Glen WisemanChapter 14
- 2 years ago
- 27
- 0
Glen was surprised by the change of seasons. September seemed to come so fast and now it was almost over. Every afternoon was spent in the outbuilding that he had turned into a woodshop. He was now producing very nice quality furniture. He laughed as he recalled his early attempts. He kept the first one in a corner of the workshop. A number had ended up in the fireplace.
He went over to his wood pile to see how he was holding up on his supply of wood. The supply had significantly dwindled over the past two months and it was time to get some more wood. He shut down his shop and locked it up. Returning to the cabin, he cleaned up and changed his clothes to be presentable to the people in town.
Ready to leave, he got into his truck and headed out. About a half mile up the road from his place, workmen were finishing setting a mobile home on the site they had cleared a three weeks ago. Glen stopped and watched them work on the mobile home. The men did excellent work setting it up with a minimum of effort. He watched as they leveled it and tied it down. There were men running the wires to the trailer and another pair of men hooking up the water and sewerage. It was about ready to move into.
He wondered who his new neighbors were and if he would like them. He wasn’t that happy about having a mobile home next door. He was afraid that he would have trailer trash as neighbors. There were some upsides to their moving in, they had managed to get electric and telephone service run a ways down the road.
He drove past the place and headed into town. When he reached town, he pulled into the parking lot of the lumber store. Entering, he waved to the manager. The man came over with a large smile. Glen was his primary customer for the high quality woods. He called out, “Hello, Glen. How is it going?”
“Going good, Fred. I need some more ash and oak.”
Fred stood there for a minute as he considered his stock. He was a little low on ash. He led Glen over to the section of the store where he kept his furniture quality woods. Glen noticed the lack of ash. Fred said, “As you can see, I’m low on ash. I can get some more in a couple of days. I’ve got as much oak as you could possibly need.”
Glen nodded as he said, “Okay, I’ll take half your stock of oak. Leave word at the diner for me when you get the ash.”
Fred laughed and asked, “You still don’t have a phone?”
“Nope. They’ve just started running a line down the street. Might get one if I can justify it.”
Fred shook his head in amazement. This guy was able to drop ten grand on wood in an afternoon and wouldn’t spend the money to get a phone. He dropped the subject by saying, “I’ve gotten some very nice walnut in stock.”
Glen smiled and then said, “Um, not ready for that yet. Maybe next time. Do you have any cedar?”
Fred pointed to the very end of the row and stated, “Lots.”
Glen went over to the area that had been pointed out to him. He pulled out about twenty good sized boards. He said, “Add these. The orphanage said they needed some cedar chests for storing winter clothes.”
Fred stated, “Use a cheaper wood for the chest and inlay the cedar in the top. That will be a lot cheaper and look nicer.”
Glen said, “Good idea. I may make them a number of chests so that each child can get one.”
“If you want my advice, use particle board or something like that for the main body of the chest. Paint them a basic white and then let each kid decorate their own chest.”
Glen laughed and agreed, “Good idea. For a salesman, you sure are trying to save me money. Are you feeling okay?”
“Sure, I’m feeling fine. I just don’t like to see good quality wood wasted on furniture that is going to get rough treatment. It’s too hard to get good wood.”
Glen nodded as he thought about it. He realized that he had been taking the wood for granted. He replied, “You’re right. Could you put together enough wood for about fifty chests?”
Fred nodded and said, “I’ll deliver it tomorrow afternoon if that is alright with you.”
Glen left the lumber store feeling good about his shopping experience. He had gone to Fred when he started his furniture making project. Fred had taught him a lot about the various woods and how to work with them. He trusted Fred to get him good quality wood and get him a good price on it. Fred bought about four times as much wood as he needed and resold most of it to hardware stores in the area. He went through each board and kept only the best. When Glen was starting out, Fred invited him to help him sort the lumber. He had learned so much from the experience.
He glanced down at his watch. It was almost dinner time. Rather than drive home and reheat some leftovers, he decided to eat in the restaurant in town. He drove there and parked in his regular parking spot.
Entering the restaurant, the waitress came over to him. She said, “Hello, Glen.”
Glen, having learned her name only after the twins left, said, “Hello CJ. How’s business tonight?”
“Good. I’m afraid you’ll have to share your regular booth tonight.”
Glen looked around the restaurant and noticed three heads with sandy brown hair sitting at his table. He looked closer and then looked at CJ. He asked, “Is it?”
She just smiled at him and winked. He picked her up and spun in a circle holding her up in the air. She shrieked in surprise. He set her down and raced over to the table. Amazingly, it was the Metchettes. He said, “Hello! How? What? Uh!”
As he left, CJ looked a little sad. That was the closest that she had ever gotten to Glen. No man had ever just lifted her and spun her around like that. The fact that he could do that excited her and stimulated her in ways she never thought about. She went into the kitchen to recover her normal demeanor. She didn’t want to spoil his reunion with the Metchettes.
At the table, Sandy looked over at Glen and pretended to be afraid. She grabbed her sister and said, “Who is this stranger? He can’t be Glen. Glen was dour and unfriendly.”
Wanda, with a look of mock horror, answered, “You’re right. This guy looks happy to see us. It can’t be Glen. Is it a pod person that looks like him?”
Cliff laughed at the antics of his sisters and patted the seat next to him. He said, “Sit down, Glen. Don’t mind those two.”
Glen sat down smiling happily. He asked, “So what you are doing here?”
Cliff looked at his two sisters and realized that he had become their spokesman. He answered, “Well, we are moving here. Sandra and Wanda finished their courses in record time. We started a little business and it is going well. We decided that we would settle in a nice low cost of living area where we knew people. So after a long discussion, we decided to come here.”
Glen was confused and asked, “If you started a business how could you move away from there?”
Wanda answered, “We started it on the Internet. We can run it from anywhere.”
Glen nodded as he thought about it. He wasn’t all that familiar with the Internet. It had been in the news about the time that his tragic year started and he had never paid any attention to it since. He smiled at the twins and said, “I knew you’d rock the world.”
They smiled, happy to see him. Sandra said, “We are so happy to see you.”
Glen wanted to know all of the details about their plans and couldn’t decide what to ask first. Finally, he settled on the most mundane question and asked, “So where are you going to live?”
The trio all looked at each other like people holding a great secret. Wanda finally replied, “We’re not going to tell you. You’re going to have to find us.”
Her answer really surprised him, but he decided that it meant they hadn’t found a place. He asked, “Well, do you want to stay at my place until you find yourself a home?”
Cliff answered, “We already have a home, but we’ll spend the night with you if you would like us to stay.”
Glen was excited at the prospect of them staying with him, but tried to look disinterested and shrugged his shoulders. In a bored tone of voice, he said, “Well, if you want, you can.”
Sandra’s smile evaporated for a few seconds. She looked at Wanda seeing her own face mirrored there. Then they realized that he was teasing them back. She said, “Okay. However, with that level of enthusiasm I guess we’ll just have to act all prim and proper and virginal. We won’t be able to accept any welcome back kisses or hugs or anything like that.”
In reality, all Glen wanted to do was reach out and hug all three of them, only the table was in the way. He laughed as he said, “Oh, God, it is great to have you back. You have no idea how much I’ve missed you.”
Wanda smiled back and said, “Oh, we had a little idea when this truly huge check arrived at our place a month ago.”
CJ arrived at the table with a bittersweet smile on her face. It was good to see Glen so happy for a change. He had become a lot friendlier over the past few months, but it was easy to tell that he was very lonely. She had entertained hopes of being the one that relieved that loneliness. However, the twins clearly had him wrapped around their little fingers. She couldn’t be too upset, they had all been through a lot together. He had saved them from a madman three times.
Wanda looked at CJ and said, “Well CJ, what has he been like while we’ve been gone?”
CJ replied, “Well, he was real sad for a long time after you left, but then he really cheered up. I think he found someone that he really likes. You wouldn’t believe the change that he underwent.”
Sandra’s eyebrows raised as her lips pursed. She wondered if Glen had found a new woman in his life. She asked, “And when did that change take place?”
CJ smiled and said, “Oh, about ten minutes ago.”
Wanda tittered at the revelation. She realized that Glen had really missed them. She leaned across the table and coyly asked, “Did you happen to use our going away present like we suggested?”
Glen blushed a bright red and didn’t answer. That was enough of an answer for Sandra. She laughed aloud and then laughed even harder when she noticed the confused look on CJ’s face. Wanda winked at CJ and said, “We left him some panties so he wouldn’t miss us too much.”
CJ laughed aloud at that. No wonder the twins had him wrapped around their little fingers. She would never have thought of doing that herself, but realized just what an effect it would have on a man. She looked at Glen with a twinkle in her eye and asked, “So what did you do with them?”
Glen blushed even harder. Cliff came to his rescue by saying, “CJ, you beautiful lady, if you give me a pair of yours I’ll show you what I would have done!”
She looked at Cliff in surprise. It only took her a minute to assess the young man. She realized that Cliff had always been in the background. The twins easily attracted attention just through their novelty. Glen was a powerful presence whether he was dour, sad, lonely, or happy. Cliff was just there, but now he seemed much more confident than ever before. She laughed as she said, “I may take you up on that.”
The twins turned on Cliff as Sandra said, “Oh my. Cliff is going to make a conquest.”
Wanda smiled at CJ and said, “He must really like you. That’s his best pickup line yet.”
Cliff waved a hand and said, “Come on you two. Leave her alone.”
Sandra giggled and said, “Oh, the white knight rides to the damsels rescue.”
Wanda looked at Cliff for a second and then nodded as if she just realized something. She said, “You know what? I think you really do like her.”
Cliff glanced over at CJ and saw her little smile. Rather than having to make any embarrassing denials or acknowledgements, he decided to have a little fun with it. He said to CJ, “Well, it looks like our secret is out. They’ll discover sooner or later that we’ve been secretly dating for a year. I came back to propose marriage to you.”
CJ laughed and held out a hand as though to accept a wedding ring. Glen, not realizing the joke, said, “Wow, that’s great. Congratulations you two.”
At the shocked expressions on everyone’s faces, Glen realized that Cliff was joking. He burst out laughing and said, “God, I’m an idiot. They aren’t back fifteen minutes and I’m already making a fool out of myself.”
CJ looked at Cliff for a minute as though trying to make up her mind. The young man had changed a lot and it was all for the better. She decided that she liked him. She put a hand on Glen’s shoulder and said, “Don’t feel bad. It’s not all that unlikely, you know.”
Cliff and CJ shared a look. It did not go unnoticed by the group around the table. The look was significant enough that no one wanted to make a joke about it. There were bounds on what was proper and joking would have crossed them. The silence was shattered by a loud growl originating from the proximity of Glen’s stomach. Everyone broke into laughter as Glen blushed. He said, “I did come here for dinner, okay?”
CJ asked, “So what will you have tonight?”
Glen asked, “What’s the dinner special?”
Cliff, surprised by Glen’s question, asked, “Why do you want to know? You always order it anyway.”
CJ laughed and answered, “After you guys left, he was so lonely he even started to talk to me. Can you imagine? He’d ask what the dinner special was and then order it no matter what I answered.”
Glen smiled and asked, “So what is the dinner special?”
“Fried Fish.”
Glen paused as he thought about the lovely trout back at home. He said, “Okay, I’ll take a burger and fries.”
His announcement was greeted by silence. CJ was shocked. The Metchettes turned as one and stared at Glen. The silence was finally broken by Sandra, “My God, it is a pod person.”
Glen grinned wickedly and leaned across the table. In a spooky voice he said, “You’re next, my lovely.”
Cliff reached over to CJ and grasped her hand in both of his. He said, “Protect me!”
CJ laughed and pulled him tight to her breast. She said, “Master, you take care of the twins while I give this one to the pod.”
Cliff didn’t jerk back like she expected. He just said, “Anytime.”
Another loud growl from Glen’s stomach brought everyone back to the business at hand. Cliff missed his formerly comfortable position. The rest of the table ordered diner. CJ had to double check Glen’s order and asked, “Glen, you’re sure you want a hamburger and fries?”
Glen returned to the cabin after taking a short hike around the property. They had been waiting three days for Amos and there had been no sign. Everyone’s nerves were getting frazzled as they waited. Glen, tired of staying in the house, had finally taken a walk. The trio said they would watch from the window in case something happened to him. He opened the door and stepped in, shouting that he was back. He glanced at the couch and saw the Metchettes looking at him in fear and with duct-tape...
The Metchettes’ mobile home was nice as far as mobile homes went. It was a small mobile home, but the Metchettes had picked it up for almost nothing. It had been repossessed and they had paid only the balance due. Their permanent house was being built a little ways down the street. In fact, the construction crew was down there working on it right now. Glen sat in one of the cheap chairs that came with the mobile home and looked around at the living room. It was very small, but he recognized...
The new house was finished three weeks late. It was supposed to have been completed near the end of August and it was completed in the middle of September. Today was moving day, but it was rather a subdued event. The majority of their possessions had been destroyed in the June fire. They had replaced most of their clothes and their weapons. In fact, they had purchased replacement weapons before they had shopped for clothes. The general consensus among the Metchettes was that they would...
Time marched on as May was followed by June. The temperature was warmer and everyone spent more time outdoors. Glen, carrying his fishing pole, went to the stream. He was surprised to discover the trio lying on a blanket getting some sun. All three of them were nude. All three bodies were very similar; Cliff a masculine version of the twins. The light brown hair, blue eyes, and slender bodies were very attractive. The girls had beautiful breasts that didn’t turn into pancakes as they lay on...
Five days had passed since he had discovered the three people on the road. Late October passed into early November. The colors of fall faded as the leaves fell to the ground and slowly turned brown. Even in five days time, the weather had turned colder. Glen had started working on the interior of the house. Glen drilled the hole for the wiring to pass through the stud. He only had one more wall and the ceiling to finish drilling and then he would be ready to start running the wire through...
The article that Glen was reading for the December issue of the magazine was really good. It described the sexual options that existed in a marriage of two men and two women. Although the language was not explicit, the variety of options that were discussed was very exciting. He had a taste of it when the trio returned home and the memory of that evening was enough to get him hard in a flash. He set the article aside and went into the bedroom. Wanda was in the shower. He removed his bathrobe...
The cold winter weather of December had settled in with its full force over the night. Four inches of snow covered the ground. Glen woke up feeling great. He slipped his jeans on, not bothering to put on underwear. He stepped out onto the patio. He took a moment to appreciate the view from there. It was outstanding and if it hadn’t been so cold, he would have stayed out there longer. He picked up an armload of firewood and went back into the house kicking the door shut with one foot. He...
Glen parked his truck in front of city hall to attend the proceedings in the court room inside. The two guys that had attacked him at the grocery store were here for their arraignment hearing. A month had passed since the attack and only now had the two guys recovered from their injuries sufficiently for the hearing to be held. He had cracked the skull of one of the men and caved in the sinus cavity of the other. They had been in very bad medical shape for a long time. Throughout the two...
For the first time in ages, Glen had spent an entire week at home alone. The twins were in New York attending the conference. They had called last night excited about the Broadway play they had seen earlier. Their excitement had pleased him, since he had given them the tickets for the play on their birthday as a present. They were taking the moonlight tour around the city on a boat tonight. He figured it would be another couple of hours before they called. For the past year he had been...
Glen sewed the turkey closed with great care and set it in the roaster. Even though it was the smallest turkey they could find, it was still too large to put a lid over it. He struggled for a moment with the aluminum foil to make a tent over the turkey. It wasn’t pretty looking, but it was functional. He put the bird in the oven and closed the door with satisfaction. The trio was still asleep. They had slept through the night without nightmares. In fact, they hadn’t suffered from nightmares...
Glen sat in his finished kitchen room eating a bowl of Wanda’s favorite cereal. He was out of Cornflakes and couldn’t keep a banana in the house to save his life. He had bought a bunch of them and the twins had used them last night in a fruit salad. He sighed and looked around the cabin. It was almost done, but had already become too small. It had never been designed to accommodate four adults. Wanda came breezing out of the bedroom wearing the blue bathrobe he had given her as a Christmas...
Thanksgiving was in a week and the November weather was cold and damp. It threatened to snow, but wasn’t cold enough to deliver on that threat. Instead, it rained with a savagery that made one huddle in the house with a feeling of thanks for having a house. Glen walked quickly from the woodshop to the house, trying to keep from getting overly wet. The twins greeted him with open arms. Both were wearing his shirts and nothing underneath. He couldn’t help himself as he tried to peek down the...
For some people, the first of May is just another day of the year. For communists, it was a day to show off their weapons to the world. For pagans, it is a religious holiday celebrating spring and a renewal of life. For Glen, it was his birthday and he always made a big deal out of birthdays. His thought on the matter was that it was one of the two most important days of a person’s life. The other being the day of their death and one didn’t get a chance to celebrate that. One might almost say...
Sitting in his new office, Glen looked over the material that Wanda had brought over for him edit. It was the next edition of their e-zine and what he had read so far was actually quite good. He couldn’t believe what the trio had done in just a couple of months. They had actually arranged to have family councilors contribute articles on alternative marriages, readers to contribute letters describing their experiences, and a large number of advertisers. He had just finished an article by a...
The Southern Kitchen was packed that night as every table was taken and each table was filled. Glen was happy to see that business was good. He liked Oliver and was pleased to see that he was doing well with his business. Oliver greeted them at the door. The twins kissed him on the cheek and Cliff gave him a handshake with a manly hug. CJ looked around the restaurant with wide eyes. This was only her second time here and she was very impressed. Intimidated by the class of the place, she...
In the dark, the cold sucked the warmth from Glen as he lay on the ground near the edge of the woods. The ground had begun to give up its heat at the end of September as nights cooled down. By the end of October, the ground was cold. Lying upon it, the ground felt like ice. The night air was chill, the faint breeze cut through his clothes making him even more miserable. He shivered, but did his best not to make noise. The past two days had been more exhausting than a human being should have...
Glen finished sanding the walls. He wiped them down with a damp cloth to remove the dust. It was going to take a long time to get rid of all the dust. When he finished with that, the walls would be ready to be painted. He would have to wait for a day when the weather would be warm so that he could open the doors without freezing to death. Until then, he would start to work on installing the bathroom fixtures. Cliff, on his knees, vacuumed the floor with the wet/dry vac. He worked slowly and...
A sprawling ranch style house stood at the end of a cul-de-sac in a suburb of a large southern city. The house had been built by the owner over a one year period. It was the best built house in the entire development. Outside, it was plain in style. Simple lines across the front and back. Inside, it was splendid and very well organized. The house abutted against a wooded area. It spanned two lots and was adjacent to an empty lot. The empty lot had been converted into a large playground. The...
In A Sleepover With Aunt Stephanie, seventeen-year old Glen lost his virginity to his Aunt Stephanie, aged thirty-one. They then began a casual affair, for several years. In Part 2, four years later, they were caught in bed by Glen’s younger sister, Casey, then aged sixteen, and she asked to join them. Although reluctant to take his sister’s virginity, Glen gave into temptation, and as Stephanie looked on, he became the first man to make love to his young sister. During their session in...
My brother and I had our birthdays this summer; both Cancers. As such, our personalities are very similar; quiet, good-natured, unassuming. Maybe we're just boring. Glen turned 71 and I just turned 58. I've admired my brother since I was a kid and I have wonderful memories of helping him with chores around the house when I was just five or six years old. For example, we always got up early on Thanksgiving morning to trim the mulberry trees in the front yard. He would cut the branches from...
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IncestThis is my first story. Please honor me by giving me feed back. I will continue to write it if readers will like it....Thanks. You may give me your valuable feedback at [email protected] Nina ================================================================ FROM SKY TO EARTH - Part 1 "Come on Nina..hurry up...Ma'am will be here soon and you haven't finished salad yet" i increased my pace as soon as i heard the voice of Maria. She was inspecting the dinner...
Being a fat, lazy, slob, I hate doing housework! Truth be told, I haven't done my own housework in years, I just hire a lady to come in and clean up after my fat ass! The lady I hired years ago was an older romanian lady, who spoke little english, kept to herself and always did an excellant job! Earlier this year though, she became ill and had her niece fill in for her while she underwent surgery. Now her niece is also from romania although she's been here for only a few years, speaks english...
MONDAY AFTERNOON — SEPTEMBER 16 The afternoon on the range with Jeff, deputy Joyce Cramer, Diana and Laura had gone just the way that Diana and Laura had hoped. Laura had shot the tree twice more with the deputy, winning one and losing one. Diana had beaten Cramer three times out of three — well "beaten" might not have been a strong enough word; stomped would probably be more accurate. Cramer knew she was pretty darn good, but so was Laura. She didn't even have a word for Diana. She had...
KATIE’S RED WAGON ?by Alex B. ?The moment Katie Bingham opened her purse to pay for lunch, ?she knew she was in big trouble. The problem stemmed from ?the fact that this was not the purse she normally used, ?it was sort of a spare. Unfortunately, the last time she’d ?worn it, she put some important papers inside and then ?forgot all about them. ??Great!? Katie sighed. ?Her workmates, Rachel and Liz, looked up from their desserts. ??What is it?? Rachel asked. ??I’m totally...
"Aah..." I moan, hissing with pain as sensation returns to my body- the primary sensation being pain. Pain in my mouth, under my arm, my head, my stomach... But the worst pain is in my groin. "Stuart?" A familiar female voice calls. "Stuart? Can you hear me?" "...Mum?" I ask, opening my eyes and staring into the face of the woman who gave birth to me twenty-five and a half years ago. "Welcome back, son," mum says. "Did- did-" I hoarsely whisper. "Shh," mum urges. "Try not to...
Throughout my late teenage years and early adult years, I picked up some of Mom’s bad habits like, shag some chick, get stoned, and forget what I was doing. Nothing changed at College, I think I had fucked several chicks within my first few months there. I was rough and aggressive in the sack, hence why most relationships never lasted longer than a week or two. That was until I met Sally Ann Ringwood, she was the only girl who could handle what I was dishing out. I always thought she had...
I’ve been widowed for 10 years. My lovely wife of 32 years came from a rural home into which I was accepted completely. She had 2 sisters and a brother: Mary (married to an asshole), Jean (single), and her twin Jeff (possibly gay). Jean approached me after my wife’s funeral and made it clear that she was available to comfort me if I ever needed it. Several days later, Mary did pretty much the same thing. This was in February.The following summer, the four of us decided to rent a cottage on a...
"This is Mrs. Lister," said the Madam, "and her daughter Amy." The girl smiled at me and made a small curtsey while I held her stately mother's hand and admired her grace and beauty. "A militia company," the old lady said, nudging me to get my attention, "has driven them from their home, a local company, New Yorkers they say, that claimed to be with the patriot cause. Call themselves Partisans they do." "I never saw such a foul bunch," the woman said while her daughter stood...
I think I've finally made up my mind about what I want to do if and when I grow up. I'm a junior at the university now and I've been vacillating between two majors since I came here but now it seems to be coming together. I've always enjoyed writing and I've kept a journal since I was about ten so it's fairly extensive. Now I'm thinking about tackling a book. It wouldn't be an autobiography, though. I'm not interested in sharing my whole life with the world at large but I think I've...
Numi Zarah is one bubbly bangin’ Bangladeshi in this scene from Numi is nummy and completely unpretentious in her task of taking on two tallywackers. Her outfit is silky red with black minis polka dots that come with tea gloves and a bow tie… The wide-eyed vixen has goods all over the place, starting with massive naturals and finishing with break-neck ass. It’s her combination of curves and carefree, that carry the scene. Numi Zarah is more than down, never refusing the chance...
xmoviesforyouA few days later, it seemed as though I was in a willy-willy. Sarah wanted to fly to Honolulu; the Museum was eager to meet my new hire (Sammy, though I’d not yet hired him); and I was trying to find time to sort and think about my specimens. Henry’s thesis had made many folks at the Bishop and at UH happy. His defense was duly scheduled. At the same time, there was an opening in Adelaide’s Pacific Collection. It was a three-year appointment, but it would fit Henry very well. He flew down...
It was almost ten days before I heard from Harold Sinden. That implied that either there was nothing to be known about John Johnson, or conversely, a lot more than met the eye. "Well, Rick, you certainly find interesting ways to challenge us. It took a bit of searching, but I think we've got a handle on your man. I'm sending you a photo of someone and you can let me know if this is the man you have been asking about." "Send away," I said, watching my little screen for something to...
Another one of those nights... Part 4 ? by: JennaGirl Once again, I was left wanting and begging... My mouth, smeared lipstick and all had just been sampled by my new masters; who I had been loaned to by my most recent, yet still very new master. Both cocks now appeared before me, still rock hard, glistening with my saliva and smeared with my lipstick and equipped with silver cock rings. "Did the little whore like the taste of our cocks?" asked Master Errict "Oh yes,...
Story is in FP PoV and follows the life of a little Femboy named Sammie. This one contains Oral, Anal, and a bit of Fetish for sniffing. I was more than a little surprised when Isaac never made a move on me the night before. I had really been hoping that he would, because I was more than willing to let him do whatever he wanted with me. Turns out that he didn’t do anything at all. It was a letdown, for sure, but not much of one. It was still only the first day of Camp after all. I was bound...
Rowan and his party were indeed having nearly all of the trouble that they could handle. And their epic journey down-river was one that the gléaman could and did tell countless times in the years afterwards. They were making very fast time going back down the river, paddling hard with their oars along with the current to make even greater speed than The Lady Ellyn had made going upriver with sail. They thought that they could reach the island before dawn, under cover of darkness and perhaps...
The glorious smell of the coffee was what hit my senses first, upon awakening. The very warm and wet mouth on my cock was second. My morning piss hardon was being serviced by my newly discovered to be submissive, neighbor Mark. Standing by the bed and bent over with his head bobbing slowly up and down as his tightly wrapped lips provided the perfect light suction on my rigid shaft. As I came fully awake I noticed that he’d left the steaming mug of coffee on the nightstand. Not wanting it to get...
Somehow Lauren begins her second gangbang with no Cocksmen around her, but that is soon remedied and she finds herself surrounded by dick (including Rico in his hot dog socks). Her epic 38DDDs once again can’t be restrained and come out to play first before anybody can get to her “firebush,” as Lauren likes to call her pussy. Rex won GUESS THE V this week, so he gets the first chance to douse the flames down there with his firehose. Lauren mentions how tight she is from...
xmoviesforyouCaptain Tamusarit (Cowboy 6) was early with his report that evening. "Old Hand, Old Hand, this is Thai Cowboy 6. Over." "Thai Cowboy 6, this is Old Hand. Over." "Old Hand, this is Cowboy 6. Is your Six available? Over," I handed the mike to the Major who was standing next to me now. "Cowboy 6, Hand 6. Go." "Hand 6, Cowboy 6. My people are all back from their patrols. The site near my location was the first one checked. They found a large crater in the mountain side above a small...
[Author’s note: A reader pointed out that Katherine’s age changed from 27 in Chapter 1, to 24 in Chapter 2. Katherine’s age is 24, the age of 27 was a misstatement. Thank you, and sorry for any confusion.] Chapter Two- part 2. At the top of the stairs, Rachael found herself looking at a short hallway with three doors and two hall closets. From the hallway, the upstairs seemed much smaller than the ground floor. She opened the first door and gasped. It was a bathroom, but it was more spacious...