Glen WisemanChapter 14
- 2 years ago
- 27
- 0
The Southern Kitchen was packed that night as every table was taken and each table was filled. Glen was happy to see that business was good. He liked Oliver and was pleased to see that he was doing well with his business. Oliver greeted them at the door. The twins kissed him on the cheek and Cliff gave him a handshake with a manly hug.
CJ looked around the restaurant with wide eyes. This was only her second time here and she was very impressed. Intimidated by the class of the place, she whispered, “This is amazing. Real crystal service on the tables.”
Oliver smiled at the twins and said, “So it is your birthday today? Twins born under the sign of Gemini. I don’t know what it means, but it must be significant.”
Grinning and winking at the twins, Glen answered, “It means they are actually one person with two bodies. Very nice bodies if I may say.”
Sandra, nudging him with her hip, answered, “You may say that all the time.”
Wanda, on his other side, ran her hand across his back as she said, “However, we may ask you to prove it later.”
Cliff put an arm around CJ and said, “I don’t know about that. I’m rather partial to CJ here. Now that is a body!”
As CJ nuzzled him, she said, “He knows just the right thing to say.”
Oliver laughed at their antics. He knew it was not right, but he actually envied the five of them for their relationships. He hadn’t seen a couple as close as CJ and Cliff. He was amazed at how Glen was able to keep up with the twins. All three women were beautiful and acted totally unaware of the effect they had on others. Looking around the restaurant, he realized that spending seven nights a week here had really affected his chances of finding love. He wondered if it was worth it.
The five were taken to a nice table in the special dining room. Oliver had realized that having a private room where business executives could talk business over their meal without fear of being overheard would improve business. He had been correct, that room had been the most demanded of them all. Glen looked around and whistled, “Wow, this is nice.”
Oliver, smiling at his good friends, answered, “Only the best for you guys. This is a very special day for the twins.”
The twins were jumping up and down excitedly. Wanda giggled as she cooed, “Oh, my. Glen could spend the whole evening under the table and no one would know.”
Sandra corrected her, “Except for us, of course.”
Cliff groaned and turned to Oliver saying, “Don’t mind them. Their hormones always act up on their birthday. Actually, their hormones are set on high every day.”
Oliver shook his head and said, “Take a seat. I’ll get things started. I have a special bottle of wine that I set aside for you.”
The meal was delightful and came after a long period of tension in their lives. The threats against them had doubled in frequency. The chance to relax and unwind in an environment in which they felt safe was just as much fun as the meal. Oliver brought in some dishes that they wanted to add to the menu. While the twins didn’t like the fried oysters, Glen and CJ raved about them. Cliff was indifferent to them. The fried alligator tail was a big loser at the table. It tasted so much like Chicken, that the consensus was that it was more bother than it was worth. The corn fritters disappeared as fast as they could appear. Oliver smiled as he realized that he had just found another dish to add to the meal.
The diner was great and the twins enjoyed themselves tremendously. Glen reached into his pocket and pulled out two little envelopes. He handed one to each of the twins. Wanda opened hers with hands that trembled from anticipation. Wanda looked inside hers and cried out, “Tickets to the Broadway play that I wanted! They told me they were sold out for that day.”
In her excitement over the gift, she practically climbed over the table to hug Glen. She plastered his whole face with kisses. CJ and Cliff laughed at the expression on Cliff’s face. He looked like he was in serious pain as she was pulling him in an unnatural direction. She finally stopped and sat back in her chair.
Sandra had watched with a grin. She was tempted to climb over the table to kiss him as well. She opened her envelope and peeked inside. A huge grin spread over her face as she launched herself over the table. Glen was subjected to another bout of kisses. Wanda was dying of curiosity about what was in the envelope.
Finally Sandra sat back and pulled out a sheaf of papers. She flipped through them one by one as she said, “We have gift certificates to the Russian Tea Room, tickets to a boat tour around the city, and gift certificates to the spa at the hotel we’re staying at.”
CJ was impressed. She said, “Wow, you guys are going to have a great time in New York.”
Cliff joked, “Makes me wish I had decided to cover that conference on marriage studies.”
Glen smiled and said, “Hey, they are going to the big city. They should be able to have a little fun while they are there.”
CJ felt a little embarrassed by her little gift to the twins, but she pulled out two boxes. She handed one to each of the twins. The twins grinned as they ripped the wrapping off the boxes. Opening the boxes they squealed in tune. Wanda pulled out the dress and smiled. It was a shirt dress with lots of buttons. The great thing about the dress was that a woman could control just how much she showed of herself. Button it up to the top and all they way to the bottom and she could look prim and prude. Unbutton the top and up from the bottom and she could be sexier than a Las Vegas showgirl. She looked across the table to Sandra’s present. It was the same dress, but in a different color. Wanda said, “Oh, this is lovely. Poor Glen.”
Sandra seconded that statement, “Yes, poor Glen.”
CJ asked, “Why poor Glen?”
Wanda giggled while Sandra answered, “He’s not going to get any rest when we wear these dresses.”
CJ burst out in laughter. She said, “I know the effect. Cliff can hardly keep his hands off me when I wear mine.”
Cliff grinned and retorted, “I can hardly keep my hands off you regardless of what you are wearing.”
“You are just a sex fiend.”
Glen laughed as he said, “The hardest times to resist are when they are wearing nothing.”
Cliff disagreed and said, “No, the hardest time is when she’s wearing my shirt and nothing else.”
“Oh, yeah. That’s definitely tough to resist. I’m at the point where I don’t even try resisting anymore.”
The twins exchanged a glance and then looked over at CJ. CJ winked back at them. The women knew how they were going to dress around the house from now on. The men didn’t have a chance. Cliff and Glen exchanged a look as they realized they had said too much.
Cliff brought out two boxes for the twins. They each reached for a box, surprised by the weight. Faces showing their confusion, they held up the box. Wanda laughed and said, “Do you remember when he put a brick in the box with our present?”
Sandra answered, “Yes. Remember what we did those bricks?”
Cliff groaned and replied, “Yes. I didn’t put bricks in the present this time! I wouldn’t ever do that again.”
Sensing a good story here, CJ asked, “So what happened with the bricks?”
Cliff answered, “I was a good little Boy Scout at the time. Every year our troop made a rather long hike with an overnight stay in the woods. Well, I spent all day of their birthday packing my backpack and getting ready for the trip. The next morning I get up and head out to meet my fellow scouts.”
Wanda and Sandra giggled. Sandra said, “He was so cute in his little costume.”
Cliff grimaced and said, “It’s a uniform. Anyway, I’m hiking and my backpack is just getting heavier and heavier. We stop for lunch. I open my pack and look through it. I don’t see anything inside it. After lunch, I’m walking along and my back is killing me. I couldn’t believe it.”
The twins were smiling at each other. Cliff continued, “We get to the camp site and I start to unpack my pack. There at the very bottom of the pack were two bricks. The entire troop enjoyed the joke.”
Wanda and Sandra turned their attention to their presents. Ripping off the wrapping paper to see what was inside, their mouths dropped at the sight. They had both received laptop computers. Cliff smiled across the table at them, happy that he had surprised them. He said, “Well, you two are in the business and I felt that it was necessary you have all of the proper equipment.”
Wanda and Sandra both got up and hugged their brother, very pleased with their presents. Each person had given them a present that would mean the most coming from them. Glen wanted to make sure that they would have fun, CJ had wanted them to look sexy for their men, and Cliff had wanted to make it possible for them to get through their work.
Oliver came back to visit before they left. He smiled and said, “I’ll be over this week for some fishing. I’ll call Cliff and let him know when.”
Cliff smiled and said, “I’ll be sure to leave a morning open for fishing.”
Oliver said, “great. I’m looking forward to it.”
Glen paid for the meal. The wine had been on the house as the restaurant’s gift to the twins. He took the twins out to his truck carrying the two laptops while the twins carried the rest of the presents. Cliff and CJ went to Cliff’s truck.
It was night, but the drive home under the full moon was outstanding. Glen asked the twins if maybe they should park somewhere and let nature take its course. They giggled at the idea, but wanted to spend the night in a nice comfortable bed. Glen gave in and took the route that would take them straight home.
He sped up to catch up with Cliff when he saw Cliff stop and back up. Cliff got out of his truck and removed his gun. Glen stopped next to the truck and got out as well. He took out one of his guns and then joined Cliff. When he reached Cliff, he asked, “What’s up?”
Cliff made a gesture like he was wanting silence. He pointed down the road and made a motion suggesting that Glen follow him. When they got to the bend in the road, Glen understood what had stopped Cliff. The place where their mobile home was located glowed. The men moved back to the trucks. Glen went to his and told the twins, “Drive straight to the Sheriff’s office. Don’t come back without a police escort. We are going to make our way towards my place.”
After CJ got into the truck with the twins, he and Cliff headed back towards the mobile home. There was no one around when they reached it. Cliff sighed as he watched his home burn. Once again he was left with nothing. At least he had a business and accounts with money. He turned to Glen and said, “We better get down the road and check out the other house and your place.”
Glen nodded. He hated the idea of his home getting burnt down as well. They walked slowly up the road, watching the woods around them for movement. The eyes of animals shining from the light of the full moon gave the trip an eeriness that set both men on edge. Several times, the movement of a raccoon or possum nearly caused one of them to fire a shot into the dark.
They approached the new house. It was hidden from the road by a curved driveway. Unless you knew where it was, it would be very easy to miss in the dark. The two men approached and found nothing out of place. Glen whispered, “It’s going to be very nice when it’s done.”
“Thanks. We only have two more months before it is supposed to be completed.”
Glen nodded. He stated, “Let’s get back to the road. We’ve got to get those bastards.”
The two returned to the road. Rather than walk down the open middle, they kept to the side where they could duck into cover if necessary. They moved forward slowly and were almost blinded by a van driving down the road from Glen’s house. Both men raised their rifles at the same time, but neither fired. They walked quickly towards Glen’s house to see what was going on there. There was no glow from the area where his cabin to indicate that it was burning. They arrived to find everything was alright except for the front door. They had burned a cross into it and left a note.
Glen and Cliff looked at the note without touching it. It was simple and to the point, “You are next.” Glen looked at Cliff and stated, “I bet they think that you guys were in the mobile home when it went up in flames.”
Cliff swallowed heavily and wondered if that were true. The two men scouted around the place making sure that no one was around. They went together, in part, to keep from shooting each other, and, in part, because they were afraid of having to face the fanatics alone. Returning to the porch of the house, the two men waited for the sheriff to arrive. Neither man wanted to go inside the house.
They waited outside for more than an hour before they heard the sirens of the cars stop at the mobile home. They didn’t move from their position. It was about ten minutes later before a troopers car came up the drive to the house. Glen and Cliff moved to intercept the car. When Jim James got out of the car, he walked over to them. He asked, “Did you see anything?”
Glen nodded and answered, “We saw a van leaving my place. We came up here and found a cross burned in the door and a note. We haven’t touched anything, but it says that I am next. We think that they may have thought that the Metchettes were in the house when they burned it.”
In disgust, Jim shook his head. He stated, “The Sheriff is up at the mobile home. He’s livid with rage. I think that he’s mad he’s a lawman and can’t just kill them.”
Glen snorted and stated, “I can think of four law abiding citizens that wish they could start hunting them down and I’m one of them.”
“Don’t talk that way.”
Glen glanced at the trooper and nodded. He answered, “You’re right. Not too much I can do about it.”
The deputy took the note off the door and put it into an evidence bag. Finished collecting evidence, he motioned with his head that they were to get in the car with him. Glen sat in the front seat while Cliff sat in the back as they rode to the mobile home. There were half a dozen troopers gathered around it, waiting for the fire trucks to arrive. The trailer was totaled. The only thing the fire trucks could do now was to keep the fire from spreading into the woods.
Glen returned to the cabin after taking a short hike around the property. They had been waiting three days for Amos and there had been no sign. Everyone’s nerves were getting frazzled as they waited. Glen, tired of staying in the house, had finally taken a walk. The trio said they would watch from the window in case something happened to him. He opened the door and stepped in, shouting that he was back. He glanced at the couch and saw the Metchettes looking at him in fear and with duct-tape...
The Metchettes’ mobile home was nice as far as mobile homes went. It was a small mobile home, but the Metchettes had picked it up for almost nothing. It had been repossessed and they had paid only the balance due. Their permanent house was being built a little ways down the street. In fact, the construction crew was down there working on it right now. Glen sat in one of the cheap chairs that came with the mobile home and looked around at the living room. It was very small, but he recognized...
The new house was finished three weeks late. It was supposed to have been completed near the end of August and it was completed in the middle of September. Today was moving day, but it was rather a subdued event. The majority of their possessions had been destroyed in the June fire. They had replaced most of their clothes and their weapons. In fact, they had purchased replacement weapons before they had shopped for clothes. The general consensus among the Metchettes was that they would...
Time marched on as May was followed by June. The temperature was warmer and everyone spent more time outdoors. Glen, carrying his fishing pole, went to the stream. He was surprised to discover the trio lying on a blanket getting some sun. All three of them were nude. All three bodies were very similar; Cliff a masculine version of the twins. The light brown hair, blue eyes, and slender bodies were very attractive. The girls had beautiful breasts that didn’t turn into pancakes as they lay on...
Glen was surprised by the change of seasons. September seemed to come so fast and now it was almost over. Every afternoon was spent in the outbuilding that he had turned into a woodshop. He was now producing very nice quality furniture. He laughed as he recalled his early attempts. He kept the first one in a corner of the workshop. A number had ended up in the fireplace. He went over to his wood pile to see how he was holding up on his supply of wood. The supply had significantly dwindled...
Five days had passed since he had discovered the three people on the road. Late October passed into early November. The colors of fall faded as the leaves fell to the ground and slowly turned brown. Even in five days time, the weather had turned colder. Glen had started working on the interior of the house. Glen drilled the hole for the wiring to pass through the stud. He only had one more wall and the ceiling to finish drilling and then he would be ready to start running the wire through...
The article that Glen was reading for the December issue of the magazine was really good. It described the sexual options that existed in a marriage of two men and two women. Although the language was not explicit, the variety of options that were discussed was very exciting. He had a taste of it when the trio returned home and the memory of that evening was enough to get him hard in a flash. He set the article aside and went into the bedroom. Wanda was in the shower. He removed his bathrobe...
The cold winter weather of December had settled in with its full force over the night. Four inches of snow covered the ground. Glen woke up feeling great. He slipped his jeans on, not bothering to put on underwear. He stepped out onto the patio. He took a moment to appreciate the view from there. It was outstanding and if it hadn’t been so cold, he would have stayed out there longer. He picked up an armload of firewood and went back into the house kicking the door shut with one foot. He...
Glen parked his truck in front of city hall to attend the proceedings in the court room inside. The two guys that had attacked him at the grocery store were here for their arraignment hearing. A month had passed since the attack and only now had the two guys recovered from their injuries sufficiently for the hearing to be held. He had cracked the skull of one of the men and caved in the sinus cavity of the other. They had been in very bad medical shape for a long time. Throughout the two...
For the first time in ages, Glen had spent an entire week at home alone. The twins were in New York attending the conference. They had called last night excited about the Broadway play they had seen earlier. Their excitement had pleased him, since he had given them the tickets for the play on their birthday as a present. They were taking the moonlight tour around the city on a boat tonight. He figured it would be another couple of hours before they called. For the past year he had been...
Glen sewed the turkey closed with great care and set it in the roaster. Even though it was the smallest turkey they could find, it was still too large to put a lid over it. He struggled for a moment with the aluminum foil to make a tent over the turkey. It wasn’t pretty looking, but it was functional. He put the bird in the oven and closed the door with satisfaction. The trio was still asleep. They had slept through the night without nightmares. In fact, they hadn’t suffered from nightmares...
Glen sat in his finished kitchen room eating a bowl of Wanda’s favorite cereal. He was out of Cornflakes and couldn’t keep a banana in the house to save his life. He had bought a bunch of them and the twins had used them last night in a fruit salad. He sighed and looked around the cabin. It was almost done, but had already become too small. It had never been designed to accommodate four adults. Wanda came breezing out of the bedroom wearing the blue bathrobe he had given her as a Christmas...
Thanksgiving was in a week and the November weather was cold and damp. It threatened to snow, but wasn’t cold enough to deliver on that threat. Instead, it rained with a savagery that made one huddle in the house with a feeling of thanks for having a house. Glen walked quickly from the woodshop to the house, trying to keep from getting overly wet. The twins greeted him with open arms. Both were wearing his shirts and nothing underneath. He couldn’t help himself as he tried to peek down the...
For some people, the first of May is just another day of the year. For communists, it was a day to show off their weapons to the world. For pagans, it is a religious holiday celebrating spring and a renewal of life. For Glen, it was his birthday and he always made a big deal out of birthdays. His thought on the matter was that it was one of the two most important days of a person’s life. The other being the day of their death and one didn’t get a chance to celebrate that. One might almost say...
Sitting in his new office, Glen looked over the material that Wanda had brought over for him edit. It was the next edition of their e-zine and what he had read so far was actually quite good. He couldn’t believe what the trio had done in just a couple of months. They had actually arranged to have family councilors contribute articles on alternative marriages, readers to contribute letters describing their experiences, and a large number of advertisers. He had just finished an article by a...
In the dark, the cold sucked the warmth from Glen as he lay on the ground near the edge of the woods. The ground had begun to give up its heat at the end of September as nights cooled down. By the end of October, the ground was cold. Lying upon it, the ground felt like ice. The night air was chill, the faint breeze cut through his clothes making him even more miserable. He shivered, but did his best not to make noise. The past two days had been more exhausting than a human being should have...
Glen finished sanding the walls. He wiped them down with a damp cloth to remove the dust. It was going to take a long time to get rid of all the dust. When he finished with that, the walls would be ready to be painted. He would have to wait for a day when the weather would be warm so that he could open the doors without freezing to death. Until then, he would start to work on installing the bathroom fixtures. Cliff, on his knees, vacuumed the floor with the wet/dry vac. He worked slowly and...
A sprawling ranch style house stood at the end of a cul-de-sac in a suburb of a large southern city. The house had been built by the owner over a one year period. It was the best built house in the entire development. Outside, it was plain in style. Simple lines across the front and back. Inside, it was splendid and very well organized. The house abutted against a wooded area. It spanned two lots and was adjacent to an empty lot. The empty lot had been converted into a large playground. The...
In A Sleepover With Aunt Stephanie, seventeen-year old Glen lost his virginity to his Aunt Stephanie, aged thirty-one. They then began a casual affair, for several years. In Part 2, four years later, they were caught in bed by Glen’s younger sister, Casey, then aged sixteen, and she asked to join them. Although reluctant to take his sister’s virginity, Glen gave into temptation, and as Stephanie looked on, he became the first man to make love to his young sister. During their session in...
My brother and I had our birthdays this summer; both Cancers. As such, our personalities are very similar; quiet, good-natured, unassuming. Maybe we're just boring. Glen turned 71 and I just turned 58. I've admired my brother since I was a kid and I have wonderful memories of helping him with chores around the house when I was just five or six years old. For example, we always got up early on Thanksgiving morning to trim the mulberry trees in the front yard. He would cut the branches from...
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Both of us are naked and my son looks thoroughly pleased by the tongue bathing I just finished giving him, already his maleness started to droop and become flaccid, but even in that state it was a beautiful sight. His cum started to liquefy and drip down my chest, I could still feel my cum-soaked sex lips oozing with a combination of my juices and his juices I manually spread. Time for a show, my boy wanted to give me oral sex in exchange for his wonderful blowjob, and now that we know where...
I was on a business trip and I was horny for cock so I decided to put on a white, almost see through, button down blouse and a short black skirt. The skirt swirls around me as I walked at just above knee length. I also put on a very sexy light blue floral bra, and slid into a white garterbelt. To these I added my silk black nylons and my 5" black heels. Then I put my sissy cock in a chasity cage, locked it and left the key in my hotel room. I finally slipped on a nice floral matching blue...
Introduction: Tease, denial, ass rape and fat clergy cock Clara arrived at church one hour before service start time as she had been instructed by the priest. She crept in slowly, unsure of what would be waiting for her. She didnt know if anybody else arrived early to prepare the church for service or whether it was just to be her and the Father for a while. She didnt know which scenario shed prefer more. Her ass was still sore after the brutal fucking it had received just a few days ago. She...
Hi friends , i am ravi , regular reader of iss , now its my turn to write for you my experince , it is happened when i was in surat. Surat is city of romantic persons. I was working for modeling , one day i came contact with a owner of beauty parlour , her name was daksha . I used to call her madam. In her parlour there was a girl name pinky , she was married but divorced after 2 years of married life. Daksha madam was around 35 years ,fair, little fatty with big boobs and big ass, when she...
One time I got caught, I came home from work and Amy ask me to strip down and she took my underwear and inspected them very closely, they were signs of sperm inside my underwear. She ask me how these cum stains got in my under ware. I told her the truth; that I had masturbated earlier in the day. She made me go into detail about how it happened and what I was thinking about when I cum. Then she got real mad and told me that since I couldn’t control myself that she would have to see to it...
LYCAVORE He felt the pain lance through his lower back and right leg as they scampered along the dusty cavern floor, the sounds of the STRIKER DT's huge chain cannon ripping above them down the cavern. Danny was a large man, standing six foot four and nearly two hundred and sixty pounds, and he had also been hit enough times to know when something was bad. He didn't see the two projectile rounds tear out the front of his body armor, cleanly snapping the large femur in his thigh, and...
I was away on a three day training course by myself, miles from home and had been put up in this swanky hotel by the company that had no life or sole to the place, not for a working type guy like me anyway.On the second night after eating there, I decided to walk in to town seeing it was a nice summer’s night to find a more, my type of pub and sat at the bar after ordering a drink. The barmaid who served me looked like a throwback to the eighties the way she looked and dressed, she has to be...
Well this pasted weekend my wife came up with a plain that included me for a change. She told me she wanted a small gang bang . Knowing my place in these matters I didn't say anything at first. She said well ? what do you think? Who me I pointed at myself...She had a slight pissed look about her when she said Hell Yes you, Dickhead. I don't know what to say I told her. She then informed me that she would tell me what to say and to who. She carried on by telling me I would be calling a few of...
I woke up at six thirty realizing that my phone was off. I had to hustle as I needed to be at the office by seven-thirty. That was probably earlier than any branch manager in the country, but I enjoyed being there early and being able to greet my fellow employees. I rushed through getting ready and getting out of there, and reached the office just at seven-thirty, only to discover that Kelly's Corvette was already there. I just had to bite the bullet and confront the situation. She would...
It arrived with his morning mail a very beautiful velum cream colored envelope tri-fold. His morning mail wasn’t touched until early afternoon. Once he reached for the mail he fingered the envelope. Mindlessly wondering what advertisement ploy of sending such an expensive envelope. Opening it a scent of delicate perfume wafted up into his nose. Looking down he read ‘You have been Angela’d’ nothing else just that elegantly written. He turned it over brought it to his nose smelled it again....
Ring the Bell A young man paces outside a house, arguing with himself. Finally, He steps toward the house, takes a breath, and rings the bell. A young woman answers, and says, "Hey! Long time no see." He replies, "Yeah, sorry about that. Needed to get my head together after all the ... changes." "I totally get that. I was kinda in the same place." "So ... we cool?" "I'm cool if you are." "Oh, I'm very cool. I ... didn't want to lose my best friend, no...
The Sun was so warm on my skin, just laying out on the pagoda, the waves crashing against the shore, the sound of the gulls down by the docks. couldn't help but relax. i looked around, no one is sight, i took my top off and was just leaning back against the bench, the side weren't tied back but than again how cares if they see me, its not everyone hasn't seem breasts before.(i hope) you yell out to me if i wanted anything in town and i said no, just please bring me something to drink before...
I sat until the girl's movie went off and they came out to get me to help tuck them in bed. I made a big production out of it as I always did. I went back to the kitchen and set the coffee pot up for the morning. I remembered my favorite go cup was still in my unit and went to get it. I found it on the floor with a bullet hole through the center of it. To say it was ruined would be an understatement. Now that pissed me of because I had used it for years and it was the only one I had ever...
Survivors of the Battle of Kenniford swore that as bad as this battle had been, the dreadful defense of the town of Ruromel had been worse, but Rowan was not at all sure. Only the deadly accurate missile fire of the goblin slingers had kept the sides of the battle-line clear enough to allow the flanking cavalry archers the freedom to sweep the opposing Eorfleode ranks with bow fire deadly enough to keep their center line from being massively overwhelmed, right from the very start of the...
“Be careful, there is someone nearby.” Dann’s thought came to those who could hear it, even as he signaled the same message to those who could not. “Aard, look closely at the tree line to your left, at the single dead tree. Do you see anything strange about the bird perched there?” His protégé did as Dann instructed, and abruptly froze in concentration. “It is a decoy! It’s not real!” exclaimed Aard. “And now I see the hunter who waits near it, but I have never seen anyone like this before!”...
This story is for my good friend Kantgetenuf I walked through the busy street of New York hurriedly trying to get to work. For the last five years I was an accountant for a very large firm. I enjoyed my job and devoted every minute of my life to my company in hopes for a big promotion. As I walked into my building Mr. Dean, my C.E.O, spotted me and called me to his elevator. “Miss D’Arcy.” He began. “I have a big job for you, it would require a trip to Texas.” He added clearing his throat....
Hi All, This stories is about me and my neighbor aunty. I always had verge of having sex with neighborhood aunties. I had so many crushes in my life. Let’s come to the story. When I was doing my UG I had crush on my neighborhood aunty. Her Name X… Once I was studying for exam in the terrace I use to peep aunty’s boobs and navel while washing the cloths. This was going on for few days. Wen use to c her parts, she always cover with dress. sorry let me describe the assets size…… she has a...
Nylon Fun By edward peter Adjacent rooms at the hotel had been pre-booked by Charles, and I booked into my room an hour before our scheduled time of meeting up. Everything had been arranged via long emails to each other over a period of approximately six months. We had never met before but it seemed as if we knew everything about each other... we were both divorced, both about the same age and both of us had discovered that we shared a curiosity about having sex with another man,...
Hi readers, this is my first story ever and its a true incident happened in ma life. Myself leo working as a fitness coach and as a masseur in Coimbatore, hope you all know that a job of masseur is quite romantic but we get used to it and do not find any interest on women cos we do that every day and we get see females with different ages and problems since its a club there will be a female masseur also so there will be no chance to mislead. But one fine day a women aged 50 came to our parlor...