tasted her sis's juices sweet, salty, pungent with very subtle hints of her sister's bloody menses interwoven. For what seemed like hours Mockingbird paid homage to her sister's sex, pushing Harley through several mind blowing orgasms, stopping her feeding of her big sis' kitty only when Harley lightly tapped her atop her neck length blonde hair head. Long into the night this semi-lesbian sexual interplay was taking place with Harley several times bringing her little sister right to the edge, then stopping and guiding Mockie back to eating her swollen, puffy kitty. Only after Harley had experienced at a minimal ten long body shuddering releases did she allow her little sister to experience one of many orgasms herself. Mutiple orgasms that only females could experience and which Mockie had over the course of the past four months begun to experience. It was well into the night that they finally stopped their semi-lesbian sexual romp as they were both tuckered out beyond belief and at long last the two naked females - they had lost the pretty teddies along the way and which now lay about them on the bed - Mockie spooned up against her sister's abdomen and the two feminine jesters feel into a deep deep sleep. HOLD ON TO YOUR HATS, DON'T CHANGE THAT CHANNEL, THE BEST IS YET TO COME.....

Same as Robin's New Look: Mockingbird's Emergence Videos

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Robin in Middle School

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Robin and Dee

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Robin The Nanny

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*Author’s Note: Any persons engaging in any sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age. The chairperson was finishing up the announcements and then introducing her and the knot in her stomach tightened even tighter. She silently prayed to God to help her, to speak through her. ‘If I can help at least one person here tonight,’ she prayed. ‘Then it will be worth it, God. Please let me help someone else.’ She realized, with a smile, that the simple little prayer was so vastly different...

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Robin and Jimmy Olsen Part 2 Robin prepares Alfred beware

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Robin and Jimmy Olsen Part 6 Commissioned

Robin and Jimmy Olsen - Part 6 Commissioned! by Tawny Suede "Miss Robin! Surely you can't be serious!" "Introduce us, Alfred! Just like any other guest arriving, we deserve to be introduced to the crowd!" demanded the lovely sissy! Robin and Jamie were dressed in very attractive summer dresses - Robin in blue and Jamie in green which accentuated his green eyes and emphasized his bright red hair! The dresses would have been beautiful on two young women, but were startlingly erotic...

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Robin Girl Wonder the reboot

ROBIN GIRL WONDER - the reboot I recently stumbled across Fraylim's wonderful "Miss-Adventures of Robin the Girl Wonder" drawings again, and decided to write a completely new version of my Robin Girl Wonder story. This time I'll faithfully stick to the storyline as presented in Fraylim's art. I enjoyed re-imagining this story and I hope you enjoy reading it. Here's a link to Fraylim's art online: It's fun and sexy. if the link...

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Robin on Patrol

A brightly lit full moon hung in the night sky as the shadowy figure moved across the low rooftops. A sudden flash of light reflected from an approaching car illuminated the figure for a moment, before he vanished once again in a blur of yellow and red. A distant clock tower began the long chime that would end in eleven. “Looks like it’s time to call it a night.” The dark-haired youth said to himself as he pushed forward a green glove on his hand and checked the time on the watch...

3 years ago
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Robin part 1

The following story is essentially true. The first part is recounted from an earlier story, and the rest continues the story of my long affair with my first cousin. The events happened pretty much as described, though some parts occurred when I was very young, and I cant remember everything precisely as it happened. Names have been changed where needed. Just a bit of background first… My grandfather molested my mother and her oldest sister when they were in their teens. Her older sister,...

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Robin Was Easy

The very moment I saw her, I knew she’d be easy.I was attending a local dinner party when I saw an attractive brunette standing alone in the corner of the room. She looked bored and a little rebellious as well, but I suspected that if she were to smile, she’d be gorgeous. So, before I went to meet her, I shot a few pictures with my iPhone.Then I walked over and said, “Hi! I’m Bill. You look bored.”“Robin. I am bored, but my parents won’t let me leave.”“Oh! Sorry to hear that. Maybe they’d let...

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My Life as Isaac Newton

This character has nothing to do with the Isaac in Midnight Plush (q.v.). The idea for this story came in a dream, and that was his name in the dream, so I didn’t change it. This is the closest thing to a traditional short story I’ve submitted, and I would really like solid critique on it. Especially, did I do a good job of writing from a man’s point of view? Oh, and I guess I should state this explicitly, based on some so-called ‘feedback’ I’ve gotten on other stories: Everything I write is...

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Robin and Pat Naked in SchoolChapter 10 Friday Morning

Robin - Friday morning before school I had spent part of the night tossing and turning. I know I spent much of it thinking about what Pat and I had done in the context of what we had overheard last night. Eventually I managed to fall asleep. I woke up with Pat singing a duet in the shower. I didn't hear the alarm going off in Robert's room so they either didn't use one or they turned it off before it woke me up. I needed to pee badly so I knocked on the bathroom door. Pat said come on...

1 year ago
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Robin and the Catwoman

“Oh my head.” Robin whispered as he stirred awake. It took a few moments for him to fully regain consciousness. His last memory was of chasing someone across the Gotham rooftops, now he was in someone’s apartment. “I’ve been captured!” He screamed in his mind as he suddenly realized he was under restraints. Taking a deep breath, he willed himself to think calmly, just as Batman as taught him. Take stock of the situation, then form a plan of action. The room was in semi-darkness, illuminated...

4 years ago
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Gay Newcastle Train Station Toilets

Hi lads. As normal, all my stories are true and I’ll only change names to protect identities. Don’t forget to comment after reading if you enjoyed it Happy reading guys. ***************************** Another boring day in the North East. With money to burn, me and my friend (lass) decided to get the train from Darlington through to the Metrocentre. If you’ve done this trip, you know you have to transfer at Newcastle. Newcastle station itself is a dull dreary place, loud and unexciting. But...

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Gay Newcastle Train Station Toilets

Hi lads.As normal, all my stories are true and I'll only change names to protect identities. Don't forget to comment after reading if you enjoyed it :)Happy reading guys.*****************************Another boring day in the North East. With money to burn, me and my friend (lass) decided to get the train from Darlington through to the Metrocentre. If you've done this trip, you know you have to transfer at Newcastle. Newcastle station itself is a dull dreary place, loud and unexciting. But there...

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Robin and Jimmy Olsen Part 1 Sissies on the Town

Robin and Jimmy Olsen - Part 1 Sissies on the Town by Tawny Suede Note that this story stands separate from other stories I have posted "If you hunky men will excuse us for the moment, we girls have to go... powder our noses!" Robin said as she scootched around on the cushions of the private booth. Jamie rose and joined her. Their dates watched the two girls' rounded asses sway back and forth as the two sissies walked off to the washroom on their four inch heels! "Fuck," said...

2 years ago
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Robin meets Martha and Elle

Robin Four By Robin Y. My name is Robin and I am a male (at least I was born that way) who lives as a woman. In my business I meet a lot of people, most of whom are quite wealthy. Most of the people I come into contact with through my business are women and I would like to tell you of a recent conversation I had with one of these women. I will call her Martha, (although I am changing the names of all the people in the story to protect their privacy)....Well, Martha comes to me one day...

4 years ago
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Robin and Jimmy Olsen Part 5 Jimmy gets fired Jamie takes charge

Robin and Jimmy Olsen - Part 5 Jimmy gets fired - Jamie takes charge by Tawny Suede Jamie Olsen hated Mondays, because on Monday morning she had to go back to being boring Jimmy Olsen after having spent all of the weekend as Jamie! Sunday evening had been disappointing. As usual she had been out on her street corner on the stroll. Last night she had chosen to look extra trampy, wearing torn stockings, her five inch heels, and her black leather shorty shorts and bra set. But it had...

1 year ago
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Lookie See By Blueheatt I was helping my older sister move her computer in her room. I loved doing anything for her, she was so hot and I just loved looking at her body. I was moving all her cords and I moved her monitor. I saw a small slip of paper with my name on it and a number. berry 69. I moved it too, but remembered it. She walked around in her shorts and tank top as I gazed at her big tits and fine ass. She was two years older than me. She always liked me and we were buddys. I had...

2 years ago
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RenewalChapter 2

“I see you were using the pods again,” Marion White, the ships First Officer, says as she enters the galley to see Regina on the deck naked. “Unauthorized use of company property for personal pleasure is not allowed you know.” Regina lifts her head from the deck and blinks away the sleep. “Why don’t you just shove it up your ass,” she sneers. Marion walks over and pulls out an egg from a pod and pops it in her mouth. “You know, I don’t know what makes you so special.” She takes a seat and...

1 year ago
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Robin and Pat Naked in SchoolChapter 13 Saturday Daytime

Robin - Waking up I woke up still snuggling with Pat. As I looked at Patricia and Patrick sleeping facing me, I started thinking about all the changes in my life that have happened this week. One of the first things that occurred to me was that several of the changes that have happened to me were started directly or indirectly because I was placed into The Naked in School Program his week. A week ago last Monday was the first day of school, and because of that, we had an assembly. During...

2 years ago
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The Look2

My name is Stanley Vernon and I'm 32 years old. I'm a white guy, 6'2" and about 185 pounds. I still don't understand how it started or why. I've always been a guy that people can talk to. I've always enjoyed meeting and talking to people. I've talked to many women and some have invited me to bed. Things changed however. When it all boils down to a specific time that I know for a fact this all was working for me was when I took my elderly neighbor's puppy dog to the vet. It was time...

2 years ago
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Later that Night Dedicated to hungandlooking

There weren’t much conversation going on between her and her brother but not for any particular reason. Sometimes you can be in someone special’s company without sharing a single word, you know? They did in fact also plan a movie marathon that evening. Based on what happened earlier, the choice of movies now seemed to be a huge elephant in the room that they both wanted to avoid. It was a very sexy movie that needed no introduction and both her and her brother would talk about the books...

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