Glen WisemanChapter 13 free porn video

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Cliff sat on the couch and said, “We have to do something.”

Glen shook his head and stated, “There’s nothing we can do. They haven’t broken any laws.”

Cliff said, “They are interfering with our ability to do business.”

“This is a normal tactic. They first start to protest the business they don’t like. If that doesn’t work, then they try to get the sources of income to back away from them. In our case, that means they try to get our advertisers to back out.”

Cliff fumed and didn’t reply. He angrily stood up and started pacing. Glen watched his as he tried to work off some of his frustration. The Last True Church of Christ had selected their magazine as their primary target of their righteous wrath. The hate mail had gotten even worse and now they were threatening to harm them. Cliff finally burst out, “If I ever get my hands that that creep, I’d strangle him.”

Glen shook his head and calmly said, “Hold on. You’re just frustrated because you have to deal with them. None of the advertisers have backed out. They just called to let you know what was going on. Do you really think that a company that sells sex toys on the web is going to back out because a weird Christian group threatens to protest them?”

“No, you’re right.” Cliff looked back at him and added, “I just need to get rid of some of this excess energy.”

Glen looked a Cliff and suggested, “Go skiing. I know the sun sets early this time of year, but you’ve still got about three hours of light.”

Cliff shook his head after considering the idea. He paused and said, “I’ve got to get a Valentines Day present for CJ. Tomorrow is the big day.”

“Tomorrow isn’t Valentines Day.”

Cliff nodded in agreement and replied, “Yes, but she has to work Valentines Day.”

“Oh, that makes sense. You are going to surprise her with a present at work anyway, aren’t you.”

“Of course.”

Glen finally said, “Yes, that is far more important. We must keep our priorities in line. Following love over exercise is always the best policy. Taking care of your girlfriend should be your first concern.”

Cliff’s eyes twinkled as he said, “I’ve always found the pursuit of love is a great exercise, with most of the exercise coming after the catch!”

Glen laughed. It was a rolling laugh that came from deep within his body as he considered the humor of the situation. At least Cliff only had to worry about exercise from one woman. He was tired half of the time, each one wanted to do it at night and then in the morning. Then both of them wanted a nooner. The result was that he was exhausted most of the time.

Their conversation was interrupted when Sandra came staggering out of the bedroom. She collapsed on the floor in front of Glen. Glen shot out of his chair and raced over to her. He was not in time to catch her before she hit the floor. She was pale and shaking as though in shock. He asked, “what’s the matter, Sandra?”

She whispered, “Something is wrong with Wanda.”

Glen picked up Sandra while Cliff got her coat. They wrapped her in it while Cliff threw Glen’s coat over his shoulders. Cliff then went and got his coat. Glen carried Sandra to the truck. Cliff opened the door so that he could set her inside. Cliff got in while Glen went around to the drivers side and entered. They peeled out of the driveway and headed towards town.

Sandra slowly woke up and stated, “She’s near the grocery store.”

Glen took note and went down the turns that would lead them there the quickest. He actually cut across a field to make the trip quicker. It wasn’t long before they were in front of the grocery store. Glen slowed down and drove around the area looking for an alley. Sandra cried out, “Here! Glen, I’m over here.”

Glen stopped the truck and looked around. He spotted an ally about fifty feet away and drove over to it. Cliff leapt out of the truck before he even stopped it completely. He ran to a bundle on the ground. Glen was next to him half a second later. His stomach turned as he looked at her, her face was swollen so that one eye was closed, her lip was split and she was breathing with a raspy sound. He gently lifted her and carried her over to the truck. He set her next to her sister while Cliff climbed in the back.

They reached the hospital in record time. Their passing was not unnoticed by the Sheriff’s deputy, who reached the hospital almost three minutes later. The Deputy was unwilling to cut across the school yard. He came charging over to the truck ready to arrest everyone until he got look at Wanda. The Deputy shouted towards the hospital, “We have an injured person here.”

Glen carried her into the hospital before the staff had a chance to react. He set her upon a gurney and started pushing it to the emergency rooms. He was immediately surrounded by doctors and nurses wanting to know what happened. Glen frowned and said, “I don’t know. Sandra started crying something was wrong with her sister. We came into town to find her. We left the cabin about forty five minutes ago.”

The Deputy was standing behind him and heard every word. He got on his radio and called in the Sheriff. Glen turned and said, “She looks like she was beaten. You had better find the guy that did this before me.”

The Deputy shivered as chills ran down his spine when he saw the look on Glen’s face. Glen’s words were not idle threats. He thought about what Glen had done to Amos when he caught him in his house. That made him even more nervous. He answered, “We’ll find him.”

Glen stood and watched the hospital staff work on Wanda. He was careful to stay out of their way, but he didn’t let her out of his sight for a moment. His presence made the staff nervous, but none of them dared say a word. His watch was interrupted by Cliff as he shouted, “Damn it, Glen. Help me with Sandra.”

Glen wheeled about as though shot and strode over to Cliff. Cliff was having trouble carrying her in. Glen lifted her easily out of his arms and carried her to the other bed. A nurse and a doctor went over to find out what was the matter with her. Glen said, “They are connected. What one feels, so does the other.”

The nurse looked at him with a funny expression, but then decided that it was better to leave the subject alone. The weird thing was that her face started swelling in exactly the same way as her sister. The doctor looked over both sisters and watched in amazement as the one sister slowly transformed to where she had similar injuries as the other.

Glen interrupted the doctor and said, “Treat them, don’t watch them.”

The doctor looked at him in irritation and then turned back to Wanda. He started to work on her, providing fluids and pain killers. A sigh of relief escaped from Sandra. Glen watched and realized that the two were much closer than he had ever thought. He pictured Wanda laying in the alleyway, kept warm by her sister’s body heat even though they were miles away.

After half an hour, the doctor finished working on Wanda and turned to Glen. He stated, “She’ll be okay. We’ll move them both to a room, now.”

Glen followed them to the room and sat down on a chair where he could watch both of them. He moved the chair so that he was sitting between them. He held a hand in each of his hands. He didn’t move or speak as the nurses came and went. The entire time, he pictured his strength flowing into them, helping them heal.

Cliff sat in the other chair and watched the three of them. He envied his sisters that they had someone like Glen to watch over them. He wondered if CJ would do that for him. After sitting there for a couple of hours, he got up and went to the floor next to Sandra. He lay down and went to sleep. Glen acted like he didn’t notice, his attention remained on the twins.

The Sheriff entered the room later that afternoon. He sat in the other chair in the room and looked at Glen. He stated, “You scared the shit out of my Deputy.”

Glen, his voice flat and dangerous, asked, “She was out there for over forty minutes after some asshole beat her. Did anyone see anything?”

Dale shook his head and answered, “No. No one saw anything. However, some folks told me that there were some men in town asking about the Metchettes this morning.”

Glen sat there for a minute considering his options. He had to protect the twins, even if it meant his life. He finally asked, “What did they look like?”

Dale, knowing how Glen would react, answered, “Let’s find out what happened before we go chasing after folks that just might be innocent.”

Glen stated, “Don’t forget that Cliff is still out there all alone. He could be next and I doubt they’ll leave him alive. He’s the one they really want.”

Dale stated, “Don’t tell me that you support them in this magazine effort of theirs.”

Glen considered his answer carefully. His tone brooked no argument as he said, “Yes, I do. Look at them. They had nothing a year ago. Now they have their own business and are making more money than most folks. They describe lifestyles that are based on love and respect. No one is harmed by what the write.”

Dale stated, “What they are saying is a sin in my book.”

Glen chuckled and replied, “You’re a good man Dale. We all have a thing or two wrong in our books when it comes to defining what is and isn’t a sin.”

Dale was about to respond when he realized that Glen was right. We all had things that we thought were wrong that others accepted as normal. Someone had to be wrong. He changed the topic and stated, “I’ll look for them. I’ll warn Cliff not to be alone.”

Glen stated, “You don’t have to do that. He’s taking a nap on the floor next to Sandra. He hasn’t left since they got here.”

Sandra groaned in her sleep. Glen moved over to Wanda and watched her for signs of waking. He pressed the nurses call button. The nurse arrived and looked at Wanda. She said, “There’s no change.”

Glen stated, “Sandra is groaning. Wanda must be in some pain for that to happen.”

The nurse looked at him in disbelief. About that time, Wanda and Sandra both whimpered. The nurse quickly left the room and came back with a vial and a needle. She did her job and in seconds the twins calmed down. She looked over at Glen and stated, “I would never have believed it if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes.”

Glen answered, “They truly believe they are one person in two bodies.”

Cliff got off the floor looking concerned. He asked, “Is everything alright?”

Glen nodded. Dale looked over at Cliff and said, “I want you to take care of yourself. You aren’t to be alone from now on.”

Cliff nodded and stated, “The only time we’ll leave here is to eat.”

“Good,” answered the Sheriff. He stood up and walked over to Glen. He handed a stack of papers to Glen as he added, “By the way, here are some tickets. You’ll have to go before the judge and plead extenuating circumstances.”

Glen looked at the stack of tickets as he flipped through them. He frowned as he read aloud, “Speeding. Reckless Driving. Failure to Stop at a Stop Sign. Reckless Endangerment. Speeding through a School Zone.”

Cliff swore, “Sheriff, that’s not fair. He was trying to save my sister’s life.”

Glen interrupted Cliff before he could get into a tirade. He held up a hand as he said, “Hey, the Deputy is just doing his job. We drove across a school yard, for Christ’s sake.”

Dale shot a glance at Glen realizing that he was relieved that Glen understood the Deputy’s position. He had really scared his deputy earlier. Dale said, “As I suggested, tell the judge that there were extenuating circumstances. He’s still likely to throw the book at you, but at least he won’t be aiming for your head or balls.”

There was a very weak laugh from Wanda. She said, “He better not aim at his balls.”

Glen turned to Wanda and touched her gently. He avoided her face. It was hard to tell that it was her with the number of bandages that covered her. He smiled down at her and said, “Don’t you know that I have balls of steel?”

She started to laugh, but the effort was too much. She went back to sleep with her hand grasping his firmly. He looked up and smiled, “She’s going to be alright.”

Cliff nodded and then stated, “We should go eat now. She’ll sleep for another two hours or so.”

Glen nodded and kissed her hand tenderly. Her grip tightened and then relaxed as she fell into a much deeper and more restful sleep. He let go of her hand and stepped back from the bed. He turned and repeated the same action for Sandra. She was in just as much pain as her sister.

The three men left the hospital together and went to the diner. When they entered, CJ came running up to them. She had heard the news and was concerned for everyone involved. She hugged Cliff as she said, “Is she okay?”

Glen answered, “They are fine.”

“I’m so glad to hear that. Uncle Dale, do you have any idea who did this?”

Dale looked over at Glen and answered, “We have some ideas, but nothing definite yet.”

They went to their normal booth. The three men were in a subdued mood and didn’t talk much. Glen was worried for both of the twins. Dale was worried about what Glen would do when he caught up to the men that had attacked Wanda. Cliff was wondering if he was really the intended target. He was also worried about CJ getting hurt because of her proximity to him.

When CJ delivered their meals, Cliff cleared his throat and said, “Uh, CJ. I have been thinking...”

“What is it honey?”

This was harder than Cliff imagined. He said, “You might want to keep your distance from me until the guys that did this to Wanda are caught.”

Dale nodded, pleased that Cliff had been the one to bring up the subject. He said, “CJ, that sounds like a real good idea.”

CJ stood up straight with her mouth set in a tense line. In a tone of voice that suggested that any argument would be wasted, she said, “No. I’m not going to run away from him. I’m going to be by his side every chance I get.”

Cliff smiled at her spirit, but said, “CJ. I worry too much about you. If something were to happen, I’d be so concerned for you that I wouldn’t be able to think straight. One of the few lessons I’ve learned in my short life is that you can’t face some people without being ready for them.”

Glen smiled and nodded as he realized that Cliff was thinking rather than reacting. He added, “CJ, Cliff is right. You don’t want to be a target. If you don’t believe us, go over to the hospital and look at Wanda. Not one of us at the table want to see you in that state.”

Dale sat back and considered the two men sitting across from him. He realized that they would do the right thing no matter the consequences to themselves so long as the people they loved were safe. Despite the fact that he felt Cliff was wrong in pursuing his business, he couldn’t help but like the kid. He said, “CJ. You know how I feel about what he is doing, but that has nothing to do with my advice. Listen to him. He’s right. You need to stay away from him for a while.”

Same as Glen Wiseman
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Glendas Awakening

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2 years ago
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A bisexual woman8217s first time using a dog

Simply put, Virginia wanted to fuck. She didn’t care who or where just as long as she got some hot male sausage to stuff into her aching pussy. “A girl can only go so long without riding the big shaft,” she thought, “and I’ve gone about as far as I want to go.” It had not been all that long. Only yesterday she had screwed the mail boy down in the basement of the building she worked in, and last night Ralph had pumped her cunt full of cum before he had to...

1 year ago
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Diary of a work nudist

Working night shift in a computer center gets boring, especially in a small one where it only requires one person, if anyone at all. My adventures started out tame enough: surfing for porn, masturbating at my station, the occasional streak through the building. As you might imagine, these were exciting at first, but got to be old before long. A little self-bondage spiced things up for a while, but it, too, lost it's appeal. I started taking my smoke breaks naked. The industrial park the...

2 years ago
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Dog Gone

Dog Gone By Miss AnonnaI had been looking to get a dog for quite some time now and still was undecided so I thought I’d head down to a local Dog Park and chat with some people who had dogs. I looked up a few on the internet and chose one about 3 or 4 miles away near the creek. I was so excited I could hardly contain myself as I slipped into my halter top and tight jeans. I did not really think that I would need a bra so I didn’t put one on as it was a very warm, sunny day.I got to the park and...

Oral Sex
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Seth II CarolineChapter 21 Content

1874 In mid-March with the wind playing tricks in the bare-limbed trees, Caroline, Johnny and Seth rode out the Pike in the Williams' farm wagon and found Zedediah Snowden at his small home in the black section of Rockville, an area called various demeaning names by the local whites but most generally referred to as "the run." Zed put down his hoe and welcomed Caroline with a smile, and then he shook Seth's hand. "Too soon to dig nohow," he said, wiping his hands on his heavy thighs....

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The Super Bowl How losing is sometimes winning Part 2

MMM well we were at the beginning of the end of the Super Bowl party because I had paid my up my losses by sucking Kens cock and letting him plow my ass (damn was he good working it in my brown eye and then pounding me. Josh had paid his debt too by accepting the ass fucking from Liz and the skull fucking from Ron like the bottom slut that he appeared to be. I would have pegged him to be versatile but apparently he was someone who preferred to take it rather than give it! Like I mentioned...

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Crime Will Cost You

Prologue: After ravaging the planet Earth with war after war, mankind finally threw off the shackles of its warlike tendencies. Seeing that the world governments would never be able to co-exist, a large consortium of multinational corporations decided to take power. These included robotics firms, arms dealers, computer manufacturers, and more. In short, the companies that kept the world ticking. Joining forces, they became the most powerful entity in the history of the human race, and they...

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My shy colleague and ex student and emergency sex

I've hired an ex student to work for me. She's this incredibly sweet gorgeous Ethiopian beauty. Always dressed very modestly in line with her religious beliefs. Nonetheless her African curves shine through. We share a house with 5 colleagues in our field duty station. One of those places were security does not allow us to go around and we are in between office and the house. When she was a student in Europe she would wear jeans and t-shirts and the image of a pair of solid perky boobs on top...

1 year ago
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The Company trip Chapter Two

The Company Trip Chapter Two You may want to read chapter one first. Any comments would be very welcome April woke about an hour later to find Shelby still sleeping cuddled against her. She felt the warmth of Shelby’s body and took a deep breath, thinking how she could just lay there all night holding this beautiful creature. “Shelby baby, time to wake up.” she whispered in her ear, and then kissed her neck gently. Shelby stirred and then slowly opened her eyes. Seeing April’s smiling...

Group Sex
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A Tribute to a Best Friend Who Was More Than Just a Friend

Introduction: The life long friendship that started out with exploration. Dale and I This is a true story of a friendship that had evolved over 40 years. This is also a tribute and a memorial to my friend, Dale, who passed away a few months ago. I am not a professional writer. The names were changed. These events took place in the early 1970s. A little background on what took place leading up to my friendship with Dale. In 1969 my parents separated due to the fact they no longer loved each...

3 years ago
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Las VegasChapter 2

The Private Show I got some water for you which you drank copiously. “Ah, that’s good, thanks, I needed to rehydrate. Now it’s my turn,” you smiled wickedly. “Just stay there on the bed, this will take a while to prep.” Curious, I did what I was told and turned on the lights while I waited. Flipped the tv on since I suspected I might be here a while, I did what any red-blooded male does, channel surf. There really wasn’t much to see, and it wasn’t like home where I had a multitude of...

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Miss Prudence School for Girls

Miss Prudence School for Girls I had been at the Miss Prudence School for Girls since I was eleven years old. There were only thirty-five girls in the whole school ranging in age from eleven to eighteen. There were only five girls in each class and all the same age. We studied everything that the public schools studied plus everything that we would need to know, if we were married to a Governor, Senator, Congressman, or even the President. We learned about art, current affairs, and...

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The Affair in the Caribbean

A long weekend in the Caribbean on the company dime seemed like a fantastic idea, but the reality of seeing Chris with his wife during the whole trip was frustrating.   Also, the sexual tension had been building between us as the days went by.   Because Chris was there with his wife, and our other coworkers were around, we had to behave ourselves.   I could not always be good, though.   I am 5’4” with small but perky tits and shapely legs, and because I know that he loves my ass, I wore my...

Straight Sex
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My First Girlfriend vol6

Vol. 6Chapter 13: The guy she tells you not to worry aboutI spent the whole week replaying my bizarre weekend over in my mind... Getting dressed up like a whore by my loving girlfriend.... Having to stay in character while her older, taller, more manly friend came to hang out at the house... How easily and helplessly I shifted into the role of a girl... Rebecca telling me not to worry about him, how she "liked" that I was submissive and effeminate... Even though she also said that all girls...

3 years ago
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Ally turned to focus on Jack, who was setting his laptop aside and getting up from his seat on the couch. After the shower he changed into flannel pajama pants and a worn T-shirt advertising UC Davis School of Law. He’d done nothing with his hair out of the shower and it had dried into a wavy mop. He looked incredible and Ally wanted to shout to the world that he was hers—all hers—but he wasn’t hers. She smiled through the familiar stab of hurt. ‘Are you being protective? That’s adorable.’ Her...

4 years ago
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The Trials of First Love Chapter 3

I looked down and wanted him too, but as I looked back at him, I still did not feel ready. I sighed and felt the tears begin to well up again. “I’m going to wait until you are ready,” he said sitting up and kissing my forehead. “You tell me when you are ready.” “I don’t know if I will ever be ready,” I said trying to hold back more tears. “I’ll wait,” he said rolling me over and curling up at my back. I curled up with him and just as I started to doze off, he kissed my cheek and said it was...

3 years ago
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A Welcome Surprise

I had just broken up with my girlfriend of 6 years. Okay, she broke up with me, after cheating on me with her ex. I was heartbroken. This girl was amazing. Beautiful, funny, easy-going. It hurts now even writing about how awesome she was. Even after I’d found out she cheated, I still wanted to stay with her, because how could I ever find anything better? Well I don’t know if what I found is better, but it’s certainly different. And I think different is what I truly needed. I needed to have my...

1 year ago
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Bang At The Park

Hi, Guys, this is mad maddy again here to share the sex story happened on my last visit to Chennai, as you know very well I am fond of some spicy moments in life which comes by the way. ok, let me take you to what really happened, That day was a Friday and we had a get together party at one of my friends house at Alwarpet and it went on well, people started to move to their house and without me as I have been accompanying my friend and lost myself in the television, left his home around 11 pm...

Gay Male
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Lady in Red Book 1 The Rise of the QueenChapter 31

Jordan, Gwen, Steve, Charlie and the band were completely spent by the time they ended the show, after performing two encores. They packed up their equipment and drove to Marsh's Landing for a late meal. Many of their friends had gone ahead and saved a table for them. "That show was incredible!" praised Billy's father when he came out to speak to everyone. "I can't thank all of you enough. Business has been booming all week, and the benefit was the best party anyone in this town's...

3 years ago
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Fucked by 10 Men

I wanted to share the details of Alex and Adam’s sex party/orgy last Friday before I start getting in to this weeks fun with Rachel and Taz. I also thought that writing about it would get me turned on and super horny for when I meet the young couple later tonight. Little bit of back story for those of you who haven’t been following my sexual adventures over the last decade. Alex is a guy I knew through a group of guys I hang out with, here on the coast north of Sydney. I was, and still am,...

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Son Mom and Aunts Chapter 2

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers This is the second installment to “Son, Mom and Aunts” series. Hope you like the story. If any women interested in submission can mail me at “”. Any reviews or suggestions are welcomed. Enjoy. Cheers! Chapter 2: Alex had fun that night with his new fuck toys. He fucked Trudy very hard throughout the evening. He ordered Trudy to move into his house. Trudy did as commanded. He did not fuck his mother that night as he had some special plans for her. “I am...

4 years ago
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Pleasing a stranger

Leaving work you're heading for your car on the third floor of the parking garage. It's late, and the garage is dimly lit, with only a few remaining cars left. You've been flirting with a guy at work, and you're kinda feeling giggly as you rummage through your purse for your keys. Not paying any attention to the darkness, as if in your own little world. Nearing your car you notice that a few spots down there's a gentleman sitting in his car with his head back on the head rest. You naturally...

1 year ago
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Dickgirls of Faeruhn 04 Lilys SecretChapter 3

Iris sobbed when the Golden dragged her into the common room by the hair. Her life was over! She was no longer a citizen! Her only hope was to somehow get another Snowflake Healer to continue her research! She watched dully as Jasmine relocked the door, and took simple pleasure in hanging it on the hook now out of her Snowflake victim's reach. "Open up!" someone called as a fist pounded on the entrance door. "I am an Enforcer, and demand access to this dwelling!" Jasmine felt a little...

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How I Got My Mom To Start Cheating

HOW I GOT MY MOM TO START CHEATING BLACK ON MY DAD I want to write my story to share so that maybe some others can take this chance too. I was reading stories here on the Internet for a couple years and I could never tell what was real. My favorite stories are all where a white mother would get to cheat on her husband to start having sex with some black men. I think it is just the dirtiest sex that I can imagine.My own mom is named Leta Karlstrom and I always knew she was really sexy. It was...

2 years ago
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A Timely Introduction Chapter 5 Her Sisters Desire

I awoke to the feel of lips on the head of my cock. The memory of my sister-in-law getting naked and jumping into bed with me filled my thoughts suddenly. I looked down, half afraid it was her. But it was Alicia, my wife for almost 30 years. She was coaxing me awake in a way she had never done before. I groaned, letting her know it was working. She looked up at me, her eyes sparkling. She didn’t release me however, and in a few moments her hands and mouth had me ready to cum. I reared up when...

4 years ago
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Forge of StonesChapter 11

He had woken as early as every day, giving thanks to God for allowing him to live and breathe once more and greeted the suns as they rose with a hearty smile. His hair was as always tousled, gently swayed by the light breeze rushing down from the mountains and onto the plains that filled his entire view. Once more he had used his walking stone to guide him and before noon had passed he had entered the Land of God proper. He had been warned to be wary of these lands, for not everything that...

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Finding Love on the Run Ch 02

The usual disclaimers apply. This is a work of fiction, characters are mainly a part of my overactive imagination, and any relation to people or places is purely coincidental. This story contains forced sex, violence, prostitution and heterosexual relations. If any of these are illegal in your place of residence then please do not read. Contains graphic material not suitable for those under the age of 18. This is my first story, so feel free to comment and tell me what I need to change or...

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