Shadow Dancer Vs Super Michelle 010
- 4 years ago
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"Lady, if you think I'm gonna upset your boyfriend, you gotta be kidding." He turned to Johan and continued, "I don't want no trouble, dude."
The relief that washed through me was tempered by a strange sense of inadequacy. My first thought was, Oh, thank God! The second was, Lady? I'm only five years older than this guy, at the most!
"Please," I said quietly, moving closer to him, "listen to me..." Lightly holding his tanned upper arm, I flicked my eyes down at the feel of his warm tight skin. I wondered if his hard bicep would taste salty. Trying to compose myself, I swallowed and said, "Johan is my husband, and I... I'm his good girl. I do as he tells me and h... he told me to ask you for help with my um, my bikini."
He looked over at Johan. "You guys want me to do this?"
I could hear Johan chuckle before speaking. "Yep."
Surfer boy looked back at me. "What about you? Is this what you want too?"
I hesitated. I was getting uncomfortable standing in the parking lot, holding up my bikini bottoms in my fingers. I wanted to get back into the car and cross my arms and die of embarrassment! I wanted it to be over! But, I knew there was more than that... something deeper... "Please," I whispered, gazing at the ground, my heart hammering in my chest. "H... Help me."
He snatched the flimsy fabric from my fingers and my mouth dropped open. I didn't think he was going to do it. Gasping, I stared open-mouthed at him as he went straight to his haunches. In a moment he had my thong untangled and his eyes drifted up my legs to the hem of my short skirt. He took one look at the thin, opaque material and grinned up at me, making me blush even harder. "Lift your foot," he said. Resting a hand on his shoulder, I picked up my left foot and he threaded it into my bikini. "Other one, he said as I heard Johan getting out of the car behind me. My bikini was now around my ankles and I must have looked a sight! I was just glad I was between the two cars and not in the middle of the car park. Sliding my thong up, over my calves and up above my knees, surfer boy stopped half way up my thighs and licked his lips. "Move your feet apart," he gasped, eyes riveted to the front of my skirt.
I stepped wider until my bikini bottoms became taught between my thighs. I couldn't believe what was happening and suddenly I felt very naughty. I really should be spanked for this, I thought. He wrapped his fingers around the back of my thighs, steadying himself. To me, it felt like his hands were on fire. The unfamiliar touch so close to my pussy sent a rush through my body. I had a sudden urge to slide my fingers into his curly blonde tangle of hair and pull his face into my wet cunt. Well, that thought was so naughty, I almost moaned!
"Lift up your skirt," he said, interrupting my brain.
"P... Please," I whispered, taken by surprise, "don't make me."
Johan stepped up beside me with his hands on his hips and a smirk on his face. "Do it, baby."
I swallowed and took the edges of my skirt in my fingers. I quickly looked around and saw two guys with surfboards walking towards us from the beach. They were still about a hundred yards away and they hadn't seen us yet. I figured I had about two minutes. I pulled up the hem of my skirt and closed my eyes, softly moaning to myself. I could hardly believe I was showing my cunt to a stranger. Wild contractions pulsed around the Ben Wahs as I shuddered at the thought, a trickle of juice running down the inside of my thigh.
"Oh, man. That's pretty," surfer boy whispered.
"She has a pretty cunt," agreed Johan.
"Turn around. I want to see your ass." Surfer boy was catching on and I didn't think I could have felt more like a slut as I awkwardly turned around, bikini bottoms tight between my thighs. Knowing we could be discovered at any moment, I quickly placed my hands on the car door and stuck out my ass. "You have a fuckin' plug in your ass?" he exclaimed, making me blush all over again. "Lenny and Aldo will never believe this!" With my eyes closed and my face burning, I felt him slap my ass softly, then pull my bikini into place, lifting the sides high on my hips "All done," he said, standing and watching me turn around and fix my skirt.
"Thank the man, Shannon," ordered Johan.
"Th... thank you," I whispered.
"My pleasure! You guys are freaky. Wait till I tell the others about this!"
With the beach bag and towels over his shoulder, Johan chuckled and took my elbow. "C'mon, babe. Let's go for a swim. Bye! And thanks!"
I couldn't believe what I'd just done. I was busy with amazed thoughts and was sucking in deep breaths of air when we almost bumped into the other two surfer guys. They rounded surfer boy's car just as we were leaving and Johan had to guide me around them. I smiled at how close they went to getting an eyeful. My ears pricked as I heard them talking about me. "Dudes, you won't believe it. That chick had a plug up her ass, just like we were talking about last night!" surfer boy almost shouted with glee.
"No way."
"Which chick?"
"The one that was just here!"
"No way! She was a babe!"
"Man, you're on drugs."
Johan chuckled merrily, dragging me down to the beach. The excited voices faded and the sound of the sea rose in their place. The sand was warm and white and squeaked underfoot as we walked over the dune and down to our destination. Being a Monday it was pretty deserted. There were a few piles of towels abandoned by those swimming or surfing and a couple of families further up the beach, but most of the people nearby were women, sun baking alone. One even had her top off while lying on her back, reading a book. As we walked past, I wondered how she could do that so brazenly. I'd never done anything like that before. Not even in the backyard! I'd always been too bashful. "You better stop staring," Johan whispered.
"At her tits. Can't you stop looking? Are you imagining sucking them?"
"Johan!" I cried, punching him in the shoulder and glancing back at her. "You're bad." She did have nice tits though.
"You're worse."
I blushed all over again. The Ben Wahs were slipping and clicking inside me with every step. It's hard to walk on sand without exaggerating one's hip swivel. 'Perfect for Ben Wahs, ' Johan would have said. I clenched around them and was deliciously reminded of the plug in my ass. When I took off my clothes, the plug would be obvious to anyone who looked. I had a thong on for goodness sake. Trembling nervously, I said, "A... Anyway, I was not staring."
"If you say so. Okay, here is good. Lay out the towels. Don't bend your knees."
Johan dropped the beach bag in front of me and it fell on its side. Then he threw the towels on top of it and nonchalantly looked out to sea, like nothing was unusual. I just stared down the towels, open-mouthed.
I shook my head and shrugged, suddenly thinking this was fun. Bending over at the waist, I picked up the towels and righted the bag. I folded one towel over my forearm, poking my tongue at Johan playfully as I laid out the other one. Straightening them, I moved from one end to the other, bending over each time, like a complete show-off. I actually took my time, making sure anyone who happened to look had a good view of my ass.
"Slut," Johan said, grinning.
"I can't believe I'm actually doing this."
"Your skirt is caught on the plug too."
"Oh, God."
Quickly flipping it free, I sat on my towel, and winced as the plug pushed deeper. My skin was tingling all over and my poor clit pulsed as I took deep breaths, trying to calm down. Johan stood over me, peeling his t-shirt over his head and throwing it to me. Folding it like I always did, I realised I was squeezing my thighs together, crushing my clit. "Take your clothes off. I want to see that bikini."
I bit my lip. "In a minute? Please baby?"
"All right. But just a minute."
I looked around again. The closest people were two guys busy towelling off after surfing. It looked like they were getting ready to leave. I started to rock back and forth on my ass as I watched them. Glancing around, I noticed no one was really looking at me. They were all in their own worlds, enjoying the heat and the sun and the sound of the waves. Maybe they wouldn't even notice if I was just in my bikini. Maybe it would be like I was invisible or something. "Ugh," I groaned.
Closing my eyes and gathering myself, I thought about things. Why did I ever tell him know about all this stuff? Well, you did ask him to do it, I answered myself. Yeah, but I never thought it would be so intimate. And so humiliating. Oh stop it, feel your cunt. You love it!
I ran my fingers over my pussy under my skirt. My bikini bottoms were soaked through. "Mmmmm..."
"You can't fucking wait, can you?"
I bolted upright in utter dismay, almost hyperventilating and feeling my sunglasses go flying. Had I really just touched myself, right here on the beach? In front of everyone? Desperately I searched for and found my sunglasses, fumbling as I tried to put them on my head. At least with them on I felt a little anonymous. I pulled my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around them. Looking around again, I hoped no one had noticed how nervous I was. Just as I was catching my breath, Johan fell to his knees on his towel beside me. "Turn and face me. Put your hands down behind you and lean back on them. Spread your legs either side of mine and I'll take your sandals off for you."
"O... okay." I moved around to face him and spread my legs like he had asked. Glancing sideways, I realised my topless friend was looking right at me. I mean, she also wore sunglasses and she was laying on her front so she might have been asleep, but if she was awake, she'd be looking right up my skirt.
Johan chuckled. The bastard! He knew!
Before I could say anything, he lifted my foot and took off my sandal. He put my foot back down so my legs were spread even wider. I trembled. God, she would be getting such a view. I hoped she was awake! Was she smiling? I felt a new tide of wetness seep between the lips of my clenching pussy. God, if they weren't transparent before, they sure would be now! I blushed scarlet. "You're showing her your cunt, aren't you?"
"Y... yes."
"Do you like it?"
"Y... yes."
"You're a hot girl putting on a show, aren't you?"
"Yes," I trembled again. "H... Hot."
Without warning, Johan's fingers and thumbs bit into my nipples and shook my breasts. He released them again so fast I wasn't sure it even happened. They burned and surged, thick and pointed under my tank top, shooting sparks of pleasure across my skin. "Ohhhh..."
"What, dirty girl?"
"Please... no, baby... don't... Ohhhh!!" He gripped my nipples and shook my tits again. I had to bite my bottom lip so as not to cry out. Thankfully in an instant he let go, but my respite was short lived. He reached between my legs without ceremony and pinched my clit, holding it right through my bikini. I screwed my eyes shut and tried not to moan aloud. He let go just as quickly, telling me to stand up and take off my clothes. I was in a pre-orgasmic daze as I climbed to my feet, and could barely see three feet in front of me. The hissing in my ears was becoming deafening and I was beyond caring whether people were watching me or not!
Johan sat cross-legged in front of me with a nice big bulge in his surf shorts. Smiling at him with heavy-lidded eyes, I reached up, slipping the tank top over my head and tossing it on the towel in front of me. Automatically I reached to make sure my bikini top was on properly. "I'll do it," said Johan, jumping to his feet.
My arms dropped to my sides as Johan stood and adjusting the fabric, his fingertips brushing over my swollen nipples intentionally. Holding my breath, I looked around and apart from the topless girl, only the two surfer guys were watching me. They looked like they were ready to leave, but it was clear they weren't going anywhere while I was on show. I swallowed and turned back to Johan, glancing down and checking my breasts were covered. Johan had actually narrowed the strips of fabric and both breasts were bulging out the sides.
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Principal’s Office, Moonvale School, 18:30 “There has to be something you can do?” Maria asked. “You must have some idea where our parents are?” “I wish I did Ms Deluca. There is a Hunter pack in Roswell now, looking over everything, and there are two more packs on their way. There are simply no better trackers on Earth,” the principal said. “Is there anything that they’ve reported?” Max asked. “Nothing much. From what I’ve been told there was a trace of a strange odour, possibly a scent...
(This is the first story I’ve ever published for others to see. I realize the sentence structure is incorrect and probably has some grammatical errors. Please comment and rate this first installment of ‘Shadows of Life’. Depending on the response will determine if I post the next chapters.) * She looked over her shoulder for the third time in as many minutes that night. She was acutely aware of being tailed. But by who or what, she didn’t know. Hoping it wasn’t the rest of the clan she had...
"good morning" "Good morning" Moon propped himself up with his elbow. He picked up his shirt, put it on and put all his tricks and things into his jacket: smoke bombs, shuriken and put his sword on his hip, adjusting it. Today was Moon's first misson without Snowhalk. "do you really have to go by yourself" "yes, Heron said so. Since im the eldest" "you can be all old if you want to" said Snow halk with a teasing grin. "at least im mature..." "mature? you hit Groundspider...
2 Years Later.....They have been inseperateable..... As Moonshadow woke up, he got up straight away and brushed his hair extra nicely. He crept out of his room trying to be as stealthy as he could, into Snowhalk's room. She was still asleep. He crept up beside her leant down and whispered in her ear. "Wake-up" "noooooooo" "come on get up" as he dragged her to her feet. "Your evil, you can't disturb sleep..." Moon chuckled. "yes i can, so get up" Snowhalk groaned. She hated...
2 Years Later.....They have been inseperateable..... As Moonshadow woke up, he got up straight away and brushed his hair extra nicely. He crept out of his room trying to be as stealthy as he could, into Snowhalk's room. She was still asleep. He crept up beside her leant down and whispered in her ear. "Wake-up" "noooooooo" "come on get up" as he dragged her to her feet. "Your evil, you can't disturb sleep..." Moon chuckled. "yes i can, so get up" Snowhalk groaned. She hated...
"Moon?" She asked loudly. "Over here" He could sense her relaxing again. I thought he left,thought Snowhalk. "We still have half a days walk since we got sidetracked yesterday." Moon said. He painted a map for Snowhalk to memorize. As she was memorizing the map he carefully wrapped up his bedroll in which the sword that was concealed in there fell out. Snowhalk picked it up and then lunged it at him. Thinking this was betrayal he moved into combat stance, but the ftt of a shuriken...
Moon lay on his back with his hands behind his head. He could still feel her lips on his and wish he haden't pulled away. What was he thinking? He was only just out of the monastry! At the age of 5 he had started training untill now, 10 years later. He groaned a 15 year old shoudln't have to put up with that. He rolled over and looked at her. He had to hand it to her, she was gorgeous. Big eyes with long eyelashes. Short black hair that came just to he shoulders. Her lips were medium sized,...
"Intruder!" Moon hung his head and cursed. How could his cover have been blown so quickly? As Moon looked around the room, he noticed there was a table with a single candle burning, right next to it was a door. He couldn't sense any guards so he quickly got out a beaker, and poured water into the bottom of the door. When he opened it, it gave a mere whisper. His idea had worked. He looked down both hallways and recalled his map that he had memorized and went to the right. Once he reached...
"Intruder!" Moon hung his head and cursed. How could his cover have been blown so quickly? As Moon looked around the room, he noticed there was a table with a single candle burning, right next to it was a door. He couldn't sense any guards so he quickly got out a beaker, and poured water into the bottom of the door. When he opened it, it gave a mere whisper. His idea had worked. He looked down both hallways and recalled his map that he had memorized and went to the right. Once he reached...
Little did Alice know however, of the rather large man who had been crouching in the brush, watching her get ready. This was a rather large man, wide shoulders, tall, big arms and legs, long curly blond hair and dark eyes. His black trench helped hide him some what in the shadows of the bushes as he had watched young Alice stumble.. He had been in this ritual for a while now, just watching her, following her throughout her day. Through this he had learned a lot about her. She liked flowers,...
It is August 15, 2057. Dunkelzahn the Great Dragon, the first Non-Human to hold the office of President of the UCAS (United Canadian and American States) had just been in office for a whole nine hours before some unknown assailants assassinated him. The reading of Dunkelzahn's will six days later was the start of this story. The last line in the will to be exact. "To the last Knight of the Crying Spire, I leave the suit of armor worn by Richard the Lion-hearted on his Crusade, because it's up...
S H A D O W R U N It is the year 2050. Megacorporations rule most of the world. United States of America is now called UCAS - United Canadian and American States - a tiny husk of its former glory. Technology has advanced in leaps and bounds. Internet has transformed into a virtual reality called the Matrix. Cybernetic augmentation of human bodies is an everyday business at the flesh-clinics. Deadly new viruses have decimated much of the world but the worst calamity to happen was the...
Shadowgirl I think I have put more time into outlining this story ahead of time than any other story. I know that I have some stuff hanging, but this story came to me very quickly and then fleshed itself out in my head long before I started to put it on paper. It is derivative of a number of sources, especially the various versions of the Batman, but I hope I have done some honor to him and Bob Kane, the genius who created him. As I write this, I don't even know if it will be...
Note: This story is set in Maggie Finson's Whateley Academy Universe This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity. Canon stories may be found at This is a edited version of the last post --cut in half so its not so big -- with added content part 2 of this will be added later this week if this works right "lets hope this works out better"...
Note: This story is set in Maggie Finson's Whateley Academy Universe This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity. Canon stories may be found at This is a edited version of the last post --cut in half so its not so big -- with added content This is part #2 and to the authors of this universe --I just barrowed your characters and I hope...
Note: This story is set in Maggie Finson's Whateley Academy Universe This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity. Canon stories may be found at This is Shadowsblade's first day at Whateley meeting new students and getting all set-up for her time at the academy to come. and to the authors of this universe --I just barrowed your...